Warp Rift 10

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Feb/Mar 2006

+ New Rules - The Eldar

+ Players Vessels Showcase
+ The Bait - Part Three
+ Scenario - Assassination
From the Nexus Publishing House
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Warp Rift Publication Team:

Iain (CyberShadow) - Editor, Void Stalker, Biscuit Weevil
Chris French - Articles
Ray Bell - New Rules
CyberShadow & John Webber - Painting
Space Cadet - Fiction

Title Banner - Nicholas Mariana
Cover Picture - Magsu (Magus)
Additional Graphics - John Webber, Lee Eldridge, Warmaster Nice,
Nate Montes
Warp Rift:
Volume One,
Number Ten
Feb/Mar 2006

Well, it has been a long time since issue nine! This is due to a number
of factors, chiefly a change in my own circumstances resulting in a
busy period of life, and a lack of material from you guys. Firstly, an
apology. Issue nines fiction piece was wrongly credited. It was
actually crafted by Admiral Lord Michael, and I apologise for not
including his name last issue.

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the Battlefleet Gothic

community right now. There is a steady stream of reports about
various BFG Escort vessels becoming unavailable on the Games
Workshop Online Store. I would encourage people to get out there
and check for themselves. Also, please feel free to drop me an email
here at the Warp Rift bridge and let me know what is and is no longer
available in your home country. I can then compile the list and ensure
that people know what is available and where. I dont think that this is
the ‘armageddon’ for BFG. Sure, many ranges are shrinking or being
cut, but as long as the BFG community rallies round and stays
focused around sites and forums like GothiComms and Port Maw, the
game will continue. Trust me, I have been playing Epic since the first
edition, so I know what the dry spells can be like, and I know that the
support will keep the game alive.

This issue we have new rules for the Eldar Corsairs, in an attempt to
address some of the perceived issues with the list in the main rule
book. Argh.. Got to type fast... I am running out of room - we also
have a display of some vessels produced by some life savers from
GothiComms who sent in their pictures at the last minute. Also this
issue, part three of the Bait and a new scenario for your games. As
always, feel free to drop me an email with your comments.

Good hunting, CyberShadow

Issue Ten - Contents:

Encyclopaedia Gothica
The Eldar (blackhorizon & Sigoroth) 03
The Dry Dock
Parade Colours 20
Officers Mess
The Bait - Part Three (Space Cadet) 23
Void Stalker
Assassination (Ray Bell) 35

The Eldar
Concept & rules by Sigoroth
Written by blackhorizon

The following are a complete set of experimental house rules for the
Eldar Corsairs and the Craftworld Eldar fleets, concept & rules by
Sigoroth and written by blackhorizon, with a little selective critical
editing from me (sorry guys!). The rules presented are very different
to the official versions, the most striking difference being the Move-
Move-Shoot mechanic replacing the ‘normal’ Move-Shoot-Move rules,
which all veteran Eldar players enjoy with almost sadistic toothy grins
and sharp pointy ears! But make no mistake these rules have not
been designed to dumb the Eldar fleet down, but lessen their reliance
on the floating rocks and cluttered battlefields!

As these rules have only been playtested by a select few, I invite all
Warp Rift subscribers and Eldar players to try these rules out. Please
offer comments and suggestions through the usual channels (BFG
forums and direct emails).

Have fun, and blow those monkeys out of the sky!


Special Rules:

As one of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced races in the galaxy
the Eldar have a number of special rules.

Movement: The Eldar utilise solar sail technology specifically designed to make
them ultra manoeuvrable and exceptionally fast. As such the Eldar movement is
somewhat special. To reflect this, the Eldar have a number of special rules.

1) Movement speed: this is dependant on the Eldars facing to the sunward edge.
You will notice that the Eldar have three speeds, the first is into the sun, the second
is away from the sun and the third is abeam of the sunward edge (as in the original

2) Turning: Eldar do not have to move a minimum distance before turning and can
turn on the spot but must make their turn at the start of their movement and
cannot move, turn, move like other races. Their new direction of movement after
this turn determines their movement speed as noted in point 1). Note: Eldar
normally have a better turn rate than other races (as in the original rules).

3) The Eldar are exceptionally quick and manoeuvrable and may move twice per
movement phase, i.e. first turn, first move, (at appropriate speed) and second
turn, second move (at appropriate speed).

4) Special Orders
Burn Retros: The Eldar have no need for the Burn Retros special order and
as such may not make use of it.
All Ahead Full: When on AAF special orders an Eldar ship redirects weapon
energy to thrusters gaining 6D6 cm to one of its movements and may not
turn during both movement phases. The vessel may move up to the rolled
6D6 result, thus if the roll was maximum of 20cm the Eldar player may
chose to move only 15cm. Eldar may not ram.
Come To New Heading: When on Come To New Heading special orders the
Eldar player may make one extra turn at the end of their second movement.
All other effects, halving firepower, etc, and special orders work as normal.
Lock-on: When on Lock-on special orders the Eldar player loses the turn in
the second movement phase.

Fragile: Unfortunately the unsurpassed movement of the Eldar comes at a price.

The Eldar vessels are built for speed and as such cannot take the kind of pounding
that other races vessels can. To reflect this Eldar take critical hits on a 5+ rather
than the regular 6+.

Incapacitated: When a capital ship is reduced to 2 hits it is ‘Incapacitated’. When

incapacitated the ship receives a -5 cm movement penalty in addition to being
crippled (thus if a vessel is incapacitated it has a –10 cm movement penalty in both
movement phases). Also if incapacitated the shield save is lost and the holofields
are down. Also, critical hits may no longer be repaired and the ship gets -1 to its

Leadership for the remainder of the game. While incapacitated all weaponry is

Dying Race: The Eldar are a race that is on the decline: that is, the rate of death
seems to exceed the rate of birth. As such the Eldar can ill afford any losses in
battle. To represent this, when an Eldar capital ship is ‘Incapacitated’ it counts as
100% destroyed for Victory Points purposes and if destroyed it gives an extra 50%
Victory Points to the opponent. Furthermore, Eldar escorts give away Victory Points
individually, not on a squadron basis.

Eldar Arrogance: The Eldar are supremely confident in their abilities and
technology and tend to view the struggles of ‘lesser’ races as humorous and of little
consequence. Eldar capital ships will never Brace For Impact if they still have
operational shields, unless an attack would/could ignore them, for example,
ordnance, an ABSF or the Necron Gauss Particle Whip; in which case they may
Brace For Impact as normal. If an Eldar ship does not have any active shields then
it may Brace For Impact as normal. (Note: Eldar escorts do not suffer from

Kinship: In times of need Corsairs and Craftworlders alike can call upon their
brethren for aid. To reflect this, the normal reserves rules are used. If a “Hero” is
included in the fleet then the reserves ratio improves to 2:1. Furthermore, a Hero
allows for the inclusion of a Flame of Asuryan type vessel in the list at 0-1,
regardless of whether it is a Craftworld or Corsair fleet.

Natural Spacefarers: The Eldar are naturally adept at sailing their vessels and
know their ships capabilities inside and out as well as having the best in naviga-
tional sensors and charts. Eldar have Leadership 8 on a roll of 1-2, 9 on a 3-4 and
10 on 5-6.

Celestial Phenomena: The Eldar have long been forced to make use of celestial
phenomena as hiding places from aggressive and numerous foes, such as the
xenophobic Imperium, the forces of Chaos; who are not only bent on their physical
destruction but their spiritual destruction also, the all devouring Tyranids; who
cannot be reasoned with, the rampaging piratical Orks, their merciless dark kin and
even the Tau; a young race which is seemingly pacifistic and single minded in their
purpose, whatever that may be. With such foes in the universe the diminishing
Eldar have been forced to keep to the shadows, making raids before returning to
hidden pirate bases, their Craftworlds defended by secrecy.

The Eldar have adapted their technology to exist in such an environment and have
a number of special rules to reflect both this and their peculiar relationship with the

1) Eldar do not suffer leadership or movement penalties for celestial phenomena.

2) Eldar escorts automatically pass leadership tests for traversing asteroids and
Eldar capital ships re-roll any failed leadership tests when traversing asteroids.

3) When attempting to traverse Warp Rifts the Eldar are assaulted by the Great
Enemy Slaanesh and must take their leadership tests at -2 Ld. Furthermore if they
are ‘Lost in the Warp’ then they will only find their way home on a 3+, being
permanently lost on a 1 or 2.

