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SE.. PAGE 860


A Real Position
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The country needs thousands of trained, Certificated
I give each of my students personal attention and a
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You've got to study to learn. A man is worth
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Send for this Book his neck up.
My book. "HOW TO BECOME AN EXPERT ELEC- A trained mind is what gets the big pay. It is this
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for all Practical Men and Electrical Students

iSee review of this book by Editor in December issue of your Electrical Experimenter page 568)

I have prepared a pocket-size note book especially for the

practical man and those who are taking up the study of elec-
tricity. It contains drawings and diagrams of electrical ma-

chinery and connections, over two hundred formulas for

calculations, and problems worked out showing how the
formulas are used. This data is taken from my personal note
book, which was made while on different kinds of work, and
1 am sure it will be found of value to anyone engaged in the

electrical business.

The drawings of connections for electrical apparatus tions, Calculating Unkn

include Motor Starters and Starting Boxes, Overload Current in Branches of
and Underload Release Boxes, Reversible Types, Eleva- Weight of Wire, Wire Gauge Rules, Ohm's Law, Watt's
tor Controllers, Tank Controllers, Starters for Printing Law, Information regarding Wire used for Electrical
Press Motors, Automatic Controllers, Variable Field Purposes, Wire Calculations, Wiring Calculations, Illu-
Type, Controllers for Mine Locomotives, Street Car mination Calculations, Shunt Instruments and How to
Controllers, Connections for Reversing Switches, Motor Calculate Resistance of Shunts, Power Calculations,
and Dynamo Rules and Rules for Speed Regulation. Efficiency Calculations, Measuring Unknown Resis-
Also, Connections for Induction Motors and Starters, tances, Dynamo and Dynamo Troubles, Motors and
Delta and Star Connections and Connections for Auto Motor Troubles, and Calculating Size of Pulleys.
Transformers, and Transformers for Lighting and Power Also Alternating Current Calculations in finding Im-
Purposes. The drawings also show all kinds of light- pedance, Reactance, Inductance, Frequency, Alterna-
ing circuits, including special controls where Three and tions, Speed of Alternators and Motors, Number of
Four Way Switches are used. Poles in Alternators or Motors, Conductance, Suscep-
The work on Calculations consists of Simple Electri- tance. Admittance, Angle of Lag and Power Factor, and
cal Mathematics, Electrical Units, Electrical Connec- formulas for use with Line Transformers.


Received your "Blue Book" and must say it is the best book 1 am enclosing three dollars for which please send me three
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received the three books sent for and the next day sold
Have received the copy of the "Burgess Blue Book" and am 1 I 1

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very well pleased with the easily fownd formulas and data con- send me three more for which am enclosing Money Order.
tained in it. 1 am enclosing Money Order for four additional
Yours very truly,
copies. Very truly yours,
Ridgeway, Penn. St. Paul. Minn.


To help get the "Burgess Blue Book" to the men who need it the most, we have established a resale '

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is not sold through the regular book dealers so we offer the regular book dealers'
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know its value and we feel that this arrangement is much more satisfactory to the purchaser, than if
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engaged in practical work realizes when he sees it, that it contains information which is extremely
useful and which is difficult to obtain in any other way.

The Burgess BLUE BOOK Will Be Shipped, Postpaid, on Receipt of $1.00

Send dollar bill, money order or check. / guaranlee satisfaction or will
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YORKE BURGESS, Consulting Engineer

BURGESS ENGINEERING CO., 747 East 42nd Street Chicago, Illinois


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ctrical Expenmeoter
Pabliabt br Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. (H. Gtmsbick, Pretident; S. Gemsback, Treaiurer;) 233 Fulton Street, New York

