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Impact On Cocoon Quality Improvement.1

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Sreenivasa, Aswatha Reddy , Sirajuddin Surkhi and Subrato Roy
Cocoon Testing Center, Central Silk Technological Research Institute
Govt. Cocoon Market, B.M.Road, Ramanagaram-571511, Bangalore-Dist

Cocoon Testing Centre started functioning at Govt.Cocoon Market Ramanagaram from
September2002. In the beginning only CSR race lots were considered for assessment of renditta as
it was thought that CSR lots growing farmers are more vulnerable to any kind of new schemes that
are launched by Central Silk Board. On an average 80-100 lots arrival per day.Eeveryday morning
an announcement regarding cocoon testing and its benefits is made and whoever wishes to come
forward for testing samples are picked from the lots and taken for testing. Every day 15-20 lots
tesed. After testing, the Cocoon Testing Card depicting the details such as Defective cocoon %, Shell
ratoio%, CQI ,Grade will be displayed on the lots.The response from the reelers is encouraging as
could be seen from the price offered based on the assessment of Renditta.

Cocoon Market Ramanagaram is one of the biggest cocoon transacting market in Asia as well as the in
the world .People are bringing the cocoons from South Karnataka, North Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, Maharastra, and Kerala. On an average 35 MT of cocoons are transacted in this market. In
Ramanagaram town alone 1000 families are having reeling units and there are 893 Charkas, 3140
cottage basins (improved) and 460 multiend reeling units.
Cocoon testing is becoming more and popular as both the farmers as well as reelers are finding it
useful in their own ways. Farmers are coming forward to spare the cocoon samples as they find that the
renditta assessment before auction can lead to transparency in transaction and also will help him to
rectify the possible mistakes in next rearing so as produce improve the existing quality level of cocoons.
It is to be noted that the cocoon testing is being done in front of the farmers and while doing so the
causes for occurrence of defective cocoons such as melt, double and flimsy cocoons will be explained to
him. This is having a good impact on the farmers as most of them will realize on the spot the mistakes
committed while rearing and understand as how to minimize them with their own experience and also
with the guidelines provided to him while testing. Apart from the farmers the reelers are finding it useful
as they can purchase the raw material based on quality and pay fair price according to quality. Display of
particulars like defective cocoon %, Shell ratio% is very useful to the reelers who will be planning to
produce better quality silk. Also reelers are regularly enquiring whether the lots tested on that particular
day are ripened or not. Some of them even will come to the testing room and will observe the pupae
ripening. Thus the inquisitiveness of both the farmers and reelers about cocoon testing will one day can
bring a total quality evaluation system in the cocoon markets.
Objects of Testing:
The main object of cocoon testing and grading is to know the quality of cocoons and to
determine the grade by the results, and to provide standards for quality improvement to the rearer.

Defective Cocoon:
Defective cocoons affect the reeling performance and quality of the raw silk
significantly. In order to achieve better results in reeling, the defective cocoons, viz. Double, flimsy,
stained, uzi, pierced, unshaped, melt which are unsuitable for reeling, are to be sorted out completely
by using the cocoon sorting table. .

Defective Cocoon (%) = Weight of defective cocoon X100

Weight of sample
Filament Length: The length of the filament in the cocoon is very important as it decides the
workload, efficiency of reeling and uniformity of silk thread.
Reelability: It is the most important character which influences raw silk yield, productivity and raw
silk quality. It expresses the frequency of breakages of cocoon filaments while reeling & the
frequency should be less for economic reeling.
Raw Silk %: This is the ultimate percentage of the quantity of raw silk produced in relation with the
quantity of fresh cocoons utilized for reeling. This is a most important factor for the reeler because it
has a direct connection with the price paid and cost of production of raw silk.

