New MSBJJF Reg Form

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Mississippi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation – travis@graciesouth.


Registration Form for the Official MSBJJF Competitions

Name:_____Noah Ruby____________________________Address:_109 Richland Dr West

City: ______Mandeville__________ State/Province: _______LA_______________Zip Code:___70448_____________

Home Phone: _________504 812 3167_____ Date of Birth: __10/03/1997_______ Team Name:_________________

E-mail: [email protected]_______________________________________ Sex:_______M____________

BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU DIVISIONS: Mark (X) Absolute( open weight)

_______________BJJ Weight Classes: White Blue Purple Brown Black

4-6yrs 7-9 yrs 10- 12yrs 13-15yrs Juvenile

Adult Master Senior

NO GI DIVISIONS: Mark (X) Absolute( open weight)

_______________NO GI Weight Classes: Beginner Intermediate Advance

4-6yrs 7-9 yrs X 10- 12yrs 13-15yrs Juvenile

Adult Master Senior

TOURNAMENT RELEASE AND WAIVER: I understand the rules of the tournament and will abide by them. I understand that I am participating in a
sport that has body contact and understand that injury can occur with my participation. I assume full responsibility for all of my actions during and
connected to the above tournament. I understand the risk of competing in this form of Martial Arts competition and hereby release the event organizers
and all of its employees and associates, tournament sponsors and the event facility, from any type of injury, loss, or death sustained while competing in this
competition. I also state that I am in good physical condition and know of no reason why I cannot participate in this event. I have current and valid health
insurance. I understand that The MSBJJF LLC does not offer refunds and divisions or weight classes are subject to change. In case of an emergency, I
hereby authorize any licensed medical personnel to perform any accepted medical procedure deemed necessary and I agree to bear the expense of any such
treatment. I also agree that my attendance and/or performance at the tournament will be photographed, filmed, and/or taped and used exclusively by The
MSBJJF LLC for promotional or commercial purposes and I waive any compensation thereof. I agree to not use ANY footage obtained at the event for
commercial purposes without expressed, written consent from The MSBJJF LLC.. I have read the rules and release above and agree to all of its terms.
Signed: _______________________________ Print Name:___Matthew D. Ruby_________ Date:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu /No Gi
Pre Registration (till Thursday before the event) $60

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