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[European projects]

P189 26-03-2010

Good practice guidance on thermal

Peter G. Schild,
SINTEF Building &
bridges & construction details,
Part II: Good examples
A third of EU Member States have no real good-practice guidance
More information can be found at on thermal bridges in the framework of their building energy
the ASIEPI project website: regulations. The quality of guidance in the remaining States is very
www.asiepi.eu varied. This paper presents selected examples of good-practice
guidance on thermal bridges and associated construction details
from around Europe, in the hope that this will inspire organizations
that are planning to publish or improve their own construction
Similar Information Papers on details and guidance on thermal bridges & airtightness.
ASIEPI and/or other European
projects can be found at the This paper is published together with an electronic archive (file
individual project websites and
thermal_bridge_good_practice.ZIP) containing over 60 documents.
in the publications database of
the BUILD UP Portal:
This paper has clickable links that open the individual documents.
www.buildup.eu The ZIP file should be extracted to the same directory as this PDF
for the links to work. Examples of passive house guidance/details
are from Austria [AT01, AT02], Belgium [BE01, BE02], Germany [DE04,
DE05, DE05, DE06, DE07] and Netherlands [NL03].

1> UK
UK has possibly the most complete solution for dealing with thermal
bridges in the framework of its building regulations. The main publication
is called the Accredited Construction Details (ACDs) for Part L of the
Building Regulations for England & Wales [UK01]. The ACD guide is freely
available from Internet (www.planningportal.gov.uk) and is intended to
assist the construction industry to comply with the energy performance
standards in the regulations. Usefully, it focuses on both insulation
continuity and airtightness. The details are for dwellings, but can be used
for other buildings with similar construction. Using these details ensures a
total thermal bridge coefficient of 0.08 W/mK for the building envelope
as a whole, whilst using non-accredited details is penalized with 0.15
W/mK. Similarly, use of the ACDs should result in an airtightness of no less
than 10 (m/h)/m @50 Pa. The guide has two sections:

> Section 1 is a 16 page guide discussing general theory of insulation

continuity and airtightness. Practical tips are given for the design stage,
construction, an control methodology. The use of Accredited Details,
with their associated Compliance Checklists as a route to compliance, is
explained. It gives a brief summary of the consequences of poor
thermal bridges and air leakage, included energy costs, illustrated with
Fig.1 Front cover of the guide photos of common problems (Fig.1). Further, it gives advice on how to
to Accredited Construction improve the thermal performance of critical details. It refers to the 6-
Details for England & Wales page BRE IP 1/06 [UK07] if one wishes to calculation of heat transfer
[UK01] coefficient for non-standard details.
> Section 2 is a collection of 146 details, each of 1 A4 page. The details
clearly show thermal insulation and the air barrier in red and blue
respectively, which is very useful. Each sheet also has check-boxes for
on-site quality control of detail execution. Completed forms are meant
to be forwarded to the state Building Control Body (BCB) during
construction. The details are grouped into 5 separate PDF documents
according to construction type. Within each group, the details are
sorted according to junction type, i.e. where the detail occurs in the
building envelope There are 8 such junction types. See fig.XX Each
detail has a version number, and a specific ID code built up as follows:
(Construction type)(Junction type)(Reference number), e.g. MEI-
WD-01 is the detail for Window/Door lintels in Masontry Walls with
External Insulation. This coding system is very practical.

Fig.2 Photos of critical details

in UKs ACD guide

Fig.5 Example detail from UKs ACD

Although Scotland is part of the UK, it has its own regulations, which are
similar to Englands. Scotlands ACDs have a far simpler guide, though the
details are similar, yet more clearly drawn and annotated [UK02]. These
Fig.3 Photos of critical details have roughly the same heat loss as the England & Wales details.
in Irelands ACD guide
If optional higher standards of insulation are sought, one can use the freely
available Enhanced Construction Details (ECD) [UK03], which have half of
the thermal bridge heat loss of ACDs, i.e. 0.04 W/mK. These have been
published by the UKs Energy Savings Trust. Similarly to the ACD, the
details are accompanied by a 11-page introductory guide. Unlike ACDs, the
thermal bridge coefficient () is declared on each detail sheet. The ID
code system is different to that of ACD.

