TQM Report On: Miss Uzma Raheem
TQM Report On: Miss Uzma Raheem
TQM Report On: Miss Uzma Raheem
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The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) was made on (April 01, 1924) through passage of the
Central Board of Revenue (Act, 1924). In 1944, a full mature Revenue Division was produced
under the Ministry of Finance. After independence, this arrangement continued up to (31st
August 1960) when on the recommendations of the administrative re-structure commission
FBR was made to connect department of the Ministry of Finance. In 1974, further changes
were made to efficiently the organization and its functions.
FBR performed some major and very important duties, these are three types of taxes.
1. Sales Tax
2. Income Tax (Inland Tax)
3. Federal Exercise
How to improve the Total Quality Management in FBR
A major component of FBRs 2005 document on the tax reform project was shifted in
organization design that led to a change in the organization structure of FBR from Line
Management for Functional Management.
1. Operational Members
2. Support Members
3. Functional Members
Total Quality Management Approach in FBR
Financial perspective
The Federal Board of Revenue is hiring more employees every year and generate more than
revenues. The 2015-2016 target is 31101.5 billion that FBR will achieve.
Quality management is a long term process which takes a lot of efforts, time and money.
Finance has very strong affiliation with quality programs and quality management system.
Without strong financial resources and capability of consuming them, it is not possible to
conduct or even thinking about Quality programs.
Ethical Perspective
They care the regular tax payer and FBR start the campaigns to create the awareness about the
HR department have played a very effective role in the FBR, which have a great link with the
employees and the process of Total Quality Management. The main function of this department
is to facilitate and coordination to the employees.
Time Management
Time is the thing which is not returnable so we don't need to waste it, we need to invest less
energy in gatherings and more on activities this would bring about expanding execution and
quality since additional time will be spent on the process.
Investment in the Training
Employees much feel to change the attitude. Adopt the new working attitude .Employees will
show greater efficiency and commitment in delivering the goals and objectives of FBR in their
day-to-day work.
Staff Engagement
To engage staff with FBR unit vision, mission and values so that they can apply these in their
day-to-day work.
With increased internal communication, the tendency to work in silos is arrested and employees
increasingly understand and internalize FBRs objectives and strategy, and how they can
individually contribute to the organizations goals.
Build up profitability and quality objectives and attach them to motivate forces. Objectives can
help your specialists remain entered, which can expand speed or dispense with mistakes. To
ensure timely service delivery to external stakeholders through unhindered internal
communication. To foster a positive image of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) through
improved responsiveness resulting from effective internal communication. To have a
motivated workforce delivering taxpayer service using instantly responsive internal
communication that keeps them aware of procedural and administrative developments, leading
to a bonded and cohesive workforce. Communicate changes to a cultural change among tax
collectors towards transparent, fair and optimal delivery of revenue services.
Long Term Objectives
Through improved internal communication, the work force in FBR shall be able to internalize
tax policy and feel sufficiently motivated to pursue organizational goals. The internal
communication bridges communications gap and organizational efforts to facilitate taxpayers
in an atmosphere of mutual trust and goodwill.
Internal Branding
Use of organizational colors of cobalt blue where possible. The logo is to be used on
documents, reports, correspondence on file covers, as a backdrop for briefings, media
announcements and on stage. The repeated appearance of colors, logo and template has helped
promote a unified ethos and continued use will feed into other such objectives of FBR.
Branding also gives FBR a single face, externally.
Attitude Change
Employees will display greater efficiency and commitment in delivering the goals and
objectives of FBR in their day-to-day work.
With the support of internal communication, FBR employees will strengthen their knowledge,
skills and resources to perform with greater efficiency, integrity.
Employees will actively and proactively apply skills and resources on a daily basis. This would
translate into FBR personnel tackling each document or request with a positivity tied to
solutions instead of demonstrating a pass-the-buck attitude.