West Bengal Cement Control Act, 1948

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West Bengal Act XXVI of 1948'

ACT, 1948.
AMw n ~ ~ .. West Ben. A c l XXI o f 1956.

ADAPTED .. The A d a p ~ a t i o nof Laws Order, 1950.

Att Arr to curqer powers lo control Iheprodrrc~iot~, srrpplymiddirrt~ibrrtioti

oJ;a t ~ drmrlt atid cornt~ierceill, cen~etlrirt \VPSI B-e~igal.
WI.IERLIS i~i s expedient to contcr powers to conlrol the production,
supply and diswibudon of, and trade and camnlcrce in, cemcnt in Wesl
11 is hcreby enattcd as fol1orvs:-

1. (1) This A c t may be callcd the Wesr Bcngal Cemenr Control ACL, sllofi rille.
cxtcnr and
1048. co~orncnce-
whole of West Bcngal.
(2) 11cxrends lo ~ h c
~VCSI Ben. (3) 11 s h ~ l come
l into forcc on [he datc on which lhc WCSIBengal
Or'. IXOf Ccnlenl Conrol Ordinance, 1948. ceases lo operale.

2. In [his Aci, unless thcre is any~hingrepugnanr in rhe subject or kfinition.

context, "ccmznl" includes portland ccmcnl, any othcr cernentilious
producr n~anuraciurcdby in~crgrindingar inlernuxjng porlland cernenl as
defined in the British S r n n d x d Specifications of 1940, wirh any activc or
inert marcrial,whi te and coloured cements,high alurninncemznrs, and any
produc~nlanufi~c~urcd by direcl mixing of somcor all oxides conslituting
normal porlland ccmenr.

3. (1) The ?[Srarc] Governmenl, so far as i~ nppears 10 it to be Po"crlo

ncccssary or cxpcdicnl for mainpaining or incrcasing h e supply o r c e m e n t prdu,-ilon,
or for securing irs cqui tabledisrribuiion and availability at [air prices, may, suppry-
by :'order in the Omial Caze~te,provide For rcgulaling or prohibiting thc clc-, of
p r o d u c l i o n , supply and disuibution thcrcof and lradc and cornmerct: cemfnt,
therein wiihin Wesl Bengal.

'ForSrateii~cn~ oCObjcc~sand Rcuons, sce the G~lcrrrruG11:crrc. E ~ i r u o r J i ~ ~dated

rhc 3 Is1 Augusr. 1948. Pan IV, page 747; for pmcedings nf rhc Wcsl Btngal Lc~islarive
Assembly .stethc procrrJin~so~~hcmectingo~thc WcslBtngJ kgistalive Assembly hcld
on IFC 2 Is1 Scprcmbrr, 194R,
-This word ivilhin ~ h squms bnckels t v s subsiiru~edfor the word "Provinuis)" by
p m . J( 1 ) o f rhc Adaplalion olLaws Ordcr. 195U.
'For Orllcr ~nadcundcrsccrion 3( 1) md with secrion 3(2)(a). (b).(c). [d). (c).If). (g);uld
(h)of~hclVcsr Rcngal Cc~~icnr Conlrol Ordinmcc (Wesr Ben,Ord. LX of 1948) and continued
in force by s. 16 of this Act, rclaring ro he sale, storing, erc. or cenjcnl. see nolincarion
No. 10333 D.C.S., dated 18.8.48. publkhcd i n the Crrlrrrrra Gnielrc. ~tl?~ordirr(rq'. or 1948,
Pan I.pages 683-686. a subscquendy mendcd fmm lime ro rirnc.