Fig.4 Calculated example

house in Irelands guide
Fig.6 Codes for different construction types and junction types
BUILD-UP > P189_Thermal_bridge_guidance_examples_ASIEPI-WP4.doc 2
2> Republic of Ireland
Irelands Acceptable Construction Details (ACDs) [IE01] are intended to
help achieve the performance standards in its 2008 Technical Guidance
Documents (TGD) Part L. It is largely based on UKs ACD, and is freely
available (www.environ.ie/en/TGD/). The 46-page introductory guide
seems to be further-developed from UKs guide, and includes a useful
calculation example using the Irish DEAP spreadsheet method for
summating the thermal bridges for any specific building. Another
interesting feature is a feedback form for new & amended details.
Irelands ACD numbers 136 details, with a different categorization than UK
ACDs, using number IDs.

Fig.7 Irish feedback form.

Fig.7 Example detail from Irelands ACD

3> Norway
SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, which is the national building research
Fig.8 Norwegian design sheet foundation, has over 60 years built up a series of good- practice guides
[NO01]. The series presently numbers 760 guides, each of 6~8 pages,
provides concrete solutions and advice on a wide range of specialist
building issues, richly illustrated and with clear text. It is updated monthly
and available online (bks.byggforsk.no, also CD-ROM and printed). All
drawings can be downloaded electronically in high detail. The guidelines
are regarded as the national reference for good building practice. Almost
all companies in the Norwegian building industry subscribe. Presently, 4 of
the guides are in English and Polish.

Five of the booklets deal with thermal bridges specifically [NO02, NO03,
NO04, NO05, NO06]. These explain consequences, calculation of energy
use, improvement, and a small atlas of details with thermal bridge values.
However, more importantly many of the remaining guides in the series
contain details, with how to avoid thermal bridges as just one aspect. See
examples in fig. 2 and 3. There is also a handy pocket book of details of
wooden constructions, for use on building sites [NO09].

In 2007, a freely available national report was published to support the

treatment of thermal bridges in the building regulations and EP calculation
method [NO08]. It is equivalent to UKs guide, but is much more detailed.
Fig.9 Norwegian design sheet
As a result of this project, the national EP calculation standard now
tabulates typical values of total thermal bridge coefficient [W/mfloorK]

BUILD-UP > P189_Thermal_bridge_guidance_examples_ASIEPI-WP4.doc 3

depending on construction type (i.e. steel frame, wood frame,
concrete/brick) and on the minimal thickness of thermal breaks (i.e. 5 cm
or 10 cm). This is a simple and practical means of combining good practice
together with EP calculations, without the bother of summating all the
linear thermal bridge -values for all the details that are used in a specific

Fig.10 Protokollblad #24 [PHI]

[DE06] Fig.13 This figure shows how to avoid thermal bridging and air leakage at
a wall / slab-on-ground junction.

4> Germany
Numerous reports covering the topic of thermal bridges have been
published in Germany. However, there is no equivalent to UKs ACD guide
& details. Those publications that are freely available generally cover
thermal bridges rather superficially [e.g. DE12, DE14, DE15] or as part of a
general documentation of an energy efficient concept [e.g. DE02,
DE11].More substantial publications on thermal bridges have been
published by the Passivhaus Institut, in particular Protokollband #14 on
passive house windows [DE04], Protokollband #16 on thermal-bridge free
constructions [DE05], Protokollband #24 on energy-efficient
modernization, especially of multifamily housing for which thermal bridges
are an important aspect [DE06], and Protokollband #35 focusing on two
critical thermal bridges: basements and balconies [DE07].

5> Belgium
Fig.11 Protokollblad #35 [PHI] Good practice guidance is still under development in Belgium. One
[DE07] project, called 'Koudebrug-IDEE', has established a free on-line catalogue
[BE04] with some 150 details for joints commonly found in Belgium. The
quality of these drawings is very basic. However another project has
published some very appealing and clear passive house details
(www.bouwdetails.be) [BE01, BE02]. It is a free website with interactive
step-by-step 3D illustrations showing how to construct passive house
details, and downloadable 2D details with step-by-step description of
construction. These details have a unique pedagogic quality.

