S 000 5310 001 (Structual)
S 000 5310 001 (Structual)
S 000 5310 001 (Structual)
Table of Contents
Contents Page
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Sohar Refinery Expansion Project
Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
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Sohar Refinery Expansion Project
Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
This specification covers the minimum requirements for the design of steel structures and concrete
foundations and structures, e.g. equipment supporting structures, pipe racks, platforms and buildings
(defined as a closed concrete or steel structure).
For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall hold:
Term Definition
CLIENT : Oman Refineries and Petrochemicals Company LLC.
CONSULTANT : Private or Public entity that provides the Services to the Client
under the Contract for this project.
The following specifications, codes (including applicable addenda) and standards shall constitute the
minimum requirements for this specification. The latest edition of codes, standards, etc., shall be used.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
BS 4 - Part 1 (2005) Structural Steel Sections - Specification for Hot Rolled Sections
BS EN 1993 (2005) Design of Steel structures - Eurocode 3
Design of Steel structures - Crane Supporting Structures-
BS EN 1993-6 (2007)
Eurocode 3
BS EN 1996 (2006) Design of Masonry Structures - Eurocode 6
BS 5744 (1979) Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes
BS EN 1991 (2005) Actions on Structures Eurocode 1
BS EN 1997 (2004) Geotechnical Design Eurocode 7
Design of Concrete Structures Liquid Retaining and Containing
BS EN 1992-3 (2006)
Structures Eurocode 2
BS EN 1992-1 & 2 (2004) Design of Concrete Structures Eurocode 2
BS EN 10025-2 (2004) Hot Rolled Products of Structural Steels-Part 2
Code of Practice for Foundations for Machinery - Foundations for
CP 2012 1 (1974)
reciprocating machines
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
ASTM A615/615M (2006) Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bars
for Concrete Reinforcement
ASTM A775/775M (2006) Standard Specification for Epoxy-coated Reinforcing Steel Bars
ASTM A884/884M (2006) Standard Specification for Epoxy-coated Steel Wire and Welded
Wire Reinforcement
ANSI/API Specification 5L Specification for Line Pipe
ACI 301 (2010) Specification for Structural Concrete
ACI 318/318M (2008) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
ACI 306R (2010) Guide to Hot Weather Concreting
ACI 350R (2001) Environmental Engineering for Concrete Structures
ACI 543R (R 2005) Design, Manufacture and Installation of Concrete Piles
4.6 In case of conflict between above-mentioned codes and standards and this specification,
CONTRACTOR shall inform CLIENT, who will advise.
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Sohar Refinery Expansion Project
Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Units shall be in accordance with the metric (SI) system:
Pipe size (for e.g. davits) measurements shall be to the ANSI (American National Standards
For simplification purposes, one (1) kg weight may be taken as equal to 10 N (0.010 kN).
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
All structural concrete shall be Grade 30, with a characteristic compressive strength of 30MPa (cylinder
based) after twenty-eight (28) days, except where otherwise specified herein or on the design
Concrete strength shall be in accordance with ACI 318/318M (2008).
Proposed concrete mix:
Final mix to be established by CONTRACTOR
Concrete mix type
Grade-A Grade-B Grade-C
Type of Elevated structures Fireproofing Leveling Concrete
structures Piles
Equipment Foundation
Open ditches
Slope protection
30.0MPa 30.0MPa 14.0MPa
strength of
concrete, fc
Water Cement
0.42 0.45 - -
cement weight 370 - -
(kg/m )
Note 1) Compressive strength shall be that by cylinder specimen at 28 days.
All grout shall be high strength cement based non-shrink flow grout.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Epoxy grout shall only be applied when specified by equipment vendors/manufacturers (e.g. for rotating
The design shall be based on the codes and standards as stipulated in Section 4.0 of this specification.
The design shall be checked against the various combinations indicated in APPENDIX A of this
specification, with the following components:
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Sohar Refinery Expansion Project
Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Beams/Frames under exchangers and horizontal vessels, both saddles shall be supported on
identical beams with equal settlements/deflections.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Supporting members for travelling cranes Power operated 25% 20% 10%
Manually operated 15% 10% 10%
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Note: This live load applies only to platforms and floor slabs in areas where the possibility exists of the
flooring or slab being subjected to a concentrated load from either equipment parts or heavy
Live loads in buildings shall be according ANSI/ASCE 7 (2010) and engineering specification
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
When hydrostatic pressure testing of equipment is required at site and more than one vessel, etc. is
supported by one structure, the structure shall be designed on the basis that only one vessel will be
tested at any one time, and that the others will be empty.
