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Kongsberg CJoy WT (CWing) Remote Wing Terminal Operator Manual

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Kongsberg cJoy WT (cWing)

Remote Wing Terminal

Operator Manual
Release 7.0

August 2007
Document history
Document number: 301063
This revision describes the operation of the cJoy Wing Terminal
Rev. A August 2006
at basis software release 7.0.0.
Rev. B October 2006 Source documentation restructured.
This revision describes the operation of the cJoy Wing Terminal
Rev. C January 2007
at basis software release 7.0.1.
Rev. D February 2007 Minor improvements implemented.
This revision describes the operation of the cJoy Wing Terminal
Rev. E August 2007
at basis software release 7.0.3.

The reader
This operator manual is intended as a reference manual for the system operator. This manual is based on
the assumption that the system operator is familiar with joystick control of the vessel.

The information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No
part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information
contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of
Kongsberg Maritime AS.
Kongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly
stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was
designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel.
The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate
or work on the equipment.
Kongsberg Maritime disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation,
use or maintenance of the equipment.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this manual, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism.
e-mail: [email protected]

Kongsberg Maritime AS
P.O.Box 483 Telephone: +47 32 28 50 00
N-3601 Kongsberg, Telefax: +47 32 28 50 10
Norway Service: +47 815 35 355
Operator Manual

Table of contents
1 USER INTERFACE .............................................................. 7
1.1 cJoy wing terminal ...................................................................................................7
1.2 Controls and indicators.............................................................................................8
1.2.1 Panel status indicators and buttons ................................................................. 8
1.2.2 Silence button and alarm indicator ................................................................. 8
1.2.3 Heading display............................................................................................ 9
1.2.4 Heading buttons............................................................................................ 9
1.2.5 Command control button ............................................................................... 9
1.2.6 Operational mode buttons............................................................................ 10
1.2.7 Joystick buttons .......................................................................................... 10
1.2.8 Three-axis joystick...................................................................................... 10
1.3 Display layout......................................................................................................... 11
1.3.1 Heading area .............................................................................................. 12
1.3.2 Deviation area ............................................................................................ 12
1.3.3 Alarm area ................................................................................................. 13
1.3.4 Message area .............................................................................................. 13
2 STARTING OPERATIONS ................................................. 17
2.1 System start-up .......................................................................................................17
2.1.1 Information displayed during start-up........................................................... 17
2.1.2 Taking command ........................................................................................ 19
2.2 Relocating wing terminals......................................................................................20
2.2.1 Connecting wing terminals .......................................................................... 20
2.2.2 Disconnecting wing terminals...................................................................... 22
2.3 Panel test.................................................................................................................22
2.4 Panel dimming........................................................................................................23
2.5 Joystick calibration.................................................................................................27
3 OPERATING MODES ........................................................ 29
3.1 Standby mode .........................................................................................................29
3.1.1 Returning to Standby mode ......................................................................... 29
3.2 Joystick mode .........................................................................................................29
3.2.1 From Standby mode to Joystick mode .......................................................... 29
3.2.2 Joystick control of thruster force and rotational moment................................ 30
3.2.3 Heading information ................................................................................... 31
3.2.4 Joystick mode with automatic heading control .............................................. 31
3.2.5 Mixed Joystick/Auto modes ........................................................................ 32
3.2.6 Auto modes ................................................................................................ 32
4 OPERATING PROCEDURES .............................................. 33

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4.1 Joystick settings......................................................................................................33

4.1.1 Setting the joystick thrust ............................................................................ 33
4.1.2 Selecting the vessel rotation centre............................................................... 34
4.2 Automatic heading control .....................................................................................36
4.2.1 Changing the heading setpoint ..................................................................... 36
4.2.2 Stopping a change heading operation ........................................................... 36

4 301063/E
Operator Manual

cJoy Kongsberg Compact Joystick system
cPos Kongsberg Compact Dynamic Positioning system
DP Dynamic Positioning
KM Kongsberg Maritime
K-Pos DP Kongsberg Dynamic Positioning system
OS Operator Station
OT Operator Terminal
PSP Preset SetPoint (for the current vessel heading)
ROT Rate Of Turn
SP SetPoint (for the current vessel heading)
VRS Vertical Reference Sensor
WT Wing Terminal

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Kongsberg cJoy WT

6 301063/E
User interface

This chapter contains the following sections:
1.1 cJoy wing terminal.......................................................7
1.2 Controls and indicators ................................................8
1.3 Display layout ............................................................ 11

1.1 cJoy wing terminal

The cJoy wing terminal, cJoy WT (cWing), serves as a remote
joystick terminal in stand-alone joystick systems (cJoy) and
dynamic positioning systems (cPos and K-Pos).
The wing terminal provides all necessary facilities for manual
joystick and automatic heading operations, and is designed for
installation in an outside environment.
The layout of the wing terminal panel is divided into three main
areas where controls and indicators are arranged according to
their function.

