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08 - Mainwaring - Presidentialism, Multipartism, and Democracy - The Difficult Combination

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Comparative Political Studies


Presidentialism, Multipartism, and Democracy: The Difficult

Comparative Political Studies 1993 26: 198
DOI: 10.1177/0010414093026002003

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Starting from recent analyses that have argued that presidentialism is less favorable for building
stable democracy than parliamentary systems, this article mgues that the combination of a
multiparty system and presidentialism is especially inimical to stable democracy. None of the
world's 31 stable (defined as those that have existed for at least 25 consecutive years)
democracies has this institutional configuration, and only one historical example----Chile from
1933 to 1973--did so. There are three reasons why this institutional combination is problematic.
First, multiparty presidentialism is especially likely to produce immobilizing executive/legisla-
tive deadlock, and such deadlock can destabili7.e democracy. Second, multipartism is more likely
than bipartism to produce ideological polarization, thereby complicating problems often asso-
ciated with presidentialism. Finally, the combination of presidentialism and multipartism is
complicated by the difficulties of interparty coalition building in presidential democracies, with
deleterious consequences for democratic stability.

The Difficult Combination

University of Notre Dame

C hoices of political institutions matter. Institutions create incentives

and disincentives for political actors, shape actors' identities, establish
the context in which policy-making occurs, and can help or hinder in the
construction of democratic regimes. And among all of the choices regarding
institutions, none is more important than the system of government: presi-
dential, semipresidential, parliamentary, or some hybrid.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am grateful to Ronald Archer, Ruth Collier, Michael Coppedge,

Thomas Cronin, Larry Diamond, Caroline Domingo, Manuel Antonio Garret6n, Charles
Gillespie, Evelyne Huber, Daniel Levine, Arend Lijphart, Timothy Power, Fred Riggs,
John Roos, Timothy Scully, Matthew Shugart, and two anonymous reviewers of Compar-
ative Political Studies for helpful information and/or for comments on earlier drafts of this
article. Uma Balakrishnan provided research assistance.

COMPARATIVE POLmCAL STUDIES, Vol. 26 No. 2, July 1993 198-228

1993 Sage Publications, Inc.

from the SAGE Social Science Collections. Allfrom

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Choices of political institutions are especially important during transitions

to democracy. In consolidated democracies, these institutions are usually
well entrenched and are infrequently modified. Political actors have learned
to accommodate themselves to these institutions, and they design their
strategies accordingly. During transition periods, actors have greater oppor-
tunity to design or redesign institutions. It is no coincidence, therefore, that
recent transitions to democracy in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and
elsewhere have generated renewed debate about what political institutions
are most likely to further the objectives of democracy and development.
Considering the importance of the system of government, little serious
scholarship on presidentialism outside the U.S. was produced between the
1960s and the mid-1980s. More recently, however, this has started to change.
In a seminal article that has circulated widely in unpublished form since 1985,
Linz (in press) argued that presidential systems have inherent weaknesses
that make them less favorable to sustaining democracy than parliamentary
systems. 1 Since then, the debate about presidentialism has become a signif-
icant issue related to newly democratizing nations.
Rather than addressing general problems or strengths of presidential
systems, as Linz did, or specific case studies, as several other analysts have
done, this article focuses on a sizable subcategory of presidential systems:
those in multiparty democracies. I argue that the combination of presidential-
ism and multipartism makes stable democracy difficult to sustain. Since
many presidential democracies have multiparty systems, the argument has
broad implications for scholarship and for the political debate about institu-
tional choices in new democracies.
The article examines the poor record of presidentialism in sustaining
democracy for at least 25 consecutive years. Only 4 of 31 stable democracies
have presidential systems, in spite of the abundance of such systems. The
article then briefly notes some weaknesses commonly associated with pres-
identialism: the rigidity associated with the fixed term, executive/legislative
deadlock, and a greater likelihood that the head of government will have
limited administrative and party experience.
The fact that multiparty presidential democracies have a particularly poor
record has not received attention. Not one of the world's 31 stable democra-
cies has this institutional configuration, and there is only one historical
example-Chile from 1933 to 1973-that did so. There have been many
attempts to construct democracy with multiparty systems and presidentialism
but currently, the longest standing democracy with this institutional combi-
1. Several scholars anticipated some ofLinz's arguments, but none had a comparable impact
(Arriagada, 1984; Blonde! & Suarez, 1981; Loewenstein, 1949; Suarez, 1982).

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nation is Ecuador, which has had a democracy-and a troubled one at

that-only since 1979. This situation poses three related questions: why this
institutional combination is inimical to stable democracy, why multipartism
exacerbates the problems of presidentialism, and why presidentialism com-
pounds the difficulties created by multipartism.
Multiparty presidentialism is more likely to produce immobilizing
executiveflegislative deadlock than either parliamentary systems or two-
party presidentialism. In contrast to parliamentary systems, presidential
systems do not have mechanisms intended to ensure legislative majorities.
The president's party often has a majority, or close to it, in two-party systems,
but rarely does so with multipartism. Presidents are often forced to build new
legislative coalitions with every issue. In this regard, multiparty presidential
governments resemble minority parliamentary governments, but in most
parliamentary systems the government lasts only as long as it has majority
legislative support on key issues.
Two-party systems are also likely to be more compatible with presidential
democracy because ideological polarization is less likely with only two
parties. High-entry barriers keep radical actors out of the party system, and
the need to win votes from the center encourages moderation. The absence
of extremist parties and the centripetal nature of party competition favor
democratic stability by assuring actors that electoral and policy losses will
not have catastrophic consequences.
Finally, the combination of presidentialism and multipartism is compli-
cated by the difficulties of interparty coalition-building in presidential de-
mocracies. Multiparty coalitions in parliamentary systems differ in three
regards from multiparty coalitions in presidential systems, all of which make
such coalitions less stable with presidentialism. First, in parliamentary sys-
tems, the parties choose the cabinet and prime ministers, and they remain
responsible for providing support for the government. In presidential sys-
tems, presidents put together their own cabinets, and the parties are less
firmly committed to supporting the government. Second, in contrast to the
situation in parliamentary systems, in many presidential systems legislators
of parties with cabinet portfolios do not support the government. Third,
incentives for parties to break coalitions are generally stronger in presiden-
tial systems.
At a theoretical level, the justification for focusing on multiparty presi-
dential systems is.that, just as is the case in parliamentary systems, the nature
of the party system significantly affects how presidentialism functions.
However, in contrast to the substantial literature on how multiparty parlia-
mentary systems work (especially on coalition building), almost nothing has

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been written about the institutional dynamics of multiparty presidential

systems. The article reopens the old debate on whether multipartism is
inimical to stable democracy by suggesting that it is so specifically with
presidential government. And it adds to the debate on the perils of pre-
sidentialism (Linz, 1990) by arguing that it is specifically the combination
of presidentialism and multipartism that presents problems.


It is important to define how some key terms are used in this article. A
democracy must meet three criteria. First, democracies must have open,
competitive elections that determine who governs. Election results cannot be
determined by fraud, coercion, or major proscriptions, and legislative and
executive office must be decided on the basis of elections. Elections must, in
principle, afford the opportunity of alternation in power, even if, as in Japan,
actual alternation does not occur. Second, in the contemporary period, there
must be nearly universal adult suffrage. Until recent decades, this criterion
was debatable because some nations that were usually considered democra-
cies (e.g., Switzerland) excluded women, but this is no longer the case. Third,
there must be guarantees of traditional civil liberties such as freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, freedom of organization, due process of law,
and so on. 2
Even with a reasonably clear and operationalizable definition of democ-
racy, deciding what governments are democratic involves difficult judg-
ments. In constructing a list of democracies in the post-1945 period, I
tolerated some deviations from the three criteria that distinguish democratic
government. In Stephens' (1989) terms, I counted restricted democracies,
which are characterized by some limitations on participation, competition,
or civil liberties, as well as full democracies. Thus I included Switzerland
before 1971, Chile before 1958, Peru before 1980, Brazil between 1946 and
1964, and several other countries that had restrictions on participation.
Restrictions on participation in South Africa and Western Samoa, however,
are so extensive that they cannot be considered democracies, even though
competitive elections are regularly held and civil liberties are safeguarded
for the voting population. I also allowed for some restrictions on competition,
thereby including Argentina (1958-1962, 1963-1966), Colombia (1958-

2. My definition of democracy essentially follows Dahl's (1971) definition of polyarchy,

except with the additional criterion regarding traditional civil liberties.

