Its27 Twin Fin Concept

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Day 3

Paper No. 7
Vancouver, Canada
Organised by the ABR Company Ltd

Damen ATD Tug 2412 Twin Fin Concept

Coen Boudesteijn (speaker/co-author), Joost Matht (speaker/co-author),

Jochem de Jong (co-author), Damen Shipyards, The Netherlands
Frans Quadvlieg (co-author), MARIN, The Netherlands

Since 1927, Damen has had a reputation for building compact tugs and workboats. As technology has
developed and the size and scale of towage operations have increased, customer requirements have
also changed. This has resulted in demands for greater power and even more compact vessels to attend
ships manoeuvring in and out of port. At the same time, the towage industry is being forced to reduce
capital expenditure and lower operational costs in order to remain competitive. The demands for higher
power within a small vessel, along with lower initial and operational costs, all contribute to an on-going
search for more efficient use of power within confined physical boundaries.

With the development of the ASD 2411 (presented at ITS 2002) the design for the first compact but
high-powered harbour tug was presented. Now, eight years later, more than 50 have been delivered
worldwide: evidence of serious market interest in the compact tug concept. However, with a minimal
length over beam ratio, directional stability becomes a challenge, especially in the case of a compact
tractor drive tug.

This paper describes the development of the new Twin Fin tractor tug design, and the results of the
model test programme. The objective was to achieve perfect manoeuvring performance and at the same
time perfect course stability. The single skeg ATD Tug 2412 was already a remarkable success and now
the new Twin Fin configuration is set to make the new tractor tug industry benchmark.

DAMEN AS COMPACT TUG BUILDER bollard pull of up to 65 tonnes. The compact tug is not a
The ATD Tug 2412, similar to the Damen ASD Tug new phenomenon for the company, as in the 1970s, the
2411, has been developed as a compact tug with a Stan Tug 1, a 700hp twin-screw, 15m length, one-man
operated tug, was introduced.

Figure 2: Stan Tug1 standard compact tug built in

Figure 1: ATD Tug 2412 escorting. 1970 with 700hp.
Figure 4: ASD Tug 2411 with 1,200m3 Fi-Fi.


Methods of assistance provided by tugs in ports
around the world differ due to local conditions, specific
geography and traditional methods. In addition, the
following factors play a role in tug choice:
Tug assistance methods already in use;
Present tugs have available experience;
Safety requirements;
Port developments.

Figure 3: GA drawing Stan Tug 1.

This tug has been progressively developed into the

present day Stan Tug 1606, with a length of 16m and
1200hp. More than 250 units of this 16m tug have been
built since 1970 and are now successfully operating with
dredging companies, harbour authorities and tugboat
owners for general towing and ship assist services. The
most striking characteristic of the latest generation of
these vessels is the power installed, which in this Series
exceeds much larger vessels providing the same service.


For several decades the company has been well known
for its series-built, standard, Stan Tug range compact Figure 5: ASD Tug 2810 operating at a ships side.
conventional tugs with twin fixed pitch propellers in
nozzles and a high bollard pull. Other important factors are the type of ships to
be assisted, such as LNG carriers, bulk carriers, oil
In 2002, the ASD Tug 2411 was introduced, with a tankers, container vessels, car carriers, ro-ro ships etc.
total installed power of 4,200kW and a bollard pull of The following types of tugs are available:
67 tonnes. Other more recent compact tugs in the ASD Twin screw Stan Tug Series;
Tug range are the ASD Tug 2009, with a length of 21m Twin screw ASD Tug Series;
and 2,600hp, and the ASD Tug 2310, with a length of
Twin screw ATD Tug Series;
23m and 4,000hp.
Twin Voith VTD Tug Series.
The success of the compact series has provided an
The following assistance methods, or a combination
extra stimulant to the development of new compact
of these methods are most common:
tractor tugs. Consequently, the ATD 2909 with 2,900hp
and the ATD 2412 with 5,700hp have been developed Tugs towing on line;
in recent years. Tugs operating at a ships side.
Tugs towing on a line are made fast at the bow and
astern of the assisted ship. Tugs operate at a distance of a
ships bow and astern normally 1.5 times the tugs length.
The performance of ASD tugs, ATD tugs, VTD tugs
and conventional Stan tugs when towing on a line were
calculated using the TugSim simulation program.