Fig.12 Guide on building

energy regulations, with 3
pages on thermal bridges Fig.14 A passive house detail from the Belgian website bouwdetails.be
BUILD-UP > P189_Thermal_bridge_guidance_examples_ASIEPI-WP4.doc 4
6> Austria
IBO Passivhaus-Bauteilkatalog is a 347-page bilingual German/English
bible of passive house details [AT01, AT02]. There are 310 illustrations.
Each detail has a description together with suitability criteria,
performance parameters (incl. thermal bridge -values), LCA evaluation,
and cost assessment.

7> Netherlands
SBR-Refentiedetails [NL03] is a highly professional subscription service
providing a large collection of constantly updated details together with
thermal bridge -values and other data. They are available for different
construction types, both residential and commercial buildings, and
renovation, new, or passive house. In practice they are mostly used for
residential buildings. The details are available in paper, online and
electronic files (DWG, DXF) for import to CAD. The draw-back of this
service is that it is not explicitly connected to the building regulations.
There is, however, software available to enable summation of the thermal
Fig.15 Frond cover of bridges for all the details in a specific building.
with ecologically-rated details Each SBR detail has a unique ID code, which conveys much useful
[AT02] information. However, the code is a tad complicated, and since it consists
only of digits, it is less self-explanatory than, for example, the UKs code
This paper was cofunded by

ASIEPI partners:
BBRI (BE; technical co-ordinator),
NKUA (GR; financial &
administrative co-ordinator), TNO
(NL), Fraunhofer IBP (DE), SINTEF
(NO), CSTB (FR), Cete de Lyon
(ES), NAPE (PL), VTT (FI), E-U-Z
(DE), Enviros (CZ), SBi (DK)

Associated partners:
Eurima (BE), PCE (BE), ES-SO (BE),
EuroAce (BE), FIEC (BE), Acciona I

Kaunas University (LT), University Fig.16 Example of a typical two-page SBR-Refentiedetail [NL03]
of Budapest (HU), University of
Bucharest (RO), BRE (UK), UCD (IE) 8> Romania
Link: www.asiepi.eu Romania has guides with common construction details, with provisions and
examples of correct and incorrect insulation. The guides/standards are not
Original text language: English free, but are available electronically via www.matrixrom.ro.

Disclaimer: ASIEPI has received funding from the Communitys Intelligent Energy Europe
programme under the contract EIE/07/169/SI2.466278.

The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. Neither the European
Commission nor the authors are responsible for any use that may be made of the information
contained therein.

