Mmse - Standardised Mini Mental Status Examination
Mmse - Standardised Mini Mental Status Examination
Mmse - Standardised Mini Mental Status Examination
What is the? Year? Season? Date? Day? Month? /5
Where are we? Country? State? Suburb? Street? Room? /5
Do you recall the three words I asked you to remember?.......................................
(give 1 point for each correct answer) /3
What is this called? (show WATCH then PENCIL) /2
I'd like you to repeat a phrase after me: No ifs, ands, or buts. /1
1. Have the patient read and do the following "Close your eyes" /1
2. Write any complete sentence (subject, object, verb). /1
3. Copy this design (intersecting pentagons) /1
4. Give pt paper, ask them to take into their R/L hand, fold the paper in half once with both hands, and put
the paper down on the floor. /3