Technology Rotation 3 and 4 Ylp 2017-2018

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Technology Rotation Year Long Plan 2017-2018

School Year Grades 3 & 4

Week Lesson Name Description ISTE Standard Notes
21-Aug No Rotations
28-Aug Introduction/Expectations 2: Digital Citizen
4-Sep Digital Citizenship Complete Digital Citizen Page 2: Digital Citizen
11-Sep Google Drive Log In Drive Back to School Book 1: Empowered Learner
18-Sep Google Drive Log In Drive Back to School Book 1: Empowered Learner
25-Sep Keyboarding BOY WPM Typing Test 1: Empowered Learner
2-Oct Google Class C Skillset Begin Training Checklist 1: Empowered Learner
9-Oct Google Class C Skillset Complete Training Checklist 1: Empowered Learner
16-Oct Fall Break : No Rotations
23-Oct Internet Safety Internet Safety Workbook 2: Digital Citizen
30-Oct Keyboarding Typing Test & WPM Tracking 1: Empowered Learner
6-Nov Class C Skillset Class C Skills Assessment 1: Empowered Learner
13-Nov Scratch Scratch Workbook Lesson 1: Introduction 5: Computational Thinking
20-Nov Hour of Code 5: Computational Thinking Thanksgiving Week
27-Nov Keyboarding Typing Test & WPM Tracking 1: Empowered Learner
4-Dec Scratch Scratch Workbook Lesson 2: Loops & 5: Computational Thinking
11-Dec Online Research 3: Knowledge Constructor
18-Dec Keyboarding MOY WPM Typing Test 1: Empowered Learner
25-Dec Winter Break: No Rotations
1-Jan Internet Safety Internet Safety Workbook 2: Digital Citizen
8-Jan Online Research 3: Knowledge Constructor
15-Jan Internet Safety Internet Safety Workbook 2: Digital Citizen
22-Jan Keyboarding Typing Test & WPM Tracking 1: Empowered Learner
29-Jan Class B Skillset Begin Training Checklist 6: Creative Communicator
5-Feb Class B Skillset Complete Training Checklist 6: Creative Communicator
12-Feb Class B Skillset Class B Skills Assessment 6: Creative Communicator
19-Feb Keyboarding Typing Test & WPM Tracking 1: Empowered Learner
26-Feb Gamestar Mechanic Lesson 1 4: Innovative Designer
5-Mar Game Design Lesson 1: Brainstorm Week 4: Innovative Designer
12-Mar Gamestar Mechanic Lesson 2: Playster Evaluation 4: Innovative Designer
19-Mar Keyboarding Typing Test & WPM Tracking 1: Empowered Learner
26-Mar Game Design Lesson 2: Story & Character Development 4: Innovative Designer
2-Apr Spring Break: No Rotations
9-Apr Gamestar Mechanic Quest Day 7: Global Collaborator
16-Apr Game Design Lesson 3 & 4: Level Design & Creation Day 4: Innovative Designer
23-Apr Game Design Lesson 5: Finalize Games 4: Innovative Designer
30-Apr Keyboarding Typing Test & WPM Tracking 1: Empowered Learner
7-May Play Games Sharing games created with classmates 7: Global Collaborator
14-May Keyboarding EOY WPM Typing Test 1: Empowered Learner
No Rotations

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