Cocoon Testing Method:

Scientific method of cocoon testing requires testing for both physical and reeling
characteristics. But testing for reeling characteristics is time consuming, elaborative and requires
more facilities. To overcome this problem, Central Silk Technological Research Institute has
investigated in to the cocoon data of about 40000 lots of Multi Bi and around 5000-6000 lots of
Bivoltine and by systematic statistical analysis it was concluded that shell ratio% and defective
cocoon % largely decides the quality of cocoons. Based on these two characters a numerical
expression to express quality of cocoons Viz. Cocoon Quality Index (CQI) is being developed both
for Multi Bi and Bivoltine cocoons. From CQI we can find out Estimated Renditta. The Formulae
are as below;

CQI = -11.487+0.619xSR%-0. 207xDC%
Estimated Renditta = 6.526-0.304xCQI

Using CQI around 7202 lots of Bivoltine cocoons are being tested at cocoon testing centre,
Ramanagaram since from four years. The findings of the cocoon testing are discussed below.
Particulars 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Average Shell Ratio% 21.42 21.51 21.80 21.55
CV% 6.58 5.81 5.36 4.06
Defective Cocoon % 7.45 9.15 6.75 6.50
CV% 54.63 35.29 39.4 21.23
Average Renditta (Kg) 6.37 6.55 6.34 6.38
CV% 6.59 5.19 5.20 3.60
Average Price (Rs.) 166.54 148.04 181.20 167.14

Fig.2 Gradewise Bivolitine cocoon lots for different


1400 1184 1212 A

1200 1098 B
1000 C
No.of lots

709 724 761

400 227 314
200 184 133
2003-04 2004-05 2005.06 2006-07
Cross Breed (Multi Bi): Using CQI around 2913 lots of Mulit:Bi cocoons are being tested at
cocoon testing centre, Ramanagaram since from two years. The findings of the cocoon testing are
discussed below.
CQI = - 8.85+0.619xShell Ratio%-0. 414xDefective Cocoon %
Estimated Renditta= 8.5-0.6xCQI 1.00
= 9.5-0.6xCQI = -1.00

Result and Discussions:

Benefits of cocoon testing realised by Farmers and Reelers

1.Farmers bringing better quality lots are rewarded suitably by price due to renditta assessment
who hitherto were not sure of getting better price if lots were not to be tested.
2.Those farmers who bring poor, medium quality cocoons are educated as how to reduce the
incidence of defective cocoons by taking care in rearing.
3.Good reelers who have urge to buy good quality cocoons are helped by cocoon test cards
displayed on the lots.

4.For trouble free reeling, reelers are looking forward for those lots with less D.C%, high S.R%
in addition to lower renditta, which is possible because of testing.

5.Farmers are advised to resort to sorting of cocoons, which helps in better realization of price.

6.Farmers who bring lots from distant places who are normally offered comparatively lower
price are benefited as their quality of cocoons is revealed to reelers.

7.Immature cocoons can be exactly identified, as the test card will display a high renditta even
though outwardly it may look as a good lot.
8.Fair price can be paid based on renditta.
9.When reelers wish to produce high quality silk they can go for top quality cocoons by looking to
test card.
10.Loss can be minimized when cocoons are bought based on renditta.
11.The practice of buying good quality cocoons will induce farmers to produce good quality cocoons
and also will encourage them for proper sorting.
Educating the Farmers to reduce the incidence of Melt cocoons:
It has been observed that the melt cocoons are a matter of serious concern from the reeling
point of view. Many a times droppings are due to the occurrence of melt cocoons. This is a deterrent
in producing both quality and quantity. As per the tested data melt cocoons contribute more than70%
towards defective cocoons. The farmer is told in clear terms that to fetch better price melt cocoon
occurrence is to be minimum. While testing the lot he is told of the % of melt cocoons and the ways
and means to reduce the same. If this can be done on a large scale in future it will help a lot in
producing and enhancing the raw silk quality.

[email protected]
Sreenivasa, Aswatha Reddy , Sirajuddin Surkhi and Subrato Roy
Cocoon Testing Center, Central Silk Technological Research Institute
Govt. Cocoon Market, B.M.Road, Ramanagaram-571511, Bangalore-Dist

Cocoon Testing Centre started functioning at Govt.Cocoon Market Ramanagaram from
September2002. In the beginning only CSR race lots were considered for assessment of renditta as
it was thought that CSR lots growing farmers are more vulnerable to any kind of new schemes that
are launched by Central Silk Board. On an average 80-100 lots arrival per day.Eeveryday morning
an announcement regarding cocoon testing and its benefits is made and whoever wishes to come
forward for testing samples are picked from the lots and taken for testing. Every day 15-20 lots
tesed. After testing, the Cocoon Testing Card depicting the details such as Defective cocoon %, Shell
ratoio%, CQI ,Grade will be displayed on the lots.The response from the reelers is encouraging as
could be seen from the price offered based on the assessment of Renditta.

