Psa 200 PDF
Psa 200 PDF
Psa 200 PDF
Introduction 1
Scope of an Audit 7
Acknowledgment 15-16
Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs) are to be applied in the audit of financial statements.
PSAs are also to be applied, adapted as necessary, to the audit of other information and to
related services.
PSAs contain the basic principles and essential procedures (identified in bold type black
lettering) together with related guidance in the form of explanatory and other material. The
basic principles and essential procedures are to be interpreted in the context of the explanatory
and other material that provide guidance for their application.
To understand and apply the basic principles and essential procedures together with the related
guidance, it is necessary to consider the whole text of the PSA including explanatory and other
material contained in the PSA not just that text which is black lettered.
In exceptional circumstances, an auditor may judge it necessary to depart from a PSA in order
to more effectively achieve the objective of an audit. When such a situation arises, the auditor
should be prepared to justify the departure.
The PSAs issued by the Auditing Standards Practices Council (Council) are based on
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) issued by the International Auditing Practices
Committee of the International Federation of Accountants.
The ISAs on which the PSAs are based are generally applicable to the public sector, including
government business enterprises. However, the applicability of the equivalent PSAs on
Philippine public sector entities has not been addressed by the Council. It is the understanding
of the Council that this matter will be addressed by the Commission on Audit itself in due
course. Accordingly, the Public Sector Perspective set out at the end of an ISA has not been
adopted into the PSAs.
PSA 200
Objective of an Audit
4. The auditor should comply with the Code of Professional Ethics for
Certified Public Accountants promulgated by the Board of Accountancy
and approved by the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission.
Ethical principles governing the auditors professional responsibilities are:
(a) independence;
(b) integrity;
(c) objectivity;
(e) confidentiality;
6. The auditor should plan and perform the audit with an attitude of
professional skepticism recognising that circumstances may exist which
cause the financial statements to be materially misstated. For example, the
auditor would ordinarily expect to find evidence to support management
representations and not assume they are necessarily correct.
Scope of an Audit
7. The term scope of an audit refers to the audit procedures deemed necessary
in the circumstances to achieve the objective of the audit. The procedures
required to conduct an audit in accordance with PSAs should be
determined by the auditor having regard to the requirements of PSAs,
relevant professional bodies, legislation, regulations and, where
appropriate, the terms of the audit engagement and reporting
Reasonable Assurance
9. However, there are inherent limitations in an audit that affect the auditors
ability to detect material misstatements. These limitations result from factors
such as:
The fact that most audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive.
10. Also, the work undertaken by the auditor to form an opinion is permeated by
judgment, in particular regarding:
(a) the gathering of audit evidence, for example, in deciding the nature,
timing and extent of audit procedures; and
(b) the drawing of conclusions based on the audit evidence gathered, for
example, assessing the reasonableness of the estimates made by
management in preparing the financial statements.
PSA 200
11. Further, other limitations may affect the persuasiveness of evidence available
to draw conclusions on particular financial statement assertions (for example,
transactions between related parties). In these cases, certain PSAs identify
specified procedures which will, because of the nature of the particular
assertions, provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence in the absence of:
12. While the auditor is responsible for forming and expressing an opinion on the
financial statements, the responsibility for preparing and presenting the
financial statements is that of the management of the entity. The audit of the
financial statements does not relieve management of its responsibilities.
Effective Date
13. This PSA shall be effective for audits of financial statements for periods
ending on or after June 30, 2003.
14. This PSA supersedes Statement of Auditing Standards of the Philippines No.
1, The Objectives, Scope and Responsibilities of an Independent Auditor in
Undertaking an Audit, issued by the Auditing Standards and Practices Council.
15. This PSA, Objective and General Principles Governing an Audit of Financial
Statements, is based on International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 200 of the
same title issued by the International Auditing Practices Committee of the
International Federation of Accountants.
16. This PSA differs from ISA 200 with respect to the deletion of the section on
Public Sector Perspective included in ISA 200.
PSA 200
Edijer A. Martinez