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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise

For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

This series of tutorials for the CIX VFR Club are based on real world flight
training. Each document focuses on a small part only of the necessary skills
required to fly a light aircraft, and by echoing real world training, you will be
a better Flight Simulator pilot and get more enjoyment out of the hobby as a
These tutorials are written specifically for the Flight Simulator Default
Cessna 172. Some details will be different for other aircraft.
You should read Exercise 1 before continuing with this tutorial.

The aim of this exercise is to prepare an aircraft for flight from a cold and
dark condition, and to close down the aircraft to a cold and dark condition
at the end of the flight.

Cold and Dark is the aviation term for an aircraft in the same condition as
your car parked in your driveway. The engine is not running, the ignition
key is out and the lights and radio turned off. In a piston engined aircraft,
that means engines shut down, magnetos off, fuel valve(s) shut, radios off,
all electrical power switched off, master switch off and keys out. It is just a
little more complex than a car.


A successful flight depends very much on thorough preparation.
Preparation includes: -
Personal Plan your flight in advance of the trip in a calm, unhurried and
Preparation thorough manner. Mark the planned route on the chart and
calculate bearings and distances for each leg and complete a
preliminary pilots logsheet..
Check that you have all the equipment you need to hand, and
settle down for the flight in good time so that all pre-flight
checks can be completed without rushing.
Check that you have suitable clothing a cold pilot will not
think clearly, and a busy flight can make you very warm, even
sitting at a computer screen!

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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise
For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

Documentation Do you need a formal Flight Plan? If so (and it is a good policy

to adopt for VATSIM), then rehearse it before going on line and
having to think it through on the fly. You can open
Squawkbox and enter a Flight Plan without going on line, and
save it to disk, so that it can be reloaded before the flight.
A Pilots Logsheet should be used for every flight, as a means of
keeping a check on your current position, distance to run fuel
endurance etc.
You cannot fly safely without a map. (In the real flying world, it
is illegal to fly without the current issue of the chart covering
your flight.
Preparing the Which aircraft are you going to fly? Are you fully familiar with
Aircraft its handling characteristics, and vital statistics stall speed,
cruise speed, engine rpm settings etc. What is you call sign?
Rehearse saying it phonetically to reduce the stress of talking to
Air Traffic Control.
Set the Direction Indicator to coordinate with the Compass
(press D on the keyboard. Once connected to Vatsim, set the
local QNH by pressing the B key on the keyboard.
Pre-take off See below.


In the real world, most flying in the vicinity of an airfield is done at heights
based on QFE in the UK. QFE is the measured barometric pressure at
ground level, and QNH is the calculated average sea level pressure. Exercise
16a in this series of tutorials covers altimetry (height measurement) in
detail, and defines QNH and QFE. With QNH set on the altimeter, the
instrument indicates the aircrafts height above sea level, and with QFE set,
the height above the ground at a specified location, normally an airfield, is
In the UK we use millibars to measure QNH and QFE, and this is the what
ATC give you when they say Cue Enn Aitch wun zero wun two or Cue Eff
Ee wun zero zero tree or similar. In the USA they use inches of mercury,
with values between 29 and 31 inches. Most of the aircraft used in Flight
Simulator show the pressure setting in inches - the small window on the
altimeter, the technical name for which is the Kollsman Scale.
In Flight Simulator it is normally too difficult to translate a QFE given by
ATC into the equivalent in inches by mental arithmetic or memory, and then
change it on the altimeter whose Kollsman Scale is almost too small to read
anyway, so most people fly using QNH, which the pilot can set automatically
by simply pressing the "B" key on the keyboard. With additional hardware

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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise
For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

such as GoFlight control units it is easy to display and set QFE in millibars,
giving zero feet at ground level, but this is not essential.

In Flight Simulator the detailed walk-round pre-flight check carried out in
the Real World is superfluous, but there are several sets of checks which
remain essential. They mimic the real world checks, though the obviously
pointless checks (seat belts tight for instance) have been omitted. However,
if you are one of those people (we wont tell anyone) who enjoys being
strapped down in go ahead anyway and check their tightness!

