Power Switching Component
Power Switching Component
Power Switching Component
Theory, Applications and Future Trends
Power Systems
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Kaveh Niayesh Magne Runde
Power Switching
Theory, Applications and Future Trends
Kaveh Niayesh Magne Runde
Norwegian University of Science and SINTEF Energy Research
Technology Trondheim
Trondheim Norway
This book on power switching components is the result of two courses, which have
been taught by the authors at the University of Tehran and the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology for more than 10 years. It is designed
primarily to serve as a textbook for a one-semester university course for graduate or
senior undergraduate students in electric power engineering or other related disci-
plines. It may also be used for self-study purposes, for persons with a general
background in electrical engineering, as it contains many detailed and
self-explaining examples. A selection of some parts of this book may also be used
to cover the important topics on current interruption as a part of a more general
course in high voltage apparatus or high voltage technology.
The authors have made efforts to make the present book reasonably compact, but
at the same time to cover all the important topics related to power switchgears that
use mechanically separating contacts and interrupt current by extinguishing the
electric arc that burns between the separating contacts. The book begins with a
phenomenological description of the current interruption process, where the role of
switching arcs is explained. Thereafter, the main features and related physical
phenomena of different interrupting media are discussed in detail. In the application
chapter that follows, three basic aspects are considered: the characteristics of the
different switching duties, derivation of mathematical expressions and formulas
describing the stresses the switching device are exposed to, and the testing methods
used to qualify switching equipment. The switching technologies currently applied
are then covered, in part by describing design and operation principles of typical
devices. Then follows a short review of reliability and service experience of
switching devices, together with a review of diagnostic methods being applied for
checking the condition of switching equipment in service. The book ends with an
outlook on certain development trends and challenges for the future generations of
power switching devices.
This book is indebted to all the invaluable well-written preceding books in the
wide eld of power switching devices. Among these are High voltage circuit
breakers by R. Garzon, Switching in electrical transmission and distribution
systems by R. Smeets and his colleagues and The vacuum interrupter by P. Slade.
vi Preface
The rst author would like to thank his previous colleagues and employers, the
University of Tehran, AREVA T&D as well as ABB, also for giving the permission
to use some photos in this book. He is grateful to all graduate students of the
University of Tehran, who attended the course on the theory and applications of
power switching devices and contributed to rening the contents of this course. The
rst author would also like to thank Prof. Hossein Mohseni, a great friend, teacher
and colleague, and Prof. Klaus Mller, who introduced him to the exciting world of
current interruption.
The second author wants to express his great appreciation to the late Prof. Jarle
Sletbak, who introduced him to the eld of current interruption and switchgear
technology, and also to students, colleagues and other associates in academia and
industry that over the years have contributed to making this a rewarding area to
work in.
It was not possible to write this book without the backing of our current
employers, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and
SINTEF Energy Research, both located in Trondheim, Norway. We appreciate this
support. Last, but certainly not least, we gratefully acknowledge the loving support
of our wives, Nazanin Arab and Ingeborg Bordal.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 General Aspects of Switching in Power Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Switchgear Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 General Design of a Power Switching Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Stresses on Switching Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.1 Mechanical Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4.2 Thermal Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4.3 Dielectric Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Types of Switching Components in Power Networks . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Outline of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Current Interruption Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 13
2.1 A Phenomenological Description of Current Interruption
in an AC Power System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.1 Contact Separation and Switching Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.2 Recovery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Switching Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.1 Arc Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.2 Charge Carriers Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2.3 Ionisation Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.2.4 Charge Carrier Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 High Pressure Switching Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3.1 Static Arc Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3.2 Heat Transport in Electric Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.3.3 Temperature Distribution in an Electric Arc Column . . . . . 37
2.3.4 Dynamic Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.4 Low Pressure (Vacuum) Switching Arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.5 Modeling of Switching Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.1 Detailed Physical Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
viii Contents
Switching devices are inevitable in any electrical system, as they control power
flow to different subsystems or components. From this perspective, their impe-
dances have to change from almost zero (closed position) to nearly innity (open
position). A wide variety of methods, designs and constructions can be used to
realize this function, depending on the desired current and voltage range.
The most commonly used methods to switch currents are by using mechanically
moving contacts, and by means of semiconductor devices. Semiconductor-based
switching components are the most favourable solution for many applications, but
not in high current and high voltage systems. This is mainly due to the high losses
of semiconductor switching devices in their on-state (when the switch is in closed
position). This disadvantage combined with rather limited voltage ratings of
available semiconductor switching components, cause semiconductor-based solu-
tions for high current and high voltage applications to become expensive.
Mechanical switching devices, in contrast, can be designed in such a way that
they have low resistances and thus low losses in closed position, typical several
orders of magnitude lower than semiconductor-based switching devices.
By separating a current-carrying contact, a switching arc ignites and burns
between the open contacts. The current continues to flow from one contact member
to the other through this arc. The arc has a temperature of many thousand degrees,
and at such high temperatures it is a good electrical conductor. In case of a suc-
cessful current interruption of an alternating current, the conductance of this
switching arc changes rapidly near current zero, from very high to very low values.
The arc quenches, and this process enables the current interruption. Thus, in
switching devices based on mechanically moving contacts, the switching arc plays
a central role.
The focus of the present textbook is on the power switching components suitable
for high current and high voltage applications in power transmission and distri-
bution networks. Therefore, the primary interest is here on the mechanical
switching devices, where the switching arc is used to perform the current inter-
ruption. The switching duties include planned connecting and disconnecting
Springer International Publishing AG 2017 1
K. Niayesh and M. Runde, Power Switching Components, Power Systems,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51460-4_1
2 1 Introduction
different parts of the network (load current switching) as well as unplanned fault
current switching. Hence, the switching devices are dealing with a wide current
range, from a few amperes to short-circuit currents of several tens of kilo amperes
and more. The present textbook is intended to give an in-depth insight to the theory
and application of all parts of the devices that cover all necessary switching
functions. It has been conceived as an appropriate resource for a graduate course on
power switching components and can be used in any course on high voltage
equipment. For this purpose, many worked examples and end chapter exercises on
different aspects of switching devices in power networks are included.
The switching tasks or duties in a power system can be grouped into two main
categories: load current and fault current switching. Load current switching is
typically a planned change in the grid conguration, e.g. energizing or
de-energizing a power cable or an overhead line, or starting or stopping an electric
motor. Thus, load switching is in all aspects a normal part of the day-to-day
operation of power components and power networks. When disregarding initial
transients that in some cases occur, the currents to be switched are not higher than
the maximum rated load current for the component at the actual location of the
Equally important as load current switching is the much rarer and but far more
demanding fault current switching. Faults in the electric power grids are unavoid-
able, because power systems and equipment are not technically perfect solutions, but
only trade-offs between meeting minimum technical requirements and reducing the
manufacturing cost. In other words, even though it is technically possible to reduce
the fault probability to almost zero, e.g. by over-dimensioning of the equipment, it
will not end up as an optimal solution from a technical-economical point of view.
In many faults in power grids, e.g. an electrical insulation failure occurring due
to lack of overvoltage withstand capability under a lightning strike, a low impe-
dance path through an electric arc is created between two electrically conducting
parts at different voltage levels. This event is called a short circuit in the network.
With the occurrence of a short circuit, very high currents are flowing through the
fault location. To limit the damages caused by the arc and the fault current to the
different components, and to keep the network operating stably, the fault has to be
cleared quickly. In practice, the short circuit current has to be interrupted as fast as
possible. To accomplish fault detection at early stages, protection systems including
measurement devices such as current transformers (CT) and voltage transformers
(VT) as well as data processing devices have been developed. By desirable per-
formance of power protection systems during a fault, an opening command is sent
to the appropriate switching device in the network. The function of the switching
component is then to interrupt the current and thereby to clear the fault. From this
perspective, it can be realized that the power switching devices play a decisive role
1.1 General Aspects of Switching in Power Grids 3
Fig. 1.1 Schematics of a typical power system including generation, transmission and distribution
with the emphasis on the position of power switching devices
4 1 Introduction
Irrespective of the area of application, every switching component must full the
following requirements:
When closed, it must be an almost perfect electrical conductor.
When the switch is in closed position, heat generated by Ohmic losses rises the
temperature, so to obtain a high rated load current a low resistance is necessary.
Furthermore, the switch has to be capable of carrying all possible currents that may
flow through the network without opening unintentionally. In the event of a fault in
the network, short circuit current may pass through a number of switches, but only
one or a few of them should be opened. Consequently, currents that can pass
through the switches are either high currents for a short time (e.g. short circuit
current for a maximum of 13 s) or the much lower continuous load currents for
long times.
When open, it must be a perfect insulator.
In open position, there is no galvanic connection between the two sides of the
switch. The switch must remain open regardless of what happens in the network.
This implies that the switch needs to withstand all possible applied voltages,
including transient overvoltages (e.g. lightning surges and overvoltages generated
by switching operations in the network) as well as power frequency overvoltages
and rated voltage. In this context, dielectric strength across the open contacts is of
crucial importance.
When closed, it must be able to interrupt any current up to its maximum rated
breaking current at any time, without generating unacceptably large
The maximum rated interruptible current is one of the main differentiators
between different types of power switching components. For a circuit breaker it is
the short circuit current, in case of a load break switch it is the rated nominal load
current, and in case of a disconnecting switch the current interrupting capability is
almost zero.
When open, it must be able to close the contacts at any time, including against a
short circuit, without welding them together (as this would prevent the breaker
from being able to open at a later occasion).
The number of closing operations it should be capable of doing during its
lifetime, and the maximum required closing current are also very different among
different power switching components.
These requirements are rather tough and demanding, and in some aspects partly
contradictory. The emphasis put on the different requirements depends on the
application. Different application cases are presented in detail in Chap. 3.
1.2 Switchgear Requirements 5
Table 1.1 Maximum current values for some important switching duties
Switching duty Current
U 36 kV 36 kV < U 1100 kV
Interruption of load currents/fault currents <2000 A/<90 kA
in distribution and industry networks
Interruption of load currents/fault currents <4000 A/<90 kA
in transmission grids
Interruption of load currents/fault currents <25,000 A/< 300 kA
in generator breakers
Out of phase interruption <20 kA
Interruption of small inductive currents
No-load transformer <400 A <20 A
Reactor <1250 A <400 A
Motor <2000 A
Interruption of capacitive currents
No-load overhead line <400 A
No-load cable <100 A
Capacitor bank <400 A <400 A
Closing against short circuit <150 kA <75 kA
commands to the drive mechanism. This subsystem can be found locally in the
power switching device itself, or be a part of the control system of the network and
located outside of the switching device. The three important subcomponents of a
power switching device and their relationships are shown schematically in Fig. 1.2.
From the perspective of the high voltage part of the power system, only the
current carrying part of the power switch, namely, the interruption chamber is seen.
The other subcomponents of the switching device, which are electrically insulated
from the high voltage part of the power system, are indiscernible. So the other two
subcomponents (drive mechanism and control and monitoring circuitries) are only
considered in this book when they interact directly with the current interruption
process in the interruption chamber.
The materials involved and the various subcomponents of a switching device are
exposed to several types of stresses during switching operations, and when being in
open or closed position. Hence, when designing switching devices a large number
of factors and stresses must be taken into account.
It takes at least a few power cycles to clear a short circuit fault in a grid, i.e. to open
the circuit breaker and electrically separate/isolate the failed components from the
rest of the system. During this period, the switchgear and other components are
1.4 Stresses on Switching Equipment 7
exposed to mechanical stresses generated by the short circuit current. The elec-
tromagnetic or Lorentz force F is given (per volume) as the vector product of
current density J and magnetic flux density B: F = J B. As the flux density is
proportional to the current, the Lorentz forces between two electrical conductors are
proportional to the current squared and inversely proportional to the distance
between the conductors. The forces are also highly dependent on the shape of the
current paths.
Other mechanical stresses occur when the contacts open during an interruption.
The stresses are typically caused by the increased pressure in the interruption
chamber, in particular when the arc extinguishing medium is oil. In this case, the
arc evaporates the oil, and this causes a substantial pressure rise, increasing with
Furthermore, since modern switchgears usually rely on very fast moving of the
contacts during interruption, considerable masses are subjected to heavy accelera-
tions and forces in the beginning and towards the end of a switching operation. The
mechanical design of the moving parts of the switchgear is mainly determined by
these large stresses of the driving mechanism, including the dashpot.
Even though short circuit currents lead to a short term heating, the continuous rated
current is the main cause for thermal stresses in switching devices. The energy
dissipated due to the electric resistance of contacts, joints and terminations in the
primary circuit is the prime heat source. The magnitude of the contact resistance
depends on the contact material, the design and the contact pressure. It is also
crucial that heat is carried away efciently to avoid unacceptably high temperatures.
These matters are closely linked to the design and may differ greatly among dif-
ferent breaker technologies. Moreover, heat may also be generated by eddy currents
or by hysteretic losses in ferromagnetic materials.
Parts inside the interrupting chamber are exposed to thermal stresses caused by
the electric arc. This may lead to contact erosion as well as wear on nozzles and
other parts in intimate contact with the extremely hot arc.
Since it is required that power switches should behave as perfect insulators when
open, great demands are put on both the interrupting and the insulating media. The
choice of interrupting medium is particularly complicated as it also serves as the
insulating medium when the contacts are in open position. The electrostatic eld
distribution must be taken into consideration when designing insulation system and
contacts. However, usually most of the design efforts are concentrating on obtaining
8 1 Introduction
a high dielectric strength immediately after the arc is quenched, while the contacts
are still moving. In most cases, the distance between the contacts is still not at its
maximum at the instant of current interruption, and the insulating medium has a
reduced dielectric strength due to presence of residues in the switching gap gen-
erated by the recently extinguished electric arc.
All switching devices in power networks have to full the rst two requirements
listed in Sect. 1.2. The last two requirements can be used to categorize switching
devices into different types according to the switching duties they should be able to
The disconnector switch is able to open a circuit when it is energized, but not to
interrupt any load or short circuit currents. Hence, the interrupting capability is
limited to very small capacitive charging currents. Normally, for safety reasons it is
required that the open circuit in the disconnector switch is visible.
The load break switch is able to interrupt currents less or equal to the rated load
current, i.e. the maximum continuous current the system is rated for. Generally,
there are restrictions on the cos / of the current; typically cos / 0.7 for currents
that the load break switch should be able to interrupt. This limits the stresses on the
switch. The load break and disconnector switch functions are often combined into
one device, referred to as a switch-disconnector or disconnector-switch. Fuses are
normally used in series with such a device, for interrupting short circuit currents.
The circuit breaker has the most demanding task, as it should be able to interrupt
all currents, including short circuit currents. This implies that it is subjected to the
largest current and voltage stresses. Circuit breakers are very important for clearing
faults in a grid, particularly for voltages greater than about 36 kV where fuses
cannot be used as protective devices for short circuits. Moreover, the circuit breaker
has a safety function in transmission grids, as it protects large equipment installa-
tions and is supposed to limit the damage in case of a short circuit. This means that
the reliability of the circuit breaker becomes very important.
Earthing switches are used to ground parts of a grid. Two types exist. High-
speed earthing switches quickly connect energized parts to earth. These must be
able to carry large currents (to earth), but do not interrupt currents. There are also
requirements for how rapid the operation should be. To ground components or lines
that are already de-energized, slower operating earthing switches are used.
Typically, this is required before maintenance or other types of works can be
initiated. Earthing switches are often constructed in the same way as disconnecting
switches, but instead of linking together different parts of the primary circuit (i.e.,
the high voltage circuit), they connect the primary circuit to ground.
The general terminology used in the eld of power switching devices is not
always very concise. The power engineering community uses the terms switching
device, switchgear, breaker, switch, and interrupter to a large extent as
1.5 Types of Switching Components in Power Networks 9
Currently, vacuum and SF6 technologies dominate at the medium voltage and high
voltage levels, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1.4.
Although SF6 technology in the medium voltage range is cost competitive to
vacuum technology, sales of SF6 based medium voltage switching devices are
recently going down worldwide and the market share of vacuum-based technology
is increasing. This is mainly because there is a lot of pressure from policy makers
not to use SF6, wherever a technical-economic alternative exists, as this gas pos-
sesses a very strong greenhouse impact (One kilogram of SF6 has an equivalent
environmental impact as more than 20 tons of carbon dioxide).
Basic working principle of all technologies referred to in Figs. 1.3 and 1.4, along
with their features and specications are discussed in detail in Chap. 4.
Considering the crucial role of the electric arc generated between contacts of
switching devices during the current interruption process, the second chapter of this
book is dedicated to the basic theory of current interruption and important related
parameters. The current flowing through the switching device as well as the voltage
across the open contacts just after current interruption are identied as signicant
parameters impacting the behaviour of the switching arc. These are the main
parameters varying from one application to the other. Various approaches to
understand and model the switching arc as a key element in interruption of the
current will be addressed. A simple approach to describe the interaction between the
switching arc and the power network, namely the so-called black box modelling
approach is considered in detail.
Chapter 3 is the core of this book, especially for readers interested in applica-
tions and requirements of power switching components. The idea is to present
various requirements, which are supposed to be fullled by switchgears in distri-
bution and transmission networks, to highlight special features of switching devices
1.6 Outline of the Book 11
making them able to cope with the related stresses, and nally to show how these
features may be evaluated based on appropriate testing methods. This includes
switching of load currents (resistive, inductive as well as capacitive) and switching
of fault currents (i.e., short circuit currents) in different network congurations.
Different technologies used in switchgears are discussed in Chap. 4. These
include vacuum, gas, oil and magnetic air circuit breaker technologies.
In Chap. 5, reliability aspects of operation of power switching devices as well as
their possible fault mechanisms are discussed based on service experiences.
Different condition assessment and diagnostic methods are reviewed.
Chapter 6 is devoted to presentations of technological trends aiming at further
developing power switching components. A detailed treatment of this topic is
outside the scope of this book, but as it is important to make the graduate students
familiar with evolutions and ongoing developments of power networks, a few
topics are briefly addressed. These include current interruption in Direct Current
(DC) networks, limitation of fault currents and SF6-free high voltage power
switching devices.
Chapter 2
Current Interruption Basics
In this chapter, the principle of current interruption in power switching devices with
mechanically separating contacts is presented. The interruption is associated with
initiation and extinction of a switching arc. First, a qualitative description of current
interruption in power networks with various load types is given, and important
parameters and concepts are introduced.
In the second part, the switching arc as the key element in current interruption in
mechanically opening switches is considered in detail. Relevant physical phe-
nomena of the switching arcs in different types of interrupting media, as well as
methods for arc modelling are discussed comprehensively.
A switching device contains one or more pairs of contacts in each phase. Under
normal service, these are in closed position and current passes through the switch.
When an opening command signal is sent to the switchgear, its driving mechanism
will set the contacts in motion so that they start moving away from each other. As
explained earlier, the current is not interrupted at the time of mechanical separation
of the contacts, but continues to flow through an electric arc that ignites in the gap
between the opening contacts. The electric arc consists of a mixture of electrons,
neutral particles, and positive and negative ions. The temperature of the arc is very
high due to the energy dissipated in the arc by the current flow, making it a
reasonably good electrical conductor. The key task of a power switch is to control
the energy losses during arcing, as well as to provide appropriate measures to make
the arc unstable and cause the current to be interrupted near its zero crossing.
The voltage drop along the arc through most of a current half cycle is approx-
imately constant and much lower than the rated voltage of the power network. As
the current passes zero, the input power to the arc also becomes zero, and the
processes responsible for generation of electrical charge carriers in the arc cease.
The working principle of a switching device is essentially to get rid of the available
charge carriers between its contacts so efciently that the gap becomes virtually
insulating as the current reaches its zero crossing, and then to quench the arc and to
interrupt the current at this instant. In case of switching arcs in gaseous interrupting
medium, this process is associated with the cooling of the electric arc.
After the arc has been quenched at current zero, a voltage generated by the
surrounding power network arises across the contact gap of the switching device.
This is called the recovery voltage, and its amplitude and steepness determine
whether a new arc ignites after current zero, that is, whether or not the interruption
has been successful.
A simplied single-phase circuit diagram where a short circuit has occurred
close to the breaker is shown in Fig. 2.1. Figure 2.2 shows the current through the
breaker and the voltage drop across the contacts during the interruption process as
described above.
The following factors play a major role in the success or failure of an attempted
current interruption:
Arc current: The larger the amplitude of the current, the higher becomes the arc
temperature and the density of electric charge carriers generated in the arc. This
makes it much more difcult for the contact gap to become insulating after
current interruption at current zero. In addition to the current amplitude, the
current steepness (di/dt) near current zero is of crucial importance for the current
interruption process. A higher di/dt means that the switching gap has less time to
change from conducting to insulating state, before the gap is exposed to the
transient recovery voltage.
Arcing time: Since there is no control on the mechanical opening and closing
moment of most switching devices, the instant when the contacts of a switching
device separate is a random variable. If the contacts separate just before the
current zero crossing, the current will not be immediately interrupted but con-
tinues to flow until the next current zero crossing. Therefore, the arc duration is
typically in the range of 0.51.5 times the length of a current half cycle. By
longer arc durations, the energy dissipation in the breaker increases, and
interruption of the current usually becomes more difcult.
Arc voltage: The input power required for an arc to remain stable depends on
the medium in which the arc is burning. This denes the arc voltage that is
observed. The arc voltage is dependent on the design and the materialsin-
cluding the type of interrupting mediumof the switching device itself and not
on the rated voltage of the power grid.
Transient recovery voltage (TRV): After current zero crossing, in case of a
successful interruption, a voltage is generated from the network onto the ter-
minals of the switching device as the result of energy oscillations between the
energy storage elements of the network. This is called the recovery voltage, and
it normally has an initial transient part, the Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV),
This voltage can accelerate the remaining electric charge carriers present in the
contact gap, increasing the chance of getting charge carrier multiplication by
impact ionization and nally lead to a breakdown of the switching gap and
formation of a new arc. Thus, the TRV is one of the key factors determining a
switching device ability to interrupt a current. In particular, the Rate of Rise of
the Recovery Voltage (RRRV) is of great importance. The TRV and short-circuit
current are determined by the network where the switching device is installed,
and differ for different switching applications, see Chap. 3.
The switching arc should have a very high electrical conductance, so that the
current can flow through it from the moment of contact separation to current zero,
without dissipating excessive amounts of power in the interruption chamber. After
current zero, its conductance has to go rapidly to zero, so that no current will flow
16 2 Current Interruption Basics
through the arc causing the current to be interrupted. The total energy dissipation
during arcing in a switching device Eloss can be expressed as follows:
Eloss uarc iarc dt 2:1
where tsep is the moment of contact separation and tcz the current zero crossing. uarc
and iarc are arc voltage and arc current, respectively.
Consequently, the key processes for achieving a successful current interruption
are to control the dissipated energy in interruption chamber during arcing as well as
to rapidly decrease the arc conductance from very high values to near zero at
current zero crossing.
The breaker is said to re-ignite or re-strike if a new arc is formed after a current
zero crossing. A re-ignition occurs immediately after current zero, while a re-strike
is dened to occur at least a quarter of a power cycle later. Re-ignitions are divided
into two categories: thermal and dielectric re-ignitions.
The temperature of the electric arc channel is still high as the current passes
through zero, and thus some electrical conductivity remains. When the recovery
voltage then builds up, some power dissipation takes place in the arc path. If the
cooling is efcient, the temperature nevertheless drops, conductivity reduces, and
the current goes towards zero. However, the cooling might not be sufcient, and the
temperature and conductivity may then rise and a new electric arc is formed. This is
referred to as a thermal re-ignition as it is caused by a thermal instability in the
electric arc. The temperature in the contact gap is closely correlated to the amplitude
of the current that is being interrupted. Thermal re-strike occurs immediately (up to
a few microseconds) after current zero and is greatly dependent on the recovery
voltage shape, especially its steepness, during this period.
If a thermal re-ignition is avoided, the voltage across the contacts increases.
Even if there is practically no electric conductivity left in the contact gap, this area
is dielectrically stressed. A re-ignition will occur if the recovery voltage at any time
exceeds the dielectric strength of the gap. This is referred to as a dielectric re-
The dielectric strength increases with time as the contact members move
apart. However, as the dielectric strength of a gas is inversely proportional to its
absolute temperature, the condition of the gas in the gap also plays a role. The gas
may still be warm due to the electric arc that has been burning in the gap. Often it is
found that the most critical time as to whether a dielectric re-strike will occur is a
few milliseconds after current zero. Thus, the possibility of having a dielectric
re-strike is influenced by the shape and amplitude of the recovery voltage in this
Interruption of an alternating current can therefore be seen rstly as a race
between heat generation and cooling in the contact gap (risk of thermal re-ignition);
2.1 A Phenomenological Description of Current Interruption 17
and then secondly as a race between voltage build-up and dielectric strength in the
contact gap (risk of dielectric re-ignition).
Fig. 2.3 Current and voltage waveforms (schematic) during interruptions of resistive (a),
capacitive (b) and inductive (c) loads. The impedance on the source side of the breaker is ignored
18 2 Current Interruption Basics
When the load is purely capacitive (Fig. 2.3b), the current is interrupted when
the source voltage is at its maximum. The voltage at the left side of the switchgear
follows the source voltage, while ur remains at its maximum value due to the
capacitive charging at the load side. The maximum amplitude of the voltage across
the contacts thus becomes twice the source voltage amplitude.
The idealised cases with resistive and capacitive loads give easy current inter-
ruption, as there are no voltage transients following the current zero crossing.
Inductive load (Fig. 2.3c) in combination with stray capacitances (not included in
the gure), on the other hand, gives an oscillatory circuit at the load side. Hence, ur
quickly goes to zero, but with a high frequency transient voltage component. If the
damping in the circuit is low, the maximum amplitude of ubreaker becomes twice the
source voltage amplitude. Consequently, the chance for having a re-ignition is
greater in this case, due to both the steepness and the amplitude of the TRV.
These simple and idealised examples serve as illustrations and an introduction to
a more thorough treatment of different switching duties and the associated recovery
voltages that will follow in subsequent chapters.
When gases or metal vapour are heated to very high temperatures a large part of the
molecules decompose and break down into a mixture of atoms and other neutral
particles, free electrons and positively and negatively charged ions. This mixture is
called a plasma and is the main ingredient of the electric arc, which always is
formed when the contacts of an energized switchgear separate. The properties of
arcs burning in gases at atmospheric pressure and above (known as high pressure
switching arcs) are treated in Sect. 2.3, while physical foundations of the arcs
burning in very low pressure (vacuum) environments are discussed briefly in
Sect. 2.4.
Sending an opening command signal to a power switching device causes its con-
tacts to separate soon after and a switching arc is formed. Different stages of this
process may be explained as follows:
When the contact is closed current flows from one contact member to the other
one, not through the entire apparent contact interface, but through a limited
number of contact points (see Fig. 2.4a). The number and resistance of these
minute conducting areas depend on the contact material and the force pressing
the two metallic contact members together.
2.2 Switching Arcs 19
Fig. 2.4 Various stages of initial arc formation by separating current-carrying contacts a contacts
in the closed position b contacts are connected only at the last point c a molten metallic bridge is
formed at the last connecting point d the initial arc formed by evaporation and ionization of the
molten metallic bridge (Note that the contacts surface roughness is exaggerated in this gure to
better explain the concept)
The very high current density in the last connecting point results in formation of
a liquid metallic bridge between the contacts. By parting the contacts from each
other, its cross-sectional area decreases and the current density further increases.
Eventually, the liquid bridge evaporates and is ionized. This process leads to
formation of the so-called initial arc.
From now on, motion of charge carriers generated in the arc makes it possible to
keep the current flowing from one contact to the other one. If the formation of
the initial arc happens in the vicinity of an ionisable medium (like gas or oil in
switching devices), this medium is also ionized. The arc characteristics are then
determined by the material properties of the surrounding medium. If no ionis-
able medium surrounds the initial arc (like in vacuum switchgear), electric
charge carriers can only be supplied from the contacts, and therefore, the arc
characteristics are determined solely by the contact material.
Figure 2.4 shows the various stages of the arc initiation during separation of
current-carrying contacts. After formation of an electric arc between the two con-
tacts, the current flow will continue until the arc becomes unstable. The switching
20 2 Current Interruption Basics
arc remains stable as long as the dissipated energy from the arc (e.g. in form of heat
radiation and light emission) is compensated for by the energy input to the arc.
Since the input energy to the arc is determined as time integral of the input power to
the arc (the product of arc current and arc voltage), the arc usually remains stable
until the current approaches zero. Hence, the current flows through the arc during
the period from the time of contact separation, where the switching arc initiates,
until current zero crossing, where the arc becomes unstable.
Fig. 2.5 Schematically shown different charge generation mechanisms in a switching arc
including ionization and electron emission processes
p K1 T 3=2 e kT
1 x2d
If the gas temperature continues to rise further, electrons will gradually leave the
atoms and free electrons and different positive ions in the gas are generated (this
process is known as thermal ionisation).
Thermal ionisation is closely correlated to the kinetic energy of the particles in
the gas. The mean kinetic energy Wk is given by:
1 3
Wk mv2 kT 2:3
2 2
where v2 is the mean value of the velocity squared. According to the Maxwell
theory, the velocity of each particle statistically distributes around a mean velocity.
At a given temperature, some of the particles have sufciently high kinetic
energy to cause ionisation through electron detachment. The detailed process of
ionisation depends on the gas temperature and is not discussed here, but the
dominating process at high temperatures is collisions between free electrons and
neutral particles. The free electrons that take part in the impact have acquired most
of their kinetic energy thermally, and not by acceleration in an electric eld. Thus,
the density of generated charge carriers in a gas at a certain pressure under thermal
equilibrium is solely determined by its temperature. This fact is described in plasma
physics by the so-called Saha equation [2]. Consequently, the specic conductivity
of any gas and its degree of ionization are strongly dependent on its temperature.
The fraction of the particles in a gas that are thermally ionised are, similarly as for
dissociation, given by:
p K2 T 5=2 e kT
1 xi2
where K2 is a constant, and Wi is the energy needed for single ionization of a gas
molecule. The ionisation energy is also often expressed as
Wi eVi 2:5
where e is the elementary charge, and Vi the ionisation potential. The variation of xi
due to variations in temperature and ionisation energy is shown in Fig. 2.6, and the
ionisation energies for some particle types are listed in Table 2.1. It can be seen that
at normal temperatures, the number of ionized atoms is very small, so that the gas
has very low electrical conductivity. As the temperature increases above a certain
level, the number of ions increases abruptly. By further increase of temperature, the
gas becomes fully ionised.
The energy needed to detach one or two electrons is Wi1 or Wi2, respectively.
The table also contains the ionisation energies for single atoms. This is of interest
since some gases dissociate before they are thermally ionised. Consequently, the
ionisation potential for the dissociation products is more relevant than that of the
complete gas molecule.
2.2 Switching Arcs 23
Fig. 2.6 The fraction ionised by thermal ionisation as a function of ionisation energy and
temperature. The value of K2 in (2.4) is set to 3.16 107
Table 2.1 The thermal ionisation energy for some gases [3]
Particle type Wi1 (single ionisation) (eV) Wi2 (double ionisation) (eV)
N2 15.6
N 14.5 44.1
O2 12.5
SF6 16.2
S 10.4 33.8
F 17.4
In principle, an ion accelerated in a eld could also cause impact ionisation, but
this is far less probable as an ion, in contrast to an electron with much lower mass,
would lose a great part of its extra energy in elastic impacts. Therefore, very
strong elds are needed in order to heat the ions to temperatures above the neutral
particle temperatures.
Metallic contacts are full of free electrons, which can move freely within the
metallic body. Under normal conditions, they cannot leave the contacts, because
there is an energy barrier between metal and vacuum, which is called the work
function of the metal. If some energy is transferred to the electrons, e.g. by heating
up the contact (thermionic emission), or the barrier is reduced, e.g. by application of
an electrical eld (eld emission), or a combination of both (thermo-eld emission),
the electrons can leave the contact surfaces and contribute to the flow of current
through the arc from one electrode to the other.
Richardson-Schottky equation formulates the thermionic emission of electrons
from a metallic surface [4]:
eu aE1=2
JTE AT exp
where A = 120.4 [A/cm2K2], a = 3.8 104. u, k, E and T are the work function
of the contact material [eV], Boltzmann constant, the electric eld at the contact
surface [V/cm] and the cathode temperature [K], respectively. JTE [A/cm2] is the
thermionic emitted current density.
In case of eld emission, the electrons tunnel through the energy barrier (tun-
nelling effect). If the barrier is reduced by application of an electric eld, the
probability of presence of electrons outside the metallic body increases and so does
the emitted current density. The eld emission current density is quantitatively
described by Fowler-Nordheim equation [5]:
6 E2 6:85 107 u2
JFE 1:41 10 exp h y 2:7
u E
where JFE [A/cm2] is the eld emission current density and E [V/cm] the electric
eld on the contact surface, respectively. h(y) is a function of y 3:62
104 E 1=2 u1 and it is approximately equal to 0.95 1.03 times of y2 [6].
In many cases, the cathode surface is hot and at the same time, an electric eld is
applied. The current densities are much higher than both thermionic and eld
emission currents. A method proposed by Murphy and Good [7] can be used to
calculate the thermo-eld emission current densities.
2.2 Switching Arcs 25
Electrons are mainly supplied to the arc column by the cathode. If the cathode is
made of a metal with a high boiling point, e.g. tungsten, molybdenum or zirconium,
the cathode surface may reach high enough temperatures for thermal emissions to
occur. Thermal emission becomes important for temperatures greater than 3500 K,
and a typical current density is 100 A/mm2. Other mechanisms work for cathode
materials with boiling points lower than the arcs temperature. In such cases, it is
believed that eld emission or a combination of thermal emission and eld emission
are the most important mechanisms.
The anode may be either active or passive. A passive anode does not supply
electrons to the arc. As the arc temperature decreases towards the anode, the number
of thermal ionisations in the arc decrease and the number of recombinations
increase. This leads to a decrease of the electron density. To maintain the electric
current, the electrons are accelerated to greater velocities. Consequently, there is an
increased possibility for impact ionisations. In order to accelerate the electrons, a
stronger electric eld is needed. This is created by the net negative charge density in
the anode region and the associated anode voltage drop Va, see Fig. 2.9.
In an active anode, the surface temperature is so high that material evaporates.
The metal vapour may then be ionised resulting in an arc burning in a mixture of
gas and metal vapour.
The electron emission mechanisms are the main charge carrier generation
mechanisms in case of low pressure (vacuum) switching devices as explained in
Sect. 2.4.
Negative ions are created when neutral particles capture and combine with free
electrons. Such a process takes place for some molecules and atoms where the total
potential energy of the electron and neutral particle becomes lower when they are
combined. Consequently, energy is required to separate them. This energy is called
the electron afnity and is generally measured in electron volts (eV). The electron
afnity varies from zero for the inert gases to 3.9 eV for fluorine. It is greatest for
elements lacking one electron in their outermost shell. These elements form elec-
tronegative gases, as is the case with sulphur and fluorine in SF6.
The probability of forming a negative ion decreases with increasing electron
velocity, i.e. with increasing temperature and electric eld. The average time it
takes before a free electron becomes attached is referred to as the attachment time.
At room temperature, it is innite for inert gases, about 6 107 s for air and about
4 109 s for SF6. Recombination
their combined energy, either as kinetic energy (collisions with solid surfaces,
three-particle-impacts) or by radiation. Exchanging energy with the surroundings
takes some time, and the recombination probability is therefore greater when par-
ticle velocities are low (i.e. low temperatures).
Among the many possible recombination processes are:
Recombination at solid surfaces (of less importance in high pressure arcs,
important in vacuum arcs).
Recombination of positive and negative ions (high probability as both types of
particles have relatively low velocities).
Recombination of electrons and positive ions (relatively low probability as the
electrons move much faster than the ions).
The recombination rates are very sensitive to changes in pressure and
In the previous subsection, the relevant generation and loss mechanisms of the
charge carriers were discussed. The generated charge carriers are subjected to
different motion mechanisms due to the external applied forces (e.g. by an electrical
eld) or because of their internal energy. The directional motion of charged par-
ticles (drift) results in a net current flow through the switching arc, while their
random motion cause them to spread or redistribute (diffusion).
As previously explained, charge carriers for carrying the current in an electric arc
are mainly generated in three different ways:
Electrons are emitted from the cathode.
Electrons and positive ions are formed by ionisation of gas molecules or atoms,
i.e. one or more electrons are detached and the gas molecule or atom becomes a
positive ion.
Negative ions are formed in electronegative gases through electron capture.
When such a mixture of positive and negative charge carriers exists in an electric
eld, the carriers will in average move parallel to or in opposite direction of the
eld, depending on their polarity. The mean velocity is called the drift velocity
u and can be expressed as:
2.2 Switching Arcs 27
u lE 2:8
where is called the mobility of the charge carrier and E is the electric eld. This
movement of charge leads to an electric current density J given as:
J eE le ne klk nki rE 2:9
The electrical conductivity of the gas can be expressed based on the densities of
charge carriers and their mobility as:
r e le ne klk nki 2:10
where r is the electrical conductivity, le and ne are mobility and density of elec-
trons, lk and nkl are mobility and density of the k-fold ionised ions.
The arc column is generally approximately charge neutral, i.e. ne knki . The
mobility of ions is very much smaller than that of electrons (typically a factor of
103), because their mass is much larger than the electron mass. This implies that the
electron density of the ionised gas mainly determines its electrical conductivity:
J eEne le rE 2:11
r e ne le 2:12
r 2e ni li 2:13
Concentration gradient of a certain particle type in the arc causes a flow of particles
from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration; this phe-
nomenon is called diffusion (see Fig. 2.7).