European Communities, 2009

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged

BUILD-UP > P189_Thermal_bridge_guidance_examples_ASIEPI-WP4.doc 5

Link Country of Cost? PDF? in ASIEPI
Language Guide?
(2009) WWW? archive?
Bibliographic reference English description
nr. Method?
International publications
"Passive House Solutions". Report from EU EIE project
Details, Contains an overview of common details and best practice passive
EU01 EU English free y y Promtion of European Passive Houses. May 2006.
Guide house details from different countries. See page 11 to 18. 50 pages
Calculation of the thermal transmittance of windows and pedestrian
EN ISO 10077-1 "Thermal performance of windows, doors doors consisting of glazed and/or or opaque panels fitted in a frame,
EN-ISO English &
International Method 60,20 y preview and shutters - Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 1: with and without shutters. Thermal bridge effects at the rebate or joint
10077-1 others
General" between the window or door frame and the rest of the building
envelope are excluded from the calculation.
Calculation of the thermal transmittance of frame profiles and of the
EN ISO 10077-2 "Thermal performance of windows, doors linear thermal transmittance of their junction with glazings or opaque
EN-ISO English &
International Method 55,50 y preview and shutters Calculation of thermal transmittance Part 2: panels. Also valid for shutters and roller shutter boxes. Does not
10077-2 others
Numerical method for frames" include effects 3D heat transfer such as pin point metallic connections,
or thermal bridge between frame and the building structure.
EN ISO 10211 "Thermal bridges in building construction
EN-ISO English & Numerical calculation of heat flows through 2D & 3D thermal bridges,
International Method 62,30 y preview Heat flows and surface temperatures Detailed
10211 others and risk of surface condensation.
EN 13187 "Thermal performance of buildings - Qualitative Thermal performance of buildings - Qualitative detection of thermal
EN English &
International Method 60,00 y preview detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes - irregularities in building envelopes - Infrared method (ISO 6781:1983
13187 others
Infrared method" modified)
EN-ISO English & EN ISO 13370 "Thermal performance of buildings - Heat
International Method 67,90 y preview Includes the influece of perimeter thermal bridges and breaks
13370 others transfer via the ground - Calculation methods "
Simplified methods for determining heat flows through linear thermal
EN ISO 14683 "Thermal performance of windows, doors
EN-ISO English & bridges at junctions of building elements. Gives requirements to
International Method 55,50 y preview and shutters Calculation of thermal transmittance Part 2:
14683 others thermal bridge catalogues and manual calculation methods. Default
Numerical method for frames"
values of given in Annex
Publications sorted by country
"IBO Passivhaus Bauteilkatalog a catalogue of building
elements specified for Passivhaus standard " by Waltjen, Presents the IBO Passivhaus Bauteilkatalog, a catalogue of
AT01 Austria English Details free y y
10DBMC International Conference On Durability of Building construction details published in 2008
Materials and Components, Lyon, France. 17-20 April 2005
"Passivhaus-Bauteilkatalog | Details for Passive Houses.
2008. kologisch bewertete Konstruktionen | A Catalogue Constructions & details conforming to passive house standards as well
German & Guide,
AT02 Austria 99.95 - preview of Ecologically Rated Constructions" IBO as up-to-date ecological evaluations. Gives information on the latest
English Details
sterreichisches Institut fr Baubiologie und -kologie building materials. 310 illustrations. 347 pages
(Hrsg.). Wien : Springer. ISBN 978-3-211-29763-6
"Innovative solutions in passive house details " by Hilderson Describes Belgian research project Presti 5 Details in the passive
& Mlecnik. PLEA 2008 25th Conference on Passive and house standard, which produced details for both massive and wood
BE01 Belgium English Details free y y
Low Energy Architecture , Dublin, 22nd to 24th October construction of passive houses in the Belgian building tradition
2008 (www.bouwdetails.be)
