Teachers College: Cademic Epartments and Rograms

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Messages from President Arthur Levine

and Dean Darlyne Bailey

Academic Calendar 2005-2006


Teachers College at a Glance 6


Department of Arts and Humanities 9 College
Department of Biobehavioral Sciences 47
Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology 63
Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Department of Health and Behavior Studies

99 2005-2006
Department of Human Development 131
Department of International and Transcultural Studies 147 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology 163
Department of Organization and Leadership 183
Other Areas of Interest 221
Table of Program Codes 226



Admissions Information 265

Housing and Residence Life 268

Academic Resources and Services 271

Student Life and Student Services 280

Degree Requirements 283

Registration 286

Tuition and Fees 287

Financial Aid 289

Policies and Procedures 295

HEGIS Codes 299

Indices 301

Maps 318

General Contact Information 320

Travel Directions to Teachers College

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A Message from the President

Soon after being named president of Teachers College, I received a letter from a
well-known educator suggesting the College change its name. The author reasoned that
Teachers College is the largest and most comprehensive graduate and professional
school of education in the country.

Teachers College focuses on education in the broadest sense of the word in and out
of the classroom and across the life span. A third of our students are in teacher
preparation programs. The rest are planning on careers in administration, policy,
research and teaching in fields ranging across education, health and psychology.

The proposal certainly had merit, but it was at the same time impossible. The most
valuable possession we have at Teachers College is our name. The name summons a
powerful historical legacy. Teachers College began almost a century ago with the radical
mission of preparing a new breed of professional educators capable of helping immigrant
children break the bonds of poverty by understanding them in the full context of their
cultures and their experiences. In the years since, Teachers College has attracted to its faculty the greatest minds in education
and educated the students who have led the field.

The name Teachers College also stands for a vital and enduring mission. For more than 100 years, the College has been
committed to:

Engage in research on the central issues facing education.

Prepare the next generation of leaders of education.
Educate the current generation of leaders in practice and
policy to meet the challenges they face.
Shape the public debate and public policy in education.
Improve practice in educational institutions.

Uniting these efforts and underlying all that we do is our mission to close the gap in educational opportunities and outcomes
that increasingly divides the nations most advantaged and disadvantaged students. We bring a new urgency to our founding
vision as we seek to help the nation reconcile two education systems, separate and unequal. More broadly, our work is best
described by the Hebrew words Tikkum olam repairing the world. We are glad you are joining us in that effort.

Arthur E. Levine,
Teachers College, Columbia University

A Message from the Dean

Teachers College, Columbia University is for some the beginning, and for others
a continuation, of a pathway into the professions of teaching, education, organiza-
tional leadership, healthcare and psychology. Undertaking this journey requires
courageit is actually undertaking a lifestyle that both honors and challenges the
mysteries of people as they do the personal work of developing as individuals and then
move outside of themselves learning to use the power of education to change the world.
At Teachers College, this journey will lead you to interconnect with many others
faculty, students, staff, community practitioners and educators, as well as alumniwho
share a commitment to helping others reach their fullest potential. For us, this is key to
enacting our commitment to fostering educational equity.

Those that have chosen to follow this path are everywhere: serving the needs of
pre-school, young children and adults in public and private schools as well as other
educational settings; providing counseling and mental health services for individuals,
families, and groups; leading and working with health care and social service agencies; researching and conducting policy
analyses; and advocating for the implementation of transcultural policies and practices aimed at improving the human
condition in this country and abroad.

While at TC, remember to continuously reflect on who you are and where you are going. Your experiences, skills and desires
have led you here to stimulate critical thinking and an open heart. Both are essential for engaging in our work for the world.
We are thrilled that you have joined our College community. Now is the timethere is much work to be done.

Darlyne Bailey,
Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Dean of the College
Teachers College, Columbia University

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Academic Calendar 2005-2006

AUGUST 8 Monday. Registration for the Autumn Term for continuing students via web and
2005 touch-tone registration begins.

SEPTEMBER 1 Thursday. Beginning of occupancy in Teachers College residence halls for new students
2005 attending the Autumn Term.

2-6 Friday-Tuesday. New Student Experience Program (Orientation).

5 Monday. Labor Day. University Holiday.

6 Tuesday. In-person registration for Autumn Term. Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

7 Wednesday. Last day to file, in the Registrars Office, Masters essays for October 19
degree award.

7 Wednesday. Classes begin. Autumn Term 2005.

7-9 Wednesday-Friday. Registration and add/drop period. Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday; 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday. Advisors and/or their
Representatives available from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

9 Friday. Last day to file notification in Office of Doctoral Studies of intention to defend
Ed.D. and Ph.D. dissertations during the Autumn Term 2005.

9 Friday. Last day to file application for Doctoral Certification Examination (Ed.D./Ph.D.)
to be given October 21 or October 28.

20 Tuesday. Last day to add and drop courses for the Autumn 2005 Term, file a Certificate
of Equivalency, and enroll in Student Health Service and Student Medical Insurance programs.

21 Wednesday. Requests for late registration under exceptional circumstances on or after this
date require Registrars approval and payment of $100 late fee.

26 Monday. Last day to deposit Ed.D. dissertation and abstracts, which have been corrected
in accordance with Dissertation Secretarys evaluation, and pay microfilm fee for October
19 award of degree.
OCTOBER 4 Tuesday. Last day to change points in variable point courses.
14 Friday. Last day to deposit Ph.D. dissertation with the Office of Doctoral Studies and the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the award of the October degree.

19 Wednesday. Award of October degrees and certificates. No ceremony.

21 Friday. Doctoral Certification Examination (Ed.D./Ph.D.) for students not

majoring in an area of psychology, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:45 to 4:45 p.m.

27 Thursday. Midterm date, Autumn Term 2005.

28 Friday. Doctoral Certification Examination (Ed.D./Ph.D.) for students majoring in an area

of psychology, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:45 to 4:45 p.m.

NOVEMBER 1 Tuesday. Last day to file or to renew an application, in the Registrars Office, for Masters
2005 degrees and certificates to be awarded in February. (After this date, application may be
filed only until November 15 upon payment of $15 late fee.)
23 Wednesday. No Classes. Offices open.

24-27 Thursday-Sunday. Thanksgiving Holidays.

DECEMBER 1 Thursday. Last day to file, in Registrars Office, Masters essays for February 8
2005 degree award.

5 Monday. Registration for the Spring term for continuing students via web and touch-tone
registration begins.

23 Friday. Autumn Term 2005 ends.

23 Friday. Termination of occupancy in Teachers College residence halls for Autumn Term
students not returning for Spring Term 2006.

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Academic Calendar 2005-2006

JANUARY 15 Sunday. Beginning of occupancy in the Teachers College residence halls for the Spring Term.
16 Monday. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observed. University Holiday.

17 Tuesday. In-person Registration for Spring Term 2006. Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
New Student Experience (Orientation).

18 Wednesday. Classes begin. Spring Term 2006.

18-20 Wednesday-Friday. Late registration and change period. Hours: Wednesday-Thursday 9:30
a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Advisors available from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

20 Friday. Last day to file notification in Office of Doctoral Studies of intention to defend
Ph.D. and Ed.D. dissertation during Spring Term 2006.

20 Friday. Last day to file application for Doctoral Certification Examination (Ed.D./Ph.D.)
to be given February 17 or February 25.

27 Friday. Last day to deposit Ed.D. dissertation and abstracts, which have been corrected in
accordance with Dissertation Secretarys evaluation, and to pay microfilm fee for
February 8 award of degree.
31 Tuesday. Last day to add and drop courses for Spring Term 2006, file a Certificate of
Equivalency, and enroll in Student Health Service and Student Medical Insurance plans.

FEBRUARY 1 Wednesday. Requests for late registration under exceptional circumstances on or after
2006 this date require Registrars approval and payment of $100 late registration fee.

1 Wednesday. Last day to file or to renew an application, in Registrars Office, for Masters
degrees and certificates to be awarded in May. (After this date, application may be filed
only until February 15 upon payment of $15 late fee.)

3 Friday. Last day to deposit Ph.D. dissertation with the Office of Doctoral Studies and the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the award of the February degree.

8 Wednesday. Award of February degrees and certificates. No ceremony.

14 Tuesday. Last day to change points in variable-point courses.

17 Friday. Doctoral Certification Examination (Ed.D./Ph.D.) for students not majoring in

an area of psychology, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:45 to 4:45 p.m.

25 Friday. Doctoral Certification Examination (Ed.D./Ph.D.) for students majoring in

an area of psychology, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:45 to 4:45 p.m.
MARCH 1 Wednesday. Last day to file, in the Registrars Office, Masters essays for May 17 degree award.
9 Thursday. Midterm date, Spring Term 2006.

12-19 Sunday-Sunday. Spring Holidays.

APRIL 17 Monday. Registration for the Summer Term for continuing students via web and touch-tone
2006 registration begins.

24 Monday. Last day to hold the dissertation defense (Ed.D./Ph.D.) for May 17 award of degree.

28 Friday. Last day to deposit Ed.D. dissertation and abstracts, which have been corrected in accordance
with Dissertation Secretarys evaluation, and pay microfilm fee for May 17 award of degree.
MAY 9 Tuesday. End of Spring Term 2006.
10 Wednesday. Termination of occupancy in Teachers College residence halls for Spring
Term 2006 for students not remaining for Summer Session A. Extensions granted for
students remaining for Commencement.

12 Friday. Last day to deposit Ph.D. dissertation with the Office of Doctoral Studies and the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for the award of the May degree.

16 Tuesday. Teachers College Masters Degrees Convocations.

17 Wednesday. Conferring of degrees, 10:30 a.m.; Teachers College Doctoral Degrees Convocation, 2:30 p.m.

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Teachers College at a Glance

Teachers College instills in its students the capability to solve problems, motivate learners,
inspire hope, raise standards and take charge of change. It is an approach that leads our students to value
independent thinking and lifelong learning.

This vision, renewed and invigorated to meet changing times, has kept Teachers College in the vanguard
of important advances in education during critical periods of the last century. As we confront new chal-
lenges, both formidable and unrelenting, we are once again poised to prepare our students for leadership
at a time when the need for reform is critical.

Teachers College sees its leadership role in two complementary arenas: One is as a major player in policy-
making to ensure that schools are reformed and restructured to welcome all students regardless of their
socio-economic circumstances. The other is in preparing educators who not only serve students directly
but coordinate the educational, psychological, behavioral, technological, and health initiatives to remove
barriers to learning at all ages.

For more than 100 years Teachers College has continued to:

Engage in research on the central issues facing education

Prepare the next generation of education leaders
Educate the current generation of leaders in practice and
policy to meet the challenges they face
Shape the public debate and public policy in education
Improve practice in educational institutions

6 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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A Ground-breaking Institution Built on Solid Principles a functional curriculum. In 2003, after the fall of the Taliban regime,
Teachers College was founded in 1887 by the philanthropist Grace members of our faculty visited Afghanistan to lay the groundwork for
Hoadley Dodge and philosopher Nicholas Murray Butler to provide a new the establishment of a National Academy of Education to train teachers.
kind of schooling for the teachers of disadvantaged children in New York In November of that year, President Arthur Levine signed an agreement
City, one that combined a humanitarian concern to help others with a with the Afghan Minister of Education that will result in the development
scientific approach to human development. of a system of teacher training, new textbooks and a new curriculum
The founders recognized that professional teachers need reliable knowl-
edge about the conditions under which children learn most effectively. DiversityA Continuing Legacy
As a result, the Colleges earliest programs included such subjects as The strong emphasis Teachers College places on student diversity began
educational psychology and educational sociology. in the early days of our history. Today, the diversity of our student popu-
lation encompasses color, age and nationality, with students from all 50
They also insisted that education must be combined with clear ideas states and a 13 percent international enrollment representing 80 coun-
about ethics and the nature of a good society; consequently, programs tries. Of the approximately 5,000 students enrolled in Teachers College,
were developed in the history of education and in comparative education. about 77 percent are women, 12 percent are African American, 11 per-
As the number of school children increased during the twentieth century, cent are Asian American, and 7 percent are of Latin origin. Furthermore,
the problems of managing the schools became ever more complex. The with a median age of 31 years, our students bring maturity, a wealth of
College took on the challenge and instituted programs of study in areas knowledge and strength of purpose to their pursuit of degrees and careers
of administration, economics, and politics. Other programs developed in in education.
such emerging fields as counseling, curriculum development, and school
health care. Renowned Faculty Breaks Research Ground
The research work of many Teachers College faculty members has
After World War II, in response to rapid development of new professional received significant national recognition. A recently published study by
roles, the College added curriculum that reached beyond the traditional Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Tama Leventhal of the National Center for
educational sphere, including programs in clinical and counseling psy- Children and Families at TC is especially noteworthy. Their Moving to
chology, speech and language pathology, audiology, post-secondary educa- Opportunities project followed approximately 800 families, and tracked
tion, and international education. During the 1960s, driven by concern the challenges they faced and the benefits they enjoyed after relocating
for equity in the schools, TC developed programs in fields such as urban from lower-income, high-crime neighborhoods to middle-class areas with
education, ethnic education and the teaching of English to speakers of safer schools.
other languages.
TC Centers and Facilities Offer Wealth of Information
In the past 25 years, the College has addressed the explosion of educa- The Colleges continuously expanding centers and facilitieswhich
tional services outside the traditional school environment by designing house vast archival resources and facilitate exceptional student and
programs for educators who will work in day-care centers, family assis- faculty researchare among the nations finest. These include:
tance agencies, museums, libraries, businesses, telecommunications facil-
ities, and other non-traditional locations. The J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in Organizations is a research-
based institute dedicated to advancing the state of knowledge and practice
More recently, Teachers College has been contending with the difficult for learning and change in organizations. Organizations are provided with
problems of urban education, reaffirming its original missionproviding tools that help them learn. Research is shared and best practices are
a new kind of education for those left most in need by society or circum- learned through various events and publications.
stance. The College continues its collaborative research with urban and
suburban school systems that strengthens teaching in such fundamental The Institute for Urban and Minority Education conducts demonstra-
areas as reading, writing, science, mathematics and the arts; prepares tion, development, evaluation and research projects to better understand
leaders to develop and administer psychological and health care programs the experiences of diverse urban and minority group populations in the
in schools, hospitals and community agencies; and advances technology different institutions and situations that influence their development.
for the classroom, developing new teaching software and keeping teachers
abreast of new developments. For a more complete listing of centers and institutes at Teachers College,
please see the Academic Resources and Services section of this bulletin.
Furthering the Cause of EducationLocally and Globally
Historically, Teachers College has played a vibrant role in shaping and New YorkTCs Proving Ground
defining education in the New York area. Through the years, our influ- Teachers College has built a dynamic alliance with New York City. In
ence has spread across the nation and around the world. addition to our work with East Harlems Heritage School, teacher educa-
tion students complete practicums in the New York City public schools.
The Heritage School is a unique partnership between Teachers College Researchers are involved in more than 200 schools throughout the five
and the New York City Department of Education. Its extended-day cur- boroughs. TC students are developing and effectively implementing a
riculum emphasizes the arts and offers such varied disciplines as karate, number of innovative programs to help children at risk, including reading
mural painting and Japanese. Now in its fifth year, the Heritage School tutorial programs in under-funded schools and an after-school science
requires all students to supplement a rigorous academic base with trips program in an area homeless shelter.
to museums, galleries, theaters, libraries and concert halls.
Students also have the opportunity to take courses offered at Columbia
Nationally, Teachers College hosts The National Academy for Excellent University, as well as the Union Theological Seminary, Jewish Theological
Teaching, which convenes prominent faculty, researchers, and outstand- Seminary and other New York institutions.
ing teachers to develop new ways of upgrading the skills and knowledge
of our nations high school educators. The National Academy provides Training Professionals in Three Related Disciplines
on-site and online support and coaching for educators in low-income Together, TCs three highly complementary and interrelated areas of
high schools in New York City. studyeducation, psychology and healthwork to fulfill our vision
of Teachers College as a preeminent international human resource
From 1954 through 1978, Teachers College played a vital role in development institution, committed to systematic teaching and learning
Afghanistan, helping train its teachers and assisting in development of in all the major educative institutions.

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Academic Departments and Programs

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Arts and Humanities

CHAIR: Graeme Sullivan LOCATION: 334 Horace Mann TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3799 FAX: (212) 678-3746
WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/A&H


APPLIED LINGUISTICS 10 The Department of Arts and Humanities is dedicated to the study of a variety
of academic and professional disciplines in an educational context. The Departments mission is
ART AND ART EDUCATION 14 two-fold: To promote proficiency in specific fields and to explore the purposes, practices, and
processes of education both withinand acrossdisciplines.
Within the Department, individual programs preserve their own disciplinary rigor while expand-
HISTORY AND EDUCATION 21 ing modes of inquiry, discovery, and creation across disciplines and diverse societies and cultures.
The Department is committed to understanding culture as a broad and varied processa funda-
MUSIC AND MUSIC EDUCATION 22 mental human activity involving various modes of thinking and expression through which
meaning is constructed and historically transmitted.
The Department views the study of education as broad and vital. Here, intellectual and creative
SOCIAL STUDIES 31 ideas and practices extend beyond the traditional concerns of schooling. Thus, each program
shares a concern with the learners construction of knowledge, the art and methods of teaching,
TEACHING OF ENGLISH 36 the realities of the contemporary classroom, the relationship of schools to their communities,
and the underlying philosophies of school reform.
OF OTHER LANGUAGES (TESOL) 41 In each of the programs that prepare teachers for positions in schools and universities, there is a
commitment to the education of reflective practitioners, the integration of theory and improve-
ment of learning, as well as research and practice in the students chosen fields of study.
Faculty share the view that informed, imaginative and critical thinking enables scholars and
educators to actively shape cultural concepts of learning through education. With this in mind,
the programsboth separately and togetheroffer students the skills and knowledge needed to
thrive and assume leadership in todays changing cultural and educational environment.

PROFESSORS: John M. Broughton (Cultural Studies)
Harold F. Abeles (Music) Margaret Smith Crocco
Leslie M. Beebe (Social Studies)
(Applied Linguistics/TESOL) ZhaoHong Han (TESOL)
Mary C. Boys Barbara Ann Hawkins (TESOL)
(Union Theological Seminary) Megan Laverty (Philosophy)
Judith M. Burton (Art) Lenore M. Pogonowski (Music)
V.P. Franklin (History) James E. Purpura
Maxine Greene (Applied Linguistics/TESOL)
(Philosophy and Aesthetics) Emeritus Graeme Sullivan (Art)
David T. Hansen (Philosophy) Stephen J. Thornton (Social Studies)
Janet L. Miller (English) Cally L. Waite (History)
Ruth Vinz (English)
Dino Anagnost (Voice, Conducting) Eduardo Manual Duarte (Philosophy)
Gay Brookes (TESOL) Alvin Fossner (Oboe, Saxophone)
Robert Greenblatt Franklin E. Horowitz
(Arts Administration) (Applied Linguistics)
Joan Jeffri (Arts Administration) Robert Horowitz (Music)
Ronald Knapp (Social Studies) Harriet Luria (Applied Linguistics)
Bert Konowitz (Jazz) Solomon Mikowsky (Piano)
Nel Noddings (Philosophy) Joy Moser (Painting)
Patricia Palmieri (History)
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Gerardo Pia Rosales (Spanish)
John Baldacchino (Art) Terry Royce (TESOL, Tokyo)

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ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Bayard Faithfull (Social Studies)

James Albright (English) Julia Frazier (TESOL)
Randall Allsup (Music) Chris Gallagher (TESOL, Tokyo) LINGUISTICS
Lori Custodero (Music) Shakti Gattegno (TESOL) Program Coordinator:
Olga Hubard (Art) Jerry Gebhardt (TESOL, Tokyo) Professor Leslie M. Beebe
Valerie Kinloch (English) Jeanne Golan (Piano)
Anand Marri (Social Studies) Erick Gordon (English) Program Office: (212) 678-3795
Rene Cherow-OLeary (English) Carolyn Graham (TESOL)
E-mail: [email protected]
Ana Serrano (Social Studies) Nanci Graves (TESOL, Tokyo)
Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/AppliedLinguistics
Mikki Shaw (English) Charles Griffin (Music Compostition)
Mark Helgeson (TESOL, Tokyo)
Applied Linguistics
Jerry James (Painting)
Philip Aarons (Arts Administration) (Code: TLA)
Rebekah Johnson (TESOL)
Margaret Dwyer (TESOL) Grabrielle Kahn (TESOL)
Herman Jie Sam Foek (Art) Hyun Joo Kim (Applied Linguistics)
Degrees offered:
Benjamin Fryman (Cultural Studies) Tatsuya Komatsu (TESOL, Tokyo) Master of Arts (M.A.)
James Frankel (Music) Joseph Lewis (English) Master of Education (Ed.M.)
Andrew Henderson (Organ) Naomi Lifschitz (Art) Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
David Iasevoli (English) Jane Lindamood (Music)
Richard Jacobowski (Guitar) Thomas Lollar (Ceramics) Program Description:
Megan Jessiman (Philosophy) Michael Marino (Social Studies) The program in Applied Linguistics will pro-
I. Fred Koenigsberg (Arts Administration) Jane McIntosh (Arts Administration) vide students with a solid foundation for defin-
Ada Kopetz-Korf (Piano) Alexander Meshibovsky (Violin) ing and resolving questions related to the
John D. Kuentzel (Religion) Masumi Muramatsu (TESOL, Tokyo) nature of language, how it is used in educa-
Leonard Leibowitz (Arts Administration) Shirin Murphy (TESOL) tional and naturalistic contexts and how it is
Roberta Martin (Social Studies) Hugo Ortega (Sculpture) taught, learned and evaluated. The program
Lori McCann (Voice) Eun-Sung Park (TESOL) emphasizes study in the following:
Bede McCormack (TESOL) Mauritzio Pellegrin (Art) Acquisitional pragmatics
Angelo Miranda (Percussion) Michael Pellettieri (Printmaking) Cross-cultural pragmatics
Jean-Marc Oppenheim (Social Studies) Colleen Pettus (English) Discourse Analysis
Patricia Rohrer (Philosophy) Greg Pitts (Ceramics) First language acquisition
Kim Sanabria (TESOL) Raymond S. Pultinas (English) Foreign language pedagogy
Patricia St. John (Music) John D. Purdy (Applied Linguistics) Interlanguage analysis
Barbara Tischler (Social Studies) Ted Quock (TESOL, Tokyo) Phonetics/phonology
Jerry Weiner (Social Studies) Yoko Saito (Applied Linguistics) Research
Sophia Sarigianides (English) Second language acquisition
LECTURERS: Fredrica Schoenfeld (English) Second language literacy
Jeanne Goffi-Fynn Deborah Schwartz (Museum Studies) Semantics
(Music and Music Education) Yasushi Sekiya (TESOL, Tokyo) Sociolinguistics
Joanna Labov (TESOL) David Shea (TESOL, Tokyo) Syntax
Howard A. Williams (Applied Linguistics) Susan Stempleski (TESOL) Technology in applied linguistics
Hansun Zhang Waring (TESOL) Ruthie Stern (English) Testing and assessment
Patricia Zumhagen (English) Jason Swift (Sculpture)
Peter Swords (Arts Administration) Special Application
INSTRUCTORS: Constance Tsai (TESOL) Requirements/Information:
Sheyda Ardalan (Art) Melissa Troise (English) All non-native speakers of English, including
John Balbi (TESOL) Tak Uemura (TESOL, Tokyo) those who have an undergraduate degree from
Laurence Ballereau (Woodwinds) Leo Ursini (Saxophone, Jazz) a university in the United States, must submit
Mary Barto (Flute) Gerard Vezzuso (Photography)
Wendy Bowcher (TESOL, Tokyo) one of the following:
Martin Vinik (Arts Administration) A minimum score of 5 on the Test of
John Brown (English) Elvis Wagner (TESOL)
Elizabeth Burke (Arts Administration) Written English (TWE) in addition to the
June Wai (TESOL)
Ingrid Butterer (Art) college-wide requirement of a minimum
Candy Wilmot (English)
Christine Casanave (TESOL, Tokyo) score of 600 on the TOEFL or a comp-
Linda Wine (TESOL)
Alexander K. Cates (TESOL, Tokyo) uter-based score of 250
Carolyn Clark (Arts Administration) or
For information about faculty and their scholarly
Joyce Culver (Photography) A score of B or better on the Cambridge
and research interests, please refer to the Faculty
Martha Clark Cummings (TESOL,Tokyo) Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
section of this bulletin, or visit us at
Boris Curatolo (Art) or
Jennifer Cutsforth (Social Studies) A score of 7.0 or better on the Cambridge
Renee Darvin International English Language Testing
(Art Education, Museum Studies) System (IELTS)
Judith Davidoff
(Renaissance/Baroque Instruments)

10 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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In addition to the above, all non-native speak- Elective courses in Applied Linguistics (or In addition, students must complete an Ed.M.
ers of English must also submit one of the TESOL) (3-6 points): Consult an advisor. project written on a research topic arising from
following: their course-related interests and subject to
A Test of Spoken English (TSE) score of 5 In addition, students must complete a masters approval by their advisor.
or project written on a research topic arising from
A SPEAK score of 5 their course-related interests and subject to DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (90 POINTS)
approval by their advisor. The Applied Linguistics Program offers an
Students are expected to write and speak in a Ed.D. requiring 90 points beyond the bac-
way that is appropriate to their professional MASTER OF EDUCATION (60 POINTS) calaureate for students wishing to pursue
responsibilities. Students having difficulty in The Applied Linguistics Program offers an empirical research in linguistic analysis, dis-
achieving these standards will be required to Ed.M. that requires 60 points beyond the course analysis, sociolinguistics, cross-cultural
take additional course work. bachelors degree, with a minimum of 30 and acquisitional pragmatics, language acquisi-
points taken under the auspices of Teachers tion, language pedagogy and language assess-
Ed.M./Ed.D. applicants must have a degree in College. The program involves in-depth study ment.
Applied Linguistics, TESOL, or related field; in one or more of the language-related areas.
a writing sample is also required. The Ed.M. may serve as continued profession- Students who did not receive their M.A. or
al development or as groundwork for future Ed.M. from Teachers College will be expected
Ed.M. applicants may transfer up to 30 points to have completed all the required courses, or
doctoral studies in applied linguistics.
into the Applied Linguistics program from pre- their equivalent, from these degree programs.
vious graduate study at a regionally accredited
Students who did not receive their M.A. from
institution. Applicants who have already
Teachers College will be expected to have Doctoral students have three types of require-
earned an M.A. from Teachers College may
completed all the required courses from the ments: concentration requirements, research
transfer a maximum of 15 points in related
M.A. in Applied Linguistics, below, or their methods requirements, and doctoral prepara-
areas from an outside institution. Ed.D. stu-
equivalent. tion requirements.
dents may transfer up to 45 points from previ-
ous graduate study at an accredited institution.
All transfer of points must meet the approval Required Courses in Applied Linguistics Concentration Requirements:
of a faculty advisor. (or TESOL) (9 points): Students are required to take content courses
A&HL 5085 Advanced syntax (3) in their concentration. The exact courses
Degree Requirements: A&HL 5575 Research literacy in applied should be decided in consultation with their
A grade average of B or higher is required linguistics and TESOL (3) advisor.
each semester within the major for all degrees. A&HL 6587 Seminar in second language
Students are expected to maintain satisfactory acquisition: Acquisitional and Research Methods Requirements
academic progress toward degree completion. cross-cultural pragmatics (3) (15 points):
Consult program of study guides for additional To ensure that students have the skills to do
information. Electives in Applied Linguistics (or TESOL) scholarly research in an area of concentration,
(3 courses from the following): they are required to take a minimum of 15
MASTER OF ARTS (36 POINTS) A&HL 4003 Schools of linguistics points in research methods, statistics and
The Applied Linguistics Program offers a 36 A&HL 4005 Semantic systems and measurement. Depending on the type of dis-
point Master of Arts degree. Students will take the lexicon sertation, they may be asked to take additional
a wide range of courses offered in applied lin- A&HL 4014 Gender, language & education courses in linguistic analysis, qualitative meth-
guistics and related areas, such as TESOL, A&HL 4106 Discourse Analysis: ods, or quantitative methods.
that will provide breadth to their program. Text and textuality
A&HL 5008 Interlanguage analysis Required Courses:
Courses in Applied Linguistics A&HL 5515 Advanced topics in applied HUD 4120 Methods of empirical
(or TESOL) (24 points): linguistics I research (3)
A&HL 4001 Sociolinguistics A&HL 5516 Advanced topics in applied One of the following:
and education (3) linguistics II C&T 5502 Introduction to qualitative
A&HL 4085 Pedagogical English A&HL 5581 Psycholinguistics and SLA research in curriculum &
grammar (3) A&HL 5582 Sociolinguistics and SLA teaching (2-3)
A&HL 4087 Introduction second A&HL 5588 Trends in SLA Research HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics (3)
language acquisition (3) A&HT 4080 Teaching in linguistically HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
A&HL 4088 Second language diverse classrooms inference (3)
assessment (3) ITSF 5000 Methods of inquiry:
A&HL 4101 Phonetics and phonology (3) Required courses out of program Ethnography & participant
A&HL 4104 Discourse analysis (3) (3 Teachers College courses of at least 2 observation (3)
A&HL 4106 Discourse analysis: Text points each, 6 points minimum): Choose ITSF 5001 Ethnography & participant
and textuality (3) one from the following courses in statistics, observation: Structural &
One other elective in linguistic analysis (3) measurement, or research design: interpretative analysis (3)
Teaching practicum along with an elective (3) HUD 4120 Methods of empirical research
HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement Other courses in consultation with an advisor.
Required out-of-program courses (3 TC HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics
courses of at least two points each, 6 points Choose the other two required courses in Doctoral Preparation Requirements:
minimum): Chosen with advisors approval. consultation with an advisor. When doctoral students reach approximately

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45 points in the program and have been at COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors) urement concepts and basic statistics; use of
Teachers College for at least one year, they are SPSS. Special fee: $20.
required to register for and attend a doctoral General
seminar every semester. A&HL 4101. Phonetics and phonology (3)
*A&HL 4000. Introduction to linguistics (3) Dr. Williams/staff. A comparative examination
Faculty/staff. Survey of cognitive and social of the sound system and orthographic system
Doctoral preparation involves three successive
approaches to the study of language, language of English and other languages, with particular
stages: reference to problems of learning and teach-
1. Exposure to basic research methods acquisition, language systems, 20th century
movements in linguistics, language varieties ing. Lab fee: $25.
2. Identification of a dissertation topic
and attitudes, forms and functions of language
3. Presentation of a prospectus in the classroom. For non-majors only. A&HL 4104. Discourse analysis (3)
Special fee: $10. Professor Beebe. Prerequisite: A&HL 4085 or
Doctoral students are required to demonstrate Permission of instructor. Introduction to spo-
research preparedness in a substantive area A&HL 4001. Sociolinguistics and ken and written discourse analysis with an
by passing the research paper (A&HL 5501, education (3) overview of various approaches. Development
A&HL 5507 or A&HT 5505) and the doc- Professor Beebe. Language variation based on of transcription skills with applications for
social class, race, ethnicity, age, and gender; teaching and research. Materials fee: $20.
toral seminar (A&HL 6501 or A&HT 6505).
Then, as evidence that they are able to carry cross-cultural pragmatics, interactional soci-
olinguistics, conversation analysis, language A&HL 4106. Discourse analysis:
out original research under the guidance of a Text and textuality(3)
planning, and World Englishes. Pedagogical
doctoral committee, they must write a disserta- Dr. Williams. Permission of instructor.
implications. Materials fee: $45.
tion prospectus as a part of the dissertation Explores various viewpoints on the production
seminar (A&HL 7501, A&HL 7507 or A&HL 4003. Schools of linguistic analysis and comprehension of connected discourse,
A&HT 7505) and complete a doctoral disser- (3) both written and oral, with reference to co-
tation while continuously registered for disser- Dr. Williams. A comparative examination of hesive devices, rhetorical structures, and the
tation advisement (A&HL 8901-Dissertation major approaches to linguistic analysis, specifi- general pragmatics of communication with
advisement in applied linguistics). cally systemic and transformational, with par- attention to pedagogical applications. Offered
ticular reference to pedagogical applications. Spring semester only. Special fee: $20.
In order to encourage doctoral students to Special fee: $20.
A&HL 5008. Interlanguage analysis (3)
progress through these stages, a sequence Professor Han. Corequisite: A&HL 4087.
A&HL 4005. Semantic systems and
of seminars is customarily offered. Progress Investigates processes underlying second lan-
the lexicon (3)
through these stages usually involves enroll- Dr. Horowitz. A comparative examination of guage development/non-development. Guided
ment in the following sequence of seminars: lexical semantic systems of English and other by the instructor, students will examine empir-
languages, with particular reference to the ical SLA studies and be introduced to ways of
To prepare for these requirements, students teaching and learning of vocabulary. Special conducting interlanguage analysis. Special fee:
will need to take the following seminars: fee: $20. $20.
A&HL 5501 Research paper:
A&HL 4014. Gender, language and A&HL 5085. Advanced syntax (3)
Applied linguistics (1-3)
education (3) Dr. Williams. Prerequisite: A&HL 4085.
A&HL 5507 Research paper: Survey of generative syntax. Materials fee:
Applied linguistics and Dr. Luria. An exploration of gender-based
differences in both the structure and use of $20.
TESOL (1-3)
the English language. (Summers only) Special
A&HL 6501 Doctoral seminar: fee: $20. A&HL 5152. Academic writing I (3)
Applied linguistics (1-3) Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
A&HL 6507 Doctoral seminar: A&HL 4085. Pedagogical English grammar (3) An introduction to the theory and teaching
Applied linguistics and Faculty/staff. A systematic, in-depth examina- of various genres of academic writing for
TESOL (1-3) tion of English grammar with particular refer- native and non-native writers. Teachers are
A&HL 7501 Dissertation seminar: ence to the teaching and learning of grammar. given opportunities to develop their academic
Special fee $20. writing skills.
Applied linguistics (1-3)
A&HL 7507 Dissertation seminar: A&HL 5153. Academic writing II (3)
Applied linguistics and A&HL 4087. Introduction to second
language acquisition (3) Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
TESOL (1-3) An advanced course in the theory and teach-
Faculty/staff. Prerequisite: A&HL 4085.
A&HL 8901 Dissertation advisement in Survey of models and basic principles of sec- ing of expository writing. Students will work
applied linguistics (0) ond language acquisition and examination of syste-matically on a major writing project.
how language acquisition research can inform
Candidates should be in touch with the Office language teaching, learning and policy. Offered A&HL 5519. Instructed second language
of Doctoral Studies to be certain of complying in fall and spring only. Special fee: $20. acquisition and assessment (3)
with the latest procedures, deadlines and doc- Professor Purpura. Prerequisite: A&HL 4088.
uments. A&HL 4088. Second language assessment (3) Examines how teaching, learning and assess-
Professor Purpura and staff. Prerequisite: ment of grammar have been conceptualized,
A&HL 4085 or permission of instructor. researched and explained in recent decades.
These seminars are ordinarily undertaken as Explores differing conceptualizations of lan-
Priority given to M.A. Applied linguistics/
soon as possible after completing the M.A. guage ability as a basis for teaching grammar
TESOL students in their last semester.
degree. Consult advisor as to which course Introduction to language assessment practices under different conditions and as a basis for
or courses to enroll in during any particular including: Test design, construction, scoring, measuring and explaining grammatical acquisi-
semester. analysis and reporting; introduction to meas- tion. Special fee: $20.

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A&HL 6087. Advanced second language Doctoral Preparation A&HL 6207. Advanced fieldwork in
acquisition (3) applied linguistics and TESOL (1-6)
Professor Han. Prerequisite: A&HL 4087. A&HL 5501. Research paper in applied Professor Beebe. Permission of instructor.
Examines theoretical and empirical issues in linguistics (1-3) Opportunity for qualified students, individually
SLA research. Reading and discussion of or in small groups, to develop and pursue
selected state-of-the-art articles that address, A&HL 5507. Research paper in applied projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
critically and substantively, topics that are of linguistics and TESOL (1-3) schools, communities, and other field settings.
fundamental interest to SLA researchers. Course may be taken more than once.
A&HL 6501. Doctoral seminar in applied
Research Seminars linguistics (1-3)

A&HL 5512. Research perspectives on A&HL 6507. Doctoral seminar in applied

language testing (3) linguistics and TESOL (1-3)
Professor Purpura. Prerequisite: A&HL 4088
or by permission of instructor. Examines the A&HL 7501. Dissertation seminar in
major issues and debates in language testing applied linguistics (1-3)
research since the 1960s. Explores controver-
sies related to the nature of language ability, A&HL 7507. Dissertation seminar in
test authenticity, test score generalizability, applied linguistics and TESOL (1-3)
performance assessment, and test validation.
Discussion of problems and future directions A&HL 8901. Dissertation advisement
of language testing. Special fee: $20. in applied linguistics (0)

A&HL 5515. Advanced topics in applied Independent Research, Fieldwork

linguistics I (3) and Internships
Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
Research in such areas as sociolinguistics, A&HL 4901. Research and independent
second language acquisition, assessment and study: Applied linguistics (1-6)
discourse analysis. Materials fee: $20. Professor Purpura. Permission of instructor.
Research under the direction of a faculty
A&HL 5516. Advanced topics in applied member. Students work individually or with
linguistics II (3) others. Course may be taken more than once.
Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
Research in various methods of discourse A&HL 4907. Research and independent
analysis of talk or text in selected formal study: Applied linguistics/TESOL (1-6)
and informal contexts. Materials fee: $20. Professor Beebe. Permission of instructor.
Research under the direction of a faculty
A&HL 5575. Research literacy in applied member. Students work individually or with
linguistics and TESOL (3) others. Course may be taken more than once.
Professor Beebe. Introduction to quantitative
and qualitative research methods with discus- A&HL 5201. Fieldwork in applied
sion of major research paradigms (experimen- linguistics (1-6)
tal, ethnographic, introspective, questionnaire, Faculty/staff. Permission of instructor.
etc.) and critical review of professional litera- Opportunity for qualified students, individual-
ture in applied linguistics and TESOL. ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue
projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
A&HL 5581-A&HL 5588. Topics in schools, communities, and other field settings.
second language acquisition (Noncredit or Course may be taken more than once.
1-3 each course)
Faculty. Prerequisites: A&HL 4087 or A&HL A&HL 5207. Fieldwork in applied
4104 or permission of instructor. An in-depth linguistics and TESOL (1-6)
examination of various perspectives on sec- Professor Beebe. Permission of instructor.
ond-language acquisition. Materials fee: $20 Opportunity for qualified students, individual-
each course. ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue
A&HL 5581. Psycholinguistics and SLA projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
A&HL 5585. Discourse analysis and SLA schools, communities, and other field settings.
A&HL 5588. Trends in SLA research Course may be taken more than once.

A&HL 6587. Seminar in second language A&HL 6201. Advanced fieldwork in

acquisition: Acquisitional and cross-cultural applied linguistics and TESOL (1-6)
pragmatics (3) Professor Purpura. Permission of instructor.
Professor Beebe. Permission of instructor Opportunity for qualified students, individual-
required. Pre-requisite: A&HL 4087 or per- ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue
mission of instructor. Research on second lan- projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
guage acquisition and performance, focusing schools, communities, and other field settings.
on acquisitional and cross-cultural pragmatics, Course may be taken more than once.
pragmatic development, interlanguage prag-
matics, stylistic variation, and language trans-
fer. Offered in Fall only. Special fee: $20.

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ART AND ART conceptions of art and its diverse practices. of prior graduate study may be transferred
There are weekend institutes, colloquia, mini- providing they meet the requirements for
EDUCATION courses, opportunities for involvement in pro- the degree. Applicants for the museum studies
Program Coordinator: fessional development workshops and summer option must have professional experience in
Professor Judith M. Burton study. Suitably qualified students may also the field.
apply for apprenticeships in the Center for
Program Office: (212) 678-3360 Arts Education Research where they may The 90-point Ed.D. and Ed.D.C.T. degrees are
E-mail: [email protected] assist on funded projectsstudying artistic designed for individuals interested in serious
Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/ArtEd development, or assessing the relationships research and who wish to contribute new
between schools and cultural organizations. scholarship and practice to the field.
Art and Art Education Applicants are required to have five years of
(Code: TGA) Special Application professional experience in arts/museum/studio
Requirements/Information: education. For both degrees, applicants are
Degrees Offered: All applicants are required to submit a port- accepted to the program following faculty
Master of Arts (M.A.) folio (slides, CD, video, or original works), review of their artistic, professional and schol-
Master of Education (Ed.M.) examples of scholarly writing (papers, thesis, arly materials. In some instances, applicants
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) publications), and the Art and Art Education may be requested to complete prerequisites as
Doctor of Education Application Supplement directly to the pro- a condition of entry to the program. Similarly,
in College Teaching of Art (Ed.D.C.T.) gram. Please call (212) 678-3360 to request applicants may be requested to complete the
the Application Supplement. Applicants must Ed.M. degree prior to consideration for accept-
Program Description: have completed an undergraduate degree in ance to the Ed.D.
In the Art and Art Education Program, the studio art, art education, art history or criti-
study of art encompasses the traditions of fine cism, art or museum education, or present The 90-point Ed.D. in Art Education is
art and the popular arts of mass culture. A other evidence of competence. designed for those wishing to teach art educa-
central tenet of the program is the role of the tion at the college/university level, become
arts in nurturing human growth and develop- For the M.A. degrees, a personal interview arts supervisors in school systems, education
ment throughout the life span. Within this with a faculty advisor is advised. For the Ed.D. curators in museums, administrators in arts
context, courses in art education examine the and the Ed.D.C.T. degrees an interview with agencies or enter other arts education leader-
different environments in which the various the Program Coordinator is required. ship positions. Applicants for this degree are
art forms reach their audiences: Private and expected to exhibit strong writing skills.
public schools, colleges, museums, arts centers, All applicants for whom English is not their
hospitals and other settings. first language are required to submit either a The 90-point Ed.D.C.T. is designed for those
600 (250 computer-based) TOEFL score or wishing to teach studio art, history, or criticism
Faculty prepare students to be well-informed, a score of 10 on the Columbia University in higher education: Art school, college or
critical thinkers so that they may enter leader- English Language proficiency test as well as university. Applicants for this degree program
ship positions in their professions. Faculty are scores for the Test of Written English (TWE). will be expected to have an established, criti-
not only seasoned practitioners who possess An in-person writing sample may also be cally reviewed, exhibition record either
expertise in art, studio, museum and diversity requested. nationally or internationally.
education, they also are national leaders in
arts education research. The 34-point M.A. degree is specially designed Degree Requirements:
for individuals seeking in-service opportuni-
Each of the programs five degree options is ties, or who wish to complete a special cur- MASTER OF ARTS (34 POINTS)
built around a core of courses considered to riculum project, or who need the masters Required courses in Art Education
be essential to an exemplary arts education. degree to complete state certification. The (16 points):
Beyond the core, students along with their degree is flexibly structured to accommodate A&H 5001 Research methods
advisors have the flexibility to design individ- various academic and professional needs. in arts education
ual programs that meet particular needs and A&HA 4080 Artistic development:
This degree is offered during the regular col-
goals. In addition to courses in art education, Children
lege year and also as a Summer program to be A&HA 4081 Curriculum design
students are expected to select from other completed over 3 Summer sessions. in art education
offerings of Teachers College and Columbia
A&HA 4281 Field observations
University in order to fulfill degree require- The 40-point M.A. degree leading toward (two terms) (1 point each)
ments. Students in other M.A. degree pro- New York State teacher certification is a A&HA 4085 Historical foundations
grams may opt for the state-approved Art State-approved program for those wishing to in art education
Administration-Supervisory Certification, or teach art K-12 in public schools. A&HA 4088 Artistic development:
the Museum Education concentration (see Adolescence to adulthood
below). Please see the Teacher Education The 60-point Ed.M. degree is designed for Studio course required
section of this bulletin for updated information A&HA 5922 Masters seminar
individuals seeking the highest level of profes-
on programs that lead to administrative certifi- sional achievement within the arts in educa-
cation. tion. The degree is also designed for students
Required courses outside the program
contemplating future doctoral study.
(6 points): Chosen with advisor approval.
The vast cultural resources of New York City, Three TC courses (each course must be for a
Applicants are required to have a minimum
along with a host of other programs, offer stu- minimum of 2 points) outside of the program.
three years of experience as an educator or
dents myriad opportunities to enrich their practicing professional in the arts; 30 points

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Elective courses from: Art education, MASTER OF EDUCATION (60 POINTS) A&HA 4088 Artistic development:
studio, other programs of the College Required courses in Art Education Adolescent to adult
(12 points): Chosen with advisor approval. (27 points minimum): A&HA 5081 Advanced curriculum
A&H 5001 Research methods in design in art education
arts education A&HA 6021 Supervision and adminis-
In addition students in this M.A. program are
A&HA 4079 Exploring Americas tration: Arts in education
required to complete a masters culminating
cultures: Implications A&HA 6520 Seminar in clinical super
project on a theme or research topic arising
for art education vision in the arts: K
from their interests. All students are urged to
A&HA 4080 Artistic development: through 12
attend the program and department-wide Children, and/or
workshops offered throughout the academic A&HA 4081 Curriculum design in Required courses outside the Program
year; topics vary. art education (15 points minimum): Chosen with advi-
A&HA 4087 Processes and structures
sor approval.
CERTIFICATION (40 POINTS) A&HA 4088 Artistic development:
Adolescence to adulthood Elective courses from Art education,
Required courses in Art Education
A&HA 5086 Art in visual culture independent studio, studio, other pro-
(21-23 points minimum):
A&HA 4079 Exploring Americas A&HA 5922 Masters seminar grams of the College (points vary):
cultures: Implications Studio course (two terms) Chosen with advisor approval.
for arts education
A&HA 4080 Artistic development: Required courses outside the program In addition, students must complete between
Children (6-9 points): Chosen with advisor approval. 50-60 points in the program, including those
A&HA 4081 Curriculum design in Three courses (each course must be for a transferred, before entering the first of the
art education minimum of 2 points) outside of the program. dissertation seminars. The first seminar pre-
A&HA 4085 Historical foundations pares students to write the certification papers.
in art education Elective courses from: Art Education, To complete certification, students are also
A&HA 4087 Processes and structures
in the visual arts
studio, and other programs of the expected to offer a professional presentation.
A&HA 4088 Artistic development: College (variable points): Chosen with These may include a conference presentation;
Adolescence to adulthood advisor approval. a published article; a peer-group presentation
A&HA 4090/5090 Museum issues I or II such as a formal seminar presentation or
A&HA 4281 Field observation in art In addition, the Ed.M. degree offers two gallery talk; a Macy Gallery exhibition; or
education (two terms) additional options: some other equivalent professional perform-
A&HA 4702 Supervised student teaching ance. The doctoral certification process is
and seminar: Secondary Art Administrative-Supervisory accomplished through faculty review; students
A&HA 4722 Supervised student teaching Certification. Please see the Teacher must complete each level satisfactorily before
and seminar: Elementary Education section of this bulletin for updated they are given permission to write the disserta-
Studio Courses (two terms)
information on programs that lead to adminis- tion. Candidates should be in touch with the
Plus: one weekend workshop, topics vary each
year trative certification. Office of Doctoral Studies to be certain of
complying with the latest procedures, dead-
Required courses outside the program Museum Studies concentration offered lines and documents.
(6-9 points): Chosen with advisor approval. jointly by the programs in Art & Art Edu-
Three TC courses (each course must be for a cation & Arts Administration. An internship DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN THE
minimum of 2 points) outside of the program. in a museum or cultural institution is required COLLEGE TEACHING OF ART (90 POINTS)
in addition to the Ed.M. coursework. Required courses within the specializa-
Elective courses from: Art education, tion (16 points):
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (90 POINTS) A&HA 5081 Curriculum design in art
studio, other programs of the College education: Advanced
(6-8 points): Chosen with advisor approval. Required courses within the specializa-
tion (16 points): A&HA 5086 Art in visual culture
A&H 5001 Research methods in A&HA 6002 Teaching and administration
In addition, students in this program are of art in college
arts education
required to complete an integrated written proj- A&HA 5086 Art in visual culture A&HA 6003 Critical perspectives
ect on a theme or research topic arising from A&HA 6502 Doctoral seminar and practices in the arts
their interests and their practicum experiences. A&HA 7502 Dissertation seminar A&HA 6482 Internship or special project
Students are also required to mount a Macy (two terms) A&HA 6502 Doctoral seminar
Gallery exhibition combining their own art A&HA 8900 Dissertation advisement A&HA 7502 Dissertation seminar
work with that of the pupils taught during their (two terms)
A&HA 8900 Dissertation advisement
practica. Students are expected to attend the Suggested courses
department-wide series of workshops offered (15 points minimum):
throughout the academic year; topics vary. A&HA 4080 Artistic development:
Note: To be certified by New York State, there A&HA 4085 Historical foundations
are additional requirements. Please consult the in art education
A&HA 4087 Processes and structures
Teacher Education section of this bulletin for

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Suggested courses projects within educational and cultural con- which must be considered when planning for
(10 points minimum): texts. Special fee: $25. multicultural art education. Special fee: $25.
A&H 5001 Research methods in
arts education A&HA 6502. Doctoral seminar: *A&HA 4080. Artistic development
A&HA 4088 Artistic development: Arts in education (2) of children (2-3)
Adolescent to adult Professor Burton and Professor Sullivan. For Professor Burton. Required of all candidates
A&HA 5082 Philosophies of art doctoral candidates to identify their area of seeking New York State art teacher certifica-
in education research interest and to narrow their topic. tion (K-12). Recommended for all degree can-
A&HA 6021 Supervision and adminis- didates in elementary education. An examina-
tration: Arts in education A&HA 6580. Problems in art and tion of the role of the senses, emotions, and
HUDK 5021 Aesthetic development education (2-4) intellect in artistic development and of the
Faculty. Specific problems of art and art edu- layered integrations they form over time.
Required courses outside the Program cation examined. Different topics each semes- Discussion of ways in which developmental
ter. Permission of instructor required. Special insights are basic to the design and implemen-
(15 points minimum): Chosen with advi-
fee: $15. tation of exemplary visual arts lessons and
sor approval. offer critical starting points for research.
A&HA 7502. Dissertation seminar in Special fee: $20.
Suggested studio electives (15 points art education (2)
minimum): Chosen with advisor approval. Professor Burton, Professor Sullivan. Two A&HA 4081. Curriculum design in
required group tutorials for doctoral students art education (2-3)
In addition: requirements for the dissertation to help develop or refine topics of inquiry for Dr. Rolling. Introduction to curriculum theory
for the Ed.D.C.T. may be met by combining research. The teaching format is flexible and and design in the larger context of education
studio work and a written document. may include faculty/student presentations, and schooling. The course also explores alter-
Candidates should be in touch with the Office group discussions and critiques. May be native conceptual models as reflected in differ-
repeated. Section 2 is required of all doctoral ent art curricula, and engages students in
of Doctoral Studies to be certain of complying
students in the department in the semester review of curricular issues related to learning
with the latest procedures, deadlines and doc- following successful completion of written cer- outcomes, standards and assessment in art
uments. tification examination and involves prepara- education. Special fee: $30.
tion and presentations/dissertation proposal
COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors) for approval. Sections: (1) Certification prep- A&HA 4085. Historical foundations of
aration (2) Dissertation proposal preparation. art education (2-3)
Art Theory and Research Professor Sullivan. An introduction to major
A&HA 8900. Dissertation advisement historical events and underlying beliefs, values,
*A&HA 5082. Philosophies of art in art education (0) and practices that have influenced contempo-
in education (2-3) Individual advisement on doctoral disserta- rary art and art education programs at all lev-
Professor Baldacchino. An invitation to share tions. Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition els of instruction in the U.S. as well as interna-
a horizon of objectives in the form of a num- rate for each term. For requirements, see sec- tionally. Special fee: $30.
ber of philosophical, critical and practical tion in Catalog on Continuous Registration
cases for art in education. Students will discuss for Ed.D. degree. A&HA 4086. Current issues and practices
philosophically how art could be expressed on in art and art education (2-3)
the grounds of experimentation that could Art Education Faculty. An analysis of current philosophies,
take place in either the studio, the classroom, theories, and practices in art and art education
in both, or in an environment that students *A&HA 4078. Art for classroom teachers: at all levels of instruction. Programs in public
deem conductive to art and/or art education. Teaching art to children (3) schools, higher education, museum education,
Special fee: $15. Ms. Lifschitz. Introduction to theories of artis- and other non-traditional settings are exam-
tic development. Uses of art materials and ined, along with advocacy initiatives and poli-
A&HA 5181. The arts in education (2-3) processes, and lesson planning strategies for cy issues appropriate to the various issues dis-
Faculty. An examination of ideas about the art experiences with children and young ado- cussed. Special fee: $30.
interdisciplinary role of the arts in traditional lescents. Designed for classroom teachers and
and nontraditional educational and adminis- in-service students. Special fee: $60. A&HA 4087. Processes and structures
trative settings through analysis of programs, in the visual arts (3)
projects, policy issues, and political processes *A&HA 4079. Exploring Americas Mr. Curatolo. Prerequisite: A&HA 4080,
that involve the visual arts, dance, music, and cultures: Implications for arts education A&HA 4088, or permission of instructor.
theater. Special fee: $30. (Noncredit or 2-3) Required of all students in all degree pro-
Professor Hubard. The course will explore the grams. Opportunity for in-depth and sustained
A&HA 5086. Art in visual culture (2) arts and aesthetics of various American sub- exploration of the properties, structures and
Dr. Moser and guest critics. Permission of cultures, including cultures-of-origin, and will expressive uses of selected art materials. The
instructor required. Required seminar for involve art teachers, art educators and other course aims to enrich and extend personal
Ed.M. and Ed.D. An examination of the role participants in a process of defining and articu- visual repertoires and, in parallel, provoke
of art culture in contemporary life, employing lating understandings of Americas emerging insights into the role of materials in support-
experiences from art worksmuseums, gal- cultures. Class lectures will focus on critical ing, integrating and challenging the artistic
leries and alternative spacesreadings and issues, problematic domains in specific cultures, growth of young people in school.
discussion. Special fee: $25. and will develop understandings, sensitivities Special fee: $60.
and skills required for cross-cultural and inter-
A&HA 6003. Critical perspectives and cultural dialogues and interactions. Also dis- *A&HA 4088. Artistic development:
practices in the arts (2) cussed will be models for program design, the Adolescence to adulthood (2-3)
Professor Sullivan. Students investigate their identification of content (artists, artworks, aes- Professor Burton. An examination of sensory,
creative practice from several critical perspec- thetic theories, philosophies, art-events, myths, biological, affective, cognitive and cultural
tives and produce personal profiles and arts folklore, rituals) and cultural conventions issues influencing continuing development in

16 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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the visual arts. Discussion of ways in which topic focuses for the course will be drawn from Administration of art as a discipline; and stu-
developmental insights are basic to designing art and design/studio/research/psychology/teach- dio practice and art teaching as an instrument
challenging lessons which enrich growth and ing. Special fee: TBA. of professional development. Special fee: $15.
learning as well as offering critical starting
points for research. Required of all candidates A&HA 5081. Curriculum design in A&HA 6021. Supervision and admin-
seeking New York State Art Certification art education: Advanced (3) istration: Arts in education (3)
K-12. Special fee: $10. Professor Baldacchino. This is an analysis Ms. Darvin. Permission of instructor required.
of art as a form of knowledge and how this Prerequisite: Substantial teaching and/or arts
*A&HA 4090. Museum education issues I: knowledge informs the curriculum. The course administration experience. The function of
Culture of art museums (3) relates notions of knowledge with the contexts supervision and administration: Effective pro-
Professor Hubard. An examination of the chal- and the practices of art in view of contempo- grams in city, county, and state school systems;
lenges facing art museums in the twentieth rary practice and the teaching of art in Post- in-service education and workshop tech-
century, with a focus on changing interpreta- Secondary and Higher Education. niques; school and community relationships;
tions of objects and how museums respond to Prerequisite: A&HA 4081 or consent of nontraditional settings such as museums, arts
public need. Special fee: $25. instructor. Special fee: $20. councils, etc. Special fee: $25.

A&HA 4281. Field observations in A&HA 5085. Varieties of visual experience: A&HA 6520. Seminar in clinical
art education (1) Museums and education (2) supervision in the arts: K-12 (2)
Ms. Ardalan, Ms. Butter, Dr. Jie Sam Foek. Ms. Darvin. Participants will visit New York Ms. Darvin. Permission of instructor required.
Required of M.A. students or art teacher certi- City Museums and use the multiple resources Seminar in classroom supervision and its appli-
fication majors. To be taken concurrently with of the museums to develop personalized cur- cation to student teaching and in-service
A&HA 4080, Artistic development of chil- riculum materials. Enrollment limited. Special training. On-site field experience, analysis of
dren, and A&HA 4088, Artistic development: fee: $30. observation and assessment, readings and dis-
Adolescence to adulthood. Involves observa- cussion. Participants must have a minimum of
tions in schools of various types; videotaping *A&HA 5090. Museum education issues II: 5 years teaching. Special fee: $10.
of contrasting teaching styles and curricular Missions and standards (3)
approaches; analysis of perceptual, artistic, and Ms. Schwartz. An examination of the chang- Studio Art
societal assumptions implicit within programs ing purposes of museums, both American and
observed. international, as they confront new technolo- *A&HA 4061. Printmaking I: Lithographic
gies and expectations for greater participation processes (Noncredit or 2-3)
A&HA 4702. Supervised teaching in in education. Issues of ethics and standards for Mr. Pellettieri. A basic course in lithography
art education: Secondary (3) museum education will also be discussed in for the beginning student. Stones, metal
Ms. Darvin and Professor Hubard. the context of the section reform movement. plates, screens, photo-lithographic plates, and
Prerequisites: A&HG 4080, A&HG 4081, Special fee: $25. silkscreen utilized. Group and individual
A&HG 4087 and A&HG 4088. M.A. candi- instruction to enhance the skills and aesthetic
dates should plan to take student teaching in *A&HA 5804. Museums as resource: perception of each student. Special fee: $100.
their last semester of course work towards Workshops at the Metropolitan Museum Noncredit fee: $600 plus special fee.
their degree. For majors only. A variety of (1-4)
supervised teaching experiences (7-12), sup- Professor Burton or Ms. Darvin. Independent *A&HA 4062. Printmaking: Etching I
plemented by conferences, evaluation, and study at Teachers College combined with (Noncredit or 2-3)
seminars. The student completes 200 hours in workshops, lectures and seminars at the Mr. Pellettieri. Designed to introduce the
schools observing, assisting, teaching, and eval- Metropolitan Museum of Art. Students work beginner to the intaglio process (hard and
uating. Required of those seeking state certifi- collaboratively with both Museum and College softground etching, etc.). Group and individ-
cation in Art in New York state and other faculty to develop and carry out individual ual instruction to help students acquire print-
states. Special fee: $15. projects, which may lead to research and making skills and discover their artistic capa-
inquiry, or to the development of instructional bilities. Special fee: $100. Noncredit fee: $600
A&HA 4722. Supervised student teaching materials for different levels of schooling. plus special fee.
in art education: Elementary (3)
Ms. Darvin and Professor Hubard. A&HA 5922. Masters seminar in *A&HA 4063. Introduction to painting
Prerequisites: A&HA 4080, A&HA 4081, art education (2) (Noncredit or 2-3)
A&HA 4087, and A&HA 4088. M.A. candi- Professor Hubard and Professor Baldacchino. Mr. James. Development of fundamental
dates should plan to take student teaching Permission of instructor required. Required for painting skills and understandings within the
in their last semesters as final course work all M.A. and Ed.M. students. Guided inde- quest for individual expression and style. Oils,
towards their degrees. For majors only. A vari- pendent work in research, culminating in the acrylics, collage, and watercolor employed.
ety of supervised teaching experiences (K-6) development of a masters proposal. Special Special fee: $60. Noncredit fee: $600 plus
supplemented by conferences, evaluation and fee: $30. special fee.
seminars. The student completes 200 hours in
an elementary school observing, assisting, A&HA 6002. Teaching and administration *A&HA 4084. Art and technology
teaching and evaluating. Required of those of art education in college (3) (Noncredit or 2-3)
seeking state certification in New York State Professor Baldacchino. A practical and theo- Faculty. Through the use of electronic imagery
and other states. Special fee: $15. retical ground for the discussion, development systems (computer graphics, computer anima-
and implementation of pedagogical philoso- tion, video synthesizing, digital video effects),
*A&HA 5064. Experiments in content (2-3) phies, strategies and practices by which Art the student develops the ability to create artis-
Faculty. An examination of new technologies, and Design specialists come to teaching as tic statements utilizing technological means.
materials, concepts, attitudes, both in their professed in Art and Design programs in Offered summers. Special fee: $25. Noncredit
current forms as well as future applications. Higher Education. The course attends to fee: $600 plus special fee.
Participants will investigate a personal topic pedagogical discourses and practices; the
through field experience, hands-on demonstra-
tion, observation, readings and lectures. The

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A&HA 4089. New media, new forms: *A&HA 5062. Advanced printmaking: *A&HA 5891. Exploring creative
Technological trends in art education (2-3) Etching (Noncredit or 2-3) photography: Photography and light
Faculty. Examines new technological tools and Mr. Pellettieri. Designed to expand the print- (Noncredit or 2)
new media in art education, the impact of tech- making competencies and aesthetic develop- Faculty. The emphasis in this class is on the
nology in the art room, the changing role of the ment of the artist-teacher. Group and individual camera and on using light and lighting methods
art educator, and the convergence of visual instruction. Special fee: $100. Noncredit fee: and advanced camera and darkroom techniques.
technologies. Offered summers. Enrollment $600 plus special fee. Students explore the use of Medium Format
limited. Special fee: $25. cameras, studio lighting, flash photography, long
*A&HA 5063. Advanced painting (Noncredit exposures using tripods and using light meters.
*A&HA 4092. Introduction to ceramics or 2-3) Photographic projects are undertaken using
(Noncredit or 2-3) Dr. Moser and Mr. James. Artists capable of themes of still life, tabletop and portrait photog-
Mr. Lollar and Mr. Pitts. Enrollment limited. For independent endeavor share their ideas and raphy using flash and available lighting.
beginners only. Introduction to the basic tech- work in critiques and discussions and undertake
niques of hand building, the potters wheel and advanced artistic problems suggested by the Independent Studio Work 3 Courses
slab construction. Surface decoration and three- instructor or of their own devising. Noncredit
dimensional design. Stoneware and earthen- fee: $600. Special fee: $100. A&HA 6902. Studio work in art and
ware clay bodies and firing procedures will be education: Sculpture (Noncredit or 1-4)
addressed. Special fee: $100. Noncredit fee: A&HA 5092. Advanced ceramics Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
$600 plus special fee. (Noncredit or 2-3) Enrollment limited. For advanced independent
Mr. Lollar and Mr. Pitts. Further studies of study. Noncredit for majors only. Special fee:
*A&HA 4093. Introduction to sculpture ceramics with an emphasis on individual proj- $100.
(Noncredit or 2-3) ects on an advanced level. Educational aspects
Mr. Swift. An exploration into the world of the of the medium will be discussed along with A&HA 6903. Studio work in art and
third dimension through both figurative and marketing opportunities for the professional education: Drawing (Noncredit or 1-4)
abstract styles. There will be classroom discus- craftsperson. Special fee: $100. Noncredit fee: Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
sions plus experimentation in wood and stone $600 plus special fee. Enrollment limited. For advanced independent
carving, clay, plaster, assemblage, and welding. study. Noncredit for majors only. Special fee:
Special fee: $100. Noncredit fee: $600 plus spe- *A&HA 5093. Advanced sculpture $60.
cial fee. (Noncredit or 2-3)
Mr Pellegrin. Further studies of sculptural A&HA 6904. Studio work in art and
*A&HA 4094. Introduction to photography elements with an emphasis on content, craft, education: Painting (Noncredit or 1-4)
(Noncredit or 2-3) and individual development. Special fee: $100. Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
Ms. Culver, Mr. Vezzuso. An introductory course Noncredit fee: $600 plus special fee. Enrollment limited. For advanced independent
in black and white photography and darkroom study. Noncredit for majors only. Special fee:
techniques. Participants will study applications *A&HA 5095. Color photography (2-3) $60.
of the camera as an instrument for producing Faculty and Mr. Vezzuso. Prerequisite: A&HA
artistic images, and the darkroom as a setting for 4094 or equivalent. Course addresses both the A&HA 6905. Studio work in art and
reproducing those images, as well as the implica- aesthetic and technical aspects of color photog- education: Printmaking (Noncredit or 1-4)
tions for using these techniques within various raphy including theory, lighting, use of positive Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
educational settings and contexts. Special fee: and negative films, prints, exposure to a profes- Enrollment limited. For advanced independent
$100. Noncredit fee: $600 plus special fee. sional lab. Special fee: $100. study. Noncredit for majors only. Special fee:
A&HA 4096. Photography for educators *A&HA 5890. Exploring creative photo-
(Noncredit or 2-3) graphy: Advanced processes (Noncredit or 2) A&HA 6906. Studio work in art and
Faculty. Exploration of basic photo techniques Faculty. Prerequisite: A&HA 4094 or equiva- education: Ceramics (Noncredit or 1-4)
applicable in the standard art classroom. Special lent. This course explores the versatility of pho- Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
fee: $25. Noncredit fee: $600. tography and incorporates other artistic medi- Enrollment limited. For advanced independent
ums as artists have done since the development study. Noncredit for majors only. Special fee:
*A&HA 5060. Introduction to drawing of photography in the 19th century. In investi- $100.
(Noncredit or 2-3) gating traditional and contemporary photo-
Faculty. A critical examination of the relation- graphic methods students will acquire skills in A&HA 6907. Studio work in art and
ship among structure, form and surface in draw- advanced methods in processing and presenting education: Photography (Noncredit or 1-4)
ing from life: objects, humans and landscape. work. A range of darkroom techniques will be Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
Students will track the emergence and develop- introduced along with sophisticated studio Enrollment limited. Prerequisites: A&HA 4094,
ment of expressive configurations in their own equipment. Special fee: $150. Noncredit fee: A&HA 5094 or extensive experience in photog-
work from the vantage point of evolving aes- $600 plus special fee. raphy and darkroom techniques. For advanced
thetic and critical responses. Special fee: $60. independent study. Noncredit for majors only.
Noncredit fee: $600 plus special fee. *A&HA 5890. Exploring creative photo- Special fee: $100.
graphy: Invention and imagination
*A&HA 5061. Advanced printmaking: (Noncredit or 2) A&HA 6999. Exhibition rating (0)
Lithography (Noncredit or 2-3) Faculty. The emphasis in this course is on the Rating of certification Ed.M. and Ed.D. exhibi-
Mr. Pellettieri. Designed to explore and develop inventive, explorative and imaginative use of tions: offered in fulfillment of degree require-
the lithography printing process, including the the photographic medium. The power of the ments. To be taken during the semester in which
use of color and photolithography. Group and interpretive value of the photographic image is work is presented in the Macy Art Gallery.
individual instruction to promote the artistic explored. Students are exposed to the work of Special fee: $100.
and technical potential and capacities of each photographers that experiment with photogra-
participant. Special fee: $100. Noncredit fee: phy in an important but imaginative way.
$600 plus special fee.

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Independent studies and research Education. Similar collaborations are being
ARTS developed with other disciplines.
A&HA 4202. Fieldwork in art education (1-4) ADMINISTRATION
Permission of instructor required. Professional From its inception, faculty and staff have con-
activities in the field under faculty supervision. Program Coordinator/Director:
sisted of persons actively involved in the field
Professor Joan Jeffri
as managers, board members, consultants,
A&HA 4902. Research and independent authors, and artists. In addition, the program
study in art education (1-4) Program Office: (212) 678-3268
draws on a vast pool of artists, arts managers,
Permission of instructor required. Research E-mail: [email protected]
and persons in related professions to deliver
and independent study under the direction of Web site: www.tc.columbia.edu/academic/arad
a faculty member. and take part in guest lectures, seminars, and
Arts Administration informal discussions.
A&HA 5202. Fieldwork in art education (1-4) (Code: TGC)
Permission of instructor required. Professional The objectives of the program are to:
activities in the field under the supervision of Degree Offered: train new leaders to manage and administer
a member of the arts faculty. Master of Arts (M.A.) arts and cultural venues;
raise standards of arts administration to a
A&HA 5902. Research and independent Program Description: new level of social responsibility;
study in art education (1-4) The program in Arts Administration encour- broaden the horizons of arts educators,
Permission of instructor required. Research
ages integration of all the arts and education, facilitating their interactions with the arts
and independent study under the direction
of a faculty member. while focusing on the educational role of the community;
artist, and the missions and activities of arts give arts educators new management
A&HA 6202. Fieldwork in the art and cultural agencies, collectives, and institu- and administrative tools;
education (1-4) tions. strengthen advocacy roles for artists; and
Permission of instructor required. Professional provide theoretical and practical preparation
activities in the field under the supervision of The program reflects the conviction that the for students whose professional objective is a
a member of the arts faculty. management of cultural institutions and enter- career in arts administration, arts education,
prises is a profession that requires both cre- or a combination of the two.
A&HA 6422. Internship in the supervision ativity and commitment and that, at its best,
and administration of the art education
the profession has a positive impact on the The Research Center for Arts and Culture
Permission of instructor required. Qualified quality of artistic life. Arts Administration is acts as a complement and a resource for the
students work as interns with supervisors or organized in conjunction with the programs in program, offering opportunities each year to
administrators in selected sites. Satisfies the arts and humanities education, further reflect- Arts Administration students with a special
internship requirement for administrative and ing the importance of the basic educational interest in research and public policy. The
supervisory certification. Provision is made for role, mission, and activities of the arts in both center is committed to applied research in the
assessment of field-based competencies in ful- profit and nonprofit sectors. relatively new disciplines of arts management
fillment of program requirements. and arts law, providing the academic auspices
In order to respond to the challenge and for exploration, education, policy-making, and
A&HA 6482. Internship in the teaching responsibility of the arts at the start of the action.
of college and museum programs (3)
twenty-first century, the arts manager must
Permission of instructor required. Guided
experiences in the teaching of the arts in have an amalgam of managerial and financial Special Application
departments of metropolitan area colleges. skills, a knowledge of pertinent artistic disci- Requirements/Information:
Sections: (1) Teaching art programs: college plines, an awareness of community dynamics, In addition to the general Teachers College
(2) Teaching art programs: museum. a commitment to education in its broadest admission requirements, applicants to the pro-
sense, and a sensitivity to the artist and the gram must submit a third letter of reference
A&HA 6972. Research and independent artistic process. The essence of the program and scores on the GRE General Test. Personal
study in art education (1-4) lies in its effort to provide a carefully con- statements of 7501000 words should indicate
Permission of instructor required. Research structed core curriculum while making avail- why applicants wish to pursue careers in arts
and independent study under the direction able the extraordinary range of intellectual administration, what led them to this point
of a faculty member.
and cultural resources of the College, the and what they feel makes them good candi-
University, and New York City. dates for admission to the program and to the
field. An interview is required for finalists and
Established at Columbia Universitys School will be arranged at any time in the application
of the Arts in 1980, the program moved to process by the Program Coordinator. Students
Teachers College in 1991, expanding its cur- begin the program in the Fall semester only.
riculum and student body and maintaining its
interdisciplinary curriculum with Columbias Degree requirements:
Graduate Schools of Business and Law. Special
areas of study have been created with the MASTER OF ARTS (60 POINTS)
program in Art and Art Education which The M.A. degree requires a minimum of 60
focus on Museum Education and with the points of course work, with 24 points from
program in Music and Music Education which the program offerings listed below, 12 points
focuses on Music Administration and through the Graduate School of Business, 15

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points in Teachers College courses, 9 elective lems of trustees, directors, and officers; com- ment principles and skills to the visual arts,
points, an internship, and a formal masters mercial and political activity, administrative including museums, commercial and coopera-
essay. regulations concerning arts organizations, and tive galleries, artists spaces, public art, corpo-
arts-specific contracts. rate and individual collectors and artists.
The core curriculum represents an unusual
A&HG 4176. Support structures: A&HG 5175. Business policy and
alliance among the faculties of Teachers
Development and fund raising in the arts planning for the arts manager (3)
College, Columbias Graduate School of and humanities (3) Mr. Vinik. Permission from program coordina-
Business and the School of Law. Included in Ms. Burke, Ms. McIntosh. Permission from tor/director required. Designed to integrate
the core requirements are principles of arts program coordinator/director required. A arts administration course-work from business,
administration, policy, fundraising, historical practical exploration of fundraising research law, and the arts. Moves from the financial,
foundations and problem-solving in arts edu- and proposal writing methods. Proposals are cultural, political environment to strategic
cation, accounting, financial planning, market- developed for private and public agencies and planning tools to specific arts situations in the
ing, business policy, labor relations, and copy- foundations. Course incorporates aspects of creation and implementation of policy and
right law. Students and applicants should refer support for the arts, arts education, the planning objectives.
to additional information on requirements humanities, education and artists.
A&HG 5178. Special topics: Critical issues
available at the program office. Tuition rates
*A&HG 4179. Music administration and edu- in arts management (3)
may vary for certain elective courses, depend- cation: Organizations, issues and careers (3) Faculty. Permission from program coordina-
ing on the offering school. Each student is Faculty. Provides the tools of applied theory tor/director required. A course in conceptual-
evaluated in the first year to ensure that satis- and practice of arts administration for musi- izing problems. Use of existing documents,
factory progress is maintained. cians, music administrators and music educa- studies, databases to support investigations
tors. Investigates the management leadership into critical issues, while identifying how these
COURSES (* = course open to non-majors): and education practices within musical institu- documents have been constructed, their hid-
tions and career paths within them. den and political agendas, and suggestions for
A&HG 4170. Principles and practice in improvement and integration into existing sys-
arts administration (3) A&HG 4180. Labor relations in the arts (3) tems.
Ms. Jeffri. Permission from program coordina- Mr. Leibowitz. Permission from program coor-
tor/director required. Basic overview in arts dinator/director required. Theory and practice. Practicum and Internship
administration covering major areas of con- Special emphasis on employers, unions, con-
cern to small, medium, and large institutions. tracts, grievance procedures in the arts. A&HG 4370. Practicum in arts
Specific aspects of arts management, planning, Simulated bargaining sessions, evaluation and administration and arts education (1)
program development, artist relations, market- discussion of dispute resolution, arbitration, Ms. Jeffri. Permission from program coordina-
ing, and fundraising. contract results. Negotiation by student teams. tor/director required. Supplement to the
required internship. Work with organizations
A&HG 4575. Masters seminar in or on projects on or off-campus; work must
*A&HG 4171. Arts Administration:
arts administration (3) meet test of relevance to students program of
An introduction to the field (3)
Mr. Vinik. Permission from program coordina- study, supervisor approval, and judgment of
Faculty. Focusing on the external and internal
tor/director required. Full-time degree candi- satisfactory performance. At least 30 hours
environment, running companies and venues,
dates only. Required for all masters students during the term; no more than 1 point per
and stated and tacit policies. Attention to the
by the last 10 credits of their program. Guided term; no more than 3 points during course of
administrators resources and constraints in
independent work culminating in the develop- program for practicum.
both the profit and non-profit sectors.
ment of a masters essay.
A&HG 4470. Internship in arts
A&HG 4173. Arts in context (3) A&HG 4576. Masters seminar in arts administration and arts education (0 or 3)
TBA. Permission of instructor required. A administration B: Research apprenticeship (3) Ms. Jeffri. Permission from program coordina-
seminar and lecture-style course designed to Ms. Jeffri. Interview required. Supervised indi- tor/director required. Internship arranged with
provide a cultural context for discussions of vidual apprenticeship to ongoing projects in host institutions on an individual basis, taking
aesthetic, ethical, and political questions that arts management, arts law, arts and cultural into account the students needs, interests and
define and challenge the responsible arts policy and data and information gathering on capacities, and the hosts abilities to integrate
administrators role. living artists. those with its operation in an educationally
useful manner. Twenty hours per week over
A&HG 4174. Law and the arts I (3) A&HG 5173. Principles and practice in four months or the equivalent.
Mr. Koenigsberg. Permission from program arts administration: Performing arts (3)
coordinator/director required. Principal artistic Mr. Vinik. Permission from program coordina-
applications of U.S. law in areas drawn from tor/director required. Prerequisite: A&HG
Independent Research
copyright law, unfair competition and trade- 4170. A continuation of A&HG 4170 with
mark law, misappropriation, First Amendment special reference to the management princi- A&HG 4970. Supervised individual
questions, miscellaneous torts including rights ples and skills of the performing arts, including research in arts administration and
of privacy and publicity, defamation, interfer- music, dance, and theater; audience develop- arts education (3)
ence with contract, other problems relating to ment; unions; and the study of physical facili- Ms. Jeffri and staff. Permission from program
authenticity of art works. ties. coordinator/director required. Independent
research in arts administration.
A&HG 4175. Law and the arts II (3) A&HG 5174. Principles and practice in
Mr. Swords, Ms. Clark, and Mr. Aarons. arts administration: Visual arts (3) A&HG 4100. Masters essay: Arts
Permission from program coordinator/director Ms. Jeffri. Permission from program coordina- administration (0)
required. Lectures and seminars on not-for- tor/director required. Prerequisite: A&HG Ms. Jeffri. Permission from program coordina-
profit corporations, alternative forms of organ- 4170. A continuation of A&HG 4170 with tor/director required. To maintain continuous
ization and tax exemption; the role and prob- special reference to the application of manage- residency and receive advisement on the

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Masters essay, students who have registered The program is open to students of broad and
for the 60 required points of course-work and
DANCE AND diverse backgrounds who can give evidence of
have not completed the masters essay, must DANCE EDUCATION academic competence and personal qualities
continue to register for this course after six suggesting high probability of professional suc-
terms including summers. Special tuition: the Program Office: (212) 678-8222 cess. Each student in the program is expected
equivalent of 1 point of credit. Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/DanceEd to take courses in the history of education, as
Dance and Dance Education well as in the more generalized fields of social,
See also: political, and cultural history. Students can also
(Code: TGD)
take subject matter courses in cognate areas
A&H 4048. Computing applications in aimed at complementing and supporting their
education and the arts (3) Degree offered: specialized areas of interest within the history of
Master of Arts (M.A.)* education. In addition, most students engage in
A&H 5001. Research methods in arts *This program is currently not accepting continuous independent research under the
education (3) applications for admission. supervision of a faculty member.
A&H 5002. Assessment strategies for the HISTORY AND Students in the program are encouraged,
arts (Noncredit or 3)
EDUCATION with their advisors guidance, to make full use
A&HA 4079. Exploring Americas cultures of resources offered by other programs at
(2-3) Program Coordinator: Teachers College, Columbia University, the
Professor Cally Waite Jewish Theological Seminary, and Union
A&HA 4090. Museum issues I: Art muse- Theological Seminary.
ums and their culture (3) Program Office: (212) 678-4138
E-mail: [email protected] Note: If you are interested in becoming a
A&HA 5082. Philosophies of art in Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/HistoryEd certified public school teacher, please see
education (2-3) the program in teaching Social Studies in this
History and Education department. The program in history and
A&HA 5090. Museum issues II: Missions (Code: TFH) education does not lead to public school
and standards (3) certification.
Degrees offered:
A&HA 5181. The arts in education (2-3) Master of Arts (M.A.) Special Application
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Requirements/Information:
A&HA 5804. Museums as resource: Sample of historical writing required for Ed.M.,
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Workshops at the Metropolitan Museum (1-4) Ed.D., Ph.D. Masters students may begin in the
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Fall or Spring only. Doctoral applicants are
A&HA 6021. Supervision and administra-
tion: Arts in education (3) Program Description: accepted for the Fall term.
The Program in History and Education is one
of the oldest at Teachers College, the history Degree Requirements:
of education having been one of the first com- All courses should be determined with the
ponents of the university study of education. advice and approval of the students advisor.
Many of the earliest doctoral dissertations at
Teachers College dealt with historical subjects, MASTER OF ARTS (30 OR 32 POINTS)
even in the case of students aspiring to careers The Master of Arts offers two approaches:
in curriculum, guidance, and administration. 1) 30 points and a formal masters essay, or
2) 32 points and a special project. Topics and
preparation of the essay or the special project
The program prepares people to teach in grad-
are to be determined in consultation with the
uate schools of education, undergraduate
students advisor. At least 15 of the points taken
departments of education, departments of his- for the degree must be in the field of history
tory, theological seminaries, or other academic and education. At least three Teachers College
institutions, and to work as research scholars in courses (for at least 2 points each) must be
institutes, government bureaus, or social serv- taken outside of the program in History and
ice agencies where a deep understanding of Education.
education in historical perspective is essential.
The program addresses important educational The Master of Education requires 60 points, at
questions, first, by examining the ideas, indi- least 30 of which must be completed under the
viduals, and institutions of the past to deter- auspices of Teachers College. Students must
mine their influence on their own times; and, take at least 30 points in history and education
second, by bringing historical knowledge and and at least three Teachers College courses (for
perspective to bear on current educational at least 2 points each) outside the program.
issues. The program offers courses covering
the educational history of America, Europe DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (90 POINTS)
and other international communities, urban The Doctor of Education requires 90 points
areas, women, immigrants and African with emphasis on broad preparation for a vari-
Americans. ety of teaching, research and administrative

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 21

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responsibilities informed by an understanding of of historical research and interpretation.

historical development and context. Candidates Designed for students throughout the College
should be in touch with the Office of Doctoral undertaking systematic inquires on historical MUSIC EDUCATION
Studies to be certain of complying with the lat- topics.
est procedures, deadlines, and documents. Program Coordinator:
A&H 6574-A&H 6575. Seminar in Professor Harold Abeles
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (75 POINTS) the history of American education (3)
The Doctor of Philosophy requires 75 points, Faculty. Permission of instructor required. Program Office: (212) 678-3283
including demonstrated proficiency in two for- E-mail: [email protected]
eign languages. Program emphasis on historical *A&HH 6577. Topics in the history of Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/MusicEd
research in education. Candidates should be in American educational thought (3)
touch with the Office of Doctoral Studies to be Faculty. Permission of instructor required. Music and Music Education
certain of complying with the latest procedures, Prerequisite: A&HH 4070 or equivalent. (Code: TGM)
deadlines and documents. Considers the origins of American education
including international perspectives. Degrees offered:
COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors) Master of Arts (M.A.)
Advanced Master of Education (Ed.M.)
Introductory Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
A&HH 5670. Colloquium in history Doctor of Education in College Teaching of
*A&HH 4070. History of education and education (1-3) Music (Ed.D.C.T.)
in the United States (3) Professor Waite. For majors only. Discussion
Professor Waite. The development of American of research and teaching topics in history and Program Description:
education in the context of American social education, presentation of dissertation propos- The Program in Music and Music Education
and intellectual history. als and drafts, explorations of the employment embraces humanistic values as they relate to
prospects of specialists in history and education. contemporary musical and educational life
*A&HH 4074. Historical visions of while respecting the musical traditions of the
teachers and teaching (3) A&H 6574-A&H 6575. Seminar in past. The faculty in Music and Music
Professor Waite. A critical examination of pop- the history of American education (3) Education recognize the importance and
ular representations of teachers during Faculty. Permission of instructor required. uniqueness of the arts in our society and strive
the 20th century. to offer flexible and individualized programs
Individualized Studies for the preparation of musician-educators.
*A&HH 4076. History of urban education
Faculty members are seasoned practitioners,
(3) A&HH 4901. Research and independent who reflect a wide range of expertise in com-
Professor Franklin. Examines educational activ- study (1-8) Permission of instructor required.
ities within urban communities including prehensive musicianship, early childhood
schooling and the educational activities of music, instrumental and jazz pedagogy, vocal
A&HH 6901. Research and independent and choral performance, assessment, improvi-
social, political and cultural groups from the study (1-8) Permission of instructor required.
eighteenth century to the present. sation, jazz, technology and the full spectrum
of public and private school music through
A&HH 6970. Studies in history
Intermediate graduate school and research practices.
and education (1-6)
Faculty. Advanced students may register for
*A&HH 5070. History and theory of The four degree programs in Music and Music
intensive individual study of some aspect of
higher education (3) their specialization. Registration is only by per- Education are each built around a core of
Faculty. Fundamental ideas that have shaped mission of the professor under whose guidance courses considered central to exemplary music
liberal education in the United States and basic the work will be undertaken. Times for education. Beyond the core, students have
issues that arise in the formulation of purposes, individual conferences will be arranged. flexibility to plan with their advisor individual
policies, and educational programs in colleges Enrollment may be for 1 or more points each programs designed to meet particular needs
and universities. term, and registration is not limited to one or and goals.
two terms.
*A&HH 5072. Student activism and student In addition to courses in music and music edu-
movements in historical perspective (3) A&HH 7501. Dissertation seminar in cation, students are expected to select courses
Faculty. A critical examination of the changes history and education (0-3) from other offerings of Teachers College and
and continuities in student life from the Permission of instructor required. Required of Columbia University in order to fulfill degree
Colonial Era to the present, with special doctoral students in the semester following suc- requirements.
emphasis on the causes and consequences of cessful completion of certification examina-
protests and movements. tions. Students in the degree programs can prepare
for the following positions:
*A&HH 5076. History of African American A&HH 8901. Dissertation advisement in his-
education (3) tory and education (0) teacher of music in early childhood settings,
Professor Waite. An exploration of informal and Individual advisement on doctoral dissertations.
formal education from slavery to the present. elementary and secondary schools;
Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for
teacher and administrator of music
each term. For requirements, see section in cat-
*A&HH 6041. Historical method (3) in colleges and universities;
alog on Continuous Registration for
Professor Waite. Permission of instructor teacher of music in private school
Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees.
required. Methods, principles, and problems and studios;

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researcher and teacher-educator of music Music degree. Applicants for the Ed.D. or the (3) At least one course from Comprehensive
in institutions of higher learning, and Ed.D.C.T. are expected to have several years Musicianship Area
teacher, curriculum specialist, and teacher- of professional experience as an educator or
educator in interdisciplinary areas of arts performing musician prior to beginning the (4) At least one course from the Music
and humanities, music, and special educa- doctoral program. Both doctoral programs are Performance Area
tion, new technology in music education, very selective and admit only a few students
and adult education. each year. (5) The remaining courses in music can be
selected from any of the four areas, in
The traditional M.A. program is a post-bache- Applicants for the Ed.D.C.T. must submit a consultation with an advisor.
lors degree program that provides graduate recent audiotape of their performance or
studies with a balance of work in performance, arrange for an audition. In order to graduate a student must complete
comprehensive musicianship, pedagogy and the necessary course work, compile and pres-
research. The degree program is designed to Applications for the Ed.D. and the Ed.D.C.T. ent a portfolio, and demonstrate competent
allow flexibility in course selection, so that are reviewed once each year in the Spring for musicianship in performance as approved by
each student may prepare for his or her pro- Fall admission. See the Admissions section of the program faculty.
fessional career in music education. this bulletin for more information.
A 40-point Master of Arts offers New York Degree Requirements: PRE K-12 INITIAL NEW YORK STATE
State approved Teacher Certification. CERTIFICATION (40 POINTS)
Students in this M.A. program take course- MASTER OF ARTS (32 POINTS) The M.A. degree leading toward Initial New
work followed by two semesters of carefully A minimum of 32 points is required. Some York State Teacher Certification. Teacher
guided student teaching in schools that programs may exceed the minimum number Certification is a program designed for students
reflects the Music Programs philosophy of due to professional goals, special interests, or with an undergraduate degree in music who
authentic and relevant musical pedagogy. deficiencies in undergraduate work. No more wish to prepare for teaching music in the public
than 12 points of graduate credit from other schools. The 40-point degree program leads to
The Master of Education degree (Ed.M.) in faculties of the University may be applied to both the M.A. degree and New York State
Music and Music Education is an advanced the minimum point requirement, and no Teacher of Music, Pre K-12.
professional degree for practitioners in music points will be accepted from other institutions.
education that is designed to prepare graduates Teachers College courses required to
for a career in elementary schools, secondary A student enrolled in the 32-point masters fulfill state certification requirements
schools, and colleges. It is awarded upon satis- degree is expected to plan a program of study (14 points):
factory completion of sixty points of graduate with an advisor that reflects a balance of work A&HM 4021 Designing musical experiences
study. Major emphasis is placed on the in each of four areas of music study, based for young children
improvement of instruction and curriculum. upon the training, experience and specific A&HM 4029 New technologies in music
needs of the student. The four areas of music education
The Ed.D. and the Ed.D. in College Teaching study are: 1) Pedagogy, 2) Research, 3) A&HM 5020 Foundations of music
offer preparation for professional careers in a Comprehensive Musicianship, and 4) Music education
variety of settings. The Ed.D. in College Performance. In order to broaden the students A&HM 5022 Young childrens musical
Teaching is designed primarily for students background, in addition to the course work in development
with a high level of performance skills whose music, three Teachers College courses (a A&HM 5025 Creativity and problem
goal or present position is focused on the course is defined as one for which at least two solving in music education
teaching of performance in higher education. points are earned) outside of the Program A&HM 5026 Music skills and the
(A&HM) are required. Specifically, students creative strategies
Special Application are expected to enroll in: Special Education course in consultation with
Requirements/Information: advisor
Applicants for the M.A. must have an under- (1) At least two courses from the Music
Pedagogy Courses, one of which must
graduate degree with a major in music or Elective Music Pedagogy Courses
be selected from the following:
music education; or an undergraduate degree (4-6 points): Consult a faculty advisor.
with evidence of sufficient musical training A&HM 4021 Designing musical experiences
and experience to qualify the student for grad- for young children Required Music Content Courses
uate work in this field. A&HM 5020 Foundations of music (5-7 points):
education Applied music (2-4)
Teachers College Master of Education students A&HM 5025 Creativity and problem A&HM 5032 or 5033 Comprehensive
wishing to apply to the Doctor of Education solving in music education musicianship I or II (3)
Program are required to submit a scholarly A&HM 5026 Music skills and the
paper along with their application for change creative strategy Required Fieldwork Courses
of degree status. It is expected that most stu- A&HM 6001 Teaching and administration (6 points):
dents will choose to submit the scholarly paper of the arts in college music A&HM 4701 Student teaching-Elementary
completed as the final project for their Ed.M. A&HM 4701 Student teaching-Secondary
degree. (2) At least one course from the Research
Area (A&HM 5003, A&HM 5022, Note: To be certified by New York State, there are
Applicants for the Ed.D. normally have previ- A&HM 5023, A&H 5001, A&H 5002 additional requirements. Please see the Teacher
ously received a Master of Arts or Master of may be used to fulfill this requirement) Education section of this bulletin for details.

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Required Non-Departmental Courses: and no graduate credits will be accepted A&HM 5050 Advanced conducting
Consult a faculty advisor. from other institutions. and interpretation
Two TC courses (in addition to the course in A&HM 5052 Vocal literature and
Special Education) each for a minimum of A student enrolled in the 32 point Masters interpretation
2 points, selected from outside the program in Degree is expected to plan a program of A&HM 4059 Jazz Improvisation
Music and Music Education (A&HM). study with an advisor that reflects work in A&HM 4060 Jazz Improvisation II
each of four areas of music study, based
In order to graduate, students must complete the upon the training, experience and specific (F) At least one course* from the
necessary coursework, complete student teaching, needs of student. The four areas of music Music Performance area: (2 points)
the summative project, and demonstrate compe- study are: 1) Pedagogy, 2) Research,
tent musicianship in performance. 3) Comprehensive Musicianship, and (G) Completion of at least three
4) Music Performance. In order to broaden Teachers College courses, for a mini-
IN STEP MASTER OF ARTS IN MUSIC the students background (in addition to the mum of two credits each, at Teachers
AND MUSIC EDUCATION FOR IN-SERVICE coursework in music), three Teachers College outside of the Music Program.
TEACHERS College courses* outside of the program (6-9 points)
A three year, Summer Master of Arts program (A&HM) are required. Only one of these three courses may be in A&HA
that may lead to a New York State Professional (Visual Arts) or A&HG (Arts Administration).
certification. Contact Program Coordinator, Specifically, students are expected to enroll in: These should be selected in consultation with a
Harold Abeles, for details ([email protected]). (A) At least one course from the faculty advisor.
following: (3 points)
MASTER OF ARTS PROGRAM A&HM 5020 Foundations of music (H) The remaining courses can be
This Master of Arts Program is designed for education selected from any of the four areas in
music aducators a) certified to teach in other music or from outside of music, in
states or b) holding New York State Initial (B) At least one course from the consultation with a faculty advisor.
certificates to meet the New York State following: (3 points) (6-12 points)
requirements for Professional Certification in A&HM 4021 Designing musical experi-
Music Education. For professionals teaching in ences for young children (I) Submit a portfolio to the Music
other states, the program provides advanced A&HM 5025 Creativity and problem- Program Secretary by week 10 of the
professional experiences built upon previous solving in music education semester in which you plan to graduate.
professional work. The program requires grad- A list of portfolio requirements is avail-
uate studies with work in pedagogy, research, (C) At least one course* from the able in the Music Office. (3 points)
comprehensive musicianship and performance. Research area, to be selected from the
The degree program is designed to allow some following: (2-3 points) MASTER OF EDUCATION (60 POINTS)
flexibility in course selection, so that each stu- A&H 5001 Research in arts education The general course requirement is a minimum
dent may build upon his or her previous aca- A&H 5002 Assessment strategies for of 60 graduate semester hours, 30 points of
demic work and teaching experience, as well the arts which must be completed under the auspices
as prepare for his or her professional career in A&HM 5022 Young childrens musical of Columbia University, with at least 18 points
music education. development in Teachers College coursework. Candidates
A&HM 5023 Vocal pedagogy I who have earned a Master of Arts degree from
I. Admission Teachers College must complete at least 45 of
Admision requires that students must hold (D) At least one course* from the the 60 graduate points at Teachers College.
a state teaching certificate in music. Those Comprehensive musicianship area,
students, who are certified as music educa- to be selected from the following: Music Education (6 points):
tors, but who have not yet met the require (3 points) A&HA 6021 Supervision and
ments for New York State (NYS) Initial A&HM 5032 Comprehensive musicianship administration:
Certificate, will be able to incorporate those I Arts in education
requirements into the Professional Certifi- A&HM 5033 Comprehensive musicianship A&HM 5020 Foundations of
cate Program. In some cases, meeting both II music education
the requirements for the NYS Initial and
Professional Certificate may require stu- (E) Two or three courses from the Internship (1-4 points):
dents to complete course work beyond the following list: (a minimum of 6 points) A&HM 6421 Internship in the supervision
minimum requirements for the Professional A&H 4008 Creative arts laboratory & administration of the arts-
Certificate alone. A&HM 4029 Introduction to new music education
technologies in music
II. Program of Study education DOCTOR OF EDUCATION AND DOCTOR
A minimum of 32 points is required. Some A&HM 4050 Conducting and score reading OF EDUCATION IN COLLEGE TEACHING
students coursework may exceed the mini- A&HM 5026 Music skills and the OF AN ACADEMIC SUBJECT
mum number due to professional goals, creative strategy (90 POINTS)
special interests, or requirements of the A&HM 5021 Instrumental instruction Basic requirements include:
NYS initial teaching certificate. No more for children 1) Satisfactory completion of a program of
than 12 points of graduate credit from other A&HM 5042 Choral literature survey 90 points beyond the baccalaureate degree,
faculties of Columbia University may be A&HM 5047 Creative strategies for 2) Successful performance on a departmental
applied to the minimum point requirement, teaching music literature

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certification examination, and 3) Prepara- tal design, and curriculum planning for young A&HM 5020. Foundations of music
tion and defense of a dissertation. children from birth through age 7. Includes education (3)
observations of exemplary teaching as well as Professor Abeles. An examination of the his-
At least 54 points of work must be completed practicum experience. Special fee: $30. torical, philosophical, psychological, and socio-
at Teachers College. A maximum of 36 gradu- logical bases of music education, emphasizing
*A&HM 4022. The Artistic lives of young the implications for the development of cur-
ate points may be accepted from other recog-
children riculum, policy, and administrative leadership.
nized graduate schools. Transfer credits are Professor Custodero. For preservice and in-
evaluated and allocated by the Admissions service teachers of young children interested A&HM 5021. Instrumental instruction
Office for consideration by the Music in intergrative pedagogy focused on childrens for children (3)
Program. Final determinations are made by engagement with music, art, movement, and Professor Custodero. Prerequisite: A&HM
the program faculty. dramatic play. Creative expression is explored 5022. For private and group music teachers.
within cultural, expressive, developmental, Developmentally appropriate strategies and
Doctoral students must complete a minimum of and curricular contexts through personal materials for instrumental instruction integrat-
15 points of course work in areas other than reflection, observation, and instructional ing improvisation, composition, movement,
those in the Music Program. For the Ed.D. in design. Materials fee: $50. singing, and ensemble playing. Special fee: $30.
College Teaching program, two of these courses
A&HM 4023. Choral methods, procedures A&HM 5025. Creativity and problem-
must be in the area of higher education. and materials (3) solving in music education (Noncredit or 3)
Faculty. Recommended for vocal-choral Professor Allsup and Professor Pogonowski.
To ensure breadth in professional background, majors. A study of the choir as a performing Permission of instructor required. Designed for
course work should result in competency in the medium. Rehearsal techniques and procedures preservice and in-service majors to experience
following four broad areas: 1) Pedagogy, as they apply to the development of artistic and explore critical thinking as a means for
2) Research, 3) Comprehensive Musicianship, choral performance. Choral literature available establishing a framework for music learning at
and 4) Music Performance. Refer to the catalog for school, community, and church groups at all levels. Materials fee: $30.
for course listings under these general headings. all levels of proficiency. Materials fee: $75.
A&HM 5026. Music skills and the
A&HM 4029. Introduction to new creative strategy (Noncredit or 3)
The preparation and the defense of a disserta-
technologies in music education (2-3) Professor Allsup and Professor Pogonowski.
tion is required for the doctoral degree. When Faculty. Enrollment limited to 12. Permission of instructor required. Enrollment
writing the dissertation, each candidate has a Understanding the principles of creating and limited to 25. Prerequisite: A&HM 5025.
sponsor and an additional committee member. teaching with synthesizers, MIDI, computers, Designed for preservice and in-service majors
Most often the sponsor is a faculty member of emphasizing the application to music educa- to examine and experience problem-solving
the Program in Music and Music Education. tion. Materials fee: $75. techniques for developing musical skills within
Committee members may be chosen from the framework of the creative strategy.
among the professorial faculty elsewhere at *A&HM 4030. Integrating music in Materials fee: $30.
Teachers College or the University. Topics are the classroom (2-3)
selected from a variety of areas to meet profes- Professor Pogonowski. Primarily for non- A&HM 5029. Intermediate and advanced
majors. Focuses on music and its relationship applications of new technologies in music
sional needs and interests. Students should con-
to other curriculum areas as a means to facili- education (Noncredit or 2-3)
sult the appropriate bulletins of the Office of tate students abilities to make connections Faculty. Enrollment limited to 12. Specific
Doctoral Studies and Doctoral Handbook on and conceptualize points of view from a vari- demonstrations with new music technology
the Music Education program website: ety of perspectives. Materials fee: $30. emphasizing the development of creative
www.tc.columbia.edu/a&h/MusicEd for more strategies for music education at various levels.
specific information. *A&H 4048. Computing applications in Special fee: $75. Noncredit fee: TBA.
education and the arts (3)
COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors) Professor Abeles. This course will examine A&HM 5047. Creative strategies for
strategies for developing creativity and prob- teaching music literature (3)
Pedagogy lem-solving behaviors employing arts and Professor Pogonowski. Selected works from the
other educational software. Pedagogical princi- repertoire serve as the basis for demonstrating
*A&HM 4020. Music for the worlds ples underlying the design of the software and how to develop creative music strategies for
children (2-3) instructional applications will be reviewed. teaching and enhancing the learning of music
Faculty. Focuses on the development of stu- Special fee: $75. literature at all levels, including college teach-
dents musical thinking through active partici- ing. Materials fee: $30.
pation in classroom strategies. A broad multi- A&HM 4701. Supervised teaching in
cultural repertoire serves to stimulate chil- music education (3) A&HM 5141-A&HM 5143.
drens creative musical responses through Professor Allsup/Jane Lindamood. Permission Special topics in music
movement, and exploration of sound and of instructor required. M.A. candidates who Faculty. Selected topics of interest in music
imagery. Includes integrated creative activities are student teaching must complete a mini- examined in depth. Topic announced each
involving the combination of movement, vocal mum of 36 points. A variety of supervised semester.
and instrumental performance, and listening. teaching experiences (K-12), supplemented by
Materials fee: $30. conferences, evaluation, and seminars. The A&HM 5141. Research
student completes 200 hours in schools (Noncredit or 1-4)
*A&HM 4021. Designing musical observing, assisting, teaching, and evaluating.
experiences for young children (2 or 3) Required of those seeking state certification in A&HM 5142. Pedagogy
Professor Custodero. Permission of instructor Music in New York State and other states. (Noncredit or 1-4)
required. Enrollment limited to 25.
Prerequisite: A&HM 5022. Overview of A&HM 5143. Comprehensive
appropriate interactive practices, environmen- musicianship (Noncredit or 1-4)

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A&HM 6001. Teaching and administration Comprehensive Musicianship Mann, required. Primarily for beginning stu-
of music in college (3) dents. With permission of the advisor, students
Professor Abeles. Major issues relating to the A&HM 5032. Comprehensive musicianship may register continuously for this course.
curriculum, instruction and administration of I (3) Special fee: $110.
programs of music and music education in col- Professor Pogonowski. Through analysis, com-
leges and universities. position, critical listening, improvisation and *A&HM 4343. Organ instruction for
performance, l7th and l8th century theoretical non-majors (Noncredit or 2)
A&HM 6023. The teaching of applied constructs are explored, including an overview Dr. Henderson. Written permission from the
music in college (2-3) of the development of harmony and polyphony Music Education Program, Room 520A
Professor Goffi-Fynn. Music majors only. leading up to these eras. Materials fee: $30. Horace Mann, required. Individual instruction
Theory and practice of applied music instruc- focusing on the rudiments of organ technique,
tion in college for both major and non-major A&HM 5042. Choral literature survey leading to the playing of four-part chorales and
students. Emphasis on developing a student- (2-3) simple trios. Piano proficiency required. With
centered learning environment. Required for Faculty. Recommended for vocal-choral permission of the advisor, students may regis-
music students who wish to be Graduate majors. A comprehensive survey of representa- ter continuously for this course.
Assistants in the applied music program. tive choral music, from the early Renaissance Special fee: $110.
period to the present. Examination of the
A&HM 6421. Internship in the supervision development of choral forms, stylistic features *A&HM 4350. Piano instruction for
and administration of music (1-4) and performance practice of the periods. non-majors (2)
Professor Abeles. Qualified students work as Materials fee: $75. Faculty. Written permission from the Music
interns with supervisors or administrators in Education Program, Room 520A Horace
selected sites. Satisfies the internship require- Music Performance-Conducting Mann, required. Individual instruction
ment for administrative and supervisory certi- includes repertory, technical, and musical
The noncredit fee for conducting courses is
fication. Provision is made for assessment of problems, performing experience, and under-
equal to 2 points at the current tuition rate. standing of teaching strategies. With permis-
field-based competencies in fulfillment of pro-
gram requirements. sion of the advisor, students may register con-
A&HM 4050. Conducting and score tinuously for this course. Special fee: $110.
reading (Noncredit or 2-3)
Research Dr. Anagnost. Principles of conducting as a *A&HM 4351. Harpsichord instruction I
performing medium; emphasis on technique (2)
A&H 5001. Research methods in development for effective artistic visual por-
arts education (3) Faculty. Written permission from the Music
trayal of music; reading and memorization of Education Program, Room 520A Horace
Faculty. An examination of research studies scores. Classes videotaped for viewing. Special
and strategies for conducting research in the Mann, required. Harpsichord lessons designed
fee: $75. especially for keyboard students with no previ-
arts. Special fee: $25.
ous harpsichord experience. Emphasis on ele-
A&HM 5050. Advanced conducting and ments of style and special techniques of per-
A&H 5002. Assessment strategies for interpretation (Noncredit or 2-3)
the arts (Noncredit or 3) formance of representative early keyboard
Dr. Anagnost. Prerequisite: A&HM 4050 or music. With the permission of the advisor,
Faculty. An examination of traditional and equivalent. For students experienced in con-
alternative strategies for assessing art objects a student may register continuously for this
ducting. Reading and memorization of scores course. Special fee: $110.
and artistic performance, knowledge of the involving clefs and transpositions. Videotapes
arts, and attitudes toward the arts. made and studied. Special fee: $75. *A&HM 4352. Voice instruction for
A&HM 5003. Introduction to the percep- non-majors (2)
Music Performance-Instrumental/Vocal Faculty. Written permission from the Music
tion and cognition of music performance (3) The noncredit fee for instrumental instruction
Professor Abeles. An examination of acoustic Education Program, Room 520A Horace
is equal to 2 points at the current tuition rate. Mann, required. Beginning voice instruction:
and psychological foundations of music.
technical and musical growth through exami-
A&HM 4056. Chamber music (Noncredit nation of teaching strategies and repertoire.
A&HM 5022. Young childrens musical or 2)
development (2-3) With the permission of the advisor, a student
Faculty. For music majors only. The study and may register continuously for this course.
Professor Custodero. Permission of instructor performance of chamber works from the
required. Enrollment limited to 25. Overview Special fee: $110.
Baroque through contemporary periods.
of significant issues and current research Special fee: $110.
regarding the development of musical skills A&HM 4357-A&HM 4358. Ensemble
and understandings in children through age 7. performance: Music
A&HM 4059-A&HM 4060. Jazz improv- For music majors only. For instrumental and
Includes observations of childrens sponta- isation (Noncredit or 2)
neous music-making. Special fee: $30. vocal majors, a course designed for perform-
Dr. Konowitz. A sequentially developed per- ance by chamber ensembles. Repertoire deter-
formance experience focusing on the basic mined by registration. Public concert perform-
A&HM 5023. Vocal pedagogy (2-3) skills and concepts of jazz performance and
Dr. Goffi-Fynn. Permission of instructor ances each semester.
improvisation for keyboard, instrumental and
required. Investigation and application of vocal musicians. Students will learn how to
recent research in voice production and peda- A&HM 4357. Instrumental
improvise from the beginning, performing and (Noncredit or 1)
gogy. Directed teaching of voice comprised of listening to standard jazz and blues repertoire.
student assignments, observed lessons, and les-
son evaluation. Diagnosis of vocal condition A&HM 4358. Vocal Ensemble
*A&HM 4150. Instrumental music (Noncredit or 1)
and the design of lesson plans to affect change instruction I (Noncredit or 2)
and growth will be emphasized. Faculty. Written permission from the Music
Special fee: $50. Education Program, Room 520A Horace

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A&HM 5033. Comprehensive musicianship A&HM 5162. Flute A&HM 4201. Fieldwork in music
II (3) A&HM 5163. Clarinet education (1-4)
Professor Pogonowski. Maximum enrollment: A&HM 5164. Bassoon For music majors only. Professional activities
25. An examination of 19th century theoreti- A&HM 5166. Guitar in the field under the supervision of a member
cal constructs through analysis, composition, A&HM 5167. Synthesizer of the music education program faculty.
critical listening, improvisation and perform- A&HM 5168. Strings
ance. Materials fee: $30. A&HM 5169. Woodwinds A&HM 4901. Research and independent
A&HM 5170. Brass study in music education (1-4)
A&HM 5040-A&HM 5041. Interpretation A&HM 5171. Renaissance Instruments For music majors only. Research and inde-
of piano literature (Noncredit or 3) A&HM 5172. Viola de Gamba pendent study under the direction of a mem-
Faculty. Prerequisite: A&HM 5350 or equiva- ber of the music education program faculty.
lent. The study and performance of represen- A&HM 5350. Piano instruction for
tative piano compositions from the Baroque music majors (2) A&HM 5201. Fieldwork in music
through contemporary periods, with appropri- Faculty. Written permission from the Music education (1-4)
ate harmonic, stylistic, and technical analysis. Education Program, Room 520A Horace For music majors only. Professional activities
Mann, required. Individual instruction in the field under the supervision of a member
A&HM 5052. Vocal literature and includes repertory, technical and musical prob- of the music education program faculty.
interpretation (Noncredit or 3) lems, performing experience, and intensive
Faculty. For students of singing, accompanying understanding of teaching strategies. With the A&HM 5901. Research and independent
and coaching. Offers performing and teaching permission of the advisor, students may regis- study in music education (1-4)
command of representative literature, tech- ter continuously for this course. Special fee: For music majors only. Research and inde-
niques of interpretation and presentation; $110. pendent study under the direction of a mem-
German, Italian and French diction for ber of the music education program faculty.
singers. Course may be repeated. Materials A&HM 5351. Harpsichord instruction II
fee: $40. (2) A&HM 6201. Advanced fieldwork in music
Dr. Earle. For music majors only. Written per- education (1-4)
A&HM 5058-A&HM 6058. Recital mission from the Music Education Program, For music majors only. Professional activities
For music majors only. Corequisite: simultane- Room 520A Horace Mann, required. in the field under the supervision of a member
ous registration for applied music instruction. Advanced harpsichord instruction: emphasis of the music education program faculty.
The student will mount a recital by securing a on elements of style and special techniques Section 2 will focus on early childhood music.
date, designing programs and flyers, advertis- of performance of early keyboard music.
ing, arranging for personnel, rehearsing, and Discussion of teaching material from begin- A&HM 6421. Internship in the supervision
finally performing. If s/he chooses to perform ning to advanced repertory. With permission and administration of music education (1-4)
in a group with classmates, then s/he should of the advisor, a student may register continu- Professor Abeles. For music majors only.
register for 0 points. If the student wishes to ously for this course. Special fee: $110. Qualified students work as interns with super-
give a full, solo recital, then s/he has the visors or administrators in selected sites.
option of registering for 1 point to receive A&HM 5352. Voice instruction for Satisfies the internship requirement for admin-
additional coaching from the applied music music majors (2) istrative and supervisory certification.
instructor. Faculty. For music majors only. Written per- Provision is made for assessment of field-based
mission from the Music Education Program, competencies in fulfillment of program
A&HM 5058. Recital I (0-1) Open only Room 520A Horace Mann, required. requirements.
to music education program majors at the Advanced individual voice instruction
M.A. level. includes repertory, technical, and musical A&HM 6481. Internship in the teaching
problems, performing experience, and inten- of college music (3)
A&HM 6058. Recital II (0-1) Open only sive understanding of teaching strategies. Professor Goffi-Fynn. Guided experiences in
to music education program majors at either With the permission of the advisor, a student the teaching of music in departments of met-
the Ed.M. or Ed.D. level. may register continuously for this course. ropolitan-area colleges.
Special fee: $110.
A&HM 6501. Doctoral seminar in
A&HM 5150-A&HM 5172. Instrumental A&HM 5353. Organ instruction for music education (2-3)
music instruction II (2) music majors (2) Permission required from advisor and sign-up
Faculty. Written permission from the Music Faculty. Written permission from the Music in the Music office (520A Horace Mann) is
Education Program, Room 520A Horace Education Program, Room 520A Horace also required. For music majors only. Music
Mann, required. For intermediate and Mann required. For experienced organists and doctoral candidates will identify their area of
advanced music majors only. With permission music majors. Individual instruction on tech- research interest and narrow their dissertation
of advisor, students may register continuously nical problems, repertory and performance topic.
for the above number. Special fee: $110. practice. With the permission of the advisor,
A&HM 5150. Violin a student may register continuously for this A&HM 6901. Advanced study in music
A&HM 5151. Trumpet course. Special fee: $110. education (1-3)
A&HM 5152. Harp For music majors only, permission required
A&HM 5153. Cello Fieldwork, Internships and from advisor and sign-up in the music office
A&HM 5154. Viola Research/Independent Study (520A Horace Mann is also required.
A&HM 5155. String bass Permission required from advisor and sign-up Research and independent study under the
A&HM 5156. Percussion direction of a member of the music education
in the music office (520A Horace Mann) is
A&HM 5157. French horn faculty (music majors only). Different sections
A&HM 5158. Trombone, Baritone also required. will be offered for specific subject areas. Each
A&HM 5159. Tuba section will require subjects specific prerequi-
A&HM 5160. Oboe sites
A&HM 5161. Saxophone

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A&HM 6901. Advanced study in proposal for approval. Students may register
music education for a maximum of two terms.
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in A&HM 8900. Dissertation advisement in
composition music education (0) Program Coordinator:
Prerequisites: A&HM 5032 and Permission required from advisor and sign-up Professor David T. Hansen
A&HM 5033 or equivalent in the Music office (520A Horace Mann) is
also required. Individual advisement on doc- Program Office: (212) 678-4138
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in toral dissertations for music majors only. Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/Philosophy
conducting Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition rate
Prerequisites: A&HM 4050 and for each term. For requirements, see section in Philosophy and Education
A&HM 5050 catalog on Continuous Registration for Ed.D. (Code: TFP)
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in
early childhood music
Degrees offered:
See also: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Prerequisites: A&HM 4021
A&H 4048. Computing applications in Master of Education (Ed.M.)
education and the arts (3) Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in jazz
Prerequisites: A&HM 4059 and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
A&HA 4079. Exploring Americas cultures:
A&HM 4060
Implications for arts education (Noncredit
or 2-3) Program Description:
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in This program has shaped the historical course
music analysis of philosophy of education in America. From
A&H 5001. Research methods in arts
Prerequisites: A&HM 5032 and the groundbreaking work of John Dewey and
education (3)
A&HM 5033 or equivalent
William Heard Kilpatrick to the achievements
A&H 5002. Assessment strategies for of their most recent successors, Jonas Soltis
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in
the arts (Noncredit or 3) and Maxine Greene, the programs philoso-
music technology
Prerequisites: A&HM 4029 and pher-scholars have been leaders in the field.
A&H 5500. Pro-seminar in arts and The Philosophy and Education program offers
A&HM 5029 or equivalent
humanities (2)
students a unique opportunity to develop their
Concentration on the ethics of social research,
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in humanistic and critical thinking about educa-
examining special problems that arise in both
repertoire tion.
quantitative and qualitative research.
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in Faculty and students in the program devote
A&HA 5082. Philosophies of art in
applied music pedagogy
education (2-3) this thinking to a wide variety of questions,
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in including:
A&HA 5181. The arts in education (2-3) What visions of the human being animate
harpsichord pedagogy
contemporary schooling?
A&HA 6021. Supervision and admin- How can education be a force for social
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in
istration: Arts in education (3)
organ pedagogy reform?
What is the role of aesthetic experience
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in and the imagination in education?
piano pedagogy What type of education befits a multi-
cultural society?
A&HM 6901. Advanced study in
What is the nature of the teacher-student
voice pedagogy
A&HM 6971. Research and independent
study in music education (1-4) Other areas of interest include:
Permission required from advisor and sign-up The education of democratic citizens
in the Music office (520A Horace Mann) is Moral education
also required. Research and independent study Critical thinking
under the direction of a faculty member in Education and the new technology
music education. The ethics of teaching
A&HM 7501. Dissertation seminar in
The Philosophy and Education program pro-
music education (2-3)
Permission required from advisor and sign-up vides an opportunity for educators to broaden
in the Music office (520A Horace Mann) is and deepen their understanding of the
also required. For music majors only. A processes and aims of education through
required group tutorial for music doctoral inquiry into the fields of aesthetics, ethics and
students to help develop or refine topics of moral philosophy, social and political philoso-
inquiry for research. The teaching format is phy, and epistemology, and the philosophy of
flexible and may include faculty/student pre- science. Study of a variety of historical and
sentations, group discussions and critiques. conceptual frameworks enables students to
Preparation and presentation of dissertation develop theoretical perspectives on education,

28 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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and to effectively analyze and critique argu- phy and education. In addition to the required Introductory Service Courses
ments in contemporary educational debates. 34 points in Philosophy and Education cours-
es, students are also required to do coursework A&HF 4090. Philosophies of education
Recent dissertations have included discussions in the following areas: 9 points of philosophy (2-3)
of the nature of the multicultural self, the role through the Columbia Philosophy Department Faculty. An introduction to seminal texts,
of the liberal arts in teacher education, and or via the consortium (see section on Inter- central questions, and rival traditions in phi-
communicative ethics as a foundation for liter- University Doctoral Consortium in this bul- losophy of education. An invitation to develop
acy education. letin), foundations of education, and educa- ones own philosophy of education.
tional breadth. These requirements are mod-
Special Application est, leaving room for students to craft a per- A&HF 4091. The call to teach (2-3)
Requirements/Information: sonalized course of study. Additionally, 16 Faculty. Reading and discussion of philosophi-
A background in philosophy is required for points in the Philosophy and Education cal and other works that illuminate what it
Ed.M. and Ed.D. applications. Additionally, an requirements are in the programs professional means to be a teacher, whether of children,
undergraduate major in philosophy is strongly development sequence. youth, or adults. Consideration of motives,
recommended for the Ph.D. application. rewards, and challenges in teaching.
Applicants to both the Ph.D. and Ed.D. pro- DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (75 POINTS)
grams must submit GRE scores. A sample of The Ph.D. degree program is flexible and A&HF 4092. Education and the aesthetic
philosophical writing is required for all pro- responsive to individual student backgrounds
experience (2-3)
grams except the M.A. application. and needs. Each student takes responsibility,
Faculty. An invitation to engage with works
in consultation with his or her advisor, for
of art which challenge conventional ways of
Degree Requirements: designing a course of study that will meet the
thinking and perceiving; consideration of the
program requirements while catering to the
relation of art, imagination, and education.
MASTER OF ARTS (32 POINTS) individuals interests and professional goals.
The Master of Arts degree program is designed
A&HF 4094. School and society (2-3)
to introduce educators and professionals with At the center of that course of study are the
a wide variety of interests to the study of phi- programs research and professional develop- Faculty. An examination of historical and con-
losophy and education. In addition to the ment curriculum and other classes in philoso- temporary conceptions of the relation between
required 12 points in Philosophy and phy and education. In addition to the required schools and society. Consideration of issues in
Education courses, students may use their 36 points in Philosophy and Education cours- social and political philosophy that bear on
electives to develop an area of educational es, students are also required to do coursework the question of why have schools at all.
interest (e.g., educational policy, curriculum in the following areas: 12 points in philosophy,
and teaching, developmental psychology, etc.) through the Columbia Philosophy Department Introductory Program Courses
and to develop an area of philosophical inter- or via the consortium (see section on Inter-
est (e.g., ethics, social philosophy, epistemolo- University Doctoral Consortium in this bul- A&HF 4190. American philosophies of
gy, etc.). letin), foundations of education, and educa- education (2-3)
tional breadth. These requirements are mod- Faculty. Major American thinkers and out-
MASTER OF EDUCATION (60 POINTS) est, leaving room for students to craft a per- looks and their impact on education: Thoreau,
Similar to the Master of Arts degree program, sonalized course of study. Additionally, 18 Emerson, Fuller, and transcendentalism;
the Master of Education degree program is points in the Philosophy and Education Pierce, James, Dewey, and pragmatism;
designed to provide a more indepth and inten- requirements are in the programs professional Douglass, Du Bois, and African-American
sive introduction to the study of philosophy development sequence. education; Anthony, Stanton, Addams, and
and education. In addition to the required 18 feminism.
points in Philosophy and Education courses Exact requirements vary for each doctoral pro-
and 3 points required from the Philosophy gram. For example, students in the Ed.D. pro- A&HF 4194. Dialogue and difference in
Department at Columbia University, students gram will also develop a minor in an educa- the multicultural classroom (2-3)
may use their electives to develop an area of tional field such as educational policy, curricu- Faculty. Philosophical exploration of the peda-
educational interest (e.g., educational policy, lum theory, or comparative education. gogical, psychological, social, and political
curriculum and teaching, developmental psy- Candidates should also contact the Office of issues surrounding the recognition and mis-
chology, etc.) and to develop an area of philo- Doctoral Studies about university and college- recognition of difference. Consideration of
sophical interest (e.g., ethics, social philoso- wide requirements, procedures, and deadlines theories of dialogue from Plato to Freire.
phy, epistemology, etc.). for doctoral students. The doctoral programs
require students to demonstrate reading profi- A&HF 4196. Identity and ideals: Visions
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (90 POINTS) ciency in one of the following languages: of human flourishing (2-3)
The Ed.D. degree program is flexible and French, German, Greek, or Latin. In rare
Faculty. An introduction to influential philo-
responsive to individual student backgrounds cases, such as for writing the dissertation,
sophical perspectives on what it means to be
and needs. Each student takes responsibility, another language can be approved in consul-
a successful, whole, and flourishing human
in consultation with his or her adviser, for tation with program faculty.
being. Attention to issues of personal identity
designing a course of study that will meet the
and personal ideals, and how these can evolve
program requirements while catering to the COURSES:
over time.
individuals interests and professional goals. (unless otherwise indicated, courses are open
to students from across the college)
At the center of that course of study are the
programs research and professional develop-
ment curriculum and other classes in philoso-

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Intermediate Service Courses of a single text, to exploration of a key Individualized Studies

concept or problematic. Past topics include:
A&HF 5090. The philosophy of Contemporary Theories of Democratic A&HF 4900. Independent study in
John Dewey (2-3) Education; The Gadamer-Habermas philosophy and education (1-4)
Faculty. For all doctoral students; masters stu- Debate; and Pedagogical Desire from Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
dents by permission of instructor. An analysis Plato to Freud.
of the principal works of John Dewey. A&HF 6900. Advanced research in
Research and Professional Development philosophy and education (1-6)
A&HF 5093. Ways of knowing (2-3) Curriculum Faculty. Permission of instructor required. For
Faculty. For all doctoral students; masters stu- doctoral students in Philosophy and Education
dents by permission of instructor. Readings in A&HF 5600. Colloquium in philosophy only.
epistemology in the context of teaching, learn- and education (0)
ing, and educational research, from classical Faculty. For majors only. A series of formal Cultural Studies
and enlightenment sources to feminist, presentations and discussions with scholars in
hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, and postmodern the field of Philosophy and Education. Offered A&HF 4060. Youth cultures (2-3)
critiques. Topics include objectivity and sub- every Fall and Spring semester. Special fee: Professor Broughton. Issues in adolescent/early
jectivity, and problems of interpretation in the $15. adult subculture formation. Effects on learn-
arts, humanities, and natural and social sci- ing, school, college, employment. Alienation,
ences. A&HF 6000. Doctoral proseminar: resistance, creativity. Literary-aesthetic
Ancient philosophy and education (4) approaches to symbolic styles, fashions, move-
A&HF 5591. Educational debates in Faculty. Permission of instructor required. ments, and cults. Multicultural/class/gender
philosophical perspective (1, 2, or 3) For 1st and 2nd year doctoral students in differences. Special fee: $45.
Faculty. For all doctoral students; masters stu- Philosophy and Education. Close reading and
dents by permission of instructor. Topics vary. discussion of primary texts in ancient philoso- A&HF 4061. Introduction to cultural
Convened to promote philosophical discussion phy that have shaped the field of philosophy studies (2-3)
of a contemporary educational issue (e.g., of education. Complements A&HF 6100. Faculty. Theory, method and research in the
patriotism, privatization, standards, technolo- emerging field of cultural studies in education.
gy) or ongoing debate (e.g., liberal education, A&HF 6100. Doctoral proseminar: Mass culture and school culture as learning
moral education, teacher education). Modern philosophy and education (4) environments interpreted from arts and
Faculty. Permission of instructor required. humanities perspectives: structuralism/post-
Intermediate and Advanced Program For 1st and 2nd year doctoral students in structuralism, semiotics, discourse and film
Courses Philosophy and Education. Close reading analysis, psycholanalysis, ideology-critique,
and discussion of primary texts in modern identity politics, feminism, queer theory.
A&HF 5190. Critical perspectives in philosophy that have shaped the field of phi-
philosophy and education (3) losophy of education. Complements A&HF A&HF 4065. Media and visual culture
Faculty. For doctoral students, especially in 6000. (2-3)
Philosophy and Education; masters students Faculty. The relationship of contemporary
by permission of instructor. Close reading and A&HF 6500. Dissertation proposal work- education to the new visual literacies. Critical
discussion of classic and contemporary critical shop in philosophy and education (0-3) responses to the new media and the domi-
theories. Examination of class, gender, race, Faculty. Permission of instructor required. nance of screen/image in learning. Changes in
and sexuality issues in canon, classroom, and Prerequisites: A&HF 6000 and A&HF 6100. teaching required for non-traditional tech-
society. An ongoing writing workshop required of all nologies and settings.
doctoral students after completion of the
A&HF 5590. Voices in philosophy and Proseminar sequence and until defense of the A&HF 4088. Popular culture (2-3)
education (2 or 3) proposal. Students develop research interests, Professor Broughton. Critical examination of
Faculty. For doctoral students, especially in hone philosophical skills, and draft dissertation mass communication as an informal medium
Philosophy and Education; masters students proposals. Offered every Fall and Spring of education: film, TV, comic books, music,
by permission of instructor. Topics vary. Close semester. dance, advertising. low vs. high culture
reading and discussion of one or more key and hybrid forms. Enrollees learn to create and
thinkers in philosophy of education and the A&HF 7500. Dissertation seminar in promote their own pop-cultural commodity.
history of ideas (e.g., Plato, Kant, Pragmatism, philosophy and education (0) Special fee: $40.
The Frankfurt School; Maxine Greene). Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
Required of doctoral students in the semester A&HF 4089. Aesthetics of technology (2-3)
A&HF 5596. Topics in educational ethics following successful completion of the doctoral Professor Broughton. Technology as a cultural
and moral philosophy (3) certification process or in the semester in form regulating the development of the
Faculty. For doctoral students, especially in which the student defends the dissertation human self. Metaphysical, symbolic and fanta-
Philosophy and Education; masters students proposal, whichever comes first. sy components in computing, space travel,
by permission of instructor. Topics vary but medicine, reproduction, and childrens toys.
may include any of the following: the moral A&HF 8900. Dissertation advisement in Literary and artistic representations.
sources of educational aims; the nature of philosophy and education (0) Special fee: $40.
ideals; the ethics of teaching; moral education; Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
and, meta-ethics. Individual advisement on doctoral disserta- A&HF 4130. Gender and violence (2-3)
tions. For requirements, see section in catalog Professor Broughton. How literal and symbolic
A&HF 6590. Advanced topics in philoso- on Continual Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. violence shape gender formation. Aggression
phy and education (1, 2, or 3) degrees. Fee: to equal 3 points at current in the lives of men and women. Racism,
Faculty. For doctoral students in Philosophy tuition rate for each term. homophobia, child-abuse, date-rape,
and Education or by permission of instructor. demonism, guns and bombs, in reality, art,
Topics vary and may range from close reading and fiction. Special fee: $40.

30 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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RELIGION Individualized Studies SOCIAL STUDIES

AND EDUCATION A&HR 4902. Research and independent Program Coordinator:
study (1-6) Professor Margaret Smith Crocco
Program Advisors: Permission from advisor only.
Dr. John Kuentzel, Professor Mary Boys (Union Program Office: (212) 678-4083
Theology Seminary), Professor Arieh Davidson A&HR 6981. Studies in religion and
E-mail: [email protected]
(The Jewish Theological Seminary) education (1-6)
Professors Boys and Lukinsky. Required for Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/SocialStudies

Program Office: (212) 678-4138 all Ed.D. candidates in religion and education Teaching of Social Studies
at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Teachers (Code: TLW)
Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/ReligEd
College, and Union Theological Seminary.
Religion and Education Introduces doctoral students to the history,
issues, and research methods in the field of
Degrees offered:
(Code: TFU) Master of Arts (M.A.)
religion and education and provides a col-
legium for developing proposals for disserta- Master of Education (Ed.M.)
The program in Religion and Education is Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
tions. Cross listed at Union Theological
currently not accepting applications. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Seminary as RE 505-506 and at Jewish
Theological Seminary as Ed. 9547.
The courses in Religion and Education are Program Description:
worked out with one of the advisors from the A&HR 7502. Dissertation seminar in The Social Studies Program combines history
three cooperating institutions. Drawing on religion (3) and the social sciences for purposes of instruc-
these combined resources each students pro- Professor Kuentzel. Permission from advisor tion. The program emphasizes the historical
gram is designed to meet his or her own par- required. Required of doctoral students in the
development of the field, the selection and
ticular objectives. All courses should be deter- semester following successful completion of
certification examinations. organization of subject matter, analysis of
mined with the advice and approval of the instructional materials for students of diverse
students advisor. backgrounds, and the application of digital
A&HR 8902. Dissertation advisement
in religion and education (0) technology to social studies education.
COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors) Individual advisement on doctoral disserta-
tions. Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition Social studies educators must be schooled in
*A&HR 4171-4172. Religion and education rate for each term. For requirements, see sec- subject matter, practiced in the arts of peda-
in American culture (2-3) tion in catalog on Continuous Registration
Professor Kuentzel. The educational role of gogy, attuned to the needs of students, and
for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. alive to the interplay of theory and practice.
religious ideas, institutions, and movements in
American culture. The program prepares students for professional
A&HR 4171. 18th and 19th centuries positions in schools, colleges, universities, and
A&HR 4172. 20th century allied institutions. The facultys strengths in
history and in social studies are well suited to
*A&HR 5075. Knowledge and human that purpose. These strengths, along with the
values (2-3) full resources of Teachers College and
Professor Kuentzel. Historical and philosophi- Columbia Universitys Graduate School of
cal perspective on conceptions of knowing,
Arts and Sciences are available to every
modes of consciousness, and educational aims
in 19th and 20th century American thought. student.

A&HR 6581. Seminar: Studies in religion Special Application

and education (1-3) Requirements/Information:
Professor Kuentzel. Required for all Ed.D. can- Standardized tests are not required for social
didates in religion and education at the Jewish studies programs. However, the GRE General
Theological Seminary, Teachers College, and Test is encouraged for those with undergradu-
Union Theological Seminary. Introduces doc- ate GPAs below 3.5. M.A. students can begin
toral students to the history, issues, and in the Fall or Summer. Ed.M. and Ed.D. stu-
research methods in the field of religion and
dents may begin in any term. Ph.D. students
education and provides a collegium for devel-
oping proposals for dissertations. Cross listed must begin in the Fall.
at Union Seminary as RE 505-506 and at
Jewish Theological Seminary as Ed. 9547. Applicants should indicate on the specializa-
tion section of the application whether they
In each of the areas within the department, wish to pursue teacher certification. The
advanced students may register for intensive Master of Arts (38 point program) provides an
individual study of some aspect of their spe- avenue for Initial New York State certification.
cialization. Registration is only by permission The Master of Arts (32 point program includ-
of the instructor under whose guidance the ing InStep) provides an avenue for Profession-
work will be undertaken. Times for individual al Certification in New York State.
conferences will be arranged. Enrollment may
be for 1 or more points each term, and regis-
tration is not limited to one or two terms.

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Applicants to the Master of Arts program A&HW 5031 Teacher education in A&HW 5037 Alternative models of social
must have taken at least 24 credits in history social studies studies curriculum
(with emphasis on American and/or world his- A&HW 5232 Fieldwork in social studies
tory) and/or social sciences (with emphasis on teacher education Students should also take one of the following:
geography, civics, or economics). Those cours- A&HW 6530 Curriculum development, A&HW 5030 Diversity and the social
es that are not listed under a history depart- research and supervision studies curriculum
ment, but which have substantial history con- A&HW 5530 The history of American
tent, may be counted toward the minimum Students Should Choose TWO of the social thought
history requirement. Applicants should submit Following Courses: A&HH 4070 The history of education
course descriptions in order for the Social A&HH 4070 The history of education in the United States
Studies faculty to make this determination. in the United States (3) A&HH 4076 The history of urban
All M.A. inquiries should be directed to Mr. A&HW 5030 Diversity and the social education
Michael Marino, Social Studies Program studies curriculum (3) A&HF 4090 Philosophies of education
Office, Box 80, (212) 678-4083. The program A&HW 5530 History of American social
fax number is (212) 678-4118. thought (3) Social Studies Content Courses
(10-12 points): In consultation with
Applicants to the Master of Education Social Studies Content Courses an advisor, students should select courses to
(Ed.M.) degree should be aware that the (12-15 points): In consultation with an round out their knowledge of the subject
program generally admits students after several advisor, students should select courses to matters taught in secondary schools. Content
years of teaching related professional experi- round out their knowledge of the subject courses taken at Teachers College include
ence, or after completion of an M.A. degree in matters taught in secondary schools. Courses attention to both content and pedagogy.
Social Studies education or in an appropriate taken at Teachers College include attention
content field. Admission requirements in to both content and pedagogy. Professional Development Courses
terms of undergraduate background are the (6-9 points): To satisfy the colleges breadth
same as the M.A. Professional Development Courses requirement students must take 3 Teachers
(6-9 points): Three Teachers College cours- College courses (for this purpose a course
An M.A. degree in an appropriate content es (2-3 points each) outside the Social Studies is defined as one in which 2 points is earned)
field or in Social Studies education is required Program, chosen with advisor approval. outside the major program.
for applicants to the Doctor of Education and
Doctor of Philosophy degree programs. In Further Requirements: Student Teaching (10 points):
addition to the general Teachers College Students must also complete an integrative A&HW 4530 Seminar for student teachers
admission requirements, doctoral applicants project, selected with advisor approval. in social studies*
must submit a writing sample and recommen- A&HW 4729 Observation in social studies
dations written by persons qualified to address MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIAL STUDIES A&HW 4730 Supervised student teaching
their potential for doctoral-level work. If the WITH INITIAL TEACHER CERTIFICATION in social studies**
applicant will be in or near New York City, an (38 POINTS) *Students enroll for 2 points both in the Fall
interview is recommended. This program requires a minimum of 38 points and in the Spring.
and an integrative project and is designed for ** Students enroll for 3 points in both the Fall
Inquiries for the Ed.M., Ed.D. and the Ph.D. preservice teachers at the secondary school and the Spring.
degrees should be directed to Professor level. Successful completion of this program
Margaret Smith Crocco, Box 80, Teachers of study leads to the M.A. degree and recom- Further Requirements:
College; telephone: (212) 678-3174; email: mendation for New York State Initial Students must complete an integrative masters
[email protected] Certification (grades 7-12). Student teaching project in the form of an electronic portfolio.
is undertaken in cooperating middle and high They must also satisfy the New York State cer-
Degree Requirements: schools, both city and suburban. A committee tification requirement for study of a language
of social studies faculty and cooperating pro- other than English. (For additional require-
The Master of Arts offers the following three fessionals from the schools to which students ments please refer to the Teacher Education
tracks: are assigned supervise and evaluate the stu- area of the Academic Resources section of this
dent teachers work. bulletin.)
(32 POINTS) In order to complete all degree requirements IN STEP MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIAL
This program requires a minimum of 32 points successfully, this program typically demands STUDIES FOR IN-SERVICE TEACHERS
and an integrative project. This degree pro- two terms of the academic year and two sum- (32 POINTS)
gram focuses on social studies teaching in mid- mer sessions, which can be taken in the same A three year, summer Master of Arts degree
dle and high schools, and fulfills the require- summer. is also offered. This program can be used for
ments for the New York State Professional New York State Professional Certification for
Certification. Points should be distributed as The 38 points should be distributed as follows: those individuals who hold initial certification
follows: and have necessary credentials. Contact Marc
Social Studies Core Courses Stearns, Office of Admission ([email protected]).
Social Studies Core Courses (8-9 points)
(11 points): Required courses: Please note that all students must take a minimum
A&HW 4036 The teaching of social studies of 12 points in content/pedagogy and 3 in out-of-
program courses in professional development.

32 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Summer #1: Courses in major field DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (90 POINTS)
Alternative Models for Social Studies (15 points minimum) The Doctor of Education in Social Studies
Curriculum (A&HW 5037) Required courses: requires 90 points of graduate study and a dis-
Social Studies Content w/Pedagogy Course A&HH 4070 The history of education sertation. The Ed.D. degree program empha-
Social Studies Content w/Pedagogy Course in the United States sizes broad preparation for advanced profes-
Seminar (A&HW 5931) A&HW 5031 Teacher education in the sional responsibilities in social studies.
social studies
Summer #2: A&HW 5232 Fieldwork in social studies Courses in the major field
Social Studies Content w/Pedagogy Course teacher education (15 points minimum)
Out of Department Course in suitable A&HW 5530 History of American social Required courses:
professional development thought A&HH 4070 The history of education
Out of Department Course in suitable A&HW 6530 Curriculum development, in the United States
professional development research, and supervision A&HW 5031 Teacher education in
Seminar (A&HW 5931) Electives: social studies
Action Research Mid-Year Seminar A&HW 4030 The study of history and A&HW 5232 Fieldwork in social studies
(A&HW 5232): geography teacher training
A&HW 5037 Alternative models of social A&HW 5530 History of American
Summer #3: studies curriculum social thought
Curriculum Development, Research, A&HW 5203 Fieldwork in social studies* A&HW 6500 Seminar in the history of
and Supervision (A&HW 6530) or A&HW 6935 Studies in history and the the social studies
Teacher Education in the Social Studies teaching of history and social A&HW 6530 Curriculum development,
(A&HW 5031) or History of American studies research and supervision
Social Thought (A&HW 5530) or substitute
approved by advisor
*May be taken more than once Electives:
Social Studies Content w/Pedagogy
A&HW 4030 The study of history
Breadth Course in suitable professional Curriculum Study (12 points) and geography
development Required courses: A&HW 5030 Diversity and the social
Seminar/Action Research (A&HW 5931) A&HW 5030 Diversity in the social studies studies curriculum
curriculum (or a comparable A&HW 5037 Alternative models of social
Graduation Requirement: Masters Project in course in diversity) studies curriculum
Action Research One course in media and technology A&HW 5203 Fieldwork in social studies
A&HW 6935 Studies in history and the
MASTER OF EDUCATION IN SOCIAL Social Studies Content Electives teaching of social studies
STUDIES (60 POINTS) (15 points minimum): A wide variety of
This program requires a minimum of 60 points courses combining content is offered in the Research courses, Seminars and
and an integrative project. The degree is program. Content courses are also available Individual work (15 points minimum)
intended for experienced educators; it is aimed at Columbia University. Required courses:
at developing leaders in social studies educa- A&HW 5503 Research paper in
tion for settings such as, community colleges, Professional Development Courses social studies
curriculum agencies and publishers, founda- (6-9 points minimum): All students at A&HW 6503 Doctoral seminar in
tions and museums. Emphasis is on specialized Teachers College must take three out-of- social studies
work in curriculum development and the sub- program Teachers College courses. (For this A&HW 7503 Dissertation seminar in
ject matters, methods, and materials of requirement, a course is defined as one in social studies
instruction. This degree program is also suit- which 2 points must be earned.) A&HW 8903 Dissertation advisement
able for students contemplating future doctor- in social studies
al study. The program is flexible in nature and Independent study for the Masters Other offerings:
can be tailored to the students specific career Project (6 points): A&HW 6030 Research in social studies
goals. A&HW 5931 Guided investigations in the education
teaching of social studies A&HH 6041 Historical method
Social Studies Foundations, Methods A&HW 6030 Research in social studies A&HW 6203 Advanced fieldwork:
and Professional Content (30 points education Social studies
minimum): A&HW 6903 Research and independent
The courses in this area are intended to famil- Masters Project: study: Social studies
iarize students with the historical development The integrative project will develop out of
and current state of social studies education Students are encouraged to take courses in
each students particular program of study.
and to provide experience in research on edu-
A student will work with an advisor to con- both qualitative and quantitative research
cational practices. Students should consult
ceptualize, prepare, and write the integrative methodologies. Select in consultation with
with an advisor to determine what additional
research courses outside the program will be project. Students will enroll in the two courses advisor.
needed in their individual programs of study; above (A&HW 5931, A&HW 6030) in
these out-of-program courses may be used to sequence across two semesters in order to plan Broad and basic areas of professional
satisfy requirements in this area. and write the Ed.M. project in close consulta- scholarship (15 points minimum):
tion with the advisor. In consultation with an advisor, select at least
one course in each of the following areas: the

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 33

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nature of education, the nature of persons and Research methods A&HW 5031. Teacher education in
the learning process, curriculum, schooling, (15 points minimum): social studies (3)
and leadership, and methods of measurement Required Courses: Professors Crocco. Problems, issues, and new
and evaluation. Other course work in this area A&HW 5503 Research paper in directions in teacher education in social studies.
should be tailored to the individual students social studies Supervision of practice teaching and other pro-
A&HW 6503 Doctoral seminar in fessional programs.
needs; consult an advisor.
social studies
A&HW 7503 Dissertation seminar in *A&HW 5035. History of the social
Content Courses in the major field studies since 1880 (3)
social studies
(15 points minimum): Professor Thornton. An historical investigation
A&HW 8903 Dissertation advisement
Soon after beginning this program, students in social studies of the development of the secondary school his-
should select an area of emphasis, either tory/social studies curriculum, including ques-
American history or modern history, broadly tions related to objectives, content, and methods
Other offerings:
conceived. These courses should be selected of instruction. Also offered as an online course.
A&HW 5931 Guided investigations
for their applicability to the students area of in the teaching of
dissertation research. Course work in the area A&HW 5037. Alternative models of
social studies
social studies curriculum (3)
of emphasis normally includes attention to the A&HW 6030 Research in social
Professor Crocco and faculty. Examination
subject matters themselves as well as to ques- studies education
of alternatives to conventional curricular
tions related to educational programs in those A&HH 6041 Historical method
arrangements in social studies, including atten-
subject matters. A&HW 6203 Advanced fieldwork:
tion to oral history, interdisciplinary strategies,
Social studies
service learning, economic decision making, and
A&HW 6903 Research and independent
Further requirements: civics. Suitable for experienced teachers interest-
study: Social studies
In addition to the dissertation, there are ed in advanced methods.
A&HW 6935 Studies in the history and
other requirements. Students should consult teaching of social studies
an advisor in the Program and read the *A&HW 5530. History of American social
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor thought (3)
Altogether students must complete a minimum Professor Crocco. History of American social
Education bulletin, obtainable from the of 15 points in research methods course work. thought as it has influenced and been influenced
Office of Doctoral Studies. by theories of education and patterns
Non-major foundations of educational practice.
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (75 POINTS) (15 points minimum):
The Doctor of Philosophy in Social Studies Same as Broad and basic areas of professional *A&HW 6530. Curriculum development,
requires 75 points of graduate study and a scholarship in Ed.D. degree program. See research and supervision (3)
dissertation. The Ph.D. program emphasizes above. Professor Serrano. Aspects of curriculum; teach-
research and intensive specialization in social ing and learning processes; attention to problems
studies scholarship. and techniques of supervision. Special fee: $50.
Further requirements:
In addition to the dissertation, students must
Courses in the major field Student Teaching
satisfy the foreign language requirements equiva-
(15 points minimum): lent to those of the department of the Columbia
A&HH 4070 The history of education A&HW 4530. Seminar for student
University Graduate School of Arts and teachers in social studies (2)
in the United States
Sciences with which their work is most closely Professors Marri, Serrano, and faculty. Must
A&HW 5031 Teacher education in
social studies identified. For Ph.D. students in Social Studies, be taken concurrently with A&HW 4730.
A&HW 5530 History of American the usual cognate department in the Graduate Restricted to majors. Includes issues of school
social thought School is History. Students should read the safety and health issues in secondary schools.
A&HW 6530 Curriculum development, Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy obtain-
research and supervision able from the Office of Doctoral Studies at A&HW 4729. Observation in the
social studies (0)
Teachers College.
Faculty. Preliminary experience in the schools.
Restricted to majors.
A&HW 5030 Diversity and the social COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors)
studies curriculum
A&HW 4730. Supervised student
A&HW 5037 Alternative models of Foundations and Methods teaching in social studies (2-3)
social studies curriculum
Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
A&HW 4036. The teaching of Must be taken concurrently with A&HW 4530.
Electives in the area of specialization social studies (3) Restricted to majors.
(15 points minimum): Faculty. Basic classroom methods for teaching
Soon after beginning the program, students social studies in secondary schools; teaching Social Studies Content
must select an area of specialization. Students resources and aids; assessment and testing.
may select either American history or modern *A&HW 4032. The study of world
history. Students should select courses with an *A&HW 5030. Diversity and the history and geography (2-3)
advisor, taking care to include courses relevant social studies curriculum (3) Faculty. Particular attention to problems of
to the area of dissertation research at both Professor Serrano. Curriculum theory and conceptualization and interpretation involved
Teachers College and the Graduate School of instructional methods related to teaching sec- in organizing and teaching world history with
ondary school social studies in the diverse an emphasis in geography at both the middle
Arts and Sciences.
classroom. Particular attention paid to gender and high school levels. Satisfies the New York
and multicultural issues in urban settings.
Special fee: $50.

34 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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State requirement for world history and geo- that align with main themes of New York A&HW 6503. Doctoral seminar in
graphy. State social studies curriculum. social studies (2)
Faculty. Seminar focused on doctoral student
*A&HW 4033. History and geography Independent Research, Fieldwork research and contemporary social studies
of Europe since 1914: Selected topics (3) and Internships issues.
Faculty. Main themes in teaching recent
European history within the geographic con- A&HW 6935. Studies in history and in the
text of changing political boundaries. Selected A&HLW 4903. Research and independent teaching of history and social studies (1-3)
topics may include the balance of power study in social studies (1-6) Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
among nation states, imperialism, demographic Faculty. Permission of instructor required. To Individual research and advanced historical
and social change, fascism, Communism, be taken under the direction of a faculty mem- method ordinarily related to a doctoral disser-
European integration, and globalization. ber. Students work individually or with others. tation.

*A&HW 4035. New York City as a A&HW 5203. Fieldwork in social studies (1-6) A&HW 7503. Dissertation seminar in
learning laboratory (1-3) Faculty. Permission of instructor required. social studies (2)
Faculty. New York Citys cultural, social, gov- Opportunity for qualified students, individual- Faculty. The purpose of the dissertation semi-
ernmental, business and financial institutions, ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue nar is to develop and refine specific topics for
neighborhoods, community associations and projects, in consultation with an advisor, in dissertation research. Students should enroll in
ethnic groups, as studied within the context of schools, communities, and other field settings. the dissertation seminar beginning only in the
New York State history and geography through semester in which they intend to present their
field experiences. Emphasis on analyzing con- A&HW 5223. Oral history as a multi- dissertation proposal for departmental review.
ditions affecting economic and civic decision disciplinary teaching tool (Noncredit or 1)
making. Satisfies the New York State require- Professor Crocco and Mary Marshall Clark.
ment for New York State history and geogra- Students will learn the steps of oral history
phy. Special fee: $50. design for the classroom, including research,
selection of interviewees, conduct of the inter-
*A&HW 4037. East Asia: Survey of mod- view, transcribing, reviewing and editing
ern history and cultural geography (2-3) Special fee: $50.
Dr. Knapp and Dr. Martin. An overview of
central themes in the modern history, geogra- A&HW 5232. Fieldwork: Social studies
phy, and culture of China, Japan and Korea. teacher education (2-3)
Also offered as on-line course. Professor Crocco. Permission of instructor
required. For advanced students. Supervised
*A&HW 4038. The study of American field work, individual conferences and group
history and geography (2-3) seminar.
Faculty. Illustrative themes in American histo-
ry and geography for middle and high school. A&HW 5430. Internship in the teaching
Attention to the history and geography of of history and social sciences (1-3)
New York State. Satisfies the New York State Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
requirement for American history and geogra- Ordinarily in secondary schools, community
phy as well as for New York State history and colleges, teacher training programs or publish-
geography. Special fee: $50. ing work.

*A&HW 4039. The United States A&HW 5503. Research paper

Constitution: Civic decision making (3) Required for doctoral students (1-3)
Professor Marri and Dr. Tischler. Major philo-
sophical foundations, problems preceding and A&HW 5931. Guided investigations in
during the convention, the struggle for ratifi- the teaching of social studies (1-3)
cation, detailed examination of the document, Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
important court cases, non-written constitu- For advanced students. Individual fieldwork
tional traditions, and unresolved constitution- in secondary school or introductory college
al issues. Selected cases from New York State social studies.
history are highlighted. Satisfies the New York
State civics requirement. A&HW 6030. Research in social studies
education (1-3)
*A&HW 4040. Women of the world: Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
Issues in teaching (2-3)
Professor Crocco. Womens lives viewed A&HW 6203. Advanced fieldwork in
through history, geography, literature, human social studies (1-6)
rights, demography, and economics provide Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
the subject matter. Reconceptualizing the See description for A&HW 5203.
school curriculum is a dominant theme.
Satisfies the New York State requirement for A&HW 6403. Internship in college
world history and geography. teaching in social studies (1-6)
Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
*A&HW 4041. Economic decision making Occasional opportunities in college programs
in citizenship education (2-3) in areas represented by the program. Students
Professor Marri and faculty. Selected topics in must inquire to see if opportunities are avail-
the teaching of secondary school economics able during any given semester.

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be assigned an academic faculty advisor who Please note that the English Education pro-
TEACHING will assist them in choosing courses. It is rec- gram values, and looks for in its applicants,
OF ENGLISH ommended that students studying full-time prior experience with secondary school-aged
begin their coursework the Summer before the students in various contexts (schools, recre-
Program Coordinator: academic year. ational centers, tutorials and/or after-school
Professor Janet L. Miller workshops).
Program Office: (212) 678-3070 STATE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION To be certified by New York State, additional
Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/EnglishEd (M.A. DEGREE, 34 POINTS) requirements include:
Teaching of English This program is designed for teachers already 24 points in English content courses
(Code: TLE) working in the field (in-service) who will not (required prior to admission in the program)
be student teaching. To earn this degree, stu- 12 points in education or methods courses
Degrees Offered: dents must complete 34 points of coursework One (2-3 points) college-approved (and pro-
Master of Arts (M.A.) at Teachers College. gram-offered) diversity education course
Master of Education (Ed.M.) 3 college-approved foundation courses
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) M.A. IN THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH (2-3 points each) in History/Philosophy of
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.C.T.) (TRANSITIONAL B) Education, Disabilities/Special Education,
in the College Teaching of English Program requirements are similar, but not and Human Development/Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) identical to the 34 point program (Mentored One Detection & Reporting of Child Abuse
in English Education* teaching is required). and School Violence Prevention (See
*This program is currently not accepting Teacher Education section of this bulletin
applications at this degree level. M.A. IN THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH for details.)
(IN STEP PROGRAM FOR IN-SERVICE 2 semesters of foreign language (If this
Program Description: TEACHERS) requirement was not fulfilled as an under-
IN STEP (In-Service Teacher Education graduate, these points may be obtained at
MASTER OF ARTS (34 AND 38 POINTS) Program) is offered to in-service teachers who Columbia University, Teachers College, or
An English teacher creates contexts for read- are interested in taking the majority of any other accredited institution. In some
ing, writing, listening, speaking and represent- required courses for a masters degree (M.A.) cases, this requirement may be waived by
ing. Classrooms are transitory environments in the Teaching of English Program over three obtaining an appropriate score on the CLEP
and demand teachers who are aware of them- summers. The IN STEP program is guided by Test. CLEP registration forms are available
selves as learners, capable of adapting to pedagogical, philosophical, and theoretical at the Office of Teacher Education School
change, skilled at negotiating, and respectful underpinnings that reflect current trends in Board Support Services). If you choose to
of diversity. Our program is student-centered rethinking the teaching of English language take a language class as an elective toward
and committed to the personal and profession- arts. Students accepted to the program form a your degree, it must be a graduate level
al development of teachers as they pursue cohort group that remains together through- course.
their academic and research lives. We recog- out each Summer, taking special classes 2 semesters of student teaching
nize and value the variety of needs and experi- offered only to IN STEP students. Classes Certification Exams: Liberal Arts &
ences of a diverse student body, and strive to offered earn students a total of 17 points for Sciences Test (LAST), Assessment of
provide our students with individualized pro- the first two Summers and 7 points for the Teaching SkillsWritten (ATS-W), and
grams of study. final Summer. In addition to the 24 points Content Specialty Test in English (CST)
offered during the Summers, students must
Our program encourages students to seek a enroll in the Critical Issues for In-service MASTER OF EDUCATION (60 POINTS)
balance between breadth and specialization by Teachers Seminar and complete 7 points The Master of Education (Ed.M.) degree is a
offering an assortment of both methods and (three classes) on their own at Teachers 60 point program designed for individuals
content courses. Methods courses focus on the College during the Fall and Spring semesters. interested in advanced study in the field. The
design and implementation of curriculum as This M.A. program meets state and national Ed.M. degree represents a commitment to
well as on multiple strategies and methods for teacher certification standards. research that students refine as they focus on a
the teaching of literature, writing, and particular area of inquiry, and provides oppor-
language. Content courses, including M.A. IN THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH tunities to examine issues of pedagogy, theory,
literature and writing courses, model the LEADING TO AN INITIAL CERTIFICATION and research. A research study is required as a
various practices that are useful in teaching IN NEW YORK STATE (M.A. DEGREE, culminating project.
secondary students in English classrooms. 38 POINTS)
The program that leads to initial certification The Ed.M. degree is well-suited for individuals
The Teaching of English Program offers the is designed for individuals who are newly who are currently teaching and who wish to
following M.A. degrees: Teaching of English entering the field of secondary English teach- concentrate further on their studies within the
leading toward Initial New York State certifica- ing (preservice). To earn this degree, stu- field of English education and/or individuals
tion 38 points. Teaching of English leading dents must complete 38 points of coursework who are thinking about undertaking doctoral
toward Professional Certification in New York in the Teaching of English Program at work in English Education. In most cases,
State in Teaching of English (34 points). Teachers College, including two semesters individuals applying for the Ed.D. program in
(Fall and Spring) of student teaching. the Teaching of English are required to first
All courses outlined below must be taken at Although most courses are held in the complete the Ed.M. program.
Teachers College. We do not accept transfer evenings, students must be available during
credits. During the first semester, students will the school day in order to student teach.

36 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Students admitted to the Ed.M. program have to teaching and schooling. Applicants should Required courses include:
an M.A. degree and at least three years of indicate their recent experience with second- A&HE 4057 English methods (3)
prior teaching experience at the secondary ary school aged students in their personal A&HE 4058 Teaching of reading (3)
classroom level, and now wish to further con- statements. A&HE 4151* Teaching of writing (3)
centrate their studies within the field of edu- A&HE 5518** Teaching English in diverse
cation. The Ed.M. degree does not lead to cer- The Ed.M. degree in Teaching of English offers social & cultural contexts
tification for teaching, as opposed to the M.A. experienced teachers the opportunity to con- (2-3)
degree in Teaching of English. tinue their examination of issues, pedagogy,
policy, and practice in the teaching of English. *Taken as a 6 credit block with A&HE 4156,
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Special emphasis is placed on classroom-based Writing: Nonfiction
The primary purpose of our doctoral program research and an examination of leadership **A&HE 5518 meets both the College-wide
is preparation for and implementation of roles in schools. In addition to the general and the New York State diversity
research and scholarly activities within the Teachers College admission requirements, requirements.
field of English Education. Students Ed.M. applicants are required to submit a writ-
who enter the doctoral program in English ing sample and two letters of recommendation. In addition, students must choose at least one
Education must have at least five years of A third letter, if possible, is encouraged. Also, topic-specific methods course:
teaching experience at either the secondary applicants must have earned an M.A. in A&HE 4152 Literacies & technologies in
school or college level, and have completed English, English Education, or in an analogous the secondary English
graduate work at an accredited institution. field, and must have at least three years of classroom (3)
The work students undertake in the English teaching experience at the secondary class- A&HE 4155 Critical issues in the secondary
Education program will help them to refine room level. A personal interview with faculty English classroom (2-3)
their theoretical, pedagogical, and research is required. A&HE 4550 Teaching of poetry (3)
expertise. Through these experiences, students A&HE 4551 Teaching of Shakespeare (3)
will identify a particular area of inquiry for The Ed.D., Ed.D.C.T., and Ph.D. degrees in A&HE 4552 Curriculum and assessment
their dissertation research. English Education combine coursework and in the secondary English
fieldwork for teachers who have the desire to classroom (2)
Both the Ed.D. and Ph.D.* programs in examine theoretical, research, and pedagogical
English education consist of theoretical, peda- principles as they apply to practice; who wish ContentContent coursework consists of
gogical, and research-oriented work. Students to prepare prospective teachers or engage in writing and literature requirements:
eventually focus their interests around a par- professional development work with in-service
ticular area of inquiry, which is informed by a teachers; and who wish to prepare themselves Writing: This requirement is usually met
broad reading of theory and research studies. for leadership roles in the fields of Teaching of by taking the six credit writing block:
This work becomes consolidated and refined English and/or English Education. Applicants A&HE 4151 Teaching of writing (3)
through the dissertation, a study that evi- are required to have at least five years of class- A&HE 4156 Writing nonfiction (3)
dences original research and pedagogical per- room teaching experience, and an M.A. in
spectives. English, English Education, or a closely related Literature: At least one literature course
field. In addition to the general Teachers within the program is required:
Each student, upon entry into the program, is College admission requirements, applicants are Courses include Cultural perspectives,
assigned an academic advisor who will advise also required to submit a writing sample, two Feminist perspectives, Adolescent literature,
on program plan, certification exams, and all letters of recommendation and partake in a Critical approaches to literature, and
coursework. personal interview session with faculty. Literature and teaching.

*We are currently not accepting applications Degree Requirements Breadth Requirement
for the Ph.D. program. Breadth courses are intended to broaden stu-
MASTER OF ARTS dents knowledge of the history of education,
Special Application (34 AND 38 POINT PROGRAMS) philosophies of education, and educational
Requirements/Information: MethodsNew York State requires a mini- issues and practices beyond their particular
The M.A. degree in the Teaching of English is mum of 12 points of methods courses. The area of concentration. All students must take
designed for students who plan to teach or are methods coursework is designed to provide at least three breadth courses (courses not des-
currently teaching. Prior to entering the pro- students with a strong foundation in the ignated A&HE). Breadth points must be
gram, applicants must complete at least 24 Teaching of English. The Teaching of Reading used to meet the NY State requirements for
undergraduate and/or graduate credits in the Teaching of Writing, and Writing: classes in History/Philosophy of Education,
English, or their equivalent. The program Nonfiction courses are usually taken at the Disabilities/Special Education and Human
looks for coursework across a range of litera- beginning of the program to facilitate students Development/Psychology if you have not had
tures and content areas, including but not understanding of later courses. English previous college level coursework in those
limited to: U.S./British/World Literature, Methods follows, integrating various method- areas. These courses may be taken as pass/fail.
Multicultural Literature, Genre Studies, ologies while addressing language and curricu-
Female Authors, Authors of Color, Childrens lar components. An additional methods course Breadth courses must meet the following
and Adolescent Literature, Theory and allows students to concentrate on a specific criteria:
Criticism, and Media Studies. We look careful- topic of interest. They must not possess the A&HE prefix;
ly at undergraduate institution and GPA, let- They must be Teachers College courses;
ters of recommendation, personal statement, They must be for a minimum of two points
and anything else that suggests a commitment each.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 37

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ElectivesElectives provide students in the Teachers College visit student teachers on at A&HE 4151 Teaching of writing (3)
34-point program the opportunity to explore least three occasions each semester. Super- A&HE 4152 Literacies and technologies in the
particular interests as they design their own visors talk with student teachers before and secondary English classroom (3)
programs in consultation with an academic after each observation and consult with them A&HE 4155 Critical issues in the secondary
faculty advisor. Electives can be any graduate on an individual basis regarding their progress. English classroom (2-3)
A&HE 4156 Writing: Nonfiction (3)
level courses at Teachers College or Columbia
A&HE 4157 Writing: Fiction and
University and a student may take as many RetreatsEvery year the English Education personal narrative(3)
points as needed to finish his or her degree Program sponsors a retreat during the Fall A&HE 4158 Writing: Poetry (3)
program. If students in the 38-point program semester. In the past, retreats have been held A&HE 4550 Teaching of Poetry (3)
meet all of their degree requirements through at a rustic convention center out of NYC. The A&HE 4551 Teaching of Shakespeare (3)
required coursework, electives are not needed. retreat is an in-depth introduction to the Fall A&HE 4552 Curriculum and assessment
core courses, and attendance is required. The in the secondary English
Masters SeminarAll M.A. students are retreat is typically held on weekdays; thus, we classroom (3)
required to enroll in the A&HE 5590 Masters ask that students make accommodations with A&HE 4561 Teaching narrative
Seminar. Students in the 38-point program their employers as soon as possible. The cost and story (3)
A&HE 4751 Fieldwork and observation
enroll in A&HE 5590 the same semester they of the retreat is absorbed in the course fees.
in secondary English (1)
enroll in phase 2 of A&HE 4750, Supervised A&HE 4904 Independent study in
teaching of English. Students in the 34-point MASTER OF EDUCATION teaching English (1-6)
program enroll in A&HE 5590, during their The Ed.M. program is student-centered and
final semester. All students work with an aca- committed to the personal and professional A&HE 5000 and A&HE 6000 level
demic faculty advisor to design and complete development of English teachers as they pur- Courses (no more than 30 points):
their masters projects. sue their academic and research lives. We
recognize and value the variety of needs and A&HE 5149 Writing Research: Methods
Student TeachingStudents in the 38-point experiences of our diverse student body, and and assumptions (3)
Teaching of English program have two sepa- we strive to provide our students with individ- A&HE 5150 Research in practice (3)
A&HE 5151 Perspectives on popular
rate semesters of student teaching. As required ualized programs. All students pursuing the
texts in English classrooms (3)
by New York State, one of these experiences is Ed.M. degree will have a faculty advisor with A&HE 5154 Rhetoric and teaching (3)
in a middle school and the other is in a high whom they will work throughout the course of A&HE 5204 Fieldwork in teaching
school. Most placements are made in urban their degree. While the Ed.M. program offers of English (1-6)
public schools in New York City. Commuting tremendous flexibility in coursework, the fol- A&HE 5500 Technologically mediated
to one of the outer boroughs should be lowing program requirements must be fulfilled: literacies (3)
expected. A&HE 5504 Research paper: Teaching of
English Education Courses (no more than English (3)
Student teaching experiences differ by semes- 45 points)Depending upon the number of A&HE 5514 Readers Responses: Research,
ter. In the first (Phase 1) semester, a pair of points transferred in, students must complete theory and practice (3)
A&HE 5518 Teaching English in diverse
students may be placed in a classroom under between 15 and 45 points at the A&HE 4000,
social and cultural contexts
the direction of a single cooperating teacher. A&H 5000, and A&HE 6000 levels. Students (2-3)
The cooperating teacher has primary responsi- transferring up to 30 points should take most A&HE 6011 The politics of teaching
bility for designing the curriculum. While stu- of their courses at the more advanced A&HE English (3)
dents do not have the major responsibility for 5000 and A&HE 6000 levels. It is possible to A&HE 6015 College teaching of English (3)
designing or organizing the course of instruc- substitute a 12-15 point specialization in an A&HE 6151 Narrative research in
tion, they are active participants in the class- area other than English Education and/or one English education (3)
room and school communities. Although the graduate-level course at Columbia University A&HE 6204 Advanced fieldwork in
Phase 1 experience varies, students are prima- with an academic faculty advisors approval. teaching English (1-6)
rily engaged in observation, group work with A&HE 6404 Internship in college teaching
A&HE 4000 level Courses of English (1-6)
students, conferencing, and some teaching.
(no more than 15 points): A&HE 6450 Internship in teaching
During this semester, students understand, English (1-3)
appreciate, learn from, and coach students as A&HE 6514 Postmodern textual
readers and writers. In their second (Phase 2) A&HE 4050 Literature and teaching (3)
A&HE 4051 Critical approaches theories (3)
semester, students work one-on-one with a A&HE 6904 Research and independent
to literature (3)
cooperating teacher and are expected to take A&HE 4052 Adolescents and study (1-6)
on full responsibility for designing lessons and literature (3)
assessing learning. A&HE 4053 Cultural perspectives Breadth Courses (at least three 2-point
and literature (3) courses)Educational foundations courses are
During both semesters, the student teaching A&HE 4056 Feminist perspectives intended to broaden students knowledge of
experience is accompanied by A&HE 4750, and literature (2-3) the history of education, philosophies of edu-
Supervised teaching of English and A&HE A&HE 4057 English methods (3) cation, and educational issues and practices
4751, Fieldwork and observation on secondary A&HE 4058 Teaching of reading (3) beyond their particular areas of concentration.
English. These courses facilitate the develop- A&HE 4100 Drama and theater (3) Students must take at least three Teachers
A&HE 4150 Teaching literacies in
ment of skills and strategies that are needed College courses (for a minimum of two points
secondary maths,
for successful teaching. They also serve as a sciences and humanities (3) each) from programs outside the English
forum to address needs, issues, and problems Education Program (that is, three courses that
that may arise. In addition, supervisors from do not carry the A&HE prefix). The breadth

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requirement must be completed while at The program plan is designed to represent a * Students who have completed A&HE 5504
Teachers College; students may not transfer in coherent network of courses, reflecting topics for the Ed.M. degree at Teachers College
breadth courses. in English education. All areas of study should have satisfied the requirement.
have consistent emphases on social, cultural ** For students seeking the Ed.D.C.T.
Research Methods Courses and political contexts in English education, *** Students must enroll in A&HE 6504 at
At least 9 points (three courses) of research and issues of teacher education. Represented least once; it may be taken more than once.
methods must be completed for the Ed.M. schematically, these areas include but
degree. These courses may be from either 4000 are not limited to: Research MethodsA minimum of twelve
or 5000 levels. Although courses may include Literary Studies: points of sequential research methods courses.
both quantitative and/or qualitative methods, Literature courses, literary theory, and These may include:
we recommend that at least one course repre- research in literature courses at the A&HE 5149 Writing research: Methods
sent study in the area of qualitative research. A&HE 5000 and A&HE 6000 levels. and assumptions
At least one course should be taken from the Rhetorical Studies: A&HE 5150 Research in practice
research offerings in the English Education Writing, composition theory and rhetorical A&HE 6151 Narrative research in
English Education
Program: the two other courses may be taken theory courses at the A&HE 5000 and
in any department at Teachers College. A&HE 6000 levels.
Methodological and Pedagogical Studies:
Breadth CoursesStudents should take a
minimum of three courses outside the English
A&HE 5504 Research Paper: Teaching of Courses at the A&HE 5000 and A&HE 6000
Education Program (Courses not designated
English (1-3 points) The research paper for level that address theoretical and practical
A&HE 5504, required of all Ed.M. students, is applications within the field of English
the core of the Ed.M. program. This research education.
paper represents a refined presentation of the
Certification ExamsDoctoral students in
the English Education Program are required to
students research question and area of inquiry. Coursework GuidelinesThe number of
write two certification examinations, a major
The purpose of this paper is to evidence the courses students take depends in part on the
exam and a minor exam. The terms major and
students ability to do independent research. It number of points students transfer from previ-
minor are used to emphasize a difference in
entails work that results in an original synthe- ous graduate work. Students working toward a
focus. The major certification exam usually
sis of a broad reading of theory and research, 90 point Ed.D. degree may transfer a maxi-
focuses on the historical breadth of English
and is underscored by the students practical mum of 40 points and will thus complete at
Education, whereas the minor certification
experience as a teacher. The A&HE 5504 least 50 points while in the program for their
exam takes a more refined focus and directly
research paper includes: doctoral work. An academic advisor must
relates to the students interest in a specific
approve all coursework in a students Program
area of inquiry. The policy of the Office of
(a) A rationale for the project and demonstra- Plan including any exceptions to the following:
Doctoral Studies is that students are required
tion of an understanding of the literature No course that is R (attendance) credit or
to complete a minimum of 20 points after tak-
of the field related to the topic(s) under that is P (pass/fail) may be counted toward
ing the certification exam for the first time,
taken; the Ed.D. aside from A&HE 6504 Doctoral
including the points taken during the term in
(b) A pilot study, including data gathering seminar and A&HE 7504 Dissertation
which that exam was taken.
and analysis and justification of research seminar in teaching English.
methods employed; Students must consult their academic advi-
(c) A critique of the pilot study, including the sors when they undertake an independent
Dissertation ProposalThe doctoral
dissertation proposal consolidates the work
students reflections on the studys design study, an internship, fieldwork courses, or
students have done in courses, professional
and methodology as well as on her/his graduate courses at Columbia University
reading, and the two certification examina-
research strengths and weaknesses; and Doctoral students are generally discouraged
tions. It is a 30 to 50-page document, which
(d) Implications relevant to the students from taking 4000-level courses and must
outlines a coherent account of the work a
future research. consult with their academic advisors before
student wants to undertake for dissertation
registering for these courses
If the students intent is to continue on for Doctoral students must complete a mini-
doctoral work, the research paper for A&HE mum of 12 points of research methods
5504 may serve as a prelude to work on a doc- courses
DissertationThe doctoral dissertation
evolves out of the course work in which stu-
toral dissertation. Students may continue to
dents have been engaged: the readings com-
conduct and write up their research while Required CoursesAll doctoral students are
pleted and synthesized for the certification
enrolled in the Internship and Fieldwork required to complete the following courses
examinations: the A&HE 5504 research
A&HE 5504 Research paper: Teaching paper; classroom teaching and research experi-
of English** ences; and regular consultations and discussions
A&HE 6015 College teaching of with an academic advisor. As students write
Program PlanDuring the first year of study,
English** their dissertations, they enroll in A&HE 8904
students file a Program Plan & Statement of
A&HE 6504 Doctoral seminar: Dissertation advisement in Teaching English,
Total Program (the forms are available in the
Teaching of English*** which is designed to help students shape the
Office of Doctoral Studies) within the first two A&HE 7504 Dissertation seminar: writing of the following dissertation compo-
semesters of acceptance to the degree pro- Teaching of English nents: review of literature, research methodolo-
gram. Once these procedures are completed, A&HE 8904 Dissertation advisement in gy, data analysis and implications of the
students will know how many and which the teaching of English
courses they will need to complete their doc-
toral program.

