08 Ra41218en40gla0 RL40 Amc
08 Ra41218en40gla0 RL40 Amc
08 Ra41218en40gla0 RL40 Amc
Outer Link Quality Control (OLQC) adapts the channel quality information
that is used by the scheduler and link adaptation to achieve target block
error ratio (BLER) for the first transmission of a Transport Block
OLQC adds a CQI offset to the CQI reports that are provided by the UE
via the UL L1/L2 signaling.
The corrected CQI report will then be provided to the DL link adaptation
and MIMO mode control for selection between Transmit diversity and
Spatial Multiplexing
Starting from the initial value the CQI offset will be adjusted in response
to the ACK/NACK for the first transmission of a transport block that is
provided by the UE via L1/L2 control signaling
The averaging period for the CQI values reported by the UE are set by
the MIMO mode Control parameters mimoClCqiAvg &
min( CQI(t 1) CQI stepup , CQI max ), for new transmisssion HARQ feedbacks ACK * ACK*,
max( CQI(t 1) CQI
stepdown , CQI min ), for new transmission HARQ feedbacks NACK * * NACK * *,
min(max( CQI(t 1) (CQI stepup CQI stepdown ) / 2,
for new transmission HARQ feedbacks ACK * NACK * *,
CQI(t ) CQI min ), CQI max ),
min( CQI(t 1) CQI stepup , CQI max ), for new transmission HARQ feedbacks ACK * N/A,
max( CQI(t 1) CQI stepdown, CQI min ), for new transmission HARQ feedbacks NACK * * N/A,
CQI(t 1), for new transmission HARQ feedbacks N/A N/A.
* the ACK feedback for a new transmission shall be mapped to N/A for the considered code word in the following two cases in order to supress an upgrade of
the CQI offset:
The considered new transmission of the corresponding code word has been done with the maximum possible MCS that is possible for the considered
UE (UE capabilities) and eNodeB (enabling/disabling of certain modulation of coding formats). In this case only a downgrade of the MCS and the CQI
offset shall be allowed since the maximum possible MCS is reached and the channel conditions might be much better than indicated by the MCS.
MCS downgrade has been done for the considered new transmission of the considered code word (due to the fact that the selected transport block
exceeds the peak data rate or the amount of buffered data of the considered UE). In this case only a downgrade of the MCS and the CQI offset shall be
allowed since the channel conditions might be better than indicated by the MCS.
** the NACK feedback for a new transmission shall be mapped to N/A for the considered code word in order to suppress a downgrade of the CQI offset:
The considered new transmission of the corresponding code word has been done with the minimum possible MCS that is possible for the considered
UE and eNodeB. In this case only an upgrade of the MCS and the CQI offset shall be allowed since the channel conditions might be worse than
indicated by the MCS.
Therefore, CQIstepdown can be calculated from the parameters CQIstepup and the dlTargetBler as:
1 - BLER target
CQIstepdown CQIstepup . Target BLER DL
BLER target LNCEL;0.0010.999;0.001; 0.1
The aim of the link adaptation is to estimate the transport block size for a
UE and a certain set of allowed resource blocks (frequency resources) for
For the Downlink Data Channel a fast Adaptive Modulation and Coding
(AMC) functionality based on UE reported CQI is performed by the AMC
AMC selects a suitable Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) for the
PRBs/RBGs assigned to a UE as indicated by the downlink scheduler.
Retrieve Default MCS
HARQ retransmission? Yes
Use default MCS Determine averaged CQI Use same MCS as for initial
MCS is decided based on value for allocated PRBs transmission
Enable Adaptive Modulation and End
Coding in DL
LNCEL; true, false ; true
dlamcEnable iniMcsDl
Enable Adaptive Modulation and Initial MCS in DL
Coding in DL LNCEL; 028; 1 ; 4
LNCEL; true, false ; true
The mapping of the averaged CQI to an MCS level shall be performed by mapping the
modulation scheme and code rate of the CQI table according to [3GPP-36.213]
In case of the averaged CQI value falling in-between two CQI indices with different
corresponding modulation scheme, the scheme with the lower modulation order will
be chosen
For dual codeword transmission link adaptation has to be performed per codeword if
CQI information per codeword is available (i.e., for closed loop MIMO transmission
If only wideband CQI information is available for a UE the corresponding MCS level
can be mapped directly (without a preceding averaging step).
