The Value of Art Expression in Trauma2016
The Value of Art Expression in Trauma2016
The Value of Art Expression in Trauma2016
The benefits of creating art and engaging in the creative process to promote emotional
expression, cope with traumatic stress, and strengthen sense of self are many. The following list
summarizes a few of the important themes and considerations connected to trauma-informed
work and how the process of art-making can help to achieve grounding, reflection and growth.
Non-art therapists are advised that the information in this document does qualify as practicing art
therapy (per the American Art Therapy Associations Ethical Principle 8.6, 2013).*
Visual Voice: Art expression is a powerful way to safely contain and create separation from
the terrifying experience of trauma without the necessity of or reliance on verbal language to
share ones story (Morrissey, 2013). This creative manifestation can become a visual voice
that can help retrieve content from lower-functioning parts of the brain where traumatic
experiences live without words and can transform into drawings on paper, molded into clay,
painted onto a canvas and more. Art safely gives voice to and makes a survivors experience
of emotions, thoughts and memories visible when words are insufficient.
Finding Safety: Activating and using the imagination to convey visual symbols and
representations of safety through creative experiences can help bring some relief associated
with overwhelming states of fear and alarm. Art making can help restore a sense of emotional
safety and wellbeing (Cohen, Barnes, & Rankin, 1995) which is an essential foundation to
start stabilizing terror into manageable states of contentment and security.
Structured, Sensory Intervention: Steele (2003) speaks to the challenges that trauma has
on our explicit (cognitive) vs. implicit (sensory) memory. Engaging in the expression of art
as a form of trauma intervention taps into the implicit functioning of the brain that can tell the
experience of trauma through visual representations, not words. TLCs SITCAP leverages the
power of drawing to access sensory-based content for the expression of powerful emotions
often connected to trauma, such as fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, guilt and shame (Steele &
Kuban, 2013).
Empower Resilience: In an article about neurobiology, trauma and art expression published
in the art therapy literature by Hass-Cohen, Clyde Findlay, Carr, and Vanderlan, (2014) the
authors highlight, trauma-informed, resiliency-orientated interventions increase a persons
mastery, coping and quick recovery from short- and long-term stress responses (p.71).
Engaging in art supports the survivor to make choices, problem solve, make meaning, and
safely learn how to successfully navigate trauma reactions and stresses in the safety of the
therapeutic experience. This creative process also strengthens ones internal locus of control
and empowers new ways of seeing the self and the recovery path ahead.
*Guidelines on when to make a referral to or contact an art therapist:
The child/teen expresses feelings, thoughts, and experiences more easily through
visual images and art-making;
The child/teen expresses an intense affect or reaction during or after creating art;
The child/teen has a history of preverbal trauma;
The artwork is disturbing to the therapist or the therapist has questions about how to
respond to it.
American Art Therapy Association (2013). Ethical principles for art therapists. Alexandria, VA:
Cohen, B., Barnes, M., & Rankin, A. (1995). Managing traumatic stress through art. Baltimore: The
Sidran Press.
Hass-Cohen, N., Clyde Findlay, J., Carr, R., & Vanderlan, J. (2014). Check, change what you need
to change and/or keep what you want: An art therapy neurobiological-based trauma
protocol. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 31(2), 69-78.
Morrissey, P. (2013). Trauma finds expression through art therapy. Health Progress: Journal of the
Catholic Health Association of the United States. May-June 2013, 44-47.
Steele, W., & Kuban, C. (2013). Working with grieving and traumatized children and adolescents:
Discovering what matters most through evidence-based, sensory interventions. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley & Sons.
Steele, W. (2003). When cognitive interventions fail with children of trauma: Memory, learning, and
trauma intervention. The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.
Republished with permission from the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children (TLC)
October 2014
For use by the American Art Therapy Association, 2016