Figure 1 cJoy WT (cWing) wing terminal


operation Full
Silence Dim Test Take



Auto Centre
heading pivot

- Set + Present



The button text or symbol is colour-coded to indicate the button

type as follows:
White text or symbol on a dark background.
Single-press action button for test, setup, data input and
operation monitoring.
Dark text on a white background.
Double-press action button for operation control.
Dark text on an orange background.
Single-press action button for the message system.

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Kongsberg cJoy WT

1.2 Controls and indicators

The controls and indicators on the wing terminal are divided into
the following functional groups.

1.2.1 Panel status indicators and buttons

This group comprises two indicators and three buttons.
The green power indicator is lit when the wing terminal is
connected to a junction box and its 24 VDC power supply is
switched on.
The green/red operation indicator shows the current
operational status of the wing terminal:
Steady green The electronics inside the wing terminal are
functioning correctly and communication with the system
is established.
Flashing red An internal error has been detected or the
terminal has lost communication with the system.
Flashing green/red A test or setup function is active, i.e.
panel test, panel dimming or joystick calibration.
The reset button (located under the hole below the operation
indicator) allows you to reset the panel microprocessor.
Dim Test The Dim button enables and terminates the panel dimming
function (see Panel dimming on page 23).
The Test button enables and terminates the panel test function
(see Panel test on page 22).

1.2.2 Silence button and alarm indicator

This group comprises a single button with an alarm indicator.
Silence The Silence button stops the audible signal horn from
This audible signal horn will only sound when the wing
terminal is in control of the system, i.e. in command.
The red alarm indicator above the Silence button (when
continuously lit or flashing) indicates that alarm and/or
warning states exist in the system.
For further details, refer to the operator manual for the systems
main user interface (cJoy OT, cPos OS or K-Pos OS).

8 301063/E
User interface

1.2.3 Heading display

This group comprises the high-resolution monochrome display

115.8 -003.1
GYR (see Display layout on page 11).

034 012 AUTO



1.2.4 Heading buttons

- This group comprises three buttons.

Set +
The Set button activates and terminates the change heading
The - (decrease) button activates the change heading function
and decreases the heading setpoint when the change heading
function is active.
The + (increase) button activates the change heading function
and increases the heading setpoint when the change heading
function is active.
For further details concerning the change heading function (see
Changing the heading setpoint on page 36).
The heading buttons are also used during panel dimming (see
Panel dimming on page 23) and joystick calibration (see Joystick
calibration on page 27).

1.2.5 Command control button

This group comprises one button with a green status indicator.
Take The Take button transfers control of the system to the wing
terminal (see Taking command on page 19).

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Kongsberg cJoy WT

1.2.6 Operational mode buttons

This group comprises four buttons with green status indicators.
by The Standby button selects Standby mode (see Standby mode
on page 29).
The Joystick button selects Joystick mode (see Joystick mode
Joystick on page 29).
The Auto heading button selects automatic heading control
(see Joystick mode with automatic heading control on
heading page 31).
The Present heading button selects the present heading (see
Present Stopping a change heading operation on page 36).

1.2.7 Joystick buttons

This group comprises four buttons with green status indicators.
thrust The Full thrust button toggles the joystick thrust setting
between Full and Reduced (see Setting the joystick thrust on
page 33).
pivot The Fore pivot button selects the fore of the vessel as the
rotation centre in Joystick mode (see Selecting the vessel
rotation centre on page 34).
pivot The Centre pivot button selects the centre of the vessel
(midships) as the rotation centre in Joystick mode (see
Selecting the vessel rotation centre on page 34).
pivot The Aft pivot button selects the aft of the vessel as the rotation
centre in Joystick mode (see Selecting the vessel rotation
centre on page 34).

1.2.8 Three-axis joystick

This group comprises the three-axis joystick, which is
automatically configured according to the orientation of the wing
terminal relative to the vessel.
The joystick is used to control the thrusters in all three axes
(surge, sway and yaw) when they are selected for joystick control.
To move the vessel in the surge and sway axes (alongships and
athwartships directions), tilt the joystick. The direction in which
the joystick is tilted determines the direction of applied thruster
force, and the angle of tilt determines the amount of applied
thruster force.

10 301063/E
User interface

To rotate the vessel (the yaw axis), rotate the joystick. The
direction in which the joystick is rotated determines the direction
of the rotational moment demand, and the angle through which
the joystick is rotated determines the amount of applied rotational

1.3 Display layout

The view shown on the display of the wing terminal (see Figure
2) is divided into four main areas as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2 Display view

115.8 -003.1

034 012 AUTO



301063/E 11
Kongsberg cJoy WT

Figure 3 Display layout

Heading area

Deviation area

Message area


1.3.1 Heading area

The single line Heading area shows the vessel heading, either

115.8 as measured by the gyrocompass in use (Autopilot, Auto Track

high-speed and Track Line high-speed modes) or as estimated by
the Vessel Model (all other modes).
If no gyrocompasses are enabled, or the gyrocompass
measurements are invalid, . is displayed in the Heading
area and GYR is shown in the Alarm area.

