Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

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No.20 (Mar. 2015)

Development of
Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and
High Performance Steel in JFE Steel
ENDO Shigeru*1 NAKATA Naoki*2

Abstract: performance requirements are now placed on steel

Thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP) is one plates. To satisfy these performance requirements,
of microstructural control techniques, combining con- detailed material design technology and advanced manu-
trolled rolling and controlled cooling, to obtain excel- facturing technology are essential.
lent properties of steel plates, such as high strength, Higher performance in steel plates has been sup-
excellent toughness and weldability. JFE Steel has con- ported by alloy design technology and untiring progress
tinued efforts to develop TMCP technologies, ever since in the thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP). It
JFE Steel started operation of the accelerated cooling can also be said that the progress of TCMP is the result
equipment, OLACTM (On-Line Accelerated Cooling) , in of the pursuing continuation of the rolling and water
the plate mill at West Japan Works (Fukuyama) in 1980, cooling processes and development of on-line systems
which was the first industrial accelerated cooling system for those processes. Controlled rolling and controlled
in the world. OLACTM has continued to evolve to Super- cooling make it possible to satisfy high strength and
OLACTM and Super-OLACTM-A, in 1998 and 2011. In high toughness requirements which could only be
2004, HOPTM (Heat-treatment On-line Process) was achieved conventionally by off-line heat treatment.
also installed in the plate mill at Fukuyama. Super-CR Since JFE Steel applied the on-line accelerated cooling
enabling quite unique cooling patterns during controlled device OLACTM (On-Line Accelerated Cooling) to an
rolling has also installed at East Japan Works (Keihin) industrial plate mill, which was the worlds first practi-
in 2009. This paper describes features of those leading cal application of this technology, the company has
facilities and the recent development in TMCP with worked to obtain higher performance in cooling equip-
some examples of new products in JFE Steel. ment through tireless technological development1, 2). JFE
Steel has also achieved continuation of the tempering
process by HOPTM (Heat-treatment On-line Process),
1. Introduction
realizing on-line production of higher strength steel
In response to progress in design/manufacturing plates. In addition, JFE Steel proposed a new concept of
technologies for welded structures and requirements for continuation of controlled rolling and water cooling, and
total cost reduction, higher strength and high weldability applied Super-CR, which is intensive cooling equipment
are constantly demanded in the steel plates used in those located close to the mill, to a practical operation3). This
structures. In addition, the scale of structures has type of process continuation also responds to the needs
increased and service environments have become more of higher productivity and shorter production time that
severe in recent years, and at the same time, there is a are always demanded in industrial products.
tendency to attach importance to safety and security in On the other hand, improved weldability is required
building design. Thus, both higher and more complex in steel plates for welded structures. The problems of

Originally published in JFE GIHO No.33 (Feb. 2014), p.16

Dr. Eng., *2
Dr. Eng.,
General Manager, Research Planning & General Manager, Rolling & Processing Res. Dept.,
Administration Dept., Steel Res. Lab., Steel Res. Lab.,
JFE Steel JFE Steel
(Former General Manager, Steel Products Res. Dept.)

Copyright 2015 JFE Steel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Development of Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

