High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete - Overview
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete - Overview
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete - Overview
DOI 10.1617/s11527-009-9538-3
Received: 11 July 2007 / Accepted: 11 June 2009 / Published online: 6 October 2009
The Author(s) 2009. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract High performance fiber reinforced con- 1 High performance fiber reinforced concrete
crete is developing quickly to a modern structural on its way to structural application
material with a high potential. As for instance
testified by the recent symposium on HPFRC in Generally speaking, the definition high perfor-
Kassel, Germany (April 2008) the number of struc- mance is meant to distinguish structural materials
tural applications increases. At this moment studies from the conventional ones, as well as to optimize a
are carried out with the aim to come to an interna- combination of properties in terms of final applica-
tional recommendation for the design of structures tions related to civil engineering. The most interest-
with HPFRC. Research projects are being carried out ing properties are, for example, strength, ductility,
in order to supply missing information in relevant toughness, durability, stiffness, thermal resistance,
areas. Some examples of recent research at TU Delft even though it is necessary to take into account the
are given. For the preparation of an internationally final cost of the material and, above all, of the
acceptable design recommendation for HPFRC a produced structural members [11].
number of principles should be respected. The code In comparison with normal technical develop-
should as much as possible be in harmony with the ments, the step from high strength concrete to ultra-
code for conventional fiber concrete. Moreover it high strength concrete in general was a rather unusual
should be consistent with existing design recommen- one. The development from normal strength (plain)
dations for structural concrete. Second thoughts on concrete to high strength (plain) concrete with a
the introduction of such a new code are given. cylinder strength of about 100 N/mm2 took approx-
imately a decade. A concrete compressive strength of
Keywords High performance fibre concrete 100110 N/mm2 was regarded to be a practical
Applications Research Recommendations maximum, since the strength of the aggregate parti-
cles does not allow a further increase of the bearing
capacity of the concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete is
as well a material which has encountered limits in its
development due to reasons related to its composi-
tion. In this case it was the reduced workability of
concretes with increasing volumes of fibers which
J. C. Walraven (&)
impeded the step to becoming a real high perfor-
Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1,
Delft 2628 CN, The Netherlands mance material. As a reaction on this limitation due
e-mail: [email protected] to workability, interesting concepts were developed
1248 Materials and Structures (2009) 42:12471260
to increase the maximum volume of fibers and their was opened to the public in 2007 (Fig. 1). The bridge
efficiency. In the nineties the material SIFCON has a total length of 133 m and consists of an upper
(Slurry Infiltrated Fibre CONcrete) was developed, slab of a concrete with a strength of 185 N/mm2 and
the fibers of which are placed and compacted first, a thickness of 80120 mm. The slab is supported by a
after which the space between them was filled with a three dimensional steel truss. The high performance
cement-based slurry. In this way a fiber content of concrete deck is connected to the truss with a glued
1213 vol.% can be reached, which is about 10 times connection. This concept is promising: high perfor-
the maximum volume obtained in conventional fiber mance concrete and steel can be an excellent
concrete. Very large strain capacities (1015%) and combination, if the best properties of both materials
high strengths (120140 MPa) can be achieved in this are combined in an optimum way. Research on
way, see for instance Naaman [19]. A disadvantage of interface design solutions therefore deserves atten-
this material is that, during packing, the fibers get a tion. Substantial recent experience has been gained
non-homogeneous orientation (predominantly 2-D) with the use of HPFRC in various types of structures,
which is, in combination with the cost involved, a e.g. by French engineers [3, 22, 27]. These new
restriction to its application. Another concept was structures show that HPFRC is a material with which
SIMCON (Slurry Infiltrated Mat CONcrete). To light, slender and durable structures, which are
produce this concrete, a manufactured continuous simultaneously appealing from an esthetic point of
mat of interlocking discontinuous steel fibers is view and ecologically interesting by the possibility to
placed in a form, subsequently infiltrated with a minimize the use of materials, are possible.