28 2 Current Interruption Basics
In systems containing many particle types, each type diffuses with a flux pro-
portional to the concentration gradient of that particle type:
where ia is the flux per volume and time of particles of type a, Da is the diffusion
coefcient for particle type a in the relevant medium, and Na is the particle
When considering electron and ion transport in a cylindrical arc, the contribu-
tions from the electrons to the electric current density in radial direction can be
expressed as
The total current density in radial direction must be equal to zero under sta-
tionary conditions
je ji 0: 2:17
Furthermore, Ne Ni = N (for singly ionized atoms). By inserting this into (2.14)
and (2.15), E is eliminated and the following equation is found:
Di le De li
Dam : 2:19
le li
The Einstein relation gives the relationship between the mobility and the dif-
fusion coefcient:
2.2 Switching Arcs 29
D kT
: 2:20
l e
This expression shows that the diffusion coefcient of the heavy and slow ions
determines the speed at which the radial transport of heat and charge carriers from
the arc core occurs. The movement of the normally faster electrons is in this case
greatly influenced by a radial electric eld in such a way that the particle flux (and
the associated radial heat and charge transport) is mainly determined by the drift
velocity of the ions.
Depending on the medium, in which the arc is formed, only some of the
mechanisms explained in Sects. 2.2 and 2.4 are dominant. In power switching
devices, the current carrying contacts are normally surrounded either by insulating
liquids like oil or by insulating gases like air or SF6 or even by vacuum.
By initiation of a switching arc in insulating liquids, the liquid quickly evapo-
rates and the arc burns in a gas bubble, so that the behaviour of the switching arc in
devices with insulating liquids is very much like as in those with insulating gases.
Thus, as far as the arc behaviour is concerned, all switching arcs in power
switchgear can be divided into the following two categories:
High pressure arcs: this includes all switching devices with insulating liquid or
gas (oil breakers, gas breakers).
Low pressure arcs: this is related to vacuum switching devices, where the
switching arc is a metal vapour arc.
The properties and characteristics of these two arc types will be discussed in
more detail in the following sections.
In cases, where the current or the cooling of the arc varies with time, the arc is
said to be dynamic. The voltage drop in a dynamic arc at a given time does not only
depend on the instantaneous value of the current, but also of the history, e.g., the
magnitude of the current and environmental conditions as they were just prior to the
voltage measurement. As it will be seen later, the reason is that the electrical
conductivity of the arc is highly dependent on the arc temperature and cross-section.
If the temperature is to be changed instantaneously, a certain mass has to be heated
or cooled, and this cannot be achieved unless innite amounts of power are
transferred. In practice, the cooling is approximately constant over a short period of
time, whereas the current of the circuit determines the input power. Consequently,
the thermal inertia causes the arc to remember for a short time the amplitude of
the current that just has passed.
AC switchgears are always dealing with dynamic arcs. However, the physical
properties and conditions of the dynamic arc are very complex, and in simplied
descriptions, it is generally assumed that the arc, within a time interval, behaves as a
static one. Static arcs are, therefore treated rst.
The relation between the current in the arc and the voltage drop between the
contacts in a static arc generally has a characteristic shape. This is called the static
arc characteristic and is shown in Fig. 2.8.
The relation shown in Fig. 2.8 applies to a freely burning arc, i.e. an arc burning
in a gaseous medium where there is no interaction or influence with the walls or
other parts of the interruption chamber. Vacuum arcs show a very different current
voltage relationship.
The static arc characteristic is highly nonlinear. At low currents, i.e. tens of
amperes, the voltage drop across the arc decreases with increasing current. For
Fig. 2.8 The static arc characteristic for an arc burning in a gas gap at atmospheric pressure or
greater (schematic). The scaling of the axes is approximate and varies greatly with gas type and
electrode material
2.3 High Pressure Switching Arc 31
somewhat higher currents, the voltage across the arc is fairly constant and inde-
pendent of the current amplitude. At high currents, the voltage increases somewhat
with increasing current.
The arc voltage varies quite a lot from one gas to another and is also dependent
on the electrode material and the arc length. Typical values for the flat part of the
characteristic are from a few hundred to a few thousand volts.
Figure 2.9 shows a schematic drawing of the longitudinal cross-section and
electrical potential distribution of an arc.
The electric arc is divided into three main regions:
The cathode region with a cathode voltage drop Vc. A typical value of Vc is
20 V.
The arc column with an approximately constant electric eld, typically
10 V/cm, and thus with a relatively low contribution to the total voltage drop if
the arc is short.
The anode region with an anode voltage drop Va, typically 3 V.
The cathode side has more distinct arc foot points than the anode. In short arcs
most of the voltage drop occurs close to the electrodes, as shown in Fig. 2.9; the
increase in potential is substantially smaller along the arc column.
The electric current in a burning arc is carried partly by electrons and partly by
positive ions, with the direction of movements as shown in Fig. 2.9. Most of the
current is carried by electrons, which in part are generated by ionisation of gas
molecules in the cathode area and in part emitted from the cathode surface. The
space charge distribution in the electric arc can be found by considering the dis-
tribution of the electric potential along the arc. The relationship between electric
flux density D and the space charge density q is:
divD q: 2:22
Electric flux density can be expressed by the electric eld E and the electric
potential / by the following equations:
D er e0 E E grad /: 2:23
Combining (2.22) and (2.23), and assuming constant permittivity, r0, gives:
d2 / q
dx 2 er e0
This implies that there is a net negative space charge in areas, where the second
derivative of / x is positive (i.e. where / x curves upwards). Figure 2.9 shows
that this occurs in the anode region. Similarly, it is evidently a net positive space
charge close to the cathode.
The second derivative in the arc column is zero (/ x is approximately linear),
which indicates that there is no net space charge in this region. In other words, the
density of electrons and (singly charged positive) ions is equal. Thus, the plasma
contains many free charge carriers, but when observed as a whole from the outside
it appears uncharged or neutral.
In switching devices with high pressure arcs, thermal ionisation is the most
important charge generation process. Impact ionisation can be of relatively greater
importance near current zero crossing. Ionisation due to radiation plays normally
only a minor role. In a gas or an arc at stationary conditions, there is an equilibrium
between the dissociation, ionisation and recombination processes. These processes
determine the concentrations of the different particles. By only considering disso-
ciation and thermal ionisation processes, various particle densities can be calculated
using (2.2) and (2.4). The outcome of such a calculation is presented in Fig. 2.10
for nitrogen at constant pressure.
SF6 decomposes in several steps (SF4, SF2 etc.). The processes and conditions
then become very complex, and the calculated particle densities are not very
accurate, particularly at higher temperatures.
The charge carrier concentration in nitrogen varies strongly with temperature as
shown in Fig. 2.10. Similar conditions are found in other gases being used in
switching equipment. Hence, the electrical conductivity of an arc varies over a huge
span. Figure 2.11 shows the electric conductivity of air as a function of
As shown in Fig. 2.11, the arc is an excellent electric insulator (comparable to
glass and porcelain) for temperatures less than a few thousand kelvin. By increasing
the absolute temperature one decade, from 500 to 5000 K, the conductivity
increases with as much as 14 orders of magnitude [9], approaching the conductivity
2.3 High Pressure Switching Arc 33
Fig. 2.10 Particle densities for nitrogen at different temperatures and atmospheric pressure [8]
Fig. 2.11 Electrical conductivity of air at atmospheric pressure as a function of temperature. Note
that both axes have logarithmic scales. Examples of materials at the different conductivities are
given along the vertical axis
Moreover, the change in the arc conductivity can occur very fast. These two
properties are the most important reasons behind the electric arc being such an
excellent medium for interrupting electric current.
To be able to change the electrical conductance of a high-pressure switching arc
abruptly near current zero, its temperature has to be reduced drastically. Therefore,
cooling of the arc channel is realised in different ways in various power switching
components with liquid or gas interruption media. This shows the importance of
heat transfer mechanisms in high pressure switching arcs; these are discussed in
detail in the next section.
Fig. 2.12 Thermal conductivity as a function of temperature for gases at elevated temperatures
thermal conductivity. This relationship is shown in Fig. 2.12 for a few relevant
gases. In case of gas mixtures, e.g. air, or complex molecules with different disso-
ciation stages, a number of peaks at different temperatures can be identied.
The extremely high thermal conductivity of molecular gases near their disso-
ciation temperatures can be simply explained by considering the schematics
depicted in Fig. 2.13. The diffusion of molecules to the higher temperature region
results in increased dissociation, i.e. consumption of dissociation energy WD, and in
an accompanying large heat flux (qD) [11]:
Here, nm and Dm are the molecules density and the diffusion coefcient,
respectively. This can be interpreted as an enhancement of thermal conductivity at
those regions. Hence, higher dissociation energies may enhance the heat conduction
in high pressure switching arcs. Radiation Convection
Heat can be taken up by a flowing gas at one location and released at some other
colder location (by heat conduction). Such a heat transport is referred to as con-
vection and is, in contrast to heat conduction, associated with a transport of mass.
The gas flow may origin in heating of the gas, since the density of a warm gas is
2.3 High Pressure Switching Arc 37
lower than for a cold gas, and warm gas will rise and be replaced by gas flowing
from colder areas. This is called self convection. However, in switching equipment
the convection is generally due to a blowing of cold gas from an external location
onto the arc. This is called forced convection or forced cooling, and is in many
switchgear designs essential in extinguishing the arc at current zero.
Hence, convective cooling is closely related to flow of gases. The flow is laminar
at low gas velocities and turbulent at higher velocities. The turbulence has two
important aspects. It causes an increased flow resistance, but also a more efcient
cooling. Whether a flow is laminar or turbulent depends, among other things, on the
viscosity of the gas. The viscosity is very temperature dependent, as shown in
Fig. 2.14.
Due to the temperature dependency of viscosity, the flow inside an arc can be
laminar whereas the flow around the arc can be turbulent. This plays a signicant
role in air blast and SF6 circuit breakers where the arc is cooled by a gas flow.
maximum temperature, and thereby the conductance of the arc, follows changes in
the amplitude of the current during a power cycle.
If the current is increased to several thousand amperes or greater, the temperature
does not rise without limits. At 20 30 103 K, the radiation losses from the arc
core are so great that the temperature (and the electric conductivity) varies relatively
little with the radial distance. Increasing the current even further only increases the
arc cross-section.
Hence, in general terms, at low currents the arc temperature changes in line with
changes in the current, whereas at large currents the maximum temperature is fairly
constant across the cross-section. This is shown schematically in Fig. 2.15.
The arc diameter may reach a few centimetres for very large currents. The arc
cross-section plays a role when designing nozzles for large circuit breakers. Here
the arc is drawn through a nozzle in presence of an intense gas blast.
When the current in the arc changes rapidly, the arc voltage no longer follows the
static characteristic. This is because the arc temperature and cross-section are not
able to adjust instantaneously to the values corresponding to the new current value.
The arc has a certain thermal inertia since a change in current leads to heating or
cooling of matter. If, for example, the current follows a step function, the arc voltage
will at rst take a higher value, and then gradually decrease to the value corre-
sponding to the static arc characteristic. This is shown schematically in Fig. 2.16.
The arc resistance is mainly determined by the temperature, which cannot be
abruptly changed. Initially, the voltage drop is therefore directly proportional to the
step in the current. The voltage waveform can be approximated by an exponential
decay. The arc time constant can be dened as the time constant of the exponential
change in arc voltage following from a step in current. Measured values for such a
time constant for some gases are listed in Table 2.2.
Studies show that the arc time constant is far from a constant. It not only depends
on the test conditions and the method of measurement, but also on the magnitude of
the current [13].
2.3 High Pressure Switching Arc 39
Fig. 2.17 The static arc characteristic, the arc characteristics for low frequencies (typically 50 Hz)
and for high frequencies (several kilohertz)
40 2 Current Interruption Basics
Fig. 2.18 Interrelation between important mechanisms at work in high pressure switching arcs
a far better interrupting medium than H2 although their time constants are
approximately equal, as shown in Table 2.2.
Important mechanisms in high-pressure switching arcs and their interrelations are
summarized in Fig. 2.18. Charged particles responsible for current flow after
opening the contacts are mainly produced by thermal ionization of the gaseous
medium (see Sect. 2.2.3). The charged particles are accelerated by the electric eld
within the arc, and as the result of their motion a current is generated. The energy
dissipation in the arc is proportional to the current flowing through the arc. The
dissipated energy partly contributes to the temperature increase of the plasma. If the
cooling mechanisms are so efcient that much larger amounts of power are drawn out
of the arc than generated by the current flow, the temperature and consequently the
conductivity of the medium decrease, and current can be successfully interrupted.
neutral atoms are injected into the contact gap. This mechanism is known as ex-
plosive electron emission. By generation of a plasma near the contact surface, the
work function is reduced to zero, so that the electrons can easily flow outwards
from the contact. This is mainly valid for formation of emission centres in an open
contact arrangement. During contact separation of vacuum switching devices, as
explained in Sect. 2.2.1, excessive thermal losses lead to formation of a rst
emission centre. As the electrodes are moving further apart, the initial, single arc
foot point quickly splits into several foot points. This only occurs at the cathode and
these micrometre-sized foot points are called cathode spots.
As shown schematically in Fig. 2.19, the metal atoms are explosively acceler-
ated from the cathode spots into the switching gap. They are ionised during the rst
few 100 nm by the emitted electrons. Each cathode spot has a cone-shaped
structure. Near the cathode surface a positive space charge region (cathode sheath)
is formed. In a distance of a few micrometres from the cathode surface, a metal
vapour plasma is formed; its density distribution is very non-homogenous and
reduces strongly in the direction towards the anode (inter electrode plasma). The
number of emission centres is very much dependent on the current amplitude and
the contact material. The average current per cathode spot is in the range of some
tens to 100 A depending on the cathode material (see Table 2.3). In case of low
current arcs, the anode is passive and acts only as a sink of electrons and there are
many cathode spots on the cathode surface, which are moving very fast all over the
contact surface. The cathode spots are the only powerful light source in the gap
between the contacts. There is no conned or well-dened arc column, and there is
no visible foot point of the arc on the anode side. A characteristic weak, diffuse light
is emitted from the arc between the electrodes, and this type of arc is thus usually
called diffuse mode vacuum arc.
Table 2.3 Cathode spot erosion rate, average cathode spot current, arc voltage in diffused mode
and chopping current level for different cathode materials [14]
Cathode Cathode spot Average current Arc Average and maximum
material erosion rate per cathode spot voltage chopping currents (A)
(g/C) (A) (V)
Cu 140, 150 75100 20 15, 25
Cr 115, 130 3050 18 7, 16
Ag 2227, 40 60100 18 3.5, 6.5
W 55, 62, 64 250300 16, 350
This arc mode is associated with low contact erosion (see Table 2.3), and the
switching gap recovers very fast after current zero, making an interruption of the
current easy.
As the radiation from the cathode spots is the dominating loss mechanism and an
increase in current simply leads to formation of more cathode spots, the arc voltage
in a diffuse mode vacuum arc is almost independent of both the distance between
the contacts and of the current magnitude, see Fig. 2.21. Typical values of current
per cathode spot and arc voltage as well as cathode spot erosion rates for different
materials are listed in Table 2.3. The arc voltage is very low in comparison to that
of high pressure switching arcs. Consequently, the energy dissipation during an
interruption becomes relatively small, which is a clear advantage.
In case of vacuum (metal vapour) arcs, the recovery process of the switching gap
takes place mainly by diffusion of the generated charge carriers out of the switching
gap. As explained in Sect., the diffusion dominated particle flux is very
dependent on the gradient of its concentration. The gradient of particle concen-
trations is extremely high in case of metal vapour arcs, and consequently the flux of
the particles out of the switching gap becomes large. It results in an almost complete
removal of charge carriers from the contact gap within a few microseconds after
cease of supply of new charge carriers at current zero crossing.
If the current exceeds a threshold, typically around 1015 kA depending on the
contact material and geometry, the arc behaviour changes drastically. The cathode
spots gather in one point, a well-dened arc forms in the gap and there is also a
distinct foot point on the anode, an anode spot. This is called a constricted mode
vacuum arc, and it has an appearance that is quite similar to a high pressure gas arc.
In this mode, large areas of the anode and cathode surface melt and both contacts
can provide some metal vapour to the switching gap. The molten and very hot
contact surfaces continue to release metal vapour to the switching gap even after
current zero crossing. This results in very high contact erosion and slow recovery of
the switching gap. Therefore, entering into this arc mode is clearly undesirable, and
should preferably be avoided during the operation of vacuum switching
2.4 Low Pressure (Vacuum) Switching Arc 43
Figure 2.20 shows the constricted vacuum arc schematically. Dissipations con-
tributing to the melting of large area on the anode and cathode surfaces are partly due
to the radiation losses of the constricted mode arc, but mainly due to the losses
occurred by current flow through the arc near electrode regions. A signicant
R voltage
drop exists near cathode and anode. This implies that energies of it Vc dt and
it Va dt are dissipated close to cathode and anode surfaces.
Due to establishment of new arc foot points, the arc voltage changes sporadi-
cally, but is in average much higher than that of a vacuum arc in diffuse mode, as
illustrated in Fig. 2.21.
When the current decreases towards the end of the half cycle, the arc returns to
its more harmless diffuse mode. The cathode spots die one by one, and nally, there
is only one spot left. This abruptly ceases to exist just before the natural current zero
crossing, and the current is cut off. This is called current chopping and is a typical
vacuum interrupter phenomenon, although it can occur under certain conditions in
44 2 Current Interruption Basics
other types of switchgears as well. The contact material determines the chopping
current level in a vacuum interrupter (see Table 2.3). Current chopping is an
unwanted phenomenon since such a rapid change in current may lead to over-
voltages. A low chopping current is therefore favourable when choosing contact
materials for vacuum interrupters.
Thus, the control of arc in vacuum switching devices means to distribute the
dissipated energy homogenously over the whole surface of the contacts to prevent
large area melting of contact surface. In Chap. 4, it will be described how magnetic
elds can be utilized to accomplish this.
The switching arc is the key element, which enables interruption of currents in
mechanical switching devices. Therefore, methods contributing to a better under-
standing its behaviour have received considerable attention. Depending on the
perspective and goals of the research, numerous models with different complexity
levels and for various applications have been developed for switching arcs.
In some cases, e.g. if the switching transients are to be modelled and the rated
voltage of the network is much higher than the arc voltage of the switching com-
ponent, the switching arc can be modelled as an ideal switch opening at current zero,
i.e. zero resistance in closed and arcing state, and zero conductance in open position.
In case the interaction between the switching arc and components of the sur-
rounding network is of importance, the simplest models describe the arc as a two-port
element with a nonlinear interrelation between arc voltage and arc current. H. Ayrton
suggested one of the most famous arc models of this kind [15], when she investigated
the characteristics of the arcs burning between carbon electrodes. She postulated:
cd l
uarc a b l 2:26
where uarc and iarc are arc voltage and arc current, respectively; a, b, c and d are
constants and l is the length of the arc. This equation ts to the behaviour of static
arcs for currents less than a few tens of amperes (see Fig. 2.8). However, no time
dependency is included, so this model cannot be used to describe dynamic arcs as
those in power switchgear.
described by their governing equations and those equations are solved simultane-
ously using numerical methods to determine the time and space resolved physical
parameters, such as density, velocity and temperature of different particle types
present in the arc. This in turn is used to calculate the integrated, measurable
quantities like arc voltage and arc current.
Depending on the interrupting media, the governing equations for the arc plasma
could be very different.
r q v 0
@ q v
rqvv rp gr2 v j B 2:27
@ @p
qH r qvH rkrT j E Erad
@t @t
Here q and v are mass density and velocity of the fluid (i.e. the plasma). H, p and
T are the total enthalpy, pressure and temperature, respectively. The total enthalpy
H can be expressed as:
H v2 h 2:28
where h is the specic enthalpy of the material and is a function of its density and
temperature. The viscosity coefcient and the specic thermal conductivity are
denoted and k. Erad is the radiation losses. E, B and j are the electric eld, the
magnetic flux density and the current density, respectively.
46 2 Current Interruption Basics
Maxwells equations:
These are in general form expressed as:
r H j
@t 2:29
j rr/ 2:30
In one extreme case, when considering the switching arc in low-pressure switching
devices with diffuse plasma, there is no local thermodynamic equilibrium and
therefore different species, like electrons, ions and neutral particles may have different
temperatures. For this case, either two flow plasma models [16] or Boltzmann
equation based plasma models [17] are used to describe its behaviour. In constricted
2.5 Modeling of Switching Arcs 47
mode, where an arc column exists, magneto-hydro dynamic models like those applied
to model high-pressure arcs are used [18]. The output of these simulations is the
current density and energy flux distribution to the contact surfaces at different times.
Contrary to high-pressure arcs, the electrodes play the dominant role in recovery
process of low-pressure (vacuum) switching arcs. The energy flux to cathode and
anode may result in temperature increase of the contact surfaces and consequently
to metal vapour supply to the switching gap after current interruption. This is the
main reason for thermal re-ignition in vacuum interrupters. The temperature dis-
tribution at the contact surface may be modelled by considering the heat conduction
through the bulk of the metallic contact.
In the two categories of arc models described above, the physics of the arc stands in
the foreground, but in many cases, there is no need to delve into the physical
behaviour of the arc. The only important fact is how the arc interacts with other
components of the power network. For such cases, it is sufcient to nd a rela-
tionship between arc voltage and arc current. So-called black box modelling is a
way to describe voltagecurrent characteristics of power switching devices during
their arcing time, regardless of the physical parameters of the switching arc. The
scope of these three different approaches used for modelling of high pressure
switching arcs is shown schematically in Fig. 2.23.
The foundation of all black box models is the fact that the energy stored in the
arc Q strongly influences its conductance. Under the assumption that all cooling
mechanisms of the arc contribute to reduction of the energy stored in the arc with an
equivalent cooling power Pcooling, and considering the input power to the arc due to
the current flow through it, the following expression can be derived:
Q uarc iarc Pcooling dt 2:31
The difference between different black box methods is how the dependency of
the conductance of the arc (g) on the energy stored in it (Q) is expressed:
Fig. 2.23 Different approaches to modelling of switching components with high-pressure arcs
2.5 Modeling of Switching Arcs 49
g f Q 2:32
After differentiation of (2.32) and using (2.31), the following general expression
is found:
dg dg dQ
dt dQ dt
f 0 Q uarc iarc Pcooling
The latter equation is the basic equation for all black box models. Note that, no
assumptions are made with regard to how the arc conductance varies.
If the behaviour of the arc under high currents is considered, the arc can be simply
modelled as a cylindrical column with a radius dependent on the energy stored in it,
see the temperature prole of the arc in Fig. 2.15. This means that the electrical
conductivity of the arc column is assumed to be constant, and a change of the arc
current leads only to a change in the arc column radius (i.e. the arc current density is
constant as well). In this case, the relationship between arc conductance and the
energy stored in arc is linear g kQ. In addition, it is assumed that the cooling
power is proportional to the conductance of the arc Pcooling UC2 g. So by
replacing f 0 Q k Qg and considering that g uiarc
, the general equation of the
black box models can be written as:
1 dg Pcooling u2arc
1 : 2:34
g dt Q Uc2
The ratio of the energy stored in the arc to the cooling power has the dimension of
time and describes how fast the arc reacts to change of its input/output power. It is almost
identical to the arc time constant introduced in Sect. 2.3. As a second simplication, this
ratio is assumed constant and denoted sc . The resulting differential equation for what is
known as the Cassie black box model [20] can then be expressed as follows:
1 dg 1 u2arc iarc
1 ; g 2:35
g dt sc Uc2 uarc
1 diarc 1 duarc 1 u2arc
1 2:36
iarc dt uarc dt sc Uc2
50 2 Current Interruption Basics
In this way, a closed mathematical relationship between arc voltage and arc
current is derived. The resulting model contains two parameters Uc and sc , both
independent of time.
As discussed in Sect. 2.3.3, at lower arc currents, the temperature of the arc core is
very much dependent on the current amplitude. This corresponds to the temperature
range where the electrical conductivity of the arc is strongly dependent on its
temperature; see Fig. 2.15. As a simplication, the arc column can in this regime be
modelled as a cylinder with constant diameter, and with a conductivity depending
on the energy stored in the arc. In Mayr black box formulation [21], the arc
conductance is assumed to be an exponential function of the stored energy in it:
g g0 exp 2:37
As in case of Cassie black box model, the ratio QP00 has the dimension of time and
represents the arc time constant. Also in Mayr formulation, this ratio is replaced
with a constant sm . In this way, the nal differential equation of Mayr black box
model becomes:
1 dg 1 uarc iarc
g dt sm P0
or 2:39
1 diarc 1 duarc 1 uarc iarc
iarc dt uarc dt sm P0
In many cases, two parameters are not enough to give a satisfactory modelling of
the arc behaviour for all current ranges. It is possible to combine Mayr and Cassie
formulations, e.g. by considering the total arc conductance as the sum of partial arc
conductances found by Mayr and Cassie models [22]. It is also possible to introduce
new parameters, e.g. by taking into account the dependency of the arc time constant
and/or cooling power on different quantities such as arc conductance and arc energy
[23, 24].
The mathematical relationship between arc voltage and arc current, established by
black box models, can be used together with circuit equations to simulate the arc
voltage and arc current as functions of time in a switching device installed in a
power network.
As the differential equations of black box models are nonlinear, it is in most
cases not possible to nd a closed form solution for the arc voltage or the arc
current. Numerical methods are used to solve the set of equations. The classical
Mayr and Cassie black box models are implemented in many scientic software
packages like as Matlab/Simulink, and numerical methods such as nite difference
method may be directly applied to solve the equations in an iterative manner.
The following example demonstrates how the differential equations of black box
models can be transformed into a set of algebraic equations using the nite dif-
ference method. The resulting set of algebraic equations can then be solved
Consider the simple circuit of Fig. 2.24, where a circuit breaker is used to clear
an inductive short circuit fault current. The equations of this circuit can be
expressed as follows (note that the Mayr formulation of (2.39) is used to describe
the voltagecurrent relationship of the arc):
dg 1 i2arc iarc
g g
dt sm P0 uarc
iL iC iarc
diL 2:40
L uN uarc
iC C
uN t Dt uarc t Dt
iL t Dt Dt i L t 2:41
ic t Dt iL t Dt iarc t Dt
iC t Dt
uarc t Dt Dt uarc t
Using (2.41) and starting with the initial conditions of four variables iL , iC , iarc
and uarc at t0 , it is possible to calculate all circuit variable values for the times
t0 Dt, t0 2Dt, etc. In this way, all circuit variables are determined for all times
In case of complex networks, the number of circuit variables and equations
increase, and implementing black box models directly into circuit analysis software
is a more convenient approach than manually establishing the algebraic equations.
J qe ne v e
Computer Exercises
10 H2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x103
Temperature [K]
and Mayr models are set to, tau = 1.2 ls and Uc = 2 kV, and tau = 0.3 ls and
P = 30.9 kW, respectively. The following starting values are used for different
Ls 3:52 mH; Lp 5:28 mH; Ll 0:625 mH; Cp 1:98 mF; Cl 1:93 nF;
Rp 30 W; Rl 450 W and U 60 kV:
Explain the difference in arc voltage and current resulting from the two models.
Which one is able to model a successful interruption? Which gives a more realistic
arc voltage before current zero? Which one gives a realistic voltage after current
Problem 2Cooling Power and Time Constant in the Mayr Model
In this problem, only the Mayr model is considered. By double-clicking the breaker
model, you can set new values to the parameters:
Arc time constant, tau
Cooling power, P
Computer Exercises 55
Problem 3Transient Recovery Voltage, TRV (Using the Mayr Arc Model)
(a) In this problem, a terminal short circuit fault is investigated. The short circuit is
simply generated by reducing the value of the load impedance (the arc model
does not allow for zero impedance between its output and ground). Replace the
load RLC combination in Fig. 2.27 by a 1 mX resistor.
Set cooling power, P, to 10,000 W
Set arc time constant, tau, to 0.6e6
Run the model and nd:
Peak of the TRV Upeak
Approximate rate of rise of recovery voltage, RRRV (given in V/s)
(b) In a case like this, the RRRV is very dependent on the capacitance of the supply
circuit (left side)
Adjust the supply side capacitance to increase the RRRV.
What is the maximum RRRV that this breaker can interrupt at this given
(a) Set the value of the capacitance Cp back to the original 1.98 lF.
Run the model and nd:
The peak current
The arcing time
The TRV amplitude and RRRV (approximate)
(b) Reduce the source voltage and the value of the source side inductor Ls by a
factor 10.
Run the model and nd:
The peak current
The arcing time
The TRV amplitude and RRRV
(c) Change the circuit breaker separation time to 0.017 (in both models). Run the
model and nd:
The peak current
The arcing time
The TRV amplitude and RRRV
(d) Compare the results of (a), (b) and (c) in terms of interactions between the arc
voltage and the short circuit current. In which switching components are high
arc voltages desirable, what are drawbacks of high arc voltages? Explain.
1. Chen FF (1984) Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion. Springer, Berlin
2. Bittencourt JA (2004) Fundamentals of plasma physics, 3rd edn. Springer, Berlin
3. Friedman A, Kennedy LA (2004) Plasma physics and engineering. Taylor & Francis Books
Inc, New York, p 18
4. Richardson OW (1921) The emission of electricity from hot bodies. Longmans Green Co.,
5. Fowler RH, Nordheim LW (1928) Electron emission in intense electric elds. Proc R Soc
6. Bhattacharya S, Ghatak KP (2012) Fowler-Nordheim eld emission. Springer, Berlin
7. Murphy EL, Good RH (1956) Thermionic emission, eld emission and the transition region.
Phys Rev 102(6):14641472
8. Lindmayer M (ed) (1987) Schaltgerte: Grundlagen, Aufbau, Wirkungsweise, Springer,
Berlin, p 7
9. Rieder W (1970) Circuit breakers In: IEEE spectrum, pp 3643
10. Lindmayer M (ed) (1987) Schaltgerte: Grundlagen, Aufbau, Wirkungsweise, Springer,
Berlin, p 8
11. Friedman A, Kennedy LA (2004) Plasma physics and engineering. Taylor & Francis Books
Inc, New York
References 57
One of the most important functions of a breaker is to protect the power system in
case of a fault, which in many cases is associated with the flow of a short circuit
current through a part of the network. Depending on the network conguration, the
switching device may be exposed to different stresses.
Springer International Publishing AG 2017 59
K. Niayesh and M. Runde, Power Switching Components, Power Systems,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51460-4_3
60 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
The AC part of the short circuit current can be calculated using the symmetrical
component method [1]. The amplitude of AC short circuit current is dependent on
the type of short circuit (whether one, two or three phases are involved) and on the
neutral point treatment of the network; more precisely the impedance between
neutral point and earth potential. Calculations of different AC short circuit wave-
forms are treated comprehensively in the textbooks on power system analysis, see
for example [2], and is not considered here. Short circuit currents are found as the
steady state solution of the differential equations describing the network. In the
following, the most relevant concepts are briefly reviewed through some examples.
In a so-called balanced short circuit, the amplitude of the short circuit current in
all three phases is the same, and they have a 120 phase shift relative to each other.
Hence, the short-circuit currents of all three phases present a balanced three-phase
system. In such cases, the three phases can be decoupled. A circuit diagram of a
three-phase short circuit with earth connection in a network with solidly grounded
neutral point is shown in Fig. 3.1.
Fig. 3.1 Three-phase short circuit with earth connection in a network with solidly grounded
neutral point
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 61
Isc 3:1
jZsc j
where Isc is the amplitude of short circuit current, Un the rated voltage of the
network and Zsc the short circuit impedance of each phase. In this example, the
short circuit impedance contains no negative or zero sequence component.
In some cases, the fault does not affects all the three phases to the same extent, so
that the fault currents flowing through different phases are not of the same ampli-
tude. These types of faults are termed unbalanced short circuits. One example is a
single phase earth fault, see Fig. 3.2. In this case, the other two phases are healthy.
The short circuit current amplitude in the faulty phase becomes:
Isc 3:2
jZsc Z0 j
In addition to the steady state network frequency short circuit current, the short
circuit current also contains a decaying DC component. This is due to the current
Fig. 3.2 Single phase earth fault in a network with grounded neutral point
62 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
continuity requirement of the short circuit inductance of the network. This corre-
sponds to the transient part of the solution of the differential equations of electrical
circuits, see Fig. 3.3.
The governing differential equation for this circuit can be written as follows:
di p
L Ri 2 U cosxt 3:3
Under assumption that no current flows prior to the short circuit, the following
initial condition is valid:
it0 0 3:4
By solving (3.3) using the initial condition of (3.4), the current waveform is
calculated as:
it R cosxt Lx sinxt
R2 Lx2
p 3:5
R cosxt0 Lx sinxt0 eLtt0
R Lx
The rst term represents the steady state network frequency component of the
short circuit current, while the second term is a decaying DC current. The amplitude
of the DC part is the same as the instantaneous value of the AC part at the time the
short circuit occurs. Hence, DC current may have an amplitude between zero and
maximum of network frequency part depending on the time of short circuit
occurrence. This implies that in three phase systems, even in case of a balanced
short circuit, the DC components of different phases are not the same.
If the short circuit inductance is time dependent, the DC component could
become larger than the AC component. In such cases, the current zero crossing will
be missing over a few periods until the DC current becomes smaller than the AC
current. Short circuit near a generator is a typical case where this phenomenon may
be observed. The consequence for a switching device is much longer arcing periods
and higher dissipation losses in the arc. This makes current interruption more
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 63
demanding. The following simple example shows how a time dependent inductance
may result in DC components larger than the steady state AC current. In this
example, the source inductance suddenly increases from zero to its nal value of L1
at time t1 :
L0 t0 \t\t1
Lt 3:6
L 0 L1 t t1
The initial condition for the rst differential equation is as in the case considered
previously, i t0 0. For the second differential equation, the initial condition can
be derived based on the current continuity in the short circuit inductance L0 .
Based on these equations, the short circuit current flowing through the short
circuit inductance of the network can be determined. The DC component is
determined by the lower, initial inductance value L0 , and the steady state AC
current is determined by the larger combined inductance of L0 L1 . Therefore, in
this case the DC component of the short circuit current is larger than its AC
The differential equations governing the short circuit current near generator
during faults are far more complex than this simplied example. The total short
circuit inductance is gradually increasing with time. Consequently, in many real
cases, a closed form solution does not exist, and the short circuit current has to be
calculated by solving the governing differential equations numerically.
Not all phases of a three-phase breaker interrupt at the same instant. The phase in
which the current is rst interrupted is called the rst phase or rst pole to clear.
Which phase this is, depends on the contacts separation and movement relative to
the current waveforms. After the arc is extinguished at the current zero crossing, the
voltages across each of the three poles of the breaker in general show an oscillatory
behaviour during the transition from a value corresponding to the arc voltage to a
value corresponding to the power frequency voltage.
The situation during interruption of an ungrounded three-phase short circuit is
shown in Figs. 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. The circuit diagram is in Fig. 3.4. The system is
assumed purely inductive at short circuit. The current in each phase, the phase
voltages prior to the interruption and the voltage across the contacts after the current
64 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
Fig. 3.4 Interruption of an ungrounded three-phase short circuit in a directly earthed grid. Stray
capacitances are not included in the drawing. Load side impedances are disregarded
Fig. 3.5 Currents and voltage waveforms during interruption in the circuit in Fig. 3.4
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 65
Fig. 3.6 Vector diagram for the case shown in Figs. 3.4 and 3.5. Dashed lines are used for t < t1;
solid lines for the period between t1 and t2 (i.e. when the arc is extinguished in phase R, but not in
S and T)
has been interrupted are shown in Fig. 3.5, whereas Fig. 3.6 shows the corre-
sponding vector diagrams for current and voltage.
The rst phase to clear is here phase R, and the arc is extinguished at time t1 in
this phase. The voltage at the left hand side of the breaker in phase R then oscillates
towards the phase voltage (i.e., the phase-to-ground voltage) of phase R. The right
hand side voltage, R, oscillates towards a voltage level that is between the voltages
in phases S and T. The arc is still burning in phases S and T and the voltages SS
and TT are thus approximately zero.
From the voltage vector diagram, the power frequency recovery voltage in phase
R is found to be 1.5 times the phase voltage of the system; Up.
At t2 phases S and T interrupt simultaneously, and the recovery voltage across
each of the contact pairs becomes half the line voltage (i.e., half the line-to-line
voltage), being 3 2 Up = 0.86 Up. From this follows that the interruption is easier
in the last two poles to clear than in the rst. Single-pole testing of switchgears is
therefore acceptable when considering this switching duty.
The power frequency recovery voltage depends on the type of fault
(single-phase, three-phase, short circuit, earth-fault etc.) and type of system
grounding. If both the neutral point and the fault are directly in contact with ground,
or grounded through small impedances, the power frequency recovery voltage
becomes the same in all phases and is equal to Up.
The voltage across the breaker contacts oscillates towards the power frequency
recovery voltage via a transient period called the transient recovery voltage (TRV).
As mentioned earlier, the degree of difculty of the interruption process depends
greatly on the shape and amplitude of the TRV.
The TRV will be examined in detail, starting with a single-phase system with a
short circuit (relatively) close to the switchgear. The arc voltage is assumed small
66 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
Fig. 3.7 Circuit diagram used to calculate the transient recovery voltage in a single-phase system
after a current interruption due to a short circuit close to the switchgear
compared to the system voltage and is therefore neglected. Figure 3.7 shows the
circuit diagram. U is the source voltage rms value, L the short circuit inductance in
the system, R is a resistance representing the losses, and C the capacitance across
the contacts.
The electric arc is assumed to be extinguished at the current zero crossing at
t = 0, and no current flows through the switchgear for t 0. The voltage that
builds up across the breaker, ub, shall be determined.