reduced low temperature crack resistance of the weld

and deterioration of the toughness of the heat affected
zone (HAZ) accompanying higher strength were solved
by achieving high strength with a low alloy composition
design with TMCP. Moreover, the performance of plates
for large heat input welding was greatly improved by
progress in precipitate and inclusion control technolo-
gies, but the basis of this was low alloy design precondi- Fig. 1 L
 ayout of on-line accelerated cooling and heat-treatment
tioned on TMCP after all. facilities in West Japan Works (Fukuyama)
This paper reviews the development of plate manu-
2.2 Heat-Treatment On-Line Process: HOPTM
facturing technology at JFE Steel, focusing on technical
innovations in TMCP, and also presents an outline of the Conventionally, quenched and tempered steel was
features of high performance steel plates, which were produced by applying heat treatment equipment which
developed by making the maximum possible use of was separated from the mill line. To achieve higher effi-
these process technologies and are used in diverse fields. ciency by developing an on-line system instead of the
conventional off-line process, HOPTM was introduced in
the downstream of the Super-OLACTM at West Japan
2. Development of TMCP Technologies Works (Fukuyama) and was put into operation in 2004 2).
of JFE Steel HOPTM is an induction heating system, in which a
steel plate is heated by Jule heating due to induced eddy
2.1 On-line Accelerated Cooling Device:
current. A longitudinal flux type electromagnetic coils
are used as inductors. Regarding the heat generation in
Together with controlled rolling, accelerated cooling plates, uniform and highly accurate temperature control
is a core technology of TMCP. In 1980, JFE Steel is achieved by precisely controlling the electric power
applied an on-line accelerated cooling device (OLACTM) input. The layout of the equipment is shown in Fig.1.
for plates in an industrial operation at West Japan Works HOPTM was designed as an integrated heating process,
(Fukuyama) for the first time in the world, and since in which the heating device is arranged immediately
then, has continued its efforts to achieve high perfor- after the hot leveler in order to improve heating effi-
mance in accelerated cooling technology. ciency by utilizing the sensible heat of the plate after
Subsequently, JFE Steel developed Super-OLACTM,1) accelerated cooling effectively.
in which accelerated cooling was realized by a high In the past, high tensile strength products with tensile
cooling rate equivalent to the theoretical limit by a strength of 600MPa and higher had been produced
unique JFE Steels water flow control technology. The mainly by quenching and tempering in off-line pro-
first Super-OLACTM was put into operation at West cesses. By enabling on-line production, HOPTM has real-
Japan Works (Fukuyama) in 1998. In the conventional ized an increase of productivity and a large reduction of
water cooling method, a transitional boiling consisting lead time. At the same time, it has also been found that
of mixed nuclear boiling and film boiling occurs. This toughness is particularly improved in comparison with
causes unstable cooling, and temperature deviation off-line tempering products because the carbides that are
increases as cooling proceeds, resulting in non uniform formed in the tempering process are both uniform and
of mechanical properties. In Super-OLACTM, JFE Steel fine grained as a result of the rapid heating which is only
pursued cooling by nuclear boiling over the entire plate possible with induction heating 4). By coupling the
surface. Together with achieving uniform cooling by HOPTM technology with the excellent temperature con-
stable cooling, this also realized a high cooling rate. trol performance of Super-OLACTM, it has become pos-
These features have dramatically improved the quality sible to perform reheating immediately after stopping
of TMCP steels2). water cooling, which had been impossible with conven-
Deployment of Super-OLACTM to three plate mills tional TMCP. A new microstructure control technology
was finished with startup of units at West Japan Works was developed based on this concept and has been
(Kurashiki) in 2003 and East Japan Works (Keihin) in applied to high tensile strength products with distinctive
2004, completing a system which enables the maximum features5, 6).
use of TMCP. In 2011, Super-OLACTM-A was intro-
2.3 Intensive Cooling Equipment Close to Mill:
duced at Fukuyama. This is a further evolution of the
Super-OLACTM technology responding to the more
sophisticated property requirements of recent years. Controlled rolling is a technology in which strength
is increased by applying plastic deformation in the non-

