Section 10.10 Pud (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone: Article X Zones 1 0 - 2 3
Section 10.10 Pud (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone: Article X Zones 1 0 - 2 3
Section 10.10 Pud (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone: Article X Zones 1 0 - 2 3
b. The legislative body shall, within forty-five (45) days after receiving
the recommendations of the planning commission, review said
recommendations and take action to approve or disapprove said
PUD application. Such action may incorporate any conditions
imposed by the planning commission. However, should the
legislative body take action to impose different conditions than
were reviewed and considered by the planning commission, then
said conditions shall be resubmitted to the planning commission
for further review and recommendation, in accordance with
Subsection C., 1., a., above. Approval of the PUD Overlay Zone
shall require that development be in conformance with the Stage I
approved plan.
2. Stage II - Plan and Record Plat - A Stage II Plan and Record Plat shall be
developed in conformance with the Stage I approved plan and in
accordance with the requirements of Section 9.20, B. and C., and
submitted to the planning commission for its review. Except for the
manner of submission and processing, the subdivision regulations may
be waived, where applicable, and the requirements of Section 9.20, B.
and C. shall be substituted therefore. Those requirements not
specifically waived by the planning commission shall conform with the
subdivision regulations.
E. COMMERCIAL USES: Commercial uses, intended primarily for the service and
convenience of residents of the PUD, may be permitted within the project area,
provided a market analysis is made justifying the need for said uses.
1. Bakery shop
2. Banks
3. Beauty or barber shops
4. Business or professional office
5. Clothing store
6. Delicatessen, grocery, meat, fruit, or vegetable market;
7. Drug store
8. Hardware stores
9. Laundry/dry cleaning pick-up stations, or self-service facilities
10. Restaurants
11. Shoe repair shops
Another use may be substituted on the approved plan for a use previously
approved providing it is one of the above listed uses and providing said use will
not involve any building expansion beyond the approved plan and further
providing that said use is approved by the zoning administrator.
1. Churches
2. Community centers, including day care facilities
3. Country clubs
4. Fire or police stations
5. Libraries
6. Open space/recreation areas
7. Schools (nursery, elementary, and secondary)
J. FENCES, WALLS, AND SIGNS: The location, height, and type of all fences,
walls, and signs, shall be as approved in the plan.
N. EXPIRATION: Any amendment to the PUD Overlay Zone shall be subject to the
time constraints, as noted below. Upon expiration of said time period, and any
extensions thereto, the legislative body may initiate a request for a public
hearing by the planning commission, in accordance with the requirements of
KRS Chapter 100, for the purpose of determining whether said PUD Overlay
zone should revert to its original zoning designation. A public hearing may be
initiated if either of the following conditions apply:
1. Stage II Plan has not has not been approved by the planning
commission within a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months from
the date of the Stage I approved plan and Overlay Zone amendment by
the legislative body; provided that an extension may be permitted upon
approval of the legislative body or their duly authorized representative if
sufficient proof can be demonstrate that prevailing conditions have not
changed appreciably to render the Stage I approved plan obsolete.