Vol. VI. Whole No. 72 APRIL, 1919 No. 12

SEEING THRU YOU WITHOUT X KAYS.... By C. Battell Loomis 860
By Thomas Reed
INCH GUN 862 By Samuel D. Cohen
the Rotating Magnetic Field" 864 TER SUBSTITUTES By Albert W. Wilsdon 880
WRINKLES, RECIPES AND FORMULAS. .Edited by S. Gernsback 882
Bv John J. Furia, A.B.. M.A.. (Columbia University) LATEST PATENTS DIGEST 883
SEE US Bv IsaW M. Lewis, of the U. S. Naval Observatory 868
IT "'

>5^f FEWweek.-, a^o Marconi startled the world thirty years ago. We
could never have received them,
by stating that he had often received strong for we then had no means of recording them. Detectors
wireless signals which seemed to come and audions were undreamt of.
from beyond the earth. In a recent inter- In all this warped logic, we presuppose wireless sig-
view publisht in the New York Evening nals. But why should a civilization so far ahead of ours
Post Xikola Tesla, too, reminds us that he
use to them obsolete radio waves, which, like as not, can
had made known to the world years ago never hope to bridge 35 million miles! If the Martians
llie fact that extra-planelar>- signals were recorded in his are signaling to us, you may be certain that they use an
Colorado Laboratory. That was in 1899, before the world entirely different means than Radio. To be sure, it may
dreamt of wireless. turn out to be one of the many wave forms of the
Even today announcements such as the above are made ether, but we can only tuakc a poor guess at it today.
light of by editorial writers and others of limited sci- Meanwhile Martian signals probably fly about our heads
entific perception. For the earth-bound layman still day and night, as they may have for thousands of years,
persists that intelligence can only exist on Earth. Such but we are still deaf and blind to them. The Martian
childish reasoning shows what sort of "intelligence" Wave Detector still remains uninvented. At that the
blossoms on this planet. It never occurs to these review- Martians probably have used many methods on us. It is
ers to question why Nature in her Wisdom should have not even impossible that they may have used reflected
singled out the little speck called Earth, on which to sun rays. Bell and Tainter in 1880 demonstrated a "wire-
plant beings endowed with reason. Why should there less" telephone
the Pholophone by making use of a
be such an exception? Life in some form or other is vibrating light ray falling upon a selenium cell. Speech
certain of being found on myriads of worlds thruout was transmitted over many miles this way. With neces-
the Universe. And if one world dies, all life does not die sary refinements such a system might bridge interplaneta-
with it. Svante .-^rrhenius shows us how life-bearing rian space.
spores are carried by the pressure of light thru inter- As to one planet understanding the other, that is of
stellar space, notwithstanding the absolute zero which course child's play. Still, many humorous editorial writ-
prevails there. ers have misgivings on that score. They arc afraid that
In our planetarv- system, conditions for life, such as we
know it, probably only e.xists on two planets Mars and
on Mars 2 +
2 might equal, perhaps, 5 or 3, so how
: could we get together, they ask.
\'enus. Life on the latter being more or less doubtful, A simple example might serve as an illustration. Sup-
due to its heavy water-laden atmosphere, there remains pose an American and a Frenchman, neither knowing the
Mars, a body much older in evolution than the earth. other's language, were comiected by a long telegraph line.
Conditions on Mars we know by direct observation as Both are ignorant of the code. But both have enough
well as deduction are favorable for life, and we may sense to tap the key. Suppose both have the desire to
be certain that it exists there. And if we once grant enter into communication, what will they do? Tap out
this, we must also grant that it must have existed for dots from one to ten, of course. Thus
hundreds of thousands of years prior to that on Earth etc. It will not take them many months, if they keep at
consequently Martian civilization must be thousands of it, to work out a sort of "international" language by
years ahead of ours. means of dots. And the higher their intelligence, the
From this we must deduce again that the Martians quicker will they understand each other.
probably signaled to us ages ago, when prehistoric man That is the basis of interplanetarian communication.
still roamed the forests. But why go so far back? Sup-
pose the Martians had sent us radio messages only H. Gernsback.