Advanced Shielding: The Eldar’s grasp of shield technology far surpasses that of
the Imperium’s primitive projections and rather than waste a tremendous amount
of energy in the crude practice of just throwing more shields on a larger vessel the
Eldar have instead refined their shields to absorb energy from incoming attacks.
When a blast marker is placed in contact with an Eldar vessel, roll a D6 and
compare it to the shield save. If the roll equals or exceeds the shield save then do
not place the blast marker, the energy has been absorbed. If not then place the
blast marker as normal, a shield has overloaded. This effect only works if the vessel
has more shields than blast markers in contact.

Massed shielding
When shooting at two (or more) Eldar vessels in base contact the opponent has the
choice whether to place the blast marker touching the targets base only, or up to
as many as possible. If touching just the targets base, only the target gets its’
shield save. Otherwise, each ship that touches the blast marker may attempt to
save. If at least one save is passed, the blast marker is removed. If no saves are
passed then the blast marker remains: dropping multiple shields.

Turrets: Eldar ships have superior targeting sensors and as such get +1 to to-hit

Holofields: The Eldar are protected not only by advanced shielding but also by
sophisticated ECM that actually produce multiple local engine signatures whilst
actively masking the parent ship’s engine signature. The effect of this is a general

interference that makes accurate targeting extremely difficult. This forces the
enemy to either take pot shots or to use some form of ECCM.

Holofields work best at long ranges and any enemy vessel firing at an Eldar vessel
from over 30cm will reduce its to-hit roll by 2 for lances and suffer 2 additional right
column shifts for weapons that use the Gunnery Table (if furthest right then move
up the chart 3 rows per right column shift still to be applied). When within 30cm
this is reduced to -1 for lance like weapons and only 1 additional right column shift
for Gunnery Table weapons.

Active Sensors: An enemy that isn’t on special orders may route more power to
sensors to try to cut through the interference. To do so, it simply has to take and
pass a leadership test. If successful, the ship reduces the penalty by 1 (i.e., from
–2 to-hit to –1 or from 2 right column shifts to 1, etc.). If already within 30cm then
the Holofields will have no affect. Any ship that is on Lock On special orders
automatically counts as using active sensors.

Holofields reduce Bombers attack runs by one and assault boats hit and run roll by
one. This reflects the time wasted in finding the ship. Also, ships with holofields
gain a 6+ save against torpedoes, as there is a chance that the holofields will baffle
the enemy torpedo sensors. This save is made against each torpedo hit, not the
salvo as a whole.

Nova Cannon re-roll any ‘Hit’ result on the scatter dice. Active sensors will negate
this effect if within 60cm range. Over 60cm will produce no additional effect as the
distance is too great.

Stealth: Eldar have the best pilots and attack craft in the galaxy. Enemy
turrets suffer a -2 to hit when shooting at Eldar ordnance, usually only
hitting on a 6+.
Torpedoes: Eldar torpedoes are equipped with superior targeting sensors
allowing them to re-roll any failed to-hit roll.
Bombers: Eldar bomber pilots are brilliant at plotting and coordinating
attack runs and may re-roll the attack run dice.
Fighters: Eldar fighter pilots are the most talented and skilled pilots in the
galaxy and fly the most advanced fighters in the galaxy. Their excellent
reflexes coupled with the craft`s shields and superlative manoeuvrability
has saved them many times. What’s more, their energy source is far more
efficient than those of other races, allowing them to operate for much longer
periods of time. Eldar fighters have a 4+ save against each wave they
encounter (as opposed to against each marker, representing them being
outnumbered). Note: Each Eldar fighter gets to intercept once before any
extra interceptions take place by surviving fighters. For example, if a wave
of 3 bombers is intercepted be 3 Eldar fighters each fighter will get its 4+
save, rather than 1 fighter possibly removing 2 bombers.
Furthermore fighters get a 4+ save versus enemy turrets and, if passed, are
not removed from play after escorting bombers on an attack run.
Boarding Torpedoes: Eldar boarding torpedoes are almost unmanned apart
from their small crew of pilots, webway engineers, and perhaps even a
Bonesinger! When a torpedo correctly strikes a target the torpedo’s webway
portal will activate transporting Aspect warriors and/or Storm Guardians
into the boarding chamber ready to inflict critical damage to the enemy
vessel. Eldar Boarding Torpedoes function in exactly the same way as
normal boarding torpedoes, with the additional benefits of stealth (-2 to
being hit by turrets) and a re-roll to hit.

Weaponry: Eldar have some of the best tracking systems in the known universe
and will always be able to plot where to fire.
Gunnery weapons: All enemy count as closing for weapons that use the
Gunnery Table, unless they would count as a Defence.
Pulsars: These tracking systems mean the Eldar can keep their lances
focused on the enemy for longer, allowing their Pulsar technology to do
devastating damage. When rolling to hit with Pulsar lances, if a hit is scored
you immediately make another attack. If the second attack is also a hit you
now make a third attack. When on Lock On special orders all misses may be
Phantom Lances: Phantom Lances function just like regular lances but score
1 hit on a roll of ‘4’ and 2 hits on a roll of 5 or more. Note: Phantom lances
are not Pulsar weapons.

Eldar Critical Hits Table
2D6 Extra Result
2 +0 Keel armament damaged. The keel armament is taken
offline by the hit and may not fire until it as been repaired.
3 +0 Prow armament damaged. The ship’s prow is ripped open.
Its prow armament may not fire until it has been repaired. A
second critical hit to the prow will destroy the ships
port/starboard weaponry if it has any.
4 +0 Infinity circuit damaged. The ship’s infinity circuit, which
aids control and internal communications, is damaged by the
hit. The ship’s Leadership is reduced by 1D3 till the damage
can be repaired. If there are multiples of this critical hit, apply
the highest rolled Ld penalty.
5 +0 Mast lines severed. The systems that allow the ship to alter
the angle of the sails and turn swiftly are broken by the hit.
Until the damage is repaired, the ship gets one turn less than
normal (so none when on LO, two when on CTNH, etc).
Multiples of this critical hit are cumulative, reducing the
number of turns by one for each critical.
6 +0 Mainsail scarred. The ship’s main solar sail suffers surface
damage, reducing the amount of energy it can store. Each of
the ship’s speeds is reduced by 5cm until the sail is repaired.
7 +1 Superstructure damaged. The hit tears into the ship,
causing a small breach. Excess strain on the ship’s hull could
increase the damage. Until the damage is repaired, roll a dice
if the ship turns more than once per movement phase. On a
roll of 1, the ship suffers 1 extra point of damage.
8 +0 Mainsail shredded. The solar cells of the mainsail are torn to
tatters by the hit. The ship only gets one move per movement
phase until the damage is repaired.
9 +1 Holofield generators destroyed. The holofield generators
are smashed beyond repair by the hit. The ship no longer
benefits from its holofields. This damage may not be repaired.
10 +0 Shields collapse. The shield generators overload and burn
out, leaving the ship virtually defenceless. The ships shield
strength is reduced to zero. This damage may not be repaired.
11 +D3 Hull breach. A huge gash is torn in the ship’s hull, causing
carnage among the crew.
12 +D6 Bulkhead collapse. Internal pillars buckle and twist, whole
compartments crumple with a psychic scream of tortured
wraith-bone, just pray that some of the ship holds together.

Corsair Eldar Ships & Commanders


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/12 10/15/20 45º 3 @ 4+/HF 5+ 3
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 L/F
Prow Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 R/F
Keel Weapons Battery 45cm 8 L/F/R
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F
Prow Launch Bay Darkstar Fighters – 30cm 4 -
Eagle Bombers – 20cm


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/10 10/15/20 45º 2 @ 4+/HF 5+ 3
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 45cm 5 F


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 10/15/20 45º 2 @ 5+/HF 5+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 L/F/R
Keel Launch Bay Darkstar Fighters – 30 cm 4 -
Eagle Bombers – 20 cm

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 10/15/20 45º 2 @ 5+/HF 5+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 12 L/F/R
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 6 F


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/6 10/20/25 90º 1 @ 5+/HF 5+ 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 L/F/R
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/6 10/20/25 90º 1 @ 5+/HF 5+ 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Weapons Battery 45cm 8 L/F/R
Note: The Solaris is a dedicated support ship in the Corsair fleet, therefore the
vessel is equipped with extra sensors to negate any column shift for long range

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 15/20/30 180º 1 @ 6+/HF 5+/4+ Rear 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 F
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 L/F/R
Keel Launch Bay Darkstar Fighters – 30cm 1 -
Eagle Bombers – 20cm
Note: Hellebores may take mines at a cost of +5 pts. These totally replace their
ordnance complement. Alternatively they may replace their launch bay with 2
Eldar torpedoes Front for -5pts.