2 JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No.20 (Mar. 2015)

Development of Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

crystallization temperature range of austenite in order to applying water cooling with an extremely high water
accumulate dislocations, and forming transformation flow rate in multiple passes, a cumulative cooling effect
nucleation sites not only at the grain boundaries but also is obtained and high efficiency of production is success-
within the grains. Controlled rolling was applied to fully realized. A water cooling technology which enables
actual production from an earlier date than controlled uniform and high speed cooling of the entire steel plate
cooling7). was established by applying a special water flow control
When manufacturing controlled rolling products, the technique. Temperature control is performed by accu-
finish rolling temperature is set lower than that for con- rately measuring the plate temperature on-line during
ventional rolled products. This means waiting time for operation, and obtaining the optimum number of cooling
temperature adjustment is frequently necessary during passes and rolling speed corresponding to the required
the rolling process, and the waiting time tends to become temperature drop.To prevent warping during rolling, the
longer with thicker products. Cooling by supplying a temperature difference between the top and bottom sides
shower of water to plates has been used to shorten cool- of the plate is controlled to within the proper range at all
ing waiting time, but much time was required to transfer times. The establishment of this Super-CR technology
the plates, to perform water cooling, and to confirm by has dramatically improved the rolling efficiency of con-
measurement with a pyrometer the desired temperature trolled rolling products, and has also increased JFE
drop had been achieved after heat recovery at the sur- Steels production capacity for TMCP high strength
face. The loss of time in these processes made the lower steel. Cumulative production since start-up of Super-CR
production efficiency of controlled rolling products in now exceeds 1.5million tons.
comparison with conventional products. In addition, the Combining Super-CR and the accelerated cooling
cooling rate was limited by the low water flow rate, and device Super-OLACTM has also made it possible to
remaining water on the upper plate surface caused over- apply 2-step cooling for the first time, and thus has
cooling. Thus, the difficulty of achieving uniform cool- increased the flexibility in TMCP. Application to the
ing of the entire plate had been pointed out as a main manufacture of high strength steel plates with higher
problem3). deformation characteristics than the conventional prod-
To overcome this problem, and to realize high per- ucts for shipbuilding, construction, pipe material, etc.
formance TMCP by combining controlled rolling and and improvement of scale adhesion by control of the
cooling, JFE Steel introduced Super-CR (Super-Con- surface temperature are among the expected effects of
trolled Rolling) as the worlds first intensive rapid-cool- this technology.
ing equipment close to the mill. Super-CR was intro-
duced at East Japan Works (Keihin) and was started up
in 2009. 3. Development of
Figure2 shows the layout of the equipment. Super- High Performance Steel Plates
CR is a intensive cooling device which is installed in
3.1 Steel Plates for Shipbuilding
close proximity to the rolling mill, and makes it possible
to perform rolling and water cooling simultaneously for The development of higher strength steel plates for
the first time in the history of controlled rolling. By shipbuilding is the history of the development of TMCP.
By the commercialization of the initial stage of TMCP,
YP390MPa class steel plates were applied practically
during the 1980s and contributed to weight reduction in
ships. Simultaneously with this, higher strength charac-
teristic was realized by a low carbon equivalent (Ceq)
composition design, enabling application of large heat
input welding. This made an important contribution to
higher efficiency in ship construction.
Recent years have seen heightened needs for higher
efficiency in marine transportation, reduction of fuel
consumption, and reduction of environmental loads.
Responding to these needs, great progress has been
made in steel plates for shipbuilding and their applica-
tion technologies. As the upscaling of container ships
tends to encourage the use of thicker steel materials, this
Fig. 2 L
 ayout of plate mill of East Japan Works (Keihin) and created the need for even higher strength steels in order
new controlled rolling process by Super-CR to reduce ship weight. For this, the development of

JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No.20 (Mar. 2015) 3

Development of Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

YP460MPa class steel exceeding the strength of and refinement of the microstructure.
YP390MPa class steel was desired. Moreover, the qual- A manufacturing technology for steel plates with
ity requirements of welds produced by large heat input high brittle crack arrest toughness, even in ultra-heavy
welding must also be satisfied because electrogas arc steel plates with thicknesses of more than 60mm, was
welding (EGW), which is a high efficiency vertical established by high performance controlled rolling. The
welding method, is applied in welding the heavy gauge chemical composition, mechanical properties, and exam-
materials of container ships. ples of EGW joint properties of the developed
From the viewpoint of safety against brittle fracture YP460MPa class steel for shipbuilding are shown in
of the steel materials and welded structures, brittle crack Table1, Table2, and Fig.3, respectively. The devel-
arrest toughness is also demanded in the strength decks oped steel satisfies high strength, as well as shipbuilding
of large-scale container ships using ultra-heavy steel E grade low temperature toughness of the base metal
plates with thicknesses exceeding 50mm. This type of and low temperature toughness of large heat input weld-
YP460MPa steel for use in container ships must meet ing joints.
high and complex property requirements, which include To meet the advanced, complex needs of the heavy
strength together with suitability for large heat input thickness steel plates used in container ships, JFE Steel
welding and brittle crack arrest toughness. has established a production system for large heat input
JFE Steel deepened its EWELTM technology8, 9) and welding specification, high brittle crack arrest toughness
developed and applied a YP460MPa class steel10) that specification products for heavy thickness plates of
satisfies both high strength and high quality in large heat YP355 to YP460MPa class steels11, 12).
input welding joints. By applying Super-OLACTM,
3.2 Steel Plates for Building Structures
which is one of the important basic technical elements
of the EWELTM technology, outstanding toughness was The high-rise buildings of recent years are character-
achieved in large heat input welding welds by reduction ized by longer spans and more complex structures. High
of Ceq, further improvement of microalloying technol- strength, heavy steel plates are required for these appli-
ogy, minimization of the width of the coarse grain HAZ, cations. From the viewpoint of earthquake resistance
requirements, there is also a heightened need for high
performance steel materials which have a low yield ratio
Table 1 Chemical compositions of YP460MPa class steel plate
( (Yield point) / (Tensile strength) ), high toughness, and
Thickness Chemical composition (mass%) good weldability for building structures fabrication.
(mm) C Si Mn Nb Ti Others Ceq* JFE Steel has developed and commercialized the
Cu, Ni, Ca, HBLTM Series of TMCP-type low yield ratio, high ten-
YP460 60 0.05 0.07 1.55 0.01 0.01 0.39
B, etc. sile strength steels with an excellent earthquake resis-
*Ceq = C + Mn/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Cu + Ni)/15 tance property for building structures in a wide range of
strength grades and plate thicknesses. Table3 shows the
product lineup.
Table 2 Mechanical Properties of YP460MPa class steel plate
JFE Steel developed HBLTM 385 as a tensile strength
Grade YP (MPa) TS (MPa) El (%) vE40 (J) of 550MPa class TMCP steel with an excellent balance
YP460 508 654 21 282 of economy, earthquake resistance property, and weld-
YP: Yield point TS: Tensile strength ability, and led the industry in obtaining approval by
El: Elongation vE: Absorbed energy Japans Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism in 2002. In HBLTM 385, a yield ratio of 80% or