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Candidates should visit the Office of Doctoral A&HE 4150. Teaching literacies in second- methods and traditions, and current approaches
Studies to obtain information about the latest ary maths, sciences and the humanities (3) to assessing student and teacher learning in the
procedures, deadlines, and documents. Faculty. Prepares secondary teachers in disci- secondary English classroom. Special fee
plines other than English to meet new literacy required.
COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors)
requirements for both teachers and students.
The effective use of listening, speaking, reading *A&HE 4561. Teaching narrative
writing and other modes of representing to pro- and story (3)
*A&HE 4050. Literature and teaching (3)
mote learning will be demonstrated. This class Faculty. An introduction to narrative theory
Faculty. An examination of multiple approaches
may be appropriate for English majors who plan and constructing stories.
to reading traditional and contemporary texts
to teach Humanities. Special fee required.
using theory, criticism, and textual practices.
A&HE 4750. Supervised teaching of English
Special fee required.
A&HE 4151. Teaching of writing (3) (3)
Faculty. The course integrates theory and prac- Faculty. Majors only. Students may satisfy state
*A&HE 4051. Critical approaches to
tice for teachers. Topics include the textual certification requirements by participating in
literature (2-3)
character of genres, critical perspectives on the supervised teaching program in the Fall and
Faculty. Literary selections are examined
writing instruction, research on writing, evalua- Spring semesters. Students should plan to
through various critical frameworks emphasiz-
tion and assessment of writing, and classroom reserve part of each day Monday through Friday
ing the way texts are constructed and how
methods for teaching writing. This course is for classroom experience. Special fee required.
readers negotiate meaning with texts. Special
taught with A&HE 4156, Writing: Nonfiction,
fee required.
as part of a 6 point sequence. Special fee A&HE 4751. Fieldwork and observation
required. in secondary English (1)
A&HE 4052. Adolescents and literature (3)
Faculty. Majors only. A series of guided obser-
Faculty. Discussions focus on issues of adoles-
A&HE 4152. Literacies and technologies vations of schools, teachers, and students.
cent diversity, urban experience, gender and the
in the secondary English classroom (3) Student teachers will synthesize theoretical
teaching of adolescents and literature. Special
Faculty. Introduces students to media technolo- knowledge with intense practical experience to
fee required.
gy as it relates to secondary English education. integrate educational philosophy with the reali-
English is an increasingly mediated and tech- ty of day-to-day life teaching in a secondary
*A&HE 4053. Cultural perspectives
nologized discipline. New technologies have English language arts classroom. Special fee
and literature (3)
enabled emerging practices that have significant required.
Faculty. Contemporary literary selections are
implications for literacy learning and teaching.
explored within a theoretical context that
Special fee required. A&HE 4904. Independent study in
emphasizes historical, cultural, political, and
teaching English (1-6)
aesthetic dimensions of these texts. Special fee
A&HE 4155. Critical issues in the secondary Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
English classroom (2-3) Research and independent study under the
Faculty. An examination of critical issues that direction of a faculty member. Students work
*A&HE 4056. Feminist perspectives
shape and reshape the teaching and learning of individually or with others.
and literature (2-3)
literacies in English classrooms. Special fee
Faculty. An examination of women writers of
required. A&HE 5149. Writing research: Methods and
the 20th century, exploring common themes:
assumptions (3)
growing up female, marriage and the family,
A&HE 4156. Writing: Nonfiction (3) Faculty. Examines assumptions that undergird
women as artists, and minority women within
Faculty. A non-fiction writing workshop. This the range of philosophies, intellectual tradi-
a critical feminist framework. Special fee
course is taught as part of 6 credit block with tions, and points of view that influence research
A&HE 4151: Teaching of writing. Special fee writing. Special fee required.
A&HE 4057. English methods (3)
A&HE 5150. Research in practice (3)
Faculty. A required course which focuses on
A&HE 4157. Writing: Fiction and personal Faculty. Examines the role of practitioner quali-
practical aspects of teaching English, including
narrative (3) tative research in knowledge production, in
lesson and unit plans, effective teaching strate-
Faculty. A fiction writing workshop. Special fee teaching and learning. Special fee required.
gies, evaluation and assessment, curriculum
design, and integration of language arts. The
A&HE 5151. Perspectives on popular texts
overarching theme addresses literacy practices
A&HE 4158. Writing: Poetry (3) in English classrooms (1-3)
as historically situated and contextualized.
Faculty. A poetry writing class combined with Faculty. This course unites post-structuralist lit-
Special fee required.
close readings of selected contemporary poets. eracy theory with cultural studies. Through a
Special fee required. range of class activities and readings, the course
A&HE 4058. Teaching of reading (3)
will explore intersections between feminism,
Faculty. The course focuses on helping teachers
A&HE 4550. Teaching of poetry (3) post-modern aesthetics, and popular texts.
examine theoretical and pedagogical principles
Faculty. Experience in reading and writing poet- Special fee required.
relevant to teaching literary and non-
ry, designing curriculum, and determining effec-
literary texts with emphasis on the relations
tive teaching practices. Special fee required. A&HE 5154. Rhetoric and teaching (3)
of texts and readers. Special fee required.
Faculty. The course examines the applicability
A&HE 4551. Teaching of Shakespeare (3) of the rhetorical tradition for students and
A&HE 4100. Drama and theater (3)
Faculty. An examination of diverse theoretical teachers, emphasizing the culture and knowl-
Faculty. The role of drama in the classroom.
perspectives and pedagogical principles for edge exhibited in texts, writers and readers.
Students will examine the role of theaters in
teaching Shakespeare. Special fee required Special fee required.
the community, examining production, per-
formance and the educative power of drama.
A&HE 4552. Curriculum and assessment A&HE 5204. Fieldwork in teaching
Special fee required.
in the secondary English classroom (2) English (1-6)
Faculty. Dominant curriculum theories of the Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
20th century, related assessment and evaluation Opportunity for qualified students, individually

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or in small groups, to develop and pursue proj- A&HE 6204. Advanced fieldwork in
ects, in consultation with an advisor, in schools, teaching English (1-6) TEACHING OF
communities, and other field settings. Faculty. Permission of instructor required. ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS
See description for A&HE 5204. OF OTHER LANGUAGES
A&HE 5504. Research paper: Teaching
of English (1-3) A&HE 6404. Internship in college Program Coordinator:
Faculty. Required of all Ed.M., Ed.D. and teaching of English (1-6) Professor James E. Purpura
Ph.D. students. This course seeks to facilitate Faculty. Permission of instructor required.
the writing of the paper representing a refined Opportunities to work in various field-based
Program Office: (212) 678-3795
presentation of a students research question sites. Students must inquire to see if opportuni-
and area of inquiry. Special fee required. ties are available during any given semester. E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/Tesol
A&HE 5514. Readers responses: A&HE 6450. Internship in teaching
Research, theory and practice (3) English (1-3) For updated information on the TESOL Program,
Faculty. This course is an advanced seminar Faculty. Permission of instructor required. consult the TESOL web page at: www.tc.colum-
for students exploring research issues related A forum designed to offer students an opportu- bia.edu/academic/tesol/
to an examination of reading processes. nity to explore key issues in the field through
Various models of critical literacy will be stud- their involvement with students, teachers, and For updated information on the TESOL Program
ied including the influence of psychological, classroom settings throughout the city. Special in Japan, consult the Tokyo Web page at:
transactional, feminist, and social accounts of fee required. www.tc.columbia.edu/a&h/Tesol-Japan or see the
reading on current theory and practice.
program section in this bulletin.
Special fee required. A&HE 6504. Doctoral seminars (1-3)
Faculty. (Must be taken at least once during
A&HE 5518. Teaching English in diverse course of doctoral study.) Doctoral seminar For updated information on the TESOL
social and cultural contexts (2-3) acquaints students with the uses and history Certificate Program, a six-week intensive non-
Faculty. A seminar examining how gender, of the field of English Education, and helps stu- credit program, consult the TESOL Certificate
class, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation dents focus on issues that will shape their own Program Web page at: www.tc.edu/a&h/TesolCert
issues inform instructional goals, curriculum research. Special fee required.
planning/implementation, and practices in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other
teaching of literature, language, and composi- A&HE 6514. Postmodern textual theories (3) Languages (TESOL)
tion in English language arts classrooms. Faculty. Teachers will examine literary and theoret- (Code: TLZ)
Special fee required. ical texts central to postmodern theory. Students
will explore, through a diverse range of means and Degrees Offered:
A&HE 5590. Masters seminar: media, texts deemed pivotal to postmodern Master of Arts (M.A.)
Teaching of English (1) approaches and principles. Special fee required. Master of Education (Ed.M.)
Faculty. Designed to prepare students for com-
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
pleting integrative project for the M.A. degree, A&HE 6904. Research and
students participate in seminars which are ori- independent study (1-6)
ented towards creating an academic, profes- Faculty. Permission of instructor required. Program Description:
sional, and social network. Students research Advanced research and independent study The program in TESOL provides students with
an area of special interest and share their find- under the direction of a faculty member. a solid foundation in the English language so
ings. Special fee required. Students work individually or with others. that pedagogical and research questions related
to the teaching, learning and assessment of
A&HE 6011. The politics of teaching English A&HE 7504. Dissertation proposal seminar English as a second or foreign language
(3) in teaching English (3) (ESL/EFL) may be formulated, examined and
Faculty. An examination of political and socio- Faculty. Permission of instructor required. resolved. More specifically, the TESOL pro-
cultural theories of language, literature, and Designed to help students shape the writing of
gram helps students develop strategies, firmly
composition that inform diverse ideological the review of literature, research methodology,
constructions of knowledge, curriculum, and data analysis and implications of the research. grounded in research, theory and practice, to
pedagogy in English language arts education. Special fee required. teach ESL in the U.S., to teach EFL interna-
Special fee required. tionally, or to do research on the teaching,
A&HE 8904. Dissertation advisement in learning or assessment of English as a second
A&HE 6015. College teaching teaching English (0) or foreign language. The program emphasizes
of English (3) Faculty. Permission of instructor required. All study in the following areas:
Faculty. An examination of programs and meth- Ed.D. and Ph.D. students must be continuous- Second language teaching methodologies
ods of instruction in English courses on the col- ly registered for Dissertation Advisement until Teaching of the language skills
lege level. Special fee required. completion of the program. Fee to equal 3 Content area education for ESL students
points, current tuition rate for each term. ESL/EFL materials development
A&HE 6151. Narrative research in
English education (3) and curriculum design
Faculty. Permission of instructor required. Language teacher observation
A survey of approaches to and examples of and supervision
narrative research, including oral history, Language teacher education
life history, biography, autobiography, and Second language acquisition
autoethnography. Special fee required. Second language assessment
Classroom interaction

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Second language literacy undergraduate degree from an English- Students can normally expect to complete the
Language program evaluation medium university in the U.S. or abroad, General M.A. Program in four semesters.
Technology and language learning must submit either:
A minimum score of 600 on the TOEFL or Elective courses in TESOL or Applied
Graduates from the TESOL program typically a 250 on the computer-based equivalent as Linguistics: Select from a variety of courses
teach ESL or EFL students in elementary or well as a minimum score of 5 on the Test of in TESOL or Applied Linguistics (6 points).
secondary schools, in colleges or universities, Written English (TWE), and a minimum To be chosen with faculty advisors approval.
in language schools or institutes abroad, or in score of 50 on the Test of Spoken English
businesses or international organizations. (TSE) or on the SPEAK Test (For informa- Additional requirement: Final project
Others work for publishers or computer com- tion on these tests, see www.toefl.org);
panies that produce ESL/EFL products. Finally, or MASTER OF ARTS WITH K-12
many TESOL graduates work as language pro- A score of B or better on the Cambridge CERTIFICATION TRACK (38-41 POINTS)
gram administrators or teacher educators in Certificate of Proficiency in English (CEP); The TESOL K12 Certification Program offers
colleges or universities around the world. or a 38-39 point minimum Master of Arts degree
A score of 7.0 or better on the Cambridge in TESOL leading toward Initial New York
As New York City offers one of the most International English Language Testing State Teacher Certification. There are two
diverse settings in the world for teaching ESL, System (IELTS). courses of study, one for preservice students
the TESOL program collaborates with a num- and one for in-service students who are Peace
ber of schools in the city to provide students Degree Requirements: Corp Fellows. These courses of study are for
with opportunities to teach or do research A grade average of B or higher is required students wishing to teach in the New York
in these settings. In addition, the TESOL each semester within the major for all degrees. public schools. Students wishing to teach in a
program sponsors the Community English Students are expected to maintain satisfactory public school in another state are advised to
Program (CEP) for non-native English speak- academic progress toward degree completion. consult the certification requirements for that
ing adults from the adjoining community. The Consult program of study guides for additional state.
CEP serves as an on-site language education information.
lab in which students enrolled in the TESOL Required Courses for Preservice Students
and Applied Linguistics programs teach the The TESOL program offers two tracks in the A&HT 4076 TESOL methodologies
courses, help administer the program, and use Master of Arts program. for K-6 (3)
the CEP as a setting for empirical inquiry. For A&HT 4171 TESOL methodologies
more information on the CEP, see the Web site MASTER OF ARTS, GENERAL TRACK for 7-12 (3)
A&HT 4185 Pedagogical approaches
at www.tc.edu/tesol/CEP (36 POINTS) in the content areas for
The TESOL General Track Program offers a Teachers of K-12 ESL (3)
Special Application 36-point Master of Arts degree for students A&HT 5205 Fieldwork in TESOL
Requirements/Information: wishing to teach in any of a variety of settings (1 semester, K-6;
Applications will be accepted for the Fall and except in the New York State public schools. 1 semester, 7-12)
Spring early and final application deadlines as The General Track does not prepare students (1 point each)
advertised by the College. Any application to obtain New York State K-12 Certification in A&HT 4776 Supervised student
received after those dates may not be reviewed. ESL (see below). Students in the TESOL teaching, K-6 (3)
General Track Program take a wide range of A&HT 4777 Supervised student
A writing sample is required with all Ed.M. and courses offered in TESOL and Applied teaching, 7-12 (3)
A&HL 4085 Pedagogical English
Ed.D. applications. Applicants to the Ed.M. Linguistics.
grammar (3)
and Ed.D. programs must have an M.A. in A&HL 4101 Phonetics and phonology
TESOL, Applied Linguistics or related field. Required courses: (3)
A&HT 4077 Classroom practices (3) A&HL 4087 Introduction to second
Ed.M. applicants may transfer up to 30 credit A&HL 4085 Pedagogical English language acquisition (3)
points into the TESOL program from previous grammar (3) A&HL 4088 Second language assess-
graduate study at a regionally accredited insti- A&HL 4087 Second language ment (3)
acquisition (3) TESOL workshops (minimum of 3 for 0-1
tution. Applicants who have already earned
A&HL 4088 Second language point each):
an M.A. from Teachers College may transfer assessment (3)
a total of 15 points in related areas from a A&HT 4817-4819;
A&HL 4101 Phonetics and phonology (3) A&HT 4160-4181;
regionally accredited institution. Ed.D. stu- A&HT 5360- A&HT 4860-4880
dents may transfer up to 45 points from previ- A&HT 5379 and Specialized practica for
ous graduate study at a regionally accredited A&HT 5381 TESOL teachers - minimum
Required Courses outside the program
institution. All transfer of credit points must of two (6)
TESOL workshops (minimum of three) (6-9 points):
meet the approval of a faculty advisor.
A course in Special Education
Required courses out-of-program (3 Teachers A course in Bilingual Education
All students are expected to write and speak in
College courses of at least 2 points each: 6 A breadth course in education methods,
a way that is appropriate to their professional
points minimum) To be chosen with advisors philosophy of education, or educational
responsibilities. Students having difficulty in
approval. psychology TESOL and Applied Linguistics
achieving these standards will be required to
electives to be chosen with faculty advisors
take additional course work or seek help from
approval. (3)
the TC Writing Center. All non-native speak-
ers of English, including those who have an

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Required Courses for In-service Peace Corps MASTER OF EDUCATION teacher education, second language acquisi-
Fellow Students (60 POINTS) tion, second language assessment, second lan-
The TESOL Program offers a Master of guage literacy, second language classroom
A&HT 4076 TESOL methodologies Education (Ed.M.), requiring a minimum of 60 interaction, and language program evaluation.
for K-6 (3) points of graduate study. The Ed.M. involves
A&HT 4171 TESOL methodologies in-depth study in one or more areas of Students who did not receive an M.A. or
for 7-12 (3) Ed.M. in TESOL from Teachers College
TESOL. The Ed.M. is designed to comple-
A&HT 4077 Classroom practices (3) will be expected to have completed all the
A&HT 5381 Specialized practicum ment former professional training at the M.A.
level, and it sometimes serves as initial prepa- required courses, or their equivalent, from
CEP: Integrated skills(3)
ration for entering the doctoral program. the TESOL Ed.M.
Students must take the co-requisite work- Students who did not receive an M.A. in
TESOL from Teachers College will be expect- Doctoral students have three types of require-
shop (A&HT 4181) concurrently with the ments: concentration requirements, research
practicum and taken for 1 point. ed to complete all the required courses, or
their equivalent, from the TESOL M.A. methods requirements, and doctoral prepara-
Exemptions based on prior course work must tion requirements.
A&HT 5380 Specialized practicum
for TESOL teachers: be approved by the professor teaching the
Concentration Requirement:
In-service teaching I (3) course and the faculty advisor.
A&HT 5383 Specialized practicum Students are required to take a minimum
for TESOL teachers: In- number of points in their concentrations.
Required courses (12 points):
service teaching II (Pre- A&HL 4001 Sociolinguistics and education The exact courses should be decided in con-
requisite A&HT 5380) A&HL 4104 Discourse analysis sultation with their advisor.
(3) A&HL 5575 Research literacy in applied
A&HL 4085 Pedagogical English linguistics and TESOL Research Requirements: (12 points)
grammar A&HL 6587 Seminar in second language To ensure that students have the skills to do
A&HL 4101 Phonetics and phonology acquisition: Acquisitional and scholarly research in their area of concentra-
(3) cross-cultural pragmatics tion, they are required to take a minimum of
A&HL 4087 Second language 12 points in research methods, statistics and
acquisition (3) Breadth requirement (6-9 points): measurement. Also, depending on the type
A&HL 4088 Second language of dissertation being written, students may be
Those students who do not already have a
assessment (3)
degree from Teachers College must take three asked to take additional courses in these areas.
TESOL workshops (minimum of 3 for
0-1 point each): courses of at least 2 points each from outside The following elective research preparation
A&HT 4817-4819; the department. courses should be taken in consultation with
A&HT 4160-4181; the doctoral advisor:
A&HT 4860-4880 At least one out-of-program course must be
from the following: Required Research Methods Courses:
Required Courses outside the program HUD 4120 Methods of empirical HUD 4120 Methods of empirical
(6-9 points): research research (3)
A course in Special Education HUDM 4050 Introduction to
measurement Also, choose one of the following:
A course in Bilingual Education
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical C&T 5502 Introduction to qualitative
One elective breadth course chosen with research in curriculum &
advisors approval teaching (3)
One of the qualitative research methods ITSF 5000 Methods of inquiry:
TESOL and Applied Linguistics Electives (3). Ethnography (3)
courses offered at the college (To be
To be chosen with faculty advisors approval. ITSF 5001 Ethnography & participant
chosen with faculty advisors approval)
observation (3)
Additional Requirements for all TESOL K-12 Electives in TESOL or Applied Linguistics (9):
Students, both preservice and in-service Peace Required Measurement and Statistics Courses:
To be chosen with an advisors approval.
Corps Fellows: HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement,
or in consultation with an
All Ed.M. students must complete an Ed.M. advisor (3)
Final project project, written on a research topic arising HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
from their course-related interests and subject inference, or a more
To be certified by New York State, additional to approval by their faculty advisor. advanced course (3)
requirements include passing the New York
State teacher examinations. Please see the DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Doctoral Preparation:
Teacher Education section of this bulletin for The TESOL Program offers an Ed.D. in Doctoral preparation involves three
details. TESOL requiring a minimum of 90 points of successive stages:
graduate study. The Ed.D. involves sustained 1. Exposure to basic research methods,
Students can normally expect to complete and in-depth study in an area of specialization 2. Identification of dissertation topic, and
the TESOL K-12 Certification M.A. Program in TESOL and is designed for students wishing 3. Presentation of a prospectus.
in four semesters and one Summer term. to pursue empirical research in one of the fol-
lowing areas: language teaching methodology, In order to progress through these stages, doc-
teaching one of the language skills, language toral students are required to take a sequence
in the content areas, ESL/EFL materials devel- of doctoral seminars at the 5500, 6500, 7500,
opment and curriculum design, language

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and 8900 levels. Students begin to take these COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors) emphasis change each term. Course may be
courses when they have reached approximately taken more than once. Limit 1 point toward
45-50 points in the program, and have been General Courses TESOL or Applied Linguistics degree. Special
taking courses at Teachers College for a mini- fee: $20.
mum of one year. After that, doctoral students A&HT 4076. TESOL methodologies
for K-6 (3) A&HT 5087. Second language acquisition
are required to register for and attend doctoral
Professors Hawkins. Introduction to activities, in the classroom (3)
seminar every semester. Professor Han. This course provides an inter-
materials, and principles particularly suited to
students in elementary schools. Special fee: face between second language acquisition
Doctoral students are required to demonstrate (SLA) theories and classroom practices
research preparedness in a substantive area by through (a) exploring the practical implica-
passing the research paper at the 5500 level, *A&HT 4077. TESOL classroom practices tions of SLA research for second language
the certification exam at the 6500 level, and (3) teaching, and (b) offering an arena for critical
the certification paper at the 6500 level. Then, Faculty/Staff. Introduction to the major lan- reflections on past and current teaching prac-
as evidence that they are able to carry out orig- guage teaching approaches that have been tices. Special fee: $20.
inal research under the guidance of a doctoral influential in the 20th century. Special fee:
committee, they must write a dissertation $20. Language Teaching Practica
prospectus at the 7500 level as a part of the
*A&HT 4078. TESOL materials (3) The following practica are designed to enable
dissertation seminar) and complete a doctoral
Faculty/Staff. Practice in designing, develop- student teachers to apply theory to classroom
dissertation while continuously registered for practice. The credit hours for practica do not
ing, and evaluating ESL or EFL materials used
dissertation advisement at the 8900 level. for students in different settings. Special fee: accurately reflect the time commitment they
$20. require. In addition to teaching from 6 to 12
To prepare for these requirements, students will clock hours per week, student teachers must
need to take one or more of the seminars in *A&HT 4080. Teaching in linguistically set aside 3 hours per week for seminars and
consultation with an academic advisor. These diverse classrooms (3) from 6 to 10 hours per week for teaching
seminars occur at the 5500, 6500, 7500 and Faculty/Staff. Supports teachers in mainstream preparation, observation, and individual con-
8900 levels. All of these seminars are offered classrooms, grades 5-12, in building a knowl- ferences to discuss their teaching.
each semester. To determine which seminar to edge base and a repertoire of instructional
strategies that will enhance the learning of A&HT 4776. Supervised student teaching
register for, consult an academic advisor.
language-minority students. Special fee: $20. in TESOL: K-6 (3)
Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required.
A&HL 5501 Research paper: Applied A supervised teaching experience for M.A.
A&HT 4086. Language classroom
linguistics (1-3 each course) students who are interested in working toward
observation (3)
or a New York State teaching certificate in
Faculty/Staff. Introduction to the systematic
A&HL 5507 Research paper: Applied TESOL K-12 (Kindergarden to 12th grade)
observation of teaching in diverse contexts.
linguistics and TESOL and who have not taught ESL in grades K-12
Special fee: $20.
(1-3 each course) for at least two years, full time. During the
or terms of practice teaching, students are not
*A&HT 4089. Teaching writing to ESL
A&HL 6501 Doctoral seminar: Applied permitted to hold full time jobs.
students (3)
linguistics (1-3 each course) Special fee: $20.
Faculty/Staff. An introduction to the theory
and practice of teaching writing to ESL and
A&HL 6507 Research paper: Applied A&HT 4777. Supervised student teaching
EFL students in a wide range of contexts.
linguistics and TESOL in TESOL: 6-12 (3)
Special fee: $20.
(1-3 each course) Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required.
A&HL 7501 Dissertation seminar: Applied A supervised teaching experience for M.A.
A&HT 4171. TESOL methodologies
linguistics (1-2 each course) students who are interested in working toward
for 6-12 (3)
or a New York State teaching certificate in
Professors Hawkins and Walsh. Teaching ESL
A&HL 7507 Dissertation seminar: Applied TESOL K-12 (Kindergarden to 12th grade)
to secondary students, stressing content area
linguistics and TESOL and who have not taught ESL in grades K-12
ESL and second language literacy. Special fee:
(1-3 each course) for at least two years, full time. During the
or terms of practice teaching, students are not
A&HL 8901 Dissertation advisement: permitted to hold full time jobs.
A&HL 4185. Pedagogical approaches in the
Applied linguistics (0) Special fee: $20.
content areas for teachers of K-12 ESL (3)
Professor Hawkins. This course examines sub-
A&HT 5505 Research paper: A&HT 5360-A&HT 5379 and
ject matter education for ESL students in the
TESOL (1-3 each course) A&HT 5381. Specialized practica for
K-12 setting. Students investigate best prac-
or ESL teachers (3 each course)
tices within the mainstream setting with a
A&HT 6505 Doctoral seminar: TESOL Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required.
view to helping ESL students gain access to
(1-3 each course) These practica offer a teaching experience in
core subject matter knowledge. Special fee:
A&HT 7505 Dissertation seminar: TESOL TCs Community English Program (CEP). The
(1-2 each course) course titles of these practica parallel the work-
A&HT 8905 Dissertation advisement: shop titles from A&HT 4160-A&HT 4180.
*A&HT 4500. Advanced English language
TESOL (0) Enrollment in one of these specialized practica
study (1-2)
Faculty/Staff. Developmental ESL for non- requires previous or concurrent enrollment in
Doctoral students should consult the Office native speakers of English who wish to one of the related workshops from A&HT
of Doctoral Studies to be certain of complying improve their academic writing and speaking 4160-A&HT 4180. Special fee: $10.
with the latest procedures, deadlines and skills; emphasis on writing research papers or
documents. giving oral presentations in graduate seminars
or other professional venues. Topics and
44 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000
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A&HT 5380. Specialized practica for A&HT 4174. Teaching second A&HT 6205. Advanced fieldwork
TESOL teachers: In-service teaching I (3) language grammar in TESOL (1-6)
Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required. Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required.
Students interested in working toward a New A&HT 4175. Facilitating autonomy Opportunity for qualified students, individual-
York State teaching certificate in TESOL and in language learning ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue
who are currently teaching full-time in the projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
public schools. Special fee: $10. A&HT 4176. Teaching listening schools, communities, and other field settings.
Course may be taken more than once.
A&HT 5383. Specialized practica for A&HT 4177. Teaching speaking
TESOL teachers: In-service teaching II (3) Doctoral Preparation
Faculty/Staff. Prerequisite: A&HT 5380 and A&HT 4178. Teaching reading
permission of instructor required. Students A&HT 5505. Research paper:
interested in working toward a New York State A&HT 4179. Teaching writing TESOL (1-3 each course)
teaching certificate in TESOL and who are
currently teaching full-time in the public A&HT 4180. Trends in TESOL A&HL 5507. Research paper: Applied
schools. Special fee: $10. metholodogies linguistics and TESOL (1-3 each course)
Workshops A&HT 4817-A&HT 4819. Experiences in A&HL 6505. Doctoral seminar: TESOL
learning another language (Noncredit 0 or 1 (1-3 each course)
Faculty/Staff. Not all workshops are offered each point each)
each term or year. Selections are offered Faculty/Staff. A series of workshops designed A&HL 6507. Doctoral seminar: Applied
according to student interest and staff avail- to provide language teachers with an opportu- linguistics and TESOL
ability. Workshops usually meet over 1 or 2 nity to learn a foreign language through a brief (1-3 each course)
weekends. immersion experience. so that they can reflect
upon the experience from a learners perspec- A&HL 7507. Dissertation seminar: Applied
A&HT 4160-4180. TESOL methodologies tive. Methods vary from term to term. These linguistics and TESOL (1-3 each course)
(Noncredit, 0 or 1 point each) workshops may be taken more than once
pending advisors approval. A&HT 7505. Dissertation seminar: TESOL
A&HT 4160. The silent way (1-3 each course)
A&HT 4817. The silent way
A&HT 4161. Counseling learning/ A&HT 8905. Dissertation advisement:
community language A&HT 4818. Counseling learning/ TESOL (0)
learning community language
learning See also:
A&HT 4162. Small group activities A&HL 4001. Sociolinguistics and education
and cooperative learning A&HT 4819. Trends in language (3)
A&HT 4163. Role playing and A&HL 4003. Schools of linguistics (3)
simulations in language A&HT 4860-A&HT 4880. Specialized
learning TESOL materials (0-1) A&HL 4005. Semantic systems and the
Faculty/Staff. Not all workshops are offered lexicon (3)
A&HT 4164. Language for specific each term or year. Workshops are offered
purposes according to student interest and staff avail- A&HL 4014. Gender, language, and
ability. Workshops usually meet over 1 or 2 education (3)
A&HT 4165. English for academic weekends.
purposes A&HL 4085. Pedagogical English
Independent Research, Fieldwork grammar (3)
A&HT 4166. Computer-assisted and Internships
language learning A&HL 4087. Introduction to second
A&HT 4905. Research and independent language acquisition (3)
A&HT 4167. Media-assisted language study in TESOL (1-6)
learning Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required. A&HL 4088. Second language assessment
Research under the direction of a faculty (3)
A&HT 4168. Culture and second member. Students work individually or with
language teaching others. Course may be taken more than once. A&HL 4101. Phonetics and phonology (3)
A&HT 4169. Literature in the ESOL A&HT 5205. Fieldwork in TESOL (1-6) A&HL 4104. Discourse analysis (3)
class Faculty/Staff. Permission of instructor required.
Opportunity for qualified students, individual- A&HL 4106. Discourse analysis:
A&HT 4170. Drill vs. communicative ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue Text and textuality (3)
practice in language projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
learning schools, communities, and other field settings. A&HL 4901. Research and independent
Course may be taken more than once. study: Applied linguistics (1-6)
A&HT 4172. Teaching English in EFL
A&HL 5085. Advanced English syntax (3)
A&HT 4173. Task-based and functional
approaches to language

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A&HL 5201. Fieldwork in applied

linguistics (1-6)
A&HL 5501. Research paper: Applied LANGUAGES - JAPAN SPANISH
linguistics (1-3 each course)
Program Director: Program Advisor:
A&HL 5512. Research perspectives Dr. Terry Royce Gerardo Pina Rosales
on language testing (3)
Program Office: (81)-3-3221-9771 (Tokyo) Program Office: (212) 678-8101
A&HL 5515. Advanced topics in applied
E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.tc.edu/a&h/Spanish
linguistics I (3)
Web site: www.tc-japan.edu
Teaching of Spanish
A&HL 5516. Advanced topics in applied (Code: TLS)
linguistics II (3) Teaching of English to Speakers of Other
Languages (TESOLJapan)
The program in Teaching of Spanish is
A&HL 5518. Teaching English in diverse (Code: TLX)
currently not accepting applications.
social/cultural contexts (3)
Degree Offered: COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors)
A&HL 5519. Instructed SLA and assess- Master of Arts (M.A.)
ment (3)
Doctoral Preparation
A&HL 5575. Research literacy in applied
Program Description:
In order to encourage doctoral students to
linguistics and TESOL (3) The TESOL program also offers an off-campus
progress through the appropriate stages, a
M.A. in TESOL in Tokyo designed specifically
series of seminars is offered. Progress through
A&HL 5581. Psycholinguistic dimensions for teachers of English in Japan. As an exten-
these stages usually involves enrollment in a
of SLA (3) sion of the New York TESOL program, this
sequence of seminars such as the following:
program provides opportunities for current
A&HL 5582. Sociolinguistic dimensions teachers of English to earn an M.A. while
of SLA (3) A&HS 5506. Research paper in the
teaching part or full-time. This program suits teaching of Spanish (1-3)
teachers of English in the Japanese school
A&HL 5586. Interlanguage phonology (3) system (elementary, junior high and high A&HS 6506. Doctoral seminar in the
schools), as well as those working in the com- teaching of Spanish (1-3)
A&HL 5587. Interlanguage syntax (3)
mercial sector, or those in Japan on such pro-
A&HL 5588. Trends in SLA research (3) grams as the Japan Exchange Teaching (JET) A&HS 7506. Dissertation seminar in
program. Students attend courses, workshops the teaching of Spanish (1-2)
A&HL 6087. Advanced SLA (3) and practica offered on Saturdays and Sundays
throughout the year, and the class times are A&HS 8906. Dissertation advisement
A&HL 6201. Advanced fieldwork in in the teaching of Spanish (0)
organized so that working teachers are able to
applied linguistics (1-6) attend on the weekends. Students are able to
These seminars are ordinarily undertaken as
transfer between the New York and Japan
A&HL 6501. Doctoral seminar: Applied soon as possible after completing the M.A.
TESOL programs subject to advisor approval.
linguistics (1-3 each course) degree. Consult program advisor as to which
All offerings are in English, and applications
course or courses you should enroll in during
A&HL 6587. Seminar in second language are accepted on a rolling basis.
any particular semester.
acquisition: Acquisitional and cross-cultural
pragmatics (3) For those interested in the off-campus TESOL
M.A. in Tokyo, please contact:
Independent Research, Fieldwork
A&HT 7505. Dissertation seminar: TESOL Dr. Terry D. Royce,
and Internships
(1-3 each course) Teachers College, Columbia University A&HS 5206. Fieldwork in teaching
(Japan), of Spanish (1-6)
See also: Mitsui Seimei Bldg. 4F. Opportunity for qualified students, individual-
For additional acceptable courses in teaching 2-21-2 Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, ly or in small groups, to develop and pursue
methods and practica, see the listing under
JAPAN 101-0061 projects, in consultation with an advisor, in
TESOL program (Teaching English to
Ph: (81)-3-3221-9771 schools, communities, and other field settings.
Speakers of Other Languages) and Bilingual
Education. Fax: (81)-3-3221-9773
Email: [email protected] A&HS 6206. Advanced fieldwork in teaching of
Web site: www.tc.japan.edu Spanish (1-6)
Permission of instructor required. See descrip-
tion for A&HL 5206.

A&HS 6406. Internship in college teaching of

Spanish (1-6)
Opportunities in teaching direct-method con-
versational Spanish and in projects in distance
learning. Students must inquire to see if
opportunities are available during any given

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Biobehavioral Sciences
CHAIR: John H. Saxman LOCATION: 1159 Thorndike Hall TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3892 FAX: (212) 678-8233
EMAIL: [email protected] DEPARTMENT SECRETARY: (212) 678-3895 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/BBS


EDUCATION 48 The Department of Biobehavioral Sciences offers programs that derive edu-
Applied Physiology cational and clinical applications from an understanding of the biological processes underlying
Curriculum and Teaching human communication, movement, and their disorders. An understanding of the normal biobe-
in Physical Education havioral processes is applied to clinical practice. The scientific knowledge obtained from study-
Motor Learning ing each of these specialized fields is used to enhance the educational, adaptive, and communi-
Physical Education cative capabilities of individuals with normal and impaired abilities across the life, span.
NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATION 55 Graduates of our masters programs assume professional roles in educational, health-related, and
community agency settings as speech-language pathologists, exercise physiologists, fitness train-
ers, cardiac rehabilitation therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. As these
professionals often work in interdisciplinary teams, the department facilitates opportunities for
students to interact across professional boundaries.

Our doctoral graduates are prepared for university faculty positions, administrative positions in
field-based settings, and may also pursue careers in research.

The department maintains clinics and laboratories to support the teaching and research
components of the programs. These facilities include the Edward D. Mysak Speech and Hearing
Center, as well as laboratories in applied physiology, motor learning, kinematics, language, and
cognition, and adaptive communication technologies.

The masters degree program in Speech-Language Pathology is accredited by the Council on

Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
The Edward D. Mysak Speech and Hearing Center is accredited by the Professional Services
Board of ASHA.

Lorraine Ramig
Ronald DeMeersman
(Speech-Language Pathology,
(Movement Sciences and Education:
Neuroscience and Education)
Applied Physiology, Neuroscience and
Susan Schwager
(Movement Sciences and Education:
Antoinette Gentile
Physical Education)
(Movement Sciences and Education:
Motor Learning Neuroscience and Jaclyn Spitzer
Education) (Audiology)
Andrew M. Gordon Ronald Tikofsky
(Movement Sciences and Education: (Speech-Language Pathology,
Motor Learning, Neuroscience and Neuroscience and Education)
(Speech-Language Pathology, Peter Gordon
Neuroscience and Education) (Speech-Language Pathology,
Stephen Silverman Neuroscience and Education)
(Movement Sciences and Education: Honor OMalley
Physical Education) (Audiology, Neuroscience and Education)

Judy Gravel
Thomas Murry
(Speech-Language Pathology,
Neuroscience and Education)

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 47

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Mark Budde Cynthia S. Cohen M OVEMENT S CIENCES
(Speech-Language Pathology) (Speech-Language Pathology) AND E DUCATION
Sarah Doolittle Pamela Cohen
(Movement Sciences and Education: (Movement Sciences and Education: The Movement Sciences and Education area
Physical Education) Motor Learning ) of study includes the following programs:
Dympna Gallagher Gregory James Gates Applied Physiology; Motor Learning; Physical
(Movement Sciences and Education: (Movement Sciences: Applied Physiology) Education; Curriculum and Teaching in
Applied Physiology) Christie Kaplan Physical Education; Kinesiology.
Terry Kaminski (Speech-Language Pathology) APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY
(Movement Sciences and Education: Gail Morris-Schoenfeld
Motor Learning) (Speech-Language Pathology) Program Coordinator:
Andrew McDonough Carol Tompkins Professor Ronald DeMeersman
(Movement Sciences and Education: (Speech-Language Pathology)
Motor Learning) Michael Soupios Program Office: (212) 678-3325
Jo Ann Nicholas (Movement Sciences and Education:
E-mail: [email protected]
(Speech-Language Pathology Motor Learning)
Web site: www.tc.edu/bbs/Movement
and Audiology) Priska Gysin Peier Applied Physiology
Lori Quinn (Movement Sciences and Education: (Code: TRA)
(Movement Sciences and Education: Motor Learning)
Motor Learning) Degrees offered:
J. Joan Sheppard CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS: Master of Arts (M.A.)
(Speech-Language Pathology, Jo Ann Nicholas Master of Education (Ed.M.)
Neuroscience and Education) (Director of the Edward D. Mysak Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Patricia M. Sweeting Speech and Hearing Center) See also: The interdepartmental program in
(Speech-Language Pathology) Elise Wagner Applied Physiology and Nutrition in the
Prithui Raj Subramaniam (Speech-Language Pathology) Department of Health and Behavior Studies.
(Movement Sciences and Education:
Physical Education) For information about faculty and their scholarly
Karen B. Wexler and research interests, please refer to the Faculty TEACHING IN
(Speech-Language Pathology) section of this bulletin, or visit us at PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Lesley Wolk www.tc.edu/faculty.
(Speech-Language Pathology) Curriculum and Teaching
Adrienne Stevens Zion in Physical Education
(Movement Sciences and Education: (Code: TRC)
Applied Physiology)
Degrees Offered:
Karen Froud Master of Education (Ed.M.)
(Speech-Language Pathology,
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Neuroscience and Education) MOTOR LEARNING
Chris J. Hass
(Movement Sciences and Education:
Program Coordinators:
Applied Physiology) Professors Ann Gentile and Andrew Gordon
Erika Levy
(Speech-Language Pathology)
Program Office: (212) 678-3325
E-mails: [email protected];
Karen Reznik Dolins Motor Learning
(Movement Sciences and Education:
(Code: TRM)
Applied Physiology)
Carol M. Kaufman Degrees offered:
(Speech-Language Pathology) Master of Arts (M.A.)
Roger A. Muzii Master of Education (Ed.M.)
(Movement Sciences and Education: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Motor Learning )
(Movement Sciences and Education: Program Coordinator:
Motor Learning ) Professor Stephen Silverman
James Rose
(Movement Sciences and Education: Program Office: (212) 678-3324
Physical Education) E-mail: [email protected]

FULL-TIME LECTURER: Physical Education

Catherine Crowley (Code: TRP)
(Speech-Language Pathology)
Degree offered:
Master of Arts (M.A.)

48 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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KINESIOLOGY Each of these specialties has five components, Education) or, in consultation with an advisor,
including: they may arrange a flexibly-designed program
Program Coordinator: 1. Substantive study of theory and research as of study cutting across specialization in the
Professor Stephen Silverman
embodied in lecture and laboratory courses. movement sciences which will meet their
Program Office: (212) 678-3324 2. Development of clinical or educational professional needs and academic interests.
E-mail: [email protected] skills in laboratory and fieldwork courses.
3. Research training to enable students to read MASTER OF ARTS
Kinesiology and interpret original research and to carry out The M.A. program emphasizes bridging
(Code: TRK) educational, clinical or laboratory research. between the movement sciences and clinical
4. Seminars to discuss theory and research, or education practice. The objective is to
Degree offered: identification of research problems, and clini- develop a comprehensive and coherent view
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
cal/educational applications. of theory and research that can be applied to
For more information about special application 5. Elective courses to meet specific student practice within the students professional field.
requirements, program description and degree needs which may be taken throughout the The program requires 32 points of study. A
program requirements for the Ph.D. program College and University in such areas as anato- culminating project is required for the M.A.
in Kinesiology, contact Professor Silverman at my, biology, business, chemistry, computer sci- and may involve: (a) a scholarly review of
[email protected]. ence, health education, higher and adult edu- research and theory within a topical area
cation, neurosciences, nutrition, physiology, drawing application to educational or clinical
Program Description: psychology and science education. A list of practice, or (b) a basic or applied research
There are three specialties in Movement recommended elective and related courses is report. For initial advisement and approval of
Sciences: available to students in the Movement M.A. projects, students must consult with
Sciences office. their academic advisor. The M.A. program can
The Applied Physiology concentration focuses be completed in 1218 months of full-time
on the physiological effects of exercise and dis- Special Application study or two to three years of part-time study
ease. The effects of exercise training on cardio- Requirements/Information: (depending on the students other responsibili-
vascular processes (such as autonomic nervous While students have come from a variety of ties).
systems function and blood pressure regula- fields, the following backgrounds are most
tion), neuromuscular, and biomechanical func- appropriate: movement sciences, exercise sci- Specific requirements include:
tion are emphasized. Application of study in ence, physical therapy, occupational therapy, BBS 5060 Neuromuscular response and
applied physiology is made to improve health physical education, athletic training, biology, adaptation to exercise (2)
and physical fitness across both healthy and nutrition, nursing, and psychology. Students BBS 5068 Brain and behavior I:
disabled populations. Interactions with nutri- with strong academic records, who have defi- Communication in the
tional factors are also highlighted. Profes- ciencies in their science backgrounds, may be nervous system (1-2)
sionals can gain insight into the role of exer- admitted with the understanding that these BBSR 5582 Research design in the
cise in diagnosis and treatment of health prob- deficiencies will be remedied with appropriate movement sciences (3)
lems of interest to them. courses. When possible, it is strongly recom- Substantive study in movement sciences
mended that prospective students communi- including offerings in physical education
In Motor Learning, study focuses on the cate with an academic advisor to discuss pro- (minimum 6 points).
behavioral, biomechanical, and neural bases gram plans prior to admission. One laboratory course in Movement
of development, acquisition, and performance Sciences (minimum 2-3 points).
of functional movement skills. Acquisition of Interviews are required for applicants planning Seminars or tutorials (minimum 2-3 points).
skill is examined over the life span in typically to pursue the doctoral program (although Individual program in movement sciences
developing and impaired individuals. exceptions are made when extensive travel is (additional substantive, laboratory, fieldwork
Movement analysis is used to elucidate the necessary). Students intending to pursue doc- or seminar study) or in related areas outside
neuromotor control processes underlying toral study are strongly encouraged to make an of movement sciences (minimum 6 points).
skilled performance in everyday functional appointment to visit the College for at least Electives with provision that the total
behaviors, sport, and dance. The teacher or one day to meet with faculty and doctoral stu- program includes at least three Teachers
therapists role in facilitating skill learning dents, to audit a course or seminar, and to College courses (for at least 2 points each)
and performance is emphasized. become acquainted with research areas and outside of the movement sciences.
Physical education has a long and distin- MASTER OF EDUCATION
guished history at Teachers College. Teachers Degree Requirements for Programs The Ed.M. program provides for advanced
College offered one of the first graduate in Movement Sciences: study in the movement sciences and for indi-
degrees in physical education and continues to Applied Physiology and vidually designed study to meet the students
offer a wide array of opportunities for graduate Motor Learning. professional needs and interests. The program
study. In addition to courses in curriculum and requires 60 points of graduate study. Students
teaching in physical education, there are a MASTERS DEGREE PROGRAMS can focus on: (a) preparation as a scholar of
variety of other courses in the movement sci- For the M.A. and Ed.M. programs with practice able to translate research and theory
ences, health studies, curriculum and teaching, specialization in Motor Learning or Applied into appropriate clinical or educational strate-
and other areas that provide students with Physiology, students have two options. gies; (b) preparation as a clinical instructor,
many opportunities for course options. All They may specialize in one of the three areas clinical or educational supervisor or applied
programs are designed to allow flexibility in offered within Movement Sciences (Applied investigator; or (c) preparation for study
program planning. Physiology, Motor Learning, Physical towards the doctoral degree.

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All Ed.M. students must complete a final, oratory projects, research papers and other BBSR 4095 Applied physiology I (3)
culminating project involving either: (a) an materials appropriate for their projected pro- BBSR 4195 Applied physiology
applied research report which can focus on fessional activities. The program requires 90 laboratory I (3)
clinical or educational issues, or (b) a laborato- points of graduate study. BBSR 5095 Exercise and health (3)
ry research paper. Students intending to con- BBSR 5194 Applied physiology
laboratory II (3)
tinue study towards the doctoral degree should The doctoral program prepares individuals for
BBSR 5582 Research design in the
arrange their Ed.M. program to include core leadership roles in the movement sciences and movement sciences (3)
courses required for doctoral specialization in in the fields of physical education, nutrition BBSR 5595 Research seminar in applied
Applied Physiology or in Motor Learning. and rehabilitation (occupational, physical and physiology (typically, stu-
respiratory therapy). Graduates have assumed dents enroll each semester
For the Master of Education Program, specific positions as faculty members and program until degree requirements
requirements for courses, or equivalents trans- directors in universities and colleges; as are completed) (3 points
ferred from prior graduate study, are: researchers in educational, clinical or biomed- each semester)
BBS 5060 Neuromuscular response and ical settings; and as administrators, supervisors BBSR 5596 Topics in applied physiology
adaptation to exercise (2) or consultants in clinical or educational facili- (3)
BBS 5068 Brain and Behavior I: One additional laboratory course:
ties. Preparation focuses advanced study and
Communication in the BBSR 5195 or BBSR 5055 (3)
research training within the specialization. Three courses (9) selected from BBS 5055,
nervous system (1-2)
BBSR 5582 Research design in the BBSR 4005, BBSR 4050, BBSR 4055,
movement sciences (3) DOCTOR OF EDUCATION BBSR 4060, BBSR 5057, BBSR 5200,
Research preparation: minimally one course (APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY) HBSV 5010, HBSV 5011, HBSV 5034,
selected from BBSR 5504 and BBSR The goal of the Applied Physiology specializa- MSTC 4043, MSTC 4054
tion is to prepare doctoral students to pursue Statistics sequence minimally two courses
5595 (2-3).
scholarly and scientific work. Students are (6 points) from: HUDM 4122, HUDM 5122
Substantive study in the movement sciences and HUDM 5123
including offerings in physical education expected to contribute significantly to the
(minimum 15 points). completion of at least one research project
prior to initiation of their dissertation proposal. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
Two laboratory courses: (MOTOR LEARNING )
(minimum 5-6 points). The skills developed during completion of this
project will enable students to carry out their In the preparation of doctoral students, the
Seminars or tutorials: (minimum 5-6 points). goal is to develop those competencies neces-
Individual program in movement sciences dissertation project independently. Students
are encouraged to present the work leading up sary to pursue scholarly and scientific work and
(additional substantive, laboratory, fieldwork to formulate strategies to enhance professional
or seminar study) or in related areas outside to the dissertation proposal at national meet-
ings and to contribute to the publication of practice.
of movement sciences (minimum 12 points).
Electives (for at least 2 points each) results in peer reviewed journals.
Research training uses an apprenticeship
(12 points). model. Students work closely with faculty
Research may be completed in the applied
physiology laboratories at Teachers College or throughout their preparation: initially as
DOCTORAL PROGRAMS apprentices with access to considerable
Students seeking admission to the Ed.D. pro- in the students own clinical/research setting.
If the work is completed outside of Teachers advisement, subsequently as collaborators,
gram are customarily admitted to the Ed.M. then progressing to a position as independent
for at least one year. Formal admission to College, students are expected to demonstrate
that they have contributed significantly to the researchers.
the doctoral program is based upon level of
achievement in course work and seminars; completion of the required projects. All work
(either at Teachers College or outside of the Typically, the dissertation research is an
demonstration of research competence; a extension of one or two prior studies. Often,
research direction compatible with faculty and College) must be developed and completed in
conjunction with advisement of Movement research leading up to the dissertation is pre-
laboratory resources; and signs of professional sented at national meetings or is published in
promise. A list of current research projects in Sciences faculty.
professional journals.
applied physiology and in motor learning can
be obtained from the secretary in the Move- Students are expected to commit themselves
to their graduate studies. A minimum commit- In addition to substantive study and research
ment Sciences office. preparation, students are expected to design an
ment entails engaging in research activity
related to the doctoral degree three days per individual program representing their research
Applicants are reviewed on an ongoing basis area and professional concerns. Such prepara-
throughout the academic year. However, con- week (at least two weekdays). This minimum
commitment will ensure that advisement, tion requires a significant commitment to grad-
sideration for general and diversity awards is uate study. Doctoral students (and Ed.M. stu-
given to those applicants who meet the early research activities and course work can be
completed in an efficient and timely fashion. dents planning to pursue the doctoral degree)
application deadline. See the Admissions sec- are required to be engaged in research at least
tion of this bulletin for details. Prior to formal three days per week (on- or off-site) and be
admission, enrollment in up to 8 points of study For the doctoral program with specialization
in Applied Physiology, specific course require- available for advisement at least two mornings
as a non-matriculated student is permitted. or afternoons.
ments (or equivalents transferred from prior
Specialization in Applied Physiology or in graduate study) include:
BBS 5060 Neuromuscular response and For the doctoral program with specialization in
Motor Learning is required for the doctoral Motor Learning, specific course requirements
adaptation to exercise (2)
program in these areas. Within each area of BBS 5068 Brain and behavior I: (or equivalents transferred from prior graduate
specialization, students prepare course and lab- Communication in the study) are:
nervous system (1-2)

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BBS 5060 Neuromuscular response research, laboratory or teaching assistants, and tative and qualitative techniques for analysis
and adaptation to exercise conference coordinators. of movement are discussed in relation to the
(2) study of learning, motor control, motor devel-
BBS 5068 Brain and behavior I: COURSES: opment, and motor impairments. Lab fee: $50.
Communication in the
nervous system (1-2) BBS 4032. Neuroscience of human speech BBSR 4055. Neuromotor processes (3)
BBSR 4050 Biomechanical analysis and language (2) Professor Gentile. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4043 or
of human movement (3) Dr. Froud. An introduction to the neurological equivalent. An examination of the structure
BBSR 4060 Motor learning (2-3) bases of normal speech and language percep- and function of the nervous system with spe-
BBSR 4151 Laboratory methods in tion, production and use. cific reference to adaptive motor control.
biomechanics (3)
BBSR 5151 Analysis of biomechanical BBS 5060. Neuromuscular responses BBSR 4060. Motor learning (2-3)
signals or an approved and adaptation to exercise (2) Professor Gentile. Study of factors relating to
course in computer pro- Faculty. A review of the physiology of muscle the acquisition and performance of motor
gramming (3) contraction in addition to in-depth discussion skills. Includes review and analysis of appropri-
BBSR 5504 Research training in motor of topics related to the field which include, the ate research findings. Corequisite: BBSR 4861.
learning (2-3 points each relationship between muscle activation and
semester, continuous enroll respiration during exercise, muscle fatigue, BBSR 4070. Introduction to the psycho-
ment required until comple- eccentric versus concentric contractions and social aspects of sport and exercise (2-3)
tion of degree requirements, adaptation to strength training. Dr. Muzii. This course is designed to introduce
typically 18 points) students to the major psychosocial topics relat-
BBSR 5582 Research design in the BBS 5068. Brain and behavior I: ed to the performance of sport and exercise.
movement sciences Communication in the nervous system (1-2) Topics include the initiation, motivation and
(3) Professor Gordon. An introduction to commu- quality of performance, the roles of arousal,
BBSR 5860 Motor learning nication within the nervous system and func- attention, and gender as well as principles of
conference (enrollment tional brain neuroanatomy. Examination of cognitive and behavioral change. Class read-
required during each year of chemical circuits in brain and associated ings, discussion and assignments are designed
study towards the Ed.D., pathologies, such as Parkinsons disease, to facilitate the application of theory to the
minimum 3 points, other Tourettes, schizophrenia, depression and students current sport or exercise related
enrollments can be non- anxiety. employment.
Three enrollments in BBSR 6563, BBS 5069. Brain and behavior II: BBSR 4090. Physical fitness, weight
Conference seminar (6) Perception, emotion, memory and control and relaxation (3)
Four courses (12) selected from: cognition (1-2) Faculty. Contributions of exercise to human
BBSQ 4047, BBSR 4055, BBSR 4070, Professor Gentile. An introduction to brain well-being throughout life. Classroom, gymna-
MSTC 5000, BBSR 5050, BBSR 5055, processes associated with perception, emotion, sium, and laboratory experiences included.
BBSR 5057, BBSR 5251. memory and cognition. Consequences of dam- Designed for teachers, counselors, and others
Three topical seminars (9) selected age to these neurobehavioral processes are who desire an introduction to basic concepts
from: BBSR 5596, BBSR 6563, BBSR 6564, examined through reading and discussion of of physical fitness.
BBSR 6565, BBSR 6571 clinical case studies.
Statistics sequence minimum (9): BBSR 4095. Applied physiology I (3)
HUDM 4122, HUDM 5122 and BBSQ 4043. The human nervous system (3) Professor DeMeersman. Prerequisite: a course
HUDM 5123 Faculty. Anatomy and basic physiology of the in human physiology. Physiological bases of
Individual program and electives (22) central and peripheral nervous systems. Reflex exercise. Lectures concerning the effects of
systems, sensorimotor processes and the spe- exercise on the major physiological systems
Graduate Study/Clinical Practice Traineeships cial senses; introduction to neuropathology (cellular, cardiovascular, thermoregulatory,
are available for occupational and physical and clinical neurology as related to rehabilita- pulmonary, renal, body fluids, hormonal).
therapists enrolled in or admitted to degree tion.
programs in Movement Sciences. They are BBSR 5050. Neurophysiology of motor
Substantive Study control and electromyography (3)
offered in collaboration with several clinical
Faculty. Advanced topics dealing with the
agencies located in the metropolitan New York experimental and clinical use of electromyog-
area, that provide services to diverse groups BBSR 4005. Applied anatomy and
biomechanics (3) raphy. Topics will be integrated with the kine-
including pediatric, adult and geriatric clients. matics of movements being observed. A labo-
Faculty. Topics include: gross anatomy and
function of human skeletal and muscular sys- ratory project using EMG will be required.
These traineeships carry an award of $32,000 tems, mechanics of human movement, and Lab fee: $50.
in stipend and tuition benefits. The instruc- analysis of skills in dance and physical educa-
tional staff in Movement Sciences provides tion. Designed primarily for students without BBSR 5055. Bases of motor control
clinical supervision. A case study approach is a prior course in anatomy or biomechanics. systems (3)
used to directly bridge between substantive Students will be expected to participate in a Professor Gentile. Study of control processes
laboratory offered immediately preceding the subserving the coordination of movement.
study and clinical practice. For more detailed
information, contact the Coordinator of scheduled class time. Lab fee: $50.
BBSR 5057. Movement disorders (3)
Clinical Traineeships at (212) 678-3325. Professor Gordon. Study of the patho-
BBSR 4050. Biomechanical analysis of
In addition to scholarship awards, advanced physiology of various movement disorders
human movement (3)
students in the Ed.M. or Ed.D. programs may Professor Gordon. Permission required. Covers and the resulting motor impairments.
have an opportunity for funding by serving as the principles and techniques required to ana-
lyze human movement, which can be used to
develop practical research questions. Quanti-

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BBSR 5095. Exercise and health (3) Seminars and Conferences Research Preparation
Professor DeMeersman. Prerequisite: BBSR
4095 or equivalent. The role of exercise in BBSR 4865. Tutorials in motor learning BBSR 4900. Research and independent
diagnosis, prevention, and rehabilitation of (0-2) study in movement sciences and education
health problems such as cardiovascular dis- Faculty. Review of theoretical and experimen- (1-6)
ease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, obesity and tal studies in motor learning and motor con- Masters degree students undertake research
stress. Interactions with nutrition are stressed. trol. Topics to be announced. and independent study under the direction of
a faculty member.
Laboratory Courses BBSR 5596. Topics in applied physiology (3)
Faculty. Prerequisite: BBSR 5095 or equivalent. BBSR 5504. Research training in motor
BBSR 4151. Laboratory methods in A seminar format used for discussion of learning (1-3)
biomechanics (3) advanced topics. Open only to doctoral and Professors Gentile, Gordon, and Kaminski.
Dr. Kaminski. Permission required. Enrollment advanced masters students. Permission required. A competency-based
limited. Prerequisite: BBSR 4050. Students approach to the preparation of researchers in
develop technical skills in the application of BBSR 5860. Motor learning conference the areas of neuromotor control and perceptu-
biomechanics to the study of movement (0-1) al-motor processes. Several learning experi-
behavior including video-based data collection Faculty. Topics and speakers are announced in ences are offered each semester, involving lec-
and computer-based kinematic analysis. a separate brochure which may be obtained tures, laboratory practica, seminars and indi-
Students design and conduct a pilot research from the department office. vidual research advisement.
study using biomechanical analysis of a func-
tional movement. Special fee: $75. BBSR 6563. Neuromotor processes seminar BBSR 5582. Research design in the
(2) movement sciences (3)
BBSR 4195. Applied physiology laboratory I Faculty. Offered in conjunction with review Faculty. Basic concepts of research design and
(3) and analysis of research related to conference statistical analysis. Students learn to interpret
Professor DeMeersman and Lab Assistant. topic. articles and design projects.
Co or prerequisite: BBSR 4095. The discussion
and practice of techniques for collection and BBSR 6564. Advanced topics in neuro- BBSR 5595. Research seminar in applied
analyses of physiologic data (calibration, basal motor processes (2-3) physiology (3)
metabolism, body composition, static pul- Faculty. Topic changes annually. Professor DeMeersman/Faculty.
monary functions, VO2 measurements, phys- M.A. students carrying out research-culminat-
iography). Lab fee: $100. BBSR 6565. Seminar in motor learning ing projects enroll in this course near the end
and motor control (3) of their course of study to discuss and present
BBSR 5151. Introduction to the analysis Professor Gentile. Review and analysis of their projects. Ed.M. and doctoral students
of biomechanical signals (3) theories and research in a selected topical area enroll at least once in connection with each
Professor Gordon. Introduction to the con- pertaining to acquisition of skill or control research project they complete.
cepts and techniques used in the analysis of processes underlying skilled performance.
biomechanical signals. Students will apply Re-enrollment is permitted as topics vary. BBSR 6900. Supervised independent
these techniques to actual kinematic, kinetic research in movement sciences (1-9)
and electromyographic data using the BBSR 6571. Research seminar in the For advanced students who wish to conduct
LabVIEW programming language. psychosocial aspects of human movement research under faculty guidance.
BBSR 5194. Applied physiology laboratory Dr. Muzii. Examines research topics, problems, BBSR 7500. Dissertation seminar in
II (3) design, and methodologies in the psychosocial movement sciences (0-3)
Faculty. The discussion and practice of tech- study of human movement.
niques for collection and analysis of physio- BBSR 8900. Dissertation advisement in
logic data (strength testing, electromyography, Fieldwork movement sciences (0)
computerized data acquisition). Lab fee: $100. Advisement on doctoral dissertation. Fee:
BBSR 5200. Fieldwork in movement equal to 3 points at current tuition rate for
BBSR 5195. Advanced applied physiology sciences (1-4) each term. For requirements, see section in
laboratory (3) Permission required. For advanced students catalog on Continuous Registration for Ed.D.
Professor DeMeersman. Prerequisite: BBSR prepared to investigate problems. degree.
5194. Introduction of advanced physiologic
measurement techniques and concepts. BBSR 5251. Fieldwork seminar in motor MSTC 5000. Neurobiology of conscious-
Included are indirect calorimetry, spectropho- learning and motor control (1-2) ness, constructivism and information
tometry, vascular volume dynamics, autonomic Faculty. Applications of theory/research to processing (1-3)
reflexes, thermoregulation, noninvasive car- therapeutic or educational practice for students See the Department of Mathematics, Science
diac output, computer data plethysmography, in field-based settings. and Technology for course description.
tonometry, acquisition and post-acquisition
analyses. Lab fee: $100. BBSR 6201. Supervision of educational or
clinical practice in the movement sciences
BBSR 6070. Neural basis of respiration (3) (0-2)
Faculty. This course is designed to expose stu- Professor Gentile. Permission required.
dents to topics in respiratory control which Corequisite: actual supervisory experience
relates to the fields of motor learning , exercise during that semester. For doctoral students
physiology, and speech. Topics include posture, in the movement sciences. Field-based experi-
balance and breathing, respiratory control of ences in the guidance of therapists or educa-
upper airway muscle activity, neural basis of tors engaged in applying the movement sci-
exercise hyperpnea. ences to clinical practice.

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CURRICULUM AND Degree Requirements: All doctoral students participate in an inten-

The specific career goals of the student are sive seminar that reviews research in physical
used in planning the graduate program. education and also attend a continuous
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Programs include one or more of the following research semester during most semesters of
Program Coordinator: features: their enrollment in the program. Students
Professor Stephen Silverman Field-Based Experiences must satisfactorily complete all parts of the
The theoretical study of curriculum and teach- program certification exam and a literature
Program Office: (212) 678-3324 ing concepts is integrated with field-based review to be certified and officially begin the
E-mail: [email protected] applications of those concepts. Part of the stu- dissertation process.
dents graduate study experience takes place in
Curriculum and Teaching elementary, secondary, or college physical edu- During the dissertation process, students work
in Physical Education closely with an advisor and complete pilot
cation settings. Students who are concurrently
(Code: TRC)
employed as physical education teachers use studies to enhance their research skills.
Degrees Offered: their own schools as field sites; other students Students who are planning on academic
Master of Arts (M.A.) are assigned to selected field sites. careers that will include conducting research
Master of Education (Ed.M.) may participate in faculty research projects
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Program Design and Development throughout their program to further enhance
Students critically examine an array of tradi- their research preparation.
Program Description: tional and innovative physical education pro-
The 32-point M.A. program is designed so gram designs, and then formulate their own COURSES:
physical educators can develop greater knowl- conception of curriculum. Program evaluation
edge about curriculum and teaching. The 60- techniques are studied and then used to con- BBSR 4700. Student teaching in physical
point Ed.M. program is designed to prepare duct field evaluations of ongoing programs. education (3)
teachers for leadership roles in schools. The Faculty. Student teaching in both elementary
Students learn systematic techniques for pro-
program provides opportunities to study and secondary schools for a full semester.
gram development and use them to plan pro- Includes a required seminar.
school-wide issues of curriculum, teaching, grams for field settings.
administration, and school reform. Specialized
BBSR 5040. Curriculum designs in physical
concentrations also are available in physical Teaching: Performance and Analysis education (3)
fitness program development and administra- Students critically evaluate existing theories Faculty. Review of existing curriculum designs;
tion. A program leading to certification as a and models of teaching, and devise their own traditional and new. Systematic development
director of physical education is available. concepts of teaching. A spectrum of analytic of curriculum plans.
techniques is used to analyze videotaped and
The Teach and Study Program, which is for live samples of interactive teaching. BBSR 5041. Analysis of teaching in
qualified teachers of physical education, assists physical education (3)
applicants in finding a physical education Professor Silverman. An analysis of the deci-
Study and Application of Concepts of Human sions and actions of teachers in relation to
teaching position (part-time or full-time) in Movement and Health their role as director of learning. Includes
schools in the Teachers College vicinity. Students study theory and research in the experiences in executing and analyzing teach-
applied sciences of anatomy, movement analy- ing skills.
The 90-point Ed.D. program prepares students sis, exercise physiology, health, nutrition, and
to serve in leadership roles as specialists in motor learning, and their applications to pro- BBSR 5043. Administration of physical
physical education curriculum and teaching, gram designs and teaching strategies. education and athletics (2-3)
administrators in schools and colleges, teacher Dr. Meyers. For prospective and in-service
educators, and/or researchers and faculty Culminating Experience administrators. Preparation for carrying out
members in institutions of higher education. administrative functions related to program
Students in the M.A. and Ed.M. programs are
planning, scheduling, budgeting, equipment
required to complete a culminating experience and facilities, safety and liability, staff develop-
Special Application that integrates material from their course ment, community relations, and others.
Requirements/Information: work. This experience can be field-based, the-
Teach and Study applicants should request a oretical, or a research project related to physi- BBSR 5240. Fieldwork in curriculum
separate application from the program office. cal education. The student and his or her and teaching in physical education (2-4)
They must also submit the Teachers College advisor will discuss and design an individual Faculty. Field projects in program evaluation,
Application for Admission. experience that helps meet the goals of the curriculum development, analysis of teaching,
students program. and the application of teaching strategies.
Doctoral applicants are required to submit a
writing sample (preferably a course paper, mas- BBSR 5543. Seminar in physical education
Research Competence (for Ed.D. students)
ters thesis, or published article). Prior formal (2-3)
All doctoral students develop proficiency in Professor Silverman. Examination of current
training and/or teaching experience in physical research and complete a dissertation under the issues in curriculum and teaching in physical
education is required for admission to the doc- advisement of a faculty sponsor. With their education relative to diverse student popula-
toral program. Applicants without a major or career goals in mind, students design their pro- tions and associations with other disciplines.
minor in physical education at the undergrad- grams to include course work that focuses on Advanced students prepare and present inte-
uate level should submit letters verifying their research methods and the results of research in grative papers.
physical education teaching experience. physical education, and participate in research
experiences to demonstrate competence and
successfully complete the dissertation.

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BBSR 6340. Supervision in physical PHYSICAL EDUCATION M.A. degree. Among the other requirements
education (3) are: (a) an undergraduate degree in kinesiolo-
Faculty. For doctoral candidates and supervi- Program Coordinator: gy or physical education or the equivalent in
sors in curriculum and teaching. Field-based Professor Stephen Silverman course work (see below); (b) completion of
experiences in the analysis and evaluation of 100 hours of pre-practica; (c) completion of a
programs and teacher performance. Program Office: (212) 678-3324
full semester of student teaching (BBSR 4700,
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.tc.edu/bbs/Phys-Ed 3 credits); (d) completion of state-approved
BBSR 6540. Research seminar in curricu- courses in Detection and Reporting of Child
lum and teaching in physical education (3) Physical Education & Substance Abuse and in Violence
Faculty. Examines research problems and (Code: TRP) Prevention; (e) satisfactory scores on the state
methodologies in curriculum and teaching in administered Physical Education Content
physical education. Degree offered: Specialty Test, ATS-W and LAST tests. See
Master of Arts (M.A.) the Teacher Education section of this bulletin
COURSES THAT OVERLAP ALL for details. The exact coursework needed to
MOVEMENT SCIENCES PROGRAMS: Program Description: complete New York State teacher certification
The course of study provides students with a requirements will be determined by the pro-
BBSR 4070. Introduction to the psycho- broad background in physical education, the gram coordinator when evaluating previous
social study of human movement (2-3) movement sciences, and related areas. It is coursework.
Professor Muzii. A general overview of knowl- designed for students whose career goals
edge and theory pertaining to the psychosocial include teaching in schools and other environ- Entry to teacher certification program
dynamics of behavior in sports and dance. ments, fitness management, coaching, and Students entering the physical education
related areas. Students who are interested in teacher certification program normally have
BBSR 4900. Research and independent obtaining K12 New York State teacher certi- an undergraduate degree in kinesiology or a
study in movement sciences and education fication in physical education must complete related field (e.g., physical education, exercise
(1-6) the state approved program and may require science, movement science). Students who do
Faculty. Permission required. Masters degree additional course work beyond that required
students undertake research and independent not have a degree in physical education are
for the degree. Students should contact the required to have the equivalent in course work
study under the direction of a faculty member. program coordinator for transcript review and in order to be admitted to the program or may
to develop a plan to meet teacher certification make up the prerequisites once admitted to
BBSR 5200. Fieldwork in movement requirements.
sciences and education (1-4) the program.
Faculty. Permission required. For advanced Special Application
students prepared to investigate problems. As a prerequisite to entering the teacher edu-
Requirements/Information: cation program all students are required to
There are no special application requirements have a minimum of 24 hours in the discipli-
BBSR 5582. Research design in movement
for this program. nary aspects of kinesiology including courses
sciences and education (3)
Professor Silverman. Basic concepts of in: (a) exercise/applied physiology; (b) fitness
Degree Requirements: and physical activity program planning; (c)
research design and statistical analysis.
After consultation with their advisor, students biomechanics and anatomy; (d) sport psychol-
Students learn to interpret articles and
will select a minimum of 18 of the 32 required ogy; (e) sport sociology/cultural studies of
design projects.
points in movement sciences and education physical activity; (f) motor learning ; (g) meas-
courses. At least 6 points in Curriculum and urement and evaluation/assessment of physical
BBSR 6900. Supervised independent
research in movement sciences and Teaching in Physical Education are required. activity; (h) growth and motor development;
education (1-9) Additional courses may be selected from the and (i) prevention and treatment of athletic
Faculty. Permission required. For advanced following areas: injuries. All students are required to document
students who wish to conduct research under Applied physiology competence in a wide variety of motor activi-
faculty guidance. Motor learning ties including: (a) team sports; (b) individual
Psychosocial study of human movement sports; (c) racquet activities; (d) dance and
BBSR 7500. Dissertation seminar in Health education rhythms; (e) aquatics; (f) fitness activities; and
movement sciences and education (0-3) Nutrition (g) adventure activities. In order to meet the
Faculty. Permission required. Candidate devel- Curriculum and Teaching motor activity prerequisites, students may
ops proposal for doctoral dissertation in con- have completed a college class, have signifi-
sultation with advisor. Seminar convenes only Integrative Paper cant documented participation in the activity,
on days when candidates present proposals for As part of their culminating experience, stu- or completed community education courses
approval. dents present a special project that integrates (e.g., Water Safety Instructor class through the
their course experiences with an independent- American Red Cross). In addition, students in
BBSR 8900. Dissertation advisement in ly defined issue of professional concern. the Physical Education certification program
movement sciences and education (0) are required to have first aid and CPR certifi-
Faculty. Individual advisement on doctoral Physical Education cation issued by a national certification
dissertation. Fee: equal to 3 points at current Teacher Certification agency.
tuition rate for each term. For requirements, Students wishing to be eligible for New York
see catalog on continuous registration for State Department of Education certification as Each students transcript will be evaluated to
Ed.D. degree. a K12 physical education teacher must com- determine if he or she has completed the pre-
plete additional requirements beyond the requisites. Students who do not have the pre-

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requisites will be required to make them up NEUROSCIENCE Supervised practica enable students to
early in their program. Content course defi- engage in ongoing research projects in neu-
AND EDUCATION roscience-related fields, or to be involved in
ciencies will be made up, with the approval
of the program coordinator, through courses Program Coordinator: neuropsychological assessments and inter-
at Teachers College, Columbia University or Professor Peter Gordon ventions.
another college or university. Students who
Program Office: (212) 678-8162 Course Requirements
are deficient in physical activity courses will E-mail: [email protected] Psychological processes underlying develop-
be required to make up courses through the Web site: www.tc.edu/bbs/NeuroSci ment, learning and cognition.
Columbia College Physical Education program, At lease one course in each of the areas below
or other educational experiences that are Neuroscience and Education is required.
approved by program faculty. (Code: TKN)
Developmental Psychology
Courses for physical education teacher Degree Offered: HUDK 4020 Theories of human
certification: Master of Science (M.S.) development (3)
BBSR 4060 Motor learning (2) (M.S. expected to be offered HUDK 4024 Developmental psychology:
BBSR 4700 Student teaching in pending final approval by New York State Adulthood and lifespan (2-3)
physical education (3) Department of Education) HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (2-3)
BBSR 4865 Tutorial: Motor learning (1) HUDK 5024 Language development
BBSR 5040 Curriculum design in Program Description: (2-3)
physical education (3) Neuroscience and Education was the first of
BBSR 5041 Analysis of teaching only two graduate programs in the country to Learning and Cognition
physical education (3) focus on the educational and clinical implica- HUDK 5097 Psychology of instruction (3)
BBSR 5240 Fieldwork in curriculum tions of recent advances in understanding HUDK 5023 Cognitive development
and teaching in physical brain-behavior relationships. One objective of (if not applied toward
education (6) the multi-disciplinary program is to prepare a Developmental requirements)
BBSR 5543 Seminar in physical new kind of specialist: a professional with dual
education (3) preparation able to bridge the gap between Psychological Evaluation and Assessment
BBSR 5582 Research design in research underlying brain, cognition and Two courses in statistics, measurement, or
movement science behavior and the problems encountered in assessment are required. These could include
and education (3) schools and clinics. A second objective is to the following:
C&T 4020 The environments of provide rigorous training and relevant experi- HBSK 5320 Individual psychological
schools (3) ences that would allow students to further testing (3)
HBSE 4000 Introduction to special their knowledge and make links between neu- HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement
education (3) (2-3)
roscience, cognition, education and clinical
practice. The M.S. program is intended for
professionals and non-professionals alike who Educational or Clinical Specialization
would like to acquire knowledge in fields relat- Minimally, 15 points of graduate study repre-
ed to neuroscience, and participate in ongoing senting a cohesive sequence of courses in such
research, educational or clinical practice. areas as: audiology, counseling psychology,
educational psychology, elementary education,
Special Application motor learning, nursing, science education,
Requirements/Information: speech pathology and special education.
Applications will be considered throughout
the year once the program has been approved. Neurobiological Bases of Behavior and
Interested applicants should contact Professor Educational Applications
Peter Gordon at (212) 678-8162 or
[email protected] for additional information. Core Courses
The courses indicated below are for students
MASTERS OF SCIENCE (M.S.) PROGRAM with little or no prior background in Neuro-
IN NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATION science. With consultation and approval of the
(WILL BE OFFERED PENDING FINAL advisor, three to four courses are required
APPROVAL BY NEW YORK STATE DEPART- unless equivalent preparation can be demon-
BBS 4032 Neuroscience of human
Degree Requirements: speech and language (2)
The program of study for the M.S. in neuro- BBS 5068 Brain and behavior I:
science and education offers a systematic Communication in the
sequence of courses within the neurosciences. nervous system (2)
Basic courses provide a thorough intro- BBS 5069 Brain and behavior II:
duction to the neural bases of behavior. Perception, emotion, memory
Advanced courses explore implications of and cognition (1-2)
brain-behavior research for educational and BBSQ 4040 Speech and language
clinical practice. disorders (3)
BBSQ 4043 The human nervous
system (3)

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HBSK 5070 Neural bases of language, and

cognitive development (3)
neuropsychology (3)
Clinical Neuropsychology Program Coordinator:
Advanced Courses (Code: TZK) Professor John H. Saxman
Minimally, three courses from those listed
This program is currently not accepting Program Office: (212) 678-3895
below or (equivalents):
applications. E-mail: [email protected]
HBSK 5033 Human clinical neuro-
Web site: www.tc.edu/bbs/SpeechLanguage
psychology (3)
For course descriptions below, see the course
HBSK 5139 Fundamentals of psycho- Speech and Language Pathology
listing in the Department of Health and
pharmacology (3) (Code: TQC)
Behavior Studies.
HBSK 5338 Neuropsychology assessment
in education and clinical Degrees offered:
HBSK 5033. Human clinical
practice (3) neuropsychology (3) Master of Science (M.S.)
HBSK 5371 Educational Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
neuropsychology (3) HBSK 4075 or equivalent. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Advanced Topical Seminars HBSK 5070. Neural bases for language AUDIOLOGY
BBSN 5575 Seminar in neuroscience and cognitive development (3)
and education (3) Professor Kirk. Permission required. Audiology
BBSQ 6517 Seminar: Neuropathologies (Code: TQE)
of speech (3) HBSK 5072. Developmental
neuropsychology (3) The programs in Audiology are currently not
Field Work/Case Studies Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: accepting applications.
HBSK 5274 Field Work: HBSK 4075 or HBSK 5070 or HBSK 5068 or
Neuropsychological equivalent background in basic neuroscience; Program Description:
approaches to reading and also recommended: an introductory course in The programs in Speech-Language Pathology
learning disabilities (0-4) developmental psychology. and Audiology offer advanced education and
HBSK 5375 Case studies of reading and training in the processes of individual human
learning disabilities from a HBSK 5139. Fundamentals of communication (speech, hearing, language),
neuropsychological psychopharmacology (3) disorders of human communication, and reme-
perspective (3) Faculty. Permission required.
dial procedures for such disorders. Emphases
Note: Courses listed with HBSK prefix may HBSK 5375. Fieldwork in reading and and interests of the program are reflected in
also be listed under the BBSN prefix in the cognitive development from a neuropsycho- the work of the following faculty: Professor
course schedule. logical perspective (4) OMalley psychoacoustics, including frequen-
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: pre- cy selectivity, two-tone suppression, auditory
Masters Integrative Project. vious courses in neuropsychological and edu- spectral resolution, pitch, and auditory tempo-
Opportunities for student participation in cational assessment. Materials fee: $100. ral acuity; Professor Saxman speech and lan-
research are available. Preparation of a mas- guage development and disorder; Professor
HBSK 5575. Integrative seminar in neuro- Sweeting vocal tract function and dysfunction
ters integrative project is required for the science and education (3)
degree. The integrative project involves either and life span development of speech processes;
Faculty. Primarily for students in the
a research project, a practicum report, or an Professor P. Gordon language acquisition, psy-
Neuroscience and Education program during
integrative review. It requires a committee of preparation of the final Ed.M. project; others cholinguistics, cognitive development in infants
one advisor in the Neuroscience and Educa- by permission. and children; Professor Froud acquired lan-
tion program and another faculty member. guage pathology, neural correlates of normal
HBSK 5905. Research-independent study and abnormal speech and language.
in neuroscience and education (1-4)
Faculty. Permission required. Programs leading to the M.S., Ed.D., and Ph.D.
degrees in Speech-Language Pathology prepares
HBSK 6383. Neuropsychological graduates for positions in a variety of profes-
assessment of children and adults (3) sional settings: school systems, community
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisites:
speech and hearing centers, rehabilitation cen-
HBSK 5033 or HBSK 5070; and HBSK 5320.
Special fee: $150. ters, hospital clinics, private practice, state
departments of education, health departments,
Advanced Study federal agencies, and colleges and universities.

HBSK 6904. Research-independent study Because of the programs central concern with
in neuroscience and education (1-3) the processes of individual human communica-
Faculty. Permission required. tion and their disorders and management, it
has special interests in, and relations with, the
HBSK 9410. Supervised internship, fields of psychology, linguistics, anatomy and
advanced study level (1-6)
physiology, acoustics, special education, medi-
Professor Kirk.
cine, and dentistry.

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In turn, many of the programs courses in tial by a professional familiar with the appli- require 74 points to complete the require-
normal and disordered speech and hearing cants interests and aptitudes. A paper, not ments for graduation.
processes contribute to professional prepara- more than 5 or 6 pages in length, describing a
tion in speech and language arts, kindergarten major research need in the applicants area of Students admitted to the program with under-
through secondary school education, special interest. Completion of at least 90 credits in graduate majors in speech and language
education, remedial reading, psychology, and liberal arts courses. pathology or with substantial prior coursework
various health related professions, including can expect to complete the program within
physical therapy, occupational therapy, dental All Doctoral Applicants two calendar years (four semesters and two
hygiene, nursing, and hospital administration. Doctoral applicants are strongly urged to dis- summer sessions) of full-time study.
cuss their plans with one of the departments
Special Application faculty before completing the application Students admitted with little or no prior
Requirements/Information: process. After all credentials have been coursework can expect to complete the pro-
Candidates should have a broad liberal arts received in the Admission Office, an interview gram in two and one-half calendar years of
background with concentration in the bio- will be arranged by the Departments Doctoral full-time study. Some accommodations can be
logical and behavioral sciences. Admission and Monitoring Committee. made for part-time study during a portion of
the program, but students must be enrolled in
Foundation courses that provide information Degree Requirements: practicum experiences (BBSQ 5331/2) from
relating to normal speech, language and hear- MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH- their first semester and in all subsequent
ing processes; introductory level courses in LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY semesters of their enrollment.
speech, language, and hearing disorders; and, This degree program leads to professional
appropriate related areas required for the mas- licensing, professional certification, and if Academic and Practicum Requirements
ters program can be taken as a matriculated elected, to teacher of speech and hearing Basic Human Communication Processes:
graduate student at Teachers College or at handicapped certification. Students are In the area of normal human communication
another accredited institution. required to complete academic and practice processes, students are required to take two
requirements for the New York State License courses in each of three areas of speech, lan-
Students with undergraduate preparation in in Speech-Language Pathology and the guage, and hearing, including:
communication sciences and disorders typical- Certificate of Clinical Competence offered by anatomic and physiologic bases
ly have completed the foundation courses. the American Speech-Language-Hearing physical and psychophysical bases
Students who choose to take the foundation Association to be eligible for graduation with linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects
work at Teachers College should plan on the Master of Science Degree.
extending their masters program as appropri- These courses will total at least 15 points. This
ate, usually one semester and a summer ses- This requirement means that it is the responsi- coursework may be taken at either the under-
sion. bility of the student to satisfy the required 75 graduate or graduate level. Students with an
credits of course work in appropriate specified undergraduate degree in communication disor-
Students from diverse academic and experi- areas for the ASHA CCC-SLP before comple- ders will have taken some or all of this course-
ence backgrounds are routinely accepted into tion of the M.S., either through course work work as part of their undergraduate prepara-
the program and encouraged to apply. taken at Teachers College or through an tion.
approved distribution of courses completed at
Doctoral candidates should have completed a Teachers College and at another regionally Material covered in the following courses must
professional masters degree in communication accredited institutions (including undergradu- have been included as part of the students
sciences and disorders prior to matriculation. ate course work). prior coursework or must be taken at Teachers
Under exceptional circumstances, students College:
with a masters degree in a closely related field This requirement is in addition to the specific BBSQ 4030 Speech science (3)
will be considered for admission. courses and minimum credits required by the BBSQ 4031 Anatomy and physiology
Teachers College faculty to satisfy the Master for speech, language and
In addition to the regular admission require- of Science degree requirements. Although hearing (3)
ments, doctoral applicants must also submit: BBS 4032 Neuroscience of human
course credits from other institutions are not
speech and language (2)
transferred to the students program, courses BBS 5068 Brain and behavior I:
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) taken elsewhere and approved by the students Communication in the
At least one letter of recommendation specifi- academic advisor as equivalent to course work nervous system (1-2)
cally related to the applicants professional required to satisfy the ASHA certification
ability and potential. Whenever possible, this requirements or selected departmental The remainder of the normal human commu-
should be from a licensed or certified speech requirements do not need to be repeated at nication processes requirement can be fulfilled
and language pathologist or audiologist famil- Teachers College. through a variety of course options such as:
iar with the applicants area of specific inter- BBSQ 5044 Speech and language perception
est. A paper, no more than 5 or 6 pages in Teachers College requires a minimum of 32 and processing; A&HL 4101 Phonetics and
length, describing a major clinical problem in points for the Master of Science Degree. The phonology; HBSE 4079 Language develop-
need of investigation or clarification in the ment and habilitation; HUDK 5024 Language
minimum number of points for completion of
development; HUDK 5090 The psychology of
applicants area of interest. the Program in Speech-Language Pathology is language and reading; A&HL 4000 Intro-
approximately 50, including practicum duction to linguistics; A&HL 4003 Linguistic
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) courses. Students who have no previous analysis; ITSL 4024 Linguistic foundations of
If possible, at least one letter of recommenda- applicable coursework in the field typically bilingual/bicultural education; and other
tion related to the applicants research poten- courses listed in the program materials.

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Professional Course Work BBSQ 6111 Current issues and practices before their last semester at Teachers
In professional area coursework, students are in speech-language patho- College.
required to take 7 points in hearing disorders logy (1-3)
and a minimum of 30 points in speech-lan- Practicum Requirements
guage disorders. The professional area course Research Methods Therapy practicum. Students enroll in
work in speech-language pathology must be at Students are required to take BBSQ 5940, Practicum (BBSQ 5331 and BBSQ 5332)
the graduate level and must include a mini- Evaluating research in speech-language starting with their first semester at Teachers
mum of 3 points in courses within the program pathology, or to have previously taken equiva- College and continue in Practicum during
that are not part of the core requirements. In lent coursework. This course is offered during each subsquent semester, including at least
addition, only 3 points of practicum course- the fall term. one summer(BBSQ 5315 and BBSQ 5316).
work can be used to fulfill the 30-point profes- Assignment and participation in each of
sional area requirement. Only courses for
Breadth Courses these Practicum experiences is determined
Students at Teachers College are required to by and at the discretion of the Clinic Program
which a grade of at least a C has been earned
take 2 Teachers College courses (for at least 2 Coordinator.
can be used to fulfill these requirements.
points each) in departments other than their
Core Course Work major program area. These courses may be Students continue in Practicum until a satisfact-
The following core courses must be taken at used to fulfill the requirements for coursework ory level of clinical competence appropriate for
Teachers College or the equivalent course in normal human communication processes or entry into the Clinical Fellowship Year has been
material must have been taken as part of a may be in related professional areas. Breadth demonstrated. Students without background in
students prior coursework and approved by courses may be taken pass/fail. Currently, any the field typically enroll for six or seven semesters
the students academic advisor: advisor approved non-BBSQ course meets the of Practicum, while students with background
Breadth requirement. tend to enroll for five or six semesters of
Speech-Language Pathology Practicum. Students accrue a minimum of 350
BBSQ 4040 Speech and language Bilingual Emphasis Track supervised clinical hours within a minimum of 3
disorders (2) The bilingual emphasis track is for students
service sites in addition to the on-campus Edward
BBSQ 5111 Assessment and who wish to develop expertise in working with
D. Mysak Speech and Hearing Center. These
evaluation (3) culturally and linguistically diverse children
field placements typically include a school site,
BBSQ 5112 Articulation disorders (3) and adolescents with communication disor-
BBSQ 5113 Voice disorders (3) a hospital, and a rehabilitation site.
ders. Following the bilingual emphasis track
BBSQ 5114 Stuttering: Theory and will satisfy the coursework and field placement
therapy (3) Diagnostics. Students are required to enroll
requirements for the bilingual extension to the
BBSQ 5115 Language disorders in in one semester of diagnostic Practicum
New York State Teacher of Speach and Hear-
children (3) (BBSQ 5312). This Practicum experience
BBSQ 5116 Language disorders in ing Handicapped certificate. Under New York
follows BBSQ 5111 Assessment of Evalua-
adults (3) State Education Department regulations, the
tion and is contingent upon satisfactory
bilingual extension certificate is required to
completion of academic course work and
Hearing provide speech and language intervention for
therapy Practicum experiences in a variety
BBSQ 4042 Audiology (2-3: Majors take bilingual children and adolescents ages 3
of disorder areas. Assignment to this Practi-
course for 2 points only) through 21. This includes working in a school
cum is also determined by and at the discre-
BBSQ 5125 Clinical approaches to aural system in NYS as well as providing bilingual
rehabilitation (3) tion of the Clinic Program Coordinator.
therapy in a private practice where funding
BBSQ 5129 Audiological concepts and Clinic Lab. Students must enroll in BBSQ
comes from the NYC Department of
principles (1) 5333 or BBSQ 5334, depending on previous
Education or the NYS Education Department.
BBSQ 5343 Hearing measurements (1) academic background. This is a one-
semester course in Laboratory Methods and
The requirements for the NYS bilingual
Additional Course Work Instrumentation in Clinical Practice that is
extension certificate as it is infused into the
Students are required to take a minimum of 3 taken for 1 point. All students meet one
Masters of Science program in speech-
points of professional area coursework within evening a week for a lecture/presentation.
language pathology are:
the program in Speech-Language Pathology in Students are also assigned to small group
BBSQ 5041 School speech-language-
addition to the required core courses. Some hearing program; workshop sessions during the day.
additional courses are offered yearly, while BBSQ 5111 Assessment and Evaluation; Hearing Practicum. Students are required
others are offered on a less regular or a one- BBSQ 5115 Language Disorders in to enroll in BBSQ 5343 (Hearing
time basis. There are also seminars that are Children; Measurement). This is a one semester, one
open to advanced masters students. The fol- BBSQ 5120 Communication Disorders point Practicum that fulfills the ASHA
lowing is a list of additional courses: in Bilingual/Bicultural requirement for clinical hours in Audiology.
BBSQ 4046 Non-speech communica- Children;
tion: Alternative & aug- 50 hours of bilingual therapy/evaluations DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
mentative systems (2) with children and/or adolescents supervised This degree program leads to a professional
BBSQ 4047 Early motor behaviors in doctorate in Speech-Language Pathology and
by a certified bilingual speech-language
children: Normal and
pathologist as part of the total hours is designed to prepare candidates for profes-
abnormal (3)
BBSQ 5118 Cleft palate (2-3) required by ASHA. sional leadership in clinical, supervisory, and
BBSQ 5119 Alaryngeal speech (1) A passing score on the NYS Education teaching activities. A minimum of 90 points
BBSQ 5130 Assessment & intervention Departments Target Language Proficiency must be completed. There is no language
for dysphagia (2) Test in the students non-English language requirement.
and in English. Student must pass the test

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DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY The programs Clinic Laboratory is used to tion (AAC). A thorough examination of the
This program is designed for individuals train students in the application of precision assessment and therapeutic processes will be
primarily interested in careers in Speech- instrumentation for objective measurement of presented. Emphasis will be placed upon indi-
Language Pathology, in research, and college the phonatory, articulatory, and fluency viduals exhibiting severe communication dis-
dimensions of speech behavior. The laboratory orders secondary to congenital/acquired cogni-
teaching. A minimum of 75 points must be com-
tive and motor impairments. Low and high
pleted. There is no language requirement. is an integral element in the diagnostic and
tech AAC systems will be discussed and
treatment services provided by the Speech demonstrated. Important to speech therapists,
All doctoral candidates must complete a dis- and Hearing Center and enhances opportuni- special educators, psychologists, occupational
sertation. For details concerning the various ties for clinical research. and physical therapists, school administrators
doctoral programs, consult the Office of and other health professionals.
Doctoral Studies bulletins, Requirements Special learning and research experiences
for the Degree of Doctor of Education and are available through the programs Speech BBSQ 4047. Early motor behaviors in
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Research Laboratory, and, for qualified children: Normal and abnormal (3)
Philosophy sections and request from the students, laboratories maintained by the Dr. Sheppard. Study of normal and abnormal
Departments programs in applied physiology development of sensory-motor speech process-
program office statements on Ed.D. and
es and related oral motor behaviors; etiology,
Ph.D. programs. and motor learning. Additional research facili-
diagnosis, and management of pre-speech and
ties are available in several related Teachers eating pathologies in infants and severely
Continuing Professional Education College programs and Columbia University handicapped individuals.
Each year, the Speech-Language Pathology departments in various affiliated institutions
program offers courses, workshops, and special throughout the greater New York metropolitan BBSQ 5041. School speech-language-
events designed for postgraduates and other area. hearing program (2)
practicing professionals in the field and related Dr. Kaufman. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4040 or
fields. Also, under the Alumni Audit Program, Traineeships equivalent. Analyzes impact of federal and
alumni may audit courses offered through the Traineeships on the masters and doctoral state laws on service delivery in school setting.
levels from the Veterans Administration, Develops skills to meet the needs of communi-
program at substantially reduced fees. The
cation-disordered students with the full range
program in Speech-Language Pathology and the Shield Institute, the Parkside School,
of disabilities, including working with other
Audiology is approved by the Continuing the League Center, and others are available professionals to assist children in accessing the
Education Board of the American Speech- through the department. general curriculum.
Language-Hearing Association as a continuing
education sponsor. The program for preparing teachers of the Basic Speech and Hearing Science
speech and hearing handicapped is approved
Academic, Practical, and Research by the New York State Education Department. BBSQ 4030. Speech Science (3)
Training Opportunities The Ph.D., Ed.D., Ed.M., and M.S. programs Faculty. Kinesiologic approach to the study
Instruction in the areas of speech and lan- are also registered by the New York and New of phonetics and the phonetics of physiologic
guage pathology and audiology includes formal Jersey State Education Departments. impairment. Practice in use of the
course work (lectures, seminars, colloquia) International Phonetic Alphabet and other
COURSES: descriptive systems.
and practica training. The formal course work
within each area is supplemented by videotape BBSQ 4031. Anatomy and physiology for
and live-case presentations by the instructors General
speech, language and hearing (3)
and by direct experiences with clients within Dr. Nicholas. Basic structures and functions
the Edward D. Mysak Speech and Hearing BBSQ 4040. Speech and language
of the articulatory, vocal, and auditory mecha-
disorders (2-3)
Center. nisms. Application of such study to the field
Professor Saxman. Discussion of speech and
of speech-pathology and audiology.
language disorders and of remedial procedures.
Practical training at the masters and doctoral For speech pathology-audiology majors with-
levels includes lecture/demonstrations, small- BBSQ 4042. Audiology (2-3: Majors
out academic background in speech and hear-
group instruction, and direct experience with take course for 2 points only)
ing and students in language arts, psychology,
Faculty. This course covers acoustics, anatomy
clients. Students engaged in practica are guidance, special education, childhood educa-
and physiology of the auditory system, pure
supervised individually and in groups by the tion, health education, nursing education,
tone, and speech audiometry types and com-
faculty and staff of the program. Unusual physical and occupational therapy, and dental
munication effects of hearing loss, amplifica-
opportunities for learning and inquiry with hygiene.
tion and immitance.
reference to advanced clinical, supervisory,
BBSQ 4042. Audiology (2-3: Majors
teaching, and research activities are provided BBSQ 5044. Speech and language
take course for two points only.)
within the large, well equipped, and active perception and processing (2-3: Majors
Professor OMalley. This course covers
Edward D. Mysak Speech and Hearing Center. take course for 2 points only)
acoustics, anatomy and physiology of the audi-
Professor OMalley. Examination of the models
tory system, pure tone and speech audiometry,
Opportunities for clinical and research proposed to explain speech perception, and
types and communication effects of hearing
discussion of the research which assigns to
expeences also exist in numerous affiliated loss, amplification, and immitance.
speech and language a special role.
field settings. For example, practical training
experiences are available in approximately 60 BBSQ 4046. Introduction to augmentative
selected field facilities including hospital, reha- and alternative communication (2)
bilitation centers, and school settings. Dr. Budde and Ms. Cohen. This introductory
course will provide a comprehensive overview
of augmentative and alternative communica-

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Applied Speech Science Courses BBSQ 5116. Language disorders in Practica

(Speech-Language Pathology) adults (3)
Dr. Froud. Prerequisite: an introductory course BBSQ 5210-BBSQ 5212. Practicum in
BBS 5125. Clinical approaches to aural in speech-language pathology. Theoretical and school speech-language pathology (3)
habilitation of child (3) practical approaches to understanding the eti- Professor Sweeting. Permission required.
Faculty. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4042 or equiva- ology, assessment, classification and treatment Participation and student teaching in a school
lent. Clinical procedures available to audiolo- of aphasia and other communication disorders remedial speech and hearing program: survey,
gists, speech pathologists and deaf educators for in adulthood. organization, remedial procedures. Special fee:
implementing speech-reading, auditory training, $150.
and speech language therapy for the hard-of- BBSQ 5118. Cleft palate and speech
hearing child. Use of amplification and coun- habilitation (2-3) BBSQ 5312. Diagnostic methods and
seling approaches. Professor Saxman. Prerequisite: an introductory practice in speech-language pathology (3)
course in speech pathology. Etiology and symp- Professor Sweeting. Required of speech pathol-
BBSQ 5111. Assessment and evaluation (3) tomatology of the communication impairment ogy majors. Prerequisite BBSQ 5111. Methods
Ms. Crowley. Permission required. Required of associated with cleft lip and palate and other of assessing native English speakers and cultur-
speech pathology majors. Prerequisites: an craniofacial disorders. The role of the speech ally and linguistically diverse clients, including
introductory course in speech-language pathol- pathologist in the multidisciplinary approach English Language Learners. Ways to plan or
ogy and a course in normal language develop- to total habilitation of children and adults. modify instruction based upon information
ment. Studies use of published tests, technolo- gathered through assessment. Analysis lan-
gy, and alternative and curriculum-based strate- BBSQ 5119. Alaryngeal speech (1) guage skills related to literacy and overall aca-
gies in assessment. Focuses on impact of bilin- Ms. Morris. Prerequisite: an introductory demic achievement. Uses of instructional and
gualism and sociolinguistics on the assessment course in speech pathology. Survey of medico- assistive technology in assessment. Methods of
of culturally and linguistically diverse clients surgical treatments for laryngeal carcinoma. assessing clients within the full range of dis-
across the lifespan, covering the full range of Analysis of physiologic, acoustic, and psychoso- abilities and across the lifespan. Special fee:
disabilities. cial aspects of alaryngeal speech. Study of ther- $150.
apeutic methods.
BBSQ 5112. Articulation disorders (3) BBSQ 5331-BBSQ 5339. Therapy
Faculty. Prerequisites: phonetics course and an BBSQ 5120. Communication disorders Practicum
introductory course in speech pathology. Study in bilingual/bicultural children (3) Faculty. Assessment and intervention planning
of phonological rule disorders and disorders Ms. Crowley. Study of effect of bilingualism, and implementation for clients across the full
associated with functional and various structur- bilingual education, sociolinguistics, psycholin- range of disabilities and across the lifespan.
al and neurological problems. Critical analysis guistics and multicultural perspectives in edu- Coursework covers the needs of native English
of research in etiology, testing, and therapy. cation on communication disordered child. speakers and English Language Learners in
Considers appropriate assessment and treat- hospitals and school settings. College-super-
BBSQ 5113. Voice disorders (3) ment to ensure optimal academic success, for vised practica. For bilingual emphasis students,
Professor Sweeting. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4031 English Language Learners, bidialectal, and at least 50 clock hours in providing bilingual
or equivalent and an introductory course in bicultural children with communication disor- services.
speech pathology. Study of voice disorders asso- ders, covering the full range of disabilities.
ciated with functional, structural, endocrino- BBSQ 5331-BBSQ 5332. Regular
logical, and neurological problems. Analysis of BBSQ 5130. Assessment and intervention clinic (3)
recent research and major approaches to voice in dysphagia (2) Professor Sweeting (Coordinator).
therapy. Dr. Sheppard. Study of eating and swallowing Observation and practice in speech and
disorders in children and adults. Assessment language therapy at the Speech and
BBSQ 5114. Stuttering: Theory and management strategies for eating and Hearing Center and at related field
and therapy (3) swallowing disorders. facilities. Weekly lecture on principles
Dr. Wexler. Prerequisite: an introductory course of speech and language therapy (three
in speech pathology. Analysis of major theories Applied Hearing Science Courses semesters). Majors enroll until
and research on stuttering. Study of prophylac- (Audiology) practicum requirements for the M.S.
tic principles for younger children and evalua- degree are completed.
tive and therapeutic procedures for older chil- BBSQ 5125. Clinical approaches to aural Special fee: $150.
dren and adults. habilitation of children (3)
Faculty. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4042 or equiva- BBSQ 5333-BBSQ 5334. Laboratory
BBSQ 5115. Language disorders in lent. Clinical procedures available to audiolo- methods and instrumentation in
children (3) gists, speech pathologists and deaf educators for clinical practice (0)
Ms. Crowley. Prerequisites: an introductory implementing speech-reading, auditory training, Faculty. Instruction and practice in
course in speech-language pathology and a speech-language therapy for the hard-of-hear- acoustic and physiologic measures
course in normal language development. ing child. Use of amplification and counseling related to voice, articulation, and
Language disorders in children, including approaches. fluency disorders. Majors must enroll
native English speakers and children from cul- for one Fall and one Spring term.
turally and linguistically diverse homes, cover- BBSQ 5129. Audiological concepts and Special fee: $150.
ing the full range of disabilities. Course covers principles (1)
birth through late adolescent and includes Professor OMalley. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4042 BBSQ 5335. Infant evaluation clinic (1)
impact of language disorders on language Audiology (23). This course covers auditory Dr. Sheppard. Observation and
acquisition, literacy development, and uses pathologies, electrophysiological (ABR) and participation in the evaluation of pre-
of technology. electracoustical (OAE) tests. Tests of central speech and feeding behaviors in at-risk
auditory function, controversial issues in audi- infants and in the development of indi-
tion. vidualized management programs.
Special fee: $150.

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BBSQ 5336. Stuttering clinic (0) BBSQ 6940-BBSQ 6941. Supervised This Institute satisfies the academic and field-
Dr. Wexler. Observation and research in speech-language pathology experience requirements of the New York
participation in group therapy for and audiology (3) State Education Department for the bilingual
adult stutterers. Special fee: $150. Faculty vary by section. Permission required. extension to the Teacher of Speech and
Prerequisite: BBSQ 5941. Doctoral candidates Hearing Handicapped teaching certificate. It
BBSQ 5343. Hearing measurement (1) are required to enroll in their advisors section
is designed to train students in areas of study
Faculty. Prerequisite: BBSQ 4042. Practice in for both semesters. Opportunity to design and
hearing screening, Audiological evaluation, conduct pilot studies and projects. that are needed by bilingual speech-language
hearing aid fittings and troubleshooting mal- clinicians working with culturally and linguis-
functioning hearing aids. For speech and lan- BBSQ 7500. Dissertation seminar in tically diverse children and adolescents. Great
guage pathology majors. Special fee: $150. speech-language pathology and audiology (2) effort is made to connect lectures, presenta-
Professor Saxman and Faculty. Prerequisite: tions, discussions and hands-on experience in
BBSQ 6351-BBSQ 6355. Advanced BBSQ 6941. Development of doctoral disser- class to the experience of clinical work in
practice (2) tations and projects and presentation of plans schools. In addition, project-based learning
Faculty. Advanced practice in speech-language for approval. Doctoral candidates are required brings theory and practice out of the class-
pathology and audiology required. Doctoral to enroll for one year and must begin the room and into the everyday clinical work of
students are required to register in four sequence in the Fall term immediately follow-
the participants (and vice versa). The Institute
sections during their period of candidacy. ing completion of BBSQ 6941.
Observation of faculty during therapy, diagno- meets for six weekends in May, June,
sis, supervisory, teaching, or research activities BBSQ 8900. Dissertation-advisement in September, October, November and December
and participation in such activities. speech-language pathology and audiology (0) and is taught by its eight-person faculty.
BBSQ 6351. Clinical (2) Faculty. Prerequisite: BBSQ 7500. Individual
BBSQ 6352. Supervision (2) advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee to Continuing Education
BBSQ 6353. Teaching (2) equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each
BBSQ 6354. Laboratory (2) term. For requirements, see section in catalog BBSQ 5815. Managing swallowing and
BBSQ 6355. Administration (2) on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. feeding problems in the classroom (2)
degrees. Dr. Justine Sheppard. Study of eating and
Research Courses and Seminars swallowing disorders in children: assessment
The Bilingual Extension Institute (6) and management strategies for eating and
BBSQ 5940. Evaluating research in speech- The Institute is co-sponsored by the swallowing disorders.
language pathology and audiology (3) Department of Biobehavioral Studies and the
Professor OMalley. Required of all Masters BBSQ 6111. Current issues and practices
Center of Educational Outreach & Innovation
and first-year doctoral students. Evaluation in speech-language pathology (1-3)
of research methods. and is approved for non-matriculated, non- Faculty. Topics will vary with respect to cur-
degree students. Ms. Crowley, Coordinator. rent issues and practices in speech-language
BBSQ 5941. Research needs and methods pathology.
in speech-language pathology and audiology
Professor Saxman. Permission required.
Prerequisite: BBSQ 5940. Required of first-
year doctoral students. Development of ratio-
nales for doctoral dissertations and projects.

BBSQ 6513-BBSQ 6517. Seminars in basic

and applied speech science (3)
Faculty. Permission required. For doctoral can-
didates and advanced masters degree students
in speech-language pathology. Doctoral candi-
dates are required to enroll in at least three
sections. Seminars involve intensive study and
analysis of current research and issues in the
particular topics.

BBSQ 6513. Phonological

(children and adults) (3)

BBSQ 6514. Language: Brain,

biology and language acquisition (3)

BBSQ 6515. Voice and its

disorders (3)

BBSQ 6516. Fluency and its

disorders (3)

BBSQ 6517. Neuropathology

of speech (3)

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Counseling and Clinical Psychology

CHAIR: TBA LOCATION: 428 Horace Mann TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3257
FAX: (212) 678-3275 WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/CCP


The Counseling and Clinical Psychology department prepares students
COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY 68 to investigate and address the psychological needs of individuals, families, groups,
organizations/institutions, and communities. Counseling psychology focuses on normal and
PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING 72 optimal development across the life span, with particular attention to expanding knowledge
and skills in occupational choice and transitions, and multicultural and group counseling.
Applied psychology Clinical Psychology provides rigorous training in both contemporary clinical science and inter-
General psychology vention. Increasingly, both aspects of this training have been focused on the needs of at-risk
children and adolescents. The clinical component of the program reflects an ongoing psycho-
dynamic tradition with additional opportunities for training in other theoretical models.

Thus, students in this department are trained to become knowledgeable and proficient
researchers, to provide psychological and educational leadership, and to be effective practition-
ers. Specifically, graduates from these programs seek positions in teaching, research, policy,
administration, psychotherapy, and counseling.

Robert T. Carter (Counseling) George V. Gushue (Counseling)
Madonna G. Constantine (Counseling) Sally Hage (Counseling)
Barry A. Farber (Clinical) Rachel Navarro (Counseling)
Leah B. Lapidus (Clinical) Helena Verdeli (Clinical)
Suniya Luthar (Clinical Psychology/ ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSORS:
Human Development) Clarissa Bullitt (Clinical)
Elizabeth Midlarsky (Clinical) Edith Cooper (Clinical)
Rosalea A. Schonbar(Clinical) Stephanie Fagin Jones (Clinical)
Emeritus Motoni Fong-Hodges (Counseling)
Derald Wing Sue (Counseling) Elizabeth Fraga (Counseling)
David Greenan (Counseling)
ADJUNCT PROFESSORS: Merav Gur (Clinical)
Xavier Amador (Clinical) Richard Keller (Counseling)
Jesse D. Geller (Clinical) Scott Kellogg (Clinical)
Jerome W. Kosseff (Clinical) Lisa Kentgen (Clinical)
Nanette A. Kramer (Counseling) Michael J. Koski (Counseling)
Judith Kuriansky (Clinical) Samuel E. Menahem (Clinical)
Stephen Reisner (Clinical) Robin Nemeroff (Clinical)
Arnold W. Wolf (Counseling) Laura Nisco (Clinical)
Elizabeth Owen (Clinical)
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Andrea Safirstein (Counseling)
George Bonanno (Clinical) Gil Tunnell (Counseling)
Lisa Miller (Clinical) Anika Warren (Counseling)
Marie L. Miville (Counseling) David Yourman (Clinical)
Christine Yeh (Counseling)
For information about faculty and their schol-
ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: arly and research interests, please refer to the
Jill Backfield (Clinical) Faculty section of this bulletin, or visit us at
Ghislaine Boulanger (Clinical) www.tc.edu/faculty.
Nurit N. Israeli (Counseling)
Billie Pivnick (Clinical)
Dinelia Rosa (Clinical/Counseling)
Roni Beth Tower (Clinical)

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itself, its body of knowledge, methods, and supervised by core faculty members or by
ethical principles which form the basis and adjunct faculty who are psychologists in pri-
PSYCHOLOGY context of clinical practice. vate practice in New York. Students usually
carry four clients as part of their psychotherapy
Program Coordinator and
Thus, the driving goal of the Clinical practicum and receive two hours of supervi-
Director of Clinical Training:
Psychology Program is to provide rigorous sion each week with two different supervisors.
Professor Barry A. Farber
training in both contemporary clinical science
Program Office: (212) 678-3267 and clinical assessment and intervention. The Special Application
E-mail: [email protected] research programs of our faculty span a wide Requirements/Information:
Web site: www.tc.edu/ccp/Clinical range, including studies of childhood risk and
resilience; adjustment across diverse sociode-
1. A bachelors degree from a regionally
Clinical Psychology mographic contexts; religious and spiritual
accredited college or university or its equiva-
(Code: TXC) development; close relationships; altruism and
lent in another country. An applicant who
caregiving; emotion and coping with trauma;
applies while still an undergraduate can be
Degrees Offered: and psychotherapy process and outcome (see
accepted only on condition that the bachelors
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)* individual faculty web pages). Our on-site
degree be received in time for enrollment.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) clinic, The Center for Educational and
The undergraduate transcript must include a
Master of Science (M.S.) en passant Psychological Services (CEPS), now functions
course in statistics and at least nine additional
as both a research and clinical training center.
credits from among the following areas, at
*We are currently not accepting applications least one of which should include a laboratory
for this degree level. The CEPS has recently participated, for exam-
experience: personality, social psychology,
ple, in studies of the early-onset of Dysthymic
developmental psychology, abnormal psycholo-
Program Description: Disorder and the usefulness of mindfulness
gy, psychological psychology, learning theory,
The Clinical Psychology Program offers a training for school-aged children. Our clinical
psychology of perception, and experimental
course of scholarly/professional education training has an ongoing psychodynamic tradi-
psychology. An applicant may be accepted
leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy tion with increasing opportunities for supervi-
with a deficiency in one of these areas on con-
(Ph.D.). The Master of Science (M.S.) and sion and didactic work in Cognitive-
dition that the deficiency be remedied (either
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degrees are Behavioral, Interpersonal, and other modali-
during the summer or, without degree credit,
earned en passant. ties. This training emphasizes intervention as
during the first semester).
well as prevention, and assessment across the
In the doctoral program students are prepared life span within the context of schools, fami-
2. Clinical and Research Experience: Though
for professional work in community agencies, lies, and communities. We are committed to
not required, the Program values the addition-
hospitals, research centers, colleges and uni- an enhanced focus on ethnic, cultural, and
al evidence of maturity, competence, and
versities, and independent practice. Complet- theoretical diversity not only in our curricu-
capacity for responsibility that comes from a
ing a 95-point doctoral degree, including an lum and clinical training but also among our
broad range of work and life experiences.
internship, typically takes five to seven years. students, faculty, and clinical supervisors.
Thus, most students admitted to the program
Practicum work is done in the Teachers Numerous practica and externship opportuni-
have engaged, after college, in both supervised
College Center for Educational and Psycholo- ties area available throughout the New York
psychological research and some type of super-
gical Services (Director: Dr. Dinelia Rosa). area and our students commonly secure place-
vised work in a clinical setting.
ment at the most competitive internship sites.
Our current training model is that of the 3. Graduate Record Examination (GRE):
Scholar-Practitioner. This model best reflects It should be noted, however, that those stu-
Applicants must submit the results of the
the traditional strengths of this program (e.g., dents whose career goal is full-time private
GRE Aptitude tests and the GRE Advanced
equal weight placed on scholarship and prac- practice without a significant research com-
Examinations in Psychology, taken no more
tice, significant faculty involvement in com- mitment will find our program inappropriate
than two years prior to the date of the applica-
munity and professional activities, and faculty for their needs. Increasingly, the program is
tion. Unless English is not the applicants first
scholarship that emphasizes but is not restrict- emphasizing work in the child-clinical area.
language, scores on the Verbal and Quantita-
ed to empirical research). In fact, students may elect either a specialty
tive tests and the Advanced Test of less than
track in child-clinical psychology or clinical
650 will make acceptance less likely. On test
Our scholar-practitioner model means that we neuropsychology. In either case, students will
retakes, the Admissions Committee will con-
are dedicated to training clinically proficient need to take additional didactic courses and
sider the higher scores. Applicants are urged to
students who are also able to expertly analyze, practica beyond those required of all clinical
take the GRE no later than November.
discuss, and generate scholarly material, Ph.D. students.
whether in the form of empirical research or 4. References: Applicants must submit at least
theoretical exposition. We fully expect our stu- The Program shares an in-house clinic (The
two letters of recommendation from individu-
dents clinical work to be constantly informed Center for Educational and Psychological
als able to comment on their scholarly and
by traditional and emerging scholarship in the Services) with several other College programs.
personal qualifications.
field. Conversely, we expect our students work All clinical psychology doctoral students are
to give rise to theoretical and clinically orient- staff members in the Center after their first
5. Personal Statement: Applicants should try
ed questions that can become the basis for semester in the Program, and carry a regular
to say something about the range of their
scholarly enterprise. Further, we are commit- caseload of clients. The Center sponsors a
interests and experience, attempting to give
ted to the belief that training as a clinical psy- weekly case conference, at which students
the Admissions Committee a flavor of the
chologist must be deeply rooted in psychology present and discuss cases. Clinical work is
person behind the application.

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Applicants whose paper qualifications appear Models and Experimental Design; Emotion, help in the form of a tuition scholarship that
most promising are invited to a personal inter- Culture and Health; Psychotherapy with covers approximately 20-40% of the cost of a
view, usually in late February or early March. Children; History and Systems; Cognitive, years tuition; some also receive stipends from
As a rule, no applicant will be accepted on the Behavioral and Interpersonal Therapies; the faculty research grants. Most students also
basis of written application alone. Applicants Evolution of Freuds Psychological Theories; work part-time to cover expenses.
are interviewed by one student and one faculty and Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In
member of the Admissions Committee. All addition, students sign up for a full year of COURSES:
material included in the admissions procedure research practicum with a faculty member
is accorded professional confidentiality by the (culminating in an empirical Second-Year Note that 4000-level courses are generally
Committee. The fact that students submit Project) and a full-year clinical practicum. open to non-majors, as are certain 5000-level
courses. See listings below for prerequisites and
their applications with this knowledge consti-
limitations on enrollment.
tutes permission to have these materials read Third Year
by both faculty and student members of the Third year didactic courses include Group CCPX 4000. Introduction to applied
Committee. Dynamics; Family Therapy; Clinical Issues in psychology (3)
Working with Diverse Populations; Empirical Professor Luthar. This course is designed to
Applicants for the doctoral program are con- Bases of Psychotherapy; and Dissertation provide an introduction to multidisciplinary
sidered for fall admission. For doctoral appli- Seminar. There is also a full year clinical approaches to mental health including clinical
cants, all admissions materials must be practicum. Most students also elect to take psychology, school psychology, pediatric psy-
received by the final application deadline as a full year clinical externship. chology, forensic and health psychology.
advertised by the College. See the Admissions
CCPX 4010. Psychological perspectives
section of this bulletin for more information. Fourth and Fifth Year
on critical social problems (3)
Fourth year features an optional clinical Professor Midlarsky. Psychological perspectives
Degree Requirements: practicum but is typically devoted to work on on social problems such as eating disorders,
the dissertation. Year five is usually spent on domestic violence, AIDS and HIV infection,
The Program requires: a full-year clinical internship. and mental health in late life.
1. The completion of 95 points of academic
credit during three to four years of residence Elective courses for all students include CCPX 4030. Psychology of adjustment (3)
at the College. Forensic Psychology; Advanced Cognitive- Professor Bonanno. Healthy and pathological
2. A full-time, twelve month clinical intern- Behavioral Therapy; Women and Mental adjustment throughout the life span: stress,
ship during the fourth or fifth year of study. Health; Family Counseling and Therapy; defense mechanisms, and coping.
3. An original piece of empirical research, The Psychology of Loss and Trauma;
CCPX 4032. Assessment and treatment
which also serves as a qualifying paper, to be Psychotherapy, Religious Diversity, and of alcohol and chemical dependency (3)
completed during the second year of study. Spirituality; and Assessment and Treatment Dr. Kellogg. Overview of the clinical principles
4. A passing grade on the certification exami- of Alcohol and Chemical Dependency. governing assessment and treatment of addic-
nation (on Research Methods) during the tive disorders; stages of addiction; issues of
third year of study. The program allows only 12 points of graduate comorbidity; resistances to treatment.
5. A case presentation and accompanying work from another institution to be trans-
paper during the third year, demonstrating the ferred. No transfer credits are awarded for CCPX 4033. Advanced clinical interven-
students ability to integrate theory, research, practica, workshops, or independent study. tions with addicted patients and families (3)
and practice. Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite:
CCPX 4032. Focus on developing advanced
6. A doctoral dissertation, which must be com- Financial Aid
alcohol-specific intervention techniques, and
pleted no later than the seventh year after Teachers College has three scholarship funds: group and family counseling skills for work
matriculation. General, Diversity and International Student. with addicted individuals and their families.
The College also arranges a variety of student
First Year loans with banks, most of them repayment- CCPX 4035. Personality and behavior
During their first year of study, doctoral stu- and interest-deferred. Limited work study change (3)
dents typically take the following didactic funds may also be available. Faculty. Review of the major theories of per-
courses: Ethical and Professional Issues in sonality; mechanisms of behavioral change.
ClinicalPsychology; Psychological Measure- Since 1993, the Clinical Psychology Program
ment; Applied Regression Analysis; Research has also granted partial scholarships via the CCPX 4036. Psychology of human
intimacy (3)
Methods; Child Psychopathology; Adult James S. Scappaticcio Fellowship for Gay Men
Dr. Kuriansky. Overview of issues in the fields
Personality and Psychopathology; and Lesbian doctoral candidates in Clinical of interpersonal relationships and sexuality:
Development and Psychopathology; and Psychology. Tuition grants are available for one developmental theories, dating and mating,
Dynamic Approaches to Psychotherapy. or two self-identified gay clinical doctoral gender differences and similarities; sexual
Students also take two semesters of psycholog- candidates; small grants-in-aid are also made behaviors and sexual victimization.
ical testing and a course in clinical interview- available for research on topics relevant to
ing. Many students begin working with faculty homosexuality, including psychological and/or CCPX 4038. Comparative psychotherapies (3)
members on research during this first year. psychosocial aspects of AIDS or AIDS treat- Dr. Jones. Survey and analysis of representa-
ment. tive psychotherapies in current practice: psy-
Second Year choanalytic, neo-Freudian, Gestalt, Jungian,
client-centered, existential, behavior therapy,
During their second year, students didactic The program currently does not have NIMH-
and others.
courses include: Brain and Behavior; Linear funded traineeships to offer. Most doctoral stu-
dents with significant financial need obtain

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CCPX 4039. Critical perspectives on disorders of adulthood viewed from clinical and CCPX 5045. Psychotherapy, religious
nontraditional psychotherapies (3) research perspectives; current issues in diagno- diversity & spirituality (3)
Dr. Menahem. Overview and evaluation of sis and treatment. Professor Miller. No prerequisites. Open to
nontraditional psychotherapeutic approaches Ph.D., M.A., & M.Div. students in all depart-
including existential psychotherapy, Eriksonian CCPX 5033. The evolution of Freuds ments. This course will focus on the role of
hypnosis, transpersonal therapy, and Eastern- psychological theories (3) religion and spirituality in psychotherapy.
oriented models. Dr. Reisner. Intensive examination of selected Research, theory and case material will be
psychological works of Sigmund Freud from used to clarify healing dimensions of religion
CCPX 4060. The psychology of loss 1892 to 1940, focusing on theoretical innova- and spirituality. Discussion will focus on a re-
and trauma (3) tions, modifications, and elaborations. examination of models of psyche and goals of
Professor Bonanno. Focus on how humans treatment.
cope with significant losses and trauma: histor- CCPX 5034. Child psychopathology (3)
ical developments, recent empirical advances, Professor Farber. Major clinical syndromes of CCPX 5102. Research and clinical
cross-cultural variations, and clinical and childhood and adolescence viewed within the applications of DSM-IV (3)
social implications. context of normal development. Consideration Dr. Tower. Diagnostic, clinical, and research
of various theoretical, diagnostic, etiological, applications of the DSM-IV; ethical, cultural,
CCPX 4120. Psychotherapy through and therapeutic viewpoints. and gender issues in the diagnostic process.
fiction and film (3)
Professor Farber. Psychotherapy, the therapist, CCPX 5036. Clinical work with diverse CCPX 5230. Fieldwork in clinical
and psychopathology as reflected in current populations (3) psychology (0-1)
fiction and film. Dr. Rosa. Permission required. An experiential Faculty. Limited to doctoral candidates in
seminar for practicum students in clinical and clinical psychology. Supervised practice in
CCPX 4121. Psychological themes in counseling psychology who are working with field placements. Sections: (1) Adult
classic literature (3) clients different from themselves. Externship (Dr. Tower). (2) Child Externship
Ms. Silverbush. Understanding personality, (Professor Miller).
motivation, conflict and psychopathology, CCPX 5037. Dynamic psychotherapies (3)
through critical analyses of classic literature, Dr. Boulanger. Spring: open to doctoral candi- CCPX 5330. Principles and techniques of
including works by Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, dates in psychology; others by permission. clinical assessment (3)
Doctorow, and Woolf. Theories of psychoanalytic psychotherapy Dr. Backfield. Limited to doctoral candidates
with emphasis on original sources: Freud, in clinical, counseling, and school psychology.
CCPX 4125. Women and mental health (3) Winnicott, Kohut, ego psychology, and object Theory and practice of psychological testing;
Faculty. Stressors, manifestations, and treat- relations theory. focus on cognitive assessment.
ment of psychopathology in women; theories
of Klein, Horney, Thompson, and others. CCPX 5038. Cognitive, behavioral, CCPX 5333. Practicum in clinical
and interpersonal therapies (3) assessment (3)
CCPX 4150. Introduction to forensic Professor Verdeli. Doctoral candidates in psy- Dr. Backfield. Permission required. Didactic
psychology (3) chology, doctoral students in other fields and focus on personality assessment, including pro-
Dr. Owen. The practice and application of Ed.M. students by permission. Introduction to jective measures; supervised practice in com-
forensic psychology to medical-legal problems theory and technique underlying treatment prehensive psychological assessment as staff
and nomenclature in diagnosis, evaluation, within the following modalities: Cognitive, member of the CEPS.
assessment, treatment, and testimony regarding Behavioral, Interpersonal, and Short-Term
criminal behavior, psychopathology, and civil, Psychodynamic. The course will explore the CCPX 5334. Clinical assessment and
family and criminal law. application of these various treatment research with children and adolescents (3)
approaches to a range of disorders including Faculty. Limited to doctoral candidates in
CCPX 4230. Fieldwork in clinical Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, clinical, counseling, and school psychology.
psychology (3) OCD, and Schizophrenia. Psychological assessment of children and ado-
Faculty. Supervised practice in field place- lescents, including interviewing techniques,
ments for M.A. students in applied or general CCPX 5039. Empirical bases of observational methods, and psychodiagnostic
psychology. psychotherapy (3) testing.
Professor Farber. Permission required. Analysis
CCPX 5020. Emotion, culture & health (3) of research efforts concerned with investigat- CCPX 5531. Psychotherapy with children (3)
Professor Bonanno. This course covers the ing the process and outcome of psychotherapy. Dr. Pivnick. Open to doctoral students in psy-
impact of overwhelming emotions on human Emphasis on client, therapist, and system vari- chology; others by permission. Introduction to
health and self-regulatory responses. The role of ables that contribute to the probability of ther- contemporary models of child psychotherapy.
culture in these responses is explored, as well as apeutic success. Emphasis will be upon a comparison of the
historical context and theoretical perspectives. theoretical foundations and techniques across
CCPX 5040. Development and psy- paradigms.
CCPX 5030. Ethical and professional issues chopathology: Atypical contexts
in clinical psychology (1) and population (3) CCPX 5532. Clinical issues: Children
Professor Schonbar and Dr. Bullitt. Limited Professor Luthar. Using contemporary from diverse backgrounds (3)
to doctoral students in clinical psychology. research as the basis, the focus is the on the Professor Miller. Open to all students. Focus
Orientation to program and field; ethical interface between classical developmental on current research on risk and resiliency fac-
and professional issues. psychology theories and patterns of develop- tors developed from within epidemiological,
ment identified in atypical contexts (e.g., social, and intra-psychic perspectives.
CCPX 5032. Adult psychopathology (3) poverty) and among atypical populations (e.g., Research findings are considered within the
Professor Midlarsky (Section 1), Dr. Tower resilient youth). Implications for interventions context of theories of development.
(Section 2 open to doctoral candidates in psy- and policy are also discussed.
chology; others by permission). Major clinical

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CCPX 5533-CCPX 5534. Research meth- Associationism, Structuralism, Behaviorism, CCPX 6533. Advanced topics:
ods in clinical psychology (3 each semester) Psychoanalysis, and Existentialism. Child psychotherapy practicum
CCPX 5533: Professor Bonanno. CCPX 5534: Dr. Kentgen and Professor Bonanno. Other
Faculty. Permission required. Design, method- CCPX 6332-CCPX 6333. Supervision topics may include Research practicum on
ology, and artifact in research. Development of practicum in clinical supervision trauma and coping.
research proposals. Critical review of journal services (1-3)
articles. Faculty. Permission required. Seminar and CCPX 6534. Object relations and
supervised practice in the teaching and super- self psychology (3)
CCPX 5535. Research practicum in vision of clinical assessment and intake. Faculty. Permission required. British and
clinical psychology (2) American schools of object relations; discus-
Faculty. Permission required. Supervised CCPX 6335. Practicum in clinical sion of the role of such clinical phenomena
research in clinical psychology. intervention (3-4; 0-1 during Summer) as internalization, splitting, regression, and
Professor Farber. Permission required. For projective identification.
CCPX 5539. Clinical assessment: doctoral students in clinical psychology,
The interview (3) two semesters, 3-4 points each semester. Independent Study and Research
Dr. Rosa. Doctoral students in clinical, coun- Supervised practice in psychotherapy as staff
seling, school psychology, speech and hearing, members of the Center for Psychological Students may register for intensive individual
learning disabilities, special education, and Services. study of a topic of special interest. Registration
pre-doctoral students providing intake services in independent study (CCPX 4900 and CCPX
at the Center for Educational and CCPX 6336. Advanced practicum in clini- 6900) is by permission of the instructor under
Psychological Services. Introductory didactic cal intervention (3-4; 0-1 during Summer) whose guidance the work will be undertaken.
and practice seminar in clinical interviewing. Dr. Geller. Permission required. Prerequisite: Credit may range from 1 to 3 points each
CCPX 6335. For third-year doctoral students term, and registration is not limited to one
CCPX 5542. Introduction to contemporary in clinical psychology. term. Hours for individual conferences are to
psychoanalytic thought (2-3) be arranged.
Dr. Kosseff. Examination of current psychody- CCPX 6338. Fourth-year practicum in
namic ideas, including object relations theory, clinical intervention (1) CCPX 4900. Research and independent
self-psychology, theories of narcissism, border- Dr. Rosa. Permission required. Prerequisite: study (1-3)
line pathology, and the nature of the therapeu- CCPX 6336. For fourth-year students in clini-
tic relationship. cal psychology, two semesters, (1 point each CCPX 5110. Research apprenticeship (0-2)
semester). Faculty. Permission required. Involvement as a
CCPX 5544. Cross-cultural issues in research extern in community agencies or as a
psychopathology, resilience and coping (3) CCPX 6430. Internship in clinical research assistant to departmental faculty.
Faculty. Examination of pathology and psychology (0)
resilience in the context of cultural patterns Faculty. For advanced doctoral students in CCPX 6900. Advanced research and
of coping with developmental life tasks and clinical psychology. Experience under supervi- independent study (1-3)
reactions to stress. sion in approved mental health agency. One Faculty. Permission required.
year full-time or part-time equivalent.
CCPX 5546. Research perspectives CCPX 7500. Dissertation seminar
on critical social problems (3) CCPX 6530. Short-term dynamic (0-1 each semester)
Professor Midlarsky. Masters and doctoral psychotherapy (3) Faculty. Permission required. Development
students. Exploration of research based upon Dr. Kentgen. Permission required. For doctoral of doctoral dissertations and presentation of
the interface of social and clinical psychology students in clinical, counseling, and school plans for approval. Registration limited to
and development projects. Topics include eat- psychology. Focus on theoretical and technical two terms.
ing disorders across the life span, altruism and aspects of short-term therapy; key concepts
mental health, coping with the aftermath of illustrated by clinical material presented by CCPX 8900. Dissertation advisement (0)
genocide and terror, and compression in the instructor and students.
CCPX 6531. Psychological assessment
CCPX 5610. Clinical psychology and clinical practice (2)
colloquium (0) Dr. Backfield. Permission required.
Professor Farber (Coordinator), Clinical facul- Prerequisites: CCPX 5330, CCPX 5333.
ty and guest speakers. Permission required. Emphasis on the interpretation of projective
tests, and on the integration and reporting of
CCPX 5630. Case conference (0) multiple sources of assessment data.
Dr. Rosa. (Coordinator). Permission required.
Corequisite: CCPX 5333, CCPX 6335, CCPX CCPX 6532-CCPX 6533. Advanced topics
6336, CCPJ 5360, CCPJ 6360Z, or CCPJ 6364. in clinical theory, research, and practice (2-3)
For practicum students in the Center for Clinical faculty and invited instructors.
Educational and Psychological Services. All Advanced doctoral candidates in clinical and
trainees must attend at least five conferences counseling psychology; other candidates by
each term. permission (different sections may have differ-
ent criteria). Seminars for the intensive study
CCPX 6020. History and systems of of specialized areas of theory, research, and
psychology (3) practice for advanced students. Content
Dr. Yourman. Survey of the history of psychol- varies.
ogy from the Ancient Greeks to the present.
Discussion of theoretical systems including

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skills in school counseling, clinical practice, advertised by the College. See the Admissions
COUNSELING administration, assessment, and research as section of this bulletin for more information.
PSYCHOLOGY well as produce knowledge, be leaders in rela-
Program Coordinator and tion to policy development and implementa- Doctoral Program Applications:
Director of Training: tion, and work in independent practice. Doctoral applicants must submit all creden-
Professor Marie L. Miville tials, along with their scores on the Graduate
With the help of a faculty advisor, students Record Examination General (Aptitude) Test
Program Office: (212) 678-3397 register for required and elective courses, rele- by the application deadline. Doctoral appli-
Web site: www.tc.edu/ccp/CounPsych vant to their special needs and career objec- cants are also required to submit a copy of a
tives. Depending on their areas of interest recently completed paper on a topic of interest
Counseling Psychology and levels of training, graduates have found to them. This may be, but does not have to be,
(Code: TJV) employment in colleges, adult education a paper submitted to satisfy course require-
centers, industry, various health centers, ments. Admissions decisions are made once a
Degrees Offered: and community and government agencies. year. All admissions materials must be received
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)*
by the final deadline. Contact the Admissions
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
*We are currently not accepting applications for Students in the program are expected, by the Office for further information about applica-
this degree level. end of their training, to have the following in tions for admission into the Ph.D. program.
common (regardless of their eventual work
Program Description: settings): Although admission to the Ph.D. program
The Program in Counseling Psychology is ded- requires final acceptance by the Columbia
icated to the preparation of counseling psy- They are concerned with assessing, facilitat- University Graduate School of Arts and
chologists who facilitate the normal and opti- ing and guiding individual development. Their Sciences, as well as Teachers College, the
mal development of individuals, groups, and focus is on enhancing those conditions which administrative details for this process are man-
organizations that is culturally relevant and further human development, and on amelio- aged via the Teachers College Admissions
psychologically appropriate across the lifespan. rating those that hamper it. They help individ- Office. Applicants should not submit an appli-
Our students are taught to use strategies of uals discover and take advantage of possibili- cation to the Graduate School of Arts and
prevention, intervention, and remediation to ties in the environment and in themselves. Sciences. The Graduate School of Arts and
assist others in developing effective coping They are skilled in working with individuals Sciences requires that applicants have a
skills and responses to their environments. from diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, and Bachelor of Arts degree with 60 points of
(See Doctoral Student Handbook for more socioeconomic backgrounds. liberal arts credit.
information.) They are concerned with the social, situa-
tional, and psychological determinants of Preference is given to candidates with excel-
The objectives of the program are to prepare behavior. They use their theoretical knowledge lent verbal and quantitative skills whose tran-
students to: to bring about growth in individuals and their scripts, references, performance in an admis-
1) be self-aware, reflective, and sensitive to environments. They are concerned with pro- sions interview, and previous work experience
social constructions, to issues related to identi- viding individuals and groups with experiences suggest that they have the potential to make
ty group membership, and to participate in a that will help them achieve their full potential. a significant contribution to theory, research,
variety of settings with diverse populations; They are skilled in several modes of facilitat- practice or policy-making.
2) intervene in appropriate arenas through ing human development, such as short-term
their commitment to education, evaluation, individual and group counseling, environmen- Experience has shown that the doctoral pro-
research, and program development; tal intervention, and planned exploratory and gram may not be the most appropriate pro-
3) focus on the development of individuals developmental experiences. They are con- gram of study for students who wish to become
and groups, their educations and careers, cerned with translating concepts and theories psychotherapists. Applicants who are so moti-
assets and strengths, the importance of into strategies and programs of intervention. vated are advised to seek admission to the
person-environment interactions, psycho- They not only engage in designing innovative Ed.M. program in Psychological Counseling or
education and preventive needs, as well as programs and planned interventions, they to a different doctoral program in professional
their pathologies; evaluate the outcomes of such undertakings. psychology.
4) integrate theory, practice, and research;
5) develop identities as ethical counselors Special Application Degree Requirements:
who are socialized into the profession and Requirements/Information: The program of study that follows is described
contribute to the discipline and to society. An undergraduate major in psychology or one in terms of full-time study. Some of the courses
Students are expected to adhere to ethical and of the other social or behavioral sciences is may be taken on a part-time basis. However,
professional standards of practice and conduct. desirable, but not essential. It is expected that full-time study after the first 30 applicable
Academic dishonesty and unethical behavior the personal statement which accompanies the credits is required unless the student can pres-
may be grounds for immediate dismissal from students application will show a realistic ent persuasive evidence that his or her living
the program (masters or doctoral). assessment of the students professional inter- and working circumstances have not prevent-
ests and goals, as well as how she/he fits with ed and will not prevent him/her from taking
These competencies prepare students to work the doctoral programs training objectives. full advantage of the Colleges resources.
in a variety of settings with emphasis on Certain essential subjects and practica are
educational (e.g., schools, colleges, and uni- Applicants for the doctoral program are con- offered only in the morning and early after-
versities, etc.), health (e.g., outpatient clinics, sidered for fall admission only. For doctoral noon hours.
hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) and related applicants, all admissions materials must be
agencies. Graduates will be able to apply their received by the final application deadline as

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The doctorate is granted after successful com- may be grounds for immediate dismissal from Internship
pletion of a minimum of 90 points of planned, the program (masters or doctoral). Specific For doctoral students only. Supervised experi-
sequential study beyond the bachelors degree, information regarding curriculum requirements ence in approved and appropriate agencies,
of which at least 60 points must be taken at are contained in the Doctoral Student institutions, and establishments. Students are
Teachers College. The doctoral program is Handbook. In addition to coursework, a required to petition faculty for internship
accredited by the American Psychological number of other academic experiences are training and must be approved to apply for
Association and requires at least five years, required. internship. Students must have completed all
including the equivalent of four years of aca- coursework during the academic year in which
demic study beyond the Bachelors degree and Doctoral Certification they are applying for internship. Students must
one calendar year of internship. Candidacy as a doctoral student expires after have passed all certification and comprehen-
a certain number of years. Ph.D. candidates sive examinations as well as have an approved
Please note that upon admission to the Ph.D. must complete all degree requirements within dissertation proposal.
program in counseling psychology, students seven years of first entering the program (six
will receive a Doctoral Student Handbook for years if they have an applicable masters The Dissertation
the Ph.D. program in Counseling Psychology degree or 30 points of advanced standing prior For most doctoral students, the completion of
which will provide updated policy, program to doctoral admission). course requirements presents few problems.
features, and requirements. Additional infor- Successful completion of a dissertation is usu-
mation maybe found in the Doctoral Student Counseling psychology students do not ally less easily managed. Unless carefully
Handbook. The program of study leading to become official candidates for the degree of planned in advance, it can prove a difficult
the doctorate in Counseling Psychology is Doctor of Philosophy until they: (1) pass an hurdle. Accordingly, the program has several
guided by criteria adopted by the American interdepartmental and college wide examina- built-in features designed to facilitate the for-
Psychological Association for accredited pro- tion on research methods and design, (2) sub- mulation and successful execution of an
grams in professional psychology. mit a scholarly review of research on a psycho- acceptable dissertation proposal and assistance
logical topic of particular interest to them, and in completing the dissertation. These include
The course of studies includes: Scientific (3) pass a program certification comprehensive the completion of a second year project, the
and professional ethics and standards; psycho- exam. In addition, they must satisfy all other Dissertation Seminar course, and a Review of
logical measurement, statistics and research requirements for certification prescribed Research course.
design and methodology; knowledge and by the Office of Doctoral Studies (see the bul-
understanding of a) history and systems of letins issued by that office). Students who fail COURSES:
psychology, b) the biological basis of behavior, to take the certification examination at the
c) the cognitive-affective bases of behavior, d) appropriate point in their studies are subject to Courses at the 4000-level do not usually
require permission of the instructor and are
the social bases of behavior (e.g., social pscho- certain penalties. To avoid these penalties, the
open to non-majors as well as majors. Many
logy) and e) individual behavior (e.g., person- certification examination must be taken no 5000-level courses are also open to non-majors
ality theory, human development); interven- later than the third year in the program. (See with appropriate background; 6000-level
tion strategies and methods of inquiry; and Doctoral Student Handbook for more informa- courses are usually limited to majors with
preparation to undertake a doctoral disserta- tion). advanced standing in the program. See listings
tion. below for prerequisites and limitations on
The Program Certification and Comprehen- enrollment. In addition to the courses listed
In developing the necessary mastery of these sive Exam. The Certification and Comprehen- below, students should consult the offerings of
areas, the student is expected to be attentive sive Exam will have two components: (A) a other psychology programs in this catalog.
to the historical roots of counseling psycholo- scholarly paper involving a comprehensive and
CCPJ 4061. Principles and practices
gy, i.e., the study of individual differences, the integrative review of the literature in a topic
of vocational rehabilitation (3)
vocational guidance movement and the men- chosen by the student in consultation with his History and legislation, principles, settings,
tal health movement. Similarly, she or he is or her advisor; and (B) a written exam cover- major issues. The counselors role in the reha-
expected to be prepared for the probable ing several areas in counseling psychology. bilitation program.
future of counseling psychology in the areas of Cultural issues will be infused in the content
expertise represented by the faculty, especially questions on the exam. As well, there are CCPJ 4062. Medical aspects of
the influence of social and cultural systems progress evaluations done annually to facilitate disabilities and rehabilitation (2-3)
(home, family, workplace and environment) students timely completion of the Ph.D. degree Limiting aspects of the major physical and
on human development and change. (See Doctoral Student Handbook for more emotional disabilities. Understanding and
information). using medical knowledge in rehabilitation
In addition to core requirements, courses in
specific and specialized areas of counseling Externship CCPJ 4064. Theories of counseling (3)
psychology are available. Courses in the This year-long placement in a field-setting for Approaches to counseling; theories and
department are supplemented by appropriate clinical experience is required for doctoral stu- research findings; educational, vocational, and
offerings in other programs and departments dents. Students petition to be placed into a personal counseling; typical problems; illustra-
at Teachers College and Columbia University. supervised 2-day a week training site and see tive cases.
individual and group clients. For students to
Please note that satisfactory performance be eligible for externship they need to have CCPJ 4065. Career development
in the program is defined as no incomplete completed at least two years of coursework of women (2-3)
grades, and no courses in which the grade and at least one and a half years of practicum. Applicability of existing theories of vocational
choice and adjustment to the career develop-
earned is lower than B can be considered.
ment of women. New and emerging concepts,
Academic dishonesty and unethical behavior

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theories, and research findings. Psychological, client needs. Emphasis will be placed on theo- CCPJ 5161. Counseling and normal aging
sociological, and economic factors which facil- ry and principles of group process, and on the (2-3)
itate or impede the career development of development of group skills through participa- Exploration of factors impacting on psycholog-
women. tion in class role-plays and in a group counsel- ical treatment for normative problems of later
ing experience. Attention to the practice of adulthood such as physical illness and retire
CCPJ 4068. Counseling women (2-3) effective group leadership will also be ment, and survey of interventions designed
Emphasis on the factors that influence the addressed. to address these problems.
familial and intrapsychic issues of women. The
integration of theories provides a framework CCPJ 5060. Assessment in CCPJ 5162. Counseling and psychopath-
for understanding the implications of womens counseling psychology (3) ology in older persons (2-3)
development for counseling and psychotherapy. The course is designed to provide an overview Exploration of factors impacting on psycholog-
of the basic principles, theories, issues and ical treatment of serious psychological dys-
CCPJ 4160. School counseling for practices in the field of psychological testing. functioning in later life, such as senile demen-
children and adolescents (3) Tests of both cognitive and personality func- tia and clinical depression, and survey of inter-
Principles and practices in the guidance of tioning will be included, with emphasis on ventions designed to address these problems.
children and adolescents examined from a identification of both problems and strengths.
multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective This course is divided into 2 sections, as fol- CCPJ 5164. Multicultural counseling and
with special emphasis on facilitating develop- lows: psychology (3)
mental processes of school, family, and com- Introduces students to a range of approaches
munity contexts. The role of the Guidance CCPJ 5061. Assessment in counseling used in psychology and other disciplines for
Counselor in developing preventive and reha- psychology (3) developing therapeutic interventions across
bilitative interventions in urban and suburban Open only to doctoral students in Counseling diverse racial, cultural and linguistic groups.
schools/communities will be considered. Psychology. Students will explore a range of Examination of culturally indigenous perspec-
Special fee: $15. contemporary issues in testing and will also tives of and approaches to mental health and
receive supervised testing experience in a hos- healing. Introduction to culturally based coun-
CCPJ 4165. Community agencies pital or clinic. This course is offered in the seling methods.
and resources (2-3) Spring only for the students who have com-
Community services and programs in family pleted CCPJ 5060, Section 2. CCPJ 5165. Racial-cultural counseling
and personal counseling, health and child laboratory (4)
care, mental health, career counseling, job CCPJ 5062. Career counseling and Permission and application required.
placement, and service to the aged. development (3) Prerequisites: Admission into the Ed.M. pro-
General concepts of career development and gram in Psychological Counseling or Ph.D.
CCPJ 4166. Current issues in gerontology (1) methods of assessment in career counseling. program in Counseling Psychology; CCPJ
Current and emerging emphases in theory, This course also highlights various issues relat- 4064, CCPJ 5371, CCPJ 5025 and CCPJ 5020
research, and practice. Registration not limit- ed to the career development of diverse client or CCPJ 5164. An advanced experiential skill
ed to one term. Topics are announced in the populations in light of contemporary socio- oriented, and didactic course with limited
preliminary and final course schedules distrib- political phenomena. Materials fee: $40. enrollment (30) intended to provide insights
uted each semester. into the racial, social and cultural factors in
CCPJ 5063. Psychological and cultural the development of relationships in counsel-
CCPJ 4560. Professional and ethical issues aspects of disability and rehabilitation (2-3) ing. The course uses a minimum competence
in psychological counseling (3) Personality theory and physical disabilities. model focused on self-exploration and the use
Professional orientation for Ed.M. students in Personality and environmental variables in of counseling skills.
psychological counseling. Ethics and profes- the adjustment and rehabilitation process.
sional issues; employment opportunities and Relevant Courses in Other Departments
work settings. Registration in the first year is CCPJ 5064. Marriage and family therapy: Taught by Counseling Faculty
recommended. (masters only) Theory and practice (3)
Open to majors in counseling and clinical psy- HUDK 5122. Psychological factors in
CCPJ 4873. The Winter Roundtable chology and to others with appropriate back- later life (3)
on cultural psychology and education (1) grounds. The course focuses on the relation- See the Department of Human Development
An Annual National Conference where top ship between self and system. Integrative theo- for course description.
leaders in education and psychology share ry models based on systemic thinking are
their expertise. explored. Family systems approaches relevant ITSF 5023. School counseling for the
to working with individual adults, children, bilingual/bicultural child and family (3)
CCPJ 5020. Racism and racial identity couples and families are studied. Illustrative See the Department of International and
in psychology and education (3) cases are presented and discussed. Transcultural Studies for course description.
A review of the debate on the influence of
race and racism on education, mental health, CCPJ 5065. Psychology of the undergradu- Fieldwork and Internships
and other social sciences. Introduction of cur- ate: Issues for counseling and psychology (3)
rent theoretical and research developments Theory and research on the psychological CCPJ 5260. Fieldwork in psychological
which explore the influence and role of racial development of women and men in college. counseling and rehabilitation (2-4)
identity (black and white) in individual devel- Focus on intellectual, psychosocial, moral, and Limited to second-year students in Ed.M. pro-
opment and professional practice. vocational development with attention to the gram in Psychological Counseling. Required:
needs of special student groups, and to the Written application by the last Wednesday in
CCPJ 5025. Group counseling (3) campus context and climate. Institutional September for Spring and Summer and by the
Prerequisite: Admission into the Ed.M. pro- structures and responses. Issues for counseling first Wednesday in February for Autumn and
gram in Psychological Counseling or Ph.D. and education. permission of the instructor. Prerequisites:
program in Counseling Psychology; CCPJ CCPJ 4064, CCPJ 5025, CCPJ 5062, CCPJ
4064, CCPJ 5371. Students will explore the 5371; and either HUDK 4022, 4023, 4024
functions of group counseling in meeting or HUDK 5029; or approved substitutes.

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Supervised experience in various types of Practica CCPJ 6350. Externship in counseling
social agencies, rehabilitation agencies, career psychology (0-3)
counseling centers, business establishments, CCPJ 5360. Practicum in career and Year-long placement in a field-setting for clini-
educational institutions, and facilities serving personal counseling (4) cal experience. (Required for Doctoral stu-
the elderly. Normally a minimum of two Limited enrollment. Required: written applica- dents) Students petitioning to be placed into a
semesters is required at 2 points per term. tion by June 1 for either semester of the next supervised 2-day a week training site and see
Additional points of credit may be added only academic year, permission of the instructor, individual and group counselors. To apply stu-
with the approval of the instructor. and concurrent registration for CCPX 5630. dents must complete practicum sequence, pass
Prerequisites: CCPJ 4064, CCPJ 5062, CCPJ certification/comprehensive examinations, and
CCPJ 5263. Supervised fieldwork in 5371, CCPJ 5025, HUDK 4022, 4023, 4024 have completed most course work. For stu-
elementary school counseling (2-4) or HUDK 5029 or their equivalents. Limited dents to be eligible for externship they need to
Limited to second-year students in Ed.M. pro- to second-year students (30 or more points) have completed at least two years of course-
gram in Psychological Counseling specializing admitted to Ed.M. program in Psychological work and at least one and a half years of
in elementary guidance. Required: Written Counseling or doctoral students in counseling practicum. Externships involve students apply-
application by the last Wednesday in psychology. Supervised practice in vocational ing to affiliated programs (i.e., institutions and
September for Spring and Summer and by the appraisal and short-term educational and per- organizations in which we have established
first Wednesday in February for Autumn and sonal/career counseling. Students work with affiliated agreements with). We require stu-
permission of the instructor. Prerequisites: clients of the Center for Psychological dents to be on site for at least two days a week
CCPJ 4064, CCPJ 5025, CCPJ 5062, CCPJ Services. Special fee: $115. for 810 months, that the students be super-
5371, and either HUDK 4022, 4023, 4024 vised by a licensed psychologist and that the
or HUDK 5029 or approved substitutes. *CCPJ 5364. Advanced practicum in mul- student be trained in individual and group
Normally, a minimum of two semesters is ticultural counseling and psychotherapy (2) modes of service delivery.
required at 2 points per term. Additional Concurrent registration for CCPX 5630.
points of credit may be added only with the Course will involve a weekly seminar, client *CCPJ 6360. Practice in psychological
approval of the instructor. Special fee: $20. assignments with individual supervision, and counseling (4 points each for Autumn and
discussion of culturally relevant clinical inter- Spring)
CCPJ 5265. Supervised fieldwork in views. Prerequisites: CCPJ 4064, CCPJ 5025, Required: permission of the instructor, and
secondary school counseling (2-4) CCPJ 5062, CCPJ 5371, HUDK 4022 or concurrent registration for CCPX 5630. For
Limited to second-year students in Ed.M. pro- HUDK 4023 or HUDK 4024. Open only to advanced doctoral candidates in counseling
gram in Psychological Counseling specializing doctoral students in counseling psychology. psychology. Course is a year long seminar for
in secondary guidance. Required: Written second year doctoral students. It involves a
application by the last Wednesday in CCPJ 5368. Supervision and teaching of weekly seminar, client assignments with indi-
September for Spring and Summer and by the counseling (0-2) vidual supervision, and exposure to a range of
first Wednesday in February for Autumn and Permission required. Prerequisite: successful theoretical approaches to the clinical/counsel-
permission of the instructor. Prerequisites: completion of appropriate practica in individ- ing interview. Students will engage in short-
CCPJ 4064, CCPJ 5025, CCPJ 5062, CCPJ ual and/or group counseling. Experience in term counseling persons with personal, social,
5371; and either HUDK 4022, 4023, 4024 practicum supervision and related teaching and educational problems in the Center for
or HUDK 5029; or approved substitutes. activities under the guidance of a faculty Psychological Services. Students register for
Normally a minimum of two semesters is member. Enrollment not limited to one term. 4 points each term.
required at 2 points per term. Additional
points of credit may be added only with the CCPJ 5371. Foundations of counseling (3) CCPJ 6362. Group practicum (3)
approval of the instructor. Special fee: $20. Permission required. Limited enrollment. Permission required. Students must submit
Prerequisite: For Majors section, admission written application by the midterm date of the
CCPJ 6260. Advanced fieldwork (2-4) into the Ed.M. program in Psychological preceding semester. Limited to advanced stu-
Permission required. Limited to advanced stu- Counseling or Ph.D. program in Counseling dents with appropriate backgrounds in group
dents in the Ed.M. program in Psychological Psychology, CCPJ 4064 completed or taken work. Students will practice group counseling
Counseling who have completed the regular concurrently; For non-Majors section, CCPJ skills in selective settings.
fieldwork sequence in their area of concentra- 4064 recommended but not required. A labo-
tion. Registration not limited to one semester. ratory experience for counselors and others in CCPJ 6363. Advanced group and family
the helping professions. Practice in clarifying, systems practicum (2)
CCPJ 6460. Internship in counseling understanding, and responding to personal Permission required. Prerequisites: CCPJ 5025.
psychology (0-6) communications. Graduated exercises and (Year Course) Advanced group supervision to
Permission required. For doctoral students in videotapes are used to develop counseling and provide service to clients in the Center for
counseling psychology only. Supervised experi- interviewing skills, and desirable counselor Psychological Services and/or outside agencies.
ence in approved and appropriate agencies, attitudes. Special fee: $20.
institutions, and establishments. Students are CCPJ 6368. Advanced supervision and
required to petition faculty for internship CCPJ 6330. Basic practicum in individual teaching of counseling (0-2)
training to be approved to apply for internship. counseling and psychotherapy (4) Permission required. Supervision and related
Students must have completed all coursework Open only to doctoral students in counseling teaching activities for advanced doctoral stu-
during the academic year in which they are psychology. Permission required and enroll- dents under the guidance of a faculty member.
applying for internship. Student would have to ment limited. Individual work with clients Registration not limited to one term.
have passed all certification and comprehen- under supervision on a range of issues and
sive examinations as well as have an approved problems. Personal, social, relationship, educa- * Students must register for these courses in the
dissertation proposal. tional and vocational adjustment and develop- Summer for year long commitments.
mental focus.

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Seminars CCPJ 6578. Research practicum

psychology undergrad minor
CCPJ 5560. Review of research in counsel- (2-3) Professor Constantine. COUNSELING
ing psychology (3)
CCPJ 6579. Research practicum Program Coordinator:
Required of and limited to doctoral candidates
identity & intimacy Professor Marie L. Miville
in counseling psychology. Exploration of theo-
retical and methodological approaches in coun- (2-3) Professor Gushue.
Program Office: (212) 678-3397
seling psychology.
CCPJ 7502. Dissertation seminar (1-3) Web site: www.tc.edu/ccp/CounPsych
CCPJ 5563. Special topics and issues in Permission required. Prerequisite: CCPJ 5560
and CCPJ 6572-CCPJ 6579. An advanced Psychological Counseling
counseling psychology (1-3)
research course designed to facilitate the (Code: TJE)
New and emerging developments, practices,
and concerns in the field are examined and development of doctoral dissertations and
evaluated. Topics are announced in the sched- presentation of plans for approval at all steps Degree Offered:
in the process. Required of all doctoral stu- Master of Education (Ed.M.)
ule of classes, that is distributed each semester.
dents before or after an approved proposal. Master of Arts (M.A.)- en passant
Registration not limited to one term.
Registration limited to two terms. For
CCPJ 6560. Advanced professional issues requirements, see section in catalog on Program Description:
(0-1) Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. The Program in Psychological Counseling is
Students will familiarize themselves with a degrees. dedicated to the preparation of psychological
range of professional issues that affect their counselors who facilitate the normal and opti-
learning and development as Counseling CCPJ 7572. Advanced research practicum mal development of individuals, groups, and
Psychologists as well as having the opportunity in counseling psychology (0) organizations that is culturally relevant and
to explore topics not currently available in the Permission required. Prerequisite: CCPJ 6572- psychologically appropriate across the life span.
curriculum. Limited to doctoral students in 79. This course is a continuation of CCPJ Our students are taught to use strategies of
psychology. 6572-79 and is only open to students who
prevention, intervention, and remediation to
have completed two semesters of the pre-
requisite. assist others in developing effective coping
CCPJ 6569. Professional ethics and
skills and responses to their environments.
standards in psychology (3)
Ethics and standards of psychological practice Independent Study and Research (See Psychological Counseling program hand-
and research. Limited to doctoral students in Students may register for intensive individual book for more information.)
psychology. Others by special permission. study of a topic of special interest. Registration
in independent study is by permission of the The objectives of the program are to prepare
CCPJ 6572-CCPJ 6579. Research practicum instructor under whose guidance the work will students to:
in counseling psychology be undertaken. Credit may range from 1 to 3 1) Be self-aware, reflective and sensitive to
Permission of instructor required. Students par- points each term except for CCPJ 8900 social constructions, and issues related to iden-
ticipate in ongoing research under the direction (Dissertation Advisement); and registration is tity group membership, and to participate in a
of a faculty member. Participation includes for- not limited to one term. Hours for individual
variety of settings with diverse populations;
mulation of hypotheses, identification of appro- conferences are to be arranged.
2) Intervene in appropriate arenas through
priate variables and measures, data collection
and analysis, and preparation of research CCPJ 4902. Research and independent their commitment to education, evaluation,
reports. Students register for two consecutive study in psychological counseling research, and program development;
terms. (1-3) 3) Focus on the development of individuals
and groups, their educations and careers,
CCPJ 6572. Multicultural competencies CCPJ 6902. Advanced research and inde- assets and strengths, the importance of person-
(1-3) Professor Sue. pendent study in counseling psychology environment interactions, psycho-education
(1-3) and preventive needs, as well as their patholo-
CCPJ 6573. Cross cultural research gies;
(2-3) Professor Yeh. CCPJ 8900. Dissertation advisement
4) Integrate theory, practice, and research; and
5) Develop identities as ethical counselors who
CCPJ 6574. Multicultural perspectives on
social attitudes, identity, and development are socialized into the profession and contri-
(2-3) Professor Miville. bute to the discipline and to society. Students
are expected to adhere to ethical and profes-
CCPJ 6575. Research models and proce- sional standards of practice and conduct.
dures with racial/cultural emphases Academic dishonesty and unethical behavior
(2-3) Professor Carter. may be grounds for immediate dismissal from
the program (masters or doctoral).
CCPJ 6576. Prevention, multicultural
training, spirituality and counseling These competencies prepare students to work
(2-3) Professor Hage.
in a variety of settings with emphasis on edu-
CCPJ 6577. Psychological interventions cational (e.g., schools, colleges, and universi-
with older persons ties, etc.), health (e.g., outpatient clinics, hos-
(2-3) Dr. Kramer. pitals, nursing homes, etc.) and related agen-
cies. In roles as psychological counselors, mas-
ters graduates will be able to apply their skills
in school counseling, clinical practice, admin-
istration, assessment, and research.

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With the help of a faculty advisor, students Please contact the Admissions Office for fur- Handbook for more information about
register for required and elective courses, rele- ther information about admission to the Ed.M. Rehabilitation counseling specialization.
vant to their special needs and career objec- program.
tives. Depending on their areas of interest Students who complete the Ed.M. degree may
and levels of training, graduates have found Degree Requirements: be eligible to apply for licensure in New York
employment in colleges, adult education cen- The Ed.M. is granted after successful comple- State as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.
ters, industry, various health centers, and com- tion of a special project and 60 points of In 2005, the New York State Department of
munity and government agencies. planned, sequential study beyond the bache- Education began approving license eligible
lors degree, of which at least 48 points must programs. The program in psychological coun-
Students in the program are expected, by the be taken at Teachers College. Approval of seling recently submitted its application and
end of their training, to have the following in transfer credits to the Ed.M. program must be expect approval shortly. A terminal M.A.
common (regardless of their eventual work conducted upon admission into the program; degree is not offered. However, students who
settings): transfer credits will not be accepted thereafter. have completed 32 credits of appropriate work
The Ed.M. degree could lead to the doctorate and passed the masters level comprehensive
They are concerned with assessing, facilitat- at Teachers College and elsewhere, but usually examination at Teachers College may apply for
ing and guiding individual development. with some loss of time and credits because of the award of the en passant M.A. during their
Their focus is on enhancing those condi- differences in emphases between masters and third full-time (or part-time equivalent)
tions which further human development, doctoral programs. Students who apply to the semester of study. To satisfy residence require-
and on ameliorating those that hamper it. program during or after taking classes at ments, 45 points out of the 60 points must be
They help individuals discover and take Teachers College as a non-matriculated stu- completed at Teachers College if both the
advantage of possibilities in the environment dent can transfer up to 9 points (with a maxi- M.A. and Ed.M. are sought. Those 45 credits
and in themselves. They are skilled in work- mum of 8 points in the major) if accepted as a must include all courses required for the M.A.
ing with individuals from diverse ethnic, matriculated degree student. Additional infor- Students should be aware that transfer credits
racial, cultural, and socioeconomic back- mation maybe found in the Masters Student cannot be used toward the M.A. en passant.
grounds. Handbook.
They are concerned with the social, situa- Required courses often are scheduled in the
tional, and psychological determinants of School counseling is one of several areas of afternoon and evening, so it is possible for stu-
behavior. They use their theoretical knowl- specialization within the Ed.M. program in dents with flexible schedules to attend on a
edge to bring about growth in individuals Psychological Counseling. It is a specialty that part-time basis and complete the program.
and their environments. They are concerned allows students to develop appropriate skills to Full-time students generally complete the pro-
with providing individuals and groups with deliver services that are specific to school set- gram in about two years. The length of pro-
experiences that will help them achieve tings, in addition to learning the essential gram completion for part-time students varies
their full potential. functions generally found in the counseling with the number of points in which they enroll
They are skilled in several modes of facilitat- profession. each semester.
ing human development, such as short-term
individual and group counseling, environ- A graduate of this specialization is eligible for In addition to required core courses, students
mental intervention, and planned explor- provisional certification as a School Counselor will be expected to select electives from the
atory and developmental experiences. They in New York State after completing the pro- various areas of psychology and other appro-
are concerned with translating concepts and gram, including a series of specified courses. priate disciplines that will provide breadth and
theories into strategies and programs of Consult the Masters Student Handbook for depth to their preparation as counselors.
intervention. They not only engage in more information about the School Counsel- Consult the Masters Student Handbook for
designing innovative programs and planned ing Specialization. further information about Ed.M. program
interventions, they evaluate the outcomes of requirements.
such undertakings. For permanent certification, New York State
requires two years of employment as a school A special project is required in addition to the
Special Application counselor and 30 additional credits of gradu- 60 points of course work. Students should plan
Requirements/Information: ate work. The credits from the Ed.M. beyond to complete their project in the same semester
An undergraduate major in psychology or one the M.A. will be applied toward the 30. that they apply for the Ed.M. degree.
of the other social or behavioral sciences is Students planning to obtain New York State
desirable, but not essential. It is expected that Certification in School Counseling use the en The Comprehensive Exam, which is a mandatory
the personal statement which accompanies the passant M.A. to apply for provisional certifica- requirement for obtaining the en passant M.A., is
students application will show a realistic tion. The application for certification is made generally taken in the semester in which 45 cred-
assessment of the students professional inter- upon graduation from the M.A. program. its are completed.
ests and goals, as well as how she/he fits with
the masters programs training objectives. Similarly, students can become certified as COURSES:
rehabilitation counselors by completing a Please refer to course descriptions listed under
Applicants for the masters program are con- series of specified courses, 3 to 4 years of post- Counseling Psychology.
sidered for fall admission. For masters appli- masters work experience in an appropriate
cants, all admissions materials must be setting, and successful performance on an
received by the application deadlines as adver- examination sponsored by the Commission
tised by the College. See the Admissions sec- on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification
tion of this bulletin for more information. (CRCC). Consult the Masters Student

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PSYCHOLOGY and a special project. The program is built * To satisfy the college breadth requirement,
around an 18-credit core of courses in the students must complete at least 3 Teachers
IN EDUCATION Clinical Psychology program (CCPX). Degree College courses (a course for this purpose is
requirements may be completed on a full-time one in which a minimum of 2 points is earned)
Program Coordinator:
Professor Elizabeth Midlarsky basis in an academic year (two semesters), a outside the program.
calendar year (two semesters plus one or two
Program Office: (212) 678-3267 summer sessions), or its equivalent in part- The Curriculum:
E-mail: [email protected] time study. Applied Psychology Track
Web site: www.tc.edu/ccp/Clinical
The program for the Master of Arts (M.A.)
I. Required Courses
Psychology in Education Psychology in Education
degree in Psychology in Education: General (18 credits total):
(Code: TXA and TXG) Psychology requires 32 credits, at least 18 of
which must be taken in the Department of A. Adult Psychology
Degree Offered: Counseling and Clinical Psychology (CCPX or
Master of Arts (M.A.) CCPX 5032 Adult (3)
TWO TRACKS: CCPJ). A special project is also required. This
Applied Psychology (Code: TXA) program may be completed in an academic B. Developmental Psychology
General Psychology (Code: TXG) year (two semesters), a calendar year (two CCPX 5040 Development and
semesters plus summer), or its equivalent in psychopathology:
Program Description: part-time study. Atypical context (3)
The Applied Psychology track aims to give
CCPX 5034 Child psychopathology (3)
students introductory training at the graduate In addition to the courses taken within the
level in personality and psychopathology, Department of Counseling and Clinical C. Psychotherapeutic Approaches/
research methods in psychology, psychological Psychology, all M.A. students must take at Psychological Intervention
perspectives on social contexts and social least three courses outside the department. CCPX 4038 Comparative psychotherapies
problems, and theories of psychotherapy. It Each of these courses should be taken for two (3)
includes clinical course work, and opportuni- or three credits. or
ties to gain experience in relevant fieldwork CCPX 5045 Psychotherapy, religious
and research, both inside and outside the Transfer credits from courses taken elsewhere diversity, and spirituality (3)
classroom. The General Track is designed to are not accepted toward any M.A. programs at Spring
provide students with a broad exposure to Teachers College. All courses must be taken at
D. Social Psychology
clinical psychology and to other areas of psy- Teachers College or Columbia University CCPX 4010 Psychological perspectives
chology that may be of interest to them. through Teachers College Registration. on critical social issues (3)
Graduates of these academic M.A. programs All students matriculating in the M.A. or
are not trained for the independent practice of Program are given a copy of the Student CCPX 4060 The psychology of loss
counseling psychotherapy or psychological Handbook. The Handbook outlines all pro- and trauma (3)
assessment. However, with a Master of Arts gram requirements including curriculum and
degree, graduates may find employment in personnel. The basic curriculum includes: E. Basic processes in applied psychology
research centers, social service agencies, com- CCPX 4000 Introduction to applied
psychology (3)
munity colleges, and hospitals. Completion of The Curriculum:
the M.A. degree does not guarantee admission General Psychology Track CCPX 4030 Psychology of adjustment (3)
to a doctoral program, here or elsewhere, but or
outstanding students are likely to be more I. Required Courses (18 credits total): CCPX 4126 Mother-child matrix (3)
attractive candidates. or
Students may take any masters level CCPX 5546 Research perspectives on
Special Application (typically 4000 and 5000 level) courses critical social problems (3)
Requirements/Information: in the Department of Counseling and
At least one of the two required letters should Clinical Psychology. F. One of the following
be an academic reference. The GREs are rec- Students are required to complete a CCPX 4120 Psychotherapy through
film and fiction (3)
ommended but not required. special project.
Certain classes may be restricted to CCPX 4125 Women and mental health (3)
Applications are considered once a year for doctoral students only. Please refer to the or
the masters programs. All admissions materi- course schedule to determine which CCPX 4150 Introduction to forensic
als must be received by the early or final courses are open to masters students. psychology (3)
deadlines as advertised by the College. For or
information on application deadlines, see the II. Electives (14 credits total): CCPX 4230 Fieldwork in clinical
Admissions section of this bulletin. psychology (3)
Students must take at least three (2-3 or
Degree Requirements: credits each) Teachers College courses CCPX 5102 Research and clinical
applications of DSM-IV (3)
The program for the Master of Arts (M.A.) outside the Department of Counseling
degree in Psychology in Education: Applied and Clinical Psychology (CCPX
Psychology requires 32 credits of coursework and CCPJ).

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II.Breadth requirement (3) (out of depart- HUDK 5022 Emotional development
ment), Teachers College courses, 2-3 credits HBSK 5033 Human clinical neuro-
each; 8-9 credits total) psychology
HBSS 4110 Health promotion for children
A. Research Methods and adolescents
HUD 4120 Method of empirical research HBSS 4113 Human sexuality
or education
ORLJ 4009 Understanding behavioral HBSS 4115 Health promotion for
research aging adults
B. Statistics HBSS 4123 Violence and its prevention
HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics HBSS 4130 Alcohol and health
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical III. Electives. The remaining credits may be
inference taken in electives, either in or outside of the
or department. The degree requirements for both
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis tracks within the M.A. program may be com-
pleted on a full time basis in an academic year
C. An additional course outside of the or calendar year, although students may elect
Department of Counseling (CCPJ) and to meet the requirements over a longer period
Clinical (CCPX) Psychology. of time.
The following are suggested:
Be sure to consult with the Program
HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement Coordinator about program selection.
HUDK 4020 Theories of human
HUDK 4030 Cognitive clinical Please refer to course descriptions listed under
interviewing Clinical Psychology.

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Curriculum and Teaching

CHAIR: Professor Marjorie Siegel LOCATION: 306 Main Hall TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3765
FAX: (212) 678-3237 WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/C&T


DISABILITY STUDIES The Department of Curriculum and Teaching, established in 1938,

IN EDUCATION 83 was the first department in the U.S. devoted to the scholarly study of problems of curriculum
and teaching across all subjects and all levels of schooling, from early childhood through the
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS 83 education of teachers and supervisors. Broad questions about the nature, purpose, and design of
Early Childhood Education curriculum and about the theory and practice of teaching remain at the core of all department
Early Childhood Special Education programs. Addressing these questions in contemporary times calls for critical analyses of the
ways in which curriculum, teaching, and schooling contribute to social inequalities, and a com-
ELEMENTARY/CHILDHOOD mitment to educating for social justice. Our location in New York City compels us to focus
EDUCATION 87 intensely on the lives of children and youth who attend under-resourced schools and face com-
plex challenges in urban centers, but this focus does not exclude attention to problems of teach-
ELEMENTARY/CHILDHOOD ing and curriculum in suburban and rural settings as well as international contexts. Across all
EDUCATION AND TEACHING our programs, the preparation of teachers, educational leaders, teacher educators, and educa-
STUDENTS WITH DIS/ABILITIES 88 tional researchers is designed to provide them with the intellectual tools needed to re-imagine
schools and other educational settings. We aim to prepare the next generation of outstanding
GIFTED EDUCATION 89 educators who have broad repertoires of knowledge, practices and dispositions that enable all
children, including those who have acquired labels, to gain access to and succeed with the kind
LITERACY SPECIALIST 91 of education that historically has been reserved for children of privilege. Teacher inquiry, critical
perspectives, knowledge of content and pedagogy, a curricular stance, and the interrelationship
TEACHING STUDENTS WITH of theory and practice are also woven throughout our certification and our advanced programs.
DIS/ABILITIES 92 Typical positions for which students are prepared include:
Teacher or supervisor of: students with dis/Abilities:
infancy or early childhood education learning dis/Abilities
early childhood special education disability studies in education
elementary or secondary education gifted education
students with dis/Abilities: curriculum development
learning dis/Abilities curriculum studies
disability studies in education literacy education
(agency and school-based) educational leadership and
gifted education school change
literacy urban and multicultural education
Director of: Administrator
child-care center (such as assistant superintendent,
community or government-based consultant, coordinator, director)
organization or agency in charge of:
infant and parent center curriculum and instruction
early childhood program curriculum research
College teacher in undergraduate or professional development
graduate programs specializing in: gifted education
infancy or early childhood education Teacher-leader in programs for learners
early childhood special education from infancy to adulthood
early childhood policy Consultant or educational specialist
elementary or secondary education in a school or non-school agency

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Marcella Bullmaster-Day
PROFESSORS: (Curriculum and Teaching) FOR PROGRAMS IN THE
James H. Borland Janet Andron Hoffman
(Gifted Education) DEPARTMENT OF
(Early Childhood Education)
Lucy McCormick Calkins Elaine Kanas (Curriculum and Teaching) CURRICULUM AND
(Curriculum and Teaching, Literacy Education)
Richard Keller (Learning dis/Abilities) TEACHING
Celia Genishi (Early Childhood Education)
Diane Newman (Learning dis/Abilities)
Sharon Lynn Kagan
Richard Wiener (Curriculum and Teaching) Initial certification and professional certifica-
(Early Childhood Education)
Nancy Lesko (Curriculum and Teaching) tion programs are designed to meet New York
LECTURERS: State certification and New York City licen-
D. Kim Reid (Learning dis/Abilities and
Anne Sabatini (Curriculum and Teaching) sure requirements. Please see the Teacher
Disability Studies in Education)
Nancy Sall (Early Childhood Special Education) Education section of this bulletin for updated
Frances Schoonmaker
(Curriculum and Teaching) information on programs that lead to adminis-
INSTRUCTORS: trative certification.
(on sabbatical Fall 2005)
Leslie R. Williams Troy Akiyama
(Early Childhood Education)
Karen Zumwalt (Curriculum and Teaching) Susan Baglieri (Learning dis/Abilities) MASTER OF ARTS
(on sabbatical Spring 2006) Lisa Hertzog (Preservice Elementary Education) There are two different types of Master of
Dawn Horton (Gifted Education) Arts Programs within the Department of
ADJUNCT PROFESSORS: Janice Knopf (Learning dis/Abilities) Curriculum and Teaching: Preservice (Initial
Lyn Corno (Curriculum and Teaching) Kristin May-Galvin Certification Programs) and In-service
Beatrice Fennimore (Early Childhood Special Education) (Professional Certification Programs).
(Early Childhood Education) Heeral Mehta (Learning dis/Abilities)
Neelam Patel Preservice, or initial certification, M.A. and
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: (Preservice Elementary Education) Ed.M. programs are designed for people with
A. Lin Goodwin Victoria Puig little or no teaching experience or preparation
(Elementary Education, Teacher Education) (Early Childhood Special Education) who wish to become teachers. Programs in this
(on sabbatical Fall 2005) Mary Rowe (Learning Disabilities) department lead to certification in the follow-
Thomas Hatch (Curriculum and Teaching) Lindsey Russo (Early Childhood Education) ing areas: Early Childhood Education, Early
Michelle Knight (Curriculum and Teaching) Childhood Special Education, Dual
(on sabbatical AY 2005-2006) For information about faculty and their scholarly Certification in Early Childhood Education
Celia Oyler (Elementary Education, and research interests, please refer to the Faculty and Early Childhood Special Education, Early
Teacher Education) section of this bulletin, or visit us at Childhood Education with an Extension in
Susan L. Recchia www.tc.edu/faculty. Gifted Education, Elementary/Childhood
(Early Childhood Special Education) Education, Elementary/Childhood Education
Marjorie Siegel with an Extension in Gifted Education, and
(Curriculum and Teaching, Literacy Education) Dual Certification in Childhood Education
and Teaching Students with dis/Abilities:
Judy Kuglemass (Learning dis/Abilities
and Disability Studies in Education) In-service, or professional certification, M.A.
Lisa Wright (Gifted Education) programs are designed for individuals who are
already certified or are initially certified to
ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: teach in New York, in another state, or on
Lynne M. Bejoian (Learning dis/Abilities another grade level and who seek a Master
and Disability Studies in Education) of Arts degree in Curriculum and Teaching
Alicia Broderick (Learning dis/Abilities (Elementary or Secondary), Gifted Education,
and Disability Studies in Education) Literacy Specialist, or Teacher of Students
Britt Hamre (Elementary Education, with dis/Abilities: Learning dis/Abilities.
Teacher Education) Graduates of these programs meet the formal
Stephanie Jones (Curriculum and Teaching, educational requirements for professional (for-
Literacy Education) merly permanent) certification in the State
Bonnie Kielty (Early Childhood of New York. The program in Gifted
Special Education) Education leads to a certificate extension,
as noted above.

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MASTER OF EDUCATION Enrollment Requirements for Please note that applicants are NOT required
The Master of Education degree (Ed.M.) First-Year Ed.D. Students to take the Graduate Record Examination
within the Department of Curriculum and Every first-year Ed.D. student in the (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test to apply to
Teaching affords students the opportunity Department of Curriculum and Teaching is any of the M.A. programs in the Department
to develop an area of expertise beyond that required to enroll in C&T 5000, Theory and of Curriculum and Teaching. For the program
required for classroom teaching. The degree Inquiry in Curriculum and Teaching, in both in Teaching students with dis/Abilities:
comprises 60 points. 30 of those 60 points may the Fall and the Spring semesters of his or her Learning dis/Abilities, prior certification or
be transferred from previous graduate work at first year. C&T 5000 is a 6-point course that completion of a recognized degree program in
another institution or at Teachers College, upon meets for a double class session once per week, some field of general education is required. For
the recommendation of the students program resulting in a minimum first-year enrollment of the Disability Studies in Education M.A., prior
advisor. Students who pursue the Ed.M. 9 points. A student can enroll for more than certification in Special Education is required, if
in Curriculum and Teaching focusing on the this minimum, but C&T 5000 must be part of and only if, the student wants professional cer-
preparation of educational leaders may only his or her first-year course of study. A first-year tification. Students who are not seeking certifi-
transfer 20 points. See specific programs for student is defined as a student who matricu- cation may enter the program and earn an
additional admission requirements. The Ed.M. lates in the Fall term or who matriculated in M.A. without certification. Along with the
program for dual certification in Childhood the previous Spring or Summer term and is admissions application as described above, stu-
Education and Teaching Students with enrolling for his or her first Fall term. dents interested in the Disability Studies in
dis/Abilities: Learning dis/Abilities is designed Education, M.A., should submit a writing
for people with little or no teaching experience C&T 5000 is designed to make beginning doc- sample.
or preparation. Graduates of this program are toral students aware of important problems
recommended for dual New York State certifi- and issues in curriculum and teaching, to With the exception of the Ed.M. in Childhood
cations. introduce students to methods of formulating Education and Teaching Students with
questions and to modes of inquiry appropriate dis/Abilities: Learning dis/Abilities, Ed.M.
Doctoral Programs to doctoral-level research, and to build a cohe- students must also provide evidence of a mini-
The Department of Curriculum and Teaching sive student cohort. mum of two years of successful teaching expe-
offers a single Doctor of Education program rience. Please note that neither the Graduate
with different areas of concentration. The C&T 5000 is a rigorous course, with respect Record Examination (GRE) nor the Miller
program requires 90 points of graduate study to both the quantity and sophistication of the Analogies Test is required for application to
beyond the Baccalaureate, 40 points of which material for which students are held responsi- the Ed.M. programs in the Department of
may be transferred from previous graduate ble. The course requires a commitment of time Curriculum and Teaching with the exception
work at other institutions, should they meet and effort commensurate with the norms of of the Ed.M. in Childhood Education and
requirements of the Teachers College degree. scholarship at the doctoral level. Teaching Students with dis/Abilities: Learning
Applicants interested in the Ed.D. program in It is our belief that the demands placed on the
the Department of Curriculum and Teaching students by this course will benefit students Admission to programs leading to the Ed.D.
should consult the booklet, Studying for the and that those who complete the course and degree is determined on the basis of academic
Ed.D. Degree in the Department of pass the certification examination will be well ability as evidenced by success in prior aca-
Curriculum and Teaching, available from the prepared to continue their doctoral studies demic work and/or other measures of academic
Department of Curriculum and Teaching. successfully through the dissertation phase. aptitude; demonstrable potential for research,
Students accepted into the Ed.D. program will field inquiry, or development activities in edu-
The concentrations within the Ed.D. receive a list of course texts with their accept- cation; and three years of successful teaching
program are: ance letters so they can begin their reading or equivalent experience. All applicants are
Curriculum Studies early. required to submit Graduate Record
Early Childhood Education(specialization) Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test
Early Childhood Policy Departmental Special Application scores that are no more than five years old,
Early Childhood Special Education: Requirements/Information: and are required to submit a writing sample.
(Concentration within Early For professional certification (In-service) The Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Childhood Education) M.A. admission, please submit a resume and evaluates Ed.D. applications twice per year.
Educational Leadership and School Change (a) proof of early childhood, elementary or
Gifted Education secondary school teacher initial NYS certifica- All admissions materials must be received by
Learning dis/Abilities and Disability Studies tion (formerly provisional) or certification the early or final deadlines as advertised by the
in Education from another state, or (b) proof that you have College. For information on application dead-
Literacy Education completed an accredited Elementary, Early lines, see the Admissions section of this bul-
Religious Education Childhood or Secondary teacher letin.
Urban and Multicultural Education preparation/student teaching program. An
undergraduate GPA of 3.0 is a minimum
Doctoral students in all concentrations may requirement. Teaching experience is desirable,
also take coursework to prepare them as but not required. (For admission requirements
teacher educators. for the Initial certification Preservice M.A.
programs, please refer to the appropriate sec-
tion below.)

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M.A. Extension
within Birth-grade 2 or grade 1-6 Same as TYD and TYP Refer to TYD and TYP
TYD (41 credits) and plus gifted extension initial certification below
TYP (40 credits)

M.A. ECE or ECSE Early Childhood Ed Previous experience with

(40 credits); Undergraduate liberal arts
TYD/TEC/ Early Childhood Special Ed requirements young children preferred
TYN M.A. Dual ECE/ECSE Dual ECE/ECSE but not required
(48 credits)

B.A. 3.0 Undergrad GPA

All or most NYS required liberal
Ed.M. (60 credits) Elementary 1-6 & None
TYF arts courses completed
Childhood/Learning Teaching Students
Commitment to urban, public
dis/Abilities program with dis/Abilities
schools and diverse learners

3.0 Undergrad GPA

All or most NYS required Teaching experience
liberal arts courses completed not required,
TYP M.A. (40 credits) Elementary 1-6 Commitment to urban, Prior experience with
public schools and diverse children/learners a plus

M.A. extension program

TEI Gifted Extension Initial Certification* Preferred but not required
(in-service)(32 credits)

Prior certification in some

M.A. in LD Teaching Students field of general education Preferred but not required

TEN (in-service)(34 credits) with dis/Abilities is required

M.A. in Disability
TYH Studies in Education Teaching Students Prior SPED Certification Preferred but not required
(32 credits) with dis/Abilities

3.0 Undergrad GPA

TYZ M.A. (32 credits) Elementary Initial Certification*-- Preferred but not required

3.0 Undergrad GPA

Secondary English, Math,
TYZ M.A. (32 credits) Initial Certification* in one of Preferred but not required
Science, Social Studies
the listed areas

M.A. 3.0 Undergrad GPA

TYZL (Literacy Specialist) Literacy Specialist Initial Certification* (any Preferred but not required
(32 credits) (birth-grade 6) teaching credential)

M.A. only (Disability

TYH Studies in Education) None B.A. No
(32 credits)

* Initial NYS certification or the equivalent certification from another state or graduation from an NCATE approved teacher education program.
*** After testing and two years of teaching, one is eligible for Professional Certification.
At this point, we are unable to accommodate those holding NYS transitional B certificates (i.e., first year teachers without regular certification)
nor those holding ABCTE certification or any variant of an emergency certification.

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AND TEACHING (TYZ) (2-3 points)
AND TEACHING Students choose one Selective from the
Program Coordinator: ELEMENTARY PROFESSIONAL following:
Professor Nancy Lesko CERTIFICATION PROGRAM C&T 4004 School change
The program supports three shared philoso- C&T 4023 Differentiated curriculum
Program Office: (212) 678-3264 phical stances (inquiry, curriculum, and social- for gifted students
E-mail: [email protected] justice) underlying the long standing tradition C&T 4032 Gender, difference,
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/Curric&Teach of preparing educational leaders. The overar- and curriculum
ching intention of the program is to assist C&T 4161 The teacher
Curriculum and Teaching educators who expect to exert leadership in C&T 4615 Young children
(Code: TYZ) their school settings and with their colleagues. and social policy
With careful planning and advising, this pro- C&T 4121 Early childhood teaching
Degrees Offered: strategies within a social
gram can be completed in 12 months starting
Master of Arts (M.A.) context
in Fall term.
(In-service, or with professional Elective Courses (3-5 points)
Core Courses (7 points):
New York State certification) Students have to take at least one elective
C&T 4002 Curriculum theory
Master of Education (Ed.M.) course (minimum 2 points) outside the
and history (3)
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Department of Curriculum and Teaching.
C&T 4005 Principles of teaching
and learning (4)
(includes practicum in
The Program in Curriculum and Teaching is CERTIFICATION PROGRAM
a classrooms setting)
designed for experienced in-service teachers, The program supports three shared philoso-
administrators, and other educators who: 1) phical stances underlying the long standing
Content/Pedagogy Courses (12 points):
have received formal professional preparation tradition of preparing educational leaders.
Students are required to take one course in
in preschool through grade twelve teaching at The overarching intention of the program is
each of the following areas:
an accredited college or university, and/or; 2) to assist educators who expect to exert leader-
1. Mathematics
hold, or are eligible to receive, teacher certifi- ship in their school settings and with their col-
2. Science & Technology
cation. leagues. With careful planning and advising,
3. Literacy
this program can be completed in 12 months
4. Social Studies (C&T 4052
Students will have opportunities to become starting in the Fall term.
Designing Curriculum and
expert in such areas as curriculum develop-
Instruction (3) Social Studies Prerequisite: Initial Certification in Secondary
ment, school change and reform initiatives,
Section) Education in one of these areas: Social Studies,
action research and other school-based inquiry
strategies, and will gain perspectives on teach- Mathematics, Science Technology, and English.
Social Context Required Courses (4 points
ing as complex intellectual activity. The over-
Only offered in the Fall semester and must be Core Courses (10 points)
arching intention of the program is to assist
taken concurrently): Students are required to take the following
educators who expect to exert leadership in
C&T 4130 Critical perspectives in courses:
their school settings and with their colleagues.
elementary education (3) C&T 4002 Curriculum theory
C&T 4502 Masters project (1) and history (3)
Any applicant seeking initial teacher certifica-
tion should apply for the preservice, or initial C&T 4005 Principles of teaching
Social Context Selective CoursesDiversity and learning (4)
certification, M.A. program in Early Child-
(2-3 points) (includes practicum in
hood Education or Elementary/Childhood
Students choose one Selective from the your own classrooms
Education. Individuals working in areas related
following: or in a PDS school)
to education but who are not seeking teacher
C&T 4000 dis/Ability in contexts C&T 4052 Designing curriculum
certification may engage in the professional C&T 4001 Differentiating instruction
study of Curriculum and Teaching. Admission and instruction (3)
in inclusive classrooms
to degree study will depend on faculty assess- C&T 4078 Curriculum and teaching Secondary Content/Pedagogy Courses
ment and approval of prior participation in in urban areas
(12 points) Students are required to
education-related activities (other than class- C&T 4114 Multicultural approaches
to teaching young take 12 points of coursework in content/
room teaching) or work in educational institu-
children pedagogy in the department and program
C&T 5037 Literacy, culture, and the appropropriate to their area of initial certifica
teaching of reading tion. Students will follow the content/
Special Application
(Prerequisite: C&T 4138 pedagogy courses set by the particular
Requirements/Information: or a course in teaching program in one of the following areas:
Refer to Departmental Special Application reading) 1. Social Studies
Requirements/Information section at the C&T 4046 Multifoundational 2. Mathematics
beginning of this department section. approaches to learning 3. Science & Technology
4. English
Degree Requirements:
All the Master of Arts programs include field
experience or practica.

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Social Context Required Courses (4 points One course in social-historical foundations HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
Only offered in the Fall Semester and must be of curriculum and teaching. Choose from: inference (3)
taken concurrently) C&T 5036 Child and family policy (2-3), or At least one semester of a research seminar taught by
C&T 4145 Critical perspectives in C&T 5074 Curriculum and teaching policy a member of the department faculty is also required.
secondary education (3) (3).
C&T 4502 Masters project (1) Beyond the core courses, students Other courses are selected in consultation
programs are individually planned with with an advisor.
Social Context Selective CoursesDiversity their advisors, based on their professional Concentrations include:
(2-3 points) goals and interests. Curriculum Studies
Students choose one Selective course from the Early Childhood Education(specialization)
following: The program of study for the educational Early Childhood Policy
C&T 4000 dis/Ability in contexts leadership Ed.M. is as follows: Early Childhood Special Education:
C&T 4001 Differentiated instruction (Concentration within Early
in inclusive classrooms Leading Instruction (24 points): C&T 4000 Childhood Education)
C&T 4078 Curriculum and teaching Dis/Ability in Contexts, C&T 4052 Educational Leadership and School Change
in urban areas Designing Curriculum and Instruction, Gifted Education
C&T 5037 Literacy, culture, and the C&T 4004 School Change, one course in Learning dis/Abilities and Disability Studies
teaching of reading curriculum policy, (C&T 4113 Early in Education
C&T 4046: Multifoundational Childhood Methods and Programs, C&T Literacy Education
approaches to learning 4114 Multicultural Approaches to Teaching Religious Education
dis/Ability Young Children, C&T 4001 Teaching Urban and Multicultural Education
Students with dis/Abilities in Inclusive
Social Context Selective CoursesGeneral Classrooms, or C&T 4023 Differentiated
(2-3 points) Instruction for Gifted Students.)
Students choose one Selective course from the
following: Leading learning (12 points): C&T 5053
C&T 4004 School change Staff Development Processes and
C&T 4023 Differentiated curriculum Procedures, C&T 4051 Supervision for
for gifted students Elementary and Secondary Schools,
C&T 4032 Gender, difference, ORLA 4030 Ethical Issues in Educational
and curriculum Leadership, and one course in adult
C&T 4161 The teacher learning.

Elective Courses (0-2 points) School and institutional management

Students have already met the College require- (9 points): one course in finance, law,
ment of three courses outside their department, and systems management. Apprenticeship
so electives may be taken inside or outside the (3 points): C&T 6200 Field Study in
Department of Curriculum and Teaching. Designing Curriculum and Instruction
or C&T 6400 Internship program in
MASTER OF EDUCATION Curriculum Research.
There are two separate programs of study that
lead to the Ed.M. in Curriculum and Teaching. Selective (3 points): one course on
The first option allows the student to design a social-historical contexts
program that is tailored to her/his professional
goals. The second option is designed for stu- DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
dents who are preparing to be educational The basic curriculum for Ed.D. students
leaders. The program of study for the individu- includes:
alized Ed.M. includes: Core Courses:
Core Courses: C&T 5000 Theory and inquiry in
C&T 4002 Curriculum theory curriculum and teaching
and history (3) (6 points each semester, fall
C&T 4004 School change (3) and spring, of the first year)
C&T 4005 Principles of teaching
and learning (3) Research Requirements:
Practical Curriculum Design Course (at C&T 7500 Dissertation seminar in
least one of the following): C&T 4052 curriculum and teaching
Designing curriculum and instruction (2-3), (1-3)
C&T 4023 Differentiated curriculum for the C&T 7501 Dissertation seminar in
gifted-talented (2-3), C&T 5114 curriculum and teaching
Development of multicultural curriculum for (1-3), plus one additional
the early years (3), or MSTU 4083 course in research methods
Instructional design of education technology (2-3)

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C&T 4000 dis/Abilities in contexts (2-3)
C&T 4310 Disability studies in practice:
Program Coordinator: Community-based practicum The Early Childhood Programs include the
Professor D. Kim Reid seminar (4) following: the Preservice Integrated Early
C&T 4056 Disability studies across the Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
Program Office: (212) 678-3873 curriculum (3) Program; Early Childhood Education; Early
E-mail: [email protected] Research or concentration elective Childhood Special Education, and Early
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/DisabilityStudies (See concentration description below) Childhood Policy.

