Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
L-12155 February 2, 1917 should have resulted in the consummated crime and
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, voluntarily desisted from further acts. A crime cannot be
vs. held to be attempted unless the offender, after beginning
PROTASIO EDUAVE, defendant-appellant. the commission of the crime by overt acts, is prevented,
Manuel Roxas for appellant. Attorney-General Avancea against his will, by some outside cause from performing all
of the acts which should produce the crime. In other words,
for appellee.
to be an attempted crime the purpose of the offender must
be thwarted by a foreign force or agency which intervenes
and compels him to stop prior to the moment when he has
We believe that the accused is guilty of frustrated murder.
performed all of the acts which should produce the crime
We are satisfied that there was an intent to kill in this case.
as a consequence, which acts it is his intention to perform.
A deadly weapon was used. The blow was directed toward
If he has performed all of the acts which should result in the
a vital part of the body. The aggressor stated his purpose to
consummation of the crime and voluntarily desists from
kill, thought he had killed, and threw the body into the
proceeding further, it can not be an attempt. The essential
bushes. When he gave himself up he declared that he had
element which distinguishes attempted from frustrated
killed the complainant.
felony is that, in the latter, there is no intervention of a
There was alevosia to qualify the crime as murder if death
foreign or extraneous cause or agency between the
had resulted. The accused rushed upon the girl suddenly
beginning of the commission of the crime and the moment
and struck her from behind, in part at least, with a sharp
when all of the acts have been performed which should
bolo, producing a frightful gash in the lumbar region and
result in the consummated crime; while in the former there
slightly to the side eight and one-half inches long and two
is such intervention and the offender does not arrive at the
inches deep, severing all of the muscles and tissues of that
point of performing all of the acts which should produce the
crime. He is stopped short of that point by some cause apart
The motive of the crime was that the accused was incensed
from his voluntary desistance.
at the girl for the reason that she had theretofore charged
To put it in another way, in case of an attempt the offender
him criminally before the local officials with having raped
never passes the subjective phase of the offense. He is
her and with being the cause of her pregnancy. He was her
interrupted and compelled to desist by the intervention of
mother's querido and was living with her as such at the time
outside causes before the subjective phase is passed.
the crime here charged was committed.
On the other hand, in case of frustrated crimes the
That the accused is guilty of some crime is not denied. The
subjective phase is completely passed. Subjectively the
only question is the precise crime of which he should be
crime is complete. Nothing interrupted the offender while
convicted. It is contended, in the first place, that, if death
he was passing through the subjective phase. The crime,
has resulted, the crime would not have been murder but
however, is not consummated by reason of the intervention
homicide, and in the second place, that it is attempted and
of causes independent of the will of the offender. He did all
not frustrated homicide.
that was necessary to commit the crime. If the crime did not
As to the first contention, we are of the opinion that the
result as a consequence it was due to something beyond his
crime committed would have been murder if the girl had
been killed. It is qualified by the circumstance of alevosia,
The subjective phase is that portion of the acts constituting
the accused making a sudden attack upon his victim from
the crime included between the act which begins the
the rear, or partly from the rear, and dealing her a terrible
commission of the crime and the last act performed by the
blow in the back and side with his bolo. Such an attack
offender which, with the prior acts, should result in the
necessitates the finding that it was made treacherously; and
consummated crime. From that time forward the phase is
that being so the crime would have been qualified as
objective. It may also be said to be that period occupied by
murder if death had resulted.
the acts of the offender over which he has control that
As to the second contention, we are of the opinion that the
period between the point where he begins and the points
crime was frustrated and not attempted murder. Article 3
where he voluntarily desists. If between these two points
of the Penal Code defines a frustrated felony as follows:
the offender is stopped by reason of any cause outside of
A felony is frustrated when the offender performs all the
his own voluntary desistance, the subjective phase has not
acts of execution which should produce the felony as a
been passed and it is an attempt. If he is not so stopped but
consequence, but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by
continues until he performs the last act, it is frustrated.
reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.
That the case before us is frustrated is clear.
