Com 110E Media Writing: "If Your Mother Says She Loves You, Check It Out."

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Fall 2017 (TTH, 10:30 a.m.12:10 p.m.)

If your mother says she loves you, check it out.

-- Old journalism standard

Professor: Colin M. Donohue

E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
Office Phone: (336) 278-5850
Office: McEwen 101E
Office hours: 1-3 p.m. MW, and by appointment. E-mail is the fastest and
easiest way to reach me.

Please read the syllabus carefully. NOTE: Actively check your e-mail. I will
often send class notices via e-mail.

Catalog Description

Clear, logical writing is necessary to communicate effectively to an audience.

This course focuses on background research, interviews, accuracy,
attribution and styles of writing (print, broadcast, online, news releases).
Grammar and language skills are refined, and Associated Press style is

Course Goal

Teach accepted practices and skills used in writing for mass media.

Course Objectives

Students will be able to:

gather information from multiple sources and critically evaluate the

credibility of sources.
incorporate truthful, accurate and fair information into written, aural or
visual forms consistent with professional requirements.
create content that reflects domestic and global diversity of sources,
words and images and that avoids the use of stereotypes.
demonstrate proficiency in content organization, grammar, spelling
and mechanics, including the ability to use Associated Press style.
compare and contrast writing for different audiences, different media
and across multimedia platforms.
write with accuracy and clarity in forms appropriate to the topic,
audience and medium.
apply numerical concepts such as percentages and proportions.

Course Materials

Tim Harrower, Inside Reporting: A Practical Guide to the Craft of

Journalism, Third Edition (McGraw Hill: New York, 2013).
Associated Press Stylebook, 2016 edition (The Associated Press: New
York, 2016)
Patricia T. OConner, Woe Is I, Third Edition (Riverhead Books: New York,
A new 1-inch binder and clear-plastic pages for your work portfolio. It
must be new because your final portfolio must evoke an air of
Reporters Notebook (suggested)

School of Communications Professional Standards Policies

The School of Communications has adopted the following minimum policies

to provide students with a clear understanding and consistent application of
course expectations, since journalism and communications are disciplines
with rigorous professional standards. Teachers may designate more
stringent policies on their course syllabi.

Attendance Policy: Students in the School of Communications are

expected to attend all classes. Just as professionals go to work each day, we
expect students in a professional school to come to class on time and be
prepared to work. A student who misses more than 20 percent of scheduled
classes in a term (more than eight absences for classes meeting three times
a week, more than five absences for classes meeting twice a week, more
than three absences for classes meeting during Winter Term) automatically
receives an F because the student has missed too much content and
participation to pass a course in a professional school. Teachers will lower
the final grade in a class for each absence beyond the equivalent of one
week of class (three absences for classes meeting three times a week, two
absences for classes meeting twice a week, and one absence during Winter
Term or a summer session) as indicated in the course syllabus. An exception
may exist for a student who misses more than a week of classes for a
sanctioned university activity, such as presenting research at a national
forum, class travel or university athletic travel. Students participating in
such events must submit a written request in advance to the professor.

Coursework: If students miss a class because of illness, participation in a

university-sponsored activity, job interview or other causes, they have
missed valuable content and engaged learning. In this sense, excused and
unexcused absences are no different. To ensure that students avoid gaps in
the progression of a course, professors may assign additional work. For
example, a professor may require a student to write a 400-word summary of
material covered in a missed class session or complete an additional lab
assignment that demonstrates comprehension of material covered.

Tests and Examinations: If students miss a quiz, test or examination they

must submit a written request for a makeup to the professor. Students who
miss a final examination must secure permission for a makeup from the
department chair. As indicated in the Elon University Faculty Handbook,
students are not guaranteed permission to make up examinations and have
no guarantees about the impact of the absence on their final grade for the

Assignments: Professionals meet deadlines. All assignments should be

submitted on time, and they are due on the assigned date even if the
student is absent from class. A teacher may choose not to accept late work,
or to lower a grade by one letter for each weekday it is late.

What Say I?

There are course requirements specific to my section of Media Writing. I

have outlined them below.

Course Requirements

To accomplish the goals laid out for this course, you must demonstrate
proficiency in and completion of the following tasks.

Quizzes: You will take a quizzes to test your knowledge of assigned

readings, grammar, AP Style and current events. See the syllabus for those

Reading Assignments: This course is writing and reading intensive.

Because we cover a lot of ground in Media Writing, you will be required to
read an abundance of material. That means reading the entire text book, a
grammar book, the AP Style Book, newspapers and other outside pieces, as
assigned. All readings should be completed before you come to class. Be
prepared to absorb a great deal of information, all of it enriching and
foundational. It will be important to you as you continue advancing in this
field. You will be tested on your readings through the weekly quizzes and the
final examination.

