Evolution of Carbide Precipitates in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel During Long-Term Service in A Power Plant
Evolution of Carbide Precipitates in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel During Long-Term Service in A Power Plant
Evolution of Carbide Precipitates in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel During Long-Term Service in A Power Plant
25Cr-1Mo Steel
during Long-Term Service in a Power Plant
Carbide precipitation from the steel matrix during long-term high-temperature exposure can
adversely aect the fracture toughness and high-temperature creep resistance of materials with
implications on the performance of power plant components. In the present work, carbide
evolution in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel after long-term aging during service was investigated. Boiler pipe
samples of this steel were removed from a supercritical water-cooled coal-red power plant after
service times of 17 and 28 years and a mean operational temperature of 810 K (537 C). The
carbide precipitation and coarsening eects were studied using the carbon extraction replica
technique followed by analysis using transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy. The carbides extracted using an electrolytic technique were also analyzed
using X-ray diraction to evaluate phase transformations of the carbides during long-term
service. Small ball punch and Vickers hardness were used to evaluate the changes in mechanical
performance after long-term aging during service.
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-010-0194-6
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2010
YONG YANG, Assistant Research Scientist, KUMAR elements were measured using inductively coupled
SRIDHARAN, Distinguished Research Professor, and TODD R. plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). As may be
ALLEN, Associate Professor, are with the Engineering Physics expected, the compositions for all three conditions are
Department, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, WI 53706. very similar and within the range of the T22 specica-
Contact e-mail: [email protected] YIREN CHEN, Sta Scientist, is
with Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439.
tion and accuracy of the measurement techniques. The
Manuscript submitted June 27, 2007. nal heat treatment of the pipes involved annealing for
Article published online March 17, 2010 20 minutes at 1203 K (930 C) for austenitization
Service Exposure/Year Cr Si Mn Mo C S P Fe
Unexposed 2.11 0.48 0.4600 0.97 0.152 0.008 0.020 bal
17 2.41 0.46 0.5800 1.12 0.143 0.016 0.021 bal
28 2.31 0.55 0.6000 1.18 0.136 0.010 0.019 bal
Fig. 1Microstructure of unexposed T22 steel: (a) TEM image at low magnication, (b) carbide precipitates at prior austenite grain boundary,
(c) nanometer-sized acicular precipitates in proeutectoid ferritic grain, and (d) carbides in bainitic region.
followed by cooling to 993 K (720 C) and tempering the replica specimen, the samples were rst polished to
for 90 minutes and then air cooling to room temper- 1-lm nish with diamond paste and etched with 5 pct
ature. In the fully annealed condition, this alloy consists nital solution. Following this, 30-nm-thick carbon lms
of about 80 pct proeutectoid ferrite with dispersions of were deposited on the sample surfaces using a sputtering
a high density of acicular carbides, and about 20 pct method, scribed into small squares, stripped by etching
bainite.[1] again with 5 pct nital, and nally rinsed in methanol and
The carbide morphology, spatial distribution, and collected on copper grids.
elemental compositions were characterized mainly using To study the transformation of carbide precipitates
the carbon extraction replica technique, with transmis- during service aging, electrolytically extracted residues
sion electron microscopy (TEM) (PHILIPS** CM 200) were analyzed using X-ray diraction (STOE X-ray
diractometer). Carbides were extracted by anodic
dissolution of the steel in a methanol-10 pct HCl
**PHILIPS is a trademark of FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR. reagent, at 2 V relative to a platinum cathode. The
extracted carbide precipitates were separated by centri-
and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). To prepare fuging and rinsed in methanol. The size distribution
of the carbide precipitates was evaluated using the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Zetasizer Nano-Z (Malvern).