) m
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Vol. VI. Whole No. 72 APRIL, 1919 Number 12

Grand Opera in Your Home


MANY thousands of people music-

ally inclined are deprived of hear-
ing our great operatic stars
limited income prefer such seats and, there-
fore, the gallery is usually made up entirely
of really music-loving Italians.
one great technical difficulty at that time
which only during the past two years has
been overcome.
mainly on account of the high Suppose that all you had to do was to step While it is a comparatively simple thing
price of admission, also because to the telephone at 8.30 in the evening, no to place sensitive microphones about the
of the limited seating capacity of even our matter if you lived in New
York or any- stage and on the other end of the line con-
largest opera houses. Take for instance a where else in the country, and immediately nect a loud speaking telephone in order to

Due to the Invention of the Audion, It Is Now Feasible From a Technical Standpoint to Connect to One Stage As Many As Fifty
Thousand Telephone Subscribers, All of Which Can Listen Simultaneously to Our Great Opera Stars. The Invention of the Loud Talking
Telephone Also Has Made It Possible for the Entire Family to Hear the Music As Pictured Above.

"star" performance at the Metropolitan had the whole room filled with Caruso's listen to the transmitted music, it is quite
Opera House, New York City.. It is neces- voice. Would not appeal to you. pro-
this a different problem to connect say twenty
sary to secure tickets weeks ahead if one viding of course that you were musically or forty thousand subscribers' lines to these
wishes a good seat in the house, otherwise All this is now possible, and. we
inclined.'' microphones and then reproduce the music
it is often impossible to make a reservation believe, shortly come about.
will While at the end of all these thousands of cir-
at all. of course the idea itself is nothing new cuits. The reason is that heretofore we had
While seats may be bought at low prices it having been tried thirty years ago to no satisfactory instrument whereby the
''up in heaven", only our Italian friends of transmit music in this manner, there was (.Continued on page 924)

: :


New York to Chicago Via the Air

in Twelve Hours

A for Chicago, It is proposed to form a company with

( Balance and altitude will be adjusted by
Please." "Yes. sir : five hundred four dirigibles and two main terminals, one expansion or compression of the gas.
and twenty dollars. Please. The at New York, the other at Chicago. The The crew will consist of the captain,
next 'liner' leaves in half an hour dirigibles are to be of the Zeppelin type, navigator, chief and two assistant engi-
for Chicago and way stations," with rigid housing and multiple conpart- neers, wireless operators, steward, cook,
replied the ticket agent of the Trai:s- ment structure. The U. S. War Depart- waiter and maid.
Continental Airline Company on a bright ment's wonderful new discovery, Heliinn In regard to the landing places, which