First, it is assumed that R = 0, and the following equations can be established:
uL ub 0 3:8
iC 3:9
d 2 ub
LC ub u 3:10
t t
ubt A sin p B cos p 3:12
jxC 1
U bs U U 3:13
jxC jxL 1 x2 LC
ub 0 ub 0 0 3:16
i0 i0 0 3:17
The initial conditions of (3.16) and (3.18) inserted into (3.15) give:
ub 0 B 0 3:19
1 x2 LC
B 3:20
1 x2 LC
p 0 3:21
A0 3:22
2U t
ub t cos x t cos p t0 3:23
1 x2 LC LC
and consists of a power frequency stationary term and a transient term. The values
of L and C are normally so that x2 LC 1, and p1
x. The transient frequency
is high compared to the system frequency, and the expression for the voltage across
the breaker after interruption can thus be simplied to:
p t
ub t 2 U 1 cos p 3:24
ft p 3:25
2p LC
The higher the frequency, the steeper the recovery voltage and the more difcult
the interruption of a given current becomes. The range of ft is typically from a few
hundred hertz and to a few kilohertz.
This type of transient recovery voltage, known as oscillatory transient recovery
voltage, is normally observed in a wide variety of practical distribution network
congurations. One example is the transformer-limited fault, where a fault occurs
near one of the terminals of a circuit breaker connected directly to a transformer.
A slightly different case is when many overhead transmission lines are connected
to one bus bar. If a terminal fault occurs near one of the circuit breakers of the
overhead lines (see Fig. 3.9), the energy exchange between energy storing elements
leads to generation of an over-damped voltage pulse. In the basic schematics of
Fig. 3.8 Recovery voltage in a single-phase circuit after interruption of a short circuit close to the
switchgear. If the transient frequency is very high compared to the power frequency and damping
is disregarded the waveform is as in (a). The waveform becomes as in (b) if damping of the
transient part is taken into account
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 69
Fig. 3.9, the energy-supplying network is replaced with its Thevenin equivalent
circuit, where Lsc represents the equivalent short circuit inductance. Input impe-
dance of the transmission lines seen from the busbar side Zin is the same as their
wave impedances Z0, which is a pure resistance R0, if one neglects the losses of the
transmission lines. In addition, Cp represents the stray capacitance between busbar
and ground. If the short circuit current has no DC component or the DC component
has been already decayed, it can be expressed using a sine function. In case the
short circuit current has a DC component, the situation could be slightly different.
The current is interrupted at its zero crossing (t = 0). The equivalent circuit for
this basic network after current zero is shown in Fig. 3.10. Zeq is the parallel
Fig. 3.9 Basic network for transient recovery voltage calculation in a system with many
transmission lines connected to one busbar
Fig. 3.10 Simplied equivalent circuit of the network shown Fig. 3.9
70 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
connection of all wave impedances, under assumption of no losses and the same
wave impedances, it can be expressed as R0/n, where n is the number of trans-
mission lines.
The equivalent circuit of the network in this case is shown in Fig. 3.10. The
differential equation of this circuit can be written as:
d 2 ub nLsc dub p
Lsc Cp u b 2 U cosxt 3:26
dt2 R0 dt
ub t 0 0 and t 0 0 3:27
Note that the input impedance of the long transmission lines is their wave
impedance. As the wave impedance is normally in the range of few hundred ohms
for overhead transmission lines, the equivalent parallel resistor is quite small. This
results in a reduction of the quality factor of the RLC circuit and the generated
transient recovery voltage is, in contrast to the case shown in Fig. 3.8, no more
The overdamped voltage pulse, which propagates along other transmission lines,
is reflected back at their ends, and reaches after a while the terminals of the circuit
breaker. The superposition of the initially generated overdamped waveform and the
reflected waveforms results in a very different transient recovery voltage form, the
so-called double exponential waveform as shown schematically in Fig. 3.11.
In this section, the recovery voltage applied to the rst phase to clear when inter-
rupting a short circuit current in a three-phase system is considered. As in the
Fig. 3.11 Typical transient recovery voltage waveform in networks as shown in Fig. 3.9
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 71
single-phase case discussed in Sect., the short circuit is assumed to occur
close to the switchgear, a so-called terminal short circuit.
Two cases are treated here; a short circuit current in a solidly grounded system is
interrupted with and without connection to the earth potential.
Figure 3.12 shows the circuit diagram for a three-phase short circuit without
earth connection. Cp is the capacitance between the phases, and Cg between each
phase and ground. Initially, the resistances in the circuit are disregarded. The arc in
phase R is extinguished, so this phase is open. The arcs in phases S and T are still
carrying current (through the arc).
The equivalent circuit as seen from the terminals of the rst phase to clear, RR,
is shown in Fig. 3.13. Only negligible current flows in the ground system, and the
equivalent inductance Le and equivalent capacitance Ce are found by
short-circuiting all voltage sources and then determining the inductance and
capacitance between R and R. This gives:
Fig. 3.12 Circuit diagram for interruption of an ungrounded terminal short circuit
Le L LjjL L 3:28
Ce Cg Cg jjCg jj Cp jjCp 2Cp Cg 3:29
As in the case shown in Fig. 3.4, the equivalent voltage ue is 1.5 up.
The equivalent circuit is analogous to the single-phase system in Fig. 3.7.
Consequently, the solution is given as:
2 Up t
uRR0 t 2
cos x t cos p t0 3:30
1 x2 Le Ce Le Ce
3 Lg L
Le L LjjLjjLg L 3
2 Lg L
In reality, a power grid cannot be represented as simple as it has been done here.
Typically, a large number of inductances and capacitances are required to ade-
quately represent generators, cables, transformers, overhead lines and other
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 73
Fig. 3.14 The current injection principle. Interruption takes place at t = 0. The curves on the right
are the currents in the sources across the switchgear. The source ii does not carry current for t < 0,
for t > 0 it carries the current ii = i
74 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
contributes with uT, while the current source i gives a contribution equal to uT.
These summed gives ub = 0, corresponding to closed contacts. The current source ii
does not contribute for t < 0 and, accordingly, no voltages in the circuit are gen-
erated by this source.
The current source ii starts supplying current at t = 0. The sum of the currents
through the power switching device is zero as ii = i, which corresponds to open
contacts. The voltage across the contacts is calculated by considering all the three
active sources (i, ii and uT). The voltage contributions from the stationary sources
i and uT cancel (as for t < 0), and the only contribution left is from ii (with i open
and uT short-circuited). This is shown in Fig. 3.15.
The recovery voltage across the power switching device is thus entirely due to
the injected current ii, and only this contribution needs to be considered for
determining the recovery voltage.
This approach may also be used in practical measurements for nding the
recovery voltage across a switching device in a system, see Fig. 3.15
All voltage sources in the system being examined are short-circuited and a
relatively low amplitude sinusoidal current is injected into the breaker. The transient
recovery voltage across the contacts is at the same time measured with an oscil-
loscope. Then, the recorded voltage is up-scaled by using the ratio between the
actual short circuit current and the injected current, and the actual recovery voltage,
which the breaker may be exposed to, is found from the measured value (Fig. 3.16).
Normally, the recovery voltage immediately after current zero crossing is the
most interesting part. As a sine wave is approximately linear right after current zero
crossing (sin x x for small x), it is usually sufcient to apply a linearly increasing
current to represent the sine wave. The current source must be ideal, i.e. the
impedances in the considered grid should not influence the injected current.
There are a number of obvious weaknesses to this method. The system in which
the switchgear is operating must exist and be available for measurements, i.e. the
technique cannot be used when planning new installations. Moreover, it may be
very hard to get an entire system out of service to do measurements. However, in
many cases including just a part of the grid and considering the rest as an ideal
system with zero impedance will give adequate results.
There may also be difculties due to rather large noise levels in real systems.
This makes it necessary to use relatively high signal levels. However, despite all its
limitations, the method serves as a relatively simple way of measuring recovery
The current injection principle and superposition may also be used to calculate
recovery voltages. An important switching duty; interruption of short circuit cur-
rents when the fault is located a short distance away from the power switching
device, will now be looked into by means of the current injection method.
In the calculations of recovery voltage in Sects. and, it was
assumed that the short circuit occurs close to the switchgear (terminal short circuit).
Since the impedance on the load side of the switch in this case is negligible, the
resulting short circuit current has the highest magnitude possible in the system
considered. However, when also taking the amplitude and steepness of the recovery
voltage into consideration, the terminal fault may still not be the most demanding
switching duty for the breaker.
Generally, short circuits often occur some distance from the switchgear, for
example between the phases of an overhead transmission line. Due to the steepness
of the recovery voltage immediately after current zero crossing, short circuits that
occur between a few hundred meters and a few kilometres away from the switching
device turn out to be particularly difcult to interrupt. This type of fault is called
short line fault or kilometric fault. When considering this switching duty, the
impedances on the load side must also be included in the calculations. Only the
single-phase case will be considered here; Fig. 3.17 shows the circuit diagram.
The short circuit inductance of the system is Ls. The inductance between the
switching device and the short circuit is Ll, where L is the self-inductance per unit
length of the transmission line and l the distance between the switch and the
location of the short circuit.
The current injection principle is employed to determine the recovery voltage.
A current is injected across the contacts from t = 0. The current has the same
76 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
magnitude, but opposite polarity as the stationary current that were flowing through
the switch before interruption. By ignoring the system capacitance to earth, the
injected current becomes:
ii t it sin x t 3:33
x Ls Ll
The voltage on the left side of the switchgear due to the injected current, uli, is
found by short-circuiting the voltage source in the circuit in Fig. 3.17. The resulting
circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 3.18.
By using Kirchhoffs current law at the node to the left of the switchgear, the
following equation can be established:
C iLs ii 0 3:34
In addition,
uli Ls 3:35
The differential equation for uli is found by differentiating (3.34) and (3.35), and
combining with (3.35).
d 2 uli 1 2U
uli cos x t 3:36
dt 2 Ls C C Ls Ll
The solution to this equation is a sum of a transient and a stationary term. The
transient term is on the form:
t t
ulit A sin p B cos p 3:37
Ls C Ls C
The general solution differential equation determining the left side voltage due to
the injected current then becomes
t t 2U Ls
uli ulit ulis A sin p B cos p cos x t 3:39
Ls C Ls C Ls Ll
The initial conditions can be found by considering that: (i) there cannot be a
discontinuity in the voltage across a capacitance, and, (ii) there cannot be a dis-
continuity in the current passing through an inductance. At t = 0, when the current
injection is initiated, the voltage drop across the capacitance C is as large as the
voltage over the short transmission line:
uli 0 uli 0 3:40
L l L s
iLs 0 iC 0 0 3:42
duli 0
0 3:43
78 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
The voltage on the left side of the switch due to the injected current thus
p p
2ULs t 2U Ll t
uli cos x t cos p cos p 3:45
Ls Ll Ls C L l L s Ls C
The voltage on the right side of the switchgear caused by the injected current, uri,
is found by considering the overhead line between the breaker and the location of
the short circuit as a wave impedance Z with travelling time s. The overhead line is
short-circuited (the refection coefcient q = 1) at the location of the fault, and
connected to the current source (large impedance, reflection coefcient q = 1) at the
The current ii is injected across the contacts, and the current sine is approximated
with a ramp function as only the time interval in the very beginning of the recovery
voltage is considered, i.e.
dii di
ii t t 3:46
dt dt
t0 t0
travelling back and forth between the location of the short circuit and the breaker, as
shown in the reflection diagram in Fig. 3.19.
Fig. 3.19 Reflection diagram for the travelling wave on the overhead line between the switchgear
(q = 1), and the location of short circuit (q = 1)
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 79
The voltage on the right side of the breaker caused by the injected current can be
expressed as:
p p
2U L l 2U
uri Z t 2t 2sHt 2s 2t 4sHt 4s
Ls L l Ls L l
0 for t\0
2t 6sHt 6s . . . where Ht
1 for t 0
It must be considered that the transmission line at the time of current interruption
at current zero crossing is charged and has an initial voltage of:
2U L l
uri 3:49
Ls L l
The recovery voltage across the breaker due to the injected current is the dif-
ference between the voltages to the left and to the right of the switchgear
When (3.45) and (3.48) are inserted into (3.50), this expression becomes:
p p
2ULs t Z 2U Ll t
ub cos x t cos p t 2t 2sHt 2s . . . cos p 1
Ls Ll Ls C Ls L l Ls Ls C
for t = 2s. If the distance between the switchgear and the fault is 1 km, the max-
imum transient recovery voltage occurs less than 10 ls after current zero crossing.
A voltage of this steepness such a short a time after the arc is extinguished leads to a
considerable stress on the switching gap and the switchgear has to be carefully
designed to avoid thermal re-ignition.
80 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
Fig. 3.20 Source side transient recovery voltage in case of a short line fault
Fig. 3.21 Source side, load side and total transient recovery voltage in case of a short line fault
In reality, the situation is more complex. Among the other things that also should
be taken into account are:
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 81
Circuit breakers that connect power generating plants to the grid, or link different
parts of a greater power system together, must be capable to interrupt fault currents
even though the two system parts are not running synchronously, i.e. the voltages in
the two parts are out of phase. Power system stability problems may lead to such a
situation. Normally, fast relaying systems will trip the breakers while the phase shift
is small. However, if the primary relaying system malfunctions, some time may
pass and the phase shift may be substantial by the time the circuit breaker receives
the command signal to open.
Out of phase interruption is probably more likely to occur under the interruption
following an unsuccessful automatic re-closure. Automatic re-closure is quite often
used in modern relaying systems in order to clear intermittent faults without
interrupting the power supply. It essentially means that when a fault signal is
received, the circuit breaker will open, but then immediately close after a short
delay. If the disturbance is of an intermittent nature, e.g. a lightning stroke on an
overhead line, the service is restored within a few hundred milliseconds. If, on the
other hand a permanent failure that damages equipment has occurred, the circuit
breaker immediately interrupts the current again, and remains in open position until
the failure is repaired.
82 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
During the short un-energized interval between the two interruptions the rota-
tional speed of the generators in the two system parts connected by the breaker may
drift independently. The generators in the part that looses load accelerate, and the
generators in the part with increased load retard, and a phase shift thereby develops
between the voltages of the two systems. If the phase shift has become too large by
the time the automatic re-closure occurs, the two system parts continue to run
asynchronously. This is a dynamic stability failure, and the interruption that follows
may take place at any phase angle difference between the two system parts,
including a full 180 phase opposition. In a directly grounded system the power
frequency recovery voltage becomes about twice the phase voltage, see Fig. 3.22. If
the switchgear is located at the end of a long transmission line, the Ferranti effect
may cause the voltage to become even higher.
The lower part of Fig. 3.22 illustrates the case with a double ground fault, one in
each part of the system, in phases R and S respectively. Moreover, it assumed that a
Fig. 3.22 Power frequency recovery voltage during interruption at phase opposition (upper part),
and with ground faults on both sides of the switchgear and a very disadvantageous phase shift
between the systems (lower part)
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 83
phase shift of 120 has occurred between the two systems. The switchgear has
interrupted the current in phases R and S, and the vector diagram shows that the
power frequency recovery voltage in phase T is close to 3.5Up.
However, due to the line impedances, the current amplitudes under out of phase
interruptions are always smaller than in the terminal short circuit case. The current
depends on the system impedances and the location of the breaker.
The steepness of the recovery voltage during out of phase interruption is nor-
mally modest. This is explained by Fig. 3.23 for a breaker located at the end of a
long transmission line.
It has been shown (see (3.12) and Fig. 3.8) that the transient recovery voltage
frequency across a breaker having an LC-circuit on the source side is:
Fig. 3.23 The circuit diagram (upper part) and the corresponding current and voltage waveforms
(lower part) during interruption under full phase opposition (180). The breaker is assumed located
close to the source up1 and there is a long line between the breaker and up2. This means that
Z1 < Z2 and C1 < C2, the transmission line to the right of the breaker is represented by its
84 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
ft p 3:53
2p LC
In the circuit in Fig. 3.23, the impedances on the left side of the switchgear are
smaller than on the right side. Consequently, after interruption ul has a higher
frequency than ur.
The change in amplitudes for the voltages ul and ur are also influenced by the
impedances. Since the impedances between the breaker and the source are smaller
on the left side, ul is far less altered than ur. Consequently, the high frequency
transients to the left of the switchgear have relatively low amplitudes. The situation
is opposite on the right side. Here, the changes in amplitude are greater, but the
frequencies of the transients are relatively low.
As a result, the voltage across the breaker, ub ul ur , does not lead to a such a
difcult case as might be expected. Transient recovery voltages that have both high
frequencies and great amplitudes are far more problematic.
In the previous section, it has been explained that the short circuit current and
transient recovery voltage may have different waveforms, depending on the fault
and network conditions. Fault location, which is a random parameter, combined
with various network congurations result in large variations of the amplitude and
shape of the short circuit current and transient recovery voltage.
Manufacturers and users of the power switching components have different
interests and expectations in terms of the applied stresses. From the perspective of
the users, it would be desirable to have switches, which are able to reliably interrupt
all possible fault currents even in extreme conditions with very high stresses. On the
contrary, from the perspective of manufacturers, capability to cope with extremely
high stresses means more complex and costly products. Hence, to be able to
evaluate the appropriateness of power switching components for a specic appli-
cation, a set of reference stresses have to be agreed upon. Different standardisation
bodies like IEC and ANSI formulate these sets of reference test conditions. The
most important standard for power switching devices is the IEC 62271.
Part 100 of this standard [3] describes the reference stresses, which have to be
used to evaluate the short circuit current interruption performance of a high voltage
circuit breaker. In the following, certain aspects of this standard are briefly
The short circuit current is assumed to be sinusoidal with or without a DC
component, i.e. symmetrical or asymmetrical in the range of 10100% of the rated
short circuit current of a power switching device. This is to cover all scenarios a
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 85
switching device could face in a real power network. It is preferable to test three
phase circuit breakers under three phase conditions, but single-phase tests are also
allowed. The DC component of the short circuit current is limited to 20% of the
rated short circuit current in case of symmetrical test duties for not self-triggered
switching devices; this is because the DC component has been decayed before the
contacts of the switching device separate. If the switching device is self-triggered or
is supposed to act very fast (as generator circuit breakers), the DC component could
be much larger. The impact of having a DC component is larger short circuit current
amplitudes and longer maximum arcing times.
Transient recovery voltage, as explained earlier, is very much dependent on the
network conguration. In the standards, there is a differentiation based on the rated
voltage of the switching device. For rated voltages less than 100 kV, the so-called
two parameter TRV is proposed. In Fig. 3.24, two envelopes of a standard two
parameter TRV are shown. For rated voltages higher than 100 kV, the so-called
four parameter TRV is used, see Fig. 3.25. This corresponds to the waveforms
applied to the switching device in networks with many transmission lines connected
to one busbar, see Fig. 3.11.
The TRVs of Figs. 3.24 and 3.25 are applied to the switching device when its
capability to interrupt terminal faults is to be tested. As explained in Sect., if
the short circuit fault is not directly at the terminal of switching device, a much
steeper transient recovery voltage is generated. The short line fault is only critical if
the wave impedance of the transmission system is high, because the rate of rise of
recovery voltage is proportional to the wave impedance. This is the case in high
voltage networks where usually overhead transmission lines are used. With this
background, the short line fault testing is according to the standards only required
for switchgear with rated voltages above 100 kV. As explained earlier, changing
the length of the line on the load side of the switching device, has an impact on the
current amplitude as well as on the rate of rise of recovery voltage. Depending on
the current interruption characteristics of the breaker, a certain line length is the
most difcult case. To ensure a satisfactory ability to handle short line faults, the
standard prescribes tests with different short circuit levels, from 60 to 90% of the
rated short circuit currents (corresponding to different line lengths). Moreover, the
standards allow combining short line fault tests with other breaking test duties, if a
certain initial transient recovery voltage is applied.
If current interruption tests are performed single phase, an additional correction
factor for the applied TRV, due to different neutral grounding situations, has to be
taken into account. In Sect., it has been shown that the TRV of the rst pole
to clear is 1.5 times of the phase voltage in networks with an insulated neutral.
Analogously, it can be shown that in systems where the neutral point is grounded
through a low impedance, this correction factor is between 1 and 1.5. In solidly
grounded networks, the currents and voltages of all three phases are independent,
and there is no difference between single phase and three-phase TRV, so the
correction factor is 1.
One possibility is to use a very strong power source with a voltage level of the rated
voltage of the switching device to be tested and to provide the necessary short
circuit current. This method is normally referred to as direct testing. The needed
power source may be a large generator, which can operate under short circuit
condition, see Fig. 3.26a. Another possibility is to obtain the required power from
grid as shown schematically in Fig. 3.26b.
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 87
Fig. 3.26 Schematics of test circuits with power source as a generator b power network
In these circuits, Zs is the series impedance used to adjust the short circuit current
level, which is usually a current limiting inductor. Zp is the parallel impedance to
the test object, which is in many cases a series combination of a capacitor and a
resistor. The main purpose of inserting a parallel branch to the test object is to shape
the applied TRV after interruption of the current.
The test is started by closing the making switch of the test circuit and then
opening of the test object as current flows. A circuit breaker (backup breaker) is
normally placed in series and used to ensure reliable current interruption in case of
any failure of the test object.
Direct testing of power switching components can be easily performed in a three
phase setup. Then the circuits of Fig. 3.26 has to be realized with three series and
three parallel impedances. Obviously, a three phase transformer and generator are
also required.
The main challenge associated with direct testing of switchgear is the rating of
the power source. As both short circuit current and the necessary transient recovery
voltage are supplied by one single power source, it has to be very powerful.
Consider for example the case where the current interruption capability of a 420 kV
circuit breaker with rated short circuit current of 50 kA has to be tested. In this case,
the necessary three-phase short circuit power is:
88 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
PSC 3 50 103 420 103 3:64 1010 W
This is a huge number, greater than the combined installed power generation in a
country like Norway or the greatest power plant in the world (The Three Gorges
dam in China). Obviously, testing of transmission level circuit breakers is almost
impossible by using the direct testing method.
As the high voltage and high current during a current interruption process do not
appear at the same time, it is possible to divide the test of a circuit breaker in two
distinct regions, namely high current and high voltage regions, see Fig. 3.27. Test
arrangements and procedures taking advantage of this are commonly referred to as
synthetic testing.
In the high current region, the voltage necessary to drive high current through
the switching device is almost zero (when the contacts are closed) or equal to the
arc voltage, which is very much smaller than the system voltage. In the high voltage
region, the current flowing through the power switch is zero or very small, at least
in case of a successful current interruption. This implies that application of two
Fig. 3.27 High current and high voltage regions during short circuit current interruption
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 89
separate and rather modestly rated power sources can be used to supply energy to
the under test power switch at different times.
Depending on how these two power sources are coupled to generate the elec-
trical stresses on the switchgear, different test circuit congurations exist. Two
well-known methods are the parallel and series current injection, shown schemat-
ically in Fig. 3.28. In all congurations used to realize synthetic test circuits, an
appropriate mechanism to synchronize the high current and high voltage sources is
The high current source can be a large generator or a grid-connected circuit as
shown in Fig. 3.26. A charged capacitor bank in connection with an inductor and
with the resonance frequency near the power network frequency can also be
applied. The high voltage source is usually a high voltage capacitor bank. The
TRV-shaping circuit can be as simple as a capacitor connected in parallel to the test
object or a combination of many components, depending on the desired TRV
waveform. The most complicated TRV-shaping circuits are related to short-line
fault tests, where a lumped model for short lines is built connecting several different
passive components.
Fig. 3.28 Synthetic test schemes a series current injection b parallel current injection
90 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
The amplitude and frequency of the generated short circuit current can be simply
controlled by changing the values of C1, L1 and U1. After the short circuit current
starts to flow, the test object is opened and a switching arc ignites. Just before the
short circuit current approaches its zero crossing, the spark gap of the high voltage
part of the test circuit is triggered. By breakdown of the spark gap, the high voltage
capacitor C2 is discharged through L2 and the switching arc in the test object. As in
case of high current part of the circuit, this current injected from the high voltage
part of the circuit to the switching arc is given as:
C2 t tsg
i2 t U2 sin p 3:55
L2 L2 C2
Fig. 3.29 Simplied synthetic test circuit based on parallel current injection method
3.1 Interruption of Short Circuit Currents 91
So, from the time tsg (the time of breakdown of the spark gap) and onwards, the
sum of the currents i1 and i2 flows through the arc. Consequently, the zero crossing
of the current flowing through the test object is shifted, while the zero crossing of
the current flowing through the auxiliary switch (i1) comes earlier. A successful
current interruption in the auxiliary switch splits the high current and high voltage
parts of the synthetic test circuit. The equivalent of the test circuit just before the
zero crossing of i1 + i2 is shown in Fig. 3.30.
Note that the voltage across capacitor C2 at the time of current zero crossing is
nearly U2, if the losses are negligible. Just after the current zero, the test object
opens and acts like an ideal switch. As a result, between two capacitors with
different initial voltages (Cp with an initial voltage almost zero and C2 with an
initial voltage U2), an oscillation takes place. In this way, an oscillatory voltage is
generated over Cp and the test object, giving a TRV as:
2 0 13
C2 6 B t tcz C7
uTRV t U2 41 cos@qA5 t [ tcz 3:56
C2 Cp L 2 p
2 C2 Cp
In real test circuits, there are some losses due to the series resistance of L2 and
therefore the transient recovery voltage becomes a damped oscillatory waveform.
This form represents very well the two parameter TRV described in Sect. 3.1.3. It is
possible to increase the initial rate of rise of the recovery voltage by inserting a
series resistance to the parallel capacitance Cp.
The making switch, the auxiliary switch as well as the test object are all
mechanically operating circuit breakers. Therefore, to be able to open or close these
switches at a specic time, open/close commands have to be sent much earlier. To
minimize the energy content and size of the high voltage capacitors, the frequency
of the injected current is as high as possible, normally up to 1000 Hz. Thus, it is
crucial for the correct functioning of the synthetic test circuit to trigger the spark
gaps very precisely. This implies a very good synchronization between the high
current and injected current. Figure 3.31 shows the sequential stages of the oper-
ation of a parallel current injection synthetic test circuit.
The test starts by the sending a closing command to the making switch (switch 2
in Fig. 3.29). Depending on the mechanical opening and closing times, the opening
92 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
command is sent after a delay of td to the auxiliary switch and to the test object. The
aim is to separate the contacts of those switches when the current flows.
By separation of the contacts in the test object, a switching arc is initiated. This
arc burns between contacts of the test object until current zero crossing. The start of
current flow is detected and after a certain time td2, the spark gap is triggered. This
results in flow of an additional current (injected current), see (3.55) as discussed
earlier. At the zero crossing of the high current flowing through the auxiliary
switch, it is interrupted and the high current part of the test circuit is isolated from
the other parts. At the zero crossing of the total current flowing through the test
object, the current is interrupted and a transient recovery voltage, like as (3.56),
builds up across the open contacts of the test object. In case of a successful current
interruption, the under test switching device can withstand this voltage. If, in
contrast the stresses cause a thermal or dielectric re-ignition, the test is considered
Connecting and disconnecting different parts of a power network is, besides fault
current interruption, one of the most important functions of switchgears. If the part
of the network, which is to be energized, is faulty, closure of the switching
3.2 Closing Under Fault Condition (Making of Short Circuit) 93
component results in a short circuit current flow through the switch during the
closing (making) operation.
At rst glance, it seems easy for a switching device to pass the short circuit
current during a making operation, because all power switching devices have to be
designed in such a way that they are able to carry the short circuit current for up to a
few seconds while in the closed position.
However, the current flow does not start as the contacts touch but several mil-
liseconds earlier because the insulating medium between the contacts suffers a
dielectric breakdown as shown in Fig. 3.32. This phenomenon is called a pre-strike.
The electrical eld in the gap between the contacts increases as the contacts
approach each other. When the eld exceeds the dielectric strength of the insulating
medium, the gap breaks down and a switching arc is initiated.
Flow of the short circuit current through this arc results in power dissipation,
which is partly absorbed by the contact surfaces and partly contributes to increasing
the temperature in the arcing medium. If the dissipated energy is large, excessive
melting of the contact surfaces occurs. Mating contacts with molten surfaces may
cause welding. This may prevent the switching device to appropriately respond to
the next opening command, if its operating mechanism does not provide an opening
force sufcient to break the welded points. The dissipated energy can be calculated
as follows:
Edissipation isc t uarc tdt 3:57
Edissipation is the dissipated energy in the pre-strike during making operation, isc
and uarc are the short circuit current and arc voltage, respectively. t0 is the moment
Fig. 3.32 Different stages during making operation of a power switching device
94 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
when the breakdown occurs, and ttouch is the moment when the contacts touch
mechanically. Hence, a short circuit arc is burning in this time interval.
As explained in Sect., the short circuit current contains a DC component
and therefore its peak value can be much higher than for a pure AC short circuit
current. The arc voltage is very dependent on the interrupting medium, but as
explained in Chap. 2, even in case of very short arc lengths, there are signicant
voltage drops near the electrodes. The associated heat dissipation contributes to the
energy flux to the surface of the contacts and their melting.
Making under short circuit conditions may occur in both circuit breakers and
load break switches. Circuit breakers are designed to handle the high arcing
energies occurring during interruption of short circuit currents. Hence, the energy
dissipation during a pre-strike under making under short circuit conditions is
usually not critical for a circuit breaker. Moreover, the opening and closing
velocities of circuit breakers are rather high, resulting in a short arcing time.
For load break switches, in contrast, the making operations are among the most
severe stresses, as these devices are designed to be able to cope only with the arc
energies during load current interruption, and the closing or opening velocities are
lower than for circuit breakers. The longer the arcing time by making operation, the
higher the dissipated energy. This fact can be demonstrated considering the fol-
lowing example, where a power switching device is used to energize a short circuit
as shown in Fig. 3.33.
As explained in Sect. 3.1.1, the short circuit current can be determined by
solving the governing differential equation with consideration of current continuity
in the short circuit inductance:
Lsc didtsc 2U cosxt t [ t0
isc t0 0
Under the simplifying assumption that the arcing voltage is constant over the
whole period of the pre-strike, the dissipated energy can be calculated using (3.57)
and (3.59):
Fig. 3.33 A simple circuit demonstrating the making under short circuit condition
3.2 Closing Under Fault Condition (Making of Short Circuit) 95
Edissipation isc uarc dt
2U 1
uarc cosxt0 cosxttouch ttouch t0 sinxt0
Lsc x x
The rate of rise of the short circuit current takes its highest value if the break-
down occurs at the peak of the system voltage t0 = 0. Under the assumption that the
breakdown occurs at a gap distance of d, and the closing velocity of the contacts is
V, the dissipated energy can be expressed as:
2U 1 cos xd
Edissipation uarc V
Lsc x x
For this simplied case, the expression for the total dissipated energy shows a
non-linear dependency to the closing velocity of contacts. For a switching com-
ponent operating in a grid with the frequency of 50 Hz, and assuming that
d = 5 mm, an increase of the closing velocity from 1 to 5 m/s results in a 96%
reduction of the dissipated energy.
Besides the pre-strikes and the effects of the associated energy dissipation,
closing operations under short circuit condition also expose the switchgear to very
high mechanical stresses as the peak value of the current can by far exceed the
amplitude of the AC short circuit current peak value. The electromagnetic (Lorentz)
forces are proportional to square of the instantaneous current flowing through the
device. As it can be seen from (3.59), the peak value can reach almost twice that of
a symmetric AC short circuit current. This results in four times higher mechanical
stresses on the switching device compared with the case of making of a symmetric
AC short circuit current.
So, depending on the time of breakdown, a short circuit making operation can
result in very large mechanical forces (reaching their highest values when
t0 p=x) and/or high dissipated arcing energies during a pre-strike (reaching their
highest values when t0 = 0).
According to the IEC standards for circuit breakers, the peak value of the short
circuit current during testing should be 2.5 or 2.6 times of the rms value of the rated
AC short circuit current, for network frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz, respectively. The
96 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
The short circuit current flowing through the power switching device plays a central
role in evaluation of its capability to perform closing operation under short circuit
current. The initiation of the real pre-strike in the switching object is not possible
without application of high voltage to the power switching device prior to its
closing operation.
Moreover, to reproduce the real stresses applied to a power switching device
during making of a short circuit current, it is necessary to generate both high
voltage and high current. This leads to very large amounts of power (as for the case
of current interruption tests), if a single power source is used to supply the nec-
essary current and voltage.
Fortunately, high voltage and high current are not necessary at the same time, so
that two separate power sources may be used in the same way as the scheme used
for testing of current interruption capability of circuit breakers.
3.2 Closing Under Fault Condition (Making of Short Circuit) 97
Fig. 3.34 Schematics of a synthetic short circuit current making test circuit
Figure 3.34 shows the basic working principle of a synthetic short circuit
making test circuitry. A high voltage source (e.g. a charged capacitor) is directly
connected to the terminals of the under test power switching component. A test
cycle starts by sending a close command to the test object, when the gap distance
between the contacts of the switching device reaches a critical value, a breakdown
(pre-strike) is initiated. As the result, current is supplied by the high voltage source
(e.g. due to the discharge of the capacitor), this current is detected and a close
command is sent to the making switch connecting the high current source and the
test object. If the delay between the current flow through the high voltage source
and closure of the making switch is small enough, the full short circuit current flows
through the previously generated pre-arc channel.
The high current source can be a generator, a grid-connected power source or
simply a pre-charged capacitor bank discharged in an inductance. Typical delays of
mechanically operating switches are very large. On the other hand, the charge
carrying capability of spark gaps is limited. Therefore, the making switch is usually
realized as parallel combination of a very fast triggered spark gap and a mechan-
ically operating switch.
where u0 is the initial voltage of the transmission line due to the trapped charges at
the time of energization. The general solution of the differential equation for the
voltage between the transmission line and ground uline contains two components,
one with power frequency x and the other with the frequency x1 p1
sc line
The coefcients of the power frequency terms can be found by replacing the
general solution into the differential equation as:
A B0 3:64
1 Lsc Cline x2
Fig. 3.35 Simplied equivalent circuit for the case of energization of a power line
3.3 Energization of Loads 99
The coefcients of the terms with the Eigen frequency of the network (A1 and
B1) are very dependent on the time of energization as well as on the initial voltage
of the transmission line caused by trapped charges. In many network congurations,
the Eigen frequency of the network is much larger than the power frequency
(xx1 1). Under the worst case if the closing of the switch occurs at the peak of the
network voltage (t0 0) and the transmission line has a trapped charge with the
opposite polarity, large overvoltage may be produced during the energization
operation of a transmission line, see Fig. 3.36. Note that the damping of oscillations
is not considered here.
In case of more complex network congurations, e.g. if many transmission lines
are connected to a bus bar and energization of one of the transmission lines takes
place, the waveform of the transient overvoltage may be much more complicated
with more than one oscillation frequency.
The generated overvoltage corresponds to an overcurrent (large charging cur-
rent) because the high rates of change of the voltage over the capacitance of the
transmission lines cause a current flow. For the simple case considered in Fig. 3.35,
this charging current can be expressed as:
iline t sinxt B1 x1 cosx1 t A1 x1 sinx1 t t [ t0
1 Lsc Cline x2
The amplitude of the higher frequency term of the charging current could be
much larger than the power frequency charging current. Although this term decays
Fig. 3.36 Overvoltage on a transmission line with opposite polarity trapped charge by its
100 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
after a while due to the resistive losses of the transmission lines and its amplitude is
normally much smaller than the short circuit current, it could contribute to high
dissipation in the pre-arcing phase, in the same way as previously discussed for the
case of making of a short circuit current. As the frequency of this current is much
larger than the power frequency, the term xd V in (3.61) becomes even larger than for
the case of making currents with the power frequency. This results in larger dis-
sipations during pre-arcing when energizing a transmission line and to a probable
contact welding or contact surface deterioration, especially if this operation is
performed frequently.
Such overvoltage and high frequency charging current are of importance for
switching devices operating both in overhead line and cable based transmission
systems. Consequently, in the standards for circuit breakers, cable charging and line
charging test duties are included.
Capacitor banks are normally used in power networks to compensate the reactive
(inductive) load currents and to stabilize the network voltage level within a desired
range. For this purpose, it is necessary to connect the capacitor banks, whenever the
load is high, and disconnect them from the network when the load is low. Hence,
quite often the daily load pattern causes capacitor bank switchgear to operate
frequently. In this section, the stresses accompanied with such switching operations
are considered with basis in the circuit diagram shown in Fig. 3.37, where a
capacitor bank is energized.
By considering Figs. 3.35 and 3.37, it can be seen that the case of energization
of a capacitor bank is very similar to the case of energizing a transmission line. All
the equations derived in the last section can be applied for this case, if Cline is
replaced by Cb. Due to the high amplitude, high frequency inrush current associated
with energization of a capacitor bank, welding and contact surface deterioration are
of concern.
In some networks, there are more than one capacitor bank connected to a busbar.
By energization of the rst capacitor bank, the conguration is as shown in
Fig. 3.37 Simplied equivalent circuit for the case of energization of a single capacitor bank
3.3 Energization of Loads 101
Fig. 3.38 Simplied equivalent circuit for the case of energization of a capacitor bank in back to
back conguration
Fig. 3.37, but for the case of connecting the second capacitor bank, the circuit
diagram is different, see Fig. 3.38.