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1974), India (1975-1977), and several other cases. Finally, I tolerated some
restrictions on civil liberties.3
A presidential democracy has two distinguishing features. 4 First, the head
of government is essentially popularly elected; this includes the U.S., where
the electoral college has little autonomy with respect to the popular vote.
Legislative elections and postelection negotiations do not determine execu-
tive power. Wherever the head of government is selected by the legislature,
not as a second alternative where the popular vote does not produce a clear
winner, but as the fundamental process, the system is usually parliamentary5
and never presidential. Postelection negotiations that determine which par-
ties will govern and which will head the government are crucial in many
parliamentary regimes, so they indirectly determine who will be prime
minister. Such postelection negotiations are not part of the selection process
of chief executives in presidential systems.
In presidential systems, the president must be the head of government. In
sernipresidential systems (e.g., Finland, France), a popularly-elected presi-
dent is head of state but is not always the head of government. In Austria,
Iceland, and Ireland, a president is elected by direct popular vote but has only

3. Beginning in 1973, my list relies on The Freedom House annual publication Freedom
Around the World. I considered democratic those countries that Freedom House ranked as free.
For the period before 1973, sources consulted for classifying countries according to whether
they are democracies included Dahl (1971 ), Lijphart (1984), Powell (1982), Rustow (1967), and
Stephens (1989), as well as the annual publications The Europa World Year Book, The Political
Handbook of the World, and The Statesman Year-Book. For many purposes, the dichotomous
classification used here (democratic x nondemocratic) would be inadequate, and continuous
categories would be preferable. For present purposes however, it was neither necessary nor
possible to construct a continuous measure of democracy because of the difficulty of getting
adequate data on all countries for such a lengthy time period.
4. For related discussions of how presidentialism should be defined, see Linz (in press),
Lijphart (1984, pp. 68-74), Riggs (1988), and Shugart and Carey (1992, p. 18-27).
5. Switzerland is an exception. The executive (which is collegial) is selected by the
legislature, but the system is not parliamentary because the executive has a fixed term of office.
In Bolivia, as was also the case in Chile before 1973, when no presidential candidate wins an
absolute majority of the popular vote, congress elects the president. But there is a key difference
between these two cases. In Chile, the congress always selected the front-runnerin popular votes;
it did not broker the election but rather confirmed the popular winner, so it can be considered
presidential. If, however, congress plays the dominant role in selecting the president, as is the
case in Bolivia, then the system is not presidential. In Bolivia, the congress gave the presidency
to candidates who did not capture the most votes in 1979, 1985, and 1989. Legislative
negotiations became the primary mechanism for selecting the president. Consequently, the
system is not strictly presidential, but rather alternating; it is presidential when one candidate
obtains an absolute majority in the popular vote, but it is a hybrid when, as has been occurring
consistently, this is not the case. Because the president's term of office is fixed, the system is
not parliamentary.

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Table l
Classifying Systems of Government

Fixed term for head of government?

Yes No
Yes Hybrid Parliamentary
Head of government elected (Switzerland and Bolivia) systems
by legislature?
No Presidential Hybrid
systems (no cases)

minor powers and, therefore, is not the head of government. In all three
countries, the system of government is parliamentary, notwithstanding the
existence of popular elections for president.6
The second distinguishing feature of presidential democracies is that the
president is elected for a fixed time period. Most presidential democracies
allow for impeachment, but this practice is rare and does not substantially
affect our definition because of its extraordinary character. The president
cannot be forced to resign because of a no-confidence vote by the legislature.
In contrast, in a parliamentary system, the head of government is selected by
the legislature and subsequently depends upon the ongoing confidence of the
legislature for remaining in office; thus the time period of the chief executive's
mandate is alterable.
In synthesis, following Lijphart ( 1984, pp. 68-74 ), I define presidentialism
according to two dimensions: whether the chief executive is elected by the
legislature and whether the term of office is fixed. Table 1 portrays these two
Some other arrangements normally are associated with either presidential
or parliamentary government but should not be included in a definition of
presidentialism. Some analysts associate the right of legislatures to interpel-
late cabinet members with parliamentary government, but this practice is also
found in several presidential systems in Latin America. In a few presidential
systems (e.g., Peru), the legislature can call for the dismissal of particular
ministers, another provision more frequently associated with parliamentary
systems. Many presidential systems allow congressional representatives to
become cabinet members; this feature, too, is sometimes considered an
element of parliamentary government.
6. Duverger (1980) argued that Austria, Iceland, and Ireland have semipresidential govern-
ments, but the presidents have only symbolic power in all three cases. What matters is whether
these offices are largely symbolic or, conversely, whether the office holders wield considerable

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Finally, a word is needed about my classification of party systems. By

dominant party system, I mean either a situation in which the same party
continuously wins a majority of seats over a period of several decades
(Sartori's definition, 1976), or one in which, during a shorter democratic
interlude, the largest party wins at least 70% of the seats. In a two-party
system, the larger party has a majority of seats on its own, but alternation in
government takes place. By two-and-one-half parties, I mean that two parties
dominate electoral competition, that one sometimes has a majority, but that
often the largest party does not have a majority. I lump together all cases of
multipartism, though I agree with Sartori that, for other purposes, differences
within this category are important. Moreover, the problems associated with
the combination of presidentialism and multipartism tend to increase as party
system fragmentation becomes greater; thus a higher number of relevant
parties (in Sartori's sense) is more problematic than three or four parties.


Stable (or continuous) democracy is defined here strictly on the basis of

democratic longevity, more specifically, at least 25 years of uninterrupted
democracy. Table 2 lists the world's stable democracies as of 1992.
Presidential systems have not fared well. Out of 31 countries that have
had continuous democracy since at least 1967, only four-the debatable case
of Colombia, plus Costa Rica, the U.S., and Venezuela-have presidential
systems. Twenty-four stable democracies have parliamentary systems, two
have semipresidential systems, and one has a hybrid.
The paucity of stable presidential democracies does not stem from a low
number of cases. I assembled data on democratic governments that existed
as of 1945 or that were created after 1945. 7 I excluded democracies that broke
down before 1945 because of the difficulties in getting data for this period.
I also excluded governments that formed immediately following postcolonial
independence and that broke down within five years. The reason for this
exclusion is that the first elections often were sponsored by the departing
colonial power. Rather than being an achievement of local political leaders
and parties, democracy was established from outside. Moreover, most of the
regimes had dubious democratic credentials from the outset. When a newly
independent semidemocratic or democratic government lasted for at least
five years, it had met some critical tests and deserved to be included among
the efforts at creating polyarchy.
7. This list of democracies is probably not exhaustive; it is easy to miss occasional short-lived

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Table 2
Stable Democracies, 1967-1992

Parliamentary systems (24) Presidential systems (4) Other systems (3)

Australia Colombia Finland (semi-presidential)

Austria Costa Rica France (semi-presidential)
Barbados United States Switzerland (hybrid)
Belgium Venezuela
New z.ealand
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom

Source: Sources listed in note 3.