Regular Air Line Passenger and F

Become an Accomplish* '---' ^^- '-
Conveniences Will Be
Not to Mention the Mo

June morning in the year 1919. At least gas, will be used, thus removing the danger with dirigibles is a great problem,
that is a fair sample of the conversation we of fire. The airship will be 425 feet in McElroy says
may find quite common in a few months length and forty-five feet in diameter. Its "It ifc reasonable to believe that hill
or so, if the plans of one of the largc-t engines will have a horsepower of 1,200. walled landing zones could be located, or
aerial transportation organizations material- The bag will have a capacity of 650,000 natural depressions in the earth could be
ize in any such manner as their originators cubic feet of gas, providing a gross lifting enlarged to offer breakairs to permit the
predict. Complete arrangements for the power of twenty tons at sea level. This air liner to come down safely. 'The termi-
construction and operation of a line of would mean a practical net lift of ten tons. nals at either end of the New York-Chi-
passenger carrying dirigibles between New It is estimated by Mr. McElroy that a cago route could be floating piers secured
York and Chicago at an initial charge of speed of seventy miles an hour can be at one end, so as to swing with the wind
sixty-five cents a mile for each passenger maintained and that the trip from New to permit easy housing of the ship."
have been made by J. M. McElroy, chief York to Chicago could be made in comfort With regard to the possibility of trans-
engineer of the Sturtevant Aeroplane Com- in less than twelve hours. Atlantic flight, Mr. McElroy says
pany, of Boston, in collaboration with Noble "The cost per mile, roughly speaking," "When we have put the New York-Chi-
Foss, one of the officials of the corporation says Mr. McElroy, "w'ould approach sixty-
cago route into successful operation then
and a son of former Governor Foss, of five cents per passenger, or $520 for the
it is time to throw a line across the pond
Massachusetts. entire trip in either direction. There is
and do a real job."
Announcement of the big undertaking was no doubt but that after the line is run
made recently by the Massachusetts Air- for some time, it will be possible to cut Apropos of transcontinental aerial trans-
portation we find much food for thought
craft Association, which held its annual down the rate considerably."
aeronautical exposition at Madison Square in a speech recently made by Allan R. Haw-
Each dirigible will have accommodations
Garden and the Sixty-ninth Regiment Ar- for twenty-five passengers. The power ley, president of the Aero CIul) of Amer-
mory from March ica, before the National Rivers and Har-
1 to 15, inclusive, in co- plant will consist of two engines, side by
operation with the War and Navy Depart- side, driving thru gears a central stub bors Congress, at Washington, D. C, on
ments. shaft mounting a variable pitch air screw. (Continued on page 915)


Guiding Airships With the "Radio Barrage"

Invisible Walls of the Ether
at this lime, when our army and pilots in case of fog, cloud or other inter- with extraordinarily tall buildings with con-
navy officials, and many airplane ferences. Will it not be necessary, for ex- sequent air pockets.
builders, are t.aking steps for the ample, to establish a regular "traffic squad By arrangement of antenna or reflectors
commercial development of the air- of the air," for those cities in the principal not unlike those used behind large search-
plane and dirigible, along industrial lines of communication? The use of the lights, a beam, or narrow zone of wireless
and governmental lines, is it not prac- human voice in sounding a warning, with- waves, invisible to the eye of course, could
ticable, as well as advisable for radio in- out wires, is already an accomplished fact be set up. This would necessitate the use
ventors and engineers, as well as others at Point Judith Light, where the Radio- of very short wave lengths, of only a few
concerned, to give thought to those essen- I'lwrc, at regular intervals, calls out to the meters, far shorter than the wave lengths
tial safety devices which come within the ship operator: "Point Judith Light," and used today in radio-communication. This
scope of radio-communication and con- then in a weaker voice "You are getting
: feature would also have the advantage that
closer Keep off." these short wave lengths would not inter-
I venture to say that if there was any By means of a number of wireless sta- fere at all with existing radio-communica-
one device used in the European war which tions placed around any given city, why can- tion. All this short wave vertical radia-
contributed to the success of the Allies in not we do likewise in the matter of our tion would be controlled by the automatic-
their supremacy of the air, it was radio- radio traffic squad of the air? So that when ally repeating phonograph, similar to the
communication, both telephone and tele- a pilot comes within range, he would re- Radiophare arrangement at Point Judith
graph. By means of it the fighters in the ceive a message such as the following: Light.
air were at all times able to talk and sig-
"Buffalo Office Turn West by South, and The pilot of the airplane,, his 'phone

CopjTiglit-iOlS-ljyE. P. Co.

The Airships of Tomorrow Will be Guided by Wireless Telephone Signals, Possibly Arranged in "Barrages" or Walls, as Here Illustrated.
This is the Only Feasible Way of Signaling Location and Weather Data to Aerial Craft in Stormy and Especially Foggy Weather. Prof.
Walter I. Schlichter, of Columbia University, Has Also Recently Advocated the Use of Powerful Wireless Signaling Stations for Guiding
Trans-Atlantic Seaplanes in Their Proposed Trips Across the Ocean.