Disability Studies in Education Spring Semester

(Code:TYH) C&T 4001 Differentiating instruction EARLY CHILDHOOD/
in inclusive classrooms (3) EARLY CHILDHOOD
Degree Offered: C&T 4311 Disability studies in practice: SPECIAL EDUCATION
Master of Arts (M.A.) School-based practicum (PRESERVICE)
seminar (4)
Program Description C&T 5905 Seminar in learning
The Master of Arts program in Disability dis/Abilities and disability Program Coordinators:
Studies in Education (DSE) requires a mini- studies in education (2-4) Professor Celia Genishi and
mum of 32 points. It is for students with any C&T 4056 Disability studies across the Professor Susan Recchia
undergraduate major who want to earn an curriculum (3)
M.A. in Disability Studies in Education. Research or concentration elective (3) Program Office: (212) 678-3860
However, students who already hold a special
education teaching certificate and who, there- Summer Semester Program Description:
fore, have already met the standards for Research or concentration elective. Master of Arts
Teachers of Students with dis/Abilities set by Initial certification programs (codes: TYD,
the Council for Exceptional Children, will Coursework in research and areas of concentra- TEC, TYN): Preservice Integrated Early
earn a New York State professional certifica- tion is offered throughout Columbia University. Childhood and Early Childhood Special
tion in Special Education when the degree Concentrations (912 credits) include, but are Education.
requirements have been met. not limited to, social policy (e.g., public health,
social work, politics, economics, rights Students with backgrounds in elementary
education or with no previous course work in
Our goal is to prepare students in the emerg- activism/advocacy, and legal issues), culture
education must complete at least 40 credits in
ing interdisciplinary field of scholarship (e.g., history, anthropology, sociology, and diver-
order to obtain the Master of Arts degree and
described by the DSE special interest group of sity or multicultural studies), religion, the arts
the departments recommendation for initial
the American Association for Educational (e.g., literature, cultural studies, the plastic arts), certification.
Research as critically examining issues related and research.
to the dynamic interplays between disability The course of study for the M.A. in Early
and various aspects of culture and society with The minimum total is 32 credits. Electives can Childhood Education (TYD) leads to initial
specific attention to education. The program be taken during fall and spring semesters if certification in Early Childhood Education
uniting critical inquiry and political advo- desired. In accordance with NCATE review, (birth8 years).
cacy with a sociocultural, rather than medical- a performance based assessment program will
ized, view of disability focuses on scholarly be undertaken. Additionally, transcript review The course of study for the M.A. in Early
approaches that center disability. These will be done for all students, after acceptance, Childhood Special Education (TEC) leads to
approaches are integrated and post-positivist to assess the students prior study and experi- initial certification as a Teacher of Students
and adopt methods from the social sciences, ence to make certain that s/he meets the new with Disabilities, Early Childhood (birth-
humanities, arts, and education. In this pro- standards set by the State of New York. The 12 8 years).
gram, the faculty will promote the infusion graduate credits that relate to instruction in
of analyses and interpretations of disability literacy, mathematics, social studies, and science Dual Certification: Early Childhood
throughout all forms of educational research are C&T 4056 Disability studies across the cur- Education/ Early Childhood Special Education
and teacher education. riculum (6), C&T 4001 Differentiating instruc- (TYN).
tion in inclusive classrooms (3), and C&T 5905 The course of study in Integrated Early
Special Application Seminar in learning dis/Abilities and disability Childhood/Special Education leads to initial
certification as both an Early Childhood
Requirements/Information: studies in education (2-4).
Education teacher and a Teacher of Students
Refer to Departmental Special Application
with Disabilities in Early Childhood (birth8
Requirements/Information section above. Students must take all required courses, but may
years). Students must complete at least 48
An academic writing sample is required in elect to take several of them for 2 or 3 credits, credits in order to obtain the Master of Arts
addition to the statement thereby enabling each individual student to degree and the departments recommendation
determine the breadth or depth of study in a for initial dual certification.
Degree Requirements: particular area. Elective courses may be chosen
in consultation with an advisor. Selection is Students in these three programs are prepared
MASTER OF ARTS influenced by factors such as previous academic to teach in diverse and inclusive environ-
The basic curriculum for M.A. students background and career objectives. ments, including homes, schools, and other
includes: community settings, which serve children from

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birth to age 8 and their families. Child-cen- C&T 4114 Multicultural approaches Culminating Project:
tered and culturally sensitive practices are to early childhood Students complete an integrated portfolio over
emphasized throughout the program, focusing education (2-3) the course of the program reflecting their per-
on the need for multiple methods of instruc- C&T 4119 Interdisciplinary methods sonal growth as an early childhood teacher.
tion to accommodate a broad range of learn- of working with families
ers. Through a curriculum that integrates gen- (2)
Dual Certification Program in Early
eral and special early childhood education C&T 5118 Infant and toddler
development and Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
content, we aim to enable our initial certifica- (Code: TYN)
tion students to become outstanding early practice (3-4)
Culminating Project: Course requirements for M.A. students seek-
childhood teachers, decision makers, and ing initial dual certification as both early
intellectual and ethical leaders. Honoring the Students complete an integrated portfolio over
the course of the program reflecting their per- childhood teachers and teachers of students
importance of understanding childrens devel-
sonal growth as an early childhood teacher. with disabilities in early childhood
opment and learning in context, the program
(birth8 years):
Master of Arts (TEC) emphasizes collabora-
tion with families and other professionals and MASTER OF ARTS (TEC)
considers policies that affect families access to Course requirements for M.A. students seek- Core Courses
ing initial certification as teachers of students C&T 4080 Risk and resilience in
desirable services, especially in urban settings.
with disabilities in early childhood (birth8 early development:
Our students participate in several field expe-
years): Birth8 years (2-3)
riences, which serve as the foundation from C&T 4112 Integrated curriculum
which theories about development, learning, in early childhood (6)
and curriculum come to life and through Core Courses C&T 4302 Supervised practicum in
which teachers begin to construct their profes- C&T 4080 Risk and resilience in the assessment of young
sional practice. early development: children with
Birth8 years (2-3) exceptionalities (3)
Degree Requirements: C&T 4112 Integrated curriculum C&T 4308 Field experiences in
in early childhood (6) early childhood/special
C&T 4302 Supervised practicum in
MASTER OF ARTS education (2)
the assessment of young C&T 4708 Observation and student
Course requirements for M.A. students seek- children with
ing initial certification as early childhood teaching in early
exceptionalities (3) childhood/special
teachers (birth8 years): C&T 4308 Field experiences in education (two terms) (6)
early childhood/special C&T 5308 Advanced practicum in
Core Courses education (2) early childhood
C&T 4080 Risk and resilience C&T 4708 Observation and student (or C&T 5321) (2-3)
in early development: teaching in early
Birth8 years (2-3) childhood/special
C&T 4112 Integrated curriculum education (two terms) (6) Methods Courses
in early childhood (6) A&HM 4022 Artistic lives of children
C&T 4308 Field experiences in (2)
Methods Courses C&T 4131 Language and literacy
early childhood/special A&HM 4022 Artistic lives of
education (2) in the early childhood
children (2) curriculum (3)
C&T 4708 Observation and C&T 4131 Language and literacy
student teaching in C&T 4132 Learning and teaching
in the early childhood in the primary reading/
early childhood/special curriculum (3)
education (two terms) (6) writing classroom
C&T 4132 Learning and teaching (or equivalent) (3)
in the primary HBSS 4116 Health education for
Methods Courses reading/writing classroom
A&HM 4022 Artistic lives teachers (1)
(or equivalent) (3) HUDK 4027 Development of
of children (2) HBSS 4116 Health education for
C&T 4131 Language and literacy mathematical thinking (3)
teachers (1) HBSK 4085 Behavior management
in the early childhood HUDK 4027 Development of math-
curriculum (3) in the classroom
ematical thinking (3) (or special ed elective)(2)
C&T 4132 Learning and teaching HBSK 4085 Behavior management
in the primary in the classroom
reading/writing classroom (or special ed elective) (2) Foundation Courses
(or equivalent) (3) A&HH 4070 History of education in
HBSS 4116 Health education for the U.S. (or equivalent)
Foundation Courses (2)
teachers (1) HBSE 4001 Teaching students with
HUDK 4027 Development of math- C&T 4001 Differentiated instruction
dis/Abilities in inclusive in inclusive classrooms (2)
ematical thinking (3) classrooms (2)
A&HM 4022 Artistic lives of children C&T 4083 Working with families
(2) of young children with
disabilities (2)
Foundation Courses C&T 5118 Infant and toddler
A&HH 4070 History of education in the development and practice
U.S. (or equivalent) (2) (3-4)
C&T 4001 Differentiated instruction
in inclusive classrooms (2)

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C&T 4083 Working with families of other leadership positions in early childhood
EARLY CHILDHOOD education. The program is highly selective,
young children with
disabilities SPECIAL EDUCATION aiming to identify and train individuals whose
(or C&T 4119) (2) prior education and experience, whether or
C&T 4114 Multicultural approaches Program Coordinator: not it has been specifically in the field of early
to early childhood Professor Susan Recchia childhood, gives promise of the ability to
education (2-3) develop modes of inquiry suitable to the fields
C&T 5118 Infant and toddler Program Office: (212) 678-3873 complexities.
development and E-mail: [email protected]
practice (3-4) The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) concentra-
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/ChildSpecEd
tion in Early Childhood Policy prepares candi-
Culminating Project: Early Childhood Special Education dates for leadership positions, college teaching,
Students complete an integrated portfolio over (Code: TEC) and research in early childhood policy. The
the course of the program reflecting their per- concentration is highly selective, aiming to
sonal growth as an early childhood teacher. Degrees Offered: identify and train individuals whose prior edu-
Master of Arts (M.A.) cation and experience, whether or not it has
Gifted Extension Master of Education (Ed.M.) been specifically in the field of early child-
Students can qualify for the extension in gifted Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), hood, gives promise of the ability to develop
education as well as certification for birth-grade Ed.D. may be taken under Early Childhood modes of inquiry suitable to the fields com-
2 by enrolling in the 41-credit early childhood Education (Code: TYD) plexities. Combining rigorous methodological,
education program with a gifted education conceptual, and practical interdisciplinary
extension. Program Description experiences, the program is designed for those
MASTER OF EDUCATION interested in shaping the policy agenda for
Early Childhood Education young children and their families. It is predi-
The 60-point Master of Education (Ed.M.) cated on the principle that undergirding all
program in Early Childhood Education focuses policy work, candidates must have thorough
on leadership in early childhood settings. It understandings of both substantive content
offers students who have already completed (early childhood practices, pedagogy, and the-
the M.A (or the equivalent) an opportunity ory) and research skills. While the focus of
for more specialized and advanced study, train- this program is on U.S. early childhood policy,
ing, and practice in the field. there will be opportunity for international and
comparative work.
Early Childhood Policy
The Master of Education (Ed.M.) with an The Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Early Childhood Policy concentration is offers a doctoral concentration in Early
designed to give students a firm grounding in Childhood Special Education, within the Early
early childhood pedagogy, programs, and prac- Childhood Education specialization. This con-
tice as well as in policy analysis and policy centration prepares students for careers related
making related to young children and their to leadership and advocacy in the field,
families. Students will combine theoretical research and scholarship, and higher educa-
knowledge with practice in the policy field; tion and teacher preparation programs. Core
they will also become familiar with an array courses emphasize theory and foundations in
of policy issues impacting contemporary child general and special early childhood education
and family life. While the focus of this work and research methods and training. Seminars
is on U.S. policy, there will be opportunity for and advanced practica focus on special topics
international and comparative work as well. in the field. Opportunities for involvement in
faculty-sponsored research and professional
Early Childhood Special Education development activities are an integral part of
The Master of Education (Ed.M.) program in the program concentration.
Early Childhood Special Education offers stu-
dents who have already completed the Master Special Application
of Arts degree (or the equivalent) an opportu- Requirements/Information:
nity for more specialized and advanced study, Three programs leading to the Master of Arts
training, and practice in the field. Ed.M. stu- degree and initial certification in early child-
dents take a series of interdisciplinary courses hood and early childhood special education
focused on their individual areas of interest are available through the Department of
(e.g., infant development and practice, work- Curriculum and Teaching: Early Childhood
ing with families, working in inclusive settings, Education, Early Childhood Special
curriculum development, etc.). Teaching and Education, and dual certification in Early
research practica are incorporated into the Childhood General and Early Childhood
program. Special Education. Admission to each of these
programs is determined on the basis of aca-
Doctor of Education demic ability and promise as an early child-
At the doctoral level, the specialization in hood educator as evidenced by prior academic
Early Childhood Education prepares candi- work, letters of reference, and the applicants
dates for college teaching, research, policy, and own personal statement of purpose.

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Admission to programs leading to the Ed.D. Departmental Requirements: Core Courses:

degree is determined on the basis of academic C&T 4005 Principles of teaching and C&T 5000 Theory and inquiry in
ability as evidenced by success in prior aca- learning (3) curriculum and teaching
demic work and/or other measures of academ- C&T 4113 Early childhood methods (6 points each semester,
ic aptitude; demonstrable potential for Fall and Spring, of the
and programs (3)
first year)
research, field inquiry, or development activi- C&T 4121 Early childhood teaching C&T 5513 Seminar in early childhood
ties in education; and three years of successful strategies within a social education (3)
teaching or equivalent experience. All appli- context (3) C&T 5514 Seminar in early childhood
cants are required to submit Graduate Record C&T 5513 Seminar in early childhood education (3)
Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test education (3), or C&T 5514
scores that are no more than five years old, Seminar in early childhood Research Requirements:
and are required to submit a writing sample. education (3) HUDM 4122 Probability and
The Department of Curriculum and Teaching C&T 6502 Studies in curriculum and statistical inference (3)
evaluates Ed.D. applications twice per year. teaching: Contemporary HUDM 5122 Applied regression
issues in early childhood analysis (3)
All admissions materials must be received by social policy (3) C&T 7500 Dissertation seminar in
the early or final deadlines as advertised by the curriculum and teaching
College. For information on application dead- Policy Concentration Requirements:
C&T 7501 Dissertation seminar in
lines, see the Admissions section of this bul- HUDF 4000 Education and curriculum and teaching
letin. public policy (3) (1-3)
HUDF 5645 Policy seminar I (3)
MASTER OF EDUCATION HUDF 5646 Policy seminar II (3) Plus one additional course in research
(EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical methods (2-3)
SPECIALIZATION) inference (3)
The basic curriculum for Ed.M. students or Other courses are selected in consultation
includes: C&T 5502 Introduction to qualitative with an advisor. (See Department web site
Core Courses: research in curriculum and for further information.)
C&T 4002 Curriculum theory teaching (3)
and history (3) C&T 6408 Advanced internship (3) DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
C&T 4004 School change (3) (EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION
C&T 4005 Principles of teaching Electives: POLICY CONCENTRATION)
and learning (3) Beyond the core courses, students programs The basic curriculum for Early Childhood
C&T 5513 Seminar in early childhood are individually planned with their advisors, Education Policy concentration includes:
education (3) based on their professional goals and interests.
C&T 5514 Seminar in early childhood 90 credit hours. Of these, 12 are required as a
education (3) or C&T 5036 Course requirements for Ed.M. students in part of the departmental core, 15 are required
Child and family policy (2-3) Early Childhood Special Education may as a part of the research core, and 12 are
(See the Department web site for further informa- include: required as a part of the early childhood policy
tion.) concentration core, totaling 39 credits. The
30 points in Special Education remaining 51 credits are selected in consulta-
Electives: and/or Early Childhood Education. tion with an advisor.
Beyond the core courses, students programs 12 points in related social science courses
are individually planned with their advisors, (e.g., child development, speech and Required Departmental Core:
based on their professional goals and interests. language development, neurophysiology, C&T 5000 Theory and inquiry in
etc.), curriculum and teaching
MASTER OF EDUCATION 10-12 points in research and technology, (6 points each semester, Fall
(EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION and 6-8 points in practicum experience. and Spring, of the first year)
The basic curriculum for the Early Childhood *Up to 30 points may be transferred in from Required Research Core:
Education Policy Concentration consists of other programs. The exact course of study is C&T 5502 Introduction to qualitative
three course categories which include: designed by students in collaboration with research in curriculum and
their program advisors. teaching (3)
A total of 45 credits that must be taken at or
Teachers College. First, a set of courses in DOCTOR OF EDUCATION HUDF 5645 Policy seminar I (3)
Curriculum and Teaching will provide the (EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION/EARLY C&T 7500 Dissertation seminar (1-3)
foundation for early childhood pedagogy and CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SPECIALIZATION C&T 7501 Dissertation seminar (1-3)
practice (15 credits). Second, courses in AND EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
Human Development will provide analytic EDUCATION CONCENTRATION) inference (3)
policy training and focus (15 credits). A third The basic curriculum for Ed.D. students HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3)
set of course options (15 credits) is selected in includes:
consultation with an advisor.

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Required Early Childhood Policy ELEMENTARY/ This requirement can be satisfied by:
Concentration: 1. Transcript review of course work taken
C&T 5513 Seminar in early childhood CHILDHOOD prior to entering Teachers College;
education (3), or C&T 5514 EDUCATION 2. Elective course work taken at Teachers
Seminar in early childhood (PRESERVICE) College either as a part of or in addition to
education (3) the 40 points required for the degree;
C&T 6502 Studies in curriculum and Program Director: 3. Graduate or undergraduate course work
teaching: Contemporary Professor Celia Oyler taken elsewhere, in consultation with facul-
issues in early childhood ty, while completing the Teachers College
social policy (3) Program Office: (212) 678-3695 degree; these would be in addition to
HUDF 4000 Education and public E-mail: [email protected] Preservice Program degree requirements;
policy (3) Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/ChildEdPre 4. Successful completion of the College Level
HUDF 5430 Internship (3) Examination Program (CLEP) test can be
Elementary/Childhood Education (Preservice) substituted for course work in a second lan-
Other courses are selected in consultation (Code: TYP) guage, or in each of the liberal arts subjects.
with an advisor.
Degree Offered: Please note that for New York City licenses
Master of Arts (M.A.) and for states other than New York, require-
ments for certification may be different. It is
Program Description: up to the student to be aware of any addition-
This is a 40-point M.A. preservice program for al provisions. Contact the Department of
applicants with little or no teaching experi- Education of New York City and applicable
ence or preparation who are seeking certifica- State Education Departments for current
tion at the elementary level, grades 1-6. The licensing requirements.
M.A. preservice program includes a profes-
sional student-teaching sequence from Special Application
September through May. Students can qualify Requirements/Information:
for the extension in gifted education by All admissions materials must be received by
enrolling in the 40-credit gifted-education the early or final deadlines as advertised by the
extension program (see following pages). College. Those who complete their applica-
tions after the early deadline may not have the
Students may complete the program on a opportunity to begin student teaching in their
full-time or part-time basis; students have the first year, even if admitted. For information on
option to complete the program with an application deadlines, see the Admissions sec-
accelerated schedule (an academic year plus tion of this bulletin.
preceding and following summer sessions) or
to extend their program over 2-5 years. Degree Requirements:
The basic curriculum for M.A. Elementary
Students planning to student teach are Preservice students includes:
required to file a Declaration of Intention to The Preservice Core, which includes such
Student Teach (available from the Program topics as teaching methods, teaching in
Office) by May 15 prior to the Fall term in urban and culturally diverse settings, cur-
which they plan to begin student teaching. A riculum development, multicultural educa-
non-refundable deposit of $150.00, which is tion, alternative models of teaching, social
later released into the students account upon studies curriculum, and classroom manage-
registration for student teaching that Fall, is ment and organization (designated C&T
also required by May 15. Some courses may be 4123, C&T 4334 and C&T 4726 in the
taken before beginning the professional C&T 4124, C&T 4143, C&T 4726 in).
sequence. Students complete the Preservice Core
concurrently with the student teaching
New York State and the Preservice Program semesters.
require that degree/teacher certification candi- In addition to the Preservice Core, which
dates complete a distribution of liberal arts accounts for approximately half of the 40
course work at either the graduate or under- points required, the following courses are
graduate levels. This includes a minimum of required for certification and the masters
6 credits in each of the following domains: degree:
English, mathematics, social science, science, One course in child development (2-3)*,
and two term length courses in a language such as C&T 4080 Risk and resilience in
other than English (proven proficiency may early development: Birth8 years
substitute for course work in language). In One course in educational foundations
addition, those seeking New York State certifi- (2-3)*, philosophical, historical, sociological
cation must demonstrate knowledge of tech- etc.
nology and experience in the arts.

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Two courses in methods of teaching reading

ELEMENTARY/ Special Application
(3): C&T 4132 and C&T 4133 to be taken Requirements/Information:
in conjunction with student teaching CHILDHOOD EDUCATION All admissions materials must be received by
One course in methods of teaching mathe- AND TEACHING the early or final deadlines as advertised by the
matics (3): MSTM 5010 Mathematics in the College. For information on application dead-
elementary school
lines, see the Admissions section of this bul-
One course in methods of teaching science DIS/ABILITIES WITH A letin. Those who complete their applications
(3): MSTC 4040 Science in childhood edu- CONCENTRATION IN after the early deadline may not have the
cation and MSTC 4140 Laboratory methods opportunity to begin student teaching in their
and experiences for elementary school (DUAL-CERTIFICATE PRESERVICE PROGRAM) first year, even if admitted.
One course in special education (3)
Program Coordinators: Degree Requirements:
Course work in health education The basic curriculum for Ed.M. students
Professor Alicia Broderick and
Professor Britt Hamre includes:
* Students with appropriate undergraduate
courses in these areas may be eligible for a Semester 1
Program Office: (212) 678-3873
waiver of these requirements. Minimum point C&T 4080 Risk and resilience in early
E-mails: [email protected]
requirements for the degree will not be development: Birth8 years
[email protected]
reduced. Please consult with preservice (2)
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/DualCertification
C&T 4123 Curriculum and instruction
Elementary/Childhood Education and in elementary education (2)
Teaching Students with dis/Abilities with C&T 4132 Learning and teaching in the
a Concentration in Learning dis/Abilities primary reading/writing
(Dual-Certificate Preservice Program) classroom (3)
C&T 4729 Professional laboratory
(Code: TYF)
experiences/student teaching
(semester-long) in elementary
Degree Offered: education (4)
Master of Education (Ed.M.)
Semester 2
Program Description: C&T 4001 Differentiating instruction in
The dual certificate program is designed for inclusive classrooms (2-3)
students who do not hold any teaching certifi- C&T 4124 Curriculum development in
cates and who want to learn to teach all chil- elementary education (2-3)
dren. It is a two-year, full-time program which C&T 4133 Learning and teaching in the
includes three semesters of supervised teach- intermediate reading/writing
ing in three different settings: a general-educa- classroom (3)
tion classroom in grades 1-3 or 4-6, an inclu- C&T 4143 Social studies in the
sive setting at the other level, and a second elementary and middle
inclusive setting or a special-education setting, school (2)
depending on the students preference. C&T 4705 Student teaching: Learning
dis/Abilities (4 points each
Students will have opportunities to become semester, for two semesters)
expert in such areas as contingent and differ-
entiated teaching, curriculum development, Semester 3 (Summer)
school change and reform initiatives, action C&T 4853 Multisensory teaching of basic
research directed toward social justice issues, language skills for students
and will gain perspectives on teaching as com- labeled learning dis/Abled
plex intellectual activity. The overarching (2-3)
intention of the program is to assist educators MSTC 4040 Science in childhood
who expect to exert leadership in their school education (3)
settings and with their colleagues. The pro- MSTC 4140 Laboratory methods and
gram is multifoundational, inquiry-based, and experiences for elementary
centers dis/Ability rather than marginalizing it. school teachers (1)
As a consequence, the program promotes MSTM 5010 Mathematics in the
inclusive education. elementary school (3)

Note: To be certified by New York State, there Semester 4

are additional requirements. Please see the C&T 4000 dis/Ability in contexts (2-3)
Teacher Education section of this bulletin for C&T 4705 Student teaching: Learning
details. dis/Abilities (4 points each
semester, for two semesters)

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C&T 4046 A multifoundational

GIFTED Special Application
introduction to learning Requirements/Information:
dis/Abilities (3) EDUCATION Admission to programs leading to the M.A.
C&T 4047 Sociocultural approaches to degree is determined on the basis of academic
Program Coordinator:
teaching students labeled as ability as evidenced by success in prior aca-
Professor James Borland
learning dis/Abled (3) demic work and/or other measures of academ-
ic aptitude and demonstrable potential for
Program Office: (212) 678-3765
Semester 5 excellence in teaching or development activi-
E-mail: [email protected]
C&T 4301 Supervised practicum in ties in education. The Graduate Record
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/GiftedEd
educational assessment of Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test
exceptional children (2-3) Gifted Education is not required for admission to the M.A. pro-
C&T 5905 Seminar in learning (Code: TEI) grams. The Department of Curriculum and
dis/Abilities and disability Teaching evaluates M.A. applications three
studies in education (2-4) Degrees Offered: times per year. For information on application
C&T 6501 Studies in curriculum and Master of Arts (M.A.) deadlines, see the Admissions section of this
teaching (2-3) Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), available bulletin.
HBSK 4072 Theory and techniques of through Curriculum and Teaching
reading assessment and (Code: TYZ) Admission to programs leading to the Ed.D.
intervention (3) degree is determined on the basis of academic
HBSK 5373 Practicum in psycho- Program Description: ability as evidenced by success in prior aca-
educational assessment of demic work and/or other measures of academ-
The M.A. program in gifted education is ic aptitude; demonstrable potential for re-
reading (3) designed primarily for teachers, both preser- search, field inquiry, or development activities
vice teachers (individuals who have no back- in education; and three years of successful
ground in the field of education but wish to teaching or equivalent experience. All appli-
become teachers) and in-service teachers cants are required to submit Graduate Record
(those who already hold teaching certificates). Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test
scores that are no more than five years old,
Preservice, or initial certification, students and are required to submit a writing sample.
interested in gifted education should apply for The Department of Curriculum and Teaching
admission to either the initial certification pro- evaluates Ed.D. applications twice per year.
gram in Early Childhood Education with the For information on application deadlines, see
gifted education extension (for teaching stu- the Admissions section of this bulletin.
dents birth through grade 2) or the program
in Elementary/Childhood Education with the Degree Requirements:
gifted education extension (for teaching chil-
dren grade 1 through grade 6). Students who MASTER OF ARTS
complete these programs will be initially certi- Preservice or Initial Certification Program
fied to teach on the early childhood or ele- Master of Arts with Teaching Certification in
mentary level and will also earn the extension Early Childhood Education and the Extension
in gifted education. They will take coursework in Gifted Education (41 points)
in gifted education and complete student
teaching assignments in gifted education class-
Required Courses in Gifted Education
rooms as well as meeting the requirements for
(11 points):
the degree in Early Childhood Education or
C&T 4021 Nature and needs of
Elementary/Childhood Education.
gifted students (2)
C&T 4025 Educating the young
The professional certification (in-service) pro-
gifted child (2)
gram in gifted education is designed for stu-
C&T 4702 Observation and student
dents who have graduated from approved
teaching: Gifted (3)
teacher-education programs and are initially
C&T 5024 Planning and implementing
certified, whether or not they have actual
programs for gifted
teaching experience. Completion of this pro-
students (3)
gram results in the award of the extension in
C&T 5810 New approaches to
gifted education from the State of New York
identifying and educating
and satisfies the requirements for professional
gifted students (1)
certification in New York State.
Other Required Courses (30 points):
The Ed.D. degree is a concentration within
Course in history or foundations of education (2)
the general Curriculum and Teaching Ed.D.
C&T 4001 Teaching students with
program. Students enrolled for this degree
dis/Abilities in inclusive
meet the departmental doctoral core require-
classrooms (2)
ments, complete coursework in gifted educa-
tion, and undertake dissertation research on
a problem related to gifted students.

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C&T 4080 Risk and resilience in early HBSS 4116 Health education for DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
development (2) teachers (1) The basic curriculum for Ed.D. students
C&T 4112 Integrated curriculum in MSTC 4040 Science in childhood includes
early childhood (6) education (2) Core Courses:
C&T 4119 Interdisciplinary methods of MSTC 4140 Laboratory methods and C&T 5000 Theory and inquiry in
working with families (2) experiences for elementary curriculum and teaching
C&T 4131 Language and literacy in the school teachers (1) (6 points each semester, fall
early childhood curriculum (3) MSTM 5010 Mathematics in the and spring, of the first year)
C&T 4132 Learning and teaching in the elementary school (3)
primary reading/writing Course in Foundations of Education chosen with Research Requirements:
classroom (3) advisor (2) C&T 7500 Dissertation seminar in
C&T 4308 Field experience (1) curriculum and teaching
C&T 4708 Student teaching (3) Special Project (1-3)
C&T 4114 Multicultural approaches to Culminating project: C&T 7501 Dissertation seminar in
early childhood education (2) A culminating project, arranged in consulta- curriculum and teaching
HBSS 4116 Health education for tion with your advisor, that demonstrates your (1-3)
teachers (1) ability to integrate your theoretical knowledge HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
HUDK 4027 The development of with practical problems and issues in child- inference (3)
mathematical thinking (3) hood education. HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3)

Special Project Professional Certification (In-service) Plus one additional course in research methods (2-3)
Culminating project Program leading to the Extension in Other courses are selected in consultation with
Gifted Education (32 points): an advisor.
Preservice or Initial Certification Program
Master of Arts with Teaching Certification in The Nature of Giftedness (4-9 credits) Curriculum and Teaching Requirements:
Childhood Education (40 points) Required Courses: 9 points of course work in the Department
C&T 4021 Nature and needs of of Curriculum and Teaching
Required Courses in Gifted Education gifted students (2-3)
(12 points): C&T 5023 Exceptionality and Giftedness Requirements:
C&T 4021 Nature and needs of gifted intelligence: Theoretical 27 points of course work in courses in gifted
students (2) approaches (2-3) education, including 9 to 12 points in C&T
C&T 4023 Differentiated curriculum 6506 Advanced seminar: Giftedness
in the education of gifted Elective Course:
students (2) C&T 4025 Educating young potentially Elective courses:
C&T 4702 Observation and student gifted children (2-3) 27 points of course work determined by the
teaching: Gifted (3) student and his or her advisor.
C&T 4822 Instructional models in Teaching Gifted Students (7-10 credits)
the education of gifted Required Courses:
students (1) C&T 4023 Differentiated curriculum
C&T 5024 Planning and implementing for gifted students (2-3)
programs for gifted C&T 4822 Instructional models in the
students (3) education of gifted students
C&T 5810 Differential instruction for (1-2)
all learners (1) C&T 5024 Planning and implementing
programs for gifted students
Other Required Courses (28 points): (3)
C&T 4001 Teaching students with C&T 5810 Differential instruction for
dis/Abilities in inclusive all learners (1)
classrooms (3)
C&T 4080 Risk and resilience in early Out-Of-Program Requirements (10-18 credits)
development (2) Additional courses to be determined in con-
C&T 4123 Curriculum and instruction sultation with your advisor.
in elementary education (3) Field Placement (3 credits)
C&T 4132 Learning and teaching in C&T 4702 Observation and student
the primary reading/writing teaching: Gifted (3)
classroom (3) or
C&T 4133 Learning and teaching in the C&T 5302 Advanced practicum:
intermediate reading/writing Gifted (3)
classroom (3)
C&T 4143 Social studies in the Culminating Project:
elementary and middle A culminating project, arranged in consulta-
school (1) tion with your advisor, that demonstrates your
C&T 4729 Student teaching (4) ability to integrate your theoretical knowledge
HUDK 4022 Developmental psychology: with practical problems and issues in gifted
Childhood (2) education.

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Students can intern in both high need and To satisfy the college breadth requirement,
LITERACY SPECIALIST state-of-the-art schools, apprentice with men- students must complete 3 Teachers College
(BIRTHGRADE 6) tor teachers, research staff development and courses. (A course for this purpose is defined
school reform, and participate in any of more as one in which a minimum of 2 points is
Program Coordinator: than 100 full day conferences offered each earned) outside the program.
Professor Lucy Calkins year.
A&HE 4052 Adolescents and
Program Office: (212) 678-3931 Candidates who wish to research and improve literature (3)
E-mail: [email protected] their own literacy teaching or serve in leader- A&HL 4001 Sociolinguistics and
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/Literacy ship positions to help others do the same are education (3)
encouraged to apply, as are those who intend A&HT 4077 TESOL classroom
Literacy Specialist to engage in scholarly work and continue their practices (3)
(Code: TYZL) education through the doctoral level. ITSF 4013 Literacy and
development (2-3)
Program Description: Special Application ITSF 4015 Introduction to
The M.A. program as a literacy specialist Requirements/Information: computers, language,
is a 32-point program that leads to New York All admissions materials must be received by and literacy (2-3)
State certification in Teaching Literacy. This the early or final deadlines as advertised by the ITSF 4028 Teaching literacy in
program is designed to immerse the literacy College. For information on application dead- bilingual settings (3)
educator in an intense study of practice, theo- lines, see the Admissions section of this bul- MSTU 4049 Technologies and
ry, and research. The eventual goal is to equip letin. literacies (2-3)
each participant to assume a leadership role in
literacy education. The program regards the Degree Requirements: Within Department Selectives: Required of
teaching of reading and writing as complex Students may enroll in the program full-time all students (6-8 points)
undertakings, and strives to equip its students or part-time. The basic curriculum for M.A.
to teach well. Students investigate individual students includes: Students must select at least two courses from
literacy learning, group literacy learning, Core: Required of all students (19-20 points) the following list:
teacher development, community partner- C&T 4138 Teaching literacy in C&T 4858 Institute: Teaching of
ships, institutional change and other contem- the early years (3) reading (3)
porary and political issues facing literacy edu- C&T 4200 Fieldwork in curriculum C&T 5800 Institute: Teaching of
cation.The program assumes that teachers and teaching (1) writing (1, 3, 6)
own literacy work will be a source of knowl- (co-requisite with Either:
edge and inspiration in their teaching. C&T 4138) C&T 4137 Literacy and learning in
Students write creatively as well as profession- C&T 4139 Constructing critical the content areas (3)
ally, participate in their own reading clubs and readers (3) C&T 4842 Institute: Content area
keep portfolios of their own reading and writ- C&T 4151 Teaching of writing (3) literacies (3)
ing development. C&T 4200 Fieldwork in curriculum
and teaching (1)
The TC faculty in literacy has a long history of (co-requisite with C&T
social action with areas of special interest that 4139 and C&T 4151)
include content area literacies, curriculum HBSK 4072 Theory and techniques
development in reading and writing, childrens of reading assessment
literature, school reform, ethnographic studies and intervention (3)
of literacy, teacher development, process C&T 4140 Literature for younger
approaches to reading and writing, and the children (2-3)
impact of class, race, and gender on literacy C&T 5037 Literacy, culture, and the
learning. Students participate in challenging teaching of reading (3)
courses, engage in readings, learn from men-
torships, and conduct their own action- Masters Action Research Project: Required of
research projects in which they demonstrate all students (1 point)
their abilities to synthesize theory and practice
and to weave the two throughout their indi- C&T 4502 Masters project (1)
vidual work. (Literacy section)
(co-requisite with
Teachers College students enrolled in the C&T 5037 or C&T 4140)
Literacy Specialist program have the opportu-
nity to work with the Teachers College Completion of Masters Action
Reading and Writing Project a think-tank Research Project
and professional development organization Out of Department Selectives: Required of
that works in field-based ways with schools all students (4-6 points)
throughout New York City and the nation.

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TEACHING STUDENTS Special Application C&T 4707 Teaching internship in

Requirements/Information: learning dis/Abilities (8 points
WITH DIS/ABILITIES: Applications are reviewed throughout the year in two semesters, course
LEARNING DIS/ABILITIES for the M.A. programs. For the dual certifica- approval pending)
(IN-SERVICE ONLY) tion program in Elementary/Childhood C&T 4853 Multisensory teaching of
Education and Teaching students with dis/abil- basic language skills (2-4)
Program Coordinator: C&T 5905 Seminar in learning
ities: Learning dis/abilities, please see the
Professor D. Kim Reid dis/Abilities and disability
Admissions section of this bulletin for applica-
tion deadlines. When the degree program has studies in education (2-4)
Program Office: (212) 678-3873 HBSK 4072 Theory and techniques of
been completed, a student whose initial certi-
E-mail: [email protected] reading assessment and
fication is in an area of education other than
Web site: www.tc.edu/c&t/Learning intervention (2-4)
special education will qualify for New York
Disabilities HBSK 5373 Practicum in literacy assess
State initial teaching certification for teaching
intervention I
students with disabilities and a professional
Teaching Students with dis/Abilities: (3 or equivalent)
certificate in the original area of preparation;
Learning dis/Abilities (In-service only) ITSF 4020 Bilingualism and disability (1)
a student in the in-service program or the dual
(Code: TEN)
certificate Ed.M. programs will qualify for New
Additional Requirements:
York State professional teaching certification.
Degrees Offered: In both cases, students must also pass state
Students must also meet the New York State
Master of Arts (M.A.) Certification. Requirements for child abuse &
examinations and teach the requisite number
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), available drug abuse detection and reporting. Please see
of years. the Teacher Education section of this bulletin
through Curriculum and Teaching
(Code: TYZ) for details.
Admission to programs leading to the Ed.D.
degree with a concentration in Learning In-service students must take all required
Program Description: dis/Abilities/Disability Studies in Education is
Master of Arts courses, but may elect to take several of them
determined on the basis of academic ability as for 2 or 3 credits, thereby enabling each indi-
The in-service Master of Arts program pre-
evidenced by success in prior academic work vidual student to determine the breadth or
pares teachers to work with students with
and/or other measures of academic aptitude; depth of study in a particular area. Elective
academic difficulties. This multifoundational,
demonstrable potential for research, field courses may be chosen in consultation with an
inquiry-based program is grounded in the
inquiry, or development activities in educa- advisor. Selection is influenced by factors such
assumption that successful teachers of stu-
tion; and three years of successful teaching or as previous academic background and career
dents with learning dis/abilities must have a
thorough understanding of the nature of socie- equivalent experience. All applicants are objectives.
ty and its impact on learning and learning required to submit Graduate Record
dis/abilities and must also be knowledgeable Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
about studying and empowering students as scores that are no more than five years old, The basic curriculum for Ed.D. students
well as planning and evaluating instruction. and are required to submit a writing sample. taking a Learning dis/Abilities concentration
They must be prepared to collaborate with The Department of Curriculum and Teaching includes:
others in inclusive communities as well as in evaluates Ed.D. applications twice per year. Core Courses:
one-to-one or small-group settings. The single All admissions materials must be received by C&T 5000 Theory and inquiry in
certificate in-service M.A. program requires a the early or final deadlines as advertised by the curriculum and teaching
minimum of 34 points. Because the program is College. For information on application dead- (6 points each semester, Fall
performance-based, students must be engaged lines, see the Admissions section of this bul- and Spring, of the first year)
in either student teaching or professional letin.
teaching during both fall and spring semesters. Research Requirements:
For information on the Ed.M. dual certificate Degree Requirements: C&T 6507 Advanced seminar-learning
program in Childhood Education and MASTER OF ARTS dis/Abilities (12 points,
Teaching students with dis/abilities: Learning The basic curriculum for M.A. in-service variable topics, repeated
dis/abilities, see the separate listing. students includes: four semesters)
C&T 4000 Dis/Abilities in context (2-3) C&T 7500 Dissertation seminar in
This program meets professional standards for C&T 4001 Differentiating instruction in curriculum and teaching
special educators established by the Council inclusive classrooms (3) (1-3)
for Exceptional Children. C&T 4046 Multifoundational application C&T 7501 Dissertation seminar in
to learning dis/Abilities (3) curriculum and teaching
Doctor of Education C&T 4047 Sociocultural approaches to (1-3)
The Ed.D. degree is a concentration within teaching students labeled as HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
the general Curriculum and Teaching Ed.D. learning dis/abled (3) inference (3)
program. Students enrolled for this degree C&T 4137 Literacy and learning in the HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3)
meet the departmental doctoral core require- content areas (3) One course in qualitative research methods (2-3)
ments, complete course work in learning C&T 4301 Educational assessment (2-3) An additional course in research methods specific
dis/Abilities and disability studies in educa- C&T 4705 Student teaching: Learning to the dissertation (2-3)
tion, and undertake dissertation research on a dis/Abilities (4 points each Other courses in foundations of learning
problem related to learning dis/Abilities and semester, for two semesters) dis/Abilities (12-15) selected in consultation
disability studies in education. or with an advisor

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COURSES: C&T 4022. Instructional models in for monitoring that instruction in a range of
the education of gifted students (2-3) school environments. Emphasis is on learning
C&T 4000. Dis/Ability in contexts (2-3) Professor Borland. A review and application of as growth into a discourse. Pre- or corequisite,
Professor Bejoian. Enrollment limited to 35 special instructional systems for educating the C&T 4046. Special fee $25.
students. For students preparing to be both gifted. Special attention devoted to frame-
general and special-education teachers. works developed by Bloom, Gordon, Parnes, C&T 4051. Supervision for elementary
Exploration of the historical, legal, cultural, Renzulli, Stanley, Tannenbaum, and Taylor. and secondary schools (2-3)
and social/emotional experiences and repre- Course also offered as summer workshop Professor Schoonmaker. Theory and practice
sentations of the characteristics of people C&T 4822. of supervision in elementary and secondary
across the full range of disabilities. The course schools. Emphasis is on the role of the supervi-
focuses on life contexts, including education, C&T 4023. Differentiated curriculum sor in improvement of instruction and curricu-
family (caregiver), employment, and independ- for gifted students (2-3) lum development. Students practice tech-
ent living as well as life-span transitions. It Dr. Wright. This course examines the charac- niques for improving supervisory skills through
draws on a wide range of interdisciplinary teristics of appropriate and defensible curricu- role playing, case studies, and analysis of
scholarship and ways of knowing. lum for gifted children and youth. Particular teaching. Attention given to creating programs
emphasis is placed on instructional strategies, for continuous professional growth of elemen-
C&T 4001. Differentiating instruction curriculum theories, flexible grouping tech- tary and secondary school teachers, parapro-
in inclusive classrooms (2-3) niques, and meeting the needs of gifted learn- fessionals, and leadership personnel.
Professor Broderick and staff. Enrollment lim- ing in the regular classroom.
ited to 35 students. For students preparing to C&T 4052. Designing curriculum and
be both general and special-education teach- C&T 4025. Educating young potentially instruction (2-3)
ers. This course is designed to foster collabora- gifted children (2-3) Professor Lesko, Goodwin or Zumwalt.
tive, problem-solving relationships among gen- Dr. Wright. Examination of theories and prac- Application of models for designing curricu-
eral and special education teachers and stu- tices relevant to the education of the young lum and instruction. Students design curricu-
dent families in designing and modeling inclu- (preschool through second grade) potentially lum in collaborative groups. Section 2 will
sive pedagogies and practices for diverse learn- gifted child with particular focus on talent focus on students designing social studies
ers. It also overviews the classroom uses of development, differentiated curriculum, non- curriculum in collaborative groups.
assistive instructional technologies and other traditional identification techniques, at-risk
accommodations in a laboratory format. children, and parent education. C&T 4078. Curriculum and teaching
in urban areas (2-3)
C&T 4002. Curriculum theory and history C&T 4029. Creativity: Its nature and Professor Knight. Analysis of social context
(3) nurture (2-3) and resources for curriculum and teaching in
Professor Lesko or Schoonmaker. The nature Faculty. An examination and critical appraisal urban areas.
and design of educational activities: theory, of theories of creativity, test development to
research, and practice of curriculum design. measure creativity, and methods designed to C&T 4080. Risk and resilience in
enhance the creativity of children and adults. early development (2-3)
C&T 4004. School change (3) Professors Recchia, Keilty, Dr. Sall.
Professor Hatch or Knight. Major themes C&T 4032. Gender, difference, and A first course in child development, pre-
include state of the field regarding school curriculum (3) birth through age 8, within a family context.
change, schools as social organizations, the Professor Lesko. This course offers a multifac- Primary focus is on the impact of risk and dis-
individual in the organization, theories of eted, interdisciplinary introduction to thinking ability on developmental outcomes, and those
change, and implementation strategies and about school curricula, policies, and practices factors that promote resilience in young chil-
processes. as gendered. Gender will not be considered in dren, with and without disabilities, and their
isolation but as interwoven and complicated families.
C&T 4005. Principles of teaching with cultural, racial, religious, class, and sexual
and learning (3) identities, among others. The course materials C&T 4083. Working with families of
Faculty. Examination of the relationships will move beyond the identification of the young children with disabilities (2-3)
among teaching, learning, and assessment; problems to examine various efforts to create Professor Recchia or faculty. This course offers
teaching as a profession; and schools as com- gender-sensitive curricula and programs. current and historical perspectives on the role
plex social organizations. Cross-listed with HUDF 4032. of families in the lives of young children with
special needs, with a focus on family struc-
C&T 4020. The environments of C&T 4046. A multifoundational approach tures, resources and concerns. Students will
school (2-3) to Learning dis/Abilities (3) explore strategies for facilitating partnerships
Faculty. Space, objects, and territoriality; Faculty. This course is open to both general between families and professionals that sup-
school and classroom size; the environment as and special education teachers and surveys a port the developmental and educational needs
hidden curriculum; risk and stress in school; range of models and theories that continue of young children with disabilities.
interrelationship of the cognitive, social and to shape out understandings of Learning
physical conditions and outcomes of schools dis/Abilities across life-span contexts and their C&T 4112. Integrated curriculum in early
and classrooms. social and legal ramifications, focusing most childhood education (full-year course) (6)
specifically on medical, cognitive/information Professors Genishi, Recchia, and Williams.
C&T 4021. Nature and needs of gifted processing, and sociocultural frameworks. A two-semester course focused on integrated
students (2-3) theories and methods in ECE/ECSE.
Dr. Wright. Psychological factors, personal and C&T 4047. Sociocultural an inquiry-based Will incorporate historical and sociocultural
social, affecting identification and develop- approaches to teaching students labeled as contexts, emphasis on physical and interper-
ment of gifted children and youth: implica- learning dis/abled (2) sonal environments in early childhood set-
tions for education, counseling and guidance. Professor Reid. For majors only. Planning and tings, centrality of play, social studies and sci-
implementing sociocultural, multicultural, and ence, adapting curricula for full range of abili-
inquiry-based procedures for teaching students ties from infancy through grade 2.
with substantial academic difficulties and

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C&T 4113. Early childhood methods C&T 4124. Curriculum development C&T 4138. Teaching literacy in the
and programs (3) in elementary education (2-3) early years (3)
Professor Genishi, Williams and Dr. Professors Goodwin, Hamre, Oyler, and staff. Professor Calkins, Jones, and Siegel.
Fennimore. Comparative study of traditional, Permission required. Continuation and exten- Examination of theory, research, and practice
current, and innovative program models sion of C&T 4123, with an emphasis on cur- of literacy learning and teaching in the early
designed for children from birth through 8 riculum theory, history, issues, standards, and years, including children who are English lan-
years of age. the interrelationship of various instructional guage learners and children experiencing diffi-
fields. Students work in teams to develop culty with school literacy. Emphasis on alter-
C&T 4114. Multicultural approaches to multi-grade/age curriculum in the social native models of designing literacy curricula,
teaching young children (3) studies. selection and use of materials (including tech-
Professor Williams. Analysis of major curricu- nologies), and methods of assessing and teach-
lum models for learning in young children C&T 4130. Critical perspectives in ing decoding, spelling, fluency, text use, and
through use of culturally and environmentally- elementary education (2-3) comprehension.
derived content. Professor Zumwalt/Faculty. Required
for all professional certification M.A. C&T 4139. Constructing critical readers (3)
C&T 4117. Play: The roots of competence students (elementary/middle school). Co- Professor Calkins, Jones, and Siegel.
in young children (3) requisite: C&T 4502 (section 1) Examination Prerequisite: C&T 4138. Examination of theo-
Faculty. The origins of play and related aspects of issues related to contemporary elementary ry, research, and practice on teaching reading
of development with implications for practice. education in the United States from the per- comprehension and critical analysis in inter-
spective of teacher as a reflective practitioner mediate grade classrooms. Consideration of
C&T 4119. Issues and interdisciplinary and curriculum maker, with a focus on teach- curriculum design, assessment practices, and
methods for working with parents of young ing for social justice. Designed to complement teaching methods and materials. Emphasis on
children (2-3) students masters action research projects. curricular structures and strategies for teach-
Dr. Hoffman. Issues such as separation, prob- ing comprehension and critical analysis of fic-
lematic behaviors, and assessment are exam- C&T 4131. Language and literacy in tion and nonfiction texts.
ined in the development of interdisciplinary the early childhood curriculum (3)
strategies for working with parents of young Professor Genishi. Introduction to research C&T 4140. Literature for younger
children, with and without disabilities. and practices related to early communication children (2-3)
Sessions are taught by an interdisciplinary and literacy in early childhood settings (birth Staff. Critical study of literary trends and
team of faculty and invited speakers from spe- through grade 2). Focus will be on children materials for children in pre-kindergarten,
cial education, clinical psychology, early child- whose first language is English, as well as kindergarten, and early grades. Consideration
hood education, psychiatry, pediatrics, and English language learners, and on curricula of developmental issues and reader response
social work. and adaptations for full range of learners. theory relating to young children.
(3 credits toward state literacy requirement)
C&T 4121. Early childhood teaching C&T 4141. Literature for older
strategies within a social context (2-3) C&T 4132. Learning and teaching in children (2-3)
Professor Genishi, Williams, or faculty. the primary reading/writing classroom (3) Staff. The course integrates theory and
Exploration of the teaching strategies used in Professor Calkins, Jones, Siegel, or Dr. Stires. practice for teachers. Topics include writing
early childhood education through analysis of Permission required. Examines principles of development, research on writing, models for
the social contexts out of which they have literacy learning in young children and intro- responding to and evaluating student writing,
arisen. Emphasis on assimilation and applica- duces theories, practices, and materials for and classroom methods for teaching the writ-
tion of differing strategies through workshop teaching reading/writing in primary grades. ing process in elementary classrooms.
C&T 4133. Learning and teaching in the C&T 4143. Multicultural social studies in
C&T 4122. Issues in parenthood and intermediate reading/writing classroom (3) the elementary and middle school (1-2)
education (2-3) Professors Calkins, Jones, Siegel, and Dr. Professors Goodwin, Hamre, Oyler, and staff.
Dr. Hoffman. Examination of relevant theory Stires. Permission required. Examines strate- Permission required. Teaching, learning, and
and research on parent development. Topics gies for teaching, organizing and assessing curriculum development in social studies
include transition to parenthood, pregnancy, reading and writing in intermediate grades. including a critical examination of content
parenting children of different ages, at-risk and methodology, current practices and issues,
parents, parenting the special needs child, and C&T 4136. Methods and materials state, and professional standards. Materials
single parenthood. Methods of working with for reading instruction (2-3) fee: $20.
different parent populations are addressed. Faculty. A survey of approaches to reading
instruction from kindergarten through middle C&T 4145. The education of youth
C&T 4123. Curriculum and instruction school with a critical examination of modern and adolescents (3)
in elementary education (2-3) methods, materials, trends, and issues. Professor Knight. A comprehensive examina-
Professors Goodwin, Hamre, Oyler, and staff. tion of adolescent development and learning
Permission required. An introduction to teach- C&T 4137. Literacy and learning in as they relate to issues of curriculum, teaching,
ing, learning, and curriculum in elementary the content areas (3) and learning.
classrooms, including: learning processes, Professor Siegel. Introduction to theory,
instructional planning, child observation and research, and practice on the role of literacy in C&T 4151. Teaching of writing (3)
assessment, classroom management and envi- learning mathematics, social studies, science, Professor Calkins. The course integrates theo-
ronments, working in urban, diverse, and and the arts. Examination of talk, texts, and ry and practice for teachers. Topics include
inclusive settings, and culture and community. reading/writing practices used in content area writing development, research on writing,
The course emphasizes the relationship teaching. models for responding to and evaluating
between theory and practice, and supports student writing, and classroom methods for
students in the development of self-analytic, teaching the writing process in elementary
reflective, and problem solving skills. classrooms.
Special fee: $100.

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C&T 4159. Teacher education C&T 4334. Interactive pedagogies: field placement under the sponsorship of a
programs (2-3) Practicum (3) classroom teacher with supervision shared by
Faculty. Current developments in programs for Staff. Permission required. Class meets for the cooperating teacher and Teachers College
the preparation and inservice development of eight sessions; specific dates posted each staff members. The experience begins with a
teachers for elementary and secondary schools. semester. A laboratory course for developing three-week practicum period, followed by a
teaching skills and strategies based on creating ten-week student teaching experience; stu-
C&T 4160. Supervision in preservice teacher classroom pedagogies that integrate activity- dents spend a minimum of 3 1/2 days in the
education programs (2-3) based instruction, cooperative learning, collab- classroom each week. Assignments to class-
Faculty. Theory and practice of supervision of orative problem solving, and differentiated rooms provide an emphasis on education for
student teachers. This course will help students instruction. Application to field problems in both younger and older children in a range of
develop supervisory skills through case studies, teaching and curriculum design. settings, including opportunities in the
role playing, and analysis of teaching. Colleges Professional Development Schools.
C&T 4502. Masters project (1) Offered in conjunction with C&T 4123 and
C&T 4161. The teacher: Socio-historical, Professors Knight, Lesko, Schoonmaker, C&T 4124. Students applying to student
cultural contexts of teaching (2-3) Zumwalt or faculty. Permission required. teach must file a Declaration of Intention to
Professor Zumwalt/Faculty. Exploration of what Required for M.A. students in the Curriculum Student Teach by May 15 prior to the Fall
it means to be a teacher through analysis of his- and Teaching Program. Students work to dev- term.
torical studies, teacher autobiographies, propos- elop proposals to initiate required Masters
als for change and personal reflection. Focus action research project. C&T 4729. Professional laboratory
questions are: What is a good teacher? What is experiences/student teaching (semester-
a professional teacher? Prerequisite: C&T 4503. Problems: Curriculum and long) in elementary education (4-6)
P-12 teaching experience. teachingindependent study (1-3) Professors Goodwin, Hamre, Oyler, and staff.
Faculty. Permission required. Majors work Permission required. Students engage in an
C&T 4200. Fieldwork in curriculum individually or in small groups with a staff intensive field placement under the sponsor-
and teaching (1-4) member. Students should have had previous ship of a classroom teacher with supervision
Faculty. Permission required. Majors work under course work with their supervising staff mem- shared by the cooperating teacher and
guidance. Students should have had previous ber and should select a problem relating to Teachers College staff members. The experi-
course work with their supervising staff member this work. ence begins with a three-week practicum peri-
and should select a problem relating to this od, followed by a ten-week student teaching
work. C&T 4615. Young children and social experience; students spend a minimum of
policy: Issues and problems (2-3) 3 1/2 days in the classroom each week.
C&T 4301. Formal assessment of Dr. Fennimore. Overview of social policy Assignments to classrooms provide an empha-
exceptional students (2-3) towards young children as it affects classroom sis on education for both younger and older
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: C&T practice and professional goals. Situations such children in a range of settings, including
4004. Participation in educational assessment of as child abuse, divorce and custody, student opportunities in the Colleges professional
referred children. Analysis of observational and classification, and foster care are examined. development schools. Students applying to
standardized test data; formulation of educa- student teach must file a Declaration of
tional enrichments, accommodations, and C&T 4702. Student teachinggiftedness Intention to Student Teach by May 15 prior
modifications. Conducted in the Center for (3) to the Fall term.
Educational and Psychological Services or in Dr. Wright. Observation and student teaching.
appropriate community facilities. Course meets Permission required. Course requires 3-5 days C&T 4731. Professional laboratory
double sessions. Prerequisite: C&T 4047. Lab a week for participation in community, school, experiences (including student teaching)
fee: $150. and agency programs and a weekly seminar on in elementary education (4)
campus. Professor Goodwin. Permission required.
C&T 4302. Supervised practicum in the edu- Given in conjunction with C&T 4123 or
cational assessment of young children with C&T 4705. Student teaching: C&T 4124. Laboratory experience designed
exceptionalities (2-3) Learning dis/Abilities (4 points each for certified teachers if space is available. (See
Professor Recchia, Professor Keilty, and faculty. semester, for two semesters) C&T 4726 description). Students registering
Permission required. Prerequisite: C&T 4080. Faculty. School-based fieldwork and student to begin student teaching must file a
Participation in educational assessment of young teaching/practicum. Permission required. Declaration of Intention to student teach by
children with exceptionalities. An introduction Course requires participation in community, May 15 prior to the Fall term.
to formal and informal assessment strategies and school, and agency programs and a weekly
their applications to work with young children. seminar on campus. At least, one semester C&T 4842. Institute: Content area
Analysis of observational and test data; formula- is to be in inclusive education. $25. literacies (3)
tion of educational interventions. Lab fee: $150. Professor Siegel. Introduces K-12 teachers to a
C&T 4708. Student teachinginfancy toolkit of theories and practices to aid them in
C&T 4308. Field experiences in early child- and early childhood (3) rethinking and redesigning literacy practices
hood/early childhood special education (3) Faculty. Observation and student teaching. used in teaching mathematics, science, social
Professors Keilty and faculty. A practicum for Permission required. This two-course sequence studies, and other content areas.
students in the Early Childhood initial certifica- requires 3-5 days a week for participation in
tion programs that serves as a prerequisite for community, school, and agency programs and C&T 4858 Institute: Teaching of
student teaching. Field experiences will system- a weekly seminar on campus. reading (3)
atically include at least 100 hours of observation Professor Calkins. Designed to help teachers
and practice across all EC age groups 0-3, pre- C&T 4726. Professional laboratory of grades K-8 develop a theoretical framework
k, K, 1-2. Field experiences will relate to work experiences/student teaching (year-long) for the teaching of reading and a repertoire of
in other courses and be paired with an ongoing in elementary education (4-6) strategies for enhancing students independ-
seminar designed to respond directly to issues Professors Goodwin, Hamre, Oyler, and staff. ence and skills as readers.
as they arise in field placements. Permission required. Students must begin in
the Fall term. Students engage in an intensive

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C&T 4899. Federal Policy Institute (3) tural and political practice. Emphasis on inter- C&T 5118. Infant and toddler development
Professor Kagan. The Federal Policy Institute sections of class, race/ethnicity, gender, and and practice (2-8)
(FPI) is designed to give students a first-hand sexuality as critical axes for understanding Professor Recchia. Permission required.
opportunity to meet with key policy leaders culturally-specific language and literacy prac- Theory is related to practice and research with
around the most crucial, contemporary policy tices, and as a basis for re-imagining reading infants, toddlers and families. Students partici-
issues. Key themes will include: the enduring instruction rooted in the experiences of stu- pate in classroom practice and meet for weekly
values of American education and how they dents. seminar on-site at the Rita Gold Early Child-
shape current policy; current issues in national hood Center. Enrollment is for 1 or 2 semes-
educational reform; and the role of the federal C&T 5042. Special topics in childrens ters.
government in shaping educational policy. literature (3)
Cross-listed with HUDF 4899. Staff. Study of specific genres or curriculum C&T 5302. Advanced practicum
issues in childrens literature. Topics are giftedness (1-6)
C&T 4900. Research and independent announced in preliminary and final course Professor Borland and Dr. Wright. Permission
study: Curriculum and teaching (1-8) schedules distributed each semester. required. Guided experiences for advanced
Faculty. Masters degree students undertake Registration not limited to one term. students in Giftedness. Supervised group field
research and independent study under the visits. Preservice internships arranged.
direction of a faculty member. C&T 5053. Staff development processes Students submit reports analyzing experiences.
and procedures (3)
C&T 5000. Theory and inquiry in Faculty. Concepts and practices related to staff C&T 5305. Advanced practicum
curriculum and teaching (6 points development, in-service education, and orga- learning dis/Abilities (1-6)
each semester, Fall and Spring). nizational improvement. Attention given to Faculty. Permission required. Guided experi-
Faculty. Required of and limited to first- applications of staff development using institu- ences for advanced students in Learning
year Ed.D. students in the Department of tional cooperation, organizational dynamics, dis/Abilities. Supervised group field visits.
Curriculum and Teaching; must be taken and research on teacher training. Designed for Preservice internships arranged. Students
in both the Fall and Spring semesters. principals, supervisors, curriculum directors, submit reports analyzing experiences.
Introduction to and exploration of important and others concerned with staff and program
problems and issues in curriculum and teach- development to deal with change in their own C&T 5308. Advanced practicum
ing, methods of formulating questions, and institutional contexts. infancy and early childhood (1-6)
modes of inquiry appropriate to doctoral-level Professor Recchia and faculty. Permission
research. C&T 5074. Curriculum and teaching required. Guided experiences for advanced
policy (3) students in Early Childhood/Special
C&T 5006. Readiness for school: Professor Sobol. Prerequisite: C&T 4004. Education. Preservice internships arranged.
Pedagogical and political issues (3) Examination of the theoretical and political Students submit reports analyzing experiences.
Professor Kagan. Course examines different bases of curriculum and teaching policies and
conceptions of school readiness, focusing on their influences on school organizations and C&T 5321. Practicum in early childhood
challenges faced by practitioners and policy teaching practices. Explores the policy-making education: Curriculum development,
makers. Participants will examine different process from policy design through implemen- observation, and assessment in early
approaches to the implementation and assess- tation. childhood (3-4)
ment of readiness. Professor Genishi and Williams. Permission
C&T 5112. Issues in child care and required. Supervised in-service competency-
C&T 5023. Exceptionality and intelligence: education: Infancy through school age (2-3) based field experiences in early childhood set-
Theoretical approaches (2-3) Dr. Farber. An examination of such issues as tings. Emphasis on emerging issues and refine-
Professor Borland. Theories of cognition as inclusion, equity, effects of welfare reform, ment of practice.
they relate to the issues of intelligence and training needs, and the role of transdiscipli-
creativity presented as a basis for conceiving of nary supports within the context of recent C&T 5323. Supervision and the organiza-
students as exceptional and for differentiating demographic, social, political, and economic tion of programs for families with young
their curriculum. changes in our society. Public and private sec- children (3)
tor responses to newly emerging issues, the Faculty. Prerequisites: C&T 5118. Assessment
C&T 5024. Planning and implementing dilemmas posed, and recommended solutions. procedures, supervision, and social policy are
programs for gifted students (3) Evaluations of the adequacy of the responses related to the development and administration
Professor Borland. Examination of factors to the demand for child care, and the nature, of programs for families with infants and tod-
affecting planning and implementation of pro- characteristic, and quality of the supply. dlers.
grams for the gifted, components of gifted pro- Invited speakers present perspectives from
grams, and systems approach to program plan- education, health and mental health, govern- C&T 5502. Introduction to qualitative
ning. Students develop written program plans ment, business, the community, advocacy, and research in curriculum and teaching (2-3)
for specific settings. communication. Professors Genishi, Knight, and Siegel.
Introductory seminar on methods in qualita-
C&T 5036. Child and family policy (2-3) C&T 5114. Development of multicultural tive research, with focus on case studies in
Professor Brooks-Gunn and Kagan. Course curriculum for the early years (2-3) classrooms and schools.
provides a foundation of knowledge concern- Professor Williams. Exploration of dynamics of
ing the role of child and family perspectives in curriculum development for young children C&T 5513-C&T 5514. Seminar in early
informing public policy. from 3 through 8 years of age. Participants will childhood education (3)
design a curriculum using principles of curricu- Professor Genishi, Recchia, and Williams.
C&T 5037. Literacy, culture and the lum construction and a multicultural, inclu- Required of all second-year doctoral students
teaching of reading (3) sive philosophy. Prerequisite: C&T 4114 or in early childhood education and early child-
Professor Siegel and Jones. Prerequisite: C&T equivalent. hood special education and open to other
4138, C&T 4139 or equivalent. Examines cur- post-Masters students with permission.
rent practices of reading instruction in light of Examination of underlying issues and currents
theory and research on literacy as a social, cul-

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in early childhood education, with formulation C&T 6405. Advanced internship C&T 6508. Advanced seminar
of initial research plans. learning dis/Abilities (1-6) infancy and early childhood (3)
Professor Reid. Permission required. Post- Professor Recchia. For doctoral students in
C&T 5515. Infancy research seminar (1-6) masters level. Intensive in-service internship special education and related fields. Recent
Professor Recchia. Permission required. designed to meet individual students needs. developments in theory and research as relat-
Research in infant development is facilitated Students submit reports analyzing experiences. ed to the specialization from psychological,
and coordinated through exploration of a educational, sociological, and/or medical
variety of research methods within a seminar C&T 6408. Advanced internship sources.
format. infancy and early childhood (1-6)
Professor Kagan and Recchia. Permission C&T 6532. Seminar in reading/language
C&T 5800. Institute: Teaching of writing required. Post-masters level. Intensive inser- arts and related research (3)
(1, 3, or 6) vice internship at agency chosen to meet indi- Professor Siegel and Jones. Permission
Professor Calkins. The focus of the institute vidual students needs. Students submit required. Open only to advanced Masters and
will be on the teaching of writing with the par- reports analyzing experiences. doctoral students with a specialization in read-
ticipants also working on their own writing. ing or related area who have completed a
There will be a combination of large group C&T 6452-C&T 6453. Internship program recent methods course in reading. In-depth
presentations, small interactive sessions, and in supervision and curriculum improvement study and discussion of trends and issues in
writing workshops. Separate sections will be (2-4) reading development and instruction.
offered for advanced participants. A partial list Professor Schoonmaker and staff. Permission
of topics to be covered includes: the central required. Prerequisite: C&T 4160 or C&T C&T 6533. Advanced study of childrens
role of planning and curriculum development 4051. Work with curriculum leaders in an literature (3)
in the teaching of writing, methods for holding ongoing program. Fieldwork involves school Staff. Permission required. Issues and problems
our students accountable for doing their best system problems and leadership processes. relating to the formulation of knowledge about
work, classroom structures that support childrens literature.
inquiry and collaboration, and using literature C&T 6452. In-service (2-4)
to help students craft their writing. The C&T 6551. Seminar in supervision and
Institute is appropriate for elementary and C&T 6453. Preservice (2-4) curriculum improvement (3)
secondary teachers. Professor Schoonmaker. Permission required.
C&T 6501-C&T 6502. Studies in Prerequisite: C&T 4051, C&T 4005, or
C&T 5902. Independent study curriculum and teaching (2-3) equivalent. Primarily for doctoral students.
giftedness (1-4) Faculty. Permission required. Integrating semi- Intensive study of selected problems. Major
Professor Borland. Permission required. nar provides an opportunity for students to emphasis on formulation of supervision strate-
Qualified students work under guidance on discuss issues and questions fundamental to gies and curriculum change.
practical research problems. Proposed work the field of curriculum and teaching.
must be outlined prior to registration; final C&T 6569. Seminar in theory and
written report required. C&T 6503. Seminar in field research (2) research in curriculum (1-3)
Faculty. Permission required. Corequisite: Faculty. Permission required. Critical study of
C&T 5905. Seminar in learning dis/Abilities C&T 6200-C&T 6201. Collect and organize classroom environment as a laboratory for
and disability studies in education (2-4) data and report field study findings. Abstract teacher education.
Professor Reid and Broderick. Permission generalizations or limited theories as guides
required. Students work in small groups under to practice and further research. C&T 6900. Directed research and
guidance on practical problems related to theory development in curriculum
teacher-as-scholar practitioner, teacher-as- C&T 6505. Spencer Seminar (3) and teaching (1-4)
classroom researcher, and teacher-as-change Faculty. This seminar is designed to prepare Faculty. Permission required.
agent. Emphasis on ethical practices for doctoral students to conduct collaborative
diverse learners. Special fee: $25. school-based inquiry focused on educational C&T 6914-C&T 6915. Advanced studies
practice in elementary, middle, and high in early childhood and childhood education
C&T 5908. Independent study schools or early childhood settings. Special (1-4)
infancy and early childhood (1-4) attention is given to issues of school-university Professors Genishi, Kagan, Recchia, and
Professor Recchia. Permission required. collaboration, context-sensitive research Williams. Permission required. Identification
Qualified students work under guidance on methodologies, urban educational improve- and theoretical and empirical investigation of
practical research problems. Proposed work ment, and the relation of research to develop- selected topics, problems, and issues in early
must be outlined prior to registration; final ment in school settings. Participation in field childhood and childhood education. Topics
written report required. research and development is required. vary. May be taken more than once for credit.

C&T 6200. Field study in designing C&T 6506. Advanced seminar C&T 7500-C&T 7501. Dissertation
curriculum and instruction (1-3) giftedness (3) seminar in curriculum and teaching (1-3)
Faculty. Permission required. Field experiences Professor Borland. For doctoral students in Professors Genishi and Zumwalt. Two semes-
in relation to designing, conducting, and eval- Giftedness. Recent developments in theory ters required of all doctoral candidates in the
uating programs in curriculum and instruction. and research in gifted education. department unless proposal is defended in the
first semester. Development of doctoral disser-
C&T 6259-C&T 6260. Fieldwork in C&T 6507. Advanced seminar tations and presentation of plans for approval.
preservice teacher education (1-4) learning dis/Abilities (3-12)
Professor Broderick. For doctoral students in
C&T 6400. Internship program in learning disabilities and related fields. Recent
curriculum research (2-4) developments in theory and research as relat-
Faculty. Permission required. Firsthand experi- ed to learning disabilities from psychological,
ence in a center where curriculum research is educational, sociological, and other sources.
in progress.

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C&T 8900. Dissertation advisement in C&T 4835. Improving reading instruction

curriculum and teaching (0) (non-credit or 1-3)
Individual advisement on doctoral disserta- Professor Siegel. An institute focusing on
tions. Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition current issues in reading and related areas.
rate for each term. For requirements, see sec- Includes oral and written language develop-
tion in catalog on Continuous Registration for ment and childrens literature.
Ed.D. degree.
C&T 4853. Multisensory teaching of basic
Continuing Education language skills for students with learning
disabilities (non-credit or 3)
C&T 4802. Models of curriculum Ms. Rowe. Introduction to the theoretical
and teaching (non-credit or 1) and practical issues of teaching a multisensory
Professor Goodwin, Genishi, or Williams. An instructional language approach in reading,
institute focusing on current issues in curricu- spelling, and handwriting, and in the structure
lum and teaching, such as innovative models of English, based on alphabetic phonics to
of teaching or curriculum development in spe- dyslexic students. Offered in Fall and Summer
cific settings. Topics vary and institute may be terms. Materials fee: $30.
taken more than once for credit.
C&T 4854. Multisensory teaching of basic
C&T 4822. Instructional models in the edu- skills I (non-credit or 1)
cation of gifted students (non-credit, 1 or 2) Ms. Rowe. Prerequisite: C&T 4853. Two day-
Professor Borland. What should gifted stu- long workshops combined with the teaching of
dents learn? How can we differentiate the cur- alphabetic phonics curriculum in school set-
riculum for gifted learners in order to meet tings. Extension of practice in schedule II,
their special needs more effectively? These and teaching reading, spelling, and handwriting.
other questions will be addressed in this three-
day workshop devoted to the discussion, C&T 4855. Multisensory teaching of basic
analysis, and evaluation of instructional mod- skills II (non-credit or 1)
els designed or adapted for gifted students. Ms. Rowe. Prerequisite: C&T 4854. Two day-
Emphasis will be placed on the principles of long workshops combined with the teaching of
curricular differentiation and on providing an alphabetic phonics curriculum in school set-
overview of a range of models designed to tings. Extension of C&T 4854.
modify content, enhance the development of
thinking skills and enhance creativity. C&T 4858. Institute: Teaching of reading
Professor Calkins. Designed to help teachers of Small group work and individual consultations
grades K8 develop a theoretical framework will also be integrated throughout the three
for the teaching of reading and a repertoire of days. The emphasis of these sessions will be on
strategies of enhancing students independ- the creation of practical products and prac-
ence and skills as readers. tices that can be used in the participants
schools. Schools are also encouraged to send
C&T 5800. Institute: Teaching of writing both individuals and teams with clearly articu-
(non-credit or 1, 3, or 6) lated issues and problems they would like to
Professor Calkins. The focus of the institute have discussed. Students enrolled for two
will be on the teaching of writing with the par- credits will attend additional seminars to be
ticipants also working on their own writing. scheduled during the class.
There will be a combination of large group
presentations, small interactive sessions, and C&T 5853. Advanced multisensory teach-
writing workshops. Separate sections will be ing of basic language skills for students with
offered for advanced participants. A partial list learning disabilities (non-credit or 2)
of topics to be covered includes: the central Ms. Rowe. Prerequisites: C&T 4853, C&T
role of planning and curriculum development 4854, and C&T 4855. In-depth extension of
in the teaching of writing, methods for holding multisensory techniques for teaching reading
students accountable for doing their best strategies, spelling situations and formulas,
work, classroom structures that support advanced syllable division, lesson planning,
inquiry and collaboration, and using literature dictionary skills, composition, and comprehen-
to help students craft their writing. The sion. Two-week Summer session.
institute is appropriate for elementary and
secondary school teachers. C&T 5854. Advanced multisensory
teaching of basic skills I (non-credit or 1)
C&T 5810. Different instruction for all Two day-long workshops to extend and refine
learners skills in advanced phases of curriculum while
(non-credit, 1 or 2) teaching in school settings.
Professor Borland and Dr. Wright. This three-
day workshop provides participants with the C&T 5855. Advanced multisensory
opportunity to learn about and discuss new teaching of basic skills II (non-credit or 2)
challenges and approaches to identifying and A continuation of C&T 5854. Four day-long
educating gifted students. Presentations and workshops.
discussions will provide the core for each day.

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Health and Behavior Studies

CHAIR: Professor Charles E. Basch LOCATION: 531A Thorndike Hall TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3964 FAX: (212) 678-8259
E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/HBS


PSYCHOLOGY 101 Department of Health and Behavior Studies programs share the common
Reading Specialist goal of helping people to realize their full potential as learners, to make informed decisions, and
School Psychology to attain the best possible quality of life. Health and learning are inextricably linked. Optimal
Applied Developmental learning cannot take place in an atmosphere permeated with physical, psychological, and social
and Learning Psychology health problems, and optimal health cannot be achieved without skill in learning and literacy.
Applied Education Psychology
One way to enhance learning potential is by overcoming health-related constraints and barriers
HEALTH STUDIES 106 to literacy through work at both the individual and community levels. Some programs prepare
Health Education professionals to work with individuals and draw on and contribute to the behavioral sciences
Nursing Education and education. Others emphasize the development and assessment of innovative, multidiscipli-
nary, community-based interventions.
Nutrition Education The programs in the Department fall into the following categories:
Nutrition and Public Health
Community Nutrition Education Applied Educational Psychology
* Applied Physiology and Nutrition This area of study includes the following programs: Reading Specialist and School Psychology.
Such study prepares students to serve as educators, scientists, and service providers in a variety
SPECIAL EDUCATION 118 of settings, including universities, schools, psychoeducational clinics, hospital-based child study
Administration of Special Education clinics, and community agencies.
Applied Behavior Analysis
Blindness and Visual Impairment Health Studies and Nutrition
Cross-Categorical Studies These areas of study include the following programs: Health Education, Nursing Education,
Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Nutrition (Applied Physiology and Nutrition, Community Nutrition Education, Nutrition
Guidance and Habilitation and Public Health, and Nutrition Education). Students in Nutrition may also complete a
Instructional Practice in Dietetic Internship option accredited by the American Dietetic Association. These programs
Special Education prepare students to serve in leadership roles in community-based organizations, government
Mental Retardation/Autism agencies, corporations, health care settings, and educational settings. Current knowledge in
Physical Disabilities behavioral science and education is integrated with field-based applications for health promo-
Research in Special Education tion, and disease prevention.
Severe or Multiple Disabilities
Supervision of Special Education Special Education
Among the programs included in Special Education are: Administration and Supervision of
TEACHING OF Special Education programs, Applied Behavior Analysis, Blindness and Visual Impairment,
AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE Cross-Categorical Studies, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Guidance and Habilitation, Instructional
AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 128 Practice, Mental Retardation/Autism, Physical Disabilities, Research and Supervision of Special
Education programs, and Severe or Multiple Disabilities. These programs prepare students to
serve as leaders and scholar-practitioners skilled in the development, evaluation, and application
* Offered jointly with the Department of of practices that improve the life prospects of people with disabilities.
Behavioral Science.
Teaching of American Sign Language (ASL) as a Foreign Language
Teaching American Sign Language (ASL) as a Foreign Language prepares students to serve as
scholar-practitioners who are skilled, knowledgeable, practiced in the development, evaluation,
and implementation of pedagogy that will instruct and educate individuals unfamiliar with ASL,
the deaf community, and the culture of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Typically,
the population that these scholar-practitioners will eventually instruct and educate are individu-
als who themselves have hearing, are in regular education programs, and possess a wide range of
cultural backgrounds, cognitive, social, and academic abilities.

The Department faculty offers a broad spectrum of expertise. We encourage multidisciplinary

efforts within the faculty and hope that in the course of their studies, students will acquire the
valuable skill of working collaboratively with experts in other disciplines.

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Denise E. Ross (Special Education: Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin
PROFESSORS: Applied Behavior Analysis)
John P. Allegrante (Health Education) INSTRUCTORS:
Charles E. Basch (Health Education) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE: Jane Bogart (Health Education)
Isobel R. Contento (Nutrition) Susan Garni Masullo Christina Costa (Nutrition)
R. Douglas Greer (Reading Specialist) Michelle Gennaoui (Special Education)
(Special and Regular Education:
Nektaria Glinou (Special Education:
Applied Behavior Analysis) ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Mental Retardation/Autism)
Linda Hickson Sheila Amato (Special Education) Mary Anne Gray (Reading Specialist)
(Special Education: Sharon R. Akabas (Nutrition) Leah Greenberg (Special Education)
Mental Retardation/Autism) Janice Berchin-Weiss (Special Education) Kathryn Hamilton (Nutrition)
Stephen J. Lepore (Health Education) Bonnie Bernstein (Nutrition) Maria Hartman (Special Education)
Dennis E. Mithaug Maria Dolores Cox (Special Education) Leonor U. Maro (Nutrition)
(Special Education: Craig Demmer (Health Education) Shelley Mesznik (Nutrition)
Administration and Leadership) Karen Reznik Dolins (Nutrition) Katherine Roberts (Health Education)
Kathleen A. OConnell David Erlanger (School Psychology) Mary Ellen Rooney (Special Education:
(Nursing Education) Linda Lanting Gerra (Special Education) Mental Retardation/Autism)
Philip A. Saigh (School Psychology) Robin Gomez (Special Education: Nadine Rothman (Special Education)
Applied Behavior Analysis) Patricia Rothschild (Special Education)
ADJUNCT PROFESSORS: Roseanne C. Gotterbarn (School Psychology) Michelle Saunders (Special Education)
Ann E. Boehm (School Psychology) Lesley L. Green (Health Education) Anne Spillane (Special Education:
Robert E. Fullilove, III (Health Education) Sascha Griffing (School Psychology) Mental Retardation/Autism)
Mindy Thompson Fullilove Pamela Jacobs (School Psychology) Judy Strauss-Schwartz (Special Education)
(Health Education) Richard Keller (Special Education) Ioanna Tsiouri (Special Education)
Thomas M. Kelly (Special Education) Linda Zulich (Special Education)
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Ishita Khemka (Special Education:
Marla R. Brassard (School Psychology) Mental Retardation/Autism) For information about faculty and their scholarly
Robert E. Kretschmer Pamela Donofrio Koch (Nutrition) and research interests, please refer to the Faculty
(Special Education: Deaf and Hard of Hearing; Michael Koski (School Psychology) section of this bulletin, or visit us at
ASL as a Foreign Language) Grace Lappin (Special Education) www.tc.edu/faculty.
Dolores Perin (Reading Specialist) Noelle Regina Leonard (School Psychology)
Stephen T. Peverly (School Psychology) Susan Lipkowitz (Special Education)
Barbara C. Wallace (Health Education) Amy Margolis (School Psychology)
Randi Wolf (Nutrition) Laura Menikoff (Reading Specialist)
Jose Eduardo Nanin (Health Education)
VISITING ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Robin Nuzzolo (Special Education:
C. Ronald MacKenzie (Health Education) Applied Behavior Analysis)
Elizabeth A. Walker (Health Education) Barbara A. Principe (Reading Specialist)
Russell Rosen (Special Education:
Caroline Camuas (Nursing Education) Britta Rothschild (School Psychology)
Dolleen-Day Keohane Claudia V. Schrader (Special Education)
(Special Education: Virginia S. Stolarski (Special Education:
Applied Behavior Analysis) Blindness and Visual Impairment)
Ursula Kirk (School Psychology) Mary Margaret Whelley (School Psychology)
Toni Liquori (Nutrition) Ruth Zealand (Special Education)
Ray Marks (Health Education)
Margaret G. E. Peterson
(Health Education)
John T. Pinto (Nutrition)
Lora A. Sporny (Nutrition)

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A PPLIED Preparation to diagnose dyslexia: Students Required Courses (10 required courses,
learn to administer a battery of standard- total 28-30 points):
E DUCATIONAL ized tests and formulate a diagnosis.
P SYCHOLOGY Psychology focus: Understanding of HBSK 4072 Theory and techniques of
assessment and interven-
typically-developing and delayed literacy
The Applied Educational Psychology area development from the vantage point of tion in reading (3)
of study includes the following programs: cognitive processes and their relation to HBSK 4074 Reading comprehension
Reading Specialist; School Psychology. race, ethnicity, language proficiency, and strategies and study skills (3)
socio-economic status. HBSK 4077 Adult basic literacy (3) or
HBSK 4085 Behavioral management
Research focus: Emphasis on evidence-based
READING in the classroom
(scientifically-based) intervention strategies
(child focus) (3) or
SPECIALIST for struggling readers. HBSK 5099 Writing interventions
Lifespan perspective: Students learn to theory and practice (3)
Program Coordinator: deliver assessment and intervention to indi- (Choose HBSK 5099 or 4085 or 4077 Students who
Professor Dolores Perin viduals from preschool emergent literacy have taken a behavioral management course or are
through adolescence and adulthood. otherwise experienced in managing classroom behav-
Program Office: (212) 678-3942 Students learn to develop content-area ior should take HBSK 5099.)
E-mail: [email protected] literacy interventions. Adults include adult
Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/ReadingSpecialist literacy students and college dyslexics. It is HBSK 5098 Diagnosis of reading and
never too late to improve literacy skills. writing disabilities
Reading Specialist Clinical experience: Students take (HBSK 4072 and
(Code: TKU) practicums in a clinic at Teachers College HUDM 4050 prerequisite) (3)
where they deliver services to struggling HBSK 5373 Practicum in literacy
Degree Offered: readers of all ages, who come from low assessment and intervention I
Master of Arts (M.A.) income households. (HBSK 4072 prerequisite or
School experience: One practicum may be corequisite) (3)
Program Description: taken at the students own school or an- HBSK 5376 Practicum in literacy
other selected school. assessment and intervention II
The Reading Specialist M.A. program provides
Professional development focus: Preparation (HBSK 4072 and
students with a broad foundation in applied HBSK 5373 prerequisite) (3)
educational psychology as it relates to literacy for professional development in advanced
HBSK 5377 Practicum in literacy
acquisition, and concentrated preparation in seminar as well as in graduate assistantship.
assessment and intervention III
assessment and intervention in reading and (HBSK 5376 prerequisite) (3)
writing difficulties. The program provides Special Application HBSK 5580 Seminar in consultation and
experience in working with child, adolescent, Requirements/Information: evaluation in reading (to be
and adult learners. Students who apply to the Program must pos- taken during the final spring
sess an undergraduate degree in a field rele- of the program) (3)
Key program characteristics are: vant to literacy. Applicants are reviewed based HUDK 5090 Psychology of language and
on their undergraduate and any other academ- reading (2-3)
Preparation for two New York State
ic performance, a personal statement, and at HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement
certifications: Teacher of Literacy, Birth-6, (2-3)
and Teacher of Literacy, 5-12. least two references. Students who wish to be
Preparation to work with children, adoles- recommended by TC New York for State
cents, and adults with reading and writing Literacy Teacher certification upon completion
Elective Courses
difficulties. of the M.A. requirements must enter the pro-
(2 or 3 courses, total 6 points):
Individualized and small group focus: gram with prior certification in a regular edu-
See program documents available at
Students are prepared to teach read- cation area. Applicants who do not have this
ing and writing to strugging readers both certification are asked to contact an advisor
individually and in small groups. This pre- ([email protected]). Information about
Course grades
pares them to provide literacy instruction New York State certification is also available
Courses must be taken for a letter grade,
in pull-out programs, inclusion classrooms, from the Office of Teacher Education School
not pass/fail.
and regular classrooms. based Support Services. (See link on TC home
Balanced literacy focus: Integration of page)
Completion of M.A. Project
rigorous, evidence-based phonics training The Masters Integrative Project addresses
with authentic literacy encompassing word Degree Requirements:
areas related to literacy and related learning
recognition, reading comprehension, fluen- difficulties among children and adults. This
cy, vocabulary develolpment, spelling, and MASTER OF ARTS
The Master of Arts consists of 34 points (mini- culminating project is conducted under the
expressive writing. supervision of an advisor.
mum 12 courses: 10 required, 2 elective) and
Assessment and intervention focus:
can be pursued either part-time or full-time.
Students learn to deploy a battery of class- COURSES:
Completion of a Masters Integrative Project
room-based and standardized assessment See courses in Reading Specialist and School
is required for graduation.
measures to identify strengths and weak- Psychology programs.
nesses of individual students and groups,
and then develop an intervention plan
based on the assessment findings.

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SCHOOL Assess and diagnose learning, behavior, and Special Application

emotional problems and strengths, from Instructions/Information:
PSYCHOLOGY early childhood through middle adulthood, The GRE general test and an academic writing
Program Coordinator: with an emphasis on school-age children sample (a paper for a prior undergraduate or
Professor Stephen Peverly and youth; graduate class) are required for applicants
Generate recommendations that are devel- to the Ed.M., Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees.
Program Office: (212) 678-3942 opmentally appropriate, remediate deficits Any student wishing to focus on Low
E-mail: [email protected] effectively, and promote competence; Incidence/Handicaps/Hearing Impaired
Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/SchoolPsych Implement and evaluate theoretically and should indicate this on the application
empirically sound educational and mental form under Area of Specialization.
Applied Developmental health prevention and intervention pro-
& Learning Psychology School Psychology grams for school personnel, families, and Degree Requirements:
(Code: TKL) children. Examples include cognitively based
early reading programs and cognitive-behav- MASTER OF EDUCATION
Degree Offered: ioral individual and group interventions for Our National Association of School
Master of Education (Ed.M.) coping with anxiety and affective disorders, Psychologists (NASP) approved Master of
including those involving trauma exposure, Education program requires 66 points of
Applied Educational Psychology bereavement problems, divorce, study skills, course work. The course of study stresses a
School Psychology and social skills; firm grounding in the core areas of psychology,
(Code: TKT) Implement and evaluate instructional, especially cognitive psychology, as well as in
behavioral, and mental health consultation the tools traditionally used by school psycholo-
Degrees Offered: with school personnel and parents about gists to apply their knowledge and skills to
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) childrens instruction and learning, mental school settings. Completion of the Ed.M. pro-
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) health and behavior; gram in School Psychology can lead to certifi-
Implement information technology and do cation as a school psychologist in New York
Program Description: so in ways that safeguard and enhance the State.
Both our masters and doctoral programs are quality of services;
fully approved by the National Association of Demonstrate an understanding of: (a) the Ed.M. students should plan on three years
School Psychologists (NASP). Our doctoral role of cultural differences in manners, of full-time attendance, including summers.
programs are also fully approved by the values, and mores and (b) how to work Although part-time attendance is possible,
American Psychological Association (APA). effectively with culturally and linguistically full-time attendance leads to a richer educa-
These programs focus on the application of diverse populations; tional experience. Ed.M. students must be
cognitive and developmental psychology to the Demonstrate an understanding of how: (a) available to spend a minimum of one full day
promotion of competence in learning and schools are organized within States and dis- per week for practica in their first year and
mental health in schools and other education- tricts, their organizational structure and typ- two full days per week for fieldwork in their
al contexts. Course work provides students ical personnel, the State and federal laws second year. Internships are full-time.
with a strong foundation in the theory and and regulations and personnel contracts
research of cognitive and developmental psy- under which they operate; and (b) to work Suggested sequence of courses by year
chology and its application to: (a) the instruc- effectively with school personnel, parents, and semester:
tion and learning of school related subjects, and students to engage in system level
particularly reading, and (b) the understanding change; First Year:
and treatment of mental health problems. Integrate knowledge and applied skills Fall
Practica and internship experiences provide through the provision of a wide-range of HBSK 4025 Professional and ethical
students with the opportunity to apply this services that have a measurable positive functions of school
knowledge directly to their work with clients. influence on youth and families; psychologists
Manage relationships with clients, colleagues HBSK 4072 Theory and techniques
Clients are seen in a variety of contexts, and members of the public in an emotionally, of reading assessment
including our collaborating schools (we pro- and intervention
socially, and ethnically competent way;
HBSK 5031 Family as a context for
vide school psychological services to children In addition, doctoral graduates will be able child development
and youth in 3 schools that serve children to conduct psychological research related to HBSK 5320 Individual psychological
from racially, ethnically, and linguistically childrens cognitive and social-emotional testing I
diverse low and middle income environments). functioning, supervise other professionals-in- HBSK 5378 Practicum in psycho-
Faculty research, all of which is cognitively training in psycho-educational assessment educational assessment of
and/or developmentally oriented, provides yet and educational interventions with clients; school subject difficulties
another vehicle for students (doctoral primari- and take leadership roles in a broad range of
ly) to develop and apply their knowledge. settings such as schools, universities, psy- Spring
choeducational clinics, and community HBSK 4073 Childhood disorders
The overall goal of the program is to educate agencies. HBSK 5321 Individual psychological
school psychologists who can promote the testing II
cognitive, behavioral, and social growth and HBSK 6380 Practicum in psycho-
educational assessment
development of children and families from
with culturally diverse
diverse linguistic, cultural or racial back- students
grounds, through the ability to:

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HBSS 6100 Measurement and mers. This includes three years of course work, HBSK 6570- Research in applied
program evaluation a two-semester externship in the third year, a HBSK 6578 educational psychology
HUDF 4029 Sociology of schools full-year internship during the fifth year,
(HUDF 4021 and HUDF and a dissertation. Spring
4027 are acceptable alter- CCPJ 6362 Group practicum
natives.) HBSK 5280 Fieldwork
Suggested Sequence of Courses by Year
and Semester HBSK 6383 Neuropsychological
Summer assessment of children
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical and adults
inference First Year: HBSK 6570- Research in applied
ORL 5362 Group dynamics: Fall HBSK 6578 educational psychology
A systems perspective HBSK 4025 Professional and ethical HUDM 5123 Linear models and
functions of school experimental design
Second Year:
HBSK 4072 Theory and techniques
Fall Summer
of reading assessment
HBSK 4074 Development of reading CCPX 6020 History and systems
and intervention
comprehension strategies of psychology
HBSK 5320 Individual psychological
and study skills HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement
testing I
or HBSK 5378 Practicum in psycho-
HBSK 5085* Observing and assessing Third Year:
educational assessment of
preschool children school subject difficulties Fall
HBSK 5050 Therapeutic interventions HBSK 6570- Research in applied HBSK 5031 Family as a context for
for school psychologists HBSK 6578 educational psychology child development
HBSK 5070 Neural bases for language ORLJ 5040 Research methods in HBSK 5271 Supervised externship in
and cognitive development social psychology psychoeducational practice
HBSK 5280 Fieldwork (Section 1)
HBSK 6382 Advanced practicum in HBSK 6570- Research in applied
psychoeducational inter- Spring HBSK 6578 educational psychology
ventions in schools HBSK 4073 Childhood disorders ORLJ 5540 Proseminar in social and
HBSK 5321 Individual psychological organizational psychology
testing II
Spring HBSK 6380 Practicum in psycho-
CCPJ 6362 Group practicum educational assessment Spring
HBSK 5051 Child-adolescent PTSD with culturally diverse HBSK 4074 Development of reading
and related disorders students comprehension strategies
HBSK 5096 The psychology of memory HBSK 6570- Research in applied and study skills
HBSK 5280 Fieldwork HBSK 6578 educational psychology HBSK 5051 Child-adolescent PTSD
HBSK 6383 Neuropsychological HUDK 5023 Cognitive development and related disorders
assessment of children (or elective if you can HBSK 5096 Psychology of memory
and adults demonstrate, via course HBSK 5271 Supervised externship in
syllabus or college cata- psychoeducational practice
Summer log, that you have taken HBSK 5273 Supervised experience in
HBSK 4074* Development of reading a comparable under- supervision
comprehension strategies graduate course where HBSK 6570- Research in applied
and study skills at least 1/2 of the HBSK 6578 educational psychology
course focused on
Third Year: cognitive development) Fourth Year:
HBSK 6480 School psychology internship Fall
(full-time placement) Summer HBSK 7503 Dissertation seminar
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis
ORL 5362 Group dynamics: A systems I/elective (in consultation
*Take HBSK 5085 if you are interested in with advisor)
working with young children; take HBSK 4074 perspective
if you are interested in late elementary/middle Spring
school and high school populations. Second Year:
HBSK 8902 Dissertation advisement
DOCTORAL PROGRAM HBSK 5050 Behavioral interventions
for school psychologists Fifth Year:
Our American Psychological Association HBSK 6480 School psychologist
HBSK 5070 Neural bases for language
(APA) and National Association of School and cognitive develop- internship
Psychologists (NASP) approved doctoral pro- ment
gram (Ph.D., Ed.D.) requires approximately 95 HBSK 5085 Observing and assessing
points. Attainment of the doctoral degree pre- preschool children
pares students for certification as a school psy- HBSK 5280 Fieldwork
chologist and licensure as a psychologist. On HBSK 6382 Advanced practicum in
average, doctoral students should plan on five psychoeducational inter-
years of full-time attendance, including sum ventions in schools

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Foci in School Psychology HBSK 4073. Childhood disorders (3) Information pertaining to behavioral assess-
As mentioned previously, masters and doctor- Professor Saigh. Information involving the ment, single-case research designs, behavioral
al students in the School Psychology program symptoms, life-course, prevalence, and etiolo- and cognitive-behavioral approaches to the
can choose, if they wish, to focus on the Deaf gy of a number of psychiatric disorders that are treatment of childhood disorders and problems
and Hard of Hearing. This option is detailed manifested in childhood and adolescence is is considered. Information involving treatment
presented. Information involving assessment efficacy is a major focus of the course.
and treatment is also considered. Psycho-
educational assessment, diagnosis, and treat- HBSK 5051. Child-adolescent PTSD
Deaf and Hard of Hearing ment of child and adolescent disorders. and related disorders (3)
The focus in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Materials fee: $50. Professor Saigh. This course presents informa-
requires a core of 9 courses (20 credits) plus tion about the history, epidemiology, etiology,
appropriately planned fieldwork and internship HBSK 4074. Development of reading com- assessment, prevention, and cognitive-behav-
experiences. One of these courses will meet prehension strategies and study skills (3) ioral treatment of child-adolescent post-
the programs special education requirement. Professor Peverly. Reading and study skills: traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related
Students are expected to become proficient in Practical procedures based on research find- internalizing disorders. Analogue diagnostic
communicating by sign at an intermediate ings appropriate for teachers, counselors, and and treatment training is provided.
others. Discussion focuses on students in the
level before the completion of the program.
middle elementary grades through young HBSK 5070. Neural bases for language
adulthood. and cognitive development (3)
Required courses: Professor Kirk. Permission required.
BBSQ 4042 Audiology HBSK 4077. Adult basic literacy (3) Examination of neural mechanisms involved
HBSE 4070 Psychosocial and cultural Professor Perin. An examination of the learn- in language, reading, and the acquisition
aspects of deafness ing of reading and writing by adults who have of academic skills. Particular attention to
HBSE 4071 Language, reading and not achieved full literacy. Populations dis- language disorders, variations in cerebral
writing instruction in the cussed include adults with learning disabilities, organization, and hemisphere specialization.
content areas for individu- adult basic education students, community
als who are deaf or hard of college continuing education and developmen- HBSK 5085. Observing and assessing
hearing tal education students, immigrants and others preschool children (3)
HBSE 4072 Development of language who have limited English language proficiency, Professor Boehm. Overview of assessment pro-
for individuals who are students in correctional settings, and partici- cedures used with preschool and kindergarten-
deaf or hard of hearing pants in adult literacy programs outside of the age children including review of related tests,
HBSE 4074 Linguistics of ASL U.S. the development of observation procedures,
HBSE 4079 Language development and the development of screening programs.
and habituation: The HBSK 4085. Behavioral management Materials fee: $75.
foundation in the classroom (3)
HBSE 4871 American Sign Language I Professor Saigh. Behavioral analysis and man- HBSK 5096. The psychology of memory (3)
HBSE 4872 American Sign Language II agement techniques applied to the classroom. Professor Peverly. An analysis of perspectives
HBSE 6070 The psychology of deafness Observation and recording of behaviors, on human memory with particular attention
behavior change, reinforcement schedules, to knowledge, attention, strategic processes,
There are many opportunities for fieldwork shaping token economies, contingency man- metacognition, transfer, and context. The
and internship experiences in the New York agement, and evaluation of behavior modifica- application of this information to practice
City area including public and private schools tion. Focuses on applications but includes is stressed.
(e.g., St. Marys School for the Deaf; St. familiarization with research.
Josephs School for the Deaf; and St. Francis HBSK 5098. Diagnosis of reading and
School) and hospitals (e.g., Manhattan Eye HBSK 4903. Research-independent study writing disabilities (3)
in reading (1-3) Dr. Principe. Prerequisites: HBSK 4072 and
and Ear Hospital).
Faculty. Permission required. Individualized HUDM 4050. Presents theories and practices
research and fieldwork projects in literacy of diagnosing dyslexia, and other disorders of
COURSES: assessment and intervention. literacy. Students learn to administer, score
(Reading Specialist and School Psychology and interpret a test battery, and formulate a
programs) HBSK 5031. Family as a context for diagnosis. Materials fee: $50.
child development (3)
HBSK 4025. Professional and ethical Professor Brassard. Prerequisite: any intro- HBSK 5099. Writing interventions theory
functions of school psychologists (3) ductory developmental psychology course. and practice (3)
Professor Peverly. Permission required. Examines theories of family functioning and Professor Perin. Application of theory and
Overview of issues associated with the school empirical evidence of family processes that research on cognitive, linguistic and affective
psychologists roles within educational settings mediate child and adolescent development social and cultural processes underlying writ-
including assessment, intervention, and con- outcomes. Emphasis on family factors associat- ing performance to the development of writing
sultation functions. Education law and ethics ed with childrens cognitive, emotional, and interventions. Writing is discussed within a
are stressed. academic development, including home- larger context that includes reading compre-
school collaboration and social functioning hension and subject-matter knowledge.
HBSK 4072. Theory and techniques of within cultural contexts. Materials fee: $10. Students learn to evaluate and design con-
reading assessment and intervention (3) tent-area, writing interventions for both typi-
Professor Perin and staff. Overview of theories, HBSK 5050. Behavioral interventions cally-developing and special-needs popula-
assessment, and intervention techniques for for school psychologists (3) tions. The course takes a lifespan perspective,
reading and writing across the lifespan. Both Professor Saigh. This course is intended to allowing students to design interventions
normal development and literacy difficulty are provide school psychology students with infor- tailored to age groups and educational settings
addressed. Materials fee: $50. mation about applied behavior analysis, behav- of their choice.
ior therapy, and cognitive-behavior therapy.

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HBSK 5271-HBSK 5273. Supervised HBSK 5320. Individual psycho- HBSK 6320. Practicum in college
fieldwork in remedial reading and school logical testing I (3) instruction (1-3)
difficulties Faculty. Permission required. Supervised expe-
Permission required. HBSK 5321. Individual psycho- rience in preparation of instructional materials
logical testing II (3) and in assessment of student performance at
HBSK 5271. Supervised externship the college and university level.
in psychoeducational practice (1-3) HBSK 5373. Practicum in literacy
Dr. Rothschild. Supervised experience assessment and intervention I (3) HBSK 6380. Practicum in psycho-
in a school, hospital, or community Faculty. Prerequisite or corequisite: educational assessment with culturally
clinic focusing on psychoeducational HBSK 4072 grade of B or better. This is the first diverse students (3)
assessment, counseling, remediation, of three practicums that provide experience in Professor Brassard. Permission required.
and consultation. Prerequisite: HBSK the assessment and instruction of literacy skills Supervised experience in psychoeducational
5280Fieldwork in School Psycho- including phonemic awareness, decoding, word assessment, including observation, interview-
logical services. Supervisory fee: $100. recognition, vocabulary, fluency, spelling, ing, and testing of children and youth from cul-
expressive writing, and reading comprehension. turally diverse backgrounds; integration and
HBSK 5272. Supervised field Students receive clinical practice in administer- interpretation of data. Consideration of inter-
placement in reading (1-3) ing, scoring and interpreting a classroom test vention procedures. Students work with clients
Professor Perin. Students conduct battery, and providing an instructional interven- in the Center for Educational and Psycholo-
projects in a variety of field sites, tion to a client with literacy difficulty. At this gical Services. Additional supervisory session
including K-12 schools, community level, students work with children in early required. Supervisory fee: $100. Materials fee:
colleges, and adult education programs, childhood and childhood education. All work is $50.
under faculty supervision. The field conducted in a clinical setting under the guid-
experience provides an opportunity to ance of a supervisor and the course instructor. HBSK 6382. Advanced practicum in psy-
understand both practical and theo- Besides assessment and intervention, students choeducational interventions in schools (3)
retical aspects of pressing questions learn to conduct intake interviews and client Dr. Leonard. Permission required. Concurrent
concerning literacy acquisition across conferences, conceptualize individuals learning registration in HBSK 5280 (Fieldwork)
the lifespan. patterns, interact with parents and other family required for all School Psychology students.
members, follow ethical guidelines appropriate Cognitive-behavioral interventions with chil-
HBSK 5273. Supervised experience for the profession, prepare regular documenta- dren, adolescents, and their families. Special
in supervision (1-3) tion, and write case reports to professional stan- fee: $150.
Professor Brassard. Advanced doctoral dard. Materials fee: $100.
students are supervised in their super- HBSK 6383. Neuropsychological
vision of the comprehensive psycho- HBSK 5376. Practicum in literacy assessment of children and adults (3)
educational assessments with clients in assessment and intervention II (3) Dr. Erlanger. Permission required.
the Center for Educational and Psycho- Faculty. Prerequisite or corequisite: HBSK Prerequisites: BBSN 5033 or BBSN 5070;
logical Services performed by first year 4072, HBSK 5373. Students work in a clinical and HBSK 5320. Analysis, administration,
school psychology students enrolled in setting to provide assessment and appropriate and interpretation of special procedures used
HBSK 6380 Practicum in the Psycho- interventions done within the context of a diag- to assess brain damage/dysfunction in adults
educational Assessment of Culturally nostic teaching model for an individual with lit- and children. Special fee: $150.
Diverse Children and Youth. eracy difficulties. Clinical work is done under
the guidance of a supervisor and the course HBSK 6480. School psychologist internship
HBSK 5280. Fieldwork in school instructor. Professional guidelines, practices (0-4)
psychological services (1-3) and writing continue to be emphasized. Dr. Rothschild. Permission required. Limited
Dr. Gotterbarn. Permission required. Limited Materials fee: $100. to Ed.M. or doctoral students in school psy-
to second-year students in School Psychology. chology. Supervised experience in the delivery
Must be taken concurrently with HBSK 6382- HBSK 5377. Practicum in literacy of psychological services in approved and
HBSK 6383. Supervised school-based experi- assessment and intervention III (3) appropriate agencies, institutions, and schools.
ence in psychoeducational practice (two days Dr. Masullo. Prerequisite: HBSK 5376 grade
per week for the entire academic year). of B+ or better. Students gain literacy assess- HBSK 6570-HBSK 6578. Research
Includes university-based supervision. ment and intervention experience working with in applied educational psychology (0-3)
Supervisory fee: $100 per semester. small groups of learners in a school based set- Permission required. Prerequisite: familiarity
ting. The practicum focuses on the full develop- with statistical procedures and research design.
HBSK 5320-HBSK 5321. Individual mental range from early childhood through Students participate in ongoing research or
psychological testing (3) adolescent literacy, including content-area read- other special projects under the direction of
Professors Peverly and Brassard. Permission ing and writing. Students have opportunities to a faculty member.
required. Prerequisite or corequisite: HUDM work with classroom teachers, literacy teachers,
4050 or equivalent. This is a yearlong course and other school personnel while continuing to HBSK 6570. Neurosciences and
open to Ed.M. and doctoral students in School adhere to professional ethical guidelines and education (0-3)
Psychology. Background, administration, and standards in their assessment, teaching and Professor Kirk.
interpretation of major psychological tests preparation of reports. Materials fee: $100.
from both nomothetic and ideographic per- HBSK 6571. Cognitive processes
spectives. Both courses cover the administra- HBSK 5580. Seminar in consultation and strategies in young children (0-3)
tion of major cognitive and personality meas- and evaluation in reading (2-3) Professor Boehm.
ures and the interpretation and integration of Professor Perin and Dr. Masullo. Current
data into case reports. Lecture plus lab/super- topics in literacy and schooling; professional HBSK 6572. Post-Traumatic Stress
visory section. Supervisory fee: $100; materials issues; evaluation of intervention programs Disorder (0-3)
fee: $50 per term. and research; preparation for integrative project Professor Saigh.

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HBSK 6573. Text comprehension Students also may participate in research

(0-3) Professor Williams. H EALTH S TUDIES being conducted in the Research Division
The Health Studies area of study includes at the Hospital for Special Surgery, the
HBSK 6574. Cognitive processes the following programs: Health Education; Department of Medicine at the Weill Medical
related to studying (0-3) Nursing Education. College of Cornell University, or with the
Professor Peverly.
Diabetes Research and Training Center at the
HBSK 6576. Acquisition of reading
HEALTH Albert Einstein College of Medicine. All
and writing ability (0-3) EDUCATION have multi-institutional collaborative efforts
Professor Perin. involving faculty from the Program in Health
Program Coordinator: Education at Teachers College.
HBSK 6577. Psychoeducational Professor Charles E. Basch
aspects of deafness (0-3) The program prepares graduates who will
Professor Kretschmer. Program Office: (212) 678-3964 assume positions of leadership and service as
E-mail: [email protected] professional health educators in a variety of
HBSK 6578. Research: Family Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/HealthEd practice, research, and policy-making settings.
and school violence (0-3)
Graduates of the program take positions as
Professor Brassard.
Health Education leaders in health promotion and disease pre-
HBSK 6903. Research-independent (Code: TSD) vention programs of voluntary health agencies,
study in reading (1-3) hospitals and other health care organizations,
Faculty. Advanced students work with Degrees Offered: universities, business and industry, and health-
professor on research projects related Master of Arts (M.A.) related governmental agencies in the United
to literacy skills across the lifespan. Master of Science (M.S.) States and in other countries.
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
HBSK 7503. Dissertation seminar: Each degree program has some flexibility in
Schooling and reading (1-3) Program Description: order to accommodate differences in previous
Faculty. Permission required.
The Program in Health Education at Teachers professional preparation, interests, and profes-
HBSK 8902. Dissertation advisement: College has had a long history in preparing sional career objectives of students. In general,
Schooling and reading (0) health education specialists. Health education is the programs of study emphasize the develop-
Faculty. Permission required. a professional field that has expanded rapidly, ment of competencies in assessing individual
primarily because of national policy that has and community need for health education;
emphasized health promotion and disease pre- planning effective health education programs;
vention. Its goal is to facilitate voluntary health- implementing health education programs;
related behavioral and social change through coordinating the provision of health education
the application of principles of behavioral and services; acting as a resource person in health
social sciences. education; communicating health and health
educational needs, concerns, and resources;
As such, health education is concerned with evaluating the effectiveness of health educa-
motivating and enabling individuals and groups tion programs; and conducting research in
to assume responsibility for their health by health education.
learning and adopting behaviors, and supporting
social policies that can promote and maintain Students at both the masters and doctoral
health. levels are encouraged to become actively
involved in departmental, college, and univer-
The program at Teachers College is grounded in sity functions which facilitate interaction with
the belief that community-level structures and faculty and other students, and which have
organizations play a key role in determining the the potential to enrich the students intellec-
health of the people. It offers courses in which tual and professional growth. They are expect-
students learn to analyze and understand, and ed to undertake the complex and challenging
thus become able to influence community struc- tasks associated with graduate study and other
tures that either enhance or undercut health- related learning experiences in such a manner
promoting individual behaviors. as to demonstrate their intellectual discipline.
Such discipline includes integrity, creativity,
In addition to Health Education courses, stu- and innovation, as well as the students abili-
dents are encouraged to pursue interdisciplinary ties to conceptualize at a high level, think crit-
study and research throughout Teachers ically, communicate effectively both orally and
College, as well as other divisions of Columbia in writing, and provide leadership.
University such as the School of Public Health
and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Students also are expected to demonstrate the
The Center for Health Promotion at Teachers ability to appreciate, relate to, and communi-
College, which involves students and faculty, cate with ethnically, racially and linguistically
provides opportunities to take part in ongoing diverse individuals and groups of people who
research projects in health promotion and possess different personal, social, and cultural
disease prevention. histories than their own. They are also

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encouraged to develop a strong sense of pro- 32 points. Selection of courses that fulfill an HBSV 4010 Food, nutrition and
fessional identity and commitment to profes- area requirement in the program of study list- behavior (3)
sional affairs in health education. This might ed below is guided by individual needs of the HBSV 4011 Women and weight (3)
take the form of active membership in appro- student and is not limited to those courses HBSV 4013 Nutritional ecology (3)
priate national, regional, or local professional that are listed. It should be noted that the
organizations, participation in professional point requirements indicated for each area of Broad and Basic Areas of Professional
meetings, presenting an abstract or a paper at study given below are minimum requirements. Scholarship and Practice (6-9 points):
a professional meeting, or serving on a profes- One course in learning theory pertaining to
sional committee. MAJOR (21 POINTS) a population group of interest, such as the
Required Core Courses (12 points): child, adolescent, adult, or older adult.
Completion of the M.A. degree program HBSS 4100 Introduction to health One course in communications, computing
makes graduates eligible to qualify for certifica- education (3) or instructional technology and media.
tion as a Certified Health Education Specialist HBSS 4102 Principles of epidemiology One required course in research methods,
through the National Commission for Health in health promotion (3) evaluation, measurement, or statistics.
HBSS 4118 Relapse prevention for HBSN 5040 Research methods in
Education Credentialing, Inc. Specific infor-
problem behaviors (3) health and behavior
mation regarding each program and its degree HBSS 5110 Determinants of health studies (3)*
requirements can be obtained by writing to behavior (3) *Substitutions may be permissible with an
the program coordinator, Professor Charles E.
approval from a Health Education advisor.
Basch. Elective Courses (9 points):
HBSS 4110 Health promotion for Essay or Integrative Project
Special Application children and adolescents (3) In order to broaden the students background
Requirements/Information: HBSS 4111 Addictions and
in education, a formal essay or integrative
All programs have ongoing admissions, and dependencies (3)
HBSS 4112 Social policy and project is required.
will review applications throughout the year.
Preference in scholarship awards will be for prevention (3)
HBSS 4113 Human sexuality MASTER OF SCIENCE
those students who meet the early deadline.
education (3) The Master of Science degree requires a mini-
The GRE test is not required for applicants
HBSS 4114 Health promotion for mum of no fewer than 60 points and an essay
to the M.A., M.S., or Ed.D. programs. multicultural populations (3) or project. The College requires that a mini-
HBSS 4115 Health promotion for mum of 30 points and formal essay or 32
Doctoral applicants are required to submit aging adults (3) points with an integrative project be complet-
a writing sample (preferably a course paper, HBSS 4116 Health education for ed under the auspices of Teachers College,
masters thesis, or published article). teachers (1-3)
including 18 points that must be earned in
HBSS 4117 HIV/AIDS epidemiology
and education (3) Teachers College courses. In order to broaden
Degree Requirements: the students background in education, no less
HBSS 4120 Topics in health
education (2-3) than three Teachers College courses from out-
MASTER OF ARTS side the major department, each for a mini-
HBSS 4121 Death education (3)
The minimum College requirements for the
HBSS 4122 Womens health (3) mum of two points, must be taken. The
Master of Arts degree in Health Education HBSS 4123 Violence and its prevention (3) remaining course work may be completed at
include satisfactory completion of a program HBSS 4130 Alcohol and health (3) Teachers College or in other graduate divisions
of no less than 30 points of course work and HBSS 4140 Developing workplace health of the University.
a formal essay, or 32 points with an acceptable promotion programs (3)
departmental integrative project. At least HBSS 4141 Health and illness in cross-
Although no transfer credit toward the Master
20 points must be earned in Teachers College cultural perspective (3)
HBSS 4901 Research and independent of Science is granted for work completed at
courses. In order to broaden the students
study in health education other institutions, a maximum of 30 semester
background in education, no less than three
(1-4) hours (or 28 points if a formal essay is not sub-
Teachers College courses from outside the
HBSS 5111 Planning health education mitted) of graduate credit may be used from
major department, each for a minimum of two
programs (3) other recognized institutions to reduce the
points, must be taken. The remaining course HBSS 5112 Social marketing and health degree requirement. Applicants who have
work may be completed at Teachers College or communications (3) completed the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree
in other graduate divisions of the University, HBSS 5113 Community health in Health Education through Teachers
but no more than 12 points from other facul- analysis (3) College, which is applicable to the M.S.
ties of the University will be credited toward HBSS 5115 Assessment and counseling
degree, must offer a minimum of 45 points of
the minimum point requirement. No transfer for health promotion (3)
HBSS 5116 Social relations, the required 60 points under Teachers College
credit is granted for work completed at other
emotions, and health (3) registration.
HBSS 5408 Practicum in individual
health advisement (3) The program of study for the Master of
The program of study includes required and
HBSS 5410 Practicum in health Science degree in Health Education includes
elective courses in several areas. The exact education (1-6) required and elective courses in several areas.
program and sequence of study are determined HBSS 6100 Measurement and program The exact program and sequence of study is
by the students previous academic prepara- evaluation (3) determined by the previous academic prepara-
tion, professional experience, and professional HBSS 6145 Health psychology (3) tion, professional experience, and professional
career objectives. Programs of study typically HBSV 4000 A survey of nutrition: Fads
career objectives of the student. Selection of
exceed the minimum College requirement of and popular fantasies (3)

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courses that fulfill an area requirement in the ments for the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree HBSS 5112 Social marketing and
program of study listed below is guided by in health education. health communications (3)
individual needs of the student and is not lim- HBSS 6100 Measurement and program
ited to those courses that are listed. It should For those students entering the doctoral pro- evaluation (3)
be noted that the point requirements indicat- gram with only a baccalaureate degree, the HBSS 6145 Health psychology (3)
ed for each area of study given below are mini- M.A. degree must be completed first. Those
mum requirements. applicants who, at the time of admission to Elective Courses (21 points):
the program, do not present the equivalent of (See M.A. list for course selection)
MAJOR (36 POINTS) a masters thesis are required to prepare and
Introductory Core Courses (9 points): present an acceptable essay or pre-doctoral Research Seminar and Preparation
HBSS 4100 Introduction to health project prior to or during the term in which of the Dissertation (5 points):
education (3) HBSS 6510 Research seminar in
60 points of applicable graduate study have
HBSS 4102 Principles of epidemiology health education (3)
been completed. HBSS 7501 Dissertation seminar in
in health promotion (3)
HBSS 4118 Relapse prevention for health education (2)
The program of study for the Doctor of HBSS 8900 Dissertation advisement
problem behaviors (3)
Education degree in Health Education in health education (0)
includes required courses, course work in
Advanced Core Courses
required areas, and elective courses. The exact Broad and Basic Areas of Scholarship
(Required 15 points):
HBSS 5110 Determinants of health program and sequence of study is determined and Practice (27-30 points):
behavior (3) by the previous academic preparation, profes- Nature of education, persons, and
HBSS 5111 Planning health sional experience, and professional career learning processes (required 6-9 points)
education programs (3) objectives of the student. Programs of study Communications, computing and
HBSS 5112 Social marketing and typically exceed the minimum College require- instructional technology and media
health communications ment of 90 points, with most candidates offer- (required 2-3 points)
(3) Methods of evaluation and research
ing between 90-120 points for the degree.
HBSS 6100 Measurement and (required 17-18 points)
Selection of courses that fulfill an area require- General research methods
program evaluation (3) ment in the program of study listed below is
HBSS 6145 Health psychology (3) (required 6 points)
guided by individual needs of the student and Statistics (required 6 points)
Elective Courses (12 points)
are not limited to those courses that are listed. Measurement and evaluation
(See M.A. elective list for course selection)
(required 5-6 points)
Essay or Integrative Project
A student who presents evidence of proficien-
cy in those required courses or in an area of COURSES:
Broad and Basic Areas of Professional course work required for the program may, at
Scholarship and Practice (18 points):
Nature of education, persons and
the discretion of the major advisor and upon Introductory Courses
learning processes (required 6 points) approval of the department chairman, select
Communications, computing and and substitute courses that represent more HBSS 4100. Introduction to health
instructional technology and media advanced study in the area in which the stu- education (3)
(required 2-3 points) dent has demonstrated competence, or addi- Professor Allegrante. Determinants of health;
Methods of evaluation and research tional preparation in other areas in which relationship between health and human
(required 9 points) behavior; the role of health education as
the students preparation is less extensive. It
General research methods a strategy in health promotion and disease
should be noted that the point requirements prevention; selected issues and problems.
(required HBSN 5040, 3 points)* indicated for each area of study given below
Statistics (required 3 points) are minimum requirements.
Measurement and evaluation HBSS 4102. Principles of epidemiology
(Required 2-3 points) in health promotion (3)
MAJOR (50 POINTS) Professor Basch. Principles and methods of
Introductory Core Courses epidemiologic investigation; application of
* Substitutions may be permissible with an epidemiology to prevention and control of
(Required 9 points):
approval from a Health Education advisor. HBSS 4100 Introduction to health disease, using health education.
education (3)
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION HBSS 4102 Principles of epidemiology HBSS 4110. Health promotion for
The Doctor of Education degree requires a in health promotion (3) children and adolescents (3)
minimum of 90 post-baccalaureate points and HBSS 4118 Relapse prevention for Professor Basch. Basic topics in promoting
the preparation and defense of a dissertation. problem behaviors (3) child and adolescent health; relationships
Up to 45 graduate level points taken at other between school, family, and community in
institutions may be transferred toward doctoral Advanced Core Courses promoting the health status of school-age
(Required 15 points): children.
requirements. Candidates for the Ed.D. degree
are also expected to demonstrate satisfactory HBSS 5110 Determinants of health
behavior (3) HBSS 4111. Addictions and dependencies (3)
performance on a departmental Certification Professor Wallace. Social-psychological, cultur-
Examination and to prepare and defend an HBSS 5111 Planning health education
programs (3) al, clinical, and pharmacological factors associ-
acceptable dissertation project. In addition to ated with the use of psychoactive drugs and
the College requirements, all candidates for other compulsive behaviors.
the Ed.D. degree in Health Education must
have fulfilled the equivalent of the require-

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HBSS 4112. Social policy and prevention (3) HBSS 4121. Death education (3) HBSS 5112. Social marketing and health
Professor Allegrante. Analysis of current Dr. Demmer. Designed to increase communications (3)
national health policy, its social, economic, awareness/insight of the multidimensional Ms. Bogart. Principles and theories of market-
and political determinants, and implications aspects of death, dying, and bereavement. ing and communication applied to health edu-
for health education. Gain skills as health care professionals in deal- cation. Practice in developing and evaluating
ing with death, its causes, treatment of life health communications.
HBSS 4113. Human sexuality education (3) threatening illness, including AIDS, suicide,
Dr. Nanin. Explore human sexuality from a and violent death. Explore customs across cul- HBSS 5113. Community health analysis
variety of perspectives; explore their own atti- tures, afterlife beliefs, near-death experiences and intervention (3)
tudes about human sexuality and how they and ethical issues. Dr. R. Fullilove and faculty. Survey and analy-
affect them personally and professionally; sis of concepts, issues, strategies, and methods
examine methods of teaching and designing HBSS 4122. Womens health (3) relevant to community health analysis and
sexuality education programs. Dr. Lewis. Explore health issues as they relate intervention.
to the female body and psyche including: body
HBSS 4114. Health promotion for multi- image, weight control, substance abuse, HIV, HBSS 5115. Assessment and counseling
cultural populations (3) cancer, reproductive health, contraceptives, for health promotion (3)
Professor Wallace. Health status, needs, and abortion, domestic violence, rape, sexual Professor Wallace. Assessment of clients
problems of multicultural populations in urban harassment, and lesbian health issues with health compromising behaviors to reduce
environments, and sensitivity to these issues in attention paid to the media and womens relapse and facilitate referrals to mental health
effective programs. health. staff; interventions for motivational counseling,
psychoeducational group and focus group for-
HBSS 4115. Health promotion for aging HBSS 4123. Violence and its prevention (3) mats are covered.
adults (3) Professor Wallace. This course covers the
Dr. Marks. Changes in aspects of health during nature and prevention of invisible and covert, HBSS 5116. Social relations, emotions
the middle and later years; recent develop- as well as visible and overt violence, including and health (3)
ments in the field of gerontology as well as leg- intrapersonal, interpersonal, family, communi- Professor Lepore. Covers theory and research
islation and community organization designed ty, gang, school, societal and international on the effects of social relationships and emo-
to meet health needs of aging persons. manifestations. tions on health. Reviews and evaluates the use
of social support and expressive writing inter-
HBSS 4116. Health education for teachers HBSS 4130. Alcohol and health (3) ventions for treating chronic health problems,
(1-3) Professor Wallace. Background and theory such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis, or
Professor Lepore. As part of teacher certifica- related to alcohol use and misuse; health and acute illnesses, such as upper respiratory infec-
tion in New York and other states, students social consequences of alcohol misuse; consid- tions. Also considers the role of emergent
must be trained in the following health areas: eration of special populations, such as children technologies in supportive-expressive thera-
reporting child abuse; instruction in alcohol of alcoholics; review of alternative approaches pies.
and other drugs; and school violence preven- to prevention and treatment.
tion. This course satisfies these requirements HBSS 5408. Practicum in individual health
and reviews theory and research on childrens HBSS 4140. Developing workplace advisement (3)
health and health behavior change. Students health promotion programs (3) Faculty. Individual and small group practice in
will learn how to develop health-related lesson Professor Allegrante. Provides a comprehen- the application of basic principles of counseling
plans and how to identify, prevent, or intervene sive step-by-step process to designing, imple- in the area of health problems.
on behalf of children at risk or presenting with menting, and evaluating health promotion
social-emotional or physical health problems. programs at the workplace. HBSS 5410. Practicum in health education
HBSS 4117. HIV/AIDS epidemiology HBSS 4141. Health and illness in cross- Faculty. Permission required. Advance registra-
and education (2-3) cultural perspective (3) tion required in the semester prior to taking
Dr. R. Fullilove and faculty. The role of Faculty. Examination of the role of healing and the course. Intensive field experience in a com-
schools, parents, and communities in educat- medicine, both historically and cross-culturally munity setting. Essay required at end of field
ing youth about AIDS and human sexuality; and of the utility of considering cultural prac- experience. Sections: (1) Professor Allegrante
review of methods and resource materials for tices and beliefs when designing health educa- (2) Professor Basch (3) Professor Wallace.
providing such education; consideration of tion programs.
controversial issues surrounding these topics. HBSS 5710. Supervised teaching in health
Intermediate and Advanced Courses education (1-6)
HBSS 4118. Relapse prevention for Faculty. Permission required. Advance registra-
problem behaviors (3) HBSS 5110. Determinants of health tion required in the semester prior to taking
Professor Wallace. Theory and techniques of behavior (3) the course. Supervised health teaching in a
relapse prevention across a range of addictive Professor Allegrante. Theory-based analysis of school. Essay required at end of teaching expe-
behaviors. Topics include relapse prevention the cultural, social-psychological, and social- rience.
for psychoactive substance use, eating disor- structural determinants of health-related
ders, gambling and sex. behaviors; implications for planned change at HBSS 6100. Measurement and program
individual, small-group and community levels. evaluation (3)
HBSS 4120. Topics in health education Professor Basch. Theory, methods, and prob-
(2-3) HBSS 5111. Planning health education lems of measurement and evaluation; standards
Faculty. Review and synthesis of current programs (3) for evaluation of health, education and related
knowledge on a selected topic related to Ms. Bogart. Process of developing social, social programs; skills in critical evaluation of
health, such as teenage suicide, child abuse, epidemiological, behavioral, and educational research and evaluation reports.
violence, teenage pregnancy and mental diagnoses; principles of planning, implementing
health. and evaluating health education interventions.

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HBSS 6145. Health psychology (3) NURSING nursing knowledge and expertise to improve
Professors OConnell and Lepore. Topics the health and well being of the citizens of the
include social learning theory, attribution, and EDUCATION United States and of the global community.
attitudes as they apply to health promotion,
disease prevention, reactions to illness, and Program Coordinator:
To ensure that knowledge in nursing and in
adherence to treatment regimens. Kathleen A. OConnell
health behavior and health promotion is
passed on to the next generation of nurses,
Seminars and Research Program Office: (212) 678-3120
graduates of this program will also be prepared
E-mail: [email protected]
to engage in educationally sound programs for
HBSS 4901. Research and independent Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/NurseEd
nursing students and for clients. Graduates of
study in health education (1-4) Nursing Education: Professorial Role the program will thus be able to take their
Faculty. Permission required. Research and
(Code: TNP) place among distinguished nursing leaders who
independent study under faculty direction.
Proposals must have prior approval of a faculty carry out cutting edge research and engage in
member. Sections: (1) Professor Allegrante Degree Offered: innovative strategies for teaching students of
(2) Professor Basch (3) Professor Wallace Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) nursing and for teaching clients to modify
(4) Professor Lepore. their health behavior.
Program Description:
HBSS 5510. Seminar in health Teachers College was the first academic setting In order to build on previous work done by
education (3) to educate nurses. Nursing education began nurses and other investigators in the health
Faculty. Current problems, issues and trends at Teachers College in 1899. The Nursing behavior arena, students will attain a back-
in health education. Education Program has a long and distin- ground in the study of nursing theory, nursing
guished tradition of commitment to the educa- research, and professional issues affecting the
HBSS 6510. Research seminar in health
education (3) tion of nurses who have diverse roles in aca- nursing profession. In addition, students will
Faculty. Permission required. Review of demic and community settings in the United gain expertise in managing health behavior
research literature, methods, and problems States and abroad. Current placement of the change and in using research and statistical
in health education. program within the Department of Health and approaches. Study of methods and approaches
Behavior Studies ensures education with an to teaching clients and to teaching nursing
HBSS 6901. Research and independent interdisciplinary approach to problems in nurs- students at undergraduate and graduate levels
study in health education (1-4) ing, health, and society. will be included as an integral part of the
Faculty. Permission required. Open to matricu- preparation of nurse scholars. Students also
lated doctoral students. Research and inde- This program is designed for: are expected to demonstrate the ability to
pendent study under faculty direction.
(1) Nurse practitioners with masters degrees appreciate, relate to, and communicate with
Proposals must have prior approval of a faculty
member. Sections: (1) Professor Allegrante who want to take the lead in developing inno- ethnically, racially, and linguistically diverse
(2) Professor Basch (3) Professor Wallace. vative interventions for improving health individuals who possess different personal,
behavior outcomes in primary care; social, and cultural histories than their own.
HBSS 7501. Dissertation seminar in health (2) Nurse educators with masters degrees who
education (2) want to gain more expertise in all aspects of Special Application
Faculty. Permission required. Open to certified education, including gaining the research skills Requirements/Information:
doctoral candidates only. Development and that all faculty of the 21st century will be In addition to the requirements for admission
presentation of doctoral dissertation proposals. expected to have; and to Teachers College, an applicant for the
(3) Clinical specialists with masters degrees Doctor of Education degree in Nursing must
HBSS 8900. Dissertation advisement in
who want to improve their effectiveness in be a registered nurse in any U.S. state or in
health education (0)
Faculty. Permission required. Individual helping patients with chronic illness achieve Canada and hold a baccalaureate degree and a
advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee: maximal functioning. masters degree. Applicants are required to
equal to 3 points at current tuition rate for take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
each term. Sections: (1) Professor Allegrante The purpose of this program is to give stu- and provide a writing sample (a course paper,
(2) Professor Basch (3) Professor Wallace dents who are registered nurses with masters masters thesis, published paper, or other
(4) Professor Lepore (5) Dr. R. Fullilove degrees in nursing doctoral level education scholarly writing).
(6) Dr. M. Fullilove. aimed at understanding and changing health
behavior and at educating both clients and Degree Requirements:
nursing students. It is well established that The Doctor of Education program in Nursing
over 50% of mortality of U.S. citizens can be Education requires a minimum of 90 points
attributed to lifestyle. With the globalization beyond the baccalaureate degree. Up to 38
of the market place, and of epidemics of infec- graduate level points taken at another institu-
tious diseases, lifestyle and health behavior tion may be transferred toward doctoral
also significantly affect the health and well- requirements. For all students, the program
being of much of the worlds population. includes course work in four areas: Nursing,
Graduates of this program will be prepared to Health Behavior, Research, and Education. In
design interventions and conduct research on addition, students choose a functional empha-
health behavior, health education, and health sis area in research, education or another area
promotion. In addition, graduates of the pro- consistent with the program and with advisor
gram will be conversant with theory and cur- approval. Nine points in addition to those
rent trends in nursing so that they can use points required of all students must be taken

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in the functional area. Points will be allotted Research HBSN 6600. Colloquium in nursing
as follows: HBSN 5040 Research methods in theory (3)
health and behavior Faculty. Prerequisites: 2 courses in nursing the-
Nursing 42 points studies I (3) ory. Examination of a selected nursing theory
Health and Behavior 12 points HBSN 5043 Research methods in or theory problem in depth. Course may be
Research 18 points health and behavior repeated for credit if different topics are cov-
Education 6 points studies II (3) ered.
Emphasis area 9 points HBSN 6540 Dissertation design and
Elective 3 points development seminar (3) HBSN 6909. Independent study in
Total 90 points HBSN 6541 Advanced seminar on nursing theory (1-6)
dissertation design Faculty. Permission required. Individual guided
Nursing Courses development (3) learning experience in a selected nursing theo-
HBS 5551 Bioethics (3) HBSN 7500 Dissertation seminar (3) ry or theory problem. Topic agreed upon
HBSN 6500 Research grant writing HBSN 8900 Dissertation between student and faculty.
for health and behavior advisement (0)
studies (3) Professional Nursing
HBSN 6501 Seminar in professional Additional statistics and research methods
nursing (3) courses from Department of Human HBSN 6501. Seminar in professional
HBSN 6503 Advanced topics in Development: HUDM 4122 and HUDM 5122 nursing (1)
theories of nursing (3) or equivalents required. Professor OConnell. Examination of selected
HBSN 6600 Colloquium in nursing professional nursing problems or domains.
theory (3) COURSES:
HBSN 6908 Independent study in HBSN 6908. Independent study in
professional nursing (1-3) professional nursing (1-6)
HBSN 6909 Independent study in
General Nursing Courses Faculty. Permission required. Individual guided
nursing theory (1-3) Nursing domain courses deal with theory, learning experience at the doctoral level in a
HBSN 6940 Independent study in professionalization, research, history, issues, selected aspect of professional nursing. Topic
nursing research (1-3) and trends. They are also open to interested agreed upon between student and faculty.
students, nurses, or non-nurses from other
Health and Behavior Studies Courses departments and include course work in nurs- Nursing Research
HBSS 4102 Principles of epidemiology ing theory, professional nursing, and nursing
in health promotion (3) research. HBSN 5040. Research methods in health
HBSS 4114 Health promotion for and behavior studies I (3)
multicultural populations(3) Nursing Theory Professor OConnell. Introduction to research,
HBSS 4115 Health promotion for study designs, and data collection methods
aging adults (3) HBSN 5005. Interdisciplinary theory in research in health and behavior studies,
HBSS 4118 Relapse prevention for in nursing (3) including nursing, nutrition, and health educa-
problem behaviors (3) Professor Lewis. Prerequisites: HBSS 5110, tion with emphasis on reading and under-
HBSS 5110 Determinants of health HBSN 6503, HBSN 5040, or equivalents. standing research literature.
behavior (3) Evaluation of utility of theories and models
HBSS 5112 Social marketing and from nursing and related disciplines in posing HBSN 5043. Research methods in health
health communications (3) research problems in nursing. and behavior studies II (3)
HBSS 5113 Community health analy Professor OConnell. Prerequisites: HBSN
sis and intervention (3) HBS 5551. Bioethics (3) 5040, HUDM 4122, or equivalents. Builds
HBSS 5115 Assessment and counsel- Dr. Camuas. Review of bioethical issues in on introductory research methods course to
ing for health promo- society, health care, and health care delivery. enhance ability to design research, interpret
tion(3) findings and statistical analyses, and to cri-
HBSS 6145 Health psychology (3) HBSN 6500. Research grant writing tique research reports.
HBSV 4011 Women, weight, eating for health and behavior studies (3)
problems and body image (2) Professor OConnell. Techniques of research HBSN 6540. Seminar on dissertation
HBSV 5013 Strategies for nutrition grant preparation with emphasis on National design development (3)
education and behavior Institutes of Health grants will be covered. Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisites:
change (3) Students will prepare an actual grant. In addi- HBSN 5043, HBSN 6503, HBSN 5005, statis-
HBSV 5015 Nutritional epidemiology (3) tion, funding agencies, the budgeting process, tics, and certification. Required of all doctoral
building research teams, the review process, candidates. Group critique of dissertation pro-
Nursing Education responding to reviewers, and resubmitting posals; focus on beginning to intermediate
(Courses may also be selected from the courses grants will be covered. level aspects of analysis of theory and research
design. This course may be repeated as often
focused on adult education in the Department
HBSN 6503. Advanced topics in theories as necessary until the student is ready for the
of Organization and Leadership and appropriate departmental examination. Once HBSN 6540
education courses in other departments) of nursing (3)
Dr. Camuas. Examination of current issues, is taken, continuous Fall/Spring enrollment in
HBSN 6530 Seminar on curriculum the course is required until the semester dur-
in nursing education (3) utility, and applications of nursing theories.
Critical analyses of selected theories. ing which the departmental examination is
HBSN 6635 Colloquium in nursing held.
education (3)
HBSN 6930 Independent study in
nursing education (0-3)

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HBSN 6541. Advanced seminar on in developing strategies for promoting health

dissertation design development (3) N UTRITION through encouraging dietary change.
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite:
The Nutrition area of study includes the
HBSN 6540 and certification. Focus on Current academic initiatives and research
following programs: Nutrition Education;
advanced aspects of research design and focus on analyzing and facilitating change in
Nutrition and Public Health; Community
Nutrition Education; Applied Physiology individuals and communities, and on ways of
and Nutrition. modifying both personal choice and the food
HBSN 6940. Independent study in
nursing research (1-6) system within which such choices are made.
Faculty. Permission required. Allows student Program Coordinator: In particular, faculty and students are engaged
to contract with individual faculty member Professor Isobel R. Contento in a number of food and nutrition-related
for research related work in a defined area demonstrations and research projects includ-
of study. Program Office: (212) 678-3950 ing the cognitive and psychosocial factors
E-mail: [email protected] influencing food choice in children, adoles-
HBSN 7500. Dissertation seminar in Web site: www.tc.columbia.edu/hbs/Nutrition cents, and adults; characteristics of the dietary
nursing (3) change process; nutritional epidemiology;
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite:
issues in clinical nutrition, and exercise and
HBSN 6540 and certification. The departmen- NUTRITION
tal examination, involving presentation of nutrition; food and environment education in
dissertation proposal for faculty approval. EDUCATION schools; relationship of women and food; food
This course is required of all certified doctoral policy; and social, economic, and technologi-
candidates and may be taken only once. Nutrition Education cal factors affecting the long-term sustainabili-
(Code: TSA) ty of the food system.
HBSN 8900. Dissertation advisement
in nursing (0) Degrees Offered: Building on its rich history, the Teachers
Faculty. Individual advisement on doctoral Master of Science (M.S.) College program aims to prepare graduates
dissertation following completion of all course Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) to take positions of leadership and service in
work. Fee equal to 3 points at current tuition
nutrition counseling and education in health
rate for each term. For continuous require-
ments, see catalog on continuous registration NUTRITION AND promotion and disease prevention programs,
for Ed.D. degree. PUBLIC HEALTH health agencies, hospitals, private practice,
media organizations, and the workplace; to
Nursing Education Nutrition and Public Health serve as teachers or resource specialists in
(Code: TSB) schools and universities; to fill a variety of
HBSN 6530. Seminar on curriculum planning, instructional, and administrative
in nursing education (3) Degrees Offered: roles in community and public health agen-
Faculty. Permission required. Open only to Master of Science (M.S.) cies; or to serve as researchers in a variety
doctoral candidates. Intensive study of select- Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) of areas related to behavioral aspects of diet,
ed issues and/or designs in nursing curricula. nutrition education, nutritional epidemiology,
HBSN 6635. Colloquium in nursing COMMUNITY clinical nutrition, nutrition and exercise, and
sustainability of the food system.
education (3) NUTRITION
Faculty. Prerequisite: determined by instructor EDUCATION
based on topic selected. Examination of select- The program provides students a thorough
ed problems in nursing education practice and Community Nutrition Education grounding in nutrition science, nutrition edu-
administration. Course may be repeated for (Code: TSC) cation, and nutrition in clinical and public
credit if different topic covered. health settings. In addition, the program
Degree Offered: emphasizes the development of competencies
HBSN 6930. Independent study in Master of Education (Ed.M.) in:
nursing education (1-6)
Faculty. Permission required. Individual guided Designing and implementing nutrition
learning experience at the doctoral level in a APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY education with individuals, groups, and
selected aspect of nursing education. Topic
agreed upon between student and faculty.
AND NUTRITION communities;
Facilitating healthful and ecological food
Applied Physiology and Nutrition
(Code: TZR)
Clinical assessments and nutrition
Degree Offered:
Designing and implementing public health
Master of Science (M.S.)
nutrition assessments and programs;
Understanding and applying principles
Program Description:
of nutritional epidemiology;
As we embark on the new millennium there is
Applying nutrition science and exercise
an increasing awareness of the fact that the
science principles to exercising individuals;
quality of the diets that people habitually con-
Thinking critically and independently;
sume contributes to the quality of their lives.
Acting collaboratively and effectively with
The program in Nutrition at Teachers College
others in organizations and communities
has, since its founding in 1909, been a leader

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with regard to important food and who successfully complete the Dietetic Degree Requirements:
nutrition issues; Internship are then eligible to take the regis-
Conducting food and nutrition-related tered dietitian certification examination. MASTER OF SCIENCE
research. The major program emphases are in the fields
Students may enroll for all degree programs of Nutrition Education, Nutrition and Public
Because of the breadth of its aims, the program on a full-time or part-time basis. Health, and Applied Physiology and Nutrition.
has long admitted academically qualified stu- Students in all three Nutrition programs may
dents with undergraduate degrees in fields Special Application qualify for the Dietetic Internship through
other than nutrition or the related sciences, so Requirements/Information: coursework for the M.S. and the completion of
long as they can meet the science prerequisites, All programs have ongoing admissions, and additional academic prerequisites and require-
since such students often bring valuable skills will review applications throughout the year. ments specifically for the Dietetic Internship.
and attitudes to the graduate study of nutri- Preference in scholarship awards will be for Students who wish to complete the Dietetic
tion. those applicants who meet the College early Internship after the award of the M.S. degree
deadline. may pursue an Ed.M. degree in Community
The program puts a heavy emphasis on provid- Nutrition Education. All three M.S. Nutrition
ing students with practical experiences in addi- The GRE General Test is required for all pro- programs require the following core courses:
tion to traditional classroom lectures and dis- grams. A writing sample is required for doctor- HBSN 5040 Research methods in
cussions. Among the course-related education- al applicants, preferably a masters thesis, health and behavior
al experiences available to students are: team course paper, or published article. studies
projects in community nutrition, planning and or
teaching of nutrition sessions to selected audi- For full admittance, applicants must also pro- HBSS 6100 Measurement and evalua-
ences in the community, food education and tion in health education
vide evidence of completion of prerequisite
gardening projects in schools, dietary analyses HBSV 4010 Food, nutrition and
courses, including introductory nutrition, behavior
and on-line computer activities. statistics, general and organic chemistry with HBSV 4013 Nutritional ecology
labs, biochemistry (requiring organic chemistry HBSV 4014 Community nutrition
Students are welcome to participate in as a prerequisite) and human physiology with HBSV 5010 Advanced nutrition I
research and demonstration projects within the labs. The latter two must have been taken HBSV 5011 Advanced nutrition II
Program in Nutrition. These include food and within 5 years with a grade of B or better. HBSV 5013 Strategies for nutrition
environmental education programs designed Courses in food science and in food manage- education and health
for children, parents and teachers, childhood ment and a course in microbiology are also behavior change
obesity prevention, and fruits and vegetable required for students wishing to become regis- HBSV 5014 Analysis of the current
promotion in urban communities. Because of literature and research
tered dietitians.
Teachers Colleges location in New York City, in nutrition
HBSV 5015 Nutritional epidemiology
there are also virtually unlimited opportunities Students in Nutrition may also complete a HBSV 5034 Clinical nutrition
for students to become involved in Dietetic Internship option accredited by the HBSV 5036 Nutrition counseling
a variety of food/nutrition-related activities. American Dietetic Association. Applicants HBSV 5231-33 Extended fieldwork
The faculty and staff can arrange for students who wish to complete the Dietetic Internship
who have credit hours available to receive (DI) option must submit directly to the In addition, all three Master of Science pro-
credit for such activities where appropriate. Internship Director a specific DI application grams require a block of supervised fieldwork
along with an ADA Plan V verification state- as well as a substantial integrative departmen-
Dietetic Internship ment (see Nutrition website for application tal project. Fieldwork can take place in the
For students interested in professional certi- form). Applicants must apply for admission for New York City area, in other parts of the
fication as registered dietitians (R.D.), the the M.S. degree and be fully admitted to the United States, or in an international setting,
Department sponsors a Dietetic Internship pro- M.S. program. For students who do not have a depending on the interests of the student.
gram accredited by the American Dietetic bachelors degree that satisfies Plan V, the The Dietetic Internship may satisfy the field-
Association (ADA). Students may begin the needed course work can be taken at under- work experience requirement.
Internship in either September or January. graduate nutrition programs in New York met-
ropolitan area in addition to completing the Nutrition Education:
The Internship is designed to bridge a stu- requirements for the M.S. degree at the Students working toward the 40 to 43-point
dents academic education and professional College. Our ADA academic program advisor Master of Science degree in Nutrition
career and thus focuses on developing practi- will work with students to develop an integrat- Education have the option of electing courses
tioner skills. The Internship sequence of ed plan of studies and to facilitate the process. that will especially prepare them to conduct
courses (HBSV 5241-HBSV 5244) is offered individual and group counseling and patient
on a part-time basis requiring 11 months to Admission to the doctoral programs is based education, or to provide food and nutrition
complete. Students may complete the require- upon the applicants academic and work education in community, school, work site,
ments for the Dietetic Internship concurrently record. Normally a student will be formally health care, or mass media settings.
while completing the requirements for the admitted to the doctoral program only after
M.S. programs in Nutrition. Students must completion of course work equivalent to the In addition to the core curriculum in nutrition
satisfy all academic requirements for the 40-point Master of Science degrees or the 60- science, the behavioral aspects of diet, and
degree award and the Dietetic Internship. point Master of Education degree. nutrition education, students are required to
Our ADA didactic program advisor will work take HBSV 5513 Seminar in nutrition educa-
with students to develop an integrated plan of tion. They are also required to take at least
studies and to facilitate the process. Students two electives. Students select their remaining

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courses from a variety of other disciplines in Community Nutrition Education: COURSES:

keeping with their own goals and their area The program of study for the 60-point Master
of specialization. The degree conforms to of Education degree in Community Nutrition Introductory Courses
the guidelines for the training of Nutrition Education includes additional course work
Education Specialists set forth by the Society in advanced nutrition and permits stronger HBSV 4000. Introduction to nutrition:
for Nutrition Education. emphases in the behavioral sciences, commu- Facts, fallacies and trends (3)
nity assessment and planning, and education. Dr. Sporny. (Course is offered to nonmajors
and to those desiring admission to the
Nutrition and Public Health: A community-based, research, or other inte-
Nutrition Program and to the Dietetic
The Program in Nutrition and Public Health grative project is required. Internship Program.) Overview of the science
is an approved program of the Association of nutrition and its relationship to health,
of Faculties of Graduate Programs in Public Doctoral Degrees taught through an analysis of historic and con-
Health Nutrition. Course work for the 40 to The Program in Nutrition Education offers temporary controversies, such as fat versus
43-point Master of Science degree conforms Doctor of Education degrees in two areas carbohydrates in the diet; vegetarianism; and
to the recommendations of that association, of specialization: Nutrition Education and supplement use. Special attention will be paid
so that the degree is equivalent to one offered Nutrition and Public Health. The two special- to American trends in food consumption and
by a school of public health. izations prepare graduates for a variety of lead- their impact on health and to the dietary prac-
ership positions in policy-making, education tices employed in the pursuit of weight main-
tenance, health, and fitness.
In addition to the core in nutrition science and administration in schools and colleges, in
and the behavioral sciences, course work is government, and in public health and other HBSV 4010. Food, nutrition and
required in vital statistics, epidemiology, pro- service agencies. The programs goal is to turn behavior (3)
gram planning, and public health policy. Other out graduates capable of initiating needed Professor Contento. For nonmajors and
courses in public health are selected to com- action and of responding positively and cre- majors. A study of physiological, psychological,
plement the students previous academic back- atively to the clearly inevitable changes of the and socio-cultural factors that affect eating
ground and work experiences, and to take into coming decades in the physical, intellectual, behaviors and the development of individual
account the students interests and career goals. and political environments in which the food, and cultural food patterns. Topics include: the
health, and educational systems operate. chemical senses, why we like sweet, salt, and
The Nutrition and Public Health major pre- fat; self-regulation of what and how much we
eat; effect of early experiences with food; food
pares graduates to take leadership roles in The general requirements for the Doctor of
and mood; interaction of food and culture
government, community, and public health Education include a minimum of 90 graduate through history; eating, cooking, and time
agencies, carrying out a variety of planning, credits, of which at least 45 must be taken use trends; meat meanings; psychosocial and
instructional, and administrative tasks related under Teachers College registration. Overall, cultural factors in food choice.
to health promotion and disease prevention. students will be expected to develop compe-
These include community and individual tence in nutrition science, behavioral science, HBSV 4011. Women and weight, eating
nutritional assessment and evaluation; pro- methods of empirical research and data analy- problems and body image (2)
gram planning and management; coalition sis, critical thinking and analysis, and broad Drs. Akabas and Bernstein. An intense, two-
building; and participation in multidisciplinary areas of scholarship, in addition to developing week short course held in the summer. This
health teams to provide programs to meet special skills and knowledge appropriate to course for students and practitioners examines
the psychological, sociological, physiological,
public needs. their chosen degree in nutrition education or
and nutritional issues related to weight, eating
public health nutrition. disorders, body image and cultural messages as
Applied Physiology and Nutrition: they relate to women. Potential interventions
The Program in Nutrition and the Program Students will be expected to take courses in are also examined. The issues will be discussed
in Applied Physiology offer a joint course of the following categories: using case material, films and the current
study leading to a 45 to 50-point Master of I. Major field and specialization research literature. Taught by a licensed psy-
Science degree in Applied Physiology and (50-60 points) chologist and a nutritionist.
Nutrition (APN). In addition to the core II. Research and evaluation (12-18 points)
courses in nutrition, students are required to III. Broad and basic areas of professional HBSV 4013. Nutritional ecology (2-3)
take a core of courses in applied physiology scholarship (15-24 points) Dr. Liquori and Professor Gussow. A course for
nonmajors and majors. Nutrition and food as
(see section below on APN for more details). The specific courses selected will depend on
viewed from a global, ecological perspective.
The program prepares students to provide the students particular background, interests Topics include: food/population problems and
individual counseling and group education and goals. In consultation with a faculty food aid, food product development and pro-
in nutrition and exercise and to design and advisor, students should develop a program motion here and abroad, energy and food
implement exercise and nutrition programs plan early in their course of study to provide relationships, food safety and the changing
in weight control centers, work sites, fitness a rational basis for their course selection. American diet, organic agriculture and natural
centers, health centers, schools, and hospitals. Students will also be expected to pass a certifi- food, biotechnology, and other topics as appro-
cation examination usually after the comple- priate.
This program will assist students to acquire tion of 60 points and Research seminar in
the competencies needed for the American nutrition (HBSV 6550-6551) and to write a HBSV 4014. Community nutrition (2)
Dr. Liquori. This course provides an under-
College of Sports Medicine for certification dissertation. (See Nutrition Program descrip-
standing of where and how food and nutrition
as an Exercise Test Technologist, Exercise tions of the doctoral degree requirements.) services are delivered to further the national
Specialist, Fitness Instructor, and/or Program goal of healthy people in healthy communities
Director. (See section that follows on Applied and of the roles of nutrition professionals in
Physiology and Nutrition for more details.) providing these services. Nutrition services,
both private and government sponsored, will

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be the primary focus. The course will also nutritional status of individuals and communi- clinical nutrition, community nutrition, food
examine the roles of the nutrition professional, ties from clinical assessments, dietary intakes, service management and research in dietetics.
including the attributes, training and certifica- and behavioral evaluation. Cumulative experience totals 1088 hours.
tions needed to fill the roles. Malpractice/personal liability insurance,
HBSV 5018. Nutrition and human health insurance, lab coat, and physical
HBSV 4150. Sports nutrition (3) development (3) exam required.
Dr. Dolins (Summer Session A). For nonma- Dr. Sporny (Summer Session A). The focus of
jors only. A practical course designed to assist this course is on the physiologic changes and HBSV 5241. Internship in clinical
health professionals give the most accurate nutritional needs throughout the life cycle. nutrition (3) Ms. Costa.
and up-to-date information to active people to Pregnancy, fetal development, infancy, child- Special fee: $150.
help them improve health and performance. hood, adolescence, adulthood and the later
Integration of principles of nutrition and exer- years will be examined. Special attention will HBSV 5242. Internship in community
cise physiology and application to exercising be paid to the following issues: breast feeding nutrition (3) Ms. Costa.
individuals. Topics for discussion include ener- versus bottle feeding, introduction of solid Special fee: $150.
gy expenditure, fuel substrate metabolism, spe- foods to infants, coping with picky eaters,
cific nutrient needs, ergogenic aids, hydration, maintaining a healthy feeding relationship HBSV 5243. Research and independ-
and weight issues for exercising individuals between caregiver and child, preventing ent practice (2) Dr. Koch.
and athletes. health and dietary problems in children and Special fee: $20.
adolescents (including disordered eating),
HBSV 4902. Research and independent womens nutrition and reproductive function, HBSV 5244. Internship in food service
study in nutrition education (1-8) menopause and hormone replacement therapy, (2) TBA. Special fee: $20.
Permission required. Masters degree students and the changes that occur in an aging person
undertake research and independent study and the dietary modifications needed to pro- HBSV 5333. Practicum in community
under the direction of a faculty member. mote health and prevent disease. service (1-2)
Dr. Koch. Practical experiences in community,
Intermediate and Advanced Courses HBSV 5034. Clinical nutrition (3) food, and nutrition programs.
Faculty. This course is designed to provide stu-
HBSV 5010. Advanced nutrition I (3) dents in nutrition and other health sciences HBSV 5513. Seminar in nutrition
Mr. Berk. In-depth review of current knowl- with an overview of the pathophysiology of education: Theory and applications (2)
edge and research on biochemical and physio- disease and resultant nutritional implications. Professor Contento. An in-depth examination
logical aspects of energy metabolism, carbo- The course provides a vocabulary which will of the use of current theories and research in
hydrates, lipids and lipid metabolism, and enable students to converse with other med- the design, implementation, and evaluation of
proteins; regulation of intake and impact ical professionals, a rationale for medical nutri- nutrition education interventions. Course is
on health and disease. tion therapy and parameters for monitoring designed to supplement topics covered in
nutritional status of patients in a clinical set- HBSV 5013. Required of nutrition education
HBSV 5011. Advanced nutrition II (3) ting. Masters and doctoral students. Students may
Dr. Pinto. In-depth review of current knowl- register for more than one semester.
edge and research on the biochemical and HBSV 5036. Nutrition counseling (2)
physiological aspects of vitamins, minerals Ms. Mesznik. This course focuses on providing HBSV 5593. Nutrition for exercise
and phytonutrients; applications to diet. students an understanding of client-centered and sport (3)
counseling models and practicing a variety of Dr. Dolins. Discussions of interactions
HBSV 5013. Strategies for nutrition essential skills: nonverbal, active listening, between exercise and nutrition as applied
education and health behavior change (3) goal assessment, motivational interviewing to health and fitness. Controversial topics
Professor Contento. Understanding and appli- and group counseling. Special fee: $10. emphasized. Majors in either applied physio-
cation of theoretical frameworks from the logy or nutrition are eligible to enroll during
behavioral sciences and education to design HBSV 5231-HBSV 5233. Extended field- their second year of study. (See also section on
and deliver food and nutrition education and work in nutrition and education, nutrition the interdisciplinary Applied Physiology and
exercise promotion to various groups and to and public health, and applied physiology Nutrition degree program in this catalog.)
facilitate the adoption of healthful behaviors. and nutrition
Includes both didactic and field practice com- Dr. Sporny. A block of supervised field experi- Advanced Seminars and Research
ponents. ence required of all degrees. Fieldwork is taken
near completion of course work. HBSV 5902. Guided study in nutrition
HBSV 5014. Analysis of current literature (1-4)
and research in nutrition (3) HBSV 5231. Nutrition and Faculty. Opportunity for advanced students
Professor Wolf. Critical examination and eval- public health (2-4) to investigate areas of special interest in
uation of current controversies and issues in nutrition.
nutrition and food. Topics are reviewed and HBSV 5232. Nutrition and
discussed in depth. Students learn how to ana- education (2-4) HBSV 6500-HBSV 6501. Seminar in
lyze the medical and layperson literature con- nutrition (3 per section)
cerning such topics as dietary fat and disease, HBSV 5233. Applied physiology Professors Contento and Wolf. For doctoral
calcium and osteoporosis, fruit/vegetables and and nutrition (2-4) and other advanced students. Evaluative dis-
cancer, weight loss regimens, supplements and cussion of current literature on specific nutri-
alternative therapies. HBSV 5241-5244. Dietetic internship tion and food-related topics.
in nutrition
HBSV 5015. Nutritional epidemiology (3) Ms. Costa. Internship in service settings HBSV 6550-HBSV 6551. Research
Professor Wolf. Study of methods for assessing in metropolitan New York, Rockland, and seminar in nutrition (2-3 per section)
food and nutrient intake, energy expenditure, Westchester counties, and Southern Professors Contento and Wolf. Required of
and body composition, and for evaluating Connecticut. It includes experiences in all Ed.M. and Ed.D. candidates. Discussion
of current research issues and student projects.

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Students may register for more than one APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Special Application
semester. Sections: (1) Professor Contento Requirements/Information:
(2) Professor Wolf. AND NUTRITION This program has ongoing admissions, and
Program Coordinators: will review applications throughout the year.
HBSV 6902. Research and independent Preference in scholarship awards will be for
study in nutrition (1-4) Professor Isobel R. Contento
(Nutrition) those applicants who meet the College
Professors Contento and Wolf. Open to
matriculated doctoral students. Research and early deadline.
independent study under faculty direction. Program Office: (212) 678-3950
Sections: (1) Professor Contento (2) Professor E-mail: [email protected] The GRE General Test is required.
Wolf. Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/NutritionEd Prerequisites for admission include a strong
academic background, including at least one
HBSV 7502. Dissertation seminar in Professor Ronald DeMeersman course each in statistics, general and organic
nutrition (2-3) chemistry, introduction to nutrition, human
(Applied Physiology)
Professors Contento and Wolf. Development physiology, and biochemistry (the latter two
of doctoral dissertations and presentation of taken within the last five years, in which
plans for approval. Sections: (1) Professor Program Office: (212) 678-3325
E-mail: [email protected] grades of B or better were earned). The bio-
Contento (2) Professor Wolf.
Web site: www.tc.edu/bbs/Movement chemistry course must have had as a prerequi-
HBSV 8900. Dissertation advisement in site at least a one-semester course in organic
Applied Physiology and Nutrition chemistry. Applicants who are deficient in the
nutrition (0)
Advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee: (Code: TZR) required background in physiology and chem-
equal to 3 points at current tuition rate for istry may be admitted on probation, with the
each term. For requirements, see catalog on Degree Offered: understanding that the deficiencies will be
continuous registration for Ed.D. degree. Master of Science (M.S.) completed in the first year of study.

Program Description: The undergraduate specializations that pro-

The Program in Nutrition and the Program vide the most relevant foundations for the
in Applied Physiology (in the Department of APN program include nutrition, exercise phys-
Biobehavorial Sciences) offer a joint 45 to iology, physical education, biology, physical
50-point Master of Science degree program. therapy, nursing, health education, and psy-
There are two main rationales for this pro- chology.
gram. First, both disciplines are concerned
with the theory of energy intake, transforma- Degree Requirements:
tion, and liberation. Second, there are many Students take a set of core courses in both
practical problems that can be more satisfacto- nutrition and applied physiology. While the
rily addressed by attending to both nutrition program provides a solid foundation in the sci-
and exercise than by attending to either one entific basis of nutrition and exercise, it also
alone. Most prominent are health problems emphasizes practical applications in all cours-
such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, dia- es. The applied physiology lab courses provide
betes, and osteoporosis. hands-on experience in physiological measure-
ment techniques. The interviewing and assess-
Health professionals and educators need to ment courses provide firsthand experience in
know how these two aspects of lifestyle inter- collection of nutritional data. Courses in
act in children and adults to enhance health behavioral or educational methods provide
and prevent disease. Another application is to insight into how applications are made in
sports performance, physical fitness, and clinical or educational settings.
ergonomics. Coaches, athletes, teachers, and
work physiologists can profit from an under- There are two tracks from which students may
standing of how nutrition and exercise interact choose. Students in the fieldwork track partic-
to influence work capacity. To be effective in ipate in clinical or educational fieldwork in
applying these concepts, professionals must be some setting that provides services/education
aware of appropriate educational and behav- in both exercise and nutrition, such as work
ioral change theory and strategies. site fitness programs, health promotion proj-
ects, etc. Such fieldwork develops concrete
The program prepares students to: application skills. Our location in New York
Provide individual counseling and group City provides ready access to a wide range of
instruction in nutrition and exercise. field experiences and professional contacts
Design, implement, and evaluate exercise that are helpful in securing employment after
and nutrition programs in schools, weight graduation. Contact Dr. Sporny for details at
control centers, work sites, recreational (212) 678-3952 or [email protected].
agencies, health centers, and hospitals.
Evaluate and apply research.

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Students in the research track learn to con- Core Requirements for all M.S. Applied
duct research by participating in ongoing Physiology and Nutrition Majors:
research projects involving the interaction of BBSR 4095-4195 Applied physiology I and lab I
exercise and nutrition. Contact Professors BBSR 5095 Exercise and health
DeMeersman or Contento for a list of current BBS 5068 Brain and behavior I
projects and resources. BBS 5060 Neuro-motor responses and
adaptation to exercise
Students in both tracks can complete the aca- BBSR 5194 Applied physiology lab II
demic requirements for dietetic registration HBSN 5040 Research methods in health
(R.D.) through coursework for the M.S. and and behavior studies
other programs in the New York area approved or
by the American Dietetic Association (ADA). BBSR 5582 Research design in
The Program in Nutrition offers a Dietetic movement sciences
Internship. Students may work concurrently HBSV 4010 Food, nutrition and behavior
on the requirements for the M.S. degree and HBSV 4013 Nutritional ecology
the Dietetic Internship. Students must satisfy HBSV 4014 Community nutrition
all academic requirements for the degree HBSV 5010-5011 Advanced nutrition I and II
award and the Dietetic Internship. Our ADA HBSV 5013 Strategies for nutrition
didactic program advisor will work with stu- education and health
dents to develop an integrated plan of studies behavior change
and to facilitate the process. HBSV 5014 Analysis of current literature
and research in nutrition
HBSV 5015 Nutritional epidemiology
HBSV 5034 Clinical nutrition
HBSV 5036 Nutrition counseling
HBSV 5593 Seminar in nutrition in
exercise and sport

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Special Education Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/SpecialEd Program Office: (212) 678-3880


PROGRAMS Program Coordinator:
(Code: TEV) Dr. Virginia S. Stolarski
(Code: TEF) Program Coordinator: E-mail: [email protected]
Program Coordinator: Professor R. Douglas Greer
Professor Dennis Mithaug E-mail: [email protected] Degrees Offered:
E-mail: [email protected] M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
Degrees Offered: M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D. Ph.D., available through Physical Disabilities
Degree Offered: Ed.D. (Code: TEP)

Program Coordinator:
(Code: TEZ) Professor Robert Kretschmer
Program Coordinator: E-mail: [email protected]
Professor Dennis Mithaug
E-mail: [email protected] Degrees Offered:
M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
Degree Offered: Ed.D. Ph.D., available through Physical Disabilities
(Code: TEP)


(Code: TEM)
(Code: TEG)
(Code: TEA) Program Coordinator:
Program Coordinator:
Program Coordinators: Professor Linda Hickson
Professor Linda Hickson
All faculty E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Degree Offered: M.A. Degree Offered: Ed.M. Degrees Offered:

M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D.


Professor Dennis Mithaug,
(Code: TEX) (Code: TEW) Dr. Virginia S. Stolarski, and
Program Coordinator: Program Coordinator: Professor Robert Kretschmer
Professor Linda Hickson Professor Linda Hickson
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Degrees Offered: M.A.*, Ed.D., Ph.D.
*We are currently not accepting applications
Degree Offered: Ed.M. Degree Offered: Ed.M. for this degree level.


(Code: TEM) (Code: TES)
(Code: TER)
Program Coordinator: Program Coordinator:
Program Coordinators:
Professor Linda Hickson Professor Dennis Mithaug
Professors Linda Hickson
E-mail: [email protected]
and R. Douglas Greer
Degree Offered: Ed.M.
Degree Offered: Ed.D. Degree Offered: M.A.

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Program Description: The Center for Educational and Psychological M.A. program also complete requirements for
The special education programs at Teachers Services (CEPS) provides learner-centered and are eligible to apply for CABAS Board
College build upon a more than 80-year tradi- demonstrations of assessments and evalua- Certification for Teacher I, Teacher II,
tion of leading the field of special education in tions, instructional practices, and follow-up and Master Teacher Ranks. The latter is an
policy, practice, and research for individuals evaluations that promote student-directed advanced certification recognizing criterion-
with disabilities across the age span. learning and performance across settings and referenced expertise in applied behavior analy-
time. Special education students work in col- sis and applications with children and youth.
Students who earn M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., laboration with students from school psycholo- Doctoral students who hold the CABAS
and Ph.D. degrees in special education from gy, health, and nutrition, as well as clinical Master Teacher Rank complete requirements
Teachers College assume leadership and schol- and counseling psychology programs. The for and are eligible to submit for CABAS
arly positions at all levels of professional activ- CEPS provides opportunities for practicum Board Certification as Assistant, Associate,
ity including public and private schools, com- experience and research-based demonstrations and Senior Behavior Analyst Ranks.
munity and national service agencies, hospital of effective practice. The CEPS has an exten-
and rehabilitation programs, colleges and uni- sive remediation and testing library, testing Doctoral and post-doctoral students with
versities, research centers, and local, state, and rooms, observation rooms, and audio and Behavior Analyst Ranks are eligible for
federal educational agencies. video recording capabilities available for grad- CABAS Board Certification based on their
uate student use. research publication record (i.e., Assistant,
The graduate course work, independent stud- Associate, and Senior Research Scientist).
ies, research projects, and dissertations draw The Center for Opportunities and Outcomes
from the following five areas: for People with Disabilities provides support Financial assistance is available to students
Special education foundations. Includes for research, evaluation, and demonstration admitted to the program in the form of paid
course work on theories of process and efforts aimed at increasing opportunities for internships at the CABAS Professional
models of practice, cognitive structure and individuals with special needs to become fully Teaching Schools. Some international intern-
process, behavioral selectionism and com- included members of society. The Center pro- ships and training opportunities are available
plex behavior, disability constructs, equity vides opportunities for students to participate at our CABAS sites in Europe. Faculty
and excellence in public policy, psycho- in research and evaluation projects in such members, students, and CABAS school pro-
linguistics and verbal behavior, and family areas as ethnic and cultural differences; lan- fessionals associated with the Programs in
studies and child development. guage and communication; motivation and Applied Behavior Analysis are published in
Service delivery systems. Includes ad- verbal behavior; systems of schooling and numerous journals.
ministration and supervision, pedagogy, models of service delivery; inclusion and its
enrichment and acceleration, inter- social impact; families and siblings; cognition, The Department maintains close working rela-
disciplinary programming, community- personality, problem solving, and self-regulated tionships with a wide network of public and
based systems change, infancy/early child- thinking; reading, literacy, and the arts; deci- private schools, agencies, and clinical facilities.
hood intervention, elementary education, sion-making and abuse prevention, personnel Students may participate in field-based activi-
transition and habilitation, urban education, preparation; social justice and social policy; ties ranging from the Very Special Arts Festi-
and technology. and self-determination and independence. val hosted by the New York City Department
Exceptionality areas. Provides course work of Education and Teachers College to school-
in behavioral disorders (e.g., autism, emo- Students enrolled in the Programs in Applied based practica in a variety of settings.
tional disturbance), blindness and visual Behavior Analysis complete their M.A. and
impairment, deafness and hearing impair- Ph.D. internships in schools that meet the Financial Aid
ment, mental retardation/autism, physical research-based and professional accreditation In addition to College-wide financial aid,
disabilities, and multiple handicapping con- standards for the designation of CABAS instructional, research, and administrative
ditions including mental retardation/autism Professional Teaching Schools (e.g., The Fred internships may be available through the
coupled with sensory and/or physical dis- S. Keller School, Rockland Middle School, Program in Special Education. The Depart-
abilities. Link Elementary CABAS Program, ment collaborates with schools and agencies in
Assessment and intervention strategies. CABAS Classes for Students with Autism the metropolitan area to provide internships.
Includes management of social and unsocial Spectrum Disorders, Rockland BOCES, Cork When funds are available, federal traineeships
behavior, communication and language, CABAS School, Dublin CABAS School, and assistantships are awarded by the program
mobility, mathematics, reading, problem CABAS Integrated Classrooms, CABAS to qualified students. In order to be eligible for
solving, visual skills and visual perceptual Classrooms for non-categorized students). a federal traineeship, an applicant must be a
processing, and self-regulation. See www.CABAS.com. United States citizen and be fully admitted to
Research and Evaluation. Includes applied a degree program.
behavior analysis, experimental research Students do internships simultaneously with
with individuals, group experimental design, their coursework at the university. They spend Students are encouraged to apply for all types
program evaluation, ethnography, and post- their days in our professional teaching schools of financial aid for which they are eligible.
positivistic inquiry. and the evenings in classes at the university. Paid internships are available for some stu-
The internships are coordinated closely with dents who have been admitted to the Program
In addition to lectures and seminars in the the university coursework in behavior analysis. in Applied Behavior Analysis. The New York
preceding five areas of study, students partici- City Department of Education has, for a num-
pate in special projects and complete The Association for Behavior Analysis recog- ber of years, provided full scholarships for any-
practicum assignments in a variety of settings, nizes our program as one whose M.A. gradu- one interested in becoming a teacher for indi-
which include the following: ates are eligible to sit for the Behavior Analyst viduals who are deaf or hard of hearing, or
Certification Examination. Students in the who have a visual impairment or are blind.

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Endowed fellowships and research assistant- In order to meet New York State certification Hard of Hearing, the probabilities are quite
ships are available to students who are prepar- requirements, which are reciprocal with high that such acceptance will be obtained
ing for careers in the education of people with numerous states throughout the country, the since similar standards are used by the pro-
mental retardation/autism. preservice preparation in the Education of the grams involved in the dual certification pro-
Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a two-year, mini- grams. If for some reason a student were not
Special Application mum 60 credit program that leads to dual cer- admitted to the area of secondary certification,
Requirements/Information: tification in the education of individuals who the student would still be eligible for the K-12
All Applicants: Interviews are required are deaf or hard of hearing and regular educa- stand alone program in the Education of the
for applicants to the Blindness and Visual tion either at the preschool, elementary, or Deaf and Hard of Hearing that leads to state
Impairments, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, secondary level in the areas of mathematics, certification, CED certification and the M.A.
and Mental Retardation/Autism programs. physics, chemistry, biology, environmental sci- and Ed.M. degrees, assuming all other require-
Other program coordinators may arrange for ences, social studies, or English education. ments are met.
applicants to have an admissions interview. They will also obtain both a Master of Arts
(M.A.) and a Master of Education (Ed.M.) Similarly, for those individuals with no back-
M.A. applicants: Experience in special degree upon completion of the program. These ground in regular education, preservice prepa-
education is not a prerequisite for acceptance. individuals will be expected to have student ration in the Education of Learners with
teaching experiences with both individuals Blindness and Visual Impairments is a two-
Doctoral applicants: Submit an academic who are deaf or hard of hearing and with indi- year, 60+ credit program that leads to dual
certification in the education of individuals
or professional writing sample. viduals with hearing.
with visual impairments and blindness and
regular education either at the early child-
Degree Requirements: An option certifying individuals to teach indi-
hood, elementary, middle, or secondary level
viduals who are deaf or hard of hearing from
in the areas of mathematics, physics, chem-
MASTER OF ARTS K-12, primarily in the capacity of an itinerant
istry, biology, environmental sciences, social
Applied Behavior Analysis teacher not responsible for subject matter, also
studies, or English education and both a
Blindness and Visual Impairment exists. This program too is a minimum of 60
Master of Arts (M.A.) and a Master of
Deaf and Hard of Hearing credits in length and leads to certification as a Education (Ed.M.) degrees. These individuals
Guidance and Habilitation teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing K-12. will be expected to have student teaching
Mental Retardation/Autism experiences with both individuals who are
Severe or Multiple Disabilities The actual number of credits required in the blind or who have visual impairments as
above-mentioned programs may vary slightly well as, individuals with sight.
Students may enroll in either M.A. programs or depending upon the individuals background
dual certification Ed.M. programs designed to and the particular area of dual certification Another option certifying individuals to teach
prepare them for positions as teachers and clini- the person is interested in obtaining. individuals with visual impairments and/or
cians who serve individuals with a full range of Individuals who matriculate into the program blindness K-12, primarily in the capacity of an
abilities and disabilities in a wide array of set- and are already certified in regular education itinerant teacher, also exists. This program too
tings based in schools, communities, and agen- will be expected to complete the 45 credit is 54 credits in length and leads to certifica-
cies. They specialize in serving individuals with core program in the Education of the Deaf and tion as a teacher of the Blind and Partially
disabilities at specific age levels, from one or Hard of Hearing, which leads to a M.A. degree Sighted K-12. Individuals who matriculate
more of the above service delivery categories. and certification as a teacher of the deaf and into the program and are already certified in
hard of hearing. They also have the option to regular education will be expected to complete
Students who gain admission work with a facul- take additional course work in another area of the 45-credit core program in the Education
ty advisor to design a program that meets their special education, in the reading specialist pro- of Learners with Blindness and Visual
interests and fulfills the requirements for a gram, or another area in order to obtain addi- Impairments, which leads to a M.A. degree
degree in special education with related New tional certification and to obtain an Ed.M. and certification as a teacher of the blind and
York State teacher certification. Candidates for degree These individuals will be expected to partially sighted. These individuals will be
the M.A. degree must complete supervised complete two full-time student teaching expe- expected to complete two full-time student
practica requirements arranged on the Teachers riences with deaf or hard of hearing individu- teaching experiences with individuals who
College campus and in schools and agencies in als and to fulfill additional student teaching or have visual impairments and blindness.
the City. They also must complete an integra- practicum requirements that are needed to Students complete core courses in special edu-
tive project, or, in the case of the Blindness and obtain the additional certification. cation offered in the Department of Health
Visual Impairment and the Mental Retardation/ and Behavior Studies in addition to the
Autism Programs, complete a comprehensive All programs noted above also lead to Council required core vision courses.
examination in addition to the integrative proj- on the Education of the Deaf (CED) certifica-
ect, prior to award of the degree. In designated tion. Admission into any of the dual certifica- MASTERS OPTIONS IN
programs, masters degree course work also ful- tion programs requires dual admission. Once MENTAL RETARDATION/AUTISM
fills the requirements for New York State the student is admitted to the program in the (M.A. AND ED.M.)
Certification as a Teacher of Students with Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing,
Disabilities, Teacher of the Blind and Partially the application is then forwarded to the perti- For individuals with an interest in the Mental
Sighted, Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of nent area of dual certification, e.g., Curriculum Retardation/Autism program area, three
Hearing, or General Education Teacher at a and Teaching, etc., for review. Although masters-level program options leading to New
specific age level. admission to the second area of certification York State teacher certification are available:
is not guaranteed upon admission into the (1) Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Program in
Program in the Education of the Deaf and the Teaching of Students with Mental

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Retardation/Autism and Students without Specialization Requirements, Teaching HBSE 5062 Orientation and mobility
Disabilities at the Childhood and Middle as Applied Behavior Analysis (TEV): HBSE 5063 Technological aids and
Childhood Generalist Levels for individuals HBSE 4015 Applied behavior analysis I assistive devices in the
who are seeking initial certification as a HBSE 4016 Applied behavior analysis II education of toddlers,
teacher of students with and without disabili- HBSE 4017 Applied behavior analysis III children and youth with
ties at the childhood/elementary (grades 1-6) HBSE 4044 Curricular and pedagogical disabilities
foundations for teaching (or HBSE 4005)
and Middle Childhood Generalist (grades 5-9)
pre-listening through early HBSE 5306 Advanced practica in spe-
levels. This integrated 47-point full-time pro-
academic literacy cial education: BVI (2
gram typically requires a year and a half to terms) and/or HBSE 4706
HBSE 4045 Curricular and pedagogical
complete; (2) Master of Education (Ed.M.) or HBSE 4300 may be
operations for teaching the
Degree Program in the Teaching of Students foundations of functional substitutes with approval
with Mental Retardation/Autism: Childhood academic literacy
for individuals who are seeking dual certifi- HBSE 4046 Curricular and pedagogical Non-Department Requirements:
cation as a teacher of students with and with- operations for teaching In order to broaden the students background
out disabilities at the childhood (elementary) advanced functional aca- in education, three Teachers College courses
level (grades 1-6). This 60-point full-time pro- demic literacy (4th grade outside the Teachers College major depart-
gram typically requires two years to complete; through Early Middle School) ment (in this case, a course is defined as one
(3) Master of Education (Ed.M.) Degree HBSE 4704 Observation and student
for which at least two points are earned) must
Program in the Teaching of Students with teaching: Applied behav-
ior analysis (3 or more terms) be completed. These courses should be select-
Mental Retardation/Autism: Early Childhood
ed in the following areas:
for individuals who are seeking dual certifi-
Non-Departmental Courses Age appropriate developmental
cation as a teacher of students with and with-
(For the list of required courses contact the psychology course
out disabilities at the early childhood level
program coordinator or the special education Educational foundations course
(birth through grade 2). This 60-point full-
secretary.) In order to broaden the students Health for educators course
time program typically requires two years to
background in education, three Teachers Reading course
complete. All three programs prepare preser-
College courses outside the Teachers College Area specialization courses in Blindness
vice teachers to work with students with and
without disabilities in inclusive and specialized major department (in this case, a course is and Visual Impairment (15 credits)
settings. Through coursework and practicum defined as one for which at least two points
experiences, the programs foster the acquisi- are earned), must be completed. Specialization Requirements,
tion of the broad-based knowledge and skills Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TED):
Specialization Requirements, Blindness HBSE 4070 Psychosocial and cultural
needed to provide effective educational pro-
and Visual Impairments (TEB): aspects of individuals who
grams for students with the full range of learn- are deaf or hard of hearing
ing and behavior characteristics. In addition, HBSE 4060 Psycho-social implications
of vision loss on people (2 terms)
the programs provide specialized preparation HBSE 4071 Special Methods: Methods
with blindness and visual
in working with children with and without of teaching reading and
impairment and their families
Mental Retardation/Autism at specific age HBSE 4061 Anatomy and physiology writing to individuals who
levels. of the visual system and are deaf or hard of hear
related implications ing; and Language, read
Core Departmental Requirements for HBSE 4062 Instruction and curriculum ing, and writing instruc-
Special Education M.A. Students: development for infants, tion in the content areas
HBSE 4002 Instruction and curriculum children and youth with for individuals who are
for students with and blindness and visual deaf or hard of hearing
without disabilities impairment HBSE 4072 Development of language
HBSE 4016 Applied behavior analysis II HBSE 4063 Communication skills for of individuals who are deaf
HBSE 4079 Language development people with blindness and or hard of hearing
and habilitation: The visual impairments I: HBSE 4073 Audiological principles
foundation Literary Braille and the teaching of speech
HBSE 4082 Assessment and evalua- HBSE 4064 Communication skills for and listening skills to indi-
tion of infants, children people with blindness and viduals who are deaf and
and youth with exception- visual impairments II: hard of hearing, I and II
alities (Prerequisite for Nemeth Code and HBSE 4074 Linguistics of American
HBSE 4300) Tactile Graphics Sign Language
HBSE 4092 Foundations for teaching HBSE 4700 Pre-student teaching semi- HBSE 4077 Seminar in teacher-as-
all students to maximize nar (required for preser- researcher
learning (formerly HBSE vice applicants) HBSE 4079 Language development
4092) HBSE 4706 Observation/student and habilitation: The
HBSE 4300 Practicum in assess- teaching in special educa- foundation
ment and evaluation of tion: BVI HBSE 4300 Assessment and evalua-
exceptional individuals (or HBSE 5306 Section 1) tion of learners with
(required for majors in HBSE 4871 American Sign Language I exceptionalities
TEB, TEM, and TEP) HBSE 4880 Opportunities and out- HBSE 4707 Observation and student
comes for people with teaching of individuals
disabilities who are deaf or hard of
hearing (two terms)

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HBSE 4871 American Sign Language I Specialization Requirements, Physical HBSE 4701 Observation and student
HBSE 4872 American Sign Language II Disabilities, Pre- and In-Service (TEP): teaching in mental retar-
HBSE 4010 Nature and needs of stu- dation/autism
For those individuals who matriculate into the dents with mental retarda-
Program in the Education of the Deaf and tion/autism MASTER OF ARTS
Hard of Hearing and are not yet certified in a HBSE 4011 Education of students with Guidance and Habilitation (TEG)
common branch area in regular education, the mental retardation/autism
HBSE 4031 Education of students with The M.A. in Guidance and Habilitation,
students will complete a 60-credit program
physical disabilities
leading to dual certification and an Ed.M. in which does not lead to New York State
HBSE 4044 Curricular and pedagogical
education at the preschool, elementary, or sec- foundations for teaching teacher certification, is available to interested
ondary level in mathematics, physics, chem- pre listening through early students with a broad range of career goals.
istry, biology, environmental sciences, social academic literacy
studies, or English education. HBSE 4083 Theory and techniques for Required Department Courses:
educating infants, children HBSE 4003 Foundations for teaching
Non-Department Requirements: and youth with sensory all students to maximize
In order to broaden the students background impairments learning (formerly HBSE
HBSE 4700 Pre-student teaching seminar 4092)
in education, three Teachers College courses
HBSE 4703 Observation and student HBSE 4010 Nature and needs of stu-
outside the Teachers College major depart- dents with mental
teaching in physical disabilities
ment must be completed (in this case, a (two terms) retardation/autism
course is defined as one for which at least two HBSE 4880 Opportunities and outcomes HBSE 4011 Education of students with
points are earned). These courses should be for people with disabilities mental retardation/autism
selected in the following areas: HBSE 4016 Applied behavior analysis II
Age appropriate developmental MASTER OF ARTS HBSE 4060 Psycho-social implications
psychology course Severe and Multiple Disabilities (TEM) of vision loss on people
Educational foundations course with blindness and visual
Health requirements impairment and their fam-
A Master of Arts (M.A.) Program in the ilies
Technology requirement Teaching of Students with Severe or Multiple HBSE 4070 Nature and needs of
Reading course Disabilities is available for individuals who individuals who are Deaf
Area specialization courses in deaf already hold New York State initial certifica- or hard of hearing
and hard of hearing (15+ credits) tion in the teaching of students with disabilities HBSE 4071 Language, reading, and
at the early childhood, childhood, middle writing instruction in the
Specialization Requirements, Mental childhood, or adolescence age levels; in teach- content areas for individu-
Retardation/Autism (TEM): ing of students who are blind, or visually als who are Deaf or hard
HBSE 4000 Introduction to special impaired, students who are deaf or hard of of hearing
education HBSE 4082 Assessment and evalua-
hearing; or in the teaching of students with
HBSE 4001 Teaching students with tion of infants, children
speech and language disabilities. This 32 point and youth with exception-
disabilities in the general
education classroom M.A. program in the Teaching of Students alities
HBSE 4005 Applications of technology with Severe or Multiple Disabilities leads to HBSE 4880 Opportunities and out
in special education a recommendation for New York State pro- comes for people with dis-
HBSE 4006 Working with families of fessional certification with an annotation that abilities
children with disability recognizes additional pedagogical knowledge, HBSE 5309 Advanced practica in spe-
HBSE 4010 Nature and needs of stu- skills, and experiences in the teaching of stu- cial education: Habilitation of
dents with mental retarda- dents with severe or multiple disabilities. persons with developmental
tion/autism disabilities
HBSE 4011 Education of students with HBSE 5909 Problems in special educa-
Required Department Courses:
mental retardation/autism tion: Guidance, habilita-
HBSE 4001 Teaching students with
HBSE 4700 Pre-student teaching tion, and career education
disabilities in the general
seminar HBSE 6004 Policy and administration
education classroom
HBSE 4701 Observation and student HBSE 4002 Instruction and curriculum
teaching in mental for students with and MASTER OF EDUCATION
retardation/autism without disabilities Instructional Practice in
(two terms) HBSE 4005 Application of technology Special Education (TEA)
HBSE 4880 Opportunities and out- in special education Supervision of Special
comes for people with HBSE 4006 Working with families of
Education Programs (TES)
children with disabilities
HBSE 4010 Nature and needs of stu- Students interested in advanced study in selected
Non-Department Courses: dents with mental retarda- areas of special education may seek the Ed.M.,
(For the list of required courses contact the tion/autism which represents a broadening and refinement of
program coordinator or the special education HBSE 4011 Education of students with
secretary). In order to broaden the students knowledge and skills in areas such as those listed
mental retardation/autism above. Award of the Ed.M. requires satisfactory
background in education, three Teachers HBSE 4016 Applied behavior analysis II
College courses outside the Teachers College completion of a special project reflecting the
HBSE 4082 Assessment and evalua-
major department (in this case, a course is tion of infants, children and attainment of advanced professional competen-
defined as one for which at least two points youth with exceptionalities cies. The Ed.M. in Supervision of Special
are earned), must be completed.

