Dementia Guidelines Australia 2016
Dementia Guidelines Australia 2016
Dementia Guidelines Australia 2016
ementia is a National Health Priority Area in Summary
Australia. As our population ages, the number of
About 9% of Australians aged 65 years and over
people with dementia will increase.1 People with
have a diagnosis of dementia.
dementia have decits in one or more of the areas of
Kate Laver Clinical practice guidelines aim to enhance research
memory, communication, attention, thinking and
PhD, MClinRehab, translation by synthesising recent evidence for health
BAppSc(OT)1 judgement.2 and aged care professionals.
Robert G Cumming The quality of clinical practice in dementia care in New clinical practice guidelines and principles of care
MB BS, MPH, PhD2 for people with dementia detail the optimal diagnosis
Australia is variable. The availability of high-quality ser-
Suzanne M Dyer vices to support workforce training, diagnosis and and management in community, residential and
PhD, GradCertPH1 hospital settings. The guidelines have been approved
ongoing care, advance care planning and support for
by the National Health and Medical Research
Meera R Agar families to provide care is inconsistent.
FRACP, FAChPM, PhD3,4 Council.
Clinical practice guidelines can improve uptake of The guidelines emphasise timely diagnosis; living well
Kaarin J Anstey
BA(Hons), PhD5 research ndings by identifying, synthesising and with dementia and delaying functional decline;
disseminating evidence to clinicians.3 Most importantly, managing symptoms through training staff in how to
Elizabeth Beattie provide person-centred care and using non-
PhD, MA, BA6 adherence to clinical practice guidelines can improve the
pharmacological approaches in the rst instance;
Henry Brodaty quality and consistency of care.4
and training and supporting families and carers to
The National Health and Medical Research Council provide care.
Tony Broe (NHMRC) Partnership Centre for Dealing with Cognitive
and Related Functional Decline in Older People was
Lindy Clemson established in 2013 with funding support from the
PhD, MAppSc, BAppSc(OT)2
NHMRC, HammondCare, Alzheimers Australia, on expert opinion). Key recommendations prioritised by
Maria Crotty Brightwater Care Group and Helping Hand Aged Care.
MPH, PhD, FAFRM 1 the committee for implementation are presented in the
One of the activities of the Partnership Centre was to Box.
Margaret Dietz develop Australian clinical practice guidelines for de-
GradCertFamilyTherapy8 mentia. The guidelines were adapted from existing
Changes in management
Brian M Draper
guidelines5 using ADAPTE methodology6 to reect the
MB BS, MD, FRANZCP4 Australian context and the latest evidence. A multidisci- Delays between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis of
Leon Flicker
plinary guideline committee, which included consumers, dementia are widely acknowledged.7 There is currently a
FRACP, GradDipEpid, PhD9 was appointed to rene the scope of the guidelines and lack of information regarding the benets and harms of
Margeret Friel form recommendations based on systematic reviews of population screening for cognitive impairment.8 The
MEd, BJuris10 the evidence. guidelines focus on timely diagnosis by recommending
Louise Mary The purpose of the guidelines is to provide recommen- that symptoms are explored when rst raised by the
Heuzenroeder person experiencing the symptoms and/or their carer or
BN, MBA, MPH11 dations for an agreed standard of practice for the diag-
nosis and management of people with dementia in family and are not dismissed as just a part of ageing.
Susan Koch People with a possible diagnosis of dementia should be
PhD, RN, MN12 Australia. The guidelines address care of people with
dementia in community, residential care and hospital referred to a service or specialist in dementia diagnosis
Susan Kurrle (eg, a memory clinic, neurologist, geriatrician or
MB BS, PhD, DGM2 settings and are relevant to medical practitioners, nurses,
aged care workers and allied health professionals. They psychiatrist).9
Rhonda Nay
PhD13 are also useful for researchers, educators, policy makers The guidelines recommend a systematic approach to
and decision makers. diagnosing dementia; this includes patient and informant
C Dimity Pond
MB BS, FRACGP, PhD14 history taking, cognitive assessment, medication review,
The full guidelines can be accessed via the Australian
Jane Thompson Clinical Practice Guidelines portal ( blood tests and computed tomography or magnetic
BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD15 resonance imaging to exclude other cerebral pathologies.