1.3.2 Deviation area

-003.1 The single line Deviation area shows the heading deviation when
automatic heading control is selected. The displayed value is
prefixed with a plus (+) sign when the deviation is in the starboard
direction and with a minus (-) sign when it in the port direction.
An arrow shows whether the estimated heading is moving
towards (decreasing deviation) or away from (increasing
deviation) the heading setpoint. An inwards pointing arrow
indicates a decreasing deviation whereas an outwards pointing
arrow indicates an increasing deviation.
PSP: 011.4 In Autopilot mode the Deviation area shows the preset (current)
heading setpoint.
SP: 135.1 When the change heading function is enabled, the Deviation area
shows the new wanted heading setpoint.

12 301063/E
User interface

The Deviation area is blank when joystick heading control is


1.3.3 Alarm area

GYR The Alarm area comprises four, three-character lines.
Line 1 (top) is blank, i.e. not used.
Line 2 shows alarm states by means of a three letter code:
GYR No gyrocompass available.
Lines 3 and 4 are blank, i.e. not used.

1.3.4 Message area

034 012 AUTO The Message area comprises three, twenty-character lines.


During normal operation this area is used to show the following
Line 1 (top)
Thrust/rotational moment values for the vessel in the surge,
sway and yaw axes.
Which of the surge, sway and yaw axes are under automatic
control (if any) or if the system is in an automatic control
Lines 2 and 3
Stop (Error), Warn (Warning) and Info (Information) pop-up
messages (see Stop messages on page 14, Warning messages
on page 15 and Information messages on page 15).
Joystick settings that cannot be changed at the wing terminal
(see Joystick settings on page 15). Operational status

The wing terminal is only intended to be used to control the
system in Joystick mode using the joystick with or without
automatic heading control.
In Joystick mode without any form of automatic control, line 1 of
the Message area shows (from left to right) feedback values for
the vessel in the surge, sway and yaw axes.
The first (left-hand) value shows the obtained thrust (feedback)
as a percentage of the maximum available thrust in the surge
The arrow in front of the value indicates the force direction
relative to the orientation of the wing terminal with respect to
the fore/aft and port/starboard axes of the vessel.

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Kongsberg cJoy WT

The second (centre) value shows the obtained thrust

(feedback) as a percentage of the maximum available thrust
in the sway axis.
The arrow in front of the value indicates the force direction
relative to the orientation of the wing terminal with respect to
the fore/aft and port/starboard axes of the vessel.
The third (right-hand) value shows the obtained rotational
moment (feedback) as a percentage of the maximum available
rotational moment in the yaw axis.
Positive values indicate rotational moment in the clockwise
Negative values indicate rotational moment in the
counter-clockwise direction.
When any form of automatic control is active this is shown on
line 1 of the Message area as follows:
Surge axis
If the surge axis is under automatic control when the system
is in Joystick mode, the first (left-hand) obtained thrust
(feedback) value is replaced by the text AUTO.
Sway axis
If the sway axis is under automatic control when the system
is in Joystick mode, the second (centre) obtained thrust
(feedback) value is replaced by the text AUTO.
Yaw axis
If the yaw axis is under automatic control when the system is
in Joystick mode, the third (right-hand) obtained rotational
moment (feedback) value is replaced by the text AUTO.
Automatic control mode
If the system is in an automatic control mode, such as
Station-Keeping, Auto Position, Follow Target, Track Line,
Auto Track, etc. the three feedback values are replaced by
Autopilot mode
If the system is in Autopilot mode the three feedback values
are replaced by the text AUTOPILOT. Stop messages

A stop (error) message will be displayed on lines 2 and 3 for a
short period of time if you attempt to activate a function that is
disabled or not available for the selected operational mode.
Examples of typical stop (error) messages are:

14 301063/E
User interface

STOP: Not in Command

The function is disabled when the wing terminal is not in
command, i.e. not in control of the system.
STOP: In Standby
The function cannot be selected in Standby mode.
STOP: No Gyro
The function requires at least one gyrocompass enabled.
STOP: No Auto Heading Control
The function requires automatic heading control enabled.
STOP: Illegal Operation
The selected function cannot be used in the current system
mode. Warning messages
A warning message will be displayed on lines 2 and 3 for a short
period of time if you operate the wing terminal in an irregular
An example of a typical warning message is:
WARN: Beware of Joystick Demand
The joystick was not in the centre (zero) position when control
of the system was transferred to the wing terminal. Information messages
An information message will be displayed on lines 2 and 3 for a
short period of time to inform you of condition changes that are
noteworthy, but have no serious effect on system performance.
An example of a typical information message is:
INFO: Joystick Precision General
A change to Joystick mode has been made when the selected
joystick precision was either LOW SPEED or HIGH SPEED.
This is to inform you that the system has changed the joystick
precision to GENERAL. Joystick settings
Once control of the system has been transferred to a wing
terminal, the currently selected joystick settings cannot be
changed. Therefore it is important to setup the joystick controller
functions correctly via the operator terminal or station in
command prior to command being transferred to the wing
Because of this, lines 2 and 3 of the Message area show the status
of controller functions that are relevant to joystick control.
The controller functions that can be displayed are as follows:

301063/E 15
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Thruster allocation mode - VARIABLE, FIX etc.