nal with their commanding officers at head- Pick up Cleveland," or again such warn- clamped to his head in the helmet, would
quarters, and after a personal examination ings as, for example, it will be necessary hear these safety signals as he flies thru
of the various kinds of apparatus used by to inform the pilot of weather changes: these invisible walls of etheric warning, in
the different countries, all of which pay high
"Weather Warning Your are nearing a ample time to govern his course accord-
tribute to American genius, I feel I am
storm area Cyclone Ahead,'" etc., etc. ingly.
fully justified in predicting an even greater There should be, no doubt, a continual With the mastery of the air for govern-
use of radio control and communication for "radio barrage," or zone of automatic mental, and for commercial purposes, al-
peace purposes. warnings thru which airplanes must pass ready at hand, certainly the question of
One of the first questions to be taken in approaching regions where air traffic radio control, and of traffic regulation, is
up, it seems to me, when wc have reached is dense namely, around landing stations,
: of prime importance, worthy of the imme-
the point of regular passenger and freight and especially so near steep mountain diate interest, and of the best thought in
traffic by air, is that of proper warning to ranges and peaks, or cities like New York, the radio world.


How Electricity Serves World's Largest

Do you kiiozi' that lite two largest hotels in the world have just opened in Nezi' i'ork City, each one :i-ith over 2,000 guest rooms and
a bath in cz'ery room? One of these hotels has, among other startling nen' features, an ele'etrie automobile elevator, 'a'liich carries the
guests' motor cars up to the grand ball room floor, so that milady and her escort do not have to pass thru any chilling winds when
arrizing at the hotel. These hotels arc veritable cities in themselves, and either of them has more telephones than the entire nation of
Greece. One hotel has the largest electric laundry in the world, not to mention the gigantic dining rooms, hall rooms, kitchens, swimming
pools, children's open-air playgrounds, and a whole regiment of employees.

THE two largest hotels in the world
recently opened in New York City,
one, the "Hotel Pennsylvania." op-
and most important conveniences of the
hotel are at once available. Among
appointments immediately accessible and
very lavish in their telautograph equipment.
The Hotel Pennsylvania has at present some
200 telautographs, and more will undoubt-
posite the Pennsylvania Railroad available from the lobby are the main Din- edly be added later as demands require
Terminal at 33rd Street and 7th Ave- ing Room, the Palm Room, used for after- them. The telautograph equipment at this
nue, and the other, the "Hotel Commodore," noon teas, etc., the men's cafe, the men's hostelry has been very carefully worked out
located adjacent to the Grand Central Ter- bar, the grill room, and in the basement the by skilled engineers, and it undoubtedly is
minal, and built directly over both the most attractive barber shop imaginable, re- one of tlie best that the writer has ever seen
Queensboro and Lexington Avenue sub- splendent in handsome tile and marble with put into operation. More" will be said with
ways. There are so many hundreds of in- leather lounges, and adjacent to these the reference to the telautograph system anon,
novations and conveniences which have been handsomest array of lady manicurists ever and for the present it will be of interest

developed and applied to these the last seen this side of Paris. While dining in the to the reader to note what happens when a

