Wee, C. H. (1995) - Managing Change. Perspectives From Sun Tzu's Art of War PDF
Wee, C. H. (1995) - Managing Change. Perspectives From Sun Tzu's Art of War PDF
Wee, C. H. (1995) - Managing Change. Perspectives From Sun Tzu's Art of War PDF
Managing change
Creating an adaptable organization
The role of strategy in the change
The lessons of Sun Tzu, who may well
have been the foremost military
strategist of all time, are of universal
value. I
In recent years, military jargons, clich6s and American airlines were killing each other
analogies have found their ways into the through price wars, and Labich (1992b) who
writings of renowned journalists, executives documented how deregulation in the airline
and scholars. For example, Enricho and industry had led many of Europe's airlines
Kornbluth (1987) described how Pepsi won to war. More recently, Schlender (1993a)
the 'Cola Wars' against Coke. Saporito (1992) commented how the American manufacturers
documented that price wars would never of personal computers had begun to attack the
end for companies in the airline, automobile, Japanese market with new spiffy machines,
computer, food, retailing and steel industries innovative software and sharply lower prices.
because of over investments in the past. Various studies relating the application of
This had forced many companies in these military strategies to business practices had
industries to chase market share at all costs. been undertaken (e.g. Kotler and Singh,
Labich (1992a, 1992b) used the term 'Sky 1981; Stripp, 1985). In a publication by Ries
Wars' to describe the battle for market and Trout (1986), they chose to rely on the
share among the three leading aircraft works of German general Karl von Clausew^itz
manufacturers, namely. Airbus, Boeing and to illustrate the parallels between military
McDonnell Douglas. This was followed concepts and marketing practices. In addition,
by Zellner (1992) who reported how the Kotler et al. (1985), Lazer et al. (1985) and
190 C. H. Wee
Ohmae (1982) and many others had often to the belief that the 21st century belongs to
described the Japanese economic conquest of the Asia-Pacific region, it is important to note
the world very much like a well-orchestrated that its key playersJapan, Taiwan, South
military campaign. In a more recent article, Korea, Hong Kong and Singaporehave
Sullivan (1992) cited the works of Abegglen and many cultural similarities that could be traced
Stalk (1985) in describing Theory F (for fear) to their roots in China. Together with China,
as one of the factors for the success of Japan. they can form a significant economic force
that few countries can ignore. Without doubt,
there is a need for practitioners and researchers
Sun Tzu's Art of War in the Western world to begin understanding
offers valuable insights the philosophy and thinking of the oriental
for the management of mindset. Sun Tzu's Art of War may provide
modem businesses a useful start in this learning process.
A detailed exposition on how Sun Tzu's
works can be applied to business practices
Few writers, however, had given recognition can be found in Wee (1989, 1990) and Wee
and acknowledgement to the oldest known et al. (1991). The purpose of this paper
military treatise in the world. Sun Tzu's Art is to highlight some of the salient concepts
ofWar^nd its relevance to strategic thinking from the works of Sun Tzu that can be
and business applications. Written in China applied to managing change. The importance
centuries before the birth of Christ, it is said of managing change has been receiving
to contain the foundations on which all increasing attention from many quarters
modern military strategies are based. It is (Quinn, 1978). For example, the December
proposed that the achievement of Sun Tzu's 13, 1993 issue of Fortune International
Art of War transcends the military context and carried a series of cover stories on this
offers valuable insights for the management subject, including those by Tichy (1993),
of modern businesses. Dumaine (1993) and Sherman (1993a, 1993b)
There are other reasons for focusing on that touched on a wide range of issues like
Sun Tzu's works. With the opening of China, the need for changing values, organizational
there is an increased interest to know their structures and new ways of doing business.
thoughts, especially in the area of strategic
management and practices. This is necessary
if one wishes to do business with them. Here, Managing change in war
it is significant to note that while the Chinese
have turned to the Western world for much Without doubt, any military campaign is
fraught with changes once the war progresses.