flowable cement-based slurry [13]. An interesting discovery was that also the region
However, on the basis of advanced ideas with regard between the meanwhile conventional high strength
to the composition of fibre reinforced concrete mix- concrete (with fc B 110 N/mm2) and ultra high
tures, new types of fibre reinforced concretes with strength concrete (fc C 180 N/mm2) offers as well
compressive strengths up to 200 N/mm2 and fibre interesting chances for application. A good example of
contents up to 2.5 vol.% (175 kg/m3) became available. this is the repair of bridge decks with high performance
The new generation of ultra high strength concretes is fibre reinforced concrete. In the Netherlands many
characterized by a maximum particle diameter of about orthotropic steel bridges suffer from fatigue cracking
12 mm, a high particle packing density as a result of caused by the unforeseen development of traffic loads.
the smart use of combinations of fine particles of Repairing those cracks makes only sense if future
different origin, a low water cement ratioenabled by damage is avoided by adequate measures. The solution
the use of appropriate superplasticizers, that results in chosen was the application of a fiber concrete with an
a complete use of the water in the concrete during intermediate strength of 85115 N/mm2 and 70 kg/m3
hydration and fine steel fibers providing the hardened
concrete with excellent ductility.
From the moment that the potential of the new
generation of fiber reinforced concretes draw atten-
tion, for instance by realization of the high perfor-
mance concrete pedestrian bridge in Sherbrooke,
Canada [1], creative designers and structural engi-
neers came up with a wide scope of ideas. Until now
a number of pilot projects have been carried out, with
on the one hand the aim to demonstrate the potential
of the material for structural applications, and on the
other hand to verify expectations based on experi-
mental evidence. A recent example of such a pilot
project, partially aiming at convincing building
authorities of the reliability of the new material and
partially for research and development, was the Fig. 1 Gartnerplatzbridge in Kassel, Germany (2007), con-
Gartnerplatz bridge in Kassel Germany [7], which sisting of a high performance deck glued to a 3-D steel truss
Materials and Structures (2009) 42:12471260 1249
(13/0.16). Compared with sheet piles in concrete C55 structures in HPFRC are for instance only possible if
the volume of concrete necessary to produce the pile reliable rules for control of fatigue loading are
was reduced to about one-third. The fibers were available. Other aspects of significance in design
especially useful in the end regions of the pile, where are crack width control and the possible use of steel
large spalling and splitting stresses occur in the fibers as shear reinforcement. However, it is not only
anchorage region of the prestressing strands. By important to have design rules for such phenomena,
virtue of the fibers these stresses are no problem, even but as well to have design rules which are as much as
with a sheet pile thickness as small as 45 mm. As a possible compatible with existing codes for structural
result of their low weight, the sheet piles can be concrete. This would be most advantageous for the
economically transported and vibrated into the bot- development of hybrid structures based on combina-
tom with light equipment. As a result of the fibers in tions of traditional reinforcement, prestressing steel
the end zones the elements are vibrated into the soil and fibers. This is expected to become a large field of
without damage. Since the time to place one sheet application. Moreover it would simplify the work of
pile is considerably reduced, a sheet pile wall can be the structural engineer if he could consist of a set of
placed much faster than a corresponding wall made design relations valid both for FRC and HPFRC
of traditional reinforced concrete sheet piles. As a which could be combined with the existing rules for
result of all those advantages, the product is compet- reinforced and prestressed structures. Therefore it
itive in price with traditional solutions. should be investigated if existing international code
rules, like e.g. the Eurocode on Concrete Structures,
could be extended to include the application of fibers.