word in Hoteldom that one can hardly grill room, you may, if you wish, have a guest is to be paged. In most hotels, at
judge of the undoubted value of all of these one-step or two with your guest on the least in the smaller hotels, a guest is not
important and elaborate appointments with- highly polished dancing floor in the center paged except in the main lobby and dining
out having actually visited such an estab- of the room, while the Original Dixy Jazz room, but at the "Pennsylvania", when an
lishment in person. Take, for example, the Band turns loose the jazziest jazz you ever outside party or a guest calls up the tele-
gigantic proportions of the Hotel Pennsyl- shook a foot to. Considering for the mo- phone exchange, and the operator writes
vania with its 2,200 rooms and bath. This ment that some rainy afternoon you might down the name of the person who is
hotel can accommodate 3,500 registered happen to pop in at the "Pennsylvania" from wanted, the following operations ensue
guests with rooms, not to mention several the water-proof subway, and that you might the telephone operator,
(and they are all
dozen additional small-town populations, find at arriving in the royally appointed good looking, take it from your Uncle Dud-
which it can easily entertain in the grand lobby that your capital was limited to the ley, for he had the good luck to actually
ball room and its six well appointed res- large sum of 15c, due perliaps to the effi- visit this "holy of holies", past the door
taurants, also numerous private banquet cient activities of an unknown pickpocket of which no man may enter, excepting that
rooms and private dining rooms, not on your ride up to the hotel, you can still he has a pass signed by the powers that be
forgetting the roof garden, which is one
of the most beautiful and perhaps the larg-
enjoy yourself ostentatiously by repairing
to the basement floor, where there is a
in the teleplione world),
proceeds to write
the name on the transmitting platen of her
est in the world, Besides a capacity of "Quick Lunch Restaurant," which will ac- telautograph, there being a telautograph
3,500 guests with rooms, 3,000 additional commodate several hundred guests, who for each of the 23 telephone operators, and
guests may be entertained in the several may for one reason or another wish to en- simultaneously the written name appears in
restaurants including the roof garden, or joy a 15c or 2Sc meal. That is what you the main dining room, grill, bar, roof gar-
the total capacity of 6.500 guests, which is call real service, and both of these hotels den and tlie office, as well as at the bell
a respectable little city all by itself. are out for service with a capital "S," captain's office in the main lobby, so that
If you haven't already visited one of these first, last and always. Later, when you are when the name is called out by one of the
magnificent and beautifully appointed 20th assigned to the guests' floors and see the bellhops in your vicinity, you can rest as-
centur>' hotels, you will probably wish to layout of the rooms, you will find that sured that the same name is being called
know what conveniences are provided for these hotels undoubtedly count on a heavy, simultaneously in about ten other parts of
the guest, and with that very object in transient traffic, the suites in most cases the building. This of course, serves two
mind, the writer paid a special visit to consisting of from one to three rooms and purposes; it promotes speed in locating the
these establishments and enjoyed an after- a bath. guest, which is sometimes a very important
noon off from the editorial rub-dub, amid The lowxr part of the hotel is well shown factor, and also owing to the multiplicity
the flowering palms and the aroma of one in the accompanying illustration, and of of the system, it renders trebly certain the
dollar Havana perfectos arising from the course there are many rooms and conve- locating of the desired party, which -would
"loungees," reclining luxuriously on the niences not shown for obvious reasons, ow- not be the case under ordinary conditions.
thousand dollar leather settees, which grace ng to their location on other parts of the The total amount of electric power, not
the main lobby. This w-onderful lobby is mezzanine floors, et cetera, which cannot to mention the steam used for heating, is
furnished in handsome imported marble and be brought out in the limited size of our truly enormous in a building of this size,
is lighted by reflected beams passing thru illustration. The mezzanine floors, just which covers a whole city block, and while
a richly designed leaded glass ceiling. Both above the main or street floors, contain the talking to the chief engineer of the build-
the Hotel Pennsylvania as well as the Hotel private offices, and also there are sleeping ing, it was ascertained that the total light
Commodore have the same transit facilities, and living quarters on these floors for the and power load for the hotel would require
i.e.,both have subway as v.dl as railroad employees. On the first mezzanine floor as much as 1400 K.W. or about 1900 horse-
service, the one the Pennsylvania Railroad, ther; are exhibition rooms for business power. Electricity is used in a general
and the other New York Central Lines. purposes, and on the second and third mez- way for many purposes and important oper-
There are underground passagewavs in zanines; dining rooms for the employees. ations conducive to the efficient operation
cither case leading from the railroad ter- On the third mezzanine we find the "Grand of the hotel, which the average guest never
minals directly into the hotels, and special Ball Room," which is most beautifully sees or even dreams of. For instance, how
elevators for this service to carry the guests decorated in pleasing colors which do do you suppose the ventilation of such a
to the floor of the main lobby or vcsliliule. not jar or irritate the eye as do some of large hotel as this is taken care of? The
If one arrives by subway from up or down- these large public rooms in similar estab- chief engineer answers this question by tak-
town New York, he finds the same conven- lishments. The general decorative scheme ing yo'u down to the sub-basement two sto-
iences awaiting him, and is whisked from thruout the hotel, it may be said, is one of ries underground, where you see one of the
the subterranean passageway to the splen- good taste and extremely homelike. The largest electric motor-driven blower rooms
dor of the main lobby by elevator, which is service is carefully worked out to give in the world, covering a quarter of a square
operated by young women nattily attired in this feeling at even,' turn. city block. Here dozen of powerful elec-
spic and span uniforms. There is even a The largest private telephone exchange tric motors rated at anywh.'re from 25 to