On-line interactive step-by-step 3D illustrations of passive house
BE02 Belgium Flemmish Details free y y www.bouwdetails.be
details, and downloadable 2D details with step-by-step construction
BE03 Belgium Flemmish free y y WCB Contact nr.9 , March 2006. pp 10-12 Small news items with advice about thermal bridges in basement
Link Country of Cost? PDF? in ASIEPI
Language Guide?
(2009) WWW? archive?
Bibliographic reference English description
nr. Method?
"Koudebrug-IDEE" thermal bridge atlas.
Flemmish & An online atlas of 150 details with calculated thermal bridge
BE04 Belgium Details free y web link www.wtcb.be/go/koudebruggen (Flemmish) or
French coefficients, with a 5-page user manual
www.cstc.be/go/ponts-thermiques (French)
"Transitions - How to design facade interfaces" by Short article explains the principle of continuous envelope layers for
CA01 Canada English Guide free y y Kazmierczak and Neeb. Journal of Building Enclosure waterproofing, windproofing, insulation, vapour barrier, etc. Illustrated
Design (JBED), Summer 2007, pp 20-23 with examples of critical details.
"Thermal bridging in the building envelope" by O'Brien. In Short article on maximizing insulation effectiveness through careful
CA02 Canada English Guide free y y
The Construction Specifier , Canada, October 2006 design. Focus on cold climates
2nd addendum of German Standard 4108. Thermal insulation and
DE01 Germany German Method 129,10 y preview DIN 4108 Beiblatt 2, 2006 energy economy in buildings - Thermal bridges - Examples for planning
and performance
"EnEV" Energy Conservation Regulations. Regulation on energy
"EnEV Energieeinsparverordnung". Arbeitsgemeinschaft
DE02 Germany German Guide free y y conservation in buildings. Bonn : Publ. by Assoc. of brick
Mauerziegel e.V., Bonn. 5th edition (2007), p. 31-33.
manufacturers. 3 pages on thermal bridges.
"Design avoiding thermal bridges - preferable not only for
DE03 Germany English Guide free y y Concise webpage on thermal bridges.
Passive Houses". Passivhaus Institut (www.passiv.de)
"Protokollband Nr. 14: Passivhaus-Fenster : Arbeitkreis
Technical guide on passive house standard windows, including thermal
DE04 Germany German Guide 15,30 - preview kostengnstige Passivhuser - Phase II ", Passivhaus
bridging around the frame, and consequences of mounting options.
Technical guide on thermal bridge free constructions. Explains the
"Protokollband Nr. 16: Wrmebrckenfreies Konstruieren :
principles (esp. continuous insulation envelope), critical construction
DE05 Germany German Guide 24,10 - preview Arbeitkreis kostengnstige Passivhuser - Phase II ".
details, calculation of psi values, and examples of both lightweight and
Passivhaus Institut
concrete constructions.
"Protokollband Nr. 24: Einsatz von Passivhaustechnologien
General technical guide on technologies for energy-efficient building
bei der Altbau-Modernisierung : Arbeitskreises
DE06 Germany German Guide 24,60 - preview modernization (in particular multifamily housing). Thermal bridges are
kostengnstige Passivhuser ist erschienen - Phase III ".
an improtant aspect of this, e.g. balconies.
Passivhaus Institut
"Protokollband Nr. 35: Wrmebrcken und
Tragwerksplanung - die Grenzen des wrmebrckenfreien Technical guide on structural design and thermal bridges, focusing on
DE07 Germany German Guide 21,10 - preview
Konstruierens : Arbeitkreis kostengnstige Passivhuser - two critical areas: basements and balconies
Phase IV". Passivhaus Institut
"Niedrig-Energie-Huser" by Erhorn, H. und Rei, J.
DE08 Germany German Guide ? - - Fraunhofer-Institut fr Bauphysik, Stuttgart (1994), p.3/5- Report on low-energy housing
Brochure "Energy-saving and cost-effective residential building in
Schopfheim ". 300 low energy homes were built in Schopfheim.
"Energie- und kostensparende Wohngebude in
Construction cost increase of only 2 to 4% lead to a 30% reduction in
DE09 Germany German Guide ? - - Schopfheim". Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Wrttemberg
heat loss. Publ.: Ministry of Economy of Baden Wuerttemberg. In
(1995), p. 49-85.
collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, 86
"Energetische Modernisierung von Wohngebuden ".
DE10 Germany German Guide ? - - Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Wrttemberg (1999), p. 36- Brochure from federal state