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 15/20/30 180º 1 @ 6+/HF 5+/4+ Rear 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 5 L/F/R


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 20/25/30 180º 1 @ 6+/HF 4+ 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 1 L/F/R
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 2 F

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 20/25/30 180º Holofields 4+ 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Keel pulsar lance 30cm 1 F
Prow weapons battery 30cm 1 L/F/R
Note: A Hemlock has limited power reserves, most of which is used to power its
Pulsar Lance. As such it has insufficient energy to maintain shields and thus
does not have any and must therefore rely upon Holofields for its defence.

Fleet Commander Leadership Starting Maximum Cost

Re-rolls Re-rolls (Basic/Re-Rolls)
Gryphon Knight - - - 25 points
Phoenix Baron 9 One Four 100/125/150/200
Dragon Prince 10 One Four 100/125/150/200
Gryphon Knights: Ships led by Gryphon Knights may attempt a command
check even if one has been failed this turn.
Dragon Princes: Must be taken in games of 2000 pts or more. They and their
elite bodyguard give a +1 in a boarding action. A Dragon Prince may be up-
graded to “Hero” status at +50 pts.

Corsair Eldar Fleet List

Fleet Commander:

You may choose a Gryphon Knight, Phoenix Baron or a Dragon Prince to lead the
fleet. Fleets greater than 750 pts must include a Lord to lead it. Fleets greater than
2000 pts must include a Dragon Prince.

0-1 Lord
Phoenix Baron (Ld 9, 1 re-roll) 50 pts
Dragon Prince (Ld 10, 1 re-roll, +1 in boarding) 100 pts
A Dragon Prince may be upgraded to “Hero” status for +50 pts.

A Lord can take extra re-rolls at the following cost:

One Extra Fleet Command re-roll 25 pts
Two Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 50 pts
Three Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 100 pts

0-3 Gryphon Knights 25 pts

Capital Ships:

0-1 Flame of Asuryan if fleet led by a Hero 320 pts

0-1 Void Stalkers per 3 attack cruisers or light cruisers 450 pts

0-1 Nebula per 2 attack cruisers or light cruisers 290 pts

0-12 Cruisers
Eclipse Class Attack Cruiser 240 pts
Shadow Class Attack Cruiser 220 pts
Aurora Class Light Cruiser 140 pts
Solaris Class Light Cruiser 130 pts


Hellebore Class Frigate 80 pts

Aconite Class Frigate 55 pts
Nightshade Class Destroyer 40 pts
Hemlock Class Destroyer 40 pts


Any capital ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of
Darkstar fighters and Eagle bombers. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with
Eldar torpedoes.

Attack Rating:

Due to their aggressive raiding style, Corsair Eldar have an Attack Rating of 4.


Corsair fleets may take Craftworld Eldar ships as reserves at a ratio of 3 Corsairs of
a single type to 1 Craftworld of the same type. If a Hero is included, this ratio
becomes 2:1.

Craftworld Eldar Ships & Commanders


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/12 10/15/20 45º 3 @ 4+/HF 5+ 3
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Port Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 F
Starboard Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 F
Prow Weapons Battery 45cm 16 F
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F
Note: May replace both keel torpedo launchers with 2 pulsar lances wich have a
range of 45cm and a front fire arc, at no additional cost. Alternatively it may
purchase boarding torpedoes at +10 pts.


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/10 10/15/20 45º 2 @ 4+/HF 5+ 3
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 F
Starboard Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 F
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 16 F
Keel Launch Bay Darkstar Fighters – 30cm 4 -
Eagle Bombers – 20cm
Note: The Flame of Asuryan has Aspect Warriors. The Flame of Asuryan is a
character ship and therefore you must have an admiral with the “Hero” status
in order to take it. Whilst technically a Craftworld ship, the Flame will count as
belonging to the parent fleet as far as reserves are concerned. The Flame of
Asuryan counts as a Dragonship but doesn’t require Wraithships to be taken.

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 10/15/20 45º 2 @ 5+/HF 5+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Select one of the following prow armaments:
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 16 F
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 4 F
Select one of the following keel armaments:
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F
Keel Launch Bays Darkstar Fighters – 30cm 4 -
Eagle Bombers – 20cm
Note: If equipped with Launch Bays may take Vampire Assault Boats at +10
points. If equipped with Torpedoes, may take boarding torpedoes at +10 points


Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Cruiser/8 10/15/20 45º 2 @ 5+/HF 5+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Select one of the following prow armaments:
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 8 F
Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 F
Select one of the following keel armaments:
Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F
Keel Launch Bays Darkstar Fighters – 30cm 2 -
Eagle Bombers – 20cm

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Escort/1 20/25/35 180º 1 /HF 4+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Select one of the following prow armaments:
Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 3 F
Prow Phantom Lance 30cm 1 F
Note: Shadowhunters direct firing on ordnance hit on a 4+ rather than a 6+.

Fleet Leadership Starting Maximum Cost

Commander Re-Rolls Re-Rolls (Basic/Re-Rolls)
Admiral 9 One Four 50/75/100/150
Fleet Admiral 10 One Four 100/125/150/200
Fleet Admiral: See the ‘Dragon Prince’ entry in the Corsair Fleet List.

Starting Maximum
Fleet Commander Leadership Foresight Foresight Cost
Power Power (Basic/+1/+2)
Seer Council - One Three 50/100/150
Special Rules: A Seer Council starts with one Foresight Power and can gain up
to 2 more by adding additional Farseers. A Foresight Power allows any one ship
to go onto Brace For Impact (automatically) after the dice have been rolled to
hit, gaining a 4+ retroactive save against each hit scored (re-roll criticals). The
use of this power does not have to be declared before rolls to hit and overrides
the Eldar Arrogance special rule. Can only be taken if the fleet has a Fleet
Admiral to lead it.

Aspect Warriors: Any Craftworld Capital ship may be given Aspect Warriors at
+20 points. Aspect Warriors grant +1 to the ships boarding actions and all its
H&R attacks.

Ghostships: Any Craftworld Wraithship or Dragonship may be made into a
Ghostship. Ghostships have -1 Ld. If one fails a command check it will do
nothing in the turn (or following turn in case of Brace For Impact) but you
may still attempt further command checks for ‘living’ ships, though not for
other Ghostships. Further, Ghostships cannot benefit from command re-rolls,
though they can still benefit from Foresight Powers. May not have Fleet
Commanders or Aspect Warriors aboard. Cannot launch boarding actions or
Hit & Run attacks and enemies boarding or using Hit & Run against them get
a +1 bonus. Attempts to repair criticals are made with half the normal
number of dice. Keel weaponry replaced by 4WB@30cm(F) for Wraithships
and 8WB@30cm(F) for Dragonships. Ghostships ignore the ‘Fragile’, ‘Dying
Race’ and ‘Eldar Arrogance’ rules.

Craftworld Eldar Fleet List

Fleet Commander:

You may choose an Admiral or Fleet Admiral to lead the fleet. Fleets greater than
750 points must include a Lord to lead it. Fleets of greater than 2000 points must
include a Fleet Admiral.

The Seer Council may only be taken if your fleet includes a Fleet Admiral to lead it.

0-1 Lord
Admiral (Ld 9, 1 re-roll) 50 pts
Fleet Admiral (Ld 10, 1 re-roll, +1 in boarding) 100 pts
A Fleet Admiral may be upgraded to ‘Hero’ status for +50 pts.

A Lord can take extra re-rolls at the following cost:

One Extra Fleet Command re-roll 25 pts
Two Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 50 pts
Three Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 100 pts

0-1 Seer Council (comes with one Foresight power) 50 pts

A Seer Council can have extra Farseers at the following cost:

One extra Farseer (+1 Foresight power) 50 pts
Two extra Farseers (+2 Foresight power) 100 pts

Aspect Warriors 20 pts

Capital Ships:

0-1 Flame of Asuryan (if fleet is led by a Hero) 320 pts

0-1 Wyrmship per Dragonship 450 pts

0-1 Dragonship per 2 Wraithships 270 pts

Wraithship Class Attack Cruiser 170 pts

0-3 Ghostships +0 pts


Shadowhunter Class Destroyer 40 pts


Any capital ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of
Nightwing fighters and Phoenix bombers. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with
Eldar torpedoes. Some Eldar ships have access to Vampire Assault boats or
boarding torpedoes.

