Erf Requirement

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From Teacher I to Teacher II (BSE + 20)

1. 20 yrs. Continuous service or 20 units MA
2. Original Transcript of Records
3. Service Record
4. Latest Performance Rating approved by the SDS

From Teacher I/Teacher II to Teacher III

1. Original Transcript of Records
2. Service Record
3. Latest Performance Rating Approved by the SDS
4. Original Transcript of Records
5. Service Record
6. Latest Performance Rating approved by the SDS
7. MA CAR (Certification of Complete Academic Requirements)
8. Approved Curriculum for MA signed by the Registrar or
III. 20 yrs Continuous Service + 20 Units MA

For Head Teacher

1. Original Transcript of Records
2. Service Record
3. Latest Performance Rating Approved by the SDS
4. Current Ranking signed by the division selection committee.


1. The computation of the length of service shall include only the years of teaching
experience which were not credited in the computation of step increment due to length of
service as provided under Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1. Series of 1990.

2. Transcript of Records if not original should be authenticated by the school


3. ERF FORM 5 copies

4. Supporting documents - 3 copies each

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