"Weber 2001 volution - Fertighuser im Wandel ". Erhorn, Report on energy-efficient features of Weber houses. A couple of
DE11 Germany German Guide free y y
H. et ali. Fraunhofer-Institut fr Bauphysik (2001), p. 7-8. pages on thermal bridges. 35 pages
"Bauen fr die Zukunft". Deutsche Energie Agentur (DENA)
DE12 Germany German Guide free - y "Building for the Future ". Publ. by German energy agency
GmbH, Berlin (2004), p. 10-12.
Link Country of Cost? PDF? in ASIEPI
Language Guide?
(2009) WWW? archive?
Bibliographic reference English description
nr. Method?
"Bauliche Konzeptentwicklung fr eine '3-Liter-
Reihenhauszeile' im Rahmen von
Report on a rehabilitation project where the heating needs were
DE13 Germany German Guide ? y y Modernisierungsmanahmen in Mannheim-Gartenstadt" by
drastically reduced by using high-quality thermal insulation. 40 pages
Rei, J. and Erhorn, H. Fraunhofer-Institut fr Bauphysik.
Bauphysik 26 (2004), issue 6, p. 322-334.
"Niedrigenergiehuser - Wissenswerte Grundlagen zu
Planung und Funktion". Ausgabe 07/2007, berarbeitung
Concise guide on energy-efficient modern housing. Page 5 on thermal
DE14 Germany German Guide free y y 10/2007. Hessen, Ministerium fr Wirtschaft, Verkehr und
bridges. 20 pages
Landesentwicklung, Wiesbaden (Herausgeber); Institut
Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH -IWU-, Darmstadt (Bearbeiter)
"Energetische Modernisierung von Wohngebuden - Eine
Chance fr Vernderung" by Reuther & Weber. Darmstadt : Guide to energy efficient retrofits of apartment buildings, with focus on
DE15 Germany German Guide free y y
Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, 2008. ISBN 978-3-941140-02- insulation. Some stuff on thermal bridges
Detail "Catalogue" made for individual building projects,
DE16 Germany German Details ? y - Various sources
compiled by Fraunhofer-Institut fr Bauphysik
Danish Standard DS 418 "Beregning af bygningers Calculation of heat loss from buildings. Includes definition and
DK01 Denmark English Method 149 y preview
varmetab", with ammendments 1:2005 and 2:2008 calculation of thermal bridges, with some details. 3 documents
"Thermal bridges in residential buildings in Denmark". Brochure specifically on thermal bridges in danish residential buildings.
DK02 Denmark English Guide free y y OPET Work package RUE in prefabricated buildings. Brno, Describes regulations, common types of thermal bridge; consequences
2002 of thermal bridges, and solutions
SBi guide 189: "Smahuse". 2nd ed. 1999 with addendum "Small houses ". General guide on small housing, with addendum on
DK03 Denmark Danish Guide 40,00 y preview
2002. ISBN 87-563-1005-6 & ISBN 87-563-1139-7 thermal bridges. 142 pages and addedum 32 pages
"Renovation of multi-storey buildings ". Brochure, not specific, but
DK04 Denmark Danish Guide 70,00 y preview SBi guide 221: "Efterisolering af etageejendomme", 2008
thermal bridges are included in several publictions from SBi
"Forsgshuse med nye typer klimaskrmskonstruktioner " Experiments with new types envelopes. Brief description of 6 single
DK05 Denmark Danish Guide free y y by Rose & Tommerup. DTU rapport R-069, 2003. ISBN 87- family houses focusing on construction technology, economic
7877-131-5 optimization and calculations and measurements of heating energy.
"Kuldebroer ved vinduesfalselementer" by Rose. DTU report
DK06 Denmark Danish Details free y y "Thermal brides at window frames ", with some psi values
SR-9714, 1997
"Energy-saving housing ". Design guide on wooden low-energy
Guide, "Energiaa sstv pientalo". Publ. by Timber Suppliers buildings, to reduce heating energy by 50%. Focuses on insulation.
FI01 Finland Finnish free y y
Details Assoc (www.puuinfo.fi), 2006 Includes details for thermal bridges & airtightness. 86 pages. The
association (www.puuinfo.fi) also has other publictations with details.
Structural details of various structural systems (Publ. by insulation
FI02 Finland Finnish Details free y y eriste.paroconline.com manufacturer Paroc). The details do not give information on
construction method or thermal properties
FI03 Finland Finnish Details free y y www.isover.fi/en/Constructual+Planning/Structure+Library Some structural details (Publ. by insulation manufacturer Isover)