Attack Rating:

Due to the fact that they must defend their Craftworld, Craftworld fleets are more
constrained in their tactical choices. Consequently they have an Attack Rating of 3.


Craftworld fleets may take Corsair Eldar ships as reserves at a ratio of 3 Craftworld
ships of a single type to 1 Corsair of the same type. If a Hero is included, this ratio
becomes 2:1.

Now you have read these rules and hopefully started some playing with
them, we would like to receive feedback on the rules. Be it positive or
negative. Let us know what you think about them. You can email us at:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Parade Colours


Above: Two Eldar

Craftworld Wraithships.

Left: Tobari vessels - we

hope to get an article
about this new race in a
future edition of Warp

Below: The Wraithships

support their flagship,
the Cerluean Dream.

Above: The Space Wolf
Venerable Battle Barge,
the Vengeance der Wolfe.

Below: An Imperial
Conqueror class Cruiser


Bait - Part Three
By Space Cadet
Captain Valkris, of the Iconoclast escort amounts of fire impacting on each others'
Blood Drinker called to his counterpart, shields. A battle between a transport and
"I will take the lead, first blood will be an escort was like a battle between a
mine." Urging his engineers onward he hippo and a cheetah, the transport slow
called for the secondary jets as well, "All and clumsy, but if the cheetah makes a
ahead full, sacrifice whoever denies this!" wrong move, the hippo will crush it.

Engines flaring, the Blood Drinker began That was how the battle formed. The Fat
outracing the Hidden Delights, and its Belly accelerated around the planet, and
captain sighed. She had advanced to the two Iconoclast destroyers altered
command of the destroyer not by being course to meet it. The Blood Drinker had
the first in battle, but by winning. The every intention of closing with its target,
Lord of Sensation had been pleased with and the Fat belly barely obliged it. The
her offerings over the decades she had Fat Belly was traveling on a slightly
been in Slaanesh's service, and had oblique course, showing its flanks to the
rewarded her with youthful appearance, oncoming predator. The Blood Drinker's
in exchange for the souls released during Captain had the blood haze upon him
her festivals. Her careful progress had though, and didn't care about the slight
also caused her to be approached by problem presented.
Tzeentch, but her first loyalty and desire
was Slaanesh, for what use was power if "Open fire, all guns!" He roared.
you could not enjoy yourself along the
way? Even better, by letting the Blood Captain Anarei, of the Hidden Delight,
Drinker go first, she could see what sort saw the maneuver, and blinked in
of surprises this victim had. surprise. 'That blood crazy fool! Doesn't
he realize-"
Captain Warris watched as one of the
two Iconoclast Destroyers suddenly Captain Warris saw the first vessel
accelerated towards the planet he was accelerate towards him, and ordered,
hiding behind, while the second seemed "Master of Ordnance, rapid fire on all
to proceed along at a steady pace. The guns as they bear, the first one just
first was likely crewed by pirates, and screwed up."
the second, was, watching? It did give
him a chance though. He didn't. As soon as both ships were in
range, the Fat Belly and the Blood
"Tech-Magos Vilhare, be ready to give Drinker began opening fire upon each
me standard acceleration." other. The Blood Drinker had dozens of
heavy cannons around its nose, and they
"Master of Ordnance, concentrate your all opened fire upon the Fat Belly.
fire upon the lead vessel, we're going to Unfortunately, in his thirst for blood, and
try and take it out first." desire to board the vessel to take skulls,
he failed to recognize that even though it
A space battle between two warships has was a transport, and larger than him, the
them responding within a few seconds to vessel was presenting enough of an
each others' movements, their engines offset to his guns that they were firing at
flaring to demands, and massive a difficult target. His ship, though being

smaller, was heading directly towards Blood Drinker. Feeling the damage,
the Fat Belly. This made the gunners' job Captain Valkris ordered the helm to turn
in the Fat belly very easy. to starboard, putting fresh shields
between his ship and the Fat Belly's fire.
Even more important, the higher energy He then saw his mistake.
levels his ship emitted made it easier for
the targeters aboard the Fat Belly to Captain Warris snarled as the Iconoclast
track and hit it. Macroshells, Heavy turned to starboard, as it was sailing
Lascannon, plasma vents, and various directly into the sights of his port gun
other weapons of destruction fired upon crews. Chief gunner Hannson saw it as
the Blood Drinker. The Blood Drinker's well, and yelled, "For the Emperor" over
Void shields flared under the assault, the the vox net for the port guns, and the
steady rain of various weapons stressing crews responded in kind, their fire finding
the generators in their mounts. Several the Iconoclast, and surrounding it in a
of the generators had been replaced with halo of exploding shells, refracted laser
more powerful versions, but the bolts, and expended plasma. They
mounting brackets had not been weren't as accurate, but each broadside
maintained as had fifty percent more firepower than the
well as they should have, due to the nose batteries, and the gunners rarely
crew trusting the generators to protect had a chance to unleash the full
from the enemy firepower. Those firepower. Slaves dropped fresh shells
generators tore loose, tearing through into the breaches, without even needing
several the overseers to use the whips. The
compartments and crushing anyone they whole gun crew had felt the exultation of
rolled over. The power cable was the Chief Gunner, and the chance to kill
energized plasma, and when the one of the pirates that often plagued the
generator tore loose, it snapped loose stars was a chance that few transports
from the power supply as well. had.

The result was fatal for everyone in the The side of the Fat Belly belched fire from
breached compartments. High- hundreds of gunports, most of it going
temperature gas flooded the rooms, wide, but enough was getting through,
incinerating the survivors, and spreading hammering at the Iconoclast destroyer,
into neighboring compartments through that the shields were strained, then
breaches in the walls. Fortunately for the failed. Shells impacted across the flanks
Blood Drinker, most of those rooms were of the destroyer, tearing at the thin
empty corridors, where nobody was armor, only a few meters thick, seeking
present, but two of the slave holds were the vulnerable equipment within.
breached, and the Tzen-kethi within
were burnt by the gas. The ones who The Blood Drinker was not silent during
didn't dodge were luckiest, their skulls this time, as her nose batteries continued
being heated so quickly it caused the firing at the Fat Belly, keeping a
water in their brains to vaporize, continuous volley of fire, keeping the
exploding their skulls. Those who shields straining. Several generators
dodged were slowly burnt by the gas, overloaded and failed, but the rites had
cooked alive over several minutes. been performed, the correct rituals of
Small gaps opened up in the Blood completed, and the generators merely
Drinker's shields, and a few of the shut down, instead of breaking loose or
Macrocannon shells found the holes and exploding. The tech-priests immediately
exploded directly on the prow of the began making supplications to the

generators, pressing the prayer runes for hands, and getting them ready. Those
self-examination and reactivation, that didn't respond were left there, while
encouraging each machine spirit to those that stood up were given a club, a
return to life to fight for the Emperor. wrench, or anything that could be used
The remaining generators held, and even as a hand weapon, and organized into
though the shield was but a tenth of platoons. They would serve as the meat
normal, it was still there. shields when the Iconoclast rammed, to
allow the shotcannon equipped crew a
The bridge of the Blood Drinker was chance to kill a few of the intruders
splattered from broken bones, ruptured before they too were overrun. If some of
organs, and torn flesh. Captain Valkris the slaves managed to kill the boarders,
had proven himself a fool, and the and survived in the process, the best
second in command had killed him, and would be set free, and the rest returned
assumed command. The new Captain, to their jobs.
Braakae, ordered, "Turn us to the vessel,
ramming speed." Looking at what used That was one of the critical tasks of the
to be Captain Valkris, Captain Braakae overseers, in the slave pens. They had to
said, "your skull is not worthy of the keep the slaves down during normal
throne of bone," one of the vilest Khorne operations, but reminding them over and
insults. over, that if a boarding fight occurred
against an enemy vessel, any survivors
Captain Warris saw the move, and paled would be set free. The Slavemaster
at the thought. His ship was only a himself was an ex-slave, and he
transport, which meant that most of his regularly journeyed into the slave hold,
crew was unskilled slave labor, rather fighting the current champions, and
than trained soldiers. True, he had the those that managed to impress him were
roving patrol, but that would be nothing drafted into the holes in the roving
compared to the hordes of psychotic patrol. This kept a steady supply of
killers, and worse things, aboard the hardened killers in the roving patrol,
incoming Iconoclast. men who were ruthless enough to kill
whoever was necessary, and with plenty
"Arm every second man from the gun of skill to do so. By putting them in
batteries, and prepare for boarders!" squads with veteran troops, the ones
who were too psychotic were slowly
Deep in the gun bays of the Fat Belly, weeded out, leaving a cadre of some of
roving patrols kicked slaves loose from the deadliest men in the onboard
where they had passed out from heat marines.
exhaustion, shoving weapons in their

Freedom or death, was being offered to flared from a few hits, but not enough to
the slaves, and those who were willing to really concern the incoming vessel. They
fight would be set free, while those that were just feeling each other out, both
were afraid, or in the wrong place, would knowing a little more about what the
die. Such was the will of the Emperor. other was capable of.

