West Bengal Cement Control Act, 1948
West Bengal Cement Control Act, 1948
West Bengal Cement Control Act, 1948
Bare Acts & Rules
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1. (1) This A c t may be callcd the Wesr Bcngal Cemenr Control ACL, sllofi rille.
cxtcnr and
1048. co~orncnce-
whole of West Bcngal.
(2) 11cxrends lo ~ h c
~VCSI Ben. (3) 11 s h ~ l come
l into forcc on [he datc on which lhc WCSIBengal
Or'. IXOf Ccnlenl Conrol Ordinance, 1948. ceases lo operale.
Act, 1948.
Tfle West Betlgol Ccrtret~rCo~lrr-01
XXVI of 1948.1
4. The l[State] Covcmment may, by ordcr in hc Oflciai Gaierte,
dirccr 1ha1the powcr to make orders under scction 3 shall, in relarion to
such matiers and subjccl to such condirions, if any, as may he spccificd in
rhc dirccrion, be exercisable also by such Officcr '[, no1 below rhe n n k of
Subdivisional Controller of Food and SuppIics,]as m a y be specified in thc
9. If any person- F ~ S C
(i) 'when required by an ordcr made under seclion 3 romake any
statement or furnish any inronnation, makes any sralcrnenlor
furnishes any jnrorrna~ion which is falsc in any material
p , ~ i c u l n rand which he knnws or has reasonable cause to
believe lo be tlsc, or does not believe to be uuc, or
(ii) makes any such stalcrnenl as aforesaid in any book, accounl,
record, dcclmtion, relurn or other documcnt which lie is
required by any such order to maintain or furnish,
he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a [ e m which may ccx~endto
hree years or with fine or with borh.
3 of f f ~ cWL'SI
10IY ~Jfel~cess~r~~lt~~arily.-O~~iitfedb~sec.
11. [Polr'ct~
Brr~gnlC e t r l e ~ ~Cotzr~~al
r 1956 (LVesr Ben. Act ,YXI of
Pro~cctiunor 14. (1) No suir, proseculion or olhcr lcgal proceeding shall lic agains t
under ~ I l e any person for anything which is in good rairh done or inlcndcd lo bc done
Act. in pursuance or any ordcr made undcr scction 3:
(2) No suit oro[hcrlcgnI proceeding sliall Iic againsl~he3[Governmcnt]
for any damagcscaused orlikcly ro becaused by anyrhing which is in good
fairh done or incended to bc done in pursuance of any ordcr made under