Cocoon Market Ramanagaram is one of the biggest cocoon transacting market in Asia as well as the in
the world .People are bringing the cocoons from South Karnataka, North Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamilnadu, Maharastra, and Kerala. On an average 35 MT of cocoons are transacted in this market. In
Ramanagaram town alone 1000 families are having reeling units and there are 893 Charkas, 3140
cottage basins (improved) and 460 multiend reeling units.
Cocoon testing is becoming more and popular as both the farmers as well as reelers are finding it
useful in their own ways. Farmers are coming forward to spare the cocoon samples as they find that the
renditta assessment before auction can lead to transparency in transaction and also will help him to
rectify the possible mistakes in next rearing so as produce improve the existing quality level of cocoons.
It is to be noted that the cocoon testing is being done in front of the farmers and while doing so the
causes for occurrence of defective cocoons such as melt, double and flimsy cocoons will be explained to
him. This is having a good impact on the farmers as most of them will realize on the spot the mistakes
committed while rearing and understand as how to minimize them with their own experience and also
with the guidelines provided to him while testing. Apart from the farmers the reelers are finding it useful
as they can purchase the raw material based on quality and pay fair price according to quality. Display of
particulars like defective cocoon %, Shell ratio% is very useful to the reelers who will be planning to
produce better quality silk. Also reelers are regularly enquiring whether the lots tested on that particular
day are ripened or not. Some of them even will come to the testing room and will observe the pupae
ripening. Thus the inquisitiveness of both the farmers and reelers about cocoon testing will one day can
bring a total quality evaluation system in the cocoon markets.
Objects of Testing:
The main object of cocoon testing and grading is to know the quality of cocoons and to
determine the grade by the results, and to provide standards for quality improvement to the rearer.

Defective Cocoon:
Defective cocoons affect the reeling performance and quality of the raw silk
significantly. In order to achieve better results in reeling, the defective cocoons, viz. Double, flimsy,
stained, uzi, pierced, unshaped, melt which are unsuitable for reeling, are to be sorted out completely
by using the cocoon sorting table. .

Defective Cocoon (%) = Weight of defective cocoon X100

Weight of sample
Filament Length: The length of the filament in the cocoon is very important as it decides the
workload, efficiency of reeling and uniformity of silk thread.
Reelability: It is the most important character which influences raw silk yield, productivity and raw
silk quality. It expresses the frequency of breakages of cocoon filaments while reeling & the
frequency should be less for economic reeling.
Raw Silk %: This is the ultimate percentage of the quantity of raw silk produced in relation with the
quantity of fresh cocoons utilized for reeling. This is a most important factor for the reeler because it
has a direct connection with the price paid and cost of production of raw silk.

Cocoon Testing Method:

Scientific method of cocoon testing requires testing for both physical and reeling
characteristics. But testing for reeling characteristics is time consuming, elaborative and requires
more facilities. To overcome this problem, Central Silk Technological Research Institute has
investigated in to the cocoon data of about 40000 lots of Multi Bi and around 5000-6000 lots of
Bivoltine and by systematic statistical analysis it was concluded that shell ratio% and defective
cocoon % largely decides the quality of cocoons. Based on these two characters a numerical
expression to express quality of cocoons Viz. Cocoon Quality Index (CQI) is being developed both
for Multi Bi and Bivoltine cocoons. From CQI we can find out Estimated Renditta. The Formulae
are as below;

CQI = -11.487+0.619xSR%-0. 207xDC%
Estimated Renditta = 6.526-0.304xCQI

Using CQI around 7202 lots of Bivoltine cocoons are being tested at cocoon testing centre,
Ramanagaram since from four years. The findings of the cocoon testing are discussed below.
Fig.2 Gradewise Bivolitine cocoon lots for
different years