6.1 Before Start-up.

a) Altimeter Set to QNH (Press B on the keyboard).
b) Gyroscopic Precession (Drift) ticked ON (for realism).
c) Aircraft performance set to maximum realism
d) Crash detect ticked ON.
e) Auto-coordination ticked ON if you have no rudder pedals, or OFF if
you do have rudder pedals.
f) Flying controls respond and in the correct sense. (It has been known
for aircraft control surfaces to be re-rigged wrongly during maintenance,
but in Flight Simulator, you are checking that your yoke and pedals work
and you havent got Disable yoke ticked in the program or the USB plug
g) Set the elevator trim to the take off position marked T/O alongside
the trim wheel approximately one notch below the centre.
h) VATSIM ATIS read and understood runway in use, QNH and surface
wind direction and speed ascertained.
i) En route weather forecast obtained if possible. (Check what it is doing
in the real world, as VATSIM uses real world weather).

6.2 Engine Start.

a) Parking brake ON.
b) Fuel ON
c) Mixture lever set to rich (pushed in towards the instrument panel)
d) Master switch ON (Red split switch to right of ignition keyswitch.)
e) Engage starter (either click the ignition switch 4 times until it moves to
Start, or key Ctrl-E.
f) Immediately after start check oil pressure rising, otherwise shut down
g) Check ignition switch has returned to the Both position.
h) Check that the engine responds to your yoke or joystick throttle control
input correctly.

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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise
For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

i) Set r.p.m. to 1200 for engine warm up and whenever stationary to

prevent the plugs being lead fouled*.

*Lead Fouling
Aviation gasoline (AVGAS) has a high tetraethyl lead content. Consequently,
aircraft piston engines are susceptible to the plugs becoming covered in
small fibrous particles of lead when the plugs are operating below their
designed temperature (typically when the engine is idling) and the fuel
mixture is set to rich). This can prevent sparking. This aspect of engine
performance is not simulated in Flight Simulator.
To avoid this problem in the real world, the engine is always run at a
minimum of 1200 r.p.m. when on the ground. The parking brake will need
to be ON therefore, particularly on a hard surface, as with the engine at
1200 r.p.m. most light aircraft will otherwise move forward.

6.3 After Start-up.

a) Allow oil temperature to rise to the beginning of the green arc.
b) Then set 1800 r.p.m. with parking brake ON.
c) Oil Pressure & temperature in the green arc?
d) Suction gauge in the green arc?
e) Carburettor heat ON (if fitted) for 30 seconds, then OFF (either drag the
knob with the mouse, or press the H key to toggle On/off.)
f) Close throttle check engine idle r.p.m. is 500 to 600 and smooth
g) Return r.p.m. to 1200.
h) Set the Direction Indicator to agree with the magnetic compass heading
(Press the D key)
i) Set the Altimeter to QNH or QFE as required
j) Set the necessary radio frequencies on COM 1 the active frequency
being the station you are about to call, the standby frequency being set
to the next station you anticipate calling.
k) You can if you wish, select additional frequencies on COM 2 which you
will use.
l) Set the transponder to 7000, the default code for VFR flight.

If you wish, you can also set the NAV 1 radio to a suitable VOR transmitter
and the ADF receiver to the airfield NDB, which can help navigation if you
know how to use the information these instruments give you. Technically,
you are flying by reference to ground features, so using radio navigation aids
is unnecessary, but most pilots do use them as a backup in VFR flight. In
Flight Simulator, the VOR instrument is coupled to the DME instrument (in

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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise
For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

the real world, they are usually separate), so in FS, not only will you receive
bearing information, but also a distance readout on the DME box. For
definitions and explanations of these abbreviations, see The IMC Rating.pdf
available for download from the Club web site.

Logging on to the VATSIM server via a pilot client
Opening Servinfo or Vatspy and using the data
Checking for any ATCUs in the area to be flown
Checking VATSIM weather (may be different from real world weather at the
chosen location)
Disabling VATSIM weather if necessary for VFR flight
Creating a VATSIM Flight Plan (within the Pilot Client)
Entering VFR Route details (optional just VFR may be entered)
Essential entry in comment box Cix VFR Club
Optional entries in comment box /V/ (voice) /D/ (Daylight) Trainee/Newbie
Saving a plan for future use
Sending a Flight Plan to the VATSIM servers
Setting the Transponder. VFR Code 7000; CAS Conspicuity codes; Mode C.

Taxy slowly. The airspeed indicator should read a small deflection from zero,
and certainly not anywhere near the minimum figure on the dial (40 knots).
Make small steering adjustments to avoid tail swing which occurs in Flight
Simulator, although it is unrealistic. The tail swing can get so bad that you
lose directional control and can even tip over. The FS2004 and FSX Piper
Cub is particularly prone to high speed taxying loss of control and ground
looping. Very embarrassing.