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Education Programs leads to New York State HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical and Sciences. This degree program is adminis-
supervisory certification. Please see the Teacher inference tered jointly by Teachers College and the grad-
Education section of this bulletin for updated HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis uate faculty of Columbia University. Prospec-
information on programs that lead to administra- ORLA 4021 Introduction to management tive students may obtain information on pro-
tive certification. system gram offerings by contacting the program
Instructional Practice in Special DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
Education (TEA) EXCEPTIONALITY FOCUS AREAS: Department Courses Required for All
Applied Behavior Analysis Student Majors in Degree Program
Core Requirements for all Ed.M. Blindness and Visual
Special Education Majors: Impairment Core Requirements for all Ed.D. and
Cross-Categorical Studies Ph.D. Special Education majors (TEB,
HBSE 5010 Study of the philosophic Deaf and Hard of Hearing TED, TEF, TEM, TEP, TER, TEV, TEZ):
foundations of special Mental Retardation/Autism HBSE 5010 Study of the philosophic
education Physical Disabilities foundations of special
HBSE 6010 Advanced study of problems education
and issues in special education PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZATION AREAS: HBSE 6001 Research in special education
Academic Cognate HBSE 6010 Advanced study of problems
Administration and and issues in special education
Specialization Requirements: HBSE 7500 Dissertation seminar in special
Students work in collaboration with a faculty Supervision
Instructional Leadership education
advisor to select course work that builds upon HBSE 8910 Dissertation advisement in
their previous professional experiences and Research and Evaluation special education
increases their current repertoire of skills and
knowledge. Students of exceptional ability who are inter-
Specialization Requirements, Blindness
ested and committed to contributing to special
and Visual Impairment (TEB):
Non-Department Courses Required for education through leadership and scholarly HBSE 5063 Technological aids and
All Student Majors in Degree Program: work may apply for the Ed.D. degree, which assistive devices in the
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical represents the highest level of achievement in education of toddlers, children
inference the profession. The doctoral program prepares and youth with disabilities
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis graduates to assume leadership roles in teacher (or HBSE 4005)
education programs in colleges and universi- HBSE 5901 Problems in special education:
Supervision of Special Education ties in this country and in other countries, to Mental retardation/autism
Programs (TES) administer special education programs in HBSE 5906 Problems in special education:
schools and agencies, and to conduct research Blindness and visual impair-
Department Courses Required for All ment (minimum two
in special education and related services.
Student Majors in Degree Program semesters, 3 points each term)
HBSE 6406 Advanced internship:
Students may focus their work and course of
Core Requirements for Supervision of Blindness and visual impair-
study by exceptionality focus, and by profes-
Special Education Majors: ment (minimum two
sional specialization. For students who are semesters, 3 points each term)
HBSE 5010 Study of the philosophic
interested in obtaining New York State HBSE 6506 Advanced seminar: Blindness
foundations of special
Certification in School Building or School and visual impairment
District level, please see the Teacher (minimum two semesters,
HBSE 6001 Research in special education
Education section of this bulletin for updated 3 points each term)
HBSE 6010 Advanced study of problems information on programs that lead to adminis-
and issues in special education trative certification. Specialization Requirements,
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TED):
Specialization Requirements: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY HBSE 5307 Advanced practica in special
HBSE 4092 Introduction to foundations of education: Deaf or hard of
special education opportunity
Applied Behavior Analysis hearing
HBSE 5310 Advanced practica in special HBSE 5907 Problems in special education:
education: Policy and Mental Retardation
(including Autism) Deaf and hard of hearing
administration in special HBSE 6070 Psychology of deafness
education Physical Disabilities
HBSE 6407 Advanced internship: Deaf
HBSE 6002 Administration of special (including Blindness and and hard of hearing
education programs Visual Impairments, Deaf HBSE 6507 Advanced seminar: Special
HBSE 6004 Public policy and admin- and Hard of Hearing) education-deaf and hard of
istration in special education hearing
HBSE 6410 Advanced internship: Policy Research and Evaluation Emphasis: 15 credits of work in linguistics and proficiency in
and administration in special
Students with excellent potential as research- two forms of research methodology
ers and theoreticians who are interested in
scholarly careers in special education, educa- Specialization Requirements,
Non-Department Courses Required for
tion, and related social sciences may apply for Administration and Supervision (TEF):
All Student Majors in Degree Program:
the Ph.D. degree program, which represents HBSE 4003 Foundations for teaching all
the highest level of achievement in the Arts students to maximize learning
(formerly HBSE 4092)

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HBSE 5310 Advanced practica in special COURSES: HBSE 4006. Working with families of
education: Policy and admin- children with disabilities (2-3)
istration in special education A complete listing of the course offerings in Dr. Stolarski or Dr. Keller. Current and histori-
HBSE 6002 Administration of special Special Education appears below. Courses cal perspectives on parent involvement in the
education programs required for degree programs generally are special education and empowerment of
HBSE 6004 Public policy and admin- given one or more times each year. Specific infants, children, and youth with exceptionali-
istration in special education ties and their families. Emphasis on strategies
details regarding scheduled times for particular
HBSE 6410 Advanced internship: Policy and materials to facilitate a continuum of par-
and administration in special courses may be obtained by contacting the ent and family participation to strengthen the
education program coordinator or by consulting the relationships between home, school and the
schedule of classes which is published each community. Students are trained in conflict
Specialization Requirements, semester by the College. resolution and must perform a minimum of 15
Mental Retardation/Autism (TEM): hours of respite to a family with a child with
HBSE 5301 Advanced practica in Foundations, Exceptionalities an exceptionality. Special fee: $10.
special education: Mental and Methods
retardation/autism HBSE 4008. Disability: Reconsidered
HBSE 5901 Problems in special education: HBSE 4000. Introduction to special and reconstructed (2-3)
Mental retardation/autism education (2-3) Faculty. The course introduces students to the
HBSE 6401 Advanced internship: Mental Dr. Stolarski (Fall, Spring, Summer Session A) study of disability as social construct framed
retardation/autism and Drs. Cox, Lipkowitz, and Zealand within a reconstructivistic context that chal-
HBSE 6501 Advanced seminar: Mental (Summer Session). Enrollment limited to 25 lenges current theoretical and practical
retardation/autism students. Emphasis is placed on the identifica- approaches and incorporates individual, inter-
tion of characteristics of individuals with dis- personal, educational, and organizational per-
abilities and the impact of the characteristics spectives. Special fee: $10.
Specialization Requirements,
Physical Disabilities (TEP): on the learner and family members of the
learner. The course is a study of the nature, HBSE 4010. Nature and needs of persons
HBSE 6403 Advanced internship: with mental retardation/autism (2-3)
psychosocial and educational needs of individ-
Physical disabilities Professor Hickson. Characteristics of persons
uals, across the life-span, with physical, men-
tal, emotional, or sensory impairments. manifesting different degrees of mental retar-
Specialization Requirements, Particular attention is placed on the way these dation/autism and other developmental dis-
Research in Special Education (TER): special education programs fit, or should fit, abilities from early childhood through adoles-
HBSE 5312 Advanced practica in special into ongoing work in schools. Special fee: $25. cence. The course emphasizes implications for
education: Research educational programming, curriculum and
HBSE 5912 Problems in special education: HBSE 4001. Teaching students with instruction. Materials fee: $10.
Research disabilities in the general education
HBSE 6412 Advanced internship: classroom (2-3) HBSE 4011. Education of persons with
Research Dr. Stolarski (Fall and Summer Session A), mental retardation/autism (2-3)
HBSE 6512 Advanced seminar: Research Dr. Zealand (Spring), Drs. Lappin and Cox Ms. Spillane. Curriculum development and
(Summer Session A), Drs. Cox and Schrader research validated methods of instructing stu-
Specialization Requirements, (Summer Session B). Problems of educational dents with mental retardation/autism and
Applied Behavior Analysis (TEV): assessment, curriculum and teaching, organiza- other developmental disabilities from early
tion, and guidance of students with physical, childhood through adolescence across ability
Students accepted for the Ph.D. or Ed.D.
cognitive, affective, and sensory disabilities. levels. Materials fee: $20.
Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis must
complete the core M.A. program requirements HBSE 4015. Applied behavior analysis I (3)
HBSE 4002. Instruction and curriculum for
in behavior analysis including the internship Professors Greer and Ross. Basic applications
students with and without disabilities (2-3)
requirement. Professor Hickson. Curriculum development for learners without reading or writing reper-
HBSE 5304 Advanced practica in special and research validated methods of instructing toires. Strategic applications of the science of
education: Behavior disorders students with and without disabilities from behavior to instruction, management, curricu-
HBSE 5904 Problems in special education: early childhood through adolescence, includ- lum-based assessment, isolation of locus of
Behavior disorders ing methods of teaching reading and mathe- learning/behavior problems, measurably effec-
HBSE 6008 Behaviorism and the science matics and methods of enrichment and reme- tive instructional practices. For students
of behavior diation. Materials fee: $10. majoring in applied behavior analysis only.
HBSE 6015 Verbal behavior The course is taught in two sections, one for
HBSE 6031 Single case experimental HBSE 4005. Applications of technology majors and one for nonmajors.
design in education, medicine, in special education (2-3)
and therapy Dr. Pawelski. This course is intended to pro- HBSE 4016. Applied behavior analysis II
HBSE 6504 Advanced seminar: Applied vide preservice and in-service special educa- (3)
behavior analysis and tion teachers with basic information on assis- Professor Greer. Prerequisite: HBSE 4015.
behavioral disorders (taken tive and instructional technology appropriate Advanced applications to learners with writ-
each year until approval of for use with infants, children and youths who ing, reading, and self-editing repertoires.
dissertation topic) require special education and related services. Teaching operations and curricula designed to
Materials fee: $25. teach academic literacy, self-management, and
Non-Department Courses Required for problem solving. Data based applications
All Student Majors in Degree Program: required. Special fee: $15.
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
inference HBSE 4017. Applied behavior analysis III:
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis School-wide systems applications (3)
Professor Greer. Applications of behavior

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analysis to the schooling system that incorpo- ods of vision screening; interpretation of chosocial and cultural aspects; problems and
rates educating and working with families, pro- medical reports and records; analysis of envi- issues of the field. Materials fee: $10.
viding classroom and school leadership, coor- ronmental factors; utilization of low vision.
dinating support personnel efforts across the Observations, simulations, and clinical prac- HBSE 4071. Special Methods: Methods of
school and home, and the development of tice. For special educators, health profession- teaching reading and writing to individuals
learner independence through advanced scien- als, and reading specialists. Special fee: $40. who are deaf or hard of hearing (2-3)
tifically-based pedagogy and functional cur- Dr. Berchin-Weiss. Study of special methods of
riculum design, including computer-based HBSE 4062. Instruction and curriculum teaching in programs for children and youth
instruction. development for infants, children and youth who are deaf or hard of hearing at nursery, ele-
with blindness and visual impairment (2-3) mentary, and secondary levels, with particular
HBSE 4031. Education of students with Dr. Stolarski or Dr. Gerra. Prerequisite: profi- attention to the development of language
physical disabilities (2-3) ciency in translation and transcription of the within the language arts subject areas.
Dr. Pawelski. Curriculum development and Braille-code and typing, or HBSE 4063 (may Materials fee: $10. Second section covers the
research validated methods of instructing stu- be taken concurrently). Learning theories; development of language within the academic
dents with physical disabilities from early programs, methods, materials, and aids in the subject areas.
childhood through adolescence in regular education of infants, children and youth with
classes, special classes, hospitals, and home blindness and visually impairments. Particular HBSE 4072. Development of language of
instruction. emphasis is placed on the identification of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing
appropriate instructional methods and materi- (2-3)
HBSE 4044. Curricular and pedagogical als for teaching reading and mathematics to Professor Kretschmer. Language development
foundations for teaching pre-listening learners with vision loss. Students complete 50 of deaf or hard of hearing individuals at differ-
through early academic literacy (2-3) hours, outside of class in observation and clini- ent maturational levels. Prerequisite: HBSE
Professor Ross. Pedagogical and curricular cal practice in assessment, development of 4079 or equivalent.
design repertoires for realizing state education- instructional objectives, and adaptation of
al objectives for children from pre-listener to materials. Special fee: $40. HBSE 4073. Audiological principles and
early reader skills (NYSED Standards, English the teaching of speech and listening skills
Excellent in Education Standards, and HBSE 4063. Communication skills to individuals who are deaf and hard of
CABAS Standards Pre School through for people with blindness and visual hearing (2-3)
Kindergarten). impairments (3) Professor Kretschmer. Development of speech
Dr. Amato or Dr. Boisvert. (First of a two- in children who are deaf or hard of hearing,
HBSE 4045. Curricular and pedagogical semester course. Students register for 3 points methods of teaching speech to children who
operations for teaching the foundations of each term.) Corequisite: HBSE 4060. are deaf or hard of hearing, development of
functional academic literacy (2) Research and practice in communication skills educational programs for the maximum utili-
Professor Ross. Pedagogical and curricular and media. Students learn transcription and zation of residual hearing. Lab required.
repertoires for realizing state educational translation of the Braille-code in the context Materials fee: $10.
objectives for children with early to advanced of development of appropriate curriculum
self-editing and self-management repertoires materials and research validated methods of HBSE 4074. Linguistics of American
(grades 1 through 3). Materials fee: $10. instructing students with vision loss, including Sign Language (3)
methods for teaching and remediation skills in Professor Kretschmer. An in depth study of
HBSE 4046. Curricular and pedagogical reading and mathematics. Methods for teach- the phonology, morphology, syntax, and prag-
operations for teaching advanced functional ing aural and tactile reading are covered matics of American Sign Language. Aspects
academic literacy (4th Grade through Early extensively. Special fee: $40. of the psycho- and socio-linguistics of this
Middle School) (2-3) language are covered.
Professor Ross. Pedagogical and curricular HBSE 4064. Communication skills
repertoires for realizing state educational for people with blindness and visual HBSE 4077. Seminar in teacher-as-
objectives for children with early to advanced impairments (2-3) researcher (2)
self-editing and self-management repertoires Dr. Amato or Dr. Boisvert. (Second of a two- Professor Kretschmer. Students are oriented
(grades 1 through 3). semester course. Students register for 3 points to the role of teacher-as-researcher, in terms
each term.) Prerequisite: HBSE 4063 or of classroom-based inquiry, and they begin
HBSE 4060. Psychosocial implications of Library of Congress Certification in Braille designing their masters projects. Additionally,
vision loss on people with blindness and Transcription. Research and practice in com- students are expected to translate basic
visual impairment and their families (2-3) munication skills and media. Students learn research in the area of language acquisition,
Professor Stolarski. Blindness and Visual transcription and translation of the Nemeth reading, syntax, semantics, discourse processes
Impairment (TEB) majors must enroll for 3 code for mathematics in the context of devel- and/or pragmatics into classroom pedagogy
points. Introduction to the education of chil- opment of appropriate curriculum materials and research.
dren, youths and adults with blindness and and research validated methods of instructing
visual impairment and their families; historical students with vision loss, including methods HBSE 4079. Language development and
aspects; development of professional agencies for teaching and remediating skills in mathe- habilitation: The foundations (2)
and services; psychosocial aspects of blindness; matics and science. Particular emphasis is Professor Kretschmer. Course designed to
problems and issues of the field. Special fee: placed on the creation of instructional materi- establish a firm foundation in generative syn-
$40. als such as tactile graphs to promote skills tax, semantics, and pragmatics as it relates to
acquisition. Special fee: $40. language development and habilitation.
HBSE 4061. Anatomy and physiology of the Materials fee: $10.
visual system and related implications (2-3) HBSE 4070. Psychosocial and cultural
Professor Stolarski. Blindness and Visual aspects of people who are deaf or hard HBSE 4082. Assessment and evaluation of
Impairment (TEB) majors must enroll for 3 of hearing (2) infants, children and youth with exception-
points. Structure and function of the human Dr. Rosen. Introduction to the education of alities (2-3)
eye; visual perceptual development; anomalies children, youth, and adults who are deaf or Dr. Stolarski. Enrollment limited to 20 per
and diseases; functional and traditional meth- hard of hearing; historical development; psy- term. An in-depth study of theoretical princi-

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ples of measurement, assessment and evalua- HBSE 4704. Applied behavioral visual impairments. Development of self-con-
tion necessary for appropriate identification of analysis and behavioral disorders (3) cept, environmental awareness, and orienta-
needs as related to implementation of educa- tion to the environment from infancy through
tional plans for infants, children and youth HBSE 4706. Blindness and visual adolescence. Study of validated mobility tech-
with disabilities. Applications of assessment impairment (1 or 3) Special fee: $20 niques. Practice of techniques under condi-
data in instructional programs for children tions simulating blindness; observations and
with disabilities. Students complete approxi- HBSE 4707-II. Deaf and hard practice in preparing and presenting material.
mately 50 hours of assessments and evalua- of hearing (4) Materials fee: $40.
tions of infants, children, youths, and young
adults with disabilities, as part of the course, HBSE 4709. Habilitation (3) HBSE 5063. Technological aids and assistive
through work in the Center for Educational devices in the education of toddlers,
and Psychological Services. Special fee: $150. HBSE 4710. Mental retardation/ children, and youth with disabilities (2-3)
Students participate in an additional, weekly sensory impairment (3) Ms. Zulich. Technological aids and devices in
lab session. (This course is a prerequisite for the education of toddlers, children, and youth
HBSE 4300, which is now offered in the HBSE 4711. ASL and deaf with disabilities, including those with cognitive
Spring only). community and culture (3) based disabilities, sensory impairments, and
multiple handicapping conditions. This course
HBSE 4083. Theory and techniques for HBSE 4871. American Sign Language I is taught as a collaborative effort between TC,
educating infants, children and youth with (1-2) Dominican College, the National Center for
sensory impairments (2-3) Dr. Rosen. A course designed to develop Disability Services, and the Computer Center
Dr. Stolarski. Discussion of diagnostic theories beginning receptive and expressive skills in for People with Visual Impairments at Baruch
for teaching infants, children and youth with American Sign Language. College. Field trips, demonstrations, and labo-
multiple sensory impairments; sensory motor, ratory sessions. Laboratory fee: $150.
cognitive, language, and adaptive skills devel- HBSE 4872. American Sign Language II (2)
opment delays. Particular emphasis is focused Dr. Rosen. A course designed to develop inter- HBSE 5314. Advanced practica in
on designing curriculum that is applicable and mediate receptive and expressive skills in special education
appropriate for promoting literacy, communi- American Sign Language Permission required. Guided experiences in
cation and mathematical skills for these selected special education programs for
unique populations given their mode and HBSE 4880. Opportunities and outcomes advanced students. Weekly seminar meetings.
codes of learning. Students complete assign- for people with disabilities-annual Supervised group field visits. Preservice intern-
ments utilizing the various team approaches, conference (1 or noncredit) ships arranged. Students submit reports ana-
including familial involvement. Materials fee: Professor Hickson and Dr. Stolarski. Research lyzing experiences.
$30. conference sponsored by the Center for
Opportunities and Outcomes for People with HBSE 5301. Mental
HBSE 4092. Introduction to foundations Disabilities provides a forum for the presenta- retardation/autism (1-6)
of special education opportunity (2-3) tion and discussion of research findings by Professor Hickson.
Professor Mithaug. Theory and practice in the Center researchers and their colleagues from
habilitation and redress of human relationships the field. HBSE 5304. Behavioral disorders
affecting people with disabilities across the life (1-6) Professor Greer.
span. Materials fee: $10. HBSE 4881. Opportunities and outcomes
for people with disabilities-colloquium (0) HBSE 5306. Advanced practica
HBSE 4300. Practicum in assessment Professor Hickson and Dr. Stolarski. Biweekly in special education: Blindness
and evaluation of individuals with research colloquia sponsored by the Center for and visual impairment (1-6)
exceptionalities (2-3) Opportunities and Outcomes for People with Two terms. Note that HBSE 4706
Dr. Stolarski. Supervisors affiliated with CEPS. Disabilities provides a forum for the presenta- (teaching) and/or HBSE 4082
Permission required. Prerequisite: HBSE 4082. tion and discussion of research findings by (assessment and evaluation) may
Participation in interdisciplinary, psychoeduca- Center researchers and their colleagues from be substituted with approval.
tional assessment of exceptional children. the field.
Analysis of observational and test data; formu- HBSE 5307. Deaf and hard
lation of educational programs for exceptional HBSE 4901. Research and independent of hearing (1-6)
learners. Conducted in the Center for study: Special Education (1-4) Professor Kretschmer.
Educational and Psychological Services Faculty. Permission required.
(CEPS) or in appropriate community facilities. HBSE 5309. Habilitation of persons
Course meets the equivalent of one full day a with developmental disabilities (1-6)
HBSE 5010. Study of the philosophic
week. Lab fee: $150. (Plus additional lab time) Professors Hickson and Mithaug.
foundations of special education (3)
HBSE 4700-HBSE 4711. Observation and Professor Kretschmer. Permission required. For HBSE 5310. Policy and
student teaching in special education post-masters and advanced masters students administration (3)
Permission required. Course requires 3-5 days in the Department of Health and Behavior Dr. Kelly. Letter grade (6 credits for
a week for participation in community, school, Studies in special education. Overview of full-year continuous enrollment
and agency programs and a weekly seminar on major philosophic orientation within social sci- required).
campus. ences and special education. Special fee: $10.
HBSE 4700. Pre-student teaching (2) HBSE 5312. Research (1-6)
HBSE 5062. Orientation and mobility (2-3) Faculty.
HBSE 4701-I. Mental Dr. McMahon or Ms. Strauss-Schwartz.
retardation/autism (3) Blindness and Visual Impairment majors must HBSE 5314. Behavior analysis
enroll for 3 points. Principles and practices of and instruction (1-6)
HBSE 4703. Physical disabilities (3) orientation and mobility with primary empha- Professor Greer.
sis on training for people with blindness and

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HBSE 5901-HBSE 5915. Problems in HBSE 6004. Public policy and administra- HBSE 6401. Mental retardation/autism
special education tion in special education (3) (1-6)
Permission required. Qualified students work Professor Mithaug. Provides analytic perspec- Professor Hickson.
individually or in small groups under guidance tive to assess special education policies and
on practical research problems. Proposed work practices within the social and economic con- HBSE 6403. Physical disabilities (1-6)
must be outlined prior to registration; final texts that affect immediate and long-term Professor Mithaug or Dr. Stolarski.
written report required. expectations, opportunities, and outcomes for
persons with disabilities. HBSE 6404. Behavioral disorders (1-6)
HBSE 5901.Mental retardation/ Professor Greer.
autism (1-4) HBSE 6008. Behaviorism and the science
Professor Hickson. of behavior (3) HBSE 6406. Blindness and visual
Professor Greer. Permission required (for Ph.D. impairment (1-6)
HBSE 5904. Applied behavior analy- students in Applied Behavior Analysis and Dr. Stolarski. (minimum two semesters,
ses and behavioral disorders (1-4) Behavior Disorders). A survey comparing and 3 points each term)
Professor Greer. contrasting the various behaviorisms includ-
ing: methodological behaviorism, paradigmatic HBSE 6407. Deaf and hard of hearing
HBSE 5906. Blindness and visual behaviorism, interbehaviorism, social behav- (1-6)
impairment (1-4) iorism, radical behaviorism, behavior selection, Professor Kretschmer.
Dr. Stolarski. (minimum two semesters, and the relationship of these to pragmatism,
3 points each term) natural selection, positivism, and their histori- HBSE 6409. Guidance, habilitation,
cal roots of behavior selection, natural selec- and career education (1-6)
HBSE 5907. Deaf and hard of tion in the Scottish enlightenment. Professors Hickson and Mithaug.
hearing (1-4)
Professor Kretschmer. HBSE 6010. Advanced study of problems HBSE 6410. Policy and administration
and issues in special education (3) (1-2)
HBSE 5909. Guidance, habilitation, Professor Mithaug. Permission required. Dr. Kelly. (4 credits for full-year continuous
and career education (1-4) Required of doctoral students in Special enrollment required)
Professors Hickson and Mithaug. Education in the Department of Health and
Behavior Studies. Design and appraisal of cur- HBSE 6412. Research (1-6)
HBSE 5910. Policy and administra- rent practices and policies in the education of Professor Hickson.
tion (1-4) exceptional children and adults.
Professor Mithaug. HBSE 6510. Advanced seminars in
HBSE 6015. The verbal behavior model: special education.
HBSE 5912. Research (1-4) Individual educational programming (3) Permission required. For doctoral students in
Faculty. Professor Greer. Prerequisites: HBSE 4015 and special education and related fields. Recent
HBSE 4043. Students will master Skinners developments in theory and research as relat-
HBSE 5914. Behavior analysis (1-4) model of communicative behavior, the associ- ed to the specialization from psychological,
Professor Greer. ated literature, and major theoretical papers. educational, sociological, and/or medical
Research and databased schooling applications sources.
HBSE 5915. Supervision and admin- of the model will be made to pedagogy and
istration of special education and curriculum. HBSE 6501. Mental retardation/autism
human resource agencies through (1-3)
organizational behavior analysis (3) HBSE 6031. Single case experimental Professor Hickson.
Professor Greer. design in education, medicine, and therapy
(3) HBSE 6504. Applied behavior analysis
HBSE 6001. Research in special education Professor Greer. Permission required. Course and behavioral disorders (3)
(2-4) covers inter-subject and intra-subject designs, Professor Greer.
Permission required. Prerequisites: HUDM repeated measurement, generality, relevant
4122 and HUDM 4123. Instruction in the statistical techniques, direct and systematic HBSE 6506. Blindness and visual
development, conduct, and reporting of replication, and selection of group or single impairment (3)
research. Student research studies. All doctor- case designs. Offered once every three years. Dr. Stolarski. (minimum two semesters,
al students in Special Education in Health and 3 points each term)
Behavior Studies must take all three sections HBSE 6070. Psychology of deafness (2)
of this course which are as follows: Research Professor Kretschmer. Permission required. HBSE 6507. Deaf and hard of hearing (2)
and experimental design, Qualitative Effects of deafness on intellectual and person- Professor Kretschmer.
approaches, and Single case experimental ality development. Social psychology of deaf-
designs. Students register for the latter 2 sec- ness. Implications for education. HBSE 6509. Guidance, habilitation and
tions in the same semester. Special fee: $30. career education (3)
HBSE 6413. Advanced internships in Professor Hickson.
HBSE 6002. Administration of special special education.
education programs (3) Permission required. Post-masters level. HBSE 6510. Policy and administration (3)
Professor Mithaug. For post-masters special Intensive in-service internship at agency Professor Mithaug.
educators. Prerequisite: basic courses in school chosen to meet individual students needs.
administration and experience in special edu- Students submit reports analyzing experiences. HBSE 6901. Research and independent
cation. Foundations of leadership and manage- study: Special education (1-4)
ment of special education programs. Faculty. Permission required.

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HBSE 7500. Dissertation seminar in TEACHING OF professionals who approach the profession of
special education (3) teaching ASL as a foreign language in a highly
Professor Hickson (Spring). Permission AMERICAN SIGN scholarly manner and as a contextualized,
required. Only advanced doctoral students LANGUAGE (ASL) AS A investigatory, cultural, and problem-solving
in special education programs are eligible. event with learners who typically have hearing,
Prerequisites: HBSE 5010, HBSE 6001, and FOREIGN LANGUAGE
are in regular education programs and possess
HBSE 6010. Development of doctoral disser-
Program Coordinators: a wide range of cognitive, social, and academic
tations and presentation of plans for approval.
Special fee: $10. Professor Robert E. Kretschmer abilities and diverse cultural backgrounds.
and Dr. Russell S. Rosen They will be able to consume, apply, and gen-
HBSE 8901-HBSE 8910. Dissertation erate research on the instructional process as
advisement in special education (0) Program Office: (212) 678-3813 TTY or presented formally within journals and texts
Advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee: (212) 678-3880 V on the teaching of ASL and other second lan-
3 points at current tuition rate for each term. E-mails: [email protected] or guages, communication skills, Deaf studies,
For requirements, see catalog on continuous [email protected] curriculum design, and the cognitive, social
registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. Web site: www.tc.edu/hbs/ASL and affective development of the learner.
HBSE 8901. Mental retardation/
autism (0)
Teaching of American Sign Language (ASL) Special Application
Professor Hickson. as a Foreign Language Requirements/Information:
(Code: TEL) The M.A. program in the Teaching of
HBSE 8903. Physical disabilities (0) American Sign Language has ongoing admis-
Faculty. Degree Offered: sions, and applications are received and
Master of Arts (M.A.) reviewed throughout the year. Preference in
HBSE 8904. Behavioral disorders (0) scholarship awards will be for those applicants
Professor Greer. Program Description: who meet the College early deadline.
The M.A. program in the Teaching of
HBSE 8906. Blindness and visual American Sign Language (ASL) as a Foreign In addition to general College admission
impairment (0)
Language provides students with foundations requirements, the Program has two additional
Dr. Stolarski.
in linguistics and applied linguistics; anthro- requirements: demonstrated proficiency in
HBSE 8907. Deaf and hard of pology; sociolinguistics; social and cognitive American Sign Language and an interview
hearing (0) psychology; academic assessment, second lan- with the program coordinators. Proficiency in
Professor Kretschmer. guage instructional design, curriculum devel- ASL at the Advanced Level is required for
opment, and assessment; and research graduation; students need to bring documen-
HBSE 8910. Administration (0) methodology, as they pertain to the language, tation such as SCPI and ASLPI. Students who
Professor Mithaug. community, and culture of persons who are are not proficient in ASL at this level as meas-
Deaf and the hard of hearing. ured by nationally recognized assessments may
need to take additional conversational ASL
ASL is a naturally developing language of courses. An interview may be scheduled by
Deaf and many hard of hearing people in the contacting the program coordinators.
United States, possessing a linguistic system
with its own phonological, morphological, syn- Degree Requirements:
tactic, and discourse structures that are dis- The Master of Arts program in the Teaching
tinct from English language. ASL users have of ASL consists of a minimum of 45 credit
developed a literary tradition in oratory, folk- points distributed in the following manner:
lore, and performance art, all recorded either 13 points of course work on professional foun-
in print or in permanent media like film and dations, 30 points of course work and practica
video. The American deaf community of per- experiences in the area of ASL and Deaf stud-
sons, groups, and organizations provides the ies, and 2 credits of electives. For students not
basis for cultural identity and group cohesion proficient in ASL, they will be expected to
for about one million Deaf, hard-of-hearing take additional course work to develop the
and hearing individuals, who share a set of necessary level of proficiency expected.
characteristics that bind them together, such
as knowledge of ASL and traditions for social The students will enroll in two semesters of
behavior. student teaching and practica experience asso-
ciated with course work. Students will partici-
ASL has been afforded the status of a foreign pate in introductory field observations and stu-
language, and it can be pedagogically dent teaching for five days weekly for 12
approached with individuals unfamiliar with it weeks in each semester. Before student teach-
in a manner similar to other foreign languages. ing, students need to take a sign competency
Students in the program will be practiced in assessment test and attain an advanced rating.
curriculum design and execution in general
and the curriculum principles found in In addition, the students would need to iden-
Modern Languages for Communication as a tify pertinent issues of ASL teaching and/or
model. Students will be prepared to become deaf studies, embark on a review of literature,

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formulate research questions and hypotheses, Learner Characteristics:
conduct data collection and analysis, and pre- HBSK 4020 Theories of human
pare an M.A. Project. As for the final masters development (3)
research paper, it will be completed during the or
final student teaching placement. The topics HBSK 4029 Theories of human
will be decided upon jointly by the student cognition and learning (3)
and the program coordinators, with input from
the master cooperating teacher, and should Adolescence Psychology:
HBSK 4023 Developmental psychology:
arise out of some classroom concern.
Adolescence (3)
Students who successfully complete the mas-
ters program and meet all of the requirements
Anthropological Foundations:
for state certification will be recommended to ITSF 4003 American culture
the New York State Education Department for and education (3)
a certification as a Teacher of American Sign or
Language. They will also be able to obtain a ITSF 4010 Cultural and social basis
national certificate from the American Sign of education (3)
Language Teachers Association. or
ITSF 5003 Communication and

Foundation (13 credits): Specialization (30 credits):

Curriculum Design: Deaf community and culture (8):

C&T 4052 Designing curriculum HBSE 4070 Psychosocial and cultural
and instruction (3) aspects of individuals who
are deaf or hard of hearing,
(two terms)
HBSE 4075 Selected topics in ASL and
C&T 4005 Principles of teaching
deaf community and COURSES:
and learning (3)
culture, (two terms)
Other courses in the program are described
Language and Communication (8): elsewhere. The following are courses specific
A&HL 4087 Introduction to second to the program.
language acquisition
HBSE 4074 Linguistics of American HBSE 4075. Selected Topics (4)
Sign Language Dr. Rosen. Exploration of a selected topic
HBSE 4079 Language development and in the field of study. Topics alternate each
habilitation: The foundations, year: Deaf and ASL Arts and Literature,
or and second language acquisition of ASL.
A&HL 4085 Pedagogical English grammar
HBSE 4871-4872 American Sign HBSE 4076. Methods and materials in
Language I & II teaching ASL and deaf community and
culture (3)
Curriculum and Instruction (5): Dr. Rosen. Current theories and approaches in
HBSE 4076 Methods and materials in curriculum design and instructional methods
teaching ASL and deaf in second language acquisition and the teach-
community and culture ing and learning of American Sign Language
HBSE 4077 Teacher-as-Researcher and deaf community and culture will be dis-
cussed. Materials on American Sign Language
Assessment (3): and American deaf community and culture
HBSE 4307 Assessment in ASL and will be introduced. Students will develop cur-
deaf studies riculum and instructional methods to apply
*For students without prior signing background. current approaches to classroom practice.

Student Teaching/Practica (6): HBSE 4307. Assessment of American Sign

HBSE 4711 Observation and student Language and deaf community and culture
teaching of ASL (two terms) (3)
Dr. Rosen. Models of assessment of American
Sign Language and deaf community and cul-
Electives (2): ture will be discussed and evaluated. Students
A&HE 4050 Literature and teaching will select appropriate assessment procedures
video production based on reasons for assessment and will con-
ITSF 4019 Language, literacy and struct a complete plan for assessment.
MSTU 5191 Educational video production

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Human Development
CHAIR: Professor James Corter LOCATION: 453 Grace Dodge TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3882 FAX: (212) 678-3837
WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/HUD


IN EDUCATION 132 The Department of Human Development is devoted to promoting an under-
Applied Educational Psychology: standing of human development in families, schools and social institutions across the life span.
Cognitive, Behavioral and The Department provides social scientists and educators with theories, empirical methods and
Developmental Analysis analytic tools for understanding and conducting research in human development and cognition,
Cognitive Studies in Education and for helping solve educational and social problems.

Psychology-Developmental (M.A.) FACULTY:
Developmental Psychology (Ph.D.)
STATISTICS 140 (Cognitive Studies in Education/ (Developmental Psychology)
Applied Statistics Instructional Technology and Media) Judith Miller
Measurement and Evaluation Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (Developmental Psychology)
(Developmental Psychology)
(Developmental Psychology/ Clea Fernandez
Cognitive Studies in Education) (Developmental Psychology/
Deanna Kuhn Cognitive Studies in Education)
(Developmental Psychology/ Young-Sun Lee
Cognitive Studies in Education) (Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics)
Suniya S. Luthar
(Developmental Psychology/ ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSORS:
Clinical Psychology) Janet F. Alperstein
Gary Natriello (Sociology and Education)
(Sociology and Education) Ann Cami
Aaron M. Pallas (Developmental Psychology)
(Sociology and Education) Michael Hanchett Hanson
Amy Stuart Wells (Developmental Psychology)
(Sociology and Education) Vanessa Smith Morest
Joanna P. Williams (Sociology and Education)
(Cognitive Studies in Education) Lucia OSullivan
(Developmental Psychology)
Hugh F. Cline For information about faculty and their schol-
(Sociology and Education) arly and research interests, please refer to the
Howard T. Everson Faculty section of this bulletin, or visit us at
(Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics) www.tc.edu/faculty.
Linda M. Hirsch
(Cognitive Studies in Education)
Kikumi Tatsuoka
(Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics)

Madhabi Chatterji
(Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics)
James E. Corter
(Measurement, Evaluation, and
Statistics/Cognitive Studies in Education)
Lawrence T. DeCarlo
(Measurement, Evaluation, and
Statistics/Cognitive Studies in Education)
Jane A. Monroe
(Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics)

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Students in the Cognitive Studies in and between reading and writing skills.
Education Program begin by taking a set of Individual differences are also addressed,
IN EDUCATION core background courses, then pursue one of especially with respect to students with
Program Coordinator: four concentrations: cognition and learning, learning disabilities, adult literacy, learning
Professor John B. Black intelligent technologies, reading research, or from text and educational policy issues. The
cognitive studies of educational practice. culminating experience for masters students
Program Office: (212) 678-4190 Students beyond the M.A. level take more is an empirical study in the area of reading.
Email: [email protected] advanced courses, specifically including a sta-
Web site: www.tc.edu/hud/Cognition tistics sequence. Concentration in Cognitive Studies
of Educational Practice:
Cognitive Studies in Education In addition, each student registers for research This concentration is for students interested
(Code: TKE) practicum seminars during which they com- in understanding and facilitating the think-
plete a substantive project as a culminating ing and learning involved in educational
Degrees Offered: experience for that degree. Choice of activities. Students will learn about cogni-
Master of Arts (M.A.) advanced courses and research seminars tive processes involved in both formal and
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) should be shaped by the students area of con- informal education and how they are influ-
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) centration, as described below. Students whose enced by various factors, including class-
interests do not fit one of these tracks may room structure, teacher belief systems,
Applied Educational Psychology: Cognitive, design their own concentration in consultation student motivation, and educational policy.
Behavioral and Developmental Analysis with their advisor. The programs focus on understanding
(Code: TKF) cognitive processes and development is
Concentration in Cognition and Learning: designed to help prospective and practicing
Degree Offered: The concentration in Cognition and teachers, and other educators, improve edu-
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Learning is designed for students interested cational practice. The culminating experi-
in theories of human cognition and learn- ence for masters students is an empirical-
Program Descriptions: ing, and experimental approaches to learn- study of cognition in a classroom setting.
In Cognitive Studies in Education, students ing, memory, language, reasoning, and prob-
examine the cognitive mechanisms that lem solving. The culminating experience for Special Application
underlie learning and thinking in school and masters students in this program is to con- Requirements/Information:
non-school settings. The program trains stu- duct an empirical research study in the area GRE general test is required for admission
dents in basic theories of human cognition, of cognition or learning. to the doctoral programs.
the practice and interpretation of empirical
cognitive and developmental research and Concentration in Intelligent Technologies: Degree Requirements:
how to use research to improve educational The Intelligent Technologies concentration
practices and develop innovative methods offers a program of study for students whose MASTER OF ARTS-32 POINTS
built around new technologies. Studies in cog- interests include developing cognitive sci- (Code: TKE)
nitive, developmental and educational psy- ence-based theoretical frameworks for Core Courses (9 points):
chology, and computer science provide stu- informing the design of educational tech- HUDK 4029 Human cognition
dents with a valuable perspective on cognition nology, as well as for students wishing to and learning (3)
create educational applications that serve as HUDK 4080 Educational psychology (3)
and learning.
testbeds for such theoretical frameworks. HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3)
The curriculum and program requirements are
designed to prepare graduates for careers in By offering this concentration, the Program in Statistics/Research Design (3 points):
Cognitive Studies in Education recognizes the At least one of the following:
several possible settings. For the masters pro-
importance of computational and allied tech- HUD 4120 Methods of
grams, these settings include:
nologies to both guide and be guided by cogni- empirical research (3)
Publishers and software companies looking
tive research. Many of the courses in this con- HUDM 4120 Basic concepts
for people with knowledge of cognition and in statistics (3)
development, and experience in instruct- centration are cross-listed with the programs
in Communication, Computing, and HUDM 4122 Probability and
ional design. statistical inference (3)
Research organizations seeking people to Instructional Technology in the Department
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3)
conduct basic research and work on instruc- of Mathematics, Science and Technology. As
HUDM 5123 Linear models and
tional applications of computers and related a culminating experience, masters students
experimental design (3)
technologies. in this concentration create and evaluate an
educational technology application. Research Practicum (3 points):
For the doctoral programs, work settings after HUDK 5324 Research work practicum
graduation might include: research organiza- Concentration in Reading Research: by permission (2-3) or
tions, or universities seeking faculty in cogni- This concentration prepares students to do HUDK 6539 Research practicum
tive psychology, educational psychology, edu- basic research in reading, research and theo- in educational psychology,
cational technology, and reading. ry on all aspects of the psychology of read- cognition and learning (1-3)
ing (e.g., basic skills, comprehension and
aesthetic response) in order to improve edu-
cational practice. Students address the con-
nections between written and oral language,

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Breadth Requirement (6-9 points): MSTU 4086 Text understanding BBS 5068-5069 Brain and behavior I and II
(each course for at least 2 points) and design (3) (1-2 each)
A minimum of 3 Teachers College courses outside of BBSQ 4040 Speech and language
HUDK are selected in consultation with an advisor: Cognitive Studies of Educational Practice: disorders (2-3)
A&HF 4090 Philosophies HUDF 4021 Sociology of education (3) ITSF 4010 Cultural and social bases
of education (3) HUDK 4035 Technology and human of education (3-4)
A&HL 4000 Introduction development (3) MSTU 4008 Information technology
to linguistics (3) HBSK 4074 Reading comprehension and education (3)
BBS 5068-5069 Brain and behavior strategies and study skills (2-3) MSTU 4036 Hypermedia and
I and II (1-2 each) HUDK 6620 Special topics in develop- education (2-3)
BBSQ 4040 Speech and language mental psychology (1-3) MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers (3)
disorders (2-3) HUDM 5055 Evaluation of institutions, ORLJ 4005 Organizational psychology (3)
ITSF 4010 Cultural and social programs, and curricula I (3)
bases of education (3-4) Breadth Requirement: To satisfy college require- Specialized Courses (33-36 points):
MSTU 4036 Hypermedia ments, all students must complete a minimum of Selected in consultation with an advisor, and focusing
and education (2-3) 3 Teachers College courses (a course for this purpose on one of the following concentrations:
MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers (3) is one in which a least 2 points are earned) outside of
ORLJ 4005 Organizational psychology (3) program. Cognition and Learning:
HBSK 5096 Psychology of memory (3)
Specialized Courses (8-11 points): Integrative Project: HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3)
Selected in consultation with an advisor, and Varies according to selected concentration: HUDK 4027 Development of mathemati-
focusing on one of the following concentrations: Cognition and Learningan empirical cognitive cal thinking (3)
research study; Intelligent Technologiescreation HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3)
Cognition and Learning: and evaluation of an educational technology pro- HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods
HBSK 5096 Psychology of memory (3) gram; Reading Researchan empirical reading and applications (3)
HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3) research paper; Cognitive Studies of Educational HUDK 6620 Special topics in developmental
HUDK 4027 Development of Practicean empirical study of cognition in a class- psychology (1-3)
mathematical thinking (3) room setting. HUDM 5058 Choice and decision making (3)
HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3)
HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods MASTER OF EDUCATION-60 POINTS Intelligent Technologies:
and applications (3) (Code: TKF) HUDK 4035 Technology and human
HUDK 6095 Critical review of current Core Courses (9 points): development (3)
journals in psychology (3) HUDK 4029 Human cognition and HUDK 5039 Design of intelligent
HUDM 5058 Choice and decision making (3) learning (3) learning environments (3)
HUDK 4080 Educational psychology (3) HUDK 5198 Psychology of instructional
Intelligent Technologies: HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3) systems design (2-3)
HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3) HUDK 6620 Special topics in develop-
HUDK 4035 Technology and human Statistics/Research Design mental psychology (1-3)
development (3) (minimum of 12 points): MSTU 4083 Instructional design of
HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods HUD 4120 Methods of empirical educational technology (3)
and applications (3) research (3)
HUDK 5035 Psychology of media (3) HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics (3) Reading Research:
HUDK 5039 Design of intelligent (if no undergraduate statistics) HBSK 5099 Writing interventions
learning environments (3) HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical theory/practice (3)
HUDK 5198 Psychology of instructional inference (3) HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3)
systems design (2-3) HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement(3) HUDK 5080 Experimental Psychology (2-3)
MSTU 4031 Programming I (4) HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3) HUDK 5090 Psychology of language
MSTU 4083 Instructional design of and reading (2-3)
educational technology (3) Research (6 points): HUDK 6095 Critical review of current
MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers (3) HUDK 5324 Research work practicum journals in psychology (3)
MSTU 4134 Cognition and (1-6) or, by permission, a HUDK 6620 Special topics in develop-
computers lab (1-3) 6000-level research work mental psychology (1-3)
Reading Research: Cognitive Studies of Educational Practice:
HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3) Breadth Requirement (6 points): HBSK 4074 Reading comprehension
HUDK 5080 Reading comprehension (2-3) To satisfy college requirements, all students must strategies and study skills (2-3)
HUDK 5090 Psychology of language complete a minimum of 3 Teachers College courses HUDF 4021 Sociology of education (3)
and reading (2-3) (a course for this purpose is one in which at least 2 HUDK 4035 Technology and human
HUDK 6095 Critical review of current points are earned) outside of HUDK. Must select at development (3)
journals in psychology (3) least two of the following: HUDK 6620 Special topics in develop-
HBSK 5099 Writing interventions A&HF 4090 Philosophies of education (3) mental psychology (1-3)
theory/practice(3) A&HL 4000 Introduction to linguistics (3)

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HUDM 5055 Evaluation of institutions, Specialized Courses (minimum of 15 points): HUDK 6539 Research practicum in
programs, and curricula I (3) Selected in consultation with an advisor, and focus- educational psychology,
ing on one of the following concentrations: cognition, and learning (1-3)
Note: For the breadth requirements, 3 Teachers
College courses outside the program, must be Cognition and Learning: Special Seminars (minimum of 9 points):
completed. (For this purpose a course is defined as HBSK 5096 Psychology of memory (3) HUDK 6620 Special topics in develop-
one in which at least 2 points are earned.) HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3) mental psychology (1-3)
HUDK 4027 Development of (taken during both first
Integrative Project: Varies according to selected con- mathematical thinking (3) and second years)
centration: Cognition and Learningan empirical HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3) HUDK 7502 Dissertation seminar (1-3)
cognitive research study; Intelligent Technologies HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods
creation and evaluation of an educational technology and applications (3) Non-departmental Courses
program; Reading Researchan empirical reading HUDK 6095 Critical review of current (minimum of 8 points):
research paper; Cognitive Studies of Educational journals in psychology (3) At least 3 courses outside the department
Practicean empirical study of cognition in a class- HUDM 5058 Choice and decision are selected in consultation with an advisor.
room setting. making (3) Additional Requirements: Two papersone an empiri-
cal study the student has conducted, another an
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY-75 POINTS Intelligent Technologies: integrative research literature survey; certification
(Code: TKE) HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3) examination; and an approved dissertation.
General Psychology (12 points): HUDK 4035 Technology and human
One course each in 4 of the following areas: development (3) DOCTOR OF EDUCATION-90 POINTS
1. Development: HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods (Code: TKE)
HUDK 5022 Emotional development (3) and applications (3) General Psychology (12 points):
HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3) HUDK 5035 Psychology of media (3) One course each in 4 of the following areas:
HUDK 5024 Language development (3) HUDK 5039 Design of intelligent 1. Development:
learning environments (3) HUDK 5022 Emotional development (3)
2. Personality: HUDK 5198 Psychology of instructional HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3)
CCPX 5032 Adult psychopathology (3) systems design (2-3) HUDK 5024 Language development (3)
CCPX 5034 Child psychopathology (3) MSTU 4031 Programming I (4)
G 4003 Personality (3) MSTU 4083 Instructional design of 2. Personality:
educational technology (3) CCPX 5032 Adult psychopathology (3)
3. Social Bases of Behavior: MSTU 4133 Cognition and computer (3) CCPX 5034 Child psychopathology (3)
G 4006 Social psychology (3) MSTU 4134 Cognition and computers G 4003 Personality (3)
ORLJ 5540 Proseminar in social lab (1-3)
psychology (3) 3. Social Bases of Behavior:
Reading Research: G 4006 Social psychology (3)
4. Measurement: HBSK 5099 Writing interventions ORLJ 5540 Proseminar in social and
HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement (3) theory/practice (3) organizational psychology (3)
HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3)
5. Biological Bases of Behavior: HUDK 5080 Reading comprehension (2-3) 4. Measurement:
BBSQ 4043 Human nervous system (3) HUDK 5090 Psychology of language HUDM 5059 Psychological
BBS 5068-69 Brain and behavior I and II and reading (2-3) measurement (3)
(1-2 each) HUDK 6095 Critical review of current
G 4004 Physiological psychology (3) journals in psychology (3) 5. Biological Bases of Behavior:
HBSK 5070 Neural bases of language and MSTU 4086 Text understanding and BBSQ 4043 Human nervous system (3)
cognitive development (3) design (3) BBS 5068-5069 Brain and behavior I and II
(1-2 each)
Core Courses (9 points): Cognitive Studies of Educational Practice: G 4004 Physiological psychology (3)
HUDK 4029 Human cognition and HBSK 4074 Reading comprehension HBSK 5070 Neural bases of language and
learning (3) strategies and study skills (2-3) cognitive development (3)
HUDK 4080 Educational psychology (3) HUDF 4021 Sociology of education (3)
HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3) HUDK 4035 Technology and human Core Courses (9 points):
development (3) HUDK 4029 Human cognition
Statistics (12 points): HUDM 5055 Evaluation of institutions, and learning (3)
HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics (3) programs, and curricula I (3) HUDK 4080 Educational psychology (3)
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3)
inference (3) Research Apprenticeship (6 points):
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3) Two semesters in a research practicum:
HUDM 5123 Linear models and HUDK 6523 Seminar in cognitive
Statistical and Research Methodology
experimental design (3) development (3)
(12 points):
HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis I (3) HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics (3)
HUDM 6123 Multivariate analysis II (3)

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HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical Research Apprenticeship (6 points): for reasoning about the most developmentally-
inference (3) Two semesters in a research practicum: appropriate uses of technology for people at
HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement (3) HUDK 6523 Seminar in cognitive different ages.
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3) development (3)
HUDM 5123 Linear models and HUDK 6539 Research practicum in HUDK 4080. Educational psychology (3)
experimental design (3) educational psychology, Professor Williams. Examines landmark issues
HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis I (3) cognition, and learning (1-3) in educational psychology, highlighting philo-
HUDM 6123 Multivariate analysis II (3) HUDK 6592 Advanced research seminar: sophical underpinnings and empirical evi-
Learning and instruction (3) dence, tracing each issue from its roots to con-
temporary debates and evaluating current edu-
Specialized Courses (minimum of 15 points): cational practice.
Selected in consultation with an advisor and focusing Special Seminars (minimum of 9 points):
on one of the following concentrations: HUDK 6620 Special topics in HUDK 5020. Development of creativity
Cognition and Learning: developmental psychology (2-3)
HBSK 5096 Psychology of memory (3) (1-3) (taken during both first Faculty. Major theories and contemporary
HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3) and second years) research in creative work, emphasizing case
HUDK 4027 Development of mathemati- HUDK 7502 Dissertation seminar (1-3) studies of exceptional and historically influen-
cal thinking (3) tial individuals.
HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3) Non-departmental Courses
HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods (minimum of 8 points): HUDK 5023. Cognitive development (3)
At least 3 courses outside the department are select- Professor Kuhn. Theory and research on the
and applications (3) development of cognitive processes across the
ed in consultation with an advisor.
HUDK 6095 Critical review of current life span.
journals in psychology (3)
Additional Requirements:
HUDM 5058 Choice and decision making (3) HUDK 5034. Cognitive research methods
Two papers, one in theory and application, and one
in empirical research; certification examination; and and applications (3)
Intelligent Technologies: Professor Black. Prerequisite: HUDK 4029 or
an approved dissertation.
HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking (3) equivalent. Introduction to techniques in psy-
HUDK 4035 Technology and human chological investigations of learning, language,
Basic and General Courses memory and thought, psychological analysis of
development (3)
instruction and other practical problems.
HUDK 5034 Cognitive research methods HUDK 4015. Psychology of thinking (3)
and applications (3) Professor Black. Examines cognitive psycholo- HUDK 5039. Design of intelligent learning
HUDK 5035 Psychology of media (3) gy theories and research about various kinds of environments (3)
HUDK 5039 Design of intelligent learning thinking, what each kind is best suited for, and Faculty. Prerequisite: MSTU 4083 or permis-
environments (3) problems people have with it. Also examines sion of instructor. Covers ideas about represen-
HUDK 5198 Psychology of instructional the best ways of learning from each kind of tation of knowledge, models of the learner, and
systems design (2-3) thinking. Critically examines the various teaching strategies that have been developed
MSTU 4031 Programming I (4) thinking skills curricula that have been pro- in artificial intelligence and cognitive psychol-
posed. ogy. Students have the opportunity to design
MSTU 4083 Instructional design of
educational technology (3) and implement intelligent computer-assisted
HUDK 4027. Development of mathematical instruction materials. Special fee: $50.
MSTU 4133 Cognition and computer (3) thinking (3)
MSTU 4134 Cognition and Professor Ginsburg. The development of infor- HUDK 5090. Psychology of language
computers lab (1-3) mal and formal mathematical thinking from and reading (2-3)
infancy through childhood with implications Professor Williams. Basic theories, empirical
Reading Research: for education. findings, and educational applications in the
HBSK 5099 Writing interventions psychology of language and reading: the cogni-
theory/practice (3) HUDK 4029. Human cognition and tive processes involved in the perception and
HUDK 5024 Language development (2-3) learning (3) production of oral and written language.
Professor Black. Cognitive and information-
HUDK 5080 Reading comprehension (2-3)
processing approaches to attention, learning, HUDK 6095. Critical review of current
HUDK 5090 Psychology of language language, memory, and reasoning. journals in psychology (3)
and reading (2-3)
Professor Williams. Limited to candidates in
HUDK 6095 Critical review of current HUDK 4030. Cognitive clinical interview psychology; others by permission. Critical
journals in psychology (3) (3) review of current journals in psychology and
MSTU 4086 Text understanding Professor Ginsburg. Introduction to the cogni- education, analysis of articles, discussion of
and design (3) tive clinical interview and exploration of how general trends in current theoretical and
it has and can be used in psychological and research literature, and guidance in preparing
Cognitive Studies of Educational Practice: educational research and assessment. manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed
HBSK 4074 Reading comprehension journals.
HUDK 4035. Technology and human
strategies and study skills (2-3)
development (3) See also:
HUDF 4021 Sociology of education (3) Professor Black. Examines the use and design
HUDK 4035 Technology and human HBSK 5096. The psychology of memory (3)
of various educational technologies (computer Professor Peverly. See the Department of
development (3) software, multimedia shareware, TV, World Health and Behavior Studies for course
HUDM 5055 Evaluation of institutions, Wide Web sites, etc.) from the perspective of description.
programs, and curricula I (3) basic research and theory in human cognitive
and social development. Provides a framework

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MSTU 4133. Cognition and computers (3) HUDK 6530. Seminar in theoretical issues HUDK 7502. Dissertation seminar (1-3)
See the Department of Mathematics, Science in cognitive and educational psychology Permission required. Development of doctoral
and Technology for course description. (1-3) dissertation and presentation of plans for
Faculty. Permission required. Limited to doc- approval. Registration limited to two terms.
MSTU 4134. Cognition and computers toral candidates in psychology.
lab (1-3) HUDK 8901. Dissertation advisement (0)
Permission required. Corequisite: MSTU 4133. HUDK 6539. Research practicum in educa- Individual advisement on doctoral dissertation.
See the Department of Mathematics, Science tional psychology, cognition, and learning Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for
and Technology for course description. (1-3) each term. See catalog section on Continuous
Faculty. Permission required. Limited to doc- Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees.
Advanced and Specialized Courses toral candidates in psychology.
See also selected courses and their descriptions
HUD 4120. Methods of empirical research HUDK 6592. Advanced research seminar: in the following programs:
(3) Learning and instruction (3)
Faculty. An introduction to the research meth- Faculty. Permission required. Limited to doc- Program in Applied Linguistics
ods that have been employed by cognitive and toral candidates only. Review and discussion of
developmental psychologists, as well as an advanced topics in learning, memory, and cog- A&HL 4000. Introduction to
overview of how these methods have been nition, and their relationship to educational linguistics (2-3)
applied and the kinds of knowledge they have issues and problems. This course may be
yielded. repeated.
Program in School Psychology
HUDK 5024. Language development (2-3) HUDK 6630. Special topics in cognitive
HBSK 4074. Reading comprehension
Faculty. Survey of research and theory in the or educational psychology (3)
strategies and study skills (2-3)
development of language, beginning with com- Faculty. Permission required. Topics to be
munication and the origins of language in announced.
HBSK 4077. Adult basic literacy (2-3)
infancy and emphasizing acquisition of the
forms of language in relation to their content HUDM 5058. Choice and decision making
HBSK 5096. Psychology of memory (3)
and use. (3)
Professor Corter. Prerequisite: HUDM 4122 or
equivalent. Surveys quantitative models of Program in Instructional Technology
HUDK 5080. Reading comprehension (2-3) and Media
Professors Black and Williams. Permission individual decision making, from the introduc-
required. Open only to doctoral students in tion of the notion of utility by Daniel
Bernoulli, through current models such as MSTU 4008. Information technology
psychology. Critical evaluation of experimental
Tversky and Kahnemans Prospect Theory. and education (3)
investigations of cognitive processes and
school-related problems. The focus is on psychological or descriptive
models of how people make decisions, although MSTU 4080. Television and video
methods of rational decision analysis are briefly applications in education (3)
HUDK 5197. Psychology of training in
business and industry (3) discussed.
MSTU 4083. Instructional design
Faculty. The design, conduct, and evaluation of
See also: of educational technology (3)
training in closed systems. A critical review of
available methods for task analysis, formative HBSK 4074. Reading comprehension
strategies and study skills (2-3) MSTU 4085. New technologies for
development, and the creation of performance
Professor Peverly. See the Department of learning (2-3)
aids. Special fee: $15.
Health and Behavior Studies for course
description. MSTU 5030. Intelligent computer-
HUDK 5198. Psychology of instructional
aided instruction (3)
systems design (2-3)
Faculty. Enrollment limited. Systematic HBSK 4077. Adult basic literacy (2-3)
Faculty. See the Department of Health and MSTU 5191-5192. Educational video
approaches to instructional design in schools
Behavior Studies for course description. production I and II (3-4)
and corporate settings. Theoretical and empiri-
cal bases. Analysis of case-based examples.
MSTU 5194. Models of interactive
Materials fee: $25. Independent Study and Research
learning (3-4)
Students may register for intensive individual
HUDK 5324. Research work practicum study of a topic of special interest. Registration
(2-3) in independent study is by permission of the
Faculty. Students learn research skills by partic- instructor under whose guidance the work will
ipating actively in an ongoing faculty research be undertaken. Credit may range from 1 to 3
project. points each term except for HUDK 8901
(Dissertation Advisement); registration is not
HUDK 6522. Seminar in cognitive limited to one term. Hours for individual con-
processes (3) ferences are to be arranged.
Faculty. Permission required. Advanced discus-
sion of topics in cognitive psychology and HUDK 4902. Research and independent
their implications for instruction. study (1-3)
Permission required.
HUDK 6523. Seminar in cognitive
development (1-3) HUDK 6902. Advanced research
Professor Kuhn. Permission required. Advanced and independent study (1-3)
topics in research and theory in cognitive Permission required.

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D EVELOPMENTAL tailored program of study, or may enter a con-

centration in Risk, Resilience, and Prevention,
Research Requirement (3 points):
HUDK 5324 Research work practicum (3)
P SYCHOLOGY P ROGRAMS or Developmental Psychology for Educators.
Concentrations: Within the constraints described
The Developmental Psychology Programs area
The course of study has these main compo- above, the student may design a program of study
of study offers a masters degree (M.A.) in in coordination with an advisor, or concentrate in
Psychology-Developmental and a doctoral Risk, Resilience, and Prevention (in collaboration
A basic course in methods of research.
degree (Ph.D.) in Developmental Psychology. with the programs in Clinical Psychology and
Required courses in cognitive development,
personality development in atypical popula- School Psychology) or Developmental Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY- tions, and social and personality development. for Educators.

DEVELOPMENTAL A basic course in statistics.

Culminating Experience: Special project.
Research practicum.
Program Coordinator: Electives in developmental psychology plus
Professor Jeanne Brooks-Gunn relevant electives offered by other Teachers DEVELOPMENTAL
College and Columbia University programs. PSYCHOLOGY
Program Office: (212) 678-4190 A special project.
Email: [email protected] Program Coordinator:
Web site: www.tc.edu/hud/DevPsych Students completing the M.A. degree accept Professor Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Psychology-Developmental positions in research laboratories or field set-
tings, biomedical institutions, educational and Program Office: (212) 678-4190
(Code: TKA) Email: [email protected]
child care agencies, foundations, public policy
Web site: www.tc.edu/hud/DevPsych
Degree Offered: settings, state and local governments, communi-
Master of Arts (M.A.) ty programs, and as instructors in community Developmental Psychology
colleges, or go on to pursue more advanced (Code: TKD)
Program Description: degrees in particular areas of specialization.
The Master of Arts in developmental psychol- Degree Offered:
ogy typically requires completion of 32 points, Special Application Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
normally achieved in 12 months of full-time Requirements/Information:
study or proportionately longer for part-time Applicants who have undergraduate degrees in Program Description:
study. fields other than psychology will be considered The 75point doctoral degree prepares stu-
for admission to the M.A. program, as well as dents for faculty positions in colleges, graduate
In accordance with individual interests and those whose previous training is in psychology. schools of education, and universities, and for
objectives, students acquire familiarity with positions as research associates in research lab-
basic theoretical and research orientations as Degree Requirements: oratories, biomedical schools, foundations,
well as exposure to substantive knowledge in public policy and arts and sciences, as well as
the areas of cognitive, language, personality
MASTER OF ARTS-32 POINTS policy research firms, governmental agencies,
Basic Courses (12 points): and NPOs. Throughout their program, doc-
and social functioning and development.
HUD 4120 Methods of empirical
Opportunity exists for the study of deviant as toral candidates work in a close apprentice
research (3)
well as normal psychological functioning with- relationship with a faculty advisor of their
HUDK 5023 Cognitive development (3)
in a developmental framework. choice. The Ph.D. degree requires completion
HUDK 5040 Development and
psychopathology: Atypical of 75 points with an empirical research thesis.
Students may register for independent study in contexts and populations (3)
order to undertake theoretical or empirical HUDK 5121 Personality development and The aim of instruction at the doctoral level
research projects or fieldwork. Students whose socialization in childhood (3) is to produce a psychologist who can make a
goal is to acquire professional skills in clinical or sound and innovative research contribution to
or counseling psychology may enroll in intro- HUDK 5029 Personality development the study of human development, who is con-
ductory course offerings, which in many cases and socialization across cerned with the relationship between develop-
can be applicable if the student is later admit- the life span ment and education, and who is equipped to
ted to one of the more advanced masters or teach about such matters. Students acquire
doctoral programs in these areas. Elective Courses (minimum of 6 points): the conceptual background and methodologi-
At least 3 other psychology courses (2 or 3 points cal skills necessary for faculty positions in col-
In order to accommodate the diverse aims of each), at least 2 of the courses must be in develop- leges and universities, or for positions as asso-
individual students, a considerable degree of mental psychology. ciates and consultants in research laboratories,
flexibility has been built into the course of biomedical schools and other applied settings.
study leading to the M.A. degree. An attempt Breadth Requirement (minimum of 6 points):
has been made to minimize specific course Three courses taken for either 2 or 3 points each, While consultation between student and fac-
requirements, and the student will find that including: ulty advisor is considered to be the best way to
there is a good deal of freedom to choose from HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics (3) decide which steps should be taken towards
or equivalent these goals, there are specific requirements
among the many offerings provided by
At least 2 courses in programs at Teachers College for all students in Developmental Psychology
Teachers College and the Columbia University
other than Developmental Psychology.
Graduate Faculties. In consultation with an which serve to define the character of the
advisor, students may create an individually program, and to ensure that all students have

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a common experience and acquire a common special certification examination in method- cation requirements, 15 points (which may be
level of expertise in dealing with the core ology. Students, in consultation with their completed during the third and fourth years)
issues in the field. advisor, should also enroll in the necessary are taken in consultation with an advisor.
advanced course work to prepare for both
The courses offered through the program pro- the research methods component of the Fourth Year of Study: Completion of the 20
vide content in the research and theoretical certification examination and their own points begun in third year. HUDK 7501
literature relating to all phases of the psychol- research work. Dissertation seminar in developmental psy-
ogy of human development. All age groups are Qualifying Paper. Students are required to chology (1-3). Dissertation proposal due in
covered, from infancy through childhood, ado- write a theoretical and empirical paper to the fall.
lescence to adulthood, and later life. Course qualify for dissertation status.
work in developmental psychology can be sup- Culminating Experience: An approved
plemented by courses in the other psychology First Year of Study: Three of the following four doctoral dissertation.
programs at Teachers College as well as by required courses in developmental psychology
courses in the social sciences, linguistics, and HUDK 6010, Developmental research COURSES:
other fields offered at Teachers College and by methods (3); HUDK 6520, Seminar in social
the graduate faculty of Columbia University and emotional development through child- HUD 4120. Methods of empirical research (3)
(including the Columbia University College hood and adolescence (3); HUDK 6523, Professor Fernandez. An introduction to the
of Physicians and Surgeons). Seminar in cognitive development (3); and methods of scientific inquiry, research plan-
HUDK 6529, Seminar in risk, resilience and ning, and techniques of making observations
The doctoral program is focused primarily and analyzing and presenting data. Topics
developmental psychology (3). Two courses in
on training in the conduct of empirical (e.g., include: methods of inquiry, the role of
statisticsHUDM 4122, Probability and research in theory, formulating problems and
experimental, observational, and interview) statistical inference (3); and HUDM 5122,
research. Other types of research (theoretical, hypotheses, sampling, measurement, and the
Applied regression analysis (3). A research design of empirical research. Opportunity to
descriptive, and historical) may be undertaken seminar, HUDK 6620, Special topics in devel- design research projects.
in special circumstances of student and advisor opmental psychology (1-3) for each of two
competence. semesters. One course in any one of the fol- HUDK 4021. Developmental psychology:
lowing breadth areas, determined in consulta- Infancy (2-3)
Special Application tion with an advisor: Biological basis of behav- Faculty. Review of research and theory in early
Requirements/Information: ior; cognitive basis of behavior; socio-cultural perceptual, cognitive, and social/emotional
This program accepts applications for fall development, with particular attention to the
factors and individual differences; and meas-
semester only. GRE is required; Subject Test in interaction of biological and environmental
urement. factors in early life.
Psychology is optional. Admission to the pro-
gram is highly competitive. Primary emphasis Second Year of Study: Completion of the fourth
in evaluating applicants is given to prior HUDK 4022. Developmental psychology:
required developmental psychology course. A Childhood (2-3)
achievements and recommendations, particu- statistics course, HUDM 5123, Linear models Faculty. Childrens cognition, perception, rep-
larly as evidence of a self-motivated research and experimental design (3). Continued resentation, language, affect, personality, and
involvement. enrollment in HUDK 6620, Special topics in sexuality. Family structure and school as they
developmental psychology (1-3) for each of influence these aspects of childhood.
Previous work in psychology is highly desirable two semesters. One course in each of the
but there are no fixed course requirements. remaining three areas of the breadth require- HUDK 4023. Developmental psychology:
Expertise in a related field, such as linguistics, Adolescence (2-3)
ment, determined in consultation with an
philosophy, anthropology or biology, may qual- Faculty. Theoretical and empirical studies of
advisor. Other requirements include an personality and social development processes
ify a student as well. At least one year of full- approved empirical paper (concomitant with
time study in residence, i.e., two semesters of in adolescence. An ecological systems
enrollment in HUDK 6901, Advanced approach is emphasized.
12 or more credits per semester, is required. research (1-3), and independent study in
developmental psychology); service as a teach- HUDK 4024. Developmental psychology:
Degree Requirements: ing assistant for two masters-level develop- Adulthood and the life span (2-3)
The 75-point course of study has four mental psychology courses, teach research Faculty. Theories of adult development, with
components: practica, and supervisor of two-to-five masters an emphasis on the historical transformation
General Psychology. Students choose four students special projects. of adult roles, and the significance of marriage,
courses, with at least one chosen from four family, child rearing, work and social class in
of the following areas: Learning and adulthood socialization.
Third Year of Study: Two statistics courses
Cognition, Personality, Social Bases of HUDM 6122, Multivariate analysis I (3); and
Behavior, Measurement, and Biological HUDK 4027. The development of
either HUDM 6030 Multilevel and longitudi- mathematical thinking (3)
Bases of Behavior. nal data analysis (3), or HUDM 6055 Latent Professor Ginsburg. The development of infor-
Doctoral Requirements. Students are structure analysis (3), or HUDM 6123 mal and formal mathematical thinking from
required to take advanced courses in devel- Multivariate analysis II (3); or another appro- infancy through childhood with implications
opmental psychology as well as proseminar. priate course. Oversee masters students. Other for education.
Methodology. All students are required to at requirements include an approved theoretical
least take the one-year statistics sequence paper (concomitant with enrollment in HUDK HUDK 4030. Cognitive clinical interview (3)
(Probability and statistical inference and Professor Ginsburg. Introduction to the cogni-
6901 Advanced research (1-3), and independ-
Applied regression analysis), ordinarily in tive clinical interview and exploration of how
ent study in developmental psychology); and it has and can be used in psychological and
the first year. Students are required to take a the Certification Exam. After meeting certifi- educational research and assessment.

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HUDK 4045. Cross-cultural psychology of HUDK 5040. Development and psycho- HUDK 6520. Seminar in social and
teaching and learning: An in-depth look at pathology: Atypical contexts and emotional development through childhood
Japan (2-3) populations (3) and adolescence (2-3)
Professor Fernandez. Explores the value of Professor Luthar. Using contemporary research Professor Brooks-Gunn. Permission required.
cross-cultural comparisons for thinking about as the basis, the focus is on the interface How people become socialized and how
teaching and learning. A case study approach between classical developmental psychology psychology deals with the process in terms
is used to examine work comparing education theories and patterns of development identi- of developmental concepts.
in Japan and the Unite States. fied in atypical contexts (e.g., poverty) and
among atypical populations (e.g., resilient HUDK 6523. Seminar in cognitive
HUDK 4820. Education for thinking: youth). Implications for interventions and development (2-3)
Goals and methods for the middle school (1) policy are also discussed. Professor Kuhn. Permission required.
Professor Kuhn. Identifies and examines skills of Advanced topics in research and theory in
argument, analysis, and inference that are central HUDK 5121. Personality development cognitive development.
to critical thinking, reviews research on how they and socialization in childhood (2-3)
develop with practice during late childhood and Professor Brooks-Gunn. Prerequisite: HUDK HUDK 6524. Seminar in cross-cultural
early adolescent years, and illustrates methods 4020 or equivalent. Contemporary theory and developmental psychology (2-3)
that support their development, suitable for use in research on childrens adaptation to develop- Professor Fernandez. Permission required.
classrooms from middle elementary through jun- mental tasks of childhood. Comparison of typi- Students participate in ongoing research.
ior high school years. cal and atypical pathways in social-personality
development. Analysis of the logic and HUDK 6529. Seminar in risk, resilience
HUDK 5020. The development of method of empirical studies of development. and developmental psychology (2-3)
creativity (2-3) Professor Luthar. Permission required.
Faculty. Permission required. Major theories HUDK 5123. Psychological development Students participate in ongoing research.
and contemporary research in creative work, of women (3)
emphasizing case studies of exceptional and Faculty. Theoretical and empirical issues con- HUDK 6620. Special topics in develop-
historically influential individuals. cerning womens psychosocial development, mental psychology (1-3)
viewed in the context of modern feminist Permission required. Topics to be announced.
HUDK 5022. Emotional development (2-3) thought.
Faculty. Theory and research in the develop- Independent Study and Research
ment of emotional experience and expression. HUDK 5125. Cross-cultural developmental
psychology (2-3) Students may register for intensive individual
HUDK 5023. Cognitive development (3) Professor Fernandez. Survey of psychological study of a topic of special interest. Registration
Professor Kuhn. Theory and research on the studies of development in different cultures, in independent study is by permission of the
development of cognitive processes across the with emphasis on perceptual and cognitive instructor under whose guidance the work will
life span. issues and methodological problems specific
be undertaken. Credit may range from 1 to 3
to cross-cultural research.
points each term except for HUDK 8900.
HUDK 5024. Language development (2-3)
Faculty. Survey of research and theory in the HUDK 5324. Research work practicum (Dissertation hours for individual consultation
development of language, beginning with com- (2-3) are to be arranged.)
munication and the origins of language in Faculty. Students learn research skills by
infancy and emphasizing acquisition of the participating actively in an ongoing faculty HUDK 4901. Research and independent
forms of language in relation to their content research project. study (1-3 each course)
and use. Permission required.
HUDK 6010. Developmental research
HUDK 5027. Moral development (2-3) methods (3) HUDK 6901. Advanced research and
Faculty. Prerequisite: HUDK 4020, HUDK Professor Fernandez. Advanced survey of both independent study (1-3 each course)
4023, HUDK 4024, or equivalent. new and classical methods for conducting Permission required.
Investigation of the major theoretical and research designed to answer developmental
empirical approaches to the study of how questions. HUDK 7501. Dissertation seminar
morality develops with particular emphasis on (1-3 each course)
the behaviorist, cognitive, psychoanalytic, and HUDK 6036-HUDK 6037. Child and Permission required. Development of doctoral
sociopolitical approaches. family policy (3 each) dissertations and presentation of plans for
Professor Brooks-Gunn. Prerequisites: Any 2 approval. Registration limited to two terms.
HUDK 5029. Personality development of the following: HUDF 4000; HUDF 4024;
and socialization across the life span (2-3) HUDK 4120; HUDK 4121; C&T 4113; C&T HUDK 8900. Dissertation advisement
Faculty. Theory and research regarding the 5113. Provides a multi-disciplinary perspective (0 each course)
interaction between naturally developing per- on child and family policy. Also provides a Individual advisement on doctoral disserta-
sonality structures and socialization processes foundation of knowledge concerning the role tion. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition
throughout life. of child and family perspectives in informing rate for each term. See the section on
policy. Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
degrees for details.

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M EASUREMENT, * These courses are taken at Columbia

Universitys Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
ments of education, and licensure and certifica-
tion boards. The Ph.D. is appropriate for indi-
E VALUATION AND viduals with strong quantitative and technical
S TATISTICS Electives (5 points): skills who wish to focus on theoretical issues in
Selected in consultation with an advisor and measurement and evaluation, or who have a
The Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics
within the areas of Management Science, strong background in a substantive area of psy-
area of study includes the following programs:
Economics, Public Health, Computer Science, chology in which they wish to further the devel-
Applied Statistics; Measurement and
Psychology, Sociology, or Research Methods in opment and application of measurement tech-
any general area. niques.
Program Coordinators:
Breadth Requirement: The Ed.D. is appropriate for individuals who
Jane A. Monroe
At least 2 courses (for a minimum of 2 points wish to focus on the application of measure-
(Applied Statistics)
each) must be taken at Teachers College from ment and evaluation techniques in education,
Program Office: (212) 678-4150 outside the department. psychology, and business and industry. Both
Email: [email protected] doctoral degrees are accepted as qualification
Web site: www.tc.edu/hud/Measurement Culminating Experience: Special project. for faculty positions in schools of education in
the United States.
Lawrence T. DeCarlo MEASUREMENT
(Measurement and Evaluation) AND EVALUATION Special Application
Program Office: (212) 678-4150 (Code: TMM) GRE General test is required for all programs in
Email: [email protected] Measurement and Evaluation. Some prepara-
Web site: www.tc.edu/hud/Measurement Degrees Offered: tion in college-level mathematics or statistics
Master of Education (Ed.M.) course work is required for doctoral study.
APPLIED STATISTICS Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree Requirements:
(Code: TMX)
Program Descriptions: MASTER OF EDUCATION-60 POINTS
Degree Offered: The Ed.D. and Ph.D. programs in Measure- Measurement and Evaluation Core
Master of Science (M.S.) ment and Evaluation are designed to prepare (18 points):
graduates for careers in a wide range of educa- HUDM 5055- Evaluation of institutions,
Program Description: tional settings. Graduates acquire specialized 5056 programs, and curricula
The M.S. in Applied Statistics requires at least knowledge and skills in test theory, test and I and II (3 each)
one year of study. This masters degree pro- instrument development and validation, pro- HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement (3)
vides training for a number of positions in gram evaluation, and quantitative analysis of HUDM 6051- Psychometric theory I and II
applied research settings, testing organizations, educational and psychological data. 6052 (3 each)
and business organizations. In addition to the HUDM 6055 Latent structure analysis (3)
satisfactory completion of course work, an Some graduates pursue careers as college pro-
integrative project is required. fessors teaching measurement, evaluation, and Quantitative Methods (15 points):
statistics. Some are employed in city or state HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
Special Application departments of education in the planning and inference (3)
Requirements/Information: supervision of testing programs and research HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3)
GRE General Test is required for the M.S. in and evaluation projects. Others work for test HUDM 5123 Linear models and
Applied Statistics. Background in calculus is publishers, licensure and certification boards, experimental design (3)
also required. and government agencies in the construction HUDM 6030 Multilevel and longitudinal
of tests or in the management of large-scale data analysis (3)
Degree Requirements: testing programs. Still others work in applied HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis I (3)
measurement, evaluation, research design, and
MASTER OF SCIENCE-32 POINTS statistics in a variety of social science, health Psychology (12 points):
Statistics (27 points): care, business, and industrial settings. Taken in one or more of the following areas:
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical Developmental psychology, cognitive studies, counsel-
inference (3) The Ed.M. in Measurement and Evaluation is ing psychology, organizational psychology or social
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3) a two-year masters degree. It provides training psychology.
HUDM 5123 Linear models and for a number of positions in educational
experimental design (3) research bureaus and testing organizations. Research Methods (6 points):
HUDM 6030 Multilevel and longitudinal In addition to the satisfactory completion of HUD 4120 Methods of empirical
data analysis (3) course work, an integrative project is required research (3)
HUDM 6055 Latent structure analysis (3) for the masters degree. HUDM 5250 Research practicum
HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis I (3) in measurement
HUDM 6123 Multivariate analysis II (3) A doctorate is required for most college teach- and evaluation (0-4)
W 4105 Probability (3)* ing positions and for positions of professional
W 4107 Statistical inference (3)* responsibility in testing organizations, depart-

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Other Aspects in Education *These courses are taken at the Graduate HUDM 7500 Dissertation seminar
(6-9 points): School of Arts and Sciences of Columbia (1-3 each for two semesters)
To satisfy college requirements, all students University. HUDM 8900 Dissertation advisement (0)
must complete a minimum of 3 courses (a
course for this purpose is one in which at least Psychology (minimum of 15 points): Psychology (minimum of 18 points):
2 points are earned) outside of HUDM. One In consultation with an advisor, a group of In consultation with an advisor, a group of
course in foundations of education; and 2 courses aimed at substantive preparation in courses aimed at substantive preparation in
courses in curriculum and teaching and/or the field of psychology. the field of psychology.
educational leadership.
Non-department Requirement Related Courses (minimum of 6 points):
Electives: (7 points): Selected from the areas of curriculum develop-
Chosen in consultation with an advisor and Courses in the social sciences, curriculum ment, guidance, applied human development,
designed to strengthen and broaden the stu- and teaching, and educational leadership supervision, and administration, and in con-
dents professional preparation. selected in consultation with an advisor from sultation with an advisor.
offerings at Teachers College and other
Culminating Experience: An evaluation project. branches of Columbia University. Electives (maximum of 10 points):
Selected to meet special interests and needs.
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY-75 POINTS Special Requirements: The first two years
Measurement and Evaluation require full-time study. An empirical paper and Special Requirements: The first two years
Core Courses (21 points): a research paper; certification examination; require full-time study. Certification paper
HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement (3) and completion of an approved doctoral dis- and examination; completion of an approved
HUDM 5124 Multidimensional scaling and sertation. doctoral dissertation.
clustering (3)
HUDM 5250 Research practicum in DOCTOR OF EDUCATION-90 POINTS COURSES:
measurement and evaluation Measurement and Evaluation
(0-4) Core Courses (24 points): Courses at the 4000-level usually do not
HUDM 6030 Multilevel and longitudinal HUDM 5055- Evaluation of institutions, require permission of the instructor and are
data analysis (3) 5056 programs, and curricula open to nonmajors as well as majors. Many
I and II (3 each) 5000-level offerings are also open to non-
HUDM 6051- Psychometric theory I and II
HUDM 5059 Psychological measurement (3) majors with appropriate backgrounds; 6000-
6052 (3 each) level courses are usually limited to majors with
HUDM 6055 Latent structure analysis (3) HUDM 5250 Research practicum in
advanced standing in the program. See listings
measurement and below for prerequisites and limitations on
And at least 3 points selected from the following: evaluation (0-4) enrollment. In addition to the courses listed
CCPJ 5062 Career counseling and HUDM 6030 Multilevel and longitudinal below, students should consult the offerings of
development (3) analysis (3) other programs in psychology, many of which
HUDM 5053 Instrument design and HUDM 6051- Psychometric theory are required or recommended in the program
validation (3) 6052 I and II (3 each) guides obtainable from the department office.
HUDM 5055- Evaluation of institutions, HUDM 6055 Latent structure analysis (3)
5056 programs, and curricula Measurement and Evaluation
I and II (3 each) And at least 5 points selected from the following:
HUDM 5058 Choice and decision HUDM 5053 Instrument design and HUD 4120. Methods of empirical research (3)
validation (3) Faculty. An introduction to the methods of
making (3)
scientific inquiry, research planning, and tech-
HUDM 5058 Choice and decision
niques of making observations and analyzing
Quantitative Methods and Research making (3) and presenting data. Topics include: methods
Design (29 points): HUDM 6552 Seminar: Selected topics in of inquiry, the role of research in theory, for-
HUD 4120 Methods of empirical measurement theory (3) mulating problems and hypotheses, sampling,
research (3) measurement, and the design of empirical
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical Quantitative Methods and Research research. Opportunity to design research
inference (3) Design (27 points): projects.
HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3) HUD 4120 Methods of empirical
HUDM 5123 Linear models and research (3) HUDM 4050. Introduction to measurement
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical (2-3)
experimental design (3)
Professors Chatterji and DeCarlo. An intro-
HUDM 6026 Statistical treatment of inference (3)
duction to basic concepts and issues in meas-
mass data (3) HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis (3) urement. Descriptive statistics, scales of meas-
HUDM 6122- Multivariate analysis I and II HUDM 5123 Linear models and urement, norms, reliability, validity.
6123 (3 each) experimental design (3) Advantages and limitations of measurements
HUDM 7500 Dissertation seminar (1-3 HUDM 5124 Multidimensional scaling techniques are discussed and illustrated.
each for two semesters) and clustering (3)
HUDM 8900 Dissertation advisement (0) HUDM 6026 Statistical treatment of HUDM 5053. Instrument design and
W4105 Probability (3)* mass data (3) validation (3)
W4107 Statistical inference (3)* HUDM 6122- Multivariate statistics Professor Chatterji. Prerequisite: HUDM 4050
6123 I and II (3 each) or HUDM 5059 or equivalent. Methods for
developing and validating attitude scales,

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questionnaires, interview schedules, and per- HUDM 6055. Latent structure analysis (3) HUDM 6026. Statistical treatment of
formance measures. Item writing and the Professor DeCarlo. Permission required. mass data (3)
development of scoring protocols; item and Prerequisite: HUDM 5122. Recommended: Professors Corter. Prerequisite: HUDM 5123
scale quality; reliability and validity of scores. HUDM 6122. Study of latent structure analy- or equivalent. Examines problems involved
sis, including measurement models for latent in preparing and analyzing large data sets.
HUDM 5055-HUDM 5056. Evaluation of traits and latent classes, path analysis, factor Includes a survey of data manipulation and
institutions, programs, and curricula I and II analysis, structural equations, and categorical statistical tools in SAS (Statistical Analysis
(3 each) data analysis. System). Optional topics: introduction to
Professor Chatterji. Permission required. numerical methods and survey of data min-
Prerequisites for HUDM 5055: HUDM 4050, HUDM 6552. Seminar: Selected topics ing tools.
HUDM 4122, and HUD 4120 or equivalents. in measurement theory (3)
Prerequisite for HUDM 5056: HUDM 5055; Faculty. Prerequisites: HUDM 6051 and HUDM 6122. Multivariate analysis I (3)
HUDM 5122 is recommended. Lecture, dis- HUDM 6122. One or more topics of current Professor Monroe. Permission required.
cussion, laboratory, and fieldwork on the prob- interest examined in depth. Prerequisite: HUDM 5122 or equivalent;
lems, issues, and procedures involved in HUDM 5123 is recommended. An introduc-
designing and carrying out evaluation studies. Statistics tion to multivariate statistical analysis, includ-
ing matrix algebra, general linear hypothesis
HUDM 5058. Choice and decision making (3) and application, profile analysis, principal
Professor Corter. Prerequisite: HUDM 4122 HUDM 4120. Basic concepts in statistics (3) components analysis, discriminant analysis,
or equivalent. Surveys quantitative models of Faculty. Descriptive statistics including organ- and classification methods.
individual decision making, from the introduc- izing, summarizing, reporting, and interpreting
tion of the notion of utility by Daniel data. Understanding relationships expressed by HUDM 6123. Multivariate analysis II (3)
Bernoulli through current models such as crosstabulation, breakdown, and scatterdia- Professor Monroe. Permission required.
Tversky and Kahnemans Prospect Theory. grams. Designed as a one-semester introduc- Prerequisite: HUDM 6122. A continuation
The focus is on psychological or descriptive tion to statistical methods. Will include read- of multivariate statistical analysis, including
models of how people make decisions, ing journal articles. canonical analysis, MANOVA, and factor
although methods of rational decision analysis analysis.
are briefly discussed. HUDM 4122. Probability and statistical
inference (3)
Faculty. Prerequisite: HUDM 4120 or under- Independent Study and Research
HUDM 5059. Psychological measurement (3) Students may register for intensive individual
Professor DeCarlo. Open to doctoral and graduate statistics course. Elementary proba-
bility theory; random variables and probability study of a topic of special interest. Registration
Ed.M. students in psychology; others only by
distributions; sampling distributions; estima- in independent study is by permission of the
permission. A previous course in statistics or
measurement is recommended. An in-depth tion theory and hypothesis testing using bino- instructor under whose guidance the work will
examination of measurement and associated mial, normal, t, chi square, and F distributions. be undertaken. Credit may range from 1 to 3
techniques. Norms, classical test theory, reli- points each term except for HUDM 8900
abity, validity, item response theory, issues and HUDM 5122. Applied regression analysis (3) (Dissertation Advisement); and registration is
applications. Faculty. Prerequisite: HUDM 4122 or permis- not limited to one term. Hours for individual
sion of instructor. Least squares estimation
conferences are to be arranged.
HUDM 5250. Research practicum in theory. Traditional simple and multiple regres-
measurement and evaluation (0-4) sion models, polynomial regression models,
HUDM 4901. Research and independent
Faculty. Permission required. Students enrolled with grouping variables including one-way
study: Measurement and evaluation (1-3)
are expected to spend a semester involved in a ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and analysis of
Permission required.
research project, either assisting a faculty covariance. Lab devoted to applications of
member or in an applied setting. A formal SPSS regression program. Lab fee: $50.
HUDM 4902. Research and independent
report will be submitted. study: Applied statistics (1-3)
HUDM 5123. Linear models and exper-
Permission required.
HUDM 6030. Multilevel and longitudinal imental design (3)
data analysis (3) Faculty. Prerequisite: HUDM 5122. Analysis
HUDM 6900. Advanced research and
Professor DeCarlo. Prerequisite: HUDM 5122. of variance models including within subject
independent study (1-3)
Multilevel models include a broad range of designs, mixed models, blocking, Latin Square,
Permission required.
models called by various names, such as ran- path analysis, and models with categorical
dom effects models, multi-level models, and dependent variables. Lab devoted to computer
HUDM 7500. Dissertation seminar (1-3)
growth curve models. This course introduces applications. Lab fee: $75.
Permission required. Development of doctoral
the background and computer skills needed to dissertations and presentation of plans for
HUDM 5124. Multidimensional scaling
understand and utilize these models. approval. Registration limited to two terms.
and clustering (3)
HUDM 6051-HUDM 6052. Psychometric Professor Corter. Permission required.
HUDM 8900. Dissertation advisement (0)
theory I and II (3 each) Prerequisites: HUDM 4122 and HUDM 5122
Individual advisement on doctoral disserta-
Professor Lee. Permission required. or equivalent. Methods of analyzing proximity
tion. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition
Prerequisites: HUDM 5059, HUDM 5122, or data (similarities, correlations, etc.), including
rate for each term. See section in catalog on
equivalents. Psychometric theory underlying multidimensional scaling, which represents
Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
test construction; classical test theory, item similarities among items by plotting the items
response theory, and applications. into a geometric space, and cluster analysis for
grouping items.

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SOCIOLOGY The program in Sociology and Education also Doctor of Philosophy

offers a Policy Studies Concentration for stu- The Doctor of Philosophy in Education
AND EDUCATION dents in the M.A. and Ed.M. programs. For (Ph.D.) program is designed for students with
more information on this concentration, substantial background and interest in the dis-
Program Coordinator:
which is open to students throughout Teachers cipline of sociology and its application to edu-
Professor Aaron M. Pallas
College, please contact Professor Amy Stuart cation. The Ph.D. is a highly specialized
Program Office: (212) 678-4150 Wells. degree with few electives and requires substan-
Email: [email protected] tial course work to be done in daytime classes
Web site: www.tc.edu/hud/Sociology
Degree Programs at Columbia Universitys Graduate School of
The graduate program in Sociology and Arts and Sciences. This program, therefore,
Sociology and Education Education offers four degree programs, the requires full-time study. Students completing
(Code: TFS) M.A., the Ed.M., the Ed.D., and the Ph.D. this program are prepared to assume positions
Each program is designed to meet the needs of in college and university programs focused on
Degrees Offered: students with a particular combination of prior sociological research in the field of education.
Master of Arts (M.A.)* experience and career objectives. The M.A.,
Master of Education (Ed.M.)* Ed.M., and Ed.D. programs may be completed Doctor of Education
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) on a part-time basis with classes offered in the The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program is
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) evening hours. The Ph.D. program requires designed to provide broad training in the
full-time study. Although students from all of social sciences, education, and educational
*Policy Studies in Sociology concentration the programs in sociology and education are policy. The program prepares students for posi-
available prepared to assume positions in educational tions in teaching, research, and policy through
institutions, the program does not offer interdisciplinary study grounded in the socio-
Program Description: teacher certification. Certification programs logical perspective. All coursework is available
The sociological study of education began at are available in other departments at Teachers at Teachers College and both part-time and
Teachers College in the first decade of the College. full-time study is possible. Students completing
twentieth century. Sociology was established as this program are prepared to assume positions
the first social science discipline providing a Master of Arts in college and university programs in educa-
basic framework for the study of education, The Master of Arts program in sociology and tion as well as leadership positions in a variety
complementing the long-established reliance education (with a policy concentration option) of organizations devoted to applied education-
on psychology. Over this period, the sociology provides an introduction to the application of al research, policy making, advocacy, consult-
and education program has applied research sociological perspectives to contemporary edu- ing, and management of educational activities.
findings to education and has examined basic cational policy issues. The program provides
issues in education from a sociological per- coverage of the core principles and methods of Special Application
spective. Although the programs theory and sociology as they are applied to policy research Requirements/Information:
research have emphasized schools and col- and analysis. Students completing this pro- The GRE general is required for all doctoral
leges, attention always has been given to edu- gram are prepared to assume positions as gen- applicants, and doctoral applications are
cation in other contexts. eral analysts in a variety of organizations reviewed for Fall term only.
devoted to applied educational research, poli-
The program staff for Sociology and Education cy making, advocacy, consulting, and direct Degree Requirements:
includes sociologists from other programs at educational service.
the College, and the Department of Sociology MASTER OF ARTS-32 POINTS
of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Master of Education MASTER OF EDUCATION-60 POINTS
Staff strengths are in education and social The Master of Education in sociology and Sociology Core Courses
stratification; the social organization and education (with a policy concentration option) (minimum of 12 points):
design of schools, classrooms, and other learn- is an advanced masters degree pursued by stu- Select from:
ing environments; urban education; school dents who already possess a masters degree in HUDF 4000 Education and public
desegregation and school choice; education a substantive area of education or by students policy (3)
and the life course; and the social analysis of without a prior masters degree who want an HUDF 4010 Sociology of online
education policy. The program provides train- opportunity to combine study in sociology and learning (3)
ing and hands-on experience in evaluation education with another area in education. The HUDF 4021 Sociology of education (3)
methods and both quantitative and qualitative program involves study of sociological perspec- HUDF 4022 Sociology of urban
methods. tives and methods in the context of contem- education (3)
porary educational policy issues. Current sub- HUDF 4024 Social stratification and
The curriculum of the Sociology and stantive areas that can be combined with education (3)
Education program emphasizes issues in urban study in sociology and policy include: evalua- HUDF 4027 Sociology of classrooms (3)
education, including the social organization of tion and institutional analysis, human devel- HUDF 4028 Sociology of the life course (3)
urban schools and school systems, and the suc- opment, technology, curriculum, administra- HUDF 4029 Sociology of schools (3)
cess or failure of urban schools in meeting the tion, and foundations. Students completing HUDF 4031 Sociology of evaluation (3)
educational needs of the diverse populations this program are prepared to assume positions HUDF 4032 Gender, difference, and
they serve. The program faculty are actively as specialists in a variety of organizations curriculum (3)
engaged in the analysis and evaluation of edu- devoted to applied educational research, poli- HUDF 5022 Sociological analysis of
cational policies and programs designed to cy making, advocacy, consulting, and manage- educational systems (3)
serve educationally disadvantaged populations. ment of educational activities. HUDF 5621 Technology and society (3)

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HUDF 6525 Seminar in sociology of Social theory (6 points) includes coursework Policy Studies in Sociology Concentration Option
education (1-3) in classical and contemporary sociological the- HUDF 4000 Education and public
ITSF 5023 The family as educator (3) ory. Basic social research design and methods policy (3)
ITSF 5120 Education in community (12 points) involves coursework in research HUDF 5645 Policy seminar I (3)
settings (1-2) design, probability and statistics, applied HUDF 5646 Policy seminar II (3)
regression analysis, and qualitative research Approved content-driven policy course (3)
Research Methods (6 points): methods. Courses in advanced social research
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical design and methods (minimum 6 points) build COURSES:
inference (3) on these basic courses in the quantitative
An approved course in qualitative methods and/or qualitative domains. Students also HUDF 4000. Education and public policy (3)
Ed.M. students also complete HUDM 5122 enroll in at least one 3 point course offered by Professor Wells. Current issues in American
Applied regression analysis (3) the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at educational policy.
Columbia or a Consortium institution in each
HUDF 4010. Sociology of online learning (3)
Policy Sequence (6 points): of the areas of social stratification/inequality,
Professor Natriello. Exploration of the social
HUDF 5645 Policy seminar I (3), and social organization, and social change. dimensions of online learning. Students exam-
HUDF 5646 Policy seminar II (3) ine the structure of online learning programs,
Ph.D. students also pursue a minimum of 12 the social organization of online learning com-
Colloquia (3 points): points in core classes in the sociology of edu- munities, and the social experience of online
HUDF 4620 Introductory colloquium in cation and 6 points in seminars and colloquia learning activities.
sociology and education designed to prepare students for dissertation
(1-3) research. The balance of the 75-point mini- HUDF 4021. Sociology of education (3)
or mum is earned through elective courses select- Professor Pallas. A broad analysis of education
HUDF 5100 Supervised research and ed in collaboration with the students advisor. using basic sociological concepts, including
schools as organizations, socialization, stratifi-
practice (1-6)
cation, and ethnic relations.
Electives (3-5 points): The coursework for the Ed.D., which totals a HUDF 4022. Sociology of urban education (3)
Selected in consultation with an advisor. minimum of 90 points, has seven components: Professor Wells. Analysis of urban schools and
(Ed.M. students will complete 28-30 points, basic social research design and methods, districts within the context of urban social and
in consultation with an advisor.) advanced social research design and methods, political systems.
social theory, core coursework in the sociology
Culminating Experience (0-2 points): of education, seminars and colloquia, course- HUDF 4024. Social stratification and
Masters comprehensive examination, or work in the social context of teaching and education (3)
Masters essay and HUDF 6021 Social research learning, and elective courses. All of the Faculty. An examination of the link between
education and social inequality in Western
methods: Reporting (2) required coursework is offered at Teachers
societies, questioning whether schools are a
College. mechanism of social mobility, enabling poor
Breadth Requirement and disadvantaged children to get ahead in
To satisfy college requirements, all students Basic social research design and methods life, or whether schools perpetuate the hard-
must complete a minimum of 3 Teachers (12 points) involves coursework in research ships faced by poor and minority populations.
College courses (a course for this purpose design, probability and statistics, applied Topics include the importance of quantity and
is one in which at least 2 points are earned) aggression analysis, qualitative research meth- quality of schooling for adult success; the ways
outside of HUDF. ods. Courses in advanced social research in which race/ethnicity, sex and social class
design and methods (minimum 6 points) build background structure students educational
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY-75 POINTS on these basic courses in the quantitative experiences; the role of tracking and ability
grouping within schools; and the link between
The coursework for the Ph.D. which totals a and/or qualitative domains. Social theory
schooling and the economy.
minimum of 75 points, has seven components: courses (3 points) draw from sociology and
social theory, basic social research design and other social sciences. Ed.D. students also pur- HUDF 4027. Sociology of classrooms (3)
methods, advanced social research design and sue a minimum of 15 points in core classes in Professor Natriello. An examination of socio-
methods, foundation coursework in sociology, the sociology of education, and 6 points in logical research on the structure and operation
core coursework in the sociology of education, seminars and colloquia designed to prepare of classrooms. Particular attention to the
seminars and colloquia, and elective courses. students for dissertation research. processes of stratification, socialization, legiti-
The required coursework is offered at Teachers mation, and social organization.
College and in the sociology department in One of the hallmarks of the Ed.D. curriculum
Columbias Graduate School of Arts and is a 9-point concentration in the social con- HUDF 4028. Sociology of the life course (3)
Professor Pallas. Sociologists define the life
Sciences. With advisor permission, students text of teaching and learning, which draws on
course of individuals by when, and in what
may pursue courses in other professional courses in Human Development, Curriculum order, people assume key social roles, such as
schools at the University or through the Inter- and Teaching, and International and becoming an adult, or moving from the work-
University Doctoral Consortium. (Please refer Transcultural Studies. The balance of the force to retirement. This course looks at the
to the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium 90-point minimum is earned through elective sociology of the life course, focusing on how
section of this bulletin for participating courses selected in collaboration with the historical and societal factors combine with
schools.) students advisor. the personal characteristics of individuals to
produce unique life course patterns.

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HUDF 4029. Sociology of schools (3) HUDF 5430. Internship (1-6) Individualized Studies
Professor Natriello. An examination of socio- Permission required. Supervised experience in
logical research on the structure and operation diverse settings designed to develop skills in HUDF 4903. Research and independent
of schools. Particular attention to the process- policy-related research, development, plan- study (1-3)
es of socialization, stratification, and legitima- ning, and evaluation. Permission required.
tion as well as social organization and the soci-
ology of school curriculum. HUDF 5620. Advanced colloquium in HUDF 5100. Supervised research
sociology of education (1-3) and practice (1-6)
HUDF 4030. Sociology of educational Professor Wells. This course is designed to Faculty.
processes in formal organizations (3) enhance student knowledge of social theory in
Faculty. An introduction to organizational the- sociological research. Particular attention is HUDF 6903. Research and independent
ory as it applies to a variety of institutions with devoted to deductive models of explanation study (1-3)
particular attention to the potential of educa- and their use in the construction of theory and Permission required.
tional activities as a force in formal organiza- its application as a basis for empirical inquiry.
tions. HUDF 6920. Studies in sociology
HUDF 5621. Technology and society (3) and education (1-8)
HUDF 4031. Sociology of evaluation (3) Dr. Cline. Explores the many and varied
Professor Natriello. An examination of the dimensions of the impact of changing informa- HUDF 7503. Dissertation seminar (0-3)
social dimensions of the development and tion technologies on major social institutions Permission required. Required of doctoral
operation of different kinds of evaluation sys- in contemporary society. students in the semester following successful
tems in modern societies. Major topics include completion of certification examinations.
the social, political and intellectual contexts HUDF 5645. Policy seminar I (3)
for evaluation, the institutional bases of evalu- Professor Pallas. Conceptualization and identi- HUDF 8903. Dissertation advisement (0)
ation activities, the social settings in which fication of social and educational problems Individual advisement on doctoral disserta-
evaluation takes place, and the effects of eval- that can be subjected to policy interventions. tions. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition
uations on individuals and groups. Design and evaluation of alternative policy rate for each term. For requirements, see sec-
choices. Effective strategies for presenting tion in catalog on Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
HUDF 4032. Gender, difference policy analysis to multiple audiences. degrees.
and curriculum (2-3)
Dr. Alperstein. A study of the extent and HUDF 5646. Policy seminar II (3) Advanced students may register for intensive
causes of gender inequality in society, and the Professor Pallas. An introduction to the eval- individual study of some aspect of their spe-
ways in which schools work both to reduce uation of social and educational programs. cialization. Registration is only by permission
and exacerbate inequality. Topics include evaluation to inform program of the instructor under whose guidance the
conceptualization and design; measuring pro-
HUDF 4620. Introductory colloquium work will be undertaken. Times for individual
gram implementation; impact assessment,
in sociology of education (2-3) including randomized experiments; cost-effec- conferences will be arranged. Enrollment may
Professor Pallas. Permission required. Intensive tiveness analysis; and the social and political be for 1 or more points each term, and regis-
readings and discussions of basic literature in context of program evaluation. tration is not limited to one or two terms.
sociology of education, with attention to com-
mon issues and research strategies. HUDF 6021. Social research methods:
Reporting (1-2)
HUDF 4899. Federal policy institute (3) Faculty. Student teams will analyze data and
Professor Kagan. The purpose of the Federal write a social science article.
Policy Institute is to examine three themes:
the enduring values of American education, HUDF 6525. Seminar in sociology
contemporary issues in national school reform of education (1-3)
efforts, and the role of the federal government. Faculty. A seminar for doctoral students to
During a week-long program in Washington, further their professional development and to
students will have the opportunity to identify prepare for doctoral research.
a policy issue of personal interest and to
explore that issue with the nations senior ITSF 5023. The family as educator (3)
policymakers. Introductory and concluding Professor Leichter. Permission required.
sessions meet at the College. See the Department of International and
Transcultural Studies for course description.
HUDF 5020. Methods of social research:
Survey methods (3) ITSF 5120. Education in community
Faculty. Relationship between research prob- settings (1-2)
lem and study design, choice of population, Professor Leichter. Permission required.
sampling methods, instrument construction, See the Department of International and
interviewing, data processing, and analysis. Transcultural Studies for course description.

HUDF 5022. Sociological analysis ITSF 6520. Seminar in families

of educational systems (2-3) and communities as educators (1-3)
Faculty. Analysis of local and national educa- Professor Leichter. Permission required.
tion systems through application and adapta- See the Department of International and
tion of organization theory, with special atten- Transcultural Studies for course description.
tion to problems of innovation.

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International and Transcultural Studies

CHAIR: Professor Herv Varenne LOCATION: 378 Dodge Hall TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3947 FAX: (212) 678-8237
EMAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/ITS


ANTHROPOLOGY The Department of International and Transcultural Studies
Anthropology and Education 148 In recognition of the interconnectedness of all human beings around the globe, Teachers College
Applied Anthropology 148 has a longstanding commitment to the international arena. It dedicates the resources of several
social science disciplines and a program in bilingual education to developing the Colleges
BILINGUAL/BICULTURAL contribution to the understanding of global processes.
New technologies have led to a rapidly increasing flow of people, information, goods, and
COMPARATIVE AND services within and across national boundaries. As these boundaries become more permeable,
INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION 154 modern societies are characterized by greater diversification of people and resources. Such
diversification introduces complex forces that can be best understood as transcultural. As
INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL individual and institutional identities increasingly reflect diverse cultural traditions and values,
DEVELOPMENT 154 a major challenge to education is to promote new ways of understanding and negotiating these
The United States is a powerful example of an international and transcultural society, and the
metropolitan area in which Teachers College is located is a particularly vivid expression of such
a society. New York City and the United States are, in many ways, harbingers of what the 21st
century will bring to cities and countries around the world.

International and transcultural forces will be increasingly present in all societies, and these
forces will be crucial in understanding education in every domain of human experiencefamily,
community, school, the workplace. Such education will take place not only in schools, colleges,
and universities; but in all societal institutionsfamilies; churches, synagogues, mosques, and
temples; libraries, museums, and parks; mass media such as newspapers, magazines, radio,
television, and computer networks; and the various kinds of workplaces that are emerging in our
technological era.

Our department prepares professionals to provide leadership in the educative configurations

emerging in the new century. To do so, we offer a range of disciplinary and professional programs
and concentrations with distinct emphases within the collective mission. The programs in
Anthropology, Economics, and Comparative and International Education emphasize research
on the social, cultural, economic and political aspects of global processes. The programs in
International Educational Development and Bilingual Education prepare professionals across
the whole range of educational practice to gain a global perspective.

Students work with faculty within the department on a variety of topics including AIDS
education, civic education, drugs and society, privatization of education, and language and
literacy. Students can concentrate within the department in such areas as African education,
bilingual/bicultural education, family and community education, international humanitarian
issues, language, literacy, technology, and peace education. We work with other departments at
the College to provide our students additional concentrations in such areas as adult education,
conflict resolution, curriculum and teaching, educational leadership, health education, and poli-
cy studies. In addition, we cooperate with the School of International and Public Affairs at
Columbia University to develop regional areas of expertise (e.g., Latin American Studies,
African Studies, Eastern European Studies, Middle East Studies, Russian Studies, East Asian
Studies, South Asian Studies). Students in Comparative and International Education who select
academic disciplines other than anthropology or economics (e.g., sociology, political science, his-
tory, or philosophy) also work closely with faculty outside the department. Degrees are offered
by programs only, not in concentrations.

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FACULTY: A NTHROPOLOGY Theoretical emphasis is given to social and

political processes, cultural theory, and psycho-
Thomas R. Bailey logical anthropologyall from a strong cross-
The Anthropology area of study includes the
(Economics and Education) cultural and comparative perspective.
following programs: Anthropology and
George C. Bond Methodological emphasis is placed on inten-
(Anthropology and Education Education; Applied Anthropology.
sive and systematic ethnography. The faculty
and Applied Anthropology) has a distinguished record of publications and
Lambros Comitas ANTHROPOLOGY research projects, most of which has been con-
(Anthropology and Education
AND EDUCATION ducted in the United States, Africa, the
and Applied Anthropology)
Ofelia Garcia Caribbean, South America, and Europe.
(Bilingual/Bicultural Education) Program Coordinator:
Charles C. Harrington Professor Lambros Comitas Anthropology and Education
(Anthropology and Education The program in Anthropology and Education
and Applied Anthropology) Program Office: (212) 687-4040 offers a disciplinary approach which carefully
Hope Jensen Leichter explores and contributes to the analysis and
(Comparative and International Education;
Email: [email protected]
International Educational Development) Web site: www.tc.edu/its/Anthro understanding of educational processes in
Henry Levin schools and classrooms, in families, on street
(Economics and Education) Anthropology and Education corners, in community centers, in churches
Francisco Rivera-Batiz (Code: TFA) and in all settings where education may pro-
(Economics and Education) ceed. The department houses the largest group
Gita Steiner-Khamsi of anthropologists of education to be found in
(Comparative and International Education;
Degrees Offered:
Master of Arts (M.A.) any university in the world.
International Educational Development)
Mun C. Tsang Master of Education (Ed.M.)
(Comparative and International Education; Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Applied Anthropology (a joint program)
International Educational Development) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) In 1968, Teachers College and the Graduate
Herv Varenne School of Arts and Sciences of Columbia
(Anthropology and Education University initiated and implemented a joint
and Applied Anthropology) APPLIED program of Applied Anthropology. This joint
venture trains graduate students registered at
either graduate school. By this agreement, all
Joseph Paul Martin
Program Coordinator: applied anthropological training at Columbia
Betty A. Reardon
Professor Lambros Comitas University is administered through Teachers
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: College. The joint program offers a course of
Jo Anne Kleifgen Program Office: (212) 687-4040 study and thorough training in applied anthro-
(Comparative and International Education; Email: [email protected] pology that is certified by both institutions,
International Educational Development) and capitalizes on the strength of the universi-
Web site: www.tc.edu/its/Anthro
Maria Emilia Torres-Guzman tys faculty.
(Bilingual/Bicultural Education)
Frances Vavrus Applied Anthropology
This program focuses on the complex issues
(Comparative and International Education; (Code: TFO)
International Educational Development) involved in applying anthropological knowl-
edge and approaches to matters of policy con-
Degree Offered:
ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: cern in medicine, psychiatry, psychoanalysis,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Clive Belfield economic and community development, edu-
Dale T. Snauwaert cation, businesses and corporations, institu-
Program Descriptions: tional programs, and ecological and environ-
Teachers College has been a pioneer in both
mental change.
Lesley Bartlett Anthropology and Education and Applied
(Comparative and International Education; Anthropology. These two programs function
International Educational Development) as one entity and provide a unique research and
Both the Anthropology and Education and the
training experience for a very select group of Applied Anthropology programs are conduct-
ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: students. This highly personal academic envi-
Marion Boultbee ed in collaboration with the Department of
ronment within the larger university complex Anthropology at Columbia University,
Louis F. Cristillo
maximizes the interaction between students and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the
Patricia Frenz-Belkin
Maria Hamilton faculty while offering a variety of scholarly and School of International and Public Affairs, and
professional resources. other professional schools and institutions of
For information about faculty and their scholarly the University (School of Public Health,
and research interests, please refer to the Faculty Both programs prepare students to enter current Lamont-Doherty Laboratory, for example).
section of this bulletin, or visit us at research and policy conversations about educa-
www.tc.edu/faculty. tion and the application of anthropology to In addition, our location in New York City
other fields. The programs are built on the allows students easy access to a myriad of
premise that one can apply anthropology only to prestigious academic and research institu-
the extent that one has been rigorously trained tions and provides a natural laboratory for
in the theory and methodology of the discipline. student research on ethnicity, migration,

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and urban life. Students may take courses program. Teacher certification, however, is with the requisite knowledge of epistemologi-
through the Inter-University Doctoral not directly offered by the program in cal, theoretical, methodological, ethnographic,
Consortium (for participating institutions, Anthropology and Education. and substantive areas of anthropology. They
see the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium aim to develop competency in the discipline,
section in this bulletin). Minimally, candidates for the Ed.M. degree in while addressing the specific intellectual inter-
Anthropology and Education take 21 points in ests of the student. 15 points in research meth-
Most graduates find academic posts and courses related to the main fields of the disci- ods and statistical courses are also required.
administrative positions in colleges, universi- pline, including at least 15 points in socio-
ties, and professional schools. Others locate in cultural anthropology. A minimum of three An objective understanding of education and
federal and international agencies, research courses (6-9 points) must be taken in fields educational institutions, of persons and the
institutes, private foundations, medical institu- foundational to anthropology (economics, his- learning process, and the various forms of
tions, consulting firms, and social welfare and tory, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociol- measurement and evaluation in cognate areas
community service organizations in the United ogy). An additional 30-36 points must also be prepares program graduates with the knowl-
States and abroad. taken to complete the course of study. edge and skills necessary for researching and
working in a variety of formal and non-formal
Special Application Requirements: These courses should be chosen so as to educational settings through 18 points of
Applications are reviewed for these programs enhance the professional preparation of the broad and basic areas.
on an ongoing basis. Preference in scholarship student in his or her expected field of practice.
awards will be for those applicants who meet Up to 30 of the required 60 points may be This leaves 15 points of electives to increase
the early application deadline. transferred from previous course work to the competence in comparative, regional or inter-
extent that they fulfill some of the require- national studies, or to enhance technical skills
The GRE General Test is required, except of ments listed above. Students are also required used in conjunction with but outside the major
international students for whom the TOEFL to conduct an integrative project in addition course of study. At least three of these courses
is required. If the applicant will be in or near to the 60 points of course work. (89 points) must be taken in fields founda-
New York City, an interview with one of the tional to anthropology (economics, history,
program faculty is recommended. Doctoral Degrees linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology).
The Doctor of Education and Doctor of
Degree Requirements: Philosophy degree tracks are for students DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY
who plan to engage in scholarly writing and Each student develops, in collaboration with
ANTHROPOLOGY AND EDUCATION research, applied research and evaluation, or an advisor, a program of study in anthropology
MASTER OF ARTS teaching and administrative responsibilities at designed to establish a high level of competen-
The Master of Arts program in Anthropology colleges, universities, professional schools of cy. A minimum of 75 points of acceptable
and Education is designed for students who are education and medicine, research institutes, or graduate credit is required for the Doctor of
planning to enter one of the doctoral pro- state, federal, and international agencies and Philosophy (Ph.D.). Of these 75 points, a max-
grams, as well as those seeking a terminal mas- bureaus. The following are required of stu- imum of 45 points can be completed through
ters degree. Administrators, counselors, evalu- dents in both the Ed.D. and Ph.D. tracks: another faculty of Columbia University, or a
ators, and research associates can improve maximum of 30 points may be transferred in
their work through learning how anthropologi- Certification Requirements courses from other recognized graduate
cal methods are applied to educational prob- Certification is the means of indicating that schools. A total of 40-45 points of major
lems, policy, and practice. the student is regarded as having attained the courses is required.
expected competencies of the program. An
The program requires at least four courses (12 overall grade average of B+ is expected. In These courses prepare students with the requi-
points) in anthropology offered through the addition, students must complete a set of site knowledge of epistemological, theoretical,
Department. The program should include at written examinations on topics relevant to methodological, ethnographic, and substantive
least one colloquium or seminar level course; Anthropology and Education and to Applied areas of anthropology. They aim to develop
three courses (6-9 points) in the fields founda- Anthropology. competency in the discipline, while addressing
tional to anthropology (economics, history, lin- the specific intellectual interests of the stu-
guistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology); Dissertation Requirements dent.
and four other courses (9-12 points) that After passing the written certification exami-
directly contribute to the emerging profession- nation, the candidate prepares a dissertation At least 15 points of the anthropology require-
al interest of the candidate. The M.A. program proposal to be defended in oral examination. ments must be taken within the program.
requires an integrative project as well as an One or two years of anthropological field A minimum of 25 points of the 40 points
internship in addition to the 32-point program. research is required for the collection of origi- required in anthropology must be taken at
nal field data based on the dissertation Teachers College, or in other faculties of
MASTER OF EDUCATION research proposal. Columbia University. Within the major course
The Master of Education degree program is requirements, 15 points in required courses
flexible, allowing students to address various DOCTOR OF EDUCATION must be taken: the four semester sequence of
professional concerns, satisfy diverse academic A minimum of 90 points of acceptable gradu- colloquiums and summer field research (a min-
needs, and enhance professional skills. To satis- ate credit is required for the Doctor of imum of 12 points) and an independent study
fy the breadth requirements, masters students Education (Ed.D.), a minimum of 45 points (3 points) used in preparation for the certifica-
must complete 3 Teachers College courses must be completed through Teachers College tion examination and dissertation proposal.
(for this purpose, a course is defined as one in registration. Forty-two points of major courses 15 points in research methods and statisti-
which 2 points are earned) outside the major are required. These courses prepare students

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cal courses are also required. The remaining one outside of ones interest (6 points); two and additional discussion sessions held at
15 points of electives are used to increase sub-discipline courses (6 points), one in lin- hours to be arranged.
competence in comparative, regional or inter- guistics and one from either archaeology or
national studies, or to enhance technical skills physical anthropology; and an independent ITSF 4014. Urban situations and education
used in conjunction with but outside the major study (3 points) used in preparation for the (3-4)
Professor Bond. An introduction to the
course of study. At least three of these courses certification examination and dissertation
anthropological study of the sociocultural pat-
(8-9 points) must be taken in fields founda- proposal. terns of populations residing in urban settings,
tional to anthropology (economics, history, lin- with emphasis on domestic, ethnic, class, and
guistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology.) Of (15) points in research methods and statistical educational relationships.
the 75 graduate points required for the degree, courses are also required. The remaining 15
a minimum of 45 must be taken for an evalua- points of electives are used to increase compe- ITSF 4016. Culture and society in Africa (3)
tive letter grade. tence in comparative, regional or international Professor Bond. A general survey of sub-
studies, or to enhance technical skills used in Saharan Africa, using contributions from theo-
Foreign Language Requirement conjunction with but outside the major course retical approaches to anthropological research
Each candidate must satisfy the foreign lan- of study. At least three of these courses (9 in the area. Emphasis on socioeconomic, ideo-
logical and religious, educational, and political
guage requirement by demonstrating proficien- points) must be taken in fields foundational to
analysis of African communities.
cy in two scholarly languages, or one scholarly anthropology (economics, history, linguistics,
language and one field language, or one schol- philosophy, psychology, sociology.) Of the 75 ITSF 4017. Anthropological perspectives
arly language and a two-semester sequence of graduate points required for the degree, a min- on homelessness and social control (3)
prescribed statistics courses. imum of 45 must be taken for an evaluative Faculty. Theoretical and ethnographic analyses
letter grade. of contemporary forms of social exclusion in
APPLIED ANTHROPOLOGY urban settings. Emphasis on the interaction
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Foreign Language Requirement between institutional arrangements and the
Each candidate must satisfy the foreign lan- experience of homelessness.
Each student, in collaboration with an advisor,
develops a program of study in anthropology guage requirement by demonstrating proficien-
ITSF 4018. Anthropology and development
designed to establish a high level of competen- cy in two scholarly languages, or one scholarly
in Africa (3)
cy. A minimum of 75 points of acceptable language and one field language, or one schol- Professor Bond. This seminar considers issues
graduate credit is required for the Doctor of arly language and a two-semester sequence of and problems of development in sub-Saharan
Philosophy. prescribed statistics courses. Africa. It examines specific development proj-
ects from different theoretical and empirical
Of these 75 points, a maximum of 45 points COURSES: perspectives.
can be completed through another faculty of
Columbia University, or a maximum of 30
Introductory Courses Intermediate Courses
points may be transferred in courses from ITSF 4010. Cultural and social bases
other recognized graduate schools. 40-45 ITSF 5011. Process and change in Africa (3)
of education (3-4) Professor Bond. Anthropological studies of
points of major courses are required. Professor Comitas. Analyses of basic anthropo- social systems, cultural change, and develop-
logical concepts, with particular reference to ment. Special emphasis on the role of politics,
These courses prepare students with the requi- the sociocultural context of education and the religion, economics, and education in change
site knowledge of epistemological, theoretical, role of educational institutions in community, processes.
methodological, ethnographic, and substantive national, and regional development. Four-
areas of anthropology. They aim to develop point enrollment requires attendance at film ITSF 5012. Culture and society in
competency in the discipline, while addressing showings before or after class and at discussion the Caribbean (3)
sessions held at hours to be arranged. Professor Comitas. Detailed survey, utilizing
the specific intellectual interests of the student.
contributions from theoretical approaches to
ITSF 4011. Social context of education anthropological research in the area. Emphasis
At least 15 points of the anthropology require- (3-4) on socioeconomics, community studies, and
ments must be taken within the program. Professor Bond. The exploration of anthropo- sociopolitical analyses.
A minimum of 25 points of the 40 points logical and social science concepts for the
required in anthropology must be taken at analysis of educational, cultural, and social ITSF 5013. Psychological anthropology (3)
Teachers College, or in other faculties of institutions, organizations and processes of dif- Professor Harrington. The concepts, theories,
Columbia University. Up to 15 points in ferent peoples of the world. Four-point enroll- and methods of psychological anthropology.
anthropology courses may be taken at other ment requires attendance at film showings Cross-cultural studies of learning processes.
graduate institutions which are members of before or after class and additional discussion Emphasis on recent work in the field, prob-
sessions held at hours to be arranged. lems of cross-cultural methodology, and the
the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium,
to satisfy major course requirements. study of socialization.
ITSF 4012. Cross-cultural studies
of learning (3-4) ITSF 5015. Political anthropology:
Within the major course requirements, Professor Harrington. Analyses of basic Labor, race and belief (3)
30 points in required courses must be taken: anthropological concepts, with particular ref- Professor Bond. This course considers the the-
the four semester sequence of colloquiums erence to the influence of cultures and subcul- ories and concepts used by anthropologists and
and summer field research (a minimum of 12 tures on the learning process, to education in other social scientists in the analysis of politi-
points); an additional theory course outside multicultural classrooms and to the relevance cal behavior and institutions. It emphasizes
of the first semester colloquium (3 points); of psychological anthropology to educational the comparative study of political systems,
two ethnography courses, one within and issues. Four-point enrollment requires atten- movements, and processes within the context
dance at film showings before or after class of rural and urban situations.

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ITSF 5016. Ethnography of education (3) ITSF 6512. Social theory and structure (3)
Professor Varenne. Introduction to the ethno- Professor Bond. Investigation of issues and
graphic investigation of educative institutions problems in social theory through the analysis EDUCATION
(villages, neighborhoods, families, peer groups, of relevant literature in the social sciences.
schools, etc.) and to the policy issues it Program Coordinator:
addresses. ITSF 6513. Topics in anthropology and Professor Ofelia Garcia
education: Exploration of a selected topic
ITSF 5018. Drugs and society (3) in anthropology (1-3) Program Office: (212) 687-3758
Professor Comitas. Utilizing theoretical and Faculty. Permission required. Topics vary each Email: [email protected]
methodological perspectives from social and semester and may include any of the following: Web site: www.tc.edu/academic/Bilingual/
cultural anthropology, this course is designed Cultural analysis, Social structure, Religion
to explore the contextual dimensions of illicit and politics in contemporary Africa, Resilience Bilingual/Bicultural Education
drug use as well as other drug-related issues. in at-risk populations, Anthropology and the (Code: TLB)
A comparative, cross-cultural approach will law, and World ethnography.
be utilized and case material drawn from tradi- Degree and Certificate Offered:
tional as well as modern settings. ITSF 6911. Work group in psychological Master of Arts (M.A.)
anthropology (0-1) Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Education
ITSF 5020. Practicum in anthropological Professor Harrington. This work group meets
field techniques (3) every other week to discuss current issues in Program Description:
Professor Comitas. For anthropologists and psychological anthropology. It also discusses
In a world characterized by a greater flow
non-anthropologists contemplating independ- and reviews current research and proposals for
ent, qualitative research, this course provides research of work group members, including of people, information, goods and services,
hands-on experience in techniques for gener- faculty, alumni, and doctoral students concen- bi/multilingualism and the ability to communi-
ating, recording, and managing anthropological trating in psychological anthropology. cate cross-culturally is an important resource.
data in the field. The program in Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Individualized Studies prepares educators, policy makers and
Colloquia researchers to understand issues surrounding
Advanced students may register for intensive the education of linguistically and culturally
ITSF 5610. First-year colloquium in individual study of some aspect of their con- diverse students. The program also develops
applied anthropology (3) centration. Registration is only by permission the understandings and strategies necessary to
Professors Bond and Varenne. Permission of the instructor under whose guidance the educate for bi/multilingualism, multicultural-
required. This is a year-long critical review of work will be undertaken. Times for individual ism and cross-cultural understandings, and the
important works in anthropology and educa- conferences will be arranged. Enrollment may
use of multiple literacies. It does so while being
tion and applied anthropology. During the be for 1 or more points each term, and regis-
tration is not limited to one or two terms. mindful of the differences in educating lan-
spring semester students present proposals for guage minority students, language majority
their summer fieldwork before the members of
ITSF 4900. Research independent study students, and linguistically heterogeneous
both programs. Required of, and open only to,
first-year doctoral students. Meets concurrent- anthropology and education (1-8) groups.
ly with ITSF 5611 during the spring semester.
ITSF 6900. Research independent study New York City, the most multilingual city
ITSF 5611. Second-year colloquium in anthropology and education (1-8) of the world, and specifically the schools of
anthropological method (3) New York City, give the program in
Professors Comitas and Harrington. Permission ITSF 6910. Studies in anthropology and Bilingual/Bicultural Education at Teachers
required. This is a year-long review of the education (1-8)
College the ability to study in depth issues of
methods of field research and data analysis in bi/multilingualism and multiculturalism, espe-
anthropology, with special reference to educa- cially as they are manifested in schools and
tional systems and processes. Network analysis,
classrooms. The program pays attention to
systematic observation, quantification proce-
dures, participant observation, ethnographic the bilingual education of English Language
interview, use of film and videotape, cross-cul- Learners in the United States. It focuses on
tural survey techniques, and testing and exper- the kind of bilingual education known in the
imental design. During the spring semester, United States as dual language programs, pro-
students report on their completed summer grams where language minority and language
fieldwork before the members of both pro- majority children become bilingual and biliter-
grams. Required of, and open only to, second- ate in each others languages.
year doctoral students. Meets concurrently
with ITSF 5610 during the spring semester. Students interested in policy and research, as
well as international students might be inter-
Research Seminars ested in the Master of Arts (M.A.) in
Bilingual/Bicultural Education. Students inter-
ITSF 6511. Seminar in psychological ested in teacher certification may follow any
anthropology (3) of our Master of Arts in Bilingual/Bicultural
Professor Harrington. Permission required.
Education that lead to a New York State
Prerequisite: ITSF 5013. A research seminar
focusing on current issues in psychological teacher certification or an Advanced
anthropology. Certificate in Bilingual/Bicultural Education.
Other programs and departments offer joint
programs with a Bilingual/Bicultural Education

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emphasis and specialization, which may lead to Program application (available from the Office ITSF 4028 Teaching literacy in bilingual
the bilingual extension New York State teachers of Admission, the Program Office or the Web) settings (3 points)
certificate. All students must be bilingual. Proof of Language proficiency (please see pro-
gram application) ITSF 4121 Bilingual/bicultural
The course of studies offered: curriculum design in elemen-
The M.A. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education Proficiency in a Language Other than tary & middle schools
not leading to New York State teacher certifica- English is required for the Program in Bilingual/ (4 points)
tion is 33 points. This is for students who do not Bicultural Education. Students pursuing the
plan to be classroom teachers. NYS teacher certification programs must be pro- ITSF 4133 Curriculum and methods for
The M.A. in Bilingual/Bicultural Childhood ficient in English and a language other than bilingual education: Science
Education is for students pursuing Initial New English. To qualify for the teacher education pro- (1-2 points)
York State teacher certification in Childhood gram leading to NYS initial teacher certification,
Education (grades 1-6), Bilingual Education, and students must be proficient in Spanish or ITSF 4134 Curriculum and methods for
an optional Middle Childhood certification Chinese. Students must verify their proficiency bilingual education: Math
(grades 7-9). It has two streams. Stream A is for in a language other than English by showing (1-2 points)
students without prior experience in education. education or residence abroad, undergraduate
Students take 40 points and must be bilingual in coursework in a language other than English, In addition, depending on the program route
English and either Spanish or Chinese. Stream B language proficiency exam scores such as the pursued, the following may be required
is for students who have student taught or are GRE, SAT, or Peace Corps Assessment. It is also (Consult Program Bulletin):
presently teaching. Students take 33 points and possible to take the language proficiency exami- C&T 4052 Designing curriculum and
must be bilingual. nation given by the Foreign Language instruction (2-3 points)
The M.A. in Bilingual/Bicultural Childhood Proficiency Testing Service: (212) 998-7030. C&T 4123* Curriculum and instruction
Education (Transitional B) is only for students in in elementary education
the Peace Corps Fellows Program. Students com- For further program information, contact the (2 points)
plete an intensive 200 hour summer session, Program in Bilingual/Bicultural Education at or
after which they follow a 33 point program. Teachers College, Box 122, C&T 4132* Learning and teaching in
The M.A. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education 525 West 120 Street, New York, NY 10027. the primary reading/writing
leads to Professional New York State certification Telephone: (212) 678-3758 classroom (3 points)
in the teaching area of the students initial cer- E-mail: [email protected] or
tificate and the bilingual certification. Students C& T 4136 Methods and materials for
take 33 points. It is only open to students who Degree Requirements: reading instruction
already hold teacher certification in any area. (2-3 points)
Completion of this degree gives students profes- MASTER OF ARTS C&T 4143* Social studies in elementary
sional certification in the area of their certifica- The different Master of Arts programs in and intermediate school
tion and initial bilingual certification. Bilingual/Bicultural Education meet all require- (2 points)
Advanced Certificate: ments for initial and/or professional certification C&T 4729* Professional lab experiences
Students who are pursuing teaching certification and the bilingual extension certification. All in elementary education
in another area or who already hold teaching M.A. degree candidates are required to complete (4 points)
certification or are simultaneously pursuing an integrative project. Please see the degree HBSS 4116 Health for teachers (1 point)
teacher certification in another area, and are guide to determine to which program to apply. ITSF 4323 Student teaching in
eligible for an Advanced Certificate in Also consult with an academic advisor. bilingual/bicultural settings
Bilingual/Bicultural Education which leads to the The basic curriculum includes: (4 points)
New York State Bilingual Extension Certification or
and consists of 15 points. Foundations ITSF 4720 Practicum in childhood
bilingual/bicultural education
The program in Bilingual/Bicultural Education ITSF 4021 Foundations of bilingual/ (3 points)
grants scholarships to students in the M.A. pro- bicultural education *Taken by students in Stream A. When two
grams. Competitive scholarships are based on (3 points) courses are listed, the first course is taken by
academic performance, field experience, and students in Stream A.
commitment to bilingual education. ITSF 4024 Linguistic foundations of
bilingual/bicultural educa- Bilingual/Bicultural Education Emphasis
Special Application tion (3 points)
Requirements/Information: Students may be admitted to a cooperating
In addition to the Teachers College admissions ITSF 4075 Cross-cultural degree program with an emphasis in
application, applicants to the M.A. and communication Bilingual/Bicultural Education. The substance
Advanced Certificate program in Bilingual/ and classroom ecology and scope of courses within the emphasis
Bicultural Education and those applicants who (3 points) (please see cooperating programs below) are-
wish to add a bilingual specialization or Required courses contingent on the degree sought, on the major
emphasis to a cooperating Teachers College A&HL 4076 TESOL methodologies for field the student has chosen, and on whether
program must submit: K-6 (3 points) the student wishes to meet bilingual teacher

ITSF 4020 Bilingualism and disability

(1 point)

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certification requirements and, thus, is highly TKEB Cognitive Studies in Education ITSF 4027. Current topics in bilingualism
(M.A., Ed.D.) and bilingual/bicultural education (1-3)
TLAB Applied Linguistics Faculty. Studies of selected topics in bi/multilin-
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) gualism and bilingual/bicultural education.
Students in any of the programs in the
Department of International and Transcultural TLEB Teaching of English
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Ed.D.C.T.) ITSF 4028. Teaching literacy in bilingual
Studies or in programs outside the Depart- settings (3)
TLZB Teaching of English to Speakers
ment may pursue a concentration/specializa- of Other Languages Professor Garcia. Prerequisite: ITSL 4021.
tion or emphasis in Bilingual/Bicultural (M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) Approaches to developing literacy in a second
Education. M.A. students must complete TMMB Measurement and Evaluation and native language in elementary and middle
12 points, Ed.M. students 18 points, and (Ed.M.) schools. Techniques for developing listening,
Ed.D./Ph.D. students 24 points. All students TYDB Early Childhood Education speaking, reading and writing, developing lan-
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) guage and literacy through the content areas,
must be bilingual.
TYPB Elementary/Childhood using childrens literature, and assessing stu-
Education-Preservice dents literacy development in the second and
Students wishing to use their concentration/ native language. Strategies to develop biliteracy
specialization or emphasis to fulfill require- (M.A.)
TYZB Curriculum and Teaching in dual language programs.
ments for the bilingual extension certification
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.)
must take 15 specific credits as outlined in the ITSF 4121. Bilingual/bicultural curriculum
appropriate section. design in elementary and middle schools (4)
Dr. Hamilton. Permission required.
Students may apply for a bilingual emphasis in Prerequisites: ITSL 4021 and proficiency in the
ITSL 4020. Bilingualism and disabilities (1)
any of the programs and/or degree levels listed English language and one additional language.
Professor Stefanakis. This course examines the
The course focuses on: a)linguistic, cognitive,
below. Emphasis code B must be specified interaction between disability and bilingualism
developmental, and socio-cultural considera-
with the program code on the application. through the life span and across home, school,
tions in the design of bi/multilingual
Many of the cooperating programs also lead work, and other life contexts. It draws on theo-
curricula; b) exploration of bi/multilingual
to New York State certification. Please refer ries and practices from linguistics, bilingual edu-
instructional methods & materials for use in
to the application deadline dates as advertised cation, the literatures of disability rights, and
language arts and content areas; c) integration
the teaching of students with disabilities.
by the College. Please see the Admissions of popular/multimedia (e.g., cinematic educa-
section of this bulletin for more information. tion) approaches in languages acquisition;
ITSL 4021. Foundations of bilingual/
d) critique of current commercially prepared
bicultural education (3)
Participating Degree Programs with an products. This course is conducted in collabora-
Professor Garcia. Review of the linguistic, socio-
Emphasis in Bilingual Education: tion with the Film & Education Research
cultural, philosophical, political, and historical
TALB Education Leadership Academy (FERA) at TC.
foundations that have shaped bilingual educa-
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) tion policies, program models, and teaching and
TCAB Mathematics Education ITSF 4133-ITSF 4137. Curriculum
assessment practices, with special emphasis on
(M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) and methods for bilingual teachers
the United States. Study of the bilingual learner
TCEB Elementary School Science Education (non-credit or 3)
and of bilingualism in childhood and adoles-
(M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisites:
cence, and in different societal contexts.
TCHB Secondary School Science Education ITSL 4021 and ITSL 4121, or permission of
Analysis of how diverse bilingual education pro-
(M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) instructor. Intensive review of curriculum and
gram models throughout the world respond to
TCTB Education of Teachers of Science methods appropriate to the teaching of the sub-
different linguistic, social, and educational
(Ed.M., Ed.D.) ject areas in bilingual instructional settings.
TCXB Supervision in Science Education Offered as needed for those wishing to obtain
(M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) bilingual teacher certification.
ITSL 4024. Linguistic foundations of
TDKB Adult Learning and Leadership bilingual/bicultural education (3)
(M.A., Ed.D.) ITSF 4133. Science
Faculty. Introduction to the study of bilingual-
TEBB Blindness and Visual Impairment ism. Study of sociolinguistics and psycholinguis-
(M.A., Ed.D.) ITSF 4134. Mathematics
tics as applied to the design and implementa-
TEDB Deaf and Hard of Hearing tion of bilingual/bicultural educational models
(M.A., Ed.D.) ITSF 4135. Language arts
and materials.
TEGB Guidance and Rehabilitation
(M.A.) ITSF 4136. Foreign languages
ITSF 4075. Cross-cultural communication
TFAB Anthropology and Education and classroom ecology (3)
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) ITSF 4137. Social studies
Professor Torres-Guzman. Examination of the
TFGB Politics and Education influence of culture in the design and imple-
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) ITSF 4150. Teacher/educational inquiry:
mentation of school instruction. Identification
TFHB History and Education Bilingual/bicultural education (1-3)
of salient theoretical issues related to culture
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) Professors Torres-Guzman and Garcia.
and social organization as they relate to the
TFSB Sociology and Education Permission required. Open only to students
education of ethnolinguistic and minority chil-
(M.A., Ed.M.) registered in any of the M.A. Programs in
dren. Exploration of the learning/teaching
TFZB International Educational Development Bilingual/Bicultural Education. Reflective
processes within the context of multicultural
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) inquiry focused on bilingualism or bicultural-
and bilingual classroom settings from a cultural
TGMB Music and Music Education ism in relation to instruction in the native lan-
perspective. Reflection upon the role of the
(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Ed.D.C.T.) guage, native language development, second
teacher in creating cultural learning environ-
TJEB Psychological Counseling language learning, and the relationship
ments. Survey of research approaches which
(Ed.M.) between the theory and practice of learning
serve as tools to examine classroom interaction.
and/or teaching in bi/multilingual/multicultur-

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al settings. Courses supports students in devel- ing nations. While such models and designs
opment and presentation of their Integrative are analyzed from a comparative educational
Project. Offered only in the Fall. The course perspective, much attention is given to the AND INTERNATIONAL
meets until March. ethnolinguistic, social, economic, and political EDUCATION
nuances of each nation. Program Coordinator:
ITSF 4323. Practicum/student teaching for Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi
practicing teachers in bilingual/bicultural ITSF 5512. Bilingual/multicultural
education (3) education program development
Ms. Hunt. Permission required. Practicum for and change theory (1-3) Program Office: (212) 678-3179
experienced teachers in bilingual institutional Faculty. Permission required. Analysis of Email: [email protected]
settings. change theory with emphasis on factors affect- Web site: www.tc.edu/its/Comparative
ing development, implementation, staffing,
ITSF 4325. Practicum/internship in and administration of bilingual/bicultural Comparative and International Education
bilingual/bicultural institutions (3) programs. (Code: TFI)
Ms. Hunt. Permission required. Practicum for
non-certification students in bilingual institu- ITSF 5513. Staff development in multi- Degrees offered:
tional settings. lingual/multicultural settings (3)
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Professor Torres-Guzman. Permission required.
Critical study of theory and practice of staff Master of Education (Ed.M.)
ITSF 4720. Student teaching in
bilingual/bicultural education (3-4) development in multilingual/multicultural Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Ms. Hunt. Permission required. Student settings.
teaching in a bilingual elementary classroom. INTERNATIONAL
Experiences include second language teaching ITSF 6202. Advanced fieldwork EDUCATIONAL
(ESL and LOTE as a Second Language), (1-6 each course) DEVELOPMENT
native language teaching (English and the Permission required.
LOTE). Special emphasis in teaching all Program Coordinator:
content areas, observation, and supervised ITSF 6402. Internship in Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi
practice. bilingual/bicultural education (1-6)
Permission required. Occassional opportunities Program Office: (212) 678-3179
ITSF 5021. Assessment and evaluation in college programs in areas represented by the Email: [email protected]
in bilingual education (3) department. Students must inquire to see if Web site: www.tc.edu/its/International
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: opportunities are available during any given
introductory course in educational or psycho- semester. International Educational Development
logical assessment. Survey of tools and tech- (Code: TFZ)
niques used in different types of assessment ITSF 6521. Seminar in
and evaluation including linguistic, psychoed- bilingualism/bilingual education (3)
ucational, and programmatic areas; principles, Professors Garcia and Torres-Guzman. Degrees offered:
limitations, and alternatives applied to the A review of research in bilingual/bicultural Master of Arts (M.A.)
above as they pertain to effective bilingual education from an inter-disciplinary perspec- Master of Education (Ed.M.)
programs. Emphasis on methods of assessment tive. The focus is on the analysis of research, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
and evaluation that can be used by the evaluation methodologies and findings, and
teacher/supervisor with English Language their potential application to current theory Description of the Two Programs:
Learners. and practice. In 1899, Teachers College became the first gradu-
ate institution in the United States to develop a
ITSF 5022. Administration of bilingual Courses Open to Non-Majors program in comparative and international studies
programs (3) A number of departmental offerings are suit- in education. The Program faculty were co-
Faculty. Focus on managerial, legal, and finan-
able for non-majors because of their non-tech- founders of the Comparative and International
cial issues in bilingual education, with particu-
lar emphasis on urban and suburban settings nical nature. Consult advisors about other Education Society in 1954 and edited the
at elementary and secondary school levels. courses not listed. Societys journal, Comparative Education Review,
for many years.
ITSL 5023. School counseling of ITSF 4021. Foundations of
bilingual/bicultural children, adolescents bilingual/bicultural education (3) From the 1960s, Teachers College also became
and their families (3) instrumental in the study of the international
Faculty. Guidance and counseling theory, ITSF 4024. Linguistic foundations of development of education, founding the
research and practice regarding bilingual and bilingual/bicultural education (3)
program in International Educational
racially/ culturally diverse children, adoles- Development. The Faculty of the programs con-
cents and their families. The course examines ITSF 4075. Cross-cultural communica-
tion and classroom ecology (3) tinues to be active in conducting research or par-
paradigms used to understand the behavior of
bilingual/bicultural children, the impact of ticipating in educational activities around the
various factors on their functioning, models for ITSF 4027. Current topics in bilingualism world. The programs, in addition to the Institute
assessing their functioning, and preventive and and bilingual/bicultural education (1-3) for International Studies, play dominant roles in
rehabilitative interventions to effect change. international activities and research at Teachers
ITSL 5123. School counseling of College.
ITSF 5024. Bilingual/multilingual bilingual/bicultural children (3)
education: International perspectives (3) The programs in Comparative and International
Professor Torres-Guzman. A survey of bilin- ITSF 5024. Bilingual/multilingual educa-
Education and International Educational
gual/multi-lingual educational policies and tion: International perspectives (3)
Development provide advanced preparation for
practices in highly industrialized and develop-

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professional careers in a wide range of teaching, that have shaped the African continent and its cation, an understanding of the connections
policy and evaluation, administrative and educational systems. There is also an unprece- between local and global cultures, and the
research roles. Students may combine their stud- dented need for educators and policy makers who resources families and communities bring from
ies with any area of concentration offered understand the fundamental changes in African one area to another is essential for educators
throughout the College. education stemming from decentralization, and policy makers. Thus, another focus of
democratization, and privatization as well as reli- study is family migration, immigration, and
Graduates of the programs are found in numerous gious and political movements on the continent. education.
educational positions including academic research The concentration provides students with a foun-
and teaching, in educational planning, implemen- dation in African studies through courses on cul- The concentration offers courses for those in the
tation, and evaluation roles in foundations, non- tural and social relations in African communities, various majors within the department, as well
governmental organizations, governmental insti- demographic changes on the continent, and as those from other departments of Teachers
tutions, businesses and corporations, and private comparative studies of education in specific College, Columbia University, Union Theolo-
and public educational institutions. African countries. Those who select this concen- gical Seminary, and Jewish Theological Seminary
tration will be prepared for further academic who feel their future work will benefit from new
Comparative and International Education studies as well as for professional careers in teach- perspectives on families and communities.
Students in this program select a social science ing, policy-making, and international develop-
discipline and a geographical area of specialty. ment. Students are encouraged to consult with Courses examine basic processes of education
Geographical areas currently available are: Africa, one of the faculty members affiliated with the within families, for example, the social construc-
the Caribbean, Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, concentration to select courses from other tion of family memories, the mediation of televi-
the Middle East, South Asia, South America and departments at Teachers College as well as from sion and other forms of technology by families, as
the U.S. (for a transcultural/ other programs at Columbia University. well as the changing configurations of education
immigration focus.) in community settings, for example, linkages
Bilingual/Bicultural Education among museums, families and schools.
International Educational Development This concentration enables students to develop Frameworks for these courses are interdiscipli-
Students seeking masters and doctoral degrees in understandings necessary to educate language nary, drawing upon concepts from the social sci-
the International Educational Development pro- minorities throughout the world. It focuses on ences and the humanities.
gram select an academic or professional concen- individual and societal bi/multilingualism as well
tration and either a transcultural or geographical as the influence of cultural and linguistic diversity Those who specialize in Family and Community
area of study. Several academic and professional in the design of educational systems and class- Education design their programs of study from
areas of concentration are offered, including room instruction. For more information, please the courses in Family and Community
African Education; Bilingual/Bicultural see the section titled Bilingual/Bicultural Education. In consultation with an advisor they
Education; Family and Community Education; Education. select courses from other departments in
Finance and Planning; International Teachers College, as well as from elsewhere in
Humanitarian Issues; International Educational Family and Community Education Columbia University. Opportunities are available
Policy Studies; Language, Literacy and Teachers College continues its long history of for individually designed programs of study and
Technology; and Peace Education. groundbreaking work through the concentration research.
in Family and Community Education. In this
In conjunction with, but outside the department, concentration, a founding premise concerning Finance and Planning
concentrations are offered in: educational configurations is central. The Finance and Planning concentration
Adult Education is devoted to the preparation of researchers, poli-
Communication, In all societies, individuals learn from many oth- cy analysts, as well as managers and leaders in
Computing and Technology the financing and planning of education. The
ers in their social networks, e.g., parents, siblings,
Conflict Resolution
grandparents, peers, clergy, as well as teachers, courses are designed to examine issues and topics
Curriculum and Teaching
Educational Leadership and other professionals. What is more, education central to the financing and planning of
Health Education takes place through many institutions, e.g. fami- education at various levels across countries today
Higher and Postsecondary Education lies, day-care centers, businesses, the media, and in the new century. These issues and topics
Mathematics Education museums, libraries, community agencies, religious include: financing quality basic education for all,
Policy Studies institutions, as well as the schools. equity and efficiency in financing, higher-educa-
Science Education tion finance, privatization and educational
TESOL Since the configurations of these educational net- choice, international aid and education, decision
works and institutions are subject to change analysis and planning in education, as well as the
For further information on concentrations that fall sometimes drasticallyas in the case of new international and transcultural contexts of edu-
outside of the Department of International and technological enterprises, studies in Family and cational financing and planning.
Transcultural Studies, students should refer to the Community Education examine the changing
academic departments around the campus where linkages among educative institutions in the This concentration is intended for students who
those concentrations are housed for a list of community. will pursue a career dealing with financial and
courses and a description of their foci. planning aspects in a variety of education set-
Fundamental changes in education also stem tings, including schools and universities, govern-
African Education from the extensive transnational migration and ment education departments and ministries,
The concentration in African Education reflects immigration taking place in many areas of the international development organizations, as well
the growing demand within schools and other world today. Given increasing geographic as non-profit and community organizations. In
public agencies for persons knowledgeable about mobility, together with new forms of communi- addition to required courses, students can select
the diverse institutions and historical processes relevant courses from departments such as

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Organization and Leadership, Arts and opment. The International Policy concentration modal discourses and literacies, and the design
Humanities, as well as from the larger university. follows the same approach to policy studies as and evaluation of multimedia materials.
the College-level policy studies courses. Please
International Humanitarian Issues refer to education policy studies section of this In addition to the courses listed under this con-
The International Humanitarian Issues (IHI) bulletin for additional information. Students centration, students can select relevant courses
concentration is an interdisciplinary special- learn about the craft of policy making and analy- from Bilingual/Bicultural Education and Anthro-
ization within the Program in International sis, acquire content and historical background pology within this department, from other
Educational Development. It is designed for information, enroll in content-driven policy departments such as Mathematics, Science and
students interested in conducting research on courses, and take research methodology courses. Technology and Arts and Humanities as well as
humanitarian issues or in providing humanitari- Policy methods courses are offered throughout from the larger university.
an assistance in regions experiencing conflict, Teachers College, and students are required to
post-conflict recovery, or natural disasters. take a combination of both qualitative and quan- Peace Education
Through courses offered at Teachers College, the titative methods courses. In recognition of the unprecedented dimensions
School of International and Public Affairs and overriding significance of issues of security, war
(SIPA), the School of Social Work, the Earth Students must meet with their advisors to select and peace, human rights and social justice, sustain-
Institute, and the Mailman School of Public appropriate policy related courses from across the able development and ecological balance in a
Health, students will examine the social, politi- College or at one of the other Columbia schools. world of violent conflict, the department has
cal, environmental, and economic dimensions of Educational policy courses can be taken within developed a concentration in Peace Education.
humanitarian emergencies and the impact of the International and Transcultural Studies Students are encouraged to follow a program that
these emergencies on the education sector. department or in other departments. Many will prepare them to pursue the objectives of peace
Coursework in these different departments and courses are offered by the Department of education in whatever area of education they
programs will allow students to explore from an Organization and Leadership and the choose to concentrate. In addition to the courses
interdisciplinary perspective the role of formal Department of Human Development. listed under peace education, students can select
and non-formal education in periods of conflict relevant courses offered within other programs at
and crisis, and to consider the limitations of edu- Students in the M.A. program take 12 credits Columbia University, Jewish Theological Seminary,
cation in resolving different kinds of humanitari- of policy courses for their concentration: and Union Theological Seminary.
an emergencies. Ed.M. students take 18 credits; and Ed.D.
students take 27 credits. Ed.M. and Ed.D. The four core courses (ITSF 4603, ITSF 4611,
Students in the IHI concentration will plan an students may be able to transfer credits from pol- ITSF 4613, and ITSF 4614) are required for the
appropriate course of study with their advisors, icy courses at their previous institutions to fulfill Peace Education concentration for all degree lev-
but they are required to take at least six credits some of these course requirements. els. Courses in Conflict Resolution are highly rec-
within the Department of International and ommended for all those concentrating in peace
Transcultural Studies at the masters level and Language, Literacy and Technology education. Advanced students may also choose a
nine credits at the doctoral level. They are This concentration systematically brings together combined concentration in Peace Education and
also strongly advised to take courses from at least social studies of language from three interrelated Conflict Resolution by taking ORLJ 5340 and
two of the institutions listed above. Additionally, vantage points: ORLJ 6040 in addition to the core courses.
at the doctoral level, students are recommended Discourse Studies
to complete an internship with an organization Literacy Studies Special Application
involved in humanitarian issues, such as the Multimodal Discourse and Literacies Requirements/Information:
African Services Committee or the International Applicants to the masters and doctoral degree
Rescue Committee with whom standing intern- We are concerned with educational problems programs in Comparative and International
ship programs exist. In addition, masters and faced by immigrant families and by speakers Education must indicate an academic discipline
doctoral students are advised to take foreign lan- of minority languages and varieties; with the and a geographical area of specialty on their appli-
guage and area studies classes to help them development of cross-national computer-mediat- cation for admission on the line where they indi-
obtain familiarity with cultural, historical, and ed-communication skills; with the design of cate their choice of program. See program descrip-
linguistic contexts in which they plan to work. computer-supported learning materials for lan- tion for academic discipline and geographical area
guage and literacy; and with bringing knowledge choices.
International Education Policy Studies about human communication to bear on prob-
The International Education Policy concentra- lems of understanding within and across groups Students seeking masters and doctoral degrees in
tion is interdisciplinary and encompasses a wide such as family, community, workplace, national the International Educational Development pro-
range of local and global perspectives in the field and international entities. gram select an academic or professional concentra-
of international educational development. tion of interest and either a transcultural or geo-
Courses are taught with attention to multiple Students specializing in this field may focus on graphical area of study. They must indicate their
paradigms and worldviews to prepare future areas such as the teaching of English in interna- area of interest on their application for admission.
scholars to engage in the work of policy analysis, tional settings, the education of speakers of See program description above for academic disci-
formation, and study. Faculty who teach educa- minority languages and language varieties, litera- pline and geographical area choices.
tion policy courses come from a variety of aca- cy practices around the world, the development
demic disciplines across the College, such as of literacy in the first and second language, and Applicants to the Master of Education (Ed.M.)
anthropology, economics, law, political science, language policy and planning in the U. S. and degree should have a Masters (M.A.) degree,
psychology, and sociology. There are also faculty abroad. Those interested in the relationship preferably in an area that is congruent with the
who work in interdisciplinary areas, such as early between language and technology may focus on particular concentration or disciplinary field to
childhood education, public health, education areas such as language and the Internet, multi- which they are applying.
leadership, and international educational devel-

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Doctoral applicants must submit an academic MASTER OF EDUCATION (60 POINTS) COURSES:
writing sample and should arrange if possible for Core Courses: 9 points (ITSF 4090 or ITSF 4091 (For out-of-department courses, please
an interview prior to applying. A social science and a second course: ITSF 4090, ITFS 4091, check the appropriate department for
educational background is preferred for those ITSF 4025, or ITSF 4051 and one course descriptions.)
who wish to be considered for the Ph.D. program additional department course)
in Comparative and International Education. Concentration Courses: Core Courses
18 points (in an academic discipline for
For information about final application deadlines Comparative and International Education ITSF 4025. Languages, society and schools (3)
as advertised by the College, please see the or in a professional concentration for Professor Garcia. This course studies the role that
Admissions section of this bulletin. International Educational Development, languages play in different societal contexts. It
examines the language policies of different soci-
as listed in the Program Description above)
eties and looks at how these policies are enacted
Note that there are special deadlines for appli- Transcultural/geographical area studies: or not in different institutional contexts by
cants to doctoral studies in the IED/CIE 18 points diverse speakers. In doing so, the course pays
Programs: Electives: 15 points attention to diverse language ideologies as well as
Ed.M. degree candidates must complete a to the relationship between language and identi-
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEGREE special integrative project designed to illumi- ty. Languages and literacies in schools, especially
APPLICANTS (ONCE A YEAR ONLY) nate a major aspect of the program of study. educational language policy in multilingual con-
Final and Early Deadline: December 15 texts, receive special consideration.
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION DEGREE (International Educational Development only) ITSF 4051. Education and economic
APPLICANTS (ONCE A YEAR ONLY) Core Courses: 12 points (ITSF 4090, development (3)
ITSF 4091 and two additional ITSF courses) Professor Rivera-Batiz. This course examines the
Final and Early Deadline: January 2
Courses in a field of professional links between education and various aspects of
concentration: 27 points economic development. Topics include the
Degree Requirements: impact of human capital accumulation on eco-
Transcultural/geographical area studies:
The programs are designed to provide students nomic growth, the educational attainment of
27 points
with challenging course work related to interna- Electives: 24 points men and women in developing countries, the
tional and transcultural dimensions of education. To be certified, all doctoral students must effects of schooling on labor force participation,
Requirements include work in four areas: A core pass a year-long seminar (ITSF 6090 and wages and fertilities, and the issues of school
curriculum, a concentration which is either an 6091, first seminar to be designed for this finance and educational policy in the Third
academic discipline or a professional field of edu- purpose) that includes sitting for a examin- World.
cation, transcultural or geographically-related ation, a specialization examination, and a
dissertation proposal hearing. Students ITSF 4090. Issues and institutions
study, and elective credits.
then prepare and present a dissertation in international educational development (3)
which addresses a theme, problem or issue Professors Tsang and Vavrus. This course explores
The program arrangements are designed to be as current issues and debates regarding the nature of
in the area of concentration within the
flexible as possible so that previous educational development and international education.
framework of comparative and interna-
and professional experience and the future career tional educational development.
goals of the student may be taken into account ITSF 4091. Comparative education (3)
in the choice of appropriate course work. Each Professors Bartlett and Steiner-Khamsi.
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (75 POINTS) Introduction to theories in comparative educa-
student is expected to assume major responsibili- (Comparative and International Education only)
ty for formulating, in cooperation with the pro- tion, cross-national comparative analysis, educa-
Core Courses: 9 points (ITSF 4090, ITSF 4091 tional indicator research, educational transfer and
gram advisor, a plan of study that will best meet and one additional ITSF course) borrowing, and relation between culture and edu-
the general program requirements in a way most Courses in an allied discipline: 30 points cation.
compatible with her/his own professional goals. Transcultural/geographical area studies:
(Keep in mind that degrees are offered only by 18 points General Courses
programs). Electives: 18 points
To be certified, all doctoral students must
MASTER OF ARTS (32 POINTS) ITSF 4014. Urban situations and
pass a year-long seminar (ITSF 6090
Core Courses: 6 points, (ITSF 4090 or ITSF 4091 education (3-4)
and 6091, seminar to be designed for this
Professor Bond. See course description under
and a second course: ITSF 4090, ITFS 4091, purpose) that includes sitting for an
Anthropology programs course listing.
ITSF 4025, or ITSF 4051) examination, a specialization examination,
Concentration Courses: and a dissertation proposal hearing.
ITSF 4054. Education and strategic
12 points (in an academic discipline for Students then prepare and present a disser-
planning (3)
Comparative and International Education tation which addresses a theme, problem, or
Faculty. Educational planning within the context
issue in the area of discipline within the
or in a professional field of education for of national economic planning; the methods,
framework of comparative and interna-
International Educational Development, as assumptions, validity, and usefulness of the major
tional educational development.
listed in the Program Description above) approaches; examples mainly from the less devel-
Transcultural/geographical area studies: 6 points oped countries.
For further program information, contact the
Electives: 8 points Programs in International Educational
Each M.A. candidate must complete a Development of Comparative and International
special integrative project, demonstrating Education, Teachers College, Columbia
the ability to integrate, synthesize, and apply University, Box 55, New York, New York 10027
what has been learned in the program of or call (212) 678-3184.

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ITSF 4092. Qualitative research and ITSF 5000. Methods of inquiry: Ethnography ITSF 5692. Colloquium on international
evaluation in international education (3) and participant observation (3) education and the United NationsTheory
Professor Steiner-Khamsi. The study of qualita- Professor Harrington. See course description and teaching techniques: New trends in
tive methodologies appropriate to various kinds under departmental course listing. international education (3)
of educational programs, issues, and problems Faculty. Permission required. Enrollment limit-
in diverse research settings. Section 2 ITSF 5001. Ethnography and participant ed. Through class interchange and use of
Enrollment limited. Evaluation of ongoing observation: Fieldwork, analysis, United Nations human and material resources,
international or multicultural education proj- reporting (3) participants develop innovative teaching mate-
ects in New York City or abroad. (Also offered Professor Varenne. Permission required. rials suitable for their own educational systems.
as an online course) ITSF 5000 or equivalent required. See course
description under departmental course listing. ITSF 6590. Doctoral seminar in international
ITSF 4093. Preparation of instructional and transcultural studies (1-3)
materials for developing countries (3) ITSF 5002. Ethnography and participant Faculty. Permission required. Presentation
Faculty. Problems, issues, and approaches in the observation: Comparative and quantitative of research in progress and examination of pro-
preparation of written and other instructional analysis (3) fessional roles.
materials for developing countries. Professor Harrington. Permission required.
ITSF 5000 or equivalent required. See course ITSF 4195. Academic literacies (2-3)
ITSF 4094. Educational planning in inter- description under departmental course listing. Dr. Frenz-Belkin. See course description under
national educational development (1-3) Language, Literacy, and Technology course list-
Faculty. Point allocation to be determined by ITSF 5003. Communication and culture (3) ing.
topic each time course is offered. Topic courses Professor Varenne. Introduction to major theo-
explore issues related to the socioeconomic and ries of human communication and culture as Family and Community Education
cultural context of educational planning and they relate and build on each other.
policy studies. They consider the relation to ITSF 4034. Dynamics of family
specific issues to various approaches to planning ITSF 5007. Race, class and schooling: interaction (3)
and their attendant outcomes. Topics vary and Ethnographic approaches (3) Professor Varenne. An introduction to commu-
may include any of the following: Human Professor Bartlett. This course examines the nication patterns inside families, with a special
Rights, International Educational Policy, role of schooling in the formation of race and emphasis on both their complexity at the inter-
Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Emergency class structures across the Americas, including personal level and their simplicity within the
Education, and Educational Exchange. Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United social structure of a community. Class time is
States. dominated by cross-cultural data on family
ITSF 4096. Strategic planning and organiza- structure and videotape analyses of communi-
tional change in international and national ITSF 5090. Education and demographic cation patterns within American families.
educational settings (3) change (3)
Faculty. This course will focus on organizational Professor Vavrus. This course examines the ITSF 5005. Interdisciplinary study of
and programmatic change, and the role of relationship between education and demo- the family (3)
strategic planning in the change process. graphic change in international educational Professor Varenne. Critical examination of the
Students will apply a series of planning and development. It focuses on historical and cul- interaction of internal and external forces and
implementation techniques such as the future tural changes in the areas of fertility, migration, their effects upon individuals and families,
search planning conference, action/implemen- mortality, and sustainable development. drawing upon perspectives of various social
tation planning, and basic tracking systems in science disciplines.
analyzing existing, and developing new case ITSF 5580. Postcolonial studies
studies. of education (2-3) ITSF 5023. The family as educator (3)
Professor Steiner-Khamsi. Prerequisites or Professor Leichter. Permission required.
ITSF 4097. International and comparative corequisites: ITSF 4090 and ITSF 4091. This Analysis of the family as educator and its inter-
studies in educational finance (3) course explores the impact of missionary, colo- relations with schools and other educational
Professor Tsang. Educational finance in interna- nial education, and neo-colonial education on institutions. Emphasis on inquiry deriving from
tional settings. Financing role of international school reform both in dependent countries and educational practice and behavioral science
development agencies. International and com- in former colonial countries. theory.
parative studies in educational finance.
ITSF 5590. Education and the development ITSF 5026. The family and television (3)
ITSF 4098. Educational development of nations (3) Professor Leichter. Permission required. An analy-
and policies in China (3) Faculty. Permission required. This course pur- sis of the impact of television on the familys
Professor Tsang. Historical and national devel- sues educational issues within transcultural educative functions, with special attention to the
opment contexts of educational development in contexts, including topics such as colonialism, process by which the family mediates
China. Key policy issues in education by level nationalism, and multi-national and donor television.
and across levels. influences in education.
ITSF 5120-ITSF 5123. Education in
ITSF 4190. Communicative practices: ITSF 5691. Colloquium on international community settings
Intercultural perspectives (2-3) education and the United NationsGoals Professor Leichter. Permission required. A review
Professor Kleifgen. A topical course exploring and content: Major world developments and and an analysis of educational issues and oppor-
language as situated social practice and focusing their implications for education (3) tunities in various community settings. Special
on communication within and across national Professor Steiner-Khamsi. Permission required. fee: $5.
boundaries. Domains examined include school- Enrollment limited. Through class interchange
ing, work, community, and the public arena. and use of United Nations human and material ITSF 5120. Museums (3)
Both spoken and written modes are considered. resources, participants develop innovative
teaching materials suitable for their own educa- ITSF 5121. Community centers (2-3)
tional systems.

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ITSF 5122. Correctional institutions (1-2) Language, Literacy and Technology ITSF 5520. Research in language
and literacy II (2-3)
ITSF 5123. Outdoor education and ITSF 4013. Literacy and development (2-3) Faculty. Research in the varieties of language
cultural tourism (1-2) Professor Bartlett. This course examines used in literate expression, with particular
common assumptions about the relationship attention to culturally variant norms and their
ITSF 6520. Seminar in families between literacy and personal cognitive and/or implications for educational practice.
and communities as educators (1-3) national, social, political or economic develop- Materials fee: $20.
Professor Leichter. Permission required. ment.
A research seminar in the family and the ITSF 6125. Research issues in
community as educational systems. ITSF 4015. Introduction to computers, communicative practices (2-3)
language and literacy (2-3) Professor Kleifgen. A critical review of select-
Finance and Planning Professor Kleifgen. Sociocultural implications ed research directions and paradigms for the
of computer use in education; viability of soft- analysis of spoken and written communica-
ITSF 4055. Resource allocation ware use in the light of language learning the- tion.
in education (3) ories; evaluation of electronic materials for use
Professor Levin. See course description under by bilingual, ESL, and native- and foreign- MSTU 4049. Technologies and literacies
Economics course listing. language learners. Materials fee: $20. (2-3)
Professor Kleifgen. See the Department of
ITSF 4097. International comparative ITSF 4025. Languages, society and Mathematics, Science and Technology for
studies in educational finance (3) schools (3) course description.
Professor Tsang. See course description under Professor Garcia. This course studies the role
Economics course listing. that languages play in different societal con- Peace Education
texts. It examines the language policies of dif-
ITSF 4155. Evaluating educational ferent societies and looks at how these policies ITSF 4603. Human and social dimensions
privatization and school choice (3) are enacted or not in different institutional of peace (3)
Professor Levin. See course description under contexts by diverse speakers. In doing so, the Faculty. Focuses on issues and problems of
Economics course listing. course pays attention to diverse language human rights, global ethics, gender issues, and
ideologies as well as to the relationship various aspects of structural and cultural vio-
See also: between language and identity. Languages and lence. Offered in distinct versions in fall and
literacies in schools, especially educational spring; one emphasizing ethical issues and the
ORLA 4046. School finance: language policy in multilingual contexts, other gender perspectives. Another course in
Policy and practice receive special consideration. human rights may be substituted for the con-
(Professor Richards) centration in peace education.
ITSF 4190. Communicative practices:
ORLA 5016. Law and educational Intercultural perspectives (2-3) ITSF 4611. Education for global security (3)
institutions Professor Kleifgen. A topical course exploring Faculty. Explores issues of peace and violence
(Faculty) language as a situated social practice and from various perspectives, among them global
focusing on communication within and across security culture and militarism, emphasizing
ORLA 5025. Ecology of educational national boundaries. Domains examined alternative security systems such as disarma-
management include schooling, work, community, and the ment, international and gender justice, ecolog-
(Professor Richards) public arena. Both spoken and written modes ical and human security.
are considered.
ORLH 4031. Financial administration ITSF 4613. Fundamental concepts in
of higher education institutions ITSF 4195. Academic literacies (2-3) peace education (3)
(Professor Baldwin) Dr. Frenz-Belkin. This course is designed to Faculty. This course provides a grounding in
help students develop the professional knowl- the evolution theory and pedagogy of peace
ORLH 4500. Special topics in higher edge and skills necessary for effective commu- education. It draws from the international lit-
and adult education: nication through such genres as research proj- erature of the field as it has been developed
ects, conference presentations, contributions over the past three decades, and reviews
International Humanitarian Issues to journals, grant proposals, and evaluation teaching practices relevant to various cultures
reports. and learning settings.
ITSF 4018. Anthropology and development
ITSF 5003. Communication and culture (3) ITSF 4614. The United Nations as
in Africa. (3)
Professor Varenne. See course description peace educator (3)
Professor Bond. See course description under
under general course listing. Faculty. This course reviews and assesses the
Anthropology course listing.
work of the world organization and how it
ITSF 5519. Research in language facilitates the learning necessary to an inte-
ITSF 4094. Educational planning in inter-
and literacy I (2-3) grated global society. The area of emphasis
national educational development (1-3)
Faculty. Research in such areas as spatial, tem- and problem of focus vary from semester to
See course description under general course
poral, textual, and social deixis in language, semester.
listing. For a list of courses inside and outside
with particular attention to culturally variant
the department call the office for the Programs
norms and their implications for educational
in Comparative and International Educational
practice. Materials fee: $20.
Development at (212) 678-3184.

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skills required for the effective design and Education and Economic Development:
implementation of educational policy. The Current trends and challenges facing interna-
AND EDUCATION program has a strong emphasis on the finan- tional educational development are discussed
cial, managerial, and developmental chal- in this concentration. It offers a cross-national,
Program Coordinator: lenges facing educational institutions in devel- comparative analysis of school finance and the
Francisco Rivera-Batiz oping countries and economies in transition. role of education on economic development.

Program Office: (212) 687-3152 The program can be completed within one Privatization and the Governance of Educational
Email: [email protected] year and is highly focused to accommodate the Systems: This concentration provides a com-
Web site: www.tc.edu/its/Economics demands of promising professionals and policy- prehensive discussion of alternative gover-
makers. The course of study is designed to nance systems in education and their impact
Economics and Education convey the lessons of educational research and on student achievement and other educational
(Code: TFE) practice as well as management science outcomes. Decentralization, school choice and
through the intensive study of actual educa- vouchers are discussed, among others.
Degrees Offered tional policy successes and failures. The cur-
Master of Arts (M.A.) riculum of the program assumes that students Economics and Finance of Higher Education:
Master of Education (Ed.M.) possess some measure of intellectual maturity This concentration focuses on the analysis of
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and exposure to the problems of educational higher education institutions and the financ-
policy-making. ing of tertiary education, including coverage of
(Education Policy option available cost recovery in higher education institutions,
for degree levels above) The program begins in September and con- community colleges, financial aid and equity
cludes in August of the following year. It con- issues.
Program Description: sists of two semesters and a summer session.
Economics is a powerful tool for scholars and Currently, a limited number of scholarships are
educational practitioners who wish to develop The curriculum of the program aims to: available through the Joint Japan/World Bank
a better understanding of educational institu- build students technical competence in the Graduate Scholarship Program. For informa-
tions and decisions. The program in basic tools of educational management and tion about the program, call the Program
Economics and Education at Teachers College policy making; Coordinator.
was one of the first of its kind and has main- provide the academic and professional envi-
tained its position of leadership in this rapidly ronment for students to apply these skills; A student may also pursue a Master of Arts
growing field. and program in Economics and Education, without
educate students about the global educa- a concentration in Educational Policy. The
Graduates hold teaching positions in universi- tional landscape, including current thinking student will design that program under the
ty and college faculties, and administrative or on educational reform and the financing of guidance of the academic advisor.
research positions in a variety of settings, education.
including foundations, government depart- Master of Education
ments, and international agencies. In order to achieve these goals, the program This 60-point program is intended for individ-
Increasingly, schools and universities are begins in September with an intensive two- uals interested in the applications and prac-
appointing economists with a special apprecia- semester session in which students are taught tices in the economics of education. The pro-
tion of educational goals and procedures to skills that are essential building blocks for gram is flexible and is designed by the student,
conduct institutional research. Some have their career development. The program is under the guidance of the academic advisor.
gone into private business. skills-oriented and students will be asked to
take courses in three topics: Economic An- Doctor of Philosophy
Students in the program develop an array of alysis and Research Skills, Statistical Tools This 75-point program is intended for individ-
skills in the application of economic concepts for Policy-makers, and Management Skills for uals who want to acquire advanced training in
and theory, in benefit-cost analysis and other Educational Policy. In addition to these three the theory, methods, and practices in the eco-
evaluative procedures, and in the statistical topics, studentsin collaboration with their nomics of education. It is a selective program
treatment of mass data. Within broad college faculty advisorwill design their own pro- to prepare individuals for leadership roles in
and university guidelines, students may pursue grams of study in five areas of concentration: teaching, research, or administrative settings.
individually designed programs that satisfy
their unique interests and career objectives. Economic and Financial Policy Analysis in The coursework for this program consists of
Education: three parts: core courses, courses in research
With the help of an academic advisor, students This concentration covers the fundamentals of methods, and courses in a specialized area of
select courses from those offered within the cost-benefit analysis in education, fiscal study. The available specialized areas include:
program of economics and education and sup- accountability, and the principles and practice education and economic development, educa-
plement these with courses outside the depart- of financial educational policy. tion and transition to work, economics of
ment, including courses offered in other higher education, educational finance, eco-
schools of Columbia University. Human Capital and Labor Markets: nomic evaluation and cost analysis in educa-
The various impacts of human capital on labor tion, economics of urban and minority educa-
Master of Arts market outcomes are studied in this concen- tion, economics of educational technology,
The objective of the 32-point Program in tration. Methods of estimating rates of return teachers markets, and others.
Economics and Education is to equip educa- to education are examined, and case studies
tional professionals and policy-makers with the on the demand for education are presented.

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Special Application ITSF 4097. International and comparative See also in the Columbia University Bulletin:
Requirements/Information: studies in educational finance (3) Econ G4213, Macroeconomic analysis; Econ
The GRE General Test is required for the Professor Tsang. Educational finance in interna- G6211-G6212, Microeconomic analysis; Econ
Ph.D. Program. Some background in econom- tional settings. Financing role of international G6411-G6412, Introduction to econometrics;
development agencies. International and compar-
ics is also required. The Ph.D. program prefers Econ G6451-G6452, Economics of labor and
ative studies in educational finance.
applicants with a solid background in mathe- population; Econ W4228, The urban economy;
matics. ITSF 4151. Special topics in the Econ W4328, Economic development; Econ
economics of education (3) W4410, Mathematical methods for economists;
Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis, Professors Bailey, Levin, Rivera-Batiz and Tsang. Econ W4460, Health economics.
and will be reviewed throughout the year. A seminar on topics in the economics of educa-
Preference in scholarship awards will be for those tion. Themes to be announced each term. Departmental Courses
applicants who meet the early application deadline.
ITSF 4155. Evaluating educational
ITSF 4060. The Latino population of the
privatization and school choice (3)
United States (3)
Professor Levin. This course addresses the
(For out-of-department courses, please check the Professor Rivera-Batiz. Interdisciplinary course
increasing emphasis on market-type choice sys-
appropriate department for course descriptions.) examining the major issues affecting the Latino
tems including educational vouchers, for-profit
population of the United States. Focus is on the
educational firms, and charter schools.
ITSF 4050. Economic education (3) methods and perspectives utilized by social scien-
It places great emphasis on the theory of emerg-
Professors Bailey, Levin and Tsang. Teaches the tists to analyze the Latino experience. Major
ing empirical evidence underlying these develop-
basic economic concepts and methods to be used social, demographic, economic, and political
ments in education.
for further study and analysis of educational trends will be discussed.
finance, education and inequality, education and ITSF 5550. Workshop in economics
economic growth, the impact of educational poli- ITSF 4195. Academic literacies (2-3)
and education (3)
cies on education outcomes, school reform, and Dr. Frenz-Belkin. This course is designed to help
Professors Bailey, Belfield, and Levin. For doctoral
school choice. students develop the professional knowledge and
students and others with research projects or
skills necessary for effective communication
potential research projects in the field.
ITSF 4051. Education and economic through such genres as research projects, confer-
Participation required for doctoral students writ-
development (3) ence presentations, contributations to journals,
ing their dissertation. Students who are beginning
Professor Rivera-Batiz. This course examines the grant proposals, and evaluation reports.
to think about their dissertation topic or working
links between education and various aspects of on proposals are also encouraged to participate.
economic development. Topics include the ITSF 4600. Group studies in educational
Faculty members may also be invited from within
impact of human capital accumulation on eco- issues (1-3 per section)
or outside the department to present their work.
nomic growth, the educational attainment of Permission required. Opportunity for groups to
men and women in developing countries, the organize colloquia, seminars, or practica, with fac-
ITSF 5650. Readings in the economics
effects of schooling on labor force participation, ulty sponsorship, for the study of specific educa-
of education (3)
wages and fertilities, and the issues of school tional issues, problems, or policies, and for the
Program faculty. Selected readings in the
finance and educational policy in the Third development of particular skills, in accordance
economics of education. Recommended for stu-
World. with emerging social situations and urgent com-
dents with background in economics or a related
mon concerns. Students wishing to engage in
discipline. As the selection of readings differs in
ITSF 4055. Resource allocation such studies must present a plan and secure the
different semesters, a student may register for
in education (3) sponsorship of a faculty member of the depart-
more than one semester of ITSF 5650.
Professor Levin. This course reviews the literature ment who will serve as advisor. Registration and
on school effectiveness with respect to the alloca- evaluation procedures will be worked out and
ITSF 6050. Education and economic
tion of resources. It addresses and analyzes educa- carried through with this advisor.
development: Advanced topics (3)
tion production functions and cost-effectiveness Professor Rivera-Batiz. This course provides an
analysis in educational decision-making. ITSF 5000. Methods of inquiry: Ethnography
advanced discussion of the links between educa-
and participant observation (3)
tion and economic development, including both
ITSF 4057. Economics of urban and Professor Harrington. The methods of the behav-
theoretical frameworks and empirical models.
minority education (3) ioral and social sciences as they relate to ethnog-
Professor Rivera-Batiz. Policy-oriented approach raphy and participant observation. Emphasis on
(For out-of-department courses, please check the the role of theory, characteristics and relative effi-
to the connections between education and the
economy in an urban context. Topics include appropriate department for course descriptions.) ciencies of various research techniques, and the
urban industrial restructuring and socioeconomic HUDM 5122. Applied regression importance of integrated research design.
trends, equity in school finance, teacher salaries, analysis (3)
public versus private roles in education, linkages ITSF 5001. Ethnography and participant
between schools and the business sector, the eco- ORLA 4025. School business observation: Fieldwork, analysis,
nomics of discrimination, and immigration policy administration (3) reporting (3)
issues. Professor Varenne. Permission required.
ORLA 5020. Information systems ITSF 5000 or equivalent required. Emphasis on
ITSF 4058. Economics of higher education (3) for decision-making in learning the issues arising out of ethnographic research as
Professor Bailey. This course uses theoretical and organizations (3) they arise during a pilot project from entry into
empirical economic analysis to analyze the behav- the field to the writing of the results.
ior of higher education students and institutions ORLD 4030. The economics of
and to study private and public policy related to post-secondary education (3)
post-secondary education.
ORLH 4031. Financial administration
of higher education institutions (3)

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ITSF 5002. Ethnography and participant ITSF 8900. Dissertation advisement in interna-
observation: Comparative and quantitative tional and transcultural studies (0)
analysis (3) Individual advisement on doctoral dissertations.
Professor Harrington. Permission required. ITSF Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for
5000 or equivalent required. Issues of compara- each term. For requirements, see section in cata-
tive and quantitative analysis of data generated log on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
by ethnographic/participant observation inquiries. degrees.

ITSF 5430. Internship (1-6) In each of the areas within the department,
Permission required. Supervised experiences advanced students may register for intensive indi-
in diverse settings designed to develop skills vidual study of some aspect of their concentra-
in research, development, planning, and eval-
tion. Registration is only by permission of the
instructor under whose guidance the work will be
ITSF 6200. Field research outside the United undertaken. Times for individual conferences will
States (0) be arranged. Enrollment may be for 1 or more
Permission required. Required of doctoral stu- points each term, and registration is not limited
dents when choice of doctoral research necessi- to one or two terms. See courses below:
tates data generation in other countries. One
year of field experience under supervision in ITSF 4902. Studies in international
approved geographical and institutional site. and transcultural studies (1-8)
Students secure approval of department chair
and principal advisor in advance, and render ITSF 6902. Studies in international
periodic reports. and transcultural studies (1-8)

ITSF 7500. Dissertation seminar in inter- ITSF 6950. Studies in economics

national and transcultural studies (0-3) and education (1-8)
Permission required. Proposal writing. Required of
doctoral students in the semester following suc- ITSF 6990. Studies in international
cessful completion of certification examinations. educational development (1-8)

ITSF 6991. Studies in comparative

education (1-8)

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Mathematics, Science and Technology

CHAIR: Professor O. Roger Anderson LOCATION: 321 Thompson Hall TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3405 FAX: (212) 678-8129
WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/MST


Mathematics, Science and Technology programs focus on issues of educational
practice and related professions in mathematics, science, technology and cognate human
Communication and Education
sciences, including the relationships among these disciplines. Our modern world has been
Computing in Education
transformed by the achievements in pure and applied disciplines grounded in mathematics,
Instructional Technology and Media
science and technology. Current reforms in education place increasing significance on broad-
based public understanding of these three fields of human endeavor. The study of communica-
tion and technology in education is broadly based and also is enriched by cultural and historical
wisdom that provides a scholarly perspective on the role of media and technology in society
and particularly in educational subject areas. Within this unifying view, the Department of
Mathematics, Science and Technology includes specialized programs to address the needs of
professional practitioners in each area.

The Department houses the Colleges Programs in three areas: Mathematics Education, Science
Education, and Communications, Computing and Technology in Education. The Mathematics
and Science Education programs include scholars who address the preparation of mathematics
and science teachers and teacher educators, and focus particularly on the acquisition of
scientific and mathematical literacy to foster future development of science and technology;
the understanding of environmental sciences and improved global stewardship of the environ-
ment and the link between science and society; the use of computers, computer modeling and
instrumentation in mathematics and science instruction. These scholars have extensive inter-
national experience in their subject-matter disciplines and in educational theory and practice.

The Program in Communication, Computing and Technology in Education (CCTE) provides a

cluster of degree programs for students who seek to develop leadership capacities for use of
information and communication technologies in education. The programs prepare candidates
for leadership roles in integrating digital technologies into education at all its levels and for
entry into creative work in the educational uses of new media. CCTE doctoral programs develop
scholars who use the social and human sciences to study how applications of advanced tech-
nologies in education act as powerful social and historical forces, empowering educators to seek
new solutions to established problems. Graduate study in CCTE is tightly integrated with design
and implementation projects situated in several externally funded centers and institutes at
Teachers College and Columbia University. This program is led by faculty with extensive inter-
national experience and also links the College to ongoing university initiatives in communica-
tion and information technologies. Faculty and students of this program examine technology as
well as the role of computers and other media of communication on education and the assess-
ment of educational performance in a wide variety of institutional settings. The technology pro-
gram includes technologys influence on areas such as literacy, teacher education and culture.