If no new CQI values were received for a UE, and the UE is scheduled nevertheless,
the MCS shall be determined as described above provided the latest available CQI
information is not older than dlamcTHistCqi
If dlamcTHistCqi is exceeded (or CQI values are not yet available) the initial MCS
(iniMcsDl) shall be applied. dlamcThistCqi
Time in TTIs for which historical
Initial MCS in DL
CQI is remembered in AMC
LNCEL; 028; 1 ; 4
Vendor-specific parameter
18 Nokia Siemens Networks RA41218EN40GLA0
CQI-to-Aggregation Mapping unit
Broadcast, Tag, DCI-format, CSS, Prio-A;
CQI from DL-AMC/DL-OLQC Paging, Tag, DCI-format, CSS, Prio-B;
RACH Response, Tag, DCI-format, CSS, Prio-C;
Preamble Assignment, Tag, DCI-format, CSS, Prio-D;
Message 4 Assignment, Tag, DCI-format, CSS, Prio-E;
CQI filtering/processing UE-1, Tag, DCI-format, USS, Prio-X;
UE-2, Tag, DCI-format, USS, Prio-Y;
UE-k: ...;
Filtered, compensated {
and shifted CQI UE-1, Tag, USS, Prio-X;
UE-2, Tag, USS, Prio-Y;
formats UE-k: ...;
CQI-to-Aggregation Mapping
1a CQI-to-Aggregation Mapping unit relies on UE-
specific CQI information to build the list of required
AGG levels for all possible DCI formats for every
active UE (UE which appears on the DL/UL
scheduling list).
REQUIRED_AGG_LIST = REQUIRED_AGG_LIST must refer to all active
{ UEs so that the schedulers know how many
UE-1: pdcchCQI, AGG-DCI0, AGG-DCI1, ; resources are needed to allocate them.
UE-2: pdcchCQI, AGG-DCI0, AGG-DCI1, ;
Common signaling (e.g. Broadcast, Paging, etc.)
; is not considered at this step; the mapping affects
UE-k: ...; UE Search Space (USS) only.
SFsmallDCI = 10*log10(DCI_size/45)
SFlargeDCI = 10*log10(DCI_size/60)
Mapping table for 45/60 bits payload composed
based on CQI-to-SINR formula (4GMax)
Full rdPdcchAggTables for all available DCI formats (10MHz system bandwidth)
If a PDCCH payload is missed the User Equipment (UE) cannot know whether it has been
scheduled and on which time/frequency resources.
UE e-NB TTI n+y ?
Waste of Resources!
deltaCQI from OLQC is used to control the PDSCH and PDCCH inner loop link (ILLA)
adaptation. It is the PDSCH OLQC offset available and calculated based on the
Ack/Nack/DTX feedback from previous PDSCH transmission
and pdcchCqiShift is a term needed to compensate for the difference in BLER target for the
PDSCH (e.g. 10%) and PDCCH (e.g. 1%).