If the system is in Autopilot, Auto Track high-speed or
Track Line high-speed mode, the thruster allocation mode
STEERING is displayed.
Wind compensation - WIND COMP.
Nothing shown if Off (the default setting) is selected.
In K-Pos systems, WINDC_MIX will be displayed if
environmental compensation is selected for only one or two of
the surge, sway and yaw axes.
Controller gain - HIGH GAIN, MEDIUM or LOW GAIN.
If the system is in Autopilot, Auto Track high-speed or Track
Line high-speed mode, the controller gain is not shown.
In K-Pos systems, CUSTOM will be displayed if a customised
controller gain is selected.
Joystick precision - HIGH SPEED or LOW SPEED.
Nothing shown if GENERAL (the default setting) is selected.
For further details concerning these functions, refer to the
operator manual for the systems main user interface (cJoy OT,
cPos OS or K-Pos OS).

16 301063/E
Starting operations

This chapter contains the following sections:
2.1 System start-up...........................................................17
2.2 Relocating wing terminals .........................................20
2.3 Panel test ....................................................................22
2.4 Panel dimming ...........................................................23
2.5 Joystick calibration ....................................................27

2.1 System start-up

Wing terminals together with associated operator terminals,
operator stations and DP/Joystick controller are usually left with
power on and the system in Standby mode.
Each wing terminal is connected to an operator terminal or
station. This means that a wing terminal will not be available for
system operation if its associated operator terminal or station
fails, is stopped or is stopped and restarted.

If the entire system or a wing terminal and its associated operator

terminal or station has been shut down, use the start-up procedure
given in the Maintenance Manual for the systems main user
interface (cJoy OT, cPos OS or K-Pos OS).
After completing a restart of the entire system or part of the
system, the operational state of the system will defined by the
equipment that has been restarted:
If the DP/Joystick controller is restarted, the system will
automatically enter Standby mode.
If all operator terminals and/or stations are restarted, none
of the restarted operator terminals and/or stations will be in
If a wing terminal is restarted, the terminal will reflect the
current operational mode and system state.
Similarly, use the shut-down procedure given in the Maintenance
Manual for the systems main user interface if the entire system
or a wing terminal and its associated operator terminal or station
has to be shut down.

2.1.1 Information displayed during

When a wing terminal is started-up or restarted, the following
start-up status information is displayed while the terminal is
establishing communication with the system.

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Figure 4 Start-up status information


---.- CWING

SW version 2.2
SNo: 12345

Once communication has been established with the system, the

following wing terminal identification information is displayed:

Figure 5 Wing terminal identification information

Panel type: WINGPAN
Panel ID (PID): 51
Orientation: STBD

WT1 The identification name of the wing terminal, e.g. WT1.

Panel type: The software panel type of the wing terminal, e.g. WINGPAN.
This information is only for installation and maintenance

Panel ID (PID): The software identification number of the wing terminal, e.g.
51. This information is only for installation and maintenance
Orientation: The orientation of the wing terminal by means of a four letter
AFT Aft (Astern)
STBD Starboard

18 301063/E
Starting operations

2.1.2 Taking command

A wing terminal can only control the system when it is in
command. Only one operator location (wing terminal, operator
terminal or operator station) can be in command of the system
at any one time. However, system status can be monitored at
all available, wing terminals, operator terminals and operator
The wing terminal is only intended to be used in Standby or
Joystick mode with manual or automatic heading control. It
is possible to transfer command to a wing terminal in other
operational modes, or in Joystick mode with automatic surge
and/or sway control. However, this is regarded as irregular
operation, and the operator at the wing terminal should
preferably select Joystick mode after taking command.

If the system is in a mode that cannot be controlled at the wing

terminal when command is transferred to the wing terminal, the
following warning message is displayed on lines 2 and 3 of the
Message area:
WARN: Console cannot control <Mode> Mode
The required sensors must be enabled and the correct joystick
settings must be set up via the operator terminal or station in
command before taking command at a wing terminal.
Command cannot be transferred from one wing terminal to

To take command of the system at a wing terminal, proceed as

1 Ensure that all the required sensors are enabled
(gyrocompasses, wind sensor and VRS if applicable).
Sensor enabling can only be performed via an operator
terminal or station prior to taking command at the wing

2 Ensure that the joystick control functions are set up as

required (see Joystick settings on page 33).
3 At the operator terminal or station that has command, press
the Give button.
The audible signal horn sounds and the Take button status
indicator starts to flash.