woman "elevator starter" and speaking of extant, with capacity for 3.340 extensions. 50 horse-power each, drive gigantic blowers
elevators, the Hotel Pennsylvania boasts of 200 trunk lines antl 23 operators is con- or fans, each of which is coiuiccted up with
a total of 27. In the following description nected to the varif)us rooms and other certain air ducts leading to various parts
of the hotel features, as the writer found parts of the hotel, and this is located on the of the building. Thru these ducts, air is
them, the Hotel Pennsylvania is inferred, second mezzanine floor. pumped which promotes the proper circula-
except where otherwise mentioned. In the telephone exchange are also lo- tion thru the hallways, and the rooms of
On arriving on the floor of the main cated a large battery of "Telautographs" the building. Neither of these inonster
lobby, which is certainly a magnificent piece
the electric machines that w-rite and both hotels has a large power plant of its
of architecture, one finds that the principal of these recently opened hotels have been (Conlinucd on page 915)

! W :


Seeing Thru You Without X-Rays

The New Shadow Photography
WHAT of the infra-red ray in pho-
tography ? Is its penetrative power
the equivalent of the uhra-violet,
holder,and squeezed his bulb for a half
second exposure. The result was tlie ex-
cellent bone picture shown herewith.
or actuating principle of the X- This picture was iahcn entirely with a
ray? Has Dr. Paull S. Hunter,
former State Secretary of Health for Colo-
filtered tight
the light that passes most
easily of all visible light, thru blood. The
rado, and hailing from the city of Denver, discoverer has made nothing new exceit
stumbled on something he didiVt know and his camera, which is not essential to suc-
doesn't know yet, in looking for somethitig cess He has merely combined a stock
he had guest? That is a question it may Eastman panchromatic photo plate brushed
take time and development to answer, but with eosiit solution to intensify its sensi-
which the writer is content only to raise by tiveness, with an F ray filter and a line
way of introduction to a story which has point of light to do simply what Rontgcn
its clement of humor because tho it relates earned his fame for doin.g in a more round-
a serious discovery, worth thousands of about and costly way. He has made a dis-
dollars to society at large, the discoverj' coverv' which he prophesies every school-
will not realize its discoverer one penny. boy will at once begin to play with, and
In which it is not unlike many other im- every doctor to Use in his business.
portant scientific discoveries. .^nd he has given his discovery freely to
One night Dr. Hunter was waiting for the world. He does not intend to secure
a car. He held a flashlight in his hand, Hold Your Hand Before a Flashlight in the patents either on his combination of ma-
and covering the ray, was attracted by the Dark
You Can See the Bone Outlines
Dimly. This Is the Basis of the New X-Ray- terials or on his novel folding cainera,
marked red glow of his flesh. He noted ess Bone Photography Here Describsd. which may be made in any size and open
the dim shadows of the bones in his fingers. at both ends to fit different portions of the
"Hm." said he, "the red rays come thru. cured a Wratten F or extreme red ra\ filter limbs. Whether the rays will penetrate
I f the rays were more vivid, the shadow of
and placed it above his lenseless shutter and trunk for abdominal and intercostal
the bones would be sharper. I can inten- diafram. He placed his hand over the examinations he does not know from prac-
sify them and I'll bet I tise, altho from theory
can photograph that." ^^^^m^
~^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ he contends they might
The idea took hold. be made to do so by im-
The doctor was a user TF you are old enough, you tvill probably remember !he time when the proved technique, such
of the X-ray, but he -* X-ray uas first announced. We all thought it one of the most marvelous as a more intense ray