Figure 6: ASD Tug 2411 towing on line.

Figure 7: ASD tug manoeuvring manual illustration 23,

normal style, commonly used by ASD tugs. Tugs towing
Figure 10: TugSim tug assist diagram 10 knots.
on line.
The performance graph shows an ASD tug towing on a
line at 10kn. The main objective of the graphs is to show
the maximum steering and braking forces that can be
achieved in indirect and combination mode. Tug stability,
freeboard and height of towing point have a considerable
influence on the maximum achievable towing forces.
Limiting factors are engine torque and heel angle.

Figure 8: ASD tug manoeuvring manual illustration 28,

pushing under an overhanging bow or stern. When
vessels speed is more than 3 knots, go to the flat area
of the vessels side and move from there under the
overhanging bow (or stern), keeping constant contact.
This is the safest method. Tugs operating at ships side.

Figure 11: Compact ASD and ATD Tugs have high

side thrust.

For operations such as push-pull and for operations

at the ships side, these tugs have almost equal power
astern and ahead and can apply thrust in any direction.
For conventional tugs, with fixed pitch propellers in
nozzles, the maximum astern thrust is about 60 per
cent of the ahead thrust (see also Tug Use in Port by
Figure 9: ATD Tug 2412 towing on line. Capt Henk Hensen).
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT OF TWIN FIN The turning ability and directional instability of this
CONCEPT tractor tug are rather complex. The yaw balance
between the applied steering and propulsion forces
The ATD Tug 2412 has unconventional main dimensional
(action forces), the damping forces (reaction forces) on
ratios an L/B ratio of 1.89 and a B/T ratio of 3.75 (see
the hull depending on the yaw and drift and the mutual
Figure 12 ). The resistance of a tug with such short
interaction phenomena are to be considered. To better
L/B ratio is hard to determine by the empirical method.
understand this, the following aspects are highlighted:
Using CFD to accurately predict the resistance in such
a breaking wave is also not possible. Therefore, the
1. The occurring phenomenon is typical for all tractor
powering and resistance curves are quantified using
tugs, but it is more pronounced in ATDs with a short
model tests. In addition to the powering and resistance
L/B ratio;
tests, several manoeuvring tests were also carried out.
2. Interactions between the thrusters and the skeg.
Given their location and magnitude, the interactions
An observation from full-scale trials and model scale
are large and sensitive to the manoeuvring motions,
trials was that the tug had to be steered (when sailing
azimuth angles and speeds. One of the hypotheses
ahead) with about 5-10 degrees of azimuth angle and
is that the skeg generates an opposing steering
allowing a drift of 3-5 degrees. This phenomenon was
force due to its location in the propeller races at
determined using Dieudonn tests at model and at full
small azimuth angles. This is an explanation for
scale (see Figure 13). Sailing astern showed the tug as
the fact the tug turns to the opposite direction than
directionally stable. We determined this peculiar steering
behaviour whilst sailing ahead as reverse stable.
3. Working lever of the steering force. The steering
force has a certain working lever with respect to
the reaction forces on the hull. The force times
the lever delivers the steering moment for the
yaw motion. If we simplify the complex pressure
distribution on the hull as a force vector than this
force vector has its centre of effort in the front
half of the hull, say at about 30 per cent LPP aft of
the FPP. In a tractor tug design the location of the
thrusters are very close to the same spot, making
the working lever small or even inverse.
4. Balance of the damping forces on the hull as
function of drift and yaw motions. A skeg surface
aft increases damping, reducing turning ability and
increasing directional stability.
Figure 12: ATD Tug 2412 with a conventional skeg.
The interaction between a centre line skeg and the
Opportunities to improve on this peculiar steering flow coming from the thrusters is indicated in Figure
behaviour when sailing ahead were sighted and a study 14a. The phenomenon may be expected for every
initiated to further enhance the design. tractor tug, but for the present design, it is more
pronounced, because of the short length and the
powerful thrusters. In Figure 14b, the flow on one side
of the skeg causes a lift force opposed to the lift that
one expects from a skeg.

