Food Sector Bangladesh

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Food Sector Bangladesh:

Sustained growth of firms requires consistent improvement in their productivity. Within the
industrial sector, the growth of the food processing industry is particularly important for
Bangladesh as this is one of the major industries in terms of contribution to total
manufacturing production and employment. It is expected that recent liberalization
programs will encourage firms to improve productivity development. Bangladesh can no
longer afford to hold unrealized capacity and recent reforms have put an emphasis on
productivity gains rather than, as in history, the injection of new inputs into the production
process. Several studies undertaken by the Harvard Institute for International Development
and Employment and Small Scale Enterprise Policy Planning Project of the Bangladesh
Planning Commission (HIID-ESEPP 1990a, 1990b, 1990c) have reported that there was no
significant relationship between economic policy reforms (in terms of incentive structures)
and manufacturing value-added growth and total factor productivity (TFP) growth. Although
these studies have contributed significantly to the supply of information about Bangladesh
food manufacturing, their results suffered from the following shortcomings. The objective of
this study is to examine the sources of output growth in Bangladesh food processing
industries during both the pre-reform and the
Using firm-level data from Bangladesh food processing industries in a varying coefficient
production frontier framework which takes into account the differences in individual input
responses to output, first, this study decomposed output development both during the pre-
reform and post-reform periods into input growth, and TFP growth. The results show that
input growth contributed significantly to output growth in almost all the industries, although
TFP development improved from the early to late 1980s, and in many industries input use
increased at approximately the same rates as output development. Next, this paper also
examined whether changes in TFP from the pre-reform period to the post-reform period
were caused by technological progress or improvements in firm-specific productive capacity
realization. Although some industries experienced declining rates of technological progress
from the early to late 1980s, technological progress still accounted for the majority of TFP
growth. The results also show that there is a wide variation in capacity realization among
firms, though a few experienced significant improvement
in capacity realization during the post-reform period. The outcome implies that there has
been a substantial unrealized productive capacity in the Bangladesh food manufacturing
sector which could be eliminated. The implications are as follows: (1) the general
hypothesis that firms will exploit the technology fully, once it is given to them, is not legal in
the food processing industries in Bangladesh; (2) the whole issue of the appropriate
balance in emphasis between efficient choice of technology and efficient use of chosen
technology is being neglected with the erroneous assumption that firms can apply
technology efficiently, but cannot select it efficiently; and (3) there is still a potential to
increase the output in the Bangladesh food industries without further increasing inputs, by
improving the method of application of inputs.
Fish (including shrimp and prawn) is the second most valuable farming crop, and its
production contributes to the livelihoods and employment of millions. The culture and use of
fish therefore has important implications for national food and nutrition security, poverty and
development. This review examines the current state of knowledge on the aquaculture
sector and fish consumption in Bangladesh, based on wide analysis of secondary sources
(including unpublished data unavailable elsewhere), consultation with various experts and
especially conducted surveys. Bangladesh has extensive and highly diversified fisheries
resources. Official Department of Fisheries (DOF) statistics estimate total fish manufacture
of 2.56 million tonnes, of which aquaculture accounts for 39%. However, collection of these
statistics is based on a design which has not been able to fully account for recent
developments in aquaculture. This review therefore attempts to triangulate official statistics
wherever possible using data drawn from numerous sources, including the Household
Income and Expenditure study 2005. This approach suggests that aquaculture and, in
particular, additional commercially oriented forms of the activity are likely to play a much
more important role in meeting national fish consumption needs and alleviating poverty than
previously understood. Estimates derived from these sources suggest that around 399,000
tonnes of fish are produced from farmhouse ponds; 390,000 from commercial semi-