help in the area of training and consulting,
It is thus no surprise that the general would
they have also begun to actively research
attempt to take all possible steps to ensure
their own classics so as to relate their that he can cope with the likely changes.
applications to management. Sun Tzu's Art These are done proactively prior to the
of War has emerged as a favourite, and commencement of battle. Among various
today, there are already many publications proactive measures advocated by Sun Tzu,
in China that attempt to relate this classic to two are worth mentioning. The first is that
strategic thinking and business practices of detailed planning:
(e.g. Li et al., 1984; National Economic
Commission, 1985). Such efforts are in . . . With careful and detailed planning, one
addition to many similar publications that can win; with careless and less detailed
exist today in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and planning, one cannot win. How much more
South Korea. In fact. Sun Tzu is a highly certain is defeat if one does not plan at all!
regarded guru among many corporate From the way planning is done beforehand,
strategists in these countries. If one subscribes we can predict victory or defeat.
By detailed planning. Sun Tzu meant: where competition is rife, consumer tastes
are fast changing, and information technology
Know your enemy, know yourself, and becoming more widespreadthe need to rely
your victory will not be threatened. Know on intelligence for effective decision-making
the terrain, know the weather, and your and dealing with changes has become more
victory will be complete. eminent (Gordon, 1982; Attanasio, 1988;
Bergeron and Raymond, 1992).
In addition, it also involves the requirement
for contingency planning. This principle
was well articulated by Sun Tzu when he Adaptability in operations
discussed the role of direct and indirect
forces and manoeuvres: Despite detailed planning through the use of
intelligence, the whole military campaign
That the army is able to sustain the attacks will be subjected to change once the first
of the enemy without suffering defeats is batde is fought. This is because war conditions
due to operations of the indirect and direct are very dynamic, and it is near impossible to
forces and manoeuvres. predict the exact outcome of every military
movement. What is more important is to be
The second principle is the use of able to cope with the changes as they come
intelligence: along, and revise the military strategies
accordingly. This is true even with modern
The reason why the enlightened ruler and technology. Take the example of the Gulf
the wise general are able to conquer the War. Despite the accuracy of the American
enemy whenever they iead the army and missiles, targets were missed and civilian
can achieve victories that surpass those casualties inflicted. It is thus significant
of others is because of foreknowledge that Sun Tzu advocated the principle of
(intelligence). adaptability in manoeuvres once the war
begins. There are three related concepts
In fact. Sun Tzu expounded on the pertaining to adaptability shaping and
importance of using human intelligence, flexibility, innovativeness and use of
and advocated espionage activities (see initiative. i
Wee etal., 1991, pp. 237-244). Of course,
business espionage should be condemned and Flexibility and shaping
frowned upon (Beltramini, 1986; Pooley,
1982; Waller, 1992). However, to pretend It is precisely the need to cope with change
that business espionage does not exist would that Sun Tzu advocated the principle of
be an exercise in futility and naivety. If flexibility and shaping in war:
anything, industrial espionage is rife and
commonly practised in the business world, The guiding principle in military tactics
especially in this post-Cold War era (Nelan, may be likened to water. Just as flowing
1993). water avoids the heights and hastens to the
Besides espionage, it is important to point lowlands, an army should avoid strengths
out that there are many 'above the board' and strike weaknesses.
methods of gathering market and competitive
information that could be used for the Just as water shapes itself according to the
development of business strategiesfor ground, an army should manage its victory
example, surveys on competitors and the in accordance with the situation of the
various industries, market studies, and trade enemy. Just as water has no constant
and fact-finding missions (Eells and Nehemkis, shape, so in warfare there are no fixed
1984). In today's business environment rules and regulations.