However, when the possibility of other combinations exists, e.g. test of more vessels at the same time or
tests of one vessel and other(s) in operation, then these combinations have to be considered in the
Maintenance loads shall be considered in design, but shall be limited to reasonable combination of
operations, i.e.:
a. In designing a structure with more than one maintenance load, consideration shall be limited to
one crane or trolley load.
b. In designing skeleton frame-type structures, maintenance loads shall be combined with reduced
wind effects, i.e. 50% wind.
Non-shrink cementitious
ready-mixed grout : 10 N/mm2
Maximum allowable horizontal displacement for structures and columns shall be:
Pipe racks and open structures : H/200
Closed structures : H/500 overall and h/300 (each story)
H = height of structure.
h = height of one storey
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Unless otherwise specified the ratio of effective length to the appropriate radius of gyration shall not
exceed 180 for Primary members and 250 for Secondary members..
8.8.1 General
In general, pipe racks consist of rigid main frames in transverse direction (longitudinally spaced as
required) and connected with longitudinal beams, which will transfer horizontal loads to braced
anchor bays.
For small pipes intermediate beams in transverse direction, supported by longitudinal beams, may
be introduced. Diagonal bracing in rigid main frames is not permitted unless required for special
design considerations. In longitudinal direction, pipe rack shall be divided into approximately 40 m
long sections, with an anchor bay, by means of sliding joints (at one end of the section only) at
longitudinal beams.
Pipe racks shall be designed in relation to actual piping arrangement and line sizes and for all
piping loading conditions, and any other additional loads as from equipment (e.g. de-aerators and
air coolers), cable trays, and platforms all as described below:
Weight of piping
For design, a basic uniform distributed average pipe load P (kN/m2) per level shall be determined
as total weight of actual pipes divided by the pipe rack width:.
Pipe loads from pipes of extreme line sizes in relation to the average sizes shall be taken into
account separately as concentrated load.
In case of a fluid tested gas pipe hydrostatic test Load (e) shall be considered.
Free space on a pipe rack shall be assumed to carry the same average load as the covered part of
the rack.
Special loading, maximum deflection of beams, etc., may be required by the piping engineering
group, that will necessitate using special sections or details, such as bracing, extra beams, etc.
q (kN/m1) = P x l
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
When intermediate support beams are introduced, these beams shall be designed for a
uniform distributed load intensity equal to 1/3 q. At the same time, the uniform distributed load
on the main transverse beams will be reduced to 2/3 q.
For vertical loads, the transverse beams are normally considered laterally restrained by the
supported piping.
Pipe rack and supports shall be designed to resist the friction and anchor forces induced by the
a) Friction forces shall be assumed as a resultant longitudinal friction force equal to 5% of the
total pipe weight tributary to that pipe support (beam) of carrying more than three lines, 10% for
supports (beams) carrying two or three lines and 20% for supports carrying one line (applied to
the top flange of subject member). Friction forces are transferred to the anchor frames by the
longitudinal beams of the pipe rack. These friction forces will not be transferred to the
b) Pipe anchor loads shall be supplied by the pipe stress and support group.
Anchor forces are transferred to the anchor frames by the longitudinal beams of the pipe rack.
For beams subjected to above-mentioned horizontal friction or anchor forces 50% of the minor
axis section modules shall be used. Therefore torsion does not need to be considered.
For pipe racks, a concentrated load of 10 kN at mid span shall be applied to all lowest main
beams and an axial load of 10 kN has to be applied to each pipe rack stanchion (contingency
loads). Above loads shall not be transferred to the foundations.
For wind on overhead pipe racks, the projected height of pipes (HWP) per layer for wind in
cross direction shall be:
HWP = DP + W tan 10, however, HWP need not to be more than the distance between the
pipe layers.
In addition to lateral wind load on pipe layers, the wind load on one longitudinal pipe rack frame
shall be taken into account.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
For vertical loads, the longitudinal beams are normally considered laterally restrained by the
intermediate beams.
Horizontal forces per pipe layer at the anchor bays shall be determined as follows:
Ha = Resulting force of friction forces and pipe anchor loads as described above
= normally 5% of the operating pipe weight.