An attempted felony is defined thus:
The penalty should have been thirteen years of cadena
There is an attempt when the offender commences the
temporal there being neither aggravating nor mitigating
commission of the felony directly by overt acts, and does
circumstance. As so modified, the judgment is affirmed with
not perform all the acts of execution which constitute the
costs. So ordered.
felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his
Torres and Araullo, JJ., concur.
own voluntarily desistance.
Carson and Trent, JJ., concur in the result.
The crime cannot be attempted murder. This is clear from
the fact that the defendant performed all of the acts which
G. R. No. 160188 June 21, 2007 Abayan as soon as she got into her boarding house early
ARISTOTEL VALENZUELA y NATIVIDAD, petitioner, morning after arriving from a party. She knew him as a
vs. frequent visitor of another boarder. She was dragged inside
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES and HON. COURT OF APPEALS the house up the stairs while his left arm wrapped around
NACHURA, respondents. her neck, and his right hand poking the Batangas knife to
her neck. Upon entering her room, he pushed her in and got
FACTS: her head hit on the wall. He immediately undressed while
While a security guard was manning his post at the open still holding the knife with one hand, and ordered her to do
parking area of a supermarket, he saw the accused, the same. He ordered her to lie down on the floor and then
Aristotel Valenzuela, hauling a push cart loaded with cases mounted her. He asked her to hold his penis and insert it in
of detergent and unloaded them where his co-accused, Jovy her vagina, while still poking the knife to her. She followed,
Calderon, was waiting. Valenzuela then returned inside the but the appellant could not fully penetrate her in such a
supermarket, and later emerged with more cartons of position. Next, he laid down on his back and commanded
detergent. Thereafter, Valenzuela hailed a taxi and started her to mount him, but he cannot fully penetrate her. When
loading the cartons inside. As the taxi was about to leave, Oritas hands were both flat on the floor, complainant
the security guard asked Valenzuela for the receipt of the escaped naked. She ran from room to room as appellant
merchandize. The accused reacted by fleeing on foot, but pursued her, and finally jumped out through a window. She
were subsequently apprehended at the scene. The trial went to the municipal building nearby and knocked on the
court convicted both Valenzuela and Calderon of the crime back door for there was no answer. When the door opened,
of consummated theft. Valenzuela appealed before the the policemen inside the building saw her crying and naked.
Court of Appeals, arguing that he should only be convicted She was given a jacket for covering by the first policeman
of frustrated theft since he was not able to freely dispose of who saw her. The policemen dashed to her boarding house
the articles stolen. The Court of Appeals affirmed the trial but failed to apprehend the accused. She was brought to a
courts decision, thus the Petition for Review was filed hospital for physical examination. Her PE revealed that she
before the Supreme Court. is still a virgin, with abrasions on the left breast, left and
ISSUE: right knees, and multiple pinpoint marks on her back,
Whether or not the crime of theft has a frustrated stage. among others. The trial court convicted the accused of
HELD: frustrated rape.
No. Article 6 of the Revised Penal Code provides that a
felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for
its execution and accomplishment are present. In the crime Crime Committed: Frustrated Rape
of theft, the following elements should be present: (1) that Issue: Whether or not the frustrated stage applies to the
there be taking of personal property; (2) that said property crime of rape?
belongs to another; (3) that the taking be done with intent
to gain; (4) that the taking be done without the consent of
the owner; and (5) that the taking be accomplished without Contention of the Accused: The accused contends that
the use of violence against or intimidation of persons or there is no crime of frustrated rape. The trial court erred in
force upon things. The Court held that theft is produced disregarding the substantial inconsistencies in the
when there is deprivation of personal property by one with testimonies of the witnesses; and the trial court erred in
intent to gain. Thus, it is immaterial that the offender is able declaring that the crime of frustrated rape was committed
or unable to freely dispose the property stolen since he has by the accused. He was not able to fully penetrate in her.
