Study of Deduru Oya

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ENGINEER - Vol. XLVIII, No. 01, pp.

[1-9], 2015
ENGINEER - Vol. XLVIII, No. 01, pp. [page range], 2015
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka

HEC-HMS Model for Runoff Simulation in a Tropical

Catchment with Intra-Basin Diversions Case Study
of the Deduru Oya River Basin, Sri Lanka
D. S. Sampath, S. B. Weerakoon and S. Herath

Abstract: Hydrological modeling is a commonly used tool by water resource planners to

simulate the hydrological response in a basin due to precipitation for the purpose of management of
basin water. With the increasing demand for limited water resources in every basin, careful
management of water resources becomes more important. The Deduru Oya river in Sri Lanka supplies
water to number of new and ancient irrigation systems and the management of water resources in the
Deduru Oya river basin, which has an area of 2620 km2, is important for optimum utilization of water
for these irrigation systems. This paper describes a case study of continuous rainfall-runoff modeling
in part of the Deduru Oya basin with intra-basin diversions and storage irrigation systems using the
Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HECHMS) version 3.0.1 to estimate
runoff in the Deduru Oya river.

Long term daily rainfall data at several rain gauging stations, evaporation, land use and soil data in
the river basin, daily river runoff at a stream gauging station, intra-basin diversions from the river into
a storage reservoir, irrigation releases from the reservoir and drainage flow returned to the river from
irrigation systems were used to set up the HEC-HMS model. Five-layer soil moisture accounting loss
method, Clark unit hydrograph transformation method, and recession base flow method of the HEC-
HMS model were used. Temporally varying irrigation water uses, storages and losses in the basin
were taken into account in the analysis. The results depict the capability of HECHMS to reproduce
stream flows in the basin to a high accuracy with averaged computed Nash Sutcliffe efficiencies of
0.80. The study demonstrates potential HECHMS application in flow estimation from tropical
catchments with intra-basin diversions and irrigation storages. The model developed is a tool for
water management in the Deduru Oya river basin.
Keywords: Deduru Oya basin, HEC-HMS, Hydrological Modeling, Irrigation, Magalla tank

1. Introduction and the objective of the hydrological prediction

in the basin.
Sustainable management of limited fresh water
sources is a major challenge and is extremely The HECHMS, developed by Hydrologic
important for the people living in the world. Engineering Center of U.S. Army Corps of
Failure to manage the water sources in an Engineers is a hydrological model that supports
effective manner will adversely affect the both lumped parameter based modeling as well
society and the economy of the country. as distributed parameter based modeling [15].
Management of water resources in a basin HEC-HMS is a set of mathematical models to
essentially requires understanding of dynamics simulate the precipitation runoff-routing
of basin water and assessment of basin water processes of dendritic watershed system.
availability for development use.
Eng. D. S. Sampath, B. Sc. Eng.(Hons)(Peradeniya),
AMIE(Sri Lanka), Lecturer (Probationary), Dept. of Civil
Hydrological modeling is a commonly used Engineering, University of Jaffna, Ariviyal Nagar,
tool to estimate the basins hydrological Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka and M. Phil. candidate, Dept. of
Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya,
response due to precipitation. Various types of Sri Lanka.
hydrological models from black box models Eng. (Prof.) S. B. Weerakoon, B.Sc.Eng.(Peradeniya),
which require less basin data to physically M.Eng., D.Eng. (Tokyo), FIE(Sri Lanka), Int. PE SL, C.
Eng, Professor of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil
based models which require large amount of
Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri
basin data have been developed [2]. The Lanka.
selection of the model depends on the basin Prof. Srikantha Herath, B.Sc.Eng.(Peradeniya), M.Eng.
(AIT), D.Eng. (Tokyo), Senior Academic Programme
Director, UNU-IAS, Tokyo, Japan.