This force has to be verified with the pipe stress and support group and
shall be distributed to the foundations
In addition wind loads on columns shall be considered, the columns shall be calculated with
shape factor Cpe = 2.0.
Hwl /2 Anchorbay
+ n x Fc
Hwl /2
+ n x Fc Anchorbay
where :
Fc = Acolumn * pe * Cpe
n = number of column on one row between braced bays.
L = the total length of a section between sliding connections.
In case of concrete frames without anchor-bay, the wind loads will be distributed from the
longitudinal beams to the columns.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
8.9.1 Definition
Heavy machinery is any equipment having reciprocating or rotary masses as major moving parts (such
as rotary compressors, pumps, fans, engines and turbines), with a total rotating weight in excess of
1350 kg.
The basic principles of design involve:
a) The determination of the natural frequencies of the system (machinery plus foundation), to
ensure that these frequencies are outside the range of 0.8 to 1.2 times the operating frequencies
of the machinery. In case this is impossible, resonance shall be considered. An reasonable
estimate for damping will then be required.
b) The natural frequency of the supporting structure shall not coincide with any resonant frequency
of the equipment.
c) The suppression of vibration amplitudes to acceptable limits.
d) The provision of sufficient strength and rigidity to maintain equipment alignment and to prevent
failures due to fatigue or overstressing, caused by imposed piping forces and thermal distortions.
e) The provisions for adequate foundation bearing capacity and acceptable settlement.
The vibration amplitudes shall not exceed the lower of the following values:
The maximum allowable values stated by manufacturer of the equipment.
The amplitude (single amplitude) which causes the effective velocity of vibration to exceed:
a) 2 mm/s at the location of the machine bearing housings.
b) 2.5 mm/s at any location of the structure.
The dynamic amplitudes of any part of the foundation including any reciprocating compressor
shall be less than 80 x 10-6 m single amplitude (160 x 10-6 m peak-to-peak).
Note: In the case of a purely sinusoidal function, the effective velocity is 0.71 times the peak value of
the velocity.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
8.10.1 General
Buildings shall not be located within 30 m of a potential blast source. Buildings located within 120 m
from a potential blast source, shall be designed to withstand loads resulting from any one of the
following conditions:
Blast pressure equivalent to a static uniform distributed load (UDL) of q1 kPa, acting on exterior
surfaces. Condition 1A, 1B or 1C shall be considered (see below).
Suction pressure equivalent to a static uniform distributed load (UDL) of q2 kPa, acting on all
external surfaces. Condition 2 (see below).
Values of q1 and q2 depend on the distance from the blast source, as shown in the table below. Values
given are ultimate design values.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Condition 2
UDL equal to q2 kPa.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
45 to 60 15 5
60 to 75 10 3
75 to 150 5 2
8.10.4 Openings
Minimise openings in the building enclosure and locate openings away from the blast source.
Windows, if unavoidable, shall be limited in size to maximum 0.25 m per window. The total
glazed area shall not exceed 7% of the wall area. Windows shall be provided with special
Select external doors, louvers and similar items, together with their frames, capable of
withstanding the pressures given in paragraph 8.10.1. Do not use glass panels in these doors.
Provide at least two personnel access doors, located away from each other and where possible
not in opposite walls. Size equipment doors for manoeuvring factory-fabricated items like
control panels into or out of the building.
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Document Title: Document No. Rev:
Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
10.1.1 Structures shall be designed such that the surfaces of all parts will be accessible for inspection,
cleaning and painting.
10.2.1 Platforms, stairs and ladders shall be provided for access to all major equipment requiring operator's
regular attention, servicing, inspection and maintenance. Basic platform layouts and elevations and
location of stairs and ladders are given on piping layout drawings.
10.2.2 Connecting walkways and access platforms for servicing other parts of equipment shall have a clear
width not less than 750 mm. However, in case this space is not available, the minimum allowable clear
width is 600 mm.
10.2.3 The minimum width of walkways over ground level pipe tracks shall be 750 mm.
10.2.4 Platforms with areas greater than 25 m2 and subject to fire hazard shall have at least two exits at
opposite ends or corners. Main escape routes from all main operating platforms shall be via walkways
and stairs.