Each program has a unique focus or perspective, but the faculty share common scholarly per-
spectives, educational ideals, and a strong commitment to the improvement of society through
improved scholarly practice in the educating professions and enhancement of human potential.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 163

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FACULTY: Xiaodong Lin Yaowen Chang

(Communication, Computing (Communication, Computing
PROFESSORS: and Technology in Education) and Technology in Education)
O. Roger Anderson Robert P. Taylor Thomas A. Covotsos
(Science Education) (Communication, Computing (Science Education)
John Black and Technology in Education) Shuli Gilutz
(Communication, Computing and Technology
(Communication, Computing
in Education; Cognitive Studies in Education) ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: and Technology in Education)
Herbert Ginsburg Howard Budin Archana Gollamudi
(Communication, Computing (Communication, Computing (Communication, Computing
and Technology in Education; Developmental and Technology in Education) and Technology in Education)
Psychology; Cognitive Studies in Education) Susan Lowes Steven Goss
Charles K. Kinzer (Communication, Computing (Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing and Technology in Education) and Technology in Education)
and Technology in Education) Thane B. Terrill Verneda E. Johnson
Robert McClintock (Communication, Computing (Science Education)
(Communication, Computing and Technology in Education) Angela Kelly
and Technology in Education)
(Science Education)
Frank Moretti ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Ryan Kelsey
(Communication, Computing Felicia Moore (Communication, Computing
and Technology in Education) (Science Education) and Technology in Education)
Herve Varenne Ann Rivet Sheila Kieran-Greenbush
(Communication, Computing (Science Education) (Communication, Computing
and Technology in Education; Anthropology Keith Sheppard and Technology in Education)
and Education; Applied Anthropology) (Science Education) Jennifer Kotler
Bruce R. Vogeli Erica Walker (Communication, Computing
(Mathematics Education) (Mathematics Education) and Technology in Education)
Timothy Levin
Henry Landau Brian Baldwin Lin Lin
(Mathematics Education) (Science Education)
(Communication, Computing
Henry O. Pollak Patrizia Magni and Technology in Education)
(Mathematics Education) (Communication, Computing
Brenda I. Lopez-Ortiz
J. Philip Smith and Technology in Education)
(Communication, Computing
(Mathematics Education) Ellen Meier and Technology in Education)
(Communication, Computing
and Technology in Education)
Jamsheed Akrami (Science Education)
Kathy Powell Jennifer Fitzsimmons Riccio
(Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing (Science Education)
and Technology in Education)
and Technology in Education) Mario Riccobon
J. Peter Garrity
(Mathematics Education) Dennis M. Robbins (Communication, Computing
Michael J. Passow (Science Education) and Technology in Education)
(Science Education) Courtney St. Prix Patrick Slater
(Science Education) (Communication, Computing
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: and Technology in Education)
Angela Calabrese Barton Paul Acquaro Kristin Sosulski
(Science Education) (Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing
Alexander Karp and Technology in Education)
and Technology in Education)
(Mathematics Education)
Xin Bai Florence Sullivan
Jo Anne Kleifgen (Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing and and Technology in Education)
and Technology in Education)
Technology in Education; International
Craig Bolotin Yan Wang
Educational Development; Comparative (Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing
and International Education) and Technology in Education)
and Technology in Education)
Shawna B Shell Doris Zahner
(Communication, Computing
(Communication, Computing
and Technology in Education)
and Technology in Education)
Gordon Campbell For information about faculty and their scholarly
(Communication, Computing
and research interests, please refer to the Faculty
and Technology in Education)
section of this bulletin or visit us at

164 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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educators to use digital technologies to Demand for highly skilled educators will
C OMMUNICATION , improve education at all levels. Work through increase and preparing them will largely be a
C OMPUTING AND CCTE should move simultaneously towards field-based engagement in situations where
T ECHNOLOGY IN two poles of understanding and practice students interact with new knowledge
towards a comprehensive understanding of the resources.
E DUCATION cultural and historical implications of new Schools and other educational institutions
Program Coordinator: technologies for education and life, and will increase in public importance, and the
Professor Charles Kinzer towards purposefully selecting and shaping the educating professions will increasingly become
uses of new media in educational practice at high-tech and high-prestige professions.
Program Office: (212) 678-3344 all levels and subject areas. Changes in information and communica-
Fax: (212) 678-8227 tions technologies will resuscitate the progres-
E-mail: [email protected] CCTEs programs deal with the many ways in sive movement in education, enabling it to be
Web site: www.tc.edu/mst/CCTE which material culture changes and shapes both broadly egalitarian and intellectually rig-
educational practice. Listed are current orous.
The Communication, Computing and assumptions about the long-run effects that
Technology in Education area of study innovations in information and communica- Communication, Computing, and Technology
includes the following programs: tions technologies are having on education in Education aims to prepare students to deal
Communication and Education; and culture. Work through CCTE should lead with both present and future implications of
Computing in Education; Instructional faculty and students to study, criticize, devel- new media, and to play a constructive role in
Technology and Media. op, and extend propositions such as these: shaping the educational response to innova-
When changes in information and commu- tions in information and communications
COMMUNICATION nications technologies transform the ways peo- technologies. Although these concerns are
ple create, disseminate, and apply knowledge, common to all three programs, each has dis-
AND EDUCATION deep changes in educational practices occur. tinct nuances with respect to methods and
Communication and Education Educational institutions, including schools of purpose:
(Code: TUC) education, will undergo prolonged change and Communication and Education relies prima-
significant transformation, occasioned by rily on social science inquiry to understand,
Degrees Offered: changes in the media of intellectual produc- interpret, and shape how information and
Master of Arts (M.A.) tion. communications technologies influence cul-
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Literacy practices will become more central ture and education, including areas such as
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) to active participation in information networks literacy and teacher education.
and modern life. Computing and Education works with com-
COMPUTING Preservice education will need to focus more puter information systems to facilitate the
on the active integration of Information effective extension of digital technologies into
IN EDUCATION Communication Technology or ICTs into ped- educational practice.
Computing in Education agogy and research. Instructional Technology and Media concen-
(Code: TUD) As digital information and communications trates on the creation and application of inno-
technologies become more accessible, the sep- vative technologies, guided by a research tradi-
Degree Offered: aration of schools and higher education into tion grounded in pedagogy and cognitive sci-
Master of Arts (M.A.) two, largely distinct, educational cultures will ence, in order to make new media work as
markedly diminish. powerful tools for study and teaching.
With the emerging intellectual conditions,
INSTRUCTIONAL activities contributing to the creation of Across the three programs, students and facul-
TECHNOLOGY knowledge will increase in relative value, while ty members all engage in research, develop-
AND MEDIA those devoted solely to its dissemination will ment, theory, and application. All three pro-
decrease. grams put a high priority on group work; field
Instructional Technology and Media Campuses will remain important foci of work and internships; and planning, imple-
(Code: TUT) intellectual activity while participation in menting, and completing innovative projects.
them will become more flexible via networks Schools, computer companies, businesses, and
Degrees Offered: supporting asynchronous, distributed involve- other agencies are normally partners in proj-
Master of Arts (M.A.) ment. ects, providing environments, materials, per-
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Specialists in education will need to work sonnel, or opportunities for carrying them out.
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) closely with scholars, scientists, and profession- The Institute for Learning Technologies
als to embed powerful learning experiences in (www.ilt.columbia.edu), the Center for
Program Descriptions: digital technology for advancing knowledge. Technology and School Change
Communication, Computing and Technology Increasingly, educators will de-emphasize (www.tc.columbia.edu/ctsc/), and the
in Education (CCTE) provides a cluster of imparting a static stock of information and Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and
degree programs for students who seek to ideas and will instead seek to enable all people Learning (www.ccnmtl.columbia.edu) work
develop leadership capacities in the use of to contribute to the advancement of knowl- closely with CCTE faculty members and stu-
information and communication technologies edge. dents and provide a wide range of internship
in education. It serves students, staff, and and fieldwork opportunities.
faculty members who share a commitment as

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Communication and Education New media companies, developing software we seek through all components of the pro-
The program in Communication and and multimedia applications for education, grams in CCTEa humanism that combines
Education prepares students for various roles: training, and gaming environments; and the use of sophisticated technology with
Teaching and research positions in higher Academic computer centers and corporate humane commitments for guiding purposes.
education; information services, and in education depart-
Working in schools using information and ments at the federal, state, and local levels, Financial Aid and Other Assistance
communications technologies to improve edu- managing the integration of information and In addition to college-wide financial aid
cational practice; communications technologies into schools. opportunities and student services, the faculty
Conducting formative and evaluative members of CCTE are committed to generat-
research in the areas of educational media and Instructional Technology and Media ing an increasing range of opportunities for
information technologies, in and out of school Students who have earned degrees in remunerative work that will integrate well into
settings and across subject areas; Instructional Technology and Media find posi- our program of studies. Essentially, such oppor-
Designing innovations in the use of new tions in education, government, and industry. tunities are of three types: assistantships in
media for educational purposes; and Some continue to work within formal educa- research and development projects, instructor-
Working in business and government set- tion, as teachers, researchers, or administrators ships to teach basic courses in the field, and
tings to design and implement corporate com- on the elementary, secondary, or college level. internships in industry, government, and edu-
munication programs. Others work in training and development cation. The precise opportunities that exist in
departments in business or government agen- these areas continually change as projects,
The program uses methods of the social cies. An increasing number work as independ- here and elsewhere, begin, proceed, and cul-
sciences, encompassing both qualitative and ent professionals in a variety of settings such minate. To find out more about these opportu-
quantitative approaches to the study of com- as educational service, production consulting, nities, students should consult individual
munication and education. It asks in particular and publishing. Still others have established faculty.
how education and other social systems themselves as researchers, designers, and pro-
change under the impact of new media. ducers for innovative multimedia projects. Degree Requirements:
Faculty members and students pursue three The college-wide degree requirements are stat-
broad areas of inquiry, enabling them to: In recent years, students in the program have ed in the Degree Requirements section of this
Reflect on the historical effects of media and made four questions paramount: bulletin. The following steps specific to
on the cultural uses of developments such as Which emerging technologies hold greatest Communication, Computing and Technology
face-to-face speech, writing, printing, photog- promise for enriching learning experiences in Education amplify the college-wide require-
raphy, film, radio, television, computers, and throughout the educational enterprise? ments and should serve as an aid for structur-
networked multimedia; What pedagogical strategies should design- ing an individualized program of study based
Use anthropological and linguistic methods ers embody in instructional materials, includ- on previous experience, professional goals, and
to study how the diverse forms of communica- ing those based on multimedia and those interests. Enrolled students can obtain further
tion, literacy, information processing, and cog- reflected in gaming environments? information about requirements and the aca-
nition condition educational practice; and How should educators deploy, manage, and demic calendar from the program office at:
Explore positive and negative effects of evaluate information and communications (TC Box 8, phone (212) 678-3344). Degrees
media on social relations and develop strate- technologies in classrooms for optimal educa- represent advanced levels of mastery in rigor-
gies for using information and communications tional effect? ous scholarship and disciplined practice. In
technologies to improve conditions of educa- What principles of design and practice developing a program, students should find
tion and life. should educators incorporate into distributed ways to meet the intrinsic demands of the
educational courses and programs? field.
In the course of completing a degree, the stu-
dent should expect to attend closely to both The World Wide Web and related technolo- Special Degree Cohorts:
technical artifacts and human activity; that is, gies have lowered the costs of distance learn-
both to material systems of communication in ing programs greatly while increasing their The Intensive Masters Program
which technologies are the primary interest flexibility. Through Instructional Technology in Computing and Education:
and to interpersonal, direct communication and Media, faculty members and students join This track was designed primarily for those
dynamics in which unmediated exchanges, to develop the skills needed to make full use of teachers who live too far from Manhattan to
face-to-face, are the subject of inquiry. A the new opportunities in distance and distrib- attend courses during the regular academic
major theme for continuous reflection should uted learning. year. Students in this program attend intensive
be the diverse ways in which the modes of four-week sessions at Teachers College, usually
communication condition the meanings actu- Participants in the three CCTE program areas in July, and do the remainder of their credit
ally, and potentially, communicatedwhether share a basic conviction that good design in work through independent study. The degree
in face-to-face conversation or through a glob- educative matters starts with careful attention can be obtained in two summers and the inter-
al broadcast using satellite transmission. to the needs and characteristics of the individ- vening academic year, but can also be done
uals that the design will serve. For example, over a longer period of time.
Computing in Education the ability to understand the individual
Students who complete the masters program through empirical research and empathic Courses and independent study work focus on
in Computing in Education take positions in: engagement will make the design of instruc- all aspects of using computers in teaching and
Schools, as computer coordinators or tional technology not only technically profi- learning, including theories of instructional
teachers using advanced technologies in cient but educationally valuable as well. In all, design, use of software, new technologies such
the classroom; this attention to the individual in society and as hypermedia and telecommunications,
culture defines the technological humanism teaching strategies, and software production.

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The Intensive Program accepts about 20 new major area that is cross-listed with another Core Courses
students per summer, and over the past ten area can meet this requirement. MSTU 4022 Telecommunications
years more than 150 students have completed and distance learning
the program. Housing is arranged at a 5. Take 3 courses at Teachers College outside MSTU 4036 Hypermedia and
Columbia dormitory. For more information, Communication, Computing and Technology education
write Howard Budin,Teachers College, Box 8, (courses with a prefix other than MSTU), MSTU 4052 Computers, problem
call (212) 678-3773, or e-mail each for at least 2 credits, for a total of at solving and cooperative
[email protected] or visit least 6 credits. learning
www.tc.edu/ctsc/imhome.htm. MSTU 4085 New technologies
6. Successfully complete the Integrative M.A. for learning
Technology Specialist: Project. The Integrative M.A. Project can be MSTU 4134 Cognition and
A new M.A. program leading to a New York either an individual project or part of a larger computers lab
State license for Technology Specialist K-12 project involving several students. For stu- MSTU 5005 Case-based teaching
prepares candidates to become technology dents completing only the M.A. degree, this electronic environments
coordinators within a school building. Student project should be related to their career goals, MSTU 5035 Technology and
teaching and fieldwork are required parts of and should provide tangible evidence of their
the program. The program is available to those skills and strengths. For students hoping to
MSTU 5530 Intelligent computer-
with or without initial teaching licenses, but progress to the Ed.M. and/or Ed.D. degrees,
assisted instruction
who have prerequisite knowledge and experi- this project should be the beginning of a line
MSTU 5555 Technology and the
ence in using technology in teaching. For fur- of work that could progress through a series of
emergence of a global
ther information, contact Howard Budin, projects potentially leading to the doctoral dis-
Teachers College, (212) 678-3773, sertation. Additional courses as prescribed in the pro-
[email protected]. Communication and Education (M.A.) gram guide for the degree.
Required and Core Course List
MASTER OF ARTS Instructional Technology and Media (M.A.)
Required Courses
(32 CREDIT-HOURS REQUIRED) Required and Core Course List
MSTU 4016 History of communication
To earn the Master of Arts (M.A.), students
MSTU 4024 TV and the development Required Courses
must satisfactorily complete 32 points of
of youth MSTU 4031 Programming I
course work (36 points for the Technology Additional courses as prescribed in the
Specialist) and an integrative project. In MSTU 4083 Instructional design of
program guide for the degree.
CCTE programs the M.A. degree serves two educational technology
main functions: a mark of entry-level profes- MSTU 5031 Programming II
Core Courses
sional qualifications in the fields covered and a HUDK 4035 Technology and human
grounding for further, more advanced special- Core Courses
development HUDK 4035 Technology and human
ization in the field. HUDK 5035 Psychology of media development
MSTU 4010 Theories of communication MSTU 4022 Telecommunications
Master of Arts (M.A.) programs are offered in
MSTU 4018 Design and communication and distance learning
Communication and Education, Computing
in modern culture MSTU 4024 TV and the development
and Education, and Instructional Technology
and Media. In each of these M.A. programs, MSTU 4022 Telecommunications of youth
students must take coursework totaling at least and distance learning MSTU 4036 Hypermedia and
32 points. Within this requirement, MSTU 4023 Cinema as cross-cultural education
students must: communication MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers
MSTU 4049 Technologies and literacies MSTU 4134 Cognition and
1. Take the Core Seminar MSTU 4000 (for MSTU 4052 Computers, problem solving computers lab
1 credit) as early as possible, hopefully in the and cooperative learning MSTU 5005 Case-based teaching in
first term in the program. This course provides MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers electronic environments
an overview of the programs and field, and MSTU 5020 Computer-mediated MSTU 5020 Computer-mediated
helps students begin thinking about the inte- communication communication
grative M.A. Project. MSTU 5555 Technology and the MSTU 5030 Intelligent computer-
emergence of a global assisted instruction
2. Take the 3 required courses in the major curriculum MSTU 5035 Technology and
program area (9 credits, see program lists Additional courses as prescribed in the
below). program guide for the degree.
MSTU 5555 Technology and the
emergence of a global
3. Take at least 3 additional Core Program Computing and Education (M.A.)
Required and Core Course List curriculum
courses in the major program area (9 credits, Additional courses as prescribed in the pro-
see program lists below). gram guide for the degree.
Required Courses
4. Take at least 1 course (3 credits) within MSTU 4031 Programming I Candidates for the M.A. degree are expected
Communication, Computing and Technology MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers to culminate their work with an integrative
(courses with MSTU prefix) that is outside the MSTU 5031 Programming II project. Such a project might be a review essay
major program area. Any course from your in which they give a thorough, well-written

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summation of current research and develop- 3. Take at least 6 additional Core Program Instructional Technology and Media (Ed.M.)
ment work in an area of their choice within courses (18 credits, see lists below) in the Required and Core Courses
the broad field of Information and Commun- major program area.
ications Technologies in Education or a multi- Required Courses
media instructional application. In addition, 4. Take at least 1 course (3 credits) within MSTU 4031 Programming I
because experientially grounded learning is Communication, Computing and Technology MSTU 4083 Instructional design of
invaluable preparation for professional prac- (courses with MSTU prefix) that is outside Educational technology
tice, students are strongly advised to take the major program area. Any course from one MSTU 5031 Programming II
fieldwork or internships as an integral part of major area that is cross-listed with another
their masters program. Please see Fieldwork area can meet this requirement. Core Courses
and Internships sections for further informa- HUDK 4035 Technology and human
tion. 5. Take 3 courses at Teachers College outside development
Communication, Computing and Technology MSTU 4022 Telecommunications
MASTER OF EDUCATION (a prefix other than MSTU) each for at least and distance learning
(60 CREDIT-HOURS REQUIRED) 2 credits, for a total of at least 6 credits. MSTU 4024 TV and the development
An Ed.M. degree represents roughly the equiv- of youth
alent of two years of full-time study. It serves 6. Take approximately 6 other courses chosen MSTU 4036 Hypermedia and education
for some to mark progress toward a doctorate in consultation with an advisor. MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers
and for others to initiate intermediate profes- MSTU 4134 Cognition and
sional qualifications for students who have 7. Altogether, these courses should total at computers lab
previously completed a masters degree at least 60 credits. MSTU 5005 Case-based teaching in
Teachers College or another institution. Up to electronic environments
30 points of graduate credit earned elsewhere 8. Propose to ones faculty advisor and, after MSTU 5020 Computer-mediated
may be counted toward the minimum 60-point approval, successfully complete the Ed.M. communication
requirement. Ed.M. candidates who have com- Project (approved by the advisor). MSTU 5030 Intelligent computer-
pleted an M.A. in CCTE, or an equivalent assisted instruction
program, should select further courses to Communication and Education (Ed.M.)
MSTU 5035 Technology and
broaden and deepen their mastery of the field. Required and Core Courses
Those who are transferring a significant num- MSTU 5555 Technology and the
ber of points from a different specialty toward Required Courses emergence of a global
the Ed.M. should include a selection of CCTE MSTU 4016 History of communication curriculum
core program courses in their remaining course MSTU 4024 TV and the development Additional courses as prescribed in the pro-
work. In addition to completing the minimum of youth gram guide for the degree.
course requirements and developing a skill MSTU 5606 Colloquium on
specialization, candidates for the Ed.M. degree communication and Students accepted for a doctoral program
should culminate their work through a re- education should earn the Ed.M. as an integral part of
Additional courses as prescribed in the pro- their doctoral work. The Ed.M. can be, how-
search or development project submitted to
gram guide for the degree. ever, far more than a stepping stone to a doc-
the faculty. Like the M.A. integrative project,
it should result from independent effort equiv- torate. It allows for great flexibility, and stu-
Core Courses dents can use it to lay a strong foundation for
alent to that of a 3 point course.
HUDK 4035 Technology and human significant positions of leadership that demand
development high levels of skill but do not require doctoral-
This project should represent the students
HUDK 5035 Psychology of media level academic certification. For instance, stu-
interests as well as display the specialized skills
MSTU 4010 Theories of communication dents can put together a very effective 60-
developed for the degree.
MSTU 4018 Design and communication point program dealing with school media for
Master of Education (Ed.M.) programs are in modern culture curriculum innovation. In a similar way, one
offered in Communication and Education and MSTU 4022 Telecommunications can develop a very strong grounding in educa-
Instructional Technology and Media. In each and distance learning tional software development through the
of these Ed.M. programs, students must take MSTU 4023 Cinema as cross-cultural Ed.M. degree. It can serve many purposes: one
coursework totaling at least 60 credits. communication needs to think through ones aspirations and
Within this requirement, students must: MSTU 4049 Computers and writing use the scope of the Ed.M. program to build
MSTU 4052 Computers, problem solving academic and experiential foundations in
1. Take the Core Seminar MSTU 4000 (for and cooperative learning accord with ones achievement goals.
1 credit) as early as possible, hopefully in MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers
the first term in the program. This course MSTU 5020 Computer-mediated DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
provides an overview of the programs and communication Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree candi-
field, and helps students begin thinking MSTU 5555 Technology and the dates should read Requirements for the
about the Ed.M. project. emergence of a global Degree of Doctor of Education, which can be
curriculum obtained from the Teachers College Office of
2. Take the 4 required courses (12 credits, Doctoral Studies. It states the formal require-
see lists below) in the major program area Additional courses as prescribed in the
ments for the degree and lays out the steps
(18 credits, see program lists below). program guide for the degree.

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leading to it. Communication, Computing and 4. Take at least 6 additional Core Program Additional courses as prescribed in the
Technology in Education requirements include courses in the major program area (18 credits, program guide for the degree.
basic courses, a skill concentration, and inde- see program lists below).
pendent projects, all leading to the certifica- Instructional Technology and Media (Ed.D.)
tion examination and the dissertation. 5. Take at least 1 course (3 credits) within Required and Core Courses
Communication, Computing and Technology
Doctoral candidates should consult CCTEs (courses with MSTU prefix). Any course from Required Courses
description of the specific steps to the doctor- your major area that is cross-listed with anoth- MSTU 4031 Programming I
ate in Communication and Education and er area can meet this requirement. MSTU 4083 Instructional design of
Instructional Technology and Media. These educational technology
steps to the doctorate have been designed to 6. Take 3 courses at Teachers College outside MSTU 5025 Research methods:
ensure that students develop skills in one or Communication, Computing and Technology Educational technology
more modes of inquiry; contribute profession- (a prefix other than MSTU), each for at least MSTU 5031 Programming II
ally to a field through conferences, presenta- 2 credits, for a total of at least 6 credits.
tions, or publications; and participate actively Core Courses
in CCTE functions outside of class work. 7. Take approximately 13 other courses chosen HUDK 4035 Technology and human
in consultation with a faculty advisor. development
Programs are planned individually in consulta- MSTU 4022 Telecommunications
tion with a faculty advisor, starting with the 8. Complete the doctoral Certification Process and distance learning
admission interview and initial writing assign- (see the explanation later in this MSTU 4024 TV and the development
ments. Doctoral candidates should develop a section). of youth
systematic plan for study early in their pro- MSTU 4036 Hypermedia and education
gram, encouraging sustained consideration of a 9. Sucessfully propose, complete and defend MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers
dissertation area and tailoring course selection the doctoral dissertation. Register for the MSTU 4134 Cognition and
to support dissertation work. The doctorate Dissertation Seminar (MSTU 7501-7504, computers lab
represents the highest level of educational 3 credits) when presenting the Dissertation MSTU 5005 Case-based teaching in
preparation achievable in the field. To com- Proposal. electronic environments
plete it well, students should meet all require- MSTU 5020 Computer-mediated
ments in an intellectual spirit consonant with 10. Altogether, these courses should total communication
this status. at least 90 credits. MSTU 5030 Intelligent computer-
assisted instruction
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) programs are Communication and Education (Ed.D.) MSTU 5035 Technology and
offered in Communication and Education and Required and Core Courses metacognition
Instructional Technology and Media. In each MSTU 5555 Technology and the
of these Ed.D. programs, students must take Required Courses emergence of a global
coursework totaling at least 90 credits. MSTU 4016 History of communication curriculum
Within this requirement, students must: MSTU 4024 TV and the development Additional courses as prescribed in the
of youth program guide for the degree.
1. Take the Core Seminar MSTU 4000 (for MSTU 5606 Colloquium on
1 credit) as early as possible, hopefully in the communication Doctoral Certification Process
first term in the program. This course provides and education
an overview of the programs and field, and Additional courses as prescribed in the The Doctoral Certification Process for CCTE
helps students begin thinking about projects program guide for the degree. students is comprised of three steps:
and dissertation research. After taking the
Core Seminar, continuous registration in the Core Courses 1. An integrative question (one question)
CCTE Colloquium (MSTU 6600) is recom- HUDK 4035 Technology and human that the student answers in writing during
mended. development the regular Certification Exam session that is
HUDK 5035 Psychology of media scheduled by the Teachers College Office of
2. After the Core Seminar, continuous MSTU 4010 Theories of communication Doctoral Studies. This is an integrative ques-
registration in the CCTE Colloquium (MSTU MSTU 4018 Design and communication tion about a currently prominent educational
6600, 0 or 1 credit) is required. Students must in modern culture technology topic that can be addressed using
register for 0 or 1 credit each semester, but MSTU 4022 Telecommunications material from a variety of CCTE Core Courses
must register for a total of 2 credits. This and distance learning and readings.
course assists students in all phases of their MSTU 4023 Cinema as cross-cultural
doctoral work (starting research, developing communication 2. A literature review or critical assessment
projects, certification, dissertation proposals, MSTU 4049 Computers and writing of scholarship (a paper of approximately 30
etc.). Guest speakers are invited to present the MSTU 4052 Computers, problem solving pages, double-spaced) related to what is
latest work in the field. and cooperative learning planned for the dissertation (this paper pro-
MSTU 4133 Cognition and computers vides a head start on the literature review sec-
3. Take the 4 required courses in the major MSTU 5020 Computer-mediated tion of the dissertation). This paper is graded
program area (12 credits, see program lists communication by the faculty advisor. Approved papers are
below). MSTU 5555 Technology and the archived and generally available to others for
emergence of a global future reference.

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3. A certification project that is a smaller scale MSTU 4012. Film as art: Introductory (2-3) MSTU 4029. Managing educational
version of what might be done in the Professor Akrami. Film as 20th century art, technology resources (3)
dissertation, i.e., a project or pilot study that emphasizing form and style. Analysis of fea- Professor Terrill. For educators involved in the
leads to the dissertation project. ture-length and short films of different planning, implementation, and maintenance at
The certification project has three steps: nations, styles, themes, and genres. No previ- the building/campus level. Students learn how
a. Write a short proposal (five or fewer ous experience in film analysis needed. Special to apply educational technology to achieve
double-spaced pages) of the planned fee: $50. educational objectives, and to manage inter-
personal relations in the process. Special fee:
project, which the faculty advisor
MSTU 4016. The history of communication (3) $50.
must approve.
Professor Moretti. A comprehensive survey of
b. Prepare the project. the history of communication, tracing the MSTU 4030. Computer applications
c. Write a project report (around 30 development of the dominant modes of trans- in education (3)
pages). This is graded by the respective mitting knowledge, from speaking to writing, Ms. Kieran-Greenbush. Hands-on experience
students faculty advisor. from printing to the electronic media. Special learning a variety of computer applications,
fee: $50. focusing primarily on word processors, spread-
When a faculty advisor certifies that the inte- sheets, and database managing. Students cre-
grative question portion, the literature review MSTU 4018. Design and communication ate their own educational applications. No
paper, and the certification project have all in modern culture (3) computer background assumed. Special fee:
been completed successfully, then the student Professor McClintock. How have practices of $50.
is ready to be recommended for certification. abstract reasoning, the pursuit of formalism,
and conceptualizing the structure of complex MSTU 4031. Programming I (4)
COURSES: phenomena affected modern design and com- Mr. Campbell and Ms. Sosulski.
Most courses are offered once each year; oth- munication? Readings and class discussions Communicating with computers and humans
ers are offered each term and some are offered explore this question, using examples drawn through programs. Uses a graphic language to
from architecture, fine art, graphics, typogra- formalize the concepts behind software struc-
every two years. Current scheduling informa-
phy, photography, advertising, industrial ture, and a current, widely-used implementa-
tion may be obtained from the program office. design, formal organization, process control, tion language such as Java to construct repre-
transportation, information theory and man- sentative applications. Co-requisite: MSTU
MSTU 4000. Core seminar in communica- agement, and major media of communication. 4032. Special fee: $50.
tion, computing and technology (0-1) Special fee: $25.
Professor Black and Faculty. Required for
incoming students. Meets with MSTU 6600. MSTU 4032. Programming I laboratory (0)
MSTU 4022. Telecommunications and Mr. Campbell and Ms. Sosulski.
Discussion of critical issues, reading of key distance learning (3)
works, development of project Comm- Co-requisite: MSTU 4031. Concentrated time
Professor Taylor. Introduction to the use and to reinforce programming concepts through
unication, Computing, and Technology in educational implications of telecommunica-
Education, presentation of work in progress, practice. Lab is led by instructor or teaching
tions, distance learning, and collaborative assistant. Attendance is mandatory.
conversations with leaders in the field. Special interchange using telecommunications, partic-
fee: $25. ularly the Internet and the World Wide Web. MSTU 4035. The computer as an
Special fee: $25. instructional aid (3)
MSTU 4005. Equity, ethical and social
issues in educational technology (3) Professor Budin. A presentation of research
MSTU 4023. Cinema as cross-cultural and issues surrounding the use of computing
Professor Budin. Addresses a wide range of communication (3)
issues concerning equity and access, including in schooling. Cognitive and social effects of
Dr. Akrami. Analyzes how films explore cul- computers on students are investigated and
differential gender, racial, and ethnic uses of ture. Discussion of the film as well as the cul-
computers. Examines legal and ethical issues strategies are developed for integrating com-
tural messages portrayed. Special fee: $50. puting into the curriculum. Special fee: $25.
in students use of technology with an empha-
sis on improving access and use of technology MSTU 4024. Television and the develop-
for all students. Special fee: $25. MSTU 4036. Hypermedia and education
ment of youth (3) (3-4)
Faculty. A comprehensive survey of the social- Ms. B Shell, Dr. Kelsey, and Dr. Magni.
MSTU 4008. Information technology izing and educational effects of television
and education (3) Introduction to hypermedia products and pro-
viewing during childhood and adolescence. gramming and their role in education. Four-
Faculty. Analytic overview of the uses of infor- Within a developmental framework, emphasis
mation technology in instruction. Examination point registration is for hypermedia program-
is placed on reviewing and critiquing research ming lab. Special fee: $50.
of psychological and practical impact of infor- involving the effects of both formal features of
mation technology on our culture and its edu- television (e.g., cuts, pans, pace) and the vari-
cational institutions. Special fee: $25. MSTU 4037. Computers and the uses
ous types of television programs on viewers of information in education (3)
comprehension, behavior, attitudes, and Dr. Budin. This course examines how comput-
MSTU 4010. Theories of communication beliefs. Special fee: $50.
(2-3) ers can structure and present information,
Professor Moretti. A broad, multidisciplinary evaluates current educational software that
MSTU 4028. Technology and culture (3) uses information, and considers the design of
survey of contemporary perspectives on com- Professor Varenne. An exploration of the
munication. Topics include: definitions, mod- software for integrating information applica-
impact of technology broadly defined upon tions into education. Prerequisite: MSTU
els and theories of information processing, his- cultural evolution as currently discussed in
tory of media change, cross-cultural communi- 4030 or equivalent computer experience.
anthropology and related disciplines. Special
cation, interpersonal communication, and the fee: $25.
uses and effects of mass media. Special fee:

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MSTU 4049. Technologies and literacies MSTU 4133. Cognition and computers instruction, such as distributed and dynamical
(2-3) (3) Special fee: $50. views of cognition and learning. Students are
Professor Kleifgen and Dr. Magni. An examina- encouraged to present and discuss their
tion of the relationship between computers and MSTU 4134. Cognition and computers research interests and projects as they relate
the writing process. The course explores the lab (1-3) Permission required. Corequisite: to the focus of the course. Special fee: $25.
effect of electronic text on traditional notions of MSTU 4133. Special fee: $25.
text, literacy, and communication. Assumes no MSTU 5191-MSTU 5192. Educational video
computing experience. Lab fee: $25. MSTU 4901-MSTU 4904. Research production I and II (3-4)
and independent study (1-6) Mr. Riccobon. Permission required for MSTU
MSTU 4052. Computers, problem solving Permission required. For masters students. 5192. Practical studio and field production
and cooperative learning (3) Students propose a program of independent experience of educational video programs, with
Dr. Budin. Considers how computers may be research or project development to a faculty special concern for realizing educational pur-
used to promote cooperative learning in prob- member. Students in their first term of study are poses through directing, scripting, staging, cam-
lem solving for students throughout the curricu- generally not accepted. Conference hours are era operation, lighting, and sound design.
lum, focusing on the use of simulations, data- arranged. Special fee: $75.
bases, programming, and problem solving soft-
ware. Course content will include active partici- MSTU 5005. Case-based teaching in MSTU 5194. Models of human-computer
pation in cooperative learning using computers electronic environments (3) interaction (3-4)
as well as background work in educational the- Professor Kinzer. This course focuses on the Faculty. This course explores the psychological
ory as it relates to problem solving and coopera- theoretical background related to designing, and educational literature on human-computer
tive learning. Special fee: $25. developing, and using multimedia case method- interaction and learning. What is the role of
ology in education. Although examples are human-computer interaction in learning and
MSTU 4080. Television and video applica- drawn mainly, though not exclusively, from teaching with new educational technologies?
tions in education (3) cases in reading/literacy education, the princi- What are the key formats and attributes of
Faculty. The role of media literacy is explored ples discussed in this course are relevant to a human-computer interaction with electronic
as a means to understand our popular culture wide range of subject areas. Students are media? These and other questions are studied
and foster critical autonomy in young people. encouraged to examine educational case by discussing current theory and research and
Emphasis is placed on critiquing educational methodology within their interest area. by evaluating state-of-the-art media projects.
television programs and video, and using them Special Fee: $50. Special fee: $25.
effectively in the classroom. Special fee: $35.
MSTU 5020. Computer-mediated MSTU 5201. Fieldwork (1-6)
MSTU 4083. Instructional design of educa- communication (3) Permission required. Opportunity for qualified
tional technology (3) Ms. Lin. Analyzes characteristics of such com- students, individually or in small groups, to
Ms. Sullivan and Faculty. The nature of instruc- puter mediated communication systems as net- develop and pursue projects in schools, commu-
tional technology, systems approaches to plan- worked multimedia, electronic mail, bulletin nity agencies, business organizations and com-
ning, managing, and evaluating instructional boards, and computer conferencing, and situ- munication facilities. Students in their first
processes and materials. Emphasis is on instruc- ates these systems in the context of the emerg- term of study are generally not accepted.
tional design. Special fee: $50. ing national information infrastructure. Conference hours are arranged.
Students will participate in on-line commun-
MSTU 4085. New technologies for learning ication systems. Special fee: $50. MSTU 5510. Topical seminar (1-3)
(2-3) Faculty. Permission required. Periodically under
Professor Taylor and visiting experts. A survey MSTU 5030. Intelligent computer-assisted this course number various faculty and staff
of technologies such as multimedia and instruction (3) members offer courses on important topics in
telecommunications applied to learning and Professor Black and Ms. Bai. Prerequisite: communication, computing, or instructional
research, with full demonstrations and critical MSTU 4133. Participants study ideas about the technology and media which will be announced
discussion by experts. Includes discussion of representation of knowledge, models of the at least one semester in advance. Topics may
implications for educational change. Special learner, and teaching strategies that have been vary each semester and may include any of the
fee: $50. developed in artificial intelligence and cognitive following: art, music, and technology: their
psychology, as well as develop and test intelli- symbiotic interplay; assessing the impact of
MSTU 4086. Text understanding and gent computer-assisted instruction materials for technology in our schools; database driven web-
design (3) topics of interest. Special fee: $50. site development; educational technology
Professor Black. Covers ideas about how people research; gender, communication, and digital
understand textual materials and learn from MSTU 5031. Programming II (3-4) technology; media and education; research
them; then applies these ideas to the design of Mr. Campbell and Ms. Sosulski. Prerequisite: methodologies; social and emotional learning
instructional text. Students design instructional MSTU 4031 or a solid basic knowledge of pro- and digital technology; technology and school
materials for topics of interest to them. Special gramming. Applies programming to significant change; technology, education, and public poli-
fee: $25. problems using Java or C++ to construct cy; technology, inquiry, and culture; writing
salient applications. Special fee: $50. technology.
MSTU 4133-MSTU 4134. Cognition
and computers MSTU 5035. Technology and Metacognition MSTU 5515. New media teaching and
Professor Black, Ms. Zahner, and Ms. Bai. Ideas (3) learning (3)
about cognition and knowledge representation Professor Lin. This course explores how theo- Professor Moretti. Permission required. This
and how they relate to the use of computers in ries of learning, development and cognition can course provides students with experience in the
instruction. The student selects a subject area, shape the design of instruction. Readings cover development of new media projects and a
learns to represent knowledge from it so that it a range of instructional theories and highlight forum for discussing the implications for new
can be implemented in a computerized instruc- the underlying influences of those theories. media on education, particularly in higher edu-
tional system, and uses the knowledge represen- Although the course includes a brief survey of cation. The course involves a fieldwork compo-
tation to characterize the cognitive prerequisites historical trends in the field, the primary course nent. Special fee: $50.
and consequences of learning to use computers. focus is on current and emerging theories of

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MSTU 5555. Technology and the MSTU 6532. Seminar in cognitive science
emergence of a global curriculum (3) (1-3)
Professor Taylor. This course deals with the Professors Black and Lin, and Dr. Halberstam. EDUCATION
impact of technology on human society over Permission required. In-depth discussion and
the ages, how technology in particular is critique of research proposed and conducted Program Coordinator:
shaped by, and in turn shapes, the vision by others and by students in the class. Topics Professor Bruce R. Vogeli
informing a specific culture and its curriculum, vary from term to term. Course is for adv-
and how the global sharing of technology is anced students who are designing and con- Program Office: (212) 678-3381
inexorably contributing to the emergence of a ducting their own research projects; they may Fax: (212) 678-8129
common global curriculum. Uses its own web- take the course as many times as they like. E-mail: [email protected]
site, www.tc.columbia.edu/~global. Special fee: $25. Web site: www.tc.edu/mst/Mathematics
Special fee: $25.
MSTU 6600. Colloquium in communica- Preservice Master of Arts degree students
MSTU 5606-5607. Colloquium on commu- tion, computing and technology in educa-
should direct admissions and certification
nications and education I and II (3) tion (0-3)
Professor McClintock. Each week during the Professor Black and faculty. Continuous par- questions to Professor Alexander Karp
academic year, participants in this course will ticipation required of certified doctoral stu- (212) 678-3842, [email protected].
read and discuss important work in the litera- dents. Discussion of critical issues, reading of Mathematics Education
ture of communication. In diverse ways, these key works, formal proposal of dissertation top- (Code: TCA)
works all consider how the conditions and ics, presentation of work in progress, conversa-
constraints of human interaction affect cul- tions with leaders in the field. Special fee: $25.
ture, public discourse, and the historical quali- Degrees Offered:
ty of life. The aim is to acquire a thorough MSTU 6901-MSTU 6904. Research and Master of Arts (M.A.)
grounding in how thinkers have addressed a independent study in Communication, Master of Science (M.S.)
basic problem in the study of communication Computing and Technology in Education Master of Education (Ed.M.)
over the past century and a half. Completion (1-6) Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
of written work for the colloquium is part of Permission required. For doctoral students. Doctor of Education in the College Teaching
the certification requirement for doctoral can- The participating student will propose a pro- of an Academic Subject (Ed.D.C.T.)
didates in the Communication and Education gram of independent research or project devel- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
program and it can serve as the culminating opment to a faculty member. Students in their
project required for completion of the Master first term of study are generally not accepted.
of Education degree in that program. Special
Program Description:
fee: $25. MSTU 7501 and MSTU 7503. Dissertation Over its long and distinguished history, the
seminar (1) Program in Mathematics Education has
MSTU 5814. Work conference (1-2) Faculty. Permission required. Presentation of stressed the preparation of leaders in educa-
Faculty. Permission required. Occasional brief dissertation proposal for approval by a spon- tion. These leaders are successful scholars in
conferences convened by Communication, soring committee. Student arranges one two- their discipline, as well as theoretically and
Computing, and Technology on subjects of hour meeting with his or her sponsoring com- practically based educators. Faculty and staff
special interest. mittee. are committed to the idea of leadership train-
ing through a variety of courses, workshops,
MSTU 6031. Multimedia educational MSTU 8900. Dissertation advisement (0) and research experiences. Many of these are
projects (3-6) Advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee:
performed in collaboration with private, pub-
Professor Taylor. Permission required. Team to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for
approach to developing computer-based edu- each term. See section in this bulletin on lic, and parochial schools in the tri-state met-
cational software using hypermedia, authoring Continuous Registration for Ed.D. degree. ropolitan region.
languages, and programming languages. Some
background in instructional design recom- Through funded projects, dissertation
mended. Special fee: $75. research, training and service to national
teacher organizations, the faculty and students
MSTU 6201-MSTU 6204. Advanced in mathematics education have helped frame
fieldwork (1-6) the curriculum and methodology used in the
Permission required. Extended opportunities schools of this and other nations. The Program
for students who have completed MSTU
in Mathematics Education emphasizes strong
content preparation in a variety of areas of
MSTU 6401-MSTU 6404. Internship (1-6) pure and applied mathematics relevant to
Permission required. Prerequisite: basic courses education.
in the students specialization, evidence of
competence in the internship area, and prior Masters level offerings in mathematics are
arrangement with cooperating institution. coordinated with methodology and supervision
Internship in schools, colleges, Teachers appropriate for both preservice and in-service
College facilities such as the Microcomputer teachers. Advanced masters and doctoral pro-
Resource Center, community agencies, busi- grams complete preparation for a variety of
ness organizations, communication facilities.
positions including: teaching, supervisory and
Students in their first term of study are gener-
ally not accepted. research roles spanning the elementary
through college levels of instruction. Some
courses offered through these programs are
intended especially for students from other

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areas of study at Teachers College who need to ming, to have knowledge of the epistemology and interests and that draw on the resources
acquire knowledge and skills in mathematics of mathematics and of psychology sufficient to of the Department and College, or they may
but who do not wish to earn a degree in this be an informed scholar-practitioner. work as part of the staff of the field-based
area. teacher education programs. School and uni-
All doctoral candidates must have a written versity faculty work with graduate students in
Master of Arts program, approved by their advisor. The a collaborative effort where teaching, preser-
Emphasis is placed on those competencies approved plan then must be approved by the vice and supervision training and education
necessary for effective mathematics teaching Office of Doctoral Studies. Following submis- research are intimately related. Please see the
as a means of enhancing professional growth sion of a statement of total program, the stu- Teacher Education section of this bulletin for
of in-service and preservice teachers. dent normally completes doctoral course work updated information on programs that lead to
Conceptual issues in teaching are translated and engages in doctoral research and writing. administrative certification.
into practice through group and individualized Refer to the Ph.D. and Ed.D. Requirements
instruction in special methods courses. Master Bulletin, prepared by the Office of Doctoral Teacher Education in Mathematics
of Arts requirements include a culminating Studies, for a fuller description. The Teacher Education in Mathematics pro-
scholarly project. gram is designed to prepare scholars for educa-
In planning a program of study, it should be tional leadership roles as education professors
A minimum of 32 points of course work is noted that doctoral students are required to in colleges and universities. Participants in the
required. Courses taken through these pro- complete a minimum of 20 points after taking program have opportunities to build their
grams and elsewhere at Teachers College in the certification examination for the first time, mathematics content background through
mathematics, mathematics education, and including points taken during the term in content courses in the Department and the
professional education to meet individual which that examination is taken. offerings of Columbia University. There are
needs may be supplemented with permission opportunities, also, for professional experi-
by courses taken in other faculties of Specializations ences in the preservice and in-service teacher
Columbia University. Elementary School Mathematics education programs.
The Elementary School Mathematics
Master of Science and Specialist program is designed for those who College Teaching of an Academic Subject
Master of Education are preparing for positions of leadership in ele- Teachers College offers a doctorate in college
Both programs require a minimum of 60 mentary schools or in the training of elemen- teaching that emphasizes preparation in con-
points, an essay or project, and involve exten- tary school teachers. Programs for elementary tent supplemented by a program of profession-
sive preparation in mathematics education. school specialists emphasize knowledge of sub- al education. Field experiences can be pursued
The College requires that a minimum of 30 ject matter, methodologies, and curricula of in mathematics, computing and several related
points and a formal essay or 32 points with an mathematics and include appropriate field disciplines. The course content and sequence
integrative project be completed under the experiences with elementary school students are especially organized to meet the unique
auspices of Teachers College, including 18 and teachers. In addition to program offerings, needs and career goals of each candidate with-
points that must be earned in Teachers students have access to courses in related in the general requirements of the Ed.D.
College courses. Although no transfer credit departments and institutions. degree at Teachers College.
toward the Master of Science is granted for
work completed at other institutions, a maxi- Secondary School Mathematics Special Application
mum of 30 semester hours (or 28 points if a The Secondary School Teaching program Requirements/Information:
formal essay is not submitted) of graduate includes an in-service component for experi- Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
credit may be used from other recognized enced teachers and preservice education for Preference in scholarship awards will be given
institutions to reduce the degree requirement. students entering the profession. In-service to applicants who meet the early deadline.
Please refer to the Degree Requirements sec- programs are designed individually in consul-
tion of this bulletin for college-wide minimum tation with a faculty advisor to reflect each Mathematics education students seeking
point requirements. For the M.S. degree there teachers background and goals. The preser- Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master
is greater emphasis on preparation in mathe- vice program stresses the direct application of of Education degrees are expected to have
matics content. In the Ed.M. program there is theory to practice with particular emphasis on completed at least 24 credits of undergraduate
greater emphasis on preparation in profession- experiences with teaching strategies that mathematics.
al education. Programs are arranged in consul- match classroom activities to student charac-
tation with the major professor to meet both teristics, that examine teacher and student Applicants who wish to receive New York
Program and College requirements. interpersonal interaction, and that reflect the State teaching certification should apply to the
historical and philosophical roots of the disci- Master of Arts degree program.
Applicants for the M.S. and Ed.M. degrees pline. Students who require additional mathe-
must also prepare a written integrative project. matics content in preparation for student Mathematics education students seeking
teaching are advised to enroll in content Doctor of Education or Doctor of Education
Doctoral Degrees courses in the summer preceding the academic in College Teaching of an Academic Subject
The Department provides programs for both year during which they enroll in student degrees are expected to have completed an
the Ed.D. and the Ph.D. degrees. In general, teaching. undergraduate major in mathematics.
the Ed.D. degree places emphasis on breadth Mathematics education students seeking a
of professional course work with a focus on Supervision in Schools Doctor of Philosophy degree should have both
educational practice. All candidates are Students interested in mathematics supervi- undergraduate and masters degrees in their
required to be competent in statistical sion in schools may elect to develop individual specialization.
research methodology and computer program- programs that reflect their specific background

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Degree Requirements: matics education. Preparation in mathematics points can be included either in the mathemat-
content should be of sufficient depth in two or ics/mathematics education requirement or can
Mathematics Education three areas to communicate content effectively be taken as research electives.
Programming competencies in at least one at the freshman and sophomore college levels.
computer language and further computer sci- Algebra and analysis are recommended as areas DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
ence training equivalent to at least 6 points of of concentration. Content courses can be A program of study for the Doctor of
graduate study ordinarily are required of all selected from courses offered by the Depart- Education (Ed.D.) degree must include a mini-
students seeking degrees beyond the Master of ment or from courses offered by the Graduate mum of 90 semester hours of approved gradu-
Arts. These points either can be included in School of Arts and Sciences of Columbia ate credit, at least 45 points of which must be
the mathematics/mathematics education University. Preparation in computing and sta- taken under Teachers College registration. In
requirement or can be taken as electives. In tistics is also recommended. order to permit the acquisition of broad basic
order to ensure that prospective college teach- scholarship, each program of study should
ers understand the history, organization and MASTER OF EDUCATION include at least 70 points in mathematics and
function of American higher education, all stu- Typically the program of studies for the Master mathematics education. At least 24 points
dents seeking degrees beyond the Master of of Education (Ed.M.) degree should include 42 should be at an advanced level.
Arts should enroll in at least two courses relat- points in courses in mathematics and mathe-
ed to college teaching offered by other depart- matics education. Preparation in mathematics Ordinarily, points in mathematics and mathe-
ments. content should be of sufficient depth to pro- matics education should include at least 45
vide leadership to elementary and secondary points in mathematics content courses,12
In addition to content courses in mathematics, school teachers. Content courses can be select- points in mathematics education courses, and
students should enroll in at least two profes- ed from courses offered by the Department or 12 points of research preparation including
sional courses in mathematics education from courses offered by the Graduate School of MSTM 6500 and MSTM 7500. (See course
including MSTM 4019; MSTM 4020; MSTM Arts and Sciences of Columbia University. listing for descriptions.)
5012 or MSTM 5520. All students are encour- Students interested in developing research
aged to take MSTM 5800-5801 for one to competencies for further graduate study should Professional courses taken outside the program
three points in at least two semesters. (Please elect at least 6 points in statistics. HUDM of Mathematics Education normally should
see course lists for descriptions.) 4122, Probability and statistical inference and include 15 points in the curricular, psychologi-
HUDM 5123, Linear models and experimental cal, and social foundations of education.
MASTER OF ARTS design are recommended. Students specializing in teacher education are
Normally students complete 24 points in cours- encouraged to select elective courses related
es in mathematics and mathematics education Doctoral Degrees to higher education programs and practices.
including MSTM 4019 (see course list for All candidates for the Ed.D., Ed.D.C.T., or
descriptions) and selected courses in related Ph.D. degrees are expected to demonstrate Preparation in computing and statistics is also
disciplines such as statistics and computing. both mathematics and mathematics education recommended. Programming competencies in
The remaining 8 points (3 courses) are competencies through a series of certification at least one computer language and further
reserved for electives chosen from professional examinations taken upon the completion of 60 computer science training equivalent to at
areas such as psychology, philosophy, curricu- graduate points. Certification examinations test least 6 points of graduate study are desirable.
lum, etc. It is recommended that students the students knowledge of current research Students whose theses involve statistical analy-
enroll in MSTM 5800-5801 Colloquia in and theory in mathematics education and sis are required to include appropriate statistics
Mathematics Education for one to three mathematics content. Examinations are offered courses in their programs. These points can be
points. Programs for specialists in the teaching once in the Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms. included either in the mathematics/mathemat-
of elementary school mathematics should Courses recommended as preparation for the ics education requirement or can be taken as
include MSTM 5010. Secondary school spe- examinations include MSTM 4019/4020 and electives.
cialists should enroll in MSTM 5023, MSTM 6000 level mathematics content courses.
5032, and MSTM 5037. (See course list for The Ed.D. culminates in a dissertation con-
descriptions.) Students must demonstrate acceptable profi- tributing knowledge to the field and should
ciency in at least three of the following six be planned early in the doctoral program when
Prospective community college teachers should mathematics content areas: algebra, analysis, sufficient advanced courses have been com-
select courses in at least three mathematical computer mathematics, foundations of mathe- pleted to permit the candidate to enroll in rele-
areas such as analysis, algebra and computing, matics, geometry, and probability and statistics. vant research courses and pertinent advanced
in preparation for study beyond the masters Students may sit for the examination in mathe- study to enable efficient preparation of the dis-
level. Preparation in computing is recommend- matics content during the regular certification sertation. Dissertations in mathematics educa-
ed for all specializations. Preservice students examination times. Alternatively, they may reg- tion can be: (1) experimental studies in learn-
should refer to the program brochure for infor- ister for: MSTM 4036, MSTM 5031, MSTM ing, (2) design and formative evaluation of
mation on additional requirements for state 5032, MSTM 6030, MSTM 6033, MSTM mathematics curricula, or (3) analytical studies
certification. All applicants for the M.A. 6034, or MSTM 6126 and, with permission in policy theory in mathematics education.
degree must prepare a written project as a cul- of the Program, sit for the content area certifi-
minating integrative experience. cation examination upon completion of the DOCTOR OF EDUCATION IN THE COLLEGE
MASTER OF SCIENCE The Program in Mathematics Education at
Normally the program of studies for the Master Doctoral students whose dissertations require Teachers College offers a program of study
of Science (M.S.) degree should include 42 statistical analysis should include appropriate leading to the Doctor of Education Degree
points in courses in mathematics and mathe- statistics courses in their programs. These in the College Teaching of Mathematics

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(Ed.D.C.T.) to prepare students for positions guages to satisfy the language requirement. for the preparation of their thesis may petition
as teachers of mathematics in two- and The Ed.D.C.T. degree requirements include the Program to request substitution. Students
four-year colleges. a dissertation contributing knowledge to the in mathematics may not use computer lan-
field and should be planned early in the doc- guages or statistics to satisfy the language
This degree program is designed to develop toral program when sufficient advanced cours- requirement.
both the depth and breadth in the students es have been completed to permit the candi-
knowledge of mathematics, but is intended date to enroll in relevant research courses and The Ph.D. dissertation is a scholarly study
to prepare graduates for careers in teaching pertinent advanced study to enable efficient contributing new knowledge to the field and
rather than in mathematics research. For fur- preparation of the dissertation. Doctoral dis- should be planned early in the program when
ther details concerning general degree require- sertations in the college teaching of mathe- sufficient advanced courses have been com-
ments, students should consult the bulletin, matics can be: (1) experimental studies in pleted to permit the candidate to enroll in rel-
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of adult learning, (2) design and formative evalu- evant research courses. Ph.D. dissertations in
Education in the College Teaching of an ation of college mathematics curricula, or (3) mathematics education should be: (1) experi-
Academic Subject, available in the Office analytical studies in policy theory in mathe- mental studies in learning, (2) analytical stud-
of Doctoral Studies. matics post secondary education. ies in policy, theory in mathematics education,
or (3) other scholarly investigations of prob-
A program of study for the Ed.D.C.T. degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY lems and issues of broad significance in the
must include a minimum of 90 semester hours The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree field.
of approved graduate credit, at least 45 points emphasizes research competencies. The degree
of which must be taken under Teachers requires a scholarly dissertation of intellectual COURSES: (* = course open to non-majors)
College registration. In order to permit the merit and sound research methodology. Thesis
acquisition of broad and basic scholarship, research may include analytical studies of the
each program of study should include at least Mathematics Education
process of teaching or of the construction and
75 points in mathematics and mathematics For certain courses in the program in
evaluation of curriculum material, experimen-
education, with at least 30 points in advanced Mathematics Education, special fees, including
tal studies of the teaching-learning process,
courses and 15 points in professional educa- laboratory fees, may be assessed.
including studies of verbal learning and labo-
tional disciplines and including at least two ratory practice, or historical studies.
courses related to higher education programs Theory and Methods
and practices. Candidates are encouraged to develop an asso- *MSTM 4019. Mathematics teaching
ciation with a faculty member early in their and learning I (3)
Ordinarily, points in mathematics and mathe- studies to identify a problem area of mutual Professor Walker. Cognitive development and
matics education should include at least 50 interest, to plan a course of studies that leads learning strategies for teaching and the use of
points in mathematics content courses, three to the competencies needed to complete dis- instructional materials. Current research in
points in either MSTM 5012 or MSTM 5520 sertation research and prepare for a profession- mathematics education. Required for pre-
and 12 points of research preparation includ- al role. Further details are available in the service students.
ing MSTM 6500 and MSTM 7500. (See brochures on doctoral studies and in the gen-
course listing for description). Preparation in eral descriptions of doctoral programs available MSTM 4020. Mathematics teaching
mathematics content should be of sufficient from the Office of Doctoral Studies. and learning II (3)
depth in three areas to communicate content Professor Vogeli. Historical/comparative study
effectively at the freshman and sophomore A program of study for the Doctor of of mathematical education programs in the
college levels. Algebra and analysis are recom- United States and abroad. Mathematics edu-
Philosophy degree must include at least 45
mended as initial areas of concentration. cation with special student populations.
points taken under Teachers College registra-
Content courses can be selected from courses Curriculum development techniques.
tion. In order to permit the acquisition of
with the Department or from courses offered
broad and basic scholarship, each program of *MSTM 4025. Teaching computer
by the Graduate Faculties of Columbia
study should include at least: 60 points in mathematics (3)
mathematics, mathematics education, statis- Faculty. A review of teaching methods and
tics and computing. At least 35 points should curricular innovations in computing and com-
Candidates for the Ed.D. in College Teaching
be in advanced coursesincluding research puter mathematics.
who have not completed the equivalent of at
courses (MSTM 6500 or 6501 and MSTM
least one year of full-time service as a college *MSTM 4026. Teaching applied
7500). (Any Teachers College course at the
teacher of mathematics/computing/statistics mathematics (3)
6000 level or above, any Columbia University
are required to include MSTM 6400 within Faculty. The role of applications in mathemat-
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences course
their doctoral programs. (See course listing for ics curriculum. Mathematical models, use of
with a G prefix, any W course numbered
description). Interns will teach college mathe- calculators and computers. Applications in the
above 4000, or any transferred course with a
matics courses under the supervision of experi- natural and social sciences.
graduate-level prerequisite will be considered
enced college teachers for a period of at least
an advanced course.) Further, 15 points in the *MSTM 5010. Mathematics in the
one semester.
philosophical, psychological, and curricular elementary school (3)
foundations of education must be included in Professor Walker. Problems, issues, and meth-
Candidates for the Ed.D.C.T. are required to
every Ph.D. program. ods in the teaching and supervision of elemen-
demonstrate competency in one language cho-
sen from among French, German, and Russian. tary school mathematics.
Students who require other languages for the Candidates for the Ph.D. degree are required
preparation of their theses may petition the to demonstrate competency in two languages MSTM 5011. Mathematics in the
department to request substitution. Students chosen from among French, German, and secondary school (3)
in mathematics may not use computer lan- Russian. Students who require other languages Professor Karp. Problems, issues, and methods

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in the teaching and supervision of secondary MSTM 5027. Numerical methods MSTM 6034. Advanced topics in analysis (3)
school mathematics. Includes field experi- and computability (3) Dr. Landau. Open only to doctoral students.
ences. Required for preservice students. Faculty. Number representation. Uncertainty Advanced study of real or complex functions.
and error. Numerical solution of algebraic
MSTM 5012. Mathematics in two- equations and systems. Numerical calculus. MSTM 6126. Advanced topics in the
and four-year colleges (3) Numerical solution of differential equations. mathematical foundations of statistics (3)
Professor Vogeli. Problems, issues, and meth- Faculty. Open only to doctoral students.
ods in the college teaching of mathematics. MSTM 5030. Topics in probability theory (3) Prerequisite: MSTM 5030 or MSTM 6030.
Dr. Landau. Simple, compound, and condi- Advanced topics including hypothesis testing,
*MSTM 5020. Mathematics and multi- tional probabilities and applications. Doctoral distribution theory and analysis of variance
cultural education (3) students should register for MSTM 6030. and regression.
Professor Walker. Survey of mathematical top-
ics and methods appropriate for multicultural MSTM 5031. Topics in the foundations Preservice Mathematics Teacher
and bilingual programs. of mathematics (3) Education
Professor Vogeli. Propositional and predicate
MSTM 5022. Mathematics curriculum calculi, set theory, axiomatics, order types, *MSTM 4005. Teaching mathematics in
development (3) and the linear continuum. diverse cultures (1-3)
Professor Vogeli. Principles, strategies, and Professor Vogeli. Principles, techniques, and
techniques for curriculum development and MSTM 5032. Topics in geometry/topology (3) issues in the teaching of mathematics in other
textbook preparation in mathematics. Professor Karp and Dr. Smith. Foundation of cultural and national settings. Study tour of
geometry/topology. Emphasis upon the rela- schools and institutions in various nations.
MSTM 5023. Problem solving (3) tionship between topology and geometry and
Professor Karp. Theories and methods of other mathematical areas. MSTM 4023. Mathematics for exceptional
mathematical problem solving with applica- students (3)
tions to classroom instruction. MSTM 5033. Topics in algebra (3) Faculty. Content, methods, and instructional
Dr. Smith. Groups, rings, fields. Doctoral models for teaching exceptional students,
MSTM 5061. Evaluation in mathematics students should register for MSTM 6033. including LED, LD and MT students.
education (3)
Professor Karp. Theories and methods of eval- MSTM 5034. Topics in analysis (3) MSTM 4760. Student teaching in
uating pupils and programs in the cognitive Dr. Smith. Real or complex functions and mathematics (4)
and effective domains. their properties. Doctoral students should Professor Karp. Permission required.
register for MSTM 6034. Prerequisite: MSTM 5011. Open only to
MSTM 5520. Seminar in the college students enrolled in the preservice program.
teaching of mathematics (3) MSTM 5035. Mathematical models in Students do supervised teaching in metro-
Professor Vogeli. Current issues in under- the natural sciences (3) politan area schools.
graduate mathematics. Examination of Dr. Pollak. Simulation, information theory
relations between elementary and advanced and coding, stochastic models, probabilistic MSTM 5010. Mathematics in the
mathematics. systems, simple harmonic motion. elementary school (3)
Professor Walker. Problems, issues, and meth-
Content Courses *MSTM 5037. History of mathematics (3) ods in the teaching and supervision of elemen-
Courses in mathematics review and extended Professor Karp. Historical development of tary school mathematics.
competencies that support graduate study and major ideas in mathematics. Contributions
research in mathematics education, statistics, of noteworthy mathematicians. Analysis of MSTM 5011. Mathematics in the secondary
computing, and in other fields such as science mathematical classics. school (3)
education, measurement and evaluation. Professor Karp. Problems, issues, and methods
MSTM 5038. Topics in mathematical logic (3) in the teaching and supervision of secondary
MSTM 4031. Number theory (3) Faculty. Goedels completion theorem, school mathematics. Includes field experi-
Faculty. Primes, composites, divisibility and Church-Turing thesis, Goedels incompleteness ences. Required for preservice students.
factorization, congruence, historical topics. theorem.
MSTM 5061. Evaluation in mathematics
MSTM 4032. Mathematical models in MSTM 5126. Mathematical foundations education (3)
the behavioral sciences (3) of statistics (3) Faculty. Theory and methods of evaluating
Dr. Pollak. Design and development of mathe- Faculty. Prerequisite: MSTM 5030 or MSTM pupils and programs in the cognitive and
matical models of human behavior, including 6030. Estimation, hypothesis testing, and tests affective domains.
social, political, management, and defense based on the chi-square distribution. The nor-
models. mal distribution and its applications. Analysis MSTM 5264. Guided supervision of
of variance and regression. Doctoral students student teaching in mathematics (2)
MSTM 4036. Discrete mathematics (3) should register for MSTM 6126. Professor Karp. Permission required. Open
Dr. Pollak. Discrete mathematics, combina- only to doctoral students. Guided field experi-
torics, graph theory. MSTM 6030. Advanced topics in ence in supervising student teachers.
probability theory (3)
MSTM 4038. Finite mathematics (3) Dr. Landau. Open only to doctoral students.
Faculty. Statements, propositions, and sets. Emphasis on proof and advanced applications.
Vectors and matrices. Probability. Applications:
finite Markov chains, game theory. MSTM 6033. Advanced topics in algebra (3)
Professor Vogeli. Open only to doctoral stu-
dents. Advanced study of groups, rings, and

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Independent, Advanced schools of this and other nations. Science
and Dissertation Study
courses are organized around a global systems
EDUCATION perspective so that resources, natural phenom-
MSTM 4901. Guided study in mathematics ena and the human impact on nature can be
education (1-6) Program Coordinator:
Professor Angela Calabrese Barton investigated and translated into new science
Faculty. Permission required from the instruc- curricula.
tor with whom the student wishes to work.
Independent study in selected areas. Program Office: (212) 678-8174
Fax: (212) 678-8145 Masters level offerings in science content are
MSTM 5800-MSTM 5801. Mathematics E-mail: [email protected] coordinated with methodology and supervision
colloquium (1-3) Web site: www.tc.edu/mst/Science appropriate for both preservice and in-service
Dr. Pollak. Lecture series featuring presenta- teachers. Advanced masters and doctoral pro-
tions by distinguished guest speakers. Preservice Science Education M.A. applicants grams complete preparation for a variety of
may refer admissions questions to positions including teaching, supervisory, and
MSTM 6400. Internship in mathematics research roles spanning the elementary
education (1-6) Professor Keith Sheppard (212) 678-3425,
[email protected]. through college levels of instruction. Some
Permission required. Supervised intern service courses offered through these programs are
in a variety of field settings including class- Science Education intended especially for students from other
room teaching at various levels, supervision, (Codes)
curriculum development, and in-service edu- areas of study at Teachers College who need to
TCB Science Education (Ph.D.) acquire knowledge and skills in science but
TCE Elementary School Science Education who do not wish to earn a degree in these
MSTM 6500-MSTM 6501. Research (M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) areas.
seminar in mathematics education (1-3) TCH Secondary School Science Education
Professors Vogeli and Karp. Permission (M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) Special Application
required. Research oriented seminars dealing TCK Secondary School Science Education Requirements/Information:
with a variety of issues and leading to prepara- Teaching Biology (M.A.) Preference in scholarship awards will be for
tion of preliminary proposals for the doctoral TCL Secondary School Science Education those applicants who meet the early deadline.
dissertation. Required for doctoral students. Teaching Chemistry (M.A.)
TCM Secondary School Science Education Applicants who wish to receive New York
MSTM 6901. Research and independent
Teaching Earth Science (M.A) State teaching certification should apply to
study in mathematics education (1-6)
Permission required. Guided independent TCN Secondary School Science Education the M.A. degree program.
study leading to the preparation of a major Teaching Physics (M.A.)
project or paper. May be taken repeatedly by TCX Supervision in Science Education Applicants should note that the M.A. major
doctoral candidates engaged in research. (M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D.) in Elementary School Science Education does
not lead to certification.
MSTM 7500. Dissertation seminar Degrees Offered:
in mathematics education (1-3) Master of Arts (M.A.) Science education students seeking M.A.,
Professors Vogeli and Karp. Development of Master of Science (M.S.) Ed.M., M.S., Ed.D., and/or Ph.D. degrees
final doctoral dissertation proposals and pres- Master of Education (Ed.M.)
entation of proposals for departmental review. should have at least the equivalent of an
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) undergraduate degree in the sciences.
MSTM 8900. Dissertation advisement Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
in mathematics education (0) Degree Requirements:
Individual advisement on doctoral disserta- Program Description:
tions. Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition Throughout its long and distinguished history, MASTER OF ARTS
rate for each term. For requirements, see sec- the Science Education Program has stressed Emphasis is placed on those competencies nec-
tion in catalog on Continuous Registration for the preparation of leaders in education. These essary for effective science teaching as a means
Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. leaders are successful scholars in their disci- of enhancing professional growth of in-service
pline, as well as theoretically and practically and pre-practice through group and individu-
MSTM 9900. Research and independent based educators. The faculty and staff are
study in mathematics education (1) alized instruction in a general methods course
committed to the idea of leadership training and in courses applicable to specific sciences.
Permission required. Open to postdoctoral stu-
dents accepted for study at Teachers College. through a variety of courses, workshops, and
research experiences. Many of these are per- A minimum of 36 points of course work is
formed in collaboration with private, public, required, plus a Masters Project in the final
and parochial schools, informal science centers semester. (The in-service program is a 34-
(i.e., museums, outdoor education, etc.) and point program.) Courses taken in this and
community-based organizations in the tri-state other departments of Teachers College in the
metropolitan region. sciences, science education, and professional
education to meet individual needs are supple-
Through funded projects, dissertation mented by courses taken in other Faculties of
research, training and service to national Columbia University. No course work may be
teacher organizations, the faculty and students transferred from other institutions as part of
in science education have helped to frame the this 36-point requirement. Only 8 points
curriculum and methodology used in the earned in this Department as a non-degree

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student may be included in the 36. Student degree and a Master of Education (Ed.M.) The M.S. paper, however, must address a prob-
teaching may not be completed before matric- degree. Both programs require a minimum lem in science content either through scientif-
ulation. number of graduate points of course work and ic laboratory research, a synthesis of scientific
a masters paper (see below). knowledge from the literature, and/or the pro-
Emphasis is placed on enhancement of science duction of a novel model synthesizing data.
content mastery through appropriate graduate The M.S. and Ed.M. degrees require a pro- The latter may be a computer-level simulation
course work either in the candidates disci- gram planned in consultation with an advisor or theoretical model of scientific phenomena.
pline or to increase the breadth of knowledge who may also sponsor the masters paper. The The M.S. paper may be a research thesis in
in other science disciplines at Teachers M.S. degree requires more science subject basic science within the candidates field of
College and elsewhere within Columbia matter course work than the Ed.M. degree, specialization.
University. Appropriate allocation of profes- while the Ed.M. degree requires more inten-
sional education courses is recommended and sive work in education including science edu- The Ed.M. project should focus more on sci-
is required to meet New York State certifica- cation. The M.S. degree is recommended for ence education topics and can be either a syn-
tion requirements. A minimum of 9-12 points science educators who want a professional thesis of information or an empirical study. The
in the breadth of science content, with suffi- degree with intensive preparation in science paper may form the basis for a subsequent doc-
cient depth in one area of specialization to subject matter. This degree is especially appro- toral dissertation. In other cases, it may be the
communicate content effectively, is required. priate for prospective community college culmination of studies that have been carried
Also, 9-12 points of general professional edu- instructors who do not intend to pursue a doc- out in the 60-point masters degree program.
cation are required. Students must complete 6 torate immediately. The Ed.M. degree is rec-
points of science education/professional sci- ommended for science educators who want a The paper should be planned and prepared in
ence competencies courses, the remaining professional degree with intensive preparation cooperation with a full-time member of the
points to be taken in electives determined in in science education. Both programs include Science Education Program staff. It must be
consultation with an advisor. some depth of study in science, work in the approved by a full-time member of this staff
candidates specialization, and the develop- before the application is made for the degree.
For preservice candidates, i.e., those who ment of competence in method of scholarly Hence, the masters paper is a Departmental
intend to fulfill the requirements of New York analysis. Some credits obtained at the masters requirement for the M.S. and/or the Ed.M.
State for certification to teach science in sec- level may be applied toward the Ed.D. degree. Its acceptance needs to be noted on
ondary schools, MSTC 4000 and MSTC 4363 the candidates application for the award of
are required and should precede the semester MASTER OF SCIENCE either the M.S. or Ed.M. degree. However, the
in which student teaching is completed. In total, a minimum of 60 course points are approved paper is not to be submitted to the
MSTC 4000 and MSTC 4363 are both offered required: A minimum of 30 points in breadth Office of the Registrar as part of general col-
in the Fall and student teaching in the Spring. of science content courses, 12 points in core lege-wide degree requirements but will remain
science education courses, 6-9 points in pro- in the Departmental files.
Applicants should note that the M.A. option fessional education courses, 3-6 points in
in Elementary School Science Education does research methodology courses, and 3 points in Doctoral Degrees
not lead to certification. technology courses. This leaves a remaining 6 The Department provides programs for both
points of optional studies to be determined in the Ed.D. and the Ph.D. degrees. In general,
Other requirements that must be met before consultation with the advisor. the Ed.D. degree places emphasis on breadth of
graduation include completion of science professional course work with a focus on edu-
safety workshop, successful completion of the MASTER OF EDUCATION cational practice. All candidates are required
programs Gateway Performance Assessments In total, a minimum of 60 course points are to be competent in both quantitative and qual-
for Teaching, and a Final Masters Portfolio required: A minimum of 15 points in breadth itative research methodology and to have
Project. See the Teacher Education section of of science content courses, 15 points in core knowledge of the epistemology of science and
this bulletin for details on other science education courses, 9 points in profes- of psychology sufficient to be an informed
requirements. sional education courses, 6 points in research scholar-practitioner.
methodology courses, and 3 points in technol-
Preservice Science Education M.A. applicants ogy courses. This leaves a remaining 12-15 All doctoral candidates must have a written
may refer admissions questions to Professor points of optional studies to be determined in program plan approved by their advisor. The
Keith Sheppard (212) 678-3425, consultation with the advisor. approved plan should then be forwarded to the
[email protected]. Office of Doctoral Studies. Following submis-
Masters Integrative Project sion of the statement of total program, the stu-
Ed.D. and Ph.D. applications are reviewed For the M.S. and the Ed.M. degrees in the dent normally completes doctoral course work
once a year for study beginning in the Fall. Science Education Program, a masters paper and engages in doctoral research and writing.
All other programs admit students on a rolling will be required. This project may be an exten- Refer to the Ph.D. and Ed.D. Requirements
basis. See the Admissions section of this bul- sion of some paper that has been prepared for Bulletin, prepared by the Office of Doctoral
letin for application deadlines as advertised by a course included in the program of the stu- Studies, for a fuller description.
the College. dent. The paper may take a variety of forms. It
may be a report of an empirical investigation, Specializations
MASTER OF SCIENCE AND or it may be a library type research paper deal- Students enrolled in the doctoral program may
MASTER OF EDUCATION ing with some problem in which the candidate specialize in an area of interest to them perti-
The Science Education program offers curricu- has a special interest. The form of the paper nent to science education by taking courses in
la leading to a Master of Science (M.S.) should be carefully chosen in the context of their area of interest. Some potential areas to
the candidates professional goals. pursue include: elementary school science, sec-

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ondary school science, urban science educa- departmental advisor for details. thesis based on a theoretical rationale and
tion, and technology studies. must exhibit thorough and comprehensive
Dissertation Guidelines mastery of a research discipline.
Supervision in Schools The Ed.D. dissertation is a scholarly endeavor
Students interested in science supervision in contributing new knowledge to the field and COURSES:
schools may elect to enroll in courses in other should be planned early in the doctoral pro-
departments to satisfy the single school and gram when sufficient advanced courses have Science Education Program Advisors:
multiple school supervisory certificates. Please been completed to permit the candidate to Professors O. Roger Anderson, Angela
see the Teacher Education section of this bul- enroll in relevant research techniques courses Calabrese Barton, Felicia Moore, Ann Rivet
letin for updated information on programs that and pertinent advanced study to enable effi- and Keith Sheppard.
lead to administrative certification. cient and high quality preparation of the the-
sis. Dissertations in science education can be: For certain courses in the program in Science
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (1) empirical or theoretical studies in learning, Education, special fees, including laboratory
The Science Education Program offers (2) design and formative evaluation of science fees, will be assessed. The amounts and cours-
curricula leading to the degree of Doctor of curricula, or (3) analytical studies in policy es involved will be announced each semester
Education (Ed.D.) This program is intended to theory in science education. The candidate is in the schedule of classes for that semester.
prepare students for leadership in science edu- recommended to seek an advisor within the
cation. This program is designed to prepare department who can best guide the design and Core Science Education Courses
professional science educators who are: (1) completion of the type of thesis chosen.
MSTC 4000. Science in secondary school
educated both broadly and deeply in science
subject matter, (2) competent in methods of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Faculty. Foundations of science education.
scholarly analysis, and (3) have a deep under- This program is designed to prepare students Planning, assessment, and management of
standing of education and science education. for leadership in science education. The pro- instruction. Required of preservice science
Students should also consult the bulletin gram includes advanced preparation in science students.
Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of to develop both breadth and depth in science
Education, available from the Office of subject matter background. Preparation in MSTC 4007. Teaching and learning science
Doctoral Studies, for college-wide Ed.D. research methods in science education as well in urban settings I (3)
requirements. as study of recent developments in the broad Faculty. Drawing from the scholarship in poli-
field of professional education is included in cy, curriculum, and teaching, this course
explores the major issues faced in urban sci-
In total, a minimum of 90 course points are the program. Students should refer to the bul-
ence education, including: (1) the issue of
required: A minimum of 15 points in breadth letin, Requirements for the Degree of Doctor resources (physical, human, and social) in
of science content courses, 15 points in core of Philosophy, available from the Office of urban schools and how urban science educa-
science education courses, 12 points in profes- Doctoral Studies, for information on admis- tion programs might draw from local resources
sional education courses, 9 points in research sion, residence, certification, examinations, in meeting the needs of urban learners, and
methodology courses, 3-6 points in technology and the dissertation. The general requirement (2) the issue of what roles might teachers,
courses, and 6 dissertation study points. This is for a minimum of 75 points of approved administrators, policy makers, and curriculum
leaves a remaining 27-30 points of optional graduate credit, at least 45 points of which writers play in the design and implementation
studies to be determined in consultation with must be taken through Teachers College regis- of empowering curricular and pedagogical
the advisor. tration. practices in urban science classrooms. This
course provides students with both research-
based and field-based experiences.
The student, in consultation with an advisor, In order that candidates become familiar with
plans a program of study consistent with the recent investigations in the broad fields of pro- MSTC 4008. Teaching and learning science
students prior education and oriented toward fessional education, each program will include in urban settings II (3)
professional goals. This program plan is one or more courses in the nature of educa- Faculty. MSTC 4008 will continue and draw
approved by the advisor and then submitted to tion and the nature of persons and the learn- on discussions begun in Urban Science
the Office of Doctoral Studies. In planning a ing process. No more than 9 points will be Education I (MSTC 4007). This course will
program of study, the student would be wise to credited. In most cases these courses will be use cultural lenses and community perspec-
pay particular attention to the time when the taken in the Graduate Faculties. tives to explore challenges and successes in
certification exam is taken. Students are teaching science well with students in public
urban settings. We will explore the issues
required to complete a minimum of twenty In total, a minimum of 75 course points is
involved in public school science education,
points after taking the certification examina- required: A minimum of 15 points in breadth from school and classroom vantage points, and
tion for the first time, including points taken of science content courses, 15 points in core practices that represent the best of what we
during the term in which that examination science education courses, 12 points in profes- know about science teaching and learning,
was taken. sional education courses, 12 points in research and how these play themselves out in urban
methodology courses, 3-6 points in technology education environments.
The certification examination is ordinarily courses, and 6 dissertation study points. This
taken no later than the term in which the stu- leaves a remaining 12-15 points of optional MSTC 4040. Science in childhood
dent completes 65-75 percent of coursework. studies to be determined in consultation with education (3)
A special certification examination is designed the advisor. Faculty. Corequisite: MSTC 4140. This is
an integrated lecture/laboratory course. This
for each candidate. The certification exam
course provides an introduction to the cre-
generally takes place in the students third Dissertation Requirements ation of science curriculum and instruction
year of full-time study. Please refer to the In addition to all other guidelines, it should be that attend to current state and national stan-
Office of Doctoral Studies bulletin and your noted that the dissertation must be a research

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dards. The course is based in constructivist Disciplinary Courses MSTC 4055. Concepts in biology (3)
perspectives and has as a goal the teaching Professor Anderson. Professional content knowl-
of science well with all children. MSTC 4043. Science in the environment edge course examining the major concepts in
(2-3) biology and their applications in teaching sec-
MSTC 4042. Multicultural science Faculty. Exploration of environmental science ondary school biology.
education as content and pedagogy (3) from an earth physiology perspective. Focus on
Faculty. In this course students will explore connections between contemporary environ- MSTC 4056. Concepts in earth science (3)
multicultural science education in terms of mental issues and environmental science con- Faculty. Study of models of our planet, Earth in
both content and pedagogy. One of the most cepts. A community study utilizing scientific Space, and Weather and Climate.
significant problems with bringing multicultur- inquiry procedures and applying pertinent
alism into the science classroom is that it is environmental science concepts will be con- MSTC 4057. Concepts in earth science II (3)
often taught as one distinct and often separate ducted. Faculty. Study of Earth materials and processes
component of the science curriculum. This shaping the surface, interior and geologic history
course challenges this commonly used prac- MSTC 4044. Biology methods and curricu- of the Earth.
tice. The course will explore the intersections lum laboratory (3)
of science and society and the impact this has Faculty. Theoretical basis of secondary school MSTC 4059. Concepts in chemistry I (3)
on standard K-12 science curriculum and science education and its practical application Faculty. Prerequisite: one year of college chem-
teaching practices. to biology teaching and laboratory experi- istry. The growth of, and change in, the major
ences. concepts of the science of chemistry are
MSTC 5042. Science, technology explored, from the Greek philosophers to the
and society (3) MSTC 4045. Earth science methods alchemists to those of modern chemistry.
Faculty. The nature and interrelationships of and curriculum laboratory (3) Concepts explored: chemical composition and
science, technology, and society as represented Faculty. Theoretical basis of secondary school the elements; chemical change, the acids, activi-
in policy and curriculum for education. science education and its practical application ty; the nature of matter; the structure
to earth science teaching and laboratory of the atom and bonding.
MSTC 5047. Science teacher education (3) experiences.
Faculty. MSTC 5042 is a required core course MSTC 4060. Concepts in chemistry II (3)
in the science education doctoral and MSTC 4046. Chemistry curriculum Faculty. Prerequisite: MSTC 4059 or instructor
advanced masters programs. The course con- and methods laboratory (3) permission. The historical development of
cerns both in-service and preservice teacher Faculty. Individualized work with secondary selected chemical concepts are examined with
education. In the course, students will con- chemistry curricula, stressing laboratory respect to the arguments developed in their sup-
duct research with preservice teachers, as well activity. port, with the intent that current meanings will
as practicing and expert teachers. We will be elucidated in the process.
examine the classic and contemporary knowl- MSTC 4047. Physical science curriculum
edge base of teacher education, as well as cur- and methods laboratory (3) MSTC 4075. Concepts in physics I (3)
rent issues and questions in the education of Faculty. Discussion of secondary school Faculty. Exploration of physics themes of mole-
science teaching professionals. Open to stu- curricula, stressing laboratory activity. cules and molecular kinetic theory, heat,
dents who are not in the science program with mechanics, waves, electricity and magnetism,
the professors permission. MSTC 4048. Structure of science knowl- modern physics. Of particular interest to intro-
edge and curriculum design (2-3) ductory physics, physical science and general
MSTC 5048. Curriculum and pedagogy Faculty. Analyses of the organization of and science teachers.
in science education (3) relationships between concepts, laws, and the-
Faculty. This course offers students in the sci- ories in the life and physical sciences, using a MSTC 4076. Concepts in physics II (3)
ence education doctoral and advanced mas- variety of analytical techniques suitable for Faculty. Exploration of electricity, magnetism,
ters programs the opportunity to ask funda- curriculum design. light, optics, quantum mechanics, and selected
mental questions about curriculum in multiple topics in atomic, nuclear, elementary particle
ways. It is designed for and is intended to pro- MSTC 4049. Middle school living en- physics and astrophysics.
vide a foundation for several key dimensions vironment methods laboratory (3)
of curriculum, including exploration of the fol- Faculty. Discussion of middle school life MSTC 4140. Laboratory methods and
lowing questions: What is curriculum? What is science methods. experiences for elementary school
pedagogy? How is the enactment of curricu- teachers (1)
lum/pedagogy influenced by theoretical under- MSTC 4051. Microbial ecology (2-3) Faculty. Corequisite: MSTC 4040.
pinnings (and ones assumptions about what Professor Anderson. The physiological ecology Demonstration of teaching science from con-
teaching, learning, subject matter, and context and life history of free-living and parasitic structivist perspectives. Focus on teachers and
are)? What is the relationship between cur- protozoa. children learning science through inquiry.
riculum and pedagogy? What roles do teach-
ers, administrators, policy makers, and curricu- MSTC 4052. Plant biology (2-3) MSTC 4151. Modern principles of
lum writers play in what actually happens in Faculty. Introduction to plant physiological evolution (2-3)
science class? ecology with an emphasis on global systems. Faculty. Interdisciplinary study of scientific theo-
Laboratory sessions to be announced. ries about origin and evolution of life on earth.
MSTC 6502. History of science education (3) Includes demonstration and laboratory experi-
Faculty. Research oriented seminars dealing MSTC 4054. Human anatomy and ments.
with a variety of issues and leading to prepara- physiology (3)
tion for the doctoral certification examination. Faculty. Prerequisite: a basic biology course. MSTC 4152. Modern concepts in genetics
Required for doctoral students. A survey of major organ systems and their (2-3)
physiology. Suitable for a wide variety of pro- Faculty. A survey of modern principles of
fessionals in physical education, nursing, genetics, including molecular genetics, behav-
health, nutrition, and science. ioral genetics, and relationship to Mendelian

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MSTC 4153. Invertebrate biology (2-3) MSTC 5265. Guided supervision of MSTC 5044. Selected topics and issues
Faculty. A survey of major invertebrate groups, student teaching in science (2) in science education (3)
including phylogeny, morphology, and ecology, Faculty. Permission required. Open only to doc- Faculty. Permission required. A focus on special
with examples suitable for biological education. toral students. Guided field experience in super- issues in science education (curriculum, instruc-
vising student teachers. tion, assessment, research, or content) which
MSTC 5041. The nature and practice changes from one semester to another, high-
of science (3) MSTC 6401. Internship in science lighted by current research and interest.
Faculty. This course is one of the required core education (1-6)
courses in the science education doctoral and Faculty. Permission required. Supervised intern MSTC 6902. Research and independent
advanced masters programs. It is designed to service in a variety of field settings including study in science education (1-6)
help students develop an adequate understand- classroom teaching at various levels, supervision, Permission required. Guided independent study
ing of the nature of science or of how science is curriculum development, and in-service educa- leading to the preparation of a major project or
practiced. In this course, through the analysis of tion. paper. May be taken repeatedly by doctoral
a number of current issues and problems in sci- candidates engaged in research.
ence and the extensive use of case studies, stu- Independent, Advanced
dents will address questions such as: What is and Dissertation Study MSTC 7501. Dissertation seminar in
science? What distinguishes science from other science education (1-3)
ways of knowing? What standards of evidence MSTC 4852. Informal science education Development of doctoral dissertation proposals
and scientific explanations, processes, and con- (1-2) and presentation of proposals for departmental
ventions are used in science? What philosophi- Faculty. Study of museums. review.
cal, social, ethical, and historical perspectives
are important in understanding the nature of MSTC 4902. Guided study in science MSTC 8901. Dissertation advisement
science? education (1-6) in science education (0)
Faculty. Permission required from the instructor Individual advisement on doctoral dissertations.
MSTC 5046. Advanced chemistry methods with whom the student wishes to work. Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for
and curriculum laboratory (3) Independent study in selected areas. Use of pro- each term. For requirements, see section in cata-
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: fessional laboratory facilities. log on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
MSTC 4046 or equivalent. Individualized work degrees.
with advanced topics from secondary chemistry MSTC 5000. Neurocognitive models
curricula, stressing laboratory activity. of information processing (2-3) MSTC 9901. Research and independent
Professor Anderson. Permission required. An study in science education (1 or more)
MSTC 5052. Biochemistry and cell biology analysis of emergent theory in neuroscientific Permission required. Open to postdoctoral stu-
(2-4) bases of cognition with applications to science dents accepted for study at Teachers College.
Professor Anderson. Prerequisite: organic chem- education.
istry. Modern advances in biochemistry related
to cell function. Additional project for 4th

MSTC 5058. Advanced topics in earth

and environmental sciences (3)
Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite:
MSTC 4056, MSTC 4057, MSTC 4558, or
equivalent. New concepts in geology, oceanogra-
phy, and environmental sciences explored in lec-
ture and laboratory setting. Occasional field

MSTC 5152. Biochemistry and cell biology

laboratory (1-3)
Faculty. Permission required. Recommended:
MSTC 5052. Laboratory techniques used in bio-
chemical cellular biology, emphasizing experi-
ments that can be adapted for secondary school
biology courses.

Field-Based Courses

MSTC 4363. Introduction to science

education practice (2)
Faculty. Corequisite: MSTC 4000. Directed field
experiences and seminars explore school envi-
ronments and teaching strategies.

MSTC 4761. Student teaching in science (6)

Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisites:
MSTC 4000 and MSTC 4363. Students do
supervised teaching in metropolitan area

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Organization and Leadership

CHAIR: Craig Richards LOCATION: 212 Main Hall TELEPHONE NUMBER: (212) 678-3258
FAX: (212) 678-3036 WEB SITE: www.tc.edu/o&l


AND LEADERSHIP 185 The mission of The Department of Organization and Leadership
Adult Learning and Leadership is to educate, train, and serve current and future leaders. They include: administrators, policy
Adult Education Guided makers, researchers, psychologists, and educators from around the world. Our students are, or
Intensive Study (AEGIS) aspire to be, in the fields of public and private education, higher and postsecondary education,
adult education, health administration, politics, advocacy, organizational behavior and organiza-
EDUCATION LEADERSHIP 190 tional development and change. We educate, train, and serve:
Inquiry in Education
(1) Leaders, managers, and administrators for all types of organizations, with an emphasis on
Leadership Practice
educational and nonprofit institutions and health organizations in both the private and
EDUCATION 204 (2) Those who help these leaders, managers, and administrators, and
(3) Those who conduct research pertinent to organizational dynamics and learning, who
NURSE EXECUTIVE 209 consult to organizations and institutions, and who teach leadership, administration,
education policy, politics, organizational behavior learning and change.
To accomplish this mission the Department provides programs in Adult Learning and
SOCIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL Leadership, Education Leadership, Nurse Executive Education, Higher and Postsecondary
PSYCHOLOGY 214 Education, Politics and Education, and Social-Organizational Psychology.

Darlyne Bailey William J. Baldwin
(Social-Organizational Psychology) (Higher and Postsecondary Education)
W. Warner Burke Caryn J. Block
(Social-Organizational Psychology) (Social-Organizational Psychology)
Jeffrey Henig (Politics and Education) Peter T. Coleman
Jay P. Heubert (Education Leadership) (Social-Organizational Psychology)
Pearl Rock Kane (Education Leadership) Kevin Dougherty
L. Lee Knefelkamp (Higher and Postsecondary Education)
(Social-Organizational Psychology) Eleanor Drago Severson
Henry M. Levin (Education Leadership) (Education Leadership)
Arthur Levine Debra A. Noumair
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) (Social-Organizational Psychology)
Victoria J. Marsick Elissa Perry (Social-Organizational Psychology)
(Adult Learning and Leadership) Patricia Raskin
Anna Neumann (Social-Organizational Psychology)
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) James D. Westaby
Craig E. Richards (Education Leadership) (Social-Organizational Psychology)
Elaine La Monica Rigolosi (Nurse Executive) Lyle Yorks (Adult Learning and Leadership)


Thomas Sobol (Education Leadership) Martha Gephart
(Adult Learning and Leadership)
(Adult Learning and Leadership) Rene Arcilla (Adult Learning and Leadership)
Laurent Daloz Michael Bazigos
(Adult Learning and Leadership) (Social-Organizational Psychology)
Keville C. Frederickson (Nurse Executive) Gene Boccialetti
Joseph N. Hankin (Social-Organizational Psychology)
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) Cynthia Caroselli (Nurse Executive)
Ruud van der Veen David X. Cheng (Education Leadership)
(Adult Learning and Leadership) Celeste Coruzzi
Rita Reis Wieczorek (Nurse Executive) (Social-Organizational Psychology)

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Philip E. Fey (Adult Learning and Leadership) LECTURERS: select one of seven possible methodological
Charles Fowler (Education Leadership) Jeanne E. Bitterman designs: experimental, and quasi-experimental,
Kathleen Gialanella (Nurse Executive) (Adult Learning and Leadership) survey research, applied qualitative research,
William Johnson (Education Leadership) Sarah Brazaitis (Social-Organizational Psychology) ethnography, evaluation, action research, and
David L. Levinson Judith Glazer-Raymo historical research.
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) (Higher and Postsecondary Education)
Stacey E. Lutz Miriam Javitch ORL 5521. Introduction to research
(Social-Organizational Psychology) (Social-Organizational Psychology) methods education (3)
Daryll Mattingly (Education Leadership) Arthur M. Langer Professors Knefelkemp, Neumann, and Shipps.
Gibran Majdalany (Education Leadership) (Higher and Postsecondary Education
This course meets a departmental requirement
for an introductory course on understanding
Sheila OShea Melli (Nurse Executive) & Adult Learning and Leadership)
research across a wide spectrum of educational
Michael Rebell (Education Leadership) Terrence Maltbia settings. Basic concepts of research methods
Jonathan S. Rosenberg (Adult Learning and Leadership and theories of research are introduced so that
(Education Leadership) & Education Leadership) students can comprehend and critique educa-
William Shine (Education Leadership) Robert Monson (Education Leadership) tion research and evaluation. Methods dis-
Marvin Sontag cussed include both qualitative and quantita-
(Adult Learning and Leadership/Nurse INSTRUCTORS: tive approaches to research, such as surveys,
Executive/Education Leadership) Michel Alhadeff case studies, ethnography, participant observa-
(Adult Learning and Leadership) tions, interviews, and oral histories.
Gregory M. Anderson ORL 6500. Qualitative research methods in
(Social-Organizational Psychology)
organizations: Design and data collection (3)
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) Gina Buontempo Professor Yorks. An introduction to qualitative
Luis Huerta (Education Leadership) (Social-Organizational Psychology) research methods conceptualization and data
Janice Robinson Gregory Gettas collection procedures and design. Students
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) (Social-Organizational Psychology) learn various qualitative data collection tech-
Dorothy Shipps (Education Leadership) Patrick Hyland niques and conduct a pilot study.
(Social-Organizational Psychology)
ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Riva Kadar (Higher and Postsecondary Education) ORL 6501. Qualitative research methods in
David L. Buckner Darryl K. Mattingly (Education Leadership) organizations: Data analysis and reporting
(Social-Organizational Psychology) Sally Mixell (Education Leadership) (3)
Monica Christensen Professor Marsick and Dr. Maltbia.
Michelle Neuman (Politics and Education)
Prerequisite: ORL 6500. Strategies and pro-
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) Orla Nic Domhnaill cedures for qualitative data analysis, within
Patricia Cranton (Adult Learning and Leadership) (Social-Organizational Psychology) and across case studies, individual and group
Gardner Dunnan (Education Leadership) Mary Price (Nurse Executive) interview analyses, data display, and methods
Mary Jane Eisen (Adult Learning and Leadership) Heather Reid (Social-Organizational Psychology) of presenting and reporting findings.
Virginia G. Gonzalez Mathis Schulte
(Adult Learning and Leadership) (Social-Organizational Psychology) ORL 6518. Methods of case study and
Catherine Guerriero (Politics and Education) Kent Strong (Social-Organizational Psychology) analysis (3)
Brian Hall (Adult Learning and Leadership) Megan Whalen (Education Leadership) Professor Sobol. Techniques and methods of
Sharon Lamm (Adult Learning and Leadership) Paula Wilson (Education Leadership) preparing and analyzing case studies of organi-
Barbara Macaulay zations and institutions.
(Adult Learning and Leadership) For information about faculty and their scholarly ORLJ 4009. Understanding behavioral
Laura McKenna (Politics and Education) and research interests, please refer to the Faculty research (3)
Kim Mendez (Nurse Executive) section of this bulletin, or visit us at Professor Perry. Overview of alternative meth-
Susan Meyer (Adult Learning and Leadership) www.tc.edu/faculty. ods of behavioral research and their relative
Laurie Nisco (Social-Organizational Psychology) strengths and limitations. Application of
Gabriela Oldham (Education Leadership) Departmental Core Requirements: methodological application of principles in
Judith ONeil (Adult Learning and Leadership) The Department requires that all students, order to read and to evaluate social science
Jo Tyler (Adult Learning and Leadership) regardless of degree or program, complete research and to learn how to conduct
Paul ONeill (Education Leadership) an overview in a research methods course. research.
Judith Parker (Adult Learning and Leadership) Organizational Psychology majors are required
ORLJ 5018. Using survey research in
Thomas Rock to take ORLJ 4009, which emphasizes experi- organizational consulting (3)
(Higher and Postsecondary Education) mental and quasi-experimental, research Professor Westaby. Prerequisite: ORLJ 4009
Vincent Rudan (Nurse Executive) designs. Other majors are strongly advised to and some statistics knowledge. This course
Svetlana Shmulyian take ORL 5521, which emphasizes applied illustrates how to conduct survey research for
(Social-Organizational Psychology) research designs. organizational change initatives. The following
Elana Sigall (Education Leadership) topics are covered: entering into survey
Franceska Blake Smith All Ed.D. students are required to complete an research consulting, selecting concepts, con-
(Adult Learning and Leadership) introductory statistics course and a two-course ducting focus groups, survey construction, and
Ross Tartell (Social-Organizational Psychology) sequence in research design (data collection administration, data analysis, identifying
Marie P. Volpe (Adult Learning and Leadership) needs, survey feedback techniques, and final
and analysis) in a methodology that is relevant
reports. Students develop a survey-based proj-
to their dissertation. Students should work ect from initial conceptualization of final
with their advisor and dissertation sponsor to report.

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cation, and special programs for adults in post- are involved in the design, management and
A DULT L EARNING secondary education. delivery of learning. The 60-point Ed.M. and
AND L EADERSHIP 90-point Ed.D. options are appropriate for pro-
Our mission fits with the mission of the College fessionals who are involved in policy develop-
The Adult Learning and Leadership area of
because we support learning across the life- ment, strategy, change management, and sys-
study includes the following programs: Adult
span with an eye to how adult learning shapes, tems-level learning. The concentration pre-
Learning and Leadership; Adult Education
and is shaped by, societal learning and change. pares educators who work with the following
Guided Intensive Study (AEGIS).
We train students in the use of collaborative groups:
ADULT LEARNING action technologiesaction research, action Leaders who shape adult education policy
learning, action science and collaborative and program development, as well as those
AND LEADERSHIP inquiryto engage adults, organizations and who act as trainers and coaches to these
Program Coordinator: institutions in co-inquiry and change in pro- leaders;
Professor Victoria J. Marsick grams, organizations, institutions, and other Designers, planners, managers, and
learning communities. developers who are innovating with new
Program Office: (212) 678-3760 delivery models; and
Program E-mail: al&[email protected] Graduates thus help adults to participate more Researchers and evaluators of cutting-edge
Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/AdultEd fully, democratically, and successfully in organi- adult education practices.
zations, institutions, communities and society
Adult Learning and Leadership and conversely, to help these social and organi- Concentration in Healthcare Human Resources
(Code: TDK) zational units to rethink issues of social equity The concentration in Healthcare Human
and valuing of diversity that contain learning Resources appeals to professionals in nursing,
Degrees Offered: and participation. social work, nutrition, extended nursing care,
Master of Arts (M.A.) law, and medicine, who are seeking leadership,
Master of Education (Ed.M.) The Adult Learning and Leadership Program and learning positions. The healthcare human
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) offers two concentrations: Adult Education resource educator or manager is a teacher,
and Organizational Learning, or Healthcare leader, facilitator, collaborator, creator, and
Program Description: Human Resources. The intellectual framework reform artist who must fit professional responsi-
Our program prepares leaders who help adults of the two concentrations examines the rela- bilities with societal changes, governmental
improve the way they live and work through tionship of adult learning to organizational, regulations, consumer needs, and healthcare
more effective instrumental learning, but we do management, and leadership issues. The frame- delivery. Healthcare delivery must be qualita-
not stop there. A hallmark of our programs is work prepares individuals as leaders, managers, tively and economically sound.
the fostering of transformative learning. and facilitators of learning in relation to life-
Through transformative learning: long learning, continuing education, and learn- Healthcare, from the non-profit or for-profit
Adults are helped to identify, probe and ing from experience at work. The curriculum is sectors, is one of the largest if not the largest
change assumpions, values, and beliefs that designed around levels of learning, develop- consumer of the gross national product in this
shape how they think, act, and learn; ment, and change for individuals, groups, and country. There are unlimited avenues in
Adult educators are helped to transform organizations as a whole. Also in focus are the healthcare delivery that employ various peo-
organizations, institutions, learning ways in which individual learning can be sup- pleprofessional and non-professional as well
communities and other settings that ported, nurtured, shared, and utilized by larger as those technically trained. Human resource
influence learning and change. social units in todays knowledge society. education and management of these staff
members become the responsibility of profes-
The mission of the program is: to empower Concentration in Adult Education sionals who have education in some area of
graduates as facilitators of learning across the and Organizational Learning healthcare practice due to the unique structure
lifespanin and outside of classrooms and vir- The concentration in Adult Education and and needs of healthcare delivery. They must be
tual learning spaces.We emphasize: Leader-ship Organizational Learning appeals to profession- identified with, as well as understand, health-
for reflective preactive and transformational als who design, develop, and evaluate programs care; they must be able to lead and educate.
learning. Our students help individual adults that meet the learning needs of adults in both
learn and they help organizations, institutions, face-to-face and on-line formats. They include The purpose of the concentration in
and communities learn from and with those educators of adults who learn in the following Healthcare Human Resources is premised on
adults. Hence, our focus on adult education and settings: the notion that professionals in the areas of
organizational learning that shapes, and is Organizations in the profit, and not-for- healthcare delivery must also be educated in
shaped by diverse views and cultures through profit, or public sectors; the areas of Adult Learning and Leadership
societal learning. Religious and community-based organiza- and the field of human resources in healthcare
tions; organizations. This leader must be astute
Graduates from our programs lead, manage, Basic education classes (literacy, General across professional domains; the leader must:
design, deliver, or evaluate learning initiatives. Education Diploma); (a) understand organizational dynamics, (b) be
They can be scholars, researchers, evaluators, Returning adult students with specialized an effective change agent, (c) be a leader and
executives, and learning and development needs in postsecondary education; and educator, and (d) be a manager of organiza-
professionals. They work in a wide range of set- Continuing professional education. tional change. These responsibilities require a
tings: schools, second-chance adult basic edu- person to be knowledgeable in their profession-
cation, health care organizations, not-for- For the concentration in Adult Education and al domain in healthcare as well as their prac-
profits, government agencies, learning commu- Organizational Learning, the 45-point M.A. tice domain with human resources.
nities, businesses, continuing professional edu- program is most appropriate for educators who

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Special Application Adult Learning and Leadership are structured ORLD 5055 Staff development and
Requirements/Information: around core courses, a core research sequence, training
For the program in Adult Learning and concentration courses, and electives. ORLD 5062 Human resource develop-
A culminating project is required at all times. ment in organizations
Leadership, the following information applies:
At the M.A. level, the project is usually an ORLJ 5003 Human resource
An academic writing sample is required management
for Ed.M. and Ed.D. applicants; an academic application of what has been learned to real
writing sample is not required for M.A. world problems or concerns. The Ed.M. proj- Group Dynamics (minimum of 3 points):
applicants. The academic writing sample ect and the Ed.D. dissertation are research- ORL 5362 Group dynamics:
could be a published or unpublished paper focused. A systems perspective
that demonstrates clear, logical, conceptual, ORLJ 5017 Small group intervention:
and analytical thinking, as well as the proper The core courses are designed to develop pro- Theory and method
use of citations and references. Papers fessional capabilities for students in Adult
written for graduate courses are good Learning and Leadership in either of the two Organizational Behavior (minimum of 3 points):
academic writing samples; memos or reports, concentrations (Adult and Organizational ORLA 4010 Introduction to organiza-
curriculum materials, and other practical Learning or Healthcare Human Resource tion and change theory in
Development). These core courses prepare education
writing are not.
students with respect to leadership, strategy ORLJ 4005 Organizational psychology
ORLJ 5014 Organizational dynamics
If applicants wish, they can meet the academic and management, adult learning, human
and theory
writing sample by submitting a well-construct- resource development, group dynamics and
ed essay of 1012 double-spaced pages, identi- organizational behavior. The required concen-
Technology (minimum of 3 points):
fying and discussing a challenge they face in tration is then tailored to the contextual needs MSTU 4022 Telecommunications,
the practice, organization, community, or soci- of students in either of the two specializations. distance learning, and
ety in which they work. These challenges may collaborative interchange
include, among others: Required core courses can be selected in the MSTU 4030 Computer applications in
Meeting lifelong learning needs of adults area of: leadership, strategy and management, education
adult learning, human resource development, MSTU 4031 Programming I
in the knowledge era;
group dynamics, organizational behavior, and MSTU 4083 Instructional design of
Valuing and working with the diversity educational technology
of adult learners; technology for learning or management. At
least one course is to be taken (or in some ORLA 5020 Information systems for
Crafting effective strategies for learning that decision making in learn-
take into account leadership, structural and cases, transferred from prior accredited gradu-
ing organizations
cultural factors in the groups, communities, ate study) in each of these seven areas no mat- ORLN 5013 Informatics in nursing
or organizations in which adults live or ter what the degree level. Many courses are
work; offered by the Program or the Department; Required Core Research Sequence
Using technology to meet diverse adult other courses can be taken elsewhere in (3-18 points)
learning needs; and Teachers College or Columbia University. The M.A. (minimum 3 points):
Working with populations that have following courses illustrate offerings in each ORL 5521 Introduction to research
challenges with English as a first or second required area. methods in education
language. ORLJ 4009 Understanding behavioral
Required Core Courses (21-30 points) research
Your essay should achieve the following: Leadership (minimum of 3 points):
ORL 4054 Leadership and manage- Ed.M. (minimum 6 points):
Describe the challenge and the context
ment in healthcare In addition to one of the above listed courses,
in which it occurs; organizations
Discuss your role and that of other relevant Ed.M. students must take a statistics course
ORLJ 5005 Leadership and super- from those listed below.
stakeholders; vision
Discuss the various positions that stake-
holders take regarding the challenge, and Strategy and Management (minimum of 3 points): Ed.D. (minimum 18 points):
the various options that can be exercised ORLA 5025 Ecology of educational At the Ed.D. level, coursework must include
to address the challenge; and planning and management a research design course, a data collection
Identify and relate your discussion to ORLD 5054 Strategy development as a course (either qualitative or quantitative),
selected relevant theories and research learning process in a data analysis course (either qualitative or
organizations quantitative), and a dissertation seminar.
to build your argument.
Courses available elsewhere at the College These courses include, but are not limited to,
or Columbia University. those listed below. Ed.D. candidates must take
Pay attention to factors that underlie your
thinking and judgments about this challenge, ORLD 7500 (1 point) in the semester in
Adult Learning (minimum of 3 points): which they defend their proposals. Ed.D. can-
for example, your beliefs and assumptions or ORLD 4053 Facilitating adult learning
those of others; and political, cultural, or other didates must also enroll in ORDL 8900 (or 3
ORLD 4800 Workshop: Building a
contextual factors. Include a bibliography that point Teachers College course) during the fall
learning community
is properly formatted in APA, Chicago, or and spring semesters, after passing the certifi-
MLA style. cation examination.
Human Resource Development
HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in statistics
(minimum of 3 points): HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
Degree Requirements: ORL 4011 Personnel management in inference
The M.A., Ed.M., and Ed.D. programs in healthcare organizations HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis

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HUDM 5123 Linear models and Healthcare Human Resources concentrations ADULT EDUCATION
experimental design should choose from: GUIDED INTENSIVE
HUDM 5124 Multidimensional scaling
and clustering Healthcare Law STUDY (AEGIS)
HUDM 6026 Statistical treatment of ORL 4014 Legal issues in healthcare Program Coordinator:
mass data organizations Professor Lyle Yorks
HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis I ORL 5551 Ethics for healthcare
HUDM 6123 Multivariate analysis II professionals
ITSF 4092 Qualitative research and Program Office: (212) 678-3760
ORLN 4013 Fiscal management of the
evaluation in international E-mail: al&[email protected]
nursing organization
education ORLN 5530 Seminar: Clinical teaching Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/AdultEd
ITSF 5001 Ethnography and partici- and evaluation
pant observation: ORLN 6014 Managing the socially Adult Education Guided Intensive Study
Structural and interpretive responsible organization (AEGIS)
analysis ORLN 6511 Innovations in nursing (Code: TDS)
ORL 5000 Methods of inquiry: management
Ethnography and partici- ORLN 6514 Marketing nursing pro-
pant observation
Degree Offered:
grams and services Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
ORL 6500 Qualitative research in ORLN 6522 Policy formation and
organizations: Research governance in healthcare
design Program Description:
ORL 6501 Qualitative research in AEGIS is a highly selective, fast-track cohort
organizations: Data
Elective Courses program leading to the Ed.D. in Adult Education
analysis Electives include, but may not be limited to,
Guided Intensive Study for mid-career profes-
courses in conflict resolution, policy and eval-
sionals who work full time, and who choose to
Concentration Specific Course uation, technology for learning, and manage-
pursue a doctorate in a concentrated format.
Requirements (15-18 points): ment/information systems. These are tailored
The program emphasizes leadership for adult
to the students career goals, and can be taken
education and organizational learning. Scholar
Adult Education and Organizational Learning in the Department or elsewhere in Teachers
practitioners are helped to examine and critique
concentrations should choose from: College or Columbia University. Electives can
theory and professional experience. The program
include transfer courses.
is designed for experienced, self-directed profes-
Adult Development Theory and Applications sionals capable of completing a rigorous program
ORLD 4051 How adults learn Students are required to take a minimum of 3
emphasizing guided independent study. Course
breadth courses (2-3 credits each totaling at
work is completed over a two-year period. A
Adult Learning Theory and Applications least 6 credits) outside of our immediate pro-
new cohort begins in June of odd years (i.e.,
ORLD 4050 Introduction to adult gram area to satisfy the Teachers College
2005, 2007). Participants attend a concentrated
education breadth requirement.
three-week session at Teachers College in each
ORLD 5057 Adult learning and educa-
of three summers. During the academic year,
tion theory and practice A culminating integrative project for the M.A.
they meet for Friday evening and Saturday semi-
is required. For the Ed.M., the culminating
nars four times each semester for a total of four
Systems Learning Theory and Applications project must be a research study, for the Ed.D.,
ORLD 5061 The learning organization semesters. Due to state requirements attendance
a dissertation is required. Guidelines for the
ORLD 5065 The learning society in all class sessions is mandatory. Absence will
integrative project are available in the pro-
ORLD 5550 Research on organizational result in having to withdraw from the AEGIS
gram office located in room 201 Main Hall.
learning program (step out) with some possibility of re-
Students should meet with their advisor the
ORLD 5819 Workplace Learning enrolling with a subsequent cohort (at the same
Institute semester before they plan on graduating, to
stage of progress through the sequence). Should
review the guidelines. Students in the Ed.D.
a student step out of the program, tuition refund,
Program Development and Management program are required to pass a certification
if any, will be handled on a case by case basis.
ORLD 4052 Program development: examination and to write and successfully
Courses are not open to students from other pro-
Assessing learning needs defend a dissertation. Details of the program
grams. Special tuition: $8,500 per semester for
and evaluating outcomes are available in CD and hard copy format as
cohort beginning summer 2005. Tuition is sub-
ORLD 5053 Developing and managing an advisement guide.
ject to change.
adult learning programs

Conflict Resolution Special Application

ORLJ 5340 Basic practicum in conflict Requirements/Information:
resolution and mediation An application essay, not exceeding ten
skills double-spaced pages, which addresses the
ORLJ 6040 Fundamentals of coopera- following:
tion, conflict resolution For centuries Western philosophical thought
and mediation in different
has considered the uniqueness of human
institutional contexts
ORLJ 6350 Advanced practicum in beings, and how they differ from other
conflict resolution and species that inhabit the earth and the special
mediation (two terms) responsibility this uniqueness entails.

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Thomas Aquinas, building on the work of Degree Requirements: ORLD 6800 Workshop in adult
Aristotle, tells us that the ultimate intrinsic AEGIS students must complete 40 transfer- education: Capstone (0)
end of man is the perfection of his highest able semester credits from a previous success- ORLD 6918 Advanced research (3)
and specific faculty, namely his intellect. ful graduate study at an accredited institution
John Donne, when confronted with his own Fall and Spring
prior to beginning the program. AEGIS stu-
ORLD 7900 Directed dissertation
imminent death, tells us that no man is an dents fulfill the remaining 50 course points at research (3)
island entire of itself; every man is a piece of Teachers College in a structured program that ORLD 8900 Dissertation advisement
the continent, a part of the mainany provides required courses in three areas: theo- in adult education (0)
mans death diminishes me, because I am ry, research, and the study of professional prac-
involved in mankind; and therefore never tice in various settings where adults learn. For Note: After completion of course work in the
send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls the final phase of the program, students must third summer, students must enroll in ORLD
for thee. pass a certification examination and complete 7900, Directed dissertation research, until
a dissertation. their dissertation proposal is defended and
In your view what assumptions underlie filed with the Office of Doctoral Studies.
each of these statements? In what ways are First Year (22 points): ORLD 7900 is a seminar that meets on
these statements contradictory or comple- Summer (Three week session) AEGIS weekends for additional guidance in
mentary? What do these statements tell us ORLD 6800 Workshop in adult their research. Following the filing of the dis-
about individual and societal responsibility education: Life history (2)
sertation proposal, candidates must enroll in
for leadership and learning? What dilemmas, ORLD 6902 Proseminar in adult
education (3) ORLD 8900 Continuous dissertation advise-
if any, do they suggest for the role of ment, up to and including the semester in
ORLD 6906 Program development (3)
education in society? How should adult which the oral defense is held, and major revi-
educators address these implications? What Fall sions are made on the document, as recom-
assumptions are you making about your role ORLD 6908 Adult education/learning: mended by the Dissertation Committee.
as an adult educator in your remarks? Theory and practice (3) ORLD 8900 does not involve class meetings.
ORLD 6800 Workshop in adult Alternatively, students can continue to enroll
Academic writing sample. Refer to learning/education (1) in ORLD 7900 as it fits their needs for contin-
the special requirements for the Adult ORLD 6918 Introduction to research (3) uing progress toward completion of the disser-
Learning and Leadership Program for guide- tation.
lines on the academic writing sample. Spring
A personal statement that documents ORLD 5065 The learning society (1)
ORLD 6903 Qualitative research (3) COURSES:
experience in leading, designing, or teaching
ORLD 6908 Advanced adult education
in programs that serve adult learning in a theory (3) ORLD 4050. Introduction to adult
variety of settings: institutions of education, and continuing education (3)
corporations, healthcare, non-profit and Second Year (26 points): Faculty. An introduction to the professional
public organizations, or religious and field of adult and continuing education: fields
Summer (Three week session)
community education initiatives. The of practice (higher education, workplace, man-
A&HF 4061 Introduction to cultural agement training, social action, literacy and
personal statement should also identify studies (3)
career/life goals and describe why a degree the like, and their evolution, and new chal-
HUDM 4021 Methods of empirical lenges); schools of thoughtpragmatism, radi-
in this field is a good fit with these goals. research (3) calism and humanismtheir transformation
A professional resum indicating several ORLD 6914 Learning communities I (2) and their relevance; clarification of concepts;
years of experience in program development and discussion of emerging issues and chal-
or administration of adult education, coun- Fall lenges.
seling, staff development, or training. A&HF 4090 Philosophies of education (3)
Proof of access to a university library. ORLD 6800 Workshop in adult ORLD 4051. How adults learn (3)
If the application materials are acceptable, Drs. Gonzalez and Langer. Role and perspec-
applicants will be invited to campus for an tive changes in adulthood, concepts of maturi-
Social action (1) ty, learning theories, personality development,
interview and will be asked to complete a ORLD 6915 Learning communities II (2)
second on-site writing assignment at that cognitive learning and thinking, creativity,
ORLD 6918 Advanced research (3) interests and attitudes, motivation, self-con-
cept, and achieving styles. Implications for the
Early admission decisions are made in Spring education of adults in a wide variety of work-
December of the year preceding the begin ORLD 6800 Workshop in adult place, community, and educational settings.
ning of the program. Applicants who want education: Workplace
to be considered for an early admission deci- learning (1) ORLD 4052. Program development:
sion should make sure that their materials ORLD 6908 Advanced seminar: Assessing learning needs and evaluating
are submitted by October 1 of the year pre- outcomes (3)
Leadership in adult
ceding the beginning of the program and Dr. Fey. In-depth consideration of issues,
education (3) strategies and tools for ensuring that the right
will be interviewed in November. Applicants ORLD 6916 Learning communities
submitting materials by January 2nd of the needs are identified within organizations, that
III (2) resulting learning programs address learning
year in which the program begins, will be ORLD 6918 Advanced research (3) needs, and that program development pro-
interviewed in February. The admission vides adequately for evaluation of learning on
deadline is January 2nd. Final admissions Third Year (2 points): multiple levels. Course addresses both theory
decisions are normally made by March of Summer (Three week session) and practical examples of implementation.
the year in which the program begins.

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ORLD 4053. Facilitating adult learning (3) with the traditional theory. We will investigate social scientists, and educators. History and
Dr. Bitterman or staff. In-depth consideration how the journey of becoming authentic is a transformation of adult education philosophy
of issues, strategies and methods for facilitating transformative process. Jungs concept of indi- and theory; cultural, social and political con-
adult learning. Theory is considered in rela- viduationdifferentiating ones Self from the texts of theory-building; critical analysis of the
tionship to practice. Methods are identified collectivewill be used as yet another lens main schools of thought; discussion of new
that are suited to adult learning in different through with we can view transformation. challenges to adult learning and education
settings, and to the role played by groups in theory (social learning, organizational learn-
individual to team learning. No prerequisites ORLD 4844. Helping adults learn (3) ing).
required, but learning is enhanced when taken Dr. Brookfield. In this course, participants will
following ORLD 4051. explore the ways in which adults learn critical ORLD 5061. The learning organization (3)
thinking and they will experience different Dr. Maltbia, Dr. Tyler, and Professor Marsick.
ORLD 4054. Adult literacy: Critiquing techniques to teach critical thinking. Exercises This course describes theory and practice in
theory and practice (3) to be reviewed will include: Scenario Analysis, creating learning organizations. In-depth
Dr. Bitterman. Permission required. Explores Heroes and Villains, Crisis Decision Simula- attention is given to action science as a frame-
the complex issues surrounding adult literacy tion and Critical Incidents. The course will work for organizational learning. Readings and
from the educators perspective. Through a mix presentations by the leader with small case studies provide insight into learning at
critical reading of representative literature group exercises. individual, group, and organizational levels.
and an in-field project, insight into contextual ORLD 5055 or its equivalent is a prerequisite.
approaches to literacy and the myths sur- ORLD 4900. Research and independent Education Leadership Ed.D. students are
rounding illiteracy may be gleaned. study in adult education (1-6). exempt from the prerequisite.

ORLD 4500. Special topics in adult ORLD 5053. Developing and managing ORLD 5062. Human resource development
education (1-3) adult learning programs (3) in organizations (3)
Faculty. Periodic explorations of special topics Dr. Fey. Organization studied in relation Professor Yorks. A comprehensive view of the
and issues in fields of higher education admin- to community structure and social forces. field of human resource development. The
istration, student personnel administration, Finance and facilities, personnel, program, emphasis is on how HRD relates to a changing
adult and workplace education, and college and community relations. Major emphasis workplace and how emerging theories of
teaching and academic leadership. on case analysis. strategic and performance management relate
to the learning and development needs of peo-
ORLD 4800. Workshop in higher and ORLD 5054. Strategy development as a ple and organizations. Prerequisite: ORLD
adult education (1-3) learning process in organizations (3) 5055 or ORLJ 5003 (Organizational
Faculty. Special topics or events related to the Professor Yorks. This course provides a com- Psychology students), or Instructor permission.
administration of programs in adult education. prehensive view of organizational strategy from
Topics change each semester. Open to degree a learning perspective. Students examine vari- ORLD 5065. The learning society (3)
and non-degree students for credit or non- ous models for facilitating the development of Professor van der Veen. This course introduces
credit. strategic initiatives through learning interven- students to ways in which people learn
tions. through daily participation in society. Students
ORLD 4815. Developing critical thinkers (1) examine how society and social institutions
Dr. Brookfield. This workshop will explore ORLD 5055. Staff development learn in a learning society, and how educa-
answers to questions concerning facilitating and training (3) tional support for this needs to change.
adult learning. Presentations from the work- Dr. Meyer and Dr. Parker. Introductory course Prerequisite: ORLD 4050.
shop leader will be interspersed with small covering the organization, management, and
group exercises focusing on different approa- instructional process involved in staff training ORLD 5550. Research on organizational
ches to helping adults learn. Participants will and development programs in business, indus- learning (3)
be encouraged to explore their own experi- try, unions, healthcare institutions, govern- Professor Gephart. Students will read and
ences as learners and facilitators and to con- ment, and other noncollegiate settings. discuss theory and research on organizational
sider how these experiences might help them Current developments, innovative practices, learning for knowledge/expertise creation
to re-frame their practice. and issues. This course is also offered in a dis- and sharing; and review, design or conduct
tance learning format. research in schools, businesses, or not-for-
ORLD 4827. Fostering transformative profit organizations.
learning (3) ORLD 5056. Adult education social
Dr. Cranton. In this course, we will explore action (3) ORLD 5819. Workplace Learning Institute
how adult learners transform their habits of Faculty. A historical, sociocultural and psy- (1-3)
mind through critical self-reflection and dis- chopolitical approach to adult learning and Professor Marsick and Dr. Meyer. The
course. We will also examine the relationships education. Contexts of adult education for Workplace Learning Institute brings together
between individuation, authenticity, and trans- social change in the North (social movements, public and private sector training and human
formation. We will focus on practical and community development) and the South resource practitioners, managers, program
innovative strategies for fostering transforma- (NGOs, community education); concepts of directors, faculty and students interested in
tive learning in adult education settings. This conscientiation, social action, praxis, and exploring current issues that define the scope
is a distance learning course. empowerment are covered as well as new chal- and nature of workplace learning. Themes
lenges to social change education (globaliza- vary each time it is offered.
ORLD 4828. Imagination, authenticity and tion, liberation, post-modernism).
individuation in transformative learning (3) ORLD 5900. Research in adult education
Dr. Cranton. Participants in this course will ORLD 5057. Adult learning and education: (1-4)
engage in an in-depth exploration of transfor- Theory and practice (3) Permission required. Conduct research studies
mative learning with an emphasis on the role Professor Marsick. Prerequisite: ORLD 4050, (not a part of a doctoral dissertation) under
of affect and imagination in the learning or ORLD 4051, or ORLD 4053. Advanced guidance. Focus on a particular institution or
process. The rational, cognitive approach will seminar in theory development through a syn- type of institution, e.g., college of liberal arts,
be reviewed for those participants unfamiliar thesis of the writings of selected philosophers, professional school, community college.

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ORLD 6550-ORLD 6551. Advanced EDUCATION Understand the nature of social science
seminar in adult education (3) research, and are able to apply its principles
Faculty. Intensive study of a selected topic. LEADERSHIP PROGRAM and methods in conducting inquiry and
Topic varies from term to term and is typically Program Coordinator: reviewing research;
related to an ongoing program or research Professor Craig Richards Are alert to the legal and ethical
project. Students may begin either term.
considerations that influence all aspects
Program Office: (212) 678-3726/3139 of education;
ORLD 6557-6558. Research practices E-Mail: [email protected]
in adult education Are committed to the ideals of equity and
Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/EdAdmin
Faculty. diversity in educational matters, and possess
Education Leadership Program the skills and knowledge needed to promote
ORLD 6900. Research and independent (Code: TAL) these ideals in educational institutions; and
study in adult education (1-6) Exhibit the courage and refine the critical
Permission required. Degrees Offered: intelligence needed to question what is and
Master of Arts (M.A.) develop what might be.
ORLD 7500. Dissertation seminar adult
education (1) Master of Education (Ed.M.)
Permission required. Students should have Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Special Application
completed most or all course work (including Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Requirements/Information:
research methods courses) and have passed Applicants to the Education Leadership pro-
the certification examination. The course is Program Description gram must specify the degree, program name,
intended for students who have identified a With a nationally recognized faculty and a tra- program code, course of study, and concentra-
reasonably narrow area for research and have dition of national prominence, the Teachers tion (if applicable) of their choice on the
already completed a preliminary literature College Education Leadership Program pre- application for admission, Special application
review. The course will assist the student in pares students for careers as practitioners and requirements include:
design, methods, and other matters of concern Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is
scholars prepared to lead and transform a wide
in the preparation of an acceptable disserta- required of applicants to all degree programs
tion proposal. Directed Research and variety of educating organizations. Students
are equipped to lead educational practice; to in Education Leadership (M.A., Ed.M.,
Independent Study (students must have an
instructor-approved Learning Contract prior influence political systems, education law, and Ed.D. and Ph.D.)
to enrolling in any of the following courses). education policy; to apply the methods of Applicants to the Ed.M. and Ed.D. in
social science research to conduct of inquiry; Education Leadership with a course of study
ORLD 7900. Directed dissertation and to seek equality, equity, and diversity in in Public School and School District
research (3) education. Graduates serve in leadership posi- Leadership should have at least three (3)
Permission required. All doctoral students tions as school principals and headmasters, years of teaching and/or administrative
eligible for this course must register each district superintendents, and education leaders experience in the public schools (K-12).
semester until a proposal hearing has occurred Applicants to either the M.A. or Ed.M.
in comparable positions of executive leader-
and a proposal has been approved. program in Education Leadership with a
ship; as policy analysts and advocates; and as
scholars of education and education leader- course of study in Private School Leadership
ORLD 8900. Dissertation advisement
in adult education (0) ship. should have at least three (3) years of teach-
Individual advisement on doctoral disserta- To prepare themselves to serve effectively, ing experience.
tions. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition they:
rate for each term. For requirements, see sec- Become thoroughly grounded in the theory Applicants for the Klingenstein Fellows
tion in catalog on Continuous Registration for and practice of education leadership; Program who wish to be considered for accept-
Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. Develop a broad and deep understanding of ance to the masters degree program must sub-
educating institutions in our society; mit the Klingenstein Fellows application as
For Healthcare Human Resource course Understand teaching and learning, and are well as the Teachers College Application for
descriptions, see the Program for Nurse able to lead and support effective teaching for Admission. Please send the fellowship
Executives listing. and learning for all kinds of teachers and application to the Klingenstein office by
students; January 15th and Teachers College application
Understand the principles of organizational to the Admissions Office by January 15th.
culture and behavior, and possess skills
needed to provide effective organizational Only Ph.D. and Ed.D. applications that are
leadership; complete and have been received by the
Understand the nature of policy, political Admissions Office by the early deadline as
systems, and law, and possess the skills advertised by the College will be considered.
required to shape and influence these Late applications may be considered for admis-
systems and their products; sions the following year.
Understand contemporary management
systems, and are able to employ them All masters applications (Ed.M.) in Public
effectively; School and School District Leadership,
Understand the uses of technology in Private School Leadership, Leadership Policy
education and administration, and possess and Politics, or the M.A. in Education
the skills and knowledge to use technology Leadership Studies that are complete and have
effectively; been received by the Admissions office by the
priority deadline as advertised by the College

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will be considered for both admission and any Organization and Leadership, Teachers College, ership modeling; the use of reflective practice;
available scholarship aid. All complete appli- Columbia University, and other schools at and the need for innovation in creating a school
cations received by the final deadline for the Columbia University. vision and promoting educational change.
masters program will be considered for admis-
sion only. Please see the Admissions section of Course of Study in Public School and Candidates should have at least three years of
this bulletin for more information. School District Leadership: teaching and/or administrative experience in the
public schools.
The Education Leadership Program offers the The Public School and School District
following courses of study: Leadership course of study prepares students The Course of Study in Public School and
for positions of leadership within the public School District Leadership offers four con-
Public School and School District Leadership schools, such as principal, director, assistant centrations:
(application code: TAL) (except for Inquiry superintendent, and superintendent of schools. The Public School Summer Principals
which is application code TAQ) (M.A., The M.A. (Summer only) and Ed.M. (Summer Academy (application code: TAL)(M.A.,
Ed.M., Ed.D.) and school year) lead to New York State Ed.M. Summer cohort program)
School Building Leader certification. The Inquiry in Education Leadership Practice
The Public School Summer Principals Ed.D. (Inquiry and school year) lead to New (application code: TAQ)(Ed.D. Summer/
Academy (M.A., Ed.M. Summer cohort York State School District Leader certification. school-year cohort program)
program) Students completing the Ed.D. however, can School-Year Masters Public School and
Inquiry in Education Leadership Practice satisfy School Building Leader requirements as School District Leadership (application
(application code: TAQ) (Ed.D. Summer/ they work towards School District Leader cer- code: TAL)(Ed.M.for aspiring school-
school-year cohort program) tification. The course of study in public school level leaders)
School-Year Masters Public School and and school district leadership prepares com- School-Year Doctoral Public School and
District Leadership (Ed.M. for aspiring mitted women and men for lives of leadership School District Leadership (application
school-level leaders) and service in public education. Its chief code: TAL)(Ed.D. for aspiring district-
School-Year Doctoral Public School and objectives are to: level leaders)
District Leadership (Ed.D. for aspiring
school-level leaders) Develop students ability to lead educating The Public Schools Summer Principals
institutions as purposeful, effective, humane Academy (application code: TAL) (M.A.,
Private School Leadership (application code: organizations; Ed.M.Summer cohort program)
TAL) (M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) Stimulate inquiry into problems encoun The Public Schools Summer Principals
tered in professional practice; Academy is structured for a diverse group of
School Year Masters Private School Broaden and deepen reflection about values, talented educators whose obligations preclude
Leadership (M.A., Ed.M. full-time study trends, and issues that affect the education them from attending courses during the tradi-
and fieldwork from September to May) enterprise; tional 15 week semester or for whom distance
Leadership Academy (M.A., Ed.M. Provide skills and knowledge needed for the is a barrier to attendance. The cohort program
Summer cohort program over 18 months) effective leadership and management of allows students to balance full-time employ-
School-Year Ed.D. in Education Leadership complex organizations in a sophisticated ment with graduate study. Aspiring school
Studies with a focus in Private School technological society; and leaders pursue coursework and skill develop-
Leadership Create and sustain a learning community ment over two summers and undertake site-
committed to continuous learning and based research projects and internships at
Education Leadership, Studies mutual support. their schools of employment during the inter-
(application code: TAL (M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., vening year. The program is 32 credits, is com-
Ph.D.) The curriculum spans the domains of leading pleted in two consecutive summers, and leads
learning, management systems, organizational to a M.A. or Ed.M. and Building Certification
Leadership, Policy and Politics (application behavior, and policy analysis. Students complete in New York State (New York has reciprocity
code: TAL)(M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) intensive internships and conduct research, with most states.) Housing is available for
Education Leadership and Management usually in field settings of the students choice. those who require it.
(application code: TAA)(Dual Degree Instructionally, the concentration offers innova-
Program with Columbia Business School tive case-based, problem-based, and field-based The Public Schools Summer Principals
Ed.D., M.B.A.) learning experiences. Offerings reflect both the Academy integrates practice and skill develop-
National Policy Board for Educational ment with theory and research using case
Students in each concentration pursue a Administrations NCATE/ELCC and New York studies and simulations and teamwork.
common core of studies in Leading Learning, Education Department standards for effective Aspiring school leaders are encouraged to con-
Management Systems, Organizational Behavior, leadership preparation and the Education struct transforming possibilities for student
Policy Analysis and Politics, and Educational Leadership Programs assumptions about the learning, school improvement, social equity,
Research. The Program faculty establishes the characteristics of effective leadership: The cen- and opportunity. We foster leadership develop-
specific course requirements in each concentra- trality of education and education leadership in ment through an integrated set of experiences
tion. These studies are enriched by specialized promoting social justice and diversity; the need that include sound theoretical and best prac-
work in the students specific area of interest, to nurture teaching and learning among all tice knowledge, problem-based coursework,
drawing on the extensive resources of the facul- members of the school community; the impor- and field-based experiences, including an
ty in Education Leadership, the Department of tance of collaboration and team work; the intensive and extended internship. The fol-
importance of personal transformation and lead-

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lowing seven statements represent the core who are currently working teachers, team lead- Monson. This course is an introduction to
values of the Public School Summer Principals ers, department chairs or supervisors who cannot child development theory, curriculum design,
Academy: afford to leave their schools or programs to and student assessment. The purpose of the
attend full-time. The summer academic schedule course is to develop, from a leadership per-
spective, a solid knowledge of the linkages
Quality education and education leadership is Monday-Friday, 9:00-4:00. Introduction to
between the best thinking on child develop-
are central to promoting social justice and school leadership is offered in the morning and ment, its influence over good curriculum
diversity and these values are central to Law and Ethics in the afternoon for the first design, and assessment strategies that provide
ethical leadership; three weeks. Mediation and conflict resolution is teachers and leaders with critical information
Excellent leadership development and offered in the morning and leading learning in on the effectiveness of curriculum design and
preparation will nurture not only, knowl- the afternoon during the second three weeks. delivery.
edge, skills, and values, but also, personal Eight credits occur via non-traditional venues
self-actualization and transformation; including distance learning, site based experien- ORLJ 5340. Basic practicum in conflict
School leaders are responsible for nurturing tial learning and written exchanges with faculty resolution (3 point existing course)
not only the teaching and learning of all via student e-portfolios. E-portfolios using Power Faculty. This course is developed and staffed
by Teachers College Center for Cooperation
members of the school community but also Point are a central component of each student's
and Conflict Resolution. The purpose of the
for nurturing their own self-actualization experience in the program. Copies of student course is to provide aspiring principals with
and personal transformation; work, exemplars from projects and case analyses, a brief theoretical background in the group
Skillful collaboration and team work are the internship, personal and professional vision dynamics, mediation and conflict resolution.
essential to foster quality schools; statements, and other documents will be on- The course emphasizes experiential and reflec-
All aspects of leadership development and going representations of student accomplish- tive learning.
education will promote the practice of intel- ment. All faculty teaching in the program will be
lectually and ethically reflective leadership; proficient in the use of e-portfolios and will con- Winter Session
Active, participatory, learning that is rooted tribute to student progress through them by eval-
in actual school contexts, simulations, case- uating their work, providing additional perspec- ORLA 5530-02. Leadership and action
studies, and offers mutiple opportunities to tives, pointing out opportunities for personal and research practicum (2 point existing
improve leadership skills is core to the cur- professional growth and mentoring. course requires a special section)
riculum; and This course teaches students the theory of
practice action research. Action research is a
Innovation and risk-taking play a key role Curriculum:
stance toward research that argues for using
creating a vision and promoting educational research to influence positive outcomes, even
change The table below provides a summary of the during the study phase of research. The meth-
course sequence for prospective students. ods themselves may be quantitative, qualitative,
The knowledge, skills and dispositions we seek Students take four courses (12 credits), their first statistical or some combination thereof. The
to develop in the cohorts of students selected summer, two courses (5 credits), during the aca- purpose of the research design is to subordinate
for the Public School Summer Principals demic year (listed under winter), and a final 12 the research process to goal (e.g, of school
Masters Program need to reflect and sustain credits during their second summer. The Pro- improvement). At the same time, students
these core competencies. They are also substan- Seminar in Leadership (3 credits), runs through- develop the traditional skills of research meth-
tially present in the guidelines developed by out the length of the program and completes the ods, question deeply held presuppositions about
what works and seek to become connoisseurs
ELCC and New York State for the certification 32 credits.
of effective knowledge-driven strategies of
of school building leaders. However, we seek to school improvement.
exceed the competencies of good principals Summer I Session
and develop the intellectual, moral, and practi- ORLA 6460. Internship in school
cal foundations that will permit principals of ORLA 4001. Introduction to school leader- leadership (3 points)
excellence to emerge. Excellent principals are ship and decision making (3) The internship in public school leadership
developed over many years in the cauldron of Richards. This course uses the literature on deci- presents an opportunity to become immersed
reflective school leadership. The best academic sion-making theory in combination with inten- in the field of leadership practice and to
sive case-study analysis in groups to explore how appreciate the importance of instructional
programs support such emergence by providing
decision-making styles and strategies affect prob- leadership in the creation of a learning envi-
a rich, complex and adaptive learning environ- lem-based decision-making in innovative public ronment. The internship combines opportuni-
ment that mimics closely the actual competen- school settings. ties to study effective leadership first hand, de-
cies required and provides frequent and prompt velop and practice instructional leadership
feedback. The Public School Summer Principals ORLA 4033. Leadership and institutional skills, and be mentored for a career as a school
Masters Program provides exactly that kind of analysis: School law ethics (3 point course) principal. The internship requires a minimum
environment promoting respect for, and encour- Heubert and Sobel. This course explores the of six months (12-15 hours per week) of
agement of cohort participants as they seek to nexus between law, ethics and school leadership. supervised field work in a public school.
become the best leaders they can be. The It relies on both case law and the use of ethical
cohort model offers two intensive summer dilemmas in the form of case studies and hypo- Summer II Session
theticals to teach prospective leaders how to
courses of study: summer immersion experiences
consider for themselves, the tensions they experi-
for aspiring public school principals, a two credit ORLA 5025. The ecology of data-driven
ence when the law, professional practice, and
mid-year skills development workshop, as well leadership (3 point course)
their ethical codes of conduct are in conflict.
as continuous support for students throughout Richards. This course relies upon systems the-
an ongoing leadership seminar their academic ory (Senge 1990; Richardson 1997; Baker &
ORLA 5532. Program development:
Richards) and its application to school sys-
year (6 credits including internship). The sche- Teaching, learning and assessment
tems. The course teaches prospective leaders
dule supports the reality of aspiring principals (3 point existing course)

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the use of data-bases of various kinds to pur- Table 1: Two-Summer Curriculum Schedule
sue a systematic inquiry in the ecology of the
school. It explores various approaches to data
mining, model building and ultimately the
structure of improvisational leadership. The
course teaches students how to distinguish the
different purposes for which data can be used SUMMER 1 WINTER SUMMER 2
and misused. The course relies heavily on the
use of cases, simulations and exercises includ-
ing those with complex feedback systems. Introduction to
Leadership Action Developing and Transforming
School Leadership
ORLA 4044. Developing and transforming Research Practicum Urban Schools
urban schools (3 points) and Decision Making
This course focuses on school reform from a
school-wide perspective. It reviews the Staffing, Mentoring and
research literature on the successes and fail- School Leadership Internship
School Law and Ethics Supervising Learning
ures of various whole school reform models, (450 hours)
including charter schools, and discusses what
researchers have found about effective or
school reform strategies. It addresses the vari-
ous effects of school reform models on diverse Practicum in Resource Allocation for
populations of students, who benefits, and Conflict Resolution Student Achievement
why. Students work in groups to develop and
propose a new school, including population
served, school organization and structure, Program Development:
vision and mission, location, and school bud- The Ecology of Data-Driven
Teaching, Learning and
get. Leadership
ORLA 5029. Staffing, mentoring and super-
vising learning communities (3 points)
Professor Monson. This course draws upon the Pro-Seminar in Leadership Pro-Seminar in Leadership Pro-Seminar in Leadership
research literature in human resources man-
agement and emphasizes best practice in the
recruitment, hiring, mentoring, professional
development, and evaluation of teachers, For more information on the Summer Principals Academy, please contact
including the termination of incompetent Thomas Haferd at (212) 678-3727 or [email protected].
teachers. The course uses problem-based units
on teacher recruitment and hiring, role playing
on effective mentoring, video evaluations of
teacher practices and strategies for removing
incompetent teachers.

ORLA 4025. Resource allocation for

student achievement (3 points)
Huerta. This course emphasizes the skills of
school budgeting and facilities management,
personnel allocations, and grant writing.
Students analyze an actual school budget,
make a 3 year budget request, and reassign
faculty and support staff in an effort to
improve student achievement.


ORLA 6020. The Pro seminar in leadership

(3 points )
This Friday seminar course is topical and
brings in guest speakers, exemplary practi-
tioners, researchers and policy makers from
academia and the field to share with the
cohort their experience, research and insights
about effective leadership practices. The cen-
tral theme of the Pro-Seminar is the develop-
ment of personal mastery and includes exten-
sive development in emotional intelligence as
it relates to leadership capacity. The course
meets on Fridays over two summers and
includes professional development during
the intervening school year.

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by Professor Tom Sobol. Students are typical- field experience requirement, pass a certifica-
INQUIRY IN EDUCATION tion examination, and successfully defend a
ly mid-career education professionals who
LEADERSHIP aspire to leadership roles in a wide variety of doctoral dissertation. Students are expected to
PRACTICE education or education-related organizations. have completed forty units of approved gradu-
Admissions are based on a holistic assessment ate credit at Teachers College or elsewhere
Program Director: prior to enrollment in the program. They then
of a candidates promise for academic and
Professor Thomas Sobol earn the remaining required fifty units, com-
professional success. Care is taken to admit
annually a cohort of students reflecting a plete the field experience requirement, the
Program Office: (212) 678-3751 two-part advancement to candidacy process,
diversity of professional, ethnic, cultural, and
E-Mail: [email protected] and begin planning the dissertation within a
geographic backgrounds.
Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/EdAdmin period of two calendar years. Most students
Students pursue a coherent curriculum complete the dissertation some time within
Inquiry in Education Leadership Practice approximately two academic years.
grounded in practice and combining the best
(Code: TAQ)
of theoretical and clinical studies. The cur-
Degree Offered: riculum features four chief areas of study: For additional program information please visit
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) leading learning, organizational behavior, pol- http://inquiry.tc.columbia.edu
icy analysis, and management science. It also
Special Application includes courses in education law, the history School-Year Master's Public School and School
Requirements/Information: of American education, curriculum and District Leadership (application code: TAL)
Inquiry in Education Leadership Practice teaching, conflict resolution and mediation, (Ed.M.- for aspiring school-level leaders)
requirements are listed below: and ethical issues, as well as the research
Please use the application TAQ when apply- skills needed to complete the dissertation. This 60-point university-based concentration
ing for the inquiry in Education Leadership combines the practical and theoretical study of
Practice Concentration. Inquiry students are typically mature and organizational behavior, leading learning, man-
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) experienced, and require a style of teaching agement science and educational policy and
Applicants to the Ed.D. program must have and learning that honors these characteris- politics, with attention to four cross-cutting
completed 40 graduate credits with a B aver- tics. Students are asked to assume significant themes: diversity, technology, leadership and
age or better to be eligible for consideration. responsibility for their own learning, both organizational change.
All degree applicants are required to have individually and as a group. Faculty are
access to a computer. Doctoral students are encouraged to make extensive use of case The School-Year Ed.M. Public School and
encouraged to purchase a laptop computer. studies linking theory to practice, and to School District Leadership has a series of
Prospective students are encouraged to employ new learning technologies to good required courses, organized around its four pri-
apply early. Contact Professor Thomas Sobol effect. Students and faculty alike are urged to mary areas: leading learning (creating a learn-
for more information. draw upon the diversity of the cohort as a ing community, supervision of teaching and
rich source of learning experience. learning, developing and transforming educa-
Program Description: tion); organizational behavior (organizational
Inquiry offers practicing school administrators Inquiry is offered as a sequence of courses behavior and change, and a course in group
and other education professionals an opportu- meeting on concentrated long weekends and dynamics or conflict resolution); management
nity to complete a rigorous doctoral program summer sessions over a period of two calen- science (school business administration and
while continuing to practice. It is dedicated to dar years. More specifically, classes are held ecology of educational planning and manage-
preparing committed men and women for lives during 3 different weekends in the Fall and 3 ment); policy and politics (one of three poss-
of leadership and service in educational insti- different weekends in the Spring, and the ible law courses and one topical policy course).
tutions of all kinds. Its objectives are to: whole month of July over a period of two and
half years. Students proceed through the pro- In addition, to develop their research skills for
Strengthen students ability to lead educa- gram as a cohort, taking the same courses inquiry and reflection in educational practice,
ting institutions as purposeful, effective, and meeting the same academic require- all students are to complete an overview
humane organizations ments. (Individual applications of the course research methods course and either action
Stimulate inquiry into problems encount- work vary with the interests of the student.) research or evaluation research methods. To
ered in professional practice Small group and individual work undertaken develop their ethical foundations, students
Broaden and deepen reflection about values, at and between sessions supplements the take a required course on ethical issues in edu-
trends, and issues that affect the education class meetings. Increasingly, electronic tech- cational leadership and one of three possible
enterprise nology is used to promote communication history of education courses. Finally, to broad-
Provide skills and knowledge needed for the and sustain community between meetings. en their foundation in education, they may
effective leadership and management of select from among three possible courses in
complex organizations in a sophisticated Degree Requirements: philosophy, technology or psychology.
technological society Students must meet the same requirements,
Create and sustain a learning community at the same high standards of performance, Though many courses are prescribed, students
committed to continuous learning and as students in the conventional doctoral pro- have flexibility and opportunities to tailor the
mutual support. gram. Inquiry students must complete the course of study to individual interests. Most
The program was conceived in 1984 by Education Leadership Programs Ed.D. courses are taught by the core program faculty.
Professor Frank Smith, who continued to requirements. Essentially, students must earn Successful candidates can earn the New York
direct it until 1996. Since then it has been led ninety points of academic credit, complete a State certification as a School Building Leader

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The courses and field experiences are organized in Public School Leadership) throughout their And one of the following three courses:
a way that the full program can be completed in internship experience for focused discussion, ORLA 4058 Privatization and
two academic years: problem solving and reflection. Students keep choice in education (3)
an internship journal, write an instructional or
Core Courses leadership analysis (focusing on curriculum, ITSF 4050 Economics of education
ORLA 4049 Creating a learning (3)
instruction, superintendent and the learning
community (3 points) or
environment; professional development and ORLA 6542 History and politics of
ORLA 5029 Supervision of teaching human resources; and student personnel serv-
and learning (3 points) urban school reform (4)
ices), and complete 1-3 field-based projects.
ORLA 4044 Developing and transform-
ing education (3 points) Research Methods (12-15 credits)
The overall curriculum for the School-Year ORL 5521 Overview of research
ORLA 4010 Organizational behavior
and change (3 points) Ed.M. Public School and School District methods (3)
ORLA 4025 School business admini- Leadership is outlined below: (required of all students)
stration (3 points) Leading Learning (minimum of 9 credits) HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical
ORLA 5025 The ecology of data ORLA 4049 Creating a learning inference (3)
driven leadership community (3) (required of all students)
(3 points) ORLA 5029 Supervision of teaching
ORL 5521 Overview of research and learning (3) One of the following two courses:
methods (3 points) ORLA 4044 Developing and trans- ORLA 5530 Action research in org-
ORLA 5530 Leadership and action forming education (3) anizational behavior (3)
research in organizational ORLA 5532 Curriculum learning or
behavior (3 points) and assessment (3) HUDM 5055 Educational evaluation
ORLA 4030 Ethical issues in school (3)
leadership (3 points) Organizational behavior (minimum of 12 credits)
ORLA 6460 Internship in school ORLA 4010 Organizational behavior For further information on this concentration,
leadership (3 points) and change (3) please contact Prof. Robert Monson, (212) 678-
ORLD 5061 The learning organiza- 8118 or [email protected].
Students are required to complete two types of tion (3)
leadership experiences: ORLA 4045 Reconstructing schools in School-Year Doctoral Public School and
urban environments (3) School District Leadership (application code:
Course-related field-based leadership experi- TAL) (Ed.D. for aspiring district-level
ences, unrelated to their internship site And one of the two following courses: leaders)
ORL 5362 Group dynamics:
ORDA 6460 Full-time internship
A systems perspective (3)
(15 weeks) (3 points) This 90-credit university-based concentration
ORLJ 5340 Conflict resolution (3)
combines the practical and theoretical study
The combination of field experiences (course of organizational behavior, leading learning,
Management Science (a minimum of 9 credits)
based and internship based) ensures that stu- ORLA 4025 School business management science and educational policy
dents gain leadership experiences in multiple administration (3) and politics, with attention to four cross-cut-
districts, serving students if different develop- ORLA 5025 Ecology of data driven ting themes diversity, technology, leadership
mental levels and that vary by socio-economic leadership (3) and organizational change. It is designed
backgrounds. ORLA 4046 School finance: Policy around the six core principles of the Public
and practice (3) School and School District Leadership course
The internship is competency-based and ORLA 4020 Introduction to of study and more recently the NCATE/ELCC
developed jointly between Teachers College management systems (3) standards and NYS certification requirements
ORLA 4022 Introduction to and 9 essential characteristics of an effective
and school leaders. The learning expectations
management systems-
for the internship are framed by the internship leader. It is intended for students who aspire
lab (1)
agreement, which developed within the first to school district leadership.
month of the internship to stipulate the lead- Policy and Politics (a minimum of 9 credits)
ership experiences to be provided and the ORLA 5646 Education policy: The School-Year Doctoral Public School and
competencies to be met through the building Implications for practice School District Leadership has a series of
level internship. (3) required courses, organized around its four pri-
or mary areas: leading learning (creating a learn-
This concentration has intensive field-based ORLA 4048 Educational policy: ing community, supervision of teaching and
experiences in addition to course-linked field Implementation (3) learning, developing and transforming educa-
experiences. The first is a public school intern- ORLA 5012 Community leadership (3) tion); organizational behavior (organizational
ship for a minimum of 230 hours. It is focused behavior and change, and a course in group
on instructional leadership, is framed by a And one of the following courses in law dynamics or conflict resolution); management
defined set of competencies, is supervised by and education: science (school business administration and
an approved internship mentor, and requires ORLA 5016 Law education institu- ecology of educational planning and manage-
several products. Students attend an intern- tion: Equity issues (3) ment); policy and politics (one of three possi-
ship seminar (ORLA 6460 Internship in ORLA 4086 Law education: Authority ble law courses and one topical policy course).
religion free speech (3) In addition, to develop their research skills for
ORLA 5880 School law institute (3) inquiry and reflection in educational practice,

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all students are to complete an overview C&T 5074 Curriculum and teaching attitudes necessary for effective administrative
research methods course and either action policy (3) practice, including an understanding of the
research or evaluation research methods. To ORLF 5042 Urban politics and dynamics of organization change, effective
develop their ethical foundations, students education (3) teamwork, and reflective practice. The pro-
take a required course on ethical issues in edu- ORLA 4047 Political policy analysis gram features core courses specifically geared
in education (3)
cational leadership and one of three possible to meet the needs of private school leaders
ORLA 4020 Sociology of educational
history of education courses. Finally, to broad- processes in formal such as school administration, law, instruction-
en their foundation in education, they may organizations: al leadership, and finance. Students participate
select from among three possible courses in Theoretical perspectives in guided fieldwork experiences and benefit
philosophy, technology or psychology. on institutional change from a connection to an extensive network of
in education (3) cooperating schools. Programs in the Private
The overall curriculum for the School-Year ITSF 4155 Evaluating educational School Leadership course of study include:
Ed.D. Public School and School District privatization and school
Leadership includes all the courses outlined choice (3) Year-long Masters Private school
under the School-Year Ed.M. Public School leadership (M.A., Ed.M.)
and School District Leadership curriculum Field Experiences Leadership Academy (Summer cohort
(see above), as well as the following: In addition to the internship and capstone program) (M.A., Ed.M.)
projects, the curriculum incorporates field School-Year Ed.D. in Education Leadership
One research design and data collection- experiences that give students opportunities Studies with a focus in Private School
course (unless using ORLA 5530 or to observe and reflect on relationships Leadership.
HUDM 5055) plus between leadership theory and practice.
One research analysis and reporting course The School Year Masters Private School
linked to the research design and method Ed.D. students must complete an internship in Leadership and the Private School Leadership
chose school leadership, as well as other fieldwork Academy (Summer cohort), are supported by
requirements the faculty may specify. The the Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Center
Foundations (a minimum of 9 credits) internship is a designed to provide each stu- and the Educational Leadership Program.
dent with an intensive experience in a school
One history of education course: district, working with a mentor school district
A&HH 4070 History of American Year-long Masters Private School Leadership
administrator. Students are to work a mini- (M.A., Ed.M.)
education (3) mum of 230 hours, attend an internship semi-
nar, complete an analytic paper, and undertake MASTER OF ARTS
A&HH 4076 History of urban education
(3) 1-3 standards-based work projects. Through The 32-point Master of Arts degree in
and the seminar, mentor contact, and journal writ- Education Leadership, with a course of study
ORLA 4030 Ethical issues in education ing, students reflect upon their learning expe- in Private School Leadership, consists of
leadership (3) riences and integrate their academic course- required core courses and elective course
and work. options. (See below for a description of core
courses and a sample list of elective courses).
One of the following foundation courses: Additional Requirements for Ed.D. Students Students are required to complete a research
A&HF 4090 Philosophies of education Ed.D. students must also complete require- project in collaboration with a small group of
HUDK 4080 Educational psychology ments for doctoral certification/advancement
HUDF 4021 Sociology of education (3) students and to participate in internships in
to candidacy and for completion of the doctor- New York City schools.
ITSF 4050 Economics of education al dissertation. In order to be officially
advanced to doctoral candidacy, Ed.D. stu- Please note: This course of study does not lead to
dents must satisfactorily complete both state administrative certification as a public school
Integrating experiences (a minimum of 9 credits)
1) Field-based Capstone Project and 2) a principal or superintendent.
ORLA 6461 School district internship
in organization and Qualifying Paper. Each is evaluated by at least
leadership (3) two program faculty and each must be deter- MASTER OF EDUCATION
mined to be of doctoral quality for the student The 60-point Master of Education in
Elective courses (14-19 credits): to be advanced to candidacy. Education Leadership, with a course of study
Students are encouraged to explore electives in Private School Leadership, consists of all
across Teachers College and Columbia For further information on this course of study requirements specified for the Master of Arts
University. Electives also provide an opportu- please contact Prof. Robert Monson, (212) 678- degree. In addition, students are required to
nity for doctoral students to deepen their 8118. complete a supervised administrative intern-
scholarship in a specific theoretical domain of ship a research project of the student's own
interest germane to their research agenda. The Course of Study in Private School Leadership design aimed at improving private school prac-
Education Leadership Program faculty recom- (M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.) (Application code: tice. Up to 30 relevant points from an accred-
mends that students select their electives from TAL) ited graduate program may be transferred.
among the following courses:
ORLA 5012 Community leadership: This course of study prepares students to meet
Inter-organizational and the challenges of leadership as school heads,
community relations (3) principals, deans, department heads and
ORLA 4058 Privatization and choice instructional leaders. The course of study
in education (3) increases knowledge and cultivate skills and

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Elective Courses Successful completion of the 18-month program Practicum Requirement:

leads to a 32-point Master of Arts degree, or a During the academic year, students pursue prac-
Elective courses may be chosen from Teachers 60-point Master of Education degree for those tica in administrative areas of their respective
College or other schools at Columbia University. who have already completed graduate work in schools. Practica may include work in finance,
Some popular choices of recent students have a teaching discipline or another field of study development, college guidance, admissions,
included: relevant to school leadership. Up to 30 points and/or marketing. Though there are endless pos-
The Philosophy of John Dewey of transfer credit may be accepted toward the sibilities, practical tasks may include: balancing a
The Administrative role in Ed.M.. budget, researching prospective school donors,
leading and learning overseeing and/or participating in the admissions
History of education in the U.S. The Leadership Academy couples intensive process. All students are required to keep a jour-
Philosophies of education academic Summer course work with site-based nal in response to their experiences. Those hold-
School change requirements to offer candidates the opportunity ing senior administrative positions generally
Principles of teaching and learning to combine rigorous academic study with hands- focus on a particular area of their current job in
Designing curriculum and instruction on investigation and application. Each Summer order to track their thinking, planning, action
Cognitive development term is divided into two three-week sessions. and results in deliberate ways.
Economics of education Students take two full courses and a seminar
Group dynamics: A Systems perspective (Supporting Teaching and Learning) each ses- Capstone Project:
Ethical issues in educational leadership sion. Coursework is enhanced by group projects, During the Fall semester following the second
Political policy analysis in education visiting speakers and visits to area schools. The summer session, students undertake a final
Ecology of datadriven leadership prescribed curriculum has been designed around project to complete their requirements. This
How adults learn six core principles of effective leadership: research and writing-based project requires
Functions of organizations students to demonstrate their understandings
Practicum in change and consultation The centrality of education and education about education leadership.
in organizations leadership in promoting social justice and
Conflict resolution diversity; GRADUATE STUDY IN LIBERAL ARTS
The need to nurture teaching and learning Students wishing to augment their studies at
Leadership Academy (Summer cohort program) among all members of the school community; Teachers College by deepening their knowledge
(M.A., Ed.M.) The importance of collaboration and team in a particular academic discipline may pursue
work; advanced graduate study at Columbia
Designed for teachers and administrators who The importance of personal transformation Universitys Graduate School of Arts and
are endorsed by their Heads of School as strong and leadership modeling; Sciences over additional summers. Successful
educational leaders and who choose not to leave The use of reflective practice; completion of 12 points of coursework, chosen
their jobs for an academic year, the Leadership The importance of fostering continued with the guidance of an academic advisor, will
Academy offers the same degree options (M.A. learning. result in the award of a Columbia University
and Ed.M. in Education Leadership, School Year Certificate of Professional Achievement in the
Masters Private School Leadership). Rigorous Site-based projects and practica are designed to Liberal Arts.
study, collaborative projects, and practica in provide the student with experiential learning in
administration are hallmarks of the program. the context of his/her own school and to offer School-Year Ed.D. in Education Leadership Studies
Unlike the Private School Leadership Program, residual benefits to the sponsoring school. Effort with a focus in Private School Leadership
the Leadership Academy curriculum is entirely is made to partner with schools on choosing
prescribed. Participants attend intensive six-week research topics and creating meaningful practica At the doctoral level, the Ed.D. in Education
sessions in New York City for two consecutive in the academic year between summer sessions. Leadership with a focus in Private School
summers and during the year continue their Leadership builds on the sequence of courses
work by engaging in special projects tied to their Academic Requirement: designed for the masters degree and is tailored
host schools. The program of study is completed Research and Independent Study in Educational to meet department requirements and the pro-
over 18 months. Independent school educators Administration. As part of the research course, fessional interests of the student. Contact
with 3 years full-time teaching and/or adminis- students work in small groups to choose a topic Professor Pearl Rock Kane at (212) 678-3156 or
trating and a bachelors degree from an accredit- of importance to them, to their schools, and to via email at [email protected] for more information.
ed college or university are eligible to apply. the independent school sector at large. They
develop a plan for research to be carried out over Course of Study in Education Leadership Studies
Candidates are selected from among sitting the course of the upcoming academic year. (application code: TAL) (M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
administrators and aspiring school leaders in Throughout the year, each student gathers data Ph.D.)
independent schools. Because there is consider- and communicates electronically with group
able collaboration with the sponsoring school, members and with the project director. Findings This concentration does not lead to a New York
Leadership Academy students must be are presented during the second Summer of State administrative certification as a public-
endorsed as community members with strong coursework with the accompanying paper to be school principal or superintendent.
leadership capability by their respective Heads of shared with both the research professor, project
School. Sponsoring schools are asked to consider director and sponsoring school. Leadership, Policy and Politics (M.A., Ed.M. and
granting some release time to these students Ed.D.)
doing research and practica during the academic
year. In some cases, schools also agree to help
fund the student's degree program.

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The course of study in Leadership, Policy and tional issues, emphasizing the practice of edu- State School Building Leadership or School
Politics prepares students for such positions as cation leadership as policy analysts, research- District Leadership certification. Contact
policy analyst, policy advocate, and educational ers or advisors. The program anticipates strong Professor Thomas Sobol at (212) 678-3782
researcher. It develops students skills in the commitments to education from applicants, for more information.
political, economic and legal analysis of educa- and prepares candidates to excel in the inte-
tion policy issues, while focusing on the role of gration of theory and practice. It requires the Ed.D. in Education Leadership with a course
leadership. Students are required to explore completion of the Leadership, Policy and of study in Education Leadership Studies
one policy topic in depth as part of a field Politics master's degree core curriculum, a sub- (Code: TAL)
experience. Coursework includes a research stantial methodological strand, and a two-part
methods sequence suitable to the require- (theory and practice) advancement to candi- The 60-point Master of Education with a spe-
ments of education policy professionals and dacy process before students may begin a cialization in Education Leadership prepares
experience writing policy briefs for a variety research dissertation. Applicants experienced students for positions of administrative leader-
of audiences. Doctoral students complete the in the practice of education are expected to ship in public schools and in private organiza-
masters-level core courses, a two-part focus on developing their skills in policy analy- tions that work with public schools, such as
advancement to candidacy process, and a sis, while those with policy-related experience not-for-profit organizations, government agen-
research dissertation. Coursework beyond the are expected to develop a solid understanding cies, education-related businesses, and advoca-
core is chosen individually in conjunction with of the unique ways that schools function and cy groups. The curriculum allows students to
a faculty adviser. Students in the Leadership, are governed. Up to 40 points of acceptable develop a unique program of study in close
Policy and Politics concentration may take credit may be transferred from another gradu- consultation with an advisor. Completion of
course work leading to the M.A., Ed.M., ate institution with an advisor's approval, and this course of study does not lead to New York
or Ed.D., and to the Ph.D. in Education required coursework may be completed on a State School Building Leader or School
Leadership. Most course work is offered during full or part-time basis. District Leader certification. Contact Professor
the school year. Contact Prof. Dorothy Shipps Thomas Sobol at (212) 678-3782 for more
at (212) 678-3850 or Prof. Luis Huerta at Course of Study in Education Leadership Studies information.
(212) 678-4199. For individual degree pro- (M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Ph.D.)(Code: TAL)
gram planners and special applications go to Ed.D. in Education Leadership with a course
www.tc.edu/o&l/lpp. This course of study does not lead to state of study in Education Leadership Studies
administrative certification as a public-school (Code: TAL)
M.A. in Education Leadership with a course principal or superintendent. Please refer to the doctoral degree information
of study in Leadership, Policy and Politics below for more information on the Ed.D. in
(Code: TAL) The course of study in Education Leadership Education Leadership with a course of study in
This 33-point degree is intended for educators Studies prepares students for positions of Education Leadership Studies.
and non-educators considering entry level administrative leadership within the public
positions in education policy or management schools and in public and private organizations Ph.D. in Education Leadership with a course
who do not want building-level certification. that work with public schools, such as not-for- of study in Education Leadership Studies
The policy and politics concentration requires profit organizations, government agencies, (Code: TAL)
a sequence of courses including introductions education-related businesses, and advocacy Please refer to the doctoral degree information
to economic, political and legal policy perspec- groups. Completion of the program does not below for more information on the Ph.D. in
tives, education leadership and a research by itself confer certification as School Building Education Leadership with a course of study in
methods sequence. Students also complete a Leader and/or School District Leader in New Education Leadership Studies.
policy analysis project. Degree requirements York State.(Students may make direct applica-
may be completed in one year of intensive tion to the New York Office of Teaching DOCTORAL DEGREES
study or on a part-time basis. Initiatives if they meet New York State DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
requirements.) The curriculum in this concen- The 90-point Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Ed.M. in Education Leadership with a course tration spans the learning domains common to degree in Education Leadership is available in
of study in Leadership, Policy and Politics all Education Leadership concentrations, but the following concentrations: Public School
(Code: TAL) expects students to develop a unique program and School District Leadership (TAL), Private
The 60-point degree is intended for educators of study in close consultation with an advisor. School Leadership (TAL); Leadership, Policy
and non-educators seeking careers in educa- Contact Professor Jay Heubert (212) 678-3775. and Politics (TAL). Students in Public School
tion policy in either the private or the public and School District Leadership must complete
sector. The program of study builds on the M.A. in Education Leadership with a course the Education Leadership Programs Ed.D.
required M.A. course sequence with additional of study in Education Leadership Studies requirements in that concentration while stu-
work in a policy area relevant to the student's (Code: TAL) dents in Private School Leadership as well as
interests. Up to 30 points of eligible course- This 32-point concentration prepares students Leadership, Policy, and Politics concentrations
work from another graduate institution or pro- for positions of administrative leadership in must complete requirements of the Ed.D. in
gram may be applied to the Ed.M. degree. public schools and in private organizations Education Leadership Studies. Regardless of
that work with public schools, such as not-for- concentration, completion of an Ed.D. in
Ed.D. in Education Leadership with a course profit organizations, government agencies, Education Leadership requires 90 points.
of study in Leadership, Policy and Politics education-related businesses, and advocacy A maximum of 40 transfer points may be
(Code: TAL) groups. The curriculum allows students to accepted.
The 90-point degree in leadership policy and develop a unique program of study in close
politics, intended for aspiring experts in the consultation with an advisor. Completion of
political, economic or legal analysis of educa- this course of study does not lead to New York

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The concentrations are designed with both the Ed.D. program. Before making application
theory and practice components. They serve to the Ph.D. program in Education Leadership,
professionals in education who intend to be applicants are encouraged to consult with 1st Term 2nd Term
actively involved in educational leadership at Professor Jeffrey Henig at (212) 678-8313.
the building, district, regional, state or nation-
al levels. They also serve students aspiring to Course of Study in Education Leadership and
policy research, the professoriate, and employ- Management (application code: TAA) (Dual B6006 Managerial B6005 The Global
ment in a variety of educational institutions Degree Program with Columbia Business School- economics economic
and settings. Applicants who are admitted to Ed.D. & M.B.A.) environ-
these programs become eligible for advance- B6014 Managerial ment
ment to doctoral candidacy upon successful Special Application statistics managing
completion of 6070 points of course work, a Requirements/Information: marketing
sequence of approved field experiences, a cap- B6301 Corporate programs
stone project, a qualifying paper, and holistic Education Leadership and Management Program finance
reviews by the Education Leadership Program B6015 Decision
in faculty. They must also complete an applied The Graduate School of Business requires B6601 Marketing models
research methods course sequence suited to all applicants to take the GMAT exam.
the concentration pursued. Please note that Applicants may submit GMAT scores to B6013 Accounting B6016 Accounting
any program student with six or more points of Teachers College in lieu of GRE or MAT I corporate II
incompletes may not initiate the advancement scores. strategy
to candidacy process integral to completion of Applicants to the dual M.B.A./Ed.D. leadership B6801 Operations
the doctoral program. Program in Education Leadership and manage-
Management must be admitted both to ment
Thereafter, candidates complete their remain- Teachers College and to the Columbia
ing course work while preparing a dissertation University Graduate School of Business. Macroeconomics
under the direction of faculty in the Program. The appropriate applications and support-
The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership builds ing credentials must be submitted to each Creating effective
competence in the areas of leading learning school. organizations
All degree applicants are required to have
organizational analysis, management systems,
access to a computer. Doctoral students are
and policy analysis.
encouraged to purchase a laptop computer.
Completion of the doctoral student certifica- 3rd Term (Required)
Course work beyond the M.A. level and
tion examination will require relevant
research experiences are individually planned
computer competencies. B8001 Strategic Management of
by the student and his/her advisor, according
the Enterprise
to the students experience, focus, and needs.
The Education Leadership and Management
On average, full-time Ed.D. students can com- is a 90-point Ed.D./M.B.A. program offered 3rd Term Suggested Electives
plete the degree requirements and graduate in jointly with the Columbia University School (5 Electives for a total of 15 points)
three to five years. Ed.D. students who work of Business. The course of study focuses on
full time typically require substantially more the areas in which education leadership and Turnaround management
time to complete their degrees. business management overlap. It prepares Social entrepreneurship
graduates for leadership roles improving edu- Financing the mission-based business
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Code: TAL) cational practice and applying management New product development
The Ph.D. program is designed for aspiring skills to the field of education. Graduates typi- High performance leadership
researchers, professors, and policy analysts, cally enter educational management positions Top management processes
emphasizing research and intensive specializa- in public school districts, universities, founda- Negotiation
tion in issues relating to the intersection of tions, business, and all levels of governments. Non-profit consulting
leadership, politics, and policy in public or pri- Students must apply and be admitted both to B8210 Management information,
vate schools. The program may be completed Teachers College and the Columbia University communications, and media
in 75 points, of which up to 30 acceptable Graduate School of Business. All students resources
credits may be transferred from another gradu- should consult with an academic advisor to B8211 Cost-benefit analysis
ate institution. In addition to study in educa- plan an appropriate academic program of B8234 Business and economic forecasting
tion leadership, policy, and politics, the pro- study. Students in the dual Ed.D./M.B.A. pro-
B8704 Managing innovation
gram requires extensive preparation in quanti- gram (90-points) must complete requirements
B8705 Managing new ventures
tative and qualitative research methods and of the Ed.D. in Education Leadership. Contact
B8706 Managing group and interpersonal
one of the cognate social science faculties of Prof. Craig Richards at (212) 678-3775.
the University, for example, Political Science,
B8707 Managing conflict
Sociology, or Economics. The program is Academic Matters at Columbia Business
B8708 Managing strategic decisions
research focused and theory-based. The Ph.D. School: It is required that students spend
B8709 Management of the socially
program in educational leadership is designed one year of full-time at the business school.
Students who are admitted to the Columbia responsible
to prepare candidates for research and aca-
Business School are responsible for a series of B8710 Managing and developing
demic careers. Students who seek careers as
required courses, as well as a selection of elec- organizational resources
practicing education leaders in schools and
tives. These are: B9701-50 Inner-city consulting
other educational institutions should apply to
B9701-61 Entrepreneurship and technology

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Academic Matters at Teachers College: There of interest including educational philosophy,

are five areas that each doctoral student in the EDUCATION diversity, and organizational change. School
Dual Degree Program is required to study (for LEADERSHIP heads also pursue independent study, investi-
a total of 45 points that attempt to avoid gating problems of particular relevance to
duplication with the coursework of CBS) in Non-Degree Programs: their school situations. Fellowship awards are
order to be prepared to complete the disserta- In addition to the degree programs previously granted annually. Please send completed appli-
tion. These are: described, the Education Leadership Program cation packets to the Klingenstein Center by
offers several professional development oppor- January 15. Contact Professor Pearl Rock
Leading learning (6 points) (e.g., Creating tunities to both first-time students and to Kane at (212) 678-3156 for more information.
learning communities; Developing and alumni interested in continuing their graduate
transforming education) education. These are listed below. Superintendents Work Conference
Policy and politics (6 points) (e.g., Law and The conference is a week-long professional
education; Education policy and politics) Klingenstein Fellows Program development program held each year during
Research methodology (12 points) Program Director: Pearl Rock Kane the month of July. Conference participants
(e.g., Overview of research methods; meet with nationally known educational lead-
Methodological research design; The Klingenstein Fellows Program is a one- ers, public policy makers, and scholars to dis-
Methodological data analysis; year or a one-semester program designed to cuss and analyze major educational and social
Experimental and quasi-experimental develop leadership skills in administration or issues. Attendance is by nomination and invi-
research design; Survey research design; academic areas. Fellows may elect to enroll in tation. Contact Professor Thomas Sobol at
Applied qualitative research design; a degree program or to do graduate work as a (212) 678-3783 for more information, or visit
Evaluation; Action research) non-degree student. Through seminars and http://conference.tc.edu.
Foundations (6 points) (e.g., Ethics in course work at Teachers College and the other
education; Philosophy of education; professional and graduate schools of Columbia School Law Institute
History of American education; University, the program seeks to enlarge the The School Law Institute is a five-day, nation-
Educational psychology) perspectives of Fellows and to prepare them to al professional-education program for educa-
Management science (6 points) assume increased leadership responsibility. The tors and attorneys, administered in July by
(e.g., Education finance; Economics fellowship includes a living stipend and a sub- the Center for Educational Outreach and
of education) stantial tuition allowance. Innovation and held at Columbia Law School.
Electives (9 points) Topics covered include safety and order
Applicants for the Klingenstein Fellows (search and seizure, child abuse, and the
Students admitted to the Dual Degree Program who wish to be considered for the schools authority to regulate student and staff
Program are required to complete an intern- masters degree must submit the Klingenstein conduct); equity issues (affirmative action,
ship that is located in a sector of the educa- Fellows application as well as the Teachers harassment, HIV/AIDS, school-finance
tion industry. This requirement can be fulfilled College Application for Admission. Please reform, and issues of poverty and race in edu-
during summer months on a full-time basis or send the fellowship application to the cation); special education law and policy;
part-time during the academic year. The Klingenstein office by January 15 and the standards-based reform and high-stakes test-
internship is to culminate with an analytical Teachers College application to the ing; confidentiality of student records; legal
essay (see Advancement to Candidacy Admissions Office by January 15. Contact issues in teacher evaluation; and free speech
Requirements) that demonstrates mastery of Professor Pearl Rock Kane at (212) 678-3156 rights of students and teachers. For further
coursework at Teachers College. In order to be for more information. information, contact the Center for
advanced to doctoral candidacy all students Educational Outreach & Innovation at
must prepare and submit for review and Klingenstein Summer Institute (212) 678-3987.
acceptance a Qualifying Paper (see An intensive off-site residential Summer insti-
Advancement to Candidacy Requirements). tute is offered for independent elementary, Management Systems Summer Institute
middle or high school teachers with two The Summer Institute in Management
to five years of teaching experience. The Systems meets for two weekends in June. It
Institute is designed to increase classroom is designed to enhance the school administra-
effectiveness and to prepare teachers who tors perspective of the business side of the
have demonstrated outstanding promise educational enterprise. Each summer takes
for leadership positions in private schools. a new topic. Past topics have included: The
Participation is based on an award that covers Ecology of Financial Planning, Budget
all expenses. Participants earn four graduate Forecasting, School Facility Needs
credits. Contact Professor Pearl Rock Kane Assessment, and the Politics of the Budget
at (212) 678-3156 for more information. Process. Future topics will include: Managing
Technology in the Classroom, The Pros and
Klingenstein Visiting Fellows Program Cons of Private Contracting and School Site
The Klingenstein Visiting Fellows Program Budgeting. The Institute offers a combination
is a two week program of intensive study and of classroom lectures by leading experts in the
interaction with professional peers for heads of field, simulations, case studies, and team work.
independent schools. School heads are in resi- Contact the Center for Educational Outreach
dence at the College. They participate in & Innovation at (212) 678-3987 for more
symposia on issues confronting independent information.
school leaders and attend colloquia on topics

200 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Concurrent Programs in tional governance, organization, policy mak- ORLA 6621. Colloquium: Management
Education and Law ing, administration, and leadership of schools science (1-4 per section)
The Education Leadership Program and and school systems in the United States. The Professor Richards. Permission required.
Columbia Law School offer courses that pre- course combines the study of theory and prac-
tice through the use of case studies and critical ORLA 6631. Colloquium: Institutional
pare students for positions that require knowl-
incidents. analysis (1-4 per section)
edge and expertise in education law. There are Professor Kane. Permission required.
at present no formal joint-degree programs ORLA 4900. Research and independent
between Teachers College and Columbia Law study in educational leadership ORLA 6641. Colloquium: Policy analysis
School, but students admitted to both schools (1-8) and action (1-4 per section)
may be eligible (through ad hoc arrangements) Permission required from individual faculty. Professor Shipps. Permission required.
to pursue education and law degrees concur- Special individualized work.
rently. For information, contact Professor Jay ORLA 6900. Research and independent
Heubert at (212) 678-3775. ORLA 5029. Supervision of teaching study in educational leadership
and learning (3) (1-8).
Professor Monson. Students in this course Special individualized work. Permission
Principals Work Conference
will integrate theories of human behavior required.
The Education Leadership Program sponsors (e.g., Maslow) and organizational development
the Principals Work Conference through the (e.g., McGregors X&Y), with effective prac- ORLA 7500. Dissertation seminar in
Center for Educational Outreach and tices in the evaluation; criterion-referenced educational leadership (1-3)
Innovation. School leaders explore creative and goal-based evaluation models; current Professor Richards. Registration required of all
administrative problem-solving in terms of models of teacher evaluation (Hunter and doctoral candidates in this course or in two
community building, curriculum models, Danielson & McGreal); performance-based other courses in ORLA 7500-7503 series
school design, school-community assessment compensation models; and, the legal realities offered by faculty of department. Development
and inter-institutional relations in the context of implementing these systems. of doctoral dissertation proposals and presen-
of school reform. Participants attend to cur- tation of research plans for approval. Note:
ORLA 5051. Program leadership: Cases (2) The formal hearing of a dissertation proposal
rent research. Contact the Center for
Faculty. Permission required. Case studies in a (blue form) is a separate event.
Educational Outreach & Innovation at simulated school system.
(212) 678-3987 for more information. ORLA 7501 and ORLA 7503. Research
ORLA 5830. The Klingenstein Summer seminar (1-4 per section)
COURSES: Institute (4) Faculty. For the student at the dissertation
Professor Kane. Permission required. level. Emphasis on the individual students
Before selecting courses, students should Enrollment limited. An intensive residential area of concentration for the purpose of cri-
consult: (1) the Degree Requirements of the program that introduces young liberal arts tiquing work, while simultaneously analyzing
College describing the requirements of each graduates to the complexity and challenge of the implications of the research for education.
degree; (2) the requirements of the Education teaching in independent schools. Topics
include curriculum and assessment, under- ORLA 7570. Research in leadership
Leadership Program as described in the
standing school organizations, issues of diver- (1-4 per section)
Program Study Guide at www.tc.edu/o&l sity and philosophy. Faculty. Permission required. Advanced semi-
and (3) their faculty advisors. nar involving a critical review of important
ORLA 6460. (Fall) and ORLA 6461. works in educational leadership and presenta-
General and Research (Spring) Internship in school and school tions of works in progress.
district leadership (3)
ORL 5521. Introduction to research Professor Monson. Permission required. A ORLA 7573. Advanced seminar
methods in education (3) 200 hour supervised field experience in school (1-4 per section)
Professors Knefelkamp, Neumann, and or school district leadership. Partially satisfies Faculty. A dissertation seminar, the content of
Richards. This course meets a Departmental New York State requirements for School which is the formal presentation of students
requirement for an introductory course on Building Leadership or School District dissertation work and discussion of the implica-
understanding research across a wide spectrum Administrator. tions for the practicing administrator/analyst.
of educational settings. Basic concepts of
research methods and theories of research are Colloquia in Education Administration ORLA 8900. Dissertation advisement
introduced so that students can comprehend Colloquia centered upon an analysis of select- in educational leadership (0)
and critique education research and evalua- ed research in each of the four major areas of Faculty. Individual advisement on doctoral dis-
tion. Methods discussed include both qualita- administration and the implications of this sertation. Fee to equal three points at current
tive and quantitative approaches to research, theory for administrative practice. tuition rate for each term. For requirements
such as surveys, case studies, ethnography, see section on Continuous Registration.
participant observations, interviews, and oral ORLA 5689. Klingenstein colloquium:
histories. Visiting fellows (4) Leading Learning
Professor Kane. Permission required.
ORL 6518. Methods of case study ORLA 4038-ORLA 4039. Leadership of
and analysis (3) ORLA 6560. Doctoral candidacy
elementary schools (3)
Professor Sobol. Techniques and methods of seminar (3)
Professor Levin. ORLA 4038 deals with the
preparing and analyzing case studies of organi- elementary principalship, linkages to the com-
zations and institutions. ORLA 6611. Colloquium in organizational
munity, and the instructional program. ORLA
behavior (3)
4039 focuses on school organization, pupil per-
ORLA 4001. Introduction to school Faculty. Permission required. Emphasis up clas-
sonnel, teacher personnel, and funds and facil-
leadership and decision making (3) sic studies and analysis of the implications of
ities. Registration for either one or both cours-
Professor Richards. An introduction to educa- research for organization theory and practice.
es is permitted.