intensive carp culture; 395,000 tonnes from pellet fed severe systems; and 98,000 tonnes of
shrimp and prawn, for a total of 1.35 million tonnes (325,000 t or 27% greater than the 1.06
million tonnes of aquaculture production reported in official statistics). Inland pond culture
represents the mainstay of aquaculture in Bangladesh, accounting for almost 86% of total
recorded aquaculture outcomes. DOF figures indicate that pond culture is dominated by
production of carps. The next two most important species cultured in ponds are tilapia and
pangasius catfish. Our analysis suggests that tilapia and pangasius production is under-
represented in official statistics, and comfortably exceed 335,000 t. We differentiate
between three main forms of pond aquaculture; homestead pond culture, entrepreneurial
pond culture, and commercial semi-intensive carp culture, and approximation that each
type currently accounts for approximately 30% of total aquaculture production. We analyze
that 4.27 million
Other inland aquaculture systems are less important than pond farming, although they may
play important roles in the future. Our estimates suggest that fish culture in
floodplains, rice fields, cages, and oxbow lakes together accounts for around 2% of total
aquaculture production. Fish culture in modified water body is expanding throughout the
country, but often involves the enclosure and effective privatization of resources which may
have previously been under common property regimes for some or all of the year, thus
having significant social implications which are not fully understood. Various studies have
also raised questions regarding impacts on biodiversity. Rice-fish culture occurs in
numerous locations but (with the exception of the distinctive gher systems found in the
south) widespread uptake has been rather limited. Acceptance of cage culture, while
growing, also remains limited. Although commercial tilapia cage culture has been
successfully established in one district, producers there have knowledgeable persistent
problems with fish disease and water pollution. Shrimp and prawn production takes place
mainly in south and southwestern Bangladesh in converted rice fields known as ghers.
These cover a total region of 244,000 ha. Estimated combined production of shrimp and
prawn for 2010 stood at close to 98,000 t. The part of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus
monodon) and giant freshwater prawn (Macro brachium Rosenberger) to the Bangladesh
national economy is significant and shrimp and prawn are the export commodity with the
second highest value after readymade clothes, generating US$412 million in 2009/2010.
Shrimp and prawn culture faces a variety of challenges however including disease,
compliance with quality standards in importing markets, and inequitable terms of exchange
among value chain actors.
At least 98% of seed supplies now derived from private hatcheries. Raw unformulated
feeds are widely used in homestead and commercial carp aquaculture. The utilize of
commercially manufactured pelleted feeds predominates in entrepreneurial fish culture.
Forty major feed mills produced 0.67 million tonnes of formulated feeds, worth around $220
million in 2010. Whilst seed and feed supply has developed rapidly in recent years, quality
remains a key concern for both inputs. Fish remains by far the most important and
frequently consumed animal source food in Bangladesh, but studies on fish consumption
show very substantial variation depending on location, profits and season. Our analysis of
Household Income and Expenditure Survey data shows national fish consumption trending
strongly upward during the period 20002005. However, the gap in fish utilization between
rural and urban areas widened markedly over this period. Per capita fish consumption in
urban areas increased by 17.5% to 18.1kg from 2000-2005 against a national average of
15.4kg, while utilization in rural areas climbed 4.8% to 14.5kg. Expenditure on fish among
some income quartiles in major city areas is almost twice those in rural areas. Surveys
conduct for this report suggest a growing division between rural and urban fish utilization
patterns. Low value wild fish and cultured carps remain the most common fish consumed in
rural areas, whereas species formed by entrepreneurial aquaculture (i.e., pangasius, tilapia
and climbing perch) are increasingly dominant in Dhaka and other built-up markets, along
with higher value wild fish.
Of the 260 freshwater fish found in Bangladesh more than 140 are classified as small indigenous
species (SIS). These fish are a particularly rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, but are ever
more scarce. Excluding shrimp and prawn, Bangladesh is a net importer of fish, getting 44,000 t of
mainly Indian major carps from Myanmar and India in 2010. However, imported fish is destined
primarily for the restaurant trade, and net imports account for only 1.1% of total fish consumed.

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