On the bridge, Captain Warris saw ChiefCaptain Anarei watched as the Blood
Drinker altered course towards the
Baraxus relax a little. The ship's marines
had augmented their number from the transport, and smiled. Captain Valkris
was likely going to try and board the
gun batteries and the slave holds, and all
had reported in. The Tech-priests had transport, due to his insane blood thirst.
given the final blessings to the weapons
It would give her the perfect opportunity
and ammunition, blessing the rounds to to take out some of the guns on the
find their targets and inflict the transport's port side, giving her a nice
Emperor's Holy Judgment upon them. open flank to work with. A lot like her
outfit that she normally wore, for formal
With the boarding situation taken care occasions, it would leave a wide open
of, he demanded a report on the second area, vulnerable to whatever was out
Iconoclast. there.

"Target Beta is proceeding in at angle Settling herself in the Captain's chair,

Captain, leading fire necessary to she ordered the guns to open fire upon
achieve impacts. Range in two minutes." the vessel. The vibrations of the shot
were conducted through the hull to her
That would be slightly after the first one chair, so she could tell just how her ship
achieved impact. His ship's shields were was doing, through the joystick
still being restored, the prayers and interface. The guns opened fire
lamentations of the tech-priests being smoothly, and she basked in the
heard in the background. The guards on pleasure, but kept her mind on the
the bridge had been doubled, and their matter at hand. The transport was firing
shotcannons were at the ready, instead as well, and the vibrations told her that
of merely at attention during normal ship the shields were holding well. She did
operations. If the second Iconoclast got realize that if the guns came online
close enough, it could overwhelm his again, things could get interesting, so
shields, and destroy his ship. ordered the chair to protect her. Hands,
from the previous Captains now entwined
He would not allow that. He had a duty, in the chair's flesh, reached out to hold
charged from the Emperor, through her in place, and she
House Vandread, to deliver this gold to watched for the transport's response.
the Administratum in the sector capital,
and he would perform it! Captain Warris saw the first shots come
in, and his shields held off the fire, but
“All batteries, commence fire upon the that was not the most important concern.
target. Reinforce shields as necessary, The countdown beside him from the
all hands brace!" sensor operator filled the minds of most
of the people on the bridge, and had a lot
Having everyone onboard brace, both to of his attention as well. Several people
take the impact of weapons fire and the had grabbed stanchions for support, and
ramming attack, made the outgoing fire Captain Warris had buckled the safety
slack in comparison to the Iconoclast. straps in his chair, preparing for the
The forward shields on the Iconoclast resulting impact as well.

"Impact in ten seconds. Five, four, three, At the impact point though, the walls
two, one, impact!" were painted with the effluvia of bodies
that had been pulverized by the impact.
The impact itself was a mere rippling in The roving patrols had also been rocked
the hull, and you could see slight by the impact, but years of survival in
movement in the towers as the impact gang wars and slave pits had hardened
wave passed them. But actually shaking the survivors, and the few slaves who
the hull of a ship is a very violent tried to take this moment to break free
process, and when the impact wave were killed efficiently.
reached the bridge, anyone not secured
was thrown off their feet. The door There was a new wall in the room, thanks
guards had split into two teams, one to the impact, and a door within it as
bracing immediately, the other well. A few of the slaves were busy trying
continuing their vigil, knowing that when to decide if they should rush the roving
the wave arrived they would be thrown patrols when the door opened. The few
around, and likely killed. slaves who turned around to see, were
killed right where they stood, as a horde
There was nothing at first, then people of Khornate cultists poured out of the
all across the bridge cried out in pain and impacted Iconoclast. A few slaves
shock as they were flung around. Two thought the Khornate cultists would help,
servitors were popped loose from their but as they were cheering the cultists on,
sockets, and the armsmen that had not they were stabbed, shot, axed,
braced were flung into the air. Everyone hammered, or simply had their heads
who had braced was thrown to the floor, torn off as grisly trophies. Seeing the
several with broken bones due to the results, the remainder of the slaves in
impact, and all in pain. But they fought that room turned on the cultists, seeing
through the pain, placing broken limbs their choice in a moment; to fight, or die.
near finger controls, so they could still
operate the runes, just not as fast as Shotcannons roared, the roving patrol
before. For those that hadn't braced, firing into the larger specimens, while the
when they hit the deck, only half were slaves fought for their lives against the
screaming in pain. The others had either rampaging horde. The roving patrols had
been knocked unconscious due to the their faith in the Emperor, and the slaves
pain, or killed outright. had their fear and desperation to drive
them, but they were in the way of over a
Commissar Gadelkin had been on the thousand insane butchers, and there
bridge when it happened, and he moved were only twenty total. They cursed, the
around, administering the Emperor's shot, they clubbed, they killed, but the
Grace to those the medicae deemed press of bodies overwhelmed them, and
unable to save. Only a third of the bridge in less than a minute the cultists were
guards were still standing, but those pouring through the room over their
unable to stand had been dragged into dead bodies.
good positions, and would give a good
accounting before they died. For the Around the impacted area, the scene was
crew, his bridge officer had already repeated. Hopeless last stands combined
called for backup officers to the bridge, with dark betrayals as some slaves
and his executive officer handled the turned on their fellows to curry favor with
ship smartly in the meantime. the attackers. Both died, but they died
hard. Their deaths delayed the intruders

for a few seconds, allowing other teams Varias had been taken during a clean and
to race towards the engaged area, sweep by the planetary milita in one of
forming secondary lines to deal with the their regular purges of the UnderHive,
waves of attackers. and had steadily worked his way to the
top of the local slave block. Now he was
They met in a fury of fire and violence. fighting against another group that was
Shotcannons emptied slugs into the just as determined to kill him as he was
cultists, and the cultists replied with bolt to kill them. For a moment, he was back
pistol fire. Both had their expendable in the UnderHive, trading shots with the
troops in front to soak up shots, and other gangs, engaging in running battles,
there was no way to miss. Any shot that but that moment passed, and the melee
missed one person merely hit the person swirled around him. He had recognized
next to them, or behind them. the threat of the enemy shooters, and
had done his best to keep enemy
Grenades were launched from both combatants between him and the
sides, opening brief holes in the melee shooters. Several times, the cultist he
that were rapidly filled by the fighting had been fighting had been killed by a
below. shot from their own side, and he would
simply move to another cultist, using
Corporal Vostel had been transferred them to stay alive.
from the planetary PDF to the roving
patrol, after an altercation with an officer Groshen had been a member of the Blood
had forced his retirement and quick exit. Drinker's boarding crew for months. He
He had been good in urban terrain had slaughtered dozens in his attacks on
combat, and a ship was nothing but a transports, and had grown
three kilometer long city to him. He tired of them. A transport was merely the
knew the crevices around, and how to same size as the Iconoclast he had
find good cover. He also recognized the served upon, but the crew onboard were
key problem in the fighting, and began weak. There had been no glory of death
pumping shotcannon slugs into the fighting those sheep, and it had always
enemy firing crew. Any time one of them left an empty hole in what passed for his
reached for a grenade, that one took soul. Once he broke through the initial
priority, but other than that, he simply defense lines the crew set up, it was just
worked his way from left to right, and the usual kill and behead while moving
back again, killing anyone who had a through the ship. But when he saw this
gun, so the slaves serving as his shield transport, he rejoiced. Although it was
could deal with the ones in front. still a transport, the vessel was three