already committed all the acts of execution and the The accused also questions also the failure of the
deprivation from the owner has already ensued from such prosecution to present other witnesses to corroborate the
acts. Therefore, theft cannot have a frustrated stage, and allegations in the complaint. The accused used the Article
can only be attempted or consummated. 266 of the RPC to show that he is not guilty of frustrated
rape, and Article 6 to stress the difference of consummated,
frustrated, and attempted felonies.
weapon (sic) carrier and that the said vehicle has a roof be improbable for the accused to have been at the scene of
which could have prevented him from seeing the accused the ambush from the place where they allegedly were on
who were on top of a hill. the date of December 14, 1978, considering the distance
The contention is without merit. In the first place, it is not which is approachable within few (sic) minutes or hours." 30
true that the entire weapon (sic) carrier was covered by a We find no reason to disagree with the trial court as the
roof. Only the driver's cabin has a roof, while the portion at Appellants failed to show Us any basis for overturning this
the rear thereof was uncovered. Secondly, the ambushers findings.
were standing on the hill and were openly exposed. There The testimonies of Mayor Felipe Constantino of the
is nothing, therefore, to obstruct the view of eye-witness Municipality of Malungon and Barangay Captain Venancio
Salvador when he glanced at the ambushers who were on Malayon of barangay Bilaan do not inspire belief. Firstly, the
top of the hills firing at them. 22 alleged surrender and grant of amnesty to the "ambushers"
The People further contends that the Appellants were who, as claimed by Mayor Constantino, were not the
correctly convicted of Frustrated Murder in Criminal Case appellants, was not corroborated by "Col. Bumanglag", the
No. 1894 (G.R. No. 63811-13, herein) because "all the person who allegedly accepted the surrender and granted
elements of the crime of murder, including the intent to kill the amnesty. Secondly, Constantino's claim of an ambush is
with the use of deadly weapon, are present" and "it is based on what he allegedly heard during the meeting. There
inconsequential whether the wound inflicted is serious or was no specific reference to the ambush in question.
less serious or slight." 23 Thirdly, Col. Bumanglag, if he indeed even existed, had no
Lastly, the People submits that the indemnity of P12,000.00 authority to grant amnesty. Under the Constitution then in
each, to be paid to the heirs of the deceased Estelita Imarga force, more particularly Section 13, Article VII of the 1973
and Elena Pamoso, should be increased to P30,000.00 each, Constitution, only the President, with the concurrence of
in view of the ruling in People vs. Dioso. 24 the Batasang Pambansa, had the power to grant amnesty.
We have meticulously examined and painstakingly Fourthly, there is an irreconcilable conflict between the
scrutinized the records of this case and the challenged testimonies of the Mayor and the barangay captain as to
decision and We are convinced that the Appellants have the date of the alleged surrender. The former claims that it
been positively identified as two (2) of those who staged the took place in July 1980 31 while the latter alleges that it was
ambushcade whose guilt has been established beyond in "1979". 32 Worse, while the Mayor asserts that those who
reasonable doubt by the testimonies given by the admitted to have staged the ambush were Olding Gola-e,
prosecution witnesses, particularly that of Paquito Alvarez So Dol, Toy Maliang and Dano Pandayong, 33 witness
(driver of the weapons carrier), Felipe Noquera (the injured Malayon claims that the suspects were Toy Golas, Olding
victim) and Luis Esconde and Ricardo Salvador (both Golas, Lagono Lagayong and So Golaing. 34 This witness also
passengers of the weapons carrier). claims that one of the victims of the ambush who died was
The inconsistencies in the testimonies of Alvarez and Lolita Agupitan. 35 Per prosecution's evidence, only Elena
Noquera, which Appellants capitalized on , pertain to minor Pamoso and Estelita Imarga died as a consequence of the
details only and cannot destroy their credibility. ambush. Finally, Appellants exerted no effort to present as
Inconsistencies in the testimony of prosecution witnesses witness any of the ambushers who "surrendered." Their
with respect to minor details and collateral matters do not non-availability or hostility was not shown. The "surrender"
affect the substance of their declaration, their veracity or and "amnesty" story then is nothing but a crude fabrication.