8.1 Vital Actions before Take off.

(Do these at the hold, and then call Ready for Departure.)

a) Trim set in for take off (marked T/O next to the trim wheel).
dedicated yoke buttons, or the mouse or the (Numeric keypad 1 and
7 to adjust.
b) Throttle friction nut tight (not simulated in FS)
c) Mixture lever set to fully rich (Red knob pushed in towards the
instrument panel, or mixture lever on yoke, or key Ctrl-F4.
d) Magnetos (Ignition switch) on Both.
e) Primer in and locked (only simulated on the Club C172N)

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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise
For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

f) Pitot heat on if required (FS correctly simulates pitot icing)

g) Fuel set to both tanks and sufficient for the flight check fuel gauges.
h) Flaps set for take off (Up for the C172)
i) Gauges all operating and displaying sensible values. QNH set and
temperature and pressure gauges in the green. (Press B key to set
QNH, beacon and strobe lights switched on).
j) Gyros (all functioning and the Direction Indicator synchronised with
the compass heading (Press D key).
k) Hatches (You can open and close the doors of some aircraft in FS)
l) Harnesses (Are you strapped to your desk?)
m) Carburetor heat to cold (if fitted the Club Cessna 172N has one)
n) Controls full and free movement. If you use a joystick, yoke or pedals,
waggle them in all axes a couple of times to make sure that the
calibration hasnt been altered or the USB plug pulled out of the PC. It
is useful to do this while in outside view so you can see the control
surfaces moving.
o) Loose objects if your computer desk is going to fly inverted, all the
pencils could fall out. Seriously, this isnt a Sim issue, although very
import in real world flying, hence its inclusion in the Vital Actions.
p) Lookout for other aircraft on final approach before moving onto the
runway. This is an issue in the world of online flying. Do not rely on
ATC telling you there is someone on final make sure you can see
them. Possibly Press the W key for a better view without the
instrument panel. Press W again to restore the panel. Better still, pan
around in outside view, a privilege not available to real world flying.
Real world pilots often learn these off by heart, helped by the mnemonic
TTMMPPFFGGHHCCLL, (just about pronounceable as Tumpfugghuckle).

Just as it is more realistic to start up from Cold and Dark before flight, so it
is equally satisfying to shut down properly after flight.
a) Parking Brake ON (Shift .)
b) Mixture fully lean to stop engine. Pull red knob out with mouse, or
mixture lever on yoke, or key Ctrl-F1.
c) Ignition switch or magneto switches to OFF (3 mouse clicks on the left
of the switch in the Cessna 172).)

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The CIX VFR Club Flight Training Notes Exercise
For Simulation
Purposes only. Not to
be used for real world Issue 1.5 14/02/12
flight. and CLOSE DOWN

d) Master switch to OFF (both halves) or separate battery and

alternator/generator switches in other aircraft.
e) Fuel OFF (if possible some aircraft dont have a fuel valve in FS).
f) If you wish, save your position as a Flight (the older versions of FS
used the word Situation which is more accurate). Press the
semicolon ( ; ) key and enter the details of your location, e.g. Biggin
Hill Apron, and tick the Save as Default Flight tick box if you want to
start from this position for your next flight. (This is of course normally
the most realistic option, but you can always get the train to
somewhere else virtually of course.)

You may not always have the time to refuel properly so you use the menus
to enter the amount of fuel you wish to carry. This is usually 100% - full
tanks - of course. In the real world, aircraft tend to be parked with full
tanks to avoid water condensation forming in the otherwise empty space
above the fuel. Water in an aircrafts fuel tanks is always a VERY BAD
thing! The water tends to reach the carburettor shortly after the throttle is
opened fully, which is generally when you are 20 feet off the ground, nose
high and slow. The engine stops and Houston, we have a problem.
So, where you can, refuel at the end of a flight. Park near the fuel pumps
thoughtfully provided by Mr Gates at most aerodromes. If you park within a
wingspan or so, then once you have stopped, about 2 seconds later, your
fuel gauges magically move to Full. This feature has been with us since
FS4, but many virtual pilots are unaware of it (and many, but not you
naturally, fly with the unlimited fuel tick box ticked). Take care to park in
a position such that when you move off again, you dont hit the pumps with
a wingtip no reverse gear on an aeroplane well, not the Cessna 172
anyway. This mimics a real world situation, where it is possible to taxy into
a position you can only get out of by getting out (having first stopped the
engine of course) and pushing the aircraft back manually. Another
embarrassing scenario.

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