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ORLA 4044. Transforming schools and ORLA 5052. Program leadership (2-3) ORLA 5018. Understanding authority
transforming education (3) Faculty. Focuses on dilemmas facing institu and exercising leadership (3)
Faculty. Collaborative field study of transfor- tional leaders in an effort to promote reflec- Faculty. This course explores theory, research
mation process within specific urban/suburban tion-in-action among administrators. Special and experience of leadership, authority, and
systems. Focuses on leadership for creating fee: $10. change. The course examines the leadership
institutional cultures incorporating community and change using current organizational expe-
building and national calls for new standards ORLA 5055. School administration riences with a focus on reflective practice and
of student learning. and cultural diversity (3) professional development for change and
Faculty. An in-depth exploration of major growth. Prerequisitie: ORLA 4010 or equiva-
ORLA 4045. Restructuring schooling challenges posed by cultural and linguistic lent required.
in urban environments (3) diversity from the perspective of the school
Professor Shipps. Institutional and policy administrator. ORLA 5530. Action research in
analysis of school redesign experiments in organizational behavior (3)
urban settings, with special emphasis on the ORLA 5532. Program development: Faculty. Techniques and methods of designing
Chicago case, review of the theoretical foun- Teaching, learning, and assessment (3) and conducting action research on organiza-
dations research and political support and Faculty. School community relationships, tional problems. Various methodological and
implementation consequences of system-wide needs assessment, program planning, and eval- organizational issues are addressed on the use
school reform and analysis of how both experi- uation of student progress. Special emphasis of action research to foster organizational
mental and systemwide change is initiated. on the principalship. learning and problem solving through system-
atic inquiry and reflection. Students conduct
ORLA 4060. Designing charter schools (3) ORLA 5587. Klingenstein seminar for an action research project.
Faculty. Design focus on instructional, gover- independent school educators (1-3)
nance, accountability systems, and organiza- Professor Kane. Permission required. The pur- ORLA 6018. Staff personnel administration
tional patterns. Reference to research on pose of this class is to equip educational lead- (3)
school models and on legislative and regulato- ers with the knowledge and skills necessary to Faculty. Human resource needs, certification,
ry context of charter schools. Charter school support and improve teaching and learning in selection, assignment, promotion, salaries,
leaders participate as resources Collaborative their schools. Factors that relate to learning retirement, absences, evaluation, develop-
field and electronic studies of existing charter including school context, professional culture ment, tenure, academic freedom, teachers
schools. and the influences of student characteristics, organizations, grievances, collective negotia-
such as race, ethnicity and gender, are ex- tions.
ORLA 4070. The analysis of private schools plored. Students also work in groups to exam-
(3) ine various aspects of the schools in which ORLA 6552. Behavioral analysis of
Professor Kane. A consideration of the diversi- they have worked to identify commonalities leadership (3)
ty, purposes, organization, and structure of and distinguishing features. The spirit of a Faculty. Critique of and application of research
private schools and an analysis of faculty and seminar characterizes the class, which is highly on leadership. Analysis of case studies, with
administrative roles as compared with public interactive and involves peer review. the development of a strategic plan for a case
schools. site.
Organizational Behavior
ORLA 4071. The leadership of private Management Systems
schools and non-profit organizations (3) ORLA 4010. Introduction to organization
Professor Kane. Permission required. The aim and change theory in education (3) ORLA 4021. Introduction to management
of this course is to develop further the ability Faculty. An introduction to various psycholog- systems (3)
to exercise leadership and to increase the ical, sociological, and cultural theories and Faculty. Co-requisite: ORLA 4022. An intro-
capacity to sustain the demands of leadership. perspectives on organizational behavior and duction to the fundamental principles and
The specific goals of the course are, within the organizational effectivenesss and their applica- concepts of management information systems.
context of private schools, to increase knowl- tion to organizational study and problem solv- The course examines the management of
edge of administrative practice; to cultivate ing. Students apply organizational theories to information systems across several different
skills, including effective teamwork; and to analyze an organization and its formal and types of organizations, with an emphasis on
develop habits of mind, such as reflective informal attributes, and solving an organiza- the management of education-related informa-
practice and openness to multiple perspec- tional change problem. tion systems in K12 as well as in institutions
of higher education. The course explores both
ORLA 4030. Ethical issues in educational the theoretical as well as practical implications
ORLA 5029. Staffing, mentoring and super- leadership (3) of information systems. Several key themes are
vising learning communities (3) Professor Sobol. An examination of ethical addressed, such as: looking at how information
Professor Monson.This course draws upon the issues inherent in educational leadership, with systems can increase the problem-solving
research literature in human resources man- an emphasis on ethical practice as well as the- capabilities within an organization or school;
agement and emphasizes best practice in the ory. The ethics of rights, justice, and care and exploring how information can enable
recruitment, hiring, mentoring, professional applied to moral dilemmas arising from the leaders to perform their jobs more effectively.
development, and evaluation of teachers, professional literature, the humanities, and Special fee: $50.
including the termination of incompetent the students own practice.
teachers. The course uses problem-based units
ORLA 4022. Introduction to management
on teacher recruitment and hiring, role playing ORLA 5017. Groups and interpersonal systems-lab (1)
on effective mentoring, video evaluations of behavior (2-6) Co-requisite: ORLA 4021. The purpose of
teacher practices and strategies for removing Faculty. Organizational behavior with refer- this lab is to provide students with technical
incompetent teachers. ence to interpersonal relationships and the hands-on computer experience in web-based
conflicts resulting from the needs of individu- technologies and database design. This lab is
als compared to the demands of the organiza- designed to build the capacity of students to
tion. Special permission required. Special fee: conceptualize and develop data-based infor-

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mation systems. Students will be introduced to decision making and problem solving in learn- reform, taxation, and the equity and efficiency
resources and participate in exercises related ing organizations. An integral part of the of local, state, and federal finance policies and
to the design, implementation, and mainte- course involves developing the technical and systems. Materials fee: $25.
nance of an information system. analytical skills necessary to manage informa-
tion systems, with an emphasis on those sys- ORLA 4047. Political policy analysis
ORLA 4025. School business tems that are designed to make it possible for in education (3)
administration (3) organizations to transform their information- Professor Shipps. An overview of theories and
Professor Richards. Introduction to school based systems into knowledge-based systems. techniques of political policy analysis as they
business administration including overview of Emphasis is also placed on understanding the apply to education. Emphasis on developing
fiscal and property accounting, district and environmental system in which the organiza- politically feasible and technically attractive
site-based budgeting, cash planning, purchas- tion exists. Special fee: $50. responses to the policy problems facing educa-
ing and supply management, transportation tional leaders in schools, districts, states and
systems, operation and maintenance of facili- ORLA 5025. Ecology of educational the federal government, as well as non-gov-
ties, and management of food services. Special planning and management (3) ernmental actors. Theories based in political
fee: $30. Professor Richards. This course takes an open science are applied to actual cases. Key organ-
systems or ecological approach to planning izing themes are value dilemmas in highly con-
ORLA 4049. Creating a learning and management in educational institutions of tested and uncertain decision arenas, and the
community (3) all kinds, including pre-school, elementary, significance of policy contexts in education.
Professor Hamer. This course emphasizes the secondary, higher education, and other public Materials fee: $30.
role of educational leaders as policy makers and private institutions. It focuses on both the
and policy analysts in formulating policies personal and institutional nature of planning ORLA 4048. Education policy:
that promote educational improvement and in complex, highly adaptive organizations. Implementation (3)
change. Students will analyze profiles of effec- Students will learn how to conduct ecological Professor Huerta. Explores the issues of policy
tive leaders who have used their positions to audits, develop strategic plans, benchmark (or reform) implementation in schools and dis-
shape educational policy in elementary and organizational performance, and write policy tricts by focusing on the political reactions and
secondary education. options briefs. Some familiarity with comput- organizational buffers to policy change, and
ers recommended. Materials fee: $10. the ways that policies become adapted and
ORLA 4820. Summer institute: changed to fit locally defined problems.
Management systems (4) ORLA 6019. Labor management relations Distinctions between the implementation
Faculty. Broad introduction to the conceptual in education (3) issues in bottom-up and top-down policy
underpinnings and intensive hands-on appli- Faculty. Enrollment limited. Negotiations as change are explored.
cation of microcomputer-based techniques for administrative process for decisions and man-
management planning, resource allocation, agement of patterns of remuneration and con- ORLA 4050. Economics of education (3)
information systems design, and data based- ditions of work. Cases and simulation. Special Professor Levin. Teaches the basic economic
policy and decision analysis in both public fee: $30. concepts and methods to be used for further
and private organizations. Special fee: $50. study and analysis of educational finance, edu-
ORLA 6020. Seminar in management cation and inequality, education and economic
ORLA 4874. Strategic marketing for systems (3) growth, the impact of educational policies on
academic institutions (3) Faculty. Permission required. Intensive study educational outcomes, school reform and
Faculty. This course focuses on marketing con- and field-based activities related to informa- school choice. (Also listed as ITSF 4050.)
cepts for private schools and non-profit organ- tion systems and to school business adminis-
izations. Students explore how institutions tration topics. Students complete individual ORLA 4058. Privatization and choice
describe themselves and how they relate to projects in conjunction with administrators in education (3-4)
various external publics such as students, par- from public or private organizations. Professor Kane. An investigation of the con-
ents, board members, and donors. Topics of troversial issues concerning the choice move-
study will include mission statements, core Policy Analysis and Politics ment. Topics include: charter schools, vouch-
marketing approaches and strategies for ers, home schooling, and for-profit educational
growth and communication. Students work ORLA 4040. Education policy: Implications enterprises. The purpose of this course is to
in groups to design a marketing plan for an for practice (3) understand the configuration of school choice
organization of their choice. Faculty. An introduction to policy analysis in America and the implications of those
concepts and techniques in a range of school choices for a democratic society.
ORLA 4876. School finance: Resource and nonschool settings. Emphasis on technol-
allocation for nonprofit organizations (3) ogy and learning. ORLA 4086. Law and educational institu-
Faculty. An exploration of the business aspects tions: Issues of authority, religion, free
of managing private schools and non-profit ORLA 4042. The role of the state in educa- speech and safety (3)
organizations. The focus is on critical issues tion governance, policy and practice (3) Professor Heubert or Professor Sigall. This
of management including: decision making, Professor Sobol. The impact of state authority introductory course focuses on legal issues that
strategic planning, and analysis and allocation on local schools and school districts, seen arise in public and private schools. Topics
of resources. Participants analyze complex through case studies of contemporary educa- include regulation of public and private
issues and problems confronting leaders in pri- tional issues. Roles, relationships, trends, and schools; church-state issues; free-speech rights
vate schools such as enrollment and tuition the political context of policy making at the of students, teachers, and extracurricular
stabilization, pricing and affordability, funding state level. groups; who controls the curriculum; the
sources, endowment management, and gov- authority to make and enforce rules governing
ernment compliance. ORLA 4046. School finance: Policy student and staff conduct, on and off school
and practice (3) grounds; the duty to protect the safety of stu-
ORLA 5020. Information systems for deci- Professor Richards. Examination of the judicial dents and others; child abuse; search and
sion making in learning organizations (3) and legislative involvement in school finance seizure; and due process.
Faculty. A theoretical, conceptual, and opera-
tional analysis of information systems used for

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ORLA 5012. Community leadership: Inter- ORLA 5541. Federal politics, federal HIGHER AND
organizational and community relations. (3) policies, and administrators (3)
Professor Monson. Political analysis of admin- Faculty. The impact of federal policies on POSTSECONDARY
istration at the service delivery and communi- administrators and vice versa. Examines the EDUCATION
ty levels. interaction between the political arena and
the policy arena. Attention to a number of Program Coordinator:
topical areas of policy including implementa- Associate Professor Kevin Dougherty
ORLA 5016. Law and educational
institutions: Equity issues (3) tion studies, the problem of innovation, and
nonschool-based educating institutions. Program Office: (212) 678-3750
Professor Heubert or Professor Sigall. This
course focuses on issues of equal educational Email: [email protected]
opportunity. Topics include desegregation; ORLA 5645-ORLA 5646. Educational Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/HigherEd
testing and classification of students; services policy: Planning & implementation. (3)
for immigrant students; harassment based on Higher and Postsecondary Education
race, sex, and sexual orientation; employment ORLA 5880. School Law Institute (3) (Code: TDN)
discrimination; school finance reform; special Professors Heubert, Sobol, and Rebell and a
education; HIV/AIDS; affirmative action; and national faculty. The School Law Institute,
administered in July by the Center for Degrees Offered:
issues of race and gender in testing, curricu- Master of Arts (M.A.)
lum, and instruction. Educational Outreach and Innovation, is a
five-day course in education and law for edu- Master of Education (Ed.M.)
cators and attorneys. Topics covered include Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
ORLA 5086. Judicial remedies and
safety and order (search and seizure, child
educational reform (3)
Professor Rebell. Beginning with the school
abuse, and the schools authority to regulate Program Description:
student and staff conduct); equity issues The Higher and Postsecondary Education
desegregation decrees issued by the federal
(affirmative action, harassment, HIV/AIDS, Program at Teachers College, Columbia
courts in the wake of Brown v. Board of
school-finance reform, and issues of poverty University strives to create knowledge, knowl-
Education, judges have been called upon to
and race in education); special education law
oversee wide-ranging institutional reform edgeable practitioners, and practicing scholars
and policy; standards-based reform and high-
processes that bear little relationship to tradi- concerned broadly with teaching, learning,
stakes testing; confidentiality of student
tional judicial remedies. This course will and scholarly and professional development;
records; legal issues in teacher evaluation; and
examine the legal and political justifications organizational and institutional analysis,
free speech rights of students and teachers.
for the courts role in reforming public institu- including abilities to probe and develop the
tions, as well as the courts capacity to effectu-
ORLA 6540. Topics in urban education structures, processes, policies, and technolo-
ate substantive reforms. The course will give
policy (3) gies that comprise colleges, universities, and
particular attention to school desegregation
Faculty. Leadership responsibility in the form- state and national systems of tertiary educa-
cases in federal courts and fiscal equity and
ulation, implementation and assessment of tion; and social and comparative perspectives,
education adequacy litigations in state courts.
urban education policy. with attention to the social, cultural, econom-
It will also consider the use of public engage-
ment mechanisms to facilitate an on-going ic, and historical contexts of knowledge pro-
ORLA 6542. History and politics of
dialogue between the courts and the legislative duction, policy, and institutional development.
urban school reform (4)
and executive branches. We expect that students will work within and
Professor Shipps. This survey course prepares
students for their roles as leaders of institu- across these domains, developing programs
ORLA 5096. Introduction to special of study that, though focused on particular
tional change by acquainting them with our
education law (3)
legacy of urban school reform, its trends and themes and issues (e.g., policy, scholarly learn-
Professor ONeill. This class provides an intro-
cycles. It covers political issues in historical ing and careers, student development, profes-
duction to concepts and authorities essential
context. Multiple versions of accountability, sional development), will be informed broadly
to a basic, useful understanding of special edu-
standards, equity, and access make up the by a diverse array of ideas, perspectives, and
cation law and policy. It will benefit those con-
cycles of reform to be examined, along with questions.
cerned with school leadership, instruction, and
the pedagogical and governance dilemmas
school law, as well as those interested in spe-
(progressivism vs. traditionalist, centralization
cial education law from practical or policy per- The Master of Arts Program develops knowl-
vs. decentralization) that underlie them. The
spectives. edgeable practitioners in three domains of
cross cutting political concerns of power, class,
race, gender, and relation will be woven into higher and postsecondary education: its edu-
ORLA 5515. Masters seminar in leader- cational core (teaching and learning, student
discussions and course work. Permission
ship, policy and politics (3)
required. and professional development), its organiza-
Professor Shipps and Luis Huerta. This semi-
nar is designed to give students the opportuni- tional and institutional framework (policymak-
ty to demonstrate a theoretical and analytical ing and implementation, planning, organiza-
understanding of the practical problems inher- tional development), and its social positioning
ent in conducting policy research for educa- and comparative potential (policy analysis and
tion clients. Policy analysis requires its practi- comparative study of institutional, state, and
tioners to evaluate available information, to national systems). Though students entering
weigh the possible impacts of alternative poli- the M.A. Program will be exposed to each of
cies, to understand political, legal and/or eco- the domains, they will specialize in one.
nomic ramifications, and to produce plans for
action that are organizationally feasible and
Students who pursue the M.A. degree at
publicly valuable.
Teachers College will build on the programs
historic positioning in the study of student
development through the college years and its

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current strengths in studies of academic learn- access studies, studies in student learning and Doctoral applicants must have a masters
ing and development, higher/postsecondary development, and studies of scholarly learning degree in a relevant discipline or field and
education policy, social thought and compara- and careers. The Ed.D. requires in-depth study work experience in higher/postsecondary
tive analysis, as well as on the departments in processes/methods of inquiry appropriate to education
offerings. They will also build on the programs the area of concentration or emphasis, and
growing capacities in higher/postsecondary reflecting substantial theoretical understand- Degree Requirements:
education policy, social thought, and compara- ing of the area and approaches to inquiry Note the basic research requirements for all
tive analysis, as well as on the departments within it. students in the department.
offerings in organizational studies. As such,
students earning the M.A. degree will be posi- Students who pursue the Ed.D. in Higher and The following requirements constitute frame-
tioned to serve in a variety of academic and Postsecondary Education question and explore works for guiding program planning which
student support positions, as well as in various the range of perspectives for understanding occurs in consultation with the designated
policy-development, policy-support, and the enterprise its educational and intellectual faculty advisor and requires approval of the
administrative roles. core, its institutional/organizational rubrics, its Higher and Postsecondary Education Program
social and comparative contextualizations. faculty. The coursework portion of each degree
The Master of Education Program develops Thus, through their own research (situated program consists of required courses (offered
breadth of understanding of higher and post- within an emphasis area), they participate in annually or in alternate years), within-Program
secondary education, though emphasizing par- reshaping current understandings of postsec- electives, and extra-Program electives; other
ticular domains of study and practice, among ondary education. Ed.D. students conclude requirements, unique to a program or portion
them, academic learning and development, their programs by writing a dissertation that, thereof, are indicated below.
organizational and institutional processes, and though focused on a particular research prob-
social and comparative perspectives. Students lem within higher and postsecondary educa- MASTER OF ARTS
in the Ed.M. Program typically use these offer- tion, reflects the tripartite aims of the curricu- The M.A. requires a minimum of 32 points
ings, to elaborate and deepen their experi- lum, as well as deep understanding of knowl- of graduate coursework. Students pursue one
ence-based knowledge and intellectual inter- edge structures underpinning their area of of three domain sequences: Academic and
ests in policymaking, curriculum development, inquiry. They are positioned then to scrutinize Developmental Analysis, Organizational
student development, etc. Ed.M. students con- prevailing views of what it means to engage in and Institutional Analysis, or Social and
clude their programs of study by writing an the higher learning, and importantly, of what Comparative Analysis.
integrative paper focused on a particular topic it means to reconstruct these views in the
of professional and personal interest and draw- name of improvement and development. Course requirements common to all
ing on the knowledge resources availed by the sequences include:
three curricular domains. Graduates of the Ed.D. Program may become
policy-makers and evaluation specialists in ORL 5521 Introduction to research
Students who pursue the Ed.M. in Higher and higher and postsecondary education; they may methods in education (3)
Postsecondary Education at Teachers College, assume substantial leadership responsibilities, ORLH 4010 Purposes and policies of
Columbia University typically bring, to their as through presidencies or other key adminis- higher education (3)
ORLH 4011 Curriculum and
studies, well developed understandings of par- trative posts in colleges and universities or
instruction (3)
ticular facets of the enterprise, often from state systems; they may lead university- or col- ORLH 4040 The American college
their own participation in the professional lege-wide instructional development centers student (3)
practices that define it (teaching, administra- and activities; they may become academic ORLH 5525 College student
tion, etc.). The Ed.M. Program helps them sit- scholars and researchers. development theories (3)
uate their practice-based knowledge, and their
emerging intellectual interests, within the Special Application Additional requirements for Academic
broader span of higher and postsecondary edu- Requirements/Information: and Developmental Analysis include a
cation, thereby availing expanded intellectual Applications are considered for Fall enroll- culminating project, and the following
resources for their professional efforts. ment only. coursework:

The Doctor of Education Program develops Applicants to all degree levels should discuss ORLH 4041 Student personnel admin-
breadth of understanding about higher and their past educational preparation and profes- istration: Organization,
postsecondary education though with focus on sional goals in their personal statements, function, & issues (3),
an intellectual issue or professional activity including their anticipated work within the or other with advisor
(concentration or emphasis area). Breadth is degree program to which they are applying. In approval (3)
ORLH 4042 Student personnel admin-
assured through study within three curricular addition to the general application documen-
istration: Programs &
domains: academic and developmental analy- tation required, all applicants must submit an services (3), or other with
sis of higher and postsecondary education, academic writing sample (e.g., a class paper). advisor approval (3)
organizational and institutional analysis of Ed.M. and Ed.D. applicants should submit a ORLH 5522 Contemporary student
higher and postsecondary education, and paper written for a graduate level class. issues and policies (3)
social and comparative analysis of higher and or
postsecondary education. Working across these Ed.M. applicants should have an M.A. in a ORLH 4500 Special topics (topics/sec-
domains and beyond them (through related relevant discipline or field. Relevant work tion to be designated), or
out-of-program courses), students will work experience is also helpful. other with advisor
with faculty advisors to develop emphasis approval.
areas, among them policy studies, diversity and

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One (1) course from the following: Requirements for Social and Comparative education (or other with
ORLH 4012 The community college (3) Analysis include the following course- advisor approval) (3)
ORLD 4051 How adults learn (3) work as well as a culminating project: (Integrative paper is prepared
ORLH 5011 College teaching and in this course.)
learning (3)
Four courses from the following:
ORLH 5044 Theories of diversity in Of the remaining 8 courses (24 points),
A&HH 5070 History & theory of
higher education (3) 5 courses (15 points) should be within the
higher education (3)
ORLH 5527 The college professoriate (3) Program.
ORLD 4051 How adults learn (3)
ORLH 4025 Higher education policy (3)
One (1) additional course. M.A. students ORLH 4500 Special topics in higher The remaining 3 courses (9 points) should
with internship must take ORLH 5241, education (1-3) be from outside the Program. All courses
Observation & supervised fieldwork. ORLH 5011 College teaching and should relate conceptually, substantively, or
Non-internship students may elect any learning (3) methodologically to the students develop
Teachers College course (1 point). ORLH 5044 Theories of diversity in
ing area of interest.
higher education (3)
Minimum of 3 out-of-program Teachers ORLH 5527 The college professoriate (3)
ORLH 6551 Advanced seminar: Internships may be open to Ed.M. students
College elective courses including one on a space available basis, but require approval
3-point course, one 1-point course, and of faculty advisor and program coordinator,
higher education (3)
ORL 5521. including possible addition of course require-
One (1) additional course. M.A. students ments.
Additional requirements for Organiza- with internship must take ORLH 5241,
tional and Institutional Analysis include Observation & supervised fieldwork. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION
the following coursework as well as a cul- Non-internship students may elect any The Ed.D. requires a minimum of 90 points of
minating project: Teachers College course (1 point). graduate course work, completion of a certifi-
cation exam, and dissertation.
ORLH 4031 Financial administration
Minimum of 3 out-of-program Teachers
of higher education (3)
College elective courses including one Core courses required:
3-point course, one 1-point course, and ORL 5521 Introduction to research
Three (3) courses from the following:
ORL 5521. methods (3)
A&HH 5070 History & theory of ORLH 5021 Patterns of organization
higher education (3) MASTER OF EDUCATION and management (3)
ORLH 4012 The community college (3)
The Ed.M. requires a minimum of 60 points or equivalent
ORLH 4020 College and university
organization and and an integrative paper prepared as a culmi- ORLH 4010 Purposes and policies of
administration (3) nating project. higher education (3)
ORLH 4025 Higher education policy (3) ORLH 4011 Curriculum and
ORLD 4051 How adults learn (3) Core courses (required): instruction (3)
ORLH 4500 Special topics (topic/section ORL 5521 Introduction to research ORLH 4020 College and university
to be designated), or ORLH methods (3) organization and admin-
6550/6551 Advanced seminar ORLH 4010 Purposes and policies of istration (3)
in higher education (3) higher education (3) ORLH 4025 Higher education policy (3)
ORLH 5527 The professoriate (3) ORLH 4011 Curriculum and
ORLH 4031 Financial administration
ORLH 6521 Advanced seminar in the instruction (3)
ORLH 4020 College and university of higher education
community college (3)
ORLH 6550 Advanced seminar: organization and admin- institutions (3)
Research administration (3) istration (3), or ORLH 5021 Patterns of organization
(or equivalent) (equivalent) (3) and management (3)
ORLH 6511 Advanced seminar: ORLH 4025 Higher education policy ORLH 5044 Theories of diversity and
Higher education (3) higher education (3)
policy seminar (3) ORLH 4031 Financial administration ORLH 5526 Literature of higher
ORLH 6551 Advanced seminar: of higher education education (3)
Comparative-international institutions (3) ORLH 5527 The College professoriate (3)
higher education (3) ORLH 5044 Theories of diversity and
ORLH 6511 Advanced seminar:
higher education (3)
ORLH 5526 Literature of higher Coordinating seminar (3)
One (1) additional course. M.A. students ORLH 6551 Advanced seminar:
with internship must take ORLH 5241, education (3)
ORLH 5527 The college professoriate (3) Comparative-International
Observation & supervised fieldwork. Non- higher education (3)
ORLH 6511 Advanced seminar: Higher
internship students may elect any Teachers education policy seminar (3) A minimum of 3 additional research courses to be
College course (1 point). ORLH 6551 Advanced seminar: selected relative to students research preparation
Minimum of 3 out-of-program Teachers Comparative-international needs. See department core requirements.
College elective courses including one higher education (3)
3-point course, one 1-point course, and ORLH 6557/6558 Research practices in higher Remaining 15 courses are to be distributed as
ORL 5521. and adult education (3) or
ORLH 6900 Research and
independent study in higher 10 courses (30 points) within the Program:
Development of a concentration within one

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or two of the curricular domains, or crossing community college movement, students, state ORLH 4042. Student personnel administra-
all three, with advisor approval; concentration and local governance, teaching, student person- tion: Programs and services (3)
must represent a coherent area of study that nel work, finance, adult education, and the Faculty. A survey of programs and services
broadly situates dissertation research. future of the community college. typical of American colleges and universities.
Includes contemporary issues of concern to
ORLH 4020. College and university student personnel administrators.
5 courses (15 points) outside the Program,
organization and administration (3)
with at least 3 of these outside the Depart- Professor Anderson and Dr. Hankin. Basic ORLH 4043. Developmental academic advise-
ment. These courses must contribute sub- aspects of college and university organization and ment programs in colleges and universities (3)
stantively, theoretically, or methodological- administration with consideration given to the Faculty. A survey of theory and research and
ly to the students selected area of study. roles of various groups in governance and man- an examination of the various organizational,
agement as well as organizational processes such administrative, and staffing arrangements that
Internships are open to doctoral students on a as leadership, decision making, and conflict reso- pertain to student advisement programs in col-
space available basis, but require approval of fac- lution. External and internal constraints exam- leges and universities.
ulty advisor and program coordinator, including ined from conceptual, practical, and policy per-
possible addition of course requirements. spectives. ORLH 4500. Special topics in higher
education (1-3)
ORLH 4022. College personnel policies Faculty. Periodic explorations of special topics
Adjustments to requirements and distributions, and practices (3) and issues in fields of higher education adminis-
as shown for the M.A., Ed.M., and Ed.D. in Faculty. Personnel problems in colleges, including tration, student personnel administration, and
Higher and Postsecondary Education, require faculty and staff evaluation, recruitment, affirma- college teaching and academic leadership.
approval of the advisor and program coordinator. tive action, promotion, tenure, retrenchment,
leadership/management and personnel develop- ORLH 4800. Workshop in higher education
COURSES: ment. (0-3)
Faculty. Special topics or events related to the
ORL 5521. Introduction to research ORLH 4025. Higher education policy (3) administration of programs of higher education.
methods in education (3) Professor Dougherty. An introduction to the Topics change each semester. Open to degree
Professors Knefelkamp, Richards, and Shipps. higher education policy making process. Main and nondegree students for credit or Noncredit.
Please see course description under the topics: the general nature of policy making with
Departmental Core Requirements at the examples and readings from higher education; ORLH 4820. Cultural diversity training
end of this department section. key actors, institutional structures and processes in higher education settings: Issues and
in the federal, state, and local higher education concerns (1)
ORLD 4051. How adults learn (3) policy arenas; and the origins and consequences Faculty. This introductory workshop will address
Drs. Gonzalez and Langer. Role and perspective of key policy enactments affecting college access, multicultural training issues in higher education
changes in adulthood, concepts of maturity, admissions criteria, remedial education, perform- such as workshop and intervention design,
learning theories, personality development, cog- ance accountability, and the economic develop- assessment issues and methods, ethical concerns,
nitive learning and thinking, creativity, interests ment role of higher education. group process, and general training considera-
and attitudes, motivation, self-concept, and tions.
achieving styles. Implications for the education ORLH 4030. The economics of post-
of adults in a wide variety of workplace, commu- secondary education (3) ORLH 4830. Transforming the curriculum:
nity, and educational settings. Faculty. A theoretical and practical discussion Theory and practice (3)
of public/private finance of higher education. Faculty. This course is designed to explore both
ORLH 4010. Purposes and policies Economic and social rationales are discussed the cognitive and cultural implications of cur-
of higher education (3) as well as specific financing proposals. riculum design. It emphasizes the theoretical and
Professors Anderson and Dougherty. An intro- practical implications of curricular transforma-
duction to the U.S. system of higher education ORLH 4031. Financial administration tion based on the new scholarship of gender,
through an overview of the system and its histo- of higher education institutions (3) race, class, and ethnicity as well as student intel-
ry, a survey of the missions and purposes served Professor Dougherty. No previous financial train- lectual and interpersonal development.
by U.S. colleges and universities, and an investi- ing is required. The course is an introduction to
gation of some of the pressing policy questions finance and its importance for decision making ORLH 4845. Diversity: Implications
now confronting those institutions. in higher education. Topics include outsourcing, for recruitment and retention (1)
enrollment management, and fundraising. Professor Anderson. Students will explore
ORLH 4011. Curriculum and instruction aspects of cultural diversity and multiple
in higher education (3) ORLH 4040. The American college oppressions (race, class and gender), as well as
Professors Levine and Neumann. An introduc- student (3) environmental concerns affecting the recruit-
tion to the history, trends, and issues pertaining Professor Dougherty. Reviews the demographic ment and retention of diverse student and fac-
to curriculum in U.S. higher education. Internal data about students, the changing relations of ulty population in the context of American
and external influences on curriculum decisions students to colleges, the determinants of college higher education.
and implications for the organization and admin- access and choice and the influence of colleges
istration of colleges and universities. Examina- upon students. ORLH 5011. College teaching and learning
tion of past and current curriculum trends, (3)
including the impact of the new scholarship of ORLH 4041. Student personnel administra- Professor Neumann. Designed for individuals
gender, race and class. tion: Organization, functions, and issues (3) who aspire to college teaching, this course
Faculty. Permission required. An introduction to emphasizes research on student learning, mul-
ORLH 4012. The community college (3) various forms of organization and functions: tiple pedagogies (such as experiential learning,
Professor Dougherty and Dr. Hankin. Emerging multidisciplinary foundations, including histori- learning communities, effective lecture, discus-
issues, problems, and trends in community col- cal and philosophical foundations and conceptu- sion, evaluation approaches, and curriculum
leges, technical institutes, and adult education. al and research contributions from the behav- design). The course stresses the implications of
Topics include the history and philosophy of the ioral and social sciences. diversity in the student population.

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ORLH 5044. Theories of diversity and ORLH 5526. The literature of higher Education program. An overview and discus-
higher education (3) education (2-3) sion of the most topical literature in American
Professor Anderson. Critical analysis of cultur- Professor Neumann. Analysis of selected Higher Education, this course is designed to
al diversity in American higher education with classic and contemporary works that have explore a wide variety of educational roles in
respect to the curriculum, co-curriculum, and influenced professional thought and the context of the goals and aspirations of new
institutional structure. Presents new paradigms affected public opinion and public policy doctoral students.
with which to understand the complexities of related to higher education. Topics vary
response that are necessary to adequately meet from year to year. ORLH 6520-ORLH 6521. Advanced
the needs of all students. seminar in the community college (3)
ORLH 5527. The college professoriate Professor Dougherty. Selected issues such as
ORLH 5241-ORLH 5242. Observation (3) teaching in a community college, the future of
and supervised fieldwork in higher and Professor Neumann. Review and discus- the community college, or state and national
postsecondary education (1) sion of the research and literature, governance and finance systems for the com-
Faculty. Permission required. Students reserve diverse roles, and expectations that char- munity college are explored in depth.
two days a week for work in colleges. A weekly acterize the position of college professor,
seminar integrates field practices with course with attention to implications for profes- ORLH 6550-ORLH 6551. Advanced
theory. sional and personal development. seminar in higher education (3)
Faculty. Intensive study of a selected topic.
ORLH 5522-ORLH 5527. Advanced ORLH 5533-ORLH 5537. Advanced Topic varies from term to term and is typically
professional seminar professional skills (2-3) related to an ongoing program or research
Faculty. Intensive analysis of selected problems Intensive work in special skill areas for the project. Students may begin either term.
and issues in postsecondary education. The management of postsecondary education.
course is intended for practicing professionals The sections involve practical experiences and ORLH 6552. Advanced seminar in theories
in postsecondary education as well as majors possibly fieldwork. These courses are intended of intellectual and ethical development for
in the department. Other students in the col- for practicing professionals in postsecondary college students (3)
lege who wish to enroll should obtain permis- education as well as for majors in the depart- Faculty. Permission required. Intensive study of
sion of the instructor. ment. Other students who wish to enroll the major theories of college student intellec-
should obtain the permission of the instructor. tual development, particularly the work of
ORLH 5522. Chief student affairs Carol Gilligan, Lawrence Kohlberg, William G.
officer(2) ORLH 5533. Faculty evaluation and Perry, Jr., Katie Cannon, and those who have
Faculty. Exploration of issues affecting development programming (2-3) expanded the research on student intellectual
students and therefore the work of stu- Faculty. Theory and practice concerning and ethical development. Additional models
dent affairs officers, and the role of such the evaluation of college teaching. Topics considered include Reflective Judgment and
officers in developing policies to address include models and practices for the eval- Womens Ways of Knowing. Students will also
those issues. Consideration given to the uation of faculty and for the organization learn the assessment and scoring methods
roles of student affairs officers in colleges and administration of faculty develop- associated with each model.
and universities, their responsibilities and ment programs.
authority, and their relations with presi- ORLH 6556. Educational leadership:
dents, faculty, students, and their own ORLH 5534. Financial decision Research, art and practice (3)
staff. making in education (2-3) Faculty. Permission required. Examination of
Faculty. Introduction to a series of finan- leadership research definition, dimensions,
ORLH 5524. An analysis of student cial decision-making tools including cost characteristics, and capacities. Exploration of
cultures (3) accounting, cost benefit analysis, and dis- leadership opportunities within entire range of
Faculty. Critical analysis of selected counted cash flow. Emphasis on applied educational practice. Application of leadership
research reports pertaining to the student financial decision making. lessons to educational problems and situations
cultures. The focus is on the purposes of through case studies.
each study, the question(s) asked, the ORLH 5536. College classroom
assumptions and theories upon which the assessment (3) Directed Research and Independent Study
research is based, the sources of data, the Faculty. An in-depth study of major (Students must have an instructor-approved
method(s) of data collection, the conclu- assessment techniques for the college Learning Contract prior to enrolling in any of
sions and interpretations developed, and classroom. Particular attention will be
the following courses.)
the relevance of the research to student paid to the work of Patricia Cross,
personnel in particular, and to higher Thomas Angelo, and Dick Light, as well
ORLH 4900. Research and independent
education in general. as assessment models associated with col-
study in higher education (1-8).
laborative learning, teaching portfolios,
ORLH 5525. College student develop- and student portfolios.
ORLH 5900. Research in higher education
ment theories I (3) (1-6)
Faculty. Course focuses on college stu- ORLH 5537. College classroom
Permission required. Conduct research studies
dent development theories and their assessment research (3)
(not a part of a doctoral dissertation) under
application to higher education. Primary Faculty. Prerequisite: ORLH 5536. In-
guidance. Focus on a particular institution or
areas of focus include: 1) intellectual and depth study of classroom research meth-
type of institution, e.g., college of liberal arts,
ethical developmental theory, individual ods based on the classroom assessment
professional school, community college.
development models, learning styles methods studied in ORLH 5536.
models, and theories of cultural identity, ORLH 6557-6558. Research practices
2) ethical considerations using theory in ORLH 6511. Coordinating seminar in higher education
practice, and 3) critique of theories from in higher education (3) Faculty.
a variety of research perspectives. Professors Anderson and Neumann.
Permission required. Course restricted to
Ed.D. and Ed.M. students in the Higher

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ORLH 6900. Research and independent HUDK 4024. Developmental psychology: NURSE EXECUTIVE
study in higher education (1-6) Adulthood and the life span (2-3)
Permission required. Please see the Department of Human Program Coordinator:
Development for course description. Professor Elaine La Monica Rigolosi
ORLH 7500. Dissertation seminar higher
education (1) ITSF 4050. Economics of education Program Office: (212) 678-3421
Permission required. Students should have Teaches the basic economic concepts and Program Email: [email protected]
completed most or all course work (including methods to be used for further study and Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/NurseExec
research methods courses) and have passed analysis of educational finance, education and
the certification examination. Students regis- inequality, education and economic growth, Nurse Executive
ter for the course the semester a proposal the impact of educational policies on educa-
(Code: TNZ for M.A.) Accelerated
hearing is to be scheduled. The course is tional outcomes, school reform, and school
intended for students who have identified a choice. (Code: TNX for Ed.D.) Accelerated
reasonably narrow area for research and have
already completed a preliminary literature MSTU 4030. Computer applications in Degrees Offered:
review. The course will assist the student in education (3) Master of Arts (M.A.)
design, methods and other matters of concern Please see the Department of Mathematics, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
in the preparation of an acceptable disserta- Science and Technology for course descrip-
tion proposal. tion. Program Description:
The Executive Program for Nurses prepares
ORLH 7900. Directed dissertation research ORLA 4010. Introduction to organization students for leading roles in healthcare organi-
(3) and change theory in education (3) zations, both service and education. These
Permission required. All doctoral students eli- Please see course description in this depart- roles are those that advance and implement
gible for this course must register each semes- ment section.
the practice of nursing and healthcare, operat-
ter until a proposal hearing has occurred and
a proposal has been approved. ORLA 5017. Organizations and interper- ing primarily in one-to-one relationships with
sonal behavior (3) clients. Hence, the graduates of this program
ORLH 8900. Dissertation advisement Please see course description in this depart- will have their major impact on nursing and
in higher education (0) ment section. healthcare by influencing other interdiscipli-
Permission required. Individual advisement on nary healthcare providers.
doctoral dissertations. Fee: to equal 3 points at ORLJ 4005. Organizational psychology (3)
current tuition rate for each term. For require- Please see course description in this depart- The basic aims of current healthcare delivery
ments, see section in catalog on Continuous ment section. and healthcare reform mandate a nonpartisan
Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. approach to the education of nurses and all
healthcare administrators and executives.
ORLH 9900. Research and independent
study in higher education (2 or more). Professionals who practice in todays health-
Permission required. care environments and shape tomorrows re-
form must be collaborative interdisciplinarians.
See also:
A&HH 5070. History and theory of Nursing leadership in scholarship, in research,
higher education (3) and in practice is achieved with the attain-
Please see the Department of Arts and ment of the doctoral degree. Toward this ulti-
Humanities for course description. mate goal, there are various development lev-
els of role preparation, including an exit point
CCPJ 4064. Theories of counseling (3) of achievement at the levels of Master of
Please see the Department of Counseling and
Arts (48 points). All role preparation in the
Clinical Psychology for course description.
Executive Program for Nurses is based upon
CCPJ 5062. Career counseling (3) approaches of open inquiry, scholarly pursuit,
Please see the Department of Counseling and and the ability to synthesize knowledge from
Clinical Psychology for course description. diverse disciplines.

CCPJ 5164. Cross-cultural counseling (3) Master of Arts

Please see the Department of Counseling and The Master of Arts degree Executive Program
Clinical Psychology for course description. for Nurses offers preparation for nursing and
healthcare management positions in a variety
HUDF 4000. Education and public policy of healthcare organizations, on the basic skills
Current issues in American educational policy.
and concepts of management. Regular faculty
HUDF 4021. Sociology of education members and other experts teach the courses
A broad analysis of education using basic soci- that comprise the curriculum in the
ological concepts, including schools as organi- Accelerated Executive Program for Nurses.
zations, socialization, stratification, and ethnic The Accelerated Program at the M.A. level is
relations. a cohort program that meets one day per week
on Fridays. It runs for four semesters. Program
costs currently are $9,500 per semester of
study and include tuition, fees, and refresh-

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ments. For the next cohort, beginning Degree Requirements: For program course recommendations and
September 2006, tuition will be determined. Note the basic research requirements for all program planning, please see the Doctor of
The flat rate fee covers cohort courses only. students in the department. Education Advisement Guide which can be
The cost of the program is subject to change. obtained from the office of the Executive
The Capstone Project is a requirement for all Program for Nurses. The following is an exam-
Special Application masters degree candidates. It is required dur- ple of a doctoral cohort sequence by semes-
Requirements/Information: ing the semester in which a student applies for ter.*
a masters degree. Details are provided in
MASTER OF ARTS Guidelines for the Capstone Project which Semester I
In addition to the requirements for admission can be obtained from the office of the Execu- HUDM 4122 Probability & statistical
to Teachers College, in order to be considered tives Program for Nurses and from Faculty inference (3)
for admission in the program, applicants must Advisors. The following is an example of a ORLN 5005 Interdisciplinary theory
be Registered Nurses in any U.S. state or in in nursing (3)
Masters cohort sequence by semester.*
ORLN 6514 Marketing nursing programs
Canada, and hold a baccalaureate degree in
& services (3)
any field, with a cumulative grade point aver- MASTER OF ARTS
age of 3.0 or better. One year of post-baccalau- Semester I Semester II
reate management experience is required. ORL 4054 Leadership and management ORL 5551 Ethics for healthcare
for healthcare organizations professionals (3)
The accelerated Master of Arts cohort begins (3) ORL 6500 Qualitative research (3)
every other Fall in even years. ORLN 4005 Theories of nursing (3) ORLN 6615 Colloquium in nursing
ORLN 4013 Fiscal management of the administration (3)
nursing organization (3)
ORLN 4050 Health problems and issues
In addition to the requirements for admission in society (3) Semester III
to Teachers College, in order to be considered A&HF 4090 Philosophies of education (3)
for admission into the program, doctoral appli- ORLN 5043 Nursing research
Semester II development (3)
cants must: HUDM 4120 Basic concepts in
Hold a baccalaureate degree with a major ORLN 6522 Health care policy
statistics (3) & analysis (3)
in any field that is approved by Teachers ORL 4011 Personnel management
College, Columbia University; in healthcare (3)
ORLN 5000 Nursing science (3) Certification
Hold a graduate degree and/or 36 graduate
points/credits approved by Teachers ORLN 5013 Informatics in nursing (3)
Semester IV
College, Columbia University;
Semester III ORL 6011 Advanced system
Hold a current Registered Nurse License management (3)
in a state in the U.S. or in a province of ORL 4003 Crisis intervention (3)
ORL 4014 Legal issues for healthcare ORLN 6540 Dissertation design
Canada; development (3)
professionals (3)
Have an eighth decile on graduate work ORLN 6014 Managing the socially
ORLN 5010 Administration of a nursing
at Teachers College or a cumulative grade organization (3) responsible organization (3)
point average of 3.5 from other accredited ORLN 5040 Methods of nursing
institutions; research (3) Semester V
Have a GRE verbal score of at least 540 ORLN 6541 Advanced dissertation
or an MAT score of at least 54, or scaled Semester IV design development (3)
score of 416. Results of the GRE or MAT HUD 4120 Methods of empirical ORLN 5011 Designing, planning &
should not be more than 5 years old; and research (3) monitoring healthcare
ORLD 4051 How adults learn (3) systems (3)
Have one year of post-baccalaureate
ORLN 5530 Seminar: Clinical teaching ORLN 7500 Dissertation seminar in
management experience. nursing education (3)
and evaluation (3)
International applicants should note that a ORLN 6501 Seminar education:
Capstone (3) Semester VI
current permit from the New York State Board ORLN 6511 Innovations in nursing
* Courses and/or sequence are subject to
of Nursing is required to practice nursing management (3)
and/or do fieldwork. Potential candidates who ORLN 6635 Colloquium in nursing
do not meet these admission standards but education (3)
who can demonstrate substantial ability shall
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION ORLN 7900 Directed dissertation
The Accelerated Program at the Ed.D. level is research (3)
have the option to petition the Faculty of the
a cohort program that meets one day per week * Courses and/or sequence are subject to
program to be considered for admission based
on Fridays. The program consists of six semes- change
on alternative evidence of ability.
ters of course work leading to the Ed.D. degree
in addition to satisfactory completion of a doc-
The next accelerated Doctor of Education
toral dissertation. Program costs currently are
cohort will begin in the Fall 2008 semester.
$9,500 per semester of study and include
tuition, fees, and refreshments. The flat rate
fee covers cohort courses only. The flat rate
tuition fee for the cohort beginning Fall
2008, will be determined.

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NOTE: After course work is completed, candi- course focuses on using information for strategic Nursing Research
dates must be continuously enrolled every planning and management of systems in health-
Fall and Spring semester, up to and including the care. ORLN 5040. Methods in nursing
semester in which the dissertation defense is held research (3)
and the revised and/or completed dissertation is Nursing Theory Faculty. Prerequisites: ORLN 4005, ORLN 5000.
submitted to the Office of Doctoral Studies. Analysis of hypothetical generation, study designs
Course selection: Courses that may be taken ORLN 4005. Theories of nursing (3) and data collection methods in nursing research
include ORLN 6940 or ORLN 8900, based on Faculty. Theoretical foundations of nursing. with emphasis on application to practice.
the advice of the candidates advisor. Critical analysis of theories that explain the nature
of nursing practice. ORLN 5043. Nursing research development
COURSES: Faculty. Prerequisites: ORLN 4005, ORLN 5040,
ORLN 5000. Nursing science (3)
Faculty. Prerequisite: ORLN 4005. Examination or equivalents. Philosophical foundations of
The following are recommended as general, inter- of emerging issues in nursing research and health- empirical and naturalistic inquiry methods are
departmental courses appropriate for students care. Relevance to theory development and examined with reference to developing a domain
throughout the College as electives and may also health policy are emphasized. significant research problem. Emphasis given to
be utilized by non-majors to meet the general clarification to study design within interdiscipli-
Teachers College requirement. See General ORLN 5005. Interdisciplinary theory nary knowledge relevant to nursing.
Offerings and Interdisciplinary Study for a course in nursing (3)
Faculty. Prerequisites: ORLN 4005, ORLN 4050, ORLN 6540. Dissertation design
or equivalent. Evaluation of utility of theories and development (3)
models from related disciplines in posing research Professor Rigolosi. Permission required.
ORL 4003. Crisis intervention (3) Prerequisites: ORLN 4005, ORLN 5005, ORLN
Study of general crisis phenomena within problems in nursing. Focus on strategies of con-
cept analysis and theory derivation. 5043, statistics, and certification. Required of all
the framework of crisis intervention theory. doctoral candidates. Group critique of dissertation
Analysis of individual, family, and community proposals; focus on beginning to intermediate
dynamics. Professional Nursing aspects of analysis of theory and research design.
This course may be repeated as often as necessary
ORL 4011. Personnel management in health- ORLN 4001. Contemporary issues until the student is ready for the departmental
care (3) in nursing (3) examination. Once ORLN 6540 is taken, contin-
Professor Rigolosi. Examination and application of Faculty. Identification and analysis of current uous Autumn/Spring enrollment in dissertation
personnel management and human relations the- issues in nursing; development of appropriate course work the course is required until the
ory in the healthcare organization. Includes background; formulation of personal stances on semester during which the departmental examina-
human resource utilization, problem solving, com- selected issues. tion is held.
munications theory, and evaluation performance.
Special fee: $25. ORLN 4004. Historical trends in ORLN 6541. Advanced dissertation
nursing (3) design development (3)
ORL 4014. Legal issues in healthcare Faculty. Consideration of the history of nursing Professor Rigolosi. Permission required.
organizations (3) and nursing education, and its influence on cur- Prerequisite: ORLN 6540 and certification. Focus
Professor Rigolosi. Laws, administrative regula- rent developments in nursing. on advanced aspects of research design and
tions, and pertinent case law affecting healthcare method.
organizations. Theories of power, politics, and ORLN 4050. Health problems and issues
labor relations applied. Local, state, and federal in society (3) ORLN 6940. Independent study in
impact on healthcare included. Special fee: $25. Faculty. Political and economic concepts nursing research (3-6)
influencing the delivery of healthcare services. Permission required. Allows student to contract
ORL 4054. Leadership and management Consideration of health issues facing the public with an individual faculty member for research
in healthcare organizations (3) and possible courses of action. related work in a defined area of study, including
Professor Rigolosi. Critical analysis of theory and dissertation development.
research in organizational behavior, leadership, ORLN 5908. Independent study in
and management as it relates to the role of professional nursing (1-6) ORLN 7500. Dissertation seminar
healthcare executives. Critique of the executives Permission required. Individual, guided learning in nursing education (3)
role as it relates to these theories. Special fee: $25. experience at the Masters level in a selected Faculty. Permission required. Prerequisite: ORLN
aspect of professional nursing. Topic agreed upon 6540 and certification. The departmental exami-
ORL 5551. Ethics for healthcare between student and faculty. nation, involving presentation of dissertation pro-
professionals (3) posal for faculty approval. This course is required
Review of ethical issues in healthcare and health- ORLN 6501. Seminar in professional of all certified doctoral candidates and may be
care delivery. General courses within the Nursing nursing (3) taken only once. If the student is unable to satis-
Domain courses in this section deal with the theo- Faculty. Prerequisites: Two courses in nursing factorily complete the departmental examination
ry of nursing in practice, nursing as a profession, professionalism and/or history. Examination during the semester in which enrolled, an incom-
and the history and contemporary trends in nurs- of selected professional nursing problems or plete is given.
ing. These courses are open to students in any domain in depth. Course may be repeated
nursing sequence of study; they also are open to for credit if different topics are covered. ORLN 7900. Directed dissertation
interested students, nurses or non-nurses, from research education (3)
other departments. Special fee: $125. ORLN 6908. Independent study in Permission required. Prerequisites: ORLN 6540
professional nursing (1-6) and ORLN 6541. All doctoral students eligible
ORL 6011. Advanced system Permission required. Individual, guided learning for this course must register for this course during
management (3) experience at the doctoral level in a selected completion of the dissertation. This course may be
Faculty. Managing systems requires the generation aspect of professional nursing. Topic agreed upon repeated as often as necessary upon advice of the
of useful information for decision-making. This between student and faculty. advisor.

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ORLN 8900. Dissertation advisement Nursing Organization Executive Role ORLN 6910. Independent study in
in nursing (0) nursing administration (1-6)
Individual advisement on doctoral dissertation ORLN 4013. Fiscal management of Permission required. Individual, guided learn-
following completion of all course work. Fee the nursing organization (3) ing experience at the doctoral level in a select-
equal to 3 points at current tuition rate for Faculty. Focus is the fiscal impact of providing ed aspect of nursing administration. Topic
each term. For continuous requirements, see nursing services. Management information agreed upon between student and faculty.
section in catalog on Continuous Registration systems, organizing human and material
for Ed.D. degree. resources, and assessing the cost and quality ORLN 5212. Fieldwork in executive
of nursing services are studied. Health organi- nursing management (3-6)
Role Preparation zation finance and nursing budgeting are Faculty. Permission required. Open to only
The rest of the nursing courses focus on com- included. Ed.M students. Observation, assessment, and
evaluation of a preceptor nurse executive in a
bining cognate and nursing knowledge in syn-
ORLN 5010. Administration of a major nursing institution; concurrent assess-
thesizing knowledge needed in role fulfillment. ment of the nursing organization. Specific
nursing organization (3)
Faculty. Prerequisite: ORL 4054. Analysis and objectives to be developed by student, faculty,
General Courses in Role Preparation application of administrative theory and struc- and preceptor. Special fee: $25.
ture to the nurse executive role. Analysis of fit
ORLN 5013. Informatics in nursing (3) of models to the nursing administrative task. ORLN 6212. Advanced study in
Faculty. Focus on computerized management Application of MBO quantitative decision nursing administration (3-6)
information systems, computer-based analysis theory, and other models in the nursing Faculty. Permission required. Open only to
of decision alternatives, assessing nursing care administrative function. doctoral candidates. Internship in a nursing
quality and cost-effectiveness, and other feed- organization as a nurse executive; involves
back mechanisms specific to the nursing ORLN 5011. Designing, planning, and active assumption of the executive role,
organization. Special fee: $50. monitoring the nursing care system (3) including responsibility for assigned projects
Faculty. Prerequisite: ORL 4054. Corequisites and organizational responsibilities. Specific
ORLN 5530. Seminar: Clinical teaching or prerequisites: ORLN 4005, ORLN 4013, objectives developed among student, faculty,
and evaluation (3) and ORLN 5010. Identification and analysis of and preceptor. Special fee: $25.
Faculty. Inquiry in effective strategies for organization and planning theories applicable
teaching and evaluating students in the labo- to the nursing care system. Development of
ratory setting. Analysis of theory and related design models based on analyses of current
research. and predictable healthcare needs of society
and the nursing market. Ability to assess
ORLN 6014. Managing the socially architectural plans as they impact on nursing
responsible organization (3) care delivery.
Faculty. Analysis of selected social, economic,
and political megatrends that have or will con- ORLN 5910. Independent study in
tinue to influence the direction of change in nursing administration (1-6)
the healthcare industry. The process of analy- Permission required. Individual, guided learn-
sis is intended to serve as a conceptual frame- ing experience at the masters level in a select-
work for the categorization of discrete trends ed aspect of nursing administration. Topic
affecting the management of nursing services agreed upon between student and faculty.
and programs.
ORLN 6511. Innovations in nursing
ORLN 6522. Policy formation and management (3)
governance in healthcare (3) Faculty. Prerequisites: ORL 4054, ORLN
Faculty. Policy formation and governance 4011, ORLN 5010. Selected innovations in
within nursing organizations and within the nursing, other health disciplines and manage-
larger institution of which they are a part. ment science are analyzed regarding underly-
Exploration of external and internal influences ing processes for translating new knowledge
on policy formation in nursing. into successful practice. Special fee: $10.

ORLN 6635. Colloquium in nursing ORLN 6514. Marketing nursing programs

education (3) and services (3)
Faculty. Prerequisite: Determined by instructor Faculty. Prerequisites: ORL 4054, ORLN
based on topic selected. Examination of select- 5010. Analysis of marketing concepts and
ed problems in nursing education practice and principles of strategic planning as they relate
administration. Course may be repeated for to nurse executive role in health service
credit if different topic covered. industry.

ORLN 6930. Independent study in ORLN 6615. Colloquium in nursing

nursing education (1-6) administration (3)
Permission required. Individual, guided learn- Faculty. Prerequisite: determined by instructor
ing experience at the doctoral level in a select- based on subject to be covered. Examination
ed aspect of nursing education. Topic agreed of selected problems in nursing administration
upon between student and faculty. for in-depth coverage. Course may be repeated
for credit if different topic is taken.

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POLITICS resources available to students as they develop no transfer credits are accepted for M.A. stu-
their programs of study. Depending on their dents.
AND EDUCATION interests, students with a masters degree in
Program Coordinator: Politics and Education conduct research in ED.D. DOCTORAL (90 POINTS) students
Professor Jeffrey Henig think-tanks and education policy shops, complete a core of coursework at a level of
teach politics, history or civics in secondary sophistication commensurate with doctoral
Program Office: (212) 678-3726 school, hold public office or other leadership study. They also must meet the program
E-Mail: [email protected] positions in educational settings as diverse as requirements for advancement to candidacy
Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/Politics
private and public schools, corporations, citi- and complete a research dissertation.
Politics and Education zen groups, and foundations. Doctoral recipi-
(Code: TFG) ents in Politics and Education teach in col- PH.D. (75 POINTS) students also demon-
leges and universities, conduct research in strate command of two research tools, selected
Degrees Offered: think-tanks and research centers, and advise from the following list: 1) a reading knowledge
Master of Arts (M.A.) public officials. Ph.D. students are expected to of a foreign language, 2) a reading knowledge
Master of Education (Ed.M.) master the discipline of political science in of a second foreign language, 3) an approved
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) addition to the specialty of politics in educa- two-course sequence in quantitative analysis,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) tion. 4) an approved two-course sequence in formal
modeling or 5) a comparable level of proficien-
Program Description: Special Application cy in a comparable research tool approved by
The Politics and Education program serves
Requirements/Information: the College. Ph.D. students may be required to
students who wish to study the ways in which
All applicants are required to submit GRE take as many as 12 points of coursework at
governance institutions, political ideologies,
General test scores. Doctoral applications Columbia University in the Political Science
and competing interests, (both within and out-
must include three academic letters of refer- Department.
side of the education community), influence
ence, at least two of which focus on academic
the content, form, and functioning of school-
skills and potential. Doctoral applications COURSES:
ing. Schools represent a powerful instrument
received after the priority deadline as adver-
for shaping the development of future genera-
tised by the College will be considered for Politics and Education students take courses
tions of citizens and workers as well as an
admission, but not scholarship aid, on a space in a number of related programs and depart-
important source of jobs and investment in
available basis. Masters applications that are ments. These courses, on such topics as law
many communities. How do societies handle
complete and have been received by the and education, economics and education, and
conflicting visions of what schools should and
Admissions office by the priority deadline will political policy analysis are listed elsewhere.
should not be doing, and what are the specific
be considered for both admission and any Further information on these courses can be
changes in political and governance processes
available scholarship aid. All complete appli- found on the program website
that might facilitate better decision-making
cations received by the final deadline for the www.tc.edu/o&l/Politics/. Courses specifically
and policy implementation? Students will
masters program will be considered for admis- linked to the program include:
study in depth the ways power and politics
sion only.
affect and are affected by such issues as reform ORLF 4040. American politics
and innovation, centralization and decentral- and education (3)
Degree Requirements:
ization within federal systems of governance, Faculty. Introduction to the basic analytical
For further information on specific program
privatization and school choice, race and eth- categories of political science as they apply to
requirements consult the program web site at
nicity, poverty and inequality, professionaliza- the politics of education, including the influ-
tion and bureaucratization, testing and ence of federal, state, and local governments
accountability. in school policy-making, decentralization,
Newly admitted students are asked to partici- school finance, and desegregation.
pate in a set of core political science and gen-
Faculty contributing to the program are drawn
eral foundation courses in education. Each ORLF 4042. Comparative politics
from throughout the College and possess
student will also complete methodological and education (3)
research and teaching interests in urban, sub- Faculty. The politics of education in settings
requirements including but not limited to sta-
urban, state and federal levels of school gover- outside the U.S. Topics include the role of
tistics, qualitative and quantitative methods.
nance, as well as in cross-national and other education in political development, political
After completing the core, each student is
comparative settings. The balance of control socialization, and student politics.
expected to focus his or her studies on a set of
and cooperation, coalition building and com-
political debates in education or a particular
petition, resistance and bargaining in each of ORLF 4043. Political thought
political arena. and education (3)
these settings, as well as the central roles of
power and agency in the political science dis- Faculty. Study of the educational imperatives
MASTER OF ARTS (M.A., 32 POINTS) inherent in the classics of Western political
cipline, inform the perspectives of faculty and
students in this program.
60 POINTS) students follow a core program
of coursework and other learning experiences Intermediate
In addition to courses listed within the Politics
developed by the politics faculty and individu-
and Education program, the Department of
ally adjusted in consultation with an assigned ORLF 5042. Urban politics and
Organization and Leadership, Teachers
advisor. Up to 30 points of transfer credit are education (3)
College and the Departments of Political Faculty. Politics in the nations largest cities
accepted towards an Ed.M. but only upon
Science and School of Public and with a particular focus on educational politics
approval of an assigned faculty advisor after
International Affairs at Columbia are all and policy.
the student is admitted. Under College policy,

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ORLF 5044. Modern political theory SOCIAL- A Certificate of Attendance in Conflict

and education (3) Resolution is also offered to students in the
Faculty. Explores a number of educational pol- ORGANIZATIONAL M.A./Ph.D. programs who select Conflict
icy issues from the perspective of contempo- PSYCHOLOGY Resolution as an area of concentration.
rary political theory. Students interested in receiving the Certificate
Program Coordinator:
must complete a sequence of 5 courses and 1
ORLF 5045. Race, ethnicity and Professor W. Warner Burke
U.S. educational policy (3) semester of internship. Students who opt for
Faculty. Examination of the impact of race and this concentration must formally apply to the
Program Office: (212) 678-3249
ethnicity on the formation and implementa- E-mail: [email protected] International Center for Cooperation &
tion of policies such as desegregation, affirma- Web site: www.tc.edu/o&l/SocialOrg Conflict Resolution (ICCCR).
tive action, bilingual education, and choice.
Psychology: Organizational Master of Arts
ORLF 5046. Education and politics The 45 point M.A. program is designed to
(Code: TJA)
in Western thought (3) provide proficiency and advanced knowledge
Faculty. Study in historical perspective of the in the psychology of organizations. Qualified
interactions between technological innovation Degrees Offered:
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) students are given the opportunity to develop
and education.
(Code: TJP) their program in a manner consistent with
Master of Arts (M.A.) their career interests, capacities, and back-
Advanced ground.
(Code: TJA)
ORLF 5640. Colloquium on the politics Program Description: The program provides courses at Teachers
of education (3) The Social-Organizational Psychology program College and other areas of Columbia
Faculty. Continuous participation required of
is concerned with the various contexts (inter- University, particularly the Graduate School
doctoral students until their dissertation pro-
posals are accepted. A critical review of impor- personal, group, inter-group, and inter-organi- of Business. There is one major for the M.A.
tant works in politics and education, discus- zational) in which human behavior occurs; the degree entitled Psychology: Organizational.
sions with invited guests, presentations of ways in which groups of individuals interact Students may decide to pursue a broadly based
work in progress. and influence these contexts; and how these program and therefore take a variety of cours-
interactions can be understood, studied, and es, or they may concentrate their courses in a
ORLF 5642. Colloquium in political modified through theory, research, and various more specific area such as human resource
economy and education (3) types of interventions. management, organization change and consul-
Faculty. Political and economic perspectives tation, or conflict resolution.
on contemporary problems of public policy The programs provide advanced training in
and education.
the concepts, research methods, and applica- The program is designed to provide education
ORLF 6540. Seminar in politics of tions of social-organizational psychology. They leading to professional employment or to con-
education (3) are designed to prepare students to engage in tinuation of graduate work beyond the mas-
Faculty/Staff. Permission required. Selected research, consultation, and teaching in educa- ters degree. Students are often employed in
topics in the politics of education. tional, business, governmental, and communi- positions typically found within the personnel
ty organizations. Emphasis is placed on the or human resource function of middle or
Individualized Studies acquisition of basic concepts and methods large-size organizations. These include posi-
applicable to diverse institutional and organi- tions in global learning, career development
ORLF 6900. Research and independent zational contexts. and counseling, organizational effectiveness,
study (1-3) personnel research, organization development
Faculty/Staff. Permission required. Courses in these programs are supplemented and consultation, employee relations, and
by other programs and departments at human resource planning and strategy.
ORLF 6940. Studies in politics and Teachers College and Columbia University.
education (1-6) With the help of a faculty advisor, students Students in the M.A. program who wish to
select courses in their area of specialization, extend their range of competencies to include
ORLF 7503. Dissertation seminar (1-3)
with consideration given to their academic individual and group counseling skills may,
Permission required. Development of doctoral
dissertation proposals. backgrounds, work experiences, and career upon completion of the M.A., apply for admis-
objectives. sion to the Ed.M. program in Psychological
ORLF 8900. Dissertation advisement (0) Counseling (see Counseling Psychology).
Individual advisement on doctoral disserta- Two degree programs are offered: one leading Further information may be found in bulletins
tions. Fee: to equal 3 points at current tuition to the M.A. and one leading to the Ph.D. obtainable from the coordinator of the
rate for each term. For requirements, see sec- A terminal M.A. degree in Psychology: Counseling Psychology program at (212) 678-
tion in catalog on Continuous Registration for Organizational is awarded upon successful 3397 (428 Horace Mann) or from Professor
Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. completion of 45 points and passing the com- Patricia Raskin at (212) 678-3319.
prehensive examination. The Ph.D. degree is Completion of the M.A. program does not in
See Education Leadership for additional cours- awarded upon completion of 86 points of and of itself guarantee admission to the Ed.M.
es of interest, and in particular, the concentra- planned and sequential study, qualifying program in Psychological Counseling.
tion in Leadership, Policy and Politics. papers, and a dissertation.
Graduates of the masters program may apply
for admission to the doctoral program in
Social-Organizational Psychology. However,

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successful performance in the M.A. program Special Application Courses available at the Graduate School
does not in and of itself guarantee admission. Requirements/Information: of Business, Graduate School of Arts and
Students who apply become part of the appli- Sciences, School of International and Public
cant pool for that year and their qualifications Master of Arts Affairs, Social Work, and in other areas of the
are evaluated with equal standing along with The 45-credit M.A. program in Psychology: Columbia University graduate programs may
the other applicants. Organizational admits students for the fall, be taken. Students must consult with an advi-
spring, and summer semesters. Persons from a sor to select courses outside of Teachers
Doctor of Philosophy variety of academic backgrounds and work College which may satisfy the elective/concen-
The doctoral program in social-organizational experiences may qualify for admission to the tration requirements. An effort is made to
psychology follows a scientist-practitioner program. Primary consideration for admission assist students in developing a program of
model. It is designed for full-time graduate stu- is given to previous academic record, work study that will best meet their personal career
dents who desire fundamental education and experiences, letters of reference, GRE scores, interests and objectives.
skill development in the science and applica- and the personal statement. The GRE general
tion of psychology to social and organizational test is required for M.A. applicants. In lieu of In addition, within the program, persons may
situations and activities. Our goal is to provide the GRE, applicants may submit GMAT elect to concentrate in any one of three areas:
an environment that is conducive to the scores. Human resource management;
development of scientist-practitioners who are Organization change and consultation; or
prepared to assume the diverse responsibilities Doctor of Philosophy Conflict resolution.
of positions at research universities, leading Applicants are considered once a year for the
businesses, and professional service firms. fall semester only. Completed applications However, students are not required to choose
Through coursework, field projects with with supporting documentation must be a concentration. Thus, if a student desires a
organizations, and close working relationships received no later than December 15. Late or broadly based and general degree in organiza-
with faculty members and fellow graduate stu- incomplete applications will not be considered. tional psychology, courses may then be select-
dents, doctoral students are provided with In addition to the application, applicants must ed, with the assistance of an advisor, across all
advanced training in the theoretical concepts, provide documents supporting previous aca- three areas of concentration.
research methods, and applications of social- demic record, professional resume, letters of
organizational psychology. Students gain criti- reference, GRE scores, a writing sample, and Core Required Courses: Level 1
cal knowledge and skills that encompass both a personal statement. It is recommended, but Regardless of concentration, the following five
research and practice. not required, that applicants also take the courses are required for all candidates, unless
GRE Advanced Examination in psychology. waived by the program advisor due to the per-
Some unique aspects of the program include: The writing sample must be a recently com- sons background:
pleted paper on a topic of interest to the appli- ORLJ 4002 Functions of organizations (3)
The integration of both social and cant. This may be, but does not have to be, a ORLJ 4005 Organizational psychology
organizational psychology; paper submitted to satisfy course requirements (3)
A theoretical, research, and applied focus ORLJ 4009 Understanding behavioral
for another academic program.
research (3)
on understanding multiple levels of organi-
ORLJ 5003 Human resource
zational functioning from individuals to Admission to the doctoral program is highly management (3)
groups to organizations as a whole, and the competitive. Preference is given to candidates ORLJ 5106 Psychological aspects of
dynamic interaction among these levels; who possess excellent verbal and quantitative organizations (3)
A wide breadth of coverage including skills and whose transcripts, references, and
human resource management, organizational previous work experience suggest that they Advanced Core Required Courses:
behavior, organizational change, leadership, have the potential to make a significant con- Level 2
conflict and negotiation, coaching, diversity, tribution to theory and practice, policy-mak- ORL 5362 Group dynamics (3)
organizational demography, motivation, ing, and/or research. Please note that full-time ORLJ 5045 Organizational dynamics
power and authority, group processes, and study is required for the first and second years and theory (3)
organizational dynamics; of study. ORLJ 6040 Fundamentals of cooperation,
An emphasis on both quantitative and conflict resolution and
mediation in different
qualitative research methods to address Degree Requirements: institutional contexts (3)
organizational issues;
Opportunities to engage in basic research, MASTER OF ARTS Plus one of the following application courses:
applied research, and organizational The program curriculum is comprised of major ORLJ 5012 Internship in organizational
consulting and application activities; and courses consisting of five required core courses, psychology (3)
Faculty members trained in a broad array four required advanced core courses, other ORLJ 5340 Basic practicum in conflict
of disciplines including social psychology, elective ORLJ courses, and 3 Teachers College resolution and mediation
counseling psychology, industrial-organiza- non-ORLJ courses taken for at least 2 points skills (3)
tional psychology, organizational behavior, each in related fields. Certain required courses ORLJ 6343 Practicum in change and
and business managementall of whom may be waived or substituted with others consultation in organiza-
apply their respective disciplines to social- depending on the persons undergraduate back- tions (3)
organizational psychology issues. ground, graduate study, and work experience.

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Breadth Courses: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY organizations and their environments as well

3 non-ORLJ courses of at least 2 points each Students are required to take as many as 86 as an understanding of organization develop-
taken at Teachers College. Please consult an points for the Ph.D. (Occasionally, students ment and the process of organization change.
advisor. may transfer creditsup to a maximum of 30 A variety of opportunities are available for stu-
points from previous graduate training at other dents to develop skills in conducting applied
Suggested Organizational Psychology institutions. Transferring the maximum is and action research, and in providing consul-
Elective/Concentration Courses: unusual since courses transferred must be tation to groups and organizations. All of these
The following courses are suggested electives equivalent to courses that are required in the activities are grounded in theory and research
within ORLJ. Students may choose from Ph.D. program.) in social-organizational psychology. A series of
among these electives and other relevant elec- courses are available which provide students
tives that are not listed here upon consulta- Students are encouraged to design an individ- with basic skills in interpersonal relationships,
tion with an academic advisor. ually meaningful course of study within the interviewing and information gathering tech-
larger offerings of the program. Opportunities niques, and process consultation. In addition,
ORLJ 5005 Leadership and for doing this are available through course- supervised field experiences are available
supervision (3) work, work with faculty members, independ- whereby students engage in an applied project
ORLJ 5012 Organizational ent research and study, and teaching activities. with a local organization under faculty direc-
internship (2-3) Students take a series of required courses that tion. Internships and other work-related expe-
ORLJ 5013 Negotiations in riences are also examples of field experiences.
build a strong foundation in social-organiza-
organizations (3)
ORLJ 5017 Small group interven- tional psychology and can also select a series
tions (3) of more specialized courses depending on their The Ph.D. Program in Social-Organizational
ORLJ 5018 Using survey research in specific areas of interest. Additional focus and Psychology is a scientist-practitioner program
organizations (2-3) expertise are developed through collaboration and as such focuses on both research and
ORLJ 5046 Intercultural communica- on major research projects with faculty mem- practice. The curriculum represents the dual
tions in organizations: bers and practice-based or consulting activities emphasis of the program.
Issues, theories, and under faculty supervision.
practices (3) The following are 5 areas from which
ORLJ 5047 Development of the multi- Research Training students select courses:
cultural self (3)
The research training for doctoral students
ORLJ 5049 Executive coaching (3)
involves acquiring an understanding of under- 1. Research and Statistics
ORLJ 5310 Practicum: Preparation for
coaching (3) lying concepts and theories in social and orga- 2. Theory and Practice in
ORLJ 6048 Teaching to cultural and nizational psychology, and gaining experience Social-Organizational Psychology
cognitive complexities in conducting research in both field and labo- 3. Integrative Experiences
(2-3) ratory settings. The formal coursework pro- 4. Breadth Requirement
ORLJ 6343 Practicum in change and vides a strong foundation in both social psy- 5. Dissertation-related courses
consultation in organiza- chology and organizational psychology theories 6. Dissertation Advisement
tions (4) and their applications. A series of research
ORLJ 6350 Advanced practicum in methods courses provide the foundation nec- Students take 30-32 required courses for a
conflict resolution and total of 86 points. Variable point courses
essary for understanding and conducting
mediation (3) (two terms)
scholarly research. Similarly, a series of courses should be taken for the minimum rather than
in measurement and statistics provides stu- the maximum number of points in order to
dents with the strong statistical and analytical have both the required number of points and
While not a prerequisite for graduation, an
background necessary for the research process. the desired distribution of courses.
internship may be helpful for proper job place-
ment. The purpose of the internship is to pro- HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis
Research experience is gained through work-
vide students with an opportunity to gain HUDM 5123 Linear models experimental
groups. Workgroups are research teams led by
practical experience relevant to their interests, design
a faculty member and consist of four to ten
and to apply the principles of organizational HUDM 6122 Multivariate analysis I
doctoral students. In workgroups, students
psychology theories to real-world situations. ORLJ 5040 Research methods in
participate in the design, execution, data social psychology
Students who are interested in doing an
analysis, and writing phases of research proj-
internship should consult with an academic
ects. All students are required to participate Plus two of the following:
in workgroups, each semester for the first four HUDM 5059 Psychological measure-
years. The commitment to research training ment
Comprehensive Examination
is an important part of the program and con- HUDM 5124 Multidimensional scaling
The Comprehensive Examination may be
sumes a significant amount of students time. and clustering
taken after a student has completed the core
HUDM 6030 Multilevel and longitudi-
level 1 courses and the requisite number of nal data analysis
Applied Aspects of the Program
credit hours. Students are encouraged to take HUDM 6055 Latent structure analysis
The applied aspects of the program for doctor-
the exam in their penultimate semester of the HUDM 6123 Multivariate analysis II
al students involve the development of skills
M.A. program. ITSF 5000 Ethnography and partici-
and knowledge in the application of theory
pant observation
and research to practice and consulting activi- ORL 6500 Qualitative research
ties. As such, students acquire an understand- methods organizations:
ing of the systems approach, in particular, the Data collection
dynamic interaction among individuals, groups,

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ORL 6501 Qualitative research Plus one of the following: tered for two terms of ORLJ 7501, Ph.D. stu-
methods organizations: ORLD 5055 Staff development and dents are required to register for ORLJ 8900
Data analysis design training for 0 credits for every semester until comple-
ORLJ 5041 Research methods in ORLD 5061 The learning organization tion of the final oral defense.
social psychology ORLJ 5110 Individual assessment &
Note: Probability & Statistical Inference is a development in organiza-
Workgroups (See Notes below)
prerequisite. tions
ORLJ 5310 Preparation for coaching
ORLJ 5340 Practicum in ORLJ 6340 WorkgroupKnefelkamp
Theory and Practice in Social- conflict resolution (2)
Organizational Psychology ORLJ 6048 Teaching to cognitive ORLJ 6341 WorkgroupRaskin (2)
(13 courses required) and cultural complexities ORLJ 6342 WorkgroupFaculty (2)
ORLJ 6244 Fieldwork in organiza- ORLJ 6344 WorkgroupColeman (2)
Courses in this section are sub-divided into tional consultation ORLJ 6345 WorkgroupPerry (2)
ORLJ 6349 Process consultation ORLJ 6346 WorkgroupWestaby (2)
lecture, seminar, and practice courses. Of
ORLJ 6350 Advanced practicum in ORLJ 6347 WorkgroupBlock (2)
the 13 required courses, there are 7 courses ORLJ 6348 WorkgroupBurke (2)
that are set (4 lecture courses, 2 seminars, conflict resolution
ORLJ 6349 WorkgroupNoumair (2)
and 1 practicum).The 6 remaining courses
may be selected from among the optional Additional Course Requirements
courses as long as 3 of the 6 courses selected (3 courses required)
1. One workgroup per semester for a minimum
are seminars. Suggested courses include:
CCPJ 5020 Racism & racial identity in of eight semesters is required from the time a
psychology & education student enters the Ph.D. program.
LECTURE CCPX 5034 Child developmental 2. Students must take 6 of the 8 workgroups
Required: psychopathology for credit points. An exception may be made
ORLJ 4002 Functions of organizations CCPX 6352 Cognition, emotion for students who participated in a workgroup
ORLJ 5045 Organizational dynamics & health as a Masters student in our program, in which
& theory G 4230 Sensation & perception
ORLJ 5362 Group dynamics: case, the student must take a minimum of four
(Columbia University) of the eight work groups for credit.
A systems perspective G 4630 Theories of personality
ORLJ 6040 Fundamentals of coopera- 3. Workgroup points may not be substituted
(Columbia University)
tion & conflict resolution for required courses
HUDK 5125 Cross-cultural studies
HUDK 5023 Cognitive development 4. Students are required to actively engage in
Optional: HUDK 5029 Personality development at least 2 different workgroups over the 8
HUDK 5198 Psychology of instructional across the life span semesters that work group is required.
systems designs HUDM 5059 Psychological measure- 5. Students are required to actively engage in
ORLJ 5005 Leadership and ment workgroups. Active engagement means regular
supervision ITSF 5013 Psychological anthro- participation in the design and conduct of
ORLJ 5018 Using survey research in pology research until it reaches a conclusion. Solely
organizational consulting ORL 6010 Work/family issues being present at meetings does not satisfy the
ORLJ 5019 Data-based interventions ORLD 4051 How adults learn
in organizational change requirement.
ORLJ 5046 Intercultural Dissertation-related Courses:
communication Integrative Experiences
ORLJ 7501 Dissertation seminar (1-3) ORLJ 6640 Colloquium in Social-
ORLJ 8900 Dissertation advisement Organizational Psychology
SEMINARS (0) (0)
Two required seminars:
(Attendance required for
ORLJ 5540 Pro-seminar in social Research Workgroups years 1-4)
ORLJ 5541 Pro-seminar in organiza-
Although the curriculum is designed to facili- Certification Examination in Psychology:
tional psychology
tate students completion of all three qualify- The Research Methods Examination (RME)
ing papers and the preparation of a disserta- in Psychology is part of the certification
Plus at least 3 of the following:
ORL 6010 Work/family issues tion proposal while enrolled in work groups for process for doctoral students in all of the psy-
ORLJ 5017 Small group intervention the first 4 years of the program, students may chology programs at Teachers College. The
ORLJ 5047 Development of the need to register for dissertation related classes examination measures students knowledge in
multicultural self beyond their fourth year in the program. If so, statistics, measurement, and research design
ORLJ 6045 Demography in organizations there is a sequence of courses that vary in and is developed by the Research Methods
ORLJ 6351 Multi-level theory in regard to course credit and fee. When actively Examination Committee.
organizations working on the dissertation and meeting with
*temporary course codes have been assigned ones Sponsor and/or committee, students are The Dissertation
expected to register for ORLJ 7501 two semes- The doctoral dissertation is a report of inde-
PRACTICE ters. This course is only offered for 1-3 credits pendently conducted research. In formulating
Required: and students can register for the minimum and conducting this research, the student has
ORLJ 6343 Practicum: Organization number of credits; it is offered for variable available as consultants and advisors two or
change & consultation credit to accommodate the different needs of three members of the faculty.
various students. Once the student has regis-

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Non-Credit ProgramCertificate of project on group relations. Special fee: $225. In ORLJ 5013. Negotiations in
Attendance in Conflict Resolution addition to the regular course meeting times, organizations (3)
In addition to the degree programs previously there are two additional special weekend work- Faculty. Develops skills for negotiating in orga-
described, the Social-Organizational Psychology shops, times/dates arranged each semester. nizational contexts through instruction and
learning about group dynamics through an readings in negotiation theory and research and
Program, through the International Center for
examination of power, authority, leadership, participation in negotiation simulations.
Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), intergroup and interpersonal processes. Special
offers professional development opportunities fee: $200 (conference fee). ORLJ 5017. Small group intervention:
in the field of Conflict Resolution to people Theory and method (3)
interested in continuing their graduate educa- ORL 6010. Work/family issues: Professor Noumair and Dr. Brazaitis. Permission
tion. A multidisciplinary approach (3) required. Prerequisite: ORL 5362, CCPJ 5362,
Work/Family Issues are critical topics for or with permission of the instructor. This
Conflict Resolution is a concentration of cours- families, employers, policymakers, and course covers relevant theory and research that
es aimed at developing core competencies for researchers/educators. They include issues such underlies effective group interventions by a
reflective scholars and/or practitioners. It is as job flexibility, parental leave, unemployment trainer or consultant. Methods are explored
and employment transitions, telecommuting, that enhance participants learning in a training
offered both as a track in the Master of Arts
job sharing, dual careers, and the timing of group and facilitate team building and team-
and Doctoral Programs in Social- childbearing. Adopting a multidisciplinary work. Intergroup dynamics are also covered.
Organizational Psychology and, in whole or approach, this course introduces students to
in part, as a complement to the studies of stu- the concepts the emerging field of work/ ORLJ 5018. Using survey research in
dents throughout the College, i.e. students may family scholarship. organizational consulting (3)
take conflict resolution courses as valid elec- Professor Westaby and Dr. Tartell. Prerequisite:
tives in their respective programs. By complet- ORLJ 4002. Functions of organizations (3) ORLJ 4009. This course illustrates how to con-
ing a sequence of 5 courses and 1 semester of Faculty. A survey of the primary functions duct survey research for organizational change
internship and formally applying to the Conflict and operations of organizations: accounting, initiatives. The following topics are covered:
Resolution Center certificate program, students finance, marketing, strategic planning, manage- entering into survey research consulting, select-
ment information systems, and the relation of ing concepts, conducting focus groups, survey
may receive a Certificate of Attendance in
these functions to human resource manage- construction and administration, data analysis,
Conflict Resolution. The courses are offered in ment. identifying needs, survey feedback techniques,
conjunction with the ICCCR and its mission is and final reports. Students develop a survey-
to help individuals, schools, communities, busi- ORLJ 4005. Organizational psychology (3) based project from initial conceptualization to
nesses and governments better understand the Faculty. Introduction to theories and research final report presentation.
nature of conflict and how to achieve its con- that underlie the field of organizational psy-
structive resolution. The institute is currently chology. Implications and applications in vari- ORLJ 5040-ORLJ 5041. Research methods
applying for New York State approval to offer a ous organizational contexts are considered. in social psychology (3)
certificate in Advanced Standing in Conflict Professor Block (ORLJ 5040) and Professor
Resolution. Contact: Professor Peter Coleman ORLJ 4009. Understanding behavioral Westaby (ORLJ 5041). Open only to qualified
research (3) doctoral students in the behavioral or social
at (212) 678-3402.
Professors Perry and Knefelkamp; Drs. Lutz and sciences. Representative approaches to practice
Richter. Overview of alternative methods of in the design, conduct, and analysis of research.
COURSES: behavioral research and their relative strengths Autumn: Experimental and quasi-experimental
and limitations. Application of methodological design. Spring: Field and survey methods; poli-
Courses at the 4000-level do not require per- principles in order to read and evaluate social cy and evaluation research.
mission of the instructor and are open to non- science research and learn how to begin to
majors as well as majors. Many 5000-level conduct research. ORLJ 5045. Organizational dynamics and
offerings are also open to non-majors with theory (3)
appropriate backgrounds; 6000-level courses ORLJ 5003. Human resource Professor Burke and Dr. Coruzzi. Prerequisite:
are usually limited to majors with advanced management (3) ORLJ 4005 or equivalent. Study of organiza-
Professor Westaby. Current and emerging tions as total systems with consideration of dif-
standing in the program. See listings below
emphases in the management of human ferent types of organizations. Emphasis on the
for prerequisites and limitations on enrollment. resources in organizations. impact of such dimensions as mission, strategy,
In addition to the courses listed below, students structure, culture, systems, and leadership on
should consult the offerings of other psychology ORLJ 5005. Leadership and supervision (3) individual and organizational performance and
programs at Teachers College, many of which Professor Burke. Major psychological and other vice versa. Organizational change is also
are required or recommended in the various interdisciplinary approaches to the study of addressed.
program guides which are obtainable from the leadership. Critical analysis of relevant theories,
respective offices. research, and practical applications. ORLJ 5046. Intercultural communications:
Theory, issues, and practices (3)
Social-Organizational Psychology ORLJ 5012. Organizational internship (2-3) Professor Knefelkamp. This class is designed to
explore the intercultural communication field
ORLJ 5014, 5016, 5020. Special topics and what it has to offer professional educators
ORL 5362. Group dynamics:
in organizational psychology in the context of their understanding of inter
A systems perspective (3)
New and emerging developments, practices, cultural theory and practice and in their abili-
Professor Brazaitis. Enrollment limited. The
and concerns in the field of social-organization- ty to design effective and empathic learning
course explores social processes in groups and
al psychology are examined and evaluated. environments.
their impact on individual behavior. In addition
Topics are announced in the schedules distrib-
to a series of lectures/discussions, students are
uted each semester.
required to participate in an experiential group
relations conference or to conduct a self study

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ORLJ 5047. Development of the multi- ORLJ 6045. Demography in ORLJ 6343. Practicum in change and
cultural self (3) organizations (3) consultation in organizations (4)
Professor Knefelkamp. This course focuses on Professor Perry. This course seeks to under- Professor Noumair and Dr. Javitch. Permission
issues of identity development, social and cul- stand the role that demography plays in organ- required. Prerequisites: ORL 5362. Enrollment
tural diversity, and the intersections of multi- izations. The main focus in this course is on limited. Open to doctoral candidates and oth-
cultural aspects of the self in the context of demographic variables such as race, gender, ers who have a strong background in social
the organization. Perspectives of social identity and disability. The course examines various science, organizational behavior, administra-
development, intellectual and ethical maturity, theoretical frameworks that help us to under- tion, psychology, or business. Planned change
social learning theory, and intercultural analy- stand how demographic variables influence in organizations. Offers the opportunity to
sis are major components in the study of the organizational behavior and decisions. study and experience anticipated consultant
individual. roles during the entry, diagnostic, and inter-
ORLJ 6048. Teaching to cultural and vention phases of efforts to effect change.
ORLJ 5106. Psychological aspects of cognitive complexities (2-3) Special Fee: $75.
organizations (2-3) Professor Knefelkamp. This seminar focuses on
Professor Knefelkamp and Dr. Parlamis. issues of complex cognitive and cultural think- ORLJ 6350. Advanced practicum in conflict
Prerequisite: ORLJ 4005. Examines contempo- ing and problem solving skills. Students gain resolution (3)
rary theory, research and practice in organiza- knowledge about and exposure to a variety of ICCCR Staff. Prerequisites: ORLJ 5340.
tional behavior. Topics include: organizational assessment components and tools in the field Limited enrollment. Students will engage in
entry, socialization, motivation, reward sys- of organization change and management. negotiation and mediation involving persons
tems, group and individual decision-making, from different cultural contexts as well as with
conflict resolution, stereotyping and discrimi- ORLJ 6244. Fieldwork in organization difficult cases.
nation. consulting (3)
Professors Burke and Noumair. Doctoral-level ORLJ 6640. Social-organizational psycho-
ORLJ 5147. Conflict resolution in early course; Permission required. Prerequisites: logy colloquium (0-1)
childhood settings (3) ORLJ 5045 and ORLJ 6343. Background in Faculty. Permission required. For doctoral can-
Faculty. This course introduces a developmen- organization development required. Students didates only. Discussion of ongoing projects
tally appropriate model of working with con- engage in consultation with a client that involving research and consultation.
flict resolution in early childhood classrooms. emphasizes data gathering, organization diag-
It features demonstrations and practice in the nosis, and feedback. ORLJ 7501. Dissertation seminar (1-3)
use of circle time activities, puppets, role-play- Faculty. Permission required. Development
ing and modeling to promote social-emotional ORLJ 6340-6342, 6344-6349. of doctoral dissertations and presentation
and problem-solving skills. Strategies for class- Research practicum in social-organizational of plans for approval. Registration limited to
room management and parent involvement psychology two terms. For requirements, see section on
are highlighted. Permission required. Limited to doctoral stu- Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
dents. Topics are announced in the prelimi- degrees.
ORLJ 5310. Preparation for coaching (3) nary and final course schedules distributed
Professor Raskin. The purpose of this course each semester. Independent Study and Research
is to introduce students to the basic structure Students may register for intensive individual
and techniques of interviewing and listening. ORLJ 6340. Multi-cultural self (1-3) study of a topic of special interest. Registration
The course is largely experiential and is Professor Knefelkamp. in independent study is by permission of the
intended for students who have little or no ORLJ 6341. Work/Family issues (1-3) instructor under whose guidance the work will
background or experience in counseling or Professor Raskin. be undertaken. Credit may range from 1 to 3
coaching. ORLJ 6342. Multi-level research in points each term except for ORLJ 8900
organizations (1-3) (Dissertation Advisement) and registration is
ORLJ 5340. Basic practicum in conflict Faculty. not limited to one term. Hours for individual
resolution (3) ORLJ 6344. Conflict, justice, and conferences are to be arranged.
ICCCR Trainers. Enrollment limited. Students cooperation (1-3)
will be trained in the basic skills of collabora- Professor Coleman. ORLJ 4901. Research and independent
tive negotiation and mediation and will have ORLJ 6345. Diversity and discrimination study in social-organizational psychology
supervised practice in these skills. in organizations (1-3) (1-3 each course)
Professor Perry.
ORLJ 5540-ORLJ 5541. Proseminar in ORLJ 6346. Organizational attitudes, ORLJ 6901. Advanced research and
social and organizational psychology (3) job search, and career development (1-3) independent study in social-organizational
Professor Coleman (Fall) and Professor Block Professor Westaby. psychology (1-3 each course)
(Spring). Open only to qualified doctoral ORLJ 6347. Motivational issues in
students in the behavioral or social sciences. organizations (1-3) ORLJ 8900. Dissertation advisement in
Intensive readings and analysis of theories and Professor Block. social-organizational psychology (3)
research in social and organizational psycholo- ORLJ 6348. Psychology of managerial and Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for
gy and social structure. leadership competence and multirater each term. For requirements, see section on
feedback (1-3) Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D.
ORLJ 6040. Fundamentals of cooperation, Professor Burke. degrees.
conflict resolution and mediation in differ- ORLJ 6349. Group/organizational
ent institutional contexts (3) dynamics and diversity issues in
Professor Coleman. Topics such as cooperation organizations (1-3)
and competition, trust and suspicion, bargain- Professor Noumair.
ing and negotiation as they relate to conflict
resolution in various contexts.

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Other Areas of Interest

Teachers College degree programs have always throughout the College. The courses are For more information regarding the Certificate
provided a way for students to pursue formal offered by the ICCCR, the International of Attendance in Conflict Resolution, please
study in a wide array of conventional disci- Center for Cooperation and Conflict contact the ICCCR Office at (212) 678-3402,
plines. In addition, the College offers a num- Resolution, whose mission is to help individu- or send an email to: [email protected] and
ber of non-degree programs and opportunities als, schools, communities, businesses and visit the web-site at: www.tc.edu/icccr.
to explore a range of areas of interest that governments better understand the nature of
reflect the mission of Teachers College to pro- conflict and how to achieve its constructive EDUCATION POLICY STUDIES
vide education in and out of the classroom resolution. The breadth and depth of education policy
and across the life span. studies at Teachers College is unmatched at
The Conflict Resolution concentration is any other school of education in the United
THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL also available to non-credit students through States. Teachers College faculty who teach
OUTREACH & INNOVATION the Center for Educational Outreach and education policy courses include economists,
(CEO&I) Innovation (CEO&I). Students interested lawyers, political scientists, psychologists and
Founded in 1996 to extend the historic in receiving the ICCCR Certificate of sociologists as well as specialists in a wide
mission of Teachers College, The Center Attendance in Conflict Resolution will have range of interdisciplinary areas such as early
for Educational Outreach & Innovation to complete a sequence of six courses. childhood education and education leadership.
(CEO&I) builds on the many and diverse tal- Thus, policy courses and research at Teachers
ents of the Teachers College Faculty and pro- Certificate of Attendance in College are grounded in a full range of discipli-
fessional staff to conduct over 250 Lifelong Conflict Resolution nary and interdisciplinary perspectives.
Learning programs each year in a variety of
formats, including traditional classes and dis- The sequence of courses leading to the Many education policy faculty members focus
tance learning courses, institutes and lectures, Certificate of Attendance in Conflict on the U.S., particularly the special challenges
symposia, conferences, film series and debates. Resolution are as follows: facing large cities, but we also have a very
strong cadre with research and teaching inter-
The Center also hosts weekend workshops, ORLJ 5340 Basic practicum in conflict ests in comparative and international educa-
week-long institutes, seminars, semester-long resolution and mediation tion. Methodologically, we prepare students in
ORLJ 6040 Fundamentals of coopera-
courses and certificate programs. Courses can quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods
tion, conflict resolution
be taken for academic credit or for non-credit. & mediation in different approaches, and we encourage students to
From adult education workshops to seminars institutional settings learn methods by doing original research of
on science activities for the middle school ORLJ 6350 Advanced practicum their own or through organized team projects.
classroom, from school finance courses to an in conflict resolution, In addition to our emphasis on research and
independent study focusing on using museums Part I and II teaching, Teachers College policy faculty work
as a resource in art education, CEO&I offer- ORLJ Elective An ICCCR-sponsored closely with legislators, governors and other
ings span every aspect of educational theory elective course; electives policy makers and provide opportunities for
and practice. vary semester to semester students to participate in this important work.
ORLJ 5012 Organizational internship- Thus, through coursework, seminars and
community mediation
At CEO&I, education is viewed as an ongo- internship opportunities, Teachers College stu-
ing, lifelong process of learning and develop- dents can examine the politics of social and
Below are other courses in or related to con-
ment, and our courses provide opportunities educational change, how policies should be
flict resolution. For course descriptions, please
for students from a diverse range of back- evaluated, and how climates of support for
see the programs in Social-Organizational
grounds to come together in a unique environ- policies are created.
Psychology in the Department of Organization
ment that encourages creativity, innovation and Leadership and also the programs in Peace
and scholarship. Education in the Department of International Unlike other schools of education in which
and Transcultural Studies. policy studies are concentrated in one or two
The Center for Educational Outreach programs, Teachers College has six policy-relat-
and Innovation ORLJ 5013 Negotiations in ed programs of study as well as several non-
Teachers College, Columbia University organizations programmatic policy offerings. This breadth of
Box 132 ORLJ 5147 Conflict resolution in programs speaks to the centrality of policy
525 West 120th Street early childhood settings studies in the lives of so many faculty and
New York, NY 10027-6670 ORLJ 6344 Research practicum in students at Teachers College. Furthermore,
Phone: (212) 678-3987 social-organizational Teachers College policy faculty collaborates
Fax: (212) 678-8417 psychology: Conflict, across the college to provide students with the
Email: [email protected] justice, and cooperation widest possible range of learning experiences.
ITSF 4613 Fundamental concepts
As we highlight on our new Education Policy
in peace education
CONFLICT RESOLUTION ITSF 4611 Education for global Studies webpage (http://www.tc.edu/academ-
Conflict Resolution is a concentration of security ic/edpolicy/index. asp), policy courses are
courses aimed at developing core competen- ITSF 4603 Human and social offered throughout the college, and students in
cies for reflective scholars/practitioners. It is dimensions of peace all programs are encouraged to take advantage
offered both as a track in the Master of Arts ITSF 4614 The United Nations of this vast array of offerings and the different
and Doctoral programs in Social-Organi- as peace educator levels of student engagement.
zational Psychology and, in whole or in part,
as a complement to the studies of students

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From taking one or two policy courses to ORLA 4048 Education policy: HUDM 5564 Survey research
enrolling in one of the six policy related pro- Implementation methods seminar
grams, students at Teachers College have a C&T & HUDF 5646 Policy seminar II
range of options when it comes to studying HUDF 4899 Federal policy institute ITSF 4094 Evaluation of international
educational policy. We refer to this as the ITSF 4050 Economics of education education programs
HUDF 5645 Policy seminar I
Three Levels of Engagement in policy studies
ITSF 4094 International education Students who want to take more than one or
at Teachers College: policy studies two policy courses but who are not enrolled in
Dabbling in Policy Study: Students enroll in one of the six policy-related programs (listed
2. The Context and History of Educational below) can chose to complete a College-Wide
individual policy courses that are open to Policy: Classes within this category of our
everyone at Teachers College (see four cate- Policy Concentration. This is non-program-
policy curricula help students to understand matic concentration meaning that students
gories of policy courses below). The bulk of the broader political and social context of
these courses are in the six policy programs; from any program can enroll offered through
education. They emphasize the historical the Sociology and Education Program. Stu-
however, some are located in other programs, development of educational institutions and
including Measurement and Special dents across Teachers College can complete
the role of key public policies both within the specified sequence of policy courses
Education. the field of education and outside of it within the Sociology and Education Program
that have shaped our current schooling sys- (Department of Human Development) and
College-Wide Policy Concentration: (Non- tem. Examples of courses from this category
programmatic Concentration offered complete Policy Concentration in addition
include: to their programmatic degree. Courses
through the Sociology and Education HUDK 6036 Child and family policy
Program): Students from any program at required for the concentration are:
seminar I & II HUDF 4000 Education and
Teachers College can enroll in a specified ORLA 5016 Law and educational public policy
sequence of policy courses within the institutions: Equity issues HUDF 5645 Policy seminar I
Sociology and Education Program ITSF 4061 The economics of urban HUDF 5646 Policy seminar II
(Department of Human Development) and minority education An approved content-driven policy course
and complete a Policy Concentration (see HUDF 4022 Sociology of urban (see description above)
description below). education
A highly recommended course for the
Policy-Related Programs: Students who 3. Content-Driven Policy Courses Focus on College-Wide Policy Concentration is
want educational policy to be more central Specific Topics/Issues: C&T &
to their graduate studies can apply to one of Courses in this third category focus on more HUDF 4899 Federal policy institute
six degree programs that weave many policy specific educational policy topics/issues and
classes into their required curriculum. provide students with an in-depth examina- And finally, for those students who want to be
(see descriptions below). These programs are: tion of these various policy domains. These immersed in policy studies while completing a
Early Childhood Education courses allow students to develop a degree degree program at Teachers College, we have
Economics and Education of expertise on critical and timely policy the Six Policy Related Programs mentioned
Education Leadership issues such as school finance, school choice, above. Thus, rather than a single over-arching
International Educational curriculum policy, and special education. program in education policy, Teachers College
Development Courses in this category include: offers several different, but overlapping, policy
Politics and Education ORLH 4012 The community college concentrations or specializations in conjunc-
Sociology and Education C&T 5513/4 Seminar in early tion with six masters and doctoral degree pro-
childhood education
grams in Early Childhood Education,
ITSF & Evaluation of
Whether students are enrolled in a policy relat- ORLA 4155 educational privatization Economics and Education, Education
ed program or interested in taking only one or & school choice Leadership, International Educational
two policy courses, the list of policy courses at ORLA 4046 School finance: Development, Politics and Education, and
Teachers College is long and impressive. To Theory and practice Sociology and Education. Each is designed to
help students navigate this list and find the C&T 5074 Curriculum and help students develop policy analysis and
courses across Programs and Departments that teaching policy advocacy skills while mastering an educational
best fit their needs, we developed Four Cross- content area. Some core policy courses are
Departmental Categories of Policy Classes offered 4. Research Methodology Courses Empirical cross-listed across concentrations and open to
at Teachers College: Ways of Evaluating/Studying Policy: all students in the college. Additionally, quan-
This fourth category consists of classes titative methods courses useful for policy
1. The Craft of Policy Making and Analysis: designed to help students learn the method- studies are routinely offered through the
Within this category of policy courses, stu- ology of policy research and evaluation. Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics
dents will learn the how and why of the Such courses enable students to become Program and include evaluation design and
policy making and policy analysis processes. critics and consumers of policy-related theory, survey research, instrument develop-
Most of these courses introduce students to research as well as researchers in their own ment and more advanced measurement/statis-
concepts and theories of policy making and right. Course listings under this category tics topics. Qualitative methods courses are
implementation that cut across different include: taught in several of the colleges programs and
fields of social policy but that also apply to HUDM 5055 Evaluation of institutions, departments.
education. Examples of such courses include: programs and curricula I

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Below are brief descriptions of the six policy- audiences. The culminating masters project and policies from a sociological perspective.
related program and their concentrations or involves writing a policy brief for a community- Policy-related issues emphasized in coursework
specializations. More detailed information on based, governmental, or private education include the social organization of urban schools
each is available in this catalog under descrip- agency on a topic of current importance. and school systems, and the success or failure of
tions of programs and their degree requirements Faculty Contact: Luis Huerta; urban schools in meeting the educational needs
and at the Teachers College website. [email protected] of the diverse populations they serve. Program
website: www.tc.columbia.edu/ faculty are actively engaged in the analysis and
Six Policy-Related Programs at o&l/ed-leadership evaluation of educational policies and programs
Teachers College designed to serve educationally disadvantaged
International Education Studies populations, including school choice, school
Early Childhood Policy Concentration Policy Concentration desegregation, school retention, school technol-
Early Childhood Education: Within the International Educational Development: ogy, and testing. Courses focus on the ways in
Department of Curriculum and Teaching; at Within the Department of International and which race, class and gender affect policy for-
both the masters (Ed.M.) and doctoral level Transcultural Studies; this concentration is mation and how policy implementation is expe-
(Ed.D.), this program and its policy concentra- interdisciplinary and encompasses a wide range rienced by different policy targets at the street
tion provide students a firm grounding in early of local and global perspectives in the field of level.
childhood pedagogy, programs, and practice as international educational development. Courses Faculty Contact: Amy Stuart Wells;
well as in policy analysis and policy making are taught with attention to multiple paradigms [email protected]
related to young children and their families. and worldviews to prepare future scholars to Website: www.tc.edu/hud/Sociology
Students combine theoretical knowledge with engage in the work of policy analysis, formation,
practice in the policy field as they become and study. Faculty who teach within this con- Graduates from our policy-related masters pro-
familiar with an array of policy issues impacting centration come from a variety of academic dis- grams generally seek employment as legislative
contemporary child and family life. ciplines across the College, such as anthropolo- or gubernatorial staff or policy analysts and
Faculty Contact: Sharon Lynn Kagan; gy, economics, law, political science, psychology, advisors in education advocacy organizations,
[email protected] and sociology. Content areas covered in course- education think tanks, or local, state, and fed-
Website: www.tc.edu/academic/C&T/Child-Ed work include early childhood education, family eral education agencies. Graduates from our
and community education, public health, edu- policy-related doctoral programs typically hold
Economics and Education Policy Specialization cation leadership, and international educational research or leadership positions in colleges and
Economics and Education: Within the development. universities or serve as advisors to local, state or
Department of International and Transcultural Faculty Contact: Gita Steiner-Khamsi; federal policy makers. Many lead or conduct
Studies; this specialization equips masters stu- [email protected] research for policy think tanks or advocacy
dents with the skills required for the effective Website: www.tc.columbia.edu/academic/intl- organizations.
design and implementation of educational poli- transcultural/cie&ied.htm
cy. The program and the policy specialization FAMILY AND COMMUNITY
place strong emphasis on the financial, manage- Politics and Education Concentration EDUCATION
rial, and policy challenges facing schools, col- Politics and Education: Within the Department Teachers College has long recognized that the
leges and other institutions at various levels of of Organization and Leadership; this concentra- family is a fundamental educational institution.
the educational system. This specialization tion serves students who wish to study the ways Those concerned with education can benefit
enables students to learn the theories and governance institutions, political ideologies, and from considering how education proceeds with-
methods of economics and apply them to a competing interests both within and outside of in families, and how families are linked with
range of policy areas in education in domestic the education community influence the con- other educational institutions in community
and international contexts. These areas tent, form, and functioning of schooling. schools, daycare centers, health-care and social
include, for example, privatization and choice Students study the ways power and politics service agencies, the media, libraries and muse-
in education, financing and economic evalua- affect and are affected by such issues as reform ums, and religious institutions. Values, atti-
tion in education, school-to-work transition, and innovation, centralization and decentraliza- tudes, norms, self-concepts, and expectations
education and economic development, and the tion within federal systems of governance, are formed, sustained, and modified in families
development of community colleges. privatization and school choice, race and as different generations teach and learn from
Faculty Contact: Francisco Rivera-Batiz; ethnicity, poverty and inequality, professional- each other through observation, participation,
[email protected] ization and bureaucratization, and testing and instruction.
Website: www.tc.edu/its/Economics and accountability.
Faculty Contact: Jeff Henig; [email protected] Families also mediate and thereby transform the
Leadership, Policy and Politics Concentration Website: www.tc.edu/o&l/Politics influences of other educational institutions on
Education Leadership: Within the Department their members. Since education takes place in a
of Organization and Leadership; this concentra- Policy Studies Concentration in Sociology broad range of institutional and interpersonal
tion develops students skills in the political, Sociology and Education: Within the settings, it is also important to understand how
economic and legal analysis of education policy Department of Human Development, this con- individuals engage in, move through, and com-
issues, focusing on leadership roles. It prepares centration serves students in the program as bine these various educational experiences over
students for positions such as policy analyst, well as those in any other masters or doctoral a lifetime. Moreover, efforts to improve educa-
policy advocate/adviser, and educational programs across the College (see description of tion often entail attempts to change families or
researcher. LPP coursework includes research the College-wide Concentration above). The their connections with other institutions. Thus,
methods and policy-craft courses in which stu- curriculum of the Sociology and Education pro- an understanding of families is significant for
dents write policy analyses for a variety of gram provides an analysis of educational issues educational policy, practice, and research.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 223

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Families are subject to numerous sources of INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES LAW AND EDUCATIONAL
change. The household composition, interper- IN EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS
sonal relationships, and kin networks of the Program Coordinator: In schools and postsecondary institutions, pub-
same family may change significantly from one William J. Baldwin, Associate Dean of lic and private, legal considerations play a cen-
stage of the life-cycle to another and in con- Academic Administration tral role in questions of educational gover-
nection with geographic and social mobility. nance, finance, curriculum, instruction, admis-
During periods of rapid demographic, econom- (Code: TZT) sion, staffing, accountability, equality of oppor-
ic, and technological change, it becomes espe- tunity, and school reform. It is therefore
cially important for educators to examine fam- Degrees offered: important for administrators, policy makers,
ilies, and to consider such issues as how new Master of Arts (M.A.) teachers, parents, and communities to under-
forms of transportation and communication Master of Education (Ed.M.) stand law in its many forms constitutional
technology are modifying information process- Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) provisions, statutes, regulations, policies, court
ing in family settings. decisions, administrative regulations, and col-
This program is designed for students who have lective bargaining agreements, among others.
Given the complex connections of families interests in an area of specialization not offered There is also a growing need for effective col-
with other institutions in the community, the at the College, but for which a coherent and laboration between educators, lawyers, par-
variety of forms of the family in modern soci- integrated program may be developed through ents, and researchers; such collaboration not
eties, and the numerous teaching and learning the selection of a combination of current course only helps avoid costly and divisive litigation
activities that take place in family settings, offerings from several different disciplines or but provides a powerful tool that can be used
insights from a wide range of scholarly disci- programs at Teachers College. to advance important educational objectives.
plines can be utilized in attempting to under-
stand and help shape the educational role of Limited to areas of study at Teachers College, Coursework in education law can be taken in
modern families. Teachers College has a distin- admission to the Interdisciplinary Studies connection with degree programs in most
guished tradition of study and research on in Education program is granted only if the departments. Opportunities in education and
families and communities as educators. designed program of study cannot be pursued law are not limited to the courses below. For
through one of the established areas of special- course descriptions, please see course listing
The Elbenwood Center for the Study of the ization, many of which have a sufficient degree in the Department of Organization and
Family as Educator (Professor Hope Jensen of flexibility to permit an interdisciplinary Leadership.
Leichter, Director), The Institute for Urban approach to a field of study. All professors are
and Minority Education, Teachers College eligible to serve as advisors and the applicant is ORLA 4086. Law and educational
Education Zone (Professor Edmund required to seek the support of a minimum of institutions: Issues of authority,
W. Gordon, Director), The Rita Gold Early two advisors from the relevant disciplines repre- religion, free speech and safety (3)
Childhood Center (Professors Leslie Williams sented in the proposed program of study as part Professor Heubert or Professors Sigall
and Susan Recchia, Co-Directors), the Center of the application process. For the M.A. or and Rosenberg.
for Children and Families (Professors Sharon Ed.M. degree a comprehensive examination,
Lynn Kagan and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Co- essay, or special integrative project is required. ORLA 5016. Law and educational
Directors), and several departments within institutions: Equity issues (3)
the college offer opportunities for study and Contact the Admission Office (212) 678-3710 Professor Heubert or Professor Sigall.
research related to families. Additional oppor- for a more detailed description of the program
tunities for the Interdisciplinary Studies of and procedures for applying. ORLA 5086. Judicial remedies and
families and communities as educators can be educational reform (3)
arranged with advisors. GENERAL OFFERINGS Professor Rebell.

Students interested in including elective stud- Masters and Doctoral Candidates ORLA 5880. School Law Institute (3)
ies in Family and Community Education in Professors Heubert, Sobol and Rebell
their degree programs should talk with one IND 4000. Masters candidate (0) and a national faculty.
of the faculty members listed below: This course is open to all degree students in
Professor Hope Jensen Leichter programs who need to maintain registration but ORLA 5096. Introduction to
Professor Herv Varenne are not registering for any courses in a given Special Education Law (3)
Professor Jeanne Brooks-Gunn semester. Students should review their status Dr. ONeill.
Professor Sharon L. Kagan with an advisor prior to registration. Fee: cur-
Professor Victoria J. Marsick rent Teachers College fee. For information about programs coordinated
Professor Celia Genishi with the School of Law, contact Professor Jay
Professor Jo Anne Kleifgen IND 6000. Doctoral candidate (0) P. Heubert, Advisor of Law and Educational
Professor Graeme Sullivan This course is open to all degree students in Institutions at Teachers College via email at
Professor Barbara Wallace doctoral programs who need to maintain regis- [email protected] Programs are
tration but are not registering for any courses in available for students admitted to either
a given semester. Students should review their Teachers College or Columbia Law School.
status with an advisor prior to registration.
Registration in this course does not satisfy a
students obligation for continuous doctoral dis-
sertation registration. Fee: current Teachers
College fee.

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URBAN EDUCATION Teachers College is also involved in education-

Through its various departments and pro- al program development and evaluation of
grams, Teachers College, located in the heart urban programs. This research-service func-
of one of the worlds largest cities, has a tion is carried on with selected New York City
wide range of opportunities for instruction, schools and with other school systems in met-
research, and service in the field of urban edu- ropolitan areas.
cation. Individual programs of study can be
arranged for students whose major interest is Of particular interest in this regard is the
in this area teaching, bilingual education, Institute for Urban and Minority Education,
counseling, administration, supervision, special which gives special emphasis to research,
education, research, teacher education, and development, training and service programs
other professional roles. Special attention is designed to improve education in the nations
given to prospective teachers and other school cities and for minority group members.
personnel; to persons with leadership responsi- Institute staff and associates investigate a wide
bility for educational planning and program range of factors that influence educational
development; and to individuals interested in success and failure. The Institute includes a
research and experimentation. clearinghouse and specialized library on urban
education and human diversity. It provides
Most departments and programs at Teachers technical assistance to schools. It provides
College give special attention to students pri- opportunities for students and faculty to
marily concerned with education in the urban engage in research and development activities
setting. In addition to courses which focus pri- related to its scope. Some opportunities are
marily on urban education, many courses also available for supervised and independent
include attention to education in urban set- study jointly arranged between the Institute
tings. and appropriate academic departments.

For study possibilities, students should contact For further information, address inquiries to
the coordinator of the program in which their the department chair of the area of speciali-
professional interests lie. The programs in zation.
Curriculum and Teaching offer Ed.M. and
Ed.D. programs in which a concentration in GENERAL OFFERING
Urban Education is offered for those primarily
concerned with instruction, whether in IND 4033. Problems and programs in
schools or in other educational environments. urban education (2-3)
Knowledge, insights, and understandings
emerging from theory, research, and practice,
concerning urban education.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 225

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Table of Program Codes 2005-2006

Adult Education Guided Gifted Education TEI M.A.
Intensive Study (AEGIS) TDS Ed.D. Health Education TSD M.A., M.S., Ed.D.
Adult Learning and Leadership TDK* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. Higher and Postsecondary Education TDN M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.
Anthropology and Education TFA* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., History and Education TFH* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
Ph.D. Ph.D.
Applied Anthropology (with Inquiry in Education
Columbia Graduate School of Leadership Practice TAQ Ed.D.
Arts and Sciences) TFO Ph.D. Instructional Technology and Media TUT M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.
Applied Educational Psychology: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education TZT M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.
Cognitive, Behavioral, and International Educational
Developmental Analysis TKF Ed.M. Development TFZ* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.
Applied Linguistics TLA* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. Kinesiology TRK Ph.D.
Applied Physiology TRA M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. Learning dis/Abilities: Teaching
Applied Physiology and Nutrition TZR M.S. Students with dis/Abilities TEN M.A.
Applied Statistics TMX M.S. Literacy Specialist (Birth-Grade 6) TYZL** M.A
Art and Art Education TGA M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Mathematics Education TCA* M.A., M.S., Ed.M.,
Ed.D.C.T. Ed.D., Ed.D.C.T.,
Arts Administration TGC M.A. Ph.D.
Bilingual/Bicultural Education TLB M.A. Measurement and Evaluation TMM* Ed.M., Ed.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology TXC Ph.D. Motor Learning TRM M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.
Cognitive Studies in Education TKE M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D. Music and Music Education TGM* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
Communication and Education TUC M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. Ed.D.C.T.
Community Nutrition Education TSC Ed.M. Nurse Executive (Accelerated Program) TNZ M.A.
Comparative and International Nurse Executive (Accelerated Program) TNX Ed.D.
Education TFI* M.A., Ed.M., Ph.D. Nursing Education: Professorial Role TNP Ed.D.
Computing in Education TUD M.A. Nutrition and Public Health TSB M.S., Ed.D.
Counseling Psychology TJV Ph.D. Nutrition Education TSA M.S., Ed.D.
Curriculum and Teaching TYZ* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. Philosophy and Education TFP M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
Developmental Psychology TKD Ph.D. Ph.D.
Disability Studies in Education TYH M.A. Physical Education TRP M.A.
Early Childhood Education TYD* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. Physical Education, Curriculum
Early Childhood Special Education TEC M.A., Ed.M. and Teaching in TRC M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.
Early Childhood Special Education Politics and Education TFG M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
(Dual Certification) TYN M.A., Ed.M. Ph.D.
Economics and Education TFE M.A., Ed.M., Ph.D. Psychological Counseling TJE* Ed.M.
Education Leadership TAL* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Psychology - Developmental TKA M.A.
Ph.D. Psychology - Organizational TJA M.A.
Education Leadership and Management Psychology in Education
(M.B.A. through Columbia Graduate (Applied Track) TXA M.A.
School of Business) TAA Ed.D./M.B.A. Psychology in Education
Elementary Childhood Education (General Track) TXG M.A.
(Preservice) TYP* M.A. Reading Specialist - Applied
Elementary/Childhood Education and Educational Psychology TKU* M.A.
Learning dis/Abilities (Preservice) TYF Ed.M. Social Studies, Teaching of TLW M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
English, Teaching of TLE* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Ph.D.
Ed.D.C.T. Social-Organizational Psychology TJP Ph.D.

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Sociology and Education TFS* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., *An emphasis in Bilingual Education is available. Depending on your
Ph.D. program, you may apply the Bilingual option for the M.A., Ed.M., or
Speech and Language Pathology TQC M.S., Ed.D., Ph.D. Ed.D. For the Bilingual emphasis, add B to the program code where
Teaching of American Sign Language this is an option. For example, the Bilingual emphasis for TDK is
as a Foreign Language TEL M.A. TDKB.
TESOL (Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages) TLZ* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. ** Teachers College will be updating the program codes for the
TESOL-Japan (Teaching English to Academic Year of 2005- 2006. Please refer to the Website of the
Speakers of Other Languages) TLX M.A. Office of Admission for the new codes.


Applied Developmental & Learning Courses that cross disciplines within a department may use the three
Psychology: School Psychology TKL Ed.M. character departmental designation only, as do the interdepartmental
Applied Educational Psychology: and the curriculum and teaching courses.
School Psychology TKT Ed.D., Ph.D.

The numeric portion of the course number will remain the same.
Science Education TCB Ph.D.
The first digit of the course number indicates the level as follows:
Science Education, Elementary School TCE* M.A., M.S., Ed.M.,
4 initial graduate
Science Education, Secondary School TCH* M.A., M.S., Ed.M.,
5 intermediate graduate
6 advanced graduate
Science Education, Supervision in TCX* M.A., M.S., Ed.M.,
7 dissertation seminar
8 dissertation advisement
Teaching Biology (7-12) TCK M.A.
9 postdoctoral
Teaching Chemistry (7-12) TCL M.A.
Teaching Earth Science (7-12) TCM M.A.
The second digit indicates types of offering, as follows:
Teaching Physics (7-12) TCN M.A.


Administration of Special 1 lecture
Education Programs TEF Ed.D. 2 fieldwork
Applied Behavior Analysis TEV M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D. 3 practicum
Blindness and Visual Impairment TEB* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. 4 internship
Cross Categorical Studies TEZ Ed.D. 5 seminar
Deaf and Hard of Hearing TED* M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D. 6 colloquium
Guidance and Rehabilitation TEG* M.A. 7 student teaching
Instructional Practice in 8 workshop
Special Education TEA Ed.M. 9 independent study
Mental Retardation/Autism TEM M.A., Ed.D., Ph.D.
Mental Retardation and Elementary/ The third and fourth digits indicate internal program
Childhood Education TEW Ed.M. and course identifications.
Mental Retardation and Early
Childhood Education TEX Ed.M.
Physical Disabilities TEP Ed.D., Ph.D.
Research in Special Education TER Ed.D.
Supervision of Special Education TES Ed.M.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 227

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Faculty Members and College Officials

FACULTY literacies. The reflexive sociology Medicine) ASOPHEAt the Toronto; Ph.D., City University
of Pierre Bourdieu. intersection of education, policy, of New York; Minority
and science and technology. Postdoctoral Fellow, Teachers
Professor of Music Education
Selected Publications 1998 SOPHE Presidential College.
Chair of the Department of Being in Authority, Being an
Arts and Humanities Address. (Health Education &
Authority: Disrupting Behavior). Scholarly Interests
Students/Teachers Practices Higher education policy and
B.S., M.S., University of (Teaching Education). Louise reform. Race, access, and equity.
Connecticut; Ph.D. in Education, Rosenblatt seeks QtAznBoi for Compensatory/remedial educa-
University of Maryland LTR: Chat Rooms in English tion. Comparative-International
Language Arts Classrooms topics in higher education (with
Scholarly Interests (Journal of Adolescent & Adult an emphasis on South Africa and
Assessment in arts pedagogy. Literacy). Oracy, critical theory, the United States).
Assessment of arts partnership and secondary English Educa-
programs. Technology in music tion (Contemporary Issues in Selected Publications
education. Research strategies in Canadian Secondary English). Building a Peoples University
arts pedagogy. Working the Teacher: A case in South Africa: Race, Compen-
study in the politics of pedagogy satory Education and the Limits
Selected Publications (Teaching Education). of Democratic Reform. (New
Foundations of Music Education York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.)
(Schirmer Books). The sex- JOHN ALLEGRANTE Access to Higher Education,
stereotyping of music instru- Professor of Health Education RANDALL ALLSUP (Higher Education in the United
ments (Journal of Research in Department of Health Assistant Professor of States: An Encyclopedia) National
Music Education). Different cri- and Behavior Studies Music Education liberation, Neoliberalism, and
teria for evaluating applied music Department of Arts Educational Change: The Case
instruction (The Quarterly Education and Humanities of Post-Apartheid South Africa
Journal of Music Teaching and B.S., State University of New (The Journal of African American
Learning). Assessing arts partner- York, Cortland; M.S., Ph.D., Education History). Anderson, Gregory M.,
B.M., Northwestern University;
ships: Learning in and through University of Illinois Racial Identity, the Apartheid
M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Teachers
the arts (Handbook of Research College Columbia University. State and the Limits of Political
on Music Teaching and Learning Scholarly Interests Mobilization and Democratic
Health behavior, disease self-
II). Scholarly Interests Reform in South Africa: The
management, and health out-
Instrumental music. Philosophy Case of the University of the
comes in chronic disease. Health
and arts pedagogy. Social justice Western Cape, Identity: An
education in schools and patient-
and music education. Creativity. International Journey of Theory
care settings. Health promotion
Popular culture, globalism, and and Research (2003).
policy. Interdisciplinary applied
music learning. Examining the Cultural
behavioral research. Public
Adjustment Experiences of
health education workforce
Selected Publications African International College
development and continuing Chapter in Music and Music Students: A Qualitative Analysis
education. Education: Forging a Credible (Journal of Counseling Psychology).
Policy (in press). MENC, Of con-
Selected Publications cert bands and garage bands:
Derryberrys Educating for O. ROGER ANDERSON
Creating democracy through Professor of Natural Sciences
Health: A Foundation for popular music (Journal of Chair of the Department of
Contemporary Health Education Research in Music Education). Mathematics, Science and
Practice (San Francisco.:Jossey- Mutural learning and demcratic Technology
JAMES ALBRIGHT Bass) Development and evalua- action in instrumental music
Assistant Professor of tion of a medication adherence education (Philosophy of Music Education
English Education self-efficacy scale in hypertensive Education Review). Paxis and A.B., M.Ed., Ed.D.,
Department of Arts African-American patients. possible: Thoughts on the writ- Washington University
and Humanities (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology) ings of Maxine Greene and Paulo
Racial differences in social net- Freire (Publications Music Scholarly Interests
Education work experience and perceptions Education Research). From Neurocognitive theory applied to
B.A., Trent University; B.Ed., Herscher to Harlem: A subjec- science learning. Electron micro-
of benefit of arthritis treatments
Dalhousie University; M.A.Ed., tive account (Reading on scopic and physiological ecological
among New York City Medicare
Mount Saint Vincent University; Diversity, Inclusion, and Music for studies of eukaryotic microbiota.
beneficiaries with self-reported all).
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
hip and knee pain. (Arthritis
University Selected Publications
Care & Research) Continuing GREGORY ANDERSON Comparative Protozoology:
Scholarly Interests education needs of the currently Assistant Professor of Education Ecology, Physiology, Life History
Rethinking English as literacy employed public health educa- Department of Organization
(Springer-Verlag. Teaching and
education. Researching literate tion workforce. (American Journal and Leadership
Learning of Biology in the United
identities from critical and cul- of Public Health) Disparities in
Education States (National Science Teachers
tural studies perspectives. the use of total joint arthroplasty.
(New England Journal of B.A., M.A., University of
Emerging technologically related

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 229

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Association).Neurocognitive JOHN BALDACCHINO cation; adult education; social

models of information processing Associate Professor of theory; social studies of language,
and knowledge acquisition Art Education literacy, and cognition; multilit-
(Progress in Sensory Physiology). Department of Arts eracies; transnationalism;race
A neurocognitive and philo- and Humanities and class formation; Latin
sophical perspective on current America, the Caribbean,and the
learning theory and science Education United States.
instructional strategies (Science B.Ed., (Hons.) University of
Education) Malta; M.A., Ph.D., University Selected Publications
of Warwick Identity Work and Cultural
DARLYNE BAILEY Artifacts in Literacy Learning
Vice President for Academic Affairs Scholarly Interests and Use: A Sociocultural
and Dean of the College Art Education, Aesthetics &
Analysis. (Language and
Professor of Education Art Theory, Contemporary Visual
THOMAS BAILEY Education) World Culture or
Department of Organization George and Abby ONeill Professor Arts Studies, Critical & Cultural
Transnational Project? Compet-
and Leadership of Economics and Education Theory
ing Educational Projects in Brazil
Department of International (Local Meanings, Global Schooling:
Education and Transcultural Studies Selected Publications
A.B., Lafayette College; M.S., Avant-Nostalgia: An excuse to Anthropology and World Culture
Columbia University; Ph.D., pause (Aberdeen 2002). Theory). Theorizing the Space of
Case Western Reserve University B.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Between illusions: Arts argu- Literacy Practices (Ways of
Massachusetts Institute of ment for Weak Reality (Analecta Knowing). Teaching Class:
Scholarly Interests Technology. Husserliana). The covergent I: Emotional Labor in Brazilian
Leadership of community-based Empathy as an aesthetic category Literacy Classes (The Anthropo-
organizations, Inter-organization- Scholarly Interests (Analecta Husserliana). logy of Work Review) The Mar-
al relations, Inter-professionalism. Labor economics; Education Aesthetics contra Aesthetics: ketization of Education: Public
policy; Community colleges. The discursive challenge of mul- Schools for Private Ends.
Selected Publications ticulturism (MRI Press). (Anthropology and Education
Strategic Alliances among Selected Publications The Metaphysics of Childhood. Quarterly) Bartlett, Lesley and
Health and Human Services Working Knowledge: Work-Based
Children in the art of Carr and Catherine Lutz. (1998) Disci-
Organizations: From Affiliations Learning and Education Reform
De Chirico (The John Darling plining Social Difference. The
to Consolidations (Sage Publica- (New York: Routledge Falmer).
Lectures 2002-3) Urban Review 30(2):119-136
tions). Managing Human Re- The Organizational Efficiency of
sources in the Human Services Multiple Missions for Community WILLIAM BALDWIN
(Oxford University Press). Organi- Colleges (Community College Associate Dean of Teachers College
zational change in a public Research Center, Teachers College, Associate Professor of
school system: The synergism of Columbia University). Community Higher Education
two approaches (Social Work in College Movement in Perspec- Department of Organization
Education). An integrative tive: Teachers College Responds and Leadership
framework for the evaluation of to the Truman Commission
community-based consortia (Scarecrow Press, Rowman and Education
(Evaluation and Program Plan Littlefield Publishing Group). A.B., Villanova University;
ning).The contextual impact of Promoting College Access and M.A., University of Toledo;
social support among race and Success: A Review of Credit- Ed.M., Ed.D., Teachers College,
gender: Implications for African- Based Transition Programs. Columbia University
American women in the work- Prepared for the U.S. Depart-
place (Journal of Black Studies). ment of Education, Office of Scholarly Interests
College and university adminis-
The power of dialogue: Cele- Vocational and Adult Education CHARLES BASCH
tration. Financing higher educa-
brating the praxis of teaching (Community College Research Richard March Hoe Professor
tion. Technology in higher edu- of Health Education
and research (Researchers Hooked Center, Teachers College, Columbia cation. Institutional research and Chair of the Department of
on Teaching). Interorganizational University). The Research planning. Health and Behavior Studies
community-based collaboratives: Perspective (New Directions for
A strategic response to shape the community colleges: Classification LESLEY BARTLETT
social work agenda (Social Policy:
systems for the 21st Century). Assistant Professor of Education B.S., M.S., SUNY, Brockport;
Reform, Research and Practice). Institutionalization and Department of International Ph.D., Southern Illinois
Sustainability of the National and Transcultural Studies University
Science Foundations Advanced
Technological Education Pro- Education Scholarly Interests
gram (New York: Community B.A., Ph.D., University of Behavioral epidemiology. Health
College Research Center, Teachers North Carolina, Chapel Hill education program planning and
College, Columbia University). evaluation. Urban and minority
Scholarly Interests
Comparative and international populations.
education; anthropology of edu-
Selected Publications
The effect of health education
on the rate of ophthalmic exami-

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nations among African-Ameri- ate students with dis/abilities, Education tion regulation. The adaptive
cans with diabetes mellitus inclusion, and women & B.S., University of Illinois- consequences of self-deception.
(American Journal of Public dis/ability. Urbana; M.A., Ph.D.,
Health). Using the telephone as New York University Selected Publications
a medium for health education Selected Publications Self-Enhancement among High-
(Health Education Quarterly). A Disability Studies Perspective
Scholarly Interests Exposure Survivors of the
Promoting the selection of low- on the Bush Education Agenda: Diversity issues in organizations, September 11th Terrorist Attack:
fat milk in elementary school the No Child Left Behind Act of Influence of racial identity in Resilient or Socially Malad-
cafeterias in an inner-city Latino 2001 (Under review for publica- organizational contexts. justed? (Journal of Personality and
community: Evaluation of an tion.) Perceptions of affirmative action Social Psychology) Resilience in
intervention (American Journal programs, Influence of sex role the face of loss and trauma.
JOHN BLACK stereotypes on perceptions of
of Public Health). The Washing- Cleveland E. Dodge (Current Directions in
ton Heights-Inwood Healthy Professor of Telecommunications men and women as managers, Psychological Science) Clarifying
Heart Program: A 6-year report and Education Organizational learning. and extending the construct of
from a disadvantaged urban set- Department of Human adult resilience. (American
ting (American Journal of Public Development Selected Publications Psychologist)Resilience to loss in
Stereotype threat and feedback
Health). Preventing AIDS bereaved spouses, bereaved par-
seeking in the workplace.
through education: Concepts, Education ents, and bereaved gay men.
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of (Journal of Vocational Behavior).
strategies and research priorities (Journal of Personality and Social
(Journal of School Health). Technology; Ph.D., Stanford Explaining racioethnic group
Psychology) Resilient or at risk?:
University. differences in performance and
A four-year study of older adults
LESLIE BEEBE related outcomes: A review of
who initially showed high or low
Professor of Linguistics Scholarly Interests theoretical perspectives.
distress following conjugal loss.
and Education Cognitive and neural network (Research in Organizational
models of understanding, learn- (Journal of Gerontology: Psycho-
Department of Arts Behavior). Process and outcome
ing and memory. Using cognitive logical Science)
and Humanities goal orientations in conflict situ-
and neural net models to design ations: The importance of fram-
Education learning environments. Effects of ing. (Handbook of Conflict
B.A., Colorado College; M.A.T., using various technologies on Resolution: Theory and Practice).
Reed College; M.A., Ph.D., cognition. White racial identity: Theory,
University of Michigan
research, and implications for
Selected Publications
Scholarly Interests The development of cognitive organizational contexts.
Applied Linguistics. Sociolinguis- skills to support inquiry learning. (Workplace Diversity: Issues and
tics and second language acquisi- (Cognition and Instruction). Perspectives). The affirmative
tion. Rude speech and social Shuttling between depictive action stigma of incompetence:
rules of speaking. models and abstract rules. Effects of performance informa-
(Cognitive Science)Analog tion ambiguity. (Academy of
Selected Publications imagery in mental reasoning: Management Journal).
Issues in Second Language
Depictive models. (Cognitive
Acquisition: Multiple Perspec-
Psychology). Cognition, Com- GEORGE BOND
tives (Harper and Row). English
puting and Cooperation (Ablex). William F. Russell Assistant
in the Cross-Cultural Era: Social
Knowledge Structures Professor of Anthropology
Rules of Speaking and TESOL
(Erlbaum). and Education
(Simul Press). Risk-taking and
Department of International
the language learner (Classroom
and Transcultural Studies
Oriented Research in Second
Language Acquisition). Sociolin- Education
guistic variation and style shift- B.A., Boston University;
ing: Chastisement and disagree- M.A., Ph.D., London School
ment (Language Learning). of Economics

LYNNE BEJOIAN Scholarly Interests

Assistant Professor of Education GEORGE BONANNO Education and elite formation in
Department of Curriculum Associate Professor of the United States and Africa.
and Teaching Psychology and Education African studies. African religions
Department of Counseling and politics. Agrarian transfor-
Education and Clinical Psychology mations. Cultural dimensions of
B.A., Smith College; M.S.Ed.,
Ph.D., University of Southern urban and minority populations.
California Associate Professor of B.A., Hampshire College; Selected Publications
Psychology and Education Ph.D., Yale University The Politics of Change in a
Scholarly Interests
Dis/Ability Studies in Education, Department of Arts Zambian Community (Chicago
and Humanities Scholarly Interests University Press). African Christ-
students with dis/abilities, gradu Resilience and coping with grief
ianity (Academic Press, co-ed.).
and trauma. Emotion and emo-
The Social Construction of the

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 231

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Past (Routledge). AIDS in Africa Certification: Applied Psychologist intellectual ability. (Disability & Selected Publications
and the Caribbean (Westview). in New York; Certified School Society) Critical Theories of Psychological
Witchcraft Dialogues (Ohio Psychologist in states of New York, Development (Plenum Press).
University Press). Contested New Jersey, and Massachusetts. JEANNE BROOKS-GUNN Smart weapons and military
Terrains and Constructed Virginia and Leonard Marx TV (Technoscience and
Categories (Westview). Scholarly Interests Professor of Child and Parent Cyberculture). The experience of
Psychological maltreatment, psy- Development and Education
the father (Insights). Holly-
JAMES BORLAND chological aggression, family as Department of Human
Development wood ultraviolence as educator
Professor of Education the context in child develop-
(Psychoanalysis and Education).
Department of Curriculum ment, personality and behavioral
Education What the transgender child
and Teaching assessment of children and adoles-
B.A., Connecticut College; teaches us. (Bank Street College
cents, psychological assessment.
Education M.Ed., Harvard University; Occasional Papers).
B.A., Johns Hopkins University; Selected Publications Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Clarion State College; Escalation-de-escalation: Teacher W. WARNER BURKE
Ph.D., Teachers College; interventions (School violence Scholarly Interests Edward Lee Thorndike
Early childhood interventions Professor of Psychology
Teaching Certification: Special and children in crises: School and
and education; Adolescent tran- and Education
Education (Elementary N-6 and community based strategies for
sitions and development; Department of Organization
Secondary English) for New York social workers and counselors). and Leadership
State; Special Education for Psychological maltreatment of Neighborhoods and Poverty;
Pennsylvania children: Child abuse and neglect Growing up female; Child and
series. (Sage). The essentials of family policy and programs. B.A., Furman University;
Scholarly Interests preschool assessment: Strategies M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas
Education of gifted students. Selected Publications
and tools. (Guilford Press). Early Child Development in the
Economically disadvantaged gift- Scholarly Interests
21st Century: Profiles of Current
ed students. Conceptions of gift- ALICIA BRODERICK Research Initiatives. (Teachers Behavioral practices associated
edness. Assistant Professor of Education College Press). Neighborhood with superior leaders and man-
Department of Curriculum Poverty: Context and Conse- agers and their performance,
Selected Publications and Teaching
Planning and Implementing quences for Children (Volume 1). Multi-rater feedback, Organiza-
Programs for the Gifted Policy Implications in Studying tional culture, Inter-organization-
Education al relations, Empowerment in the
(Teachers College Press). B.Phil., M.S., Miami University; Neighborhoods (Volume 2).
Rethinking Gifted Education (Russell Sage Foundation Press co- workplace, Leading and manag-
Ph.D., Syracuse University
(Teachers College Press). Gifted author). Do you believe in ing organization change, Organ-
education and the threat of irrel- magic?: What we can expect izational diagnosis and change.
Scholarly Interests
evance (Journal for the Education Disability studies in education, from early childhood interven-
of the Gifted). Identifying young, inclusive education, autism, and tion Programs (Social Policy Selected Publications
Report, Society for Research in Organization Development: A
potentially gifted, economically issues related to the successful
Child Development) The effects Process of Learning and Change
disadvantaged students (Gifted inclusion of students with signifi-
of early maternal employment on (Addison-Wesley). Organization
Child Quarterly). The construct cant communication and move-
child cognitive development Change: Theory and Practice
of giftedness (Peabody Journal of ment differences.
(Child Development). Tran- (Sage Publications) Business
Climate Shifts: Profiles of
Selected Publications sitions and turning points:
Differentiating instruction for Navigating the passage from Change Makers (with W. Trahant)
disabled students in inclusive childhood through adolescence. (Butterworth Heinzmann) The
classrooms. (Theory into Practice) (Developmental Psychology). New Agenda for Organizational
Disability studies in education Development (Organizational
and the practical concerns of JOHN BROUGHTON Dynamics)
teachers. (Disability studies in Associate Professor of
education: Crucial questions) Psychology and Education
Sorting out speech: Under- Department of Arts
standing multiple methods of and Humanities
communication for persons with
significant disabilities. (Research Education
B.A., M.A., Cambridge
and Practice for Persons with
University; Ph.D., Harvard
Severe Disabilities). I am so much
MARLA BRASSARD more real than retarded:
Associate Professor of Deconstructing assumptions
Psychology and Education
Scholarly Interests
about speech and its relationship Cultural studies. Education and
Department of Health to competency. (Equity & Ex- violence. Masculinity and war.
and Behavior Studies cellence in Education). Inside the Unconscious fantasies about
edge: A journey to speech technology. Youth subcultures. JUDITH BURTON
Education through typing.(video). (Syracuse
B.A., Whitworth College; Cinema as educator. Achieve- Professor of Art Education
University.) Independence, par- ment Gap in Humanities/Arts Department of Arts and
Ph.D., Columbia University;
ticipation, and the meaning of Humanities
Professional License and

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Education identity (Journal of Research in RENEE CHEROW-OLEARY

National Diploma, Hornsey Science Teaching). Assistant Professor of
College of Art, Academic English Education
Diploma, University of London; LUCY CALKINS Department of Arts
M.Ed., University of Manchester; Robinson Professor in and Humanities
Ed.D., Harvard University Childrens Literature
Department of Curriculum Education
Scholarly Interests and Teaching B.A., Barnard College; M.A.T.,
Artistic-aesthetic development in University of Chicago; Ph.D.,
children and adolescents. Education New York University
Learning, and transfer of learning B.A., Williams College; M.A.,
in the arts. Instructional methods University of Hartford; Ph.D., Scholarly Interests
in the arts. Role of artists in the New York University Pedagogy and theory in the
education of children. Cultural teaching of language, reading,
Scholarly Interests MADHABI CHATTERJI writing, literature, performing
experiences in arts education. Associate Professor of
Teaching of reading and writing. arts and media; Media literacy
Staff development and school Measurement, Evaluation and social impact of mass
Selected Publications and Education
The practice of teaching in K-12 reform. media/popular culture, especially
Department of Human
schools: Devices and desires Development in the lives of children and ado-
(The Handbook of Research and Selected Publications lescents; Creating educational
Policy in Art Education, NAEA). Dissertation published as Education media for children, parents and
The configuration of meaning: Lessons from a Child, 1983. B.Ed., University of Bombay; teachers; Epistemology, interdis-
Learner centered art education Units of Study for Primary B.Sc., University of Calcutta; ciplinarity and curriculum devel-
(Studies in Art Education) Writing: A Yearlong Curriculum. M.Ed., University of Madras; opment for the 21st Century;
Learning in and through the (Heinemann) The art of teaching Ph.D., University of South Peace education human rights
arts: The question of transfer reading. (Allyn & Bacon) A Florida education and transformative
(Studies in Art Education) teachers guide to standardized learning.
Natural allies: Children, teachers reading tests: Knowledge is Scholarly Interests
and artists (Beyond Enrichment, power (Heinmann Educational Development and validation of Selected Publications
construct measures with classical Education for the 21st Century:
ACA). The arts in school Books) Raising lifelong learners:
and Rasch measurement models, New Curricular Paradigms
reform: Other conversations A parents guide. (Addison,
Evaluation models and methods, book in progress Multimedia
(Teachers College Record). Wesley & Longman) The art of
Standards-based educational Texts and Media Literacy:
teaching writing. (Heinmann
ANGELA CALABRESE BARTON reforms, Designing classroom, Approaches to Educational
Educational Books) Living
Associate Professor of Science school, and institutional assess- Research for the 21st Century,
between the lines (with S.
Education ment systems. (Teachers College) From the
Harwayne). (Heinmann
Department of Mathematics, Teletubbies to Six Feet Under:
Educational Books)
Science and Technology Selected Publications Portrayals of the Life Cycle on
Achievement gaps and corre- Television, (National Media
Education Professor of Psychology lates of mathematics achieve- Education Conference) Life After
B.S., University of Notre Dame; and Education ment: Evidence from the ECLS Death in Popular Culture:
Ph.D., Michigan State University Department of Counseling K-first grade sample. (Educa- Recent TV, Books and Films
and Clinical Psychology tional Policy Analysis Archives). About Reincarnation, (Beginn-
Scholarly Interests Evidence on what works: An ings and Endings Psychoanalytic
Urban science education, quali- Education argument for extended-term Conference) Interactivity in
tative research, feminist and crit- B.A., Columbia University; mixed method (ETMM) evalua- Childrens Television, (A Report
ical theories and science educa- Ed.M., M.A., Teachers College; tion designs. (Educational Commissioned by the Disney
tion. Ph.D., University of Maryland Researcher) Designing and Using Channel in conjunction with the
Tools for Educational M.I.T. Media Lab).
Selected Publications Selected Publications
Teaching Science for Social Handbook of racial-cultural psy- Assessment. (Allyn & Bacon)
Justice (Teachers College Press) chology and counseling: Theory Models and methods for examin- PETER COLEMAN
Feminist Science Education ing standards-based reforms: Associate Professor of Psychology
and research (Vol. 1). (Wiley).
Have the tools of inquiry and Education and Director of
(Teachers College Press) Handbook of racial-cultural psy-
answered the pressing questions International Center for
Critical ethnography: Science chology and counseling: Training Cooperation and Conflict
education in urban settings: and practice and (Vol. 2). on improving schools? (Review of
Educational Research) Using an Resolution (ICCCR)
Seeking new ways of praxis (Wiley). Understanding and deal- Department of Organization
through critical ethnography ing with violence: A multicultur- iterative validation model to con-
and Leadership
(Journal of Research in Science al approach. (Sage). Addressing ceptualize, pilot-test, and validate
Teaching) Preservice teachers cultural issues in organizations: scores from an instrument meas- Education
developing ideas of multicultural Beyond the corporate context. uring Teacher Readiness for B.A., University of Iowa;
science education (Journal of (Sage). Race: A social and psy- Educational Reforms. M.Phil., Ph.D., Teachers College,
Curriculum Studies) Teaching chological analysis of the term (Educational and Psychological Columbia University
science with homeless children: and its meaning. (Wiley). Measurement)
Pedagogy, representation and

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 233

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Scholarly Interests Education Selected Publications

The conditions required for fos- B.Sc., (Hons), University of Allocation of attention in neural
tering constructive change in sit- Edinburgh; M.A., Ph.D., network models of categoriza-
uations of protracted and University of California, Berkeley tion. (Proceedings of the Twenty-
intractable conflict, The psycho- Fourth Annual Conference of the
logical processes and social con- Scholarly Interests Cognitive Science Society).An effi-
Behavioral aspects of nutrition; cient metric combinatorial
ditions which foster the use of
use of psychosocial theory to algorithm for fitting additive
constructive social power
study factors influencing food trees. (Multivariate Behavioral
choice and decision-making Research). Tree Models of
Selected Publications processes, particularly among
Characteristics of protracted, Similarity and Association.
intractable conflict: Towards the children and adolescents; chil- (Applications in the Social
development of a meta-frame- drens and adolescents under- Sciences). A graph-theoretic
standings of the impact of food method for organizing overlap-
work-I. (Journal of Peace Psycho- MADONNA CONSTANTINE
logy). Implicit power theories: Professor of Psychology and food systems on the environ- ping clusters into trees, multiple
Impact on perceptions of power and Education ment; development and evalua- trees, or extended trees. (Journal
and power sharing decisions. Chair of the Department of tion of nutrition education cur- of Classification). Using cluster-
(Journal of Applied Social Counseling and Clinical Psychology ricula and programs. ing methods to explore the struc-
Psychology.) Power in Groups ture of diagnostic tests.
and Organizations. (International Education Selected Publications (Cognitively DiagnostiAssessment).
B.S., M.A., Xavier University of Cognitive, motivational, social
handbook of organizational team-
Louisiana; Ph.D., University of and environmental influences on
work and cooperative working)
Memphis childrens food choices (Health
Ripeness: A study of construc-
Psychology). Food choice criteria
tive engagement in complex, Scholarly Interests of adolescents: Role of weight
intract-able systems of conflict. Cultural competence in counsel- and dieting status (Appetite).
(Ameri-can Psychological ing, training, and supervision. Effectiveness of nutrition educa-
Association conference). Polarized Mental health issues of people of tion and implications for nutri-
collective identities: exploring color in the United States and tion education policy, programs
their sources, structure, and immigrants. Vocational issues of and research: A review of
functions in intractable conflict. adolescents and college students research (Journal of Nutrition
Poster session presented at of color. Education). Adolescents per-
Division 48 (American Psycho-
spectives and food choice behav-
logical Association conference). Selected Publications
White racial identity dyadic iors in relation to the environ-
interactions in supervision: mental impacts of food produc-
Gardner Cowles Professor of Implications for supervisees mul- tion practices (Journal of Nutri- Associate Professor of
Anthropology and Education ticultural counseling compe- tion Education). Usefulness of psy- Social Studies and Education
Department of International tence. (Journal of Counseling chosocial theory variables in Department of Arts
and Transcultural Studies Psychology). Chameleon explaining fat-related dietary and Humanities
changes: An exploration of racial behavior in Chinese Americans:
Education identity themes of multiracial Association with degree of accul- Education
A.B., Ph.D., Columbia University turation. (Journal of Nutrition B.A., Georgetown University;
people. (Journal of Counseling
Education). M.A., Ph.D., University of
Psychology) Examining the cul-
Scholarly Interests Pennsylvania
Sociocultural change. Education tural adjustment experiences of
in the developing world. Drugs African international college stu-
Associate Professor of Scholarly Interests
and society. Caribbean. Latin dents: A qualitative analysis. Statistics and Education Diversity issues in social studies
America. Migration studies. (Journal of Counseling Psychology) Chair of the Department of education. Citizenship education
Experiences and perceptions of Human Development outside of schools. Technology
Selected Publications multicultural counseling scholars: and the social studies. Teacher
1975: A Bibliographic Guide to A qualitative examination. Education education. The history of social
(Counseling Psychology Quarterly) B.A., University of North education.
the Scholarly Literature (4 vols.,
Independent and interdepend- Carolina; Ph.D., Stanford
Kraus Thomson). Ganja in
ent self-construals, individualism, University Selected Publications
Jamaica: A Medical Anthro-
collectivism, and harmony con- Learning to Teach in an Age of
pological Study of Chronic
trol in African Americans. Scholarly Interests Accountability (Lawrence
Marihuana Use (Mouton). West Computational models of human
(Journal of Black Psychology) Erlbaum Associates) Bending the
Indian Perspectives (4 vols., learning and categorization. Future to Their Will: Civic
Anchor Press/Doubleday). Statistics expertise and probabili-
ISOBEL CONTENTO Women, Social Education, and
Interdisciplinary Research and ty problem-solving. Judgment
Mary Swartz Rose Professor Democracy (Rowman and
Doctoral Training: A Study of of Nutrition and Education and decision-making. Clustering Littlefield). Pedagogies of Resist-
the Link? ping University Department of Health and scaling methods for multi- ance: Women Educator Activists,
(Sweden) Tema Departments and Behavior Studies variate data. 1880-1960 (Teachers College
(Swedish National Board of
Press) Teaching Shabanu: The
Universities and Colleges).

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Challenges of Using World Selected Publications selection. (Journal of Scholarly Interests

Literature in the Social Studies Influence of respiration on meta- Mathematical Psychology Using the Psychotherapy research. Self-dis-
Classroom (Journal of Curricu- bolic, hemodynamic, psychomet- PLUM procedure of SPSS to fit closure in patients, therapists,
lum Studies) Dealing with ric, and R-R Interval Spectral unequal variance and generalized and supervisors; self-disclosure in
Difference in the Social Studies: Parameters (American Journal of signal detection models.) Behavior children; Burn-out in teaching
An Historical Perspective Physiology). Vagal Withdrawal as Research Methods, Instruments, and the helping professions.
(International Journal of Social a function of audience (American & Computers.
Journal of Physiology). Deriving Selected Publications
respiration from Pulse Wave: A KEVIN DOUGHERTY The Psychotherapy of Carl
new signal-processing technique Associate Professor of Higher Rogers (Guilford). Crisis in
(American Journal of Physiology). Education and Senior Research American Education: Stress and
Assistant Professor of
Effect of provocative maneuvers Associate, Community College Burnout in the American
Music Education
on heart rate variability in sub-
Department of Arts Research Center Teacher (Jossey-Bass). Gender
jects with paraplegia (American
and Humanities Department of Organization and representation in pyscho-
Journal of Physiology). Estrogen
and Leadership therapy (Psychotherapy).
and vascular stiffness (American
Education The therapist as attachment fig-
Bachelor of Music, University of Journal of Physiology).
Education ure (Psychotherapy). Disclosure
Redlands; M.A., California State B.A., Washington University;
to therapists: What is and is not
University; D.M.A., University of M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University
discussed in psychotherapy
Southern California (Journal of Clinical Psychology).
Scholarly Interests
Scholarly Interests The community college. Higher
Music in the lives of young chil- education policy and reform. CLEA FERNANDEZ
Assistant Professor of
dren and families. Contextual Higher education finance.
Psychology and Education
influences on music learning. College students. K-12 educa- Department of Human
Musical engagement and devel- tional reform. Sociology of edu- Development
opment. cation.
Selected Publications Selected Publications B.A., Barnard College;
Musical lives: A collective por- Performance Accountability as Ph.D., University of Chicago
trait of American families. Imperfect Panacea: The Com-
(Journal of Applied Developmental LAWRENCE DECARLO munity College Experience Scholarly Interests
Psychology) Passing the cultural Associate Professor of (Defending the Community College Primary interest: The develop-
torch: Musical experience and Psychology and Education Equity Agenda). Necessary but ment of mathematical thinking
musical parenting of infants. Department of Human not Sufficient: Higher Education in school settings with a special
(Journal of Research in Music Development Reform as a Strategy of Social emphasis on cross-cultural com-
Education) Perceptions of chal- Mobility (Higher Education and parisons and on understanding
lenge: A longitudinal investiga-
Education the Color Line). Its Not Enough what knowledge base teachers
B.A., Ph.D., SUNY at Stony
tion of childrens music learning. to Get Through the Open Door: need to teach mathematics effec-
Brook; M.S., Columbia University Inequalities by Social Back-
(Arts and Learning) The musical tively and how they can be sup-
lives of young children: Inviting, ground in Transfer from Com- ported in developing such a
Scholarly Interests
seeking, initiating. (Journal of Statistical modeling of psychologi- munity Colleges to Four-Year knowledge base. Secondary inter-
Zero-to-Three.) From Mozart to cal processes, measurement, latent Colleges (Teachers College est: Parents views of their chil-
Motown, lullabies to love songs: class analysis, categorical data Record) The Evolving Role of drens intellectual development
A preliminary report on the analysis, structural equation mod- the Community College: Policy and how they can support it, par-
Parents Use of Music with eling, multilevel and longitudinal Issues and Research Questions. ticularly in the area of mathe-
Infants Survey. (Journal of Zero- data analysis, item response In John Smart and William matics.
to-Three) theory. Tierney (Higher Education:
Handbook of Theory and Research) Selected Publications
RONALD DE MEERSMAN Selected Publications Community Colleges and Learning from Japanese
Professor of Applied Physiology On bias in magnitude scaling Contract Training: Content, approaches to professional devel-
and Education and some conjectures of Stevens. Origins, and Impacts (Teachers opment: The case of lesson
Department of (Perception & Psychophysics. College Record) study. (Journal of Teacher
Biobehavioral Sciences A model of rater behavior in essay Education). U.S.-Japan lesson
grading based on signal detection BARRY FARBER study collaboration reveals criti-
Education theory.) Journal of Educational Professor of Psychology
B.S., M.S., University of Utah; cal lenses for examining practice.
Measurement An application of and Education
Ph.D., Physiology, Indiana Department of Counseling (Teaching and Teacher Education)
signal detection theory with finite Translating lesson study for a
University and Clinical Psychology
mixture distributions to source U.S. context: Practical informa-
Scholarly Interests discrimination. (Journal of Education tion and advice for teachers
Modulators of autonomic out- Experimental Psychology: Learning, B.A., Queens College, CUNY; interested in conducting lesson
flow. The effects of aerobic Memory, & Cognition.) Source M.A., Teachers College; Ph.D., study. (Phi Delta Kappan).
improvements on autonomic and monitoring and multivariate signal Yale University Cultures of mathematics instruc-
blood pressure regulation. Non- detection theory, with a model for tion in Japanese and American
invasive assessment of physiolog- elementary classrooms.
ic data.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 235

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(Teaching and learning in Japan). KAREN FROUD port). Prehension in children

Learning mathematics from Assistant Professor of Speech with Downs syndrome (Acta
classroom instruction: Cross-cul- and Language Pathology Psychologica). Exercise program
tural and experimental perspec- Department of for individuals with Parkinsons
tives. (Basic and applied perspec- Biobehavioral Sciences disease: Effects of functional abil-
tives on learning, cognition, and ity and quality of life (Neuro-
development: The Minnesota Education logical Report). Skill acquisition:
B.Sc., (Hons), Central School of
Symposium on Child Psychology). action, movement and neuromo-
Speech and Drama; M.A.,
tor processes (Movement Scien-
University College London;
ces: Foundation for Rehabilitation
Ph.D., University College
in Physical Therapy). Implicit
and explicit processes during
Selected Publications acquisition of functional skills
Unaccusativity as lexical argu- CELIA GENISHI (Scand. J. Occupational Therapy).
Professor of Education
ment reduction: evidence from
Department of Curriculum MARTHA GEPHART
aphasia. (Under review). The and Teaching Research Associate Professor of
development of the Grammar
Education and Co-Director, J.M.
and Phonology Screening Education Huber Institute for Learning in
(GAPS) test to assess key mark- B.A., Barnard College; M.A.T.,
ers of specific language difficul- Harvard University; Ph.D., Department of Organization
ties in young children. (Under University of California, Berkeley. and Leadership
review). Focus and the interac-
V. P. FRANKLIN tion between syntax and prag- Scholarly Interests Education
Professor of History and Education matics. (Lingua). The syntax of Early childhood education. A.B., Stanford University; M.A.,
Department of Arts single words: evidence from a Language in the classroom. Ph.D., Columbia University
and Humanities patient with a function word Qualitative research. Childhood
deficit. (Cognitive Neuropsycho- bilingualism. Scholarly Interests
Education logy) Prepositions and the lexical/ Learning and performance in
B.A., Pennsylvania State
functional divide: aphasic evi-
Selected Publications organizations. Organizational and
University; M.A.T., Harvard Ways of Assessing Children and
dence. (Lingua). community contexts that pro-
University; Ph.D., University of Curriculum: Stories of Early
mote effective learning and
Chicago Childhood Practice (Teachers
OFELIA GARCA development. Assessment of
Professor of Bilingual Education College Press). The Need for
organizational learning and links
Scholarly Interests Department of International Story: Cultural Diversity in
to performance in diverse organi-
History of African American and Transcultural Studies Classroom and Community
zational and inter-organizational
education. Urban educational (National Council of Teachers of
settings. Evaluation of programs
history. Student culture and stu- Education English). Talking their way into
and interventions in complex
B.A., M.A., Hunter College, print: English language learners
dent activism. organizational settings.
CUNY; Ph.D., Graduate Center, in a pre-kindergarten classroom
Selected Publications City University of New York (Beginning Reading and Writing).
My Soul Is A Witness: A
Selected Publications
Teaching in early childhood
Chronology of the Civil Rights Scholarly Interests Measuring Learning Linked to
education: Understanding prac-
Era, 1954-1965 (Henry Holt). Languages; language education; Performance (Performance
tices through research and theo-
Sisters in the Struggle: African bilingualism. Measurement and Management:
ry (Handbook of Research on
American Women in the Civil Research and Action). Learning
Teaching, 4th ed.).
Rights-Black Power Movement Selected Publications Organizations Come Alive
Bilingual Education: Focusschrift (Training and Development).
(New York University Press). ANTOINETTE GENTILE
in honor of Joshua A. Fishman. Professor of Psychology The Road to High Performance
Living Our Stories, Telling Our
Amsterdam: John Benjamins. and Education (Training and Development).
Truths: Autobiography and
English across cultures. Cultures Department of Neighborhoods and Communi-
Making of the African-American
across English: A Reader in Biobehavioral Sciences ties as Contexts for Develop-
Intellectual Tradition (Oxford
cross-cultural communication/ ment (Neighborhood Poverty:
University Press). The Education
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Education Context and Consequences for
of Black Philadelphia: A Social B.S., Brooklyn College, CUNY;
Wherrit, U.S. Spanish: The Children.) The Organizational
and Educational History of a M.S., P.E.D., Indiana University;
Language of Latinos. (The Characteristics of Supportive
Minority Community, 1900-1950 Ph.D., SUNY, Stony Brook
International Journal of the Environments for Youth
(University of Pennsylvania Press).
Sociology of Language 79). Berlin: (Public/Private Ventures).
Vindicating The Race: Scholarly Interests
Mouton de Gruyter. Veinte aos
Contributions To The African- Motor learning and development.
de literatura cubano americana. HERBERT GINSBURG
American Intellectual Tradition Neuromotor control processes.
(Tempe, Arizona: Bilingual Jacob H. Schiff Foundation
(The Journal of Negro History). Rehabilitative strategies. Professor of Psychology and
Selected Publications Department of Human
Instructional cues and Parkin- Development
sonian gait (Neurological Re-

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Education knowledge to professionally Genetics of Language, Magnetic Education

B.A., Harvard University; M.S., informed practice. (Teaching Resonance Imaging of brain A.B., Fordham University;
Ph.D., University of North Education) Teacher preparation functioning in language process- Ph.D., Teachers College,
Carolina and the education of immigrant ing. Columbia University
children. (Education and Urban
Scholarly Interests Society) Selected Publications Scholarly Interests
Intellectual development. The psychological impact of
Genes take over when the input
Mathematics education. Testing ANDREW GORDON race/culture on social cognition
fails: Findings from a twin study
and assessment. Professor of Movement Sciences (especially perception, judgment,
of the passive. (Online proceed-
and Education memory, and attribution). Social
Selected Publications ings of the 27th Boston University
Department of cognitive factors in client evalua-
The teachers guide to flexible Conference on Language
Biobehavioral Sciences tion, counseling practice, and
interviewing in the classroom: Development.) Facts, Events and
career development. Health psy-
Learning what children know Education Inflection: When Language and
chology. Group and family coun-
about math. (Allyn and Bacon). B.A., Hampshire College; M.S., Memory Dissociate, (Journal of
seling. The psychosocial dimen-
Entering the childs mind: The Pennsylvania State University; Cognitive Neuroscience).
sions of HIV/AIDS.
clinical interview in psychologi- Ph.D., Karolinska Institute Authors Response to Crying
cal research and practice. (Cam- of Minnesota Whorf. (Science) Numerical Selected Publications
bridge University Press). Child- Cognition without Words: Evi- School Counselors Ethnic
rens Arithmetic. (Pro-Ed). Scholarly Interests dence from Amazonia. (Science) Tolerance Attitudes and Racism
The use of sensory information The origin of argument struc-
Piagets Theory of Intellectual Attitudes as Predictors of their
during the learning and control ture in infant event representa-
Development. (Prentice-Hall). Multicultural Case Conceptual-
of well-learned manual skills tions. (Proceedings of the 26th ization of an Immigrant Student
(sensorimotor control). The bio- Boston University Conference on (Journal of Counseling and Dev-
logical basis of hand impairments Language Development.) elopment) Lazarus and Group
in populations with movement
Psychotherapy: AIDS in the Era
disorders that disrupt sensorimo- R. DOUGLAS GREER of Protease Inhibitors. (Counsel-
tor control (e.g., children with Professor of Psychology
ing Psychologist) Examining
early brain damage and adults and Education
Department of Health Individualism, Collectivism, and
with diseases of the basal gan-
and Behavior Studies Self-Differentiation in African
glia). Rehabilitation and cerebral
American College Women.
Education (Journal of Mental Health
B.M.E., M.M.E., Florida State Counseling. Alexandria)
University; Ph.D., University Remembering Race: White
of Michigan Racial Identity Attitudes
and Two Aspects of Social Mem-
A. LIN GOODWIN Scholarly Interests ory. (Journal of Counseling
Associate Professor of Education Comprehensive Application of Psychology) At the Crossroads:
Department of Curriculum Behavior Analysis to Schooling Racial and Womanist Identity
and Teaching (CABAS). Teaching operations Development in Black and
for the acquisition of verbal White Women. (Journal of
Education behavior by students with lan-
B.S., Central Connecticut State Counseling & Development).
guage deficits. Research in the
University; M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.,
learn-unit as a natural fracture SALLY HAGE
Teachers College
of teaching. Peer conditioning Assistant Professor of
of reinforcement. Psychology and Education
Scholarly Interests Department of Counseling
Teacher education for urban and PETER GORDON
Associate Professor of Speech Selected Publications and Clinical Psychology
multicultural contexts. Teacher Designing Teaching Strategies: A
beliefs. Equity education. Asian and Language Pathology
Department of behavior analysis systems app- Education
American educational experi- roach (Academic Press, in press). B.A., University of St. Thomas;
Biobehavioral Sciences
ences and identity development. The educational crisis (Social M.Div., University of Notre
Education Problems in American Society and Dame; Ph.D., University of
Selected Publications B.A., (Hons), University of Solutions). Is the learn unit the Minnesota
Growing up Asian in America:
Stirling; Ph.D., Massachusetts fundamental measure of peda-
A search for self. (Asian Scholarly Interests
Institute of Technology gogy? (The Behavior Analyst).
American identities, families and Prevention in Counseling
Schooling) Asian American iden- Voices for all children: Advanced
Scholarly Interests Psychology, Spiritual Diversity
tities, families and schooling. and comprehensive applications
Language acquisition and pro- and Multicultural Counseling
(Information Age Publishing Inc). of behavior analysis to education
cessing, Developmental Competency, Training, Dating
The social/political construction (Academic Press).
Neuroscience of Language and Violence Prevention
of low teacher expectations for Cognition, Cross-cultural studies GEORGE GUSHUE
children of color: Re-examining of numerical cognition and lin- Assistant Professor of BRITT HAMRE
the achievement gap. (Journal of guistic knowledge. Infant event Psychology and Education Assistant Professor of Education
Thought) The case of one child: representations and verb argu- Department of Counseling Department of Curriculum
Making the shift from personal ment structure, Behavioral and Clinical Psychology and Teaching

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 237

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ZHAOHONG HAN Teaching, 4th ed.). The Moral Scholarly Interests BARBARA HAWKINS
Associate Professor of Environment in an Inner-City Controlling movement, biome- Associate Professor of
Linguistics and Education Boys High School (Teaching and chanics and exercise physiology, Language and Education
Department of Arts Teacher Education). Well- understanding the mechanics Department of Arts
and Humanities Formed, not Well-Filled: Mon- and recruitment/adaptation of and Humanities
taigne and the Paths of Person- the neuromuscular system in
Education hood (Educational Theory). response to external perturba- Education
B.A., Central China Normal B.A., Holy Names College;
Charles Harrington Professor of tions and exercise.
University; M.A., Moray House M.A., Ph.D., University
Anthropology, Psychology and
Institute of Education, University of California, Los Angeles.
Education International & Selected Publications
of Edinburgh; Ph.D., Birkbeck Dynamic Stability and Gait ini-
Transcultural Studies Scholarly Scholarly Interests
College, University of London tiation in Parkinsons disease.
Interests: Human development Second language acquisition as
in social and cultural contexts. (Archives of Physical Medicine and
Scholarly Interests it relates to subject matter educa-
The study of Pathmakers: Rehabilitation) The Effects of
Second language learn ability and tion, K-6. Classroom interation/
resiliency, resistance, invulnera- Sloped Surfaces on Locomotion:
teachability. Comparative gram- Classroom discourse. Second lan-
bility and success in at-risk popu- A Kinematic and Kinetic
mar, linguistic universals, and the guage literacy development.
lations. Psychological anthropol- Analysis. (Journal of Biomecha-
interface of lexical semantics and Teacher Education: How teach-
ogy and education. (Psycho- nics) Characterization of a Sys-
syntax. Psycholinguistic and cog- ers learn to connect theory and
analytic anthropology.) tem for Studying Human Gait
nitive processes of second lan- practice, especially as it relates to
During Slope Walking. (Journal
guage reading. education for students learning
CHARLES HARRINGTON of Applied Biomechanics) Knee
content in their second lan-
Selected Publications Professor of Anthropology, Biomechanics during Landings:
guage. Research question: What
To be a native speaker means Psychology and Education Comparison of Pre- and Post-
affects practice? Is language
not to be a non-native speaker Department of International pubescent Females. (Medicine
learning different than other
(Second Language Research) and Transcultural Studies and Science in Sport and Exercise)
kinds of learning? Can second
Fossilization in Adult Second The Influence of Tai Chi
language children achieve parity
Language Acquisition (Multilin- Education Training on the Center of
in content area education?
gual Matters) Fossilization: From A.B., Syracuse University; Pressure Trajectory During Gait
simplicity to complexity (Inter- Ph.D., Harvard University Initiation in Older Adults. Selected Publications
national Journal of Bilingual (Archives of Physical Medicine and Supporting second language
Education and Bilingualism)
Scholarly Interests Rehabilitation). childrens content learning and
Human development in social
A study of the impact of recasts and cultural contexts. The study language development in K-5
on tense consistency in L2 out- THOMAS HATCH (Teaching English as a Second or
of Pathmakers: resiliency, resist- Associate Professor of Education
put (TESOL Quarterly) Error ance, invulnerability and success Foreign Language) Reexamining
resistance: Towards an empirical Department of Curriculum instructional paradigms for K-12
in at-risk populations. and Teaching
pedagogy (Language Teaching Psychological anthropology and second language learners (The
Research) The persistence of the education. Psychoanalytic Education CATESOL Journal). Teaching
implicit influence of NL: The anthropology. A.B., Brown University; Ed.M., children to read in a second lan-
case of the pseudo-passive Ed.D., Harvard Graduate School guage (Teaching English as a
(Applied Linguistics) Selected Publications of Education Second or Foreign Language).
Paths to Success: Beating the Second language acquisition:
DAVID HANSEN Odds in American Society Scholarly Interests An experimential approach
Professor of Philosophy (Harvard University Press). School reform; teaching and (Advances in applied psycholinguis-
and Education Educational Policy in an Era of learning; teacher research; and tics). Is an appropriate response
Department of Arts Conservative Reform (AMS human development. always so appropriate? (Input in
and Humanities
Press). Race, Sex, and National second language acquisition).
Origin: Public Attitudes of Selected Publications
Education The long haul or boom and
B.A., Ph.D., University of Desegregation (AMS Press). JEFFREY HENIG
bust. (Education Week) Incoher- Professor of Political
Chicago; M.A., Stanford Psychological Anthropology and
ence in the system: Three per- Science and Education
University Education (AMS Press). ALER-
spectives on the implementation Department of Organization
TA: A Multicultural, Bilingual
of multiple improvement initia- and Leadership
Scholarly Interests Approach to Teaching Young
Philosophy of education. tives in one district. (American
Children. (Addison-Wesley)
Teaching and teacher education. Journal of Education). The raw Education
materials of reform: Rethinking B.A., Cornell University;
Moral and ethical issues in edu- CHRIS HASS
the knowledge of school impro- Ph.D., Northwestern University
cational practice. Philosophical Assistant Professor of
foundations of inquiry. Movement Sciences vement. (The Journal of Educa-
tional Change) When improve- Scholarly Interests
Department of The boundary between private
Selected Publications Biobehavioral Sciences ment programs collide. (Phi
action and public action in
Exploring the Moral Heart of Delta Kappan). It takes capacity
addressing social problems.
Teaching: Toward a Teachers Education to build capacity, (Education
Privatization, race and urban pol-
Creed (Teachers College Press). B.S., Furman University; M.S., Week)
itics, the politics of urban educa-
Teaching as a Moral Activity Ph.D., University of Florida
tion reform, and school choice.
(Handbook of Research on

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Selected Publications (Yale University Press). OLGA HUBARD Implications of the New School
Mayors in the Middle: Politics, Schools Without Rules? Charter Assistant Professor of Finance (Policy Analysis for
Race, and Mayoral Control of Schools, Federal Disability Law, Art Education California Education).
Urban Schools (Princeton) and the Paradoxes of Deregula- Department of Arts
Rethinking School Choice: tion (Harvard Civil Rights-Civil and Humanities STEPHANIE JONES
Limits of the Market Metaphor Liberties Law Review). The More Assistant Professor of Education
(Princeton, 1994). Shrinking the We Get Together: Improving Education Department of Curriculum
B.A., (licenciatura) Universidad
State: The Political Underpinn- Collaboration Between Edu- and Teaching
Iberoamericana, Mexico City;
ings of Privatization (Cambridge, cators and Their Lawyers
M.F.A., School of Visual Art;
1995). The Color of School (Harvard Educational Review).
M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College
Reform: Race, Politics, and the The Legality of Minimum Com-
Challenge of Urban Education petency Test Programs Under
(Princeton). Building Civic
Scholarly Interests
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act The relationship of young people
Capacity: The Politics of of 1964 (Harvard Civil Rights- to works of art by mature artists;
Reforming Urban Schools Civil Liberties Law Review). the role of art reproductions and
(Kansas). Jay Heubert Professor original art objects in education;
of Law and Education Organiza- LINDA HICKSON the impact of aesthetics in the
tion & Leadership Scholarly Professor of Education
design of museum education pro-
Interests: Legal issues in educa- Department of Health
and Behavior Studies grams and art programs in
tion. Equal educational opportu- schools.
nity. High-stakes testing. Law
and school reform. Interprofes- Education
B.A., in Psychology, College of Selected Publications
sional collaboration. New Rochelle; M.A., Ph.D., The effect of format and con- SHARON KAGAN
George Peabody College, text in the aesthetic response of Virginia and Leonard Marx
Vanderbilt University adolescents. (International Professor of Early Childhood
Conversations Through Art, and Family Policy
Scholarly Interests Proceedings of the 31st In SEA Department of Curriculum
Education of children, adoles- World Congress.) and Teaching
cents and adults with mental
retardation and autism. LUIS HUERTA Education
Assistant Professor of Education B.A., University of Michigan;
Cognitive, motivational, and
Department of Organization M.A., Johns Hopkins University;
emotional aspects of decision-
and Leadership Ed.D., Teachers College
making. Prevention of abuse and
victimization. Transition to adult-
Education Scholarly Interests
hood and community integration B.A., University of California, Application of child and parent
of individuals with developmen- Davis; M.A., California State development research to the for-
tal disabilities. Cognition, com- University, Fresno; Ph.D., mation and implementation of
JAY HEUBERT prehension, and problem solving.
Professor of Law and Education University of California, Berkeley public policies; the impact of
Department of Organization institutions on the development
Selected Publications Scholarly Interests of low-income children.
and Leadership The role of motivation in the Education Policy. Decentraliza-
interpersonal decision making of tion in education. School choice.
Education people with mental retardation Selected Publications
B.A., Swarthmore College; Privatization in education. Leadership in early care and
(Personality and motivational differ- School finance.
M.A., Duke University; J.D., education (National Association
ences in persons with mental retar-
Harvard Law School; Ed.D., for the Education of Young
dation). Decision-making and Selected Publications
Harvard Graduate School of Children). Reinventing early care
mental retardation (International The unending search for equity:
Education and education: A vision for a
Review of Research in Mental California policy, the improved quality system (Jossey-Bass).
Scholarly Interests Retardation). A closer look at school finance, and the Williams Putting families first: Americas
Legal issues in education. Equal interpersonal decision-making in case. (Teachers College Record) family support movement and
educational opportunity. High- adults with and without mental The Loss of Public Accountabi- the challenge of change (Jossey-
stakes testing. Law and school retardation (American Journal on lity? A Home Schooling Charter Bass). Integrating services for
reform. Interprofessional collab- Mental Retardation). Decision- School In Rural California. children and families (Yale
oration. making by adults with mental (Inside Charter Schools: The University Press). The care and
retardation in simulated situa- Paradox of Radical Decentraliza- education of Americas young
Selected Publications tions of abuse (Mental tion) An Empowering Spirit Is children: Obstacles and opportu-
Understanding Dropouts: Retardation). Evaluation of a Not Enough: A Latino Charter
Statistics, Strategies, and High- nities (National Society for the
decision-making curriculum School Struggles Over Leader-
Stakes Testing (National Aca- Study of Education, 90th). United
designed to empower women ship. (Inside Charter Schools: The
demy Press). High Stakes: Testing we stand: Collaboration for
with mental retardation to resist Paradox of Radical Decentraliza-
for Tracking, Promotion, and childcare and early education
abuse (American Journal on tion) Straw Into Gold, Resources
Graduation (National Academy services (Teachers College Press).
Mental Retardation) Into Results: Spinning Out the
Press) Law and School Reform

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 239

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PEARL KANE Exchanging Ideas for Effective CHARLES KINZER knowledge (Research on Lan-
Klingenstein Family Professor for Practice.) Professor of Education guage and Social Interaction).
the Advancement of Independent Department of Mathematics, Kreyol Ekri, Kreyol Li: Haitian
School Education BONNIE KEILTY Science and Technology children and computers (Educa-
Department of Organization Assistant Professor of Education tional Horizons). Achieving
and Leadership Department of Curriculum
Education coherence in multilingual inter-
B.A., M.A., University of British
and Teaching action (Discourse Processes).
Education Columbia; Professional Teaching
B.A., City College of New York; Certificate, Province of British LEE KNEFELKAMP
M.Ed., Smith College; Sixth year B.S., University at Albany, Columbia; Ph.D., University of Professor of Psychology
certificate in Administration and State University of New York; California, Berkeley and Education
Supervisor, Hunter College M.A., Ed.D., The George Department of Organization
Ed.D., Teachers College, Washington University Scholarly Interests and Leadership
Columbia University. Language and Literacy, specifical-
Scholarly Interests ly: Vocabulary development and Education
Scholarly Interests Family adaptations for child reading comprehension; Memory B.A., Macalester College;
Independent schools. Private learning and development, Early processes in reading and writing; M.A., Ph.D., University of
school governance. School intervention home visiting, Models of reading and compos- Minnesota
choice and privatization. Authentic assessment methods, ing; Computer, multimedia, and
Professional development of Early childhood inclusive prac- Scholarly Interests
future literacies. Theories and concepts of inter-
teachers and administrators. tices, Research to practice
cultural communications. The
multi-cultural self in organiza-
Selected Publications VALERIE KINLOCH tions. Teaching to cognitive and
The Colors of Excellence (TC Assistant Professor of
cultural complexities in social-
Press) Independent School, English Education
Department of Arts organizational psychology. The
Independent Thinkers (Jossey- design of effective learning com-
Bass). The First Year of Teaching: and Humanities
munities. Feminist pedagogy, the-
Real World Stories from Ameri- ory, and research. Intellectual
cas Teachers (Walker). The
B.A., Johnson C. Smith and ethical development.
Challenge in Trusteeship (Asso- University; M.A., Ph.D.,Wayne Diversity in the organizational
ciation of Governing Boards). State University, MI. context.
Leadership in the New Millen-
ium (Independent Schools.) Scholarly Interests Selected Publications
Boards). Leadership in the New English Education; Literacy; Integrating Jewish Issues into the
Millenium (Independent Schools). Teaching for Diversity and Social Associate Professor of Teaching of Psychology (with
Justice; Middle School Learners; Linguistics and Education Beck and Goldberg, American
ALEXANDER KARP African American Literature and Department of International Psychological Association)
Associate Professor of Workbook for the Practice-to-
Biographical Writings and Transcultural Studies
Mathematics Education Theory Model (American College
Department of Mathematics, Education
Selected Publications Personnel Association)
Science and Technology Discourse Research in Applied B.A., Our Lady of the Lake New Directions in Higher
Linguistics. (Word) Review of San Antonio; M.A., The Education: Applying New
Education Article of Class Politics: The University of Alabama; Ph.D.,
B.A., M.A., Leningrad State Developmental Findings (Jossey-
Pedagogical University; M.A., Movement for the Students University of Illinois, Urbana Bass). Higher education and the
Ph.D., St. Petersburg State Right to Their Own Language by Champaign consumer society, Seasons of
Pedagogical University Stephen Parks. (Journal of academic life: Honoring our col-
Advanced Composition) The Scholarly Interests lective autobiography, The
Traveling City: The Hudsons Discourse Analysis. Childrens
Scholarly Interests Second Language and Literacy
multi-cultural curriculum and
Gifted education. Problem Store, Urban Literacy, and communities of peace (Liberal
Solving. History of Mathematics Access in Detroit, MI. (Dev- Development. Computers and
Education). Education for a
Education. elopmental Education and Urban Communication In Schools,
world lived in common with oth-
Literacy) Neither Distant Communities and the Workplace.
ers (Education and Democracy,
Selected Publications Privilege Nor Privileging Dis- College Board).
Exams in Mathematics: Russian tance: Literacies and the Lessons Selected Publications
Experiments. (Mathematics Assembling talk: Social align-
of the Heidelberg Project. (Mul- MICHELLE KNIGHT
Teacher) Examining the Interac- ments in the workplace (Re-
tiple Literacies for the 21st Cen- Associate Professor of Education
tions between Mathematical search on Language and Social
tury) A Rhetoric of Black Department of Curriculum
Content and Pedagogical Form: Interaction). Cerrando la brecha
Bodies: Race, Beauty, and and Teaching
Notes on the Structure of the digital/Closing the digital divide
Representation. (Anthology of
Lesson. (For the Learning of (Panamanian Ministry of Educa- Education
Popular Culture.)
Mathematics) Conducting Re- tion). Assessing websites for B.A., Franklin and Marshall
search and Solving Problems: young learners of English: A College; M.A., Monterey
The Russian Experience of Hallidayan framework (Journal Institute of International Studies;
Inservice Training. (The Work of of the Applied Linguistics Associa- Ph.D., University of California,
Mathematics Teacher Educators. tion of Korea). Assembling Los Angeles

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Scholarly Interests Bell Association). Metacogni- Romantic vision (New York HOPE LEICHTER
Equity issues in urban education. tion, metalinguistics and inter- London: Continuum Press, forth- Elbenwood Professor of Education
Teacher education. Multicultural vention (Applied Psycholingu- coming 2006). Laverty, M., The and Director of the Elbenwood
feminisms and feminist pedago- istics). The psycho-educational interplay of Virtue and Romantic Center for the Study of the Family
gies. African-American teaching assessment of hearing impaired Ethics in Chang rae Lees A as Educator
practices with diverse popula- children (Auditory Disorders in Gesture Life, Analecta Department of International
tions. School Children). Educational Husserliana (forthcoming Fall and Transcultural Studies
consideration of at-risk hearing 2006). Laverty, M., Philosophical
Selected Publications impaired children (Speech, dialogue and ethics: redefining
The Intersections of race, class, A.B., Oberlin College;
Language and Hearing Services in the virtues, The International Ph.D., Harvard University
and gender in the teacher prepa- the Schools). Teachers-as- Journal for Applied Philosophy
ration of an African-American researchers: Supporting profes- 18:2 (2004): pp. 189-201. Scholarly Interests
social justice educator (Equity & sional development (Volta Families and communities as
Excellence in Education). Review). Multihandicapped, educators. Family memories and
(De)constructing (in)visible par- hearing impaired students as narratives. Kinship networks and
ent consent forms: Negotiating thinkers and feelers (Volta grandparents as educators. The
power, reflexivity, and the collec- Review). mediation of television by the
tive within qualitative research. family. Education in community
(Qualitative Inquiry). Ethics in DEANNA KUHN settings: museums, libraries.
qualitative research: Multicul- Professor of Psychology Families and school reform.
tural feminist activist research and Education Immigration, migration and fami-
(Theory into Practice). (In)(Di) Department of Human ly education.
Visible Identities of Youth: Coll- Development
ege preparation programs from a Selected Publications
Feminist Standpoint (SUNY Education Stories are Learning (The
B.S., University of Illinois; Ph.D.,
Press). Finding Our Way: Chall- Museum as a Place of Learning,
University of California, Berkeley YOUNG-SUN LEE
enging Oppressive Educational Cornell University). Kinship and
Assistant Professor of Casework: Family Networks and
and Societal Practices (The
Scholarly Interests Psychology and Education
Thought and Practice of Anti- Cognitive development across Social Intervention (Russell Sage
Department of Human
Racist Teaching, Routledge). the life span and implications for Development Foundation). Families and Com-
educational theory and practice. munities as Educators (Teachers
Education College Press). The school and
Selected Publications B.A., M.S., Ewha Womans parents (The Teachers Hand-
Education for thinking. University, Seoul; Ph.D., book). The concept of educative
(Harvard University Press). University of Wisconsin- style (Teachers College Record).
Understanding and valuing Madison Family contexts of television
knowing as developmental goals. (Educational Communication and
(Liberal Education) Whats so Scholarly Interests Technology). Families and muse-
good about problem-based learn- Item Response Theory, um (Marriage and Family
ing? (Cognition and Instruction.) Educational and Psychological Review).
How do people know? (Psycholo- Measurement, and Applied
gical Science) A developmental Statistics STEPHEN LEPORE
model of critical thinking. Professor of Health Education
(Educational Re-searcher) The Selected Publications Department of Health
ROBERT KRETSCHMER Skills of Argument. (Cambridge Applications of Isotonic and Behavioral Studies
Associate Professor of University Press). Regression in Item Response
Education and Psychology Theory. (Dissertation) Recove- Education
Department of Health MEGAN LAVERTY ry of Item Parameters in the B.A., Clark University;
and Behavior Studies Nominal Response Model: A Ed.M., Harvard University;
Education Comparison of Marginal Ph.D., University of California,
Education B.A., M.A., University of Likelihood Estimation and Irvine
B.S., M.A., Northwestern Melbourne; Ph.D., University Markov Chain Monte Carlo
University; Ph.D., University of New South Wales Scholarly Interests
Estimation. (Applied Psycholo- Psycho-oncology. Social dispari-
of Kansas
gical Measurement) Techniques ties in health Evidence-based
Scholarly Interests for Developing Health Quality of
Scholarly Interests Moral philosophy and moral edu- behavioral medicine. Social rela-
Teaching of the deaf and hard of Life Scales for Point of Service tions, emotions, stress, and
cation, the history of philosophy,
hearing. Linguistics of English Use. (Department of Statistics, health Educational and psy-
philosophy and literature, philo-
and ASL. Literacy development. University of Wisconsin Madison.) chosocial interventions for pro-
sophy of and education, includ-
Text structure. School psycholo- A Parameter Recovery Study for moting health
ing Philosophy for Children
gy. Auditory streaming. the Nominal Response Model.
(Department of Educational Selected Publications
Selected Publications Selected Publications Psychology, University of Its not that bad: Social chal-
Reading and Hearing Impaired Laverty, M., Iris Murdochs Wisconsin-Madison.) lenges to emotional disclosure
Individuals (Alexander Graham Ethics: A Consideration of her enhance adjustment to stress.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 241

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(Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An Selected Publications teacher professional development

International Journal) Improving When Hope and Fear Collide: A and reflection, and student
quality of life in men with pros- Portrait of Todays College Stu- domain subject understanding,
tate cancer: A randomized con- dent (Jossey-Bass). Beating the influence of technology-rich
trolled trial of group education Odds: How the Poor Get to Coll- learning environments on lesson
interventions. (Health Psycho- ege (Jossey-Bass). How the Aca- development, trans-cultural col-
logy) The Writing Cure: How demic Profession is Changing laboration among teachers and
Expressive Writing Influences (Daedalus). When Dreams and students
Health and Well-Being. (Ameri- Heroes Died: A Portrait of To-
can Psychological Association) days College Students (Jossey- Selected Publications
A social-cognitive processing Bass). Handbook on Undergra- Technology, culture and adap-
model of emotional adjustment duate Curriculum (Jossey-Bass). tive mind (Mind, Culture &
to cancer. (Psychosocial interven- Activities, co-author, in press).
tions for cancer) Talking facilitates HENRY LEVIN ERIKA LEVY Reflection at the crossroad of
cognitive-emotional processes of William Heard Kilpatrick Professor Assistant Professor of Speech cultures (Mind, Culture &
adaptation to an acute stressor. of Economics and Education and and Language Pathology Activities, co author, in press).
(Journal of Personality and Social Department of Reflective adaptation of a tech-
Director, National Center for the
Psychology) Biobehavioral Sciences nology artifact: A case study of
Study of Privatization in Education
classroom change (Cognition &
(NCSPE) Education
NANCY LESKO Instruction). Designing meta-
B.A., Wesleyan University; cognitive activities (Educational
Maxine Greene Professor of Department of International and M.A., Lehman College, Technology Research & Devel-
Distinguished Contributions Transcultural Studies M.A., New York University; opment).Supporting learning of
to Education
Department of Curriculum Ph.D., City University of New variable control in a computer-
and Teaching B.S., New York University; York Graduate Center based biology environment:
M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University Effects of prompting college stu-
Education Scholarly Interests dents to reflect on their own
B.S., Georgetown University; Scholarly Interests Cross-language speech produc-
thinking (Journal of Research In
M.S., Ph.D., University of Economics of education. Cost- tion and perception, second-lan-
guage speech learning, multilin- Science Teaching)
Wisconsin, Madison effectiveness analysis. School
reform. Educational vouchers. gualism
Scholarly Interests
Curriculum theory and history. Selected Publications Selected Publications
Conceptions of children and Cost Effective Analysis: Goral, M., Levy, E., & Obler,
youth in theory and practice. Concepts and Applications, 2nd L.K. (2002). Neurolinguistic
Gender issues in education. Ed. (Sage Publications). Privatiz- aspects of bilingualism. Interna-
Citizenship education in times ing Education (Westview Press). tional Journal of Bilingualism, 6,
of war. Educational vouchers: Effective- 351-380. Levy, E. (2001). Babys
ness, choice, and costs (Journal First Steps (in French, Spanish,
Selected Publications of Policy Analysis and Manage- Italian. Three-book series).
Denaturalizing adolescence: ment). Educational performance Zviezdana Verzich (Ed). Living
The politics of contemporary rep- standards and the economy Language. NY: Random House.
resentations (Youth & Society). (Educational Researcher). Acce- Levy, E., Goral, M., & Obler, L.
Past, present, and future con- lerated schools: A Decade of K. (1999). Neurolinguistic per-
ceptions of adolescence (Educa- Evolution, (International Hand- spectives on mother tongue: SUNIYA LUTHAR
tional Theory). The leaky needs Evidence from aphasia and brain Professor of Psychology
book of Educational Change).
of school-aged mothers: An imaging. Les cahiers Charles V, and Education
Raising school productivity: An
examination of US programs and 27. Paris: Publication de luniver- Departments of Counseling
X-Efficiency Approach (Econo- and Clinical Psychology
policies (Curriculum Inquiry). mics of Education). sit de Paris 7.
Act Your Age: A Cultural
Construction of Adolescence XIAODONG LIN Education
ARTHUR LEVINE B.Sc., M.Sc., Delhi University;
(Routledge Press). Masculinities at President of Teachers College Associate Professor of
Technology and Education Ph.D., Yale University
School (Sage Press). Reducing the Professor of Education
Risk: Schools as Communities of Department of Organization Department of Mathematics,
Science and Technology Scholarly Interests
Support (Falmer Press). and Leadership Developmental psychopathology
and resilience among children
Education Education
B.A., Teachers College, HeNan and families at risk.
B.A., Brandeis University;
Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo University; M.A., Louisiana State
University; Ph.D., Purdue Selected Publications
Resilience in development: A
Scholarly Interests University
College students and multicultur- synthesis of research across five
alism. College and university Scholarly Interests decades. Developmental Psycho-
leadership. Curriculum. History Metacognition and problem solv- pathology: Risk, disorder, and
of higher education. ing, technology-mediated cultural adaptation The culture of afflu-
interactions and their impact on ence: Psychological costs of

