Bengal Borstal Schools Act, 1928 PDF
Bengal Borstal Schools Act, 1928 PDF
Bengal Borstal Schools Act, 1928 PDF
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0 it I 0 Gcu.
ANDWHERUS thc previous sanction or thc Governor General has been
c~h~ainccd undcr sub-scc~ion(3)ofseclion 8OA of thc Govcrnmen~olIndia
Acl 10 thc passing of this Act;
11i s hcreby cnac~edas follows:-
\I, C. I [I I .
'This Acr should be mad with s. 5 1 of the \\rust Bcnpd Children Act, 1959 (\Vest Bcn.
Acr XXX o f 1959) and norificil~ions( I ) No, 195S-S,WJIH-ISf6U, d x v d thc 2 n d Junc,
196 1 (2) No. 281-S.lVJI.H.43161, dared 8.2.63 and (3) No. 3 7 9 - S . \ V J J A 3 / 6 3 , dared
15.?.61..which bring c e n h scctions of thc larcr Acl into force in Calcutta, Howah, and
crnnin olher places oi H o w d and 24-Rrganz dislrias and orhcr arms.
'For Slafcn~crr~oiObjccrs andRrasons.seetlic C~rlrrrr!o Grrrerrcof1827.PI.1V.pagc38:
and lor Proctcdinps in Council. see thc Procccdings of thc Bcngd Lcgisla~iv~Council.
Val. XXVI, pages 79 and 141.
jThc words "IVehi Bcngal" wcm substitulcd Tor the word "Rm~al" hy Aniclr 3(l)oTthc
India11 Indtpcnlfencc (,4d;mrnfinno i Rrnnnl nnrl Pllnilh PI,% n*.h- 1 0 I v
Tlrc B E I I RBorstal
~ ~ Sclrools Act, 1928.
[Ben. Act I
(ii) in any other arcs is not less than fifrecn nor morc than
twcnty-onc yc:us of agc;
(2) "Borsral schuol" means n scl~oolestablished by the '[Srate
Govcrnmcnil undcr scctian 3;
(3) "lnspcc~or-Gcncrul"rncans thc tnspcctnr-Gcneral olPrisons
and includcs any officer appointed by thel[Stare Governmenl]
to perform all or any of the du~iesitnposcd, or lo exercise a11
or any ofthe powers conferred by this Aci, on the Inspeclor-
Gcneral; and
(4) "prescribed" means prescribed by rulcs m d c undcr this A a .
Appl irxion
4. Subject lo [he provisions of [his Acl, !hc provisions of rhc Prisons rx or I 694, ;
Acl, 1894, and [he Prisoners Act, 1900, shall apply to a Borsral school "Iof IYw.
Phons Act.
1 S Y l . .uld established under [his Act as if it werc a prison and an inmale thereof a
~ l i c Prironcs
ACI. 140~1,
, .
(2) Before making an order undcr sub-secrion ( I ) rhe Courr shall-
(a) inquire into thc age of thc orfender and, alter taking such
evidence (if any) as may bc deemed ncccssary, shall rccord
a finding ~hcrconsrating his approximalc agc;
(b) aftcr considering any report or rcprcsenlarion which niay be
made ro it as 10 thc desirabiliry of the detendon or the
adolescent oifcnder in a Bors~alscl~ool.snlisFy itself thar rhc
character. stnic of hcallh and mcntal condirion oTrhe offender
and the other circumstances o f rhc case arc such that the
oflcndcr i s likely to profit by such detention.
fnnvard the adolescenl olfcndcr to or talc bail For his appcarance beforc
thc Disrricr Magisrnre or Sub-divisional Magisbate lo whom he is
subordinate or a salaricd Presidency Magistrale.
(2) Before forwarding an adolcscen~offendcr or taking bail for his
appearance in accordance with rhe provisions of sub-sccrion ( I) the Court
shall rnakc Ihc inquiry and rccord [he finding prescribcd in clause (a) of
sub-seclion (2) of section 5 in rcspecl or such adolescent oficnder.
(3) A Disrrict Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magisuatc or salaried
Prcsidcncy Magislra~c,10 whom an adolesccnt offender is forwarded or
before whom an adolcscenl offendcr appears in accordance with he
provisions olsuh-section (1) may makcsuch further inquiry (if any) as he
may think fit and may,subjcct 10 the condi~ionsconlaincd in clause (b) oi
sub-section (2) of scctian 5 , make an ordcr for [he d e t c n ~ o nof the
adolescent offcnder in a Borstal school Tor a term which shall no\ bc less
rhan two and shatl not excccd three years, or may return the record of thc
casc to the Courl which uied ir for passing such sentence as lhal Coun may
lhink fit.