Figure 13: Dieudonn results for a conventional skeg

The aim of the design enhancement is to reduce the
azimuth angle and drift when sailing straight ahead and
increase the ease of steering without degrading the
turning ability too much. The sailing characteristics, neither
in seaway nor in the wake of an escorted vessel, should
be negatively influenced by the design modification. Figure 14: Illustration of effect of the skeg.
The solution based on this hypothesis was to add
high aspect ratio fins in the aftship, in line with the
thrusters. Having said that, the size of the fins was not
yet established. To quantify the recommended fin size,
various alternative designs were tested and evaluated
(see Figures 15, 17 and 18). A single fin arrangement
(see Figure 16) was also one of the design alternatives,
but this would obviously suffer the same interaction
phenomenon as sketched in Figure 14 (see page 4).
A number of these arrangements have been tested in
MARINs seakeeping and manoeuvring basin, which
is one of its seven hydrodynamic testing facilities.
The unique size of this basin is perfect for performing
Dieudonn tests. The facilities around the basin allowed
for a quick modification of skegs in between tests (see
Figure 19).

Figure 15: Twin Fin arrangement (high aspect ratio).

Figure 19: Skeg modifications between test series.

The results of a selected set of tests are given in

Figure 20. These results demonstrate that the large
Figure 16: Single Fin arrangement (high aspect ratio). centre line skeg yields a reverse stable behaviour,
including the phenomenon of Figure 14 (page 4). The
Twin Fin arrangements (of which two of them are
presented in the figure), showed a nearly conventional
directional stability. In addition, the turning velocity
at higher rudder angles increased as well, which
demonstrated that the Twin Fin gives a somewhat
higher turning ability.

Figure 17: Twin Fin arrangement (low aspect ratio).

Figure 20: Results of Dieudonn tests for Twin Fin

Figure 18: Twin Fin arrangement (medium aspect ratio). arrangements.
The observed complex hydrodynamic phenomenon produce a very compact economical harbour tug with
was explained and the hypothesis was proved. In a good performance suitable for ship handling in small
co-operation between engineers at both companies, a harbours, confined dock systems and locks.
good solution was found. The Twin Fin configuration
enables a directionally stable compact tractor tug Close co-operation between Damen Sales, Damen
with perfect steering behaviour both sailing ahead Tugs & Workboats project office, Central Engineering
and astern. Based on the model tests, the best Twin and Damen Research resulted in a completely new
Fin arrangement could be selected. Damen has an design with the promise of high bollard pull, excellent
application for a patent to all countries in Europe as well manoeuvrability and considerable stability. During the
as countries outside Europe for the Twin Fin design. development stage, everything possible was done to
ensure that the final result would be a low cost, effective
standard design, suitable for series production.
The new design of the Twin Fin is the result of careful Essential basic design criteria includes good visibility
market research and product development work carried from the wheelhouse, good handling characteristics,
out to develop a compact tractor tug. The aim was to safe working conditions and ease of maintenance. All

Figure 21: G/A Plan ATD 2412

Twin Fin.

of the basic requirements are achieved by adopting a During the design process all of the following matters
shorter but wider hull design, with an overall length of were addressed:
24.74m, a maximum beam of 12.63m and a draft of Hull design, including full scale testing and
5.80m. The choice of hull form is based on previous calculations for structural strengths, fatigue, hull
experience with tractor tugs such as the Tractor frequencies and wave profile;
Tug 3010 and tank testing at MARIN. The vessel
Optimisation of propulsion system;
has a round bilge hull with twin azimuthing thruster
propulsion in the fore ship. In combination with the new Noise level, speed and bollard pull performance.
Twin Fin design these provide the tug with excellent
manoeuvrability and directional stability. The result of all the work invested in the design has
resulted in a compact and very powerful harbour tug,
For a small vessel, the Twin Fin has a remarkably with clean lines and many of the distinctive features in
spacious layout. Considerable attention has been paid common with its sister ships in the Series.
to providing adequate deck space and a safe working
environment for the crew. A similar approach has
been applied in the wheelhouse and engine room. The
attention to detail is self-evident. The entire bulwark
and superstructure is fully enclosed; simplifying
maintenance and adding considerably to the strength
of the vessel. Mooring bitts are situated on the inside of
the bulwarks forward, aft and amidships and an H style
towing bitt is installed fore and aft.