Figure 1 - Location and Topography of the Basin
HEC-HMS needs three input components such step for simulation. Control specifications
as the basin model, the meteorological model, include a starting date and time, ending date
and the control specifications. The basin model and time, and a time interval [15]. The input
is the representation of real-world objects with time-series and other paired-value data are
parameters describing their behavior. The basin stored in HECs Data Storage System (DSS).
model elements are sub basin, reach, junction, The output of HEC-HMS includes peak flow
source, sink, reservoir, diversion, river reach, and total volume for each element in the basin
point of intersection of river reaches, input flow model. These output data are also stored in DSS
point to basin system, outlet of the basin [1].
system, reservoir, and diversion for a reach in
the real world, respectively. Each of these HEC-HMS has been successfully applied to
elements needs some parameters to define their many basins to assess water resources
behavior in a hydrologic system. Each element including river basins in Sri Lanka [(4), (8)]. In
stores the element downstream to it to facilitate this paper the HEC HMS Model is applied for a
the flow of water and to create a dendritic part of the Deduru Oya river basin (Deduru
network [1]. Oya river basin above Moragaswewa (79.9900 E,
7.7000 N) hereafter referred as DMW sub basin)
The metrological model is responsible for in Sri Lanka which is a special case of practical
preparing the boundary conditions that act on importance where there are intra-basin
the watershed during a simulation. The diversions for irrigation systems. Irrigation
meteorological model stores the information of systems release part of irrigated water as
precipitation falling on the watershed and drainage flow to the downstream of them and
evapotranspiration. HEC-HMS supports six these drainage flows enter into the basin
different historical and synthetic precipitation drainage network and contributes to the flow at
methods as well as one evapotranspiration the downstream reach of the Deduru Oya river
method [15]. in the DMW sub basin. HEC-HMS model is
used for rainfall-runoff modeling of DMW sub
The time span of a simulation is controlled by basin which contains intra-basin diversions and
control specifications and control specification storages.
is used to describe the time period and time

1.1 DMW sub basin of Deduru Oya River constructed under ongoing Deduru Oya
basin reservoir project.
DMW sub basin, which is an upper basin of the
Deduru Oya river, has an area of 1950 km2 Rainfall is the only source of water and there
ranging from 30 m to 1280 m MSL extending are no transbasin diversions into or out of the
from Moragaswewa to the central hills of Sri basin at present. The rainfall in the basin has a
Lanka (Figure 1). DMW sub basin of Deduru significant temporal and spatial variation.
Oya river basin covers 74% of whole Deduru Annual rainfall ranges from 2600 mm in the
Oya river basin. DMW sub basin, located upper basin to 1100 mm in the lower basin.
between 7.3200 N and 7.8600 N latitudes, and From the annual rainfall about 50% is received
79.9900 E and 80.5800 E longitudes, is one of the during inter monsoon months (March-April &
major rice production basins in the country. October-November), about 35% during
The Deduru Oya river of DMW sub basin flows Southwest monsoon months (May to
through Matale and Kurunegala districts. September), and remaining 15% during
Northeast monsoon months (December to
The basin contains a number of small and large February). The Deduru Oya river carries flash
reservoirs (tanks), mostly rain-fed, used for floods during rainy season and very low flow
irrigating paddy cultivation in two seasons per during dry season. Presently nearly 1000 MCM
year. There are several weirs (anicuts) built of water flows to sea annually from Deduru
across the river along its length to divert water Oya river basin without being used in the basin
for irrigation system to cultivate paddy. There [13]. There is a strong need to store flood water
are few reservoirs across tributaries of Deduru carried by Deduru Oya river to use during lean
Oya river but the only reservoir intercepting season, especially for irrigation.
the Deduru Oya river is the one being

Figure 2 - Study Area


1.2 Intra-basin diversion to Magalla tank
DRB Sub basin
There is an intrabasin diversion of
considerable volume of the Deduru Oya river
flow to the right bank at its middle reach for
Magalla Sub
irrigated paddy cultivation. A weir constructed basin
across the river diverts water to an unlined
canal (Ridi Bendi Ela canal) of 21 km length and Ridi
Bendi Ela
4.25 m3/s capacity to Magalla tank (Figure 2).
The weir diverts almost all of the flow of the Ela canal
river to the Magalla tank during low river flow Magalla tank
months. The Magalla tank with a capacity of 9
MCM stores water for the irrigation
requirements in downstream areas. The basin
area of Magalla tank is 32 km2. There are 2224 Irrigation
ha of paddy lands cultivated presently under Systems
the Magalla tank irrigation system.
Sub basin
The Magalla tank has three irrigation canals;
Right Bank (RB) canal, Left Bank (LB) canal and
Centre canal to distribute water. Capacities of
the canals and the irrigable areas under each
canal are shown in Table 1. The drainage water Moragaswewa
from the paddy fields at Magalla tank irrigation gauging station