Act, 1948.
Tfle West Betlgol Ccrtret~rCo~lrr-01

[West Ben. Act

(2) Without prejudicc LO the generaliry of thc powcrs conferred by

sub.scc!ion ( I ) , an ordcr made thercunder may providr-
(a) forregulating by licences, pernutsorothcrwisc [heproduction
or rnanufaclure of ccmcnt;
(b) for rzgulaling or controlling he priccs at which cement may
he purchasedor sold and fur prescribing thc condi~ionsorsale
(c) l'or regulaling by liccnccs, permits or orhenvise, thc storage,
rransporl, movcnient, possession, distribution, disposal,
acquisjlion, usc or consunlption of ccmcnr ;
(d) forprohibiting 111cwithholding from salcofccn~entordinarily
kcpl fnr sale;
(e) for rcquiring any person holding stock of cement to scll thc
whotc or spcciIicd par1 of the slock at such prices and lo such
persons or cIasscs of persons or in such circunlstances, as
may be specil\cd in rhc order;
(9 lor collecting any inrorrnarion or s~aristicswith :I vicw to
regulating or prohibiring any OF [he aforesaid mattcrs;
(g) for rcquiring pcrsons engaged in thcproducrion, supply or
distribulion of, or wade or commerce in, cerncm to mainfain
and produce for inspecuon such hooks, accounis and records
relaling to their business and to furnish such informalion
relaling thcrclo, a s may be specifird in thc ordcr; and
(I)) for any incidcnlal and supplenlentary marrers, including in
particular thc cnlcring and search o f prenuses, vchiclcs,
vcssels and aircraft, the seizurc by a person authorised to
makc such search of cernenl in rcspcct of which suc11person
has rcason ~o helieve thar a conlravcn~ionor !he order has
becn, is k i n g or is aboul to be cornmiricd, thc granl or issue
uf licenses. permits or other documents, and the charging of
recs therefor.
(3) Whcn any ccmenl is seized undcr thc authori~yof any order made
under sub-scclion (I), the person seizing the ccmcnt shall make a report of
such seizure lo a Magisvale who may give such directions as lo i ~ s
[emparacycuslody as hc thinks fit, so, however, Illat wherc no prosecution
is instituted for conlravcntion of the order i n respect of [he ccrncnl scized
within a period in his opinion reasonable, the Magisware shall dircct its
rcrurn ta he person from whom it was seized; and the provisions of the
Code olCriminal Procedurc, 1898, shall, so far as they may beapplicablc,
apply to any search or seizure under any such order as they apply to any
search or scizurc under Chapter VLI of that Codc.

XXVI of 1948.1

4. The l[State] Covcmment may, by ordcr in hc Oflciai Gaierte,
dirccr 1ha1the powcr to make orders under scction 3 shall, in relarion to
such matiers and subjccl to such condirions, if any, as may he spccificd in
rhc dirccrion, be exercisable also by such Officcr '[, no1 below rhe n n k of
Subdivisional Controller of Food and SuppIics,]as m a y be specified in thc

5. Any ordermadc under seclion 3 shall havccffecr norwithstanding Elrecr or

nnyrhing inconsistent ~hcrcwirhcontained in any enaclment otherthan this o1Jers
ACIor any ins~rurncnrhaving effect by vinuc orany enaclment other rhan ,,irh
this Acr. cnacimcn~s.

6. If any person contravenes any ordermadc undcr sec~ion3, he shall Pcndlizs.

be punisl~ablewith irnprisonmcnt for a lerm which may exlend to thrce
years or with finc or with both, and, if [he order so provides. any Courr,
~ i n such
g contravenlion, may dirccr thal any properly in respec~ofwhich
the Courl is sa~isLcdlhat the order has bccn conwavcned sl~allbc forrcitcd
to ![Governmcntl.

7. Any person who allcmpls lo contravene, or nbcts a contravention Arle~ilplsand

of, any order made undcr scclion 3. shall be dccmcd lo have conlnvcncd
lhal order.

8. If [he person contravcning an order made undcr sccum 3 is a orrcnccs by

company or orher body corporare, cvery direc~or,managcr, sccremy or cOvOmtiOn.
orhcr officer oragent thercof shall, unIess he proves rhal the contravention
took placc withoul his knowledge or lhal he exercised all duc diligence lo
prevcnt such con~avention,be dccmcd to bc guilly olsuch conuavcnlion.

9. If any person- F ~ S C
(i) 'when required by an ordcr made under seclion 3 romake any
statement or furnish any inronnation, makes any sralcrnenlor
furnishes any jnrorrna~ion which is falsc in any material
p , ~ i c u l n rand which he knnws or has reasonable cause to
believe lo be tlsc, or does not believe to be uuc, or
(ii) makes any such stalcrnenl as aforesaid in any book, accounl,
record, dcclmtion, relurn or other documcnt which lie is
required by any such order to maintain or furnish,
he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a [ e m which may ccx~endto
hree years or with fine or with borh.