The post-1945 democracies can be divided into four categories, of which

three are relevant here: (a) democracies that, as of 1992, had enjoyed at least
25 years ofuninterrupted democracy (Table 2); (b) governments that at some
point enjoyed at least 25 years of uninterrupted democracy, but that broke
down after 1945 (Table 3); (c) democratic governments that experienced
breakdowns between 1945 and 1992 without making the 25-year minimum
(Table 4); and (d) extant democracies that have not yet met the 25 year
minimum. This latter category is excluded from the present analysis because
these cases cannot yet be considered stable democracies. Only 7 of 31
(22.6%) presidential democracies have endured for at least 25 consecutive
years, compared with 25 of 44 parliamentary systems (56.8% ), 2 of 4 hybrids
(50.0%), and 2 of3 semipresidential systems (66.7%).
The lack of stable presidential democracies could be unrelated to pres-
identialism, but there are reasons to believe it probably is related. Blondel

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Other Stable Democracies Since 1945"-

Period of democracy System of government Party system

Chile 1933-1973 Presidential Multiparty

Lebanon 1943-1975 Hybrid Multiparty
Philippines 1946-1972 Presidential Two-party
Sri Lanka 1948-1978 Parliamentarl Two-and-one-half
Uruguay 1942-1973 Presidential Two-partyc

a. Countries that had continuous democracy for at least 25 years after 1945 but that experienced
democratic breakdowns.
b. Sri Lanka switched from a parliamentary to a hybrid system in 1977.
c. In the late 1960s, Uruguay moved to a three-party system.

Unstable Democracies Since 1945"-

Period of democracy System of government Party system

Argentina 1946-1951 Presidential Two-pity

Argentina 1958-1962 Presidential Dominant party
Argentina 1963-1966 Presidential Multiparty
Argentina 1973-1976 Presidential Two-party
Bolivia 1952-1964 Presidential Dominant party
Bolivia 1979-1980 Hybrid Multiparty
Brazil 1946-1964 Presidentialb Multiparty
Burkina Faso 1977-1980 Presidential Multiparty
Burma 1948-1958 Parliamentary Dominant party
Colombia 1936-1949 Presidential Two-party
Cuba 1940-1952 Presidential Multiparty
Cyprus 1960-1963 Presidential Two-party
Dominican Republic 1962-1963 Presidential Dominant party
Ecuador 1948-1961 Presidential Multiparty
Ecuador 1968-1970 Presidential Multiparty
Fiji 1970-1987 Parliamentary Two-party
Ghana 1969-1972 Presidential Dominant party
Ghana 1979-1981 Parliamentary Multiparty
Greece 1946-1967 Parliamentary Multiparty
Grenada 1974-1979 Parliamentary Dominant party
Guatemala 1944-1954 Presidential Multiparty
Guyana 1966-1978 Parliamentary Dominant party
Honduras 1957-1963 Presidential Two-party
Indonesia 1950-1957 Parliamentary Multiparty
Kenya 1963-1969 Hybrid Two-party
Malaysia 1957-1969 Parliamentary Dominant party
Nigeria 1960-1966 Parliamentary Dominant
Nigeria 1979-1983 Presidential Multiparty

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Table 4 continued
Period of democracy System of government Party system

Pakistan 1947-1954 Parliamentary Dominant party

Pakistan 1971-1977 Parliamentaryc Dominant party
Pakistan 1988-1990 Parliamentary Multi party
Panama 1945-1949 Presidential Multiparty
Panama 1960-1968 Presidential Multi party
Peru 1939-1948 Presidential Multi party
Peru 1956-1962 Presidential Multi party
Peru 1963-1968 Presidential Multi party
Peru 1980-1992 Presidential Multiparty
South Korea 1960-1961 Semi-presidential Dominant party
Sudan 1986-1989 Parliamentary Multiparty
Surinam 1975-1980 Parliamentary Two-party
Thailand 1968-1971 Parliamentary Multi party
Thailand 1974-1976 Parliamentary Multi party
Turkey 1950-1960 Parliamentary Multi party
Turkey 1961-1971 Parliamentary Multi party
Turkey 1973-1980 Parliamentary Multi party
Venezuela 1945-1948 Presidential Dominant party
a. Democracies that experienced breakdowns after 1945 without enjoying 25 years of consecu-
tive democracy.
b. Between September 1961 and January 1963, Brazil had a semipresidential government.
c. In 1973 a presidential system was replaced by a parliamentary system.

and Suarez (1981), Lijphart (in press), Linz (in press), Riggs (1988), and
Suarez (1982), have argued that presidentialism is less likely to promote
stable democracy. I do not share all of their criticisms,8 and most of the critics
have overlooked some strengths of presidential systems (Shugart & Carey,
1992; Ceaser, 1986). Nevertheless, I agree that presidentialism is generally
less favorable for democracy and that presidentialism has some distinct
liabilities, three of which are highlighted in the following discussion.
Perhaps the greatest comparative liability of presidential systems is their
difficulty in handling major crises. Presidential systems offer less flexibility
in crisis situations because attempts to depose the president easily shake the
8. Linz (in press) and Lijphart (in press) add a fourth liability: the supposedly majoritarian
bent of presidentialism. I disagree with this part of their argument. The most majoritarian
democracies are the Westminster style parliamentary systems with highly disciplined parties, in
which the winning party controls everything for a protracted period of time, possibly despite
winning well under 50% of the votes. Presidentialism is predicated upon a separation of powers,
so that an opposition party or coalition can control the legislature (or one house thereof), thereby
exercising some control over presidential initiatives even if it does not control the presidency. I
agree with Linz and Lijphart, however, that parliamentarism is more conducive to coalition
building. For a critical examination of Linz's seminal piece, see Mainwaring and Shugart (in

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whole system. There are no neat means of replacing a president who is

enormously unpopular in the society at large and has lost most of his/her
support in the legislature. Presidents have resigned when they have lost most
of their support in the legislature, but resignation is a personal act of the
president, and therefore is a noninstitutionalized means of dealing with a
crisis. Moreover, when a president resigns, it often exacerbates a crisis
because the vice president generally lacks the legitimacy accorded the
In many cases, a coup appears to be the only means of getting rid of an
incompetent or unpopular president. For example, in Chile in 1973, oppo-
nents of the Popular Unity government feared that by allowing Allende to
complete his six year term (1970-1976), they would open the door to
authoritarian socialism. Allende had lost the support of the majority of the
legislature, and in a parliamentary system, he would have been voted out of
office. In a presidential system, however, there was no way of replacing him
except for a coup. Given the fear that the Popular Unity government would
not respect the rules of the game and that waiting for Allende's term to end
could result in nonreversible catastrophe, the opposition had strong incen-
tives to support a coup. Thus the effort to get rid of one incompetent or
unpopular person can destroy the regime.
One purported advantage of presidential systems is that "presidential
systems are designed to produce executive stability, and they do so" (Powell
1982, p. 63). But Powell's conclusion is based on the few cases of presidential
democracies, not presidential systems. Only exceptionally is an executive
displaced from office before the end of his/her term without a regime
breakdown in presidential systems, so if we take only the stable democracies,
the higher stability of presidents is not surprising. Suarez (1982) showed that
presidential systems provide less executive stability when we consider all
cases and not only the stable democracies.
As Linz (in press) argues, we need to distinguish between cabinet stability
and regime stability. Parliamentary systems have mechanisms that may lead
to relatively frequent changes in cabinets and governments, but this flexibil-
ity in changing governments may help preserve regime stability. Conversely,
the fixed electoral timetable of presidential regimes apparently ensures
stability in the head of government but introduces a rigidity inimical to
regime stability.
The fixed timetable of presidential elections also has disadvantages for
presidents who get the job done (Blonde! & Suarez, 1981 ). Most presidential
constitutions (those of the Dominican Republic, the U.S., Nicaragua, and the

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Philippines being exceptions) bar the immediate re-election of presidents.

