Rele 25
Rele 25
Rele 25
AbstractThis paper presents a review of power-system syn- At first, it was considered too complex; it was too difficult to
chronization. When two sources are paralleled, it is crucial to match the frequency of two ac (alternating current) power sys-
close the interconnecting circuit breaker when both sources are in tems so that these systems could be paralleled to share growing
voltage, frequency, and phase coincidence. Operators can synchro-
nize manually, or use the latest, state-of-the-art autosynchronizers loads. During the War of Currents George Westinghouse and
(device 25A) and sync-check relays (ANSI/IEEE device 25) to Thomas Edison became adversaries, with Edison promoting
automate closing. Generator and bus synchronization share most direct current (dc) and Westinghouse endorsing alternating
principles, with some important differences for each type of syn- current (ac) as the standard for electric-power distribution.
chronization. For generation plants, closing manually or applying Three-phase ac power distribution won the war because
an automatic synchronizer depends a lot on the plant configura-
tion and operating mode. For bus-line applications, synchronizing of the ease of converting one ac voltage level to another to
depends on power-system stiffness, motor loads, and whether a distribute electric power. However, the problem of paralleling
wyedelta transformer is between the line and the bus. Methods ac systems was more difficult with ac than with dc. In dc
for attaining proper synch-check and fast synchronization are systems only the amplitude needs to be matched. However, in ac
discussed. systems the magnitude, frequency, and angle of the two systems
Index TermsClosing, frequency, phase, protective relays, sync must be matched to connect the power systems (from different
check, synchronization, synchronizer, voltage. generator sources) in parallel with minimal system disturbance.
Early attempts at paralleling power-system sources were
I. I NTRODUCTION aided by Nicola Teslas work on three-phase ac power systems.
Rudimentary investigation showed the possibility of paralleling
S YNCHRONIZATION is the process of matching the volt-
age, frequency, and phase angle of a source (a generator)
to an existing power system, making it possible to operate
sources. Soon it was apparent that sources must match in
voltage amplitude, frequency, and particularly in phase angle,
these systems in parallel. When paralleled, the synchronized to eliminate disturbances in the power system upon paralleling.
power systems can exchange power and load flows. Sources
must have (nearly) identical voltage magnitude, frequency, and III. C ONSIDERATIONS FOR S YNCHRONIZATION
phase-angle relationships to parallel two systems safely. Proper
synchronization provides the following outcomes: Certain conditions must be met to reach synchronization,
1) minimum disturbance to the two paralleled systems; where two ac systems can be connected with no harm to both
2) minimum shock to an oncoming generator (mechanical systems and to the connected loads. The oncoming source must
and electrical); match these power-system quantities to those of the existing
3) equipment lasts longer; saving money; system:
4) rapid loading of the oncoming generator provides power 1) phase sequence;
to loads quickly. 2) voltage amplitude;
When two segments of a grid are disconnected, these seg- 3) frequency;
ments cannot exchange power and load again until the systems 4) phase angle.
are brought back into synchronization.
A. Phase Sequence
Phase sequence is very important for proper synchronization.
One of the arguments against alternating current began during The phase sequence (for example, A-B-C or A-C-B) of the
the War of Currents in the late 19th century [1]. Early inventors oncoming system must match the order of the phase sequence
were concerned about connecting together two power systems. of the existing power system. The process of matching the
sequence is referred to as phasing, and the sources are said
Manuscript received March 7, 2014; accepted May 26, 2014. Date of to be in phase.
publication August 8, 2014; date of current version November 18, 2014. Paper
2014-PSPC-0039, presented at the 2014 IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial
Power Systems Technical Conference, Fort Worth, TX, USA, May 2023,
and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY B. Amplitude, Frequency, and Phase Angle
A PPLICATIONS by the Power Systems Protection Committee of the IEEE
Industry Applications Society. The voltage amplitude, frequency, and phase angle must
The author is with Basler Electric Company, Highland, IL 62249 USA be controlled each time a generator is connected to a power
(e-mail: [email protected]). system. In practice, reaching the exact point where voltage
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at amplitude, frequency, and phase angle match perfectly, and then
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2014.2346698 closing an intertie circuit breaker at this precise moment is not
0093-9994 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
C. Automatic Synchronization
Manual and assisted-manual paralleling schemes have a Fig. 4. Synchronizer connection diagram.
shortcoming. These methods require skilled operators at the
controls to adjust voltage and frequency to avoid costly the oncoming generator is synchronized with the bus and the
damage to equipment caused by improper synchronization. synchronizer commands the intertie circuit breaker to close.
With automatic synchronization, the automatic synchronizer The circuit breaker cannot close instantaneously. To achieve
(Device 25A) monitors voltage, frequency, and phase angle. circuit-breaker closure exactly at 0 , the synchronizer must
The synchronizer outputs correction signals to a generator initiate the breaker-close signal in advance. The circuit-breaker
governor to achieve voltage matching and frequency matching, blades close at minimal phase difference [3].
and provides the circuit-breaker-close output contact. The autosynchronizer gives the close command while the
Because of the importance of restoring electrical power slip-frequency rate is moving slowly, approaching the 0 phase
following an emergency outage, a dedicated automatic syn- angle. The synchronizer calculates the advance angle, issuing
chronizer should be used for each generator, allowing the the close command early to compensate for circuit-breaker-
generators to parallel to each other and to the main bus as closing time. This capability minimizes system transients by
quickly as possible. If the automatic synchronizing equipment closing at 0 (at midnight on a clock face).
includes dead-bus switching, one of the generators can pick The anticipatory autosynchronizer compensates for the ac-
up the dead bus and start the synchronizing process for the tual breaker closing time plus the output-relay contact-travel
remaining generators. An anticipatory synchronizer is best for time (the time for moving the armature of the physical output
this application (see subsection below). relay [6 to 8 ms]). The synchronizer anticipates the actual
As the prime mover brings the oncoming generator to speed, point of synchronism.
the generator voltage is applied to the synchronizer. Fig. 4 The anticipatory synchronizer calculates the advanced angle
shows a typical synchronizer block diagram. When the gen- (AA ) that is required to compensate for the circuit-breaker clos-
erator input voltage reaches a minimum threshold, the syn- ing time by monitoring the slip-frequency rate and the preset
chronizer begins to sense both the oncoming generator and the slip-rate value for breaker closing. It also adds the constant
existing bus for voltage, frequency, and phase angle. The order of the physical relay contact movement time to complete the
of operation is the following: calculation. The mathematical relationship is the following:
1) compare voltages;
2) compare frequency; AA = 360(TCB + TR )FS (1)
3) change voltage to match bus;
4) change frequency to match bus; where
5) compare phase angle; AA . advance angle, which is the electrical phase angle of
6) issue a close command to the intertie circuit breaker the generator with respect to the system bus when the
(Device 52). synchronizer initiates a close command;
When first applied, the synchronizer senses a large difference TCB circuit-breaker close time; this is the time between the
between the sources for voltage and frequency. The synchro- initial application of the close command and the actual
nizer begins to output corrective voltage-amplitude signals contact of the circuit-breaker poles;
and corrective frequency signals to the oncoming generator TR response time of the output relay (68 ms);
to match it with the bus. The process occurs recursively until FS slip frequency.