Table 3 L
 ineup of thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP)
steel plate HBLTM for building structure

Thickness YS TS
Grade YR (%) vE0 (J)
(mm) (MPa) (MPa)
HBLTM 325 40 t 100 325445 490610 80 27
HBLTM 355 40 t 100 355475 520640 80 27
HBL 385L 12
t 19
385505 550670 80 70
HBLTM 385 19 t 100
HBLTM 440 19 t 100 440540 590740 80 70
HBLTM 630L 12 t 40 630750 780930 85 70
Fig. 3 C
 harpy impact properties of electrogas arc welding YS: Yield strength TS: Tensile strength
(EGW) welded joint of YP460MPa class steel plate YR: Yield ratio vE: Absorbed energy

4 JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No.20 (Mar. 2015)

Development of Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

less and standard strength of 385MPa were realized columns of Shinjuku Toho Building, and approximately
while maintaining the same weldability as the conven- 250 tons were used.
tional 520MPa class TMCP steel (Standard strength
3.3 Steel Plates for
level: 355MPa) by utilizing high accuracy TMCP tech-
Construction/Industrial Machinery
nology making full use of Super-OLACTM.13, 14)
SA440 (Tensile strength: 590MPa) was convention- High strength and ultra-high strength steels are
ally manufactured by multiple off-line heat treatment actively used in construction/industrial machinery, as
processes. JFE Steel established a technology for on-line there is a strong need for weight reduction in this field.
production of steel with the same mechanical properties With service environments becoming increasingly
as SA440 and completed commercialization as HBLTM severe, low temperature toughness is also demanded.
440. This product was developed and applied practically However, since high strength and improved toughness
as a result high-accuracy of controlled rolling conditions are mutually contradictory properties, special manufac-
and the excellent temperature control of Super- turing technology is necessary in order to satisfy both
OLACTM.15, 16) requirements.
High strength steel plates for building structures are JFE Steel developed and commercialized ultra-high
frequently used in box section columns, and high effi- strength steel plates with excellent low temperature
ciency submerged arc welding (SAW) or electro-slag toughness for use in construction/industrial machinery
welding (ESW) is applied in their assembly. Since these by making the fullest possible use of controlled rolling
welding methods are large heat input welding processes, technology and the continuous Super-OLACTM and
with heat input of 600 kJ/cm in SAW and a maximum of HOPTM process17). The conventional heat treatment pro-
1000 kJ/cm in ESW, the toughness of the HAZ displays cess for high strength steel is reheating, quenching, and
remarkable deterioration if steel materials are used with- tempering. However, application of this continuous pro-
out special countermeasures, and the earthquake resis- cess has made it possible to reduce contents of alloying
tance property of high-rise buildings is reduced. JFE elements and satisfy both high strength and low temper-
Steel commercialized high HAZ toughness steels in ature toughness, while also increasing JFE Steels sup-
grades HBLTM 325 to HBLTM 440 by applying the JFE ply capacity and shortening the production period.
EWELTM technology for improvement of HAZ quality in In these plates, high strength is achieved by direct
large heat input welding9). quenching (ausforming) from work-hardened austenite
Likewise, JFE Steel also achieved on-line production by controlled rolling, and the low temperature toughness
in the manufacture of low yield ratio 780MPa class improvement effect of tempering by using HOPTM is uti-
steel, even though use of multiple off-line heat treatment lized. In comparison with the conventional off-line heat
processes had been considered indispensable 6). In treatment, the heating rate in heating by HOPTM is 12
HBLTM 630L, excellent mechanical properties of the orders of magnitude faster. As a result, cementite precip-
base metal and outstanding weldability and weld tough- itates finely and uniformly, and this has the effect of
ness are achieved by forming a multiphase microstruc- improving toughness. As shown in Fig.5, this micro-
ture, which consists of a bainite main phase and fine structure control realizes steel with excellent low tem-
M-A (Martensite-austenite constituent), by applying perature toughness, high resistance to delayed fracture,
TMCP and HOPTM (Fig.4). HBLTM 630L was recently which is critical in the practical application of ultra-high
adopted as the steel material for the welded box section strength steels, and outstanding weldability thanks to a
low alloy composition design.
JFE Steel supplies a number of products with distinc-