An enclosed central filling station is located on

the fore deck, housing all the major filling pipes and
ventilation pipes. In all other respects the decks have
been kept free of any unnecessary projections likely to
cause falls or accidents. Such details give the vessel
a simple but modern appearance. The raised forward
deck is reduced in size, only the anchor winch for two
anchors and the forward towing bitt and mooring bitts Figure 22: Superstructure with rounded corners.
are fitted. The aft deck has a low flat sheer creating
a spacious, relatively flat and safe working area, the These include an all-welded steel hull of robust
main towing winch with a split drum, towing bitts and round bilge construction, using 12mm thick plate in
the towing hook are fitted on the aft deck. For normal the sides and bottom, a 15mm sheer strake, a heavy
towing operations the Twin Fin works as a tractor tug build construction for the pushing fender area in the aft
and for push-pull operations the hull is more rounded ship and the rubber fender in the sides. A complete,
in the aft ship and shaped as an ASD tug. For that very detailed production engineering package for the
reason navigation lights are installed for sailing in construction of the tugboats has been made using the
both directions. The profile of the vessel is as low as 3D Nupas Cadmatic software package.
practically possible to facilitate assistance to highly
flared ships in narrow locks and docks.


The following are the basic design criteria for the new
ATD Tug 2412 Twin Fin design (see Figure 21 opposite):
Bollard pull maximum 70 tonnes;
Tonnage < 300 GT;
Length approx 24m;
Two-man crew design;
Stability criteria according BV, design IMO, US
Coast Guard, RMRS;
Design conditions; 35 degrees C sea water,
maximum outside air 45 degrees C and minimum
-5 degrees C;
Tank capacity 100m;
Main engines two Caterpillar 3516C TA HD/D Tier 2
compliant, total power 4,200kW at 1,600 rev/min;
Azimuth thrusters Roll-Royce US 255, propeller Figure 23: 3D drawing exhaust systems of main and
diameter 2,600mm. auxiliary engines.
PROPULSION AND STEERING SYSTEM fender comprises a large cylindrical rubber hollow
At the heart of the Twin Fin is its remarkably spacious fender at the aft ship on main deck level, secured by
engine room. As standard the tug is powered by high performance webbing. The cylindrical fender has
two Caterpillar 3516C HD TA/D main engines, each a diameter of 800mm. The lower fender on the aft ship
generating 2,100kW at 1,600rpm, a total power of is formed by vertical W type block fenders, 480 x 300
5,600bhp. The engines have electronically-controlled mm, secured by galvanised steel pins. Block fenders
fuel injection systems and meet the requirements in combination with cylindrical fenders offer excellent
of EPA Tier 2 and IMO recommendations. Resilient protection during push-pull operations. Hollow D-section
engine mountings and flexible couplings reduce the rubber mouldings are fitted around the sides and the
transmission of vibration and noise throughout the bow, size 300 x 300mm.
vessel. A closed cooling system with box coolers
designed for 35 degrees C sea water eliminate the TOWING GEAR
need to treat sea water in the engine room. Two twin An H style towing bitt of heavy construction designed
speed engine room ventilators supply 60,000m/h for a safe working load of 150 tonnes with stainless
of fresh air into the engine room. Large main engine steel integrated fairleads and a hydraulically-powered
exhaust silencers, designed for 45dBA reduction are tow winch are installed on the aft deck for ship handling
mounted in the engine room and are heavily insulated operations. The winch has a split drum with the ability
to regulate noise and temperature. to accommodate two towlines, one for daily operation
and one as spare. The towline from the drum runs from
Each main engine drives a Rolls-Royce US 255 the top of the winch, the maximum line pull is 36 tonnes
fixed pitch fully steerable propulsion unit incorporating and maximum line speed is 40m/min. The winch has
a built-in slipping clutch for slow speed manoeuvring a brake holding load of 150 tonnes. Each section on
and propeller speed control. The five-blade, fixed pitch the drum can accommodate 150m of 80mm diameter
propeller has a diameter of 2,600mm and the steering high performance fibre towline. Hydraulic power for the
speed of the unit is approximately 2.5 rev/min. The towing winch is supplied by dual pumps, one mounted
propeller runs in a TK nozzle with stainless steel lining. on each main engine. The winch has full remote control
The shaft line is designed as straight as possible, with a from the wheelhouse and local control from the aft deck.
bow tooth coupling, a straight shaft bulkhead seal, shaft
bearings and flexible coupling. The number of bearings
has been kept to a minimum.