Thus, the wise general is someone who against Japanese products in recent years,
is able to apply the principle of flexibility Japanese manufacturers have shifted to flexible
so as to take advantage of the changing manufacturing systems and strategy as their
circumstances in war. Note that one of the new competitive weapon. They do this by
most remarkable statements is that there are focusing on more and better product features,
no fixed rules and regulations when it comes flexible factories that can accommodate
to execution of plans. The general must varying production orders and designs,
expanded customer service, innovation and
technological superiority (Stewart, 1992b;
The general must change Taylor III, 1993).
his strategies like the way Business situations are always very dynamic
water conforms to the as they are affected by various factorsthe
changing terrain consumers, the competitors, the govemment,
the general public, the state of technology,
the state of the economy and so on. To
change his strategies like the way water compete successfully, the company must be
conforms to the changing terrain. In other adaptive to the changes in its environment,
words, he has the ultimate authority to and must not be bound by past practices or
decide what he deems most appropriate, traditions. In fact, Bartlett and Ghoshal
given the situation that confronts him. (1989) argued that the future transnational
In the same way, companies must learn to corporations, among other things, must be
be flexible in order to cope with the changing able to maintain organizational flexibility in
environment and competitive situations. order to compete effectively. Their views
Here, it is interesting to note that Japanese were supported by Stewart (1992a).
products are known to be shaped according There should not be any fixed rules on
to the demands of the markets that they are how a company should go about developing
selling to, even though the market size may its overseas markets. If one company cannot
be small. For example, while the United do it alone, there is nothing to stop it from
States (US) ignored the markets in Southeast joining forces with other companies with
Asia in the 1960s and 1970s, the Japanese similar interests, even if they are direct
courted this part of the world enthusiastically competitors. Indeed, strategic alliances are
with products that were designed specifically becoming an important development in the
for them. Despite their huge succcesses conduct of business today as they can also
today, the Japanese have continued to be provide for flexibility (Sherman, 1992). In
flexible in their product offerings to newer fact, Toshiba, the oldest and third largest
markets in the Asia-Pacific region. For Japanese electronic giant has made strategic
example, when China needed cars after they alliances a cornerstone of its corporate
opened up aggressively in the 1980s, the strategy (Schlender, 1993b). As of 1993, it
Japanese were prepared to do 'backward had no less than 18 strategic partners in the
engineering' in order to sell the Chinese US, Europe, Canada, and even South Korea.
cheap, big and efficient cars. In contrast, the In taking such a flexible approach, Toshiba
Western companies were reluctant to do so. has been able to enhance both its global
The results of such flexible policies are very position in technology and marketing.
telling by the size of Japanese market shares Besides Toshiba, many other Japanese
in these countries. In fact, Kotler et al. (1985, companies have created strong partnerships
p. 254) remarked that flexibility has been the by investing in sagging European rival
visible trademark of the Japanese and they companies (Rapoport, 1993). In doing so,
have not engraved their strategies in stone. they have created additional leverages for
Today, as the top US and European themselves to compete in the future. Besides
companies begin to close the quality gap the Japanese, the Koreans are pursuing similar
flexible strategies in their quest for world systematically make conscious efforts to
market share (Kraar, 1992, 1993). manage change. This, in effect, is very well
illustrated by the way Japanese companies
manage planned obsolescence for products
Innovative ness
like cars, hi-fi equipment, television, etc.
A related concept to the principle of adapt- They constantly bring out improved models,
ability is that of innovativeness. It is important modified designs, new styles, additional
to point out that while shaping and flexibility features and a host of other new product-
are more reactive in that they flow according related attributes to phase out existing
to the situation, innovativeness is more ones. In fact, for many products like cars,
proactive in that it attempts to dictate the television, home electronics and cameras,
situation. According to Sun Tzu: their product obsolescence cycles are typically
half that of comparable products made by
Therefore, do not repeat the tactics that Western companies.
won you a victory, but vary them according
to the circumstances.