10.2.6 Platform connections to vessels shall be as per standard drawings, unless otherwise shown on the
design drawings.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
Design of platforms shall be in such way that the total rotation of the platforms is not more then
1800. In case the platform exceeds 1800 splicing with additional splice angles shall be shown.
Platform connections to vessels shall be as per standard drawings, unless otherwise shown on
the design drawings.
Location of brackets and ladder clips shall be carefully checked in relation to weld seams,
vessel-shell stiffeners rungs and fireproofing.
Center-line of ladder-rung has to stay 200 mm clear of any obstruction, including vessel
Sloping ladders, used for vessels with more than one diameter or a sloping skirt, shall
preferably follow the slope of the vessel skirt, but shall never be more than 10 towards the
centre line of the vessel.
All clip loads not being as per standard drawing shall be clearly noted on the drawing to enable
the vendor doing his vessel design.
All brackets and platform members not meeting the maximum loading requirements from
standard drawing, shall be proven by design.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
10.3.2 Stairways shall be constructed of standard channel stringers with open grating treads
(see par 10.5.8).
10.4.2 Stairways, platforms and walkways shall be provided with hand railing except as mentioned below
and/or as called for on the design drawings.
10.4.3 For walkways over ground level pipe tracks and for walkways with a height up to 1200 mm and their
steps, hand-railing shall be provided on one side. For walkways higher than 1200 mm, hand-railing
shall be provided on both sides.
10.4.5 Toe-plate shall be provided on the edge of platforms where hand-railing is omitted to provide
maintenance or operating space for equipment, valves, etc. The same applies to ladder entries on
10.4.6 All hand-rail shall be permanent hand-rail. If removable hand railing is required for ergonomic reasons it
shall be clearly indicated on design drawings.
10.5.2 Raised pattern type flooring shall be used instead of open grating flooring where handling of solids is
10.5.3 All flooring shall be fixed, unless noted otherwise on the design drawings (removable panels).
10.5.5 All floor panels shall be spliced (in span direction) near cut-outs to prevent locking in position by piping,
conduit or other equipment.
10.5.6 Minimum diameter pipe opening through the flooring shall be the greater of the following hole
Diameter hole = pipe diameter including insulation + 50 mm or diameter hole = flange diameter +
20 mm.
10.5.7 Toe-plates shall be welded to flooring around holes and cut-outs and at places where hand-railing is
omitted (see 10.4.5). Height of toe-plate shall be 60 mm above top of flooring.
10.5.8 Grating
Grating and stair treads shall be hot-dip galvanized and shall be approved by CLIENT.
Grating shall be factory made open type grating. Bearing bars shall be 25 mm x 5 mm strip.
Bearing bars shall be spaced 30 mm on centre, and cross bars shall be spaced 100 mm on
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
centre. All floor grating panels shall have closed ends with end bearing bars having the same
size as the bearing bars.
Stair treads shall be galvanized serrated grating.
Unsupported bearing bars at holes and cut-outs shall be trimmed by a steel strip (toe-plate).
Connections of grating panels shall be done with minimum four bolted clamps. At large grating
panels minimum four panels clamps per square meter to be provided. Clamps shall be hot-dip
10.6.1 Trolley beams shall be provided for handling exchanger heads, tube bundles, blower and compressor
casings, rotors and cylinders, etc., when such equipment is not accessible from grade with mobile
lifting equipment.
10.6.2 Trolley beams, crane ways and their supports shall be designed for the heaviest load (including impact)
they may be required to handle.
10.6.3 Where multiple trolley beams are required, a travelling crane may be provided instead of trolley beams.
10.6.6 Trolley beams shall be designed, tested and certified in accordance with regulatory requirements.
10.7.1 Structures shall be designed such that the surfaces of all parts will be accessible for inspection,
cleaning and painting.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
11.1.1 All elevations shall refer to Project Reference Plant Datum Elevation EL +100.000m which equals
4.00m above Mean Sea Level (MSL). High Point Paving (HPP) Plot Area is EL +101.000m which
equals 5.00m above Mean Sea Level (MSL).
11.1.2 Standard dimension to underside base plate above high point of paving, shall be:
Vertical Equipment : 150 mm
Horizontal pumps : 200 mm (except otherwise dictated)
Structural steel columns : 150 mm (does not apply to buildings)
High point roads : 200 mm (unless noted otherwise on the drawings)
For non-inspectable surfaces after placement of concrete, cover has to be increased with 5 mm.