Consequently, presidents are turned out of office even if the general popula-
tion, political elites and parties, and other major actors continue to support
A second liability of presidentialism, a greater likelihood of executive/
legislative deadlock, stems primarily from the separate election of the two
branches of government and is exacerbated by the fixed term of office.
Presidential systems are more prone to immobilism than parliamentary
systems for two primary reasons. They are more apt to have executives whose
program is consistently blocked by the legislature, and they are less capable
of dealing with this problem when it arises. The president may be incapable
of pursuing a coherent course of action because of congressional opposition,
but no other actor can resolve the problem playing within democratic rules
of the game.
A third problem of presidentialism stems from the direct popular election
of presidents, which in itself seems desirable. The downside of direct popular
elections is that political outsiders with little experience in handling congress
can get elected. As the victors in the presidential contests in Brazil in 1989
and Peru in 1990 showed, individuals may create parties at the last minute
in order to run for the presidency, and they often have tenuous linkages to
their parties. This problem is particularly acute if the party system is relatively
weak and if party elites do not control the selection process of presidential
Although I agree with the critics of presidentialism on these key points,
none of this implies that democracy cannot be sustained by presidentialism,
that presidentialism is the main explanation for the vicissitudes of democracy
in certain countries, or that parliamentary government would always work
better. Most presidential democracies have been in Latin America, where in
most countries, several other factors have contributed to democratic instabil-
ity; in this sense, there is a possibility of overdetermination. Moreover, there
is no absolutely clear correlation between the system of government and
policy effectiveness. One presidential democracy (the United States) stands
out as successful by most historical/comparative standards, and Costa Rica
and Venezuela have strong democratic institutions with presidential systems.
Many parliamentary systems have produced effective government, but some
have not, with the Third and Fourth French Republics often being cited as
examples. Finally, the nature of the party system and specific institutional
prerogatives of the executive and legislature can either promote or undermine
the viability of presidential or parliamentary democracy. There are different

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kinds of presidentialism and parliamentarism, and the differences between

one variant and another can be crucial (Shugart & Carey, 1992); differences
in the nature of the parties and party system also crucially affect how well
presidential and parliamentary governments function.


That multiparty presidential systems may be especially unconducive

to democratic stability is suggested by the paucity of stable democracies
with this institutional combination. Table 5 rearranges the list of stable
democracies according to the Rae index of party system fragmentation
and the effective number of parties. 9 The four stable presidential democ-
racies have few effective parties: 1.9 for the United States, 2.1 for
Colombia, 2.2 for Costa Rica, and 2.8 for Venezuela. The means for the
four presidential democracies are an Fs of .55 and 2.2 effective parties.

9. The Rae index (Fs) measures the probability that two randomly selected legislators belong
to different parties. It ranges from zero (all legislators are members of the same party) to one
(each legislator is the only representative of his/her party). It is derived by squaring each party's
share of seats and subtracting the sum of all these squares from 1.00.

Fs= 1-,... 2

where Fs is the index of fragmentation expressed in seats, N is the number of parties, and Pi is
the proportion of seats held by the ith party (Rae, 1967).
The Laakso/Taagepera (1979) effective number of parties (N,) measures how many parties
are in the party system, weighted according to siu. It is derived by squaring each party's share
of seats, adding all of these squares, and dividing 1.00 by this number.

where Ns is the number of effective parties expressed in seats and P; is the fractional share of
seats of the ith party. If every party has an equal number of seats, the number of effective parties
is equal to the number of parties that have seats. If two roughly equal parties control a large
majority and a third has fewer seats, Ns is equal to some number between 2.0 and 3.0, reflecting
the domination of the two largest parties but the presence of a third, but smaller competitor. The
number of effective parties can be derived from the Rae Index through a simple algebraic
transformation. Both the Rae index and the Laakso/Taagepera index can be measured in seats
or votes, but in view of my predominant interest in executive/legislative relationships, I have
used seats.

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Party System Fragmentation and Number of Effective Parties in Stable Democracies (Seats in
Lower Chamber)

Year Fs Ns Type of government

Trinidad and Tobago 1986 .15 1.2 Parliamentary

Botswana 1989 .16 1.2 Parliamentary
Barbados 1986 .20 1.2 Parliamentary
Jamaica 1989 .38 1.6 Parliamentary
New Zealand 1987 .48 1.9 Parliamentary
United States 1988 .48 1.9 Presidential
Malta 1987 .50 2.0 Parliamentary
Liechtenstein 1989 .50 2.0 Parliamentary
Colombia 1986 .53 2.1 Presidential
United Kingdom 1987 .54 2.2 Parliamentary
Costa Rica 1986 .55 2.2 Presidential
Canada 1988 .57 2.3 Parliamentary
Australia 1990 .57 2.4 Parliamentary
Japan 1986 .61 2.6 Parliamentary
Austria 1986 .62 2.6 Parliamentary
Venezuela 1988 .65 2.8 Presidential
Ireland 1987 .65 2.9 Parliamentary
Frnnce 1988 .67 3.0 Semi-presidential
Gennany 1987 .71 3.5 Parliamentary
Sweden 1988 .73 3.7 Parliamentary
Luxembourg 1989 .73 3.7 Parliamentary
Netherlands 1989 .73 3.8 Parliamentary
Italy 1987 .75 4.1 Parliamentary
India 1989 .76 4.2 Parliamentary
Norway 1989 .76 4.2 Parliamentary
Israel 1988 .77 4.4 Parliamentary
Finland 1987 .80 5.0 Semi-presidential
Denmark 1988 .81 5.3 Parliamentary
Iceland 1987 .81 5.3 Parliamentary
Switzerland 1987 .83 5.8 Hybrid
Belgium 1987 .86 7.1 Parliamentary

Sourr:e: Various numbers of Electoral Studies, Keesing's Contemporary Archives, and The
Statesman's Year-Book.
Note: Indian data do not include 14 seats in Assam for which elections were postponed and 4
other contests that were postponed because of the deaths of candidates. In some cases, two
countries have the same Fs index but different values for Ns, or vice versa, because I calculated
Pl to four digits and then rounded.
The means for the 24 parliamentary democracies are an Fs of .60 and 3.1
effective parties; for the three remaining democracies the mean Fs is .73 and
the mean Ns is 4.6.

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Table 6 gives the Fs andNs values for all presidential systems that enjoyed
at least 25 years of uninterrupted democracy, including three countries
(Chile, the Philippines, and Uruguay) that are not currently stable democra-
cies.10 Six of the seven stable presidential democracies have less than three
effective parties. Only Chile had a true multiparty system among the stable
presidential democracies, although Venezuela did so before 1973. The table
also suggests that a number of two-party presidential systems have worked
well enough to allow democracy to endure for at least 25 years.
This correlation between two-party systems and stable presidential de-
mocracy would be irrelevant if two-party systems were the norm in presi-
dential democracies, but this is not the case. Of the 31 presidential democra-
cies listed in Tables 2, 3, and 4, 15 had multiparty systems, compared to 10
two-party systems, 5 dominant-party systems, and 1 two-and-one-half party
system. Only 1 of the 15 multiparty presidential democracies endured for at
least 25 years, compared to 5 of 10 two-party presidential democracies and
to 11 of 21 multiparty parliamentary systems. Although they are not conclu-
sive, the data suggest that the problem may not be presidentialism or
multipartism so much as the combination.
Among stable presidential democracies, the virtual absence ofmultiparty
systems is striking. This observation, however, does not explain why multi-
party systems are less propitious to stable presidential democracy than
two-party systems. Without some logical explanation, it remains possible that
this is an accident or a spurious correlation. But there are reasons to believe
that the combination of presidentialism and multiparty systems makes it more
difficult to achieve stable democracy.
Two-party systems, in and of themselves, are not necessarily a desidera-
tum. They constrict the breadth of opinion represented, and they hinder the
building of coalition governments, making it difficult to establish consocia-
tional forms of democracy (Lijphart, in press). As Sartori (1976, pp. 191-192)
observed, two-party systems become less functional and less viable as the
spread of opinion becomes greater. Nevertheless, in presidential systems a
two-party format seems more favorable to stable democracy. The question is
why multipartism and presidentialism make a difficult combination, why a
two-party system ameliorates the problems of presidentialism, and why
parliamentarism mitigates the difficulties of multipartism.
The answer to these questions, I submit, is threefold. In presidential
systems, multipartism increases the likelihood of executiveflegislative dead-
10. The inclusion of Uruguay as a presidential system is debatable fortbe 1951-1967 period,
but the collegial executive met the two distinguishing criteria of presidentialism discussed above.

