Masonry Retrofit
Masonry Retrofit
Masonry Retrofit
CINTEC strengthening,
repair and stabilization
of high-rise buildings
the Cintec System
the world of Cintec
Ranging from sophisticated wall ties, to solid bar and multi-bar
anchors over 100 feet (30m) in length, the Cintec Anchor System
can be adapted to suit a myriad of applications. Internationally,
Cintec has dealt with such high-profile projects as Windsor Castle,
U.K., the Australian and Canadian Parliament Buildings, Blair
House (part of the White House Complex, Washington, U.S.A.),
and the Bank of Montreal in Quebec. The Brandenburg Tower and
Cathedral in Germany, the ancestral home of a former President of
the U.S.A. and the Prudential Building in Chicago have also
benefited from the Cintec Solution.
durability Freeze-thaw
testing of Cintec
freeze-thaw Anchors
showed no
Following rigorous testing in North America by ArconTEST
Incorporated, the report on the Uni-directional Freeze-thaw Performance deterioration
of Cintec Masonry Anchors (to EN 772) found no appreciable loss of after 100 cycles
grout or encasing brickwork after a full 100-cycle test.
Extreme temperature
fire testing shows the
Fire testing at the Building Research Establishment (U.K.) in 1993 Cintec Anchor
confirm that the Cintec Anchor System, when installed correctly, meets withstanding
a fire period requirement of up to 2 hours, at 160c (212F). temperatures of
212 degrees F
(160 oc) for two hours
United Kindom The Winston Bridge Engineering Excellence The Coalport Inclined Plane Bridge
Strenthening Project, U.K. Award 2001, Australia Strengthening Project, U.K.
case histories
Glasgow, UK
The problems
Every block revealed a variety of problems. The number
of wall ties required by the original drawings were not
always present, particularly to the side of the windows.
The galvanised steel ties were nearing the end of their
useful life. Overall, wall ties were found to be skewed,
deformed, off level, rusting, mismatched between dove-
tail and slot or inadequately anchored. Many of the panels
were consequently deemed to be sub-standard and inef-
fective, even to the earlier lower requirements and stan-
dards for both quality and quantity.
Problems with gables were numerous: the dovetailed
bronze ties were present in irregular quantities, but the tail
was sometimes deformed or the tie mismatched with the
slot. L-shaped galvanised mild steel ties from previous
repairs were found to be sub-standard.
Brickwork was showing evidence of stress: corners
developed vertical cracks, gable brickwork seating was inad-
equate, slip bricks were debonded from nib bricks spalled
above and below nib levels, damp-proof course had squeezed
out, pointing had eroded, cavities were dirty.
wall tie 3/8" diameter (10mm)
External concrete elements, including floor slab nibs
and balconies were problematic: reinforcement was very wall anchor 1 3/16" (30mm)
close to both the surface and local rusting, there was minor
stress cracking, the face of nibs were palling from the
gables at corners, balustrade posts were corroding at the
points where they had been inserted into the balcony; and mortar plug
London, U.K.
The problem
In acknowledging the inherent danger of gas explosions,
Barking Council decided to reinforce the concrete end
panels on a number of its high-rise properties. Gas meters
located on the inside of the external end walls were a cause
for concern as a gas leak is more likely at one of their pipe
connections. In the worst case, an explosion could cause a
house of cards effect from a progressive collapse.
The solution
Terminal Tower
Cintec Anchors provided a solution which fixed the Cleveland, Ohio
external panels to one another and also to an inner wall
via the insulation cavity of the hollow concrete flooring. The structure
The anchor ensemble was held together by a plate welded
This imposing landmark building was once the main rail
to the external end of the tubular anchor. The inner end of
terminus for Cleveland. The original design of the terminal
the anchor was locked to the internal wall, and provided the
had no tower. Following a redesign, one was added to pro-
strong mechanical bond achieved in testing.
vide downtown office space. When it was built as part of
Extensive insitu load testing on the stainless steel
the Van Sweringen brothers Union Terminal, it was the tall-
tube anchors proved that loading potential was more
est building outside of New York City until 1967, when Bos-
than double the requirement. The smaller external
tons Prudential Centre was built. Terminal Tower remains
load transfer anchors also performed well beyond
the second tallest building in Ohio, and has recently been
their required parameters. In all, several hundred
refurbished for use as a prime commercial centre.
Cintec Anchors were installed.