Electric power is generated by two Caterpillar C4.4

TA diesel powered alternators, each supplying 85kVA,
230/400v, 50Hz. Space is available in the engine room
for a third diesel auxiliary engine or optional 600, 1,200
or 2,400m/hr fire-fighting system. The monitoring and
alarm system is designed for a two-man crew with full
monitoring and alarm system in the wheelhouse and in
the main deck switchboard room.

The comprehensive fendering arrangement is designed
to protect the tug and its tow during a wide range of
Figure 25: The winch is remote-controlled from the
ship handling and other harbour operations. The push
wheelhouse as well as local control on the main deck.

Load indication and towline length indication are

included on the control panel, with control levers and
a foot control on the winch panel. There is a disc-type,
quick-release towing hook on the aft deck, safe working
load 100 tonnes and hydraulically-operated towing pins
fitted in the aft bulwark. Both towing hook and towing
pins are remotely-controlled from the wheelhouse.

The wheelhouse is air-conditioned and heated and use
of modern noise and vibration control measures has
reduced the noise levels to 65dBA. The wheelhouse
layout and arrangement of the exhaust piping ensures
an excellent view all around from the captains chair.
Figure 24: Heavy sausage, W and D fenders on bow, The wheelhouse has been designed and equipped to
shoulders and sides. make two-man operation possible.
main deck along with the spacious galley and mess
room, toilet and shower room.

The comfortable mess room is equipped with a TV

and DVD player. Air-conditioning ensures that the
temperature in the entire accommodation remains
pleasant even under tropical conditions. The cabins
are fitted out to a good but simple standard, using
plywood and finishing with formica and anodised
aluminium. Floating floors, thermal insulation, partitions
and bulkheads of sandwich construction, and Dampa
ceilings are used in the accommodation. That level
of insulation, in combination with resiliently-mounted
exhaust systems, main and auxiliary engines, and other
equipment such as cooling water pumps, guarantee a
low noise level in the wheelhouse and living areas.

Figure 26: Large windows and shaped superstructure

for optimal view.

The compact wheelhouse has many standard

features including a functional and ergonomically-
designed console layout. The standard vessel control
consoles ensure all the essential propulsion system Figure 28: Layout ILO 2006 compliant accommodation.
controls, winch controls, alarm panels and remote
control Fi-Fi monitors are within easy reach. Foot The accommodation meets the requirements of
controls are provided for some of the winch and VHF International Labour Organisation 2006. Sufficient
radio functions. A chart table with drawers is neatly storage space is provided in accommodation areas
incorporated in the layout. The wheelhouse is designed such as rope, workshop, food, linen and deck stores.
for navigation and communication equipment that
meets GMDSS area A3.

Figures 29: General stores, deck stores, rope stores

Figure 27: All round view from the wheehouse.
and workshop.

Accommodation on board the vessel is suitable for up The first vessels in this new ATD tug class were
to six persons. Two single cabins, both with an optional subjected to extensive trials. At an early stage it became
extra berth, and one double cabin are situated on the clear that the tug represented a major step forward.
During bollard pull trials the first vessel exceeded
expectations, pulling 67 tonnes ahead. Maximum
speeds of 12 knots ahead with an impressive 12 knots
astern were recorded. The trials captain reported that
he considered the tug to be more than satisfactory.
Stability was very good and sailing astern proved to
be very easy thanks to the hull design. When sailing
ahead there was still room to improve directional stability
and here the Twin Fin design provides an answer.

During the trial full-power turning circle tests the

vessel remained very dry and was found to be
extremely manoeuvrable. This has been proven in the
daily ship handling operations of the PB Murray and
PB Darling in the confined spaces of Sydney harbour.
Under sailing conditions those on board reported that
the tug is quiet and virtually free from vibration. Figure 30: Two ATD 2412 tugs at PB Towage mooring
PB Murray and PB Darling have undoubtedly proven facility in Sydney Australia.
their worth in Sydney harbour, and the designers
believe that this new design will be the ideal tug for The authors wish to express their sincere thanks and
small harbours and will open up a new market in large appreciation to Jack Gaston for assisting us in writing a
number of ports around the world. paper in English.


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