times longer, so that meant over twenty Getting on an Imperial's rear like this
times as many people on board. It would was a good way to break them, as the
still have the usual defense line, but that other transport captains in her quarters
line would be far more likely to have could admit, if they still had a mind to
good fighters in it that he could test his admit anything.
skills against.
Seeing the slowdown, Captain Warris
Hundreds of fights, in hundreds of rooms knew he had time. "Full power to the
were occurring along the Fat Belly's port rear void shields, we'll take the fire and
side, but they were dismissed from deal with these boarders."
Captain Warris' mind right now.
The other Iconoclast destroyer was out Captain Anarei watched and felt the
there and still firing. He watched as the sensors report in, and smiled. Not just
vessel concentrated its fire upon his port from the pleasure, but from her plan.
side, where the void shields had been "Accelerate us to meet the Blood Drinker,
weakened by the ramming, and where and send boarders through it. They
most of his guns were blocked by the opened a door for us, now we will enter."
hulk. Across the ship, the various cultists felt
the order, and readied themselves for
“Bring us to starboard," he yelled, the rush of sensations to follow, from the
knowing that whoever at the helm would pleasure of serving their mistress.
get the job done, so he could continue
the dance. By turning across the In the Blood Drinker, the few beings left,
Iconoclast's fire, he was hoping that the to run the equipment, and keep the
destroyer had enough momentum to go slaves under control, were restless. They
straight by his ship, either ramming the were denied a chance to butcher and kill,
Iconoclast currently in his ship, or flying and this was against all the teachings of
by. If it rammed somewhere else Khorne. They were warriors, and battle
though, his ship would be in serious was their chance to worship Khorne and
trouble. Still, the incoming fire was not show that they were worthy. Even killing
that accurate, likely due to the clouds of a few slaves here would not make it
debris from the impact of the Iconoclast worth their time, as their skulls were not
around his ship. worth the waste of a good axe swing.

Captain Anarei recognized the Then the rear hatch blew open.
maneuver, and saw her options. She
could continue straight, and wind up Constrictor Lord Zarias was the first
flying right by the ship, and at close through the hole blown in the Iconoclast,
enough range for the starboard guns to and his senses took in the room at a
rake her ship. If she turned to starboard, glance. His lord was a being of the
she would be opening the range, and senses, and he had chosen to have better
would have to make her approach again. senses to better enjoy his lord's benefits.
Turning to port would leave her at the He could feel the touch of his mistress at
mercy of the transport's port guns, so the back of his mind, feeling what he felt,
that was out of the question, as she and seeing what he saw. He had been a
would put others at her mercy, but never vital link on board her ship, allowing her
the other way around. "Cut engines, let to instantly know how matters were
them turn in front of us." going wherever he was. The other times,
when she called him to her quarters, had
By slowing, the transport would turn in nearly overloaded his senses, but each
front of her, and she would be in its rear. time, it was always nearly. She knew

exactly how much to do, and how long to the roving patrol to reload their weapons,
do it, to keep his mind right on the edge and then moved on, knowing the area
of pleasure and death, for hours if would hold. They were a fire team,
desired. moving through the fight, shoring up
weak points, exploiting holes in enemy
But those thoughts were for later, for attacks. One time, they had managed to
after the battle. For now though, he saw break through a few of the Khornate
the twelve guards in the room, eight troops, and got behind another mob of
tech-priests, and fifty-seven slaves. A cultists. Catching them in crossfire, the
quick dispersal of pheromones, and the second mob was rapidly killed off, and
slaves were all suddenly in the grip of a the roving patrol in there gave a salute
hypnotic pleasure, their minds his to to the XO as he personally killed the last
play with. The guards and tech-priests of the cultists.
though, were charging at him. Sliding to
the side, he let the troops behind him Chief Petty Officer Baraxus had been
open fire upon the guards, while he holding against a determined rush, when
circled around, his swords flying back the XO had come by, and slaughtered
and forth, as he parried the guards' several that had been about to flank the
blows. He could hear their bellows of Chief's team. With their flank secure, and
rage, as their blades did not find blood, the extra firepower, the Chief had
while his own swords were nicking managed to dispose of the current wave
critical tendons, until they could no of attackers, and prepare for the next
longer even hold their blades. series.

The follow-up troops behind him slit their Battles still raged all over the impacted
throats as they moved in. He told them area, but slowly, the tide was turning.
to hurry, as the Iconoclast destroyer was Although having to keep most of the
a kilometer long, and they barely knew crew on their guns reduced the numbers,
the way. versus facing the entire crew of an
Iconoclast crewed by blood thirsty
Lieutenant Gadelphus, the executive psychopaths, there were still enough
officer of the Fat Belly, withdrew his crew to meet each berserker, with 3:1
sword from the warrior who had been numeric odds favoring the transport's
fighting him, and moved onwards. He crew. The slaves reduced the qualitative
had left the battle bridge in the hands of advantage, but the lack of any real
his weakest troops, and told them to strategy among the Khornate cultists,
keep the door locked for as long as other than go and kill, made the
possible. He however, had moved out, defenders' job easier. Show the Khornate
seeking to organize the defensive cultists a potential fight, and they will go
parties, to get them towards the cargo directly towards the fight. By killing the
holds. Once the invaders were in the ones at the rear of the group, the leaders
cargo holds, he had a second set of never think to slow down, until they too
teams moving the gold ingots into were cut down.
ambush positions.
It took them ten minutes, but they finally
In the meantime, he had thirty men with cleared the last of the Khornate cultists,
him, some of the deadliest killers in the and were going around, the medicae
Fat belly's marines, and they were performing the rituals of triage, deciding
headed to the various fights. He had who would live without their help, who
already stopped three breakouts, and would die even with their help, and
reinforced a fourth area long enough for saving those in between. Those who

would live were wrapped up so they shoving them down, so that others might
wouldn't make a mess bleeding, and be able to grab weapons and kill the
those who would die were taken to intruders. A few slaves jumped up, ready
another room, where a marine with a to die for their new masters, but all they
knife waited. The bodies were piled up, did was die, and the marines merely fired
so they could be dumped out an airlock. another round to kills the cultist hiding
behind them.
As they were working, a few began to
notice that the smell of cordite, and The gunfire in that room broke the spells
sweat, began to relax a little. The air on neighboring rooms as well, and the
began to smell fresher, more pleasing, boarding party found itself under fire
and the slaves began to moan in once more, and the defenders had more
relaxation, their minds being given hints targets to kill.
of pleasures. The marines were checking
weapons, their minds too focused on Constrictor Lord Zarias heard the gunfire
their jobs to notice the faint scents nearby, and reacted swiftly. Beheading
moving into the room. the two guards near him, he dashed
beyond their lines, hoping to catch them
Then, as one, they turned towards where from the rear, and divide their fire. The
the Khornates had arrived. In stepped a guards were good though, and only two
beauty, her skin as flawless as marble, turned after him, the rest opening fire
and her eyes as dark as space itself. Men upon his troops, their shotcannons
began to reach for her, and she stepped tearing holes in scantily clad bodies,
among them, her hands caressing faces, turning his force into chunks of meat.
the men feeling a rapture in their bodies,
then passing out, their minds overloaded He moved into their midst, slicing
from the bliss. The rest of the Slaanesh tendons again, making them fall, unable
team moved through the room, to shoot or even move their limbs, but it
removing weapons from the Marines, was not enough. The roving patrol had
and passing by their defense lines, armor enough to delay his blades, slow
getting into the rest of the ship. She his cuts, and though he won, only twenty
moved towards the door, the rest of her were with him at the end, out of eighty.
team ready to follow, and corrupt This had been against only fifty, fifty that
everyone on board. had been hypnotized by the pheromones,
and disarmed. He made a mental note to
A roar of a chainsword interrupted her, have his party outfitted with more guns,
as the toothed blade cut into her and Captain Anarei heard the note, and
stomach, and was pulled straight smiled. Although guns did not allow one
through her head, bone splattering to get up close to the prey, it also allowed
everywhere. Ship's Chaplain Adressin them to live long enough to get close to
had felt the corruption taking hold, and begin with.
he had hurried to the location as fast as
possible, bringing his fellow brothers of
Moving inwards, he reviewed the normal
the cloth. Their holy books had layouts of a transport. The large interior
protected their souls from corruption, cargo holds allowed access to large areas
and now it was time for their weapons toof the ship, and were difficult to secure.
cleanse the corruption within. If he could get in there, his small team
would be able to hit anywhere in the
The sound woke many of the Marines transport he wanted, and force a large
from their trance, and without weapons, diversion of crew from other areas.
they jumped on the Slaanesh party, Deciding which way was towards the

bays, he moved inwards, seeking the looking around the dazzling, blinding
large open hold within. Gold?

