Sonnet Guide

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Windows 8 Documentation

Sonnet LitePlus & Links in the manuals will not

Lite Information function when using the embed-
Whats included in the ded PDF Reader app. You must
suite and whats not. install Adobe Reader. Please click
here for instructions.

Getting Started Whats New

The basics, pitfalls to avoid, Already a Sonnet user?
and tutorials to get you See whats new since
going.The things you really our last release.
need to know.

Users Guide Translators

The theory behind the fea- All the translators and
tures and how to best use interfaces. Includes
them. Includes tutorials. tutorials.

Register Sonnet Lite

Registration is free, easy and
fast. Registering Sonnet Lite will
increase the size of the circuits
you can analyze from 1 MByte
to 32 MBytes.

Sonnet Products Legal Notices

Sure you have every- Trademarks, registered
thing you need? See a trademarks and third party
complete list of Sonnet vendors licensing agree-
products and features. ments.

Release Notes
Known bugs and
other important License Agreement
Sonnets Agilent ADS Sonnets AWR Microwave
Interface manual. Office Interface manual.
Includes tutorial.

Sonnets DXF Transla- Sonnets GDSII Transla-

tor manual. Includes tor manual. Includes
tutorial. The DXF Trans- tutorial.
lator is only available in
Sonnet LitePlus.

Sonnets Gerber
Sonnets Cadence Virtu- Translator manual.
oso Interface manual. Includes tutorial of
Includes tutorial. single and multi-file
PDF Manuals on Windows 8 Platforms
Sonnets PDF Manuals do not open on Windows 8 platforms when using the embedded Reader app. If you click
on a button to open a manual, nothing happens. The app only allows one instance to run at a time so it does not
support links between PDF documents, which are used in Sonnets manual set supplied with your installation.

From the Microsoft Support website:

When clicking on a link to a PDF file within a PDF file in Windows 8 Reader
nothing happens
This is a feature design limitation of the Windows 8 Store App "Reader". The
Reader allows only a single instance running at a time.
In order to use Sonnets manual set, you need to install the latest version of Adobe Reader for the Windows 8
platform, then set Adobe Reader as the default program for PDF files. You can download Adobe Reader from
Adobes website:

Once you have downloaded and installed Adobe Reader, do the following to set the default.

1 Open the Windows Control Panel.

If you are unsure of how to access the control panel, enter Control Panel in the Search function in
your Start window.


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2 Click on Programs in the Control Panel.
The Programs window appears on your display.

Default Programs

3 Click on Default Programs in the Programs window.

The Default Programs window appears on your display.

Set your default programs

Rev. 1.0 Page 2 of 3

4 Click on Set your default programs in the Default Programs window.
The Set Default Programs window appears on your display.


Set this
as default

5 Find Adobe Reader in the list of Programs and click to select it.
Adobe Reader should be highlighted to indicate it is selected (as pictured above).
6 Click on Set this program as default in the Set Default Programs window.
This selects Adobe Reader as the default program for all PDF files.
7 Click on the OK button to close the window and apply the changes.
This completes the procedure. The Sonnet manuals should now be opened in Adobe Reader and all
links function correctly.

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