The governing equations for this second case can be expressed as follows:
( R
Cb2 dudtc 1
uc u1 dt 0
Ls R p R t [ t0 3:67
Cb1 dudt1 1
Lsc u1 2U cosxt dt 1
Ls u1 uc dt 0
where u1 is the voltage across the rst capacitor bank (Cb1 in Fig. 3.38). By
combining these two differential equations, the following differential equation for
the voltage across the second capacitor bank (uc ) can be derived:
d 4 uc d 2 uc p
Ls Lsc C b1 Cb2 4
C b1 Cb2 Lsc Cb2 Ls 2
uc 2U cosxt 3:68
dt dt
Under assumption that the voltage of the rst capacitor bank has reached its
steady state condition before energizing the second capacitor bank, the necessary
initial conditions for (3.68) are as follows:
uc t 0 0
t 0 0
dt p
d 2 uc 2U cosxt0 3:69
t 0
dt2 Ls Cb2 1 x2 Lsc Cb1
d 3 uc Cb1 2U sinxt0
t 0
dt 3 Ls C b2 1 x2 Lsc Cb1
In addition, it has been assumed that the initial voltage of the second capacitor
bank is zero at the time of energization. The voltage across the second capacitor
bank and the inrush current have terms with three different frequencies, i.e. network
frequency x and two Eigen frequencies of the differential equation x1 and x2. If the
capacitor banks have capacitances values of the same order of magnitude and the
102 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
short circuit inductance Lsc is much larger than the inductance connecting the two
capacitor banks Ls, the highest frequency component of the inrush current is related
to the energy exchange between capacitor banks through the inductance Ls with a
x1 q 3:70
Ls CCb1b1CCb2b2
As the inductance between the two capacitor banks is normally much less than
the short circuit inductance of the network, the frequency and amplitude of the
inrush current are much higher than for the case of energization of a single capacitor
bank. Depending on where on the voltage waveform switchgear contacts close, the
amplitude of this high frequency inrush current can take very high values.
In the relevant IEC standards, an inrush current with the frequency of 4250 Hz
and an amplitude of 20 kA is considered for the case of so-called back-to-back
capacitive current switching (Fig. 3.38), while the inrush current of a single
capacitor bank testing should have a frequency of a few hundred hertz and an
amplitude of a few kilo-amperes.
This high frequency, high amplitude current is very critical from the perspective
of the energy dissipated in the pre-arcing phase. Hence, the risk of a contact
welding is rather high and the contact surfaces may be severely degraded.
Transformers and reactors with magnetic saturable (i.e. iron) cores are used
extensively in power networks. Under normal operation of transformers, the
magnetic elds of both windings cancel each other almost completely, and the
transformer operates in the linear range of the ferromagnetic material. By ener-
gization of a transformer or reactor, as there is no counter magnetic eld to cancel
the magnetic eld produced by current flow through its primary winding, the
magnetic flux density may increase in such a way that the ferromagnetic core enters
the saturation region. This results in drastically decreased inductance and causes, in
turn, an additional current increase. In the following single phase example, this
phenomenon is treated in detail. Consider a transformer connected to a power
network with a short circuit inductance of Lsc as shown in Fig. 3.39.
The reactor or the no-load transformer is simply replaced by its magnetization
inductance. As the short circuit impedance is normally much less than the mag-
netization impedance, the voltage drop over the short circuit impedance may be
neglected, and it can be assumed that the entire network voltage is applied over the
inductor terminals by closing the switch.
Current and voltage of the non-linear magnetization inductor can be linked
together using the following equations:
3.3 Energization of Loads 103
Fig. 3.39 Simple circuit for explanation of inrush current by energization of no load transformer
and reactors with saturable ferromagnetic core
iL f /
/ /0 uL tdt
Here / is the magnetic flux through the ferromagnetic core of the transformer or
the inductor, /0 is the residual flux of the core, iL and uL are the magnetization
current and voltage across the inductor, respectively.
If, for example, /0 = 0 (no residual magnetic flux in core at the time of ener-
gization), then the magnetic flux of the core (/) can reach twice of its maximum
steady state value, if the inductor is energized at voltage zero. Considering the very
nonlinear relationship between iL and / as shown schematically in Fig. 3.39, this
can result in a signicant increase of the magnetization current at the time of
energization. On the other hand, energization at the voltage peak results in a
maximum magnetic flux of its steady state value (the working point stays in the
non-saturated part of the magnetization curve) and consequently results in no
overcurrent by energization. This very simple example shows the importance of
where on the supply voltage waveform the energization takes place.
High inrush currents stress the transformer or reactor mechanically, so the
repetition of such stresses may in the long term damage the transformer.
is a random variable and therefore, it is a certain probability that the worst case
scenarios in case of energization of energy storing elements occur, resulting in the
most undesirable overvoltage and overcurrent.
To limit the overvoltage and overcurrent transients, one possibility is to control
the mechanical closing time of the circuit breaker contacts. For this purpose, the
state of the energy storage element, e.g. trapped charge of the transmission line,
initial charge of a capacitor bank and the remanence magnetic eld of a transformer
core, as well as the voltage on the source side have to be taken into consideration.
Depending on the state of the energy storage element, the best time to energize it,
with consideration of minimizing the transient overvoltage and overcurrent, has to
be calculated. By taking into account the time delay of the operating mechanism of
the switching device, the optimum time for sending a closing command can be
In practice, as the electrical closing happens by the breakdown of the gap
between two contacts of the switching device, the dielectric strength behaviour of
the switching gap under a closing operation becomes important. This is described
by the so-called rate of decrease of dielectric strength (RDDS), which is very
dependent on the travel curve of the moving contact, on the contact geometry as
well as on the insulating medium. Another practical concern in the context of
controlled closing is the scatter of the delay time, known as jitter, due to change of
environmental and/or operational conditions. This implies that the delay time
between sending the closing command to the switching device and the electrical
closure of the circuit breaker is not a constant parameter. The jitter is dependent on
the type of driving mechanisms. For example, the operating time of spring drives is
far less sensitive to temperature variations than hydraulic drives. Furthermore, the
jitter can be reduced by choosing better controllable drive mechanisms like per-
manent magnet or stepped motor drives. The random scatter of the closing delay
time normally becomes lower if the closing velocity is increased.
Obviously, the controlled closing feature of a switchgear normally adds cost and
complexity to the drive mechanism. In addition, a control unit with some mea-
surement devices is required, which makes it possible to nd the optimum time of
energization. Such an added feature causes severe overvoltage or overcurrent
transients to be avoided, and this improves the long-term reliability of the
switchgear and nearby components.
Zl Zs Ztotal
Zs 0:15jZ total j]78:46
Zl jZl j]45:6
Fig. 3.40 Single-phase circuit for mainly active load switching test [5]
106 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
By solving this rst order differential equation, load side transient recovery
voltage is derived:
p Rl
ul t 0:64 2 U 1 exp t tcz t tcz 3:73
For the conditions of the so-called mainly active load switching duty of the IEC
standard, the time constant of the decaying voltage is about 3 ms and independent
on the current and voltage levels.
The source side transient recovery voltage can be calculated by considering the
governing equation of the source side circuit after current zero. The voltage has a
phase shift of about 50.2 to the current and therefore at the current zero crossing,
the voltage can be expressed as 2 U cosx t 50:2
Z p
dis 1
Ls Rs Rd is is dt 2 U cosx t tcz 50:2
t [ tcz 3:74
dt C
Here, is is the current flowing through the source impedance. The source side
transient recovery voltage can then be calculated as:
us t Rd is is dt 3:75
is tcz 0
dis u tcz uC tcz Rd Rs is tcz
dt cz Ls
p p p
2 U cos50:2
0:87 2 U cos45:6
Ls Ls
Fig. 3.41 Typical transient recovery voltage in the case of mainly active load current interruption
a the complete picture b the rst transient just after current zero [5]
108 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
This switching duty occurs when capacitor banks, no-load lines and cables are
disconnected. The currents are relatively small, typically between some tens and a
few hundred amperes. The circuit diagram for interruption of a capacitive load
current is shown in Fig. 3.42.
In this simple equivalent circuit, C1 and C2 represent the stray capacitance of the
source side network and the load capacitance, respectively. The current amplitude is
mainly determined by up and C2. C1 is assumed to carry a negligible current prior to
the interruption. Figure 3.44 shows waveforms on both sides of the breaker on a
certain case of capacitive load current interruption. The voltage in a capacitive
circuit is at its maximum at the time of current zero crossing. If the current is
interrupted at this point, the voltage on the load side stays high due to charging of
the capacitor; ur equals the peak value of the power frequency voltage up. The
voltage on the left side, ul, follows the network voltage. The recovery voltage
applied to the terminals of the switching device is then calculated as:
ub t ur ul up 1 cos xt 3:77
where up is the network voltage. Rate of rise of recovery voltage is in this case near
zero at the time of the current interruption. Therefore, the capacitive current can be
interrupted easily. The maximum amplitude of the recovery voltage may reach
twice of the peak voltage of the network.
For a switching component with undamaged contact surfaces, the amplitude of
the recovery voltage by interruption of a capacitive current presents no critical
stresses. All power switchgear are designed to withstand even larger power fre-
quency voltages than this across open contacts (typically 24 times the system
voltage for 1 min). However, as discussed in Sects. 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, by energizing
capacitive loads, the flow of inrush current through the pre-arc results in signicant
degradation of the contact surfaces (see Fig. 3.43), so that the amplitude of the
recovery voltage in the range of twice the rated network voltage peak may in such
cases become critical.
Fig. 3.43 Degradation of contact surface of a power switching component by energizing and
de-energizing of capacitive loads
If a re-strike occurs as ub reaches its maximum, the load side voltage starts
rapidly oscillating around the source voltage. If the small discharge current is
interrupted at its rst current zero crossing, the charging voltage of the capacitor C2
reaches almost three times of the peak rated voltage of the network. The amplitude
of the voltage across the contacts can become about four times of the system
voltage, see Fig. 3.44. On the other hand, a breakdown within the rst quarter of a
cycle after current interruption, does not lead to larger charging voltages of the
capacitor. Therefore, there is a differentiation between breakdowns within the rst
quarter of a cycle after current interruption, which are called re-ignitions, and
breakdown after that time, which are called re-strikes.
Even larger voltages may build up if more interruptions and re-strikes occur.
These over-voltages may lead to a breakdown between the phases and/or to ground
in equipment nearby the switchgear. To avoid such problems it is crucial that
capacitive currents are interrupted using switchgears that do not re-strike.
Hence, it is clear that the interruption of capacitive current itself is not the major
problem, but the main problem is due to the degradation of the contacts by ener-
gization of the capacitor loads, which may lead to a re-strike by the application of
the transient recovery voltage. This explains why capacitive current switching with
the same current amplitude is more critical if the capacitor bank is used in a
back-to-back conguration.
Re-strike free switching of capacitive currents represents a major challenge for
many circuit breakers and having this feature is an indication of their superior
design and performance.
110 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
Fig. 3.44 Voltage escalation during interruption, re-ignition and a new interruption in a capacitive
load circuit
As discussed above, there are two main issues associated with capacitive current
switching. These are degradation of the dielectric strength of the switching device
due to the flow of inrush current through pre-arc by energization of the capacitive
loads, and the recovery voltage in the form of 1 cosxt applied to the terminals of
the switching device by current interruption.
The IEC standards describe the conditions for testing of the capacitive current
interruption capability of switchgear. These can be categorized in three different
Line charging current breaking tests
Cable charging current breaking tests
Capacitor banks switching tests.
Line charging is usually associated with high voltage switching devices (i.e. for
rated voltages above 72.5 kV), where the connected transmission systems are in
many cases overhead transmission lines. For medium voltage switching devices
(i.e. for rated voltages below 72.5 kV), the dominating transmission systems is,
however, cable and therefore the cable charging test duty is to be considered.
Capability to switch capacitor banks, i.e. single or back-to-back, is normally an
added feature, so that if a switching device is claimed to be suitable for switching of
3.4 Interruption of Load Currents 111
capacitor banks, it has to perform many closing and opening operations without any
re-strikes. According to the IEC standard, there are two different categories of
capacitive current switching capability, namely class C1 (low re-strike probability)
and class C2 (very low re-strike probability), where the number of re-strikes during
the whole test is decisive.
Although application of transient recovery voltage after interruption of the
capacitive load current is the same for all test duties, major differentiations are the
frequency and amplitude of the inrush current by closing operation. The recom-
mended frequency and amplitude of the inrush current in case of back-to-back
capacitor switching tests are 4250 Hz and 20 kA. For the other test duties, there is
no explicit recommendation in the standard [3].
According to the standards, both three phase and single phase tests, may be per-
formed to evaluate the capability of the switching devices to cope with the oper-
ational stresses related to the switching of capacitive loads.
Very high currents and high voltages are needed for capacitive current switching
test. However, as these stresses are not applied at the same time, it is possible to
provide large inrush currents and large voltages from two different power sources.
In the IEEE guideline for synthetic testing of capacitive current switching [6],
different methods have been proposed. A simple test circuit shown in Fig. 3.45,
demonstrates a circuit with one AC source and a tuned circuit current branch.
Each test cycle has two parts; the rst part begins with closing of the test object
by flow of inrush current through the pre-arc. One simple circuit to generate the
inrush current is to discharge a capacitor through a low loss inductor as shown in
Fig. 3.45. During this part of the test, the high voltage parts are disconnected. As
explained earlier in Sect., as the high current part of the synthetic short
circuit current interruption test circuit, the capacitance, inductance and charging
Fig. 3.45 A synthetic test circuit for capacitive current switching tests
112 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
voltage of the capacitors can control the current amplitude and frequency. The
charging voltage of the capacitors should be near the rated voltage of the breaker,
otherwise it is not possible to realize the real operational stresses during the
After closing the test object, it has to be opened while the rated capacitive
current is flowing. For this purpose, the high current circuit used to generate the
inrush current is disconnected. As stated earlier, the capacitive current is interrupted
easily at its zero crossing, because of the very low rate of rise of recovery voltage.
In some laboratory setups, the current flowing through the switch during the
opening operation is almost zero. This testing condition is claimed to be even
tougher than the standard requirements, as there is no smoothening effect of contact
surface during arcing. Having a charged capacitor in series with the switching
device being tested, ensures that the applied transient recovery voltage has the
desired 1 cosxt waveform.
Circuit breakers are mainly designed for interrupting short circuit currents, i.e. large
inductive currents. In some cases however, certain phenomena leading to large
over-voltages, and possibly also faults, occur when interrupting inductive currents
that are small compared to the capability of the breaker. Three such cases are
studied here: (i) current chopping, (ii) multiple re-ignitions in interrupters with fast
dielectric strength recovery, and (iii) virtual current chopping.
These phenomena may typically occur when disconnecting no-load transform-
ers, reactors and rotating machines, especially during start-up. The current may vary
from a few tens of amperes in transformers to a few thousand amperes during
start-up of large motors.
A high current interruption capacity is in many cases achieved by making sure that
the arc is efciently cooled by a flow of cold gas. In some circuit breaker tech-
nologies, for example oil breakers and certain types of SF6 breakers, the gas flow is
generated by the arc itself. The switchgear may then be constructed in such a way
that the gas blast is stronger when interrupting large currents than with smaller
In other breaker technologies, e.g. air blast circuit breakers and older SF6
switchgear the gas flow is largely independent of the magnitude of the current being
interrupted; the flow intensity is the same regardless of the switching duty.
Consequently, in some cases the cooling effect can become so powerful that
during interruption of small currents the electric arc does not remain stable until the
natural current zero crossing. The arc becomes unstable and may quench before
3.4 Interruption of Load Currents 113
current zero. This for the most occurs in switchgear where the gas flow is inde-
pendent of the current magnitude. The phenomenon is called forced interruption or
current chopping, see Fig. 3.46.
The term current chopping is used because the transition from conducting to
insulating state proceeds so fast, compared to the system frequency, that it can be
considered a step in current. The current amplitude at the moment of chopping
varies from one type of switchgear to the next, but is generally between one and a
few tens of amperes.
Only interruption of small currents can lead to current chopping. Higher currents
will cause the arc to remain much more stable until the point of natural current zero.
Chopping does not lead to problems when interrupting small capacitive currents.
When interrupting small inductive currents, on the other hand, problems may arise
from the chopping. These are mainly due to generation of large over-voltages in the
system, as will be explained in the following sections.
Current and voltage during current chopping is studied with basis in the circuit
diagram in Fig. 3.47.
Fig. 3.46 Current and voltage during interruption of a small inductive current where current
chopping occurs. The current is chopped when its magnitude is i0 and the associated voltage is u0
Ls and Cs are the short circuit inductance and source side system capacitances,
respectively, whereas Lb and Cb represent the inductance and capacitance on the
busbar side of the switchgear. The inductive load in the circuit (transformer, reactor,
motor etc.) is Ll, and the load side capacitance is Cl.
The source side system capacitance Cs, is far greater than the busbar capacitance
Cb. In the cases of fast voltage transients (high frequencies), Cs essentially acts as a
short circuit compared to Cb. The Thevenin impedance of the source side system
(Ls || Cs) is thus very small, and when considering only fast transients the source
side system can, with a reasonable accuracy, be represented by only a voltage
source. The circuit diagram is then simplied to that shown in Fig. 3.48.
The recovery voltage across the breaker contacts due to current chopping will
now be examined. The voltages on either side of the breaker are calculated sepa-
rately. It is assumed that the current is chopped prior to current zero crossing at the
magnitude i = i0, and that the voltage at this time is u = u0, see Fig. 3.46.
Based on the diagram of Fig. 3.48, the circuit equations for the busbar side of the
contacts after interruption become
u Lb ul 0 3:78
iCb Cb 3:79
d 2 ul p
Lb Cb 2
ul 2 U cosx t / 3:80
The circuit and the differential equations are almost identical to the case studied
Sect. The only difference is that the time of interruption (t = 0) does not
come at the natural current zero crossing, and the phase angle / must therefore be
included in the system voltage expression (u). The general solution is:
t t p
ul A sin p B cos p 2 U cosx t / 3:81
Lb Cb Lb Cb
ul 0 u0 3:82
iCb 0 Cb i0 3:83
since the current is forced through Cb at t = 0 instead of passing through the breaker.
By inserting this into (3.81), the expression for the source side voltage is found:
Lb p t
ul i0 2Lb Cb Ux sin / sin p
Cb Lb Cb
h p i p 3:84
u0 2U cos / cos p 2 U cosx t /
Lb Cb
The last and stationary term of the expression is equal to the source voltage u,
and shows, as could be expected, that the voltage on the left of the breaker ul,
oscillates towards the source voltage. The frequency ft of the transient part (the rst
two terms) is:
ft p 3:85
2p Lb Cb
The busbar inductance is normally relatively small, which causes the oscillation
to have a high frequency, typically around 105 Hz. The amplitude is predominantly
determined by the term i0 Cb =Lb . In most cases, the transient part amplitude is
less than the source voltage amplitude, and it will normally be strongly damped.
The voltage waveform on the busbar side of the breaker after current chopping is
thus a high frequency transient of moderate amplitude and large damping, super-
imposed on the source voltage.
The current is chopped prior to the natural current zero crossing which causes
some to be left behind or trapped on the right side of the breaker (the load side)
after the interruption. The energy associated with this current oscillates between
being stored in the magnetic eld of the inductance Ll and the electrical eld of the
capacitance Cl.
The peak value of the voltage to the right of the breaker can thus be found by
energy considerations. At the time of the interruption the amount of energy stored
on the right side is given by:
116 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
1 1
W Ll i20 Cl u20 3:86
2 2
where i0 and u0 are the current and voltage, respectively, at the time of the current
chopping, see Fig. 3.46. The voltage reaches its maximum, Umax, when all the
energy is stored in the capacitance and can be derived from the expression:
1 1 1
C U2 Ll i20 Cl u20 3:87
2 l max 2 2
Umax u20 i20 3:88
When the load is inductive, the Ll /Cl ratio is large and the maximum voltage on
the load side after interruption is considerably higher than the system voltage.
By applying standard circuit analysis, an analytic expression of the voltage
waveform on the right of the breaker can be determined. As there is no current input
from the busbar side after the interruption, the sum of the currents in the two
parallel load side branches (see Fig. 3.48) is zero
i Ll i Cl 0 3:89
iCl Cl 3:90
ur Ll 3:91
By inserting (3.90) and (3.91) into (3.89) and then differentiating, the differential
equation for ur is found:
d 2 ur 1
ur 0 3:92
dt2 Ll Cl
t t
ur A sin p B cos p 3:93
Ll Cl Ll Cl
ur 0 u0 3:94
iLl 0 iCl 0 Cl i0 3:95
when it is assumed that the capacitive current at the time of the interruption is
negligible, i.e., the entire current goes through the load Ll.
The solution to (3.92) thus becomes:
Ll t t
ur i0 sin p u0 cos p 3:96
Cl Ll Cl Ll Cl
Compared to the busbar side the frequency on the load side is, due to the large
inductance of the load Ll, far lower, typically around 103 Hz. The amplitude on the
load side can be considerably greater than on the busbar side. The current and
voltage on both sides of the contacts are shown schematically in Fig. 3.49.
The contact gap is exposed to the difference ub ul ur . This voltage may
reach such a large magnitude that the gap re-ignites. Shortly after the re-ignition the
current has another zero crossing. The switchgear may then interrupt again, again
causing a substantial voltage across the contacts which in turn may give rise to a
Fig. 3.49 Current and voltage during interruption of a small inductive current when the current is
chopped prior to current zero crossing. The transients are shown with considerably lower
frequencies than what is generally found in practice
118 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
new re-ignition. This may continue, resulting in a series of voltage transients with
their amplitudes determined by the dielectric strength of the contact gap. The
dielectric strength increases as the contacts move further apart, hence the
over-voltages may increase for each re-ignition. A certain amount of energy is
dissipated in the circuit at each re-ignition. If it is assumed that this happens so fast
that only insignicant amounts of energy is added from the system side, the energy
stored in the load side inductances and capacitances decreases until no further
re-ignitions occur, until voltage surge arrestors are activated, or until a dielectric
failure occurs.
When interrupting small inductive currents over-voltages may also occur when the
interruption happens at the natural current zero crossing (i.e. no current chopping).
This is studied with basis in the equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.48. The following is
The transients are so fast that the voltage to the left of the switchgear, ul, is
considered constant.
The load side capacitance is far greater than the busbar capacitance; Cl Cb.
The contacts separate just prior to current zero crossing, and the dielectric
strength across the gap increases rapidly and linearly with time.
Possible waveforms for the busbar and load side voltages, as well as for the
current through the breaker are shown in Fig. 3.50. This development presupposes
several re-ignitions across the contacts. The various inductances and capacitances in
the circuit interact in different ways before and after re-ignition and resulting in
different frequencies. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.51.
The interruption occurs at current zero crossing at the time t1. The voltage on the
source side (left side) of the switchgear remains at the peak value of the source
voltage while the voltage on the load side (right side) of the breaker oscillates
around zero. Its frequency is determined by the load side impedances:
fl p 3:97
2p Ll Cl
At t2, the voltage across the breaker is twice the source voltage u, and it is
assumed that this is just sufcient to cause a re-ignition. The load side capacitance
Cl is far greater than the busbar (source) side capacitance Cb. Therefore, ul is
dragged down to the voltage across Cl, i.e. to ur.
The voltage at the breaker, ul and ur, then oscillates towards the source voltage
u. As the left and right sides of the breaker now are connected, the oscillating
frequency is determined by all four impedances in parallel:
3.4 Interruption of Load Currents 119
Fig. 3.50 Idealised voltage waveforms during multiple re-ignitions under interruption of a small
inductive current. The voltages escalate as the dielectric strength in the gap increases with
increasing gap distance. The voltage on the busbar (left side of the breaker) is drawn with solid
lines and the load side is dashed
Fig. 3.51 The circuit diagram giving the voltages shown in Fig. 3.50. The inductances and
capacitances, which form the basis for the different oscillatory circuits and their typical natural
frequencies are shown to the right
fb l q 3:98
2p Lb Ll Cb Cl
L b Ll
fb l p 3:99
2p Lb Cl
At t3, du/dt = 0, and the current in this inductive circuit has a zero crossing. The
arc extinguishes, the current is interrupted and both the voltages ul and ur will start
120 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
oscillating. The frequency on the load side is determined by Ll and Cl, and is equal
to fl, see (3.97). On the busbar side ul oscillates towards the source voltage, and as
Lb and Cb are relatively small, the frequency is considerably higher on this side.
fb p 3:100
2p Lb Cb
This part of the waveform is shown in Fig. 3.50 with consideration of some
At t4, the voltage across the switchgear is four times the peak source voltage and
it is assumed that the dielectric strength in the gap has increased just enough for
another re-ignition to occur. A new transient oscillating around u and of frequency
fl+b starts and continues until the current zero crossing at t5.
If the contact movement and separation continue so that the dielectric strength
continues to increase linearly by 2 p.u every (1=fl 1=fl b ) seconds, more inter-
ruptions and re-ignitions may occur, as indicated in Fig. 3.50. In theory this could
continue until the dielectric strength in the contact gap no longer increases, until
surge arrestors are activated, or until a fault (spark-over or disruptive discharge) in
the switchgear or in other components nearby.
The frequencies fl, fl+b, and fb are typically of the order 103, 104 and 105 Hz,
respectively. This means that the time periods t3 t2, t5 t4 etc. are in
microsecond range. The voltage distribution in the transformer windings, the
reactor or the motor which is being represented by Ll is nonlinear due to these fast
voltage transients. The stresses on the winding insulation are essentially determined
by the voltage leap rather than the over-voltages to ground. For example, the
voltage leap in the time interval t4 t5 is about 8 p.u., while the over-voltages to
ground are only 5 p.u.
This kind of voltage build up is only possible if the breaker contacts are sepa-
rated shortly before the current zero crossing and at the same time the dielectric
strength in the gap must be rapidly increasing. If the contacts are separated earlier
compared to the current zero crossing, no re-ignition occurs and therefore, no
over-voltages either.
If the current to be interrupted is above a certain amplitude the arc will not be
extinguished just after contact separation, but most likely at the next current zero
crossing. Re-ignitions are thus avoided as the dielectric strength in the gap by then
has become sufciently large, and no over-voltages of the types shown in Fig. 3.50
will build up. If, on the other hand, the current is very small, the over-voltages are
limited by the damping of the oscillations on the load side. In the literature, currents
in the range 20600 A are reported to be critical.
Furthermore, it turns out that if the load side oscillating frequency fl is as low as
a few hundred hertz, the dielectric strength increases too fast for re-ignitions to
occur. If, on the other hand, fl is high, the switchgear will be unable to interrupt the
high-frequency current at its zero crossings (at t3, t5 etc.), and the interruption
occurs one half power cycle later, when the contact gap is too great for a re-ignition
to occur.
3.4 Interruption of Load Currents 121
Consequently, the waveforms shown in Fig. 3.50 are limited to a certain current
range in combination with a natural oscillation frequency range for the load side
oscillations. Furthermore, the descriptions are also somewhat simplied. The sit-
uation is somewhat different in a three-phase system; current chopping may
influence the waveforms, the dielectric strength may increase non-linearly and other
effects may also influence the development.
Still however, such over-voltages when interrupting small inductive currents
may occur in different types of switchgear. In particular, they have been associated
with vacuum interrupters, which have a very fast build-up of dielectric strength.
Protective measures may be necessary, particularly for switchgears connecting
small high voltage motors. Surge arrestors with a low protection level are often
found to be a suitable remedy.
In the last section, the multiple re-ignition phenomenon has been examined for a
single-phase system. In real applications, the situation is even more complex, as
transmission and distribution systems are three-phase systems and there are some
couplings between the phases. By occurrence of multiple re-ignitions in one phase,
the high frequency currents described in Sect., may flow through the other
two healthy phases due to galvanic coupling [7] (e.g. through the neutral point) and
capacitive coupling (e.g. through the earth capacitances). This is shown in
Fig. 3.52.
If the amplitude of the high frequency currents initiated by re-ignition in one
phase is comparable to the power frequency current of the other phases, it may be
possible to have very high frequency current zero crossings in healthy phases. This
situation is shown schematically in Fig. 3.53. In this case, high frequency currents
due to re-ignition in phase S, are coupled to the healthy phases R and T. The
Fig. 3.52 Coupling between three phases due to galvanic and capacitive current paths
122 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
Fig. 3.53 Current waveforms in all three phases by occurrence of multiple re-ignitions in one
amplitude of the high frequency current flowing through the healthy phases is so
large that a high frequency current zero crossing may occur.
Some switching technologies (e.g. vacuum circuit breakers) can interrupt the
very high frequency current at its current zero. By interruption of current with very
large dt , a large voltage is generated over the system inductances as described in
Sect. From this perspective, it can be seen that in three-phase networks,
current chopping like phenomena may occur, when one phase shows multiple
re-ignition behaviour. This interaction and combined way of generation of over-
voltages is called virtual current chopping.
If the switching device is not able to interrupt the high frequency currents at their
zero crossings, the current continues to flow and is interrupted at the power fre-
quency current zero crossing. In this case, no overvoltage due to the virtual current
chopping is generated. From this perspective, very superior current interruption
capability of a switching device, which is a desired characteristic when interrupting
high currents and dealing with steep recovery voltages, can be undesirable as it
under certain conditions may generate overvoltages.
The amplitude of overvoltages generated in this way, may be much higher than
those generated by current chopping and multiple re-ignitions in a single phase
system. In practice, overvoltages larger than 10 per unit have been observed.
Not only the amplitude of overvoltages are very high, but their rise times or fall
times are very short. In some power components like as motors and generators,
application of very steep overvoltages may introduce additional problems, as
capacitances to ground cause an uneven voltage distribution along the winding.
A major part of the overvoltage is applied to the rst section of the winding.
3.4 Interruption of Load Currents 123
Therefore, even a rather low amplitude high frequency overvoltage may lead to
overstressing the insulation system in motor and transformers potentially damaging
these components.
This is the reason why many switchgear manufacturers recommend using
appropriate overvoltage protecting devices when vacuum circuit breakers are
employed to switch motors and no-load transformers.
Problem 1
The circuit of Fig. 3.54 shows a three-phase system with a three-phase-to-ground
terminal short circuit.. The breaker has received a command signal for opening; the
arc in phase R has extinguished, and this pole can be considered open. The two
other circuit breaker poles of phases S and T continue to carry current through an
electric arc.
The network neutral point is connected to ground through the impedance Lg, and
the short circuit impedance is L. The capacitance between phases is Cp, and the
phase-to-ground capacitance is Cg. The source voltage of phase R is given as:
upR t 2 Up cosxt.
1:1 The single-phase equivalent circuit seen from the rst pole to clear
(between R and R) is shown in Fig. 3.55.
Show that the equivalent inductance and capacitance become:
Cp Cp
Cg Cg Cg
L 3 Lg
Le L
L 2 Lg
Ce 2 Cp Cg
1:2 Please calculate the equivalent voltage ue(t) for the simplied case when
Lg L.
1:3 Assume that the breaker pole of phase R has interrupted at current zero at
t = 0.
With basis in the single-phase equivalent circuit, derive an expression for
the transient recovery voltage ub(t) over the rst phase to clear, i.e.
across RR.
Determine the peak value of the recovery voltage in the rst phase to
clear when x2 Le Ce 1
In the circuit representation above, the resistances have not been con-
sidered. What will the effects on the recovery voltage as a function of
time be of including the resistances?
1:4 Assume that the same fault happens in a directly grounded three-phase
system (i.e. Lg = 0). How large will the peak value of the recovery
voltage of the rst-phase-to-clear be in this case? Explain briefly.
Problem 2
2:1 Explain briefly how the current injection method can be used to calculate
the recovery voltage across a breaker.
2:2 The principle of current injection can also be used in practical mea-
surement for measuring the recovery voltage across a breaker installed in
a power system. Describe briefly how this can be achieved in practice.
What are the weaknesses and strengths of this method?
2:3 Figure 3.56 shows a circuit breaker that interrupts a large inductive
current caused by a terminal fault. Use the principle of current injection
Exercises 125
to estimate the recovery voltage across the circuit breaker. The power
frequency current flowing through the capacitor C is assumed to be
2:4 During opening operation, the moving contact of the breaker has a
constant speed of 5 m/s. In the rst milliseconds after the electric arc is
extinguished, the dielectric strength of the contact gap is assumed to be
20 kV/mm. At what time do the contact members have to separate to
avoid dielectric re-ignition after the rst zero crossing?
Use L = 30 mH, C = 5.3 F, U = 177 kV and x = 100p.
Problem 3
The circuit diagram in Fig. 3.57 can be used to analyse the interruption of a
capacitive current. The capacitive load is given as CL and is much larger than the
networks capacitance to ground Cn. The current interruption takes place at current
zero crossing.
3:1 Give some examples of where capacitive current interruption occurs in
electric power systems. What are typical current magnitudes?
Sketch the waveforms of the current through the circuit breaker and the
voltages at the left and right hand sides of the circuit breaker (ul and ur
respectively) in the time period from a quarter of a power cycle before
interruption and until a half cycle after interruption. Assume that the line
impedance is negligible compared to the impedance of the capacitive
Find an expression for the recovery voltage across the breaker. At what
time does the recovery voltage reach its maximum value? How large is
this maximum value?
3:2 After the contact members have been separated the movable member has
a constant speed of 5 m/s. In the rst power cycles after interruption the
dielectric strength of the contact gap is assumed to be 15 kV/mm. At
what time the contact members have to separate to avoid a re-strike?
Assume U = 300 kV.
Assume that the breaker re-strikes at the instant when the amplitude of
the recovery voltage has its maximum value. Describe how this gradu-
ally can lead to over-voltages that are much larger than the source
3:3 The breaker interrupts at the rst current zero crossing. Assume that the
impedance due to the inductance L is not negligible compared to the load
impedance. (Cn remains much smaller than CL.)
Establish the network equations for the source side of the system and
nd an expression for the voltage on the left hand side of the breaker ul
after the interruption. Find also an expression for the voltage at the right
hand side of the breaker ur, and for the recovery voltage across the
Use L = 1 H, CL = 2 lF, Cn = 0.01 lF, U = 300 kV and sketch the
recovery voltage in the rst half power cycle after the interruption.
Assume that the breaker does not re-strike and that resistive losses result
in the transient part being damped out within the rst quarter of the
power cycle after the interruption.
The dielectric stresses on the breaker are now changed compared to what
is the case when the assumptions in 3.1 are valid. What two differences
are important with respect to the probability of getting a re-strike? How
will the interruption process proceed if the contact separates 1 ms before
the current zero crossing and the contact speed and dielectric strength in
the gap are as described in 3.2?
Problem 4
What is meant by transient and stationary recovery voltages in the context of
current interruption? What normally determines the recovery voltage?
Which two parameters/properties of the recovery voltage are the most decisive
ones with regard to how difcult an interruption becomes?
Exercises 127
The amplitude of the current that is interrupted also influences on how difcult
the interruption becomes. Explain briefly why it is usually more difcult to interrupt
a large current than a small one.
Problem 5
5:1 The circuit diagram shown in Fig. 3.58 will be used to examine recovery
voltages. Assume that the arc voltage can be neglected and that the
power frequency currents flowing through the capacitances C1 and C2
are negligible. Interruption takes place at the natural current zero
crossing. The voltages at the left and right hand sides of the breaker are
ul and ur, respectively.
Establish the network equations for the left hand side of the system
(source side) and derive an expression for the voltage ul after the
5:2 Establish the circuit equations for the right hand side of the breaker (load
side) and nd an expression for the voltage ur after the interruption.
Assume that x2 L1 C1 1 and that the resonance frequencies at both the
source and load side are much higher than the power frequency of the
system x. Show that the recovery voltage just after the interruption can
be expressed as:
ub t 2 U 1 a1 cos x1 t a2 cos x2 t
Problem 6
6:1 Figure 3.59 shows a simplied single phase circuit diagram for a 50 Hz
grid with an almost entirely inductive load given as L = 63.7 mH.
The RMS value of the voltage source is U = 12 kV. The short circuit
inductance Lsc = 1.6 mH, and the capacitance across the load is Cl = 4
ul ur
What is the load current, and how large does the stationary short circuit
current become in the case of a terminal fault?
6:2 The breaker opens to interrupt a load current. Derive an expression for
the recovery voltage when assuming that the current is interrupted at its
natural current zero crossing.
Assume here and for the rest of this exercise that arc voltage can be
ignored, and that only negligible currents flow through the capacitances
before interruption.
Sketch the waveform of the recovery voltage with the given circuit
parameters when assuming that the transient part is damped by resis-
tances in the circuit (not shown in the circuit diagram.)
6:3 Assume now that the current is not interrupted at its natural zero
crossing, but that the current is chopped at i0 = 10 A just before the
zero crossing.
Find an expression of the recovery voltage, and show that it will have an
extra term equal to
L t
i0 sin p
Cl LCl
u C R Ll
Problem 7
The circuit diagram of Fig. 3.60 is the simplied version of a single phase circuit
being used for type testing of medium voltage load break switches.
The supply side consists of a 50 Hz voltage source, a short circuit inductance Lsc
and a capacitance C. The power frequency current flowing through the capacitance
is negligible.
The load consists of a resistance R in parallel with an inductance Ll.
According to the standard, the following conditions should be satised:
(i) The supply side should constitute 15% of the total 50 Hz impedance of the
(ii) The load side impedance should have a power factor of 2=2
7:1 A single phase LBS with voltage rating of Un = 24 kV and current rating
of In = 630 A should be tested.
Determine the values of the components in the test circuit, and show that
they become Lsc = 18.2 mH, R = 47.9 X and Ll = 152 mH.
7:2 Assume that the arc voltage is negligible compared to the system volt-
age, and that the current has been interrupted at its natural zero crossing.
Derive an expression for the voltage ul on the load side of the LBS after
Explain briefly why the voltage waveform becomes like this; what
happens in the load side circuit?
7:3 Set C = 0.35 lF. Determine the frequency of the supply side contribution
to the transient recovery voltage.
If the interruption fails by restrike/re-ignition after around 100200 ls,
which part of the circuitsupply side or load sideis most to blame?
Explain briefly (An accurate mathematical analysis is not required;
assessments based on semi-quantitative estimates sufce).
