You'Re Future: of City'S History
You'Re Future: of City'S History
You'Re Future: of City'S History
he inscription of tation on the pols, a conser-
5.34 sq km area of vation plan for the wooden
Walled City by Un-
O ver the years, Ahmedabad has
earned a reputation of being a
communally polarized city. The
havelis, completion and im-
plementation of key compo-
esco as the coun- city has secured the World nents of management sys-
trys first World Heritage Heritage site status largely due to tem, revision of boundary
City filled Amdavadis and its unique architecture which has and buffer zone to connect
people across the country a strong mix of Hindu-Islamic the city to the river and a
with tremendous pride and influences. Its time for all heritage impact assessment
joy. This is the third world Amdavadis to emulate the with new buildings coming
heritage inscription from architecture and weave together a up in the vicinity that can Manek Nath temple Sarkhej Roza
Bhadra Kali temple
Gujarat after Champaner- harmonious fabric to reclaim the affect the authenticity and
Pavagadh and Ranki Vav in glory of the city. integrity of the world herit-
Patan. age city.
But the announcement
also brings with it a pro-
found sense of responsibil-
ity and duty upon the mu-
ICOMOS in its presenta-
tion had said, While the
key monuments are ade-
However, municipal com-
missioner Mukesh Kumar
claimed that with the special
purpose vehicle for heritage
Walled City ecstatic, seeks
nicipal body and Amadvadis
to collaborate and conserve
the precious heritage. On
Saturday, Unescos
quately protected, ICOMOS
considers that there are
many buildings that make
citys distinctive forms of
projects in place, more funds
in the form of PPP and CSR
can be used for protection of
dilapidated properties.
conservation push
think-tank Interna- pol and puras are vul- Sahitya Akademi winner TIMES NEWS NETWORK
tional Council on nerable Esther David told TOI, By
Monuments and and are receiving this honour, we as t was a moment of great pride
Sites (ICOMOS), not yet a city have the responsibil- for thousands of citizens of
which had inspect- sufficiently ity of looking after it. I feel traditional pols of the city on
ed Ahmedabads d o c u - the Walled City needs to be Saturday night when the Walled
Walled City in Sep- mented. spruced up a little as visi- City of Ahmedabad was in-
tember last year, ICOMOS tors may now stream in. But scribed as a Unesco World Herit-
had differed demanded more important is that citi- age City for its unique architec-
Ahmedabads in- implemen- zens and municipal author- ture, way of life, and 600 years of
scription while tation of ity should jointly organize history interspersed with multi-
raising concerns on conser- local area plan, heritage events to take the Walled ple rulers and religions, and en-
vation and management conservation plan and visi- City to its people and the riched by the catalysis of con-
plan and had even offered tors plan on Saturday. country and bring back the stant social change.
Ahmedabad help. While mentioning a dead- glory of the Walled City. Desai ni Pol in Khadia cele-
Celebration at Desai ni Pol
brated the accomplishment by
distributing sweets on Sunday
morning as elders rejoiced at the
significance of the title. Later, a
cake was cut at Heritage House
of Jagdip Mehta. Prominent citi- zens will be encouraged to par- of the area known for political
zens celebrated the occasion. ticipate in heritage conserva- and social leaders Many re-
This was a long-awaited rec- tion. search opportunities are avail-
ognition. We celebrated with fire- We now have to ensure that able to document traditions
works, said Sanjay Patel, a resi- the heritage movement isnt re- such as water conservation,
dent of Kalupur. The Unesco stricted to the elite; it should be- caste- and community-specific
status will boost conservation long to the masses, said Dr He- architecture and local food. We
efforts in the Walled City, which mant Bhatt, the president of the have also proposed the painting
faces problems ranging from Khadia Itihas Samiti, an organi- of facades of iconic areas such
maintenance of heritage proper- zation responsible for painstak- as Desai ni Pol in uniform col-
Fireworks over Kankaria lake ties to encroachment. Now, citi- ingly putting together the history our,