"Thermal Bridges in Building - A practical guide ". Thermal bridges:

Guide, "Les ponts thermiques dans le btiment - Guide practique ", definition and calculation; The impacts of thermal bridges; Thermal
FR01 France French 17,06 - preview
Details CSTB, 2006 bridge connections; Integrated thermal bridges; Thermal bridges and
the building regulations; and a few pages of examples. 80 pages
Link Country of Cost? PDF? in ASIEPI
Language Guide?
(2009) WWW? archive?
Bibliographic reference English description
nr. Method?
Details on thermal bridging and airtightness. Helps achieve Irish
Acceptable Construction Details (ACDs) for Technical building regulations 2008 for dwellings. Has 2 sections: Section 1 is
IE01 Ireland English free y 9 docs y Guidance Documents (TGD) Part L. 2008 general theory of insulation continuity and airtightness in construction.
(www.environ.ie/en/TGD/) Section 2 has details showing insulation and airtightness provisions. A
Comment Sheet is also available
Building regulation STR 2.05.01:2005 "Thermal technique of the
Dl statybos techninio reglamento STR 2.05.01:2005
LT01 Lithuania Lithuanian Details free y y building envelope ", including Annex 7 "Thermal transmittance
"Pastat atitvar ilumin technika " patvirtinimo
coefficients of linear thermal bridges "
The NEN 1068 "Thermische isolatie van gebouwen -
NL01 Dutch Method 57,60 - preview Official method
Netherlands rekenmethoden", geheel herziene 5e druk okt 2001
National practice guide with default psi values, 72 pages. Indicates
The Details, NPR 2068 "Thermische isolatie van gebouwen -
NL02 Dutch 57,60 - preview hand calculaion method to determine the same quantities as in NEN
Netherlands Method Vereenvoudigde rekenmethoden", 1e druk jan. 2002
Large collection of details together with thermal bridge psi values and
70 -
other data. Available for different construction types, both residential
The 345.
NL03 Dutch Details y preview SBR-Referentiedetails (www.sbr.nl/referentiedetails) and commercial buildings, and renovation, new, or passive house.
Netherlands 1 per
Available in paper, online and electronic files (DWG, DXF) for import to
CAD. Constantly updated with subscription.
A series of 760 guides provides concrete solutions and advice on a
Norwegian wide range of specialist building issues, richly illustrated and with clear
SINTEF Building Research Design Guides
NO01 Norway (English & All 950/yr y web link text. Updated monthly and available online (also CD-ROM and paper).
Polish) 5 design sheets listed below are related to thermal bridges. 4 guides
are in English and Polish
471.015 "Kuldebroer. Vurdering av konsekvenser og Building design guide 471.015: "Thermal bridges: Evaluation of
NO02 Norway Norwegian Guide 15,60 y preview
dokumentasjon av energibruk", SINTEF, 2008 consequences and documentation of energy use "
471.016 "Kuldebroer. Metoder for bestemme Building design guide 471.016: "Methods of determining thermal bridge
NO03 Norway Norwegian Method 15,60 y preview
kuldebroverdi", SINTEF, 1999 factors "
471.017 "Kuldebroer. Tabeller med kuldebroverdier",
NO04 Norway Norwegian Details 15,60 y preview Building design guide 471.017: "Tables of thermal bridge factors "
SINTEF, 2007
Guide, 521.112 "Golv p grunnen med ringmur. Varmeisolering, Building design guide 521.112: "Slab on ground with ring foundation.
NO05 Norway Norwegian 15,60 y preview
Method frostsikring og beregning av varmetap ", SINTEF, 2005 Thermal insulation, frost protection and calculation of heat loss "
Guide, Building design guide 720.015: "Improving thermal bridges ", for
NO06 Norway Norwegian 15,60 y preview 720.015 "Utbedring av kuldebroer", SINTEF, 1999
Details existing buildings
"Energieffektive lsninger i smhus" by Myhre & Dokka.
"Energy-efficient solutions in small houses ". Pages 33-42 on thermal
NO07 Norway Norwegian Guide 44,50 - web link Anvisning 40, 2004, Oslo : SINTEF Buildings &
bridges. 76 pages
Infrastructure. ISBN: 82-536-0854-3
"Thermal bridges Calculation and influence on energy consumption ".
Chapters: What is a thermal bridge, How avoid thermal bridges,
"Kuldebroer Beregning, kuldebroverdier og innvirkning p
Methods for determining thermal bridge factors, Numerical calculation
energibruk" by Gustavsen et al., Report B21394, Oslo:
NO08 Norway Norwegian All free - y of thermal bridges, Thermal bridge values, Heat loss and floor-area-
SINTEF Buildings & Infrastructure, 2008. ISBN 978-82-536-
specific thermal bridge value (NKV), Improving thermal bridges in
existing buildings. Appendices: Steel frame thermal bridges method
description, Data sheets with tables of thermal bridge values. 92 pages
"Wood construction houses collection of drawings for use on building
