Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge Syllabus2017 s3
Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge Syllabus2017 s3
Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge Syllabus2017 s3
Course Overview:
Welcome to Online Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge! This class is designed to give outgoing Math 8
students the opportunity to master two additional sections that were covered in Integrated Math 1 (and not in
Math 8), thus making them eligible to start the 9th grade year in Integrated Math 2. This class will not count as
high school math credit and will be taken solely for the purpose of accelerating students in the math course
sequence. The placement for their 9th grade year will be based on the following requirements:
1. Math 1 Bridge Pretest: Any student exceeding the standards on the pretest will test out of the summer
bridge class and be placed in Integrated Math 2 Enhanced.
2. Successful completion of the Math 1 summer Bridge Course:
Passing the Online Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge course with a B or better, along with a
B or better in Math 8, enables a student to be eligible to take Integrated Math 2 Enhanced their
9th grade year.
Passing the Online Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge Course with a C or better, along with a
B or better in Math 8, enables a student to be eligible to take Integrated Math 2 their 9th grade
3. Any student receiving a grade below a C for the Online Integrated Math 1 Summer Bridge Course will
automatically be place in Integrated Math 1 their 9th grade year.
Course Requirements:
1) Students must complete the online course in Odysseyware in its entirety (100%) within the 2 weeks
beginning July 10, 2017 and ending July 21, 2017. All assignments must be finished by 3:00 pm on
Friday July 21, 2017.
2) Students are expected to login into Odysseyware daily for at least one hour. The course has 5 units.
Each unit has 2-14 lessons and 1-4 quizzes. The course will require 27-32 hours of work. STUDENTS
MAY WORK AHEAD AND FINISH EARLY. Students should be completing roughly 10-12% of the
course each day. No assignments are assigned on the weekends but it is encouraged that students work
on the weekends to get ahead.
3) Students must be independent, disciplined, self-motivated learners with adequate technology,
organization, and time-managements skills in order to maximize their success.
4) Students must have a computer or a compatible device with up-to-date software and a high speed
internet connection.
5) Students must have an e-mail account and a mobile device capable of sending and receiving text
6) Students must complete every assignment (all lessons and quizzes) by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date to
receive full credit for staying on pace (pacing deadlines are given below in the pacing section). Full
credit is 2.5% of your overall grade. If the assignments are turned in by 11:59 p.m. the next day (one
day late), students will receive only 1.3% late credit for pacing. Otherwise, 0% credit will be given. NO
21, 2017.
7) Student must complete the work on their own. Any form of cheating will not be tolerated and will
result in immediate removal from the course. Any sharing of files, assignments, quiz/test questions
is considered cheating.
8) Although it will not be physically collected, students are required to take hand-written notes for each
lesson to help them through the lesson homework questions and quizzes. One full page of notes is
required for each lesson and must include the following: Unit and lesson number, lesson title, key terms
and definitions, main ideas of the lesson, any formulas, rules, strategies, properties, theorems and
equations and examples with all the steps shown. Notebooks can be used to help on the quizzes. I may
ask for an electronic copy at any time to ensure notes are being taken.
Grading Policy:
Pacing/Deadline Grade:
There are 8 quizzes in the course and those quizzes will mark the deadline dates. Each deadline will be
worth 2.5% of the overall grade for the course. Students must finish each quiz and all the work leading up to the
quiz by the specified date in the table below to received full credit for staying on pace and meeting the deadline.
A student may still receive some credit for missing the deadline if it is complete within one day of the deadline.
Late credit is worth 1.3%. The deadlines for the quizzes can be found below.
Unit and Quiz Number Pacing Due Dates and Times Grade
Unit 1 Quiz 1 Tuesday July 11, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 1 Quiz 2 Wednesday July 12, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 1 Quiz 3 Thursday July 13, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 1 Quiz 4 Friday July 14, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 2 Quiz 5 Tuesday July 18, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 3 Quiz 6 Wednesday July 19, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 4 Quiz 7 Thursday July 20, 2017 11:59 p.m. 2.50%
Unit 5 Quiz 8 Friday July 21, 2017 3:00p.m.*** 2.50%
OdysseyWare Program
Odysseyware comprises 80% of your overall course grade. This means that the percent you see in Odysseyware
is not the percent you have in the course because there are other things you are being graded on as mentioned
above. Here are some notes about Odysseyware. Please read and understand them.
To login in, please follow the instruction given to you in the document Signing Onto Odysseyware from Your
Home Computer Using the Website provided to you by your school or Mr. Kaan.
If you forget your password or need technical assistance at any time during the course, contact Mr. Kaan
immediately for help.
Odysseyware Quizzes
Quizzes are assigned after every 2 5 lessons have been completed. There may be anywhere form 1 4
quizzes per unit. Students are expected to:
Utilize the notes taken during each lesson to answer the quiz questions.
You must score at least 70% on the quizzes to move on.
NOTE: You are allowed 5 attempts to pass the quiz. After the fifth attempt, you will receive the score of that
fifth attempt AND you will be blocked. Please contact me by text as soon as that happens.
Odsseyware Lessons
Within each unit are numerous lessons. Students will be expected to:
Read and take notes from each lesson
Complete the homework/review questions at the end of each lesson
You must score at least 70% on the lessons to move on.
NOTE: You are allowed 10 attempts at each lesson. Once youve attempted 10 times, you will receive the
score of that last 10th attempt AND you will be blocked. Please contact the instructor by text as soon as that
Grading Policy
Please note that the following grading scale is NOT a traditional grading scale.
94 100 % A
84 93.9 % B
74 83.9 % C
0 73.9 % F
Throughout the course, students may need extra help with a specific lesson and/or topic. If this is the
case, please visit the website I have created to access additional resources on the topic you are struggling with.
The website can be found at You can also ask me for help and I will
get back to you with a plan as soon as I am able to. I may refer you to other online resources, such as websites
or videos. I may also request to have a virtual meeting at a specific time and date. These virtual meetings
would be through a program called AdobeConnect. Students will need a link for these meeting which will be
sent to them prior to the meeting. AdobeConnect also has an app that can be downloaded onto a mobile device
and we could essentially meet wherever you are.
2. Know the deadlines. Print them out, memorize them, make flashcards, put them into your phone or do
whatever it takes to not forget them.
3. LOGIN IN DAILY and work ahead. You need to spend about 3 hours a day to ensure you finish the
course. You have on average about 2-4 lessons to do each day.
4. If you know you will be gone a day, complete the assignments BEFOREHAND and email me
explaining why you wont be logging in that day.
6. Communicate any issue or problem with me immediately! Using the Remind program is the best way to
contact me.
7. Do not rely on the OdysseyWare Grading System to keep track of your gradeit is NOT accurate. It
does not take into account the pacing grade. If you have access to the Q Parent/Student Portal, you may
access your overall grade that way.
8. Set a schedule for yourself of when you will login and do the work and stick to it. Make this class a
priority before other things.