USFDA On Stent Updates
USFDA On Stent Updates
USFDA On Stent Updates
This document updates and augments (but does not replace) Non-Clinical
Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and
Associated Delivery Systems guidance, issued April 18, 2010.
For questions regarding this document, contact the Interventional Cardiology Devices Branch at or
the Peripheral Interventional Devices Branch at (301) 796-7000.
Additional Copies
Additional copies are available from the Internet. You may also send an e-mail request to
[email protected] to receive a copy of the guidance. Please use the document
number 1826 to identify the guidance you are requesting.
Select Updates for Non-Clinical Engineering
Tests and Recommended Labeling for
Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery
This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or
Agency) current thinking on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is
not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the
requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach,
contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.
Section III of this guidance provides cross-reference and updates to the related sections of the
existing Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents
and Associated Delivery Systems guidance. FDA will incorporate the elements of this final
guidance into an anticipated revision of the entire Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and
Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems guidance.
This guidance document addresses self-expanding and balloon expandable extracranial
intravascular stents and their associated delivery systems. The scope includes extracranial
intravascular stents placed in coronary or peripheral arteries and saphenous vein grafts but is not
limited to stents used in these locations; other vascular indications outside of the intracranial
vasculature are also included. This guidance or parts of this guidance may not be applicable to
stents with components intended to degrade.
Intravascular stents, including balloon expandable and self-expanding stents, are class III devices
whose product codes are given in the table below.
These devices require a premarket approval (PMA) application before marketing. See sections
513(a) and 515 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) and 21 CFR Part
Corrosion of implant devices made of, or having components made of, nickel-rich alloys (e.g.,
nitinol, stainless steel, MP35N) results in the release of nickel ions, which may lead to various
modes of toxicities. However, there are no suitable standard test methods for measuring metal
ion release from intravascular stents. Therefore, based on currently available scientific evidence
and industry practices discussed at the workshop, we have included information on test methods
for in vitro nickel ion release testing. Furthermore, both nickel ion release and corrosion
characteristics are dependent on surface finishing for nitinol and for some other nickel-rich
alloys. While there is insufficient information to quantitatively correlate surface oxide
characteristics to device performance characteristics at this time, workshop participants indicated
that surface characterization may be most useful as a tool to assess the root cause of poor device
performance characteristics (e.g., corrosion susceptibility or nickel ion release). We have
therefore modified the recommendations for when surface characterization should be performed
to consider outcomes from other characterization testing and surface finishing techniques used.
Based on the information obtained from this workshop, FDA was able to refine existing
recommendations on when certain tests should be performed or considered, such that industry
can avoid performing additional tests that would add little valid scientific evidence regarding the
safety and effectiveness of the device. For example, corrosion testing post-accelerated durability
testing has generally not provided value over evaluating corrosion on as-manufactured stents. In
addition, information on test methods for pitting and galvanic corrosion, as well as nickel ion
release, has been updated, which we believe will aid in test protocol development. While pitting
corrosion potential, surface characterization, and in vitro nickel ion release testing are described
in different sections of the Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for
Intravascular Stents and Associated Delivery Systems guidance, taken together, the results of
these tests are interrelated and provide a global perspective on the corrosion and ion leach
potential of the stent. We recommend that you initially assess the pitting corrosion potential of
your stent. If the results do not meet the pre-specified acceptance criteria or an established
surface finishing process is not used, we recommend that you perform further testing outlined in
the specific test sections below and the flow chart in Appendix 1. If available, data obtained
from other assessments, such as animal or clinical studies, may supplement the analysis of the
corrosion and ion leach potential of the device, and should be considered as part of the risk
analysis for these potential failure modes.
ASTM F2129 Standard Test Method for Conducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements to
Determine the Corrosion Susceptibility of Small Implant Devices. Please see FDAs Recognized Consensus
Standards database ( for the most current
information on which editions are recognized by FDA.
outlined in ASTM G5-142 (figure 2, Table x2.1). Testing should be performed after
subjecting the device to simulated use testing, which includes crimping, tracking, and
deployment of the device through an in vitro fixture that mimics in vivo anatomic
conditions (See section C2. Delivery, Deployment, and Retraction in the Non-Clinical
Engineering Tests and Recommended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and Associated
Delivery Systems guidance). Alternatively, the stent may be subjected to strains expected
during simulated use (e.g. bending) without passing through a tracking fixture, with
justification. This device conditioning is intended to simulate the clinical conditions of
the stent at the time of implantation. You should test device sizes that are the worst-case
in terms of corrosion susceptibility based on surface area, size, and/or geometry.