systems flows into the Deduru Oya river at the

upstream of Moragaswewa (Figure 2). Figure 3 - Schematic Diagram

Table 1 - Capacities of Magalla Tank Outlet from DRB basin outlet through Ridi Bendi Ela
Canals and Irrigation Area canal is 4.25 m3/s or maximum available at the
DRB basin outlet. The flow in excess of 4.25
Irrigation m3/s is an inflow to the DMW-RB basin
Canal Capacity
Area through Deduru Oya river.
RB Canal 3.40 m3/s 1792 ha
Magalla tank receives inflow from its own basin
LB Canal 1.13 m3/s 312 ha and from the Ridi Bendi Ela canal. Daily
Center Canal 0.43 m3/s 120 ha releases from Magalla reservoir for irrigation
systems through the three canals depend on the
irrigation requirements and available storage.
2. Methodology Reservoir simulation was carried out to
estimate the actual daily releases.
For the application of HEC-HMS, the DMW sub
basin which has an area of 1950 km2 was Irrigation requirements in the irrigation
divided into two sub-basins; DRB sub basin of systems were estimated by CROPWAT model.
an area of 1400 km2 above the irrigation Drainage flow from the irrigation systems was
diversion at Ridi Bendi Ela and rest of the taken as 40 % of the total release of Magalla
DMW basin (referred to as DMW-RB sub basin) tank through the three canals according to loss
of an area of 550 km2 (Figure 2). The schematic calculation and water balance study.
diagram of the HEC-HMS model setup is given
in Figure 3. 2.1 Data collection
GIS data were used to identify stream paths,
Ridi Bendi Ela canal was modeled as a catchments, natural streams, land use patterns,
diversion element and Magalla tank was geology and soil types in the basin.
modeled as a reservoir element. The drainage Topographic, geological and land use details
flow from the irrigation systems under Magalla were collected from the digital data of the
tank is modeled as a reach element. Survey Department of Sri Lanka. A major
portion of the soil in river basin was identified
Daily stream flow at the DRB basin outlet was as reddish brown earth [(9), (11)].
estimated by HEC-HMS model application to
the DRB basin. Diversion to Magalla reservoir


Daily rainfall was collected from seven stations For the calculation of CWRs, CROPWAT
in the basin (Figure 4), viz. Kurunegala, needs data on evapotranspiration (ETo),
Delwita, Wariyapola, Millawa, Ridi Bendi Ela, rainfall, crop data and soil data.
Batalagoda and Nikaweratiya, for the past CROPWAT allows the user to either enter
twenty years from 1980 to 2000. Monthly measured ETo values, or to input data on
evaporation data for the same years for the temperature, humidity, wind speed and
agro meteorological station Mahawa was used sunshine, which allows CROPWAT to
in the study. The rainfall data and the calculate ETo using the Penman-Monteith
evaporation data were obtained from the formulae [3].
Rainfall Division of the Department of
Meteorology, Colombo. Also hydro Rainfall data are used with CROPWAT to
meteorological data are available at the compute effective rainfall data as input for
Department of Meteorology [10]. The only flow the CWR and scheduling calculations. Crop
data available for the Deduru Oya is from 1980 data are needed for the CWR calculations
to 1989 at Moragswewa gauging station. Daily and soil data to calculate irrigation
flow data for the latest three year from this data schedules. Whereas CROPWAT normally
set was used for model calibration and calculates CWR and schedules for one crop,
validation, viz. 3 months for calibration and 3 it can also calculate a scheme supply, which
years for validation. is basically the combined CWR of multiple
crops, each with its individual planting
date [3].