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Party System Fragmentation (Fs), Number of Effective Parties (Ns), and Mean Share of
Legislative Seats Controlled by President's Party in Stable Presidential Democracies (Seats in
Lower Chamber)

Elections MeanFs MeanNs President's partya

The Philippines 1953-1969 .436 1.85 63.1%

United States 1968-1986 .475 1.90 45.8%
Colombia 1974-1986 .521 2.09 52.2%
Costa Rica 1974-1986 .592 2.45 50.9%
Uruguay 1942-1973 .595 2.47 49.3%b
Venezuela 1973-1988 .620 2.63 49.9%
Chile 1946-1973 .796 4.90 30.2% 0
Source. Philippines: The Political Handbook of the World. United States: Harold W. Stanley and
Richard G. Niemi, Vital Statistics on American Politics (Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 1988),
p. 90. Costa Rica: Keesing's Contemporary Archives Vol. 20 (May 27-June 2, 1974), p. 26535;
Vol. 28 (May 21, 1982), p. 31499; Vol. 32 No. 5 (May 1986), p. 34350. Colombia: Colombia,
Registradurfa Nacional del Estado Civil, Estad(sticas Electorates (various years) (Bogota).
Chile: Giovanni Sartori, Parties and Party Systems: A Framework/or Analysis (Cambridge and
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1976), p. 313; Ricardo Cruz-Coke, Historia elec-
toral de Chile 1925-1973 (Santiago: Ed. Jurfdica, 1984). Uruguay: Julio Febregat, Elecciones
uruguayas (Montevideo: Senado, 1972), p. 50; CLAEH, Uruguay: lndicadores basicos
(Montevideo: ARCA, 1983), p. 84; "Uruguay: le retour au regime presidentiel," Problemes
d'Amerique Latine No. 5, Notes et Etudes Documentaires No. 3383 (April 19, 1967), pp. 27-28;
Philip B. Taylor, Government and Politics of Uruguay (New Orleans: Tulane University Press,
1960), Appendix B; Julio Fabregat, Elecciones Uruguayas (Montevideo: Camara de Diputados,
1957), pp. 22, 114.
a. Mean share of seats controlled by president's party in lower chamber.
b. From 1951 until 1967, data refer to the share of seats in the Chamber of Deputies occupied
by the party that had a majority of the collegial executive.
c. Chile did not have concurrent presidential and legislative elections, so the share of seats in
the lower chamber controlled by the president's party changed within a presidential term.
Therefore, I used the legislative elections closest in time to the presidential elections. For the
1946-1952, 1952-1958, 1958-1964, 1964-1970, and 1970-1973 presidential terms, I used data
from the 1945, 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965, and 1969 legislative elections, respectively. President
Carlos Ibanez (1952-1958) did not have a party, but ratherran with the support of a coalition of
parties, including the Agrarian Labor Party, the Democratic Party of Chile, the People's
Democratic Party, and the Doctrinaire Party. I used data for all of these parties in calculating the
percentage of seats controlled by the president's party. President Arturo Alessandri (1958-1964)
similarly did not run as the candidate of a party, but rather had the support of the Conservative
and Liberal parties. Consequently, I combined the share of seats of both parties.

lock and immobilism. It also increases the likelihood of ideological polariza-

tion. Finally, with multipartism, presidents need to build interparty coalitions
to get measures through the legislature, but interparty coalition building in
presidential systems is more difficult and less stable than in parliamentary
systems. I develop these points in the next three sections.

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Multiparty presidentialism is more likely to produce immobilizing executive/

legislative deadlock than either parliamentary systems or two-party pre-
sidentialism, and presidential systems are less fitted to handle executive/
legislative deadlock than parliamentary systems. Because of the separation
of powers, presidential systems lack means of ensuring that the president will
enjoy the support of a majority in congress. Presidents are elected indepen-
dently of congress, and the winner need not come from a majority party, if
one exists. In some presidential systems, candidates from small parties make
successful runs for the presidency.
If presidents could govern effectively without a majority, whether or not
they had one would be irrelevant. Presidential systems are predicted upon
the notion that legislatures can block presidential action, thereby providing
an important check and balance, but such checks and balances can lead to
immobilism and deadlock. Cognizant of this problem, most presidential
constitutions have granted presidents greater legislative powers than the U.S.
president has, 11 though presidential powers vary considerably from constitu-
tion to constitution (Shugart and Carey, 1992). In most presidential democ-
racies, the president is largely responsible for policy and legislation, and the
main policy function of congress is overseeing the executive. This fact has
led some observers (e.g., Lambert, 1969) to conclude that presidents have
virtual dictatorial powers. While this perception is accurate for authoritarian
regimes, it is generally not true under democratic governments (Archer &
Chernick 1989; Mainwaring, 1990).
In most presidential systems, the presidential role is marked by ambiva-
lence and ambiguity (Blondel & Suarez, 1981; Suarez, 1982). Presidents
have sweeping powers in some areas, but are weak in others. They are held
responsible for a wide range of activities, but they often have trouble
accomplishing a minimal policy agenda when they do not have secure
support in the legislature. The end result is often unsatisfactory: presidents
monopolize the policy agenda, but when their legislative support erodes, they
11. The vast majority of legislation in Latin American countries is initiated by presidents,
and presidents have most of the capacity to implement policy. They can often veto specific parts
of bills, while the U.S. president must veto or accept an entire bill. Presidents often have more
extensive decree powers than they do in the United States. Most Latin American presidents have
extensive emergency powers. For example, Article 121 of the Colombian constitution of
1886-1991 gave presidents the right to declare all or part of the country under a state of siege,
thereby enabling them to govern by decree. From 1958 to 1989, Colombia was under a state of
siege 75% of the time (Archer & Chernick 1989). Latin American presidents also generally
have broader nominating powers and more extensive patronage resources than presidents in
the U.S.