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At all other terminals and/or stations, the audible signal

horn sounds and the Take button status indicator starts to
4 At the wing terminal where command is to be taken, press
the Take button twice within four seconds.
Command is transferred to the wing terminal, the audible
signal is silenced and the Take button status indicator
becomes continuously lit.
At all other operator terminals and/or stations (including
the one from which command was given), the audible
signal is silenced, and the Take button status indicator
stops flashing and becomes unlit.
If the system is in Standby mode when a wing terminal takes
command, the system will normally automatically enter Joystick
mode. However, this function can be disabled in tailor-made
DP systems (cPos and K-Pos).

2.2 Relocating wing terminals

Wing terminals can be moved between locations without any
re-configuration. Each wing terminal will automatically read its
location and orientation from the junction box it is connected to,
which makes it possible to have more locations (junction boxes)
than terminals. It also makes it easy to store the wing terminal
inside when it is not in use.

2.2.1 Connecting wing terminals

To connect a wing terminal to a junction box, proceed as follows:
1 Remove the protection caps from the junction box cable and
the connector on the back of the wing terminal.
2 If the junction box cable is free, i.e. not permanently
installed on the vessel:
a Remove the protection cap from the wing terminal
connector on the junction box.
b Connect one end of the junction box cable to the wing
terminal connector on the junction box.
3 Connect the free end of the junction box cable to the
connector on the back of the wing terminal.
4 Insert and fasten the wing terminal into its mounting
arrangement (mounting bracket or console panel).
5 Check on the wing terminal panel that:
The power indicator is steadily lit green.

20 301063/E
Starting operations

The operation indicator is flashing red.

Night dimming settings are selected.
The display shows start-up status information and that the
wing terminal software is establishing communication
with the DP or Joystick system.


---.- CWING

SW version 2.2
SNo: 12345

When communication with the DP or Joystick system has

been established, the operation indicator is steadily lit
green and the display shows wing terminal identification

Panel type: WINGPAN
Panel ID (PID): 51
Orientation: STBD

6 After approximately 5 seconds, check that:

The wing panel reflects the current operational mode and
system state.
The wing terminal is not in command, i.e. the Take status
indicator is unlit.
7 Run the panel test to verify correct panel operation (see
Panel test on page 22).
8 If required, adjust the panel dimming settings (see Panel
dimming on page 23).
9 If the wing terminal has been in storage for a long period
of time, it is recommended to calibrate the joystick (see
Joystick calibration on page 27).

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Kongsberg cJoy WT

2.2.2 Disconnecting wing terminals

To disconnect a wing terminal from a junction box, proceed as
1 Take command of the system at another operator location
and ensure that the Take status indicator on the wing
terminal is unlit.
2 Unfasten and remove the wing terminal from its mounting
arrangement (mounting bracket or console panel).
3 Disconnect the cable from the connector on the back of the
wing terminal.
4 Fit the protection caps to the connector on the back of the
wing terminal and the free end of the junction box cable.
5 If the junction box cable is free, i.e. not permanently
installed on the vessel:
a Disconnect the junction box cable from the junction
b Fit protection caps to the junction box cable and to the
wing terminal connector on the junction box.
It is not recommended to disconnect a wing terminal that is in
command of the system. If a wing terminal is disconnected when
it is in command of the system, the audible signal horn will sound
for approximately 20 seconds.

2.3 Panel test

The buttons, indicators and audible signal horn on the wing
terminal can be tested by means of the panel test function.
System operation is blocked when the panel test is enabled. It is
therefore recommended to perform the test in Standby mode or
before taking command at the wing terminal.
The panel test is automatically terminated if no buttons are
pressed within a preset time limit.

To perform the panel test, proceed as follows:

1 Press the Test button.
The panel test function is enabled.
All the button status indicators flash green/red.
The audible signal horn sounds.

22 301063/E
Starting operations

The Message area of the display shows that the panel

test is enabled.

Last key: 3

The operation indicator flashes green/red.

2 Press the Silence button to stop the audible signal horn from
3 Press each button (except for Test), one at a time.
The unique internal number for the pressed button is
displayed after the text Last key: in the Message area of
the display.
If applicable, the status indicator associated with the
pressed button is extinguished.
4 To terminate the panel test, press the Test button.
The panel test function is terminated.
The operation indicator changes to steadily lit green.
Normal display data is shown in the Message area of
the display.

2.4 Panel dimming

The wing terminal stores two sets of dimming parameters
(settings), one for day operation and the other for night operation.
Each of these two sets contains four parameters whose values
adjust the brightness and contrast of the display, the brightness of
the indicators and the intensity of the button background lighting.
When a wing terminal is restarted, the settings for night operation
are automatically selected.
The settings for day and night operating can be toggled and the
parameter values for these settings can be changed by means
of the panel dimming function.