deltaCQIShift actOlLaPdcch
deltaCQI PDCCH Outer OLLA for PDCCH: activation
Loop Link
True, false
Adjusts the dynamic
correction of UE SINR HARQ
estimate per user
PDSCH Outer Link Feedback
Quality Control Ack/Nack/DTX (for initial DL
PDSCH Inner pdcchHarqTargetBler
Frequency Loop Link BLER target for PDCCH outer
Selective CQI Adaptation loop link adaptation
0.1 %, 0.2 % 3.0 %
PDSCH Link Adaptation
AMC may be composed ZIG-ZAG approach Prio-oriented approach
based on different joint list list
creation techniques High
Joint list
Downlink priority
however as mentioned on list
the previous slide, Prio- High
priority signalling (CSS),
oriented solution has been Msg4
chosen for RL10
ZIG-ZAG solution is valid UL HARQ
only in case of entries with
the same priorities
signalling (USS)
priority Scheduling
Low requests
Other DL/UL
Low priority
PDCCH LA priorities
LNCEL; 099; 1; -
Parameter is vendor specific
code rate
maximum amount of PRBs
Enable 16QAM high MCS
QPSK (0), 16QAM (1), 16QAMHighMCS (2)
UL Peak
Max # Improve-
BW / MHz Rate /
PRB ment / %
20 96 of 100 51.0 26
The target of the inner loop LA is to maintain a UEs BLER close to the
established target BLER , which is established by the parameter:
Note that user data and L3 signaling are multiplexed together on PUSCH a
will therefore have a common BLER Target
Inner Loop LA is based on BLER measurements which are calculated
based on the ack/nack feedback obtained from L1/L2
Inner loop LA will be performed every time the timer ulamcSwitchPer
Based on the UEs actual BLER compared to the desired target BLER AM
will make a decision whether to upgrade or downgrade the MCS
Period in sent Transport Blocks
TBs when UL Inner Loop LA
should be executed
LNCEL; 10500; 10; 30 TBs
Thresholds for upgrade and downgrade of MCS are established by the following
ulTargetBler : Target BLER for the Uplink ulamcUpdowngrF
ulamcUpdowngrF: Upgrade/Downgrade Factor LNBTS; 13; 0.05; 1.2
Vendor specific parameter
Note Upgrade and downgrade are always performed by a single MCS step
ensuring that the maximum and minimum possible MCSs aren't surpassed
Target BLER
ulTargetBler : 10%
ulamcUpdowngrF: 1.5
7% 15 %
Target BLER
There are 2 possibilities to calculate the BLER for the Inner Loop LA
Consider only 1st TB Transmissions: BLER does not take into account any
HARQ gains achieved by soft combining
Consider all Transmissions: the HARQ gain is included leading to small
decision errors
Performance of the inner loop AMC is going to be highly dependent on UL AMC
switch period (ulamcSwitchPer ):
High Values of this parameter will ensure more stability in the LA process but
worst reaction to fast radio condition variations
Low values of this parameter will provide faster reactions of LA and additionally
decrease the resolution the BLER measurements causing possibly more
Example: ulamcSwitchPer = 100 TBs ~ 100 ms there are 100 TBs and by that a
BLER resolution of 1%, within 50 ms there are 50 TBs and the BLER resolution is
2% and for 20 ms there are 20 TBs and BLER resolution is 5%. This should be
considered when setting ulamcUpdowngrF
ulamcUpdowngrF ulamcSwitchPer
39 Nokia Siemens Networks LNCEL; 13; 0.05; 1.2
RA41218EN40GLA0 LNCEL; 10500; 10; 30 TBs
Cmax and Cmin give upper and lower limits on the compensation defined by
parameters (ulamcDeltaCmax, ulamcDeltaCmin)
Cstepup and Cstepdown are incremental compensation steps sizes, which obey to
the following formula:
1 - BLER target
Cstepdown Cstepup .
BLER target
OLLA compensation value C is reset at each AMC period, EDG and FUG event.
10% BLER
40000 Targets of 1st
Throughput [kbps]
35000 Transmission
-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
SNR [dB]
Cmax Event
AMC Period
0 Time
Period in sent Transport Blocks
TBs when UL Inner Loop LA
AMC Switching Period Reduced should be executed
EDG AMC Period
Min Event LNCEL; 10500; 10; 30 TBs
ulTargetBler =10% ulamcDeltaCini =0
ulamcCStepUp = 0.1 1 - BLER target
ulamcCStepDown=0.1*(1-0.1)/0.1 = 0.9. Cstepdown Cstepup .
BLER target
At the end of data transfer the currently selected MCS shall be stored and a Timer
for historical MCS shall be started.
If the same UE proceeds with a data transfer within the time period ulamcHistMcsT,
then the historical MCS shall be reloaded from memory and applied instead of the
iniMcsUl iniMcsUl
LNCEL; 020; 1; 5
Before starting an UE specific DTX period or entering an Inactivity period the actual
MCS shall be stored and a Timer for Inactivity shall be started. With every
ulamcInactT period the MCS shall be decreased, but the selected MCS shall not go
below the initial MCS iniMcsUl.
If the currently selected MCS is below iniMcsUl then no action during DRX/DTX
and/or Inactivity period shall be required.