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material wealth. Child Develop- University of California at ELIZABETH MIDLARSKY Selected Publications
ment Resilience and vulnerabili- Berkeley Professor of Psychology Creating Spaces and Finding
ty: Adaptation in the context of and Education Voices: Teachers Collaborating
childhood adversities. (Cam- Scholarly Interests Department of Counseling for Empowerment (SUNY Press).
bridge University Press) Informal workplace learning; and Clinical Psychology A Light in Dark Times: Maxine
Privileged but pressured?: A team learning; action learning; Greene and the Unfinished Con-
study of affluent youth. Child strategic organizational learning Education
B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY; versation (Teachers College Press).
Development The construct of and knowledge management. Whats Left in the Field.... A
Learning organizations. M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern
resilience: A critical evaluation Curriculum Memoir (Journal of
International models of manage- University
and guidelines for future work. Curriculum Studies). English
(Child Development) ment. education in the making
Scholarly Interests
Altruism and religiousness (English Education). Sound of
ANAND MARRI Selected Publications
Informal and Incidental Learning through the life span. Violence Silence Breaking: Women,
Assistant Professor of and mental health. Aging and Autobiography, Curriculum
Social Studies and Education in the Workplace (Routledge).
Sculpting the Learning Organi- gender issues. Families of people (In Press. Peter Lang Publication).
Department of Arts with disabilities. Predictions of
and Humanities zation (Jossey-Bass). Team Learn-
ing Survey (Organization Design psychotherapy utilization in LISA MILLER
white and ethnic minority popu- Associate Professor of
Education and Development). Facilitating
Psychology and Education
A.B., Bowdoin College, Learning Organizations: Making lations.
Department of Counseling
Government and Legal Studies; Learning Count (Gower). and Clinical Psychology
Informal Learning on the Job Selected Publications
A.M., Stanford University; Helping by siblings of children
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin- (Advances in Developing Human Education
with mental retardation
Madison Resources, Berrett Koehler) B.A., Yale College; Ph.D.,
(American Journal of Mental
University of Pennsylvania
SUSAN MASULLO Retardation). Personality corre-
Scholarly Interests lates of heroic rescue during the
Civic and Democratic Education, Assistant Professor of Scholarly Interests
Practice in Education Holocaust (Journal of Personal- Religion & spirituality, depression
Multicultural Education, Race/
Department of Health ity). Altruism in Later Life (Sage and substance abuse, related risk
Ethnicity, Teacher Education,
and Behavior Studies Publications). Anorexia Nervosa factors and protective factors.
Critical Analysis of Technology
in post-menopausal women
in Education, and Social Studies
Education (Journal of Mental Health and Selected Publications:
Education. B.A., Thomas More College, Aging). Altruism and the Viet- Religion and substance use and
Fordham University; M.A., nam War veteran (Journal of
Selected Publications Teachers College; Ph.D., abuse among adolescents in the
Building a framework for class- Traumatic Stress). National Cormorbidity Survey
Fordham University
room-based multicultural demo- (Journal of the American Aca-
cratic education (CMDE): demy of Child and Adolescent
Learning from three skilled
Scholarly Interests
Reading assessment and inter- Psychiatry). Religion and depre-
teachers. (Teachers College vention. Adult literacy; vocation- ssion; Ten year follow-up of de-
Record) Educational technology al and workplace literacy. pressed mothers and offspring
as a tool for multicultural demo- Learning disabilities. (Journal of the American Aca-
cratic education: The case of one demy of Child & Adolescent
U.S. history teacher in an under- Psychiatry).
resourced high school. (Contem-
porary Issues in Technology and DENNIS MITHAUG
Teacher Education) Multicultural Professor of Education
democracy: Toward a better Department of Health
democracy. (Intercultural and Behavior Studies
Education) Social studies, race,
and the World Wide Web. (Cri- JANET MILLER Education
B.A., Dartmouth College;
tical race theory perspectives on the Professor of English Education
M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., University
social studies: The profession, poli- Department of Arts
and Humanities of Washington.
cies, and curriculum) Which
cases should we teach? (Social
Education Scholarly Interests
Education) Equal opportunity. Empirical,
A.B., Grove City College;
ROBERT MCCLINTOCK M.A., University of Rochester; Moral and Policy Theories. Self-
Professor of Education and Co- John L. and Sue Ann Weinberg Ph.D., Ohio State University determination. Self-regulation.
director, The J.M. Huber Institute Professor for the Historical and Social Policy. Special Education
for Learning in Organizations Philosophical Foundations of Scholarly Interests Leadership.
Department of Organization Education Feminist curriculum theorizing.
and Leadership Department of Mathematics, Constructions of teachers identi- Selected Publications
Science and Technology ties in collaboration and school Self-Determined Learning
Education reform efforts. Issues of represen- Theory: Construction, Verifi-
B.A., Notre Dame University; tation, especially in autobio- cation, and Evaluation (Earl-
M.I.P.A., Maxwell School; Ph.D., graphical and biographical forms. baum). Learning to Theorize:

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 243

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A Four-Step Strategy (Sage). In- Madison; Ed.D., Teachers cesses on students. (Educational
clusive Schooling: National and College Psychologist).
International Perspectives (Earl-
baum). Equal Opportunity Theo- Scholarly Interests ANNA NEUMANN
ry (Sage). Self-Regulation Theo- Probability. Statistical inference. Professor of Higher Education
ry: How Optimal Adjustment Multivariate techniques. Department of Organization
Maximizes Gain (Praeger). Psychological factors that relate and Leadership
to performance in statistics, cog-
MARIE MIVILLE nitive abilities and attitudes. Education
Associate Professor of B.A., University of Texas at
Psychology and Education Selected Publications Austin; M.A., University of
Department of Counseling Introductory Statistics (Scott Texas at Pan American; Ph.D.,
and Clinical Psychology Foresman). University of Michigan-Ann
B.S., University of Florida; Professor of Communication
Assistant Professor of and Education Scholarly Interests
M.A., Ph.D., University of Science and Education Scholarly learning in lifespan per-
Department of Mathematics,
Maryland at College Park Department of Math, Science spective. Professors and their
Science and Technology
and Technology intellectual careers. Learning and
Scholarly Interests Education teaching in higher education.
Multicultural counseling, Education B.A., St. Bonaventure Womens scholarly development.
Latino/a mental health issues, B.S., University of North Academic cultures. Qualitative
University; M.A., Ed.M.,
Universal-diverse orientation , Carolina, Chapel Hill; research methodology, interview
Teachers College, Columbia
Social attitudes, Supervision and M.S., North Carolina research methods. The learning
University; M.A., M.Phil.,
consultation, Professional devel- Agricultural and Technology of research.
Ph.D., Columbia University
opment State University; Ph.D., Florida
State University Selected Publications Selected Publications
Selected Publications Doctoral Dissertation: Augustus To Glimpse Beauty and Awaken
Walking a tightrope: Strategies Scholarly Interests and Vergil: Pietas and the Meaning: Scholarly Learning as
for teaching undergraduate mul- Issues of diversity related to pre- Pedagogy of Power Aesthetic Experience, (Journal
ticultural counseling courses. service/inservice teacher educa- of Aesthetic Education) Intro-
(Handbook of Multicultural tion and development; the design GARY NATRIELLO duction to Aesthetic Lives:
Competencies in Counseling and of curriculum materials that Professor of Sociology Teaching and Learning as Crea-
Psychology) Psychological func- focus on issues of diversity in and Education tive Work, (Journal of Aesthetic
tioning and identity development teaching and assessing science; Department of Human
Education) Windows of Possibil-
of biracial people: A review of integration of science, technolo- Development
ity: Perspectives on the Con-
current theory and research. gy, mathematics, and literacy for struction of Educational Re-
Book chapter accepted for publi- inservice professional develop- Education
A.B., Princeton University; searchers. (The Sage Handbook
cation in forthcoming (Hand- ment; and feminist post structur- on Research in Education: Engaging
A.M., Ph.D., Stanford University
book of Racial-Cultural Psychology al thinking in science education Ideas and Enriching Inquiry)
and Counseling, Volume I) and teacher professional develop- Strategies for Assuming Agency
Scholarly Interests
Universal-diverse orientation: ment. Social organization of online in the Construction of a Tenured
From prejudice and discrimina- learning. Social dimensions of Faculty Career. (Enhancing
tion to awareness and accept- Selected Publications
performance assessment. School Understanding of Faculty Roles and
ance. (The psychology of prejudice Science and mathematics inte-
gration for intermediate grades, and classroom organization. Work-lives) Observations: Taking
and discrimination.) Personal nar- Schooling for at risk-youth. Seriously the Topic of Learning
3-4. Boston, MA. (Houghton
ratives about heterosexism in Mifflin). Science and reading in Studies of Faculty Work and
counseling psychology: How the integration for primary grades, Selected Publications Careers. (Advancing Faculty
Closet still exists today. K-2. (Houghton Mifflin). Science Bridging the Second Digital Learning Through Interdisciplinary
(Deconstructing heterosexism in the and reading integration for inter- Divide: What can sociologists of Collaboration) Preparing
counseling professions: Multicul- mediate grades, 5-6. (Houghton education contribute? Sociology Education Practitioners to
tural narrative voices.) Biracial Mifflin). Moore, F.M. (2003). In of Education, 74, 260-266. The Practice Education Research.
and multiracial identity: the midst of it all: A feminist per- development and impact of high (Issues in Education Research:
Influence on self-identity as spective on science and science stakes testing. (Raising Standards Problems and Possibilities)
African American. (Book chapter teaching. (Journey to the Ph.D.,
of Raising Barrier: Inequality and
accepted for publication.) How to Navigate the Process as DEBRA NOUMAIR
African Americans) Moore, F.M., High-Stakes Testing in Public
Education) The effectiveness of Associate Professor of
Teachers coping strategies for Psychology and Education
JANE MONROE teaching science in a low per- the Title I Compensatory
Associate Professor of Department of Organization
forming school district. (forth- Education Program: 1965-1997.
Statistics and Education and Leadership
coming) Language in science edu- (Journal of Education for Students
Department of Human
cation as a gate keeper to learn- Placed At Risk). From Cashbox to Education
ing, teaching, and professional Classroom: The Impact of the B.S., Boston University;
development. (forthcoming) Quality Education Act in New Ed.M., Ed.D., Teachers College,
B.A., Midwestern University; Jersey. (Teachers College Press). Columbia University
M.S., University of Wisconsin, The impact of evaluation pro-

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Scholarly Interests Education Selected Publications Education

Group and organizational dynam- B.A., Marymount Manhattan Making room for students: B.A., Ph.D., University of
ics and the application of systems College; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue Sharing teacher authority in Sussex, England
thinking to individual, team, and University Room 104. (Teachers College
organizational performance. Press). Oyler, C. & The Inclusive Scholarly Interests
Examining the influence of diver- Scholarly Interests Study Group (forthcoming).
Reading and writing disabilities
Function of the normal ear. in children and adults. Academic
sity and authority on leadership Student teachers inquiries into
Psychoacoustics and auditory preparedness and remediation in
and follower ship behavior in learning to teach inclusively.
physiology. Intraoperative moni- community colleges. Adult edu-
groups, organizations, institu- Preparing teachers for inclusive
toring of hearing during neuroto- cation and workplace literacy.
tions, and society. classrooms: Learning from a col-
logic surgery.
laborative inquiry group. Selected Publications
Selected Publications Selected Publications (Journal of Teacher Education). Effects of text, domain and
Group dynamics, organizational Influence of temporal masking Silenced gender: The construc- learner variables on the academic
irrationality, and social complexi- on Click-Pair Discriminability tion of a male primary educator. writing of developmental reading
ty: Group Relations Reader 3. (Perception and Psychophysics). (Teaching and Teacher Education). students (Higher Education).
(The A. K. Rice Institute). Div- Two-tone auditory spectral reso- Demo-cratic classrooms and Effects of repetition on informa-
ersity and authority conferences lution (Journal of the Acoustical accessible instruction. tional writing of developmental
as a social defense. (Applied Society of America). Relation- (Democracy and Education) reading students (Journal of
experiential learning: The group ship between psychophysical tun- Developmental Education).
relations training approach.) ing curves and suppression AARON PALLAS Academic-occupational integra-
The Multiplicity of Roles and (Journal of the Acoustical Society Professor of Sociology tion as a reform strategy for the
Demands for the Leader as of America). The relationship and Education community college: Classroom
Partner. (The Leader as Partner). between loudness-intensity func- Department of Organization
perspectives (Teachers College
The Role of Personality tions and the Click-ABR Wave V and Leadership
Record). Promising approaches for
Assessment in Organization Latency Functions (Ear and
Education remediation (Community College
Development. (Organization Hearing). Cross-modality match- B.A., University of Virginia; Journal). Professionalizing adult
development: A process of learning ing and the loudness growth Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University literacy: Would a credential
and changing.) The Tiller of function for Click Stimuli help? (Journal of Adolescent and
Authority in a Sea of Diversity: (Journal of the American Aca- Scholarly Interests Adult Literacy). Work-place lit-
Empowerment, Disempower- demy of Audiology). Educational stratification, sociol- eracy assessment (Dyslexia).
ment, and the Politics of Iden- ogy of the life course, research Assessing the reading-writing
tity. (Dynamic consultation in a methodology, school effects and relation in adult literacy stu-
changing workplace). effectiveness, and social organiza- dents (Reading Psychology).
tion of schools.
Selected Publications Associate Professor of
The effects of schooling on Psychology and Education
individual lives. (Handbook of Department of Organization
Sociology and Education). Pre- and Leadership
paring education doctoral stu-
dents for epistemological diversi- Education
ty. (Educational Researcher). B.S., Trinity College; M.S.,
Class size and eighth grade math Carnegie Mellon University;
achievement in the United Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
States and abroad. (Educational University
Associate Professor of Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, co-
Scholarly Interests
Department of Curriculum author). The development and The role of personal characteris-
KATHLEEN OCONNELL and Teaching impact of high-stakes testing. tics (e.g., age, gender, race, dis-
Isabel Maitland Stewart Professor (Raising standards or raising barri- ability) in human resource judg-
of Nursing Education Education ers? Inequality and high-stakes test- ments and organizational behav-
Department of Health B.S., Southern Connecticut State ing in public education, co-author). ior. Specifically, age discrimina-
and Behavior Studies College; M.Ed., University of Educational participation across tion and sexual harassment issues
Vermont; Ph.D., University of the life course: Do the rich get
Education in organizations. Organizational
Illinois richer? (New Frontiers in
B.S.N., College of Mount St. efforts (e.g., training) to address
Socialization: Advances in Life sexual harassment and manage
Joseph-on-the-Ohio; M.A., Scholarly Interests Course Research). diversity.
Ph.D., University of Kansas Classroom-based collaborative
research on issues of social jus- DOLORES PERIN
HONOR OMALLEY Selected Publications
tice, equity, and accessible peda- Associate Professor of Ironic evaluation processes:
Associate Professor of Audiology gogy. Inclusion of students with
Department of Biobehavioral Psychology and Education Effects of thought suppression on
disabilities in general education Department of Health and evaluations of older job appli-
classrooms. Behavior Studies cants (Journal of Organizational
Behavior). An exploration of

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 245

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access and treatment discrimina- Education Encyclopedia) Perceptions of and

tion and job satisfaction among B.A., Marietta College; M.A., preferences for skin color, Black
college graduates with and with- University of Colorado; Ph.D., racial identity, and self-esteem
out physical disabilities (Human University of California, Los among African Americans. (Jour-
Relations). Moderating effects of Angeles nal of Applied Social Psychology).
personal and contextual factors Career Maturity: The constructs
in age discrimination (Journal of Scholarly Interests validity, vitality, and viability.
Applied Psychology). Explaining Second language assessment; (Career Development Quarterly)
gender-based selection decisions: Language Program Evaluation; The relationship be-tween cop-
A synthesis of contextual and Conversational analysis; Socio- ing styles, attachment, and career
cognitive approaches (Academy psychological dimensions of salience in partnered working
of Management Review). Indivi- second language acquisition women with children. (Journal of
dual differences in the effective- Career Assessment)
Selected Publications
ness of sexual harassment aware- LENORE POGONOWSKI Assessing Grammar (Cambridge
ness training (Journal of Applied Associate Professor of University Press, 2004). Strategy SUSAN RECCHIA
Social Psychology). Music Education Associate Professor of Education
Use and Second Language Test Department of Curriculum
Department of Arts
and Humanities Performance (Cambridge Univer- and Teaching
STEPHEN PEVERLY sity Press). Validating Question-
Associate Professor of Education naires to Examine Personal Education
Psychology and Education B.S., Western Connecticut State Factors in L2 Test Performance. B.A., University of California,
Department of Health University; M.A., University of In M. Milanovich & C. Weir Santa Cruz; M.A., California
and Behavior Studies Connecticut; D.M.A., (Doctor of (Eds.), European Language Test- State University, Northridge;
Musical Arts), Temple University ing in a Global Context. Pro- Ph.D., University of California,
Education ceedings of the Association of Los Angeles
B.A., Manhattan College;
M.S., Ed.S., SUNY, Albany; Scholarly Interests Language Testers of Europe
Development of musicality. (ALTE) Conference of Barce- Scholarly Interests
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Musical creativity and problem lona. Cambridge: (Cambridge Social and emotional develop-
University solving. Metacognition. Interdis- ment of young children. Adult-
University Press.) An analysis of
ciplinary arts education. Contex- the relationships between test child relationships across con-
Scholarly Interests
College adults are not good at tual Teaching and Learning takers cognitive and metacogni- texts. Infants and preschoolers
self-regulation: A study on the Music. Creative Arts Laboratory tive strategy use and second lan- with special needs. Early child-
relationship of self-regulation, guage test performance (Langu- hood professional development.
note-taking, and test-taking. Selected Publications age Learning). The development
Critical thinking and music lis- and construct validation of an Selected Publications
(Journal of Educational Psychology)
tening (Music Educators Jour- instrument designed to investi- Becoming an infant caregiver:
The contribution of reading
nal). Metacognition: A dimen- gate the cognitive background Three profiles of personal and
comprehension ability and meta-
sion of musical thinking characteristics of test takers professional growth (Journal of
cognitive control to the develop-
(Dimensions of Musical Thinking). (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). Research in Childhood Education).
ment of studying. (Journal of
Attitudinal assessment of upper A Review of Bialystoks Com- Caregiver perceptions and child-
Research in Reading). Within-
elementary students in a process- munication Strategies (Issues in caregiver interactions in a newly-
and Across Cultural Variations
oriented music curriculum Applied Linguistics). inclusive infant child care cen-
in Childrens Understanding of
(Journal of Research in Music ter (Early Childhood Education
Distance, Time, and Speed
Education). Creative Arts PATRICIA RASKIN Journal). Social communication
Interrelations: A Follow-Up
Laboratory (Final Report-U.S. Associate Professor of and response to ambiguous stim-
Study. (Journal of Genetic
Department of Education, Fund for Psychology and Education uli in toddlers with visual impair-
Psychology.) American and
Innovative Education). Arts cur- Department of Organization ments (Journal of Applied Devel-
Chinese childrens understanding
ricula in transition (Journal of and Leadership opmental Psychology).
of distance, time and speed inter-
Aesthetic Education). Experi- Establishing intersubjective
relations (Cognitive Develop- Education
ence, critical thinking and prob- experience: Developmental chal-
ment). The effect of adjunct B.S., M.Ed., Pennsylvania State
lem solving in music teacher lenges for young children with
questions and feedback on University; Ph.D., New York
preparation (Music Educators congenital blindness and autism
improving the reading compre- University;
Journal). The role of context in and their caregivers (Blindness
hension of learning disabled ado-
teaching and learning music and Psychological Development in
lescents (Contemporary Educa- Scholarly Interests
(Dimensions of Teaching and Career development of adults Young Children). Play and con-
tional Psychology). Curriculum
Learning Music). A personal ret- (especially women). Identity. cept development in infants with
based assessment of reading
rospective on the MMCP Work/family issues. Retirement. severe visual impairments: A
skills (Psychology in the
(Music Educators Journal). constructivist view (Journal of
Selected Publications Visual Impairment and Blindness).
JAMES PURPURA Confident communication.
Associate Professor of Linguistics (Winning leadership)
and Education, and Director of Identity in adulthood:
TESOL Program Reflections on recent theory and
Department of Arts research. (Identity) Career devel-
and Humanities
opment of women. (Work-Family

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Scholarly Interests Education understanding of middle school

School finance. Institutional A.B., Cornell University; science. (Keeping Learning
incentives. Market approaches to Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute Complex: The Proceedings of the
education. Performance account- of Technology Fifth International Conference for
ability systems. Strategic manage- the Learning Sciences) Design
ment and organizational learning Scholarly Interests principles for developing inquiry
concepts. Education and economic devel-
materials with embedded tech-
opment. Ethnicity and gender in
nologies. (AERA)
Selected Publications the labor market. Immigrants and
Financing Educational Systems: education. The Latino popula- JANICE ROBINSON
Policy and Practice (Merrill/ tion of the United States. Assistant Professor of Higher
Prentice-Hall) The Ecology of Education and Special Counsel
Educational Systems: Models, Selected Publications to the President, Office of the
Tools and Cases for Improvi- Tigers in Distress: The Political
President Diversity and
D. KIM REID sational Leadership (Merrill/ Economy of the East Asian Crisis
Professor of Education Prentice-Hall) Risky Business: (Edward Elgar Publishers). Department of Organization
Department of Curriculum Island Paradox: Puerto Rico in
Private Management of Public and Leadership
and Teaching the 1990s (Russell Sage Founda-
Schools (Economic Policy
Institute) Rethinking Effective tion). Reinventing Urban Educa- Education
Education tion: Multiculturalism and the B.S., Bridgeport University;
B.A., Montclair State University; Schools (Prentice-Hall) Micro-
computer Applications for Strategic Social Context of Schooling M.A., Ed.M., Teachers College;
M.Ed., Temple University;
Management In Education: A Case (IUME Press). Undocumented J.D., St. Johns University School
Ph.D., Temple University
Study Approach (Longman, Inc.) workers in the labor market: of Law; Post Graduate
Illegal Mexican immigrants in Certificate, Harvard University
Scholarly Interests Graduate School of Education
ELAINE RIGOLOSI the United States (Journal of
Interests are in special education
Professor of Education Population Economics).
as a tool of institutional racism, Scholarly Interests
Department of Organization
learning disabilities, and disability and Leadership ANN RIVET Affirmative action in higher edu-
studies. Sociohistorical construc- Assistant Professor of cation and legal education. Legal
tion of disability; inclusive Education Science Education issues in education. Access and
instruction; classroom discourse. B.S., Columbia Union College; Department of Mathematics, diversity in higher education.
M.N., University of Florida; Science and Technology University and professional
Selected Publications Ed.D., University of school leadership.
The discursive construction of Massachusetts; J.D., Benjamin N. Education
learning disabilities. (Journal of Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva Sc.B., Brown University; Selected Publications
Learning Disabilities.) A con- M.S., University of Michigan; Collective Self Esteem and
structivist perspective on disabili- Ph.D., University of Michigan Perceived Social Support as
ty. (Constructivism: Theory, per- Predictors of Cultural Congruity
Scholarly Interests
spectives, and practice) A disabili- Health care administration. Selected Publications among Black and Latino College
ty studies critique of No Child Health care law. Nursing admin- Achieving standards in urban Students (The Journal of College
Left Behind. systemic reform: An example of a
istration and education. Con- Student Development) Unlocking
sumer satisfaction with health sixth grade project-based science the Doors to Legal Education:
care. Humanistic applications in curriculum. (Journal of Research Rutgers-Newarks Law Schools
health care delivery. in Science Teaching, 41(7), 669- Minority Student Program (NJ
692.) Exploring the role of digi- Lawyer- The Magazine).
Selected Publications tal photography to enhance stu- Harbinger of Hope (The
The Empathy Construct Rating dent inquiry in a local ecosys- Rutgers Tradition).
Scale (E Pluribus Maximus). tem. (Journal of Computers in
The La Monica Empathy Profile Math and Science Teaching) DENISE ROSS
(E Pluribus Maximus). Manage- Contextualizing instruction in Associate Professor of
ment in Health Care: A Theo- project-based science: Activating Psychology and Education
retical and Experiential App- students prior knowledge and Department of Health
roach (Macmillan). Management experiences to support learning. and Behavior Studies
in Nursing: An Experiential (Embracing Diversity in the
Approach that Makes Theory Learning Sciences; The Proceedings Education
CRAIG RICHARDS Work for You (Springer). Man- B.A., Spelman College;
of the Sixth International
Professor of Education agement and Leadership in M.A., Ph.D., Columbia
Conference of the Learning
Chair of the Department of University, Teachers College
Health Care: An Experiential Sciences). Exploring the role of
Organization and Leadership
Approach, 2nd Edition (Springer digital photography to enhance
Scholarly Interests
Education 2005). student inquiry in a local ecosys- Autism, Verbal Behavior/
B.S., University of Wisconsin at tem. (Journal of Computers in Communication, Reading
Green Bay; M.S., University of FRANCISCO RIVERA-BATIZ Math and Science Teaching) Disabilities
Wisconsin at Milwaukee; M.A., Professor of Economics Contextualizing instruction:
Ph.D., Stanford University and Education Leveraging students prior knowl-
Department of International edge and experiences to foster
and Transcultural Studies

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 247

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Selected Publications Inventory: Development and Curriculum making, models, Selected Publications
Replacing faulty conversational reliability. (Journal of Traumatic practice and issues: A knowledge Becoming Adult Learners:
exchanges for children with Stress) A comparative analysis of fetish? 100th Yearbook of the Principles And Practices For
autism by establishing a function- the internalizing and externaliz- National Society for the Study of Effective Development (Teachers
ally equivalent alternative re- ing behaviors of traumatized Education (University of Chicago College Press, 2004) and Helping
sponse. (Education and Training urban youth with and without Press). The place of theory in a Teachers Learn: Principal Leader-
in Mental Retardation and PTSD. (Journal of Abnormal practical profession (Contribu- ship For Adult Growth And Dev-
Develop-mental Disabilities) Psychology) tions to Jewish Education). Does elopment (Corwin Press, 2004).
Constant time delay and inter- theory leads practice? Teacher Helping Teachers Learn
spersal of known items to teach JOHN SAXMAN constructs on teaching: top-
sight words for children with Professor of Speech and down perspectives (Advances in MARILYN (MIKKI) SHAW
mental retardation and learning Language Pathology Early Education and Day Care, co- Assistant Professor of
disabilities. (Education and Chair of the Department of author). English Education
Training in Mental Retardation and Biobehavioral Sciences Department of Arts
ANA SERRANO and Humanities
Developmental Disabilities)
Education Assistant Professor of
Generalized imitation and the B.A., San Diego State University;
Social Studies and Education Education
mand: inducing first instances of M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University B.A., State M.S., State
speech in young children with Department of Arts
University College, New Paltz,
autism. (Research in and Humanities
Scholarly Interests New York; Ed.D., Teachers
Developmental Disabilities) Communication disorders. College, Columbia University
Scholarly Interests
Phonatory behaviors across the Studying the teaching-learning
life-span. Experimental collaboration with particular KEITH SHEPPARD
Phonetics. emphasis on how thinking devel- Assistant Professor of
ops and changes during involve- Science Education
Selected Publications Department of Mathematics,
Introduction to Communication ment in inquiry based collective
Science and Technology
Disorders (Prentice-Hall). activity. Student understanding
Acoustic observations in young of social studies concepts and Education
childrens non-cry vocalization content. B.Sc., Liverpool University;
(Journal of the Acoustical Society P.G.C.E., Christs College,
Selected Publications Liverpool University; Ed.D.,
of America).A comparison of The TIMSS Videotape
selected phonatory behaviors of Teachers College
Classroom Study: Methods and
healthy aged and young adults Findings from an Exploratory
(Journal of Speech and Hearing Scholarly Interests
Research Project on Eighth- Student scientific understanding
PHILIP SAIGH Research) of America). A com- Grade Mathematics Instruction and conceptual change learning.
Professor of Psychology parison of selected phonatory in Germany, Japan, and the The role of computers and tech-
and Education behaviors of healthy aged and United States. (NCES). Lessons nology in science teacher educa-
Department of Health young adults (Journal of Speech Learned: A Cross-Cultural Study
and Behavior Studies tion. History of Science
and Hearing Research). of Teaching. (Kindergarten Edu- Education
cation: Theory, Research, and
B.A., University of North Practice) Selected Publications
Professor of Education Lessons From The Committee of
Carolina; M.A., Ph.D., Department of Curriculum
University of Georgia ELEANOR DRAGO-SEVERSON Ten. (The Physics Teacher).
and Teaching Associate Professor Physics First. (Principal Leader-
of Education ship) Physics was Once First and
Scholarly Interests Education Department of Organization
B.A., University of Washington; Was Once for All. (The Physics
Epidemiology, etiology, assess- and Leadership
M.A., George Peabody College Teacher). Chemistry: the Central
ment, and cognitive-behavioral
for Teachers, Vanderbilt Science? The History of the High
treatment of posttraumatic stress Education School Science Sequence. (Jour-
disorder in children and adoles- University; Ed.D., Teachers B.A., Long Island University;
College C.W. Post Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard nal of Chemical Education)
cents; child abuse,; developmen-
University Graduate School of Drilling for Fluids. (Scientific
tal psychopathology; test devel-
Scholarly Interests Education; Postdoctoral Fellow, American Teachers Kit).
opment and validation; cross-cul- Curriculum, teaching, and super-
tural research on child-adoles- Harvard University Graduate
vision: history, theory and prac- DOROTHY SHIPPS
cent psychiatric disorders, and School of Education. Assistant Professor of Education
tice. Teacher preparation. Caring
prevention research. and values education. Religious Department of Organization
Scholarly Interests and Leadership
education. School leadership for adult devel-
Selected Publications
The Childrens Posttraumatic opment, supporting principals,
Selected Publications Education
Stress Disorder Inventory. teachers and other school leaders B.A., M.A., University of
Growing Up Teaching: From
(Psychological Corp.) Posttrau- in their professional develop- California; Ph.D., Stanford
Personal Knowledge to
matic stress disorder: A compre- ment, and transformational University
Professional Practice (Teachers
hensive textbook. (Allyn & College Press). Promise and pos- learning across the life span.
Bacon.) The Childrens PTSD sibility: Learning to teach
(Teachers College Record).

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Scholarly Interests Literacy and the arts. Literacy Selected Publications

History and politics of urban and Technology. The Global Politics of Educa-
school reform. Private interests in tional Borrowing and Lending.
school governance. Civic capaci- Selected Publications (Teachers College Press) New
ty and educational change; policy Reading Counts: Expanding the Paradigms and Recurring
analysis. Role of Reading in Mathematics Paradoxes in Education for Citi-
Classrooms (Teachers College zenship: An International Com-
Selected Publications Press). Critical approaches parison. (Elsevier Science). De-
Pulling Together: Civic Capacity (Handbook of Research on Reading, and Recentralization Reform in
and Urban School Reform. Vol 3). Supporting students Mongolia: Tracing the Swing of
(American Educational Research mathematical inquiries through the Pendulum. (Comparative
Journal) Reconstructing the reading (Journal for Research in Education) The Politics of Edu-
Common Good in Education: Mathematics Education). More cational Borrowing: Reopening
Coping with the Intractable than words: The generative the Case of Achimota in British
American Dilemmas (Stanford power of transmediation for Christian A. Johnson Professor of Ghana. (Comparative Education
University Press) Chicago: The learning (Canadian Journal Outstanding Educational Practice Review)
National Model Re-Examined. of Education). Department of Organization
(Mayors in the Middle: Politics, and Leadership DERALD WING SUE
Race and Mayoral Control of STEPHEN SILVERMAN Professor of Psychology
Urban Schools). The Business- Professor of Education Education and Education
mans Educator: Mayoral Take- Department of Biobehavioral A.B., Harvard College; A.M., Department of Counseling
over and Non-traditional Leader- Sciences Harvard Graduate School of and Clinical Psychology
ship in Chicago. (Powerful Education; Ed.D., Teachers
Reforms With Shallow Roots: Education College, Columbia University Education
B.S., Temple University; B.S., Oregon State University;
Getting Good Schools in Six
M.S., Washington State Scholarly Interests M.S., Ph.D., University of
Cities). The Politics of Urban
University; Ed.D., University of Education policy. Elementary and Oregon
School Reform: Legitimacy City
Massachusetts, Amherst secondary education reform.
Growth and School Improve- Scholarly Interests
Public school governance and
ment in Chicago. (Educational Multicultural counseling and psy-
Scholarly Interests finance. The development of
Policy) Corporate Involvement in Physical education. Research on chotherapy. Psychology of racism
reflective education practitioners.
School Reform. (Clarence Stone) teaching. Research methodology. and antiracism. Cultural diversi-
The Invisible Hand: Big Business ty. Cultural competence.
Selected Publications
and Chicago School Reform. Selected Publications Your Child in School (Arbor Multicultural organizational
(Teachers College Record) How Research on teaching in doctor- House). Revising the New York development. Mental Health
Do Educational Leaders Interpret al programs: A detailed investiga- State Social Studies Curriculum Law.
the Multiple Accountabilities tion of focus, method, and analy- (Teachers College Record).
they Face? (in press). sis (Journal of Teaching in Phy- Teaching in Cities (Whitbread Selected Publications
sical Education) Task structures, Understanding Abnormal
PLC). Beyond standards: The
student practice, and student Behavior (Houghton Mifflin).
Rest of the agenda (Teachers
skill level in physical education Counseling the Culturally
College Record).
(Journal of Education Research). Diverse: Theory and Practice
The unit of analysis in field GITA STEINER-KHAMSI (Wiley). Overcoming Our Rac-
research: Issues and approaches Professor of Education ism: The Journey to Liberation
to design and data analysis Department of International (Jossey Bass). The diversification
(Journal of Teaching in Physical and Transcultural Studies of psychology: A multicultural
Education). Teacher feedback revolution (American Psycho-
Education logist). Multidimensional Facets
and achievement in physical edu- M.A. University of Zurich,
cation: Interaction with student of Cultural Competence (The
Switzerland; Dr. h.c., Mongolian Counseling Psychologist).
practice (Teaching and Teacher State University of Education,
Education). Proposals that work: Multicultural Counseling Com-
Ulaanbaatar; Ph.D., University petencies: Individual, Profession-
A guide for planning disserta- of Zurich, Switzerland (Dr.phil.I)
tions and grant proposals, 4th ed. al and Organizational Develop-
Associate Professor of Education (Sage). Student learning in physi- Scholarly Interests
Chair of the Department of cal education: Applying research Educational transfer and global-
to enhance instruction, 2nd ed.
Curriculum and Teaching ization from an international Associate Professor of
(Human Kinetics). Reading and comparative perspective. Civic Art Education
Education understanding research, 2nd ed. literacy and political socializa- Chair of the Department of
B.S., University of Wisconsin, (Sage) tion. Forced and voluntary Arts and Humanities
Madison; M.S., Ed.D., Indiana migration, multiculturalism and
University educational policy studies. Education
Colonial and postcolonial studies M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State
Scholarly Interests University
Reading in mathematics class- in education.
rooms. Cultural and critical per-
spectives on literacy education.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 249

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Scholarly Interests technology (Memorias: Il cation Across a Century: The MUN TSANG
Cognition and artistic practice Congresso Colombiano de Centennial Volume (100th Year- Professor of Education and
and research methods for arts Informatica Educativa). book of the National Society for the Director for the Center on
disciplines. Study of Education, Part 1). From Chinese Education
Content to Subject Matter, The Department of International
Selected Publications Social Studies. Social Studies in and Transcultural Studies
Artistic thinking as transcogni-
the New York City Public
tive practice: A reconciliation of Education
Schools: A Descriptive Study, B.S., M.S., Massachusetts
the process-product dichotomy.
Journal of Curriculum and Institute of Technology; M.A.,
(Visual Arts Research) 25 years
Supervision. Ph.D., Stanford University
on: Response to Wilson. (Austra-
lian Art Education) An identity
crisis for art education? Scholarly Interests
Costs and financing of education.
(Art-link). Critical interpretive
Chinese education policy. Educa-
inquiry: A qualitative study of
tion and economic development.
five contemporary artists ways of
seeing. (Studies in Art Education). Selected Publications
Beyond the Quantitative and Intergovernmental grants for
Qualitative Divide: Research in STEPHEN THORNTON financial compulsory education
Art Education as Border Skir- Associate Professor of in China (Harvard China Re-
mish. (Australian Art Education) Social Studies and Education
view). Education and national
Department of Arts
and Humanities development in China since
1949: Oscillating policies and
Education enduring dilemmas (China
B.A., M.A., University of Review). Financial reform of
Newcastle; Diploma of MARIA TORRES-GUZMAN basic education in China (Eco-
Education, Mitchell College; Associate Professor of nomics of Education Review).
Bilingual Education Cost analysis of educational
A.M., Ph.D., Stanford University
Department of International
inclusion of marginalized popula-
and Transcultural Studies
Scholarly Interests tion (UNESCO). School
Social studies education. The Choice in the People Republic of
study of geography and history. Education
B.A., Universidad de Puerto China (book chapter, Teachers
Curriculum and teacher educa- Rico; M.A., University of College Press). Economic analysis
tion. Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., of education policy (Education
Stanford University Science Press.)
ROBERT TAYLOR Selected Publications
Associate Professor of Teaching Social Studies That
Scholarly Interests HERV VARENNE
Computing and Education Matters: Curriculum for Active Cross-cultural communication Professor of Education
Department of Mathematics, Learning (Teachers College Press). and classroom interaction. Chair of the Department of
Science and Technology The Curriculum Studies Reader Diversity and teacher education. International and Transcultural
(Routledge), 2nd ed., Editor. Bicultural/bilingual curriculum. Studies
Education Horizons World History
B.A., Denison University; Parental involvement in bilin-
(Harcourt), Contributing Author. gual/bicultural education. Education
B.D., M.A., University of What is History in U.S. History License-s-Lettres, Universit
Chicago; Ed.D., Teachers College Spanish language arts.
Textbooks, Oxford Studies in dAix-Marseille; M.A., Ph.D.,
Comparative Education, in press. University of Chicago
Scholarly Interests Selected Publications
Incorporating Internationalism Defining and Documenting
Computer-based technology in Scholarly Interests
into the Social Studies Curricu- Success for Bilingual Learners:
education, across the curriculum, Culture and communication the-
lum, Educating Citizens for Glo- A Collective Case Study (Bilin-
and around the world, including ory. Comparative study of educa-
bal Awareness (Teachers College gual Research Journal). Multi-
its utility for human survival in a tion in and out of school. Family
Press), in press. Citizenship Edu- cultural Education, Part II & I
balanced ecosystem. structure.
cation and Social Studies Curri- (Teachers College Record).
Selected Publications culum Change after 9/11, Social Stories about differences in a Selected Publications
The Computer in the School: Education in the Twentieth Cen- collaborative with middle school Americans Together: Structured
Tutor, Tool, Tutee (Teachers tury: Curriculum and Context for students (Theory into Practice). Diversity in A Midwestern Town.
College Press). Communicative Citizenship (Peter Lang). Sil- Language, culture and literacy (Teachers College Press, 1977).
technology and the emerging ence on Gays and Lesbians in the in Puerto Rican communities American School Language: The
global curriculum (ACM Siccue Social Studies Curriculum, Soc- (Literacy in Diverse Commun- Rhetorical Structuring of Daily
Outlook). The use of the com- ial Education. Subject Specific ities).Recasting frames: Latino Life in a Suburban High School.:
puter in teaching mathematics Teaching Methods: History, parent involvement (Policy and (Irvington Publishers, 1983)
(Journal of Technology and Teacher Subject-specific Instructional Practice in Bilingual Education: Symbolizing America. (Editor.
Education). Educational prob- Methods and Activities (Elsevier Extending the Foundations). University of Nebraska Press,
lems and solutions incorporating Science). Legitimacy in the Language minorities: Moving 1986) Ambiguous Harmony:
Social StudiesCurriculum, Edu- from the periphery to the cen- Family Talk in America (Ablex,
ter? (Educational Forum).

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1992). Successful failure: The Selected Publications BRUCE VOGELI (Feminist Engagements). Fighting
School America builds, with Ray Desire and Decline: Schooling Clifford Brewster Upton Professor Injustice Through Education
McDermott (Westview, 1998). Amid Crisis in Tanzania. (Peter of Mathematical Education (History of Education).
Lang Publishing.) Women and Department of Mathematics,
LALITHA VASUDEVAN Development: Rethinking Policy Science and Technology ERICA WALKER
Assistant Professor of and Reconceptualizing Practice. Assistant Professor of
Technology and Education (Womens Studies Quarterly). Education Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics, B.S., Mount Union College; Department of Mathematics,
The acquired income deficiency
Science and Technology M.A., Kent Sate University; Science and Technology
syndrome: School fees and sexu-
Ph.D., University of Michigan
al risk in northern Tanzania.
Education Education
B.A., Ph.D., University of (Compare) Uncoupling the Scholarly Interests B.S., Birmingham-Southern
Pennsylvania articulation between girls educa- International and comparative College; M.Ed., Wake Forest
tion and tradition in Tanzania. mathematics education. Educa- University; Ed.M., Ed.D., Har-
Scholarly Interests (Gen-der and Education) Girls tion of the mathematically gifted. vard University
New media and technologies, education and fertility transi- Curriculum development and
Literacies, Youth cultures, Urban tions: An analysis of recent evaluation. Fullbright Senior Scholarly Interests
Education, New methodologies trends in Tanzania and Uganda. Specialist (2002-2007) Racial and gender equity in
and forms of representation (Economic Development and mathematics education; student
Cultural Change) Government- Selected Publications persistence in advanced mathe-
Selected Publications ality in an era of empowerment: SBG Mathematics 2001 (six-book matics; mathematics education
Beyond the Printed Page: The case of Tanzania. (Educa- series, Silver Burdett and Ginn.) policy.
Multimodal Storytelling (with tional Knowledge: Changing Special Schools for the Mathe-
Katherine Schultz and Jennifer Relations between the State, Civil matically Talented - an Interna- Selected Publications
Bateman). (Under review) Re- Society, and the Educational tional Panoramaa, fundacion Student Voices: African
presentation and the new digital Community) andes (Lampadia Foundation). Americans and Mathematics
landscape: How youth engage Houghton Mifflin Mathematics (NCTM Yearbook) Who can do
multiple modalities to make RUTH VINZ 2002 (seven-book series; senior mathematics? (Identifying and
themselves known differently. Enid and Lester Morse Professor author). Houghton Mifflin Math nurturing mathematically talented
(Under review) Forthcoming: in Teacher Education 2005 (in press) students) Getting to the Right
Media, Learning, and Sites of Department of Arts Algebra: The Equity 2000 Initia-
Possibility. (with Marc L. Hill) and Humanities tive in Milwaukee Public Schools
(Manpower Demonstration Re-
Education search Corporation). Student
B.S., Montana State University;
Voices: African Americans and
M.A., Boise State University;
Mathematics (National Council
Ph.D., New York University
of Teachers of Mathematics Year-
Scholarly Interests book: Gender and Multicultural
Teacher Preparation and the Equity in the Mathematics Class-
Professional Education of room).
Teachers. Culturally Responsive
Teaching. The Teaching and BARBARA WALLACE
Learning of Secondary School Associate Professor of
Health Education
Literacies. CALLY WAITE Department of Health
Associate Professor of and Behavior Studies
Selected Publications History and Education
Composing A Teaching Life Department of Arts
FRANCES VAVRUS (Heinemann, Boynton/Cook). Education
Associate Professor of Education and Humanities A.B., Princeton University;
On Writing Qualitative Re-
Department of International M.A., Ph.D., City University
search: Living by Words Education
and Transcultural Studies of New York
(Falmer). Horrorscapes: B.A., New College; M.A.,
Education (In)Forming adolescent identity Stanford University; Ed.D., Scholarly Interests
B.A., Purdue University; M.A., and desire (Journal of Curricu- Harvard University Diversity training for multicultur-
University of Illinois, Urbana- lum Theorizing). Opening al competence. Invisible, covert
Champaign; Ph.D., University moves: Conversations on the first Scholarly Interests and visible overt violence.
year of teaching (English Educa- The transformation of higher
of Wisconsin, Madison Primary, secondary and tertiary
tion). The things we carry: education in the late 9th centu-
violence prevention in school-
Scholarly Interests Working In Relation to the past ry; historical theory and method-
and community-based settings.
Development theory and history. (English Education). Cautions ology.
Domestic violence. Addictions
Gender issues in education. against canonizing (an) other lit- and dependencies, especially to
Education and demographic Selected Publications
erature (Becoming (Other) Wise: Permission to Remain Among crack and cocaine. Drug abuse
change. Educational reform in Critical perspectives on reading lit- and HIV/AIDS. Health promo-
Us: Education for Blacks in
Africa. erature, Calendar Island). tion in multicultural settings.
Oberlin, 1880-1914 (Greenwood
Press). The Invisible Talented
Tenth, Women and Dubois

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 251

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Selected Publications Districts and charter school Scholarly Interests

A Multicultural Approach to reform (The Stanford Law and Text comprehension. Beginning
Understanding and Dealing With Policy Review). reading. Students with learning
Violence: A Handbook for Psy- disabilities and other at-risk stu-
chologists and Educators (Sage JAMES WESTABY dents.
Publications). Adult Children of Associate Professor of
Dysfunctional Families: Preven- Psychology and Education Selected Publications
tion, Intervention and Treatment Department of Organization Improving the comprehension
for Community Health Promo- and Leadership of disabled readers (Annals of
tion (Praeger). Crack Cocaine: Dyslexia). Teaching decoding
Education with an emphasis on phoneme
A Practical Treatment Approach B.A., University of Wisconsin;
for the Chemically Dependent analysis and phoneme blending
M.A., Ph.D., University of
(Brunner/Mazel). The Chemical- (Journal of Educational Psycho-
ly Dependent: Phases of Treat- logy).Learning-disabled adoles- RANDI WOLF
ment and Recovery (Brunner/ cents difficulties in solving per- Associate Professor of
Scholarly Interests sonal/social problems (Teaching Nutrition and Education
Behavioral intention theories. Decision-Making to Adolescents). on the Ella McCollum
Using attitude and reason con- Comprehension of students with Vahlteich Endowment
structs in applied behavioral and without learning disabilities: Department of Health
research. Occupational health Identification of narrative themes and Behavior Studies
and safety. Human resource man- and idiosyncratic text representa-
agement. Corporate social re- tions (Journal of Educational Education
sponsibility. Survey research. Psychology). B.S., Cornell University; M.PH.,
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Selected Publications
Intentions to Work During LESLIE WILLIAMS Scholarly Interests
Terminal Illness: An Exploratory Professor of Education Factors influencing colorectal
Study of Antecedent Condi- Department of Curriculum cancer screening behaviors.
and Teaching
tions. (Journal of Applied Nutrition and osteoporosis.
Psychology). Comparing Education
AMY STUART WELLS Attribute Importance and B.A., Wellesley College; Selected Publications
Motivational Reason Methods Knowledge beliefs and barriers
Professor of Sociology M.A.T., Harvard University;
for Understanding Behavior: An relevant to colorectal cancer
and Education Ed.D., Teachers College
Application to Internet Job screening in an urban popula-
Department of Human
Searching. (Applied Psychology: tion: A pilot study (Family
Development Scholarly Interests
An International Review). Risk Early childhood education. Mul- Community Health, co-author).
Education Taking Orientation and Injury ticultural education. Curriculum/ Factors associated with calcium
B.A., Southern Methodist among Youth Workers: program development and imple- absorption efficiency in pre- and
University; M.S., Boston Examining the Social Influence mentation. History of early child- perimenopausal women (Ameri-
University; Ph.D., Teachers of Supervisors, Co-workers, and hood education. can Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
College Parents. (Journal of Applied Update on the epidemiology of
Psychology). How Different Selected Publications Osteoporosis (Current Rheuma-
Scholarly Interests Survey Techniques Can Impact Multicultural Education: A
tology Report). Epidemiology: The
Educational policy. Race and Magnitude of Concern In
Consultant Recommendations: A Source Book (Routledge/Falmer,
education. Charter schools. Preventing and Managing
Scholar-Practitioner Study co-author) Kaleidoscope: A
School desegregation. School Osteoporosis (Springer Publish-
Comparing Two Popular Multicultural Approach for the
choice policy. ing). Diet, bone loss, and frac-
Methods. (Consulting Psychology Primary School Classroom (Pren-
Journal: Practice and Research). ture: A review of recent litera-
Selected Publications tice-Hall, co-author). Encyclo-
Impact of a National Rural ture (Current Opinion in
Where Charter School Policy pedia of Early Childhood Edu-
Youth Health and Safety Orthopedics).
Fails: Issues of Accountability cation (Garland, co-author).
and Equity (Teachers College Initiative: Results from a ALERTA: A Multicultural,
Press). Stepping Over the Color Randomized Controlled Trial. Bilingual Approach to Teaching
Line: African-American Students (American Journal of Public Young Children (Addison-Wesley,
in White Suburban Schools (Yale Health). co-author). Does practice lead
University Press). Defining theory? Teachers constructs
Democracy in the Neoliberal JOANNA WILLIAMS about teaching: Bottom-up per-
Age: Charter School Reform and Professor of Psychology spectives (Advances in Early
Educational Consumption and Education Education and Day Care, Jai
Department of Human Press).
(American Educational Research
Journal). Reactions to the
Supreme Court Ruling on Education
Vouchers: Introduction to an A.B., Brown University; Ed.M.,
Online Special Issue (Teachers Harvard University; M.S., Ph.D.,
College Record). The politics of Yale University
accountability: California School

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comparison of within group dif- Selected Publications Scholarly Interests

ferences (Journal of College Strategic human resource devel- Curriculum. Teaching. Teacher
Student Development). The col- opment in organizations. (South- education. Alternative routes to
lectivistic nature of ethnic identi- Western College Publishing). certification.
ty development among Asian- Adult learning and the genera-
American college students tion of new knowledge and Selected Publications
(Adolescence). Taiwanese Research on teaching: Policy
meaning: Creating liberating
Students Collective Self-Esteem implications for teacher educa-
spaces for fostering adult learning
and Independent Self-Construal tion (NSSE Yearbook). Improving
through practitioner based col-
as Predictors of Help Seeking Teaching (ASCD Yearbook).
laborative action inquiry.
Attitudes (Cultural Diversity and Curriculum Implementation
(Teachers College Record).
Ethnic Minority Psychology). Self (AERA Handbook of Research on
Taking power seriously in strate-
and coping among college stu- Curriculum). Beginning profes-
gic organizational learning.
CHRISTINE YEH dents in Japan (Journal of College sional teachers: The need for a
(The Learning Organization)
Associate Professor of Student Development, co-author). curricular vision of teaching
Toward a political economy
Psychology and Education (AACTE Knowledge Base for
model for comparative analysis of
Department of Counseling LYLE YORKS Beginning Teachers). Teachers
the role of strategic human
and Clinical Psychology Associate Professor of Adult characteristics: Research on the
resource development leader-
and Continuing Education demographic profile (AERA
Education ship. (Human Resource
Department of Organization Studying Teacher Education).
B.A., Swarthmore College; Development Review) Beyond the
and Leadership Teachers characteristics: Re-
Ed.M., Harvard University; classroom: Transfer from work-
search on the indicators of quali-
Ph.D., Stanford University Education based learning initiatives
ty (AERA Studying Teacher
B.A., Tusculum College; (Improving learning transfer in
Scholarly Interests M.A., Vanderbilt University; organizations)
Cultural conceptualizations of M.A., Ed.D. Teachers College,
self, coping, and mental health. Columbia University KAREN ZUMWALT
Cross-cultural school counseling. Evenden Professor of Education
Department of Curriculum
Scholarly Interests
Selected Publications Action Learning. Collaborative and Teaching
Interdependence in ethnic iden-
Inquiry. Qualitative Research
tity and self: Implications for the- Education
Methods. Strategic Approaches B.A., Mount Holyoke College
ory and practice (Journal of
to Human Resource Develop- M.A.T., Harvard University
Counseling and Development).
ment. Application of adult learn- Graduate School of Education;
Asian-American coping styles
ing theory to individual, group, Ph.D., University of Chicago
and help seeking attitudes: A
and organizational learning, and
workforce and organizational

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SPECIAL TERM Leo Paul Cyr Joan Jeffri Joy Moser

FACULTY Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Associate Professor
of Art Education Arts Administration of Art Education
ARTS AND HUMANITIES B.A., University of Moneton, B.F.A., Boston University, 1967 B.A., Sarah Lawrence College,
1972; M.A. Nova Scotia College 1954; M.A., New York
Philip E. Aarons of Art and Design, 1987; Ed.D., Chin Kim University, 1963; Ph.D., 1981
Adjunct Assistant Professor Teachers College, 2002 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Arts Administration of Music Education Alison Nowak
B.A., Columbia University, 1973; Eduardo Manuel Duarte D.M., The Juilliard School, 1989 Adjunct Assistant Professor
J.D., 1976 Adjunct Associate Professor of Music Education
of Philosophy and Education I. Fred Koenigsberg B.A., Bennington College, 1970;
Joseph Amorino B.A., Fordham College, 1988; Adjunct Assistant Professor A.M., Columbia University,
Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., 1991; Ph.D., New School of Arts Administration 1972, D.M.A., 1980
of Art Education for Social Research, 1997 B.A., Cornell University; M.A.,
B.A., New Jersey City University, University of Pennsylvania; J.D., Gerardo Pina Rosales
1976; M.A., 1980; Ed.D., Eugenia Earle Columbia University Adjunct Associate Professor
Teachers College, 1999 Adjunct Associate Professor of the Teaching of Spanish
of Music Education Bert Konowitz B.A., CUNY, 1977; M.Phil.,
Dino Anagnost B.A., Birmingham Southern Adjunct Professor of 1982; Ph.D., 1985
Adjunct Professor of College, 1943; A.M., Columbia Music Education
Music Education University, 1952; Ed.D., 1979 B.A., Queens College, 1953; Charles Edward Robins
B.A., Boston University, 1966; A.M., Columbia University, Adjunct Associate Professor
M.S., The Juilliard School, 1969; Herman Jie Sam Foek 1954; Ed.D., 1969 of Philosophy and Education
A.M., Columbia University, 1973 Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Caroll College, 1965;
of Art Education John Douglas Kuentzel S.T.L., Universitas Gregoriana,
Marsha Lynne Baxter B.A., Royal Academy of Fine Adjunct Assistant Professor 1969; S.T.D., 1975; Ph.D.,
Adjunct Assistant Professor Arts, Antwerp, 1989; M.A. of Religion and Education Columbia University, 1980
of Music Education Teachers College, 1998; Ed.D., B.A., Catawba College, 1974;
B.S., University of Maryland, 2003 M.A., Presbyterian School of Prabha Sahasrabudhe
1974; M.M., The New England Christian Education, 1982; (Honorary)
Conservatory, 1979; Ed.D., James Frankel M.Div., Union Theological Adjunct Assistant Professor
Teachers College, 2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor Seminary in Virginia, 1984; of Art Education
of Music Education Ph.D., Princeton Theological B.S., Agra (India), 1947; B.A.,
David Johnathan Blacker B.A. Montclair State University, Seminary, 1999 1951; M.A., New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1993; M.A., Teachers College, University, 1955; Ed.D., 1961
of Philosophy and Education 1996; Ed.D., 2002 Leonard Leibowitz
B.A., University of Texas, 1988; Adjunct Assistant Professor Hadassah Sahr
M.A., University of Illinois, 1990; Alvin Fossner of Arts Administration Adjunct Associate Professor
Ph.D., 1994 Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., Bucknell University, 1960; of Music Education
of Music Education J.D., Brooklyn College, 1965 Artist Diploma, The Juilliard
Gay Brookes B.A., New England Conservatory School, 1944; B.S., Columbia
Adjunct Associate Professor of Music, 1947; A.M., Columbia Joseph Sander Lukinsky University, 1954; A.M., Charles
of Education University, 1949; Ed.D., 1969 (Honorary) 1955; Ed.D., 1969
B.A., New Hampshire College; Adjunct Professor of
A.M., Columbia University, Jeanne C. Goffi Religion and Education John F. Schuder
1962; Ed.M., 1984; Ed.D., 1987 Lecturer in Music Education A.B., Roosevelt University, 1951; Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Boston University, 1984; M.H.S., Jewish Theological of Music Education
J.J. Chambliss M.A., Boulder, 1988; Ed.D., Seminary, 1956; Ed.D., Harvard B.M., Wittenberg University,
Adjunct Professor of Teachers College, 1996 University, 1968 1970; M.S.M., Union Theological
Philosophy and Education Seminary, 1972; D.M.A., The
B.S., Illinois State Normal Franklin E. Horowitz Roberta H.I. Martin Juilliard School, 1978
University 1950; M.A., Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of
University of Alabama, 1954; of Linguistics and Education Political Science and Education J. Mark Schuster
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1959 A.B., Columbia University, B.A., Smith College, 1967; M.A., Adjunct Professor of
1953, Ph.D., 1971 Teachers College, 1970; Ph.D., Arts Administration
Lan-Ku Chen Columbia University, 1977 A.B., Harvard College, 1972;
Adjunct Associate Professor Robert A. Horowitz Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute
of Music Education Adjunct Associate Professor Solomon Mikowsky of Technology, 1979
B.A., Chinese Culture University, of Music Education Adjunct Associate Professor
1973; M.A., Yale University, B.A., Rutgers, 1986; M.A., of Music Education Barbara L. Tischler
1977; Ed.D., 1983 Teachers College, 1991; Ed.M., B.S., Juilliard School of Music, Adjunct Assistant Professor
1993, Ed.D., 1994 1960; M.S., 1961; Ed.D., of History and Education
Angiola Churchill Columbia University, 1973 B.A., Douglass College, 1971;
Adjunct Professor of Thomas H. Hoyt A.M., Columbia University,
Art and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor Angelo Miranda, Jr. 1978; M.Phil., 1980; Ph.D., 1983
B.S., Teachers College, 1944; of Music and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.A., 1958; Ed.D., 1967 B.A., SUNY Purchase, 1987; of Music Education
M.M., Yale University, 1989; B.A., City College, CUNY, 1981;
D.M.A., SUNY Stony Brook, M.A., Teachers College, 1984;
1992 Ed.D., 1996
254 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000
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Hansun Shang Waring Terry Kaminski Ashwini K. Rao Michele M. Bartnett
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Language and Education of Movement Sciences Movement Sciences and Education of Psychology and Education
B.A., Beijing University, 1988; B.S., SUNY, Syracuse, 1976; B.A., Institute for the Physically B.A., City University of New
M.A., Central Missouri State Ed.D., Teachers College, 1986 Handicapped, 1988; M.A., New York, 1971; M.A., Teachers
University, 1992; Ed.M., Teachers York University, 1993; Ed.D., College, 1979; M.A., New York
College, 1995; Ed.D., 2000 Carol Kaufman Teachers College, 1999 University, 1986; Ph.D., 1992
Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Jerry Weiner Speech and Language Pathology Justine Sheppard Susan Bodnar
Adjunct Associate Professor B.S., St. Boston University, 1961; Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Social Studies and Education M.S., Southern Connecticut of Speech Pathology of Psychology and Education
B.A., Brooklyn College, 1963; State University, 1976; B.A., New York University, 1959; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1982;
M.A., 1972; Ph.D., CUNY, 1980 Ed.D., Teachers College, 2003 M.A., Teachers College, 1964; Ph.D., New York University,
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1979 1986; Ph.D., City University of
Howard A. Williams David Lefkowitz New York, 1992
Lecturer in Applied Linguistics Visiting Professor of Neurosciences Jaclyn Spitzer
B.A., Boston University, 1973; and Education and of Speech Adjunct Professor of Speech Anita Bohensky
M.A., University of Washington, Language Pathology and Language Pathology Adjunct Assistant Professor
1979; M.A.T.E.S.L., 1986; B.A., Brandeis University, 1974; B.A., Brooklyn College, 1972; of Psychology and Education
Ph.D., UCLA, 1996 Ph.D., City University of New M.S., Teachers College, 1973; B.A., New York University, 1967;
York, 1979 Ph.D., 1978 M.A., 1969; Ph.D., 1981
Haruko Yoshizawa
Adjunct Assistant Professor Steven Lichtman Ronald Tikofsky Ghislaine Boulanger
of Music Education Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Professor of Speech Adjunct Associate Professor
B.M., Manhattan School of of Movement Sciences and and Language Pathology of Psychology and Education
Music, 1984; M.A., Teachers Education B.A., Brooklyn College, 1952; B.A., Hunter College, 1975;
College, 1992; M.Ed., 1993; M.S., Fairleigh Dickinson Ph.D., University of Utah, 1957 M.S., Teachers College, 1979;
Ed.D., 1999 University, 1981; Ed.D., Ph.D., Columbia University, 1981
Teachers College, 1996 Karen Wexler
Patricia Zumhagen Adjunct Associate Professor Johnathan Cohen
Lecturer in English Education Andrew McDonough of Speech Pathology Adjunct Professor of
B.A., Rivier College, 1956; M.A., Adjunct Associate Professor F.M., Uppsala (Sweden), 1968; Psychology and Education
University of Toronto, 1991; M.S., Fairleigh Dickinson M.A., Columbia University, B.A., Antioch University, 1975;
Ph.D., Ohio State University, University, 1981; Ed.D., 1971; Ph.D., 1978 Ph.D., City University of New
1999 Teachers College, 1996 York, 1979
Adrienne Stevens Zion
BIOBEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Thomas Mury Adjunct Associate Professor of Eric Dammann
Adjunct Professor of Speech Movement Sciences and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
Sergei Aleshinsky and Language Pathology B.F.A., The Juilliard School, of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Associate Professor B.S., Indiana University of 1983; M.A., Teachers College, B.A., Bucknell, 1988; M.A.,
M.S., Moscow State University, Pennsylvania, 1965; M.A., Ohio 1995; M.Ed., 1997; Ed.D., 2000 Michigan State University, 1993
1968; Ph.D., 1977 State, 1969; Ph.D., University of Ph.D., 1997
Mark Budde PSYCHOLOGY Martin Devine
Adjunct Associate Professor Roger Muzii Adjunct Associate Professor
of Speech and Language Pathology Adjunct Assistant Professor Jill Backfield of Psychology and Education
B.S., Moorhead State University, of Movement Sciences Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Temple University, 1983;
1974; M.S.U., University of B.A., New York University, 1974; of Psychology and Education M.A., Widener University, 1993;
Wisconsin, 1975; Ed.M., M.A., Teachers College, 1980; B.S., Brooklyn College, 1986; Psy.D., 1997
Teachers College, 1990; Ed.D., Ph.D., Columbia University, 1988 M.S., Teachers College, 1988;
1992 Ph.D., 1996 William Dubin
Lori Quinn Adjunct Professor of
Catherine Crowley Adjunct Associate Professor of Ron Balamuth Psychology and Education
Distinguished Practitioner Movement Sciences and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., New York University, 1950;
B.A., University of Rochester, B.S., University of Connecticut, of Psychology and Education M.A., Columbia University,
1975; M.A., Kean College of 1989; M.A., Teachers College, B.A., Tel-Aviv University, 1981; 1953; Ph.D., 1958
New Jersey, 1979; 1993; Ed.M., 1994; Ed.D., 1996 M.A., New York University,
J.D., Rutgers Law School, 1985 1986; Ph.D., 1990 Morris Eagle
Lorraine Ramig Adjunct Assistant Professor
Karen Reznik Dolins Adjunct Professor of Speech Robert Bartlett of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Language Pathology Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., City College, 1949; Ph.D.,
of Nutrition Education B.S., University of Wisconsin, of Psychology and Education New York University, 1958
B.A., Washington University, 1972; M.S., 1975; Ph.D., Purdue B.A., M.A., Harvard University,
1977; M.Ed., Teachers College University, 1980 1988; 1992; Ph.D., Teachers
1999; Ed.D., Teachers College, College, 2000

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Nancy Eppler-Wolff Arthur Heiserman Jerome Kosseff Judith Lukoff

Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education
B.S., Union College, 1975; M.S., B.A., Bennington College, 1979; B.A., City University of New B.A., University of California, Los
Bank Street College, 1978; Ph.D., M.A., City University of New York, 1939; M.A., Columbia Angeles, 1977; M.A., Teachers
Teachers College, 1985 York, 1987; M.S., Teachers University, 1941; Ph.D., New College, 1948; Ph.D., 1977
College, 1990, M.Phil., 1990, York University, 1951
Stephanie Fagin-Jones Ph.D., 1993 John Mathews
Adjunct Assistant Professor Elizabeth Krimendahl Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education Bruce Hubbard Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
B.A., Northwestern, 1992; M.A., Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education A.B., Harvard University, 1980;
Teachers College, 1998; Ph.D., of Psychology and Education B.A., Duke University, 1982; Ph.D., New York University, 1991
2004 B.A., Purchase College; 1982; M.A., New York University, 1989;
Ph.D., Binghamton University, Psy.D., 1992 Linda A. Mayers
Elizabeth D. Fraga 1990 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Professor of Judith Kuriansky of Psychology and Education
Psychology and Education Samuel D. Johnson, Jr. Adjunct Professor of B.A., McGill University, 1967;
B.A., San Diego State University; Adjunct Professor of Psychology and Education M.A., Teachers College, 1968;
M.A., California State University Psychology and Education B.A., Smith College, 1968; Ph.D., Yeshiva University, 1975
Long Beach; M.A./Ph.D., B.A., Ripon College, 1969; M.A., Ed.M., Boston University, 1970;
University of California, Santa Colgate University, 1970; Ph.D., Ph.D., New York University Catherine McDermott-Coffin
Barbara, 1998 University of Minnesota, 1982 1980 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education
Jesse Geller Maryann Diviney Juska Lauren Levine M.B.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Institute, 1992; M.S., Antioch
of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education New England Graduate School,
B.A., City College of New York, B.A., Saint Josephs College, B.A., Brown University, 1983; 2002; Ph.D., 2004
1960; M.A., University of 1970; M.A., New School for M.A., City College, 1988;
Connecticut, 1961; Ph.D., 1966 Social Research, 1980; M.A., Ph.D., 1990 Samuel E. Menahem
Long Island University, 1987; Adjunct Assistant Professor
Valerie Golden Ph.D., 1992 Laurence R. Lewis of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., Queens College, 1968;
of Psychology and Education Scott Kellogg of Psychology and Education M.S., Teachers College, 1972;
A.B., Stanford University, 1976; Adjunct Associate Professor A.B., Columbia College, 1959; Ph.D., United States
J.D., Denver College of Law, of Psychology and Education M.A., Ph.D., City University International University, 1976
1980; Ph.D., Teachers College, B.A., Hunter College, 1985; of New York, 1975
1998 M.A., City College, 1988; Ph.D., Ernesto Mujica
The CUNY Graduate Center, Wilma Lewis Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jacqueline J. Gotthold 1994 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education B.A., Bennington University,
of Education Lisa Kentgen B.S., New York University, 1963; 1979; M.A., New York University,
B.A., Case Western Reserve Adjunct Associate Professor M.A., 1968; Ph.D., University 1986; Ph.D., 1991
University, 1975; M.A., 1975; of Psychology and Education of Pennsylvania, 1974
Psy.D., Yeshiva University, 1984 B.A., Marquette University, 1987; Robin Nemeroff
M.A., Long Island University, Lisa Litt Adjunct Associate Professor
Donald Greif 1989; Ph.D., Long Island Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor University, 1994 of Psychology and Education B.A., Amherst College, 1991;
of Psychology and Education B.A., B.S., University of M.S., Columbia University, 1998,
B.A., Yale College, 1977; M.A., Richard Kestenbaum Pennsylvania, 1987; M.A., M.Phil., 1998, Ph.D., 1999
1975; Ph.D., Yeshiva University, Adjunct Assistant Professor Adelphi University, 1990;
1986 of Psychology and Education Ph.D., 1996 Laura Nisco
B.A., New York University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Merav Gur 1963; Ph.D., 1968 Ruth Hedrick Livingston of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Cornell University, 1985;
of Education Beth E. King of Psychology and Education Ph.D., Teachers College, 1998
B.A., Hamline University, 1998; Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., University of North
M.S., Teachers College, 2000; of Psychology and Education Carolina, 1970; M.S., Teachers Elizabeth Owen
Ph.D., 2003 B.A., Mount Holyoke College, College, 1993; M.Phil., 1996; Adjunct Associate Professor
1977; M.S., Bank Street College, Ph.D., 1997 of Psychology and Education
Valentina Fischer Harrell 1980; Ph.D., Columbia B.A., University of Louisville,
Adjunct Associate Professor University, 1990 Wendy Lubin 1992; M.S., Teachers College,
of Psychology and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor 1996, M.Phil., 1999, Ph.D.,
B.S., Ohio State University, 1965; Michael J. Koski of Psychology and Education Columbia University, 2001
M.Sc., 1966; M.Sc., Teachers Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Boston University, 1971;
College, 1975; Ph.D., 1979 of Psychology and Education M.A., New York University, 1975;
B.S., New York University, 1969; Ph.D., 1985
M.S., Hunter College, 1973;
Ed.M., Teachers College, 1990;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1998

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Eva Dubska Papiasvili Joseph Turkel Lyn Corno Eileen Marzola
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education B.A., Arizona State University, of Education
Ph.D., Charles (Prague), 1976 B.A., City College of New York, 1972; M.A., Stanford University, B.A., Barnard College, 1979;
1967; Ph.D., McMaster, 1974 1977; Ph.D., 1978 M.A., Teachers College, 1972;
Billie Ann Pivnick Ed.M., 1979; Ed.D., 1985
Visiting Associate Professor Anika K. Warren Beatrice Fennimore
of Psychology and Education B.B.A., Howard University, 1994; Adjunct Professor of Education Diane Newman
B.A., Oberlin College, 1971; M.A., M.Ed., Teachers College, B.A., St. Josephs College, 1970; Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.Ed., New England College, 2000; Ph.D., Boston College, M.S., Brooklyn College, 1977; of Education
1974; M.S., Columbia University, 2004 Ed.M., Teachers College, 1982; B.A., Queens College, 1969;
1987; Ph.D., 1990 Ed.D., 1986 M.Ed., Penn State University,
Robert I. Watson, Jr. 1970; Ph.D., Northwestern
Steven Reisner Adjunct Assistant Professor Jean Erickson Gaumer University, 1980
Adjunct Professor of of Psychology and Education Adjunct Professor of Education
Psychology and Education B.A., Wesleyan University, 1969; B.S., Louisiana State University, Robert Southworth
B.A., Princeton University 1976; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1974 1963; M.S., Western Connecticut Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.S., Columbia University, 1986; University, 1990; Ed.D., Teachers of Education
Ph.D., 1989 Sara L. Weber College, 2000 A.B., Dartmouth College, 1981;
Adjunct Assistant Professor M.Ed., Tufts University, 1983;
Susan Rose of Psychology and Education John Carl Gray C.A.S., Harvard Graduate School
Adjunct Assistant Professor B.S., Boston University, 1969; Adjunct Professor of Education of Education, 1990; Ed.D.,
of Psychology and Education M.A., New York University, 1977; B.S., West Virginia University, Teachers College, 1999
B.A., Barnard College, 1977; Ph.D., 1983 1961; M.Ed., University of
M.S., Ohio University, 1980; Delaware, 1965; Ed.D., Teachers Lisa Wright
Ph.D., 1983 M. Margit Winckler College, 2002. Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education
June Rousso of Psychology and Education Janet Andron Hoffman B.A., Mount Saint Mary, 1980;
Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., City College of New York, Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., New York University, 1981;
of Psychology and Education 1972; M.A., New York University, of Education Ed.D., Columbia University, 1987
B.A., Hofstra University, 1971; 1976; Ph.D., 1981 B.A., Boston University, 1975;
M.A., New School for Social M.S.W., Columbia School of HEALTH AND
Research, 1973; Ph.D., 1977 Arnold Wolf Social Work, 1977; Ed.D., BEHAVIOR STUDIES
Adjunct Professor of Teachers College, 1993
Richard Rubens Psychology and Education Sharon Akabas
Adjunct Professor of B.A., New York University, 1966; Heidi Hayes Jacobs Adjunct Assistant Professor
Psychology and Education M.A., 1968; Ph.D., 1977 Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition and Education
B.A., Yale University, 1968; of Education A.M., Columbia University, 1980;
B.H.L., Hebrew Union College, Lisa Wu B.A., University of Utah, M.S., 1983; Ph.D., 1988
1971; Ph.D., Columbia Adjunct Assistant Professor 1970; Ed.M., University of
University, 1976 of Psychology and Education Massachusetts, 1976; Sheila Amato
B.S., Victoria University of Ed.D., Teachers College, 1981 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Miriam Schechner Wellington, 1994; M.S., of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Teachers College, 2000; Joann Jacullo-Noto B.A., Queens College, 1972;
of Psychology and Education M.Phil., 2001; Ph.D., 2004 Adjunct Associate Professor M.A., Teachers College, 1975;
B.S., Brooklyn College, 1989; of Education Ed.M., 1996; Ed.D., 2000
M.A., Teachers College, 1990; David Yourman B.A., Douglass College, 1968;
Ph.D., Long Island University, Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., New York University, 1970; Lynne Bejoian
1997 of Psychology and Education Ed.M., Columbia University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Oberlin College, 1981; 1978; Ed.D., 1980 of Education
Susan Shachner M.A., City College of New York, B.A., Smith College, 1977;
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1993; Ph.D., Teachers College, Elaine Kanas M.S.Ed., University of Southern
of Psychology and Education 2000 Adjunct Assistant Professor California, 1981; Ph.D., 1989
B.A., Hamilton College, 1976; of Education
M.S., Teachers College, 1989; CURRICULUM AND TEACHING B.S., Skidmore College, 1973; Janice Berchin-Weiss
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1995 M.F.A., University of Minnesota, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Leonard Barham 1975; Ed.D., Teachers College, of Education
Arlene Steinberg Adjunct Assistant Professor l994 M.S., Adelphi University, 1977;
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education Ed.M., Columbia University,
of Psychology and Education B.A., City College of New York, Lori Langer de Ramirez 1984; Ph.D., 1988
B.A., New York University, 1979; 1970; M.S., Hunter College, Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.A., Yeshiva University, 1983; 1975; Ed.M., Teachers College, of Education Bonnie Bernstein
Psy.D., 1986 1980; Ed.D., 1985 B.A., SUNY New Paltz, 1990; Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.S., CUNY, Queens College, of Nutrition and Education
William M. Tortorella 1994; Ed.D., Teachers College, B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY,
Visiting Associate Professor 1998 1970; M.A., New York University,
of Psychology and Education 1979; Ph.D., 1985
B.A., Fordham University, 1959;
M.A., 1963; Ph.D., 1967

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Caroline Camunas Roseanne C. Gotterbarn C. Ronald MacKenzie Katherine Roberts

Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Visiting Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Nursing Education of School Psychology of Health Education of Health Education
B.S., Long Island University, B.A., Fordham University, 1983; B.Sc., Western Ontario, 1974; B.S., Ithaca College, 1991;
1975; Ed.M., Teachers College, M.A., Hofstra University, 1985; M.D., Calgary, 1977 M.PH., Columbia University,
1981; Ed.D., 1991 Ph.D., 1989 1996; M.S., Teachers College,
Ray Marks 2001; Ed.D., 2004
Gay Culverhouse Thomas M. Kelly Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Education Russell Rosen
of Education and Psychology in Education B.Sc., Witwatersrand University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A.E., University of Florida, M.A., Teachers College, 1989; 1970; B.Sc., 1972; M.Sc., of Special Education
1969; M.A., Teachers College, M.Ed., 1990; M.Phil., Columbia University of Alberta, 1988; Co-coordinator of the Program in
1970; Ed.D., 1982 University, 1994; Ph.D., 1995 Ed.D., Teachers College, 2001 Teaching American Sign Language
as a Foreign Language
Craig Demmer Dolleen-Day Keohane Sheila OShea Melli A.B., University of Chicago,
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor 1978; A.M., Columbia
of Health Education of Education of Nursing Education University, 1983; Ph.D., 1996
B.S., University of Natal (South B.A., Pace University, 1974; B.S., Boston College, 1967;
Africa), 1983; M.S., 1985; M.A., M.A., New York University, M.S., Seton Hall University, Lora A. Sporny
Brooklyn College, CUNY, 1994; 1976; M.A., Teachers College, 1981; Ed.D., Columbia Adjunct Associate Professor
Ed.D., Teachers College, 1998 1993; M.Phil., Columbia University, 1987 of Nutrition and Education
University, 1996; M.Ed., Teachers B.S., University of Pittsburgh,
Karen Reznick Dolins College, 1997; Ph.D., Columbia Laura Menikoff 1985; M.A., New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor University, 1997 Adjunct Assistant Professor University, 1987; M.Ed., Teachers
of Nutrition and Education of Psychology and Education College, 1988; Ed.D., 1992
B.A., Washington University, Pamela Donofrio Koch B.A., Hamilton (Kirkland
1977; M.S., New York University, Adjunct Assistant Professor College), 1973; M.S., Bank Virginia S. Stolarski
1981; Ed.D., Teachers College, of Nutrition and Education Street College, 1981; M.S., Adjunct Assistant Professor
2001 B.S., Cook College, Rutgers Queens College, 1992; Ph.D., of Education
University, 1988; M.S., 1992; The Graduate Center of the Co-Director of the Program for
David Erlanger M.Ed., 1998; Ed.D., Teachers City of New York, 1999 Learners with Blindness and
Adjunct Assistant Professor College, 2000 Visual Impairment
of Education and Psychology Jose Eduardo Nanin B.A., SUNY Buffalo, 1986;
B.M., The Juilliard School, 1980; Michael Koski Adjunct Assistant Professor A.M., Columbia University,
Ph.D., Teachers College, 1996 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Education 1987; Ed.M., 1989; Ed.D., 1991
of Psychology and Education B.A., New York University, 1990;
Mindy Thompson Fullilove B.S., New York University, 1969; M.A., 1993; M.S., Teachers Janet Twyman
Adjunct Associate Professor M.A., Hunter College, 1973; College, 2001; Ed.D., 2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Health Education Ed.M., Teachers College, 1990; of Special Education
A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1971; Ph.D., 1998 Clarence E. Pearson B.A., University of Kentucky,
M.S., Columbia University, 1974; Adjunct Professor of 1984; M.S., 1992; M.Phil.,
M.D., 1978 Barbara Krainovich-Miller Health Education Columbia University, 1996;
Adjunct Professor of B.S., Northern Illinois University, Ph.D., 1996
Robert E. Fullilove III Nursing Education 1950; M.PH., North Carolina
Adjunct Associate Professor R.N., St. Vincents Hospital University, 1952 Tina K. Urv
of Health Education School of Nursing, 1963; B.S., Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Colgate University, 1966; Hunter College, 1971; M.S., Margaret G.E. Peterson of Education
M.S., Syracuse University, 1972; 1972; Ed.D., Teachers College, Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., University of Washington,
Ed.D., Columbia University, 1984 1988 of Health Education 1985; M.A., Teachers College,
B.S., Durham University, 1960; 1990; M.Phil., Ph.D., 1998
Linda Lanting Gerra Susan Lipokowitz Ph.D., 1967
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Elizabeth A. Walker
of Psychology and Education of Education John T. Pinto Visiting Associate Professor
B.S., Western Michigan B.A., Hunter College, 1976; Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Education
University, 1970; M.S., M.S., Fordham University, 1980; of Nutrition and Education B.S., Chestnut Hill College,
Wheelock College, 1974; M.Ed., Bank Street College, B.S., St. John Fisher College, 1968; M.A., Notre Dame
Ed.D., Teachers College, 1992 1990; Ed.D., Teachers College, 1968; Ph.D., University of College, 1969; B.S., Creighton
2000 Medicine and Dentistry of University, 1976; D.N.Sc.,
Lesley L. Green New Jersey, 1973 Catholic State University, 1988
Adjunct Assistant Professor Toni Liquori
of Health Education Adjunct Associate Professor Barbara A. Principe Mary Margaret Whelley
B.S., Michigan State University, of Nutrition and Education Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
1991; M.PH., Columbia B.A., Emmanuel College, 1972; Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education
University School of Public M.PH., Columbia University, B.A., University of Windsor, B.S., St. Lawrence University,
Health, 1993; Ed.D., Teachers 1979; Ed.D., Teachers College, 1972; M.A., Antioch New 1979; M.A., New York
College, 2002 1995 England Graduate School, 1984; University, 1989; Ed.M., Teachers
Ph.D., Teachers College, 2001 College, 1999; M.A., 2001;
Ph.D., 2002

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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Lucia F. OSullivan Dale Snauwaert Susan Lowes
B.A., University of New Visiting Assistant Professor Adjunct Associate Professor
Janet P. Alperstein Brunswick (Canada), 1987; of Politics and Education of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., 1991; Ph.D., Bowling B.A., University of Illinois B.A., Goucher College, 1962;
of Sociology and Education Green University, 1994 (Urbana-Champaign), 1983; M.Phil., Teachers College, 1993;
B.A., Barnard College; M.A., M.A., 1988; Ph.D., 1990 Ph.D., Columbia University, 1994
Teachers College, 1992; Ph.D., INTERNATIONAL AND
AND TECHNOLOGY Adjunct Assistant Professor
Ann E. Cami Marion Boultbee of Communication and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Jamsheed Akrami B.A., Universita Di Genova,
of Psychology and Education of Education Adjunct Associate Professor of Italy, 1978; M.A., Teachers
B.A., Harvard University, 1989; B.A., Middlebury College, 1967; Communication and Education College 1987; M.Ed., 1989;
Ed.M., 1992; Ph.D., 2002 M.A., University of Hawaii, M.A., Columbia University, Ed.D., 1995
1970; Ed.D., Columbia 1979; Ed.D., 1986
Hugh F. Cline University, 1996 Ellen B. Meier
Adjunct Professor of Howard Budin Adjunct Assistant Professor
Psychology and Education Dana Burde Adjunct Associate Professor of Computing and Education
B.A., Pennsylvania State Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computing and Education B.A., University of Iowa, 1971;
University, 1956; M.S.S., of Education B.A., Columbia University, 1968; M.A., University of Minnesota,
Stockholms Universitetet B.A., Oberlin College, 1988; M.S., City College of New York, 1980; Ed.D., Teachers College,
(Sweden), 1961; Md.M., Harvard Graduate 1975; Ed.D., Teachers College, 2002
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1966 School of Education, 1993; 1996
Ph.D., Columbia University, Ross H. Nehm
Howard T. Everson 2001 Eileen F. Donoghue Honorary Adjunct Assistant
Adjunct Professor of Visiting Associate Professor Professor of Science Education
Psychology and Education Louis Cristillo of Mathematics Education B.S., University of Wisconsin,
B.A., Brooklyn College, 1972; Lecturer B.A., St. Marys College, 1970; 1991; M.Ed., Columbia
M.A., Montclair State College, B.A., University of California, M.A.T., Northwestern University, University, 2001; Ph.D.,
1975; Ph.D., City University of 1978; M.A., Columbia 1971; M.S., Teachers College, University of California-Berkeley,
New York, 1985 University, 1999; Ph.D., 2004 1985; Ed.D., 1987 1998

Michael Hanchette Hanson Patricia Frenz-Belkin Joseph Peter Garrity Michael J. Passow
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Honorary Adjunct Professor
of Psychology and Education of Education Mathematics Education of Science Education
B.A., Yale University, 1980; B.A., Freie Universitaet, 1982; B.A., Stonehill College, 1965; B.A., Columbia University, 1970;
Ph.D., Teachers College, 1999 M.A., 1984; M.A., Columbia M.Ed., State College at Boston, M.A.T., Teachers College, 1971;
University, 1995; Ed.M., 1997; 1966; M.A., Columbia Ed.D., 1974, M. Ed., 1987
Linda Hirsch Ed.D., 2004 University, 1972; Ed.D., 1979
Adjunct Professor of Education Henry O. Pollak
B.A., City University of New Maria Hamilton Joshua Halberstam Visiting Professor of
York, 1971; M.A., State Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Mathematics Education
University of New York (Stony of Education Technology and Education B.A., Yale University, 1947;
Brook), 1972; Ph.D., New York B.A., Teachers College of the B.A., Brooklyn College, 1968; M.A., Harvard University, 1948;
University, 1986 City of Nitra, 1976; M.A., Ph.D., New York University, Ph.D., 1951
Columbia University, 1996; 1978
Joseph R. Lao Ph.D., 1999 Dennis Robbins
Adjunct Associate Professor Danielle Kaplan Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education Peter Lucas Assistant Professor of of Science Education
B.A., Long Island University, Lecturer Technology and Education B.A., University of Delaware,
1978; M.A., Teachers College, B.A., Slippery Rock University, B.F.A., New York University, 1989; M.A., Teachers College,
1985; Ph.D., 1999 1978; M.A., New York 1993; M.E.S., Yale University, 1997; Ed.D., 2001
University, 1990; Ph.D., 1995; M.A., M.Phil., Ed.M.,
Judith Miller 1996 Teachers College, 1998; Ph.D., Courtney St. Prix
Adjunct Associate Professor 2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education Joseph Paul Martin of Science Education
B.S., Temple University, 1964; Adjunct Professor of Education Ryan D. Kelsey B.S., City College of New York,
M.Ed., 1974; Ph.D., 1980 Ph.L., Angelicum, 1960; S.T.L., Adjunct Assistant Professor of 1993; M.A., Teachers College,
1964; A.M., Columbia Communication and Education 1994; Ed.M., 1999; Ed.D., 2002
Vanessa S. Morest University, 1968; Ph.D., 1973 B.S., Santa Clara University,
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1996; M.A., Teachers College, Robert V. Steiner
of Sociology and Education Betty Reardon 1999; Ed.D., 2003 Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., College of William and Adjunct Professor of Education of Science Education
Mary, 1991; M.A., Teachers B.A., Wheaton College, 1951; Henry J. Landau B.S., University of California,
College, 1997; Ph.D., 2002 M.A., New York University, Visiting Professor of Berkeley, 1978; M.S., Yale, 1980,
1957; Ed.D., Columbia Mathematics Education Ph.D., 1985
University, 1986 A.B., Harvard College, 1953;
A.M., Harvard University, 1955;
Ph.D., 1957

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Robin S. Stern Celeste Coruzzi Joseph Hankin Sheila OShea Melli

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
Communication and Education of Psychology and Education Higher Education of Nursing Education
B.A., New York University, 1973, B.S., Fordham University, 1980; B.A., City College of New York, B.S., Boston College, 1967; M.S.,
Ph.D., 1994; M.A., New School M.A., Teachers College, 1982; 1961; M.A., Columbia Seton Hall University, 1981;
for Social Research, 1979 Ph.D., 1988 University, 1962; Ed.D., 1967 Ed.D., Teachers College, 1987

Thane B. Terrill Gardner Dunnan Wendy L. Heckelman Susan Meyer

Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Computing and Education of Education of Psychology and Education of Adult and Continuing Education
B.S., Boston College, 1982; B.A., Harvard University, 1962; B.A., University of Miami, 1983; B.A., SUNY Albany, 1967, M.A.,
M.A. (American History), 1986; M.Ed., Boston University, 1965; M.A., Teachers College, 1986; New York University, 1969;
M.A. (in Teaching, MAT), 1986; Ed.D., Harvard University, 1968 Ph.D., 1992 M.A., 1977; Ed.D., Teachers
Ed.D., Columbia University, 1993 College, 1986
Mary Jane Eisen Sharon Lamm
ORGANIZATION AND Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor Robert Monson
LEADERSHIP Adult and Continuing Education of Adult and Continuing Education Lecturer of Education
B.A., State University of New B.A., B.S., SUNY Geneseo, 1988; B.A., University of Saint
Jeanne E. Bitterman York, 1973; M.A., Saint Joseph M.S., Cornell University, 1990; Thomas, 1969; M.A., 1971;
Lecturer of Adult and College, 1991; Ed.D., Teachers Ed.D., Teachers College, 2000 Ph.D., Saint Louis University,
Continuing Education College, 1999 1975
B.A., City College of New York, Arthur M. Langer
1973; M.A., New York Philip E. Fey Adjunct Assistant Professor Judith ONeil
University, 1977; M.A., Adjunct Associate Professor of of Higher Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
Columbia University, 1980; Adult and Continuing Education B.A., Queens College, CUNY, of Adult and Continuing Education
Ed.D., 1983 B.A., Fordham University, 1958, 1979; M.B.A., Iona, 1987; Ed.D., B.S., University of Rhode Island,
J.D., 1961; M.A., Columbia Teachers College, 1999 1986; M.A., Teachers College,
Sarah J. Brazaitis University, 1967; Ed.D., 1976 1991; Ed.D., 1999
Lecturer of Psychology Stacey Lutz
and Education Charles W. Fowler Adjunct Assistant Professor Laurie Nisco
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
1990; Ed.M., Teachers College, of Education A.B., Occidental College, 1990; of Psychology and Education
1993; Ph.D., 1998 B.S., State University of New M.A., New York University, B.A., Cornell University, 1985;
York, 1960; M.S., Teachers 1992; Ph.D., 1997 Ph.D., Teachers College, 1998
Stephen David Brookfield College, 1961; Ed.D., 1969
Adjunct Professor of Adult Barbara Macauley Judith Parker
and Continuing Education Keville C. Frederickson Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Lanchester Polytechnic Adjunct Professor of of Adult and Continuing Education of Adult and Continuing Education
Institute, 1970; M.A., Reading, Nursing Education B.S., Springfield College, 1971; B.S., Notre Dame College, 1965;
1974; Ph.D., Leicester, 1980 B.S., Columbia University, 1964; M.Ed., Worcester State College, M.S., Purdue University, 1972;
Ed.M., 1971; Ed.D., 1975 1977; M.A., Teachers College, M.A., Teachers College, 1991;
David L. Buckner 1993; Ed.D., 1995 Ed.D., 1992
Adjunct Assistant Professor Judith Glazer Raymo
of Psychology and Education Adjunct Professor of Gibran Majdalany Jennifer Parlamis
B.S., Brigham Young University, Higher Education Adjunct Assistant Professor Lecturer of Psychology
1988; M.B.A., Durham B.A., Smith College, 1953; of Education and Education
University, England, 1991; M.A., M.A., New York University, B.A., University of Kansas, 1979; B.A., Georgetown University,
Brigham Young University, 1995; 1973; Ph.D., 1980 M.A., Teachers College, 1981; 1993; Ph.D., Teachers College,
J.D., 1995 Ed.M., 1982; Ed.D., 1995 2001
Virginia G. Gonzalez
David X. Cheng Adjunct Assistant Professor Daryll Mattingly Joann Pietro
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adult and Continuing Education Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Associate Professor
of Education B.A., Moravian College, 1972; of Education of Nursing Education
B.A., Soochow University Ed.M., Boston University, 1973; B.A., Indiana University, 1977; B.A., Rutgers University, 1982;
(China), 1982; M.A., Virginia M.A., Teachers College, 1992; Ph.D., 1982 J.D., City University of New York
Institute and State University, Ed.D., 1995 Law School, 1986
1987; Ed.D., 1990 Laura McKenna
Catherine Guerriero Adjunct Assistant Professor Mary Price
Monica Christensen Adjunct Assistant Professor of Politics and Education Instructor of Nursing Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Politics and Education B.A., SUNY Binghamton, 1987; B.S.N., Fairleigh Dickinson
of Higher Education B.A., Wagner College, 1991; M.A., University of Chicago, University, 1969; M.A., Teachers
B.A., Dartmouth College, 1989; M.P.A, New York University, 1991; Ph.D., CUNY Graduate College, 1974; Ed.M., 1980
M.A., Teachers College, 1992; 1993; Ph.D., 2000 School and Center, 2001
M.Ed., 1994; Ed.D., 1997

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Michael Rebell Marie P. Volpe Ann E. Boehm John Fanselow
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus
of Education Adult and Continuing Education of Psychology and Education of Language and Education
A.B., Harvard College, 1965; A.A., Elizabeth Seton College, B.A., Wheaton College, 1960; B.A., Northern Illinois, 1960,
LL.B., Yale Law School, 1970 1979; B.S., Iona College, 1981; M.A., Teachers College, 1963; M.A., 1961; Ph.D., Teachers
M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., Columbia, 1966 College, 1971
Jonathan Rosenberg 1983; Ed.D., 1992
Adjunct Associate Professor Robert A. Bone John H. Fischer
of Education Rita Reis Wieczorek Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus of
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Adjunct Professor of of English Education Education and President Emeritus
1988; J.D., Columbia University, Nursing Education A.B., Yale, 1945, A.M., 1949 B.S., Johns Hopkins, 1940; A.M.,
1992 B.S., College of Mount St. Ph.D., 1955 Columbia, 1949, Ed.D., 1951;
Joseph, 1964; M.A., New York L.H.D., 1964, Cleveland State,
Vincent T. Rudan University, 1966; Ed.D., Teachers Norman Dale Bryant 1968, Towson State, 1973; LL.D.,
Adjunct Assistant Professor College, 1975 Professor Emeritus Morgan State, 1955, Goucher,
of Nursing Education of Psychology and Education 1959, Akron, 1963; Litt.D.,
B.S.N., State University of New A.B., North Texas State, 1945, Jewish Theological Seminary of
York, 1977; M.A., New York OFFICERS NOT IN A.M., 1951; Ph.D., Texas, 1955 America, 1968, Muskingum,
University, 1979; Ed.D., Teachers ACTIVE SERVICE 1969
College, 1998 R. Freeman Butts
Winthrop R. Adkins William F. Russell Professor Daniel P. Girard
Elana Sigall Professor Emeritus Emeritus in the Foundations Professor Emeritus of French
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education of Education A.B., Columbia, 1926, A.M.,
of Education A.B., Princeton, 1955; M.A., A.B., Wisconsin, 1931, A.M., 1929; Diplome de la Sorbonne,
A.B., Princeton University, 1988; Ph.D., Columbia, 1963 1932, Ph.D., 1935 1928
J.D., Harvard Law School, 1993
William G. Anderson Frances Partridge Connor Ruth Z. Gold
Franceska B. Smith Professor Emeritus of Education Richard March Hoe Professor Associate Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor of B.S., Brooklyn College, 1955; Emeritus of Education of Statistics and Education
Adult and Continuing Education M.A., Ohio State, 1957; Ed.D., A.B., St. Josephs, 1940; A.M., A.B., Hunter, 1941; A.M.,
B.A., Radcliffe College, 1967; Teachers College, 1961 Columbia, 1948, Ed.D., 1953; Columbia, 1943, Ph.D., 1960
M.A., Teachers College, 1973; L.H.D., New Rochelle, 1974
Ed.D., 1983 Thurston A. Atkins Joseph C. Grannis
Associate Professor of Education Harold Cook Professor Emeritus of Education
Marvin Sontag B.S., Towson State, 1952; M.A., Professor Emeritus A.B., Harvard, 1954, M.A.T.,
Adjunct Associate Professor Teachers College, 1962, Ed.D., of Psychology and Education 1955; Ph.D., Washington, 1965
of Psychology and Education 1968 B.A., California State, Los
B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY, Angeles, 1959; Ph.D., California, Maxine Greene
1954; Ph.D., New York Ronald J. Baken Los Angeles, 1967 William F. Russell
University, 1967 Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus in the
of Speech Science Robert L. Crain Foundations of Education
Kent Strong A.B., Columbia, 1963; M.S., Professor Emeritus A.B., Barnard, 1938; A.M., New
Instructor of Psychology Municipal University of Omaha, of Sociology and Education York University, 1949; Ph.D.,
and Education 1965; Ph.D., Columbia, 1969 B.A., University of Louisville, 1955; L.H.D., Lehigh, 1975;
B.A., Princeton University, 1994; 1958; Ph.D., University of Hofstra, 1985; Bank Street,
M.B.A., Columbia Business Arno A. Bellack Chicago, 1964 1987; Colorado, 1990; Goddard,
School, 2000 Professor Emeritus of Education 1991; Indiana, 1993
B.S., Wisconsin, 1940; A.M., Joel R. Davitz
Megan Swiderski Columbia, 1946, Ed.D., 1952; Professor Emeritus Gary A. Griffin
Instructor of Education Ph.D., h.c., Helsinki, 1977; of Psychology and Education Professor Emeritus of Education
B.B.A., University of Notre Ph.D., h.c., Uppsala, 1977 B.S., Illinois, 1947; A.M., B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., California,
Dame, 1994; M.A., Teachers Columbia, 1949, Ph.D., 1951 Los Angeles
College, 2000 Leonard S. Blackman
Professor Emeritus of Morton Deutsch Joan Dye Gussow
Ross Tartell Education and Psychology Edward Lee Thorndike Mary Swartz Rose
Adjunct Assistant Professor A.B., Syracuse, 1950, M.S. (Ed.), Professor Emeritus of Professor Emeritus of
of Psychology and Education 1951; Ph.D., Illinois, 1954 Psychology and Education Nutrition and Education
B.A., Hofstra University, 1974; B.S., City College of New York, A.B., Pomona, 1950; Ed.M.,
M.A., Teachers College, 1976; Lois Bloom 1939; M.S.(hon.), Pennsylvania, Columbia, 1974, Ed.D., 1975
M.B.A., 1981; Ph.D., 1984 Edward Lee Thorndike 1940; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Professor Emeritus of Institute of Technology, 1948; Bernard Gutin
Ruud van der Veen Psychology and Education L.H.D., City College of New Professor Emeritus of Applied
Adjunct Associate Professor of B.A., Pennsylvania State, 1956; York, 1990 Physiology and Education
Adult and Continuing Education M.A., University of Maryland, A.B., Hunter, 1960; A.M., New
B.S., Katholieke Universiteit 1958; Ph.D., Columbia, 1968 York University, 1961, Ph.D.,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1965
1966; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1982

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Elizabeth P. Hagen Ursula Kirk Elizabeth M. Maloney Seymour Rigrodsky

Edward Lee Thorndike Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus of of Neuroscience and Education of Nursing Education of Speech Pathology
Psychology and Education B.A., Manhattanville, 1952, B.S., Columbia, 1951, A.M., A.B., Brooklyn, 1952; A.M.,
A.B., Western Maryland, 1936; M.A., 1962; M.S., Iona, 1970; 1952, Ed.D., 1966 1955, Ph.D., Purdue, 1959
A.M., Columbia, 1948, Ph.D., M.S., SUNY Albany, 1972;
1952 Ed.M., Teachers College, 1976, Dale Mann Henry J. Rissetto
Ed.D., 1978; Certificate in Professor Emeritus of Education Professor Emeritus of Education
Kenneth Frederick Herrold Pediatric Neuropsychology, New A.B., California, Berkeley, 1963; B.S., New Jersey State (Trenton),
Professor Emeritus England Medical Center, Tufts, Ph.D., Teachers College, 1971 1949; A.M., Columbia, 1953,
of Psychology and Education 1978 Ed.D., 1957
A.B., Bucknell, 1936; M.S.P.H., Eugene V. Martin
Michigan, 1940; Ed.D., Phil C. Lange Associate Professor Paul C. Rosenbloom
Columbia, 1948 Professor Emeritus of Education of Nursing Education Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
B.S., Wisconsin, 1934, A.M., B.A., Brooklyn College, 1937; B.S., Pennsylvania, 1941; Ph.D.,
Joseph R. Higgins 1936, Ph.D., 1941 M.A., New York University, Stanford, 1944
Professor Emeritus of Education 1947; Ph.D., California, Berkeley,
A.B., San Fernando Valley State, Leah B. Lapidus 1965 Ernst Z. Rothkopf
1960; M.S., Utah State, 1962; Professor Emeritus of Cleveland E. Dodge Professor
Ed.D., Stanford, 1970 Psychology and Education Jack David Mezirow Emeritus of Telecommunications
B.A., New York University, 1960; Professor Emeritus of Adult and Education
Clifford A. Hill M.A., Columbia University, and Continuing Education A.B., Syracuse, 1948; M.A.,
Arthur I. Gates Professor Emeritus 1961; Ph.D., New York B.S., Minnesota, 1945, A.M., University of Connecticut, 1951,
of Language and Education University, 1968 1946; Ed.D., California, Los Ph.D., 1953
B.A., Wheaton College, 1961; Angeles, 1955
M.A., Columbia, 1963; Ph.D., Thomas A. Leemon Mordecadi Rubin
Wisconsin, 1971 Associate Professor Mildred L. Montag Professor Emeritus of Spanish
of Higher Education Professor Emeritus A.B., Rutgers, 1955; Ph.D.,
Harvey A. Hornstein A.B., Stanford, 1956; A.M., of Nursing Education University of Maryland, 1961
Professor Emeritus 1957; Ed.D., Columbia, 1968 A.B., Hamline, 1930; B.S.,
of Psychology and Education Minnesota, 1933; A.M., Robert J. Schaefer
B.B.A., Baruch College, CUNY; Ann Lieberman Columbia, 1938, Ed.D., 1950; Professor Emeritus of Education
M.A., Teachers College, 1962, Professor Emeritus of Education LL.D., Bridgeport, 1967, State A.B., Columbia, 1939, A.M.,
Ph.D., 1964 B.A., California, Los Angeles, University of New York, 1981; 1946, Ph.D., 1950
1957; M.A., California State, L.H.D., Adelphi, 1968; D.Sc.,
Chang-Tu Hu Northridge, 1966; Ed.D., Eastern Kentucky, 1981 Rosalea A. Schonbar
Professor Emeritus California, Los Angeles, 1969 Professor Emeritus
of History and Education Roger A. Myers of Psychology and Education
A.B., Fu-Tan (China), 1942; Richard H. Lindeman Richard March Hoe A.B., Smith, 1940; A.M.,
Ph.D., Washington, 1953 Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus of Columbia, 1942, Ph.D., 1945
of Psychology and Education Psychology and Education
Dwayne E. Huebner B.S., Beloit, 1949; M.S., A.B., Bradley, 1952; A.M., Justin Schorr
Professor Emeritus of Education Wisconsin, 1951, Ph.D., 1958 Ohio State, 1955, Ph.D., 1959 Professor Emeritus
A.M., Chicago, 1949; Ph.D., of Art and Education
Wisconsin, 1959 Margaret Lindsey Harold J. Noah B.S.S., City College, 1950; A.M.,
Professor Emeritus of Education Gardner Cowles Professor Emeritus Columbia, 1951, Ed.D., 1962
Francis A. J. Ianni B.S., State Teachers College of Economics and Education
Professor Emeritus of Education (Shippensburg), 1934; M.Ed., B.Sc. (Econ.), London, 1946, Margaret Jo Shepherd
B.S., Pennsylvania State, 1949, Pennsylvania State, 1939; Ed.D., Academic Diploma in Education, Professor Emeritus of Education
A.M., 1950, Ph.D., 1952 Columbia, 1946; Litt.D., Eastern 1954; Ph.D., Columbia, 1964 B.S., Illinois, Urbana, 1955;
Kentucky, 1976 Ed.M., Illinois, 1958; Ed.D.,
Carroll F. Johnson Robert Pace Teachers College, 1968
Professor Emeritus of Education Gordon N. Mackenzie Professor Emeritus
A.B., Chattanooga, 1935; M.S., Professor Emeritus of Education of Music Education Douglas Sloan
Georgia, 1940; A.M., Columbia, B.S., Minnesota, 1929, A.M., B.S., Juilliard College, 1948; Professor Emeritus
1945, Ed.D., 1950 1929; Ed.D., Stanford, 1940 A.M., Columbia, 1949, Ed.D., of History and Education
1951 B.A., Southern Methodist
Milton A. Kaplan William J. Mahoney University, 1955; B.D., Yale,
Professor Emeritus of English Professor Emeritus E. Edmund Reutter, Jr. 1958; Ph.D., Teachers College,
B.S.S., City College, 1929, of Art and Education Professor Emeritus of Education 1969
M.S., 1934; A.M., Columbia, B.S., Columbia, 1948, A.M., A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1944;
1937, Ph.D., 1946 1949, Ed.D., 1957 A.M., Teachers College, 1948, Frank L. Smith, Jr.
Ph.D., 1950 Associate Professor of Education
Frederick D. Kershner, Jr. James L. Malfetti B.A., Yale, 1958; M.S., Memphis
Professor Emeritus of History Professor Emeritus of Education State University, 1960; Ed.D.,
A.B., Butler, 1937; A.M., B.S., Columbia, 1947, A.M., Teachers College, 1965
Wisconsin, 1939, Ph.D., 1950 1948, Ed.D., 1951

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William Heard Kilpatrick John W. Hyland, Jr., Co-Chair Lee C. Bollinger, Ph.D. COUNCIL
Professor Emeritus of William D. Rueckert, Co-Chair President of the University Andre McKenzie, President
Philosophy and Education Arthur Zankel, Vice Chair Mitchell Barlas
A.B., Connecticut, 1956; M.A.T., Arthur E. Levine, Ph.D. John Battles
Wesleyan, 1958; Ed.D., Harvard, James W. B. Benkard President of the College Constance Belton Green
1964 Lee C. Bollinger Frederick Brodzinski
Cory A. Booker Darlyne Bailey, Ph.D. Richard Campagna
Marvin Sontag Amy Butte Vice President for Academic
Associate Professor Vicki Cobb
James P. Comer Affairs and Dean
of Psychology and Education Joyce B. Cowin George Coleman
B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY, Barbara F. Goodman Fred A. Schnur, B.B.A., C.P.A. Joshua Endler
1954; Ph.D., New York Ruth L. Gottesman Vice President for Finance Keith Figgs
University, 1967 Antonia M. Grumbach and Administration Lenore R. Gall
Marjorie L. Hart Virginia Gonzalez
William Summerscales Elliot S. Jaffe Joseph S. Brosnan, Ed.D. Jane Herzog
Director of Development and John Klingenstein Vice President for Development Germain Ludwig
Associate Professor of Education Jan Krukowski and External Affairs Barbara Macaulay
A.B., Eastern Nazarene, 1944; Arthur E. Levine Patrick McGuire
M.Div., San Francisco Eduardo Marti Scott Fahey, M.Ed. Hemda Mizrahi
Theological Seminary, 1956; Claude A. Mayberry, Jr. Secretary to the College and
A.M., Toronto, 1966; Ph.D., Kathryn Moody
John Merrow Assistant to the President
Columbia, 1969 Hasna Muhammad
Lorraine Monroe
John Nolan
Abraham J. Tannenbaum
Enid W. Morse PRESIDENTS Marcia Norton
Professor Emeritus Dailey Pattee Michael Passow
of Education and Psychology Jeffrey M. Peek
COUNCIL Jeffrey Putman
A.B., Brooklyn, 1946; A.M., Isaac Blech
Charles Prince Pola Rosen
Columbia, 1948, Ph.D., 1960 Ken Boxley
E. John Rosenwald, Jr. Christopher Scott
Dawn B. Duques
Laurie Tisch Alice Elgart Cynthia Sculco
Trygve R. Tholfsen Gillian Neukom Toledo Joan Shapiro
Professor Emeritus Patricia F. Green
Jay Urwitz Marjorie L. Hart James J. Shields
of History and Education Steven R. Wechsler Jill W. Iscol Madelon Stewart
A.B., Yale, 1948, Ph.D., 1952 Sue Ann Weinberg Gregory Jobin-Leeds Diane W. Sunshine
Bruce Wilcox Nanci Kauffman Leslie Talbot
Craig A. Timberlake
Associate Professor Phyllis Kossoff Adam Vane
HONORARY & Douglas Kreeger Robert Weintraub
of Music Education EMERITI TRUSTEES
A.B., Southern Methodist, 1942; Geraldine Laybourne Alice Wilder
Patricia Cloherty Alan P. Levenstein
A.M., Columbia, 1963, Ed.D., Dawn L. Williams
Thomas W. Evans James P. Levy
1966 A. Clark Johnson, Jr. J. Bruce Llewellyn
Thomas H. Kean Harold Miller
Kenneth H. Toepfer Roland M. Machold
Professor Emeritus Bernard McKenna
J. Richard Munro James L. Neff
of Higher Education Ronald Nicholson
A.B., Cornell (Iowa), 1951; Morris Offit
William Parsons Thomas F. Robards
M.I.A., Columbia, 1953, Ph.D., Elihu Rose
1966 Richard Robinson
Donald Stewart Stephen Robert
Barbara Thatcher Elihu Rose
Paul Vahanian Douglas Williams
Associate Professor Ron Saltz
of Psychology and Education H. Marshall Schwarz
A.B., Florida Southern, 1949; Theodore R. Sizer
A.M., Columbia, 1952, Ed.D., Janna Spark
1957 Charla J. Tindall
Elizabeth H. Witten
Sloan R. Wayland Elaine R. Wolfensohn
Professor Emeritus
of Sociology and Education
A.B., Hendrix, 1940; A.M.,
Louisiana State, 1941; Ph.D.,
Columbia, 1951

Warren Yasso
Professor Emeritus
of Natural Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College; A.M.,
Columbia, 1961, Ph.D., 1964

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 263

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Student Life and Student Services

STUDENT LIFE AND STUDENT DIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY The Office of the Ombudsperson adheres to
SERVICES Janice S. Robinson, Esq. all policies and practices of Teachers College
Teachers College is located in New York City, Special Counsel to the President, and standards of professional practice.
one of the most important and dynamic cul- Office of the President, Diversity and
tural and educational centers in the world. Community. Assistant Professor of Higher Services
The student population is very diverse and Education, Department of Organization The Ombudsperson will:
includes international students, scholars and and Leadership
faculty from over 75 countries. Teachers 128 Main Hall, (212) 678-3391 1. Discuss a students concerns and identify
College combines a large number of part-time [email protected] and evaluate options for resolving them.
and full-time students who are very active in http://www.tc.columbia.edu/administration 2. Provide needed information about poli-
professional education circles and either com- /diversity cies and procedures for dealing with a
mute or live on campus. There are a variety of problem.
student services and organizations at Teachers The Office for Diversity and Community leads
the Presidents and Colleges initiatives con- 3. Investigate a complaint and gather infor-
College designed to support students pro- mation.
grams of study, provide professional develop- cerning community, diversity, civility, equity,
and discrimination. The Office, working with 4. Create lines of communication and con-
ment opportunities, foster community and cel- vene meetings, if necessary, for resolving
ebrate diversity. others in the College, addresses issues from
faculty, staff, students, and alumni. These con- a students problem. Please note: The
cerns may overlap with potential legal issues Ombudsperson will always act as a neu-
STUDENT SERVICES (OESS) (i.e., equity, discrimination, due process, retali-
ation). The philosophy is to encourage the 5. Identify a students problem that requires
Teachers College recognizes the need to focus changes in College policies and proce-
on its students and provide them with a College community to listen, learn, educate,
and work together in positive ways. At the dures.
smooth and seamless experience. To this end,
the College established the Office of Enroll- same time, the Office focuses on systemic
issues by addressing policy and procedural Confidentiality
ment and Student Services (OESS), and in
the Summer of 2004 hired Donald Martin to concerns.
All conversations with the Ombudsperson are
serve as Associate Dean for the division. The Ms. Robinson chairs the Committee for strictly confidential and never will be discuss-
following offices are part of the OESS: Office Community and Diversity, a cross-college con- ed with anyone without the students permis-
of Access and Services for Individuals with stituent committee, and serves as a member sion in writing.
Disabiliaties, Admissions, Career Services, of the Presidents Senior Staff. As Special
Doctoral Studies, Financial Aid, International Counsel, she is the Colleges in-house counsel Impartiality and Independence
Services, Registrar, and Student Activities and and provides advice and counsel to the Presi-
programs. The OESS also includes individuals dent and College employees. She participates The Ombudsperson is an advocate for the
who provide services that include: Student in the formulation of College policies involv- solution of the problem, not for any involved
Advertisement, Staff Development, Market- ing legal issues and supervises outside counsel. party and gives equal attention and protects
ing, and Technical Support. the rights of all concerned parties.
Faculty and staff members with concerns are
The OESS provides students with a channel encouraged to deal directly with the instruc-
through which they may voice questions and tional or administrative officers of the College THE OFFICE OF STUDENT
concerns about their student experiences. most directly concerned with the matter. ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS
Before meeting with the Manager of Student The Office of Student Activities and Programs
Advisement in the OESS, students are The Ombudsperson for Students has a dotted (OSAP) strives to enhance the quality of life
encouraged to make an effort to resolve their line reporting to Ms. Robinson. and academic experience for students by pro-
questions and concerns with the appropriate viding services and programs designed to
office(s). Student issues raised with our office Erwin Flaxman, Ph.D. engage students in the College and University
are documented and kept confidential unless Student Ombudsperson communities. OSAP works closely with all stu-
the student indicates otherwise. We are com- 280 Grace Dodge Hall, (212) 678-4169 dent service areas and academic departments
mitted to listening to students and helping [email protected] to promote professional, co-curricular, recre-
them navigate College policies, while educat- http://www.tc.columbia.edu/administration/dive ational, social and cultural programs.
ing them about appropriate resources at the rsity/index.asp?Id=Student+)Ombudsperson Activities, such as the Casual Conversation
College. Students with academic concerns Series, provide students with the opportunity
The College Ombudsperson is a resource
related to faculty, courses, grades, cheating, to hear faculty and administrators share their
available to students for resolving problems
plagiarism, advisement, access to a dissertation research interests and professional experi-
and conflicts after normal processes have not
sponsor, certification exams, or harassment ences. Students can also participate in more
worked satisfactorily, or when they no longer
should be directed to the office of Associate than over thirty student organizations, which
want to pursue their concerns through normal
Dean William J. Baldwin in 113 Main Hall or provide additional opportunities for students
channels. Students can also meet with the
at (212) 678-3052. (For more informatiom to network with all members of the College
Ombudsperson when they dont know where
regarding Colleges Harassment Policy or other community. The composition of student
else to go for help. They should, however,
College policies please refer to the Policies and organizations varies from special interest
attempt to resolve their problem or register
Procedures section of the catalog.) groups to local chapters of national organ-
complaints with their advisors, instructors, or
For more information, call (212) 678-3423 izations.
staff of College offices before coming to the
or email us at [email protected] They include:
African Studies Working Group
American Sign Language Club
All parties involved in an issue or resolution
Black Student Network
of a problem are asked to cooperate with the
Coalition of Latino/a Scholars
Current Issues in Comparative Education

280 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Education Forum at Columbia appropriate. In addition, OIS provides visa first aid, and lifeguard training. Times are
Kappa Delta Phi (national honor society) and orientation services for international visit- available for lap and family swimming.
Korean Graduate Student Association ing scholars, visa services for non-immigrant For more information please contact the
Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender faculty and staff, resources for delegations of Aquatic Center at (212) 678-3307 or email
Community international visitors and assistance to the [email protected].
Society and Economics in Education College community on regulatory compliance
Society for Human Resource Management and other international issues and concerns. CAREER SERVICES
Society for International Education The office is located in 163 Thorndike Hall; Career Services provides current students and
Student Alliance on Multicultural Mental (212) 678-3939. Interested individuals can alumni with the career planning resources
Health Issues (SAMMI) contact the staff by email at tcintl@colum- essential to all stages of the career develop-
Teachers College Advocates for Sexual bia.edu. In addition, prospective, admitted ment process. Individual consultations and
Health (TCASH) and current students are encouraged to go to group workshops on career planning and job
www.tc.columbia.edu/international for up- development equip participants with the skills
For more information, please contact the to-date information. necessary for identifying career goals, enhanc-
Office of Student Activities at (212) 678-3690 ing skills/experience, and designing an effec-
or email [email protected]. INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES tive job search. Students and alumni have
The Office of Access and Services for online capabilities to search for full-time/part-
HEALTH SERVICES & INSURANCE Individuals with Disabilities ensures that pro- time career opportunities, internships, and
Primary care, womens health, counseling, grams and services at Teachers College are volunteer opportunities, to which they can
health education and wellness services are physically, programmatically, and attitudinally submit resumes and cover letters directly to
offered through Columbia University accessible to individuals with disabilities. employers. Students and alumni can also sign
(Morningside Campus) free or at a nominal Equal access is achieved through individual- up for on-campus and off-campus interviews,
charge to students who have paid the Health ized responses addressing the needs of individ- as well. During the Spring semester, two edu-
Service fee. The Health Service fee is manda- uals with conditions including but not limited cation career fairs are offered, the PreK-12
tory for all students living in college residence to vision, hearing or mobility impairments, Education Career Fair and the Northeast
housing and all students registered for 12 cred- medical conditions or learning disabilities that Regional Charter School Fair. Not-for-profit
its or more residing temporarily or permanent- affect one or more academic activities. A full- organizations also visit the campus in the
ly in one of the five boroughs of New York. time Director, Assistant Director, and a spring for the Columbia University-sponsored
Additional coverage for medications, referrals, Program Director of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Not-for-Profit and Public Service week of
and hospitalizations are covered by the stu- Services are available to meet with students, events. Career Services also hosts a program-
dent insurance plans available through arrange accommodations, and advocate on ming series called Career Connections which
Teachers College. Information is available behalf of students with disabilities. For more spotlights careers that TC students may wish
from the Office of Insurance & Immunization information call (212) 678-3689, (212) 678- to explore. These events consist of specialized
Records, (212) 678-3006, or email 3853 (TTY) or visit our website at workshops, panel discussions and networking
[email protected]. www.tc.columbia.edu/oasid. opportunities with alumni and employers.

IMMUNIZATION RECORDS Also online, the Alumni Mentoring and

TEACHERS COLLEGE Career Networking Program offers a forum in
New York State requires that all students born STUDENT SENATE
on or after January 1, 1957 provide proof of which alumni and students can connect to
The Teachers College Student Senate repre- engage in networking and information sharing.
immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. In sents the student body with elected represen-
addition, New York State requires all students For those students and alumni requiring a cen-
tatives from academic departments and posi- tralized location for letters of reference and
to decide whether or not to be immunized tions at large. The Senate advocates for stu-
against meningitis and to provide formal docu- other pertinent materials for graduate school
dent voice on campus and participates in col- applications an online service is available.
mentation of their decision. The law does not lege-wide committees which impact the deci-
require you to get immunized; however, you Students and alumni will also find additional
sion-making process and enhances communi- resources in the offices on-site Career
must submit documentation regarding your cation amongst students, administration and
decision as to whether or not you will be Resource Library, as well as on the offices
faculty. For more information please contact website: www.tc.edu/careerservices. Sample
immunized. All materials must be submitted to the Student Senate at (212) 678-3932 or
the Office of Insurance and Immunization resources include: career and job search guides
email [email protected]. for multiple fields, school directories, educa-
Records prior to a students initial class regis-
tration. tional publications, and graduate study and
RECREATION AND FITNESS teacher licensing examination bulletins.
Directly across the street from Teachers Teachers College faculty and administrators
INTERNATIONAL SERVICES College is the Columbia University Marcellus
Teachers College has a long history of welcom- can request specialized workshops for their
Hartley Dodge Physical Fitness Center, an classes and/or academic departments. Career
ing international students, scholars and faculty indoor sports and exercise facility open to our
to our academic and social community. Services is located in 44 Horace Mann, (212)
students. The center features two full-size 678-3140, [email protected].
Currently, over 600 students from 75 countries gymnasiums, a swimming pool, 16 squash and
are enrolled at all degree levels and in every handball courts, fully equipped exercise and
department. The Office of International SAFETY AND SECURITY
weight rooms, a judo-karate room, fencing Teachers College is located in New York City,
Services (OIS) provides extensive orientation room, wrestling room, indoor track, and two
and intercultural programs throughout the one of the most important and dynamic cul-
saunas. In addition, there are three tennis tural and educational centers in the world.
year; information on responsibilities, benefits courts located on the Morningside Heights
and alternatives under immigration laws and The Office of Safety and Security helps to
campus. Teachers College also houses its own keep the campus safe and secure, but a truly
regulations; counsel on personal, financial, Aquatic Center which is open to all Teachers
cultural, academic and other concerns; and safe campus can be achieved only through the
College and Columbia students and faculty, as cooperation of all students, faculty and staff.
campus-wide international awareness events. well as area neighbors. A registration fee is
The OIS staff also assists students in contact- Security officers are responsible for a wide
charged for the use of the facility. The Aquatic
ing campus and community resources when Center provides training in swimming, CPR,

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 281

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range of services (visit our web site at www.tc.

columbia.edu/security). These include res- CAMPUS CRIME STATISTICS
ponding to accidents; medical or fire emergen-
cies; investigation and preparation of incident 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
reports; and coordinating police response Assaults 3 3 2 1 1 0 0
functions. They are all certified by the state Auto Theft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
and must pass a state certification exam in Burglary 19 19 20 49 15 14 23
order to qualify for a position as a security Murder 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
officer. Robbery 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Sex Offenses:
Teachers College security officers are on patrol Forcible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, holidays includ- Sex Offenses:
ed. Teachers College is located within the Non-Forcible 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
26th Precinct of the New York City Police Manslaughter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Department and works cooperatively with Arson 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
them. In addition, institutional security offices,
including Columbia University, Barnard
College, Union Theological Seminary, and the
Morningside Area Alliance, a community The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics
agency funded in part by various agencies in as reported to the United States Department of Education (visit www.highered.nysed.gov/Quality_
Morningside Heights, complement Teachers Assurance/home.html). You may also contact the College at (212) 678-3098 or visit us at
College Security efforts. Teachers College has www.tc.edu/security for more information.
more than 60 security video cameras located
on the campus, including the residence halls,
which tape and monitor daily activity. For
increased security in the residence halls, the
buildings are equipped with card swipe access.


The Graduate Writing Center provides disci-
pline-specific, individualized, professional
development to TC students. The emphasis
is on preparing graduate students to be more
successful writers, both within their disciplines
and in their publishing communities. The
Center offers both one-on-one private fee-
based tutoring and workshops (both group
and individual).

For more information please contact the

Graduate Writing Center at (212) 678-3003
or email [email protected]

Additional services available to students
include the Teachers College Bookstore,
Teachers College Cafeteria, Security
Information Desk, Psychological Counseling
Services, the Rita Gold Early Childhood
Center, Office of the Ombudsperson, ATM
and postage machines.

282 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Degree Requirements
The minimum requirements for degrees as
established by the College and University are Minimum Point Requirements for Multiple Degrees
given below. Students must consult the appro- This list only represents minimum point requirements to establish residence for multiple
priate departmental brochures for specific pro- degrees. In addition, each degree program has a planned program of study, and the degree
gram requirements governing each degree. requirements as outlined by your department and in this catalog must also be satisfied. It is
Students may not be enrolled concurrently possible that students will need to take more than the minimum point requirements.
in two different institutions; students may not
be in two different degree programs or areas
of specializations at Teachers College or Minimum Minimum Maximum
Columbia University. Point TC Transfer
Requirement Credit Credit
General Residence
For each degree, a candidate offers a minimum Two Degrees at Teachers College
of thirty semester hours of acceptable graduate M.A. (M.S.) and M.A. (M.S.) 60* 60* 0
credits taken over no less than the equivalent M.A. (M.S.) and Ed.M. 60 45 15
of a minimum of two academic terms under Ed.M. and Ed.M. 90 60 30
Teachers College registration. Living on cam- M.A. (M.S.) and Ph.D. 75 45 30
pus is not required. Students electing to earn M.A. (M.S.) and Ed.D. 90 45 45
more than one degree must consult the Ed.M. and Ph.D. 75 45 30
Registrar about general residence including Ed.M. and Ed.D. 90 45 45
minimum point requirements for multiple
degrees. Following is a chart of minimum resi- Three Degrees at Teachers College
dency requirements for several multiple degree M.A. (M.S.), M.A. (M.S.), and Ed.M. 90 75 15
requirements. In addition to satisfying residen- M.A. (M.S.), Ed.M, and Ed.M. 90 90 0
cy requirements, a student must meet all M.A. (M.S.), M.A. (M.S.), and Ed.D. 90 75 15
degree requirements for each degree as out- M.A. (M.S.), M.A. (M.S.), and Ph.D. 75 75 0
lined in the Degree Requirements section of M.A. (M.S.), Ed.M. and Ph.D. 75 60 15
the catalog and all degree requirements as out- M.A. (M.S.), Ed.M. and Ed.D. 90 60 30
lined by the department. Ed.M., Ed.M., and Ed.D. 9 90 0

Period of Candidacy (Masters Degrees) Four Degrees at Teachers College

Candidates must be formally admitted to a M.A.(M.S.), M.A. (M.S.), Ed.M. and Ed.D.
degree program by the Office of Admission. (or Ph.D.) 120 120 0
The period of candidacy for the degrees of M.A.(M.S.), Ed.M., Ed.M. and Ed.D. (or Ph.D.) 120 120 0
Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching,
Master of Science, and Master of Education * Plus an essay or 32 points without an essay for each degree.
is limited to five years. Every candidate for the Note: If you received a Professional Diploma from Teachers College, please check with the
Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Registrar for minimum requirements.
Master of Science, and Master of Education
must complete at least 16 points through
Teachers College during the final five-year processes and standards as those for initial on the initiative of the Department. Such a
period prior to the award of the degree so as admission. If a student is subsequently re- decision cannot be made by an individual pro-
to meet recency requirements. admitted to a Masters degree program with a fessor but must be made by the department in
period of candidacy after the expiration of the which the student is enrolled. There is no for-
A candidate may petition the Registrar for an initial five-year period of candidacy, all current mal appeal from such a decision, but the serv-
extension of time for adequate reasons if the degree requirements including the departmen- ice of the Ombudsperson may be requested by
student has been in attendance in the degree tal integrative project and at least 16 points to the student.
program within the last five years. In such meet recency requirements must be completed.
cases, an extension must be recommended Any student receiving eight or more points in
by the major advisor and approved by the Academic Performance grades of C- or lower is not permitted to con-
Registrar. Upon approval, all current degree The faculty of the College requires that all tinue registration at the College in any capaci-
requirements including the departmental inte- students maintain an acceptable grade aver- ty and may not receive a degree or diploma.
grative project and at least 16 points to satisfy age. Some departments specify an overall min- Petitions for exception to this policy are to be
the recency requirement must be completed. imum grade average (see specific department submitted, in writing, to the Registrar with a
Petitions for extension may be obtained statements). Any department judging a stu- written recommendation from the department
through the Office of the Registrar. dent to be performing below expectations is in which the student was last enrolled. Such
authorized by the Faculty to require additional petitions will be submitted to a faculty com-
If a student has not been in attendance within course work as a means to evaluate the stu- mittee for review and decision.
the last 5 years and wishes to pursue the com- dents continuance within the degree program
pletion of the degree, the student must re- or at the College. In addition, a student at the Application for Masters Degree or
apply for admission and be accepted into the doctoral level whose academic performance in Certificate Award
degree program. Applications for re-admission course work and in other requirements is seri- Candidates for the award of the degree of
may be obtained from the Office of Admission. ously below the level required for successfully Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching,
Applications for re-admission follow the same completion of a degree may be denied permis- Master of Science, or Master of Education, or
sion for continued enrollment at the College

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 283

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a certificate must file an application (obtained No transfer credit is granted for work complet- must be completed as well as a formal essay,
from and returned to the Registrar, in accor- ed at other universities to satisfy the minimum comprehensive examination, or a departmen-
dance with dates listed in the Academic point requirement. Electives are chosen in tal integrative special project.
Calendar). All courses, except those of current consultation with the major advisor.
enrollment, must be completed at the time of No transfer credit is granted for work complet-
application. If the degree or certificate is not Essay ed at other universities to satisfy the minimum
then earned, a Renewal-of-Application is to Students opting for the preparation of a formal point requirement. Electives are chosen in
be filed for reconsideration of the award. (See essay should check with the Office of the consultation with the major advisor.
Academic Calendar for dates). An application Registrar for instructions. The formal essay
for award terminates at the next time for must demonstrate the ability of the student to Essay
degree conferral but may be renewed upon select, organize, and present the results of pro- Please refer to this requirement under the
filing a Renewal-of-Application with the $15 fessional investigation in the major field. The Master of Arts degree section.
renewal fee in accordance with the dates listed essay may consist of a body of work in a studio
in the Academic Calendar. Degree applica- or performance area, demonstrating the Master of Education
tions are kept on file for a period of three years design, preparation, and presentation of pro- The Master of Education degree is awarded
from the date of the original degree applica- fessional works appropriate to the major field. upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of
tion. Documentation of such works may include 60 points of graduate work. This is a two-year
media such as photographs, color slides, TV program. Thirty points must be completed
Graduation tapes, film, recordings, or an approved com- under the auspices of Teachers College, includ-
All degrees and certificates are awarded in puter software program. An outline of the ing 18 points in Teachers College courses. A
October, February and May. Degrees are con- subject of the essay must be approved by the maximum of 30 points of graduate credit may
ferred by the President of the University at the major advisor and forwarded to the Registrar be transferred from other recognized institu-
annual Commencement in May. prior to or accompanying the application for tions. Candidates who have completed a
the degree. The original copy of the formal Master of Arts or Master of Science degree
Master of Arts Point Requirement essay is to be submitted to the Registrar no through Teachers College must offer a mini-
The Master of Arts degree is granted upon later than the dates indicated in the Academic mum of 45 points of the required 60 points
the satisfactory completion of no less than 30 Calendar. The approved essay is submitted to under Teachers College registration.
points and a formal essay; or 32 points and an the College library for retention; the depart-
acceptable departmental integrative project; mental integrative project is maintained in the Candidates admitted to the Ed.M. program are
or 32 points and successful completion of a major department. required to offer a minimum of three Teachers
departmental comprehensive examination. College graduate courses in education outside
At least 20 points must be earned in Teachers Master of Arts in Teaching the Teachers College major program. (In this
College courses. The remaining course work, The Master of Arts in Teaching, a Columbia case, a course is defined as one in which at
through Teachers College registration, may be University degree, for students from Columbia, least two points are earned). Equivalent cours-
completed in Teachers College or other gradu- Barnard, or the School of General Studies, es for which transfer credit has been granted
ate divisions of the University, but no more is offered as an alternative to the Teachers may be substituted for Teachers College cours-
than 12 points of graduate credit from other College Master of Arts degree for prospective es upon written petition to the Registrar.
faculties of the University will be credited secondary school teachers of English, Spanish, Additionally, either a formal essay, a depart-
toward the minimum point requirement. mathematics, science, and social studies. For mental comprehensive examination, or special
Graduate level courses in the University are the current year, applications to this program departmental integrative project is required.
numbered from 4000 and above. are not accepted. Consult departmental advisory statements for
additional requirements.
A candidate for a second Masters degree must Master of Science
be readmitted to candidacy by the Office of The Master of Science degree is granted upon Doctor of Education/Doctor of Philosophy
Admission. Courses and the integrative proj- the satisfactory completion of a minimum of Teachers College offers programs of study lead-
ect, comprehensive examination, or essay 30 points and a formal essay; or 32 points plus ing to the Doctor of Education and Doctor of
offered for the first Masters degree may not a departmental integrative special project; Philosophy degrees. The requirements differ
be applied toward the second. The same mini- or 32 points and successful completion of a in accordance with the nature of the degree
mum point requirements stated above apply departmental comprehensive examination. as described below.
and must include 3 Teachers College courses At least 20 points must be earned in Teachers
(a course is defined as one for which at least College courses. The remaining course work The Office of Doctoral Studies provides gen-
2 points are earned) outside the Teachers may be completed, under Teachers College eral information, administrative advice, and
College major program. registration, in Teachers College or in other service to doctoral students and assists the
. graduate departments of the University. doctoral committees in their supervision of
Program of Study Graduate level courses in the University are the work of candidates for both degrees.
The program for the Master of Arts must numbered from 4000 and above.
include: a minimum of 12 points in the major Requirements outlined below are described in
field courses, the exact requirement to be Program of Study further detail in the bulletins Requirements
determined in consultation with the major The program for the Master of Science degree for the Degree of Doctor of Education,
advisor. In order to broaden the students must include at least 20 points in science Requirements for the Degree of Doctor
background in education, three Teachers courses and related technical fields. In order of Education in College Teaching of an
College courses outside the Teachers College to broaden the students background in educa- Academic Subject, and Requirements for the
major department (in this case, a course is tion, a minimum of two Teachers College Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. A prospective
defined as one for which at least two points courses outside the Teachers College major student should obtain the appropriate bulletin
are earned) must be completed as well as a department (in this case, a course is defined as from the Office of Doctoral Studies. Each stu-
formal essay, comprehensive examination, or one for which at least two points are earned) dent is responsible for fulfilling the stated
an integrative project. requirements. Doctoral programs are offered
in many but not in all areas of specialization in

284 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Teachers College. Therefore, a prospective Former Teachers College doctoral students ments for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
doctoral student should consult a faculty advi- who have not registered in the last five years Bulletin, obtainable from the Office of
sor, either through conference or correspon- must apply for readmission through the Office Doctoral Studies.
dence, concerning programs offered, the of Admission. Applications for re-admission
degree most appropriate for specific goals, any follow the same processes and standards as A Ph.D. candidate must complete all require-
departmental requirements for admission and those for initial admission. If re-admitted, cur- ments for the degree in not more than seven
programs of study, and application deadlines. rent degree requirements must be satisfied. years. The time limit is six years for those who
have received an applicable Masters degree or
Direct inquiries concerning admission to the Continuous Registration Requirement 30 points of advanced standing. The candidate
Office of Admission of Teachers College and for the Ed.D. Degree must register continuously each Fall and
indicate the degree and field of interest in Students are required to be in continuous Spring term until all requirements are met
order to receive appropriate information and enrollment for a minimum of three points of unless granted a leave of absence. A candidate
application forms. Teachers College course credit, or for the dis- who expects to interrupt study for any reason
sertation advisement course, in each Fall should consult the Office of Doctoral Studies
Doctor of Education and Spring term, starting with the term follow- so as to avoid the risk of severing connection
The degree of Doctor of Education emphasizes ing successful completion of the certification with the program. All candidates are required
broad preparation for advanced professional examination or following the term in which to register in residence in the Graduate School
responsibilities through a program based upon the dissertation proposal was approved in a of Arts and Sciences through Teachers College
extensive study in a specialized branch of the departmental hearing, whichever comes first, and to pay a fee in the term in which the dis-
field of education or in an area of instruction. and continuing until all requirements for the sertation is defended.
The minimum requirements for this degree degree are met. (See Ed.D. Requirements
are: satisfactory completion of a planned pro- Bulletin for policy on the dissertation advise- Continuous Registration for Dissertation
gram of 90 points of graduate course work ment course). Certification examinations for Advisement: Ph.D. Degree
beyond the Bachelors degree (at least 45 students who take the examination in the Each Ph.D. student must register continuously
points of which must be taken through Summer term are not usually evaluated by for the course in doctoral dissertation advise-
Teachers College registration); submission of a departments and programs until the Fall ment offered by the department following
statement of total program indicating periods term. Consequently, these students will not enrollment in the departments designated dis-
of intensive study subsequent to the first year be obligated for continuous enrollment until sertation seminar course(s) or following the
of graduate study which accompanies the pro- the following Spring term. term in which the dissertation proposal was
gram plan of study; satisfactory performance approved, whichever comes first, and continu-
on a departmental Certification Examination; The obligation to register continuously ends ing until all requirements for the degree are
and the preparation and defense of a disserta- after the dissertation has received final met. (See Ph.D. Requirements Bulletin for
tion. Additionally, students are required to approval. policy on the dissertation advisement course.)
complete a minimum of 20 points after taking Continuous registration for doctoral advise-
the certification examination for the first time, Doctor of Philosophy ment is required each Autumn and Spring
including the points taken during the term in The degree of Doctor of Philosophy empha- term, whether or not the student is in atten-
which that examination was taken. Students sizes research and intensive specialization in a dance, and in the Summer term when special
who were fully admitted before September 1, field of scholarship. Under an Agreement with permission has been granted to schedule an
1982 should consult with the Office of Columbia University, Teachers College offers oral examination on the dissertation.
Doctoral Studies. Some fields of study have programs leading to the Ph.D. degree in desig- Registration for TI 8900 Dissertation Defense:
additional requirements; consult departmental nated fields in which the Graduate School of Ph.D. is required for the term in which the
advisory statements. Arts and Sciences of the University does not oral defense is held. See Fees and General
offer programs, namely in education, including Offerings sections for further details. The obli-
Special programs leading to the degree of education in the substantive disciplines and gation to register for dissertation advisement
Doctor of Education for persons preparing for certain applied areas of psychology. The mini- ends after the dissertation has received final
college teaching of an academic subject are mum requirements for the degree are: satisfac- approval. See section on Fees regarding disser-
offered in several departments. The programs tory completion of a planned program of 75 tation advisement tuition.
emphasize broad preparation in the candi- graduate points beyond the Baccalaureate;
dates major field, specialized competence in a submission of a statement of total program Postdoctoral Study
limited area within that field, and an under- indicating periods of intensive study subse- The facilities of Teachers College may be made
standing of the broader problems of education, quent to the first year of graduate study which available to persons holding the doctoral
especially at the college level. The minimum accompanies the program plan of study; satis- degree from approved institutions who desire
requirements are: satisfactory completion of a factory performance on foreign language to spend a period in advanced research or
planned program of 90 points of graduate examinations and on a departmental study. Application for admission to postdoctor-
course work beyond the Bachelors degree; Certification Examination; and preparation al study for transcript credit should be made to
submission of a statement of total program and defense of a research dissertation. Some the Office of Admission. Persons who do not
indicating periods of intensive study subse- fields of specialization have additional require- wish transcript credit may apply for Visiting
quent to the first year of graduate study which ments; consult departmental program state- Scholar status. Refer to the Visiting Scholar
accompanies the program plan of study; satis- ments. Relevant courses completed in other section in the Policies and Procedures section
factory performance on a departmental recognized graduate schools to a maximum of of this bulletin for more information.
Certification Examination; and the prepara- 30 points, or 45 points if completed in another
tion and defense of a dissertation. The point Faculty of Columbia University, may be
requirement beyond certification is the same accepted toward the minimum point require-
for the program as described in the above ment for the degree. Each degree candidate
paragraph. Some fields of specialization have must satisfy departmental requirements for the
additional requirements such as an examina- award of the M.Phil. degree prior to continu-
tion in one foreign language or in mathemati- ance in the Ph.D. program. These degree
cal statistics; consult departmental advisory requirements are specified in the Require-

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SPECIAL TERM Leo Paul Cyr Joan Jeffri Joy Moser

FACULTY Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Associate Professor
of Art Education Arts Administration of Art Education
ARTS AND HUMANITIES B.A., University of Moneton, B.F.A., Boston University, 1967 B.A., Sarah Lawrence College,
1972; M.A. Nova Scotia College 1954; M.A., New York
Philip E. Aarons of Art and Design, 1987; Ed.D., Chin Kim University, 1963; Ph.D., 1981
Adjunct Assistant Professor Teachers College, 2002 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Arts Administration of Music Education Alison Nowak
B.A., Columbia University, 1973; Eduardo Manuel Duarte D.M., The Juilliard School, 1989 Adjunct Assistant Professor
J.D., 1976 Adjunct Associate Professor of Music Education
of Philosophy and Education I. Fred Koenigsberg B.A., Bennington College, 1970;
Joseph Amorino B.A., Fordham College, 1988; Adjunct Assistant Professor A.M., Columbia University,
Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., 1991; Ph.D., New School of Arts Administration 1972, D.M.A., 1980
of Art Education for Social Research, 1997 B.A., Cornell University; M.A.,
B.A., New Jersey City University, University of Pennsylvania; J.D., Gerardo Pina Rosales
1976; M.A., 1980; Ed.D., Eugenia Earle Columbia University Adjunct Associate Professor
Teachers College, 1999 Adjunct Associate Professor of the Teaching of Spanish
of Music Education Bert Konowitz B.A., CUNY, 1977; M.Phil.,
Dino Anagnost B.A., Birmingham Southern Adjunct Professor of 1982; Ph.D., 1985
Adjunct Professor of College, 1943; A.M., Columbia Music Education
Music Education University, 1952; Ed.D., 1979 B.A., Queens College, 1953; Charles Edward Robins
B.A., Boston University, 1966; A.M., Columbia University, Adjunct Associate Professor
M.S., The Juilliard School, 1969; Herman Jie Sam Foek 1954; Ed.D., 1969 of Philosophy and Education
A.M., Columbia University, 1973 Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Caroll College, 1965;
of Art Education John Douglas Kuentzel S.T.L., Universitas Gregoriana,
Marsha Lynne Baxter B.A., Royal Academy of Fine Adjunct Assistant Professor 1969; S.T.D., 1975; Ph.D.,
Adjunct Assistant Professor Arts, Antwerp, 1989; M.A. of Religion and Education Columbia University, 1980
of Music Education Teachers College, 1998; Ed.D., B.A., Catawba College, 1974;
B.S., University of Maryland, 2003 M.A., Presbyterian School of Prabha Sahasrabudhe
1974; M.M., The New England Christian Education, 1982; (Honorary)
Conservatory, 1979; Ed.D., James Frankel M.Div., Union Theological Adjunct Assistant Professor
Teachers College, 2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor Seminary in Virginia, 1984; of Art Education
of Music Education Ph.D., Princeton Theological B.S., Agra (India), 1947; B.A.,
David Johnathan Blacker B.A. Montclair State University, Seminary, 1999 1951; M.A., New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1993; M.A., Teachers College, University, 1955; Ed.D., 1961
of Philosophy and Education 1996; Ed.D., 2002 Leonard Leibowitz
B.A., University of Texas, 1988; Adjunct Assistant Professor Hadassah Sahr
M.A., University of Illinois, 1990; Alvin Fossner of Arts Administration Adjunct Associate Professor
Ph.D., 1994 Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., Bucknell University, 1960; of Music Education
of Music Education J.D., Brooklyn College, 1965 Artist Diploma, The Juilliard
Gay Brookes B.A., New England Conservatory School, 1944; B.S., Columbia
Adjunct Associate Professor of Music, 1947; A.M., Columbia Joseph Sander Lukinsky University, 1954; A.M., Charles
of Education University, 1949; Ed.D., 1969 (Honorary) 1955; Ed.D., 1969
B.A., New Hampshire College; Adjunct Professor of
A.M., Columbia University, Jeanne C. Goffi Religion and Education John F. Schuder
1962; Ed.M., 1984; Ed.D., 1987 Lecturer in Music Education A.B., Roosevelt University, 1951; Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Boston University, 1984; M.H.S., Jewish Theological of Music Education
J.J. Chambliss M.A., Boulder, 1988; Ed.D., Seminary, 1956; Ed.D., Harvard B.M., Wittenberg University,
Adjunct Professor of Teachers College, 1996 University, 1968 1970; M.S.M., Union Theological
Philosophy and Education Seminary, 1972; D.M.A., The
B.S., Illinois State Normal Franklin E. Horowitz Roberta H.I. Martin Juilliard School, 1978
University 1950; M.A., Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of
University of Alabama, 1954; of Linguistics and Education Political Science and Education J. Mark Schuster
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1959 A.B., Columbia University, B.A., Smith College, 1967; M.A., Adjunct Professor of
1953, Ph.D., 1971 Teachers College, 1970; Ph.D., Arts Administration
Lan-Ku Chen Columbia University, 1977 A.B., Harvard College, 1972;
Adjunct Associate Professor Robert A. Horowitz Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute
of Music Education Adjunct Associate Professor Solomon Mikowsky of Technology, 1979
B.A., Chinese Culture University, of Music Education Adjunct Associate Professor
1973; M.A., Yale University, B.A., Rutgers, 1986; M.A., of Music Education Barbara L. Tischler
1977; Ed.D., 1983 Teachers College, 1991; Ed.M., B.S., Juilliard School of Music, Adjunct Assistant Professor
1993, Ed.D., 1994 1960; M.S., 1961; Ed.D., of History and Education
Angiola Churchill Columbia University, 1973 B.A., Douglass College, 1971;
Adjunct Professor of Thomas H. Hoyt A.M., Columbia University,
Art and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor Angelo Miranda, Jr. 1978; M.Phil., 1980; Ph.D., 1983
B.S., Teachers College, 1944; of Music and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.A., 1958; Ed.D., 1967 B.A., SUNY Purchase, 1987; of Music Education
M.M., Yale University, 1989; B.A., City College, CUNY, 1981;
D.M.A., SUNY Stony Brook, M.A., Teachers College, 1984;
1992 Ed.D., 1996
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Hansun Shang Waring Terry Kaminski Ashwini K. Rao Michele M. Bartnett
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Language and Education of Movement Sciences Movement Sciences and Education of Psychology and Education
B.A., Beijing University, 1988; B.S., SUNY, Syracuse, 1976; B.A., Institute for the Physically B.A., City University of New
M.A., Central Missouri State Ed.D., Teachers College, 1986 Handicapped, 1988; M.A., New York, 1971; M.A., Teachers
University, 1992; Ed.M., Teachers York University, 1993; Ed.D., College, 1979; M.A., New York
College, 1995; Ed.D., 2000 Carol Kaufman Teachers College, 1999 University, 1986; Ph.D., 1992
Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Jerry Weiner Speech and Language Pathology Justine Sheppard Susan Bodnar
Adjunct Associate Professor B.S., St. Boston University, 1961; Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Social Studies and Education M.S., Southern Connecticut of Speech Pathology of Psychology and Education
B.A., Brooklyn College, 1963; State University, 1976; B.A., New York University, 1959; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1982;
M.A., 1972; Ph.D., CUNY, 1980 Ed.D., Teachers College, 2003 M.A., Teachers College, 1964; Ph.D., New York University,
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1979 1986; Ph.D., City University of
Howard A. Williams David Lefkowitz New York, 1992
Lecturer in Applied Linguistics Visiting Professor of Neurosciences Jaclyn Spitzer
B.A., Boston University, 1973; and Education and of Speech Adjunct Professor of Speech Anita Bohensky
M.A., University of Washington, Language Pathology and Language Pathology Adjunct Assistant Professor
1979; M.A.T.E.S.L., 1986; B.A., Brandeis University, 1974; B.A., Brooklyn College, 1972; of Psychology and Education
Ph.D., UCLA, 1996 Ph.D., City University of New M.S., Teachers College, 1973; B.A., New York University, 1967;
York, 1979 Ph.D., 1978 M.A., 1969; Ph.D., 1981
Haruko Yoshizawa
Adjunct Assistant Professor Steven Lichtman Ronald Tikofsky Ghislaine Boulanger
of Music Education Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Professor of Speech Adjunct Associate Professor
B.M., Manhattan School of of Movement Sciences and and Language Pathology of Psychology and Education
Music, 1984; M.A., Teachers Education B.A., Brooklyn College, 1952; B.A., Hunter College, 1975;
College, 1992; M.Ed., 1993; M.S., Fairleigh Dickinson Ph.D., University of Utah, 1957 M.S., Teachers College, 1979;
Ed.D., 1999 University, 1981; Ed.D., Ph.D., Columbia University, 1981
Teachers College, 1996 Karen Wexler
Patricia Zumhagen Adjunct Associate Professor Johnathan Cohen
Lecturer in English Education Andrew McDonough of Speech Pathology Adjunct Professor of
B.A., Rivier College, 1956; M.A., Adjunct Associate Professor F.M., Uppsala (Sweden), 1968; Psychology and Education
University of Toronto, 1991; M.S., Fairleigh Dickinson M.A., Columbia University, B.A., Antioch University, 1975;
Ph.D., Ohio State University, University, 1981; Ed.D., 1971; Ph.D., 1978 Ph.D., City University of New
1999 Teachers College, 1996 York, 1979
Adrienne Stevens Zion
BIOBEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Thomas Mury Adjunct Associate Professor of Eric Dammann
Adjunct Professor of Speech Movement Sciences and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
Sergei Aleshinsky and Language Pathology B.F.A., The Juilliard School, of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Associate Professor B.S., Indiana University of 1983; M.A., Teachers College, B.A., Bucknell, 1988; M.A.,
M.S., Moscow State University, Pennsylvania, 1965; M.A., Ohio 1995; M.Ed., 1997; Ed.D., 2000 Michigan State University, 1993
1968; Ph.D., 1977 State, 1969; Ph.D., University of Ph.D., 1997
Mark Budde PSYCHOLOGY Martin Devine
Adjunct Associate Professor Roger Muzii Adjunct Associate Professor
of Speech and Language Pathology Adjunct Assistant Professor Jill Backfield of Psychology and Education
B.S., Moorhead State University, of Movement Sciences Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Temple University, 1983;
1974; M.S.U., University of B.A., New York University, 1974; of Psychology and Education M.A., Widener University, 1993;
Wisconsin, 1975; Ed.M., M.A., Teachers College, 1980; B.S., Brooklyn College, 1986; Psy.D., 1997
Teachers College, 1990; Ed.D., Ph.D., Columbia University, 1988 M.S., Teachers College, 1988;
1992 Ph.D., 1996 William Dubin
Lori Quinn Adjunct Professor of
Catherine Crowley Adjunct Associate Professor of Ron Balamuth Psychology and Education
Distinguished Practitioner Movement Sciences and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., New York University, 1950;
B.A., University of Rochester, B.S., University of Connecticut, of Psychology and Education M.A., Columbia University,
1975; M.A., Kean College of 1989; M.A., Teachers College, B.A., Tel-Aviv University, 1981; 1953; Ph.D., 1958
New Jersey, 1979; 1993; Ed.M., 1994; Ed.D., 1996 M.A., New York University,
J.D., Rutgers Law School, 1985 1986; Ph.D., 1990 Morris Eagle
Lorraine Ramig Adjunct Assistant Professor
Karen Reznik Dolins Adjunct Professor of Speech Robert Bartlett of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Language Pathology Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., City College, 1949; Ph.D.,
of Nutrition Education B.S., University of Wisconsin, of Psychology and Education New York University, 1958
B.A., Washington University, 1972; M.S., 1975; Ph.D., Purdue B.A., M.A., Harvard University,
1977; M.Ed., Teachers College University, 1980 1988; 1992; Ph.D., Teachers
1999; Ed.D., Teachers College, College, 2000

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Nancy Eppler-Wolff Arthur Heiserman Jerome Kosseff Judith Lukoff

Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education
B.S., Union College, 1975; M.S., B.A., Bennington College, 1979; B.A., City University of New B.A., University of California, Los
Bank Street College, 1978; Ph.D., M.A., City University of New York, 1939; M.A., Columbia Angeles, 1977; M.A., Teachers
Teachers College, 1985 York, 1987; M.S., Teachers University, 1941; Ph.D., New College, 1948; Ph.D., 1977
College, 1990, M.Phil., 1990, York University, 1951
Stephanie Fagin-Jones Ph.D., 1993 John Mathews
Adjunct Assistant Professor Elizabeth Krimendahl Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education Bruce Hubbard Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
B.A., Northwestern, 1992; M.A., Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education A.B., Harvard University, 1980;
Teachers College, 1998; Ph.D., of Psychology and Education B.A., Duke University, 1982; Ph.D., New York University, 1991
2004 B.A., Purchase College; 1982; M.A., New York University, 1989;
Ph.D., Binghamton University, Psy.D., 1992 Linda A. Mayers
Elizabeth D. Fraga 1990 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Professor of Judith Kuriansky of Psychology and Education
Psychology and Education Samuel D. Johnson, Jr. Adjunct Professor of B.A., McGill University, 1967;
B.A., San Diego State University; Adjunct Professor of Psychology and Education M.A., Teachers College, 1968;
M.A., California State University Psychology and Education B.A., Smith College, 1968; Ph.D., Yeshiva University, 1975
Long Beach; M.A./Ph.D., B.A., Ripon College, 1969; M.A., Ed.M., Boston University, 1970;
University of California, Santa Colgate University, 1970; Ph.D., Ph.D., New York University Catherine McDermott-Coffin
Barbara, 1998 University of Minnesota, 1982 1980 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education
Jesse Geller Maryann Diviney Juska Lauren Levine M.B.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Institute, 1992; M.S., Antioch
of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education New England Graduate School,
B.A., City College of New York, B.A., Saint Josephs College, B.A., Brown University, 1983; 2002; Ph.D., 2004
1960; M.A., University of 1970; M.A., New School for M.A., City College, 1988;
Connecticut, 1961; Ph.D., 1966 Social Research, 1980; M.A., Ph.D., 1990 Samuel E. Menahem
Long Island University, 1987; Adjunct Assistant Professor
Valerie Golden Ph.D., 1992 Laurence R. Lewis of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., Queens College, 1968;
of Psychology and Education Scott Kellogg of Psychology and Education M.S., Teachers College, 1972;
A.B., Stanford University, 1976; Adjunct Associate Professor A.B., Columbia College, 1959; Ph.D., United States
J.D., Denver College of Law, of Psychology and Education M.A., Ph.D., City University International University, 1976
1980; Ph.D., Teachers College, B.A., Hunter College, 1985; of New York, 1975
1998 M.A., City College, 1988; Ph.D., Ernesto Mujica
The CUNY Graduate Center, Wilma Lewis Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jacqueline J. Gotthold 1994 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education B.A., Bennington University,
of Education Lisa Kentgen B.S., New York University, 1963; 1979; M.A., New York University,
B.A., Case Western Reserve Adjunct Associate Professor M.A., 1968; Ph.D., University 1986; Ph.D., 1991
University, 1975; M.A., 1975; of Psychology and Education of Pennsylvania, 1974
Psy.D., Yeshiva University, 1984 B.A., Marquette University, 1987; Robin Nemeroff
M.A., Long Island University, Lisa Litt Adjunct Associate Professor
Donald Greif 1989; Ph.D., Long Island Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor University, 1994 of Psychology and Education B.A., Amherst College, 1991;
of Psychology and Education B.A., B.S., University of M.S., Columbia University, 1998,
B.A., Yale College, 1977; M.A., Richard Kestenbaum Pennsylvania, 1987; M.A., M.Phil., 1998, Ph.D., 1999
1975; Ph.D., Yeshiva University, Adjunct Assistant Professor Adelphi University, 1990;
1986 of Psychology and Education Ph.D., 1996 Laura Nisco
B.A., New York University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Merav Gur 1963; Ph.D., 1968 Ruth Hedrick Livingston of Psychology and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Cornell University, 1985;
of Education Beth E. King of Psychology and Education Ph.D., Teachers College, 1998
B.A., Hamline University, 1998; Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., University of North
M.S., Teachers College, 2000; of Psychology and Education Carolina, 1970; M.S., Teachers Elizabeth Owen
Ph.D., 2003 B.A., Mount Holyoke College, College, 1993; M.Phil., 1996; Adjunct Associate Professor
1977; M.S., Bank Street College, Ph.D., 1997 of Psychology and Education
Valentina Fischer Harrell 1980; Ph.D., Columbia B.A., University of Louisville,
Adjunct Associate Professor University, 1990 Wendy Lubin 1992; M.S., Teachers College,
of Psychology and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor 1996, M.Phil., 1999, Ph.D.,
B.S., Ohio State University, 1965; Michael J. Koski of Psychology and Education Columbia University, 2001
M.Sc., 1966; M.Sc., Teachers Adjunct Assistant Professor B.A., Boston University, 1971;
College, 1975; Ph.D., 1979 of Psychology and Education M.A., New York University, 1975;
B.S., New York University, 1969; Ph.D., 1985
M.S., Hunter College, 1973;
Ed.M., Teachers College, 1990;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1998

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Eva Dubska Papiasvili Joseph Turkel Lyn Corno Eileen Marzola
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education B.A., Arizona State University, of Education
Ph.D., Charles (Prague), 1976 B.A., City College of New York, 1972; M.A., Stanford University, B.A., Barnard College, 1979;
1967; Ph.D., McMaster, 1974 1977; Ph.D., 1978 M.A., Teachers College, 1972;
Billie Ann Pivnick Ed.M., 1979; Ed.D., 1985
Visiting Associate Professor Anika K. Warren Beatrice Fennimore
of Psychology and Education B.B.A., Howard University, 1994; Adjunct Professor of Education Diane Newman
B.A., Oberlin College, 1971; M.A., M.Ed., Teachers College, B.A., St. Josephs College, 1970; Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.Ed., New England College, 2000; Ph.D., Boston College, M.S., Brooklyn College, 1977; of Education
1974; M.S., Columbia University, 2004 Ed.M., Teachers College, 1982; B.A., Queens College, 1969;
1987; Ph.D., 1990 Ed.D., 1986 M.Ed., Penn State University,
Robert I. Watson, Jr. 1970; Ph.D., Northwestern
Steven Reisner Adjunct Assistant Professor Jean Erickson Gaumer University, 1980
Adjunct Professor of of Psychology and Education Adjunct Professor of Education
Psychology and Education B.A., Wesleyan University, 1969; B.S., Louisiana State University, Robert Southworth
B.A., Princeton University 1976; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1974 1963; M.S., Western Connecticut Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.S., Columbia University, 1986; University, 1990; Ed.D., Teachers of Education
Ph.D., 1989 Sara L. Weber College, 2000 A.B., Dartmouth College, 1981;
Adjunct Assistant Professor M.Ed., Tufts University, 1983;
Susan Rose of Psychology and Education John Carl Gray C.A.S., Harvard Graduate School
Adjunct Assistant Professor B.S., Boston University, 1969; Adjunct Professor of Education of Education, 1990; Ed.D.,
of Psychology and Education M.A., New York University, 1977; B.S., West Virginia University, Teachers College, 1999
B.A., Barnard College, 1977; Ph.D., 1983 1961; M.Ed., University of
M.S., Ohio University, 1980; Delaware, 1965; Ed.D., Teachers Lisa Wright
Ph.D., 1983 M. Margit Winckler College, 2002. Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education
June Rousso of Psychology and Education Janet Andron Hoffman B.A., Mount Saint Mary, 1980;
Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., City College of New York, Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., New York University, 1981;
of Psychology and Education 1972; M.A., New York University, of Education Ed.D., Columbia University, 1987
B.A., Hofstra University, 1971; 1976; Ph.D., 1981 B.A., Boston University, 1975;
M.A., New School for Social M.S.W., Columbia School of HEALTH AND
Research, 1973; Ph.D., 1977 Arnold Wolf Social Work, 1977; Ed.D., BEHAVIOR STUDIES
Adjunct Professor of Teachers College, 1993
Richard Rubens Psychology and Education Sharon Akabas
Adjunct Professor of B.A., New York University, 1966; Heidi Hayes Jacobs Adjunct Assistant Professor
Psychology and Education M.A., 1968; Ph.D., 1977 Adjunct Associate Professor of Nutrition and Education
B.A., Yale University, 1968; of Education A.M., Columbia University, 1980;
B.H.L., Hebrew Union College, Lisa Wu B.A., University of Utah, M.S., 1983; Ph.D., 1988
1971; Ph.D., Columbia Adjunct Assistant Professor 1970; Ed.M., University of
University, 1976 of Psychology and Education Massachusetts, 1976; Sheila Amato
B.S., Victoria University of Ed.D., Teachers College, 1981 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Miriam Schechner Wellington, 1994; M.S., of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Teachers College, 2000; Joann Jacullo-Noto B.A., Queens College, 1972;
of Psychology and Education M.Phil., 2001; Ph.D., 2004 Adjunct Associate Professor M.A., Teachers College, 1975;
B.S., Brooklyn College, 1989; of Education Ed.M., 1996; Ed.D., 2000
M.A., Teachers College, 1990; David Yourman B.A., Douglass College, 1968;
Ph.D., Long Island University, Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., New York University, 1970; Lynne Bejoian
1997 of Psychology and Education Ed.M., Columbia University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Oberlin College, 1981; 1978; Ed.D., 1980 of Education
Susan Shachner M.A., City College of New York, B.A., Smith College, 1977;
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1993; Ph.D., Teachers College, Elaine Kanas M.S.Ed., University of Southern
of Psychology and Education 2000 Adjunct Assistant Professor California, 1981; Ph.D., 1989
B.A., Hamilton College, 1976; of Education
M.S., Teachers College, 1989; CURRICULUM AND TEACHING B.S., Skidmore College, 1973; Janice Berchin-Weiss
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1995 M.F.A., University of Minnesota, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Leonard Barham 1975; Ed.D., Teachers College, of Education
Arlene Steinberg Adjunct Assistant Professor l994 M.S., Adelphi University, 1977;
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education Ed.M., Columbia University,
of Psychology and Education B.A., City College of New York, Lori Langer de Ramirez 1984; Ph.D., 1988
B.A., New York University, 1979; 1970; M.S., Hunter College, Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.A., Yeshiva University, 1983; 1975; Ed.M., Teachers College, of Education Bonnie Bernstein
Psy.D., 1986 1980; Ed.D., 1985 B.A., SUNY New Paltz, 1990; Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.S., CUNY, Queens College, of Nutrition and Education
William M. Tortorella 1994; Ed.D., Teachers College, B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY,
Visiting Associate Professor 1998 1970; M.A., New York University,
of Psychology and Education 1979; Ph.D., 1985
B.A., Fordham University, 1959;
M.A., 1963; Ph.D., 1967

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Caroline Camunas Roseanne C. Gotterbarn C. Ronald MacKenzie Katherine Roberts

Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Visiting Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Nursing Education of School Psychology of Health Education of Health Education
B.S., Long Island University, B.A., Fordham University, 1983; B.Sc., Western Ontario, 1974; B.S., Ithaca College, 1991;
1975; Ed.M., Teachers College, M.A., Hofstra University, 1985; M.D., Calgary, 1977 M.PH., Columbia University,
1981; Ed.D., 1991 Ph.D., 1989 1996; M.S., Teachers College,
Ray Marks 2001; Ed.D., 2004
Gay Culverhouse Thomas M. Kelly Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Education Russell Rosen
of Education and Psychology in Education B.Sc., Witwatersrand University, Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A.E., University of Florida, M.A., Teachers College, 1989; 1970; B.Sc., 1972; M.Sc., of Special Education
1969; M.A., Teachers College, M.Ed., 1990; M.Phil., Columbia University of Alberta, 1988; Co-coordinator of the Program in
1970; Ed.D., 1982 University, 1994; Ph.D., 1995 Ed.D., Teachers College, 2001 Teaching American Sign Language
as a Foreign Language
Craig Demmer Dolleen-Day Keohane Sheila OShea Melli A.B., University of Chicago,
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor 1978; A.M., Columbia
of Health Education of Education of Nursing Education University, 1983; Ph.D., 1996
B.S., University of Natal (South B.A., Pace University, 1974; B.S., Boston College, 1967;
Africa), 1983; M.S., 1985; M.A., M.A., New York University, M.S., Seton Hall University, Lora A. Sporny
Brooklyn College, CUNY, 1994; 1976; M.A., Teachers College, 1981; Ed.D., Columbia Adjunct Associate Professor
Ed.D., Teachers College, 1998 1993; M.Phil., Columbia University, 1987 of Nutrition and Education
University, 1996; M.Ed., Teachers B.S., University of Pittsburgh,
Karen Reznick Dolins College, 1997; Ph.D., Columbia Laura Menikoff 1985; M.A., New York
Adjunct Assistant Professor University, 1997 Adjunct Assistant Professor University, 1987; M.Ed., Teachers
of Nutrition and Education of Psychology and Education College, 1988; Ed.D., 1992
B.A., Washington University, Pamela Donofrio Koch B.A., Hamilton (Kirkland
1977; M.S., New York University, Adjunct Assistant Professor College), 1973; M.S., Bank Virginia S. Stolarski
1981; Ed.D., Teachers College, of Nutrition and Education Street College, 1981; M.S., Adjunct Assistant Professor
2001 B.S., Cook College, Rutgers Queens College, 1992; Ph.D., of Education
University, 1988; M.S., 1992; The Graduate Center of the Co-Director of the Program for
David Erlanger M.Ed., 1998; Ed.D., Teachers City of New York, 1999 Learners with Blindness and
Adjunct Assistant Professor College, 2000 Visual Impairment
of Education and Psychology Jose Eduardo Nanin B.A., SUNY Buffalo, 1986;
B.M., The Juilliard School, 1980; Michael Koski Adjunct Assistant Professor A.M., Columbia University,
Ph.D., Teachers College, 1996 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Education 1987; Ed.M., 1989; Ed.D., 1991
of Psychology and Education B.A., New York University, 1990;
Mindy Thompson Fullilove B.S., New York University, 1969; M.A., 1993; M.S., Teachers Janet Twyman
Adjunct Associate Professor M.A., Hunter College, 1973; College, 2001; Ed.D., 2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Health Education Ed.M., Teachers College, 1990; of Special Education
A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1971; Ph.D., 1998 Clarence E. Pearson B.A., University of Kentucky,
M.S., Columbia University, 1974; Adjunct Professor of 1984; M.S., 1992; M.Phil.,
M.D., 1978 Barbara Krainovich-Miller Health Education Columbia University, 1996;
Adjunct Professor of B.S., Northern Illinois University, Ph.D., 1996
Robert E. Fullilove III Nursing Education 1950; M.PH., North Carolina
Adjunct Associate Professor R.N., St. Vincents Hospital University, 1952 Tina K. Urv
of Health Education School of Nursing, 1963; B.S., Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Colgate University, 1966; Hunter College, 1971; M.S., Margaret G.E. Peterson of Education
M.S., Syracuse University, 1972; 1972; Ed.D., Teachers College, Adjunct Associate Professor B.A., University of Washington,
Ed.D., Columbia University, 1984 1988 of Health Education 1985; M.A., Teachers College,
B.S., Durham University, 1960; 1990; M.Phil., Ph.D., 1998
Linda Lanting Gerra Susan Lipokowitz Ph.D., 1967
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Elizabeth A. Walker
of Psychology and Education of Education John T. Pinto Visiting Associate Professor
B.S., Western Michigan B.A., Hunter College, 1976; Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Education
University, 1970; M.S., M.S., Fordham University, 1980; of Nutrition and Education B.S., Chestnut Hill College,
Wheelock College, 1974; M.Ed., Bank Street College, B.S., St. John Fisher College, 1968; M.A., Notre Dame
Ed.D., Teachers College, 1992 1990; Ed.D., Teachers College, 1968; Ph.D., University of College, 1969; B.S., Creighton
2000 Medicine and Dentistry of University, 1976; D.N.Sc.,
Lesley L. Green New Jersey, 1973 Catholic State University, 1988
Adjunct Assistant Professor Toni Liquori
of Health Education Adjunct Associate Professor Barbara A. Principe Mary Margaret Whelley
B.S., Michigan State University, of Nutrition and Education Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
1991; M.PH., Columbia B.A., Emmanuel College, 1972; Psychology and Education of Psychology and Education
University School of Public M.PH., Columbia University, B.A., University of Windsor, B.S., St. Lawrence University,
Health, 1993; Ed.D., Teachers 1979; Ed.D., Teachers College, 1972; M.A., Antioch New 1979; M.A., New York
College, 2002 1995 England Graduate School, 1984; University, 1989; Ed.M., Teachers
Ph.D., Teachers College, 2001 College, 1999; M.A., 2001;
Ph.D., 2002

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HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Lucia F. OSullivan Dale Snauwaert Susan Lowes
B.A., University of New Visiting Assistant Professor Adjunct Associate Professor
Janet P. Alperstein Brunswick (Canada), 1987; of Politics and Education of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor M.A., 1991; Ph.D., Bowling B.A., University of Illinois B.A., Goucher College, 1962;
of Sociology and Education Green University, 1994 (Urbana-Champaign), 1983; M.Phil., Teachers College, 1993;
B.A., Barnard College; M.A., M.A., 1988; Ph.D., 1990 Ph.D., Columbia University, 1994
Teachers College, 1992; Ph.D., INTERNATIONAL AND
AND TECHNOLOGY Adjunct Assistant Professor
Ann E. Cami Marion Boultbee of Communication and Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Jamsheed Akrami B.A., Universita Di Genova,
of Psychology and Education of Education Adjunct Associate Professor of Italy, 1978; M.A., Teachers
B.A., Harvard University, 1989; B.A., Middlebury College, 1967; Communication and Education College 1987; M.Ed., 1989;
Ed.M., 1992; Ph.D., 2002 M.A., University of Hawaii, M.A., Columbia University, Ed.D., 1995
1970; Ed.D., Columbia 1979; Ed.D., 1986
Hugh F. Cline University, 1996 Ellen B. Meier
Adjunct Professor of Howard Budin Adjunct Assistant Professor
Psychology and Education Dana Burde Adjunct Associate Professor of Computing and Education
B.A., Pennsylvania State Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computing and Education B.A., University of Iowa, 1971;
University, 1956; M.S.S., of Education B.A., Columbia University, 1968; M.A., University of Minnesota,
Stockholms Universitetet B.A., Oberlin College, 1988; M.S., City College of New York, 1980; Ed.D., Teachers College,
(Sweden), 1961; Md.M., Harvard Graduate 1975; Ed.D., Teachers College, 2002
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1966 School of Education, 1993; 1996
Ph.D., Columbia University, Ross H. Nehm
Howard T. Everson 2001 Eileen F. Donoghue Honorary Adjunct Assistant
Adjunct Professor of Visiting Associate Professor Professor of Science Education
Psychology and Education Louis Cristillo of Mathematics Education B.S., University of Wisconsin,
B.A., Brooklyn College, 1972; Lecturer B.A., St. Marys College, 1970; 1991; M.Ed., Columbia
M.A., Montclair State College, B.A., University of California, M.A.T., Northwestern University, University, 2001; Ph.D.,
1975; Ph.D., City University of 1978; M.A., Columbia 1971; M.S., Teachers College, University of California-Berkeley,
New York, 1985 University, 1999; Ph.D., 2004 1985; Ed.D., 1987 1998

Michael Hanchette Hanson Patricia Frenz-Belkin Joseph Peter Garrity Michael J. Passow
Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Honorary Adjunct Professor
of Psychology and Education of Education Mathematics Education of Science Education
B.A., Yale University, 1980; B.A., Freie Universitaet, 1982; B.A., Stonehill College, 1965; B.A., Columbia University, 1970;
Ph.D., Teachers College, 1999 M.A., 1984; M.A., Columbia M.Ed., State College at Boston, M.A.T., Teachers College, 1971;
University, 1995; Ed.M., 1997; 1966; M.A., Columbia Ed.D., 1974, M. Ed., 1987
Linda Hirsch Ed.D., 2004 University, 1972; Ed.D., 1979
Adjunct Professor of Education Henry O. Pollak
B.A., City University of New Maria Hamilton Joshua Halberstam Visiting Professor of
York, 1971; M.A., State Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor of Mathematics Education
University of New York (Stony of Education Technology and Education B.A., Yale University, 1947;
Brook), 1972; Ph.D., New York B.A., Teachers College of the B.A., Brooklyn College, 1968; M.A., Harvard University, 1948;
University, 1986 City of Nitra, 1976; M.A., Ph.D., New York University, Ph.D., 1951
Columbia University, 1996; 1978
Joseph R. Lao Ph.D., 1999 Dennis Robbins
Adjunct Associate Professor Danielle Kaplan Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education Peter Lucas Assistant Professor of of Science Education
B.A., Long Island University, Lecturer Technology and Education B.A., University of Delaware,
1978; M.A., Teachers College, B.A., Slippery Rock University, B.F.A., New York University, 1989; M.A., Teachers College,
1985; Ph.D., 1999 1978; M.A., New York 1993; M.E.S., Yale University, 1997; Ed.D., 2001
University, 1990; Ph.D., 1995; M.A., M.Phil., Ed.M.,
Judith Miller 1996 Teachers College, 1998; Ph.D., Courtney St. Prix
Adjunct Associate Professor 2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Psychology and Education Joseph Paul Martin of Science Education
B.S., Temple University, 1964; Adjunct Professor of Education Ryan D. Kelsey B.S., City College of New York,
M.Ed., 1974; Ph.D., 1980 Ph.L., Angelicum, 1960; S.T.L., Adjunct Assistant Professor of 1993; M.A., Teachers College,
1964; A.M., Columbia Communication and Education 1994; Ed.M., 1999; Ed.D., 2002
Vanessa S. Morest University, 1968; Ph.D., 1973 B.S., Santa Clara University,
Adjunct Assistant Professor 1996; M.A., Teachers College, Robert V. Steiner
of Sociology and Education Betty Reardon 1999; Ed.D., 2003 Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., College of William and Adjunct Professor of Education of Science Education
Mary, 1991; M.A., Teachers B.A., Wheaton College, 1951; Henry J. Landau B.S., University of California,
College, 1997; Ph.D., 2002 M.A., New York University, Visiting Professor of Berkeley, 1978; M.S., Yale, 1980,
1957; Ed.D., Columbia Mathematics Education Ph.D., 1985
University, 1986 A.B., Harvard College, 1953;
A.M., Harvard University, 1955;
Ph.D., 1957

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Robin S. Stern Celeste Coruzzi Joseph Hankin Sheila OShea Melli

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor
Communication and Education of Psychology and Education Higher Education of Nursing Education
B.A., New York University, 1973, B.S., Fordham University, 1980; B.A., City College of New York, B.S., Boston College, 1967; M.S.,
Ph.D., 1994; M.A., New School M.A., Teachers College, 1982; 1961; M.A., Columbia Seton Hall University, 1981;
for Social Research, 1979 Ph.D., 1988 University, 1962; Ed.D., 1967 Ed.D., Teachers College, 1987

Thane B. Terrill Gardner Dunnan Wendy L. Heckelman Susan Meyer

Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
of Computing and Education of Education of Psychology and Education of Adult and Continuing Education
B.S., Boston College, 1982; B.A., Harvard University, 1962; B.A., University of Miami, 1983; B.A., SUNY Albany, 1967, M.A.,
M.A. (American History), 1986; M.Ed., Boston University, 1965; M.A., Teachers College, 1986; New York University, 1969;
M.A. (in Teaching, MAT), 1986; Ed.D., Harvard University, 1968 Ph.D., 1992 M.A., 1977; Ed.D., Teachers
Ed.D., Columbia University, 1993 College, 1986
Mary Jane Eisen Sharon Lamm
ORGANIZATION AND Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adjunct Assistant Professor Robert Monson
LEADERSHIP Adult and Continuing Education of Adult and Continuing Education Lecturer of Education
B.A., State University of New B.A., B.S., SUNY Geneseo, 1988; B.A., University of Saint
Jeanne E. Bitterman York, 1973; M.A., Saint Joseph M.S., Cornell University, 1990; Thomas, 1969; M.A., 1971;
Lecturer of Adult and College, 1991; Ed.D., Teachers Ed.D., Teachers College, 2000 Ph.D., Saint Louis University,
Continuing Education College, 1999 1975
B.A., City College of New York, Arthur M. Langer
1973; M.A., New York Philip E. Fey Adjunct Assistant Professor Judith ONeil
University, 1977; M.A., Adjunct Associate Professor of of Higher Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
Columbia University, 1980; Adult and Continuing Education B.A., Queens College, CUNY, of Adult and Continuing Education
Ed.D., 1983 B.A., Fordham University, 1958, 1979; M.B.A., Iona, 1987; Ed.D., B.S., University of Rhode Island,
J.D., 1961; M.A., Columbia Teachers College, 1999 1986; M.A., Teachers College,
Sarah J. Brazaitis University, 1967; Ed.D., 1976 1991; Ed.D., 1999
Lecturer of Psychology Stacey Lutz
and Education Charles W. Fowler Adjunct Assistant Professor Laurie Nisco
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education Adjunct Assistant Professor
1990; Ed.M., Teachers College, of Education A.B., Occidental College, 1990; of Psychology and Education
1993; Ph.D., 1998 B.S., State University of New M.A., New York University, B.A., Cornell University, 1985;
York, 1960; M.S., Teachers 1992; Ph.D., 1997 Ph.D., Teachers College, 1998
Stephen David Brookfield College, 1961; Ed.D., 1969
Adjunct Professor of Adult Barbara Macauley Judith Parker
and Continuing Education Keville C. Frederickson Adjunct Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor
B.A., Lanchester Polytechnic Adjunct Professor of of Adult and Continuing Education of Adult and Continuing Education
Institute, 1970; M.A., Reading, Nursing Education B.S., Springfield College, 1971; B.S., Notre Dame College, 1965;
1974; Ph.D., Leicester, 1980 B.S., Columbia University, 1964; M.Ed., Worcester State College, M.S., Purdue University, 1972;
Ed.M., 1971; Ed.D., 1975 1977; M.A., Teachers College, M.A., Teachers College, 1991;
David L. Buckner 1993; Ed.D., 1995 Ed.D., 1992
Adjunct Assistant Professor Judith Glazer Raymo
of Psychology and Education Adjunct Professor of Gibran Majdalany Jennifer Parlamis
B.S., Brigham Young University, Higher Education Adjunct Assistant Professor Lecturer of Psychology
1988; M.B.A., Durham B.A., Smith College, 1953; of Education and Education
University, England, 1991; M.A., M.A., New York University, B.A., University of Kansas, 1979; B.A., Georgetown University,
Brigham Young University, 1995; 1973; Ph.D., 1980 M.A., Teachers College, 1981; 1993; Ph.D., Teachers College,
J.D., 1995 Ed.M., 1982; Ed.D., 1995 2001
Virginia G. Gonzalez
David X. Cheng Adjunct Assistant Professor Daryll Mattingly Joann Pietro
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Adult and Continuing Education Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Associate Professor
of Education B.A., Moravian College, 1972; of Education of Nursing Education
B.A., Soochow University Ed.M., Boston University, 1973; B.A., Indiana University, 1977; B.A., Rutgers University, 1982;
(China), 1982; M.A., Virginia M.A., Teachers College, 1992; Ph.D., 1982 J.D., City University of New York
Institute and State University, Ed.D., 1995 Law School, 1986
1987; Ed.D., 1990 Laura McKenna
Catherine Guerriero Adjunct Assistant Professor Mary Price
Monica Christensen Adjunct Assistant Professor of Politics and Education Instructor of Nursing Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Politics and Education B.A., SUNY Binghamton, 1987; B.S.N., Fairleigh Dickinson
of Higher Education B.A., Wagner College, 1991; M.A., University of Chicago, University, 1969; M.A., Teachers
B.A., Dartmouth College, 1989; M.P.A, New York University, 1991; Ph.D., CUNY Graduate College, 1974; Ed.M., 1980
M.A., Teachers College, 1992; 1993; Ph.D., 2000 School and Center, 2001
M.Ed., 1994; Ed.D., 1997

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Michael Rebell Marie P. Volpe Ann E. Boehm John Fanselow
Adjunct Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor of Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus
of Education Adult and Continuing Education of Psychology and Education of Language and Education
A.B., Harvard College, 1965; A.A., Elizabeth Seton College, B.A., Wheaton College, 1960; B.A., Northern Illinois, 1960,
LL.B., Yale Law School, 1970 1979; B.S., Iona College, 1981; M.A., Teachers College, 1963; M.A., 1961; Ph.D., Teachers
M.A., Columbia University, Ph.D., Columbia, 1966 College, 1971
Jonathan Rosenberg 1983; Ed.D., 1992
Adjunct Associate Professor Robert A. Bone John H. Fischer
of Education Rita Reis Wieczorek Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus of
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Adjunct Professor of of English Education Education and President Emeritus
1988; J.D., Columbia University, Nursing Education A.B., Yale, 1945, A.M., 1949 B.S., Johns Hopkins, 1940; A.M.,
1992 B.S., College of Mount St. Ph.D., 1955 Columbia, 1949, Ed.D., 1951;
Joseph, 1964; M.A., New York L.H.D., 1964, Cleveland State,
Vincent T. Rudan University, 1966; Ed.D., Teachers Norman Dale Bryant 1968, Towson State, 1973; LL.D.,
Adjunct Assistant Professor College, 1975 Professor Emeritus Morgan State, 1955, Goucher,
of Nursing Education of Psychology and Education 1959, Akron, 1963; Litt.D.,
B.S.N., State University of New A.B., North Texas State, 1945, Jewish Theological Seminary of
York, 1977; M.A., New York OFFICERS NOT IN A.M., 1951; Ph.D., Texas, 1955 America, 1968, Muskingum,
University, 1979; Ed.D., Teachers ACTIVE SERVICE 1969
College, 1998 R. Freeman Butts
Winthrop R. Adkins William F. Russell Professor Daniel P. Girard
Elana Sigall Professor Emeritus Emeritus in the Foundations Professor Emeritus of French
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education of Education A.B., Columbia, 1926, A.M.,
of Education A.B., Princeton, 1955; M.A., A.B., Wisconsin, 1931, A.M., 1929; Diplome de la Sorbonne,
A.B., Princeton University, 1988; Ph.D., Columbia, 1963 1932, Ph.D., 1935 1928
J.D., Harvard Law School, 1993
William G. Anderson Frances Partridge Connor Ruth Z. Gold
Franceska B. Smith Professor Emeritus of Education Richard March Hoe Professor Associate Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor of B.S., Brooklyn College, 1955; Emeritus of Education of Statistics and Education
Adult and Continuing Education M.A., Ohio State, 1957; Ed.D., A.B., St. Josephs, 1940; A.M., A.B., Hunter, 1941; A.M.,
B.A., Radcliffe College, 1967; Teachers College, 1961 Columbia, 1948, Ed.D., 1953; Columbia, 1943, Ph.D., 1960
M.A., Teachers College, 1973; L.H.D., New Rochelle, 1974
Ed.D., 1983 Thurston A. Atkins Joseph C. Grannis
Associate Professor of Education Harold Cook Professor Emeritus of Education
Marvin Sontag B.S., Towson State, 1952; M.A., Professor Emeritus A.B., Harvard, 1954, M.A.T.,
Adjunct Associate Professor Teachers College, 1962, Ed.D., of Psychology and Education 1955; Ph.D., Washington, 1965
of Psychology and Education 1968 B.A., California State, Los
B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY, Angeles, 1959; Ph.D., California, Maxine Greene
1954; Ph.D., New York Ronald J. Baken Los Angeles, 1967 William F. Russell
University, 1967 Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus in the
of Speech Science Robert L. Crain Foundations of Education
Kent Strong A.B., Columbia, 1963; M.S., Professor Emeritus A.B., Barnard, 1938; A.M., New
Instructor of Psychology Municipal University of Omaha, of Sociology and Education York University, 1949; Ph.D.,
and Education 1965; Ph.D., Columbia, 1969 B.A., University of Louisville, 1955; L.H.D., Lehigh, 1975;
B.A., Princeton University, 1994; 1958; Ph.D., University of Hofstra, 1985; Bank Street,
M.B.A., Columbia Business Arno A. Bellack Chicago, 1964 1987; Colorado, 1990; Goddard,
School, 2000 Professor Emeritus of Education 1991; Indiana, 1993
B.S., Wisconsin, 1940; A.M., Joel R. Davitz
Megan Swiderski Columbia, 1946, Ed.D., 1952; Professor Emeritus Gary A. Griffin
Instructor of Education Ph.D., h.c., Helsinki, 1977; of Psychology and Education Professor Emeritus of Education
B.B.A., University of Notre Ph.D., h.c., Uppsala, 1977 B.S., Illinois, 1947; A.M., B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., California,
Dame, 1994; M.A., Teachers Columbia, 1949, Ph.D., 1951 Los Angeles
College, 2000 Leonard S. Blackman
Professor Emeritus of Morton Deutsch Joan Dye Gussow
Ross Tartell Education and Psychology Edward Lee Thorndike Mary Swartz Rose
Adjunct Assistant Professor A.B., Syracuse, 1950, M.S. (Ed.), Professor Emeritus of Professor Emeritus of
of Psychology and Education 1951; Ph.D., Illinois, 1954 Psychology and Education Nutrition and Education
B.A., Hofstra University, 1974; B.S., City College of New York, A.B., Pomona, 1950; Ed.M.,
M.A., Teachers College, 1976; Lois Bloom 1939; M.S.(hon.), Pennsylvania, Columbia, 1974, Ed.D., 1975
M.B.A., 1981; Ph.D., 1984 Edward Lee Thorndike 1940; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Professor Emeritus of Institute of Technology, 1948; Bernard Gutin
Ruud van der Veen Psychology and Education L.H.D., City College of New Professor Emeritus of Applied
Adjunct Associate Professor of B.A., Pennsylvania State, 1956; York, 1990 Physiology and Education
Adult and Continuing Education M.A., University of Maryland, A.B., Hunter, 1960; A.M., New
B.S., Katholieke Universiteit 1958; Ph.D., Columbia, 1968 York University, 1961, Ph.D.,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1965
1966; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1982

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Elizabeth P. Hagen Ursula Kirk Elizabeth M. Maloney Seymour Rigrodsky

Edward Lee Thorndike Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus of of Neuroscience and Education of Nursing Education of Speech Pathology
Psychology and Education B.A., Manhattanville, 1952, B.S., Columbia, 1951, A.M., A.B., Brooklyn, 1952; A.M.,
A.B., Western Maryland, 1936; M.A., 1962; M.S., Iona, 1970; 1952, Ed.D., 1966 1955, Ph.D., Purdue, 1959
A.M., Columbia, 1948, Ph.D., M.S., SUNY Albany, 1972;
1952 Ed.M., Teachers College, 1976, Dale Mann Henry J. Rissetto
Ed.D., 1978; Certificate in Professor Emeritus of Education Professor Emeritus of Education
Kenneth Frederick Herrold Pediatric Neuropsychology, New A.B., California, Berkeley, 1963; B.S., New Jersey State (Trenton),
Professor Emeritus England Medical Center, Tufts, Ph.D., Teachers College, 1971 1949; A.M., Columbia, 1953,
of Psychology and Education 1978 Ed.D., 1957
A.B., Bucknell, 1936; M.S.P.H., Eugene V. Martin
Michigan, 1940; Ed.D., Phil C. Lange Associate Professor Paul C. Rosenbloom
Columbia, 1948 Professor Emeritus of Education of Nursing Education Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
B.S., Wisconsin, 1934, A.M., B.A., Brooklyn College, 1937; B.S., Pennsylvania, 1941; Ph.D.,
Joseph R. Higgins 1936, Ph.D., 1941 M.A., New York University, Stanford, 1944
Professor Emeritus of Education 1947; Ph.D., California, Berkeley,
A.B., San Fernando Valley State, Leah B. Lapidus 1965 Ernst Z. Rothkopf
1960; M.S., Utah State, 1962; Professor Emeritus of Cleveland E. Dodge Professor
Ed.D., Stanford, 1970 Psychology and Education Jack David Mezirow Emeritus of Telecommunications
B.A., New York University, 1960; Professor Emeritus of Adult and Education
Clifford A. Hill M.A., Columbia University, and Continuing Education A.B., Syracuse, 1948; M.A.,
Arthur I. Gates Professor Emeritus 1961; Ph.D., New York B.S., Minnesota, 1945, A.M., University of Connecticut, 1951,
of Language and Education University, 1968 1946; Ed.D., California, Los Ph.D., 1953
B.A., Wheaton College, 1961; Angeles, 1955
M.A., Columbia, 1963; Ph.D., Thomas A. Leemon Mordecadi Rubin
Wisconsin, 1971 Associate Professor Mildred L. Montag Professor Emeritus of Spanish
of Higher Education Professor Emeritus A.B., Rutgers, 1955; Ph.D.,
Harvey A. Hornstein A.B., Stanford, 1956; A.M., of Nursing Education University of Maryland, 1961
Professor Emeritus 1957; Ed.D., Columbia, 1968 A.B., Hamline, 1930; B.S.,
of Psychology and Education Minnesota, 1933; A.M., Robert J. Schaefer
B.B.A., Baruch College, CUNY; Ann Lieberman Columbia, 1938, Ed.D., 1950; Professor Emeritus of Education
M.A., Teachers College, 1962, Professor Emeritus of Education LL.D., Bridgeport, 1967, State A.B., Columbia, 1939, A.M.,
Ph.D., 1964 B.A., California, Los Angeles, University of New York, 1981; 1946, Ph.D., 1950
1957; M.A., California State, L.H.D., Adelphi, 1968; D.Sc.,
Chang-Tu Hu Northridge, 1966; Ed.D., Eastern Kentucky, 1981 Rosalea A. Schonbar
Professor Emeritus California, Los Angeles, 1969 Professor Emeritus
of History and Education Roger A. Myers of Psychology and Education
A.B., Fu-Tan (China), 1942; Richard H. Lindeman Richard March Hoe A.B., Smith, 1940; A.M.,
Ph.D., Washington, 1953 Professor Emeritus Professor Emeritus of Columbia, 1942, Ph.D., 1945
of Psychology and Education Psychology and Education
Dwayne E. Huebner B.S., Beloit, 1949; M.S., A.B., Bradley, 1952; A.M., Justin Schorr
Professor Emeritus of Education Wisconsin, 1951, Ph.D., 1958 Ohio State, 1955, Ph.D., 1959 Professor Emeritus
A.M., Chicago, 1949; Ph.D., of Art and Education
Wisconsin, 1959 Margaret Lindsey Harold J. Noah B.S.S., City College, 1950; A.M.,
Professor Emeritus of Education Gardner Cowles Professor Emeritus Columbia, 1951, Ed.D., 1962
Francis A. J. Ianni B.S., State Teachers College of Economics and Education
Professor Emeritus of Education (Shippensburg), 1934; M.Ed., B.Sc. (Econ.), London, 1946, Margaret Jo Shepherd
B.S., Pennsylvania State, 1949, Pennsylvania State, 1939; Ed.D., Academic Diploma in Education, Professor Emeritus of Education
A.M., 1950, Ph.D., 1952 Columbia, 1946; Litt.D., Eastern 1954; Ph.D., Columbia, 1964 B.S., Illinois, Urbana, 1955;
Kentucky, 1976 Ed.M., Illinois, 1958; Ed.D.,
Carroll F. Johnson Robert Pace Teachers College, 1968
Professor Emeritus of Education Gordon N. Mackenzie Professor Emeritus
A.B., Chattanooga, 1935; M.S., Professor Emeritus of Education of Music Education Douglas Sloan
Georgia, 1940; A.M., Columbia, B.S., Minnesota, 1929, A.M., B.S., Juilliard College, 1948; Professor Emeritus
1945, Ed.D., 1950 1929; Ed.D., Stanford, 1940 A.M., Columbia, 1949, Ed.D., of History and Education
1951 B.A., Southern Methodist
Milton A. Kaplan William J. Mahoney University, 1955; B.D., Yale,
Professor Emeritus of English Professor Emeritus E. Edmund Reutter, Jr. 1958; Ph.D., Teachers College,
B.S.S., City College, 1929, of Art and Education Professor Emeritus of Education 1969
M.S., 1934; A.M., Columbia, B.S., Columbia, 1948, A.M., A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1944;
1937, Ph.D., 1946 1949, Ed.D., 1957 A.M., Teachers College, 1948, Frank L. Smith, Jr.
Ph.D., 1950 Associate Professor of Education
Frederick D. Kershner, Jr. James L. Malfetti B.A., Yale, 1958; M.S., Memphis
Professor Emeritus of History Professor Emeritus of Education State University, 1960; Ed.D.,
A.B., Butler, 1937; A.M., B.S., Columbia, 1947, A.M., Teachers College, 1965
Wisconsin, 1939, Ph.D., 1950 1948, Ed.D., 1951

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William Heard Kilpatrick John W. Hyland, Jr., Co-Chair Lee C. Bollinger, Ph.D. COUNCIL
Professor Emeritus of William D. Rueckert, Co-Chair President of the University Andre McKenzie, President
Philosophy and Education Arthur Zankel, Vice Chair Mitchell Barlas
A.B., Connecticut, 1956; M.A.T., Arthur E. Levine, Ph.D. John Battles
Wesleyan, 1958; Ed.D., Harvard, James W. B. Benkard President of the College Constance Belton Green
1964 Lee C. Bollinger Frederick Brodzinski
Cory A. Booker Darlyne Bailey, Ph.D. Richard Campagna
Marvin Sontag Amy Butte Vice President for Academic
Associate Professor Vicki Cobb
James P. Comer Affairs and Dean
of Psychology and Education Joyce B. Cowin George Coleman
B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY, Barbara F. Goodman Fred A. Schnur, B.B.A., C.P.A. Joshua Endler
1954; Ph.D., New York Ruth L. Gottesman Vice President for Finance Keith Figgs
University, 1967 Antonia M. Grumbach and Administration Lenore R. Gall
Marjorie L. Hart Virginia Gonzalez
William Summerscales Elliot S. Jaffe Joseph S. Brosnan, Ed.D. Jane Herzog
Director of Development and John Klingenstein Vice President for Development Germain Ludwig
Associate Professor of Education Jan Krukowski and External Affairs Barbara Macaulay
A.B., Eastern Nazarene, 1944; Arthur E. Levine Patrick McGuire
M.Div., San Francisco Eduardo Marti Scott Fahey, M.Ed. Hemda Mizrahi
Theological Seminary, 1956; Claude A. Mayberry, Jr. Secretary to the College and
A.M., Toronto, 1966; Ph.D., Kathryn Moody
John Merrow Assistant to the President
Columbia, 1969 Hasna Muhammad
Lorraine Monroe
John Nolan
Abraham J. Tannenbaum
Enid W. Morse PRESIDENTS Marcia Norton
Professor Emeritus Dailey Pattee Michael Passow
of Education and Psychology Jeffrey M. Peek
COUNCIL Jeffrey Putman
A.B., Brooklyn, 1946; A.M., Isaac Blech
Charles Prince Pola Rosen
Columbia, 1948, Ph.D., 1960 Ken Boxley
E. John Rosenwald, Jr. Christopher Scott
Dawn B. Duques
Laurie Tisch Alice Elgart Cynthia Sculco
Trygve R. Tholfsen Gillian Neukom Toledo Joan Shapiro
Professor Emeritus Patricia F. Green
Jay Urwitz Marjorie L. Hart James J. Shields
of History and Education Steven R. Wechsler Jill W. Iscol Madelon Stewart
A.B., Yale, 1948, Ph.D., 1952 Sue Ann Weinberg Gregory Jobin-Leeds Diane W. Sunshine
Bruce Wilcox Nanci Kauffman Leslie Talbot
Craig A. Timberlake
Associate Professor Phyllis Kossoff Adam Vane
HONORARY & Douglas Kreeger Robert Weintraub
of Music Education EMERITI TRUSTEES
A.B., Southern Methodist, 1942; Geraldine Laybourne Alice Wilder
Patricia Cloherty Alan P. Levenstein
A.M., Columbia, 1963, Ed.D., Dawn L. Williams
Thomas W. Evans James P. Levy
1966 A. Clark Johnson, Jr. J. Bruce Llewellyn
Thomas H. Kean Harold Miller
Kenneth H. Toepfer Roland M. Machold
Professor Emeritus Bernard McKenna
J. Richard Munro James L. Neff
of Higher Education Ronald Nicholson
A.B., Cornell (Iowa), 1951; Morris Offit
William Parsons Thomas F. Robards
M.I.A., Columbia, 1953, Ph.D., Elihu Rose
1966 Richard Robinson
Donald Stewart Stephen Robert
Barbara Thatcher Elihu Rose
Paul Vahanian Douglas Williams
Associate Professor Ron Saltz
of Psychology and Education H. Marshall Schwarz
A.B., Florida Southern, 1949; Theodore R. Sizer
A.M., Columbia, 1952, Ed.D., Janna Spark
1957 Charla J. Tindall
Elizabeth H. Witten
Sloan R. Wayland Elaine R. Wolfensohn
Professor Emeritus
of Sociology and Education
A.B., Hendrix, 1940; A.M.,
Louisiana State, 1941; Ph.D.,
Columbia, 1951

Warren Yasso
Professor Emeritus
of Natural Sciences
B.S., Brooklyn College; A.M.,
Columbia, 1961, Ph.D., 1964

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REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Each registrant is expected to assume a major unless he or she is enrolled for that term in
responsibility in program planning. A careful some form and, if necessary, has filed a Certif-
Students seeking course credit must be study of the general degree requirements and icate of Equivalency in the Office of the Regis-
admitted by the Teachers College Office of maximum point loads outlined in this Catalog, trar during the first two weeks of the term.
Admission. For details, please refer to the sec- special departmental bulletins, and advisory Doctoral students may check with the Office
tion on Admission. Former Teachers College recommendations should be taken into consid- of Doctoral Studies regarding personal exemp-
degree students who wish to pursue a degree eration. tion or waivers. Students cannot be certified
program and have not been in attendance dur- for future dates of attendance.
ing the past five years must apply for readmis- During the first day of in-person registration,
sion in the Admission Office well before the faculty advisors will be available to consult Change in Registration and Withdrawal
registration dates. Those not in attendance with students and approve their programs; Notice of any change in your registration,
within the last five years who do not desire however, during the late registration period, including adding/dropping courses, changes of
degree candidacy should go directly to the advisors will be available from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. points in variable point courses, or of total
Office of the Registrar. on weekdays. withdrawal from the College, must be given to
the Registrar in writing or completed through
Course registration may be completed by use Teachers College students must have written the online registration systems: Touchtone
of Teachers College Touchtone Services or permission of the Registrar before registering Services or the Student Information System
the Student Information System on TC-Web. in any degree program outside the College. on TC-Web. Instructions for changes in regis-
Limited in-person registration is available Additionally, students are not permitted to be tration and withdrawal through Touchtone
during dates announced in the Academic enrolled concurrently in two degree programs Services or the Student Information System
Calendar. within the University or the College. are outlined in the Registration Information
section in the Schedule of Classes on the TC-
Teachers College Touchtone Services and Maximum Point Loads Web or may be obtained from the Office of
the Student Information System on TC-Web The number of points (credits), a point being Registrar.
All students are expected to register via the the equivalent of a semester hour that a
telephone through Touchtone Services or on course carries per term, is given in parentheses The last date for changes in registration is
the web through the Student Information following the course title. No more than 9 indicated in the Academic Calendar. After this
System on TC-Web. It is the responsibility points may be taken during a summer session deadline, courses may not be added but a par-
of each student to obtain advisement and and no more than a total of 16 points in the tial refund of tuition fees for withdrawal from
approval for their course selections from Summer term. No more than 18 points may courses may be authorized by the Registrar.
their academic advisor prior to registering. be taken during the Autumn or Spring term; Fees are not subject to this reduction.
Registering for classes that your advisor has students who hold full-time positions are dis- Reduction of tuition based on a sliding scale is
not approved can seriously compromise your couraged from enrolling for programs in excess calculated from the day the Registrar receives
ability to fulfill degree requirements and may of 8 points each Autumn and Spring term. written notice from the student or the with-
have unintended financial consequences. drawal is processed through Touchtone
Students must also obtain permission from the Certification of Part-Time/Full-Time Services or the Student Information System
course instructor for any course listed in the Attendance on TC-Web. The sliding scale is outlined in
Schedule of Classes that requires instructor Enrollment status certification is based upon the Registration Information section in the
approval. Use of Touchtone Services or the the number of points for which a student is reg- Schedule of Classes on the TC-Web for each
Student Information System on TC-Web istered per term. During the Autumn, Spring term.
requires a Personal Identification Number and Summer terms, full-time status is accord-
[PIN]. New students will receive PIN numbers ed to students registered for 12 or more points The deadline for making changes in points in
from the major department at the time of per term. Students enrolled for fewer than 12 variable-point courses will extend until the
advisement. Continuing students who did not points (011 points) are considered part-time. class has met four times; dates are indicated in
receive or have misplaced theirs may obtain a Half-time status is based on enrollment of the Academic Calendar.
PIN by presenting photo identification to the 611 points per term. Students registered for
Registrars Office (150 Horace Mann). For fewer than 6 points are accorded less-than- Courses with special dates must be dropped
security reasons, PIN numbers are not avail- half-time status. During the Summer Term, before the course begins to receive full tuition
able over the telephone or email. The tele- enrollment status is determined by the cumula- credit. There is no reduction of tuition for spe-
phone number to access Touchtone Services tive number of points in both Session A and B. cial date classes once the course begins or for
is (212) 678-3200. The URL for the Student For full-time status, students must register for fee based courses in art, music and dance after
Information System is https://info.tc.colum- a combined load of at least 12 points, with no the close of the change of program period.
bia.edu/homepage.htm. Both systems are nor- more than 9 points in one Summer session. Students who have registered for workshops
mally available MondaysSaturdays from 8 that are offered through the Center of
a.m. to 11 p.m. Students taking fewer than 6 points in a term Educational Outreach and Innovation must
may be certified as full-time or half-time if withdraw from a workshop prior to the begin-
Whenever course enrollment has been entered they can present an approved Certificate of ning of the workshop. No tuition rebates will
on the computer registration system, the stu- Equivalency (COE) form. A Certificate of be granted for a workshop once it has begun.
dent is responsible for payment of the assessed Equivalency is only approved when a student
charges unless the student follows the proce- is working on an academic activity that is Students who are deficient in their attendance
dures for a change of program as outlined in directly related to a students degree program. or who perform their class duties unsatisfacto-
the Schedule of Classes and in accordance The form is available from the Office of the rily may be required at any time to withdraw
with the dates listed in the Academic Registrar and must be recommended by the from a course, upon recommendation by the
Calendar. Failure to attend a course does students advisor and approved by the Regist- course instructor to the Registrar; in extreme
not constitute an automatic withdrawal. rar. A Certificate of Equivalency is only grant- cases, this may mean withdrawal from the
(See section on Changes in Registration and ed for activities that are directly related to the College.
Withdrawal.) degree program. No student will be certified
for full-time, half-time or part-time status

286 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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For grading symbols covering withdrawals, payments using Touchtone Services, please Third Party AgreementsStudents enrolling
see Grades. call (212) 678-3200. A Personal Identification under a third party agreement must submit an
Number (PIN) and the students Identification authorization form to the College for approval.
Late Registration (ID) Number are required to access both A third party is usually an outside agency (not
A late registration fee of $100 will be assessed Touchtone Services and the Student Informa- an individual) that agrees to pay all or part of
for any registration requests approved after the tion System on TC-Web. To make payments the charges incurred by a particular student.
last date for change of program; dates are indi- on the web, visit our website at www.tc.edu/ The authorization form must include the stu-
cated in the Academic Calendar. controller/student-accounts/ then click on the dents name, relevant semester(s), and the
Tuition and fee rates are set annually by the Student Information System link. PINs are total amount of tuition and fee charges that
Board of Trustees. Beginning in Fall for the provided by the Office of the Registrar each the third party is willing to pay. The form must
2005-2006 academic year, tuition for all semester. Cash PaymentsMust be made in- be signed by an official of the third party
regular courses is $935 per point. Non-credit person at the Office of Student Accounts, agency. A third party agreement between the
courses vary in rate, usually depending on the 133 Thompson Hall. During the academic College and the agency MUST be completed
minimum number of points for which the par- year, the Office of Student Accounts staff is annually before the start of the academic year.
ticular course is offered and the special servic- available Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m.
es provided (see course description). until 6:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. until Financial AidIf all required applications and
5:00 p.m. documentation have been filed with the Office
Columbia Universitys tuition is assessed per of Financial Aid by the required deadline,
point or at a flat rate determined annually Deferred Payment PlanStudents may choose financial aid awards should be available at the
by the Universitys Board of Trustees. Each to participate in the Deferred Payment Plan time of registration. Since tuition and all fees
schools rate may vary. Consult the Office during the Fall and Spring semesters. The are due at the time of in-person registration,
of the Registrar for current rates. Deferred Payment Plan allows students to late payment penalties will be assessed on any
spread total tuition and fees, less any aid dis- outstanding balance as described under the
Total tuition and fees are determined based bursed, over three equal installments during Late Payment Penalties section of this bulletin.
on the number of points for which the student the semester. An agreement between the stu- For further information about financial aid,
has registered. All tuition and fees charged are dent and Teachers College must be completed review the section entitled Financial Aid.
due and payable in full prior to the first day of with a representative of the Office of Student
classes for each semester. The chart below Accounts no later than (September 9, 2005) Late Payment Penalties
highlights the fees charged by the College. for the Fall semester and (January 20, 2006) Failure to clear all account balances can result
for the Spring semester. A $50 fee is required in late payment penalties. An initial Late
Payment Options to participate in the plan and the first install- Payment Fee of $50 will be charged on any
Various forms of payment are accepted for ment is due at the time the student signs the outstanding balance during the first billing
tuition and fees and may be used individually agreement. Tentative installment dates are period. A 1 1/3 percent monthly (16 percent
or in combination. Teachers College accepts provided on the following page: annually) Late Payment Penalty will be
checks, money orders, most major credit cards, assessed on any outstanding balance there-
and cash. A deferred payment plan, a tuition Fall Semester after. In addition, failure to make timely pay-
pre-payment plan, tuition exemption, third First Payment on or before (Sept. 09, 2005) ment of housing charges violates the dorm-
party billing agreements, and financial aid are itory agreement and may result in eviction.
also available to finance a Teachers College Second Payment October 7, 2005
Furthermore, unpaid accounts can be referred
education. Some restrictions may apply. Third Payment November 7, 2005 to a collection agency.