'Src loot-noic 2 on page 83. mlre.

'Tltsc words within thc squarc bnckeis wc-rre subsli~u:rdfor the words "or authorily
subardin~rc10 rhc Sralc Governmcni" by s,2 of h c Wcsr Bengd C e m n i Conlml (Amend-
nienl) Acl. 1956 (Wesr Ben. Aci XXI of 1956).
This word within thc s q u m bnckels w u s u b s ~ i ~ u ~for
c dthe words "His Majcsly" by
pan. 4(1) o l ~ h cAdap~aiionof Laws Ordcr, 1950.

Thlc Wesf Bellgal C C I I I ~ I I I ACI,1948.


[West I3cn. Act XXVl of 1948.1

10. No court shall lakc cognizance O F any offcncc punishable undzr

a repon in wriring or the facts cons~itudngsuch offence
I his Act cxcepl on
madc by n pcraun who is a public scrvanr as defined in scc~ion2 1 of the Act X L V of
Indian Pcnal Codc.

3 of f f ~ cWL'SI
10IY ~Jfel~cess~r~~lt~~arily.-O~~iitfedb~sec.
11. [Polr'ct~
Brr~gnlC e t r l e ~ ~Cotzr~~al
r 1956 (LVesr Ben. Act ,YXI of

Special 12. Nolwithslanding anyrhing conrained in scclion 32 of the Codc o i

Criminal Procrdurc, 1898, i r shall be lawrul Tor nny Magistrate of [he Firsr
fii: or
Cincs. Clus specially e~npowcrcdby the '[Srale] Govcrnmcnl in this behalf and
Tar any Presidency Magistrate to pass a scntcncc o l fine exceeding one
thousand rupees on any pcrson convicred olcontravcning an ordcr mndc
undcr secrion 3.

Savings. 13. '[Savc as provided in thc Constilurion of India no ordcrl made in

cxcrcise of any powcr conrered by or undcr this Acr shall be called in
qucs~ionin any Cour~.

Pro~cctiunor 14. (1) No suir, proseculion or olhcr lcgal proceeding shall lic agains t
under ~ I l e any person for anything which is in good rairh done or inlcndcd lo bc done
Act. in pursuance or any ordcr made undcr scction 3:
(2) No suit oro[hcrlcgnI proceeding sliall Iic againsl~he3[Governmcnt]
for any damagcscaused orlikcly ro becaused by anyrhing which is in good
fairh done or incended to bc done in pursuance of any ordcr made under

15. The '[Srare] Government may, by no~ificarionin the OJJiciol

Carerre. cxcrnpl any varicty orccment fro111ail or any orthe provisions of
[his Acr.

Conlinuancc 1 6 Any order ordirculion issued or any action rakenoranything done

or action'
rakcn u~ldur or any pcnalry, forleiiurc or punishment incurred or imposed or any
\lJ'rsi proceeding commenced in cxcrcise of any powcr conferred by the Wcsr IVcsl Bcn.
OrJ. 1X o f Ord . IX of
1933. Bengal Ccmenl Conlrol Ordinance, 1948, shall, on the said Ordini~ncc 194s,
ccasing to be I n opcration, be deemed lo havc been issued. ~akcn,done,
jncu rrcd, imposed or cornmcnccd under the provisions of this Acr as if this
Act had cornmcnced on thc 6rh day of Augusr, 1945.

'See Coot-norc2 on pagc 83. o~lre.

'These words ~vithinthcsquarc bncliccq wcrc subslirured for Ihc words "Noordcr" by s.
4 oilhe Wcsr Bcngal CcmcnrConiml(A~iicndmcn~) Acr. 1956 (IVcsl Bcn. Acl XXIor 1956).
"his word wirs subs~i~ulcd
Iorthc word "Crorvn"by p m , A( I)oTrhc Adnp~a~ionoTLaws
Ordcr. 1950.

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