Besides selecting the most appropriate MCS according to radio conditions, the UL AMC shall
also perform slow ATB in parallel. (i.e. fast means every TTI)
ATB is necessary in case of lack of UE power to concentrate the remaining power on less
PRBs, thus allowing a regular data transmission in UL even up to the cell edge.
ATB will inform the scheduler about the maximum Number of PRBs per TTI that can be
assigned to a UE based on the UEs power headroom reports
The periodicity of ATB is defined by the parameter ulatbEventPer which defines a multiple of
AMC events (periodic changes, EDG, FUG) after which ATB will be carried out
ATB functionality can be enabled/disabled with ulatbEnabled
Note that after every EDG and FUG event the slow ATB limits have to be recalculated since
the MCS might have changed.
ulatbEventPer ulatbEnable
Period in MCS increase/decrease O&M switch for enabling/disabling
the UL ATB functionalities.
events when UL ATB functionality
should be performed. LNCEL; true ; true
LNCEL; 150; 1; 1
ATB Algorithm:
2. ATB events shall act synchronously with the slow AMC, based on
Period in MCS increase/decrease
events when UL ATB functionality
should be performed.
LNCEL; 150; 1; 1
Power head room reports depend on the number of PRBs which were scheduled to the UE.
Information on the number of scheduled PRBs is obtained from the UL Scheduler
The equivalent possible PRBs derived from PWR_HEADR_UL and UE_PRBs_UL for a certain time
instance t shall be given by:
For this PWR_HEADR_UL has to be linearized (converted from dB into linear scale), e.g. 3 dB is
factor 2 and -3 dB is factor 1/2 and 0 dB is a factor 1.
4. At any ATB decision the present value of the running average filter is read and the
max number of PRBs is set to a rounded integer value by:
MAX_NUM_PRBs = floor( RUNAVG_PRBs ).
5.Ensure that PRBs are within and upper and lower limit boundaries:
UPPER_LIMIT_PRBs = MAX_BITRATE_UL (given by Admission Control and QoS) /
The upper Limit shall not exceed #PRBs_UL given by the Carrier Bandwidth.
Initial amount of PRBs in UL
LNCEL; 1100; 1; 10
Adaptive Transmission Bandwidth (ATB) ATB
C B w log 2 1
More efficient
Wider bandwidth Less efficient
(more PRBs)
Few PRBs
Lower MCS
Higher MCS
ATB is no longer PHR based but BLER Most of all SlowATB is coordinated with
based (with PHR correction). OLLA.
It will become active only when the OLLA has This means that SlowATB acts only when
already reached the lower possible limit for OLLA has no longer margin left in term of
the MCSindex reaction.
eUlLaPrbIncDecFactor {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9} -
1 2 3 4 12 13 14 15
User User actively
scheduled No transmission scheduled
- long pause again
When counter reached and PRB > iniPrbsUl > start decreasing PRBs by
Start eUlLaPrbIncDecFactor
Yes No
Reset counter User scheduled ? Increment counter
For every
Reset MCS to TTI Counter reached No
initail if PRBs ulamcInactT ? Decrease
already resetted PRBs if not
Yes at initial yet
No No
CurrentMCS > iniMcsUl MAX_NUM_PRB > iniPrbsUl
Yes Yes
MAX_NUM_PRB = max (
NewMCS = iniMcsUl iniPrbsUl,
(MAX_NUM_PRB * eUlLaPrbIncDecFactor))
We shouldnt
more, because
are already at
initial default
Re-initialize OLLA
Reset ttiEventCounter
Leave In case of re-
unchanged calculation
periodical reporting
PERIODIC_PHR_TIMER = tPeriodicPhr with {sf10, sf20, sf50, sf100, sf200, sf500, sf1000, infinity}
If the periodic PHR Timer is set to infinity and the DL path loss change, too, then no
PWR_HEADR_UL indications are received during the whole call. Then in this case the
ATB stays with the initial static setup ULATB_INIPRBs.
PHR based BLER based
Defines the minimum UL TBS
(segment size).
LNCEL, 16... 1544, step 8, (bit)
Minimum PRB allocation for
UEs which are power
LNCEL; 1100, step 1, (1)