301063/E 23
Kongsberg cJoy WT

System operation is blocked when the panel dimming function is
enabled. If a button not used by the panel dimming function is
pressed (i.e. all buttons except for Set, +, -) when the function is
enabled, the function is automatically terminated.
Panel dimming is automatically terminated if no buttons are
pressed within a preset time limit.

To perform panel dimming, proceed as follows:

1 Press the Dim button.
The panel dimming function is enabled.
The operation indicator starts flashing green/red.
A menu for toggling day and night settings is shown
in the Message area of the display with the currently
selected settings (M: DAY or M: NIGHT) shown at the
left-hand end of line 3.

115.8 -003.1
<->=NIGHT, <+>=DAY
M:DAY <Set>=Next

2 If required, press the - (Night) or the + (Day) button to

change between day and night settings.
All panel dimming settings are changed simultaneously.
3 If no further adjustments are required, press the Dim button
to terminate the panel dimming function.
4 Press the Set button.

24 301063/E
Starting operations

A menu for adjusting the display brightness is shown in

the Message area of the display together with a vertical
bargraph (in the Status area) showing the currently
selected brightness level.

115.8 -003.1
Adjust <->/<+>

5 If required, press the + (increase) or the - (decrease) button

to adjust the display brightness level.
6 If no further adjustments are required, press the Dim button
to terminate the panel dimming function.
7 Press the Set button.
A menu for adjusting the display contrast is shown in
the Message area of the display together with a vertical
bargraph (in the Status area) showing the currently
selected contrast level.

115.8 -003.1
Adjust <->/<+>

8 If required, press the + (increase) or the - (decrease) button

to adjust the display contrast level.
9 If no further adjustments are required, press the Dim button
to terminate the panel dimming function.
10 Press the Set button.

301063/E 25
Kongsberg cJoy WT

A menu for adjusting indicator brightness is shown in

the Message area of the display together with a vertical
bargraph (in the Status area) showing the currently
selected indicator brightness level.

115.8 -003.1
Adjust <->/<+>

11 If required, press the + (increase) or the - (decrease) button

to adjust the indicator brightness level.
12 If no further adjustments are required, press the Dim button
to terminate the panel dimming function.
13 Press the Set button.
A menu for adjusting the intensity of button background
lighting is shown in the Message area of the display
together with a vertical bargraph (in the Status area)
showing the currently selected background lighting level.

115.8 -003.1
Adjust <->/<+>

14 If required, press the + (increase) or the - (decrease) button

to adjust the button background lighting level.
15 Press the Dim or Set button to terminate the panel dimming
The panel dimming function is terminated.
The operation indicator changes to steadily lit green.

26 301063/E
Starting operations

2.5 Joystick calibration

Calibration of the joystick ensures that a certain deflection of the
joystick corresponds to a specific thruster force depending upon
the selected thrust (Full or Reduced).
It is necessary to calibrate the joystick when:
New system hardware has been installed or parts of the system
hardware (for example the wing terminal) have been changed.
New system software has been installed or the system software
has been reinstalled.
The wing terminal has been in storage for a long period of
The wing terminal stores a set of parameters for the joystick
calibration that can be updated by means of the joystick
calibration function. This can be done in Standby mode or when
the wing terminal is not in command of the system.
If a button not used by the joystick calibration function is pressed
(i.e. all buttons except for Set) when the function is enabled, the
function is automatically terminated.
Joystick calibration is automatically terminated if the joystick is
not moved or no buttons are pressed within a preset time limit, or
if any button (other that Set) is pressed.

To calibrate the joystick, proceed as follows:

1 Press each of the following four buttons once, in the
sequence listed: Fore pivot, Present heading, Joystick
and Aft pivot.
The Joystick calibration function is enabled.
The operation indicator starts flashing green/red.
Page 1 of the Joystick Calibration view is shown on the


1.Center joystick.
2.Press <Set>
(Esc=Any other key)

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Kongsberg cJoy WT

2 Set the joystick to the centre position and then press the Set
Page 2 of the Joystick Calibration view is shown on the


3.Pos joystick to
all extremities XYZ
4.Press <Set>

3 Move the joystick to its limit in the forwards and backwards

direction (X), then in the left and right direction (Y) and then
rotate in the clockwise and counter-clockwise direction (Z).
The movement of the joystick in each direction is
indicated by the three vertical bargraphs (X, Y and Z)
shown in Page 2 of the Joystick Calibration view.


3.Pos joystick to
all extremities XYZ
4.Press <Set>

4 Press the Set button.

The joystick is calibrated.
The joystick calibration function is disabled and
calibration terminated.
Page 2 of the Joystick Calibration view is replaced by the
normal display view.
The operation indicator changes to steadily lit green.

28 301063/E
Operating modes

This chapter contains the following sections:
3.1 Standby mode.............................................................29
3.2 Joystick mode.............................................................29

3.1 Standby mode

Standby mode is a waiting and reset mode in which the system
is in a high state of readiness, but in which no vessel control
commands can be made. It is also the default mode when the
system is first switched on.
In Standby mode you can:
Perform the panel test (see Panel test on page 22).
Perform panel dimming (see Panel dimming on page 23).
Calibrate the joystick (see Joystick calibration on page 27).