Yvonne Santalucia The use of single-photon emission computed tomography
BEd16 is not recommended.10 More recent diagnostic techniques
Main recommendations using biomarkers (including the use of positron emission
Craig Whitehead
FAFRM, FRACP1 tomography) are not recommended for routine use.11
The guidelines provide 109 recommendations, cat-
Mark W Yates
MB BS, FRACP 17 egorised as evidence-based recommendations (formu- Clinical cognitive assessment should include examination
lated after a systematic review of the evidence), with a screening tool with established reliability and
consensus-based recommendations (formed where a validity. A number of tools are recommended in the
doi: 10.5694/mja15.01339
systematic review has failed to identify sufcient studies guidelines including the Mini-Mental State Examination.
Online rst 14/03/16 to inform a recommendation) and practice points (based The Kimberley Indigenous Cognitive Assessment tool for
remote living Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pop- 1 Flinders University, muscle cramps, weight loss, anorexia, headache and
Adelaide, SA
ulations and the Rowland Universal Dementia Assess- 2 University of Sydney,
insomnia.24 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors should not be
ment Scale for people from non-English speaking Sydney, NSW prescribed for people with mild cognitive impairment.25
backgrounds are recommended for use where illiteracy, 3 Braeside Hospital,
Health and aged care professionals should provide person-centred care, by identifying and responding to the individual needs and preferences of
the person with dementia, their carer(s) and family. The 10 principles of dignity in care ( should be used as the
standard by which care is delivered and evaluated.
People with a possible diagnosis of dementia should be offered referral to memory assessment specialists or services for a comprehensive assessment.
The medical practitioner should be honest and respectful and use a gradual and individualised approach when communicating the diagnosis
to the person with dementia and their carer(s) and family.
Health system planners should ensure that people with dementia have access to a care coordinator who can work with them and their carers
and families from the time of diagnosis.*
Health and aged care organisations should ensure that all staff working with people with dementia receive dementia-care training (attitude,
knowledge and skill development) that is consistent with their roles and responsibilities. Training should reect programs that have been shown
to optimise care for people with dementia.*
Training programs should be comprehensive and have a strong focus on communicating effectively with the person with dementia and his or her
carer(s) and family and recognising, preventing and managing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Staff should be trained in the
principles of person-centred care and how these principles are applied in practice.
People with dementia living in the community should be offered occupational therapy interventions which should include: environmental
assessment and modication to aid independent functioning; prescription of assistive technology; and tailored intervention to promote independence
in activities of daily living.*
People with dementia who develop behavioural and psychological symptoms should be offered a comprehensive assessment at an early opportunity
by a professional skilled in symptom assessment and management. This should involve their carer(s) and families as appropriate and include;
analysis of the behaviours, assessment of physical and mental health, pain or discomfort, side effects of medication, the inuence of religious and
spiritual beliefs and cultural norms, physical environmental and interpersonal factors, an assessment of carer(s) health and communication style,
understanding the behaviour as a form of communication.*
People with Alzheimers disease, vascular dementia or mixed dementias with mild-to-moderate behavioural and psychological symptoms of
dementia should not usually be prescribed antipsychotic medications because of the increased risk of cerebrovascular adverse events and death.
The person with dementia, their carer(s) and family should be offered respite appropriate to their needs.
Carers and families should have access to programs designed to provide support and optimise their ability to provide care for the person with
dementia. Programs should be individualised, multifaceted and delivered over multiple sessions.*
with dementia. Carers are often not provided with training in providing care and communicating most
enough support or adequate training to effectively pro- effectively with the person with dementia; and support
vide care.33 There is evidence that tailored multifaceted regarding coping strategies to maintain their own well-
programs involving both the carer and the person with being, including stress management.
dementia can improve quality of life for both.34 Carers
Competing interests: No relevant disclosures.
should have access to programs that include education
regarding dementia; information regarding relevant ser- Provenance: Not commissioned; not externally peer reviewed. n
vices such as respite; information about support organi-
2016 AMPCo Pty Ltd. Produced with Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
sations such as Alzheimers Australia; individualised care
management strategies to overcome specic problems; References are available online at
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