1400 A
1200 B
1000 C
No.of lots

2003-04 2004-05 2005.06 2006-07

Particulars 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Average Shell Ratio% 21.42 21.51 21.80 21.55
CV% 6.58 5.81 5.36 4.06
Defective Cocoon % 7.45 9.15 6.75 6.50
CV% 54.63 35.29 39.4 21.23
Average Renditta (Kg) 6.37 6.55 6.34 6.38
CV% 6.59 5.19 5.20 3.60
Average Price (Rs.) 166.54 148.04 181.20 167.14

Cross Breed (Multi Bi): Using CQI around 2913 lots of Mulit:Bi cocoons are being tested at
cocoon testing centre, Ramanagaram since from two years. The findings of the cocoon testing are
discussed below.
CQI = - 8.85+0.619xShell Ratio%-0. 414xDefective Cocoon %
Estimated Renditta= 8.5-0.6xCQI 1.00
= 9.5-0.6xCQI = -1.00
Fig.2 Gradewise Multi:Bi cocoon lots
for different years

No.of Cocoon lots


Fig.Gradewise Bivoltine cocoon lots for different years


Particulars 2005-06 2006-07
Average Shell Ratio% 18.58 17.39
CV% 3.74 6.1
Defective Cocoon % 7.86 7.91
CV% 23.02 29.45
Average Renditta (Kg) 8.23 8.66
CV% 8.86 10.96
Average Price (Rs.) 134.39 127.89

Result and Discussions:

Benefits of cocoon testing realised by Farmers and Reelers

1.Farmers bringing better quality lots are rewarded suitably by price due to renditta assessment
who hitherto were not sure of getting better price if lots were not to be tested.
2.Those farmers who bring poor, medium quality cocoons are educated as how to reduce the
incidence of defective cocoons by taking care in rearing.
3.Good reelers who have urge to buy good quality cocoons are helped by cocoon test cards
displayed on the lots.
4.For trouble free reeling, reelers are looking forward for those lots with less D.C%, high S.R%
in addition to lower renditta, which is possible because of testing.

5.Farmers are advised to resort to sorting of cocoons, which helps in better realization of price.

6.Farmers who bring lots from distant places who are normally offered comparatively lower
price are benefited as their quality of cocoons is revealed to reelers.

7.Immature cocoons can be exactly identified, as the test card will display a high renditta even
though outwardly it may look as a good lot.
8.Fair price can be paid based on renditta.

9.When reelers wish to produce high quality silk they can go for top quality cocoons by looking to
test card.
10.Loss can be minimized when cocoons are bought based on renditta.
11.The practice of buying good quality cocoons will induce farmers to produce good quality cocoons
and also will encourage them for proper sorting.
Educating the Farmers to reduce the incidence of Melt cocoons:
It has been observed that the melt cocoons are a matter of serious concern from the reeling
point of view. Many a times droppings are due to the occurrence of melt cocoons. This is a deterrent
in producing both quality and quantity. As per the tested data melt cocoons contribute more than70%
towards defective cocoons. The farmer is told in clear terms that to fetch better price melt cocoon
occurrence is to be minimum. While testing the lot he is told of the % of melt cocoons and the ways
and means to reduce the same. If this can be done on a large scale in future it will help a lot in
producing and enhancing the raw silk quality.

Cocoon Testing centre started functioning at Govt.cocoon market Ramanagar from

September2002.In the beginning only CSR race lots were considered for assessment of renditta as
it was thought that CSR lots growing farmers are more vulnerable to any kind of new schemes that
are launched by Central Silk Board.On an average 70-80 lot arrival is expected from August to
March whereas it comes down 20 from April to July in the year.Right now everyday morning an
announcement regarding cocoon testing and its benefits is made and whoever wishes to come
forward for testing samples are picked from the lots and taken for testing.After testing, Cocoon Test
Card depicting the details such as Defective cocoon %,Shell ratoio%,CQI,Grade will be displayed on
the lots.The response from the reelers is encouraging as could be seen from the price offered based
on the assessment of Renditta.

[email protected]

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