11.3.1 The clear distance between individual bars shall not be less than:
1.3 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate.
Twice the diameter of the bar or the diameter of the immersion vibrator.
50 mm for bars in walls.
11.3.2 The center-to-center distance of individual bars shall not be more than:
150 mm - For main bars in beams where bending moments are maximum.
250 mm - For bars in slabs.
- For bars in walls.
- For mild steel stirrups in beams.
300 mm - For longitudinal bars in columns.
- For horizontal side bars in beams.
- For high yield stirrups in beams.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
400 mm - For any other bars not mentioned above, provided the cross bars are
spaced at not more than 250 mm.
11.5.3 Expansion joints and joints around equipment in concrete paving shall be formed with an approved
filler. A compound with the required resistance shall seal the joint as per manufacturer's written
instructions. Selection of joint sealer material with respect to chemical resistance (regarding possible
spills) shall be verified with process engineering.
11.5.4 Water stop in joints (type and size) shall be shown on the construction drawings. Practical installation
of water stop shall be considered during selection of material and installation shall be as per supplier's
written instructions.
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
11.6.2 Anchor bolts subject to uplift or vibration shall be locked with a washer and two nuts.
11.6.3 Anchor bolts shall have a minimum distance of three times the bolt diameter from the centreline of bolts
to edge of concrete, but not less than 100 mm. Minimum distance between edge of sleeves and
concrete shall be 75 mm.
11.6.5 Anchor bolts shall be designed for working stresses, in tension and shear, and in addition for
shear/crushing strength of concrete. Embedded length of anchor bolts and pipe sleeves shall be
11.6.6 Anchor bolts set in concrete and subject to shear loads shall have such loads transferred to the
concrete as follows:
a. When combined with compressive loads, the shear loads shall be transferred to the concrete by
friction or by allowable anchor bolt shear or by means of a shear stub, welded underneath the base
plate of the steel column and embedded in the concrete.
b. When combined with tensile loads ("uplift"), the shear load shall be transferred to the concrete by
the anchor- bolts or a shear stub welded underneath the base plate of the steel column and
embedded in the concrete.
11.7.1 Unless otherwise specified, all inserted and embedded items shall be weldable structural steel in
accordance with ASTM A36/36M, or Grade S235JR in accordance with BS EN 10025-Part 2, as
They shall be accurately located or templated in and be securely anchored prior to placing concrete.
11.7.2 At sliding ends of vessels and horizontal exchangers, sets of plain steel plates or plain steel plates shall
be provided. In order to reduce the horizontal force due to friction at sliding ends, sets of PTFE bonded
steel plates may be provided.
11.8.1 Grout shall be used under all base plates of equipment and structures, where a uniform bearing
surface is required for the transfer of loads into the foundation.
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Operating + Wind/
1.5 1.2 1.1
Note: Ground water Table at time of soilinvestigation = M.S.L. (Mean Sea Level) + 3.0 m. See
geotechnical investigation report on soil investigation and foundation advice, document D-000-5311-
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
a. Weight of structure P x x x x
b. Weight of equipment P
category I x x x x
P = Permanent load
V = Variable load
Notes: 1. The load combinations given above shall be regarded as supplementary to those
required by the local codes. The most stringent requirements shall govern.
3. The weight of the equipment as shipped, excluding the weight of all parts that are field
installed after erection. For field assembled equipment, it shall be the minimum weight of
the complete shells, excluding the weight of all internal and external parts, fireproofing,
4. Live load shall be taken into account only when this is an unfavorable case.
5. The effect of wind forces acting on temporary scaffolding erected during construction or
for subsequent maintenance which will be transferred to the vessel or column shall be
considered. When considering these effects, the actual projected area of the scaffold
members together with the correct shape factor and drag coefficient should be used. As
an initial approximation, the overall width of the scaffolding itself can be taken as 1.5 m
on each side of the vessel or column with 50% closed surface and shape factor 1.
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6. Structures should not be designed for blast-design load, earthquake and wind load
occurring simultaneously.
8. Wind load on equipment shall include an allowance for piping and platforms. In case the
data is not given on data sheet from mechanical, the design diameter shall be greater
than the actual diameter D, as indicated in tables 1 & 2 below and a shape factor 1.
9. Soil loads, fluids loads and differential settlement loads shall be taken as permanent
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Specification for Civil/Structural Design S-000-5310-001 2
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