3.1.1 Returning to Standby mode

To return to Standby mode from any other mode, press the
Standby button twice within four seconds. The Standby button
status indicator starts to flash and then becomes continuously
lit when the mode is entered.

3.2 Joystick mode

In Joystick mode, the operator controls the movement of the
vessel using the three-axis joystick.
In this mode you can:
Set the joystick thrust (see Setting the joystick thrust on
page 33).
Select the vessel rotation centre (see Selecting the vessel
rotation centre on page 34).

3.2.1 From Standby mode to Joystick mode

When the system goes from Standby mode to Joystick mode, it
will normally attempt to enable all ready and running thrusters.
However, this function can be disabled in tailor-made DP systems
(cPos and K-Pos).
If the system is in Standby mode when a wing terminal takes
command, the system will normally automatically enter Joystick
mode. However, this function can be disabled in tailor-made
DP systems (cPos and K-Pos).

301063/E 29
Kongsberg cJoy WT

To take the system from Standby mode to Joystick mode:

1 Ensure that the joystick is in the zero position in all three
2 Press the Joystick button twice within four seconds.
The Joystick button status indicator starts to flash and
then becomes continuously lit when the mode is entered.

3.2.2 Joystick control of thruster force and

rotational moment
To move the vessel in the surge and sway axes (alongships and
athwartships directions), tilt the joystick. The direction in which
the joystick is tilted determines the direction of applied thruster
force, and the angle of tilt determines the amount of applied
thruster force.
The joystick axes are automatically configured according to the
wing terminals orientation relative to the vessel, i.e. whether the
terminal is facing ahead, astern, port or starboard (see Figure 6
and Information displayed during start-up on page 17).

Figure 6 Wing terminal orientation

Ahead Port

Port Starboard Astern Ahead

Astern Starboard

Terminal orientation: AHD (Ahead) Terminal orientation: PRT (Port)

Astern Starboard

Starboard Port Ahead Astern

Ahead Port

Terminal orientation: AST (Astern) Terminal orientation: STB (Starboard)


To rotate the vessel (the yaw axis), rotate the joystick. The
direction in which the joystick is rotated determines the direction
of the rotational force demand, and the angle through which the
joystick is rotated determines the amount of applied rotational

30 301063/E
Operating modes

3.2.3 Heading information

It is not essential to enable gyrocompasses when operating in
Joystick mode with joystick heading control. However, no valid
heading measurement will be shown on the display unless at least
one gyrocompass is enabled.

3.2.4 Joystick mode with automatic

heading control
In Joystick mode, and with an active gyrocompass, you can select
automatic heading control.
When automatic heading control is selected, the current vessel
heading becomes the heading setpoint and the thruster control to
maintain this heading is provided automatically by the system.
In this mode you can:
Set a new heading setpoint (see Changing the heading setpoint
on page 36).
Stop a change heading operation (see Stopping a change
heading operation on page 36). Selecting automatic heading control

In order to select automatic heading control at least one
gyrocompass must have been enabled at the operator terminal or
station that had command before command was transferred to
the wing terminal.

To select automatic heading control while in Joystick mode:

1 Check that a valid heading measurement (numeric value) is
shown in the Heading area of the display.
2 Press the Auto heading button twice within four seconds.
The Auto heading button status indicator starts to flash
and then becomes continuously lit when automatic
heading control is enabled.
The current vessel heading becomes the heading setpoint,
and the system automatically maintains this heading.
The deviation between the estimated heading and the
heading setpoint is shown in the Deviation area of the
display (see Deviation area on page 12). Returning to joystick heading control

To return to joystick heading control:
1 Press the Auto heading button twice within four seconds.

301063/E 31
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The Auto heading button status indicator starts to flash

and then becomes unlit when automatic heading control
is disabled.
2 Control the vessels heading manually using the joystick.

3.2.5 Mixed Joystick/Auto modes

It will be possible, via an operator terminal or station, to set up
the system with manual joystick control in either one or two of
the surge, sway and yaw axes. However, the system will remain
in Joystick mode.
If command is transferred to a wing terminal in a mixed
Joystick/Auto mode, the joystick will be disabled in
the surge and/or sway axes that are under automatic
control. It is therefore not recommended to transfer
control to a wing terminal in a mixed Joystick/Auto

3.2.6 Auto modes

It is normally not recommended to transfer command to a wing
terminal unless the system is in Standby or Joystick mode.
However, in some situations it may be more convenient to
transfer command to the wing terminal while in an automatic
mode, and then select Joystick mode at the wing terminal.