Problem 8
The circuit diagram of Fig. 3.61 shows a single-phase power circuit with a resistive
load, R. The circuit is supplied by a 50 Hz AC voltage source with the peak voltage
U. L is the inductance of the line and C is the capacitance to ground.
130 3 Application of Switching Devices in Power Networks
ImfZload g
tan/ 3:101
RefZload g
where ImfZload g; and RefZload g are the imaginary and real components
of the load impedance, respectively.
8:3 Set up the circuit equations and derive an expression for the recovery
voltage, i.e., the voltage that builds up across the breaker contacts after
the arc has extinguished.
Hints: The capacitance must now be included.
Shift the time axis by: 23 p, so that t = 0 corresponds to the time when the
arc is extinguished, that is, let the source voltage be:
u U cos xt p 3:102
t t
ut A sin p B cos p 3:103
After the current has been interrupted there will be no voltage across
the resistive load on the right side of the breaker (ur = 0)
8:4 (a) What are the frequencies of the transient and stationary parts of the
recovery voltage?
(b) What are the maximum amplitudes of the transient and stationary
parts of the recovery voltage? Sufcient accuracy is obtained by
only including the dominating terms.
Sketch the waveform of the recovery voltage for the rst half power
cycle assuming that the transient part is damped out within this time
interval. Is this a difcult switching duty for the breaker? Explain
Problem 9
In the circuit shown in Fig. 3.62, a circuit breaker is used for switching of a
capacitor bank. If the initial charge of the capacitor bank (Cb) is zero,
9:1 Derive an expression for the inrush current flowing through the capacitor
bank, when the circuit breaker is closed at t = 0.
9:2 Discuss the impact of power network frequency (x) and short circuit
current of the network on the amplitude and frequency of the inrush
9:3 In the circuit of Fig. 3.62, assume U = 72 kV:
Calculate the short circuit inductance (Lsc), if the short circuit current
of this network is 40 kA.
Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor bank (Cb), if the rated
current of the capacitor bank is 630 A.
Consider that a pre-strike occurs by closing operation at a distance of
4 mm in this circuit breaker. If the closing velocity is 1 m/s, calculate
At t=0
~ Cp
the total energy dissipated in the pre-arc. The arc voltage is constant
(300 V).
Problem 10
In Fig. 3.63, a high voltage circuit breaker is used to interrupt a short circuit current
caused by a terminal fault. The circuit breaker is connected to a busbar, which is
connected to two other transmission lines with wave impedances of R0 and wave
propagation velocity of v. The lengths are L1 and L2.
10:1 Please draw a simple equivalent circuit, which can be used for transient
recovery voltage calculations for the circuit breaker. Note that, for this
purpose, transmission lines are modelled by their wave impedances.
10:2 Derive the governing differential equation for the equivalent circuit with
appropriate initial conditions.
10:3 Explain qualitatively how the transient recovery voltage looks like, consid-
ering the solution of the simple differential equation and wave propagation
along the transmission lines.
10:4 Calculate the initial rate of rise of recovery voltage just after current zero, if
U = 245 kV, Lsc =45 mH, R0 = 400 and Cp= 100 nF.
1. Blackburn JL (1993) Symmetrical components for power system engineering. Marcel Dekker
Inc., New York
2. Grainger JJ, Stevenson WD (1994) Power system analysis. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York
References 133
3. IEC 62217-100 (2008) High voltage switchgear and controlgear, part 100: alternative current
circuit breakers
4. IEC 62271-103 (2011) High voltage switchgear and controlgear, part 103: switches for rated
voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
5. Jonsson E (2014) Load current interruption in air for medium voltage ratings. Doctoral thesis
2014:83, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
6. IEEE standard C37.083 (1999) IEEE guide for synthetic capacitive current switching tests
7. CIGR WG 13.02 (1980) Interruption of small inductive currents. Electra 72:73103
Chapter 4
Current Interruption Technologies
4.1.1 Introduction
Switching devices are quite often located together with power transformers. The
transformers may be used to step down the transmission system voltage to distri-
bution level voltages for electricity supply in the region, or to step up the generator
voltage from a nearby power generating station to transmission system levels.
Substations for transmission system voltage levels (145800 kV) typically link
310 power lines/transformers. In addition, the substation may include reactors and
capacitor banks for reactive power compensation, and also other components. Each
link is normally referred to as a branch.
The number of substations is of course much higher at lower voltage levels and
in industrial networks. The voltage levels used in distribution systems are typically
a few tens of kilovolts; in particular is equipment rated for 24 kV widely used.
Distribution level substations are also quite often located together with trans-
formers. The size, rating and complexity of distribution substations vary greatly,
from a very few branches in sparsely populated areas to installation of several tens
of branches in the larger cities or in large industrial plants.
4.1.2 Congurations
Fig. 4.1 A double busbar/two-breaker substation with three branches (single line diagram). All
breakers and earthing switches are drawn in open position
4.1 High Voltage Substations 137
A two-breaker system means that there are two circuit breakers per branch. The
double busbar/two-breaker system has a high degree of redundancy. If a fault
occurs or maintenance is to be carried out, many of the substation components can
be taken out of service, but all branches of the substation can still be operative. For
example, by opening the disconnector switches between the circuit breakers and the
branches on one busbar, the busbar and the three circuit breakers can be taken out of
service and grounded while all branches are operative by using the other half of the
substation. The only components where there is no redundancy are the rst earthing
switch and the current transformer closest to the incoming line.
The double busbar/two-breaker arrangement is a simple and easy-to-follow
conguration. The great disadvantage is of course the large cost. The many circuit
breakers contribute signicantly to the total cost.
An alternative arrangement for the same three-branch substation is shown in
Fig. 4.2. Here, there is only one busbar and one circuit breaker per branch. The
number of circuit breakers is halved from six to three; the number of disconnector
switches is reduced from 17 to 13. Consequently, such a single busbar/one-breaker
conguration is a far less expensive solution. The disadvantages are just as obvious;
the substation is very vulnerable in case of component failures, and maintenance
becomes more complicated. Nearly any fault or maintenance operation renders at
least one branch out of service.
In addition to the congurations shown in Figs. 4.1 and 4.2, several other ways
exist to arrange the components into a complete substation [1]. There are substa-
tions with three busbars, with by-pass circuit breakers, with busbars that can be
split, with many disconnector switches and relatively few circuit breakers, etc. The
cost and redundancy for these solutions are somewhere between the two archi-
tectures or congurations just described [2].
For transmission level substations, which are of vital importance to the overall
system reliability, the double busbars/two-breaker arrangement is quite common.
For less important sub-transmission level substations, and distribution and industry
substations, solutions somewhat more redundant than the arrangement of Fig. 4.2,
but less extensive and expensive than that of Fig. 4.1 are typically used. High
voltage components have in general become increasingly reliable and economic
criteria appear to have become more important than earlier. The tendency is thus to
choose substation congurations with less circuit breakers redundancy.
As seen in Figs. 4.1 and 4.2, the components used for switching operations at the
highest voltage levels (transmission or sub-transmission substations) are circuit
breakers, disconnector switches and earthing switches.
In distribution networks, in addition to single or double busbar congurations as
in transmission level substations, it is possible to have the so-called ring congu-
ration as shown in Fig. 4.3, where many simple substations, referred to as ring main
units (RMU), are connected to the adjacent switching substations from both sides
[3]. In such congurations, the functions of load switching and short circuit
interruption are performed by two different components. Load break switches are
used to energize and de-energize a load or part of a network, and short circuit
currents are interrupted by either a circuit breaker or a combination of load break
switch and fuse, placed on the outgoing feeder.
The ring circuit is normally split in two parts (as shown in Fig. 4.3). So, some
distribution substations are energized through one feeder and some other through
another feeder. In case of a fault, operation of the corresponding circuit breaker of
the upstream substation and re-arrangement of the load break switches isolate the
faulty part of the ring and re-establishe the energy supply to the remaining healthy
part of the ring.
Two different technologies for providing electric insulation to substations are
being applied. In air insulated substations (AIS) atmospheric air provides the
insulation between phases and to ground (in addition to solid insulation like
porcelain). In gas insulated substations (GIS) on the other hand, all components are
placed inside gas tight enclosures (lled with SF6 or other pressurized gases), so
here the pressurized gas is the main insulation (in addition to solid insulation like
epoxy). In recent years, equipment combining elements from both AIS and GIS has
become available. This is referred to as mixed technology substations. It thus seems
likely that the very clear difference that has existed between the AIS and GIS
technologies is becoming less pronounced. The architecture or conguration of a
substation is largely independent of the used technology.
In air insulated substations, the high voltage components are erected individually
and connected with bare metal conductors. Normal atmospheric air is thus used as
electric insulation in addition to the insulation (porcelain, epoxy, oil-impregnated
paper, SF6 etc.) of the individual components. The large distances associated with
air insulation mean that substations for the highest voltages require much space.
Hence, they are normally located outdoor. Figure 4.4 shows a typical outdoor
145 kV substation.
The individual components in AIS are connected with normal aluminium
overhead line conductors, while the busbars often are made of thick-walled alu-
minium tubes. At distribution level voltages, the insulating distances are shorter and
the substations are usually located indoor. Distribution and industry grid substations
are often prefabricated units containing several components. Each unit is mounted
and then connected to the busbar.
The individual components are easily accessible in air insulated substations, see
the example in Fig. 4.4. It is relatively simple to locate and access a failed com-
ponent and to perform necessary repairs and replacements. The substation is also
easy to inspect visually. For example, whether a disconnector switch or earthing
switch is closed or open can be observed directly.
An important and obvious drawback with AIS is the large insulating distances,
meaning air insulated substations for the highest voltage levels demand a lot of
space. A 420 kV substation of the conguration shown in Fig. 4.1 covers several
thousand square meters per branch. Moreover, outdoor substations are also much
more exposed to the environmental stresses than indoor substations. As the lifetime
can be as long as 40 and 50 years, the components have to be carefully designed
with regard to environmental factors such as rain, snow, fog, cold climate, pollution
and ultra violet radiation.
140 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.4 Part of a 145 kV air insulated substation. The row of components to the left are SF6
circuit breakers, the row to the right are disconnector switches with air as the interruption medium.
Two busbars are visible in the rear to the left
Gas insulated substations came into use around 1970 and became a competing
technology to the air insulated substations, which until then were alone on the
GIS technology is available for system voltages of 72.5 or 145 kV and above.
All substation components are mounted inside earthed steel or aluminium enclo-
sures or ducts. These are lled with SF6 at 58 bars pressure. SF6 is thus used as
both interruption medium in switchgear and as insulating medium in the entire
substation. In addition, epoxy is used as solid insulation. One of the world largest
gas insulated substations installed at Three Gorges Dam in China is shown in
Fig. 4.5.
The high voltage lines are fed through the walls of the building by means of
large SF6 lled porcelain bushings (not in the photo). Each phase has its own duct.
The ducts from the branches are then led down and split in one conductor to the
right and one to the left. This substation has a two-breaker/double busbar cong-
uration (like the arrangement shown in Fig. 4.1) and 73 branches. The circuit
breakers with two interrupting chambers are mounted horizontally inside the large
cylindrical SF6 lled compartments seen in the lower left half of the photo, whereas
4.1 High Voltage Substations 141
Fig. 4.5 A 550 kV SF6 gas insulated switchgear installation, at Three Gorges Dam in China with
73 bays (Courtesy of ABB)
a few of the circuit breakers on the other busbar are barely visible at the back. The
circuit breakers are in the same design as those in air insulated SF6 switchgear. The
circuit breakers have hydro-mechanical spring operating mechanisms, which are
located outside the enclosure.
This GIS has single-phase encapsulation, i.e. each phase conductor and all
components on each phase have separate ducts. There are also gas-insulated sub-
stations with three-phase encapsulation, but this is more common at lower voltages,
typically 145 kV. Figure 4.6 shows schematically the conductor conguration in a
single-phase and three-phase enclosure, respectively.
Usually, thick-walled aluminium cylinders or tubes are used as high voltage
conductors. Complete gas insulated substations are normally erected by assembling
smaller units or building blocks. Hence, there are many contacts/joints along the
high voltage conductor and many flanges with o-ring seals in the enclosure.
Epoxy insulators inside the encapsulation are used to keep the high voltage
conductors in place. Most often, these are bell-shaped cones or cups as such a
shape somewhat reduces the dielectric stresses they are subjected to. An epoxy
insulator from a single-phase enclosure is shown in Fig. 4.7.
Figure 4.8 shows schematically how the high voltage conductor is held up and
supported by such insulators in a single-phase enclosed section.
A GIS is divided into several separate gas compartments. This is in order to limit
the SF6 emissions if there is a leakage, or if a powerful arcing failure burns through
142 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.6 Conductor conguration in single-phase (left) and three-phase (right) GIS encapsulations
Fig. 4.7 Epoxy insulator with a metal conductor and ring contact in the centre
the encapsulation. The epoxy insulators can be made gas tight and have a function
in separating the different gas compartments.
The good insulating properties of the SF6 make it possible to design very
compact gas insulating substations. This is the most important advantage of this
technology. While insulation distances of several meters are required in
4.1 High Voltage Substations 143
transmission level substations when relying on atmospheric air for insulation, only
1020 cm is sufcient if the gap is lled with SF6 at 56 bars. A GIS typically
needs only about 10% of the space (volume) required by a corresponding AIS.
The encapsulation contributes signicantly to the cost and makes GIS more
expensive than AIS, at least when only considering the costs of high voltage com-
ponents. When also taking cost of land, buildings, maintenance etc. into account, the
picture becomes more complex, and a general cost comparison is impossible.
In some countries, GISs are always located indoor, while others have large
populations of GIS installed outdoor. GIS is mainly used where high property costs
(in cities) or lack of space (such as in hydroelectric power plants in man-made
caverns) justies the higher component costs. Also at places where harsh envi-
ronmental impacts make outdoor air insulated substations unsuitable, e.g. in the
high mountains where bad weather and a lots of snow make the access to the
substation difcult during the winter.
The encapsulation is always grounded. Hence, with regard to personnel safety
GIS are considered better than AIS.
The failure rates associated with GIS have in general been found to be somewhat
lower than for AIS. However, experience has shown that for severe failures, typically
those involving internal arcs, repairs are complicated, expensive and time consuming.
The SF6 gas must be evacuated and the enclosure must be opened before the com-
ponent can be accessed. Consequently, the duration at which a gas insulated substa-
tion is out of service after a failure is often considerably longer than for a similar type
of failure in an air insulated substation. The costs of repair are also in average con-
siderably higher. Repair times of several weeks and even months after severe failures
are rather common. This is an obvious disadvantage with gas insulated substations.
Technologies with elements from both AIS and GIS are also used at medium
voltage/distribution level substations, both in so-called primary and in secondary
distribution substations. Secondary distribution substations are simpler and often
without circuit breakers; a load break switch in series with a fuse is used instead. The
substation design and arrangements also show greater variety. The required insu-
lation distances are rather small compared to high voltage equipment; this makes it
possible to t different apparatus of a distribution switchgear into a cabinet/cubical.
Such switchgear cubicals are often divided in a number of different compartments,
namely circuit breaker compartment, busbar compartment, (cable) connection com-
partment and low voltage compartment. These compartments may be completely
isolated from each other with solid metallic walls (metal clad). Another alternative is
to have some parts together in one place (metal enclosed). It is quite common that
some parts of a substation, e.g. circuit breakers and busbars, are in a gas tight
enclosure. Both metal clad and metal enclosed designs may be air or gas insulated. An
exemplary metal-clad air insulated medium voltage switchgear is shown in Fig. 4.9.
144 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.9 Exemplary air-insulated metal clad medium voltage switchgear (Courtesy of ABB)
The term interrupting medium refers to the medium, usually a gas, in which the arc
burns. As an introduction to the different interrupting media, it may be interesting to
list the properties of a perfect or ideal interrupting medium.
The tasks of the arc vary substantially over the different phases of the arcing period
during a current interruption process. Hence, the required properties of the medium
vary accordingly.
4.2 Interrupting Media 145
When high current flows through the arc, it is important to limit the energy
dissipated in the switchgear. Since the dissipated energy is proportional to the arc
voltage, the arc voltage should be small when the current is large. The arc voltage
is directly related to the electric conductivity of the arc. A good electric con-
ductivity is obtained when the plasma contains many and fast charge carriers,
preferably electrons. A large charge carrier density is achieved when the ionisation
energy is low and/or the arc temperature is high, see Fig. 2.11. Moreover,
maintaining a high arc temperature is easier with a low thermal conductivity.
Hence, at high currents, low ionisation energy and low thermal conductivity are
At current zero crossing a fast transition from conducting to insulating state is
required, meaning a small time constant for this process. This implies a rapid
cooling of the arc, which is easier to achieve if the thermal conductivity is high at
relatively low temperatures. Large ionisation energy, resulting in a low density of
free electrons, is also benecial at these temperatures. Hence, at low currents close
to current zero crossing a high ionisation energy and a high thermal conductivity are
After current zero, it is important to quickly establish a high dielectric strength
in the gap. This is achieved either by reducing the charge carrier density through a
fast recombination to neutral particles, or by attaching free electrons to neutral
particles and thereby producing heavy and low mobility negative ions. The latter
process will take great advantage of a medium with good electronegative
In the special case of current limiting switchgears and for DC breakers, com-
pletely different properties are desired. A medium that has poor electric conduc-
tivity also at large currents is here preferred. This is achieved with a high ionisation
energy and a high thermal conductivity.
In addition to the desired arcing properties, many other aspects must be taken
into consideration when assessing the suitability of an interruption medium. These
include corrosivity, toxicity and other environmental aspects. The substance must
be chemically stable for several decades, and the price should be low. When using a
molecular gas such as SF6, it is also essential that it, after decomposing in the hot
arc, recombines when cooled down.
SF6 is an electronegative gas with good dielectric properties and extremely good arc
quenching properties. The physical explanations for its good interruption properties
are outlined in the following.
SF6 dissociates (decomposes) at relatively low temperatures, about 1000
4000 K. Consequently, the properties at large currents and high temperatures are
essentially determined by the properties of the dissociation products, i.e. sulphur
146 4 Current Interruption Technologies
and fluorine. The ionisation energies of S and F are 10.4 and 17.4 eV, respectively,
as shown in Table 2.1. The value for sulphur is relatively low, leading to good
electric conductivity at high currents. Thus, the arc voltage and energy dissipation
are low.
At low currents (close to current zero crossing) the input power reduces, causing
the arc temperature to decrease. The dissociation products then recombine and form
SF6 again. This leads to a decreasing electric conductivity, as the ionisation energy
of SF6 is 19.3 eV, which is considerably higher than for sulphur.
The thermal conductivity is relatively good in the 10003000 K range. Due to
these two properties (high ionisation energy and good thermal conductivity), the arc
time constant close to current zero crossing becomes extremely low; in the
microsecond range (see Table 2.2).
After the arc is extinguished at current zero crossing, the electronegative prop-
erties of the SF6 gas cause any free electrons in the gap to combine with neutral
particles and form slow negative ions. Consequently, a high dielectric strength
quickly builds up between the contacts.
The signicant change in ionisation energy at current zero crossing, and the very
good thermal conductivity at temperatures below the ionisation temperatures of the
molecular gas are thus the most important reasons for the excellent interruption
properties of SF6.
SF6 is almost an inert gas. It is chemically very stable, non-corrosive and
non-toxic. However, toxic and corrosive dissociation products form when an arc is
burning in SF6. When the arc is extinguished, practically all the gas recombines, but
this small fraction may create very reactive compounds (e.g. hydrofluoric acid) if
moisture is present. Consequently, SF6 switchgears are typically equipped with a
lter with a substance that attracts both moisture and the SF6 dissociation products.
A frequently used lter material is activated aluminium oxide.
Interaction between the arc and metal parts, e.g. the contacts, can lead to for-
mation of metal fluorides, which appear as a ne, light grey powder inside the
interrupting chamber [4]. These metal fluorides are electric insulators and do not
cause dielectric problems. In gases containing carbon, similar phenomena may
impair the insulating properties due to the formation of electrically conducting
carbon compounds.
The very good properties of SF6 around current zero crossing have made it the
best interruption medium found. SF6 at 48 bar is the totally dominating inter-
ruption medium in modern circuit breakers for voltages exceeding 100 kV. SF6 is
also widely applied in switchgears for lower ratings, for example in distribution and
industry systems, then at a pressure of 11.3 bar.
SF6 efciently absorbs infrared radiation, and since it decomposes very slowly
when released to the atmosphere, it is a very potent greenhouse gas. These
unfortunate environmental aspects are the greatest drawback associated with using
SF6 as interruption and insulation medium.
SF6 have had a rather modest price. However, lately there has been a consid-
erable cost increase. It is also reasonable to assume that the environmental aspects
will cause governments and other authorities to seek to reduce the use and
4.2 Interrupting Media 147
emissions of SF6 through restrictions, taxes and other impositions. These may be
rather dramatic and over a period of some years, they may budge the very domi-
nating role of SF6 as an interruption medium.
4.2.3 Air/Nitrogen
Air contains nearly 80% nitrogen. Hence, when considering air as an interruption
medium, the characteristic data for N2 are the most interesting.
The dissociation energy for N2 is somewhat higher than for SF6, so nitrogen
decomposes in the temperature range of 400010,000 K, see Fig. 2.10. The ioni-
sation starts at these temperatures and the gas changes from being insulating to
conducting over approximately the same temperature range. Thus, at high currents,
the electric conductivity is good, and consequently, the arc voltage is low, but not
as low as for SF6.
At lower currents (close to current zero crossing) the ionisation energy for the
nitrogen molecule is larger than for the free atoms. The difference is not as pro-
nounced as between SF6 and S, but the transition from conducting to insulating
state also for nitrogen becomes sharper since the ionisation energy of the molecule
is greater than that of the atoms.
The maximum thermal conductivity for nitrogen occurs at a relatively high
temperature compared to SF6. It coincides with the temperature range in which the
transition from insulating to electric conducting state occurs (see Figs. 2.12 and 4.10).
Its thermal conductivity is rather poor for temperatures below 3000 K, and the
dielectric strength is not fully recovered at these temperatures. For this, but also
other reasons, the time constant of an arc burning in air becomes considerably larger
than in SF6.
Nevertheless, the physical properties that are important in the present context are
mainly good, and both nitrogen and air are very well suited interruption media
compared to most other gases. Nitrogen and air have several other important
advantages; they are non-toxic, incombustible, non-corrosive and inexpensive, and
have denitely no negative environmental properties.
In many switchgears for lower ratings, the arc chamber is not enclosed so the arc
is burning in regular atmospheric air. Air is also used in circuit breakers of higher
rating, then normally at higher pressures.
4.2.4 Oil
Fig. 4.10 Electrical and thermal conductivity for SF6 (solid) and nitrogen (dashed)
Fig. 4.11 An electric arc burning inside a gas bubble between the electrodes in an oil lled
hydrogen (7080%) and acetylene (1520%), but does also contain smaller frac-
tions of methane and other gases. A schematic drawing of an arc burning in oil is
shown in Fig. 4.11.
The arc temperature is 500015,000 K, and it is completely surrounded by
dissociated gas at nearly the same temperature. Outside this, there is a volume of
vaporised oil at considerably lower temperature. Then there is an interface of
boiling oil towards the bulk oil volume.
4.2 Interrupting Media 149
Since the arc in oil-lled breakers is also burning in a gas, the descriptions and
explanations given above for gas-lled switchgear are largely valid for oil-lled
The very high thermal conductivity over a large temperature range for hydro-
gen (see Fig. 2.12) is due to its low atomic weight. At relatively large currents, this
is somewhat disadvantageous as the arc temperature becomes lower than when SF6
or N2 is used, and the arc voltage is correspondingly higher. Close to the current
zero crossing, the high thermal conductivity leads to a rapid transition from con-
ducting to insulating state. Hence, the arc time constant for an arc burning in
hydrogen is very small (see Table 2.2). This is the single most important reason for
hydrogen being such a good interrupting medium.
Small quantities of carbon particles are formed when the oil is decomposed by
the arc. After a number of switching operations, the oil can be so contaminated by
the particles that the dielectric strength is reduced. The oil must then be cleaned or
replaced. Compared to switchgears with SF6 or nitrogen as the interruption med-
ium, oil lled breakers need considerably more maintenance.
At rst sight, it may look rather daring to use a liquid as flammable as oil in a
switchgear. However, it works out ne as long as the generated gases do not get
into contact with air while the arc is burning. If the interruption chamber is ruptured
during a switching operation, or if the gases formed by the arc in some other way
come into contact with air and an ignition source, the danger of having an explosion
is imminent. Quite a few such accidents with oil-lled breakers have occurred, and
the re hazard is denitely a disadvantage associated with this arcing medium.
4.2.5 Vacuum
Besides high pressure switching arc, which is used in oil and gas switchgear, it is
also possible to have very low-pressure switching devices. These are referred to as
vacuum switchgear.
Very good insulation property in vacuum due to lack of ionisable gas
atoms/molecules was the rst motivation to use very low-pressure environment to
realise high voltage switching devices. Later, it was understood that in very
low-pressure environments breakdown initiates from the electrodes and the ioni-
sation processes in the vacuum volume play a subordinate role [5]. Hence, the
breakdown voltage is not linearly dependent on the gap length and shows a
non-linear, saturating behaviour as shown schematically in Fig. 4.12.
Consequently, the application of vacuum switching devices to the medium voltage
range, with maximum impulse withstand voltage levels of about 200 kV, results in
very compact and cost-competitive solutions.
As explained in Chap. 2, the nature of the switching arc in vacuum switchgear is
very different compared to the other types, as there is almost no background gas,
which can be ionized. The necessary charge carriers are mainly provided from the
contact surfaces by different emission processes. Near current zero crossing, if no
150 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.12 Voltage withstand of a vacuum gap for different gap lengths compared to other
insulation materials
Fig. 4.13 Dielectric recovery of a vacuum switching gap compared to other interrupting media
new charge carriers are released to the switching gap, the available charge carriers
diffuse out of the gap, which results in a very fast dielectric recovery as shown in
Fig. 4.13. This is the case when there are no large and deep molten regions formed
on the contact surfaces at the time of current zero. In Fig. 4.13, the breakdown
voltage of a 6 mm gap after interruption of a 1600 A current is shown for different
interrupting media [6].
Under these circumstances, after the arc is extinguished, the dielectric strength in
the gap increases rapidly due to a swift disappearance of the ions and metal vapour
4.2 Interrupting Media 151
from the gap. The ion drift velocity is about 104 m/s, and the gap between the
contacts is virtually without charge carriers within a couple of microseconds.
To avoid large molten regions on the contacts, it is important to make the energy
flux to the electrodes as homogeneous as possible. In conventional vacuum
switching devices, this is achieved by applying either radial or axial magnetic elds
to the vacuum arc. The required magnetic elds are generated either by current flow
through the appropriately shaped electrodes or using external magnetic coils (see
Sect. 4.4.5).
4.3.1 Technologies
Fig. 4.14 Transmission level circuit breaker technologies for in-service and new installations
152 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Consequently, many of the circuit breakers installed in the early 60-ies are still in
The most frequent reason for replacing a circuit breaker at these voltage levels is
when its short-circuit current rating (the maximum current it can interrupt) no
longer is sufcient, not because the switchgear is worn-out. Extensive develop-
ments of the grid necessarily lead to greater short-circuit currents, and this causes
some breakers in otherwise good condition to be replaced. Nevertheless, a service
life of 40 years is not uncommon.
Based on application of different interrupting media, different types of high
voltage circuit breakers have been developed. The switching arc in most of the
media of Fig. 4.14 is of the high pressure type. As described in Chap. 2, a suc-
cessful current interruption in high pressure switching arcs can only occur if the arc
is efciently cooled. This implies that the arc in the circuit breaker is almost always
in a xed position, where the gas flow blowing on the arc is optimized. In many
circuit breakers, this is realized by using a pair of contacts, which are enclosed with
an axisymmetric dielectric body, which is referred to as the nozzle. The diameter of
the contacts is as small as possible to maximize the gas velocity, but they have to be
able to carry the short circuit current during the current interruption without any
permanent damage. Such small diameter contacts, which are exposed to the
switching arc and made of materials with rather high resistivity, cannot provide
sufciently low contact resistances in the closed position.
Therefore, the tasks of current carrying and current interruption are normally
separated by using at least two pairs of contacts, namely main contacts (responsible
for current carrying in the closed position) and arcing contacts (between them the
switching arc burns and current interruption takes place). By opening operation of a
circuit breaker, rst the main contacts separate; the current is then commutated to
the arcing contacts and afterwards by separation of arcing contacts, the switching
arc burns between arcing contacts.
The process of current commutation can be understood considering a simple
equivalent circuit of the contact systems of a circuit breaker, see Fig. 4.15, where S1
represents the main contacts and S2 the arcing contacts. R and L represent the
resistance of the arcing contacts and the total inductance of the loop between main
and arcing contacts, respectively.
When the circuit breaker is in closed position, the current flows almost solely
through the main contacts, as the resistance of the main contacts is much smaller
than that of the arcing contacts. By opening the circuit breaker, at rst, the main
Fig. 4.15 Equivalent of contact systems of a circuit breaker during the current commutation phase
4.3 Transmission Level Circuit Breakers 153
contacts are separated and an arc ignites between them. This arc has to be extin-
guished very quickly by commutation of current to the parallel RL path.
The governing equations for the current commutation phase may be expressed as
i1 i2 Im cosxt u
Ri2 L didt2 uarc i1 4:1
i1 0 Im cos u; i 2 0 0
Here uarc is the voltage drop of the arc burning between the main contacts and
the total current i is assumed to be sinusoidal with the frequency of x and the
amplitude of Im. The separation of the main contacts happens at the phase angel u.
In a simplied case, when the arc voltage is constant and equal to U0, the current
flowing through the arcing contacts can be expressed as:
1 e L t
i 2 t 4:2
Air blast circuit breakers utilize air at high pressure, typically 2040 bar, as insu-
lating medium and interrupting medium as well as to power a pneumatic operating
mechanism [7]. During current interruption, the contacts are quickly opened and
separated, and at the same time a valve opens and a high-pressure air blast cools the
arc and prevents it from re-igniting after the current zero crossing.
In order to achieve the correct and efcient air flow on the burning arc, contact
and nozzle design are very important. Some of the most popular solutions are
154 4 Current Interruption Technologies
shown in Fig. 4.16. The contacts and nozzles are typically concentric and normally
encapsulated in a hollow, cylindrical shaped porcelain insulator (not included in the
drawing) with metal terminations at both ends.
The nozzles are often but not always, made of insulating material and their task
is to make sure that the air flow blows efciently on the arc while the contacts
separate. The nozzles can be xed, or the switchgear can be designed in such a way
that they completely or partly follow the axial movement of the contacts during the
switching operations.
Axial or radial flow is most common for circuit breakers with very high ratings.
The double flow nozzle type in the middle of Fig. 4.16 is a particularly successful
design as the air flow is split and blows in both directions.
Air blast circuit breakers for the highest voltage ratings are designed using a
series combination of several interrupter units or extinguishing chambers. Both six
and eight in series, installed in separate porcelain insulators are common for the
highest ratings. The stresses due to the recovery voltage are thus, at least in theory,
divided equally between the different chambers. Voltage grading capacitors in
parallel with each interrupter is used in order to achieve a more uniform division of
the voltage stresses during interruption, see Fig. 4.17. The grading capacitors are
generally mounted in separate housings.
The purpose of the voltage grading capacitors is to reduce the impact of stray
capacitances to earth. If the grading capacitors are much larger than the stray
capacitances, the impact of the stray capacitances can be neglected. In this case, the
grading capacitances act as a capacitive voltage divider during switching transients
and when the contacts are in open position. If the capacitors have the same
capacitance, the dielectric stresses are split equally between all the interrupters.
Compressed air is a good electric insulator; at a pressure of 20 bar, the dielectric
strength is about the same as for oil. Consequently, air blast circuit breakers were
often designed to maintain high pressure in the interruption chamber also after
Fig. 4.16 Different nozzle and contact congurations during interruption in air blast circuit
breakers; axial blast (left), radial blast (middle), and lateral blast (right)
4.3 Transmission Level Circuit Breakers 155
Fig. 4.17 Interrupter units and grading capacitors in a circuit breaker with four arcing chambers
in series (schematic)
interruptions, i.e. when the circuit breaker is in open position. The obvious dis-
advantage is that an air leakage can considerably reduce the dielectric strength
across an open breaker.
An alternative solution to permanently maintain a high pressure in the inter-
ruption chamber is to use a disconnector switch in series with the interruption
chamber. The disconnector opens some tens of milliseconds after the circuit breaker
contacts have opened, increasing the dielectric strength of the breaker.
During opening operations, air blast circuit breakers vent the compressed air that
has cooled the arc. This causes intense noise and is a clear disadvantage of this
circuit breaker technology. Noise problems have in many cases been an important
reason for replacing air blast circuit breakers.
The rst air blast circuit breakers were developed in the 40-ies and this technology
was dominating in the 50-ies. For a while, the air blast circuit breaker was the only
commercially available option for voltages above 300 kV. Several interruption
chambers in series, high pressure and large mechanical stresses in the interruption
chamber, the need for disconnector switches, and large compressors make air blast
circuit breakers complicated and expensive. The maintenance is also rather extensive.
In particular, it has turned out to be difcult to sustain a sufciently high reliability of
compressors and other parts of the compressed air system when dealing with pres-
sures up to 150 bar, especially when much of the equipment are installed outdoor.
As previously mentioned, air blast circuit breakers lost market share to minimum
oil breakers in the 1960-ies. Presently, only few remain in service.
As generator circuit breakers, where the voltages are lower and the currents are
higher than in the transmission grid (typically UN = 1020 kV/IN = 500010,000
A), air blast circuit breakers are still quite common.
Two technologies rely on oil as the interruption medium: Bulk oil (oil tank) and
minimum oil breakers. The most important difference is that minimum oil breakers
156 4 Current Interruption Technologies
use oil only as interruption medium, whereas in bulk oil (oil tank) breakers, it is also
used as insulation medium between high voltage and ground. The designs of these
two types are shown schematically in Fig. 4.18.
The oil tank breaker looks very much like a transformer from the outside. It is a
large, grounded steel case lled with oil. The high voltage line to be switched is fed
in and out of the case by porcelain bushing insulators, and the interrupter is sub-
merged in oil. Some of these oil tanks are still in use in some countries, demon-
strating that they are sturdy and reliable, although this is a totally out-dated design.
As an example and a curiosity it can be mentioned that a typical 230 kV breaker
tank contains 50 m3 of oil.
A different oil circuit breaker technology, referred to as minimum oil circuit
breakers were installed in large numbers in the 50-ies and 60-ies. They are much
smaller and contain much less oil (a few tens of litres per interruption chamber) and
as opposed to oil tank breakers, the entire interruption chamber is insulated from
ground using solid (porcelain) insulators. The terms live tank and dead tank are
frequently used for these two principally different designs. These terms are general
and not limited to oil breakers.
The arcing chamber design in minimum oil circuit breakers is quite different
from that of air blast circuit breakers. Figure 4.19 shows schematically the basic
design and the principle of operation.
The interruption chamber is a closed cylinder made of a mechanically strong and
electrically insulating material, immersed in oil. When the contacts separate, the arc
ignites and the oil starts to evaporate and to decompose into hydrogen gas. At rst,
the gas cannot escape the closed interruption chamber and the pressure rises
Fig. 4.18 Oil tank (left) and minimum oil (right) circuit breakers (schematic). The driving
mechanisms are not included in the drawings
4.3 Transmission Level Circuit Breakers 157
Fig. 4.19 Interruption of current in an oil breaker (schematic). The un-shaded areas inside and
around the interruption chamber are lled with oil
signicantly. As the movable contact is pulled out of the bottom hole, the gas
escapes and the high pressure causes a strong blast on the arc, which, therefore,
extinguishes. Hence, in this way the arc itself generates the blast that interrupts the
current. Due to this, this design is often referred to as the suicide pot.
This design is relatively simple, but has its weaknesses. The pressure inside the
interruption chamber rises rapidly when large currents are interrupted. If the
chamber is not able to withstand the pressure it may rupture before the movable
contact is pulled out and thereby relieving the pressure. The interruption then fails
and the switchgear most likely explodes. When interrupting small currents, prob-
lems caused by too little instead of too high pressure build-up may occur. A too low
pressure can result in an insufcient gas blast, unable to extinguish the arc. Again,
the interruption is unsuccessful and the switchgear may explode.
Moreover, the interruption capability depends largely on how the current zero
crossing coincide with the time at which the moveable contacts is pulled out and
opens for the gas blast.
Several of these problems are to a large degree solved by modifying the inter-
ruption chamber design compared to the simple and schematic arrangement of
Fig. 4.19. Figure 4.20 shows a commercial minimum oil breaker design where a
closed volume of gas is compressed, leading to a lower pressure build-up during
interruption of large currents. Furthermore, the flow is here in the lateral direction
relative to the arc and through several slits, making the interruption ability less
dependent on the moment of current zero crossing.
The pressure in the closed gas volume is approximately atmospheric when the
breaker is closed. When the arc ignites, the oil pressure rises, leading partly to an oil
and gas flow in the gap and partly to a compression of the enclosed gas volume.
158 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.20 The interruption sequence in a commercial minimum oil circuit breaker; closed (left),
while the arc is burning (middle) and open (right)
The arc is blown sideways and into the outlet slits and is eventually, extinguished as
the large thermal conductivity of the hydrogen gas causes it to cool down. After the
arc is extinguished the gas in the closed volume expands as the pressure in the oil
decreases. Clean, fresh oil is thus flushed across the gap between the contacts. Soot
particles and other reaction products are in this way removed from the gap, and the
dielectric strength is quickly restored.