Considerations should be given to factors such as geometry or size that may affect
surface finishing such as adequate polishing of regions of high curvature. Test devices
should be representative of final sterilized devices and selected such that potential
variations due to manufacturing can be assessed (e.g. by taking samples from multiple
lots). In addition, the number of samples tested and sampling scheme should be justified
with consideration of variability in results. If your worst case stent size cannot be
accommodated in the test fixture, alternate device sizes or shortened samples may be
used with justification. We recommend that you discuss the variability of your results.
Test reports for pitting corrosion potential testing should be consistent with ASTM F2129.
For example, test reports should include corrosion/rest potentials, breakdown potentials,
as well as polarization curves. When practical, we recommend that you plot all
polarization curves in one graph. You should report whether your test setup met the
criteria outlined in ASTM G5-14. Results should be assessed against your acceptance
criteria. The acceptance criteria for the pitting corrosion testing should be determined by
comparison to a legally marketed device with good clinical history of use (i.e. no history
of corrosion-related fractures or adverse events associated with nickel release).
Alternatively, while there is a lack of data directly linking in vitro corrosion testing to in
vivo corrosion outcomes, conservative guidelines have been published by Rosenbloom
and Corbett, which may also be used to establish the acceptance criteria3. If breakdown
occurred in any samples tested, you should include results of the visual inspection of your
device before and after testing to assess evidence of pitting. Images of sufficient
magnification should be included to support these observations and identify pit locations.
Literature or previous performance data may support the pitting susceptibility assessment of
your stent. However, the materials, design, and fabrication processes specific to your stent
may reduce or eliminate the applicability of literature or previous experience with your
device. For example, the pitting corrosion resistance of nitinol is sensitive to processing
variables such as heat treatment and surface finish, and therefore, literature would not be
ASTM G5-14 Standard Reference Test Method for Making Potentiostatic and Potentiodynamic Anodic
Polarization Measurements
Rosenbloom, S. N. and R. A. Corbett (2006). An Assessment of ASTM F 2129 Test Results Comparing Nitinol to
Other Implant Alloys. Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic
Technologies (ASM International), Pacific Grove, CA.
applicable. In cases where manufacturing changes that could impact surface finish are
implemented, ASTM F2129 testing or surface characterization should be performed to
demonstrate that the surface is not adversely altered.
2. Galvanic Corrosion
B. Material Composition
1. Surface Characterization
Intravascular metallic stents should have a polished, passive and clean surface unless a
justification for an alternative surface is provided. Surface finish is known to affect other
material properties such as corrosion and metal ion release for certain alloys (e.g. nitinol,
MP35N, stainless steel). Therefore, if results from other characterization testing (e.g.,
pitting corrosion) do not meet pre-specified acceptance criteria, we recommend that you
characterize the material surface of your finished product in terms of passivation layer
chemical composition vs. depth and/or perform in vitro nickel leach testing (see
Appendix 1). However, if you do not have a final passivation step, or use the same
surface finishing process as for a marketed stent with good clinical history, or if you do
not use a commonly used surface finishing process, we recommend that you perform
surface characterization of your device. Commonly used surface finishing processes may
include a process with any final passivation step such as electropolishing, chemical etch.
Special attention should be paid to surfaces and geometries that may be affected by heat
or finishing processes. Surface characterization should be performed on multiple devices
from multiple lots. This characterization should include multiple assessments at various
representative areas on the device surface including the locations that may be most
difficult to polish. Acceptance criteria for surface characterization should be pre-
specified based on oxide thickness and composition. While there is limited information
on the correlation between oxide thickness to nickel release, work by Fasching et al
indicates that nickel release increases substantially as the oxide thickness increases from
20 to 200nm for nitinol4. In addition, information gathered from prior submissions of
nitinol devices indicate that an oxide layer of less than 50nm typically do not result in
significant levels of nickel release. If information on oxide thickness of other legally
marketed nitinol implants with good clinical history of use is available, this information
may also be used to set your acceptance criteria. The oxide layer should consist primarily
of TiO2 (for nitinol) and should not contain nickel-rich regions.