32 301063/E
Operating procedures

This chapter contains the following sections:
4.1 Joystick settings .........................................................33
4.2 Automatic heading control.........................................36

4.1 Joystick settings

4.1.1 Setting the joystick thrust

There are two joystick thrust settings (Full and Reduced) which
can be selected (toggled) by the operator:
The maximum force available from all thrusters can be used.
This increases the vessels response to movement of the
joystick compared to the Reduced setting.
The maximum applied thruster force for axes that are under
joystick control is limited to about 50% of the available force
from all thrusters.
The difference between these two settings is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Joystick movement for Full and Reduced thrust

(in %)


0 movement
100 (in %)

To change the joystick thrust, press the Full thrust button twice
within four seconds.
The Full thrust button status indicator is continuously lit when
full thrust is selected and unlit when reduced thrust is selected.

301063/E 33
Kongsberg cJoy WT

4.1.2 Selecting the vessel rotation centre

When the vessel is under joystick heading control using Joystick
mode, it is possible to specify that the vessel should rotate about
the fore or aft of the vessel instead of the centre which is the
default. This feature can be useful when leaving or approaching
another vessel or a fixed structure such as a quay.
There are three different rotation centres (Fore Pivot, Centre
Pivot and Aft Pivot) that can be selected for the vessel.
With Fore Pivot selected, the rotation centre is at the fore of
the vessel. Only thrusters at the aft will be used to rotate the
With Centre Pivot selected, the rotation centre is at the centre
of the vessel. Thrusters at the fore and aft will be used to
rotate the vessel.
With Aft Pivot selected, the rotation centre is at the aft of the
vessel. Only thrusters at the fore will be used to rotate the
In Joystick mode the vessel will not pivot accurately around the
selected rotation centre, since the system will not use information
from the position-reference systems for the axes under joystick

For example, when manoeuvring alongside a quay which lies

to starboard, you may want to move the stern of the vessel in
towards the quay without the bow moving out, while at the same
time applying a small thrust to starboard. This would be difficult
when using the centre of the vessel as the rotation centre. By
selecting the fore of the vessel as the rotation centre, you can
easily use the joystick both to rotate the vessel counter-clockwise
about the bow and to move the vessel to starboard as shown in
Figure 8.

34 301063/E
Operating procedures

Figure 8 Vessel movement with Fore pivot rotation centre



Only rotation centres that are intended for use during joystick
manoeuvring can be activated in Joystick mode.
A suitable configuration of thrusters must be enabled. For
example, if you want the vessel to rotate about the aft of the
vessel, there must be at least one thruster enabled forward of
the vessel centre.
If thrusters are disabled so that the selected rotation centre no
longer can be applied, the rotation centre in use will automatically
be changed. In this situation the status indicator above the Fore
pivot, Centre pivot or Aft pivot button that was indicating the
selected rotation centre may become unlit.
The currently selected rotation centre is shown on the colour
display of the systems main user interface, i.e. the Main view of
a cJoy OT, the Operational Status area of a cPos system or the
PosPlot view of a K-Pos system.

To change the vessel rotation centre, proceed as follows:

1 Verify that the system is in Joystick mode.
2 Verify that a suitable configuration of thrusters is enabled.
For example, if you want the vessel to rotate about the aft
of the vessel, there must be at least one thruster enabled at
the fore of the vessel.
3 Press the required Fore pivot, Centre pivot or Aft pivot
button twice within four seconds.

301063/E 35
Kongsberg cJoy WT

The corresponding button status indicator starts to flash

and then becomes continuously lit when the new rotation
centre is selected.

4.2 Automatic heading control

The following procedures are only applicable when the system is
under automatic heading control.

4.2.1 Changing the heading setpoint

The change heading function is terminated automatically if one
of the heading buttons (+, Set or -) has not been pressed within a
preset time limit.

To change the heading setpoint, proceed as follows:

1 Press the -, Set or + button once.
The change heading function is activated and current
heading setpoint, preceded by the text SP: is displayed
in the Deviation area of the display (see Deviation area
on page 12).
2 Use the - or + button to decrease or increase the heading
setpoint (typically one degree for each press).
The new heading setpoint is displayed in the Deviation
area of the display.
The Present heading button status indicator becomes
unlit when the deviation between the measured heading
and the new heading setpoint exceeds a specified limit.
3 Press the Set button once.
The change heading function is terminated.
The heading deviation is displayed in the Deviation area,
i.e. the difference between the measured heading and the
new heading setpoint.
The Present heading button status indicator is lit when
the new heading setpoint is reached.

4.2.2 Stopping a change heading operation

To interrupt a requested change of heading and set the vessels
present heading as the heading setpoint, press the Present
heading button twice within four seconds.
The Present heading button status indicator starts to flash and
then becomes continuously lit when the vessels present heading
is set as the heading setpoint.

36 301063/E
Operating procedures

The heading deviation shown in the Deviation area of the display

indicates that the heading setpoint has changed.

301063/E 37
2007 Kongsberg Maritime

Kongsberg Maritime AS
P.O.Box 483 Telephone: +47 32 28 50 00
N-3601 Kongsberg, Telefax: +47 32 28 50 10
Norway Service: +47 815 35 355

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