Due to the limited size of the available materials, A. TEM and EDS Studies on Carbide Precipitates
miniature bending small ball punch tests was per- Figure 1 shows the morphologies of the carbides in
formed to determine the mechanical properties from the steel sample in the unexposed condition. The
3-mm TEM disks. In this test, a small loading ball proeutectoid ferritic regions were characterized by a
was driven into a at disk sample mounted on a die dispersion of high density of nanometer-sized acicular
while the load displacement was recorded. The defor- carbides, and these carbides were determined, by EDS
mation mode in the disk was a combination of analysis, to contain chromium, molybdenum, iron, and
bending and membrane stretching, and the stress state a signicant amount of silicon. The prior austenite
at the center of the disk was approximately balanced grain boundaries were decorated with a mixture of
biaxial tension. A tabletop screw-driven test frame was M23C6 and M6C carbides. The bainitic regions con-
used for the ball punch test. The test system included tained carbides with morphologies ranging from glob-
a computer-controlled step motor, a 1000-lb load cell, ular to lathlike, and an g carbide (M6C) was clearly
and two linear variable displacement transducers. indentied, as shown in Figure 1(d). This precipitate
Disk specimens were held down in the die with a has a lattice parameter a = 1.084 nm. The microstruc-
clamping torque of 20 lb-in. A 1-mm tungsten carbide ture of unexposed T22 steel also contained a substantial
ball was used as the loading ball. All ball punch tests amount of brous precipitates, which are generally
were conducted at a constant cross-head speed of considered to be Mo2C,[10] but in this present study,
0.46 mm/min. The ball punch test was terminated these carbides were noted to contain about 50 wt pct of
after a sudden load drop was observed beyond chromium.
maximum load. Vickers hardness measurement was Figure 2 shows the obvious changes in the carbide
also performed to examine the softening eect from microstructure of the T22 steel after service aging
aging during long-term service. for 17 years at 810 K (537 C) in the power plant.
The carbides show considerable coarsening and sphero- fracture mode of the material by promoting cleavage
idization, and a large number of carbides precipitated at and decohesion of grains. The broadening of the
the grain boundaries. Furthermore, the densities of precipitate denuded zone at prior austenite grain
acicular carbides and submicron-sized spheroidal car- boundaries also increased with this prolonged service
bides in ferritic regions decreased dramatically. Another aging. The long-needle-shaped carbide, as indexed in
microstructural eect of service aging was the emergence Figure 3(d), was revealed to contain iron, chromium,
within the ferrite regions of a near prior austenite grain molybdenum, and silicon. While iron was dominating,
boundary zone, which was denuded of carbide precip- the carbide is suspected to be an g carbide; however, the
itates. On average, the width of these denuded zones was diraction pattern could not be indexed, possibly
about 2.8 lm. Additionally, the brous carbides found because the M:C ratio in the g carbide is less than 6
in unexposed T22 steel dissolved and carbides with a with the silicon on the metal lattice.[10]
lathlike morphology evolved in the bainitic regions in Quantitative EDS analysis of carbides permitted
the 17 years aged specimen. ternary plots to be constructed, as shown in Figure 4,
Further changes in carbide size, morphology, and which shows the compositions of iron, chromium, and
distribution developed after exposure for 28 years at molybdenum in the carbides measured over the ferritic
810 K (537 C), as shown in Figure 3. The carbides (Figure 4(a)) and bainitic regions (Figure 4(b)). The
continued to coarsen and large agglomerations of 28 years aging changed the stoichiometries of the
carbides, as well as rod-shaped and spheroidal carbides carbides in ferritic regions dramatically and the content
several microns in size, were observed. Concurrently, the of iron increased from ~20 to ~65 wt pct, while the
nanometer-sized acicular precipitates observed in the 17 years aging resulted in minor alterations in compo-
unexposed and 17 years aged samples were absent in sition. A similar trend was also observed in the bainitic
some ferritic grains. The large agglomerations of parti- regions, but the magnitude of increments of iron content
cles at grain boundaries can have a detrimental eect on is much less since the carbides in the bainitic regions
the mechanical properties, and possibly change the for the unexposed and 17 years conditions already
Fig. 7(a) Typical load vs central deection for a small ball punch test and (b) small ball punch tests on T22 steels with dierent service aging
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