Figure 4 - Rain Gauge Stations and Thiesson Polygon Areas

2.2 Crop Water Requirements calculated for 105 day low land paddy crop
CROPWAT 8.0 software developed based on type. It was calculated using CROPWAT for
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the paddy crop on monthly basis. Rainfall data at
United Nations (FAO) guidelines is used for Nikaweratiya station in year 1980 to 2000,
calculation of Crop Water Requirements (CWR) Mahailuppallama reference crop
and irrigation requirements from climatic and evapotranspiration rates and crop factors for
crop data. The program also allows the each growth stages were used for the
development of irrigation schedules for CROPWAT model to calculate CWR.
different management conditions and the Computations of irrigation water requirements
calculation of scheme water supply for varying were made using 60% application efficiency
crop patterns [(3), (14)]. and 75% conveyance efficiency.


it is possible to account for increased storage
during the rising side of a flood wave and
2.3 Model calibration it is possible
decreased to account
storage during for
theincreased storage
falling side. The
HEC-HMS version 3.0.1 was utilized as the during the rising side of a flood
Muskingum K is essentially the travel time wave and
rainfall Model calibration
runoff model in Deduru Oya river decreased
through thestorage
reach. during
It can bethe falling side.
estimated fromThethe
basin. Calibration for3.0.1
HEC-HMS version was utilized
continuous modelingas was
the knowledge of the cross section properties time
Muskingum K is essentially the travel and
rainfall runoff model in Deduru Oya
carried out by using daily rainfall occurred river through
flow the reach. The
properties. It canMuskingum
be estimatedXfrom the
is the
basin. Calibration
from Oct 1985 to for Dec
continuous modeling
1985. Soil was
moisture knowledge ofbetween
weighting the cross inflow
section properties
and outflow and
carried out by using daily rainfall occurred
accounting loss method, Clark unit hydrograph flow properties.
influence [15]. The Muskingum X is the
from Oct 1985 method,
transformation to Dec and 1985. recession
Soil moisture
base weighting between inflow and outflow
flow loss were
method method, Clark unit
utilized for hydrograph
continuous influence [15].
The inflow-diversion function defines the
simulations. method, and recession base amount of flow that is diverted from a given
flow method were utilized for continuous The
inflow.inflow-diversion function variable.
Inflow is the independent defines Thethe
The soil moisture accounting loss method uses amount of flow that is diverted from
range of inflows specified in the function a given
five layers to represent the dynamics of water inflow.
should Inflow
cover isthethe complete
independent variable.
range The
of total
The soil moisture
movement accounting
above and lossLayers
in the soil. method uses
include range offrom
inflows inflows specified
upstream in the
elements. Thefunction
five layers to represent the dynamics
canopy interception, surface depression of water should cover
diversion the complete
function range ofin total
must be defined the
storage, above
soil, and groundwater,
upper in the soil. Layers
lower inflows data
paired frommanager
upstream elements.
before it canThe inflow-
be used in
canopy interception,
groundwater. surface
The soil layer depression
is subdivided into diversion function must
the diversion elements [15]. be defined in the
storage, storage
tension soil, upper groundwater,
and gravity and lower
storage [(15), (16)]. paired data manager before it can be used in
The The accounting
soil moisture soil layer isloss
method wasinto the diversionObjective
elements [15].
Normalized Function (), Nash
tension storage and gravity storage [(15),
utilized for continuous simulations in all sub (16)].
The soil moisture accounting loss method was Sutcliffe efficiency ( ), Percentage bias ( )
basins. Normalized ObjectiveFunction (), Nash
utilized for continuous simulations in all sub and Root Mean Square Error () values
Sutcliffe efficiency (
were used as quantitative Percentage
), measures forbias
the ( )
basins. unit hydrograph was selected as a
Clark andsimulations.
of Root Mean Past Square Errorhave
studies ()
shown values
transform method. Time of concentration and were
Clark unit hydrograph these parameters were successfully usedskill
used as quantitative measures for the to
storage coefficient are thewas selected to
parameters as be
of simulations.
transform method. Time ofunit
concentration and analyze goodnessPast
of fitstudies
[(5), (6),have
(12)].shown that
defined in Clark hydrograph these parameters were successfully used to
storage coefficient
transformation. Thearetime
the parameters to be
of concentration analyze goodness of fit [(5), (6), (12)].
defined the inmaximum
defines Clark travelunittime hydrograph
in the sub
transformation. The time of concentration
basin. It is used in the development of the
defines thehydrograph.
translation maximum travel time in
The storage the sub
basin. It is used in the development
is used in the linear reservoir that accounts of the
translation hydrograph. The storage coefficient
storage affects [(15), (16)]. [1]
is used in the linear reservoir that accounts for 