C. Biocompatibility
1. Nickel ion release
For devices containing nickel-rich alloys, we recommend that you consider the potential
for nickel ion release from your device. Specifically, if the corrosion resistance and
passivation layer characterization results do not meet pre-specified acceptance criteria for
your device, we recommend that you quantify nickel ion release from your device over
time by measuring concentrations of nickel leached from the device into a fluid at
physiologic temperature and pH. To avoid excursions in pH, we recommend using a
buffered solution, such as phosphate buffered saline (PBS). We recommend testing be
conducted for at least 60 days. Alternatively if the testing demonstrates that the surface is
stable (i.e. the release rate falls below a predetermined level based on toxicological risk
assessment), testing may be concluded earlier, with a minimum test duration of 30 days.
A justification should be provided for reducing the test duration. Solution sampling
should be conducted at adequate intervals and over a sufficient duration to sufficiently
characterize the nickel release profile of the device in vitro. You should use a sampling
regimen that will adequately capture any initial bolus release of nickel. For example,
sampling intervals for nitinol implants might include at least days 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, and
28 days for the first month of cumulative exposure time, and at least bi-weekly thereafter.
Alternative sampling frequencies may be used with justification.
Fasching, A., E. Ku, et al. (2009). The effects of heat treatment, surface condition and strain on nickel-leaching
rates and corrosion performance in nitinol wires. Materials and Processes for Medical Devices, ASM International,
Minneapolis MN.
devices should be representative of final sterilized devices and selected such that
potential variations due to manufacturing can be assessed (e.g., by taking samples from
multiple lots), with a justification for the number of samples tested and sampling scheme.
Additional samples may be needed if there is wide variability in the test results. The
devices should be selected such that they represent the worst-case for nickel leaching
(e.g., largest surface area). A justification of sample selection should be provided (e.g. if
largest sample does not fit testing apparatus).
Validation testing should be performed and summarized in the test report. This
validation testing should include validation of the analytical instrumentation as well as an
extended (>14 days) spike and recovery test to demonstrate that nickel is not lost out of
solution, (e.g., due to adsorption onto the extraction container) during testing. The
extraction ratio, or the ratio of the surface area of the tested device to the volume of test
solution, should be provided along with a rationale for why the ratio was selected. Both
the detection limit of the analytical instrumentation and nickel solubility in the test
solution should be considered in your rationale. For example, a surface to volume ratio of
0.1 to 1cm2/mL may be appropriate if the nickel released does not approach the nickel
solubility limit in the test solution and is sufficiently above the detection limit.
We recommend that you replace the entire test solution at each time point sampled, or an
alternative method may be used with justification.
Test results should be reported as total cumulative release per device in micrograms, as
well as a per day release (g/day). In addition, if release rates are compared between
devices or samples with different geometries, results should also be normalized by device
surface area.
2. Risk Assessment
If in vitro nickel leach testing will be performed, a risk assessment should be performed
prior to testing. The risk assessment should establish acceptable limits for nickel released
from the device based on potential toxicological risks. The results of in vitro nickel leach
testing should then be used as the basis for the exposure estimate. If any in vivo nickel
exposure data exists for your device, these values should be included in your risk
assessment as well. The risk assessment should consider route of exposure. While much
of the literature on nickel toxicity is from studies with oral or inhalation as routes of
exposure, and not intravascular exposure, it is known that chemicals that are toxic via one
route of exposure may also be toxic via a different route of exposure. Standard route-to-
route extrapolation methods should be used to address toxicity from different routes of
exposure in the absence of data from the relevant route of exposure. The duration of
exposure should be considered as well. In addition to acute and chronic (30 days) non-
cancer endpoints, if your device releases nickel in a chronic fashion (30 days) based on
in vitro testing, carcinogenicity (including genotoxicity) and reproductive toxicity should
be considered. In addition to systemic toxicity, local effects of nickel accumulation
should also be discussed as part of your assessment of the device. References used in the
risk assessment, as well as a description of how the values used in the risk assessment
calculations were derived, should be included in your risk assessment report.
Appendix 1 Testing Paradigm Flowchart
Fasching, A., E. Ku, et al. (2009). The effects of heat treatment, surface condition and strain on
nickel-leaching rates and corrosion performance in nitinol wires. Materials and Processes for
Medical Devices, ASM International, Minneapolis MN.