Fig. 4 S
 chematic illustration of microstructure change by Fig. 5 R
 elationship between tempering parameter and
HOPTM for dual phase microstructural control mechanical properties of TS780MPa class steel

JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No.20 (Mar. 2015) 5

Development of Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

tive features, such as JFE-HITEN 780LE, HYD TM Table 4 A

 vailable strength and thickness of steel plates
for offshore structures
960LE, and HYDTM 1100LE, by applying the carbide
morphology control technology and material quality YP Class Charpy temp. CTOD Test
Thickness (mm)
control technology by HOPTM. (MPa) (C) temp. (C)
355 40 10 101.6
3.4 Steel Plates for Energy Applications 40 10 101.6
Steel plates play a key role in plant structures related 60 40 76.4
to the development, production, transportation, and use 500 40 108
of energy resources. What is required in these plants is 550 40 108
reduction of construction cost and running costs, and 620 40 108
one of means to reduce costs is use of high strength 690 40 180
materials. High strength materials make it possible to YP: Yield point CTOD: Crack tip opening displacement
increase the scale of the facilities and to operate under
higher pressure and high temperature conditions. At the
same time, it is also possible to reduce the amount of plates by a unique manufacturing process in these heat
materials used, and as a result, the weight of the equip- treated-type severe specification ultra-heavy gauge
ment and the amount of construction work can also be plates20), and has numerous actual production results.
reduced. Table4 shows examples of the steel plates developed by
On the other hand, because these plants handle petro- JFE Steel for use in offshore structures.
leum and natural gas, which have high energy densities,
a high order of safety and reliability is demanded in the
4. Conclusion
materials. This is not limited simply to securing ade-
quate safety in the design conditions; it is also necessary This paper has introduced the basic technologies of
to ensure adequate safety against external factors such JFE Steels state-of-the-art TMCP equipment, including
as natural disasters, corrosion, etc. Super-OLACTM, Super-OLACTM-A, and HOPTM, as well
Severe low temperature toughness requirements are as Super-CR, which enables a new type of material qual-
applied to plates which are to be used in drilling rigs and ity control by combining high efficiency controlled roll-
platforms for extremely cold environments. In addition ing and the Super-OLACTM technology. It has also pre-
to EH36, FH36, etc., which are high strength steel plates sented overviews of several high performance, high
under the specification of ships classification, TMCP- tensile strength products that were developed by utiliz-
type high tensile strength steels represented by API 2W ing these world-leading facilities and combining steel-
50 (Yield point: 355MPa or higher) and 60 (410MPa or making technology and metallurgical phenomena.
higher) are used in production platforms, beginning with In the future, JFE Steel will continue to develop
jackets and also including the top side and pile of the TMCP that organically links metallurgical phenomena
tension leg platform (TLP) and the top side of SPAR. In and process development, and will respond to the needs
addition, the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) of customers by developing more advanced manufactur-
property, which is used in a severe fracture mechanics ing technologies, while also powerfully promoting the
approach, is required in welded joints of these plates. development of new plate products that contribute to
JFE Steel has realized practical application of plates society.
which amply satisfy these property requirements by
advanced material quality design and steelmaking tech-
nologies utilizing microalloying technology, together
with state-of-the-art controlled rolling/controlled cool- 1) Omata, Kazuo; Yoshimura, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Sadahiro. NKK
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6 JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No.20 (Mar. 2015)

Development of Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) and High Performance Steel in JFE Steel

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JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No.20 (Mar. 2015) 7

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