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still cannot implement their agenda. Congressional support is indispens-

able for enacting laws, and it is difficult to govern effectively without
passing laws. Contrary to common belief, presidents are often weaker
executives than prime ministers, not so much because they have limited
constitutional prerogatives, but because of legislative/executive deadlock.
Yet the myriad conundrums that beset most poor nations require an effective,
agile executive.
While most legislatures lack the power to initiate policy, they have the
power to block the presidential agenda (Archer & Chernick, 1989; Santos,
1986). When congress exercises that power on a consistent basis, an impasse
easily results. Under democratic governments, a system of checks and
balances operates, but this set of checks and balances can paralyze executive
power when the president lacks support in congress. As a result, even though
most presidents are powerful relative to the legislature, they often have
difficulties in implementing their agendas because of congressional opposi-
tion. Since policy-making capability is concentrated in executive hands,
congressional opposition renders effective policy making difficult.
This Achilles' heel of presidential systems exists unless one of the follow-
ing conditions exists: (a) the president's party enjoys a majority in the
legislature and regularly backs the president; (b) a coalition of parties
provides a majority and regularly supports the president; and (c) the president
does not enjoy a stable majority in congress but is able to govern by creating
shifting coalitions. For reasons discussed later, however, condition (b) is
more difficult to establish in presidential systems than in parliamentary
systems, and condition (c) is not likely to be stable. In general, the more seats
the president's own party has in the legislature, the easier it should be to
satisfy conditions (b) and (c). 12
The tendency toward executive/legislative deadlock and immobilism is
particularly acute in multiparty presidential democracies, especially with
highly fragmented party systems. Under these circumstances, the president
is likely to lack stable legislative support, so pushing policy measures through
is apt to be more difficult. Immobilism and sharp conflict between the
executive and the legislature, with potentially deleterious consequences for
democratic stability and/or effective governance, often result. Protracted
conflicts between the legislature and congress can lead to a decision-making
12. This helps explain why divided government has not been more problematic in the U.S.
(Mayhew, 1991), though some (Sundquist, 1988-1989) argue that even in the U.S., divided
government has not functioned particularly well. There is a large difference between the U.S.
case, where presidents' parties generally have at least 40% of congressional seats, and highly
fragmented multiparty cases. In Brazil, for example, President Fernando CoUor de Mello's party
(1990-1992) had less than 10% of the seats in both chambers of congress.

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paralysis (Santos, 1986). In fledgling democracies, such paralysis can have

pernicious results. If, in addition to being highly fragmented, the party system
is also polarized, the difficulties of governing will be compounded.
The likelihood of immobilism is lower in two-party presidential and in
parliamentary systems. Having a two-party system increases the likelihood
that the president will enjoy majority backing in congress, and hence de-
creases the probability of presidential/legislative impasse. Two-party sys-
tems are not necessarily better equipped to handle the problems created by a
lack of legislative support, but they are better at avoiding this problem. The
last column of Table 6 shows that in six of the seven stable presidential
democracies, presidents' parties controlled, on average, over45% of the seats
in the lower chamber.
Parliamentary systems are also generally better at providing stable support
for governments than multiparty presidential systems. Most parliamentary
democracies have majority governments most of the time, so the government
has a secure (though not indefinite) base of legislative support. In contrast,
the very notion of majority government is problematic in presidential democ-
racies without a majority party. In parliamentary systems, majority govern-
ments are those in which the party or parties with cabinet portfolios have a
majority in parliament. In some presidential systems, it is not uncommon for
a government to have a cabinet member from a particular party, only to face
the opposition of many members of that party in congress. Cabinet represen-
tation does not ensure that the party's congressional representatives will
support the government. This dissociation between party affiliations of
cabinet members and party coalitions makes it difficult to define minority
and majority governments on the basis of cabinet portfolios, and there is no
obvious alternative criterion. Whether or not a party is allocated a cabinet
position is not always relevant, for it may be an individual rather than the
party that has the position, and the majority of the party may oppose the
Even though majority governments are the rule in parliamentary systems,
minority governments occur frequently. Strom (1990, pp. 56-92) reported
that between 1945 and 1987, of 345 governments in advanced industrial
parliamentary democracies, 111 were true minority governments. Norway,
Sweden, and Denmark have had more minority than majority governments.
Minority governments garner legislative support by using incentives (polit-
ical positions, patronage, and policy measures) that are similar to those used
in presidential systems. However, there is also a key difference between
minority governments in presidential and parliamentary democracies. The
true minority parliamentary governments in Strom's study (p. 116) lasted an
average of only 14 months. Presidential governments in which executive/

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legislative deadlock arises, in contrast, must go on regardless of whether they

have legislative support, and presidential terms last as long as six years. When
incentives for legislative support break down, parliamentary systems have
institutionalized mechanisms for dealing with the problem; presidential
systems do not.
Not only are multiparty presidential systems more apt to generate dead-
locks, with the fixed electoral timetable and the separation of powers,
presidential systems have no institutionalized means of resolving such dead-
locks (Linz, in press). Because of the fixed electoral timetable, even if
congress opposes a president's programs, it has no way of dismissing the
president except for impeachment. Impeachment, however, is generally
reserved for criminal proceedings, and legislators may have no grounds for
criminally trying a president. Consequently, the opposition may believe that
the only means of deposing an ineffective president is supporting a coup. The
parliamentary mechanism of a no-confidence vote is not available.
Presidents lack tools for pushing policy through during periods of executive/
legislative deadlock. Because most democratic presidential constitutions bar
immediate re-election, presidents become lame ducks rather quickly. Many
begin their terms in strong control of their own parties, but lose this control
as their situation as lame ducks becomes apparent (Coppedge, 1988). They
cannot dissolve the legislature and call new elections, as most prime ministers
can. In conjunction with the lack of a vote of confidence, the absence of this
threat serves as an incentive to party indiscipline in some presidential systems
(Epstein, 1964, 1967). Presidents may painfully await the end of their terms,
incapable of implementing a cohesive policy package because of their lack
of support. The recent (1985-1990) Samey government in Brazil provided
an acute example; one ardent congressional supporter admitted in mid-1989
that the government could only rely on 31 of 570 votes in the legislature. 13
Unlike most prime ministers, presidents cannot dissolve congress and call
new elections. They are sitting ducks-more than lame ducks-if their
congressional support dissipates.
U oder these difficult circumstances of presidential/executive impasse and
a fixed timetable, presidents and the opposition alike are often tempted to
revert to extra-constitutional mechanisms to accomplish their ends. Disgrun-
tled by their inability to effect reform within the limits of the system,
presidents often seek to reform the constitution or go beyond it. Presidential
authority and, along with it, the possibility of coherent policy-making can
erode. Given the necessity of constantly creating new majorities in congress,
presidents often subordinate policy coherence to attempts to win support for
13. /stoe Senhor, No. 1033 (July 5, 1989), p. 25.

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their programs. In countries where parties are undisciplined, presidents

often need to build a new coalition with every piece of controversial
Because the set of checks and balances frequently leads to serious im-
passes, the constitutional prerogatives of presidents and congresses have
been an ongoing battle in many presidential democracies. Frustrated by their
difficulties in implementing policy, presidents often try to pass constitutional
amendments that expand their powers. 14 For their part, legislators are gener-
ally already in a marginal position in terms of policy-making, and they resist
presidential encroachments upon their turf.
Most presidents bargain extensively with congressional representatives to
win support for their programs. They can offer patronage to senators and
deputies who support them, so they are not defenseless when they face a
majority opposition bloc. Nevertheless, securing a stable base of congres-
sional support is difficult under the best of circumstances and nearly impos-
sible in times of economic austerity. Moreover, extensive reliance on patron-
age as a means of building support for policies can lead to poor use of public
Immobilism in presidential democracies has often been a major ingre-
dient in coups (Santos, 1986). In the context of ineffective government,
pressing social and economic problems, and political mobilization encour-
aged by elite actors as a means of winning leverage in a stalemate situation,
authoritarian leaders can win support for coups. Moreover, immobilism can
encourage radicalism, seen as a way of overcoming the inadequacy of
feckless democracies.
While presidents typically have difficulty implementing their programs,
they have enormous-and ever growing-responsibilities. Most presidents
administer huge, complex state bureaucracies. Yet they are constantly en-
gaged in cultivating public support and thus have less actual time to oversee
administrative activities than do prime ministers (Rose, 1981). Moreover,
they generally have less administrative experience than prime ministers
(Suarez, 1982). In Latin America, the gap between demands on, and capa-
14. Every Chilean president from Arturo Alessandri to Allende (1970-1973) either attempted
to bypass congress or to reform the constitution to broaden executive power. President Frei
(1964-1970) ultimately succeeded at the latter, but as Valenzuela and Wilde (1979) note, the cost
was high: the erosion of spaces of negotialion and compromise. Similar problems of immobilism
led to constitutional reforms that enhanced presidential powers in Colombia in 1968 (Hartlyn,
in press) and Uruguay in 1967. The Uruguayan constitution was changed five times between
1918 and 1%7, and the fundamental controversy involved the nature of executive power
(Edelmann 1969). President GoulartofBrazil became frustraled with the limits of working with
congress and demanded in March 1964 (two weeks before he was overthrown) a constitutional
reform that would expand his powers.