The ratio between the energy produced by the arc energy and amount of gas
formed is almost constant when an arc is burning in oil. Typically, about 60 cm3
gas is formed per kilojoule arc energy. The maximum occurring pressure during an
interruption depends on the amount of gas produced and flow resistance and
expansion possibilities for gas and/or oil in the interrupting chamber.
To a certain degree, the interrupting capabilities of oil breakers are determined
by the mechanical strength of the interruption chamber. It is possible to build
chambers that can withstand pressures up to 150 bar by using glass bre reinforced
insulation materials. Driven by material developments, minimum oil breakers for
rated voltages of 100150 kV per interruption chamber have been built [8]. Most
minimum oil circuit breakers used for voltages from 145 kV and above have two or
more interruption chambers in series. As for air blast circuit breakers, grading
capacitors in parallel with each interruption chamber are applied.
A clear disadvantage with oil lled circuit breakers is the risk of explosions.
Hence, restrictions from governmental bodies on the indoor usage of oil-lled
4.3 Transmission Level Circuit Breakers 159
The rst circuit breakers for transmission level voltages (a few hundred kilovolts)
utilizing SF6 as the interruption medium came around 1960. Their construction and
working principle included features from oil or air blast circuit breakers. A valve
from a high-pressure gas reservoir opens during opening operations, causing an
intense gas flow on the arc as it is pulled through an axial symmetric nozzle
arrangement. The gas is collected in a low-pressure reservoir where it is compressed
and pumped back into the high-pressure reservoir [9]. The most important dis-
tinctions compared to the air blast circuit breaker are that the gas is SF6 instead of
air, and that it is recycled.
The pressure on the high-pressure side is typically 1020 bar. This can cause
problems because parts of the SF6 may liquefy. This results in a reduction of the gas
density and consequently in a decrease of the dielectric strength. For example, SF6
at 17 bar liquees already at a temperature of 13 C, and heating elements are
required to keep the breaker operative. Among the other disadvantages are that
relatively large amounts of gas are needed, that compressors and high pressure gas
handling systems increase the system complexity, leading to more maintenance and
higher cost.
Dual pressure SF6 circuit breakers are also referred to as rst generation SF6
circuit breakers; a large number of them were installed in the 1960-ies in the US and
some other countries. In other countries, this circuit breaker technology is nearly
completely absent.
The dual pressure SF6 circuit breaker was followed by the single pressure SF6
circuit breaker, which contains no high-pressure reservoir. Except during inter-
ruptions, the entire gas volume of the breaker is at the same pressure, typically
48 bar.
160 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.21 Interruption sequence in a puffer breaker. a Separation of the main contacts,
b separation of the arcing contacts, c arc extinction, d the breaker in open position
Single pressure SF6 circuit breakers are said to be either of the puffer or the self-
blast type, although the difference in some cases may be somewhat indistinct. In
both types, the breaker itself generates the gas flow during the interruption; no
external compressors are used. The difference between them lies in what way the
energy for the compression and gas flow is provided. Mechanical energy from the
driving mechanism is used in the puffer type, while energy from the arc is used in
the self-blast type. These breaker technologies are usually termed second and third
generation SF6 circuit breakers.
Figure 4.21 shows the interruption sequence of a puffer breaker. The interruption
chamber, contacts, nozzles etc. are axial symmetric and placed inside a cylinder
lled with SF6.
The main feature of the puffer breaker is the piston/cylinder arrangement, which
is an integrated part of the contact system. The piston is xed, whereas the cylinder
moves together with the moving contact. When the breaker is closed, there is a gas
volume in this cylinder. When the movable contact is pulled out (down), this
volume decreases because the piston remains in its xed position. This causes a
compression of the enclosed gas.
As stated earlier, the puffer breaker normally has two pairs of contacts; one pair
that carries current in closed position (the main contacts) and one pair that is made
of a heat-resistant material which can withstand the thermal stresses and erosion of
the arc (the arcing contacts). The contact movement is such that the arcing contacts
4.3 Transmission Level Circuit Breakers 161
separate last during opening and meet rst during closing operation. In this way, the
main contacts are not exposed to direct arcing, and the arcing wear is less.
The main contacts, which are placed concentrically outside the arcing contacts,
are in Fig. 4.21a open and the current has commutated to the arcing contacts. These
are also about to open in Fig. 4.21b and when they do, an arc ignites. A nozzle
made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or another insulating material is xed to
the moving contact and guides the compressed gas out of the puffer volume and
onto the arc just as the arcing contacts separate.
The flow is, to a certain degree, dependent on the amplitude of the current being
interrupted. At large short-circuit currents the arc cross-section may be larger than
the nozzle throat diameter, blocking the gas flow. This is called current clogging.
The gas pressure in the puffer volume then continues to increase, mainly because of
the mechanical movement, but also due to the transfer of heat from the arc, leading
to a rapid temperature rise. As the arc approaches its current zero crossing, the arc
cross-section decreases and the compressed gas in the puffer volume flows out of
the nozzle creating a powerful blast onto the arc, see Fig. 4.21c.
When interrupting smaller currents the arc cross section is smaller and it does not
block the outflow of gas to the same extent. Consequently, the gas pressure does not
increase as much and the gas flow is less intense.
After the arc is extinguished, the gas particles recombine, the dielectric strength
is quickly restored and the contact movement stops, Fig. 4.21d. The gas pressure
then levels out inside the breaker.
The arcing time varies somewhat with the design and is also dependent on how
the contact movement coincides with the current zero crossing. The minimum
arcing time during interruption with a puffer breaker is about 612 ms, while the
maximum arcing time is one half cycle longer, i.e. 1622 ms in a 50 Hz system.
The contact and nozzle design may vary somewhat from one manufacturer to the
next. For example, some apply double flow nozzle solutions (see Fig. 4.16) also on
puffer breakers.
In addition to moving the lower contact during a switching operation, the driving
mechanism in puffer breakers has to provide considerable amounts of energy for
gas compression and blowing. SF6 is a dense and thick gas and the driving
mechanism in puffer breakers therefore has to be very powerful. This increases the
price and is thus a clear drawback of this circuit breaker technology.
The main motivation for the development of the self-blast (or third generation)
SF6 circuit breaker was the desire to reduce the mechanical power and thereby the
cost, of the operating mechanism. The self-blast breakers exploit the heat released
from the arc to increase the gas pressure and to generate the gas flow. The working
principle of the interruption chamber design in self-blast SF6 breakers is not very
different from the interruption chamber of oil-lled breakers. The arc burns across a
contact gap inside a closed chamber and the temperature and pressure greatly
increases. When the movable contact is pulled out of the nozzle, the high pressure
leads to a strong gas flow onto the arc, which is cooled and extinguished. The flow
is therefore generated by temperature increase and the associated pressure rise
162 4 Current Interruption Technologies
inside an approximately constant volume, and not as in a puffer breaker where the
pressure increase is solely due to a reduction in volume.
As the gas flowing onto the arc is hot, it is difcult to achieve high dielectric
strength across the contact gap right after current zero crossing. This is a problem in
self-blast circuit breakers. Hot gas has a higher electric conductivity than cold gas
and hence the probability of an arc re-ignition becomes greater.
Another disadvantage with this design is that the heating and pressure rise during
the interruption of small currents is smaller, and the blowing may be too mild to
extinguish the arc. In order to make circuit breakers able to handle both large and
small currents, self-blast circuit breaker designs frequently also include a puffer
function. An example of such a hybrid design is shown in Fig. 4.22.
When interrupting large currents, the arc is strong and the pressure in the
self-blast interruption chamber is therefore high, leading to a powerful blast onto
the arc while the contacts separate. The gas, which is compressed in the puffer
volume, is released downwards as a valve at the lower end opens.
The pressure build-up in the self-blast chamber is considerably less when
interrupting small currents, and also less than in the puffer volume. The valve
between the puffer volume and the self-blast volume therefore opens and gas flows
up and out through the nozzle. The flow is in this case generated by means of the
puffer principle. The valve at the lower end of the puffer volume in this case
remains closed.
Whether this breaker design utilizes the self-blast or the puffer principle, depends
on the magnitude of the current being interrupted and the resulting pressure
Fig. 4.22 Interruption in a self-blast type SF6 circuit breaker. a Separation of main contacts,
b separation of the arcing contacts, c arc extinction, d the breaker in open position
4.3 Transmission Level Circuit Breakers 163
build-up. The over-pressure valves in either end of the puffer volume must be
carefully balanced for this scheme to work as intended.
When disregarding the arcing chamber design and the power of the operating
mechanism, no signicant differences exist between second and third generation
SF6 circuit breakers. Both designs function very well, and circuit breakers rated up
to 300 kV per interruption chamber are available [10]. For the highest short circuit
ratings, the puffer principle is best suited. Some nitrogen is added to the SF6 gas to
lower the point of condensation in switchgear installed outdoor in places where the
temperature can reach 30 to 40 C.
A typical example of a modern SF6 circuit breaker for 420 kV is shown in
Fig. 4.23. It has two interruption chambers in series (one in each of the horizontal
porcelain housings) and a separate operating mechanism for each phase. The
operating mechanism is located in the cabinet at the bottom of the breaker, together
with control and auxiliary circuits. Such circuit breakers are typically rated for
continuous load currents of a few thousand amperes, and for interruption of short
circuit currents up to 31.5, 40 or 63 kA.
Older designs and designs for the highest ratings (300, 420 kV and above)
generally have separate driving mechanisms for each phase (as in Fig. 4.23), while
breakers for more modest ratings (145 kV and below) usually have one common
driving mechanism for all phases. Shafts and gears then transfer the mechanical
power from the driving mechanism and up to the movable contact in each of the
three interrupting chambers.
Usually, the circuit breaker manufacturers offer two or three driving mechanism
alternatives; hydraulic, pneumatic or spring operated. Spring operated circuit
breakers usually have one or more powerful springs that are charged by an electric
motor. During a switching operation, the springs are released and the movement is
transferred from the driving mechanism to the movable contact by shafts, chains,
cranks etc. After operation, the motor runs for some ten seconds to recharge the
springs. In hydraulic and pneumatic operated switchgear the energy is released by
opening valves in the hydraulic or pneumatic systems, respectively. The mechanical
transfer from the diving mechanism to the movable contacts is usually the same.
The driving mechanism is always grounded and the transferral must thus be
electrically insulating. This is typically achieved by attaching the moving contact to
a long shaft of glass bre reinforced epoxy, porcelain or another solid insulating
material. The driving shaft or rod in the circuit breaker in Fig. 4.23 moves vertically
inside the two vertical porcelain insulators during switching operations, and a
special gear inside the metal part in the middle of the T transfers the movement to
the movable contacts in both arcing chambers.
As previously mentioned, the single pressure SF6 circuit breaker took over more
or less the complete market for new installations in the late 1970-ies. The puffer
type dominated during the rst ten years, but after about 1990, all the major circuit
breaker suppliers also offer various self-blast designs. Single pressure SF6 circuit
breakers come in a version for use in gas-insulated substations (GIS) and one
version for installation in air-insulated substations, usually outdoors as shown in
Fig. 4.23.
Single pressure SF6 circuit breakers need considerably less maintenance than
minimum oil and air blast circuit breakers. Service experience and reliability with
these switchgears have in general been very good, although cases exist where puffer
breakers have been replaced after only 15 years in service due to lots of flaws and
failures. The number of switching operations most of these breakers perform is
typically less than a dozen per year, and this causes the wear and tear to be very
modest. Moreover, the short-circuit ratings in the transmission grids are not
increasing as rapid as earlier, so it is reasonable to assume that many of these circuit
breakers will have a service life of at least 4050 years.
of this section, load break switches, high voltage fuses and the interaction of these
two components are discussed.
Different types of circuit breakers technologies such as minimum oil and SF6 are
also used in medium voltage [11], but vacuum circuit breakers are presently the
dominating technology in this voltage range. The last two parts of this section are
devoted to different circuit breaker technologies used in medium voltage switch-
gears, with emphasis on vacuum circuit breakers.
Compared to circuit breakers, load break switches are inexpensive, and are
extensively used in distribution systems at medium voltage level (typically
636 kV); often in series with fuses. Several designs exist, and those dominating
todays market either have SF6 or air as the interrupting medium.
SF6 load break switches are usually of fairly simple designs, often based on
simplied puffer or self-blast principles. The gas pressure is usually only 11.3 bar,
which is considerably less than that in large circuit breakers. The contact pairs for
all three phases are typically located within the same interruption chamber. Gas
compression and flow onto the arc is provided by the contact movement and/or heat
generated by the arc. No intense gas flow or long insulation distances are needed, as
these are switchgear for relatively low ratings. However, it is important that the
switchgear design is simple and suitable for inexpensive mass production.
An example of a load break switch with air as interrupting medium is shown in
Fig. 4.24. The nozzle is made of a material, which produces gas with a high H2
content when exposed to an arc. This is referred to as Hardgas. As mentioned in
relation with oil breakers, hydrogen is a very good interruption medium making the
interruption easier than if the arc burns in pure air.
The switchgear has two pairs of contacts, and the driving mechanism is con-
structed in such a way that the main contacts are the last to mate when closing and
the rst to separate when opening. The nozzle is narrow causing heat from the arc to
generate a certain pressure rise and gas flow as the arcing contact opens. The piston
is mechanically linked with the driving rod and generates an air flow onto the arc
during interruption.
This and similar breaker designs are very popular in medium voltage distribution
systems of medium or low current rating.
The Hardgas principle is only used in load break switches for distribution system
voltages. Furthermore, practical breaker designs involving materials, which are
supposed to decompose to SF6, have not reach the market, although patents on this
have been granted.
166 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.24 A load break switch with a Hardgas nozzle for 624 kV; both in closed and open
Fuses are inexpensive and provide efcient short circuit protection, as they are able
to interrupt very high short circuit currents. Fuses are widely used in medium
voltage systems (i.e. up to around 36 kV) with moderate or low load currents. Fuses
do not work for higher voltages and/or larger load currents. In such cases, short
circuit currents have to be interrupted with circuit breakers. A fuse that has inter-
rupted a current must be manually replaced, and this is an important disadvantage
of this technology.
Fuses are reliable for interruption of short circuit currents, but may have dif-
culties in the over-current range. Over-currents are currents 28 times greater than
the nominal load currents and consequently much smaller than short circuit cur-
rents. In such cases, the fuse element, typically a silver wire, melts and an arc is
ignited, but the device may not be able to interrupt the current.
There are two main types of fuses: current-limiting and non-current-limiting.
Non-current-limiting fuses interrupt the current at current zero crossing, just as in
most switchgears. The interruption medium may be a gas or a fluid.
In current-limiting fuses on the other hand, a large voltage builds up across the
fuse and causes the current to be limited and forced to zero before the natural
current zero crossing. The short circuit current does not reach its prospective peak
value, giving the advantage of reduced mechanical stresses as the electromagnetic
forces generated by the current become lower.
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 167
A fuse is in many respects a component of a very simple design (see Fig. 4.26).
In high voltage fuses, it is often necessary to have fuse elements that are longer
than the fuse body. This is realized by winding the fuse elements on an electric
insulating core. This winding core has a star-shaped cross-section to make sure that
the fuse element is surrounded by sand more or less on all sides. The fuse element is
made of silver, and commonly several elements are put in parallel. The cost of the
silver can amount to as much as half the production cost for a high voltage fuse, but
a less expensive material that can replace silver has not yet been found. It is
168 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.26 Principle drawing of a high voltage fuse. A lengthwise section (upper) and
cross-section (lower)
At nominal load current and lasting over-currents, the high thermal conductivity
of silver may lead to a decreased temperature difference between the narrowings and
the rest of the fuse element. Examples of fuse element designs are shown in Fig. 4.27.
The local temperature distributions at short circuit and over-currents (3 IN) at the
time of melting are also shown. Silver melts at 960 C.
Heat conductance is insignicant at short circuit so most of the heat is found
where it is generated (see Fig. 4.27). In these cases, all the narrowings melt within a
very short time period.
When considering the entire fuse element at persistent over-current conditions,
on the other hand, heat conductance from the fuse to the surroundings is important
for the temperature distribution. Figure 4.28 shows the temperature variation along
the entire length of the fuse element at over-currents.
Heat is carried away through the fuse terminals. The temperature in this area is
thus somewhat lower than that in the middle of the fuse. Consequently, melting at
over-currents rst occurs in the middle region, possible only a few arcs are formed,
and they may combine into one arc that is gradually elongated. Meanwhile, the sand
is also heated and starts melting. There is rst an increase in the arc voltage due to
the increasing arc length, followed by a decreased arc voltage due to poorer cooling
efciency. However, the arc voltage is much smaller than when an arc forms in
every narrowing. The current interruption may therefore fail, and the arc may
eventually burn through of the fuse terminals. As a result, flashover between the
phases and a full short circuit in the system may follow.
Fig. 4.27 Examples of fuse element geometries (upper gure) and their temperature proles
(lower gure) as they melt at short circuit currents (solid) and over-currents (upper dashed line)
170 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.28 Temperature in the fuse element in the different parts of the fuse at the moment of the
melting (schematic)
Obviously, it is desirable to have the lowest possible ratio between the minimum
breaking current and the nominal rated current of a fuse. That is, the fuse should
preferably interrupt not only short circuit currents, but also over-currents. The
minimum breaking current may be reduced by connecting several fuse elements in
parallel. Assume, for example, that a fuse element rated for nominal load current of
25 A melts at 50 A, but needs at least 200 A of current for a successful interruption.
The minimum breaking to nominal current ratio is then eight (Ib = 8 IN).
If four of these fuse elements are connected in parallel, a fuse with 100 A
nominal current is obtained. One of the fuse elements is assumed to melt when the
fuse carries twice the nominal current, i.e. approx. 200 A. This fuse element will
then cease carrying current, and the current is commutated to the three remaining
fuse elements. One after the other, these fuse elements melt, since the current they
carry exceeds the melting current. The last element to melt carries the entire current
of 200 A alone, and is therefore also capable of interrupting the current. This could
lead to re-ignition in one of the other fuse elements and the current may thus
commutate from one fuse element to the next a few times (re-igniting the arcs) until
the dielectric strength is great enough for a denite interruption. In such a way, a
fuse with 200 A minimum breaking current is obtained. (Ib = 2 IN.) This is a
considerable improvement from what is obtained with a fuse with one single fuse
At over-currents, the entire fuse becomes very warm before the hottest point of
the fuse element reaches the melting point of silver at 960 C. However, it is
possible to influence this process by attaching a small piece of tin onto the fuse
element [12], a so called M-spot. The tin melts at about 250 C, but already at
lower temperatures it diffuses relatively quickly into the silver and intermetallic
compounds, particularly Ag3Sn are formed. These compounds (alloys) have a
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 171
relatively high resistivity, leading to a local resistance increase of the fuse element,
which then melts after some time at about 250 C.
Consequently, fuses equipped with M-spots generally have lower maximum
temperatures and lower losses than fuses without M-spots. The losses at nominal
current in a regular 100 A/12 kV fuse are about 250 W. This is reduced to less than
half in an equivalent fuse with M-spots.
The time/current characteristic gives the fuse interruption time as a function of the
prospective current, i.e. the current that would flow in the circuit if it were not being
limited by the fuse. The time/current characteristic is, for large currents, closely
coinciding with the fuse melting characteristic. In other words, at large currents the
fuse interrupts just after the fuse elements melt. In the over-current range, the
deviation between melting and breaking times is greater, and the characteristics thus
become different in this region.
The melting characteristics of high voltage fuses of nominal current in the 6200
A range from one supplier are shown in Fig. 4.29. The characteristics are dashed in
the region where interruption cannot be guaranteed, i.e. at small over-currents.
The time/current characteristic may vary considerably from one manufacturer to
the next. This must be taken into consideration when coordinating with other
protective device, e.g. over-current relays, and when assessing the risk of blowing
fuses under transformer inrush currents.
Figure 4.30 shows typical current and voltage waveforms when a fuse interrupts
a current. When the total arc voltage across the fuse is of comparable magnitude as
the system voltage, the current amplitude during arcing becomes smaller than the
prospective current.
Due to inductance in the circuit, the voltage across the fuse may be greater than
the system voltage. At short circuit, the time until melting depends on the degree of
asymmetry of the fault, i.e., when the short circuit occurs.
As opposed to most switchgears, fuses limit the fault currents considerably. An
efcient current limiting leads to a reduction in the mechanical and thermal stresses
on all the equipment that carries the fault current. For a symmetrical short circuit
current, the current-limiting characteristic may be determined precisely, showing
the peak value of the current as a function of the prospective short circuit current.
Such a characteristic for the product line of one manufacturer is shown in Fig. 4.31.
As the characteristic shows, fuses with low nominal load currents give a greater
current limitation effect than fuses with higher nominal currents.
A general purpose load break switch should be able to interrupt load currents, small
inductive currents (no-load transformer), small capacitive currents (no-load lines,
cables etc.). Moreover, it should be able to close against a short circuit in the system
and carry the short circuit current for one to three seconds.
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 173
Fig. 4.32 Operating modes for a fuse in series with a load break switch (schematic)
the breaker must be able to interrupt currents up to the transfer current, while the
fuse must be able to interrupt all currents larger than this.
The various fuse/load break switch interactions are illustrated in Fig. 4.32.
The interruption time for the breaker is closely correlated to the fuse melting
characteristic. The fuse time/current characteristic is for high currents coincident
with the melting characteristic. As the minimum interruption time for the fuse is
approached, the arcing time increases. The transfer current is always higher than the
minimum interrupting current, meaning interruption at the entire current range is
Before SF6 entered the market, minimum oil circuit breakers were a very com-
petitive technology also for medium voltage applications, i.e., distribution systems
and industrial networks. The design and functional principles are largely the same
as for minimum oil breakers for higher voltages, except that only one interruption
chamber is required.
With regard to SF6 circuit breakers for medium voltages, their design includes in
many cases features from the puffer and self-blast circuit breakers for higher
voltages, and in many cases they are considerably different [13]. An example of a
design where the gas cooling of the arc is due to movement of the arc itself (and not
the gas blowing) is shown in Fig. 4.33.
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 175
When the main contacts open current commutates to the arcing contacts, and by
separation of the arcing contacts, an arc ignites. Before the current reaches the
arcing contacts, it passes through a coil. A magnetic eld B directed across the
contact gap is established due to the current in the coil. The current in the arc is
associated with an electric current density J across the contact gap. The magnetic
eld and the current interact and form an electromagnetic force (F = J B) on the
arc, pulling it in a tangential direction. Hence, this causes the arc rotate on the
circular arcing contacts, and the desired cooling is achieved.
The advantages of this design are the modest requirements on the driving
mechanism, and that the rotation of the arc reduces the arc erosion on the contacts,
so the lifetime of the device becomes long.
There are also circuit breakers for the medium voltage level utilizing air as the
interruption medium. These are often based on increasing the arc voltage by
splitting the arc into several shorter arcs and thus increasing the number of anode
and cathode voltage drops (see Fig. 2.9). The arc voltage can also be increased by
designing the interruption chamber in such a way that electromagnetic forces or gas
flow drive the arc into contact with metallic or ceramic plates or other parts
designed to take up heat from the arc and thereby cool it. Switchgears in which the
arc is moved by electromagnetic forces are often referred to as magnetic air circuit
Figure 4.34 shows a schematic view of a medium voltage breaker which com-
bines the two effects just described (splitting the arc and forced cooling against heat
resistant plates). The magnetic coils and the bellows that make the arc move are not
included in the drawing.
176 4 Current Interruption Technologies
Fig. 4.34 Opening operation in a circuit breaker where the arc is split and cooled against ceramic
plates (schematic). The device which forces the arc towards the plates is not drawn
Such switchgears have a very high arcing voltage. They thus become current
limiting, and in addition, the circuit becomes more resistive. The disadvantage is the
large dissipated energy during interruption, which causes the breaker to become
relatively large.
Magnetic air switchgears are still in use in some applications with high load
currents and frequent switching operations, such as industrial systems. They are less
common in ordinary distribution systems, and in recent years, this technology has
lost market shares to SF6 and vacuum interrupters.
The same technology is also used for low voltage switchgear, where an arc in
atmospheric air is ignited by the contact separation and pushed with a magnetic
force towards a number of insulating or metallic plates, which are referred to as arc
chute, to enhance the cooling by arc elongation or to increase the arcing voltage by
arc splitting. This is a common low voltage switching technology and nds
application in a wide range of switches with ratings from few amperes to ten (or
even hundreds of) thousands of amperes. Introduction
In the breakers which have been described till now, pressurised gas is used as
cooling medium and a high gas density is used to increase the dielectric strength in
the contact gap after the arc has been extinguished. Very similar features can be
achieved by using gas at extremely low pressures. In a vacuum of about 106 Torr
(equal to 109 bar) the particles in the arc quickly and unhindered move out of the
contact gap making the thermal time constant small. The absence of particles in the
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 177
contact gap also leads to a great dielectric strength immediately after the arc is
extinguished. Switchgears using vacuum in the interrupting chamber have become
very popular, but only for voltages up to about 52 kV. This is mainly because much
larger gap lengths are necessary for higher voltage ratings, as described in
Sect. 4.2.5.
As a curiosity, it can be mentioned that the rst patent granted for a vacuum
interrupter was based on the idea that as long as there is no gas present there could
not be an arc established when the contacts separated and interruption would
consequently become very straightforward. Later, more thorough investigations
showed that an arc is formed in vacuum as well, and that it burns in a metal vapour
from the arc foot points at the contacts.
A principle drawing of a typical vacuum interrupter is shown in Fig. 4.35. The spring
arrangement, which provides the contact movement, i.e. the driving or operating
mechanism, is not included. The interrupting chamber or vacuum bottle is a 1030 cm
tall, axial symmetric device with conductor terminations at the top and bottom.
Fig. 4.35 Cut-away drawing of a vacuum interrupter in closed position (Courtesy of ABB)
178 4 Current Interruption Technologies
The design of a vacuum interrupter is very simple. There are only one pair of
contacts responsible for both current carrying in the closed position and current
interruption. Two terminals of the vacuum interrupter are insulated from each other
using one or two insulators made of porcelain or glass. The metal bellows near the
flange facilitate the necessary 12 cm movement of the upper contact without
destroying the vacuum. To avoid covering of the inner surfaces of the insulator by
the condensation of highly conductive metal vapour, one or more metallic bodies
are used to shield the insulator, which are referred to as vapour shields. The
chamber is degassed, evacuated and sealed for life when delivered from the factory.
Hence, the very good vacuum is assumed to last for the entire service life. This puts
strict requirements on gaskets and seals, and in particular, on tight joint between
porcelain and metal parts. Moreover, it is necessary that the electrode materials only
contain very minute amounts of contamination elements that over time can come
out as gas.
Experiments have shown the magnitude of the current where the transition from
diffuse to constricted arc occurs can be raised considerably if there is an axial
magnetic eld in the contact gap. As mentioned in Sect. 2.4, a diffuse arc is much
easier to handle than a constricted arc, so this is an important issue when designing
vacuum interrupters. The most common method to generate an axial magnetic eld
is to make slits in the contact members in such a way that the current path to a
certain extent takes a helical or tangential shape, like in a solenoid. This gives rise
to an axial magnetic eld in the contact gap, resulting in that the unwanted tran-
sition from diffuse to constricted arc may rst occur at much higher currents. In this
case, the charge carriers in the gap are exposed to two types of forces, namely
electrostatic and Lorentz forces. The equation of motion of charged particles may
be then expressed as:
m q E v B 4:4
Here, m and q are the mass and charge of the charged carrier, v is the velocity
vector, E and B are the electric eld and magnetic flux density, respectively. In the
case of axial magnetic elds, both E and B are in z-direction. This results in a
helical shape trajectory of charged particles, e.g. electrons, as shown schematically
in Fig. 4.36a. The radius of this helical trajectory known as Larmor radius reduces
with increasing magnetic eld. Thus, the charged particles are much more bound to
their originating cathode spots in case of high axial magnetic elds, see Fig. 4.36a,
and therefore the interactions between adjacent cathode spots resulting in a tran-
sition from diffuse arc to constricted arc is to a great extent suppressed. In this way,
it is possible to shift the transition from the diffuse arc to the constricted arc to much
higher currents.
An alternative approach is to accept the presence of a constricted arc, but instead
take measures to reduce its damaging effects. It turns out that interactions between
the electric current and its magnetic eld can be utilized also for this purpose. If
there is a radial magnetic eld in the gap between the contacts, it will be
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 179
Fig. 4.36 Schematics of vacuum arcmagnetic eld interaction in case of a axial magnetic elds
and b radial magnetic elds
Fig. 4.37 Examples of contact members in vacuum interrupters with radial magnetic elds and
the corresponding current paths a cup contacts and b spiral contacts
towards the end of the half cycle, the arc returns to its more harmless diffuse mode.
The cathode spots die one by one, and nally, there is only one spot left. This last
spot abruptly ceases to exist just before the natural current zero crossing, causing
current chopping. Current chopping is a typical vacuum interrupter phenomenon,
although it can occur under certain conditions in other types of switchgears as well.
The chopping current in a vacuum interrupter is determined by the contact material
and varies within the range of 215 A [20]. Current chopping is an unwanted
phenomenon since such a rapid change in current may lead to overvoltages. A low
chopping current is therefore favourable when choosing contact materials for
vacuum interrupters.
The most common contact materials in vacuum contactors, which are used to
interrupt load currents, are copper with a few per cent bismuth. Adding small
amounts of bismuth radically changes the welding properties of copper and pre-
vents contact welding during closing. In vacuum circuit breakers, a mixture of
copper and chrome is used as contact material. The proportions differ from man-
ufacturer to manufacturer, ranging from 50 to 75 wt.% of copper.
Vacuum interrupters have become very popular, mainly as circuit breakers for
voltages between 6 and 36 kV, and are available for load currents up to 5000 A and
for interrupting short-circuit currents up to 63 kA. In industry and distribution
systems where the ratings are too large for applying a load break switch/fuse
4.4 Distribution Level Switchgear 181
Fig. 4.38 Vacuum switchgear using embedded poles of vacuum interrupters (Courtesy of ABB)
combination, vacuum interrupters have nearly the entire market for new
For higher voltages and/or currents, e.g. generator circuit breakers, it is possible
to put several vacuum interrupter units (bottles) in series and parallel. Circuit
breakers for the 145 kV level using two vacuum interrupters in series also exist, but
are common only in a few regions of the world. For both these applications SF6
based technology offers a strong competition.
The main advantages with vacuum switchgears are that they are reliable, very
compact, almost maintenance free and have a very long service life (tens of
thousands of interruptions). Their disadvantages are primary that they are somewhat
expensive and that special precautions (surge arrestors) may be needed to handle
over-voltages caused by current chopping and multiple re-ignitions.
A typical commercial vacuum switchgear is shown in Fig. 4.38. The vacuum
bottles are mounted in a so-called embedded pole. Here, epoxy resin is used to
cover the outer surface of a vacuum bottle and in this way to enhance its dielectric
and mechanical characteristics. The moving electrode of the vacuum interrupter is
connected through a flexible connection to the lower terminal of the pole. The
mechanical motion is transferred through an insulating push rod from the drive
mechanism to the moving contact. Other manufacturers use vacuum bottles in
vacuum circuit breakers without embedding them. In those designs, the vacuum
bottles are mechanically xed to a solid insulating structure.
182 4 Current Interruption Technologies
4.5 Summary
Tables 4.1 and 4.2 summarise the most important switchgear technologies, together
with a list of their most important advantages and disadvantages.
Table 4.1 Circuit breakers for the highest voltages (U > 70 kV)
Single pressure SF6 Minimum oil Air blast
Insulating SF6 at 58 bar Oil Air typically at 20 bar
Interrupting SF6 H2, H, C2H2, etc. N2
Arc cooling Gas flow (puffer and Gas flow, oil flushing Gas flow
principle self-blast)
Arc voltage Low (<1 kV) Very high (many kV) High (several kV)
Disadvantages SF6 is a greenhouse Many interruption Many interruption
gas chambers in series chambers in series
Toxic dissociation Need for a Noise when switching.
products mechanically strong Much maintenance
chamber. Much
maintenance. Fire
Advantages Up to about 300 kV per Inexpensive Compressed air both as
interruption chamber. insulating and interrupting
Little maintenance. medium, and in the driving
Very reliable mechanism
Table 4.2 Some common switchgears for medium voltages (6 kV < U < 70 kV)
Vacuum SF6 self-blast or Minimum SF6 Switchgear
rotating arc oil with
Application Circuit Circuit breaker Circuit Load Load break
breaker breaker break switch
Insulating Vacuum SF6 Oil SF6 at Air
medium 12 bar
Interrupting Metal vapour SF6 H2, H, SF6 H2 and air
medium C2H2, etc.
Arc cooling Movement of Gas flow, movement Gas flow, Gas Dissociation
principle the arc due to of the arc due to oil flow of gas. Gas
magnetic magnetic forces. Arc flushing flow
forces splitting
Arc voltage Very low Low High Low High
Exercises 183
Problem 1
At what ratings (In and Un) are fuses used in power systems? What are the main
advantages and disadvantages by using fuses instead of breakers to interrupt
Sketch how a typical high voltage fuse is designed, indicate what materials are
used and briefly explain the functions of the main parts.
Problem 2
The circuit diagram of Fig. 4.39 will be used to analyse the interruption of a short
circuit current with a fuse in a 50 Hz single-phase network. The short circuit is
modelled by a switch in parallel to the load that is closed at the moment of the short
For the entire exercise assume that the short circuit happens at the source voltage
zero crossing (t = 0). The short circuit current is much larger than the load current
so sufcient accuracy in the calculations is achieved by setting i(0) = 0.
Find an expression for the prospective fault current (the current that goes through
the fuse assuming it is being replaces with a lossless conductor).
How large becomes the prospective currents maximum value when U = 12 kV
and L = 6.37 mH?
Problem 3
Assume that the fuse element warms up adiabatically from an initial temperature T0.
Assume that the heat capacitance c and the resistivity q of the fuse element are
constant (temperature independent) during the heating process. Derive an expres-
sion for the fuse melting time ts as a function of network parameters, fuse element
cross-section A, as well as its temperature and material proprieties.
Hint: Sufcient accuracy is achieved by assuming that cos x = 1 x2/2 for small
values of x.
Assume an initial temperature T0 = 60 C, and insert the given values of the
network parameters U, L, and x, together with the following material parameters:
resistivity q = 3 108 X m
density = 10,500 kg/m3
heat capacitance c = 235 J/kg K
melting heat cm = 105,000 J/kg
principle, and do also outline the major advantages and disadvantages associated
with each generation.
This breaker employs, like many breaker designs do, two sets/pairs of contacts.
What is the reason for using two contact sets, and what are they usually called?
What is the main technical requirement for each of the two contact sets? Give
examples of materials or material combinations that are being used in the two cases.
In what sequence do the two contact sets mate during closing and separate
during opening operations?
Problem 9
Oil is a common arc quenching medium. Describe brieflyfor example by
including a schematic drawing showing the various substances in and nearby the
arcthe conditions observed after a pair of current carrying breaker contacts
immersed in oil is separated.
Why is it so important to keep the arc immersed in oil and thereby avoid contact
with air?
During arcing in oil soot or carbon particles are produced. Why is this a clear
disadvantage with this quenching medium?
Problem 10
Describe briefly and by means of a drawing how the arcing chamber of a vacuum
interrupter (the vacuum bottle) is built up.
What are the main areas of application (current and voltage ratings, types of
power networks) of vacuum interrupters? What are their main advantages compared
to competing technologies?
Problem 11
Substations in the Norwegian 145, 300 and 420 kV systems are a mixture of gas
insulated substations (GIS) and air insulted substations (AIS). What is the single
most important reason for choosing GIS instead of AIS technology, and at what
kind of locations are these GISs typically installed?
What are the most important drawbacks with the GIS compared to the AIS
The solid insulation inside GIS is provided by epoxy supports. Why are these
normally bell-shaped? Besides providing dielectric insulation they serve a second
purpose. Which purpose?
1. MacDonald J (ed) (2012) Electric power substations engineering, 3rd edn. CRC Press, Boca
2. IEEE Standard 605-2008 (2008) IEEE guide for bus design in air insulated substations
3. Lee Willis H (2004) Power distribution planning reference book, 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker
Inc., New York, Basel
186 4 Current Interruption Technologies
4. ICF Consulting (2002) By-products of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) use in the electric power
5. Latham R (ed) (1995) High voltage vacuum insulation: basic concepts and technological
practice. Academic press, London, San Diego, New York
6. Kesaev IG (1959) Sov Phys Tech Phys 4:1351
7. Rankin W, Bennett R (1941) A conserved-pressure air-blast circuit breaker for high-voltage
service. Electr Eng 60:193196
8. Gugelmann U (1968 New developments in high voltage minimum oil circuit breakers. IEEE
Trans Power Apparatus Syst PAS-87:16131622
9. Yeckley R, Cromer C (1970) New SF6 EHV circuit breakers for 550 KV and 765 KV. IEEE
Trans Power Apparatus Syst PAS-89:20152023
10. ABB Live tank circuit breakers, application guide, 2014
11. Stewart S (2008) Distribution switchgear, IET power and energy series 46. London, UK
12. Wright A, Newbery P (2004) Electric fuses, 3rd edn. IET power and energy series 49,
London, UK
13. Pary J (1986) Development of SF6 switchgear incorporating rotating-arc circuit breakers.
Electron Power 32:602604
14. Schneider H (1960) Contact structure for an electric circuit interrupter, US patent 2,949,520
15. Smith S (1963) Contact structure for an electric circuit interrupter, US patent 3,089,936
16. Mayo S (1998) Axial magnetic eld coil for vacuum interrupter, US patent 5,777,287
17. Schellekens H, Shang W, Lenstra K (1993) Vacuum interrupter design based on arc magnetic
eld interaction for horse-shoe electrodes. IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 21:469473
18. Homma M et al (1999) Physical and theoretical aspects of a new vacuum arc control
technology-self arc diffusion by electrode: SADE. IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 27:961968
19. Sato T et al (1995) Vacuum circuit breaker, US patent 5,379,014
20. Slade P (2008) The vacuum interrupter: Theory, design, and applications. CRC Press, Boca
Chapter 5
Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing
of Power Switching Devices
The previous chapters looked into various aspects of current interruption in power
systems, such as different switching duties and the associated recovery voltages,
properties of the electric arc, and design and technologies applied in switching
devices. The present chapter is concerned with the service life of the switchgear.