The affects base
recession [(15),flow
(16)].method is designed to

approximate the typical behavior observed in

The recessionwhen base flow method isflow designed to
watersheds the channel recedes
approximate the typical behavior
exponentially after an event. The observed
initial base in
watersheds when the channel flow recedes
flow at the beginning of a simulation must be
exponentially after an event. 
specified. Two methods areThe initial base
available for

flow at the beginning of a simulation
specifying the initial condition: initial discharge must be

and Two methods
initial discharge per area are[15].
Here initialfor

specifying the initial condition: initial
discharge was selected as one parameter. The discharge

otherinitial discharge
parameter, per area
recession [15]. Here
constant, initial
discharge was selected as one parameter. The [4]
the rate at which base flow recedes between
other parameter,
storm events. It isrecession
defined as constant,
the ratiodescribes
of base 
the rate
flow at current
at the which base time,flow recedes
to the base flowbetween
one Where, are observed discharge,
storm events. It is defined as the ratio
day earlier. There are two different methods for of base simulated discharge, number of the observed or
flow at the current Where,
simulated are observed
data points and meandischarge,of the
determining how to time,
reset to
flow flow one
day earlier. There are two different methods for simulated discharge, number
observed discharge respectively. of the observed or
a storm event: ratio to peak and threshold flow
determining how to reset the base flow during simulated data points and mean of the
[15]. Ratio to peak was selected as a parameter
a storm event: ratio to peak and threshold flow observed dischargeand
All calibration respectively.
validation graphical
in this study after several trials.
The Muskingum routing methodasuses
[15]. Ratio to peak was selected a parameter
a simple representations were numerically analyzed by
in this study after several trials. All calibration
the goodness and
of fit validation
according graphical
to Normalized
conservation of mass approach to route flow
The Muskingum routing representations were numerically analyzed by
through the stream reach.method
However, uses a simple
it does not Objective Function (), NashSutcliffe
conservation the goodness of fit according to Normalized
assume that ofthemasswaterapproach
surface tois route
By efficiency ( ), percentage bias ( ) and
through the stream reach. However, it does not Objective Function (), NashSutcliffe
assuming a linear, but non-level, water surface Root Mean Square Error () values.
assume that the water surface is level. By efficiency ( ), percentage bias ( ) and
assuming a linear, but non-level, water surface Root Mean Square Error () values.


If the simulated values exactly match with the there is a good agreement between the
observed and simulated flows. Table 2 shows
observed,, , and would be
equals to zero, one, zero percent and zero the goodness of fitting between simulated and
respectively. observed flow for validation periods, and the
parameters fall within acceptable ranges. The
observed and simulated discharge hydrographs
3. Results and Discussions are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7 respectively.

3.1 Calibration
For the calibration period, which is from Oct Table 2 - Goodness of Fit for Stream Flow
Dec 1985, simulated daily discharge values Simulation
were compared with observed daily discharge
values. Figure 5 shows the graphical Event
distribution of simulated discharge against

observed discharge. The values of , ,
Oct 1984 to
and are equal to 0.30, 0.96, 4.88% and 1.00 0.76 18% 25
Sept 1985
22 respectively.

3.2 Validation Oct 1987 to

1.00 0.7 17% 34
The time series data from Oct 1984 to 30 Sept Sept 1989
1985 (1 year) and Oct 1987 to Sept 1989 (2 years)
were used for validation of continuous
simulation. Validation results indicate that
Observed discharge
Simulated discharge
Dicharge / (m3/s)




5-Oct-85 15-Oct-85 25-Oct-85 4-Nov-85 14-Nov-85 24-Nov-85 4-Dec-85 14-Dec-85 24-Dec-85

Figure 5 - Observed and Simulated Discharges at Moragaswewa for Oct - Dec 1985

Observed discharge
Simulated discharge
Discharge / (m3/s)

3-Oct-84 22-Nov-84 11-Jan-85 2-Mar-85 21-Apr-85 10-Jun-85 30-Jul-85 18-Sep-85 Time

Figure 6 - Observed and Simulated Discharges at Moragaswewa for Oct 1984 - Sept 1985


400 Observed discharge
350 Simulated discharge
Discharge / (m3/s)

3-Oct-87 11-Jan-88 20-Apr-88 29-Jul-88 6-Nov-88 14-Feb-89 25-May-89 2-Sep-89 Time

Figure 7 - Observed and Simulated Discharges at Moragaswewa for Oct 1987- Sept 1989

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