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bilities of, the presidency has grown in recent years as a result of severe
economic crises. The economic crises have led to closed, technocratic
decision making within the executive branch, and congresses have been
excluded from economic policy-making. But presidential capacity to handle
these crises has eroded. In the past, the weaknesses of democratically elected
presidents helped justify coups that led to the extreme hypertrophy of the
executive and the emasculation or abolition of congress.
Two-party presidential systems also face institutional rigidity when
executive/legislative deadlock occurs but, as noted earlier, presidents are
more likely to have stable support in congress. In contrast to presidential
systems, parliamentary systems have an institutionalized mechanism for
overcoming deadlocks when they arise. A vote of no-confidence can topple
the government, leading to new elections that may change the balance of
power and help resolve the crisis. This provision allows for replacing, with
less institutional strain, unpopular or inept executives. Frequent recourse to
dismissing governments can breed instability, but this problem can be miti-
gated by measures such as the West German or Spanish constructive vote of
no-confidence. Conversely, if a prime minister is frustrated because of the
difficulty of effecting policy in the face of opposition control of the legisla-
ture, in most parliamentary systems, he/she can call new elections in an effort
to achieve a majority. In either case, there are means of changing the
government without threatening the regime.


Two or two-and-one-half party systems are also more likely to be com-

patible with presidential democracy because ideological polarization is un-
likely. Competition tends to be centripetal because to win a majority, the
parties must win votes from the center of the political spectrum (Downs,
1957). As the British case during its two-party phases shows, the parties can
have clear and differentiated ideologies and programs, but in order to win
elections, they must avoid extremism. In most two-party and two-and-one-
half party systems, parties with a centrist, moderate orientation dominate the
electoral market. Such characteristics generally favor moderation and com-
promise, characteristics that in turn enhance the likelihood of stable democ-
racy (Levine, 1973; Powell, 1982, pp. 74-110; Reis, 1988; Rustow, 1955;
Sani & Sartori, 1983; Sartori, 1976; Scully, 1992). Because of the high entry
barriers, parties of the far right and far left do not have a chance to grow, and
the absence of such parties favors democratic stability.

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Democracy presupposes the willingness of political actors to accept

electoral and policy defeats. This willingness is enhanced when actors
believe that defeats are reversible through the democratic struggle and that
they are not catastrophic. Actors therefore need to establish a set of mutual
guarantees that they will not destroy each other. Constructing such guaran-
tees is easier when extremists are weak and when compromise and modera-
tion prevail. Two-party systems have drawbacks, but their high entry barriers
limit extremism, and their centripetal tendencies generally encourage mod-
eration. Under these conditions, the problems created by the fixed term of
office are less troublesome.
Intense ideological divisions increase the stakes of the political game,
serve as an incentive to polarization and, consequently, are less favorable to
stable democracy. Such ideological divisions are unlikely in the context of a
two-party system. This is one of the reasons why two-party democracies have
been less prone to breakdown.


Thus far the argument has focused on why multipartism exacerbates the
problems of presidentialism. Now I look at why presidentialism makes it
difficult for multipartism to function well, focusing on problems of coalition
building in presidential systems. In multiparty systems, interparty coalition
building is essential for attaining a legislative majority. While the need for
such coalition building exists in both presidential and parliamentary
multiparty systems, three factors make building stable interparty legisla-
tive coalitions more difficult in presidential democracies than in parliamen-
tary systems.
First, party support for the government tends to be more secure in
parliamentary systems because of the way executive power is formed and
dissolved. In a coalition parliamentary government, the parties forming the
government choose the cabinet and the prime minister. Executive power is
formed through post-election agreements among parties and is divided
among several parties. The parties themselves are corresponsible for govern-
ing and are committed to supporting government policy. When they cease
supporting the government, there is a chance that new elections will be called.
The coalition that brings the parties together is binding for the postelection
period. These arrangements help ensure that there will either be legislative
support for the executive or a means of toppling the government.

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In presidential systems the president (not the parties) has the responsibility
of putting together a cabinet. The president may make prior deals with the
parties that support him or her, but these deals are not as binding as they are
in a parliamentary system. Presidents are freer to dismiss ministers and to
rearrange the cabinet than prime ministers in a coalition government are.
Changes in cabinets are usually the president's decision and are not brought
about by party decisions. Presidential autonomy is naming a caabinet is part
of a generally looser institutional arrangement that can easily lead to a lack
of stable congressional support, for just as presidents are less bound to the
parties, so are the parties less bound to the presidents. Coalition partners
are more likely to remain faithful allies if they themselves have negotiated
the terms of the coalition than if they have agreed to terms established by the
Whereas in parliamentary systems, party coalitions generally take place
after the election and are binding, in presidential systems, they often take
place before the election and are not binding passt election day. Executive
power is not formed through postelection agreements among parties and is
not divided among several parties that are corresponsible for governing, even
though members of several parties often participate in cabinets. Governing
coalitions in presidential systems can differ markedly from electoral coali-
tions, whereas in parliamentary systems the same coalition responsible for
creating the government is also responsible for governing. In contrast to the
situation in coalition governments in parliamentary systems, a simple plural-
ity can confer virtually absolute control of executive power (Lijphart, 1990,
in press).
Given the separation of powers, an agreement among parties may pertain
only to congressional matters, with no binding implication for relations
between the parties and the president. Several parties may support the
president during the electoral campaign, but this does not ensure their support
once he or she assumes office. Even though members of several parties often
participate in cabinets, the parties are not responsible for the government.
Parties or individual legislators can join the opposition without bringing
down the government. A president can end his or her term with little support
in congress.
Second, in presidential systems, the commitment of individual legislators
to support an agreement negotiated by the party leadership is often less
secure. The extension of a cabinet portfolio does not necessarily imply party
support for the president, as it does in a parliamentary system. The commit-
ment of individual legislators to vote the party line varies a great deal, ranging
from the extremely cohesive congressional parties in Venezuela to the

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extremely undisciplined catch-all parties in Brazil and Ecuador. Conse-

quently, it is impossible to generalize about what party support for a govern-
ment implies in terms of individual congressional representatives' positions.
In Brazil, for example, the lack of party discipline means that individual
legislators vote however they choose, a fact that reinforces the instability of
congressional support for government policy. In contrast, in parliamentary
systems, individual legislators are more or less bound to support the govern-
ment unless their party decides to drop out of the governmental alliance. MPs
risk bringing down a government and losing their seats in new elections if
they fail to support the government (Epstein, 1964, 1967).
Finally, incentives for parties to break coalitions are stronger in presiden-
tial systems than in many parliamentary systems. In multiparty presidential
systems, as new presidential elections appear on the horizon, party leaders
generally feel a need to distance themselves from the president in office. By
remaining a silent partner in a governing coalition, party leaders fear they
will lose their own identity, share the blame for government mistakes, and
not reap the benefits of its accomplishments (Coppedge, 1988). In brief,
coalition partners fear they will bear the electoral costs usually associated
with incumbency without enjoying the benefits. In parliamentary systems,
the government's composition is determined by the parties, so they are less
apt to follow this logic.