More precisely, it elaborates on what electric utilities and industry can do to ensure
that the breakers installed in their power network serve them well during the
devices many years of service after installation and commissioning. Carrying out
the appropriate maintenance and in other ways managing these assets in a good and
cost-efcient way is an important task.
In general, the power switching devices in service or available on the market are
examples of mature technologies. Their design relies on well-proven principles and
they are made of carefully selected sub-components and materials. Moreover, they
are manufactured, assembled, erected and put into service under a strict quality
assurance regime. Hence, most switchgear in service today are very reliable, require
little maintenance and have an expected lifetime of several decades and thousands
or even tens of thousands of switching operations. This is particularly the case for
the circuit breakers serving at transmission system voltages.
Optimal maintenance and asset management of high-voltage switching equip-
ment require that information about their technical condition is available. For
example, knowledge about the condition of important parts, with regard to contact
wear, is useful when planning maintenance. The methods used to obtain such
information are generally referred to as diagnostic techniques. This chapter
describes in some detail the most commonly used techniques. Knowledge about
what types of failures and technical problems switchgear are most likely to expe-
rience during service constitutes important background information for deciding on
what diagnostics tests to apply. Therefore, a review of available failure statistics for
switching equipment is given initially.
Table 5.1 International circuit-breaker service experience surveys carried out by CIGR
First survey [3] Second survey [4] Third survey [5]
Time period 197477 198891 200407
Circuit-breaker All types Single pressure SF6 Single pressure SF6
technologies included
Participation 120 utilities from 132 utilities from 83 utilities from
22 countries 22 countries 26 countries
Surveyed service 77,892 70,708 281,090
experience circuit-breaker circuit-breaker circuit-breaker
years years years
The 200407 survey also included disconnectors and earthing switches (all
technologies). For switching equipment at distribution level voltages no interna-
tional reliability surveys of an extent comparable to the three investigations men-
tioned above exist. Consequently, convincing failure statistics for such components
based on information from a large number of end user responses are still lacking.
5.1.2 Results
Major failure frequencies as a function of voltage level are plotted in Fig. 5.1. When
considering the total populations, the failure frequency was about 1.6, 0.7 and 0.3
failures per 100 circuit-breakeryears in the rst, second and third surveys,
respectively. Thus, a circuit-breaker population of 100 units with the overall failure
rate of the third survey can expect in average one major failure to occur approxi-
mately every three years.
The most striking observation is that failure frequencies have decreased drasti-
cally in the 30 years passed between the rst and third survey. For example, circuit
breakers operating at system voltage range from 300 to 500 kV, which includes the
widely used and important 420 kV level, had six times as many failures in the rst
survey as in the third. The much higher failure frequency at higher voltages in the
rst survey may be attributed to early, pioneering designs and design immaturity at
that time. Later, the technology has matured, and the general reliability of the circuit
breakers have improved substantially. However, even in the third survey the failure
frequency increases with increasing voltage level.
The third survey correlates failure frequencies to the breakers kind of service;
i.e., whether it switches overhead lines, cables, transformers, reactors, etc. The
results are shown in Fig. 5.2.
The failure frequencies for circuit breakers operating on shunt reactors (i.e.,
interrupting small inductive load currents) are around one order of magnitude higher
than for line and transformer breakers. It is assumed that this can be attributed partly
to the fact that the former ones in general are operated more frequently, and partly
because the interrupting small inductive currents is a demanding switching duty.
Capacitive load current switching is also associated with a clearly higher failure
frequency than transformer, cable and overhead line switching.
The failure mode distribution from the third survey is shown in the left part of
Fig. 5.3. Does not close on command and Locking in open or closed position
are the most common failure modes. Hence, the most frequently occurring serious
failure on circuit breakers is that nothing happens when it is given an open or close
command signal. Locking means that the circuit breaker isfor some reason
unable to switch, but that an alarm has been triggered by the control system.
5.1 Reliability Surveys 191
Fig. 5.3 Distribution of circuit-breaker failure modes (left) and sub-components responsible for
the failure (right) as found in the third survey
When identifying the sub-component responsible for the failures, the distribution
becomes as shown in the right part of Fig. 5.3. Roughly, half of the failures occur in
the operating mechanism. Hence, the springs, the hydraulic or the pneumatic sys-
tems and the mechanical linkage and other moving parts that rapidly bring the main
contacts between open and closed positions are obviously critical to the reliability
of the breakers.
Around 30% of the failures are caused by malfunctions in the electrical control
and auxiliary circuitry. A particularly critical function turns out to be the conversion
of the electrical command signal for open or close to a mechanical movement that
releases the main contact so that it starts moving. Typically, the command signal
goes to a coil/solenoid which in turn releases a latch or opens a hydraulic or
pneumatic valve.
Only one fth of the failures occur on components at service voltage. Thus, what
can be referred to as the high voltage parts of the switchgear, such as contacts and
insulators are quite reliable. Dielectric breakdowns and failed interruptions are rare
events. This suggests that the type tests that such circuit breakers have to pass are
sufciently demanding.
The third survey also asked for the utilities to identify the primary cause for
failures. Table 5.2 shows the distribution of the responses.
Almost half of the failures reported were attributed to wear and aging. Apart
from this, no other cause stands out. The fact that in nearly 25% of cases was
Unknown or Others may suggest that identifying the primary cause for the
failures is not always easy.
Concerning switching equipment other than circuit breakers, for example dis-
connectors and earthing switches, the most important ndings are the same. The
majority of the failures occurs in the release mechanism or in the moving parts,
which move the main contacts between open and closed position. The cause of the
failure is very often reported as wear/aging.
The three circuit-breaker surveys also recorded minor failures, i.e. flaws and
problems not immediately affecting the breakers ability to operate. Here leaks are
by far the most common failure type. For circuit breakers, small SF6 leaks from the
192 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
arcing chambers are very common. Moreover, minor oil leaks from the
high-pressure hydraulic operating mechanism were also reported as a frequent
5.2.1 General
A wide variety of diagnostic techniques exist for switching equipment, from very
simple readings of already available informationsuch as the accumulated number
of switching operationsto complicated computerized systems for continuously
monitoring of e.g. partial discharge activity.
The state-of-the-art of this eld will be reviewed in the following. Emphasis is
put on the technical principles and on the parameters monitored. The properties,
advantages and disadvantages of the various methods and sensors are discussed.
The description of sensors for measuring time, position, voltage, current and other
common physical quantities is in most cases limited, as detailed surveys of the
multitude of available sensors and methods can be found elsewhere.
An essential matter in the context of diagnostic testing and monitoring is the
interpretation of the measurements. In some cases, it is straightforward to convert
measurements into useful information about the condition of the equipment, in
other cases it is not. Hence, the signicance of the measurements needs to be
thought carefully about before data is collected. Criteria determining whether
equipment is healthy or not must exist. A major challenge is establishing criteria,
which are generally valid. Quite often, a correct evaluation of measurements
requires detailed knowledge and experience with the type of switching equipment
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 193
5.2.2 Insulation
The most frequently used techniques and sensors used for periodic (P) diagnostic
testing and/or continuous (C) monitoring of parameters related to the basic function
insulation are summarized in Table 5.3, and will in the following be reviewed in
more detail.
Table 5.3 Diagnostic techniques and sensors for testing the insulation of switching equipment
Parameter Application(s) Method/sensor
Quantity of SF6 SF6 density by:
insulating medium D, ES in GIS Temperature compensated pressure gauge C
SF6 SF6 leak detection by:
D, ES in GIS Soapy water P
Sniffers P
Infrared imaging system (thermovision) P
Oil Oil level by:
Mechanical, optical or electronic level indicator C, P
Observation window P
Vac High potential insulation testing P
Quality of insulation All Partial discharges by:
Acoustics P
All Insulation resistance P
SF6 Moisture content by:
D, ES in GIS Dew point P
Solid state sensor P
SF6 Purity of SF6 by:
D, ES in GIS Chemical detection tube P
SF6 content P
SF6 Gas temperature measurement to verify that the C
D, ES in GIS SF6 remains above its condensation point
Oil Oil quality by:
Moisture content by coulometric titration P
Dissolved gas analysis P
Acidity measurement P
Oxygen content P
Insulation distance All Contact position transducer C, P
D, ES Visual inspection P
SF6 SF6 circuit-breakers
Oil minimum oil and oil tank circuit-breakers
Vac vacuum interrupters
ES earthing switches
D disconnectors
GIS gas insulated substations
C used for continuous monitoring
P used for periodic diagnostic testing
196 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Voltage sources for testing of vacuum breakers are commercially available, and
this is a fast and reliable periodic diagnostic test, provided that the vacuum bottles
are easily accessible.
The dielectric quality of the electric insulation is affected by several factors and is,
therefore, in general harder to determine than the quantity of the insulation.
Some of the diagnostic methods or sensors for measuring the quality of the
insulation are general in that they consider parameters that reflect the overall
condition of the insulation system of the device. An example of such a technique is
partial discharge measurements. Other methods or sensors measure specic phys-
ical quantities of the insulating medium, such as a moisture content or dissolved
gases in oil. Consequently, some techniques apply to all types of switching
equipment, while others are useful for one or a few dielectric materials only.
Major insulation failures (spark-overs) in gaseous, liquid or solid insulation are
usually preceded by partial discharges. Thus, information about discharge activity is
very useful when assessing the quality of the insulation. Electrical methods for
measuring partial discharges are however, in general not applicable on equipment in
normal service, as it is very difcult to obtain a sufcient sensitivity in the noisy
environment of a substation. However, one exception exists. In gas insulated
substations (GIS) where the insulation is surrounded by a grounded metallic
enclosure, sensitive systems for continuous monitoring of the discharge activity by
recordings in the ultra-high frequency (UHF) range are commercially available.
A signicant number of antennas have to be installed inside the GIS, and a com-
prehensive data handling system is required for continuous monitoring. However,
in some GIS designs in which discontinuities in the metallic enclosure exist (e.g.
observation windows with a minimum diameter of around 5 mm, or support
insulators with no external metallic ring), UHF antennas can be installed
non-invasively. Nevertheless, UHF monitoring is rather expensive, so retrotting or
installation in other than very important stations can in most cases not be justied.
Partial discharges inside a GIS also generate acoustic signals (sound waves). The
signals propagate through the SF6 and into the metallic enclosure and can be
detected by using sensitive acoustic sensors mounted externally on the enclosure.
Furthermore, experience has shown that small particle contamination inside the GIS
ducts can reduce the quality of the insulation system signicantly by initiating
spark-overs. The strong electric eld causes the particles to move around or jump,
and their impacts in the enclosure can also be detected from the outside with
acoustic sensors.
Consequently, acoustic methods have been developed for detecting and char-
acterizing discharges and particles in GIS. The sensitivity depends greatly on the
distance between the source and sensor, and is in general good as long as there is no
flanges between. For example, moving particles of size less that one millimetre are
easily detected at a distance of 1 m.
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 197
after a small number of operations, the dielectric strength of oil is strongly affected,
but this is in most cases not critical for the circuit breaker.
Several other chemical methods that are applied for assessing the condition of
transformer oil (dissolved gas analysis by chromatography, acidity measurements,
measurements of oxygen content, etc.) can in principle also be used for oil-lled
switching equipment. However, a few important matters should be kept in mind
when considering these chemical methods: First, the oil in switching devices will
inevitably contain dissolved gases generated by the arc, while arcing products in
transformer oil is a clear indication of severe problems. Second, the insulation
system in a transformer includes paper, and this causes the degradation mechanism
in several respects to be different from a paper-free oil system. Third, equipment for
continuous monitoring of transformers will in most cases be too expensive to be
considered for oil-insulated switching equipment. Thus, when applied on breakers,
these chemical methods are practical for sampling and periodic testing only.
The current carrying ability of the primary circuit of a switching device in the
closed position is crucial to its reliability. Failing to full this function usually
manifests itself as overheating in contacts, connectors, joints or other parts of the
primary circuit. This may over time lead to contact welding, severe deterioration of
the insulation system or other major failures.
Experience has shown that as long as the contacts in switching equipment are not
subjected to other operating conditions than they are designed for, a typical contact
degradation process usually develops rather slowly in the beginning. It may take
several years to reach the rapidly self-accelerating nal stages that eventually can
lead to a complete breakdown. Thus, most contact problems can be disclosed by
periodic diagnostic testing, provided that the applied diagnostic technique is suf-
ciently sensitive. Only minor advantages can be expected by going from periodic
testing to continuous monitoring of the current carrying ability of the switching
device, at least with regard to detecting contact degradation.
Table 5.4 summarizes features of a number of diagnostic techniques and sensors
for monitoring the basic function current carrying.
Measuring the electric resistance in the primary circuit is probably the mostly
applied method for evaluating the current carrying capability. An increasing or
fluctuating resistance, or large deviations between the values obtained from similar
Table 5.4 Diagnostic techniques and sensors for testing the current carrying ability of switching
Parameter Application(s) Method/sensor
Contact resistance All Four point resistance measurement P
Temperature of contacts All Infrared imaging P
and breaker unit Temperature at a point by:
Thermocouple C, P
Optical sensor C, P
Infrared sensor C, P
Contact penetration All Contact position transducer C
SF6 SF6 circuit breakers
C used for continuous monitoring
P used for periodic diagnostic testing
200 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
components (e.g., between the three phases) are clear indications of abnormalities
in the current carrying properties of a device.
Resistance measurement is carried out by disconnecting the switching device
from the high-voltage system and then passing a measuring current from a separate
source, typically a portable rectier or a battery. The resistance is determined by the
four-point method, i.e., by using separate connection points for the current supply
leads and for the voltage probes, see Fig. 5.4.
The current source should provide DC as passing an AC current introduces a
time-varying magnetic flux surrounding the current path. This induces an additional
voltage difference between the voltage probes, yielding (often grossly) misleading
resistance values.
The resistance values obtained for modern switching devices, e.g. SF6 circuit
breakers with silver plated main contacts, are typically in the range 10100 lX
(Normal handheld multifunction meters have an insufcient sensitivity for this
application). To obtain a voltage drop sufciently high to determine the resistance
with reasonable accuracy, it is recommended to pass a current of substantial
magnitude. Moreover, thermoelectric effects may not be negligible in cases where
both resistance and measuring current are low. Thermoelectric effects can however
be compensated for by taking the average resistance value from two measurements
carried out with different polarity.
Furthermore, contact grease, various decomposition products and other com-
pounds present at the contact surfaces have occasionally been found to lead to a
resistance that is not independent of the magnitude of the current. Lower values are
obtained when a high current has warmed up or baked the surface lms.
Thus, doing resistance measurements using currents orders of magnitude below
the rated load current of the equipment may give misleading results. For typical
switching devices with a rated load current of a few kilo amperes, it is for these
reasons, normally recommended to use measuring currents of at least a few hundred
amperes. Temperature
Overheating due to faulty conditions in the primary circuit can also be detected by
thermal methods, such as infrared sensors and imaging systems, thermocouples and
optical bre measurements.
Cameras imaging infrared radiation (thermovision) are used for detecting poor
contacts and other parts of substation equipment that are abnormally heated. Such
advanced thermographic equipment is employed exclusively for periodic diagnostic
testing, and the power components to be tested have to be in service and preferably
under high load. Figure 5.5 shows an example of how abnormally heated contacts
appear in an infrared imaging system.
The sensitivity of infrared imaging systems is usually good, both in terms of
geometrical and thermal resolution. Normally, deviations in surface temperatures as
low as a one degree centigrade can be revealed. Thus, if a deteriorating contact is
situated in such a way that it is directly observable through the infrared camera, it is
possible to detect the abnormality at an early stage. Disconnectors and overhead
line terminations at the circuit breakers of an air-insulated outdoor substation are
among the switching components where incipient problems in the current carrying
condition can be detected with an infrared camera. Moderate overheating of less
accessible parts, like the main contacts in circuit breakers inside a GIS, are sig-
nicantly more difcult to reveal. Here the heat spreads out in the conductor, in the
insulation system and in the enclosure, resulting in a far lower temperature rise on
the outer surface of the enclosure than in the contact. In addition, heat generated by
ground currents in the enclosure may further disguise an overheating in the
high-voltage primary circuit.
Disturbances from other infrared radiation sources can complicate in some cases
the use of infrared cameras. When surveying outdoor substations in clear weather,
202 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Fig. 5.5 Infrared image of a three phase 16 kV disconnector. The overheated contacts and
terminations of the left and right units are clearly seen as light areas. The temperature span within
the frame of the image is shown on the bar to the right
sunlight reflecting on the equipment may give readings corresponding to the surface
temperature of the sun rather than the surface temperature of the equipment. For this
reason, infrared camera surveillance is most conveniently carried out under overcast
weather. When operating indoor, light bulbs and tubes may cause similar inter-
ference. For an experienced operator however, such disturbances are rather easily
handled and not considered as a major limitation of the method.
The infrared emissivity of different surfaces and materials varies quite a lot.
Consequently, determining the temperature on a surface on an absolute scale with
an infrared camera is not possible without knowing the emissivity. Emissivity tables
and calibration methods exist, but in general, it is considerably easier to demon-
strate overheating as temperature deviations than to measure the absolute temper-
ature accurately.
Absolute temperature measurements are however important in evaluating how
critical a defect is, for comparing with earlier measurements at the same component,
as well as for relating a measurement to the temperature specications given by the
manufacturer of the component. Such evaluations should preferably be based on
measurements obtained under full load. If they are not, the effect of load on heat
generation and temperature rise must be taken into account, and this may introduce
signicant uncertainties. Furthermore, when doing outdoor measurements, the
ambient conditions such as wind speed and temperature will lead to further inac-
curacies, and interpretation and evaluations become correspondingly less certain.
Infrared imaging systems have been extensively used by many utilities for
several years. Infrared cameras have gradually become more compact and easier to
use, but they are still rather expensive.
In general, this is found to be a fast and reliable diagnostic technique, provided
that the operator has some experience and is aware of its limitations. Moreover,
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 203
infrared measurements are completely non-invasive and do not interfere with the
normal service of the substation.
Several sensors for temperature measurements at a point exist, including ther-
mocouples, infrared point sensors and optical bre point sensors. Optical bre
sensors are all dielectric and can in principle be attached directly to live parts, but so
far, this has not been applied to any notable extent. An obvious disadvantage with
point sensors is that in many cases a great number is required to cover a component
properly, resulting in a lot of wiring and a comprehensive data handling system.
Most types of point sensors can only be applied on grounded parts. This limits their
application to measuring the overall temperature of the switching device, rather
than the temperature at the primary high-voltage conductor. The sensitivity for
detecting overheating is less, and measurements are more influenced by external
factors (e.g. ambient temperature) than with direct measurements on the primary
5.2.4 Switching
Depending on the type of switching equipment, its location in the network, the
network topology and the type of switching event, the dielectric, thermal and
mechanical stress during a switching operation can vary over a wide range.
Furthermore, making or breaking high currents means handling of large amounts of
electric power, so unsuccessful switching may cause the breaker to fail catas-
trophically within a few power cycles. Consequently, to ensure a high reliability,
each type of switching equipment has to pass through several switching tests, and
fortunately, switching failures are rare.
204 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Most of the great number of possible failure types do not appear without any
previous notice. The diagnostic techniques, summarized in Table 5.5, together with
type test and eld experience can help in detecting abnormal conditions and prevent
failures in the basic function switching.
Both from network operation and from the control system point of view, the
positions of the contacts of switching equipment are very important information.
Consequently, nearly all types of switching devices are equipped with position
transducers that continuously monitor whether the contacts are in open or closed
position. A number of failure types, e.g. problems with the operating mechanism,
can be detected as a missing notication of that the moving contact has reached its
nal position.
For switching equipment with the moving contacts mechanically connected to an
operating mechanism at ground potential, the end positions (open or closed)
can be monitored rather simply by electronic, optical or electromechanical sensors
in the operating mechanism. The most commonly used position sensor type is an
electromechanical auxiliary switch connected directly to the operating mechanism
or to some grounded part of the mechanical transfer system.
Various types of electronic proximity sensor are also applied. Proximity sensors
operate without contact and respond on geometrical changes in the immediate
vicinity of the sensor. Consider for example, a metallic latch being positioned in
front of a proximity sensor containing an electric circuit with a coil and a capacitor.
The characteristics of the oscillations in this LC-circuit (frequency, damping, etc.)
will change because the latch introduces a change in the magnetic circuit seen by
the coil.
The position of a moving part can also be sensed by optical systems, for example
by acting as a barrier between an optical source and an optical sensor. Reflectors
can be employed to reduce the number of active components in the system. The
main advantages with optical systems are that they are immune to electrical dis-
turbances, and due to the insulating properties of optical bres, they can even be
considered for use on live parts. However, optical position transducers have so far
not been extensively applied in switching equipment.
As discussed in Sect., it should be kept in mind that in most cases contact
position is measured indirectly. Consequently, failures or incorrect adjustments in
the mechanical linkage between the contacts on high-voltage potential and the
position transducer on ground can give misleading readings.
Table 5.5 Diagnostic techniques and sensors for testing the switching function of circuit breakers
and other types of switching equipment
Parameter Application(s) Method/sensor
Position of All Position transducer, e.g.:
primary contacts Auxiliary switch, contactor C
Electronic proximity sensor C
Optical sensor C
Contact travel All Dynamic position sensor with analogue output:
characteristics Resistance potentiometer C, P
(position, velocity,
Magneto-resistive sensor C, P
Linear variable differential transformer C, P
Dynamic position sensor with digital output:
Optical with incremental coding C, P
Optical with non-incremental (absolute) coding C, P
Operating time All Electrical recording of time to close/open of P
primary circuit
ES, D Motor running time C, P
Pole discrepancy All Electrical recording of time to close/open of C, P
in operating times primary
ES, D Motor running time C, P
Arcing contact CB Accumulated I2tarc by:
wear Current and time measurement C
Statistical estimates (FAO) P
All Dynamic contact resistance P
CB SF6 minimum oil and oil tank circuit breakers
ES earthing switches
D disconnectors
C used for continuous monitoring
P used for periodic diagnostic testing
Fig. 5.6 Example of normal travel characteristics from an opening operation of a circuit-breaker.
Velocity and acceleration are found as rst and second derivatives of the position versus time
measurement. The contacts separate after around 22 ms
Fig. 5.7 Normal travel curves (broken lines) and schematic examples of abnormal contact travel
recordings (solid lines) from an opening operation: delay in release mechanism, e.g. due to poorly
lubricated release latches (a), low contact speed, e.g. due to reduced energy in operating
mechanism (b), poor damping, e.g. due to defective dash pot (c), and too low insulation distance in
open position, e.g. due to incorrectly assembly (d)
Magneto-resistive travel sensors work without contact and make use of angle
measurement in an axisymmetric magnetic arrangement. A rotation is measurable
when a magneto-resistive sensor is implemented in a eld of rotatable pivoted
magnet core or magnet system. The electrical resistance of a ferromagnetic layer
depends on the angle between the rotatable magnet core and the internal magne-
tizing of the ferromagnetic layer. In a typical design, a magneto-resistive sensor
consists of four sensor elements connected in a Wheatstone bridge. The output
signal of this bridge is amplied and balanced and zero point and temperature
compensation is carried out. The output signal can be current or voltage.
The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a linear analogue
non-contact sensor. In this electromechanical device, the output voltage is pro-
portional to the axial displacement of a movable core. An LVDT consists of a
primary winding and two secondary windings symmetrically located around an iron
core. The secondary windings are connected in series, but wound in opposite
direction. When energizing the primary winding with an external AC source, the
output voltage is the difference between the induced voltages in the two secondary
coils. These sensors are available for travel distances up to a few hundred
Compared with potentiometer, magneto-resistive sensors and LVDTs are
insensitive to mechanical tolerances and temperature variations. As a non-contact
sensor type, they do not wear and are largely unaffected by dirt, contaminants or
mechanical shocks. Sensor life is virtually innite; they are capable of withstanding
millions of cycles without failure. Thus, these sensors are well suited for application
in a demanding environment as in a switching device.
A number of digital sensor types, both in linear and rotational designs are also
available. Many designs are based on using optics. Typically, the movement is
recorded when a ruler or disk attached to a moving part of the circuit breaker passes
by an optical sensing system. The ruler or disc is equipped with one or more tracks
of light barriers, reflectors, strip codes other types of digital codes that are recorded
by the optical sensing system. The most sophisticated and expensive ones have a
resolution approaching 10 m. Optical systems have to be protected against con-
tamination and dust.
208 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Digital position transducers are all of the non-contact type and can be divided
into incremental and non-incremental sensors. Incremental sensors give a relative
position, while non-incremental systems apply a digital code (e.g. ordinary binary
code or Gray code) that unambiguously determines the absolute position at any
instant. Thus, also the end position of the contacts can be obtained accurately.
Incremental sensors require two tracks to determine the direction of the move-
ment (whether the contact is opening or closing). Furthermore, to determine
absolute position an additional track with at least one reference point must be
applied. Non-incremental coding is more robust and reliable than incremental
coding since in the case of a disturbance only single values become erroneous.
Travel sensors must be able to withstand the substantial mechanical forces and
vibrations of a circuit-breaker operation. Furthermore, they should be protected
from pollution and from electro-magnetic disturbances. Rotational travel sensors
are easier to encapsulate than linear ones. Sensors that are permanently installed on
the switching equipment must show a very high reliability over the entire lifetime of
the equipment.
However, recording of travel curves for diagnostic purposes is still primarily
applied on a periodic basis using temporarily mounted sensors, and the reliability
requirements for the transducers are in several aspects less strict. For example,
erroneous recordings due a loosened potentiometer are easily recognized, and a new
recording can be made after securing the potentiometer.
Preferably, the position transducers should be connected directly to the moving
contacts. In most cases, this is not feasible, as the contacts are not easily accessed.
For example, on modern circuit breakers the moving contacts are inside the gas
compartment. Alternatively, the sensors should be located as close to the contacts as
possible. However, as discussed earlier, this introduces some uncertainty, as the
measurements will be misleading if the mechanical linkage is incorrectly assembled
or adjusted.
The normal procedure when doing periodic testing is to have one set of sensors
and one data acquisition system that are moved from breaker to breaker. Hence, the
time spent on attaching sensors becomes important. Occasionally, no easily
accessible positions can be found, and travel curve measurement is not a viable
diagnostic method, at least not when using temporarily mounted sensors. If sensors
are permanently installed in the breaker, more time and effort in placing the sensors
near the moving contacts can be justied.
When the travel sensor is mounted on some location between the moving contact
and the operating mechanism, the recorded characteristic is not necessarily the
travel curve for the contact. This is because the mechanical transfer (rods, gears,
wheels etc.) in many cases is a non-linear system. Consequently, to determine the
true contact movement (or speed or acceleration) conversion tables/transfer func-
tions between the point of measurement and the contact must be applied. Figure 5.8
shows collected data from a rotational sensor and the linear travel curve determined
using a conversion table.
Conversion tables are in general different from one breaker model to the other,
and also unique for each sensor position. Usually, manufacturers of commercial
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 209
equipment for travel measurements specify where to attach the transducer and some
provide conversion tables for the most common breaker models. However, for less
common switching equipment, conversion tables may not be available. In these
cases, the diagnostic testing has to be based on trend analyses and comparisons of
the recorded characteristics. Specic values of parameters describing the contact
travel, e.g. penetration distance and speed at the time of contact separation, cannot
be obtained.
Although some of the characteristic features of a travel curve are similar for most
switching devices of the same category, substantial variations can be found between
different makes and models. Thus, a correct and detailed interpretation of travel
curves requires some skills as well as knowledge and experience with the switching
device being considered. However, as mentioned above, valuable information can
be found simply by comparing travel curves from several breakers of the same type,
although distinguishing normal, statistical variations from an abnormal one may not
be straightforward. Some, but far from all breaker manufacturers provide infor-
mation about how the contact is supposed to move (velocities at contact separation,
timing information, etc.) and this can be very helpful in the interpretation of the
Furthermore, the travel characteristics of a circuit breaker may also in several
ways be affected by conditions that not necessarily are considered abnormal. For
example, a fully charged operating mechanism gives a faster contact movement
than a partially charged mechanism. Similarly, recordings performed in cold
ambient can differ from recordings obtained in a warmer ambient. When breaking
high short-circuit currents with self-blast circuit breakers, the opening speed may be
considerably lower than when breaking load currents. The reason is that in the high
current case the arc for a short while completely blocks the gas flow through the
Travel curve measurement is a broadly accepted and widely used diagnostic
technique applied for periodic diagnostic testing on almost all types of switching
equipment. Its greatest advantage is that it focuses on the contact movement, which
210 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Measuring operating times i.e. the time from the breaker receives the command
signal until the contacts separate or make, is in a sense a simple alternative to travel
curve recordings. Both methods will disclose timing deviations (delays), which in
most cases are caused by problems of mechanical origin.
Accurate measurements of operating times are usually performed as a periodic
check, and the switching device is disconnected from the high-voltage system.
Typically this parameter is found by passing through a measuring current (a few
amperes DC at a few volts) and determining at what time the voltage drop across
the breaker changes from zero to the applied value or vice versa. The arcing
contacts of some circuit-breakers types can have a rather high surface resistance,
requiring a somewhat more powerful test signal. In circuit breakers with several
arcing chamber in series, a separate current source and voltage recording is required
for each chamber. An accuracy of one tenth of a millisecond is more than sufcient
and easily obtainable.
For switching equipment in GIS, accurate measurements of operating times can
be considerably more difcult than in air-insulated substations (AIS). Especially in
older GIS cable bays, the primary circuit may be completely inaccessible, and
operating times cannot be obtained non-invasively. However, most GIS manufac-
turers have for some years offered so-called insulated earthing switches as an option
to facilitate timing measurements. With an insulated earthing switch, the current
and/or voltage leads can be attached to the primary circuit through an (ungrounded)
earthing switch.
An obvious disadvantage by using a measuring current from a separate source
for determining operating times is that the switching device has to be taken out of
service. An alternative approach that facilitates measurements on devices in service
is to use a current path or branch in parallel to the branch of which the circuit
breaker is a part of, see Fig. 5.9. Substations with 2 and 1.5 breaker systems, as well
as most substations with bypass and ring arrangements can be congured this way.
The procedure is as follows: Initially, the breaker is closed so the load current is
split between the two parallel branches. Then, the breaker is opened, and current
commutes to the other branch as the contacts separate. Commutation takes place
immediately, not at current zero as in an ordinary breaking operation. Thus, the
opening time can be found by considering the output of the current transformer of
the branch containing the breaker. Closing times can be found in a similar way.
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 211
For circuit breakers with several contact sets in series, this method is less ef-
cient as it does not allow for measuring the timing of the individual sets.
Without the parallel branch, timing measurements, which are based on the
current transformer output, will determine when current starts flowing or breaks, not
when the contacts separate or mate. Thus, during opening operation the arcing time
will be included and yield a somewhat longer time, while pre-striking during
closing causes the recorded time become somewhat shorter. Furthermore, variations
with regard to how the current and voltage waveforms match the contact movement
introduce statistical scatter in the measurements of around one half cycle (45 ms).
Time measurements other than opening and closing times can be used for
diagnostic purposes of the switching function. These include arcing time, break
time, time to arcing contact separation/touch, pre-arcing time, but do however,
require more complex sensors and data acquisition and processing systems.
For switching equipment where contact movement is directly driven by a motor
(e.g. disconnectors, earthing switches) then the motor runtime is a measure for the
overall operating time.
Most modern circuit breakers show very small variations in their operating times.
For example, closing and opening times of a spring-operated circuit breaker may
consistently vary with less than 12 ms over years. For circuit breakers with
hydraulic or pneumatic operating mechanism larger variations are normal, especially
when comparing measurements obtained on outdoor circuit breakers in cold and
warm weather. Thus, the criteria for distinguishing between normal and abnormal
timing deviations must be based on experience and knowledge of the device being
considered. Some, but not all manufacturers include operating times with tolerances
in the specications that come with the circuit breaker. This is certainly a great
advantage for an inexperienced user when interpreting timing measurements.
Timing measurements, especially periodic checks of opening and closing times
performed on disconnected switching equipment are easy to carry out and very
common. As a simple diagnostic test of the overall condition of the device, this is
useful technique. However, if timing discrepancies are found, it may be necessary
to apply more sophisticated diagnostic techniques, like travel curve measurements,
to determine the root cause. Furthermore, normal operating times do not guarantee
that a breaker is in good condition; several important failure types may develop
without affecting the operating times of the unit.
212 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Instruments for time measurements have for long been commercially available
from several manufacturers of test equipment.
The term pole discrepancy usually refers to differences in operating times between
the three phases or poles of a switching device within the same operation. Hence, in
contrast to the operating time measurements discussed in the previous section,
synchronous data collection from each pole is here required.
As stated earlier, timing information is often easy to obtain and provides a
reasonably good estimate for the overall condition of a switching device. The same
applies to timing discrepancies between the three phases of a circuit breaker.
Determining pole discrepancy in a circuit breaker on a continuous basis becomes
less accurate because it in most cases has to be based on break time or make time
recordings obtained through the current transformers. Break and make times vary
somewhat with how the contact movement coincides with the current waveforms.
Furthermore, at what time current zero occurs in the second and third pole to break,
depends also on system earthing.
Circuit breakers where each pole has a separate operating mechanism are usually
equipped with a system that trips the breaker if not all poles respond when a
command signal for close is given. Such an incident can be considered as a rather
extreme example of pole discrepancy (several hundred milliseconds). The system
triggers only on unsuccessful closings; not on single-phase open-close sequences as
in an automatic reclosure operation. The notication that follows to the system
operator indicates that there is a severe problem with at least one of the poles.
Recording pole discrepancy is a simple and widely applied diagnostic technique,
most commonly used on a periodic basis. It is considered a useful tool for all types
of switching equipment, not only circuit breakers.
For circuit breakers, IEC states that the discrepancy in both opening and closing
times should be less than one-half cycle of the rated frequency, unless otherwise
specied by the manufacturer. Many manufacturers or utilities have stricter
requirements, for example by setting a maximum acceptable deviation in opening
times of 5 ms. Under some circumstances, e.g. after a single pole auto-reclosure
where the charging of the operating mechanism may differ between the poles, these
requirements are not applicable.
For most other types of switching equipment, pole discrepancy recordings must
be evaluated with basis in knowledge and experience with the unit tested.
The sum of the time integrals of the squared arcing current for opening and closing
operations is used as a measure of the arcing contact wear, although the accumu-
lated arc energy seem to be a better parameter for this purpose. This is mainly due
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 213
The operating mechanism or the drive of a switching device provides the energy
and the mechanical transfer needed to move the contacts from open to closed
position and vice versa.
In circuit breakers, where a high contact speed is required, the operating
mechanism generates and transfers large mechanical energies and forces. On most
circuit breaker types, the transfer system also serves as electrical insulation between
the moving contact and ground. Moreover, in many cases the mechanical linkage
contains a large number of moving parts. Altogether, these factors make the drive
among the more susceptible parts of a switching device.
Experience has shown that a large fraction of the failures on all types of
switching equipment occur in the operating mechanism. For circuit breakers, the
most common problems are oil and air leaks from hydraulic and pneumatic sys-
tems. Fortunately, these can normally be solved easily and without causing outages.
However, more severe incidents such as mechanical breakdown of rods, shafts,
springs, gears etc. during a switching operation do also occur, and the consequences
can be dramatic.
Table 5.6 gives an overview of the diagnostic test methods and sensors relevant
for the mechanical operation of the contacts of switching equipment. Several of the
most important techniques, such as measurements of operating times and contact
travel characteristics, are also applicable for testing of the switching function, and
have therefore, already been treated in Sect. 5.2.4.
In circuit breakers, the energy for moving the contacts is usually supplied by
springs, or by hydraulic or pneumatic systems, often in combination with springs.
Leaks or clogging in hydraulic and pneumatic systems, as well as a wide variety of
mechanical malfunctions and breakdowns may affect the mechanical energy
available for operating the device. Failing to provide the correct amount of energy
can result in too fast, or more likely, too slow contact movement. A reduced contact
velocity is a serious condition for a circuit breaker as the current interruption
capability then becomes substantially lowered.
Hence, determining of the energy stored in the operating mechanism can be used
to assess the capability of the circuit breaker to operate as intended. The methods that
are applied for this purpose depend on the type of operating mechanism considered.
In spring-operated circuit breakers, the charging of the spring can be determined
with position transducers indicating the charged position directly or by continuous
monitoring of the latch of the spring. As described in Sect., a wide variety of
position sensors, including auxiliary switches, are used.