Resourcefulness at
Thus like war, there is a need to constantly the point of decision
search for new and innovative ways of making is essential
meeting the challenges offered by the ever
changing circumstances in business. In
addition, the use of new approaches will also
prevent the competitor from anticipating
Use of initiative
one's plans, as one becomes unpredictable
through continual innovation. In doing so, While innovativeness is a proactive, deliberate
it forces the other party to react to the and systematic approach to managing change,
changes created by you. Innovativeness, the use of initiative requires both the proactive
therefore, means a need to search for new and reactive dimensions. Initiative requires
and different ways of doing things, and not the individual to be very responsive to
to conveniently rely on past strategies. In the changes to situations, as well as able to take
words of Sun Tzu: pre-emptive action. Thus, resourcefulness at
the point of decision making is essential. In
He must be able to change his methods and addition, the exercise of initiative is often
schemes so that no one can know his instantaneous and an intuitive act of the
intentions. He must be able to alter his individual who is faced with the decision. In
camp-sites and marching routes so that no fact. Sun Tzu even went as far as saying:
one can predict his movements.
There are situations when the orders of the
It is interesting to note that innovativeness ruler need not be obeyed.
is not lacking amongjapanese companies. As
a nation, the Japanese have demonstrated Moreover, Sun Tzu gave an example of a
that innovative behaviour can be planned situation when orders could be disobeyed
systematically and proactively. Despite their and initiative used:
traditional handicaps such as the seniority
system (which tends to muffle and muzzle If the situation is one of victory, the
debate and free expression) and general lack general must fight even though the ruler
of individual creativity, they have never ceased may have issued orders not to engage. If
to amaze the world with their wide array the situation is one of defeat, the general
of innovative products through concerted must not fight even though the ruler may
and well-organized teamwork. In fact, they bave issued orders to do so.
as battle conditions cbange, the general must principlethe need to focus on tbe beart,
cbange bis strategy accordingly. In otber and not the mind of management. Tbis is
words, he bas to constantly reorganize because war is basically ' irrational' and
according to bis strategy. Altbough he begins involves substantial and drastic change in tbe
with a battle plan, that plan can never be cast behaviour of the soldiers. It is one thing to
in stone. He must constantly reorganize bis train under simulated conditions and against
troops for battles as be changes bis plan an artificial' enemy. It is a totally different
(strategy) to meet the dynamic conditions of experience to be actually involved in the
war. In sum, be bas to be very proactive and direct destruction and killing of human lives.
seize on any available opportunity to win. In essence, it can be very traumatic and
Tbis was true of ancient wars, and is still emotional. As such, the management of tbe
applicable today. troops in preparation for war as well as
Interestingly, tbere is no lack of support during combat becomes an important skill
in the business literature for the relationship that no shrewd general can ignore.
between strategy and structure. For example. To begin witb, the general cannot rely on
Chandler (1962) concluded tbat once a material benefits to motivate bis troops.
corporate strategy is in place, its structure will Instead, he bas to appeal to tbeir sense of
follow. More recently Bartlett and Gboshal national pride and loyalty. He appeals to
(1989, p. 20) argued that organizational their emotions and feelings, and uses tbe
structure sbouldfittbe strategic requirement moral cause as justification for aggression.
of tbe business and tbe firm's dominant For tbis reason, the general even goes down
strategic capability. Similar views were to bis troops and if needed, drinks from tbe
expressed by Lorange and Vancil (1976), same coffee mug and eats from tbe same mess
Henderson (1979), Lorange (1980, 1982), tin with his soldiers. In doing so, be wins
Enderwick (1989) and Obmae (1989). tbeir hearts whicb is very important for
Unfortunately, tbere are other scholars who building up comradeship and team spirit
counter argue tbat it is often the other way ingredients so essential for winning wars.
around tbat is, it is often the structure tbat Indeed, no sbrewd general would think of
drives the strategy (e.g. Pascale, 1990, p. 100). motivating bis soldiers in combat with extra
Tbis lack of consensus on how strategy pay or bonus!
affects structure or vice versa has affected The need to focus on tbe beart brings to
to some extent, the way many companies mind clearly the importance of leadership
manage themselves for competition. In fact, and teamwork in the management of cbange.
even Japanese companies are discovering tbat It is no surprise that Sun Tzu defined tbe
their bureaucratic structures are now affecting moral influence of the ruler in war as
tbeir competitiveness (Scblender, 1993a). follows:
They bave begun to dismantle bureaucratic
. . . that which enables the people to
structures, and instead organize tbeir
be in perfect accord and harmony with
companies around their new strategies and
tbe ruler, for which they are willing to
tbe changing environment as advocated
accompany him to life and death without
by many writers like Dumaine (1991),
tbe fear of dangers.
