Webquest Rubric

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Objective Needs Improvement Developing Mastery

Package design
Package design includes
includes labels for all 4
S1L1 obtain, Package design does labels for 2 or 3 of the
plant needs (air, light,
evaluate, and not clearly label how resources that a plant
water, nutrients) and/or
communicate the plant will get its needs and/or student can
student can verbally
information about the needs met or only verbally explain how their
explain how their
basic needs of plants includes 1 resource design will meet 2 or 3
design will meet all 4
K-2-ETS1-2 Develop Sketch is incomplete Sketch is complete,
a simple sketch to missing labels and/or includes labels and
Sketch does not attempt
illustrate how an materials list an attempt materials list, clearly
to show how plant
object functions as to show how plant needs shows how students
needs will be met
needed to solve a will be met, but it is will build a package
given problem unclear that meets plants needs
Student can articulate
Student can articulate how
Student is unable to how their new package
K-2-ETS1-1 Develop their new package design
articulate how their design will meet all
a new or improved will meet all four needs of
package solves the four needs of the plant,
object of tool to solve the plant OR how their
problem of shipping a and how their package
a problem package is different from
plant is different from typical
a typical package
Student follows all the
ISTE S Digital Student does not follow
------------------------------- rules of technology use
Citizenship technology use rules
in the classroom
Student accurately Student gathers
answers one question, Student gathers information from
ISTE S Knowledge or is unable to use the information from various various sources on the
Constructor resources to accurately sources to accurately WebQuest to
answer any of the answer 2 or 3 questions accurately answer the 4
questions questions provided
Student can articulate
Student is unable to how technology helped
articulate how them to solve the plant
ISTE S Innovative
technology helped them -------------------------------- package problem (ie. I
to solve the plant researched about plant
package problem needs on the
Student participated
Student was unable to effectively within their
participate effectively team, shared their
ISTE S Global
with their team, and did -------------------------------- research with their
not contribute to the team, and contributed
final product to the final design of
the plant package

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