2 Developing a basis for appropriate code Another important requirement in the development
recommendations of codes is the mutual consistency of design relations
for different types of fiber concretes. On the one hand
High performance fiber reinforced concrete is still a this refers to conventional fibre reinforced concretes,
material for which no internationally accepted design made on the basis of concrete compositions with
recommendations exist. Partially this is due to coarse aggregate particles and large steel fibres, and
insufficient information with regard to the properties on the other hand the modern types of high perfor-
of the material. An example of this is the durability of mance fibre concrete, with small aggregate particles
high performance concrete. Designing thin-walled and fillers, reinforced by fine, short fibers. As it was
structural elements applying reinforced or prestressed shown by the examples given before, there is as well
HPFRC allows slender and large span structures. If in an important area of application in between the
such structures large covers would be necessary, the conventional types of fibre reinforced concrete with
advantage of using HPFRC would significantly be moderate strength and the new types of ultra high
reduced. Research results on the durability of HPFRC strength fiber reinforced concrete. So, altogether there
are, however, very encouraging, see e.g. Schmidt [25] is a large spectrum of fibre reinforced concretes with
and Scheydt [24]. In comparison with existing codes different properties from which a choice can be made
for structural concrete new design aspects have to be for particular applications. However, if there would
added. Light, large span, elegant and material saving be conflicting design rules for different types of FRC
Materials and Structures (2009) 42:12471260 1251
this would lead to confusion, questions and lack of under the influence of the increasing external load
confidence by future users of FRC and HPFRC finally macrocracks occur, the long fibers are acti-
structures. It should therefore be investigated if a vated. Figure 5 shows the results of a number of
common basis for design with fiber concrete in bending tests on short beams made of hybrid fiber
general is possible. concrete. Here various combinations of long hooked-
Finally, a special point of attention is the variability end steel fibers (l = 40 or 60 mm) and short straight
of properties of FRC and HPFRC, due to differences in steel fibers (l = 13 mm) have been used. Very high
orientation of the fibers, influenced by the way of flexural strengths (up to 45 N/mm2) have been
producing the concrete. Scatter is a natural and logical measured. The compressive strength of this concrete
phenomenon for fiber concrete and design rules should was about 120 N/mm2. It turned out that there are
cope with it in an optimum way. considerable differences between concretes with only
one type of fiber and concretes with combinations of
fibers. Figure 5 shows for instance that a mixture
3 Results of recent research at TU Delft with 2 vol.% of fibers (155 kg/m3) with l = 13 mm
reached a flexural tensile strength of 25 N/mm2
3.1 Hybrid fiber concrete whereas a mixture with 1 vol.% short fibers
(13 mm) plus 1 vol.% long fibers (40 mm) reaches
There have been fundamental discussions on the role a flexural tensile strength of 40 N/mm2. It can as well
of the fibres in FRC. In conventional reinforced fibre be seen in the diagram that 1 vol.% of short fibers
concrete the fibers are relatively large in comparison combined with 0.5 vol.% of long fibers (40 mm)
with the aggregate particles. The fibers are activated offers the same flexural tensile strength as 2 vol.% of
as soon as a major crack in the concrete occurs: by short fibers. This shows that by combining different
bridging the crack, fibers more or less act in the same types of fibers optimization of mechanical properties
way as reinforcing steel. In HPFRC the fibers are can be achieved.
much finer: they are already activated when micro-
cracks occur in the concrete. It may therefore be 3.2 Fatigue
wondered whether those fine fibers act as reinforce-
ment, or whether they are an integral part of the One of the advantages of HPFRC is that the material
composite on a lower (micro) level. Markovic [17] allows light structures. A consequence is, however,
combined fine fibres with long fibres. The fine fibers that fatiguea criterion that hardly plays a role in
react immediately on microcracking in the concrete. massive concrete structures, can now become
The further growth of those microcracks is therefore decisive. Fatigue can occur for instance due to traffic
counteracted from their origin. Hence the concrete loads (bridges) or wind loads (off-shore wind
appears to stay longer in the elastic phase. When, turbines). At TU Delft a research project was carried
30 2%(13)
20 2%(6)+1%(60)
0 1 2 3 4 5
fibre quantity (vol.-%)
1252 Materials and Structures (2009) 42:12471260
35 1 HSFRC
Flexural tensile stress [MPa]
UHPC 0.3
5 0.2
0 0.1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0
Deflection [mm] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
log N
Fig. 6 Relation between bending tensile stress and deflection
for three different types of HPFRC under static loading [14] Fig. 7 Results of fatigue tests for the same three mixtures as
shown in Fig. 6 [14]
steel, N = normal tensile force, As = area of bar cross 3.4 Shear capacity of HPFRC
section, n = Es/Ec.