Captain Anarei felt the loss of the Lieutenant Gadelphus looked over the
boarding crews in her mind, and bodies of the men in the room. This area
scowled. This was not a pleasurable had been behind the boarding lines, so
sensation, and the chair reinforced it, either there was one of the usual fights
becoming dull on her skin, refusing the onboard that turned lethal, or one of the
sensations she thrived upon. Then, boarding parties had gotten past the line.
seeing the display, she called out, "Bring A sergeant looked up from the far side of
us alongside the transport, port side. the room. "Sir, they went through here,"
They have a hole in their void shields he said, studying the scrapes on the
from the impact, and we can get through floor, and using his own years of
there." experience to judge them.

Captain Warris saw the Iconoclast "Let's move. If they get loose, we'll be
moving up alongside, and saw the down here hunting them long after the
maneuver. "Port guns, fire as it bears." Emperor gets off the throne. I don't
know about you, but I've got better
The two ships in space traded blows. The things to do than hunt miserable
far larger transport had to shoot around heretics, so let's move!"
the Iconoclast stuck in its side, and
limited most of its shots, while the Leading the way, the XO and his party
smaller destroyer moving up had to aim chased the intruders.
between the Iconoclast stuck, and the
void shields still operating. It would take Constrictor Lord Zarias looked around
time to wear down the port side guns, him in shock and awe. The cargo bay was
but the destroyer's forward batteries full of gold as far as even his eyes could
opened fire, slowly chewing up the see, massive blocks massing several
armor. The transport though, had to tons each just piled in mounds all
penetrate the void shields on the through the volume. His own troops had
destroyer, so had a bit of a problem. stopped to take in the sights as well, and
the slaves he had recruited onboard were
Constrictor Lord Zarias heard the muted just basking in the glow. Sliding forwards
pounding behind him, and knew that the towards the blocks, he gently rubbed his
guns of the transport were firing on his fingers against them, feeling the sheer
mistress. He knew that if his team turned luxury under his hands. Even if the
back, they would meet the full strength Hidden Delights was melted down into
of the defending forces, so he continued slag, it wouldn't mass a third of the gold
onwards. If he could get through the few in the bay.
crew in front of him, the whole transport
would be wide open to his access. Slicing In the back of his mind he could feel
hands from their wrists and letting his Captain Anarei looking on in shock and
pheromones convert others to his cause, pleasure with him, and he let himself go
he moved onwards, past the power for a moment, the reflection staring back
cables, past the storage rooms, and to at him in sublime bliss, his men smiling,
the heavy doors. holding their arms out, their faces up,
and a chainsword through one's belly.
Making his new converts open the door,
he strode through, looking for exits, Hold that thought.

Lieutenant Gadelphus reached the cargo not have time to waste with the cultists
bay, and saw the cultists staring in shock in front of him, but if that leader got
at the gold in there. He briefly consoled loose among his men, they would die.
himself that seeing that much gold would So he had to engage. A brief hint on the
be a shock to anyone, and decided to leader's face was all the warning he got,
take advantage of the surprise. and he swung up his sword, blocking the
Gesturing quickly, his marines held their first two blows designed to cut his
fire, getting into proper positions to cut tendons, and leave him helpless. A blur
down the invaders, and rush through to of motion next, and he kept a third
kill the rest. stroke from severing his neck.

Thumbing his chainsword to a low level, Constrictor Lord Zarias saw the fancily
he sliced through the back of the nearest dressed officer push towards him, and
cultist, ready to cut as many of them knew the thoughts involved. He too had
down while they were distracted. to deal with the leader, to make the ones
Unfortunately, that was the only freebie fighting him either retreat, or to open
he got. them up for his own attacks. Slicing
quickly, he was surprised at the human
Constrictor Lord Zarias turned in a flash, bringing up his clumsy chainsword to
seeing the ship's troops behind his men. bear, and knocking his own blades aside.
He sensed that these were the only ones A counter strike was also blocked, and
that had followed him, and knew where Zarias felt a thrill wash through him, that
he was, so his choices were simple. Run, this human would be fun.
and they would alert the whole ship to
his precise position, or kill them, and For over a minute the two leaders
make the ship hunt them again. He fought, parrying and attacking, each
turned to attack, and his followers one's blow being blocked by the other's
obeyed his thoughts as well. defense. They two fighters seemed
balanced, but Zarias had almost
Captain Anarei felt the gold bliss as well, supernatural endurance, and the effort
and was luxuriating in it, thinking of all to block his strikes was slowly wearing
the pleasures she could inflict, and have away at the Lieutenant's arms. You could
inflicted upon her as well, the thoughts see the lieutenant starting to use more
flowing from her to all her crew as well. and more strength to try and knock aside
The gun crews even felt the bliss, and the blows, while Zarias was conserving
their fire wandered a little, as their his strength, living to the fullest, and
thoughts wandered further. enjoying the thrill of a personal kill.

Captain Warris saw the fire drift over his On the bridge, Captain Warris heard the
shields, and smiled. He didn't know what cogitator call out 'five hundred
had happened, but the sudden drop in kilometers' and knew the moment was
effectiveness was a weakness he was ripe. All the guns along his port side had
going to exploit. "Hold guns, and let been tracking the Iconoclast, and he had
them get in close, we can take the fire. been able to turn enough to bring the
When they are on top of us, I want all prow batteries to bear as well. Every gun
guns to fire at maximum rate. Point was ready, and had a full load of ammo
blank fire." at the ready, and the crews knew they
were going to ambush a raider.
Lieutenant Gadelphus moved through
the throng in front of him, seeing the "Fire at will!"
enemy leader as his main target. He did

The side of the Fat Belly vomited Throwing herself in the chair, she opened
hundreds of shells, lasbolts, and plasma herself up to its pleasures. She the
releases at the Iconoclast destroyer. At sensations rose, she waited until she was
five hundred kilometers, this was too near her inhuman peak, then sent out
close to be called knife fighting, and wasthe message to the other Slaanesh
more along the lines of nose to nose, in cultists aboard Blood Commodore
wrestling terms. At this range less than Koresh's fleet. They would get the
five percent of the firepower missed, and message, and as the pleasure from the
the gunners were just getting started. chair filled her brain, and as the chair
consumed another body and soul, the
Captain Anarei saw the glow in her eyes, last thing she saw was the forward
but her mind first interpreted it as the bridge windows exploding from enemy
glow from the gold in the cargo hold. fire, and her ship exploding around her.
When the sudden shocks raced through
her ship, and transmitted directly to her Constrictor Lord Zarais was enjoying his
via the joystick, her mind cleared of the fun, when the loss of his mistress
thoughts, and with it, came fear. She suddenly flared through his brain. He felt
realized how close her ship was, and her the connection go, and suddenly he was
own gun crews had started to pass out alone again, with nobody to talk to. The
from the visions she had been loss distracted him at a critical moment,
transmitting throughout the ship. and Lieutenant Gadelphus took the
Slamming her opportunity to slice off his head, and
mind on them, she ordered them back then stepped on the skull for good
into action. measure.

But it was already too late. Lieutenant Gadelphus saw the brief
hesitation, and used it. He knew he was
The gunners and techpriests had blessed getting tired, having to move quickly to
the ammunition and batteries before the block the blows, and this was his chance.
guns had fired, so the gunners felt free Seizing it, he sent his chainsword up
to overload the guns, as the Emperor under the half-snake's guard, and sliced
was with them, in spirit, and in their through the neck. Watching the head hit
hearts. The guns were soon glowing red the ground, he stepped on it with his
from the heat of all the firepower being boot for good measure. Looking around
unleashed, but the nose of the iconoclast at the rest of his impromptu detail he
was far worse off. said, "Get flamers and meltas up here,
let's purify the ship."
Explosions shook the bridge of the
Hidden Delights, and Captain Anarei felt Watching the last Iconoclast destroyer
a loss in her. She had lost herself in the die under his guns, Captain Warris
pleasure, when she was supposed to be turned to his crew. "Well done all. Now,
leading her ship to victory. But there begin battle cleanup, salvage what we
was one thing she could still do. can, incinerate the rest. Navigator, plot
Standard communications were out, but us a course to a nearby human world, so
the command chair still existed. we can take on fresh stock."