This article has argued that the combination of presidential government

and a multiparty system is problematic. 15 The article underscored the paucity
of stable multiparty presidential democracies and then argued that it is no
accident that most stable presidential democracies have had limited party-
system fragmentation. Although the article has not explored this issue, it
raises the possibility that the liabilities of presidentialism pertain mostly to
situations of multipartism.
If correct, this argument would challenge the prevailing wisdom that the
number of parties does not matter much in determining prospects for stable
democracy. During and shortly after World War II, impressed with the
stability of democracy in Britain and the United States and its breakdown in
Germany and Italy, several scholars (e.g., Duverger, 1954, pp. 206-280;
Hermens, 1941) argued that two-party systems were more favorable to
democracy, and that multiparty democracies tended to be more unstable. The

1S. For a similar argument, see Arriagada (1984).

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tide of this discussion changed in the 1960s and 1970s, with the contributions
of Lijphart (1968, 1977) being particularly significant. Noting that many
multiparty democracies had achieved stability for a long period of time in
the smaller European democracies, Lijphart argued that in plural societies,
with sharp cultural, ethnic, religious, or linguistic cleavages, multiparty
systems could be more propitious in promoting stable democracy. With a
two-party system, significant minorities might be permanent "outs," a situa-
tion that could reduce their willingness to abide by the rules of the game. A
multiparty system could enable these minorities to attain meaningful repre-
sentation and to participate in governing coalitions. This issue is not resolved,
but most recent analysts (e.g., Sani & Sartori, 1983; Sanders & Herman)
1977) have sided with Lijphart.
This debate has overlooked the difference between parliamentary and
presidential systems. Multipartism may not adversely affect prospects for
democracy in parliamentary systems, but it appears to with presidentialism.
Institutional combinations make a difference. Some problems typical of
presidential systems-especially conflict between the executive and legisla-
ture resulting in immobilism-are exacerbated by multipartism. Conversely,
with parliamentary governments but not with presidential governments,
multiparty systems seem as capable of sustaining democratic regimes as
two-party systems. Parliamentary regimes have more coalition-building
mechanisms that facilitate multiparty democracy.
This is not to say that the combination of presidentialism and multipartism
makes it impossible for a democracy to function well. The Chilean case from
the 1930s until the late 1960s shows that presidentialism, multipartism, and
stable democracy can go together, even in an ideologically polarized polity.
However, with this institutional combination, democratic stability hinges
largely on the desire of elites and citizens to compromise and create enduring
democratic institutions. Optimally, political systems should have institu-
tional mechanisms that reinforce such dispositions.
I also do not intend to suggest that institutional issues are always the main
factor in determining whether democracy succeeds or fails. Some societies
face conflicts that are irresolvable in the short run, regardless of institutional
structures. Social, cultural, and economic conditions also affect prospects for
democracy. However, some institutional combinations facilitate and others
obstruct the management of social, economic, and political problems.
The two-party system and exceptionally limited ideological polarization
have contributed to making the U.S. a viable presidential democracy (Riggs,
1988), but these conditions have been difficult to reproduce. Among presi-
dential democracies outside the United States, only Colombia and Costa Rica
have consistently approximated two-party systems. Venezuela has also come

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reasonably close to a two-party system since 1973. 16 Ideological polarization

within the party system is limited in all three countries. Not coincidentally,
these three Latin American countries have the oldest presidential democra-
cies outside the United States.
In most presidential democracies, legislative elections are based on pro-
portional representation with district magnitudes sufficiently large to facili-
tate representation of several parties, making it more difficult for presidents
to have a majority and more likely that the opposition would control a solid
majority in congress. In some countries, including Costa Rica and Venezuela,
the coincidence of presidential and congressional elections has deterred
party-system fragmentation. 17 In Uruguay, citizens must vote a straight party
ticket, and the importance of the presidency has a deterring effect on voting
for parties that have no chance of winning this post. In many countries,
however, presidents' parties do not control anywhere close to a majority of
the seats in congress. Presidents who enjoy little support in congress some-
times get elected, a situation that easily leads to executive/legislative deadlock.
What can be done in terms of constitutional/institutional reform in multi-
party presidential democracies? In terms of the main issues considered here,
there are two possibilities: switching from a presidential system to a semi-
presidential or a parliamentary system, or taking measures to reduce party-
system fragmentation. 18 Unfortunately, mustering political support for major
institutional changes is usually difficult, and it is not easy to design alterna-
tives that would work, even if they had political support.
A change to parliamentary government would be more feasible in some
countries than in others. As Sartori (in press) has argued, effective cabinet
government depends on disciplined parties, a requisite reasonably met in
several presidential systems (Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Venezuela) but
sorely lacking in many others (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador). In the latter
countries, a catch-22 exists: presidential systems have contributed to party
16. Uruguay had a two-party system during most of its democratic history, but moved to a
two-and-one-half or three-party format in the late 1960s. In the 1980s, the Argentine party system
approximated a two-party format, but this was not the case in the 1960s.
17. Shugart and Carey (1992, pp. 226-258) show that where presidential elections with a
plurality format coincide with congressional elections, even with proportional representation
there is some impulse towards a two-party system. Conversely, if these elections do not coincide,
with proportional representation, a multiparty system is likely to emerge. The most likely
explanation for this phenomenon is that the presidency is so important that it polarizes voters
into camps of the two most serious contenders, with a spillover effect on legislative elections.
18. It hears repeating that other institutional features affect how well presidential and
parliamentary systems work and therefore, also should be considered when political elites
contemplate institutional design. What is really needed is a working majority, and rules that
increase party discipline or encourage coalition building could promote this objective.

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weakness but, given this weakness, parliamentary government would have

its risks. A change to parliamentary government would need to simulta-
neously establish mechanisms to enhance party discipline. Because France
and Finland are the only clear examples of semipresidential systems, it is
difficult to evaluate their comparative performance, but in countries with
undisciplined parties, this possibility might avoid some of the problems of
parliamentary systems. 19
In many countries, reducing the number of parties that attain legislative seats
by introducing a higher threshold, by reducing district magnitude in proportional
systems, or by having concurrent congressional and presidential elections would
be feasible and desirable. Such measures could reduce the number of parties with
congressional seats from over a dozen in some cases to four or five. Although
limiting party-system fragmentation is not the only institutional mechanism
that appears to make presidentialism more viable, it is an important possibil-
ity. However, efforts to drastically reshape multiparty systems into two-party
systems, so as to enhance the governability of presidential democracies, are
ill advised. Political cleavages become institutionalized once party systems
have been institutionalized, and elites and followers alike would resist drastic
restrictions on representation. Efforts to restructure a multiparty system into
two-partism would adversely affect legitimacy (Valenzuela, 1985), espe-
cially in party systems with (a) significant ethnic, regional, or religious
parties that would disappear under different electoral rules or (b) a wide
ideological distance. The advantages of bipartism thus diminish where there
are sharp social or political cleavages; under these conditions, reducing party
system fragmentation is still viable, but creating bipartism is not.
Institutional/constitutional reform is neither easy to accomplish politi-
cally nor a panacea. This recognition, however, should not lead to immobi-
lizing pessimism regarding all attempts to achieve reform. The problems of
multiparty presidential democracies may serve as an inducement to explor-
ing such possibilities.

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19. I cannot delve into this complex question in detail here. See the interesting debate
between Linz (in press), who is skeptical of the hybrid formulas, and Sartori (in press), who
advocates them on the grounds that parliamentary government would not work in most of Latin
America See also Carey and Shugart (1992, pp. 55-75) and Duverger (1980).

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Scott Mainwaring is a professor ofgovernment and seniorfellow ofthe Kellogg Institute

for International Studies at the University ofNotre Dame. His books include The Catholic

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Church and Politics in Brazil, 1916-1985 (Stanford, 1986), The Progressive Church in
Latin America (coedited, Notre Dame, ]989), Issues in Democratic Consolidation
(coedited, Notre Dame, 1992), and Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in
Latin America (Stanford University Press, in press). He has published articles in journals
in the United States, Europe, and Latin America.

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