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Ii) ) .I:/'i-'Ii: Ijri 4lrl-I T/EER

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F.;i,L'Hi iC *F TJ-iT PJJiLiPFi:\':!

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iJLREAU {}F T\EER\ ii }}.i:\'I-'ii E:,

Quezon Citr


SUBJECT Acceptance of Tax Returns and Pavments of Taxpa_vers \Vho .Are

Mandated To File Their Tax Returns ThrLr The E,lectronic Filine and
Pavment S)'stem (eFPS) and Electronic BIR Forms (e-BIR Forrrsl On
Areas Alfected br,'Tvphoon Lando

TO Revenue District Oifice (RDO) Nos. l. -1. 4. -i. ll. li-.\. :i-B arrd all
RDOs under Revenue Resion No. 2 - Cordillera Adniinistrative Resion

D.{TE October 30. 2015

Dite io the effbcts olflrphocn Lando that devastated some areas under the.iurisdiction of
ihe subject district offices nhere the polver suppl),andior telco internet connecti\in'have been
temporarilv disconnected. all concerned taxpal,ers dull,registered under the said disrlict offices
nho are mandated users of eFPS and eBIR Forms are hereb)'temporarill,allor,red to manualll,
file their respecti\,e ta\ return.s anci manuall),pat'the taxes due thereon.

The filing of tax retLrrns and the corresponding pavment of the taxes due thereon. if tliere
are anv, mav be rnade b1 the said concerned taxpavers lvith the Authorized Agent Banks (AABs)
ria their over-the-counter pavment faciiities. Hou'ever. in cases where there are no AABs lr,ithin
the respectire area u'here the taxpal,'ers are dulv registered. the said taxpal'ers shall file their tax
returns and pa1'the corresponding taxes due thereon rvith the Rer,'enue Coilection Officers
(RCOs). dull authorized bv the RDO to receive tax returns and accept pavmenrs of the tares due
ihereon. regardless of the amount of the taxes due. Accordingll'. all concerned RCOs shall
strictll'observe the prescribed procedural requirerxents. more particularll,'tl'ie rerrittance olthe
collected amount of taxes to the nearest Authorized Gor.,ernment Depositorv Bank (AGDB.1
lrithin the prescribed period. pursuant to the provisions olRevenue Memorandum OrderNo.2l-
2014 and Operations Memorandum No. 201 5-05-01 .

In order that the penalties and sanctions shall nol be in'iposed b1'this Bureau as a result of
the manual filing of these tax retlrrns. all the concerned RDOs shall inform their respective
taxpavers to re-file the manually t-iled tax reiurns. through the eFPS or the eBIR Forms. as the
case rrlav be. on or before November 6.2015. Ilorvever. in cases where the porver supply,and/or
ittternet connectivitl' in certain areas under the territorial jurisdiction of the subiect re\jeltue
district offices has notl'et been restored even allerthe said cleadline. the affected taxpa\/ers uncler
these areas shall re-file the manualli,filed returrrs. through the said electronic lacilities. within
t\\'entv lour (24) hours immediately, after restoration thereof.

Commis:,ioncr ol Internal Revenue


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