The problem
Cintec anchoring detail As part of the process of refurbishment and following an
inspection by the project engineers from a swing stage plat-
form, parts of the masonry were seen to require radical repair.
external wall:
concrete panelling
The solution
23 ft (7 m)
Cintec load transfer anchors
Following the Engineers Inspection, repairs to the
masonry were carried out at the same time as the contrac-
connector nut
tor was inspecting the masonry from a swing stage. Cintec
1 1/4 (33mm) Cintec
stainless steel tubular anchor
Anchors Type RAC with a single sock 12 (300mm) long
and double sock anchors 17 1/2 (450mm) long with a 4
plate welded to anchor
(100mm) long sock at each end were inserted into 3/4
front plate
(20mm) holes and inflated using grout-filled cartridges
hollow concrete flooring and a caulking gun. RWT 5/8 x 5/8 (15mm x 15mm)
Cintec grout sock square hollow section anchors 30 (750mm) long were
expanding into
hollow floor panels used to stitch the soffit stone at the upper band course.
inner concrete wall
The engineers were Webster Engineering Associates,
of Cleveland and the contractors were M.A. Building &
Maintenance Co., also of Cleveland.
6 2
detail 3
8 7
3 wall
Essex County 4
Courthouse 9
1 structural steel beam
2 limestone panels
Newark, New Jersey, USA Cintec 3 Cintec Anchor
anchor 4 expandable nylon sock
As featured in If masonry is one of architectures true constants, then section 5 steel relieving angle
Architecture one of historic preservations true constants is masonry detail 6 masonry backup
Magazine repair. Brick and stone are among the most versatile and 7 patching compound
- April 1998 durable building materials, but theyre prone to wear and 8 grout flood hole
damage from wind, rain, and all manner of human assault. 9 stainless steel member
Fortunately, historic preservation specialists and prod- 10 end plate
The solution
The external brickwork required replacement, so the
outer leaf was dismantled. Re-building of the outer leaf
was accelerated by the provision of the stainless steel angle
supports at each floor level. The simple horizontal Corbel
Anchor into the slab could not be employed because it
would have cut the top edge beam reinforcement. Instead,
Cintec Corbel Anchors inclined at 45 were supported
wall section over the downstand beams and used to support the stain-
at plank less steel angles supporting the external leaf brickwork.
bearing The brickwork was built off the steel angles in storey
heights with thermal movement joints. Cintec RAC wall
ties were used to tie the new leaf of brickwork to the inter-
nal leaf of blockwork.
edge beam
The Phoenicia
Hotel Cronstetten-
Malta strasse
In early 1996 remedial works were carried out on The Frankfurt, Germany
Phoenicia Hotel in Malta. The object being to strengthen
the north, east and west exterior faade walls. A total of Built in the early 1920s the apartment block had been
1541 Cintec Anchors were installed, the majority (1350) seriously cracked by bombing in the Second World War
of which were Cintec Type RAC 3/8 (10 mm) dia cir- and, more recently, by construction work and deep exca-
cular hollow section anchors 20 (508mm) long installed vations on neighbouring land.
both vertically and horizontally between the first and third 985 feet (300 metres) of anchors in lengths up to 50
floors. These were tested to the required working load of feet (15 metres) were installed into the masonry to rein-
4460 lbs (20 kn). A replacement drilled core section of the force the structure. Design, engineering and inspection
limestone parent material was carefully placed into the front were by local Cintec consultants and the dry core drilling
of the drill hole and finished to match the adjacent masonry and installation took place in 1998 by approved Cintec
as far as practical, to provide a near invisible finish. Stitching contractors. All work was performed while people contin-
anchors 60 (1.53m) long were then installed to secure the ued to reside within the building.
corners of the flank walls. The work was carried out from
outside the hotel by abseiling from the roof. This saved
costs in time and scaffolding and as the work was exter-
nal, it did not require the hotel to close. Finally 24 tie
rods were installed within the floor cavities of the first
and second floors from exterior east wall to the west wall.
These consisted of 5/8 (M16) dia threaded anchors 609
mm (24) long and connected to 1 (M24) dia threaded
rods, each with two turnbuckles which, once the anchors
settings had cured, were then tightened as required. The
drilling installation of the Cintec system was completed
ahead of time by the UK company Protectahome Ltd.
Prince Street
Manhattan, N.Y.
This five storey apartment block required the secure-
ment of its brick walls to each of its wooden floors. Cintec
5/8 (M16) dia solid bar anchors of 43 (1.3m) in length
were installed at an angle of 45o. Protruding beyond the
Sigmund Freud St. underside of the wooden floor beams enabled the inflated
anchor to expand beyond the width of the drill hole to
form a highly secure stopper locking together the various
Frankfurt, Germany structural elements.
on the web
Visit our Web-site for up-to-date information and test data together
with information on the various projects carried out worldwide.
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