the weight of their testimony. 25 In fact, these On the factual findings of the trial court, the Appellants urge
inconsistencies, if only in minor details, reinforce rather Us not to give weight to said findings as the judge who
than weaken their credibility, for it is usual that witnesses rendered the decision did not hear the case himself. 36 As
to a stirring event should see differently some details of a they correctly pointed out. "Appellate courts will generally
startling occurrence. 26 Rather than discredit the testimony not disturb the findings of fact of the trial court, 37 except
of the witnesses, such discrepancies on minor details serve where the judge who rendered the decision is not the judge
to add credence and veracity to their categorical, who heard the case." 38 However, the foregoing rule and its
straightforward and spontaneous testimony. 27 Besides, as exception do not apply in a case where the trial court's
earlier stated, the People took extra efforts to explain the conclusion are fully substantiated and supported by the
alleged inconsistencies and, in the process, demonstrate evidence on record and warrants the affirmance of such
the weakness of Appellants' claim. findings. 39
As held in the case of People vs. Bocatcat: 40 evidence presented against the appellants miserably failed
Finally, the Court notes that the lower court's judgment was to prove the foregoing requisites.
penned by a judge who did not hear the evidence. And so, Treachery is present when the offender commits any of the
while the rule is settled that the findings of fact by the trial crimes against persons employing means, methods or
court are entitled to great weight on appeal, as they are in forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and
better position to examine and observe the demeanor of specially to insure its execution without risk to himself
witnesses, this rule does not, however, apply in the case at arising from the defense which the offended party might
bar, yet, we find no cogent reason to reverse His Honor's make. 47 While treachery was duly proven against
judgment as his conclusions are fully substantiated and appellants because the ambush was so sudden and
supported by the evidence on record. unexpected that the victims were unable to defend
In the case at bar, We find that the findings of fact of the themselves and, obviously, the means of execution were
trial court are amply supported by the evidence on record. deliberately and consciously adopted, such circumstance is
We agree, however, with Appellants that they cannot be not, however, alleged in the three (3) informations.
convicted for the crime of Murder in Criminal Case No. 1894 For treachery to qualify the crime of homicide to murder, it
because, as testified to by Dr. Casimiro Mansilla, the doctor must be alleged in the information, otherwise it will only be
who examined the victim, Felipe Noquera, the latter would considered a generic aggravating circumstance, if proven. 48
have lived even without medical attendance because the Therefore, treachery is only a generic aggravating
"wound was just a slight physical injury." 41 Per the medical circumstance in these cases. The informations allege that
certificate, 42 the following were the injuries inflicted on the aggravating circumstance of band attended the
Noquera: commission of the crimes charged. There is a band
Wound, gunshot with avulsion of outer layer of skin 4 whenever more than three (3) armed malefactors shall
centimeter (sic) long, one centimeter wide left interscapular have acted together in the commission of an offense. 49 The
area. accusatory portions of the informations elaborate this
Wound, gunshot with avulsion of outer layer of skin 6 circumstance by stating that the five (5) named accused,
centimeter (sic) long, one centimeter wide right, two (2) of whom are the Appellants, and two (2) other John
infrascapular area. Does "armed with assorted high-powered weapons such as
which "require medical attendance for the period of seven Garand rifle, shotgun and surit and with evidence
(7) to nine (9) days, unless complications set in or premeditation and with deliberate intent to kill, did then
manifestation due to internal injuries which are not and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously ambush,
apparent at the time of the examination appear later." attack, assault and shoot with assorted high powered
A crime is frustrated when the offender performs all the weapons" the weapons carrier of Edon Escobillo thereby
acts of execution which would produce the felony as a causing the death and injuries described therein. Evidently,
consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by the prosecution did not intend to make the aggravating
reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator. circumstance of aid of armed men as a qualifying
43 However, if the offender commences the commission of circumstance under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code.
a felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the Otherwise, it would have expressly alleged it as such as in
acts of execution which should produce the felony by the case of the qualifying circumstance of treachery and
reason of some cause or accident other than his own evident premeditation. Accordingly, band absorbed aid of
spontaneous desistance, the crime is only attempted. 44 It is armed men. 50
quite obvious that, in respect to Noquera, the crime never The aggravating circumstance of disregard of the respect
passed the "attempted" stage. due the offended party on account of sex alleged in Criminal
The trial court, in ruling that murder was committed in the Cases Nos. 1893 and 1895 cannot be appreciated against
case of Elena Pamaso and Estelita Imarga and frustrated the Appellants, there being no proof that they deliberately
murder in the case of Felipe Noquera, considered the intended to offend the sex of the victims or show manifest
qualifying circumstances of evident premeditation and disrespect towards them. 51
treachery. Accordingly, the Appellants are guilty of homicide on two
We disagree with the trial court on this score. (2) counts and of attempted homicide, with the generic
For evident premeditation to be present, the following aggravating circumstances of treachery and band.
requisites must concur: The penalty for Homicide under Article 249 of the Revised
(1) the time when the offender determined to commit the Penal Code is reclusion temporal. In view of the generic
crime; aggravating circumstances of treachery and band, the
(2) an act manifestly indicating that he has clung to his penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period. They are
determination; and, entitled to the benefits of the Indeterminate Sentence Law
(3) sufficient lapse of time between determination and 52 which authorizes the imposition of an indeterminate
execution to allow him to reflect upon the consequences of penalty the maximum of which shall be that which, in view
his act. 45 of the attending circumstances, could be properly imposed
It must be proved as clearly as the crime itself and cannot under the rules of the Revised Penal Code and the minimum
be deduced from mere conclusions and inferences. 46 The of which shall be within the range of the penalty next lower
to that prescribed by the Code for the offense. The penalty
for attempted homicide (Criminal Case No. 1894) is,
pursuant to Article 50 of the Revised Penal Code, two (2)
degrees lower than that provided for in Article 249, which
is prision correccional. Appellants are also entitled to the
benefits of the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
In accordance with the policy of this Court, 53 the civil
indemnity for each death should be increased from
P12,000.00 to P50,000.00.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the appealed
judgment is hereby modified. As modified, Appellants Angel
Pral and Beren Mandong are hereby found and declared
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Homicide
on two (2) counts for the death of Elena Pamoso in Criminal
Case No. 1893 and for the death of Estelita Imarga in
Criminal Case No. 1895, and of the crime of Attempted
Homicide in Criminal Case No. 1894. Taking into account the
absence of any mitigating circumstances and the presence
of the aggravating circumstances of treachery and band,
and applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, each of
them is hereby sentenced to suffer as follows:
1) In Criminal Case No. 1893, an indeterminate penalty
ranging from Ten (10) years and One (1) day of Prision
Mayor as minimum to Seventeen (17) years, Eight (8)
months and One (1) day of Reclusion Temporal as
2) In Criminal Case No. 1895, an indeterminate penalty
ranging from Ten (10) years and One (1) day of Prision
Mayor as minimum to Seventeen (17) years, Eight (8)
months and One (1) day of Reclusion Temporal as
3) In Criminal Case No. 1894, an indeterminate penalty
ranging from Four (4) months and One (1) day of Arresto
Mayor as minimum to Four (4) years, Two (2) months and
One (1) day of Prision Correccional as maximum;
and to indemnify, jointly and severally, the heirs of the
deceased Elena Pamoso in Criminal Case No. 1893 in the
sum of P50,000.00 and the heirs of the deceased Estrelita
Imarga in Criminal Case No. 1895 in the sum of P50,000.00,
without prejudice to the seeking of reimbursement from
their co-accused in the event the latter are arrested, tried
and convicted.
The prosecutory arm of the Government is enjoined to take
immediate positive steps to bring into the custody of the
law the other accused who shall forthwith be tried by the
lower court.
The Appellants are further ordered to pay two-
sevenths(2/7) of the costs.
Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano, Bidin and Romero, JJ., concur.