Pds - Gulfsea Power MX 15w-40 Ch4 (2016-03)

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GulfSea Power MX 15W-40 CH4

Marine Diesel Engine Oil

Product Description
GulfSea Power MX 15W-40 CH4 is formulated using a robust additive package and selected base stocks to
deliver real performance in todays heavy-duty diesel engines, especially those fitted with modern features like
Super-charger, Turbo-charger and multi-valves drive trains.

GulfSea Power MX 15W-40 CH4 is a proven choice with the transportation industry in Asian region. It minimizes
high temperature carbon deposits, which is by far the most concerned issue for todays heavily loaded modern
diesel engines. The reduced carbon build-up means less rings wear and cylinder bore polishing resulting in much
reduced diesel consumption, less ring breakage and piston skirt scuffing. Its high ability to neutralize acidic by-
products from the diesel combustion ensures minimum corrosion of the engine parts throughout the lengthy oil
drain interval.

Features & Benefits

Minimizes oil consumption

Protects against ring and cylinder wear
Keeps piston clean
Neutralizes acids from high sulfur fuel
High performance in both diesel and gasoline engine


Turbocharged and naturally aspirated low emission diesel engines of major European & American
engine manufacturers
On highway light and heavy duty trucking including high speed-high load service and short haul pick-
up/delivery van.
Heavy duty diesel engines used in marine, mining, construction, agriculture and other off highway

Typical Properties

GulfSea Power MX 15W-40 CH4

SAE Grade 15W-40
Meets the following Specifications
API CH-4/SJ, MB-Approval 228.1, MTU Oil Category 1, MAN 270/271
Typical Properties
Test Parameters ASTM Method Typical Values
Viscosity @ 40 C, cSt D 445 113.7
Viscosity @ 100 C, cSt D 445 14.8
Viscosity Index D 2270 134
Flash Point, C D 92 228
Pour Point, C D 97 -27
BN, mg KOH/g D 2896 10.0
Specific Gravity @ 15 C D 4052 0.877
Color D 1500 2.5
Mar 2016

Due to continual product research and development, the information contain herein is subject to change without notification.
Typical Properties may vary slightly

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