Writing Assignments: Media writing accurately implies that you will learn
how to write across multiple media platforms. In this class, you will learn
how to compose basic print, broadcast, online and PR pieces. The only way
for you to become competent in all these forms is to write, write, write. You
will be expected to complete a number of writing assignments both in and
outside of class. All writing assignments MUST be typed and double-
spaced, unless otherwise indicated. Deadlines are firm and final. You
are preparing for a career in which late work could cost you your job. In this
course, late work will cost you your grade. Late work will not be
accepted. Anything that comes in past deadline receives a zero.

Final Portfolio: Heed my copy editing suggestions. I will line edit some of
your work, correcting for grammar, style, clarity, etc. You are required at
the end of the fall semester to resubmit your class writings to me in a new
1-inch binder. This will serve as a professional product that you can show to
potential internship coordinators and media professionals when you apply for
internships. So make it look superior: Put all stories in clear plastic pages.
The portfolio is not simply a busy work add-on to this course. It is a vital
component because it provides you with a product to display to employers.
It will help you land an internship if you put in the proper work to edit your
material. The portfolio is worth 10 percent of your grade. Update it
throughout the fall.

Final Exam: The exam will consist of AP/grammar questions, true/false,

multiple choice, short essay and comprehensive writing components. It will
test you on what you learned throughout the entirety of the fall semester.
We will take time during the last class session before the final to review.

Homework: Obviously, your reading assignments are homework. But

occasionally, I will ask you to do work in addition to the readings. You are
expected to complete the homework and turn it in the next class. These are
short, but important, assignments.

Participation: I expect you to participate in classroom activities. Many

times students provide unique insights into class material that have lasting
impressions on the other students taking the course. While this is not a
seminar, there will still be opportunities to engage in class discussions, and I
will expect you to participate actively. Participation and homework combine
to form 10 percent of your final grade.
Grading Procedures

The university defines grades as follows:

A indicates distinguished performance,
B indicates above-average performance,
C indicates an average performance, in which a basic understanding of
the subject has been demonstrated,
D indicates a passing performance despite some deficiencies, and
F indicates failure.

In this course, the grading works like this:

Writing/Reporting assignments 50 percent
Quizzes/In-class work 10 percent
Participation 10 percent
Final examination 20 percent
Final Work Portfolio 10 percent

Number grades translate into these letter grades:

A: 93-100
A-: 91-92
B+: 89-90
B: 85-88
B-: 83-84
C+: 81-82
C: 77-80
C-: 75-76
D: 70-74
F: less than 70

Grading Template:

Accuracy and truth are the core principles of all journalists. Factual errors
and misspelled names in your articles will cost you half an assignments
points, forcing an automatic failure. Triple check all factual claims and
names in your stories before you turn them in. As the old journalism
standard goes, If your mother says she loves you, check it out. Also pay
attention to other spelling, grammar, punctuation and AP Style mistakes.
And remember, missing a deadline will result in a zero.

Your writing assignments will be graded based on the following criteria:

1. Accuracy: All your work must present factual matter correctly. All
names must be spelled correctly. All stories should be accurate
portrayals of events. Again, misrepresenting false information as
factual and spelling names wrong will cost you half an assignments
2. Clarity: You may have done some of the finest reporting work in
known history, but if you cant present your information in a clear and
coherent manner, then it will have no effect on your audience. Word
choice, organization and simplicity all contribute to clarity. Be sure to
use active voice. Get to the point. Give the details. Get out. People will
always ask, Why should I care? If your article is clear, theyll know
right away.
3. Style and Grammar: AP Style is the industry standard. Grammar
rules always apply to whatever you write. You should be proficient in
English grammar.
4. Organization: Is your nut graf readily available? Do ideas flow
naturally? Are your transitions intuitive and clear? Does the story
move easily from idea to idea? All these questions are at the heart of a
storys organization.
5. Completeness: You must cover completely any event to which you
are assigned. Include all pertinent information. A cursory examination
of a topic will leave readers questioning your credibility and your
6. Ledes, Quotes and Kickers: Always be sure to write a lede that best
describes the event or situation. Dont back-in to your story. Find
telling quotes that advance a story and give some flavor to your
readers. And be sure to end on a strong note. The lede sucks readers
in. The quotes add the spice. The kicker leaves an imprint.

Honor Code

All work done in this class is expected to be your own. DO NOT

PLAGIARIZE OR FABRICATE! I will spot-check your work periodically
throughout the semester to ensure that all work is original and not lifted or
completely made up. You may not recycle someone elses work or your own.
You may not lift material from another source without proper attribution. If
you plan to paraphrase material, the words you write must be substantially
different from the material from which youre working. Even in that instance,
though, give credit where credit is due. Attribution is key. If you do one-on-
one interviews for an outside assignment, you must provide me with names
and contact information so I can ensure that all quoted material is accurate.
If you are caught plagiarizing or fabricating or simply masquerading
someone elses ideas as your own, you will earn a failing grade for that
assignment. If you deliberately fabricate a story, you will fail the course.
All students are expected to uphold the four fundamental values of the Elon
Honor Code:


Breaches of these values will result in an academic or social honor code

violation report. Honor code violations include: plagiarism, lying, cheating,
stealing or vandalism, and facilitating academic dishonesty. These violations
may result in the lowering of a grade or failure of a class. While intent
may be considered in assigning sanctions, it is not a factor in determining
responsibility for an offense. Students should consult with their professor if
they are uncertain about whether specific activities are violations of the
honor code.