By Ray Bell

‘Storm Four to Macharius. Have sighted two ork cruiser vessels and
escorts. They’re powering up engines and heading towards you. Be
warned, Macharius: the bait has definitely been taken, and the prey is
coming out into the open’
Excerpt from the novel ‘Shadow Point’ by Gordon Rennie.

During the Gothic War, whilst under constant attack by Abaddon’s fleets, another
threat to the Gothic sector seemed to have been ignored, the Orks!

Throughout the history of the Imperium, Orks that were left unchecked multiplied
uncontrollably. Not to imply that there isn’t a limit to their population in any given
location, there is! This usually coincides with a mass migration of Greenskins if a
suitably large fleet can be built or a Space Hulk of sufficient size can drag
innumerable Roks through the warp to invade other star systems.

A star system can be completely overrun by Orks before this mass migration
occurs, and it is often prudent to wipe them out before they can leave the system.
But this is not a luxury the Imperium can always afford and must keep them
bottled-up making sure they never leave to spread their number.

Scenario: Assassination

A medium sized Imperial fleet, commanded by Commodore-Captain Leoten

Semper, is attacking a system overwhelmed by Orks. Their objectives are to
destroy or force the disengagement of all warp-capable Ork ships, and to field test
the experimental Seismic Torpedoes, or ‘Rock-busters’ as they soon became called.


Agree a points limit for the battle (alternatively use the fleet lists and special
‘re-enactment’ rules based on the novel Shadow Point presented later).

Assassins (Imperium): This player is the attacker. They may spend up to the
agreed points limit in total on their fleet.

Targets (Orks): This player is the Defender. They may spend up to the agreed
points limit in total on their fleet, but must select capital ships or squadrons (these
can be any type of squadron, even single defences!) as the targets. The targets
total points value cannot exceed 1/3 of the entire fleets value. You may spend as
many points as you wish on defences from your points limit (note: there is no need
to have a planet to deploy defences).


Set up a 6’ (180cm) x 4’ (120cm) table with whatever celestial terrain you wish for
the scenario (If you are playing the re-enactment from novel Shadow Point the
terrain should be picked using the Outer Reaches Generator).


1) Randomly determine which long edges the players deploy on.

2) The defender deploys his entire fleet except the targets within 15cm of his table

3) The attacker deploys his entire fleet within 15cm of his table edge.

4) The defender deploys the targets within 15cm of his table edge.

5) The attacker may re-deploy any ships he wishes if they pass a leadership check
(see special rules).

First Turn

The attacker takes the first turn.

Special Rules

The attacking player must take a leadership test for each of his squadrons at the
start of the game. If this test is failed they will start the battle on Reload Ordnance
special orders (this means they will confer the +1 Ld to the defenders for being on
special orders and won’t be able to go on any other special orders in the first turn
apart from Brace For Impact).

Game Length

The game continues until all targets are destroyed or disengaged, or the attacking
fleet has been destroyed or disengages.

Victory Conditions

The attacker must destroy or force the disengagement of all targets. If he succeeds
he is the winner, if he fails he is the loser.


Imperial Fleet list

Lord Solar Macharius (Dictator, crew skill 4: Excellent Pilots)

Commodore-Captain Leoten Semper (Admiral, leadership 8, 1 re-roll)

Drachenfels (Gothic, crew skill 1: Expert Gunnery)

Captain Erwin Ramas (Veteran Captain, leadership 9, 1 ‘ship-wide’ re-roll)

Graf Orlok (Lunar, torpedo variant)

Captain Titus von Blucher (Veteran Captain, +1 leadership, 1 ‘ship-wide’ re-roll).

Fearsome (Dominator), random Imperial leadership

Triton (Dauntless, lance variant), random Imperial leadership

Mannan (Dauntless, lance variant), random Imperial leadership

Vanguard squadron (Cobra x3), random Imperial leadership

Praetorian squadron (Cobra x3), random Imperial leadership

Vengeance of Belatis (Escort Carrier), random Imperial leadership -1

Memory of Briniga (Escort Carrier), random Imperial leadership -1

Seismic Torpedoes (‘Rock-busters’)

For all intents and purposes Seismic Torpedoes are ‘Special Torpedoes’ as described
on page 156 in Armada.

Seismic Torpedoes are ordnance specifically designed to destroy asteroids and in so

doing destroy artificial structures in or on them. With giant armoured nose cones
acting as drill bits they can easily drill through the rocky material of asteroids such
as Ork Roks, Space Hulks and common asteroid bases. When several hundred
metres within the asteroid, they detonate causing massive damage.

Special Rules

Seismic torpedoes are fired at a weaker strength than normal salvoes. For every
three points of standard torpedo salvo strength, the salvo has only two points of
strength when fired using Seismic Torpedoes (e.g. strength 6 torpedoes on a cruiser
would become strength 4 when firing Seismic Torpedoes). When a Seismic Torpedo
causes damage against an ‘asteroid target’ (eg. Ork Roks, Space Hulks) it causes
D6 damage instead of the normal one, and causes a blast marker which is placed
anywhere on the targets base (chosen by the owner of the torpedo). In addition
when a Seismic Torpedo hits an asteroid field a blast marker is placed on the point
of impact.

Seismic torpedoes vs normal ships: Always causes a Bulkhead collapse when a
critical hit is caused by the torpedo (this is not in addition to a normal critical hit).


Blood Bond: If an Imperial capital ship is destroyed, all other Imperial ships gain +1
leadership for one turn.

Ork Fleet list (all have standard Ork leadership) - Targets (*)

*Sabretooth (Kill Kroozer), Ork Warlord (2 re-rolls, Ram Prow, Traktorfield)

*Wolverine (Kill Kroozer)

*Tiddla Skwadron: 3-10 Ork Escorts, worth up to 200 points

War-Rok x2 (each comes with a Warlord with 1 re-roll and NO refits). (See subplot
rules below)

Terrok x3. (See subplot rules below)

Rok xD6 (all have leadership 6 being planetary defences). (See subplot rules


‘You’re not actually going into an asteroid field!?’: When ever a Rok, War-Rok or
Terrok is destroyed roll a D6, on a 2+ place a Rok on the Ork players deployment edge.

ORK WAR-ROK 110 pts

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Defence/10 10cm Special 2 5+ 2
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Gunz Battery 45cm D6+6 All
Heavy Gunz Battery 15cm 8 All
Torpedoes 30cm D6 All
Notes: Movement is always 10cm in a straight line (no more or less, unaffected
by blast markers). While in the gravity well, the War-Rok has the same rules as
any normal ship. The War-Rok may not use ‘Come To New Heading’ or ‘Burn
Retros’ (may still use ‘All Ahead Full’). The War-Rok may only change heading on
‘All Ahead Full’ where it may move its extra 3D6cm in any direction, even
backwards, if the extra distance travelled is 10cm or more then the War-Rok will
continue in that direction. War-Roks don’t suffer critical hits, instead losing
another point of damage.
Catastrophic damage: Replace the War-Rok with 5 BM’s.
You must have a Warlord to Kaptain the War-Rok.

ORK TERROK 100 pts
Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Defence/8 10cm Special 1 5+ 1
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/ Fire Arc
Gunz Battery 45cm D6+6 All
Torpedoes 30cm D6 All
Launch Bays Varies 2 -
Notes: Movement is always 10cm in a straight line (no more or less, unaffected
by blast markers). While in the gravity well the Terrok has the same rules as any
normal ship. The Terrok may not use ‘Come To New Heading’ or ‘Burn Retros’
(may still use ‘All Ahead Full’). The Terrok may only change heading on ‘All Ahead
Full’ where it may move its extra 2D6cm in any direction, even backwards, if the
extra distance travelled is 10cm or more then the Terrok will continue in that
direction. Terroks don’t suffer critical hits, instead loosing another point of
Catastrophic damage: Replace the Terrok with 4 BM’s.


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