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Board of Trustees Year 2017

Philippine Council for Quality

President : Godwin N. Hernaez, MD, FPSP
Vice-President : Anacleta P. Valdez, MD, FPSP Assurance in Clinical
Sarah Jane L. Datay-Lim, MD, DPSP
Ronaldo E. Puno, RMT, MBA-H
Auditor : Erlinda C. Pijuan, RMT
PRO : Estela Marie S. Tanchoco, MD, DPSP
invites you to the
Asst. Secretary : Gina A. Noble, RMT
Asst. Treasurer : Ricardo E. Eclarin, MD, FPSP
Immediate Past President : Aileen Riego-Javier, MD, FPSP
PCQACL Academy
Zykar Thesalonica Batulan, RMT Gamaliel Fulgueras, RMT Standardization of Tests in Detecting
Paulo Enrico P. Belen, MD, DPSP Emil Bryan Garcia, MD, FPSP Chronic Kidney Disease
Grace J. Dela Calzada, MD, FPSP Iza Lourdes Rusiana, RMT
Januario D. Veloso, MD, FPSP

Founding President : Tomas P. Maramba Jr, MD, FPSP

Committee on Continuing Medical Education, Training, and Research

Chair : Marissa A. Orillaza, MD, MSCE

Co-Chair : Grace J. Dela Calzada, RMT,MD, MM, MPM-HG
Members : Edgardo B. Liu, MT, MBA
Rodelio D. Lim, MD, FPSP
Sarah Jane L. DatayLim, MD, DPSP April 5, 2017, 8:00AM-5:30PM
Zykar Thesalonica Batulan, RMT Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila
Iza Lourdes Rusiana, RMT Ortigas Avenue, Quezon City

Member Rate : Php 2,500.00
Regular Rate : Php 3,000.00
Contact Us at:
PSP Building Unit C, 114 Malakas Street, Diliman Quezon City
Telfax No. (632) 926-6604 / Wireless Tel. (632) 400-6148 On-site
Mobile No. 0922-8909746 / 0917-8546436 Member Rate : Php 3,000.00
email ad: [email protected] Regular Rate : Php 3,500.00

Promo Rate : Send 5 participants + 1 free registration



One of the growing public healthcare team, the laboratory Training Course Lectures-
health and economic burdens in the professionals must first fully At the end of the seminar- Discussions
country and even worldwide is appreciate what the burden of the workshop, the participants will:
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). disease is, the current state and 1. Is there a growing public health and
With the current population of over issues related to CKD, and the 1. Describe current tests requested
to help diagnose CKD; economic burden of chronic kidney
100 million Filipinos, it has been testing challenges they must face in
estimated that almost 2.2 % of order to get and give a better disease in the Philippines?
Filipino adults are inflicted with CKD perspective and understand the 2.Distinguish the different methods
used in testing; 2. What are the tests available in the
and about 100 Filipinos per million bigger picture of multidisciplinary
population annually develop End patient care. The new and added Philippines to diagnose CKD?
Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). knowledge as well as the soft and 3. Discover the recommendations
of KDIGO regarding the choice of 2.1. Are there other tests that may
ESRD is considered the most severe hard skills to be gained from this
form of CKD. What seemingly looks course will pave the way to elevating the formula to be used for be requested but are only available
like a small percentage of CKD the quality of testing, and the estimating the GFR and the
accurate measurement of serum abroad- if so, where and how to avail
cases deteriorating into ESRD, its accuracy and precision of test
management which includes dialysis reports. It will also boost the creatinine; of these?
and transplantation have posed a confidence of the laboratory
3. Report accurately estimated 3. What are the recommendations of
very high financial and emotional professionals to be appropriately
burden to the patients, their responsive to the needs of our glomerular filtration rate ( eGFR ) KDIGO for measurement of Serum
caregivers and families. clinicians and patients, in a timely to better guide Clinicians in the
evaluation of patients with Creatinine?
manner for best health outcomes.
Over the years, serum creatinine compromised kidney function; 4. What are the recommendations of
has become the most widely used The course will give the
marker in estimating GFR. Issues on 4. Identify the factors affecting the KDIGO regarding the choice of the
participants the right tools in
the testing of creatinine, ie: upholding the quality of renal testing quality of test from pre-examination formula to use in estimating GFR?
type/principle of method used, quality in the laboratory through in-depth to post-examination phases.
assurance, and external proficiency discourse on significance of the
testing beset the laboratories. The disease, the methodology, quality 5. Demonstrate the importance of
reporting of estimated creatinine assurance and external proficiency adhering to internationally This Course is designed for
clearance as recommended by the testing. This holistic approach given recognized standards in the Head Pathologists
Kidney Disease Improving Global by experts in the field of nephrology, measurement of creatinine level; Section Head Pathologists
Outcomes (KDIGO) is among the clinical pathology, and patient care Chief Medical Technologists
new challenges faced by clinical will help standardize the way 6. Employ the standards in Section Chief MedTechs
laboratories these days. creatinine and other renal tests are creatinine testing at work to relate Other Clinical Lab Supervisors
performed in the Philippines and with quality assurance and external Generalist Physicians
make it at par with global proficiency testing. Other interested parties

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