[Ben. Act I
( S t c r i o ~ 8-
~ s1 1 . )
, .
. .
(2) The procedure prescribed for nppcals io Chaplcr XXXI of the ... .
Codc orcriminal Proccdurc, 1895. shall appl y ns Far as possiblc to appcnls ,&,I v r,
under [his sccrion. 189.3.
(3) Thc Appellate Court may dismiss thc appcal or may-
(a) reversc rhc order and mnkc any wher order or pass any
senlencc which mighr have bccn li~wrully~nadeor passcd i n
respecr ol'thc adolcscenr offendcr by ~ h Courr
c which passed
the order of dricn~ion;or
jb) alrcr thc term delcntion suhjecr ro rhc limirs prcscribed i n
sub-seclion ( 1 ) of secrion 5.
12. Subjecl to lhc prcsurlbcdcondi~i~ns, [he Inspeclor-Gencral may, Pomcr lo
on [he rcco~nrncndationor rhr. Visiting Commirtec, at any !lmc after lhc
I .. .
[Ben. Act I
~C)I\-~.C 14. Any police-officer, not bclow the rank of a Sub-Inspeclor of
Jrrrsr r>C
police. Policc may,wirhour orders from a Magistrare and without warranl, arrest
an adolescen~orrcndcr who has escapcd horn a Borstal school or rcmovcd
11imsclT lrmn [lie supervision of the inslitu~ion,socie~yor pcrson under
which hc was per~nittedro livc by licenseunder sec~ion12, and shall send
him, if so arrested, in cuslody to the Borslal school in which he was last
T r ~ r ~ s lof
cr 15. Nolwilhs~andinganything elsewhere conlaincd in this Acl, if an
CIC.. 10 adolescent offcndcr dclained in a Borsral school-
prisons. (a) is reporled to thc '[Slate Government] by !he Visiring
Comnijttcc of such school to he incorrigible or lo bc
exercising bad influence on thc olher inmares o i ~ h c
school, or
(h) cscapcs from the Borslnl school orrcmoves hirnselI from the
supervision of [he innitution. socie~yor person undcr wluch
he was pemirted to livc by license under section 12,
thc '[State Covernmcnt] may a l ~ e rthe unexpircd rcsiduc of [he term o l
detention lo such tcnn of imprisonment of cither description as he
'[Stale Govcmmcnl] may determine:
Provided that rhe period or imprisonment shall not cxcccd-
(a) such unexpircd residue, or
(b) !he n~nxirnumpcriod of imprisonmcn~provided by law for
thc offence or the failurc to sivc security, as [he casc may be,
in consequence or which the adolesccnl oifcnder was
ordered lo bc dcrained in a Bomtal school,
whichcvcr is Icss:
Provided further thar no such adolescent offcndcr shall be ordered by
the ' [ S L ~ Govcmmcnt]
LC ro bepunished withrigorousi~nprisonmentunless
such imprison~nenlwas provided hy law for the original oFfencc or !be
iailurc lo give securiry, as the casc may be, inconsequence of which he was
ordered lo be d e ~ i n c din a Borstal sctnol.
(Seiiecrioli Id. J
. .
- ..
16. (1) Thc '[S~alcGovernmcnr] may make rulcs forcorryingour thc Rules
purposes of [his Act.
(2) In par~iculnr,and wirhout prejudice to [he gcneralily or the
forcgoing porvcr, thc I [S [ate Government] may make ruIcs LOprovide for
all or any of the follnwing matters, namely:-
(3) Lhc conlrol and rnamgerncnt or Borslal schools;
(h) thc appainlmenl. poivcrs and dulicu of official^ in such
(c) the cansritudan, powrrs and duties of Visiting Committees:
(d) the classification, rrcalmcnt, maintenance, education,
indusrrial training and control of the inmates of Borstal
(e) the rcgularion of he powers of lie Inspeclor-Genenl under
sections 10, I 2 and 13;
(0 111cprescri bing of placcs of in~ermcdiatecuslody in respcc t of
Couris ro which such Courls may nrder adolescent offenders
10 bc scnl; and
(g) thc form and conditions o f licenses granted under section 12.
(3) A11 rulcs made under lhis scc~ion shall be published in the
'[Oflcinl Gclretle] and, on such publication, shall have h c samc cffecl as
i f enacted in [his Act.