Corresponding to this, the transmission length lt is At TU Delft in 2007 a series of shear tests was carried
out by Pansuk [20].
fctm 1 aU
lt 2 The research program contained a series of three
4sbm x
beams according to Fig. 10. The mean compressive
The mean crack spacing s is then strength of the concrete was 140 N/mm2. The con-
s 1:5 lt 3 crete contained 0, 0.8 vol.% and 1.6 vol.% of straight
steel fibers 13/0.16 mm. The beams were provided
From centric tests on dog-bone specimens for the with 2 bars ds = 25 mm as longitudinal reinforce-
concrete with a compressive strength of 130 N/mm2 a ment which was expected to be sufficient to avoid
centric tensile strength fctm = 5.5 N/mm2 and a post failure in bending. Figure 11 shows the beams in the
cracking reduction factor of a = 0.72 was found. failure state.
For the concrete with a compressive strength of It can be seen that the fibres are adding quite
180 N/mm2 a centric tensile strength fctm = 9.0 N/mm2 substantially to the shear capacity of the beams. Also
and a post cracking reduction factor of a = 0.88 was in this case existing code provisions can be used to
found. With those values the calculated crack dis- extend their validity of HPFRC. In Eurocode 2 the
tances given in Table 1 are obtained [28]. The method of the variable inclination strut model to
agreement between calculated and measured values determine the shear capacity has been adopted.
is seen to be good. According to this method a strut angle can be chosen
Other relevant fundamental research on the behav- between 1 B cot h B 2.5 and the stirrups crossed by
iour of concrete reinforced both with steel fibers and the inclined crack under the corresponding angle can
traditional reinforcement was recently published be regarded to contribute to the shear resistance with
[12, 15, 16, 21]. their yielding forces. The shear capacity is then
Table 1 Comparison
Strength Vf (%) Mean crack distance Mean crack
between measured and
measured (mm) distance calculated (mm)
calculated crack spacings
fc = 130 N/mm2 0 56 43
0.8 23 21
1.6 14 16
fc = 180 N/mm2 0 44 58
0.8 27 28
1.6 26 22
small cylindrical specimen there is a considerable correspond to the weakest cross-section: therefore
boundary effect. The fibers tend to orient parallel to even higher strengths can be obtained by tests on
the wall of the mould and furthermore the fiber notched specimens than on un-notched specimens,
orientation is influenced by the way of casting. This where deformations always localize at the weakest
latter influencing factor does not only apply to cross-section.
cylinders cast in a mould, but as well to cylinders A very important other aspect to be noted when
sawn from a larger element like a slab. discussing the question how a representative stress
For practical reasons a bending test on a short beam strain relation for UHSFRC should be obtained is the
or a prism is an attractive alternative because of the phenomenon of fibre orientation. Figure 13 shows a
relatively easy way of conducting the test. Some collection of curves, obtained on test specimens all
researchers prefer beams with a notch at the tensile having the same dimensions, and all made with fibre
side. This allows easy measuring the crack opening reinforced concrete B35, with 40 kg/m3 hooked end
during loading and as such determining the stress fibres Dramix 80/60 [8]. Although the test specimens
crack opening relation. However, it should be noted and the concrete composition are exactly the same,
that the presence of a notch influences the behaviour of the scatter in results is enormous.