"Trehus - figursamling for byggeplass", Oslo: SINTEF
NO09 Norway Norwegian Details 40,00 n n sites ". Pocket format book aimed at craftsmen on building sites.
Buildings & Infrastructure, 2009. ISBN 978-82-536-1087-0
Contains a practical collection of recommended details.
Link Country of Cost? PDF? in ASIEPI
Language Guide?
(2009) WWW? archive?
Bibliographic reference English description
nr. Method?
Guide on Polish Norms - EN related to energy characteristics of
PL01 Poland Polish Method ? ? web link Publications of ITB, Warsaw 2003.
buildings, publications of ITB, Warsaw 2003.
Evaluation of energy quality of buildings; requirements - data -
PL02 Poland Polish Method ? ? - Association of Energy Auditors, Warsaw 2004.
calculations. Educational material
Guides containing common construction details for typical buildings,
Guide, For existing buildings: SC08-2002, NP060-2002.
RO01 Romnia Romanian ? ? web link with provisions and examples of correct and incorrect insulation. All
Details For new buildings: GP058-2000
guides/standards available electronically via www.matrixrom.ro
Building Regulations in England and Wales, catalogue of accredited
Details, Accredicted Construction Details (ACDs) for Part L. 2007
UK01 UK English free y. 6 pdfs y details with regard to airtightness and thermal bridges. Replaces
Guide (www.planningportal.gov.uk), for England & Wales
previous publication "Robust details" of 2001
Building Regulations in Scotland, catalogue of accredited details with
Details, Accredited Construction Details (Scotland). Scottish
UK02 UK English free y y regard to airtightness and thermal bridges in low to medium rise
Guide Building Standards Agency. (www.sbsa.gov.uk)
Details, Enhanced Construction Details (EDCs). Energy Saving Voluntary enhanced best-practice designs from the Energy Saving
UK03 UK English free y 7 pdfs y
Guide Trust, UK (www.energysavingtrust.org.uk) Trust
"Robust details - Limiting thermal bridging and air leakage -
Known as the "Robust details" document. Supplied in ring binder with
robust construction details for dwellings and similar
UK04 UK English Details 30 y web link thumb-index. Supported the Part L of the 2001 Building regulations.
buildings", by DEFRA/DTLR. Publ. The Stationery Office.
Has been outdated by the newer ACDs and ECDs [UK01 & UK03].
Reprint 2002. ISBN 0117536318
These details focus on sound insulation (Part E) but in principle should
Robust Details (www.robustdetails.com), publ. by Robust
UK05 UK English Details 72 y web link not have thermal bridge effects. Not to be confused with the newer
Details Limited (RDL)
ACDs and ECDs [UK01 & UK03]
Recommendations of BRE on good design and construction practice
associated with previous building regulations. Links technical risks,
"Thermal insulation: avoiding risks" by Stirling. BRE Report
UK06 UK English Details 36,20 y web link causes and solutions. Topics: insulation, energy, roofs, walls, windows,
262, 2002 edition, ISBN 1860815154
floors, pipes, thermal bridging, fire risks, condensation, ventilation. 80
pages. May be partly outdated by the new regulations.
Guidance on assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and
"Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and
around openings in the facade. Gives a satisfactory estimate of heat
UK07 UK English Details 11,50 y web link around openings" by Ward. BRE Information paper IP1/06,
transfer for the purposes of carrying out building regulations
2006, 1-86081-904-4
compliance calculations. 6 pages
Gives the conventions for numerical modellers. For building regulation
"Conventions for calculating linear thermal transmittance
purposes, two key modelling outputs, temperature factor and linear
UK08 UK English Details 48,00 y web link and temperature factors " by Ward & sanders. BRE report
thermal transmittance. These outputs enable designers to confirm the
497, 2007, ISBN 978-1-86081-986-5
adequacy of particular junction details. 48 pages.
4 pages with concise information about thermal bridges with examples
UK09 UK English free y y LowCarb4Real Design collection on thermal bridging of real applications, from project UrbanBuzz - Developing low carbon
housing: Lessons from the field
"Avoidance of thermal bridging in steel construction ", Steel
Guide, Practical guidance for avoiding thermal bridge heat losses in steel
UK10 UK English 20 ? preview Constriction Institute (SCI), April 2008, ISBN 978-1-85942-
Details framed buildings; supported by thermal modelling data. 36 pages
"Insight: A Bridge Too Far" by Lstiburek. Short article on thermal bridges, steel studs, structural frames, relieving
US01 USA English Guide free y y
Www.buildingscience.com angles and balconies.

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