Personal Checks, Cashier Checks or Money Spring Semester The College reserves the right to withhold
OrdersMust be made payable to Teachers First Payment on or before (Jan. 20, 2006) grades, transcripts, diplomas and other servic-
College. These types of payments can either be es, including registration, from students whose
submitted in person, placed in the drop box, Second Payment February 17, 2006
financial obligations have not been fully satis-
or mailed to the Office of Student Accounts; Third Payment March 17, 2006 fied. In the event Teachers College refers any
525 West 120th Street, Box 305; New York, unpaid balance for collection and/or legal
NY 10027. The drop off payment box is Failure to remit payment, as scheduled, in action, the student will be obligated to pay
located at the door of the Office of Student the Deferred Payment Plan will result in the all related costs including but not limited to
Accounts, 133 Thompson Hall. Do not place assessment of a late payment penalty of 1 1/3 attorneys fees and collection costs.
cash in this box. Please indicate the student percent on any unpaid balance.
identification number and a valid daytime Withdrawal from Classes
telephone number on the face of the check Tuition ExemptionStudents employed at the By registering for classes, a student has entered
or money order. University may be eligible for tuition exemp- a legal and binding contract to pay all tuition,
tion. Authorized tuition exemption forms must fees, and penalties charged by Teachers
Credit Card PaymentsCan be made by using be submitted in person. Avoid a late payment College.
the drop box, in person, by fax, through the penalty by submitting your tuition exemption
Student Information System on TC-Web, or forms and any additional payments by the last When a student withdraws from Teachers
through the Colleges Touchtone Services. day of in-person registration. If a student regis- College or from individual classes, the tuition
The fax must include the students name, ters late, payment including tuition exemption charges originally assessed may be reduced,
ID number, the credit cardholders written is due at the time of the late registration. based on the date of withdrawal. Failure to
authorization and signature, corresponding Various fees including, but not limited to, attend classes does not constitute an auto-
card type, card number, card expiration date course fees, college fees, health service fees, matic withdrawal; students must file an
and daytime telephone number of the card- medical insurance, and late registration fees application to withdraw in the Office of the
holder. The fax number is (212) 678-4139. are not covered by tuition exemption. The Registrar or through the Touchtone Services
Touchtone Services and the Student Informa- student should be prepared to remit payment or on the Student Information System on
tion System on TC-Web are generally avail- for these fees. TC-Web in a timely manner. The percentage
able 24 hours a day/7 days a week. To make of reduction is based on the date of withdrawal

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 287

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and will be determined according to the fol- describedin some detail below. Similar deduc- prior to the education. Under the Treasury
lowing schedule: tions apply to other professionals engaged in Department releases, the following changes in
education. Students are advised to consult a teaching activities do not constitute a new
FALL 2005 tax advisor concerning eligibility for such trade or business:
Week ending Percent of refund deductions.
September 10 100% Elementary to secondary school
September 16 100% For teachers, expenses incurred for education classroom teacher.
September 23 80% are deductible for federal income tax purposes Classroom teacher in one subject (e.g.,
September 30 75% if the education: (1) maintains or improves mathematics) to classroom teacher in
October 7 70% skills of a teacher, or (2) meets the express another (e.g., science).
October 14 65% requirements of the teachers employer, or the Classroom teacher to guidance counselor.
October 21 55% requirements of an applicable law or regula- Classroom teacher to principal.
October 28 50% tion, imposed as a condition to the retention
November 4 40% by a teacher of the students employment Educational expenses which may be deducted
after November 4 0% relationship, status, or compensation. No include those for travel, meals, and lodging
deduction is allowed for educational expenses while away from home if the travel is primarily
SPRING 2006 (even if they meet the above requirements) to obtain education.
Week ending Percent of refund if they are incurred to satisfy minimum educa-
January 20 100% tional requirements for qualification as a The foregoing is based upon information
January 27 100% teacher or to qualify a teacher for a new released by the United States Treasury
February 3 80% trade or business. Department in Treasury Department
February 10 75% Regulations #1.162-5. It is the responsibility
February 17 70% In respect to teaching, a new trade or busi- of the student to establish that the educational
February 24 65% ness does not include educational employ- program qualifies for deductions in his or her
March 3 55% ment involving the same general type of case and to determine and document the
March 10 50% teaching and related duties as performed amount of the deduction.
March 17 40%
after March 17 0%

Only tuition charges are subject to this reduc-

tion. For further information on withdrawal
policies, see the section entitled Change in OTHER FEES
Registration and Withdrawal.
Teachers College fee: $240
Student Refunds Teachers College Research fee: $240
Proceeds originating from student aid
programs in excess of all student account Health Service fee: Fall: $329
chargestuition, fees, monthly housing, and Spring: $329
other related expenseswill be mailed to
the student. Students should make sure the Medical Insurance fee:
Registrar has their current address. All (Basic) Fall: $545
required financial aid applications and docu- Spring: $837
mentation must be filed with the Office of
Financial Aid by the published deadline, and (Comprehensive) Fall: $778
all financial aid eligibility requirements must Spring: $1,202
be met. For further information about finan-
cial aid, review the section entitled Financial Application fee:
Aid. (non-refundable and payable at time of application) $65
Library Research fee:
Financial Aid
(for non-college users) per month $100
Many students at Teachers College finance
their educational expenses with federally guar- Continuous Doctoral Advisement registration fee: $2,805
anteed loans under the Stafford loan program. Ph.D. Oral Defense fee: $4,193
Students who are planning to apply for these Late registration fee: $100
loans may begin the process as early as January Late application fee for conferring of degrees: $15
for the following Autumn term and September Special examination fee (each course): $25
for the following Spring term. Students may Student identification card replacement fee: $20
contact the Office of Financial Aid for more Late payment fee (flat fee): $50
details and processing requirements. (monthly fee)1-1/3% (16% annually)
Returned check fee: $20
Federal income tax deductions of educational
Deferred payment plan fee: $50
expenses of professional educators and other
professionals. Tuition deposit fee: $300

Under the current Internal Revenue code, Fees listed here and elsewhere throughout this catalog are reviewed periodically and
certain expenses incurred for education may are subject to change without prior notice. Additional fees may be added. Spring
be deductible for federal income tax purposes. medical insurance runs through August 31.
Possible deductions for teachers are

288 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Financial Aid
FINANCIAL AID programs. Faculty committees select the award prestige to the teaching profession. The Petrie
recipients based upon the criteria designated Fellowship Program is highly competitive and
The goals of the financial aid program at by the donor. Some endowed scholarships are attracts the nations most talented and enthu-
Teachers College are to reward excellence available to students across many programs. siastic students. Awards are based on both
through merit-based aid and to ease the cost For these, faculty nominate students to a academic merit and financial need. Each year,
barrier of attendance through scholarships and College-wide selection committee, which through a highly rigorous selection process
need-based programs including grants, Federal makes the final award decisions. There are overseen by an Advisory Committee made up
Stafford Loans through the Family Education over 300 endowed scholarships. of eminent figures in education, philanthropy,
Loan (FFEL) or William D. Ford Federal government, and business, awards are made
Direct Student Loan Program (Direct), General Scholarships to ten Petrie Fellows and ten Petrie Finalists.
Federal Perkins Loan and the Federal Work- Based upon merit, all students are eligible Petrie Fellows each receive up to $50,000
Study Program. A student must be enrolled at for Teachers College General Scholarships. award from the Foundation, to cover tuition
least half-time (6 points or the equivalent) in Program faculty committees make these and some living expenses while they complete
a degree program in order to receive Federal award decisions. a masters degree and requirements for teacher
Aid. The Teachers College Office of Financial certification. Petrie Finalists receive $5,000
Aid website is updated frequently. Please visit Graduate Assistantships awards from the Foundation and an additional
the website at www.tc.columbia.edu/finan- Students who are employed as graduate assis- $5,000 from the College, to apply towards the
cialaid/ for further information on endowed tants (payroll category 6181) earn salary plus a cost of tuition. Petrie Fellows commit in writ-
and external scholarships. tuition scholarship. Students may be awarded ing to teaching in a New York City public
up to 3 points per semester, with a maximum school for a minimum of five years after gradu-
Scholarships and Grants of 6 points per academic year (Fall, Spring, ating from the College.
Each year Teachers College awards over $5 Summer). Points may be used during the
million of its own funds in scholarship and semester awarded. The points may not be Jaffe Scholarship
stipend aid, and $2 million of endowed funds transferred to a future academic year. This scholarship will support Peace Corps
to new and continuing students. Most scholar- Fellows. The Peace Corps Fellows Program
ship awards are made on the basis of academic Grant-in-Aid nominates candidates. Only returned Peace
merit. Scholarships are applied to tuition only, Grant-in-Aid is awarded primarily to doctoral Corps volunteers are eligible to apply to the
and students should expect to provide addi- students during the last two semesters of grad- Peace Corps Fellows Program.
tional funds for the tuition balance, fees, med- uate work, taking both merit and need into
ical insurance, academic and living expenses. consideration. Students must demonstrate Jewish Federation for the Education of Women
considerable loan indebtedness incurred while (JFEW)
Please note: at Teachers College. International students For three full-time female pre-service science
All scholarship points must be used in the are required to seek approval from the Inter- and math education students willing to teach
year awarded and may not be transferred national Student Advisor. Faculty recommen- for 2 years in NYC public schools. This is a full
to a future academic year. dations in support of Grant-in-Aid applica- tuition scholarship that is available to new stu-
All scholarship recipients must successfully tions are required. Applications are available dents only. Financial need is required.
complete a minimum of 9 points per in the Office of Financial Aid or at http://
academic year in order to be eligible for www.tc.edu/studentaid/forms.asp?Id=Forms. Nicholson Family Scholarships
scholarship awards in future academic years. The Grant-in-Aid committee meets monthly Provides support for Teachers College students
Full-time Teachers College and Columbia from September to June to make awards deci- selected by the Dean and President of the
University affiliated employees (including sions. College for outstanding academic merit. This
dependents and spouses) who are eligible scholarship is available to new students only.
to receive 12 points or more of tuition International Student Scholarships
exemption annually may not receive Teachers College International Student Peace Corps Fellows Program
Teachers College scholarship aid, unless Scholarships are available to international The Peace Corps Fellows Program offers par-
the scholarship they receive is derived from students only and is a competitive process. tial tuition remission on a competitive basis to
a publicized academic competition (i.e. Program faculty recommend students for these returned Peace Corps Volunteers. While
W. Sindlinger Writing Award) in which awards to their academic program and depart- enrolled part-time in selected areas of study
recipients have been selected via committee. mental scholarship committees. leading to an M.A. degree, Peace Corps
Fellows are employed full-time by the New
Departmental Supplemental Scholarships Stipends, Internships, Fellowships York City Department of Education and teach
These scholarships are available to students and Research Assistantships in New York City Public Schools. Additional
enrolled in teacher education/certification pro- Stipends, internships, fellowships, graduate information may be obtained by visiting the
grams. Students are nominated by the program and research assistantships are also available website at www.tc.edu/pcfellows, by calling the
faculty to a department committee. Awards through the program faculty. These provide Peace Corps Fellows Program Office at (212)
are made based upon merit. students with valuable experiences which 678-4080 or by writing to the Program at Box
enrich academic growth and development, as 90, Teachers College, Columbia University,
Diversity Scholarships well as income which may be applied towards 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027.
Teachers College Diversity Scholarships college and living expenses.
encourage enrollment of students form diverse Rose Fellows
backgrounds. Program faculty committees This is a partial list of endowed These fellowships award up to 18 points of
make these award decisions based upon aca- scholarships. tuition in addition to a stipend to students
demic merit. working as interns under the direction of
The Carroll & Milton Petrie New York City Teachers College faculty on a project, or set of
Endowed Scholarships Teacher Fellowship Program projects, selected by the donor. Faculty choose
Endowed scholarships are provided through This fellowship is designed to provide high the student interns. New and continuing stu-
the generosity of donors contributions. Many quality, committed teachers for the New York dents are eligible.
of these are in support of students in particular City public schools, and to bring a new level of

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Teacher Opportunity Corps research in pre-college mathematics coursework in mathematics, and are willing
Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOC) scholar- education. More information is available at to commit to a five-year program that in-
ships are available to New York State residents http://www.nctm.org/about/met/begle.htm. cludes one year of full-time graduate study
who are African-American, Hispanic, Native and four years of teaching mathematics in
American, or Alaskan American. Recipients Eleanor Roosevelt Teacher Fellowships New York City high schools. More informa-
must also be U.S. citizens or permanent resi- Teacher Fellowships are available to female tion is available at www.mathforamerica.org/.
dents. Applicants must be prospective or expe- K12 public school teachers as individuals
rienced teachers who are not yet fully certified or as lead members of teams. More informa- Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies
to teach in the public schools. To be eligible, tion is available at http://www.aauw.org/fga/. These fellowships are designed to help
recipients must enroll at least half-time in one exceptionally promising students prepare
of the following Teachers College programs: Emerson Charitable Trust for careers of teaching and scholarship in
Bilingual/Bicultural Education, Elementary Offers grants for community funds, higher humanistic disciplines. More information is
Education, Mathematics Education, education, cultural programs, hospitals and available at www.woodrow.org/mellon/.
Movement Sciences, Music Education, health agencies, public policy organizations
Science Education, Social Studies, Special and youth agencies for the arts, education, National AMBUCS Scholarships
Education, Teaching of English or Teaching federated giving programs, higher education, for Therapists
of English to Speakers of Other Languages public policy and research, youth services. Graduate students who wish to pursue
(TESOL). TOC recipients receive some fund- More information is available at degrees in physical therapy, occupational
ing for each academic year of their degree pro- www.emersonelectric.com. therapy, speech language pathology, or hear-
gram. A separate application must be made to ing audiology. More information is available
this program. Additional information and an Ernest Duncan Scholarships, at www.ambucs.com/Ascholars.htm.
application can be obtained from the Office of Grades K12 Teachers
Teacher Education School Based Support Awards are given to persons currently work- National Science Teachers Association
Services (212) 678-3502 or online at ing at the grades K6 level to improve their www.nsta.org/programs/
www.tc.edu/administration/ofss. own professional competence as a classroom
teacher of mathematics. More information is New York State Tuition Aid-BOCES ITI-B
Selected External Scholarships, available at www.nctm.org/about/met/. Awards are made to persons in Bilingual
Fellowships and Grants Education/TESOL. Please contact the
Ford Foundation Minority Doctoral Fellowships director: Dr. Maria Eugenia Valverde,
American Association of School Three-year predoctoral and 12 month dis- Eastern Suffolk BOCES ITI-BE,
Administrators: Graduate Student Scholarships sertation fellowships. More information is 350 Martha Avenue, Bellport, NY 11713.
This scholarship is open to graduate available at www.nationalacademies.org.
students who intend to pursue the public New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
school superintendency as a career. More Gates Millennium Scholar Program Full-time students (at least 12 points or the
information is available at www.aasa.org. The Foundation seeks to increase the equivalent) who are New York State
number of African-Americans, American residents may be eligible to apply for the
American Educational Research Association Indians/Alaska Natives, Asian Pacific Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). Students
(AERA)www.aera.net Americans, and Hispanic Americans who want to be considered for TAP must
enrolling in and completing undergraduate file a FAFSA, giving the federal government
AT&T Labs Fellowships and graduate degree programs. More infor- permission to release information to New
These awards are available to outstanding mation is available at www.gmsp.org. York State. For more information contact
minority and women students who are U. S. the New York State Higher Education
Citizens or Permanent Residents and who The Hispanic Scholarship Fund Services Corporation (NYSHESC) at 1-888-
are pursuing Ph.D. studies in computer The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is the NYSHESC or at visit their website
and communications-related fields. largest Hispanic scholarship-granting organi- (www.hesc.com).
More information is available at zation in the nation. HSF recognizes and
http://www.research.att.com/academic/Programs.html rewards outstanding Hispanic students in NSF Graduate Fellowships
higher education throughout the United Offers three-year graduate research fellow-
Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral States and Puerto Rico. More information ships in science, mathematics, and engineer-
Dissertation Fellowships is available at www.hsf.net. ing, including Women in Engineering and
These fellowships are designed to encourage Computer and Information Science awards.
original and significant study of ethical or Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship More information is available at
religious values in all fields of the humanities The Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship is www.ehr.nsf.gov/dge/programs/grf/ or email:
and social sciences. More information is a grant established to encourage and support [email protected].
available at www.woodrow.org/newcombe/. reading research by promising scholars.
More information is available at The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships
Dale Seymour Scholarships, www.reading.org/awards. for New Americans
Grades K12 Teachers The Fellowships are grants for up to two
Awards given to persons currently working Math for America Newton years of graduate study in the United States.
at the grades K12 level who are interested Fellowship Program The recipients are chosen on a national
in improving their mathematics background Newton Fellowships are available to competitive basis. More information is avail-
to provide, in turn, better math instruction mathematically sophisticated individuals able www.pdsoros.org.
to their students. More information is who are interested in using their talents to
available at www.nctm.org/about/met/. make a difference in the lives of young peo- Sinfonia Foundation Research
ple. MFA seeks recent college graduates Assistance Grants
Edward G. Begle Grant for Classroom- and mid-career professionals who can These grants are offered to candidates
Based Research demonstrate a strong interest in teaching, conducting research in American music or
Supports collaborative classroom-based have a bachelors degree with substantial music in America. More information is
available at www.sinfonia.org/SEF/.

290 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Spencer Dissertation Fellowships Stafford Loans Other Loans

The Dissertation Fellowship Program for Direct and FFEL Stafford Loans are the major There are several student loan programs
Research Related to Education assists young form of self-help aid for Teachers College stu- administered by private institutions that pro-
scholars interested in educational research dents. Direct Stafford Loans are available vide funds to students who do not qualify for
in the completion of the doctoral disserta- through the William D. Ford Federal Direct federal or need-based loans, or who may need
tion. More information is available at Loan (Direct Loan) Program and FFEL additional funding. They are often available
www.spencer.org. Stafford Loans are available through the from banks, require a credit check, and in
Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) some cases, a co-signer and processing fee.
Loans Program. The terms and conditions of a Direct Securing a co-signer may result in lower inter-
There are student loans available to Teachers Stafford or a FFEL Stafford Loan are similar. est on the loan. For information on banks that
College students. To qualify for any of the fed- The major differences between the two are the have preferred lending agreements with
eral education loans, an applicant must be a source of the loan funds, some aspects of the Teachers College, please visit our website at
U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen and must application process, and the available repay- www.tc.columbia.edu/financialaid/.
be enrolled at least half time (6 points or the ment plans. Under the Direct Loan Program,
equivalent) in a degree program. International the funds for the loan are lent to the student Loan Cancellation and/or Deferment
students may qualify for credit-worthy loans directly by the U.S. government. Under the There are a small number of incentive pro-
from a bank by securing a co-signer who is a FFEL Program, the funds are lent to the stu- grams offered by various federal, state and
U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Consult dent from a bank, credit union, or other local government agencies that will defer
with a financial aid counselor for more infor- lender that participates in the FFEL Program. and/or cancel a portion of a students federal
mation. education loan debt, usually Federal Perkins
Direct and FFEL Stafford Loans are either Loans but sometimes Federal Stafford Loans
There are a small number of incentive pro- subsidized or unsubsidized. Students can as well.
grams offered by various federal, state and receive a subsidized loan and an unsubsidized
local government agencies that will defer loan for the same enrollment period. The most common cancellations are Federal
and/or cancel a portion of a students federal Perkins Loans and qualifying Federal Stafford
education loan debt, usually Federal Perkins A subsidized loan is awarded on the basis Loans for teachers working full-time in feder-
Loans but sometimes Federal Stafford Loans. of financial need. The student will not be ally designated teacher shortage areas. These
charged any interest before they begin repay- federally designated schools are located in
If a student receives a federal loan, she/he ment or during authorized periods of defer- school districts that qualify for funds under
must participate in a Loan Entrance Interview ment. The federal government subsidizes Chapter 1 of Title I of the Elementary and
before receiving the initial funds, and a Loan the interest during these periods. Secondary Education Act. However, not all
Exit Interview before graduating, leaving Chapter 1 funded schools are on the feder-
Teachers College, or dropping to less than An unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the ally designated list.
half-time status. The Entrance Interview will basis of need. Students accrue interest from
review the terms and conditions of the loan, the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid
and the Exit Interview will cover repayment, in full. If the interest is not paid in full before
deferment and consolidation options. Loans repayment begins, the amount of outstanding
are processed during the semester a student is interest will be capitalized, (it will be added
enrolled. For additional information on stu- to the principal amount of the loan) and
dent loans, please visit our website at additional interest will be based upon
www.tc.columbia.edu/financialaid/. the higher amount.

The following loans require a Free Application For periods of study that are less than an aca-
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), a separate demic year, the amounts students can borrow
loan authorization form and, at times, a prom- may be less than the annual maximum. The
issory note. To ensure consideration for the exact amount of loan eligibility will be listed in
Federal Perkins Loan and the Federal Work- the award letter. Generally, graduate students
Study programs, it is recommended that the can borrow up to $18,500 each academic year.
FAFSA be filed by March 1st. In order for (Only $8,500 of this amount may be a subsi-
Stafford Loans to be processed in time for the dized Stafford Loan). Students may receive
beginning of the Fall semester, applicants are less than the yearly maximum if they receive
urged to file the FAFSA by April 15th. other financial aid that is used to cover a por-
tion of the cost of attendance.
Federal Perkins Loan
Federal Perkins Loans are awarded on the Graduate Stafford Loan Limits
basis of exceptional need to students from a Generally, for graduate or professional stu-
limited amount of federal funds allocated to dents, the total permissible outstanding debt
Teachers College. Students must be enrolled from all Stafford Loans combined is $138,500.
at least half-time (6 points or the equivalent). Only $65,000 of this amount may be in subsi-
The loan is made up of government funds with dized loans. The graduate debt limit includes
a share contributed by the school. Teachers any Stafford Loans received for undergraduate
College is the lender and repayment is made study.
to the school. Payment of both interest and
principal is deferred until nine months after
leaving Teachers College or dropping to less
than half time. The annual interest rate of 5%
begins to accrue at the same time payments
begin. Repayment may take up to 10 years.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 291

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For a complete explanation of school and loan Student Employment academic year in which s/he participates
eligibility requirements as well as searchable Opportunities for student employment are in the FWS program.
databases of qualifying schools, please visit the available at Teachers College. Students should
Department of Education web sites listed inquire at the Teachers College Human (5) A students FWS award is valid for the
below. These web sites also contain details Resources Office or vist the web site at fiscal year (July 1, 2005 through June 30,
about loan cancellation and/or deferment. www.tc.edu/administration/hr and with pro- 2006). New students are eligible to use
gram faculty for a list of current vacancies. their awards after they have registered for
New York City Department of Education Many positions offer tuition exemption or classes. Continuing students are eligible to
Incentive Programs: www.teachny.com scholarship points. begin using their awards as soon as they
have received a 20052006 award letter
United States Department of Education Federal Work-Study which includes an FWS award, but no
Teaching Service Cancellation/Deferment Federal Work Study (FWS) is a need-based sooner than July 1st of the year of their
Options: http://studentaid.ed.gov/ federal financial aid program through which award.
PORTALSWebApp/students/english/ the federal government provides funds to
deferffel.jsp?tab=repaying Teachers College for the purpose of providing (6) In order to have a FWS award (and other
job opportunities to our eligible students. need-based awards) renewed in future
United States Department of Education list Funds are allocated to several Teachers years, students must file a Free Application
of federally designated teacher shortage College departments and offices which may for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for every
areas: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/ then create and offer jobs to FWS awardees. academic year.
Students/repayment/teachers/tsa.html (Not all departments and offices have FWS
funds with which to offer FWS jobs. FWS To view current work-study positions avail-
United States Department of Education awards may be used only in those depart- able, please visit TCs Human Resources site
searchable site for low-income schools ments/offices which have an FWS budget). (www.tc.edu/administration/hr).
eligible for Federal Perkins Loan cancell-
ation: http://studentaid.ed.gov/ FWS jobs allow awardees to earn wages which How to Apply for Aid for the
PORTALSWebApp/students/english/ help them to cover various education-related 2005-2006 Academic Year
cancelperk.jsp?tab=repaying expenses like books and supplies, transporta- U.S. citizens and Eligible non-citizens
tion, etc. The amount of FWS which appears All students are encouraged to file a 2005-
The following is a list of state education on the Financial Aid Award Letter is an earn- 2006 Free Application for Federal Student Aid
departments for states in geographic proximity ing eligibility; it is not a guarantee of wages to (FAFSA), regardless of eligibility for Federal
to Teachers College: be earned. Rather, it is a maximum limit on Aid. The FAFSA is available at the Office
the amount of FWS funds a student may earn of Financial Aid by January of each year.
New York (NY) should they choose to participate in the pro- Students can also find and file the FAFSA on
New York State Education Department gram. Students are paid only for actual hours the web at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Teachers
89 Washington Avenue worked. Placement in an FWS position is con- Colleges institutional code is G03979.
Albany, New York 12234 tingent upon availability of jobs and funding,
(518) 474-5915 as well as on a students skills, experience, and After filing the FAFSA, students will receive
http://www.nysed.gov schedule. Below is a list of basic rules and reg- a Student Aid Report (SAR) which must be
ulations that students must be aware of while reviewed for accuracy, and necessary correc-
New Jersey (NJ) employed under the FWS program. tions made. If there are questions, contact the
New Jersey Department of Education Office of Financial Aid. Students may also be
P. O. Box 500 As an FWS employee: required to submit copies of the their federal
Trenton, NJ 08625 (1) A student must register for a minimum tax returns and other supporting documents
(609) 292-4469 of six points or the equivalent each to verify the information on the FAFSA.
http://www.state.nj.us/education semester while employed, exception: If a
continuing student wishes to work over New Applicants
Connecticut (CT) the Summer, s/he may do so without Students wishing to apply for scholarships or
Office of Public Information being registered for classes, if a student is financial aid will need to complete the
Connecticut State Department of Education returning in the following Fall semester Teachers College application for Scholarship
165 Capitol Avenue as a half-time (or equivalent) student. and Financial Aid. (Please check the Financial
Hartford, CT 06145 If a continuing student is not returning in Aid web site for instructions and deadlines for
(860) 713-6548 the following Fall, s/he must be at least completing this application form). Depart-
http://www.state.ct.us/sde half-time during the Summer in order ments make scholarship decisions based on the
to work. admissions applications of the new students,
Pennsylvania (PA) and on the Teachers College academic records
Pennsylvania Department of Education (2) The suggested number of hours to work for the continuing students. Some scholarships
333 Market Street while classes are in session are no more do require demonstration of financial need.
Harrisburg, PA 17126 than 20 hours per week during the Fall
(717) 783-6788 and Spring semesters, and up to 30 hours Continuing Students
http://www.pde.state.pa.us per week during the Summer, Winter, Students wishing to apply for scholarships or
and Spring breaks. financial aid will need to complete the
Teachers College application for Scholarship
(3) A student may not work after his/her and Financial Aid. (Please check the Financial
date of graduation. Aid web site for instructions and deadlines for
completing this application form). Continuing
(4) A student must complete and submit a students must file the FAFSA for each year
Federal Work Study Agreement for every that they wish to be considered for financial

292 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

16_FINAID 9/20/05 11:24 PM Page 293


Note: Students in the Curriculum and International Students During the 20052006 academic year, the esti-
Teaching Department will also need to file the International Students wishing to apply for mated Fall/Spring budget for a full-time stu-
Continuing Student Scholarship application scholarships or financial aid will need to com- dent enrolled for 24 points was:
with their department by February 1st in order plete the Teachers College application for
to be considered for internal scholarships in Scholarship and Financial Aid. International Tuition and Fees $22,440
the next academic year. Students in all other students should also review the Application Living Allowance $19,600
departments will automatically be considered Procedure for International Students and the Books and Supplies $3,360
for internal scholarship by their department. scholarship opportunities for international stu- College Fee $480
dents. Transportation $3,300
Please note: Begining with the 2005-2006 Miscellaneous $4,200
academic year, all students will be required to file How Need-based Eligibility is Determined Total $53,380
an application for scholarships and financial aid. The information provided on the FAFSA is
applied to a federally designed formula which The family contribution toward academic year
International Students calculates the estimated family contribution, living and educational expenses is then
International students should review the the theoretical amount the student should deducted from this budget. For example:
Application Procedure for International have available for educational costs. The cost
Students and the scholarship opportunities of education minus the family contribution is Budget $53,380
for international students. need. The total amount of need-based aid
cannot exceed this figure. Family Contribution (9,323)
How to Apply for Aid for the Need $44,057
2006-2007 Academic Year Normally, the need calculations are based on
U.S. citizens and Eligible non-citizens data from the prior calendar year. However, After need is determined, the Office of
All students are encouraged to file a 2006- the Office of Financial Aid may recalculate Financial Aid tries to meet this amount with
2007 Free Application for Federal Student Aid family contribution if the students financial financial aid. Often, a variety of sources are
(FAFSA), regardless of eligibility for Federal circumstances change significantly during the combined into a package, which might look
Aid. The FAFSA is available by January of academic year. Students requesting recalcula- like this:
each year at the Office of Financial Aid. tion based on academic year information
Students can also find and file the FAFSA should provide a written explanation of the Department Scholarship $5,610
on the web at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Teachers circumstances and consult a financial aid ($935 per point) $550 (NYS
Colleges institutional code is G03979. counselor to determine the supporting docu- residents only)
mentation that will be needed. Federal Work Study $6,000
After filing the FAFSA, students will receive Federal Perkins Loan $4,000
a Student Aid Report (SAR) which must be Lifetime Learning Credit Federal Subsidized
reviewed for accuracy, and necessary correc- On August 5, 1997, the Taxpayer Relief Act of Stafford Loan $8,500
tions made. If there are questions, contact the 1997 was signed into law and created several Federal Unsubsidized
Office of Financial Aid. Students may also be new tax benefits for families who are saving Stafford Loan $10,000
required to submit copies of the their federal for, or already paying for higher education. Total $34,110
tax returns and other supporting documents
to verify the information on the FAFSA. The Lifetime Learning Credit targets under- If students cannot provide the full amount of
graduate and graduate students. Qualifying the family contribution, some banks offer cred-
New Applicants Graduate students will receive a 20% tax cred- it-worthy loans that can be used to finance the
Students wishing to apply for scholarships it for the first $5,000 of qualified tuition and remaining cost of attendance. However, the
or financial aid will need to complete the related expenses for each eligible student in total of all financial aid, including loans used
Teachers College application for Scholarship the family, through the year 2002, and for the to replace family contribution, cannot exceed
and Financial Aid. (Please check the Financial first $10,000 thereafter. This credit is available the total cost of attendance.
Aid web site for instructions and deadlines for for net tuition and fees (minus any additional
completing this application form). Depart- grant aid) paid for an enrollment period begin- How Aid is Disbursed
ments make scholarship decisions based on the ning July 1, 1998. Scholarships are disbursed to a students
admissions applications of the new students, account on the first day of in-person registra-
and on the Teachers College academic records Students may consult the IRS website tion once the student has registered in a
for the continuing students. Some scholarships (www.irs.gov) for current information regard- degree program for the semester.
do require demonstration of financial need. ing taxpayer benefits related to education.
Federal loans are disbursed when a student
Continuing Students How Aid is Awarded meets the following criteria: 1) has been
Students wishing to apply for scholarships To award need-based funds, the College makes accepted in a degree program; 2) has regis-
sor financial aid will need to complete the up an academic year student budget that con- tered for at least half time status each semes-
Teachers College application for Scholarship sists of the average costs of tuition, fees, and ter; 3) has completed an entrance interview;
and Financial Aid. (Please check the Financial other expenses. The amount for tuition and 4) has a master promissory note on file with
Aid web site for instructions and deadlines for fees, books and supplies is adjusted based on their lender; and 5) has completed verification
completing this application form). Continuing full-time, three-quarter time, and half-time of income and residency, if required.
students must file the FAFSA for each year enrollment. If enrollment plans change during
that they wish to be considered for financial the academic year, students should notify the Tuition, fees, account charges, and refunds are
aid. Office of Financial Aid in case it becomes nec- processed by the Office of Student Accounts,
essary to adjust the aid package. which is located in 133 Thompson Hall.

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 293

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Additional Steps and Conditions Prior Verification: Some students are randomly
to Release of Funds selected by the federal government for a
process called verification. If a student is
Prior Default: Students in default on a federal selected, she/he will have to provide a copy of
loan, or who owe a repayment on a Pell, her/his federal income tax return and other
SEOG, or SSIG grant cannot receive federal documents to the Office of Financial Aid.
need-based aid until the status is cleared. No funds can be disbursed, and work-study
employment cannot begin, until all required
Satisfactory Academic Progress: In order to documents are submitted and processed.
maintain eligibility for aid, students must make
satisfactory progress toward their degree. In Notification: Federal financial aid is offered to
addition to meeting all standards of academic students via the Student Aid Award Letter
performance required in the program, students issued by the Office of Financial Aid. Teachers
must maintain a minimum of points per College scholarship award letters are also sent
semester in order to remain eligible for student from the Office of Financial Aid.
aid. (See chart below.)
For More Information Students are
encouraged to visit our website at
www.tc.columbia.edu/financialaid/, or call
(212) 678-3714 to receive more information.


After this semester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Points Masters
students must No longer
complete: 6 15 27 39 51 53 63 63 63 63 eligible

Points Doctoral
students must Dissertation
complete: 6 15 27 39 51 63 75 87 90 90 Advisement

With at least
this GPA: 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

294 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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Policies and Procedures

Definition of Point Credit other official publications and to change the United States) or are a recognized expert in
A point (equivalent to a semester hour) is the instructors as may be deemed necessary. the field, and are on leave from a regular fac-
unit of College credit. For the typical student, ulty appointment at their employing institu-
a point of credit is earned by a minimum of Graduate Credit in Advanced Columbia tion. Included are scholars from abroad and
two-and-one-half hours per week total time in University Undergraduate Courses from American universities and colleges out-
lecture, laboratory, library, and outside work. Students in degree programs may petition the side the New York metropolitan area who are
These weekly two-and-one-half hours usually Registrar to have an advanced undergraduate not teaching at the College or participating in
consist of: (1) attendance for a Fall or course offered at Columbia University counted a research project sponsored by the College.
Spring term equal to one hour weekly in lec- as graduate credit toward the degree. To be
tures or recitations or two hours in practical considered for graduate credit, the courses Staff and doctoral students from U.S. and for-
work, and (2) one-and-one-half hours addi- must be beyond the general introductory level, eign universities and government ministries
tional work for each lecture, or one-half hour relevant to the students specialty, and must who are engaged in research in a field of spe-
extra for each two-hour laboratory period. On not be available on the graduate level within cial interest to a Teachers College faculty
this basis, a typical student with a sixteen- the University. In addition, a student must member may also be invited by the College
point program works a total of forty hours per obtain a written statement from the instructor and granted Visiting Scholar privileges.
week in classes and in outside preparation. of the course clarifying the additional work Others eligible for Visiting Scholar status
These are averages; however, some students required in order to differentiate between include Teachers College doctoral alumni;
find it necessary to devote more time to prepa- undergraduate and graduate participation in officials and former officials of government or
ration. the course. For basic language courses, courses non-government organizations, such as the
must be beyond the first two years. No more United Nations and their affiliates; practicing
There are some variable-point courses in than six points in advanced undergraduate professional and creative artists; and such
which a student can register and earn extra courses may be approved for graduate credit. other persons as will contribute to the intellec-
credit by doing additional work approved by The advisors written recommendation is also tual activity of Teachers College, as approved
the instructor. This additional work may entail required and final approval is granted by the by the Associate Dean for Academic
additional reading, preparing a term paper, Registrar. Petition forms may be obtained in Administration.
engaging in some special project, out-of-class the Office of the Registrar.
group activities, or fieldwork. Visiting Scholar status is conferred on behalf
Inter-University Doctoral Consortium of the Dean by the Associate Dean for
Credit and Noncredit Courses Teachers College participates in the Inter- Academic Administration or the Director of
Teachers College courses are detailed else- University Doctoral Consortium which pro- International Services, on the recommenda-
where in this Catalog. Certain courses in other vides for cross-registration among member tion of a faculty member in whose academic
parts of the University are open to students in institutions. Fully admitted doctoral candi- discipline the proposed visiting scholar has an
Teachers College, upon the approval of their dates after the first year of study in Teachers interest. The faculty host should also obtain
course instructors and advisors. College may register for courses at the Grad- the approval of the department chair. TC
uate School and University Center of the City Institute directors and senior staff may also
Always consult the official catalog of the University of New York, Fordham University, recommend an individual for Visiting Scholar
Faculty, College, or Department in which work Princeton University, the New School Univer- status. A curriculum vitae and description of
is desired. Do not depend upon references or sity, New York University, Rutgers University, research goals must accompany an application
quotations in other announcements. and Stony Brook University. Ordinarily, such for Visiting Scholar status.
courses must not be available within Columbia
Some credit-bearing courses are offered also University. Applications are available in the The faculty host will facilitate mutually benefi-
on a noncredit basis, as indicated in the course Office of the Associate Dean of Academic cial interactions between the Visiting Scholar
description. Unless stated otherwise, the fee is Administration, William J. Baldwin, in 113 and department colleagues and students.
one-half of the tuition rate for the minimum Main Hall. Visiting Scholars are encouraged to present
number of semester hours (points) for which a summary report on their experience at
the course is offered. No Teachers College fee Students cross-registered for courses at anoth- Teachers College to the Dean.
is charged; however, any laboratory fees or er university are subject to the academic regu-
lations of the host university, including the Visiting Scholar privileges are limited to audit-
special fees announced in the courses are addi-
grading system, calendar, and academic honor ing courses with the permission of the instruc-
tional. To arrange for attendance at such
system. It is the responsibility of the students tor, attending open lectures, a university email
courses, apply directly at the Office of the
to familiarize themselves with the pertinent account and all services at Teachers College
Registrar of Teachers College. It is not neces-
regulations of the host university. Teachers libraries. Privileges at other Columbia libraries
sary to follow formal admission and registra-
College students pay tuition at the standard are not included. Information about access to
tion procedures. No official record of registra-
Teachers College rate to Teachers College for other University libraries may be obtained at
tion for noncredit courses is kept; and no tran-
any such courses they take. the Library Information Office, 201 Butler
scripts or statements certifying to attendance
or work completed are issued by the Registrar. Teachers College Visiting Scholar Privileges
When registering for a course on a noncredit Teachers College is host to many visitors and Individuals may be granted Visiting Scholar
basis, one may not change ones enrollment to others who do not hold academic appoint- status for up to one year. The designation ordi-
credit or vice versa. ments at the College but use its facilities and narily may be renewed for no more than one
participate in its activities. To accommodate additional year. Visiting Scholar is a courtesy
Fees for special events such as workshops, the needs of these individuals and recognize designation and does not signify a formal asso-
institutes, and conferences vary. See the their contribution to its intellectual life, The ciation with the College. No official records
announcement for each special event, as pub- College confers Visiting Scholar status, with are maintained and no statement of activities
lished by the Center for Educational Outreach limited rights and privileges, according to the is issued.
and Innovation. policies and procedures described below.
Visiting Scholars receive a special Teachers
Teachers College reserves the right to cancel Visiting Scholars generally hold a Ph.D. (or its College identification card. They are responsi-
or modify the courses listed in this catalog and equivalent from a country other than the ble for arranging their own financial support

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 295

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and benefits, and they are not eligible for appear on the transcript or fulfill any academic and consistent basis. A student's failure to
Teachers College housing or Columbia requirement. An eligible doctoral candidate, receive and read College communications in a
University Health Services/Medical Insurance. upon presentation of the certified doctoral timely manner does not absolve that student
They may not be paid compensation from a candidate card, may obtain an application to from knowing and complying with the content
Teachers College account, given a fellowship audit from the Office of the Registrar, secure of such communications. Students may elect to
or be reimbursed for expenses without prior written approval of the course instructor, and redirect (auto-forward) email sent to their
approval of the Associate Dean or Director of return the approval form to the Office of the CUNIX email address. Students who redirect
International Services. They may receive an Registrar during the change-of-program peri- email from their official University email
honorarium for participating in a conference od. An auditing permit will be issued. address to another address do so at their own
or giving an occasional lecture if they are risk. If email is lost as a result of forwarding, it
United States citizens or permanent residents Attendance does not absolve the student from the responsi-
or, in the case of non-resident aliens, if they Students are expected to attend all classes for bilities associated with communications sent to
have an appropriate visa and the prior authori- which they are registered and are responsible their official University email address. All use of
zation of the Director of International for absences incurred by late enrollment. email will be consistent with other Teachers
Services. Religious Observance College and Columbia University policies
It is the policy of the University to respect its including the Acceptable Use Policy at
Visiting Scholars are not permitted to enroll http://www.tc.columbia.edu/computing/aupolicy
in any classes for credit. Prospective visiting members observance of their major religious
researchers wishing to take classes at TC holidays. Where academic scheduling conflicts
prove unavoidable, no student will be penal- Information concerning emergencies or school
should request an application for non-degree closing is published in several ways:
student status from the Office of Admission. ized for absence due to religious reasons, and
Individuals in F-1 or J-1 student status are not alternative means will be sought for satisfying
the academic requirements involved. If a WINS at 1010 on AM radio;
granted Visiting Scholar privileges and are WCBS at 880 on AM radio;
required to be full-time students. Contact suitable arrangement cannot be worked out
between the student and the instructor, the TC Web homepage at
International Services for more information. www.tc.edu; and
students and instructors should consult the
Foreign nationals will ordinarily need a J-1 appropriate department chair or director. If an the main telephone number,
(research scholar category) visa in order to additional appeal is needed, it may be taken to (212) 678-3000.
visit Teachers College. Upon submission of all the Dean of the College.
documentation required by the U.S. govern- Grades
ment, International Services will issue a DS- Grades in Teachers College are recorded as
Some of the major holidays occurring during
2019 form needed to support the J-1 visa evaluative, pass/fail, or attendance. All grading
the current academic year are:
application. Federal regulations require that symbols used are listed below, as approved by
Rosh Hashanah Id al Fitr
the applicant for J-1 status have sufficient the Faculty on April 27, 1984. A student
Yom Kippur Passover
funds for the period of stay at Teachers electing to be graded on a basis other than the
First days of Succoth Good Friday
College and meet the medical insurance ones announced by the course instructor must
Concluding days of Succoth Id al Adha
requirements of the U.S. Department of State request the option and obtain the instructors
Hanukkah Shavuoth
while in the United States. The Application written approval not later than the close of
The Jewish and Islamic holy days begin at sun-
for Visa Certificate (to obtain the DS-2019) the third class meeting. An application for
down of the preceding day.
is available from International Services. This grading options is obtainable from the Office
office can provide complete details on comply- of the Registrar and needs to be filed in the
It should be noted that because of the size of
ing with these requirements. Registrars Office no later than the close of the
the event and the space available, convoca-
third class meeting. Once the option has been
tions held at Commencement take place in
An individual interested in Visiting Scholar approved and filed with the Registrar, it is not
either Riverside Church or the Cathedral of
status should contact: Visiting Scholar subject to change.
St. John the Divine. The facilities are used in
Program, c/o Office of International Services, a non-sectarian manner.
Teachers College, Box 308, New York, NY All grades are final once submitted to the
10027. Phone: (212) 678-3939. Fax: (212) Office of the Registrar except for grades of
Official College Communication
678-3681. Email: Boultbee@ tc.edu. Please Incomplete.
Teachers College, recognizing the increasing
include a curriculum vitae and brief descrip- need for electronic communication with stu-
tion of proposed research with all inquiries. Grades are defined as follows:
dents, has established email as an official
Web: http://www.tc.columbia.edu/internation- means of communication with students. In A+ Rare performance. Reserved for highly
al/Scholars-Faculty/index.htm order to ensure effective communication with exceptional, rare achievement.
Auditing students, an official Columbia University A Excellent. Outstanding achievement.
Students currently enrolled for 15 or more (CUNIX) email address is required for all stu- A- Excellent work, but not quite
points may audit one or two courses in dents. Teachers College will send official com- outstanding.
Teachers College without fee. Applications for munications to the CUNIX email address, B+ Very good. Solid achievement expected
auditing privileges are obtainable from the which is based upon the University Network of most graduate students.
Office of the Registrar during the change-of- ID (UNI) assigned to the student (for more B Good. Acceptable achievement.
program period. Courses with limited enroll- information about CUNIX email and the UNI, B- Acceptable achievement, but below
ment, laboratory courses, elementary language please see Email and Network Access under what is generally expected of graduate
courses, seminars, and continuing education Computing and Technology on the TC home- students.
workshops will not be open to auditors. page or browse to: C+ Fair achievement, above minimally
Audited courses will not appear on the tran- http://www.tc.columbia.edu/computing/Email acceptable level.
script and may not later be applied for credit. Net.asp. C Fair achievement, but only minimally
Certified doctoral candidates may audit Teachers College expects that every student will C- Very low performance. The records of
Teachers College courses which enhance their receive email at his or her Columbia University students receiving such grades are subject
professional interests. Such courses will not email address and will read email on a frequent to review. The result of this review could

296 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

17_POLPROC #22 9/20/05 11:29 PM Page 297


be denial of permission to register for fur- permission, in writing, to the instructor, or more credits with grades of Incomplete
ther study at Teachers College. No more before two-thirds of the class sessions included on their program of study will
than three points of C- may be credited have met. The instructor may approve or not be allowed to sit for the certification
toward any degree or diploma. Students deny the request. If approval is granted, exam.
completing requirements for more than the instructor may stipulate requirements * Missing grade. Final grade has not been
one degree or diploma may count three to be met in addition to regular atten- assigned by the course instructor.
points of C- toward only one such award. dance. Forms are available in the Office
A student who accumulates eight points of the Registrar to be used for obtaining Release of transcripts, student information,
or more in C- or lower grades will not be approval. Mathematics majors in the and student access to official academic
permitted to continue study at the Department of Mathematics, Science and records
College and will not be awarded a degree Technology must have their applications The College regards the students transcript as
or diploma. cosigned by the program coordinator. The a personal and private document; it is released
F Failure. The records of students receiving applicability of R credit in meeting degree only upon written authorization of the student
such grades are subject to review. The program requirements is noted as follows: and payment of the required fees. The fee for
result of this review could be denial of For Master of Arts and Master of Science one transcript is $5; plus $3 for each additional
permission to register for further study at degrees, no R credit is permissible. For transcript in the same order. Unpaid financial
Teachers College. A course usually may Master of Education degree programs, a obligations to the College will result in the
not be repeated unless it is a required maximum of six semester hours of atten- withholding of student transcript and/or diplo-
course. When the course is required, the dance credit is acceptable in meeting the ma. Teachers College does not duplicate copies
student will reregister and obtain a satis- point requirement, but may not be used to of transcripts from other institutions which
factory grade. The previous grade remains satisfy the three-course out-of-department were submitted in support of the applicants
on the transcript. requirement. For doctoral programs, a application for admission to the College.
P Passed. Some courses are graded only on maximum of nine semester hours of atten-
a pass/fail basis for the instances in which dance credit is permitted toward the mini- Requests from Federal agencies about a stu-
greater evaluation specificity is neither mum point requirement for the degree, dents record for employment purposes are
required nor desirable and is used to indi- provided they are not used to fulfill the acknowledged when the students written
cate passing performances when only minimum distribution requirements. authorization is on file.
dichotomous evaluation is used. At no
time will the transcript carry any other The above grades are final and may not be The College provides for individual student
grade nor will supplementary statements changed. review of the official student folder as provided
be issued. Application for the Pass/Fail in Public Law 93-380. The Colleges policy on
option is to be made during the first three IN Incomplete. The grade of Incomplete is the students review of an academic folder and
class sessions with the approval of the to be assigned only when the course the release of Student Directory Information is
course instructor. Applications are avail- attendance requirement has been met contained in the Guide to Student Rights and
able in the Office of the Registrar, 150 but, for reasons satisfactory to the instruc- Responsibilities obtainable from the Office of
Horace Mann. Once the option is tor, the granting of a final grade has been the Associate Dean for Academic Administra-
approved, it may not be changed. postponed because certain course assign- tion (113 Main Hall) and published in the
DP Doctoral pass credit. The grade of DP ments are outstanding. If the outstanding Student Handbook.
may be assigned only to a certified doc- assignments are completed within one cal-
toral candidate in a Teachers College endar year from the date of the close of Academic Discipline
course, having successfully completed all term in which the grade of Incomplete Student admission, continuance upon the rolls
requirements prescribed by the instructor. was received and a final grade submitted, of the College, receipt of academic credits,
The candidate must request DP credit the final grade will be recorded on the graduation, and the conferring of any degree or
before two-thirds of the class sessions permanent transcript, replacing the grade diploma shall be strictly subject to the discipli-
have met. Eligibility is determined upon of Incomplete, with a transcript notation nary powers of the College, which shall be free
presentation of the doctoral identification indicating the date that the grade of to cancel registration at any time, on and
card, and a record of the request for a DP Incomplete was replaced by a final grade. grounds in which it deems advisable, subject to
grade is made by completing a form As of the Fall Term 2004, the student appeal procedures where applicable as
obtainable from the Office of the Regis- Faculty has approved the following described in the Student Rights and Responsi-
trar. DP credit is available to doctoral change in the policy on Incomplete bilities, in the Student Handbook.
students only in terms subsequent to the grades. If the outstanding work is not
terms in which the student is certified. completed within one calendar year from Student Conduct Code
DP credit may not be used toward M.A. the date of the close of term in which the While Teachers College does not operate on
or M.S. degree requirements. A maxi- grade of Incomplete was received, the the basis of detailed regulations and processes,
mum of 6 points of DP credit may be grade will remain as a permanent it does expect its members to observe tradition-
used toward Ed.M. degree requirements. Incomplete on the transcript. In such al canons of scholarly discourse, academic
WD Withdrawn. Withdrawal occurring instances, if the course is a required behavior, and due process. All members of the
subsequent to the close of the change-of- course or part of an approved program of College Community are expected to exhibit
program period during the term. See study, students will be required to re- the high level of personal integrity which socie-
section on withdrawal from courses. enroll in the course including repayment ty must demand of professionals. Copies of the
YC Year Course. The symbol YC is assigned of all tuition and fee charges for the new procedural guidelines proposed in the Joint
for the first half of a year course (courses registration and satisfactorily complete all Statement on the Rights and Freedoms of
with a z suffix). At the end of the course requirements. If the required Students are available in the Office of
second half, the grade is entered on the course is not offered in subsequent terms, Enrollment and Student Services, 148 Horace
transcript denoting the instructors the student should speak with the faculty Mann, (212) 678-3423.
evaluation. advisor or Program Coordinator about
R Attendance Credit. Students desiring their options for fulfilling the degree
R credit for any course must request requirement. Doctoral students with six

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 297

17_POLPROC #22 9/20/05 11:29 PM Page 298

Teachers College insists on the greatest degree letic and other school-administered programs. ignated to coordinate the Colleges compli-
of freedom of inquiry, teaching, learning and Rather, Teachers College affirms that it admits ance activities under the Age Discrimination
expression for all its members. The exercise of students and selects employees regardless of in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, and
these rights, however, must not violate the free their race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and can
exercise of the same rights by other members orientation, marital status, national origin, cit- be contacted through the Office of Human
of the community. Thus, activities which dis- izenship status, ancestry, age, veteran status, Resources, Box 149, 112 Main Hall,
rupt the regular and essential operations of the military status, disability, pregnancy and gen- 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027,
College and/or Columbia University are not der expression and/or identity or any other Telephone (212) 678-3175.
permitted. class protected by federal, state or local laws,
and thereafter accords them all the rights and Inquiries regarding the application of Section
Students or other members of the University privileges generally made available to students 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
community may register charges of violating or employees at the school. amended, and regulations thereunder, to any
these standards with the Office of the policy, program or other activity of the College
Associate Dean of Academic Administration Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX should be directed to Associate Dean William
(113 Main Hall). Students found guilty of vio- of the Educational Amendments of 1972, as J. Baldwin who is designated as the Colleges
lating these standards of conduct may be sub- amended, and regulations there under, to any Section 504 and The Americans with
ject to appropriate disciplinary action, ranging policy, program or other activity of the College Disabilities Act Compliance Officer
from reprimand to disciplinary probation, sus- should be directed to the Director of Human Office of the Associate Dean, Box 151,
pension, or expulsion. Resources, who serves as the Colleges Equal 113 Main Hall, New York, NY 10027,
Opportunity Officer. The Director is also des- Telephone (212) 678-3052.
Columbia University has Rules of University
Conduct which apply to all those who visit its
campus or use its facilities. Violations of these
Rules can lead to sanctions including the revo-
cation of permission to visit the Columbia
campus or use its facilities and suspension or
dismissal from Columbia courses in which a
Teachers College student may be enrolled.

A Guide to student Rights and Respon-

sibilities, obtainable section published in the
Student Handbook, is available to all members
of the Teachers College community. It pro-
vides details concerning the procedures to be
followed which are required when a charge is
made against a student.

Please Note: The grievance procedures are

currently under review and wil be published
on the Student Activities and Programs web-
site at http://www.tc.columbia.edu/stlife/ as
soon as it becomes available.

Pursuant to Revenue Procedure 75-50 dated
December 8, 1975, and Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX)
and part 86 of the Department of Health and
Human Services regulations promulgated to
effectuate Title IX, and The Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, Teachers College
hereby gives notice of its nondiscriminatory
policy as to students and employees:
Continuing its long-standing policy to support
actively equality for all persons, Teachers
College does not discriminate on the basis of
race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orienta-
tion, marital status, national origin, citizenship
status, ancestry, age, veteran status, military
status, disability, pregnancy and gender expres-
sion and/or identity or any other class protect-
ed by federal, state or local laws in the admin-
istration of its admission, employment and
educational policies or scholarship, loan, ath-

298 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

18_HEGIS CODES 9/20/05 11:31 PM Page 299

HEGIS Codes Below is a list of degree programs approved by the New York State Education Department as of June 2004.


Biology (7-12) 0401.01 M.A. Education Psychology:

Computing in Education 0799 M.A. Human Cognition and Learning 0822 M.A., Ed.D.,
Elementary/Childhood Ph.D.
Education (Preservice) 0802 M.A. Applied Educational Psychology:
Higher Education and Management 0805 Ed.D./ Reading Specialist 0822 M.A.
M.B.A. Behavioral Analysis of School
Higher and Postsecondary Education 0805 M.A., Ed.M., Learning 0822 M.A.
Ed.D. School Psychology
Adult Education Guided (Applied Developmental &
Intensive Study (AEGIS) 0807 Ed.D. Learning Psychology) 0822 Ed.M.
Adult Learning and Leadership 0807 M.A., Ed.M., School Psychology
Ed.D. (Applied Educational Psychology) 0822 Ed.D., Ph.D.
Adult Education Research 0807 Ph.D. Early Childhood Education 0823 M.A., Ed.M.,
Instructional Practice in Special Ed.D.
Education 0808 Ed.M. Early Childhood Special Education 0823 M.A., Ed.M.
Special Education* 0808 Ed.D., Ph.D. Applied Statistics 0824 M.S.
Guidance and Habilitation 0808 M.A. Resource Management/
Supervision of Special Education Leadership 0827 Ed.D./
Education 0809 Ed.M. M.B.A.
Administration of Special Education Leadership 0827 M.A., Ed.M.,
Education Programs* 0809 Ed.D. Ed.D., Ph.D.
Mental Retardation and Elementary/ Inquiry in Education
Childhood Education 0810 Ed.M. Leadership Practice 0827 Ed.D.
Mental Retardation and Early Curriculum and Teaching 0829 M.A., Ed.M.,
Childhood Education 0810 Ed.M. Ed.D.
Mental Retardation* 0810 M.A. Literacy Specialist (Birth- Grade 6) 0830 M.A.
Gifted Education* 0811 M.A. Art and Art Education 0831 M.A., Ed.M.,
Deaf and Hard of Hearing* 0812 M.A., Ed.M. Ed.D.,
Blindness and Visual Impairment* 0814 M.A., Ed.M. Ed.D.C.T.
Applied Behavior Analysis* 0816 M.A. Music and Music Education 0832 M.A., Ed.M.,
Learning Disabilities: Ed.D.,
Teaching Students with Ed.D.C.T.
dis/Abilities* 0818 M.A. Mathematics Education 0833 M.A., M.S.,
Disability Studies in Education 0818 M.A. Ed.M.,
Physical Disabilities* 0819 M.A. Ed.D.,
History and Education 0821 M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D.C.T.,
Ed.D., Ph.D. Ph.D.
Philosophy and Education 0821 M.A., Ed.M., Science Education 0834 Ed.D., Ph.D.
Ed.D., Ph.D. Teacher Education in Science 0834 M.S., Ed.M.
Psychology in Education 0822 M.A. Supervisor/Teacher of
Applied Educational Psychology: Science Education 0834 M.A.
Cognitive, Behavioral, and Applied Physiology 0835 M.A., Ed.M.,
Developmental Analysis 0822 Ed.M. Ed.D.
Motor Learning 0835 M.A., Ed.M,

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 299

18_HEGIS CODES 9/20/05 11:31 PM Page 300


Curriculum and Teaching in Teaching of English to Speakers

Physical Education 0835 M.A., Ed.M., of Other Languages 1508 M.A., Ed.M.,
Ed.D. Ed.D.C.T.,
Physical Education 0835 M.A. Ed.D.
Kinesiology 0835 Ph.D. Teaching of English to Speakers
Applied Physiology and Nutrition 0837 M.S. of Other Languages (Japan) 1508 M.A.
Health Education 0837 M.A., M.S., Physics (7-12) 1902.01 M.A.
Ed.D. Chemistry (7-12) 1905.01 M.A.
International Educational Earth Science (7-12) 1917.01 M.A.
Development 0899 M.A., Ed.M., Clinical Psychology 2003 M.S., Ph.D.
Ed.D. Counseling Psychology 2004 Ed.M.,
Comparative and International Ed.D., Ph.D.
Education 0899 M.A., Ed.M., Psychological Counseling 2004 M.A., Ed.M.
Ed.D., Ph.D. Economics and Education 2204 M.A., Ed.M.,
Instructional Technology Ed.D., Ph.D.
and Media 0899 M.A., Ed.M., Social-Organizational Psychology 2005 Ph.D.
Ed.D. Measurement and Evaluation 2007 Ed.M.,
Bilingual/Bicultural Education 0899 M.A. Ed.D., Ph.D.
Program in Law & Educational Psychology: Organizational 2008 M.A.
Institutions 0899 Ed.M. Psychology: Developmental 2009 M.A.
Neuroscience and Education 0899 Ed.M. Developmental Psychology 2009 Ed.D., Ph.D.
Arts Administration 1099 M.A. Teaching of Social Studies 2201 M.A., Ed.M.,
Dance and Dance Education 1008 M.A. Ed.D., Ph.D.
Teaching of Spanish 1105 M.A., Ed.M., Applied Anthropology
Ed.D.C.T., (In Cooperation with GSAS) 2202 Ph.D.
Ph.D. Anthropology and Education 2202 M.A., Ed.M.,
Teaching of ASL as a Foreign Ed.D., Ph.D.
Language 1199 M.A. Politics and Education 2207 M.A., Ed.M.,
Nursing Education: Professorial Role 1203 Ed.D. Ed.D., Ph.D.
Nursing Education/Nurse Executive 1203 Ed.D. Sociology and Education 2208 M.A., Ed.M.,
Nurse Executive (Accelerated Ed.D., Ph.D.
Program) 1203 M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies in
Speech and Language Pathology 1220 M.S., Ed.M., Education 4999 M.A., Ed.M.,
Ed.D., Ph.D. Ed.D.
Nutrition Education 1306 M.S., Ed.D.
Nutrition and Public Health 1306 M.S., Ed.D.
Community Nutrition Education 1306 Ed.M. * Ed.D. in Special Education may be acquired through these programs.
Ph.D. in Special Education may be acquired through these programs.
Teaching of English 1501 M.A., Ed.M., Joint M.B.A. offered by Columbia School of Business.
Ed.D. ** HEGIS: Higher Education General Information Survey, New York State
Education Department, Office of Higher Education and the Professions,
English Education 1501 Ph.D. Cultural Education Center, Room 5B28, Albany, NY 12230;
Applied Linguistics 1505 M.A., telephone 518-475-5851.
Ed.M., Ed.D.
Communication and Education 1506 M.A., Ed.M.,

300 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

19_INDEXLIST 9/20/05 11:32 PM Page 301

Course Index
A A&HA 5090. Museum education issues II: A&HE 4053. Cultural perspectives and literature,
A&H 4008. Creative arts laboratory: An inter- Missions and standards, 15, 21 38, 40
disciplinary course in contextual arts learning, 24 A&HA 5092. Advanced ceramics, 18 A&HE 4056. Feminist perspectives and literature,
A&H 4048. Computing applications in education A&HA 5093. Advanced sculpture, 18 38, 40
and the arts, 21, 25, 28 A&HA 5095. Color photography, 18 A&HE 4057. English methods, 37, 38, 40
A&H 5001. Research methods in arts education, 14- A&HA 5181. The arts in education, 10, 21, 28 A&HE 4058. Teaching of reading, 37, 38, 40
16, 21, 24, 26, 28 A&HA 5202. Fieldwork in art education, 19 A&HE 4100. Drama and theater, 38, 40
A&H 5002. Assessment strategies for the arts, 21, 26, 28 A&HA 5804. Museums as resource: Workshops A&HE 4150. Teaching literacies in secondary
A&H 5500. Pro-seminar in arts and humanities, 28 at the Metropolitan Museum, 17, 21 mathematics, sciences and the humanities, 38, 40
A&H 6574-A&H 6575. Seminar in the history A&HA 5890. Exploring creative photography: A&HE 4151. Teaching of writing, 37, 38, 40
of American education, 22 Advanced processes, 18 A&HE 4152. Literacies and technologies in the
A&HA 4061. Printmaking I: Lithographic processes, 17 A&HA 5891. Exploring creative photography: secondary English classroom, 37, 38, 40
A&HA 4062. Printmaking: Etching I, 17 Photography and light, 18 A&HE 4155. Critical issues in the secondary English
A&HA 4063. Introduction to painting, 17 A&HA 5902. Research and independent study classroom, 37, 38, 40
A&HA 4078. Art for classroom teachers: Teaching in art education, 19 A&HE 4156. Writing: Nonfiction, 37, 38, 40
art to children, 16 A&HA 5922. Masters seminar in art A&HE 4157. Writing: Fiction and personal
A&HA 4079. Exploring Americas cultures: education, 14, 15, 17 narrative, 38, 40
Implications for arts education, 15, 16, 21, 28 A&HA 6002. Teaching and administration of A&HE 4158. Writing: Poetry, 38, 40
A&HA 4080. Artistic development of children, 14-16 art education in college, 15, 17 A&HE 4550. Teaching of poetry, 37, 38, 40
A&HA 4081. Curriculum design in art education, 14-16 A&HA 6003. Critical perspectives and practices A&HE 4551. Teaching of Shakespeare, 37, 38, 40
A&HA 4084. Art and technology, 17 in the arts, 15, 16 A&HE 4552. Curriculum and assessment in the
A&HA 4085. Historical foundations of art education, A&HA 6021. Supervision and administration in secondary English classroom, 37, 38, 40
14-16 arts education, 15-17, 21, 24, 28 A&HE 4561. Teaching narrative and story, 38, 40
A&HA 4086. Current issues and practices in art and A&HA 6202. Fieldwork in the art education, 19 A&HE 4750. Supervised teaching of English, 38, 40
art education, 16 A&HA 6422. Internship in the supervision and A&HE 4751. Fieldwork and observation on secondary
A&HA 4087. Processes and structures in the visual administration of art education, 19 English, 38, 40
arts, 15-17 A&HA 6482. Internship in the teaching of college A&HE 4904. Independent study in teaching English,
A&HA 4088. Artistic development: Adolescence to and museum programs, 15, 19 38, 40
adulthood, 14-17 A&HA 6502. Doctoral seminar: Arts in education, A&HE 5149. Writing research: Methods and
A&HA 4089. New media, new forms: Technological 13, 15, 16 assumptions, 38-40
trends in art education, 18 A&HA 6520. Seminar in clinical supervision in the A&HE 5150. Research in practice, 38-40
A&HA 4090. Museum education issues I: Culture arts: 15, 17 A&HE 5151. Popular texts- English classroom, 38, 40
of art museums, 15, 17, 21 A&HA 6580. Problems in art and education, 16 A&HE 5154. Rhetoric and teaching, 38, 40
A&HA 4092. Introduction to ceramics, 18 A&HA 6902. Studio work in art and education: A&HE 5204. Fieldwork in teaching English, 38, 40, 41
A&HA 4093. Introduction to sculpture, 18 Sculpture, 18 A&HE 5504. Research paper: Teaching of English,
A&HA 4094. Introduction to photography, 18 A&HA 6903. Studio work in art and education: 38, 39, 41
A&HA 4096. Photography for educators, 18 Drawing, 18 A&HE 5514. Readers responses: Research, theory
A&HA 4202. Fieldwork in art education, 19 A&HA 6904. Studio work in art and education: and practice, 38, 41
A&HA 4281. Field observations in art education, Painting, 18 A&HE 5500. Technologically mediated literacies, 38
14, 17 A&HA 6905. Studio work in art and education: A&HE 5518. Teaching English in diverse social
A&HA 4702. Supervised teaching in art education: Printmaking, 18 and cultural contexts, 37, 38, 41
Secondary, 15, 17 A&HA 6906. Studio work in art and education: A&HE 5590. Masters seminar: Teaching of English,
A&HA 4722. Supervised student teaching in art Ceramics, 18 38, 41
education: Elementary, 15, 17 A&HA 6907. Studio work in art and education: A&HE 6011. The politics of teaching English, 38, 41
A&HA 4902. Research and independent study Photography, 18 A&HE 6015. College teaching of English, 38, 39, 41
in art education, 19 A&HA 6972. Research and independent study A&HE 6151. Narrative research in English education,
A&HA 5060. Introduction to drawing, 18 in art education, 19 38, 41
A&HA 5061. Advanced printmaking: Lithography, 18 A&HA 6999. Exhibition rating, 18 A&HE 6204. Advanced fieldwork in teaching
A&HA 5062. Advanced printmaking: Etching, 18 A&HA 7502. Dissertation seminar in the arts English, 38, 41
A&HA 5063. Advanced painting, 18 in education, 15, 16 A&HE 6404. Internship in college teaching of
A&HA 5064. Experiments in content, 17 A&HA 8900. Dissertation advisement in art English, 38, 41
A&HA 5081. Curriculum design in art education: education, 15, 16 A&HE 6450. Internship in teaching English, 38, 41
Advanced, 15, 17 A&HA 5085. Varieties of visual experience: A&HE 6504. Doctoral seminars (A and B), 39, 41
A&HA 5082. Philosophies of art in education, 16, 21, 28 Museums and education, 17 A&HE 6514. Postmodern textual theories, 38, 41
A&HA 5085. Varieties of visual experience: A&HE 4050. Literature and teaching, 38, 40 A&HE 6904. Research and independent study, 38, 41
Museums and Education, 17 A&HE 4051. Critical approaches to literature, 38, 40 A&HE 7504. Dissertation proposal seminar in
A&HA 5086. Art in visual culture, 15, 16 A&HE 4052. Adolescents and literature, 38, 40 teaching English, 39, 41

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 301

19_INDEXLIST 9/20/05 11:32 PM Page 302

A&HE 8904. Dissertation advisement in teaching A&HG 4180. Labor relations in the arts, 20 A&HL 4104. Discourse analysis, 11-13, 43, 45
English, 39, 41 A&HG 4370. Practicum in arts administration and A&HL 4901. Research and independent study:
A&HF 4060. Youth cultures, 30 arts education, 20 Applied linguistics, 13, 45
A&HF 4061. Introduction to cultural studies, 30 A&HG 4470. Internship in arts administration and A&HL 4907. Research and independent study:
A&HF 4065. Media and visual culture, 30 arts education, 20 Applied linguistics/TESOL, 13
A&HF 4088. Popular culture, 30 A&HG 4575. Masters seminar in arts administration, A&HL 5008. Inter-language analysis, 11, 12
A&HF 4089. Aesthetics of technology, 30 20 A&HL 5085. Advanced syntax, 11, 12, 45
A&HF 4090. Philosophies of education, 29, 32, 210 A&HG 4576. Masters seminar in arts administration A&HL 5152. Academic writing I, 12
A&HF 4091. The call to teach, 29 B: Research apprenticeship, 20 A&HL 5153. Academic writing II, 12
A&HF 4092. Education and the aesthetic experience, A&HG 4970. Supervised individual research in A&HL 5201. Fieldwork in applied linguistics, 13, 46
29 arts administration and arts education, 20 A&HL 5207. Fieldwork in applied linguistics, 13
A&HF 4094. School and society, 29 A&HG 5173. Principles and practice in arts A&HL 5501. Research paper: Applied
A&HF 4130. Gender and violence, 30 administration: Performing arts, 20 linguistics, 12, 13, 46
A&HF 4190. American philosophies of education, 29 A&HG 5174. Principles and practice in arts A&HL 5507. Research paper: Applied linguistics
A&HF 4194. Dialogue and difference in the administration: Visual arts, 20 and TESOL, 12, 13, 44, 45
multicultural classroom, 29 A&HG 5175. Business policy and planning for A&HL 5512. Research perspectives on language
A&HF 4196. Identity and ideals: Visions of human the arts manager, 20 testing, 13, 46
flourishing, 29 A&HG 5178. Special topics: Critical issues in A&HL 5515. Advanced topics in applied linguistics I,
A&HF 4900. Independent study in philosophy and arts management, 20 11, 13, 46
education, 30, 196 A&HH 4070. History of education in the A&HL 5516. Advanced topics in applied linguistics II,
A&HF 5090. The philosophy of John Dewey, 30 United States, 22, 32-34, 196 11, 13, 46
A&HF 5093. Ways of knowing, 30 A&HH 4076. History of urban education, 22, 32, 196 A&HL 5519. Instructed second language acquisition
A&HF 5190. Critical perspectives in philosophy A&HH 4901. Research and independent study, 22 and assessment, 12, 46
and education, 30 A&HH 5070. History and theory of higher A&HL 5575. Research literacy in applied linguistics
A&HF 5590. Voices in philosophy and education, 30 education, 22, 206, 209 and TESOL, 11, 13, 43, 46
A&HF 5591. Educational debates in philosophical A&HH 5072. Student activism and student A&HL 5581-A&HL 5588. Topics in second language
perspective, 30 movements in historical perspective, 22 acquisition, 11, 13, 46
A&HF 5596. Topics in educational ethics and moral A&HH 5076. History of African American A&HL 6087. Advanced second language acquisition,
philosophy, 30 education, 22 13, 46
A&HF 5600. Colloquium in philosophy and education, A&HH 5670. Colloquium in history and education, 22 A&HL 6201. Advanced fieldwork in applied linguistics
30 A&HH 6041. Historical method, 22, 33, 34 and TESOL, 13, 46
A&HF 6000. Doctoral proseminar: Ancient A&HH 6577. Topics in the history of American A&HL 6207. Advanced fieldwork in applied linguistics
philosophy and education, 30 educational thought, 22 and TESOL, 13
A&HF 6100. Doctoral proseminar: Modern A&HH 6901. Research and independent study, 22 A&HL 6501. Doctoral seminar: Applied linguistics,
philosophy and education, 30 A&HH 6970. Studies in history and education, 22 12, 13, 44, 46
A&HF 6500. Dissertation proposal workshop in A&HH 7501. Dissertation seminar in history and A&HL 6505. Doctoral seminar: TESOL, 45
philosophy and education, 30 education, 22 A&HL 6507. Doctoral seminar: Applied linguistics
A&HF 6590. Advanced topics in philosophy and A&HH 8901. Dissertation advisement in history and TESOL, 12, 13, 44, 45
education, 30 and education, 22 A&HL 6587. Seminar in second language acquisition:
A&HF 6900. Advanced research in philosophy A&HL 4000. Introduction to linguistics, 12 Acquisitional and cross-cultural pragmatics, 11, 13,
and education, 30 A&HL 4001. Sociolinguistics and education, 11, 12, 43, 46
A&HF 7500. Dissertation seminar in philosophy 41, 45, 91 A&HL 7501. Dissertation seminar: Applied linguistics,
and education, 30 A&HL 4003. Schools of linguistics, 11, 12, 45, 57 12, 13, 44
A&HF 8900. Dissertation advisement in A&HL 4005. Semantic systems and the lexicon, 11, A&HL 7507. Dissertation seminar: Applied linguistics
philosophy and education, 30 12, 43, 45 and TESOL, 12, 13, 44, 45
A&HG 4100. Masters essay: Arts administration, 20 A&HL 4014. Gender, language and education, A&HL 8901. Dissertation advisement in applied lin-
A&HG 4170. Principles and practice in arts 11, 12, 45 guistics, 12, 13, 44
administration, 20 A&HL 4085. Pedagogical English grammar, 11, 12, 42, A&HLW 4903. Research and independent study in
A&HG 4171. Arts Administration: An introduction 43, 45 social studies, 35
to the field, 20 A&HL 4087. Introduction to second language A&HM 4020. Music for the worlds children, 25
A&HG 4173. Arts in context, 20 acquisition, 11-13, 42, 43, 45 A&HM 4021. Designing musical experiences for
A&HG 4174. Law and the arts I, 20 A&HL 4088. Second language assessment, 11-13, 42, young children, 23-25, 28
A&HG 4175. Law and the arts II, 20 43, 45 A&HM 4022. The Artistic lives of young children, 25
A&HG 4176. Support structures: Development A&HL 4101. Phonetics and phonology, 11, 12, 42, 43, A&HM 4023. Choral methods, procedures and
and fund raising in the arts and humanities, 20 45, 57 materials, 25
A&HG 4179. Music administration and education: A&HL 4106. Discourse analysis: Text and textuality, A&HM 4029. Introduction to new technologies in
Organizations, issues and careers, 20 11, 12, 45 music education, 23-25, 28

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A&HM 4030. Integrating music in the classroom, 25 A&HM 6023. The teaching of applied music in A&HT 4860-A&HT 4880. Specialized TESOL
A&HM 4050. Conducting and score reading, 24, 26, 28 college, 26 materials, 42, 43, 45
A&HM 4056. Chamber music, 26 A&HM 6201. Advanced fieldwork in music A&HT 4905. Research and independent study in
A&HM 4059-A&HM 4060. Jazz improvisation, 24, education, 27 TESOL, 45
26, 28 A&HM 6421. Internship in the supervision and A&HT 5087. Second language acquisition in the
A&HM 4150. Instrumental music instruction I, 26 administration of music education, 24, 26, 27 classroom, 44
A&HM 4201. Fieldwork in music education, 27 A&HM 6481. Internship in the teaching of college A&HT 5205. Fieldwork in TESOL, 42, 45
A&HM 4343. Organ instruction for non-majors, 26 music, 27 A&HT 5360-A&HT 5379 and A&HT 5381.
A&HM 4350. Piano instruction for non-majors, 26 A&HM 6501. Doctoral seminar in music education, 27 Specialized practica for ESL teachers in the
A&HM 4351. Harpsichord instruction I, 26 A&HM 6901. Advanced study in music education, Community English Program, 42, 44
A&HM 4352. Voice instruction for non-majors, 26 27, 28 A&HT 5380. Specialized practica for TESOL
A&HM 4357-A&HM 4358. Ensemble performance: A&HM 6971. Research and independent study in teachers: In-service teaching, 43, 45
Music, 26 music education, 28 A&HT 5383. Specialized practica for TESOL teach-
A&HM 4701. Supervised teaching in music education, A&HM 7501. Dissertation seminar in music education, ers: In-service teaching II, 43, 45
23, 25 28 A&HT 5505. Research paper: TESOL, 12, 44, 45
A&HM 4901. Research and independent study in A&HM 8900. Dissertation advisement in music A&HT 6205. Advanced fieldwork in TESOL, 45
music education, 27 education, 28 A&HT 6505. Doctoral seminar: TESOL, 12, 44
A&HM 5003. Introduction to music perception and A&HR 4171-4172. Religion and education in A&HT 7505. Dissertation seminar: TESOL,
cognition, 23, 26 American culture, 31 12, 44-46
A&HM 5020. Foundations of music education, 23-25 A&HR 4902. Research and independent study, 31 A&HT 8905. Dissertation advisement: TESOL, 44, 45
A&HM 5021. Instrumental instruction for children, A&HR 5075. Knowledge and human values, 31 A&HW 4030. The study of history and geography, 33
24, 25 A&HR 6581. Seminar: Studies in religion and A&HW 4032. The study of world history and
A&HM 5022. Young childrens musical development, education, 31 geography, 34
23-26 A&HR 6981. Studies in religion and education, 31 A&HW 4033. History and geography of Europe
A&HM 5023. Vocal pedagogy I, 23, 24, 26 A&HR 7502. Dissertation seminar in religion, 31 since 1914: Selected topics, 35
A&HM 5025. Creativity and problem-solving in A&HR 8902. Dissertation advisement in religion, 31 A&HW 4035. New York City as a learning laboratory,
music education, 23-25 A&HS 5206. Fieldwork in teaching of Spanish, 46 35
A&HM 5026. Music skills and the creative strategy, A&HS 5506. Research paper in the teaching of A&HW 4036. The teaching of social studies, 32, 34
23-25 Spanish, 46 A&HW 4037. East Asia: Survey of modern history
A&HM 5029. Intermediate and advanced applications A&HS 6506. Doctoral seminar in the teaching of and cultural geography, 35
of new technologies in music education, 25, 28 Spanish, 46 A&HW 4038. The study of American history and
A&HM 5032. Comprehensive musicianship I, 23, 24, A&HS 7506. Dissertation seminar in the teaching of geography, 35
26, 28 Spanish, 46 A&HW 4039. The United States constitution:
A&HM 5033. Comprehensive musicianship II, 24, 27, A&HS 8906. Dissertation advisement in the teaching Civic decision making, 35
28 of Spanish, 46 A&HW 4040. Women of the world: Issues in
A&HM 5040-A&HM 5041. Interpretation of piano A&HS 6206. Advanced fieldwork in teaching of teaching, 35
literature, 27 Spanish, 46 A&HW 4041. Economic decision making in
A&HM 5042. Choral literature survey, 24, 26 A&HS 6406. Internship in college teaching of citizenship education, 35
A&HM 5047. Creative strategies for teaching music Spanish, 46 A&HW 4530. Seminar for student teachers in
literature, 24, 25 A&HT 4076. TESOL methodologies, 42-44 social studies, 32, 34
A&HM 5050. Advanced conducting and interpreta- A&HT 4077. TESOL classroom practices, 42-44 A&HW 4729. Observation in the social studies, 32, 34
tion, 24, 26, 28 A&HT 4078. TESOL materials development, 44 A&HW 4730. Supervised student teaching in
A&HM 5052. Vocal literature and interpretation, 24, 27 A&HT 4080. Teaching in linguistically diverse social studies, 32, 34
A&HM 5058. Recital I, 27 classrooms, 11, 44 A&HW 5030. Diversity and the social studies
A&HM 5201. Fieldwork in music education, 27 A&HT 4086. Language classroom observation, 44 curriculum, 32-34
A&HM 6058. Recital II, 27 A&HT 4089. Teaching writing to ESL students, 44 A&HW 5031. Teacher education in social studies,
A&HM 5141-A&HM 5143. Special topics in music, 25 A&HT 4160-4180. TESOL methodologies, 42-45 32-34
A&HM 5150-A&HM 5171. Instrumental music A&HT 4171. TESOL methodologies for 6-12, 42-44 A&HW 5035. History of the social studies since
instruction II, 27 A&HT 4185. Pedagogical approaches in the content 1880, 34
A&HM 5350. Piano instruction for music majors, 27 areas for teachers of K-12 ESL, 42 A&HW 5037. Alternative models of social studies
A&HM 5351. Harpsichord instruction II, 27 A&HT 4500. Advanced English language study, 44 curriculum, 32-34
A&HM 5352. Voice instruction for music majors, 27 A&HT 4776. Supervised student teaching in A&HW 5203. Fieldwork in social studies, 33, 35
A&HM 5353. Organ instruction for music majors, 27 TESOL, 42, 44 A&HW 5223. Oral history as a multidisciplinary
A&HM 5901. Research and independent study in A&HT 4777. Supervised student teaching in teaching tool, 35
music education, 27 TESOL: 7-12, 42, 44 A&HW 5232. Fieldwork: Social studies teacher
A&HM 6001. Teaching and administration of A&HT 4817-A&HT 4819. Experiences in learning education, 32, 33, 35
music in college, 23, 26 another language, 42, 45

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A&HW 5430. Internship in the teaching of history BBSQ 5115. Language disorders in children, 58, 60 BBSR 5041. Analysis of teaching in physical education,
and social sciences, 35 BBSQ 5116. Language disorders in adults, 58, 60 53, 55
A&HW 5530. Research paper in social studies, 32-34 BBSQ 5118. Cleft palate and speech habilitation, 58, 60 BBSR 5043. Administration of physical education
A&HW 5530. The history of American social BBSQ 5119. Alaryngeal speech, 58, 60 and athletics, 53
thought, 32-34 BBSQ 5120. Communication disorders in bilingual/ BBSR 5050. Neurophysiology of motor control and
A&HW 5931. Guided investigations in the teaching bicultural children, 58, 60 electromyography, 51
of social studies, 33-35 BBSQ 5125. Clinical approaches to aural habilitation BBSR 5055. Bases of motor control systems, 50, 51
A&HW 6030. Research in social studies education, of children, 58, 60 BBSR 5057. Movement disorders, 50, 51
33-35 BBSQ 5129. Audiological concepts and principles, BBSR 5095. Exercise and health, 50, 52
A&HW 6203. Advanced fieldwork in social studies, 58, 60 BBSR 5151. Introduction to the analysis of bio-
33-35 BBSQ 5130. Assessment and intervention in mechanical signals, 51, 52
A&HW 6403. Internship in college teaching in dysphagia, 58, 60 BBSR 5194. Applied physiology laboratory II, 50, 52
social studies, 35 BBSQ 5210-BBSQ 5212. Practicum in school speech- BBSR 5195. Advanced applied physiology laboratory,
A&HW 6500. Seminar in the history of the social language pathology, 60 50, 52
studies, 33 BBSQ 5312. Diagnostic methods and practice in BBSR 5200. Fieldwork in movement sciences and
A&HW 6503. Doctoral seminar in social studies, 33-35 speech-language pathology, 60 education, 50, 52, 54
A&HW 6530. Curriculum development, research, BBSQ 5331-BBSQ 5339. Therapy practicum, 60 BBSR 5240. Fieldwork in curriculum and teaching
and supervision, 32-34 BBSQ 5343. Hearing measurement, 58, 61 in physical education, 53, 55
A&HW 6903. Research and independent study, 33,34 BBSQ 5815. Managing swallowing and feeding prob- BBSR 5251. Fieldwork seminar in motor learning
A&HW 6935. Studies in history and in the teaching lems in the classroom, 61 and motor control, 51, 52
of history and social studies, 33-35 BBSQ 5940. Evaluating research in speech language BBSR 5504. Research training in motor learning and
A&HW 7503. Dissertation seminar in social studies, pathology and audiology, 61 control, 50-52
33-35 BBSQ 5941. Research needs and methods in BBSR 5543. Seminar in physical education, 53, 55
speech-language pathology and audiology, 61 BBSR 5582. Research design in movement sciences
A&HW 8903. Dissertation advisement in social
BBSQ 6111. Current issues and practices in and education, 49-52, 54, 55
studies, 33, 34
speech-language pathology, 58, 61 BBSR 5595. Research seminar in applied physiology,
B BBSQ 6351-BBSQ 6355. Advanced practice, 61 50, 52
BBS 4032. Neuroscience of human speech and BBSQ 6513-BBSQ 6517. Seminars in basic and BBSR 5596. Topics in applied physiology, 50, 52
language, 51, 55, 57 applied speech science, 56, 61 BBSR 5860. Movement sciences conference, 51, 52
BBS 4065. Biological and behavioral basis of sleep, 51 BBSQ 6940-BBSQ 6941. Supervised research in BBSR 6070. Neural basis of respiration, 52
BBS 5060. Neuromuscular responses and adaptation speech-language pathology and audiology, 61 BBSR 6201. Supervision of educational or clinical
to exercise, 49-51 BBSQ 7500. Dissertation seminar in speech-language practice in the movement sciences, 52
BBS 5068. Brain and behavior I: Communication pathology and audiology, 61 BBSR 6340. Supervision in physical education, 54
in the nervous system, 49-51, 55, 57 BBSQ 8900. Dissertation-advisement in speech- BBSR 6540. Research seminar in curriculum and
language pathology and audiology, 61 teaching in physical education, 54
BBS 5069. Brain and behavior II: Perception,
BBSR 4005. Applied anatomy and biomechanics, BBSR 6563. Movement sciences conference seminar,
emotion, memory and cognition, 51, 55
50, 51 51, 52
BBS 5125. Clinical approaches to aural habilitation
BBSR 4050. Analysis of human movement, 50-52 BBSR 6564. Advanced topics in neuromotor processes,
of child, 60
BBSR 4055. Neuromotor processes, 51 51, 52
BBSN 5575. Seminar in neuroscience and education,56
BBSR 4060. Motor learning, 51, 55, 61 BBSR 6565. Seminar in motor learning and motor
BBSQ 4030. Speech science, 57, 59
BBSR 4070. Introduction to the psychosocial aspects control, 51, 52
BBSQ 4031. Anatomy and physiology for speech,
of sport and exercise, 51, 54 BBSR 6571. Research seminar in the psychosocial
language and hearing, 57, 59, 60
BBSQ 4040. Speech and language disorders, 55, 58, 59 BBSR 4070. Introduction to the psychosocial study aspects of rehabilitation, 51, 52
BBSQ 4042. Audiology, 55, 59-61 of human movement, 51 BBSR 6900. Supervised independent research in
BBSQ 4043. The human nervous system, 51, 55 BBSR 4090. Physical fitness, weight control and movement sciences and education, 52, 54
relaxation, 51 BBSR 7500. Dissertation seminar in movement
BBSQ 4046. Introduction to augmentative and
BBSR 4095. Applied physiology I, 50-52 sciences and education, 52, 54
alternative communication, 58, 59
BBSR 4151. Laboratory methods in biomechanics, BBSR 8900. Dissertation advisement in movement
BBSQ 4047. Early motor behaviors in children:
51, 52 sciences and education, 52, 54
Normal and abnormal, 51, 58, 59
BBSR 4195. Applied physiology laboratory I, 50, 52
BBSQ 5041. School speech-language-hearing
BBSR 4700. Student teaching in physical education, C
program, 58, 59
53-55 C&T 4000. dis/Ability in contexts, 81-83, 88, 92, 93
BBSQ 5044. Speech and language perception
BBSR 4865. Tutorials in motor learning and control, C&T 4001. Teaching students with dis/Abilities in
and processing, 57, 59
52, 55 inclusive classrooms, 81-84, 89, 90, 92, 93
BBSQ 5111. Assessment and evaluation, 58, 60
BBSR 4900. Research and independent study in C&T 4002. Curriculum theory and history, 81, 82, 93
BBSQ 5112. Articulation disorders, 58, 60
movement sciences and education, 52, 54 C&T 4004. School change, 81, 82, 86, 93, 95, 96
BBSQ 5113. Voice disorders, 58, 60
BBSR 5040. Curriculum designs in physical education, C&T 4005. Principles of teaching and learning, 81, 82,
BBSQ 5114. Stuttering: Theory and therapy, 58, 60
53, 55 86, 93, 97

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C&T 4020. The environments of school, 55, 93 C&T 4139. Literacy instruction in elementary C&T 4900. Research and independent study:
C&T 4021. Nature and needs of gifted students, classrooms, 91, 94, 96 Curriculum and teaching, 96
89, 90, 93 C&T 4140. Literature for younger children, 91, 94 C&T 5000. Theory and inquiry in curriculum and
C&T 4022. Instructional models in the education C&T 4141. Literature for older children, 94 teaching, 79, 82, 86, 90, 92, 96
of gifted students, 93 C&T 4143. Social studies in the elementary and C&T 5006. Readiness for school: Pedagogical and
C&T 4023. Differentiated curriculum for gifted middle school, 87, 88, 90, 94 political issues, 96
students, 81, 82, 90, 93 C&T 4145. The education of youth and adolescents, C&T 5023. Exceptionality and intelligence:
C&T 4025. Educating young potentially gifted 82, 94 Theoretical approaches, 90, 96
children, 89, 90, 93 C&T 4151. Teaching of writing, 91, 94 C&T 5024. Planning and implementing programs
C&T 4029. Creativity: Its nature and nurture, 93 C&T 4159. Teacher education programs, 95 for gifted students, 89, 90, 96
C&T 4032. Gender, difference and curriculum, C&T 4160. Supervision in preservice teacher C&T 5036. Child and family policy, 82, 86, 96
81, 82, 93 education programs, 95 C&T 5037. Literacy, culture and the teaching of
C&T 4046. Introduction to learning dis/Abilities, C&T 4161. The teacher: Socio-historical, cultural reading, 81, 82, 91, 96
81, 82, 89, 92, 93 contexts of teaching, 81, 82, 95 C&T 5042. Special topics in childrens literature, 96
C&T 4047. Sociocultural approaches to teaching C&T 4200. Fieldwork in curriculum and teaching, 91,95 C&T 5053. Staff development processes and
students labeled as learning dis/abled, 89, 92, 93, 95 C&T 4301. Formal assessment of exceptional student, procedures, 96
C&T 4051. Supervision for elementary and secondary 89, 92, 95 C&T 5074. Curriculum and teaching policy, 82, 96,
schools, 82, 93, 97 C&T 4302. Supervised practicum in the educational 196, 222
C&T 4052. Designing curriculum and instruction, assessment of young children with exceptionalities, C&T 5112. Issues in child care and education:
81, 93 84, 95 Infancy through school age, 96
C&T 4056. Disability studies across the curriculum, 83 C&T 4308. Field experiences in early childhood C&T 5114. Development of multicultural
C&T 4078. Curriculum and teaching in urban areas, education/early childhood special education, 84, curriculum for the early years, 82, 96
81, 82, 93 90, 95 C&T 5118. Infant and toddler development and
C&T 4080. Risk and resilience in early development: C&T 4310. Disability studies in practice: Community- practice, 84, 85, 96
Birth-8 years, 84, 87, 88, 90, 93, 95 based practicum seminar, 83 C&T 5302. Advanced practicum: Giftedness, 90, 96
C&T 4083. Working with families of young children C&T 4311. Disability studies in practice: School-based C&T 5305. Advanced practicum: Learning
with disabilities, 84, 93 practicum seminar, 83 dis/Abilities, 96
C&T 4112. Integrated curriculum in early childhood, C&T 4334. Interactive pedadgogies: Practicum, 87, 95 C&T 5308. Advanced practicum: Infancy and early
84, 90, 93 C&T 4502. Masters project, 81, 82, 91, 94, 95 childhood, 84, 96
C&T 4113. Early childhood methods and programs, C&T 4503. Problems: Curriculum and teaching- C&T 5321. Practicum in early childhood education:
82, 86, 94 Independent study, 95 Curriculum development, observation and
C&T 4114. Multicultural approaches to teaching C&T 4615. Young children and social policy: Issues assessment in early childhood, 84, 96
young children, 81, 82, 84, 85, 90, 94, 96 and problems, 81, 95 C&T 5323. Supervision and the organization of
C&T 4117. Play: The roots of competence in young C&T 4702. Student teaching-giftedness, 89, 90, 95 programs for families with young children, 96
children, 94 C&T 4705. Student teaching or practicum-learning C&T 5502. Introduction to qualitative research in
C&T 4119. Issues and interdisciplinary methods for dis/Abilities, 88, 92, 95 curriculum and teaching, 11, 43, 86, 96
working with parents of young children, 84, 85, 90, 94 C&T 4708. Student teaching-infancy and early C&T 5513-C&T 5514. Seminar in early childhood
C&T 4121. Early childhood teaching strategies childhood, 84, 90, 95 education, 86, 87, 96, 222
within a social context, 81, 86, 94 C&T 5515. Infancy research seminar, 97
C&T 4726. Professional laboratory experiences/
C&T 4122. Issues in parenthood and education, 94 C&T 5800. Institute: Teaching of writing, 91, 97, 98
student teaching (year-long) in elementary
C&T 4123. Curriculum and instruction in C&T 5810. New approaches to identifying and
education, 87, 95
elementary education, 87, 88, 90, 94, 95 educating gifted students, 89, 90, 98
C&T 4729. Professional laboratory experiences/
C&T 4124. Curriculum development in elementary C&T 5853. Advanced multisensory teaching of
student teaching (semester-long) in elementary
education, 87, 88, 94, 95 basic language skills for students with learning
education, 88, 90, 95
C&T 4130. Current issues in elementary education, disabilities, 98
C&T 4731. Professional laboratory experiences
81, 94 C&T 5854. Advanced multisensory teaching of
(including student teaching) in elementary
C&T 4131. Language and literacy in the early child- basic skills I, 98
education, 95
hood curriculum, 84, 90, 94 C&T 5855. Advanced multisensory teaching of
C&T 4802. Models of curriculum and teaching, 98
C&T 4132. Learning and teaching in the primary basic skills II, 98
C&T 4822. Instructional models in the education
reading/writing classroom, 84, 88, 90, 94 C&T 5902. Independent study-giftedness, 97
of gifted students, 90, 93, 98
C&T 4133. Learning and teaching in the C&T 5905. Seminar in teaching students with
C&T 4835. Improving reading instruction, 98
intermediate reading/writing classroom, 88, 90, 94 dis/Abilities: Learning dis/Abilities, 83, 89, 92, 97
C&T 4853. Multisensory teaching of basic language
C&T 4137. Literacy and learning in the content C&T 5908. Independent study: Infancy and early
skills for students with learning disabilities, 92, 98
areas, 91, 92, 94 childhood, 97
C&T 4854. Multisensory teaching of basic skills, 98
C&T 4136. Methods and materials for reading C&T 6200. Field study in designing curriculum and
C&T 4855. Multisensory teaching of basic skills, 98
instruction, 94 curriculum and instruction, 82, 97
C&T 4858. Institute: Teaching of reading, 91, 95, 98
C&T 4138. Teaching literacy in the early years, 91, 94 C&T 6259-C&T 6260. Fieldwork in preservice
C&T 4899. Federal Policy Institute, 96
teacher education, 97

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C&T 6400. Internship program in curriculum CCPJ 5064. Couples and family therapy: Theory CCPX 4039. Critical perspectives on nontraditional
research, 97 and practice, 70 psychotherapies, 66
C&T 6405. Advanced internship: Learning CCPJ 5065. Psychology of the undergraduate: CCPX 4060. The psychology of loss and trauma, 66, 74
dis/Abilities, 97 Issues for counseling and psychology, 70 CCPX 4120. Psychotherapy through fiction and film,
C&T 6408. Advanced internship: Infancy and early CCPJ 5161. Counseling and normal aging, 70 66, 74
childhood, 86, 97 CCPJ 5162. Counseling and psychopathology in CCPX 4121. Psychology and Shakespeare, 66
C&T 6452-C&T 6453. Internship program in older persons, 70 CCPX 4125. Women and mental health, 66, 74
supervision and curriculum improvement, 97 CCPJ 5164. Multicultural counseling and psychology, CCPX 4126. Mother-child matrix, 74
C&T 6501-C&T 6502. Studies in curriculum and 70, 209 CCPX 4150. Introduction to forensic psychology, 66, 74
teaching, 86, 87, 89, 97 CCPJ 5165. Racial-cultural counseling laboratory, 70 CCPX 4230. Fieldwork in applied psychology, 66, 74
C&T 6503-C&T 6504. Seminar in field research, 97 CCPJ 5260. Fieldwork in psychological counseling CCPX 4900. Research and independent study, 67
C&T 6505. Spencer seminar, 97 and rehabilitation, 70 CCPX 5020. Emotion, culture & health, 66
C&T 6506. Advanced seminar: Giftedness, 97 CCPJ 5263. Supervised fieldwork in elementary CCPX 5030. Ethical and professional issues in clinical
C&T 6507. Advanced seminar: Learning dis/Abilities, school counseling, 71 psychology, 66
92, 97 CCPJ 5265. Supervised fieldwork in secondary CCPX 5032. Personality and psychopathology, 66, 74
C&T 6508. Advanced seminar: Infancy and early school counseling, 71 CCPX 5033. The evolution of Freuds psychological
childhood, 97 CCPJ 5360. Practicum in career and personal theories, 66
C&T 6532. Seminar in reading/language arts and counseling, 67, 71 CCPX 5034. Developmental psychopathology, 66,
related research, 97 CCPJ 5364. Advanced practicum in multicultural 74, 217
C&T 6533. Advanced study of childrens literature, 97 counseling and psychotherapy, 71 CCPX 5036. Clinical work with diverse populations, 66
C&T 6551. Seminar in supervision and curriculum CCPJ 5368. Supervision and teaching of counseling, 71 CCPX 5037. Dynamic psychotherapies, 66
improvement, 97 CCPJ 5371. Foundations of counseling, 70, 71 CCPX 5038. Cognitive, behavioral and interpersonal
C&T 6569. Seminar in theory and research in CCPJ 5560. Review of research in counseling therapies, 66
curriculum, 97 psychology, 72 CCPX 5039. Empirical bases of psychotherapy, 66
C&T 6900. Directed research and theory development CCPJ 5563. Special topics and issues in counseling CCPX 5040. Development and psychopathology:
in curriculum and teaching, 97 psychology, 72 Atypical contexts and population, 66, 74
C&T 6914-C&T 6915. Advanced studies in early CCPJ 6260. Advanced fieldwork, 71 CCPX 5045. Psychotherapy, religious diversity &
childhood and childhood education, 97 CCPJ 6330. Basic practicum in individual counseling spirituality, 66, 74
C&T 7500-C&T 7501. Dissertation seminar in and psychotherapy, 71 CCPX 5102. Research and clinical applications of
curriculum and teaching, 82, 86, 90, 92, 97 CCPJ 6350. Externship in counseling psychology, 71 DSM-IV, 66, 74
C&T 8900. Dissertation advisement in curriculum CCPJ 6360. Practice in psychological counseling, 67,71 CCPX 5110. Research apprenticeship, 67
and teaching, 98 CCPJ 6362. Group practicum, 71 CCPX 5230. Fieldwork in clinical psychology, 66
CCPJ 4061. Rehabilitation counseling: Principles and CCPJ 6363. Advanced group and family systems CCPX 5330. Principles and techniques of clinical
practices, 69 practicum, 71 assessment, 66, 67
CCPJ 4062. Medical aspects of disabilities and CCPJ 6368. Advanced supervision and teaching of CCPX 5333. Practicum in clinical assessment, 66, 67
rehabilitation, 69 counseling, 71 CCPX 5334. Clinical assessment and research with
CCPJ 4064. Principles and methods of psychological CCPJ 6460. Internship in counseling psychology, 71, 72 children and adolescents, 66
counseling, 69-71 CCPJ 6560. Advanced professional issues, 72 CCPX 5531. Psychotherapy with children, 66
CCPJ 4064. Theories of counseling, 69, 209 CCPJ 6569. Professional ethics and standards in CCPX 5532. Clinical issues: Children from diverse
CCPJ 4065. Career development of women, 69 psychology, 72 backgrounds, 66
CCPJ 4068. Counseling women, 70 CCPJ 6572-CCPJ 6579. Research practicum in CCPX 5533-CCPX 5534. Research methods in
CCPJ 4160. School counseling for children and counseling psychology, 72 clinical psychology, 67
adolescents, 70 CCPJ 7502. Dissertation seminar, 72 CCPX 5535. Research practicum in clinical
CCPJ 4165. Community agencies and resources, 70 CCPJ 7572. Advanced research practicum in psychology, 67
CCPJ 4166. Current issues in gerontology, 70 counseling psychology, 72 CCPX 5539. Clinical assessment: The interview, 67
CCPJ 4560. Professional and ethical issues in CCPX 4000. Introduction to applied psychology, CCPX 5542. Introduction to contemporary
psychological counseling, 70 65, 74 psychoanalytic thought, 67
CCPJ 4873. The Winter Roundtable on cultural CCPX 4010. Psychological perspectives on critical CCPX 5544. Cross-cultural issues in
psychology and education, 70 social problems, 65, 74 psychopathology, resilience and coping, 67
CCPJ 5020. Racism and racial identity in psychology CCPX 4030. Psychology of adjustment, 65, 74 CCPX 5546. Research perspectives on critical social
and education, 70, 217 CCPX 4032. Assessment and treatment of alcohol problems, 67, 74
CCPJ 5025. Group counseling, 70, 71 and chemical dependency, 65, 67 CCPX 5610. Clinical psychology colloquium, 67
CCPJ 5060. Assessment in counseling psychology, 70 CCPX 4033. Advanced clinical interventions with CCPX 5630. Case conference, 67, 71
CCPJ 5061. Assessment in counseling psychology, 70 addicted patients and families, 65 CCPX 6020. History and systems of psychology, 67
CCPJ 5062. Career counseling and development, CCPX 4035. Personality and behavior change, 65 CCPX 6332-CCPX 6333. Supervision of assessment,
70, 71, 209 CCPX 4036. Psychology of human intimacy, 65 intake, educational, or abuse prevention family
CCPJ 5063. Psychological and cultural aspects of CCPX 4038. Comparative psychotherapies, 65, 74 services, 67
disability and rehabilitation, 70 CCPX 6335. Practicum in clinical intervention, 67

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CCPX 6336. Advanced practicum in clinical HBSE 4062. Instruction and curriculum development HBSE 5901-HBSE 5915. Problems in special
intervention, 67 for infants, children and youth with blindness and education, 123, 124, 127
CCPX 6338. Fourth-year practicum in clinical visual impairment, 121, 125 HBSE 6001. Research in special education, 123,127,128
intervention, 67 HBSE 4063. Communication skills for people with HBSE 6002. Administration of special education
CCPX 6352. Cognition, emotion and health, 217 blindness and visual impairments, Section 1, 121, 125 programs, 123, 124, 127
CCPX 6430. Internship in clinical psychology, 67 HBSE 4064. Communication skills for people with HBSE 6004. Public policy and administration in
CCPX 6530. Short-term dynamic psychotherapy, 67 blindness and visual impairments, Section 2, 121, 125 special education, 122-124, 127
CCPX 6531. Psychological assessment and clinical HBSE 4070. Psychological and cultural aspects of HBSE 6008. Behaviorism and science of behavior,
practice, 67 people who are deaf or hard of hearing, 121, 122, 124, 127
CCPX 6532-CCPX 6533. Advanced topics in 125, 130 HBSE 6010. Advanced study of problems and issues
clinical theory, research and practice, 67 HBSE 4071. Methods of teaching reading and writing in special education, 123, 127, 128
CCPX 6534. Object relations and self psychology, 67 to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, 104, HBSE 6015. The verbal behavior model: Individual
CCPX 6900. Advanced research and independent 121, 122, 125 educational programming, 124, 127
study, 67 HBSE 4072. Development of language of individuals HBSE 6031. Single case experimental design in
CCPX 7500. Dissertation seminar, 67 who are deaf or hard of hearing, Section 1 & 2, education, medicine, and therapy, 124, 127
CCPX 8900. Dissertation advisement, 67 101, 121, 125 HBSE 6070. Psychology of deafness, 127
HBSE 4073. Audiological principles and the teaching HBSE 6401-HBSE 6413. Advanced internships in
H of speech and listening skills to individuals who are special education, 123, 124, 127
HBS 5551. Bioethics, 111 deaf and hard of hearing, Section 1 & 2, 121, 125 HBSE 6501-HBSE 6510. Advanced seminars in
HBS 5690. Colloquium in health promotion, 124 HBSE 4074. Linguistics of American Sign Language, 129 special education, 124, 126, 127
HBSE 4000. Introduction to special education, 122, 124 HBSE 4075. Selected topics in ASL and deaf HBSE 6901. Research and independent study:
HBSE 4001. Teaching students with disabilities in the community and culture, 129 Special education, 127
general education classroom, 122, 124 HBSE 4076. Methods and materials in teaching ASL HBSE 7500. Dissertation seminar in special education,
HBSE 4002. Instruction and curriculum for students and deaf community and culture, 129 123, 128
with and without disabilities, 121, 122, 124 HBSE 4077. Seminar in teacher-as-researcher, 121, 125 HBSE 8901-HBSE 8910. Dissertation advisement
HBSE 4003. Foundations for teaching all students to HBSE 4079. Language development and habilitation: in special education, 123, 128
maximize learning, 122, 123 The foundations, 104, 121, 125 HBSK 4020. Theories of human development, 129
HBSE 4005. Applications of technology in special HBSE 4082. Assessment and evaluation of infants, HBSK 4023. Developmental psychology adolecence,
education, 121-124 children and youth with exceptionalities, 121, 122, 129
HBSE 4006. Working with families of children with 125, 126 HBSK 4025. Professional and ethical functions of
disabilities, 122, 124 HBSE 4083. Theory and techniques for educating school psychologists, 102-104
HBSE 4008. Disability: Reconsidered and reconstructed, infants, children and youth with sensory HBSK 4029. Theories of human cognition and
124 impairments, 122, 126 learning, 129
HBSE 4010. Nature and needs of persons with mental HBSE 4092. Introduction to foundations of special HBSK 4072. Theory and techniques of reading
retardation and intellectual disabilities, 122, 124 education opportunity, 121-123, 126 assessment and intervention, 101-105
HBSE 4011. Education of persons with mental HBSE 4300. Practicum in the educational assessment HBSK 4073. Psychoeducational assessment and
retardation and intellectual disabilities, 122, 124 of exceptional individuals, 121, 126 interventions, 102-104
HBSE 4015. Applied behavior analysis I: Pedagogy, HBSE 4307. Assessment of American Sign Language HBSK 4074. Development of reading comprehension
management and curricula, Section 1, 121, 124,127 and deaf community and culture, 129 strategies and study skills, 101, 103, 104
HBSE 4031. Education of students with physical HBSE 4700-HBSE 4710. Observation and student HBSK 4074. Reading comprehension strategies and
disabilities, 122, 125 teaching in special education, 126 study skills, 101, 104
HBSE 4040. Curricular and pedagogical foundations HBSE 4871. American Sign Language I, 104, 121, HBSK 4077. Adult basic literacy, 104
for teaching pre-listening through early academic 126, 129 HBSK 4085. Behavioral management in the
literacy, 121 HBSE 4872. American Sign Language II, 104, 122, 126 classroom, 101, 104
HBSE 4043. Applied behavior analysis II: Pedagogy, HBSE 4880. Opportunities and outcomes for people HBSK 4903. Research-independent study in reading,104
management and curricula, 127 with disabilities: Annual conference, 121, 122, 126 HBSK 5031. Family as a context for child development,
HBSE 4044. Applied behavior analysis III: HBSE 4881. Opportunities and outcomes for people 102-104
Schoolwide systems applications, 121, 122, 125 with disabilities: Colloquium, 126 HBSK 5050. Therapeutic interventions for a school
HBSE 4045-4046. Curriculum and pedagogical oper- HBSE 4901. Research and independent study: Special psychologist, 103, 104
ations for teaching the foundations of functional education, 126 HBSK 5051. Child-adolescent PTSD and related dis-
academic literacy, 122, 125, 212 HBSE 5010. Study of the philosophic foundations of order, 103, 104
HBSE 4060. Psycho-social implications of vision loss special education, 123, 126, 128 HBSK 5070. Neural bases for language and cognitive
on people with blindness and visual impairment HBSE 5062. Orientation and mobility, 121, 126 development, Section 1 & 2, 103, 104
and their families, 121, 122, 125 HBSE 5063. Technological aids and assistive devices HBSK 5085. Observing and assessing preschool
HBSE 4061. Anatomy and physiology of the in the education of toddlers, children and youth children, 103, 104
visual system and related implications, 121, 125 with disabilities, 121, 123, 126 HBSK 5096. The psychology of memory, 103, 104
HBSE 5301-HBSE 5314. Advanced practica in HBSK 5098. Diagnosis of reading and writing
special education, 124, 125 disabilities, 101, 104

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HBSK 5099. Theories of cognitive processes in HBSS 4100. Introduction to health education, 107, 108 HBSV 4010. Food, nutrition and behavior, 107, 113,
writing, 101, 104, 105 HBSS 4102. Principles of epidemiology in health 114, 117
HBSK 5271-HBSK 5273. Supervised fieldwork in promotion, 107, 108, 111 HBSV 4011. Women and weight, eating problems
remedial reading and school difficulties, 103, 105 HBSS 4110. Health promotion for children and and body image, 107, 111, 114
HBSK 5280. Fieldwork in school psychological adolescents, 107, 108 HBSV 4013. Nutritional ecology, 107, 113, 114, 117
services, 103, 105 HBSS 4111. Addictions and dependencies, 107, 108 HBSV 4014. Community nutrition, 113, 114, 117
HBSK 5320-HBSK 5321. Individual psychological HBSS 4112. Social policy and prevention, 107, 109 HBSV 4150. Sports nutrition, 115
testing, 102, 103, 105 HBSS 4113. Human sexuality education, 107, 109 HBSV 4902. Research and independent study in
HBSK 5373. Practicum in literacy assessment and HBSS 4114. Health promotion for multicultural nutrition education, 115
intervention, Section 1, 101, 105 populations, 107, 109, 111 HBSV 5010. Advanced nutrition I, 113, 115, 117
HBSK 5376. Practicum in literacy assessment and HBSS 4115. Health promotion for aging adults, 107, HBSV 5011. Advanced nutrition II, 113, 115
intervention, Section 2, 101, 105 109, 111 HBSV 5013. Strategies for nutrition education and
HBSK 5377. Practicum in literacy assessment and HBSS 4116. Health education for teachers, 107, 109 health behavior change, 111, 113, 115, 117
intervention, Section 3, 101, 105 HBSS 4117. HIV/AIDS education, 107, 109 HBSV 5014. Analysis of current literature and
HBSK 5378. Practicum in psychoeducational HBSS 4118. Relapse prevention for problem behaviors, research in nutrition, 113, 115, 117
assessment of school subject difficulties, 102, 103 107-109, 111 HBSV 5015. Nutritional epidemiology, 111, 115, 117
HBSK 5580. Seminar in consultation and HBSS 4120. Topics in health education, 107, 109 HBSV 5018. Nutrition and human development, 115
evaluation in reading, 101, 105 HBSS 4121. Death education, 107, 109 HBSV 5034. Clinical nutrition, 113, 115, 117
HBSK 6320. Practicum in college instruction, 105 HBSS 4122. Womens health, 107, 109 HBSV 5036. Nutrition counseling, 113, 115, 117
HBSK 6380. Practicum in psychoeducational HBSS 4123. Violence and its prevention, 107, 109 HBSV 5231-HBSV 5233. Extended fieldwork in
assessment with culturally diverse students, HBSS 4130. Alcohol and health, 107, 109 nutrition and education, nutrition and public
102, 103, 105 HBSS 4140. Developing workplace health promotion health, and applied physiology and nutrition,
HBSK 6382. Advanced practicum in psychoeduca- programs, 107, 109 113, 115
tional interventions in schools, 103, 105 HBSS 4141. Health and illness in cross-cultural HBSV 5241-5244. Dietetic Internship in nutrition,
HBSK 6383. Neuropsychological assessment of perspective, 107, 109 113, 115
children and adults, 103, 105 HBSS 4901. Research and independent study in HBSV 5333. Practicum in community service, 115
HBSK 6480. School psychologist internship, 103, 105 health education, 107, 110 HBSV 5513. Seminar in nutrition education: theory
HBSK 6570-HBSK 6578. Research in applied HBSS 5110. Determinants of health behavior, 107- and applications, 113, 115
educational psychology, 103, 105 109, 111 HBSV 5593. Nutrition for exercise and sport, 115, 117
HBSK 6903. Research-independent study in reading,106 HBSS 5111. Planning health education programs, HBSV 5902. Guided study in nutrition, 115
HBSK 7503. Dissertation seminar: Schooling and 107-109 HBSV 6500-HBSV 6501. Seminar in nutrition, 115
reading, 103, 106 HBSS 5112. Social marketing and health HBSV 6550-HBSV 6551. Research seminar in
HBSK 8902. Dissertation advisement: Schooling and communications, 107-109, 111 nutrition, 114, 115
reading, 103, 106 HBSS 5113. Community health analysis and interven- HBSV 6902. Research and independent study in
HBSN 5005. Interdisciplinary theory in nursing, 111 tion, 107, 109, 111 nutrition, 115
HBSN 5040. Research methods in health and HBSS 5115. Assessment and counseling for health HBSV 7502. Dissertation seminar in nutrition, 116
behavior studies, 107, 111, 113, 117 promotion, 107, 109, 111 HBSV 8900. Dissertation advisement in nutrition, 116
HBSN 6500. Research grant writing for health and HBSS 5116. Social relations, emotions and health, HUD 4120. Methods of empirical research, 132, 133,
behavior studies, 111 107, 109 136-142, 210
HBSN 6501. Seminar in professional nursing, 111 HBSS 5408. Practicum in individual health advise- HUDF 4000. Education and public policy, 139, 143,
HBSN 6530. Seminar on curriculum in nursing ment, 107, 109 144, 209, 222
education, 111, 112 HBSS 5410. Practicum in health education, 107, 109 HUDF 4010. Sociology of online learning, 143, 144
HBSN 6540. Seminar on dissertation design HBSS 5510. Seminar in health education, 110 HUDF 4021. Sociology of education, 133-135, 143,
development, 111, 112 HBSS 5710. Supervised teaching in health education, 196, 209
HBSN 6541. Advanced seminar on dissertation 109 HUDF 4022. Sociology of urban education, 143, 144,
design development, 111, 112 HBSS 6100. Measurement and program evaluation, 222
HBSN 6600. Colloquium in nursing theory, 111 103, 107-109, 113 HUDF 4024. Social stratification and education, 139,
HBSN 6635. Colloquium in nursing education, 111, 112 HBSS 6145. Health psychology, 107, 108, 110, 111 143, 144,
HBSN 6908. Independent study in professional HBSS 6510. Research seminar in health education, HUDF 4027. Sociology of classrooms, 143, 144
nursing, 111 108, 110 HUDF 4028. Sociology of the life course, 143-145
HBSN 6909. Independent study in nursing theory, 111 HBSS 6901. Research and independent study in HUDF 4029. Sociology of schools, 143, 145
HBSN 6930. Independent study in nursing education, health education, 110 HUDF 4030. Sociology of educational processes in
111, 112 HBSS 7501. Dissertation seminar in health education, formal organizations, 145
HBSN 6940. Independent study in nursing research, 108, 110 HUDF 4031. Sociology of evaluation, 143, 145
111, 112 HBSS 8900. Dissertation advisement in health HUDF 4032. Gender, difference and curriculum, 143,
HBSN 7500. Dissertation seminar in nursing, 111, 112 education, 108, 110 145
HBSN 8900. Dissertation advisement in nursing, 111, HBSV 4000. Introduction to nutrition: Facts, fallacies HUDF 4620. Introductory colloquium in sociology of
112 and trends, 107, 114 education, 144, 145

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HUDF 4899. Federal Policy Institute, 145, 222 HUDK 5039. Design of intelligent learning HUDM 4122. Probability and statistical inference,
HUDF 4903. Research and independent study, 145 environments, 133-135 132-134, 136, 138, 140-142, 144, 195, 210
HUDF 5020. Methods of social research: Survey HUDK 5040. Development and psychopathology: HUDM 4901. Research and independent study:
methods, 145 Atypical contexts and populations, 137, 139 Measurement and evaluation, 142
HUDF 5021. Methods of social research: Evaluation HUDK 5080. Reading comprehension, 133-136 HUDM 4902. Research and independent study:
methods, 145 HUDK 5090. Psychology of language and reading, Applied statistics, 142
HUDF 5022. Sociological analysis of educational 133-136 HUDM 5053. Instrument design and validation, 141
systems, 143, 145 HUDK 5121. Personality development and social- HUDM 5055-HUDM 5056. Evaluation of
HUDF 5026. The family and television, 145 ization in childhood, 137, 139 institutions, programs, and curricula, 133-135,
HUDF 5100. Supervised research and practice, 144,145 HUDK 5123. Psychological development of women, 140-142, 195, 222
HUDF 5430. Internship, 145 139 HUDM 5058. Choice and decision making, 133-136,
HUDF 5620. Advanced colloquium in sociology of HUDK 5125. Cross-cultural developmental psychol- 141, 142
education, 145 ogy, 139, 217 HUDM 5059. Psychological measurement, 133-135,
HUDF 5621. Technology and society, 143, 145 HUDK 5197. Psychology of training in business and 140-142, 144, 216, 217
HUDF 5645-HUDF 5646. Policy seminar, 144,145,222 industry, 136 HUDM 5122. Applied regression analysis, 132-134,
HUDF 6021. Social research methods: Reporting, HUDK 5198. Psychology of instructional systems 138, 140-142, 216
144, 145 design, 133-136, 217 HUDM 5123. Linear models and experimental design,
HUDF 6525. Seminar in sociology of education, 144,145 HUDK 5324. Research work practicum, 132, 133, 132, 134, 138, 140-142, 216
HUDF 6903. Research and independent study, 145 136, 137, 139 HUDM 5124. Multidimensional scaling and clustering,
HUDF 6920. Studies in sociology and education, 145 HUDK 6010. Developmental research methods, 138, 141, 142, 216
HUDF 7503. Dissertation seminar, 145 139 HUDM 5250. Research practicum in measurement
HUDF 8903. Dissertation advisement, 145 HUDK 6036-HUDK 6037. Child and family policy, and evaluation, 140-142
HUDK 4015. Psychology of thinking, 133-135 139 HUDM 5564. Survey research methods, 222
HUDK 4020. Theories of human development, 139 HUDK 6095. Critical review of current journals in HUDM 6026. Statistical treatment of mass data,
HUDK 4021. Developmental psychology: Infancy, 138 psychology, 133, 135 141, 142
HUDK 4022. Developmental psychology: Childhood, HUDK 6520. Seminar in social and emotional HUDM 6030. Multilevel and longitudinal data
138 development through childhood and adolescence, analysis, 138, 140-142, 216
HUDK 4023. Developmental psychology: Adolescence, 138, 139 HUDM 6051-HUDM 6052. Psychometric theory
138, 139 HUDK 6522. Seminar in cognitive processes, 136 I and II, 140-142
HUDK 4024. Developmental psychology: Adulthood HUDK 6523. Seminar in cognitive development, HUDM 6055. Latent structure analysis, 138, 140-142,
and the lifespan, 138, 139, 209 134, 136, 138, 139 216
HUDK 4027. Development of mathematical thinking, HUDK 6524. Seminar in cross-cultural developmental HUDM 6122. Multivariate analysis I, 134, 138, 140-
133-135, 138 psychology, 139 142, 216
HUDK 4029. Human cognition and learning, 132, HUDK 6529. Seminar in risk, resilience and develop- HUDM 6123. Multivariate analysis II, 134, 138, 140,
134, 135 mental psychology, 138, 139 142, 216
HUDK 4030. Cognitive clinical interview, 135, 138 HUDK 6530. Seminar in theoretical issues in cogni- HUDM 6552. Seminar: Selected topics in measure
HUDK 4035. Technology and human development, tive and educational psychology, 136 ment theory, 141, 142
133-135, 166 HUDK 6539. Research practicum in educational HUDM 6900. Advanced research and independent
HUDK 4045. Cross-cultural psychology of teaching psychology, cognition and learning, 132, 134-136 study, 142
and learning: An in-depth look at Japan, 139 HUDK 6592. Advanced research seminar: Learning HUDM 7500. Dissertation seminar, 141, 142
HUDK 4080. Educational psychology, 132-135, 196 and instruction, 135, 136 HUDM 8900. Dissertation advisement, 141, 142
HUDK 4820. Education for thinking: Goals and HUDK 6620. Special topics in developmental
methods for the middle school, 139 psychology, 133-135, 138, 139 I
HUDK 4901. Research and independent study, 139 HUDK 6630. Special topics in cognitive or educational ITSF 4010. Cultural and social bases of education,
HUDK 4902. Research and independent study, 139 psychology, 136 133, 150
HUDK 5020. Development of creativity, 135, 139 HUDK 6901. Advanced research and independent ITSF 4011. Social context of education, 150
HUDK 5022. Emotional development, 134, 139 study, 138, 139 ITSF 4012. Cross-cultural studies of learning, 150
HUDK 5023. Cognitive development, 132-135, 137, HUDK 6902. Advanced research and independent ITSF 4013. Literacy and development, 159
139, 217 study, 136 ITSF 4015. Introduction to computers, language and
HUDK 5024. Language development, 133-136, 139 HUDK 7501. Dissertation seminar, 138, 139 literacy, 159
HUDK 5027. Moral development, 139 HUDK 7502. Dissertation seminar, 134-136 ITSF 4016. Culture and society in Africa, 150
HUDK 5029. Personality development and HUDK 8900. Dissertation advisement, 139 ITSF 4017. Anthropological perspectives on
socialization across the lifespan, 137, 139, 217 HUDK 8901. Dissertation advisement, 136 homelessness and social control, 150
HUDK 5034. Cognitive research methods and HUDM 4050. Introduction to measurement, 141, 142 ITSF 4018. Anthropology and development in Africa,
applications, 133-135 HUDM 4120. Basic concepts in statistics, 132-134, 150, 159
HUDK 5035. Psychology of media, 133-135 137, 142, 210 ITSF 4020. Bilingualism and disabilities, 152
ITSF 4021. Foundations of bilingual/bicultural edu-
cation, 152, 154

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ITSF 4024. Linguistic foundations of bilingual/bicul- ITSF 4603. Human and social dimensions ITSF 6125. Research issues in communicative practices,
tural education, 152, 154 of peace, 156, 159, 221 159
ITSF 4025. Cross-cultural communication and class ITSF 4611. Education for global security, 156, 159, 221 ITSF 6200. Field research outside the United States, 162
room ecology, 157, 159 ITSF 4613. Fundamental concepts in peace ITSF 6402. Internship in college teaching, 154
ITSF 4027. Current topics in bilingualism and bilin- education, 159, 221 ITSF 6511. Seminar in psychological anthropology, 151
gual/bicultural education, 153, 154 ITSF 4614. The United Nations as peace educator, ITSF 6512. Social theory and structure, 151
ITSF 4028. Teaching literacy in bilingual settings, 156, 159, 221 ITSF 6513. Topics in anthropology and education:
152, 153 ITSF 4720. Practicum/internship in bilingual/bi- Religion and politics in contemporary Africa, 151
ITSF 4034. Dynamics of family interaction, 158 cultural education, 152, 154 ITSF 6520. Seminar in families and communities as
ITSF 4050. Economics of education, 161, 195, 196, ITSF 4900. Research independent study, 151 educators, 159
209, 222 ITSF 4902. Studies in international and transcultural ITSF 6521. Seminar in bilingualism and bilingual
ITSF 4051. Education and economic development, studies, 162 education, 154
157, 161 ITSF 5000. Methods of inquiry: Ethnography and ITSF 6590. Doctoral seminar in international and
ITSF 4054. Education and strategic planning, 157 participant observation, 158, 161, 162, 2126 transcultural studies, 158
ITSF 4055. Resource allocation in education, 159, 161 ITSF 5001. Ethnography and participant ITSF 6900. Research independent study, 151
ITSF 4057. Economics of urban and minority educa- observation: Fieldwork, analysis, reporting, 158, 161 ITSF 6902. Studies in international and transcultural
tion, 161 ITSF 5002. Ethnography and participant studies, 162
ITSF 4058. Economics of higher education, 161 observation: Comparative and qualitative ITSF 6910. Studies in anthropology and education, 151
ITSF 4060. The Latino population of the United analysis, 158, 162 ITSF 6911. Work group in psychological anthropology,
States, 161 ITSF 5003. Communication and culture, 158, 159 151
ITSF 4061. Economics of urban and minority educa- ITSF 5005. Interdisciplinary study of the family, 158 ITSF 6950. Studies in economics and education, 162
tion, 222 ITSF 5007. Race, class and schooling across the ITSF 6990. Studies in international educational
ITSF 4075. Cross-cultural communication and class- Americas, 158 development, 162
room ecology, 152-154 ITSF 5011. Process and change in Africa, 150 ITSF 6991. Studies in comparative education, 162
ITSF 4090. Issues and institutions in international ITSF 5012. Culture and society in the Caribbean, 150 ITSF 7500. Dissertation seminar in international and
educational development, 157, 158 ITSF 5013. Psychological anthropology, 150, 151, 217 transcultural studies, 162
ITSF 4091. Comparative education, 157, 158 ITSF 5015. Political anthropology: Labor, race and ITSF 8900. Dissertation advisement in international
ITSF 4092. Qualitative research and evaluation in belief, 150 and transcultural studies, 162
international education, 158 ITSF 5016. Ethnography of the classroom, 150 ITSL 4020. Bilingualism and disabilities, 153
ITSF 4093. Preparation of instructional materials ITSF 5018. Drugs and society, 151 ITSL 4021. Foundations of bilingual/bicultural
for developing countries, 158 ITSF 5020. Practicum in anthropological field education, 153
ITSF 4094. Educational planning in international techniques, 151
educational development, 158, 159, 222 ITSF 5021. Assessment and evaluation in bilingual M
ITSF 4096. Strategic planning and organizational education, 154 MSTC 4000. Science in secondary school, 178,
change in international and national educational ITSF 5022. Administration of bilingual programs, 154 179, 181
settings, 158 ITSF 5023. The family as educator, 158 MSTC 4007. Urban science education Section I, 179
ITSF 4097. International and comparative studies in ITSF 5026. The family and television, 158 MSTC 4008. Urban science education Section II, 179
educational finance, 158, 159, 161 ITSF 5090. Education and demographic change, 158 MSTC 4040. Science in childhood education, 179
ITSF 4098. Educational development and policies in ITSF 5120-ITSF 5123. Education in community MSTC 4042. Multicultural science education as
China, 158 settings, 158 content and pedagogy, 180
ITSF 4121. Bilingual/bicultural curriculum design, ITSF 5430. Internship, 162 MSTC 4043. Science in the environment, 180
152, 153 ITSF 5512. Bilingual and multicultural education MSTC 4044. Biology methods and curriculum labora-
ITSF 4133-4137. Curriculum and methods for bi- program development and change theory, 154 tory, 180
lingual teachers, 152, 153 ITSF 5513. Staff development and change theory, 154 MSTC 4045. Earth science methods, 180
ITSF 4150. Teacher education inquiry: Bilingual/ ITSF 5519. Research in language and literacy I, 159 MSTC 4046. Chemistry curriculum and methods
bicultural education, 153 ITSF 5520. Research in language and literacy II, 159 laboratory, 180, 181
ITSF 4151. Special topics in the economics of ITSF 5550. Workshop in economics and education, 161 MSTC 4047. Physical science curriculum and methods
education, 161 ITSF 5580. Post-colonial studies of education, 158 laboratory, 180
ITSF 4155. Evaluating educational privatization ITSF 5590. Education and the development of MSTC 4048. Structure of science knowledge and
and school choice, 159, 161, 196, 222 nations, 158 curriculum design, 180
ITSF 4190. Communicative practices: Intercultural ITSF 5610. First-year colloquium in applied anthro- MSTC 4049. Middle school living, 180
perspectives, 158, 159 pology, 151 MSTC 4051. Microbial ecology, 180
ITSF 4195. Academic literacies, 158, 159 ITSF 5611. Second-year colloquium in anthropological MSTC 4052. Plant biology, 180
ITSF 4323. Practicum/student teaching, 154 method, 151 MSTC 4054. Human anatomy and physiology, 180
ITSF 4325. Practicum/internship in bilingual/bi- ITSF 5650. Readings in the economics of education,161 MSTC 4055. Concepts in biology, 180
cultural institutions, 154 ITSF 6050. Education and economic development: MSTC 4056-MSTC 4057. Earth science, 180, 181
ITSF 4600. Group studies in educational issues, 161 Advanced topics, 161 MSTC 4059. Concepts in chemistry I, 180

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MSTC 4060. Concepts in chemistry II, 180 MSTM 4760. Student teaching in mathematics, 176 MSTU 4005. Equity, ethical and social issues in
MSTC 4075. Concepts in physics I, 180 MSTM 4820. Basic Java programming I, 161 educational technology, 170
MSTC 4076. Concepts in physics II, 180 MSTM 4821. Basic Java programming II, 164 MSTU 4008. Information technology and education,170
MSTC 4140. Laboratory methods and experiences MSTM 4901. Guided study in mathematics education, MSTU 4010. Theories of communication, 167-170
for elementary school teachers, 179, 180 177 MSTU 4012. Film as art: Introductory, 170
MSTC 4151. Modern principles of evolution, 180 MSTM 5010. Mathematics in the elementary school, MSTU 4016. The history of communication, 168-170
MSTC 4152. Modern concepts in genetics, 180 175, 176 MSTU 4018. Design and communication in modern
MSTC 4153. Invertebrate biology, 181 MSTM 5011. Mathematics in the secondary school, culture, 167-170
MSTC 4363. Introduction to science education 175, 176 MSTU 4022. Telecommunications and distance
practice, 178, 181 MSTM 5012. Mathematics in two- and four-year learning, 167-170, 186
MSTC 4761. Student teaching in science, 181 colleges, 176 MSTU 4023. Cinema as cross-cultural communica-
MSTC 4852. Informal science education, 181 MSTM 5020. Mathematics and multicultural educa- tion, 167-170
MSTC 4902. Guided study in science education, 181 tion, 176 MSTU 4024. TV and the development of youth,
MSTC 5000. Neurocognitive models of information MSTM 5022. Mathematics curriculum development, 168-170
processing, 181 176 MSTU 4028. Technology and culture, 170
MSTC 5041. The nature and practice of science, 181 MSTM 5023. Problem solving, 176 MSTU 4029. Managing educational technology
MSTC 5042. Science, technology and society, 180 MSTM 5027. Numerical methods and computability, resources, 170
MSTC 5044. Selected topics and issues in science 176 MSTU 4030. Computer applications in education,
education, 181 MSTM 5030. Topics in probability theory, 176 170, 186, 209
MSTC 5046. Advanced chemistry methods and MSTM 5031. Topics in the foundations of mathemat MSTU 4031-4032 Programming I, 167-170, 186
curriculum laboratory, 181 ics, 176 MSTU 4035. The computer as an instructional aid, 170
MSTC 5046. Science teacher education, 181 MSTM 5032. Topics in geometry/topology, 176 MSTU 4036. Hypermedia and education, 167-170
MSTC 5047. Science teacher education, 180 MSTM 5033. Topics in algebra, 176 MSTU 4037. Computers and the uses of information
MSTC 5048. Curriculum and pedagogy in science MSTM 5034. Topics in analysis, 176 in education, 170
education, 180 MSTM 5035. Mathematical models in the natural MSTU 4049. Technologies and literacies, 167-169, 171
MSTC 5052. Biochemistry and cell biology, 181 sciences, 176 MSTU 4052. Computers, problem solving and
MSTC 5058. Advanced topics in earth and environ- MSTM 5037. History of mathematics, 176 cooperative learning, 167-169, 171
mental sciences, 181 MSTM 5038. Topics in mathematical logic, 176 MSTU 4080. Television and video applications in
MSTC 5152. Biochemistry and cell biology laboratory, MSTM 5061. Evaluation in mathematics education, education, 171
181 176 MSTU 4083. Instructional design of educational
MSTC 5265. Guided supervision of student teaching MSTM 5126. Mathematical foundations of statistics, technology, 168, 169, 171, 186
in science, 181 176 MSTU 4085. New technologies for learning, 167, 171
MSTC 5552. Protozoan biology seminar, 181 MSTM 5264. Guided supervision of student teaching MSTU 4086. Text understanding and design, 171
MSTC 6401. Internship in science education, 181 in mathematics, 176 MSTU 4133-MSTU 4134. Cognition and computers,
MSTC 6502. History of science education, 180 MSTM 5520. Seminar in the college teaching of 167-169, 171
MSTC 6902. Research and independent study in mathematics, 176 MSTU 4901-MSTU 4904. Research and independent
science education, 181 MSTM 5800-MSTM 5801. Mathematics colloquium, study, 171
MSTC 7501. Dissertation seminar in science educa- 177 MSTU 5005. Case-based teaching electronic environ-
tion, 181 MSTM 5803. TV: Media for mathematics education, ments, 167, 169, 171
MSTC 8901. Dissertation advisement in science 167 MSTU 5020. Computer mediated communication,
education, 181 MSTM 6030. Advanced topics in probability theory, 176 167-169, 171
MSTC 9901. Research and independent study in MSTM 6033. Advanced topics in algebra, 176 MSTU 5025. Research methods: Educational tech-
science education, 181 MSTM 6034. Advanced topics in analysis, 176 nology, 169
MSTM 4005. Teaching mathematics in diverse MSTM 6126. Advanced topics in the mathematical MSTU 5030. Intelligent computer-assisted instruction,
cultures, 176 foundations of statistics, 176 168, 171
MSTM 4019. Mathematics teaching and learning I, 175 MSTM 6400. Internship in mathematics education, 177 MSTU 5031. Programming II, 167-169, 171
MSTM 4020. Mathematics teaching and learning II, 175 MSTM 6500-MSTM 6501. Research seminar in MSTU 5035. Technology and metacognition, 168,
MSTM 4023. Mathematics for exceptional students, mathematics education, 177 169, 171
176 MSTM 6901. Research and independent study in MSTU 5191-MSTU 5192. Educational video
MSTM 4025. Teaching computer mathematics, 175 mathematics education, 177 production I and II, 171
MSTM 4026. Teaching applied mathematics, 175 MSTM 7500. Dissertation seminar in mathematics MSTU 5194. Models of interactive learning, 171
MSTM 4031. Number theory, 176 education, 177 MSTU 5201. Fieldwork, 179
MSTM 4032. Mathematical models in the behavioral MSTM 8900. Dissertation advisement in mathematics MSTU 5510. Topical seminar, 171
sciences, 176 education, 177 MSTU 5515. New media teaching and learning, 171
MSTM 4036. Discrete mathematics, 176 MSTM 9900. Research and independent study in MSTU 5530. Intelligent computer-assisted instruction,
MSTM 4038. Finite mathematics, 176 mathematics education, 177 167
MSTM 4039. Mathematical foundations of program- MSTU 4000. Core seminar in communication, MSTU 5555. Technology and the emergence of a
ming, 166 computing and technology, 170 global curriculum, 167-169, 172

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MSTU 5606. Colloquium on communication and ORLA 4040. Education policy: Implications for ORLA 5532. Program development, and teaching,
education, 168, 169, 172 practice, 203 learning assessment 192, 195, 202
MSTU 5814. Work conference, 172 ORLA 4042. The role of the state in education ORLA 5541. Federal politics, federal policies and
MSTU 6031. Multimedia educational projects, 172 governance, policy and practice, 203 administrators, 204
MSTU 6201-MSTU 6204. Advanced fieldwork, 172 ORLA 4044. Developing and transforming ORLA 5544. Current topics in policy analysis for
MSTU 6401-MSTU 6404. Internship, 172 education, 193, 202 leaders, 196
MSTU 6532. Seminar in cognitive science, 172 ORLA 4045. Restructuring schooling in urban ORLA 5587. Klingenstein seminar for independent
MSTU 6600. Colloquium in Communication, environments, 195, 202 school educators, 202
Computing and Technology in Education, 172 ORLA 4046. School finance: Policy and practice, ORLA 5645. Educational policy: Planning &
MSTU 6901-MSTU 6904. Research and independ- 195, 222, 203 implementation, 204
ent study in Communication, Computing and ORLA 4047. Political policy analysis in education, ORLA 5646. Education policy: Implications for
Technology in Education, 172 196, 203 practice, 195
MSTU 7501-MSTU 7503. Dissertation seminar, ORLA 4048. Education policy: Implementation, ORLA 5689. Klingenstein colloquium: Visiting
172 195, 222, 203 fellows, 201
MSTU 8900. Dissertation advisement, 172 ORLA 4049. Creating a learning community, 195, 203 ORLA 5830. The Klingenstein summer institute, 201
ORLA 4050. Economics of education, 203 ORLA 5880. School Law Institute, 195, 204, 224
O ORLA 4058. Privatization and choice in education, ORLA 6018. Staff personnel administration, 202
ORL 4003. Crisis intervention, 210, 211 195, 196, 203 ORLA 6019. Labor management relations in
ORL 4011. Personnel management in ORLA 4060. Designing charter schools, 202 education, 203
healthcare, 186, 210, 211 ORLA 4070. The analysis of private schools, 202 ORLA 6020. Seminar in management systems,
ORL 4014. Legal issues in healthcare ORLA 4071. The leadership of private schools, 202 193, 203
organizations, 187, 210, 211 ORLA 4086. Law and educational institutions: ORLA 6460 (Fall) Internship in school and school
ORL 4054. Leadership and management in Issues of authority, religion, free speech and district leadership, 192, 195, 196, 201
healthcare organizations, 186, 210, 211 safety, 195, 203, 224 ORLA 6500. Program leadership: Design and
ORL 5000. Methods of inquiry: Ethnography ORLA 4820. Summer institute in management evaluation, 193
and participant observation, 187, 212 systems, 203 ORLA 6540. Topics in urban education policy, 204
ORL 5362. Group dynamics: A systems ORLA 4874. Strategic marketing for academic ORLA 6542. History and politics of urban school
perspective, 186, 195, 215 institutions, 203 reform, 195, 204
ORL 5521. Introduction to research methods in ORLA 4876. School finance: Resource allocation ORLA 6552. Behavioral analysis of leadership, 202
education, 184, 186, 195, 201, 205, 206, 207 for nonprofit organizations, 203 ORLA 6611. Colloquium in organizational behavior, 201
ORL 5551. Ethics for healthcare professionals, ORLA 4900. Research and independent study in ORLA 6621. Colloquium: Management science, 201
187, 210, 211 educational administration, 201 ORLA 6631. Colloquium: Institutional analysis, 201
ORL 6010. Work/family issues, 218, 218 ORLA 5012. Community politics, community ORLA 6641. Colloquium: Policy analysis
ORL 6011. Advanced system management, 210, 211 policies and administrators, 195, 196, 204 and action, 201
ORL 6500. Qualitative research methods in ORLA 5016. Law and educational institutions: ORLA 6900. Research and independent study in
organizations: Design and data collection, Equity issues, 195, 204, 222, 224 educational administration, 201
184, 187, 210, 216 ORLA 5017. Groups and interpersonal behavior, ORLA 7500. Dissertation seminar in educational
ORL 6501. Qualitative research methods in 202, 209 leadership, 201
organizations: Data analysis and reporting, ORLA 5018. Understanding authority and ORLA 7501-ORLA 7503. Research seminar, 201
184, 187, 217 exercising leadership, 202 ORLA 7570. Research in leadership, 201
ORL 6518. Methods of case study and analysis, ORLA 5020. Information systems for decision ORLA 7573. Advanced seminar, 201
184, 201 making in learning organizations, 203 ORLA 8900. Dissertation advisement in
ORLA 4001. Overview of administration, 192, 201 ORLA 5025. Ecology of educational planning and educational leadership, 201
ORLA 4010. Introduction to organization and management, 186, 192, 195, 203 ORLD 4050. Introduction to adult and continuing
change theory in education, 186, 195, 202, 209 ORLA 5029. Supervision of teaching and learning, education, 188
ORLA 4020. Introduction to management systems, 193, 195, 202 ORLD 4051. How adults learn, 187, 188, 206, 207,
195, 196 ORLA 5051. Program leadership: Cases, 201 210, 217
ORLA 4021. Introduction to management ORLA 5052. Program leadership, 202 ORLD 4052. Program development: Assessing
systems, 202 ORLA 5055. School administration and cultural learning needs and evaluating outcomes, 187, 188
ORLA 4022. Introduction to management diversity, 202 ORLD 4053. Facilitating adult learning, 186, 189
systems lab, 195, 202 ORLA 5086. Judicial remedies and educational ORLD 4054. Adult literacy: Critiquing theory and
ORLA 4025. School business administration, 195, reform, 204, 224 practice, 189
197, 203 ORLA 5096. Introduction to special education ORLD 4500. Special topics in higher and adult
ORLA 4030. Ethical issues in educational law, 204, 224 education, 189
leadership, 195, 196, 202 ORLA 5515. Masters seminar in leadership, policy ORLD 4800. Workshop in higher and adult
ORLA 4038-ORLA 4039. Leadership of and politics, 204 education, 186, 189
elementary schools, 201 ORLA 5530. Action research in organizational ORLD 4815. Developing critical thinkers, 189
behavior, 192, 195, 202 ORLD 4827. Fostering transformative learning, 189

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ORLD 4844. Helping adults learn, 189 ORLF 7503. Dissertation seminar, 214 ORLH 6520-ORLH 6521. Advanced seminar in the
ORLD 4900. Research and independent study in ORLF 8900. Dissertation seminar, 214 community college, 206, 208
higher and adult education, 189 ORLH 4010. Purposes and policies of higher educa- ORLH 6550-ORLH 6551. Advanced seminar in
ORLD 5053. Developing and managing adult tion, 205-207 higher education, 206, 208
learning programs, 187, 189 ORLH 4011. Curriculum and instruction, 205-207 ORLH 6552. Advanced seminar in theories of intellec-
ORLD 5055. Staff development and training, 189 ORLH 4012. The community college, 206, 207, 222 tual and ethical development for college students,
ORLD 5056. Adult education social action, 189 ORLH 4020. College and university organization and 208
ORLD 5057. Adult learning and education: administration, 206, 207 ORLH 6556. Educational leadership: Research, art
Theory and practice, 187 ORLH 4022. College personnel policies and practices, and practice, 208
ORLD 5061. The learning organization, 187 207 ORLH 6557-ORLH 6558. Research practices in
ORLD 5062. Human resource development in ORLH 4025. Higher education policy, 206, 207 higher education, 206, 208
organizations, 186, 189 ORLH 4030. The economics of postsecondary educa- ORLH 6900. Research and independent study in higher
ORLD 5065. The learning society, 187-189 tion, 207 education, 209
ORLD 5550. Research on organizational learning, ORLH 4031. Financial administration of higher educa- ORLH 7500. Dissertation seminar higher education, 209
187, 189 tion institutions, 206, 207 ORLH 7900. Directed dissertation research, 209
ORLD 5819. Workplace Learning Institute, 187, 189 ORLH 4040. The American college student, 205, 207 ORLH 8900. Dissertation advisement in higher educa-
ORLD 5900. Research in adult education, 189 ORLH 4041. Student personnel administration: tion, 209
ORLD 6550-ORLD 6551. Advanced seminar in Organization, functions and issues, 205, 207 ORLH 9900. Research and independent study in higher
adult education, 190 ORLH 4042. Student personnel administration: education, 209
ORLD 6557-ORLD 6558. Research practices in adult Programs and services, 205, 207 ORLJ 4002. Functions of organizations, 215, 217, 218
education, 190 ORLH 4043. Developmental academic advisement ORLJ 4005. Organizational psychology, 186, 209, 215,
ORLD 6800. Workshop in adult education: Social programs in colleges and universities, 207 218
action, 188 ORLH 4500. Special topics in higher education, ORLJ 4009. Understanding behavioral research, 184,
ORLD 6900. Research and independent study in 205-207 186, 215, 218
adult education, 190 ORLH 4800. Workshop in higher education, 207 ORLJ 4901. Research and independent study in
ORLD 6902. Proseminar in adult education, 188 ORLH 4820. Cultural diversity training in higher edu- social-organizational psychology, 219
ORLD 6903. Qualitative research, 188 cation settings, 207 ORLJ 5003. Human resource management, 186, 218
ORLD 6906. Program development, 188 ORLH 4830. Transforming the curriculum: Theory ORLJ 5005. Leadership, 186, 216-218
ORLD 6908. Advanced adult education theory, 188 and practice, 207 ORLJ 5012, 5014, 5016, 5020. Special topics in
ORLD 6914. Learning communities I, 188 ORLH 4845. Diversity: Implications for recruitment organizational psychology, 215, 216, 218, 221
ORLD 6915. Learning communities II, 188 and retention, 207 ORLJ 5013. Negotiations in organizations, 216,
ORLD 6916. Learning communities III, 188 ORLH 4900. Research and independent study in higher 218, 221
ORLD 6918. Advanced research, 188 education, 208 ORLJ 5017. Small group intervention: Theory
ORLD 7500. Dissertation seminar adult education, 190 ORLH 5011. College teaching and learning, 206, 207 and method, 186, 216-218
ORLD 7900. Directed dissertation research, 188, 190 ORLH 5021. Patterns of organization and manage- ORLJ 5018. Using survey research in
ORLD 8900. Dissertation advisement in adult ment, 206 organizational consulting, 184, 216-218
education, 188, 190 ORLH 5044. Theories of diversity and higher educa- ORLJ 5019. Databased interventions in organiza-
ORLD 5054. Strategy development as a learning tion, 206, 208 tional change 217
process in organizations, 189 ORLH 5241-ORLH 5242. Observation and super- ORLJ 5040-ORLJ 5041. Research methods in
ORLF 4040. American politics and education, 213 vised fieldwork in higher and postsecondary social psychology, 216-218
ORLF 4042. Comparative politics and education, 213 education, 208 ORLJ 5045. Organizational dynamics and theory,
ORLF 4043. Political thought and education, 213 ORLH 5522. Chief student affairs officer, 205, 208 215, 217, 218
ORLF 5042. Urban politics and education, 213 ORLH 5524. An analysis of student cultures, 208 ORLJ 5046. Intercultural communications, 216-218
ORLF 5044. Modern political theory and ORLH 5525. College student development theories I, ORLJ 5047. Development of the multicultural self,
education, 214 205, 208 217, 219
ORLF 5045. Race, ethnicity and U.S. educational ORLH 5526. The literature of higher education, ORLJ 5049. Executive coaching, 216
policy, 214 206, 208 ORLJ 5106. Psychological aspects of
ORLF 5046. Education and politics in Western ORLH 5527. The college professoriate, 206, 208 organizations, 215, 219
thought, 214 ORLH 5533. Faculty evaluation and development ORLJ 5110. Individual assessment, 217
ORLF 5640. Colloquium on the politics of programming, 208 ORLJ 5147. Conflict resolution in early childhood
education, 214 ORLH 5534. Financial decision making in education, settings, 219, 221
ORLF 5642. Colloquium in political economy 208 ORLJ 5310. Practicum: Preparation for coaching, 216
and education, 214 ORLH 5536. College classroom assessment, 208 ORLJ 5340. Basic practicum in conflict
ORLF 6540. Seminar in politics of education, 214 ORLH 5537. College classroom assessment research, 208 resolution, 187, 192, 195, 215, 217, 219, 221
ORLF 6900. Research and independent study, 214 ORLH 5900. Research on higher education, 208 ORLJ 5362. Group dynamics: A systems perspective, 217
ORLF 6903. Research and independent study, 206 ORLH 6511. Coordinating seminar in higher educa- ORLJ 5540-ORLJ 5541. Proseminar in social and
ORLF 6940. Studies in politics and education, 214 tion, 206, 208 organizational psychology, 217, 219

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ORLJ 6040. Fundamentals of cooperation, conflict ORLN 6522. Policy formation and governance in
resolution, and mediation in different healthcare, 187, 210, 212
institutional contexts, 187, 215, 217, 221 ORLN 6540. Dissertation design
ORLJ 6045. Demography in organizations, 217, 219 development, 210, 211
ORLJ 6048. Teaching to cultural and cognitive com- ORLN 6541. Advanced dissertation design
plexities, 216, 217, 219 development, 210, 211
ORLJ 6244. Fieldwork in organization ORLN 6615. Colloquium in nursing
consulting, 217, 219 administration, 210, 212
ORLJ 6340-6342, 6344-6349. Research ORLN 6635. Colloquium in nursing education,
practicum in social-organizational 210, 212
psychology, 217, 219, 221 ORLN 6908. Independent study in professional
ORLJ 6343. Practicum in change and consultation nursing, 211
in organizations, 215-217, 219 ORLN 6910. Independent study in nursing
ORLJ 6349. Process consultation, 217 administration, 212
ORLJ 6350. Advanced practicum in conflict ORLN 6930. Independent study in nursing
resolution, 187, 216, 217, 219, 221 education, 212
ORLJ 6351. Multi-level theory in organizations, 217 ORLN 6940. Independent study in nursing
ORLJ 6640. Social-organizational psychology research, 211
colloquium, 217, 219 ORLN 7500. Dissertation seminar in nursing, 210, 211
ORLJ 6901. Advanced research and independent ORLN 7900. Directed dissertation research, 210, 211
study in social-organizational psychology, 219 ORLN 8900. Dissertation advisement in nursing, 212
ORLJ 7501. Dissertation seminar, 217, 219
ORLJ 8900. Dissertation advisement in
social-organizational psychology, 217, 219
ORLN 4001. Contemporary issues in nursing, 211
ORLN 4004. Historical trends in nursing, 211
ORLN 4005. Theories of nursing, 210, 211
ORLN 4013. Fiscal management of the nursing
organization, 187, 210, 212
ORLN 4050. Health problems and issues in
society, 210, 211
ORLN 5000. Nursing science, 210, 211
ORLN 5005. Interdisciplinary theory in
nursing, 210, 211
ORLN 5010. Administration of a nursing
organization, 210, 212
ORLN 5011. Designing, planning, and monitoring
the nursing care system, 210, 212
ORLN 5013. Informatics in nursing, 186, 210, 212
ORLN 5040. Methods in nursing research, 210, 211
ORLN 5043. Nursing research development, 210, 211
ORLN 5212. Fieldwork in executive nursing
management, 212
ORLN 5530. Seminar: Clinical teaching and
evaluation, 187, 210, 212
ORLN 5908. Independent study in professional
nursing, 211
ORLN 5910. Independent study in nursing
administration, 212
ORLN 6014. Managing the socially responsible
organization, 187, 210, 212
ORLN 6212. Advanced study in nursing administra-
tion, 212
ORLN 6501. Seminar in professional nursing, 210, 211
ORLN 6511. Innovations in nursing
management, 187, 210, 212
ORLN 6514. Marketing nursing programs and
services, 187, 210, 212

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General Index
A Professional Education of Teachers, E
Academic Calendar, 4, 5 Center for, 271 Early Childhood Education, 83
Academic Discipline, 297 Reading and Writing Project, Teachers Early Childhood and Policy, 223
Administration of Special Education, 118 College, 274 Early Childhood Special Education, 83, 85
Admission Application Information Research Center for Arts and Culture, 274
Economics and Education, 160
and Deadlines, 265 Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching
Economics and Policy, 223
Adult Education Guided Intensive (NCREST), National Center for, 273
Education Leadership, 190, 200
Study (AEGIS), 187 Rita Gold Early Childhood Center, 275
Education Leadership and Management, 191
Adult Learning and Leadership, 185 School Law Institute, 274
American Sign Language as a Education Policy, 221
Speech and Hearing Center,
Foreign Language, 128 E-mail Accounts, 278
Edward D. Mysak, 49, 57, 272
Anthropology and Education, 148 Study of the Family as Educator, Elbenwood Elementary/Childhood Education (Preservice), 87
Applied Anthropology, 148 Center for the, 274 Elementary/Childhood Education and Teaching
Applied Behavior Analysis, 118 Study of Privatization in Education, National Students with dis/Abilities, 88
Applied Educational Psychology, 101, 132 Center for, 273 English and English Education, Teaching of, 36
Applied Linguistics, 10
Technology and School Change, Center for, 271
Applied Physiology, 48 F
Urban and Minority Education,
Applied Physiology and Nutrition, 112, 116
Institute for, 272 Faculty, 229-263
Applied Statistics, 140
Urban Science Education Center, 275 Family and Community Education, 223
Art and Art Education, 14
Certification of Part-Time/Full-Time Family Housing, 269
Arts Administration, 19
Attendance, 286 Financial Aid, 288-294
Audiology, 56
Change in Registration and Withdrawal, 286
Clinical Neuropsychology, 56, 104 G
Bilingual/Bicultural Education, 151 Clinical Psychology, 64 Gifted Education, 89
Blindness and Visual Impairment, 118 Cognitive Studies in Education, 132
Grades, 296
Columbia University Library System, 276
Guidance and Habilitation, 118
C Communication and Education, 165
Career Services, 281 Comparative and International Education, 154
Centers and Institutes: Computing in Education, 165
Health Education, 106
Accelerated Schools Center, 271 Computing and Information Services (CIS), 278
Health Services and Insurance, 281
Adult Education, Center for, 271 Conflict Resolution, 221
Hearing Impairment (see Deaf and
African Education Center for, 272 Continuing Education (see Center for Educational
Hard of Hearing)
Arts Education Research, Center for, 271 Outreach and Innovation)
HEGIS Codes, 299, 300
Children and Families, National Center for, 273 Counseling Psychology, 68
Chinese Education, Center on, 272 Higher and Postsecondary Education, 204
Course Numbering, 227
Community College Research Center, 272 History and Education, 21
Cross-Categorical Studies, 118
Cooperation and Conflict Resolution, Housing, 268
Curriculum and Teaching, 81
International Center for, 221, 273 Curriculum and Teaching in
Creative Arts Laboratory, 272 Physical Education, 48, 53 I
Education and the Economy, Institute on, 273 Immunization, 281
Educational and Psychological D Inquiry in Education Leadership Practice, 194
Services, Center for, 271 Dance and Dance Education, 21 Instructional Practice in Special Education, 118
Educational Outreach and Innovation, Instructional Technology and Media, 165
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 118
Center for, 221, 274 Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 224
Degree Requirements, 283
Health Promotion, Center for, 271 International Educational Development, 154
Department of:
Hollingworth Center, 272 Inter-University Doctoral Consortium, 295
Arts and Humanities, 9
J.M. Huber Institute for Learning in International Services, 281
Biobehavioral Sciences, 47
Organizations, 273 International Students, 255, 293
Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 63
International Studies, Institute of, 272
Curriculum and Teaching, 77 Internships, 289
Klingenstein Center for Independent School
Health and Behavior Studies, 99
Education, 275
Learning Technologies, Institute for, 272 Human Development, 131 K
International and Transcultural Studies, 147 Kinesiology, 49
National Center for the Study of Privatization in
Education (NCSPE), 273 Mathematics, Science and Technology, 163
New Teacher Academy, Teachers College, 274 Organization and Leadership, 183 L
Opportunities and Outcomes for People with Developmental Psychology, 137 Language, Literacy and Technology, 156
Disabilities, Center for, 271 Disability Services (see Office of Access and Law and Educational Institutions, 224
Peace Education Center, 274 Services for Individuals with Disabilities) Leadership, Policy and Politics, 223
Professional Development Schools Disability Studies in Education, 83 Learning dis/Abilities, 88, 92
Partnership, 275 Diversity and Community, Office of, 280 Library, 275

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Mathematics Education, 172 Safety and Security, 282
Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics, 140 Scholarships and Grants, 289
Mental Retardation, 118 School Psychology, 102
Motor Learning, 48 Science Education, 177
Movement Sciences and Education, 48 Severe or Multiple dis/Abilities, 118
Music and Music Education, 22 Social Studies, 31
Social-Organizational Psychology, 214
N Sociology and Education, 143
Neuroscience and Education, 55 Spanish, Teaching of, 46
New York State and New York City Certification Special Education:
of Teachers and Administrators, 276 Administration of Special Education, 118
Nondiscriminatory Statement of Policy, 298 Applied Behavior Analysis, 118
Nurse Executive, 209 Blindness and Visual Impairment, 118
Nursing Education, 110 Cross-Categorical Studies, 118
Nutrition and Public Health, 112 Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 118
Nutrition Education, 112 Early Childhood Special Education, 83, 85
Gifted Education, 89
O Guidance and Habilitation, 118
Office of Access and Services for Individuals Instructional Practice in Special Education, 118
with Disabilities, 281 Learning dis/Abilities, 88, 92
Other Areas of Interest, 221 Mental Retardation, 118
Physical Disabilities, 118
P Research in Special Education, 118
Payment Options, 287 Severe or Multiple dis/Abilities, 118
Peace Corps Fellows Program, 278 Supervision of Special Education, 118
Philosophy and Education, 28 Speech and Language Pathology, 56
Physical Disabilities, 118 Student Aid, 289
Physical Education, 48, 54 Student Conduct Code, 297
Politics and Education, 213 Student Senate, 281
Postdoctoral Studies, 285 Student Services, 280
Private School Leadership, 191 Student Teaching and Prerequisites, 277
Program Codes, 226, 227 Supervision of Special Education, 118
Psychological Counseling, 72
Psychology: T
Applied Psychology, 74 Teacher Education Programs, 276
Clinical Psychology, 64 Teacher Opportunity Corps, 278
Counseling Psychology, 68 Teachers College Press, 276
Developmental Psychology, 137 Teaching of American Sign Language (ASL), 128
Educational Psychology Teaching of English, 36
(see Cognitive Studies in Education) Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Psychological Counseling, 72 (TESOL), 41, 46
Psychology in Education, 74 Teaching Students with dis/Abilities, 88, 92
School Psychology, 102 Touchtone Services, 286
Social-Organizational Psychology, 214 Transfer Credit, 267
Public School Leadership, 191
Tuition and Fees, 287

Reading Specialist, 101 Urban Education, 225
Recreation and Fitness, 281
Registration Procedures, 286 V
Religion and Education, 31 Visiting Scholars, 295
Research Fellowships, 290
Research in Special Education, 118 W
Residence Halls Information, 268 Withdrawal from Classes, 286, 288

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 317

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Columbia University: The Morningside Campus & Environs


at Columbia


318 www.tc.columbia.edu General Information: (212) 678-3000

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The Morningside Heights Area of New York City
West 132nd Street

West 131st Street

West 130th Street

St. Clair Place West 129th Street


Broadway IRT Subway on elevated tracks

560 Riverside Drive

West 128th Street

Tiemann Place We
st 1
2 6th West 127th Street
St r
We e et
st 1
2 5th

La Salle Street
Riverside Drive East
e West


Riverside Driv


West 123rd Street


West 122nd Street

West 121st Street

Claremont Avenue

Manhattan Avenue
West 120th Street

Morningside Avenue
West 119th Street MORNINGSIDE PARK
Henry Hudson Parkway

West 118th Street


IRT Subway

West 116th Street College Walk West 116th Street

West 115th Street

West 114th Street

Amsterdam Avenue

West 113th Street

in gsid
e Dri


Cathedral Church of
West 112th Street St. John the Divine
Bank Street Burgess
Athletic Field


West 111th Street

Cathedral Parkway (West 110th Street)
The School at oClumbia

West 109th Street


West 108th Street

Teachers College Columbia University 2005-2006 319

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