the beam quite substantially. Lappa [14] showed this Deriving a design stressstrain relation from such
by comparing the relation between the flexural stress a series of tests, based on the scatter observed, would
and the beam deflection, determined both for tests on inevitably lead to over-conservative design, since the
beams with and without a notch. All beams had scatter is typical for the standard test specimen and
dimensions 1000/125/125 mm and were tested with a not to the structural element considered. Variations in
span of 750 mm, whereas the loads were applied at the the way of filling the mould and mechanical
third points of the span. Some of the beams were compaction can lead to large differences in fibre
provided with a 20 mm deep notch at mid-span. The orientation and concentration. Recognizing this,
beams were made with the mixture denoted as HSFRC RILEM defined a standard test beam for conventional
in Figs. 6 and 7. The relations between the flexural fibre reinforced concrete with a notch and prescribed
tensile stress and the beam deflection are shown in exactly how to fill the mould, how to carry out
Fig. 12. The notch influences the structural behaviour mechanical compaction and how to measure the
by forcing the crack to form at a certain position. This loaddeflection relation and the load crack opening
weakening of the cross section stimulates deforma- relation. Finally it is described how stressstrain
tions to localize at an early stage of the test. Therefore relations can be derived, on the basis of reversed
the deflection hardening phase due to multiple analysis, from the test results. Figure 14 shows the
cracking is not very pronounced in case of notched test beam as prescribed by RILEM. Indeed the scatter
beams. The notch, however, does not necessarily of results, for the prescribed number of 6 tests, is
500 150
a b
2 1 2
a correction factor 1/K to the results obtained from An interesting suggestion was made in [18]
specimens taken from the actual structural element, in (Fig. 18). It regards a circular slab as the standard
order to take account of differences in fibre tensile test specimen, which has a circular line support
orientation. at its edge. If the specimen is loaded by a load in the
(b) For the design of thicker structural elements centre, failure will occur by the formation of a number
(h C 3 lf) the following procedure is advised. A of yield lines. The bearing capacity at yielding follows
series of prisms is cast and notched and subjected to a from the relation. Pu = 2p R my where R is the radius
bending test. By inverse analysis the post-cracking of the circular slab and my is the yield moment per
stresscrack width relation (r - w) is obtained. unit length of the crack. Since many yield lines are
This relation is corrected with a factor 1/K repre- involved in the failure mechanism, the influence of
senting the difference between the bending test on a manufacturing is small. Indeed it was shown by tests,
cast prism and the actual behaviour of the structural that the scatter in results was very low (Fig 18, right).
member. To this aim prisms are sawn from a The same holds true for circular slabs supported on
prototype of a member to be produced. three supports, which gives rise to three dominating
An advantage of this method is that relations are cracks. The stressstrain relations for the fibre concrete
obtained which will be near to the behaviour of the should be obtained from inverse analysis of the load
fibre concrete in the structural member. The disad- deflection relation observed in the circular panel test.
vantage is that in both cases (thin and thick members) If the results obtained in this way are used as a basis
the standard test does not pretend to give a basic for practical design, also here conversion factors have
relation. The stresscrack opening curve is a general to be introduced to link the standard test result to the
reference in relation to more detailed tests on areas of application considered. This would mean that the
the structural element. For various types of structural design stressstrain or stresscrack width relation
elements advisory values for 1/K could be given: this would be a result of the mean relation obtained by the
needs further research. In fact this method comes very standard test and the expected scatter typical for
near to type testing of complete elements. the structural application considered. In this respect
It may be wondered if it would be possible to get a the volume of the decisive area of the element for
more reliable basic stressstrain relation which fulfils design is of importance. If, for instance, the bearing
the two most important demands: capacity of a member relies on a small area, the
possibility that in that particular section a low amount
it reflects the mean basic behaviour of the fibre of fibres with an unfavourable orientation applies
reinforced concrete considered should be regarded. In such a case a higher safety
the test displays a minimum scatter coefficient should apply than in the case that
Materials and Structures (2009) 42:12471260 1259
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