Katzcnbacb and Smith (1993), and Kirkpatrick
(1993). On the general's leadership and teamwork,
he said:
Role of leadership in winning When tbe general regards his men as
hearts and building teamwork infants, they will be willing to follow him
through thick and thin. When be treats
Underlying tbe use of military concepts tbem like his beloved sons, tbey will be
and strategies is an important fundamental willing to support bim unto deatb.
Note that the ultimate test of teamwork and Managing the heart is more an art rather than
leadership is the willingness of the soldiers a science. For example, there is a need to take
to sacrifice self interest to the extent of a long-term perspective and the employee's
willingness to put down their lives for a contributions have to be viewed over his life
higher level goal. The essence of teamwork time. To appeal to the heart, there is a need
can be seen by the following: for strong social interactions, and the CEO
has to adopt a much more personal and
When the general is weak and lacks people centred approach. When the heart
discipline, when training and instructions can be won over, the employees are likely
are not clear, when the duties of officers to be highly loyal and less likely to be
and men are not distinct, and when the lured away by higher perks offered hy the
formations are slovenly, the result is utter competitors. In other words, they will find
disorganization. satisfaction in working for the organization
as they tend to rely more on psychic rewards.
Winning the hearts does not mean bending The heart approach facilitates the cultivation
backwards to the whims and fancies of the of group values, which in turn, favours
soldiers. In fact, Sun Tzu offered the following the development of team building and
advice: teamworkingredients so essential for the
management of change.
If a general pampers his troops but is In general, Japanese and many Asian
unable to use them; if he loves them companies tend to focus more on managing
excessively but cannot exercise his the hearts of their employees. In contrast,
commands; if his troops are disorderly but Western companies, largely owing to their
he cannot discipline them; then they are cultural influences, tend to focus more on
like a bunch of spoilt brats, and are useless. managing the minds ofthe employees. They
do this largely by higher salaries and perks.
It is no wonder that Sun Tzu mentioned that If special expertise is needed, they will
the general must possess qualities of wisdom, not hesitate to 'head hunt' for it, and this
sincerity, benevolence, courage and strictness. includes hiring the CEO. For example, IBM
These qualities are necessary as he has to lead hired a new CEO in 1993 as it was felt
by example. For this reason, the military that there was no senior executive within
general is one who must survive the tests of the existing organization capable of doing the
the rank and file and the vagaries of each job. Interestingly, despite the seemingly
battle. He is never parachuted into the army. elaborate 'head hunting' exercise, the
Instead, he has to earn every rank through computer industry did not appear to give the
blood, sweat and tears. It is no surprise that new IBM CEO much respect (Dobrzynski,
when he reaches the top, he has already won 1993). In a nutshell, the Western approach
the respect of his soldiers. Under such a tends to treat management more as a science,
circumstance, it becomes easier for him to and adopts a much more clinical' approach
make as well as demand changes according
in the way the organization is handled.
to his judgement. This is because he has
already earned the trust and confidence of In business practice, the heart and mind
his soldiers. are not mutually exclusive approaches.
Rather, my arguments are that the Japanese
While it is very easy for anyone to and Asian companies tend to pay more
comprehend the need to focus on the heart attention to the heart while the Western
in the management of an army for war, it is companies tend to be more mind driven.
harder to translate that into management There is nothing wrong with being more
of business. If anything, many Western mind-driven so long as a healthy balance can
companies tend to develop policies that be maintained. For example, if teamwork is
appeal to the mind rather than the heart. necessary to achieve success, then there
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