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 215
Table 5.6 Diagnostic techniques and sensors for testing the mechanical operation of switching
Parameter Application(s) Method/sensor
Contact travel All Dynamic position sensor with
characteristics analogue output:
(position, velocity, Resistance potentiometer C, P
Magneto-resistive sensor C, P
Linear variable differential C, P
Dynamic position sensor with digital
Optical with incremental coding C, P
Optical with non-incremental C, P
(absolute) coding
Operating time All Electrical recording of time to P
close/open of primary circuit
ES, D Motor running time C, P
Pole discrepancy in All Electrical recording of time to C, P
operating times close/open of primary circuit
Stored energy All spring operated Spring charging by:
equipment Position transducer C
Charging time and/or current of C, P
All hydraulically Charging by:
operated equipment Oil pressure C
Nitrogen pressure C
Position of pistons, springs, valves C
All pneumatically Air pressure in drive C
operated equipment
State of motor All equipment with Motor current, voltage and C, P
motors temperature
Running time per start C
Accumulated running time C
Number of starts C
Number of operations All Counter C
Vibration signatures All Accelerometers C, P
ES earthing switches
D disconnectors
C used for continuous monitoring
P used for periodic diagnostic testing
216 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Normally, the springs are charged by an electric motor. The stored energy can
thus be determined indirectly by measuring the motor current and voltage and/or the
charging time. However, these methods are not very accurate, as they provide, to a
large extent, information about the condition of the motor and the mechanical
transfer between motor and spring, rather than the stored energy in the spring.
In circuit breakers with hydraulic operating mechanism, energy is stored by
using a hydraulic system to pressurize nitrogen gas. Hence, the pressure in the oil or
nitrogen is a measure of the amount of energy stored. Other options include position
monitoring of pistons, springs and valve indicators as well as even complex
schemes to determine the nitrogen density.
Similar approaches can be applied on pneumatic operating mechanisms. The
pressure of the compressed air is by far the most commonly measured parameter.
Since the amount of energy available in the mechanical drive is a very important
factor, all circuit breakers are equipped with systems that continuously monitor this
parameter indirectly. If the pressure in the hydraulic or pneumatic operating systems
is below a predetermined level or if springs are not sufciently charged, the operator
is alarmed and the breaker is blocked for operation.
However, the best method for assessing whether the drive provides the
mechanical energy needed for correct contact movement is to measure exactly that
parameter. Thus, recording the contact travel characteristics (see Sect. is a
very useful technique, also in this context.
Many circuit breaker types, especially models that are spring operated, are set to
charge the drive only after closing operations. In the case of a fast open-close-open
sequence, there will be no time for charging, so the energy of the drive will differ
from what is seen after normal close operations. This must be taken into consid-
eration when evaluating the measurements.
As mentioned above, oil and gas leaks in hydraulic and pneumatic drive systems
are quite common. A simple and efcient method for monitoring the overall
tightness of the systems is to count the number of starts or the total runtime of
compressors and pumps within a given time period (day or week). These param-
eters are certainly also depending on whether the circuit breaker has been operated
within the considered period, and this must be taken into account.
Electric motors are used in the mechanical drives of switching equipment mainly
for two purposes: to charge the operating mechanism (springs or compressors) in
circuit breakers, or for directly manoeuvring the contacts in earthing switches and
disconnectors. Hence, the motors are normally only running in short intervals with a
well-dened load, and are designed for this not very demanding duty.
However, a number of important failure mechanisms may drastically increase
the strains on the motors, both in terms of power requirements and running time.
For example, poorly working lubricants in mechanical linkages, contact assemblies
or compressors will require a substantially higher torque. Leaks in the hydraulic
5.2 Diagnostic Techniques 217
system will cause a compressor motor to run more frequently and for longer times.
Consequently, information about the condition of the mechanical drive can be
obtained by considering parameters reflecting the state of the motor or the strains
the motor has been subjected to.
These parameters include motor current and voltage, temperature and status of
the protection circuitry. Furthermore, the number of motor starts can be monitored
with a counter, and the accumulated running time with a timer. A particularly
informative approach is to measure the running time per motor start. If this value
increases signicantly, this can be taken as a reliable indicator of problems with the
device or system the motor is operating.
Using parameters obtained from the motor for monitoring the mechanical drive
is quite common, although in some cases it can be difcult to distinguish drive
problems from problems originating in the motor itself.
The simplest methods, such as reading off the accumulated running time for
compressor motors on a periodic basis are mostly applied. More complicated
schemes, such as continuous monitoring of the motor current, are less common.
In general, wear and tear of mechanical systems increase with use. Thus, the number
of operations a switching device has performed can be taken as a very general
measure of the overall condition of the device, including the mechanical drive. Many
operating cycles are assumed to be associated with greater wear and a higher failure
rate. Consequently, in conventional maintenance philosophy the number of cycles is,
with good justication, among the prime factors determining the maintenance
intervals. All circuit breakers and a large fraction of disconnectors and earthing
switches are equipped with counters that record the number of operating cycles.
However, many utilities have experienced that this simple relationship between
number of operations and overall mechanical condition in many cases is not valid.
The picture is somewhat more complicated because also circuit breakers that
operate very rarely, like once or twice a year, show a higher probability for drive
problems. Quite often the reason is that grease and other lubricants harden over
time, primarily simply due to lack of exercise.
Nevertheless, the number of operations is a very useful parameter for diagnostic
purposes, especially when combined with knowledge and experience with the
breaker considered. Many utilities take this parameter into account when assessing
what type of diagnostic testing to carry out and when to do it, and also when
planning invasive maintenance.
switches, the command signal energizes a contactor that provides current to the
Thus, the control system, comprising both the electrical circuitry and the latches
and/or valves in the release mechanism, is a crucial part of the switching device.
Reliability surveys have however shown that a large fraction of the failures occur in
this part of the circuit breaker.
Failing to close or open on command is the predominant major failure type in the
control circuitry, while delays in the operation is a typical example of a less severe,
but rather common incident. A variety of underlying failure mechanisms exist,
including low command voltage, defective coil and poor lubrication.
Table 5.7 summarizes the most important diagnostic techniques applied to the
control system for switching devices. Included in the table are also a few techniques
relevant for testing some of the auxiliary functions of a breaker.
Table 5.7 Diagnostic techniques and sensors for testing the control and auxiliary functions of
switching equipment
Parameter Application(s) Method/sensor
Coil current prole CB Recording of command current shape by:
Shunt C, P
Current transformer C, P
Rogowski coil C, P
Other current sensor types C, P
Voltages All Voltage sensor C, P
Status of auxiliary All Verication of integrity of device and
switches control system based on:
Position C, P
Operating sequence C, P
Timing C, P
Mutual consistency of the various auxiliary C, P
Circuit continuity All Continuous passing of small currents or C
Environment in All Temperature C
control cabinet
CB SF6, air blast, minimum oil and oil tank circuit breakers
C used for continuous monitoring
P used for periodic diagnostic testing
220 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
Fig. 5.13 Operating times (thick/thin upper traces) and coil current measurements from an
opening operation of a 300 kV minimum oil circuit-breaker
circuit breaker assembly. Thus, many users prefer to employ coil current mea-
surement in conjunction with other diagnostic methods.
Coil current measurements are primarily applied for periodic testing, and
equipment for this purpose has for long been commercially available.
Failures, e.g. open and short circuits in the control circuitry or in auxiliary parts of a
switching device, may affect the voltage at the involved parts. For example, the
voltage across a coil or a motor will change if some of the windings are
short-circuited. Similarly, a defective heating element can be detected by consid-
ering the voltage drop across the element.
Thus, by measuring the voltage at certain locations, the control and auxiliary
systems can be monitored in some detail. This is however, not very common as it
requires a lot of wiring and a system for handling all the measurements.
It is more usual to monitor the voltage supplied to the control and auxiliary
circuitry by measuring voltage at one point only. If this value is outside a specied
range, this indicates problems with the circuitry or with the substation control
Incorrect supply voltage to a switching device is, strictly speaking, an indication
of problems with the control system rather than the switching device itself, and thus
beyond the scope of the present treatment. Still however, in the context of diag-
nostics it is important to bear in mind that an incorrect supply voltage in many ways
may lead to incorrect diagnoses and false alarms. For example, motor running times
222 5 Service Experience and Diagnostic Testing of Power Switching Devices
and tripping coil current proles will in general be signicantly altered if the supply
voltage is outside its specied range.
Various failure types can be detected and identied simply by considering the
auxiliary switches of the control circuits of a circuit breaker. The status
(open/closed) of the switches as well as when and in what sequence their status
changes during a circuit breaker operation, can be used for diagnostic purposes,
both for the primary equipment and for the control system itself.
For example, a deviating operation time of a circuit breaker can be detected as a
deviation in the time at which the appropriate auxiliary switch operates. Similarly,
defective systems for blocking for breaker operation in case of too low gas density
or insufcient spring charging can be identied by examining whether the right
switches or contactors operate when they should.
Modern, advanced control systems for switching equipment facilitates an
automatic and continuous monitoring of several aspects of the breaker operation
based on the status of the auxiliary switches. For example, the sequence and timing
of the operation of the various auxiliary contacts during a switching operation can
be checked. Moreover, signals from several sensors can be crosschecked to verify
that information conveyed from different sources is consistent.
For older equipment, the alternative is manual testing of the various systems.
This can be performed as a periodic test, provided that the user has a detailed
knowledge of the device. For performing diagnostic testing based on timing of the
different auxiliary switches during a breaker operation, multi-channel testing
equipment is commercially available.
Switching equipment installed outdoors often have heating elements installed in the
control cabinets to avoid very low temperatures in the control and operating
mechanism during cold winter days, and also to avoid condensation of moisture in
humid regions with rapid temperature changes.
A straightforward and direct method for surveying whether the heating elements
and other parts of the temperature control system are working as intended, is to
measure temperature inside the control cabinet with a standard sensor, e.g. a
thermo-element. The sensor should be placed near the most critical parts of the
control cabinet. Effects of sun radiation and ventilation should be considered when
placing the temperature sensors.
The previous chapters looked into various aspects of current interruption in con-
ventional power grids including basic working principles and different applications
of power switching components and technologies used in these devices. There has
been a steady development of switching devices to increase their functionality, to
add new features, to widen their application range and at the same time to reduce
their production costs. One example is the investigations on application of vacuum
switching technology for generator circuit breakers [1] and as high voltage circuit
breakers [2, 3]. In addition, new developments and trends in power systems imply
new functionalities and/or constraints on power components, in particular on
switchgear. This chapter deals with some major upcoming issues in this regard:
i) interruption of direct currents, ii) limitation of fault currents and iii) alternative
gases as interrupting medium for new generation of high voltage circuit breakers.
The need for high availability and reliability of electricity supply leads to much
more interconnections between different nodes of a power system, which in turn
results in larger short circuit current levels. Very large fault currents are not only a
challenging issue for power switches but also give high mechanical (and in some
cases thermal) stresses on other components. One possibility to cope with the
increasing short circuit current, is to design the power switching devices in such a
way that they are able to reliably interrupt and handle very large short circuit
currents. The other solution would be to have a new type of components, which
shows a current dependent impedance (very low impedance by load current flow
and very high impedance by short circuit current flow) and is able to limit the
maximum prospective short circuit current levels of a network. Such devices are
referred to as fault current limiters. If such components are available, high
mechanical and to some extent also thermal stresses on other power grid compo-
nents could be reduced drastically. Although, with the exception of fuses and
fuse-like single-shot devices [4], no commercially available fault current limiter
exists, but tremendous efforts have gone into investigate the possibility of realising
such devices.
U Ri L ub 6:1
di 1
U Ri ub 6:2
dt L
At the instant of contact separation, the entire voltage drop in the circuit was
across the resistance R (There is no voltage drop across an inductance carrying DC).
U Ri was therefore equal to zero. Consequently, right after contact separation
di ub
dt L
As the burning arc will cause a voltage drop, ub, across the switchgear, the time
derivative of the current is negative. Consequently, the current i in the circuit starts
to decrease when the contacts are separated. To be able to interrupt the current
successfully, it must decrease to zero. Whether this happens or not cannot be
determined from these expressions alone.
For example, assume the contacts have fully separated without the current being
interrupted. The arc is now burning under approximately stationary conditions (no
forced cooling, no contact movement, etc.). The arc voltage is then determined by
the static arc characteristic (see Fig. 2.8) valid for the particular arcing medium and
contact conguration. At static/stationary conditions di/dt = 0, so (6.1) becomes:
U Ri ub i 6:4
The left hand side of (6.4) is a straight line dened by the circuit parameters,
whereas the right hand side is the static arc characteristic. The currentvoltage
relationships of each side of (6.4) are shown graphically in Fig. 6.2.
Figure 6.2 shows that (6.4) is fullled in the two points where the two curves
intercept. The current was equal to U/R prior to opening the breaker, and as
described above, the current starts decreasing when the contacts separate. The right
point of intersection is rst reached. It can be seen that this point is stable by
considering the effect of a small disturbance. Assume that the current for some
reason, becomes slightly smaller than the value in the point of intersection. Then,
U Ri (the straight line) minus ub (the arc characteristic) is positive. By inserting
U Ri ub > 0 into (6.2), the result is di/dt > 0, i.e. the current increases. In the
same manner, it can be shown that a disturbance giving a current that is slightly
greater than in the point of intersection, di/dt < 0 and the current decreases towards
the value of the point of intersection.
Therefore, in the right point of intersection di/dt = 0, the arc continues to burn,
and there is no current interruption. Within a short period of time, the energy
dissipation due to the arc becomes so large that the switchgear is destroyed
Thus, to have a successful interruption there cannot be any stable point of
operation, i.e. there should not be any points of intersection between the straight
line and the static arc characteristic. The circuit parameters and the arc properties
must be as shown in Fig. 6.3. Here, di/dt is negative for all i; the current goes to
zero and is interrupted.
Note that when the current falls below a certain value, the arc voltage must
exceed the system voltage. This is possible because the static arc voltage is not
dependent on the system voltage, but is solely a function of the current flowing in
the circuit.
The description is simplied, as it is based on the static arc characteristic. In
reality the arc is dynamic, both because the arc length varies during the interruption,
and the arc has a certain thermal inertia. These and other factors must be included in
a more precise description. However, the crucial criterion remains; an arc voltage
greater than the system voltage is required to create a current zero and thus a
successful interruption of a direct current.
There are several ways of achieving this. As mentioned in Chap. 2, most of the
voltage drop in an arc is generated close to the electrodes; the arc length is in this
respect less important. A common way of increasing the voltage across a breaker is
to split one arc into several short ones connected in series. This increases the
number of anode and cathode voltage drops and a larger total voltage drop is thus
achieved. Although this method has been successfully applied for interruption of
direct currents in power networks with rather low nominal voltages, it is not directly
applicable to high voltage direct current interruption.
If the contacts separate at time t = 0, and the current is interrupted at t = t1, the
energy dissipated in the breaker during the interruption is given as:
Wb it ub t dt 6:6
Wb U L ul i dt 6:7
Z0 Zt1
Wb Li di U ul i dt 6:8
i0 0
where i0 is the load current. Integrating the rst term gives for the energy dissipated
during an interruption:
1 2
Wb Li U ul i dt 6:9
2 0
The second term in the right hand side of (6.9) is always positive, as the system
voltage is always greater than the load voltage. This implies that the energy dis-
sipated in the switchgear is equal to or greater than the magnetic energy stored in
the circuit prior to the interruption. An additional contribution to the total energy
dissipation depends on the load and the interrupting time.
Another important difference between the AC and DC systems that has great
implications on switching device requirements is the time constant of the system as
such and the fault current characteristics.
The contribution from transformer windings causes the overall inductance in an
AC system to become substantially larger than in a DC system (which is without
transformers). A consequence of this is that the overall time constant becomes
smaller in DC systems. In AC systems, short circuit current clearing times of up to
several power cycles or in the range of hundreds of milliseconds are acceptable.
A short circuit in a DC system may have fault current rise times of only a few
milliseconds, and the entire system may experience a massive voltage collapse soon
after. Hence, in general, DC breakers set to clear faults must react much faster than
AC breakers with a corresponding duty. For large HVDC system, short-circuit
clearing times must be no more than 510 ms. Bearing in mind that modern
transmission level voltage AC circuit-breakers require at least around 20 ms only to
mechanically open the contacts, it is obvious that the reaction time requirement
contributes to making DC interruption at the same voltage complicated.
Conventional low and medium voltages AC switchgears, such as vacuum, air and
SF6 based devices have a certain DC interrupting capability. Hence, these can also
be applied for modest DC ratings, typically seen in traction and industrial appli-
cations with system voltages up to a few kilovolts.
6.1 Interruption of Direct Current 231
The fast reaction time and the large amounts of energy dissipated remain the
main obstacles against the development of DC switchgears for higher ratings. For
transmission system levels (hundreds of kilovolts), no DC device that is able to
interrupt load currents or even more so, short-circuit currents (as the AC
circuit-breaker does in an AC system) is at present commercially available.
This has great implications and is the main reason why branched DC trans-
mission grids cannot be built. Since circuit-breakers are not available, selective
protection schemes and disconnection of faulty parts of the system, as is done in AC
systems, is impossible. Consequently, existing HVDC transmissions are
point-to-point links, situated in a surrounding AC system.
Moreover, the topology of HVDC substations becomes very different from those
of AC systems. A prominent feature is that instead of using switchgears that in-
terrupt the current, devices that commutate currents are extensively used. For
example, if a converter unit of a HVDC substation experiences a failure, the current
into this unit is not interrupted, but instead commutated to a parallel branch that
bypasses the failed components.
Figure 6.5 illustrates the difference between the current interruption and the
current commutation functions. Important in this context is that current commu-
tation is a far less onerous duty than interruption. The voltage drop across the
switchgear and the energy dissipation become much lower when redirecting a
current flow from one branch to another than when interrupting it.
In cases where a short-circuit current needs to be interrupted because the failed
component cannot be bypassed, this is done on the AC side of the converters by
using AC circuit breakers.
The various types of commutation or bypass switches used in HVDC substations
are typically modied AC circuit-breakers, often with SF6 as the interrupting
medium. Ratings and testing requirements of such switchgears are not yet covered
by the standards, and must thus be agreed upon between the equipment supplier and
the customer for each project. Hence, in contrast to AC switchgear, switching
equipment for transmission level DC substations are largely based on tailor-made
solutions and case-to-case arrangements.
Although interruption of faults on the AC side and commutation of current from
faulty parts may be applicable for point-to-point DC systems, these are not suitable
solutions to protect the multi-terminal DC networks in case of short circuit faults.
Fig. 6.5 Schematic DC circuits with switches performing a current interrupting (left) and a
current commutation from one circuit to an existing parallel circuit (right). For higher system
voltages and large current ratings only the latter type of devices are commercially available
232 6 Future Trends and Developments of Power Switching Devices
circuit followed by closing the making switch in the parallel circuit. This causes the
capacitor discharge current to be superimposed on the current in the main circuit. If
the discharge current amplitude exceeds that of the current in the main circuit, an
articial current zero is created, and current is interrupted.
As the maximum reaction time of a DC interrupter must be few milliseconds, the
opening mechanical switch must be very fast. It is possible to use solid-state
switching devices in the main path, but this results in very high losses during the
nominal current flow and leads to very expensive, complicated solutions.
As it can be seen from the descriptions above, the task of current interruption in
DC systems is to a great extent based on current limitation or suppression. Hence,
the topic of current limitation, which will be dealt with in the next sub-chapter is
highly relevant for DC switching devices.
may increase the system inductance, reduce the power factor and increase the rate of
rise of the transient recovery voltages seen by the switching devices.
The following simple example shows how the constraint of having a minimum
acceptable load voltage limits the applicability of a constant current limiting
impedance. For this purpose, assume that a minimum 95% of the rated voltage is
desirable at the load. The short circuit impedance of the system has been considered
as a short circuit inductance and a current limiting reactor with a total inductance of
Llimiter is used (see Fig. 6.8).
In this simplied circuit, the load voltage is given as:
Uload Un 6:10
Zload jxLsc Llimiter
To full the minimum load voltage requirement of jUload j 0:95jUn j, the fol-
lowing inequality has to be satised:
In the worst case, when the load is inductive, this results to a minimum limited
short circuit current of 19 fold of the rated load current.
Another more ingenious way would be to have components with current
dependent impedances. In an ideal case, such a component has to act as a short
circuit when the load currents flow, and show very large impedances under fault
conditions, i.e. when the short circuit current flows. As this impedance exists only
under fault conditions, the load flow and voltage regulation are not affected by such
kind of fault current limiters.
Different non-linear phenomena may be used to realize a non-linear current
controlled impedance. Different non-linear material properties like change of
resistivity with current or temperature and saturation of ferromagnetic materials are
utilized. In this type of fault current limiters, the non-linear impedance is supposed
to be able to carry the nominal load current and therefore the voltage drop over this
Fig. 6.8 Simple circuit to describe the limitation on constant current limiting impedance
6.2 Fault Current Limitation 235
should be in the acceptable range of a few per cents of the rated voltage of the
network. Thus, a limitation on the maximum acceptable impedance value for the
fault current limiter under normal conditions is applied. Due to the limited dynamic
range of material properties, this may result in insufcient limiting impedances. To
explain this limitation, consider a non-linear impedance Z, where the ratio of its
nal value Zf to its initial value Z0 is equal to k (i.e. k Z0f ). Furthermore, the
maximum voltage drop on the fault current limiter under normal working condi-
tions is assumed to be a Un, where Un is the rated voltage of the network. It can be
easily shown that the limited short circuit current has a minimum:
ISC 6:12
where In is the rated current of the network. It must be noted that (6.12) is derived
based on the assumption that the short circuit impedance of the network is supposed
to be much smaller than the fault current limiter impedance and for the sake of
simplicity has been neglected.
Considering (6.12), the limited short circuit current is very dependent on the
dynamic range of the fault current limiter impedance as well as on the maximum
tolerable voltage drop.
The limited dynamic range of the fault current limiter impedance and the thermal
issues related to the losses associated with continuous current flow through the
non-linear impedance make the fault current limiters of this type very large and
Another approach is to combine non-linear material properties with dynamic
circuit topology changes, e.g. using fast opening switches in parallel to non-linear
current controlled impedances. This method has the advantage of not having a
continuous current flow through the non-linear impedance. The consequence would
be a much simpler and compacter design of the non-linear impedance.
In this type of fault current limiters, not the non-linear impedance itself, but a
switch placed in parallel to the non-linear impedance, carries the load current and
only by occurrence of a fault, the current is commutated to the impedance and is
limited. The drawback of this method is that the limitation of the current does not
happen inherently and therefore, a control unit is necessary to detect the fault
occurrence and to send the opening command to switch.
A comprehensive survey on different methods studied to realize fault current
limiters may be found in [5]. In the following, some of the most promising tech-
niques are briefly explained.
One of the non-linear current-controlled phenomena, which can be used for current
limitation purposes, is superconductivity. In superconducting materials, a rapid
236 6 Future Trends and Developments of Power Switching Devices
resistance change may be realized when the current or magnetic eld exceeds a
threshold that causes the superconductor to quench, i.e., leaving the supercon-
ducting state and becoming resistive. This transition phenomenon may be used in
different ways to limit fault currents.
One possibility is to use the superconducting device directly in the current path.
In this way, a non-linear current-controlled resistor represents the superconducting
fault current limiter (see Fig. 6.9). A parallel shunt resistor is used to limit the
voltage drop across the superconducting device during fault current limitation. In
this way, the superconductor itself acts as a switch, which commutates the current
to the parallel shunt resistor. The series circuit breaker interrupts the limited short
circuit current and isolates the faulty part of the network. The fault current limi-
tation process in the superconducting material produces heat, which needs to be
removed before this device is cooled down and put back into service again.
Another approach is to place the superconducting device in parallel to the main
circuit. One realization is to use a transformer like two winding iron cored mutual
inductance and to short circuit the secondary winding as shown in Fig. 6.10. This
concept is referred to as the shielded core superconducting fault current limiter.
Under normal conditions, as the superconducting device has zero resistance, the
impedance seen from the primary side is very small (about as high as the stray
inductance of the primary winding). Under fault conditions, flow of higher currents
in the secondary winding through the superconductor results in a rapid increase of
its resistance. As the consequence, the short-circuited transformer is changed in a
very short time to an open-circuited transformer. Therefore, the impedance of the
fault current limiter seen from the power network changes from stray inductance of
the primary winding (very low value) to the magnetization impedance of the
Another non-linear phenomenon, which may be used for current limitation pur-
poses, is the saturation of ferromagnetic materials. This phenomenon is associated
with change of relative permeability of ferromagnetic materials from very small
values near unity to very large values of thousands or tens of thousands. A typical
scheme may consist of a biasing magnetic eld generation system (e.g. using a DC
current coil [8] or permanent magnets [9]) to bring the core to saturation under
normal working conditions of the fault current limiter, and at least two AC coils,
which are normally connected in series and put in the main current path (Fig. 6.11).
Biasing magnetic eld is selected in such a way that the core remains in saturation,
when the load current flows through the AC coils. In case of a fault, the increased
current flowing through the AC coils produces large enough magnetic elds to
bring the core out of saturation. This is observed as an impedance increase of the
AC coil, as the permeability of the ferromagnetic core is increased dramatically.
It is also possible to use the superconducting coil in this design, which is then
known as a saturable coil superconducting fault current limiter [10]. The super-
conductor coil is used solely to reduce the losses related to the continuous current
flow through the DC coil; this means, unlike the resistive or inductive supercon-
ducting fault current limiters, the transition from superconductor to normal con-
ductor as used in resistive and shielded core superconducting fault current limiters,
is not applied here.
Although there are a number of eld installations of such saturable core fault
current limiters to reduce the maximum prospective short circuit current level of
power networks, this type of fault current limiter has not become a commercial
product yet, due to its very large size, weight and high cost.
238 6 Future Trends and Developments of Power Switching Devices
Fig. 6.11 Saturable core fault current limiter with the biasing magnetic eld based on a DC
current coil b permanent magnet
In this class of fault current limiters, either solid-state switches are used to initiate a
topology change in a circuit and commutate the current to other parallel paths
containing current limiting or high impedance components, or their non-linear
behaviour is used to design current-controlled impedances. There are many different
approaches, but all designs suffer from high losses in nominal current path. The
interested reader is referred to the interesting review paper on different types of
solid-state fault current limiters [11].
In the discussed methods for current limitation, the current limiter is put in the
nominal current path. Therefore, some contradictory constraints have to be fullled,
and many issues regarding the losses due to the continuous current flow through the
6.2 Fault Current Limitation 239
fault current limiter have to be managed. This makes the designs of such devices
complex and results in large and expensive solutions. One idea would be to separate
the current carrying function of fault current limiters from their current limiting
function during a fault occurrence. Such an idea may be realized if a very fast
opening mechanical switch is used to carry the nominal load current under normal
conditions. In case of a fault, the mechanical switch is opened and the current is
commutated to one or more parallel paths. With this idea, all possible fault current
limiter schemes may be used in the parallel branch. This approach is schematically
shown in Fig. 6.12.
As seen in Fig. 6.12, a hybrid fault current limiter has three major
sub-components, namely a fast opening mechanical switch, a measurement and
control unit and a current limiting component or circuit. The fast opening switch
has to be designed to open with very short opening delay times and at the same time
to generate an arcing voltage, which is high enough to commutate the current from
this switch to the actual current limiting component. The measurement and control
unit is to decide on opening of the fast mechanical switch based on the simulta-
neous value of current, the rate of rise of current or a combination of both.
The drive mechanism of conventional switching devices is too slow to be used in
such a fast mechanical switch. There have been many ideas on how to realize the
necessary short delay times using the so-called electrodynamic drive mechanism
[12]. In this approach, a pulsed current flows through a coil by discharging of a
pre-charged capacitor. In the metallic disc adjacent to the coil, an eddy current is
induced due to the very fast variations of the produced magnetic eld, which in turn
produces another magnetic eld. Interaction of these two magnetic elds (primary
magnetic eld of the coil and the magnetic eld produced by the induced current)
results in a very large repulsion force, which could be used to accelerate the moving
part of a fast opening mechanical switch.
In hybrid fault current limiters, the voltage drop during the normal operation
causes no limitation anymore and therefore the initial impedance of the fault current
limiter can be much larger compared to the situation, where the fault current limiter
is put in the main current path. The challenge here is the current commutation from
the fast mechanical opening switch to the current limiting component. In some
cases to facilitate the current commutation process, a semiconductor switch is used
in series to the fast opening mechanical switch [13]. This is a trade-off to reduce the
losses during the normal operation of the device but at the same time to increase the
initial impedance of the current limiting component, and to have a simpler design of
the fast opening switch.
Furthermore, for the thermal design of the current limiting part, unlike the FCLs
directly placed into the main current path, the normal operation losses are of no
concern. The important quantity for dimensioning of this part is the maximum
energy, which has to be absorbed by the limitation of the current. Like as the case of
HVDC circuit breaker [see Eq. (6.9)], this energy is greater than the magnetic
energy stored in the short circuit inductance of the network at the time of current
As described in Chap. 4, the excellent dielectric and arc quenching properties have
made SF6 the dominating interrupting medium for circuit-breakers at transmission
level voltages. Also in switching devices at lower voltage levels and with lower
current ratings SF6 has been used extensively. However, around 1990 it became
clear that certain physical properties of SF6 makes it a very potent greenhouse
gas, so when released to the atmosphere it contributes to global warming. As a
consequence, the industry started looking for more environmentally benign alter-
natives. This search for new gases for power switches intensied as some gov-
ernmental bodies and regulators after 2000 started discussing taxing and even
banning SF6.
After briefly reviewing the properties of SF6 that triggered these efforts, some of
the alternative gases and technical solutions under consideration are presented. The
main source of information is work reported in CIGR and CIRED [1418].
The surface of the earth emits heat radiation. A part of this radiation does not go
into space but is absorbed by gases and water vapour in the earths atmosphere.
A fraction of this absorbed heat causes radiation to be re-emitted and returned to
earth. Thus, the atmosphere in effect thermally insulates the earth. Without this
natural greenhouse effect, the earth would have been a very cold place, with an
average temperature estimated to around 19 C, rather than the present 15 C.
Human activity has released vast amounts of various gases, in particular carbon
dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Some of these gases absorb heat to such an
extent that further increase of their concentration in the atmosphere causes the
greenhouse effect to become stronger, thus contributing to what is usually
referred to as global warming. The contribution of each gas type is determined by
6.3 SF6 Free Power Switching Devices 241
several factors such as the physical properties of the gas, the amounts emitted, and
its atmospheric lifetime. In addition to water vapour and CO2, the main contributors
to global warming are methane (CH4), ozone (O3) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
The amount of SF6 released to the atmosphere is minute compared to CO2 and
CH4, and so is its contribution to global warming. However, SF6 is an extremely
strong greenhouse gas, primarily due to its strong heat absorption and its long-term
stability. The lifetime of SF6 in the atmosphere is more than 3000 years, whether
for example methane disintegrates within 12 years. Compared with CO2, SF6 is
around a 23,000 times stronger greenhouse gas. In other words, emission of 1 kg
SF6 to the atmosphere has the same negative effect on the climate as releasing 23
tons of CO2. Therefore, limiting the already small emissions of SF6 is cost-effective
compared to many of the other measures considered for limiting global warming.
In the following sections, a few results from investigations of alternative gases are
reviewed. Dielectric insulating performance and current interrupting performance
are assessed and comparted with SF6. In addition, other properties such as toxicity,
degradation and impact on climate changes are considered.
The capabilities of several common gases such as air, nitrogen and hydrogen were
dealt with in Chap. 4. These are all fairly good choices for use in switchgear, but
clearly inferior to SF6.
Carbon dioxide, which is also a common and readily available gas, shows about
the same dielectric strength as air and nitrogen, i.e. one third of SF6 at atmospheric
pressure. For higher pressures, the difference is somewhat less; at the pressure of
6 bar, CO2 is found to have about 40% of the dielectric strength of SF6. Hence, a
dielectric design based on using CO2 at a moderately higher pressure than the
typical 6 bar currently used in SF6 equipment emerges as an interesting option. For
example, 10 bar CO2 has about 70% of the AC and lightning impulse withstand
levels of SF6 at 6 bar.
With regard to the current interrupting capabilities of CO2, the situation is quite
similar. At 10 bar a CO2 breaker is able to interrupt currents of some 2/3 of the
magnitude of that of SF6 at 6 bar. Adding 1020% of oxygen to the CO2 has been
found to improve the interrupting capability somewhat.
As a rough overall comparison between SF6 and CO2-based circuit breakers, it
has been suggested that a 10 bar CO2 breaker can meet the requirements one
voltage and current class below that of a 6 bar SF6 breaker. Hence, a 6 bar SF6
circuit-breaker rated for 550 kV/40 kA may be able to comply with the
242 6 Future Trends and Developments of Power Switching Devices
420 kV/31.5 kA class test requirements if slightly modied and instead lled with
10 bar CO2.
CO2 recombines after arcing, sosimilarly to SF6there is no need for topping
up with new gas after many interruptions. CO2 is non-toxic, but when dissociated
by the arc and exposed to the materials inside the arcing chamber many new
substances form. Although probably far less hazardous that some of the SF6 arcing
by-products, it may be wise to exercise some caution when dealing with the gas and
the internal parts of arcing chambers that have experienced many interruptions of
large currents.
The global warming potential (GWP) value for CO2 is (by denition) equal to
unity, so emissions to the atmosphere of the amounts used in switching equipment
are not harmful. Moreover, CO2 at 10 bar can cover all low temperatures
requirements (down to 50 C) without the problems caused by liquefaction of the
gas. This is a major advantage with CO2 as it makes this gas well suited for use in
outdoor circuit breakers in very cold climates.
The rst commercial high voltage circuit-breaker product with CO2 as the arcing
medium came in 2012, see Fig. 6.13. It is rated for 72.5 kV/2750 A/31.5 kA and
has a 10 bar lling pressure. The arcing chamber, contacts and nozzles appear to be
modied versions of standard SF6 technology.
Systematic screenings and searches for alternative gases identied several synthetic
fluorine-containing gases as potentially interesting for switchgear applications.
More examinations and tests reduced the number further, so in particular two gases
stand out as promising candidates: a certain fluoroketone and a certain fluoronitrile.
Figure 6.14 shows their molecular structures. They both have a carbon backbone,
with ve and four atoms, respectively.
Both the fluoroketone and the fluoronitrile have a substantially higher dielectric
strength than SF6, about a factor two at the same pressure. However, the boiling
point is signicantly higher than for SF6. For pure fluoroketone, the boiling point at
atmospheric pressure is 27 C and for fluoronitrile it is 5 C. The important
practical consequence is that these gases must be mixed with a buffer or carrier gas
to be able to use them at low temperatures; otherwise, they condense to the liquid
state with a very low vapour pressure and thus show a poor dielectric strength and
poor current interrupting performance. Several carrier gases have been proposed
and tested, such as air, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Finding an appropriate concentration of fluoroketone or fluoronitrile in the
carrier gas, as well as the total gas pressure becomes a trade-off between the
dielectric strength obtained and usable temperature range. A high partial pressure of
fluoroketone or fluoronitrile and a high total gas pressure give a sufcient dielectric
strength, but cannot cover the entire temperature range usually specied for outdoor
circuit breakers.
6.3 SF6 Free Power Switching Devices 243
Fig. 6.13 Circuit-breaker lled with 10 bar CO2 and rated for 72.5 kV. In this pilot installation, it
operates in the 145 kV system (Courtesy of ABB)
Fig. 6.14 The molecules of the fluoroketone (left) and the fluoronitrile (right) proposed as an
alternative to SF6 in switchgear
For example, a mixture of 6% fluoroketone, 81% CO2 and 13% O2 has at the
pressure of 7 bar about 90% of the dielectric strength of 4 bar SF6. The switching
performance is also somewhat lower than for SF6, but more importantly, the lower
244 6 Future Trends and Developments of Power Switching Devices
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Gas viscosity, 37 Load break switch, 8, 96, 105, 165, 172, 174,
Global warming, 241 180, 184
Grading capacitor, 154 Local thermodynamic equilibrium, 45
Lorentz forces, 7, 178
H Low voltage switchgear, 176
Hardgas principle, 165
Heat conduction, 34 M
Heat convection, 37 Magnetic air switchgear, 176
High pressure arc Magnetohydrodynamic model, 45
anode voltage drop, 31 Magneto-resistive sensor, 205
cathode voltage drop, 31 Major Failure (MaF), 188
electric potential distribution, 31 Mass conservation equation, 45
electrical conductivity, 32 Momentum conservation equation, 45
particle density, 32 Maxwells equations, 46
static arc characteristics, 30 Medium voltage, 129
temperature distribution, 38 Medium voltage switchgear. See Distribution
thermal conductivity, 35 level switchgear
High-speed earthing switch, 8 Metal bellows, 178
High voltage direct current (HVDC) Metal vapour arc. See vacuum arc
interruption, 226 Multiple re-ignitions, 118
High voltage fuse
back-up, 167 N
current limiting, 166 Navier-stokes equation, 45
current limiting characteristics, 172
design, 167 O
general purpose, 167 Oil circuit breaker
interaction with load break switch, 172, 173 bulk oil, 156
M-spot, 170 minimum oil, 158
non-current limiting, 166 Operating mechanism, 5
temperature distribution, 169 drive mechanism, 191, 192, 207, 214, 217,
High voltage switchgear. See transmission 218
level switchgear Operating time, 210
Impact ionisation, 23 Partial discharge, 196
Inductiveresistive load switching, 105 Pole discrepancy, 212
Initial arc, 19 Position transducer, 203
Inrush current, 100, 102 Pre-strike, 93, 109
Insulation resistance measurement, 197 Primary distribution switchgear, 143
Interruption chamber, 5
Ionisation energy, 22 R
Radial blast, 154
K Radial magnetic eld contacts, 179
Kilometric fault. See short line fault Rate of Rise of Recovery Voltage (RRRV), 15
Recovery voltage
L power frequency, 63
Larmor radius, 178 transient recovery voltage (TRV), 65, 67,
Lateral blast, 154, 159 68, 70
Linear variable differential Richardson-Schottky equation. See thermionic
transformer, 207 emission
Line charging current breaking test. See Ring main unit, 138
capacitive current switching tests Rogowski coil, 220
Index 249