Definitions and examples of each of the Honor Code violations above may be
found at

Students with Challenges: Students with challenges, including physical

challenges, learning disabilities or serious health concerns, should discuss
their needs with me and provide me with the Elon documentation available
to students with special needs. If you have a concern, and you do not have
documentation, contact Susan Wise for more information. Office phone:
336-278-6500. E-mail: [email protected]. Necessary accommodations can
be arranged.
COM 110E Media Writing Fall Course Schedule
Wk# Day Date Topic Readings Notes
1 Tue 8/29 Introduction In-Class Writing
Th 8/31 Style - AP letter "A" Diagnostic Grammar
(Bring AP book to all and Punctuation Test; sample, ungraded
classes) Style & editing quiz
marks sections in
2 Tue 9/5 Communication - Harrower Quiz
Basics & Feature Preface, Ch. 1, 2,
Story Discussion pg. 208-209
- AP letters B,
- Woe Ch. 1
Th 9/7 Writing - Mrs. Kellys In-Class Writing
Monster by Jon
3 Tue 9/12 Reporting Basics - Harrower Ch. 4, Quiz
pg. 220-227
- AP letters D,
- Woe Ch. 2
- All the
Presidents Men
Ch. 1
Th 9/14 Interviewing, - The Art and In-Class Writing
Quotations Craft of Feature
Writing Ch. 3 OUTSIDE
Capo Crucet, 5 p.m.,
Alumni Gym. TURN IN
4 Tue 9/19 News Writing, Ledes - Harrower Ch. 3, Quiz
pg. 241
- AP letters "F, In-Class Writing
- Woe Ch. 3 OUTSIDE
20: Siddhartha
Mukherjee, 7:30 p.m.,
McCrary Theatre. STORY
Th 9/21 After the Lede, - The Art and Bring 2 Printouts of your
Story Structure Craft of Feature Mukherjee Stories to
Writing Ch. 4 Class Today.
5 Tue 9/26 Feature Writing and - Harrower Ch. 6, Quiz
Covering Meetings pg. 264-285
- AP "H, I and J" OUTSIDE
- Woe Ch. 4 ASSIGNMENT: Rich
Benjamin, 7:30 p.m.,
Whitley Auditorium.
BY 2 A.M.
Th 9/28 Fly-out-the-Door - The Art and In-Class Writing
Craft of Feature
Writing Ch. 6
6 Tue 10/3 Headline Writing, - Harrower Ch. 5, Quiz
Generating Story pg. 228-230,
Ideas 240, 246-251 OUTSIDE
- Woe Ch. 5 MONDAY, OCT. 2:
Attend Town of Elon
agenda-setting meeting
at 6 p.m. STORY DUE

Bring 2 Printouts of Your

Meeting Stories to Class
Th 10/5 Budget Meeting MEET IN MCEWEN 213

Cameron, 3:30 p.m.
7 Tue 10/10 Feature Story FEATURE STORIES
Presentations DUE TODAY.
Th 10/12 Work on Portfolio
8 Tue 10/17 No class No class
Th 10/19 Internships/Careers Bring a copy of your
resume to class.
9 Tue 10/24 Broadcast - Harrower Ch. 9 Quiz
- AP N, O and P
- Woe Ch. 6
Th 10/26 Broadcast In-Class Writing
10 Tue 10/31 PR - Harrower Ch. Quiz
- AP Q,R and S
- Woe Ch. 8
Th 11/2 PR In-class writing
11 Tue 11/7 Online Reporting - Harrower Ch. 8 Quiz
and MMJ - AP T, U and V
& social media OUTSIDE
guide in back ASSIGNMENT
- Woe Ch. 9, 10 MONDAY, NOV. 6:
Active Citizen Series,
5:30 p.m., McBride
Gathering Space. STORY

Bring 2 Printouts of your

Active Citizen Series
Story to Class Today.
Th 11/9 Script Coverage - AP W-Z Quiz
- Woe Ch. 11
- Comm Terms In-Class Writing
12 Tue 11/14 Fly-out-the-Door - Woe Ch. 12 In-Class Writing

Phelps Munter, 7 p.m.,
Whitley Auditorium.
Th 11/16 Portfolio Work FINAL WRITING
13 Tue 11/21 No class No class
Th 11/23 No class No class
14 Tue 11/28 Deadline Reporting In-Class Writing
Th 11/30 Media Law/Libel Law - Harrower Ch. 7 Quiz
15 Tue 12/5 Media Ethics
Th 12/7 Final Review
Final Th 12/11 FINAL for Media 11:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. ending time
Exam Writing COM110E starting time

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