found it easier in ordi- intentions ever conceived by the human mind, and so it was indeed. But of light and a more
nary practise to bring noiv Dr. Paull S. Hunter announces a strikingly simple way to perform the sensitive plate.
a patient to the ray same experiment which Dr. Ri'mtgen performed in a very difficult, round- Further Dr. Hunter
than to take the weighty about way. Where Prof. Riintgen used a complicated electrical apparatus has to say
apparatus with its cells in order to take shadowgraphs of the human body. Dr. Hunter uses nothing "My claim is ai^t
and coils to the patient. but plain light rays. There is no doubt in our minds that if sufficiently with a box fitted out in
What a boon to the powerful light rays are used in connection with a heat filter in order that this tnanner and a box
country doctor it would the patient does not sustain burns, it should become possible in the near of panchromatic plates
be if he could make a future for physicians to actually see every bone in the human body. Not a physician can tell
fracture diagnosis with only this, but we predict that by using certain color rays, it should be possi- whether a broken arm
an Ordinary camera ble to bring out every organ in the human body as well, such as heart, is set right before leav-
The X-ray is of value liver, blood vessels, etc., which are notv very difficult of observation by the ing the house, and that
only to the rich and the X-ray. it will undoubtedly be
very poor who receive Our front cover shows what is already possible today if you will drape the used all over the coun-
free treatment. The humart body in such a way as to cut off all the direct glare, and then by try for th.it purpose.
middle class must pay exposing strong electric arc-lights from behind, it becomes possible to see "The machine can be
more than it can afford the bones of the body clearly. Dr. Hunter, who is an American physician, improved by using a
or go without. deserves great credit for bringing about this extraordinary result, as simple roll of film if the manu-
So Dr. Hunter seized as it is efficient. The accompanying article explains the system and methods facturers would make
the first opportunity to fully. EDITOR. it, and so do away with
lay his hand on a naked glass plates ; the devel-
panchromatic photo ^^^^^^^^^^ oping tank at the bot-
plate and expose it to tom wou'd be adapted
the electric light for a moment. He secured plate, tieda black cloth at the open end to films. The whole outfit s, loreover,
a picture of his bones with his first try. It about hiselbow, turned on the electric made to fold up flat and occupy very little
was not ver>' sharp, but it was a good light, removed the slide from the plate- space.
beginning. He reasoned it "These pictures could also
out "It wants only a con-
be made with a camera
centrated light from a point using a powerful arc lamp
to cast a clearer shadow. to throw the rays thru
This ray must go thru a the human body, and if
camera which protects the plates could be made sensi-
plate from random rays and HIGH C/INDLE POWeH
TUNGSTEN LAMP tive enough, pictures of the
I have a good bone picture." heart's action could be made
he argued. SHUTTEH MS on celluloid rolls, giving
Accordingly he employed moving pictures of the heart
his mechanical knack to con-
R/}Y FILTER \ action and other organs of
struct a black box with an the body. So far I have
opening at one end large only used it for extremity
enough to receive his hand work and it has proved very-
or foot. See illustration of OPENING FOP satisfactory in fact,
; the
the apparatus used by Dr. LEG OP /7PM firstpictures are as good if
Hunter, herewith. He made WITH DP/I not better than the first ones
it collapsible so it would fit STRING made by the X-ray.
in a physician's grip. He "I give the idea to the
fitted an iris diafram in the world with the hope that
top of his box and fastened BLfICK METAL OK PUITE 3UDING someone will further de-
a plate-holder on the bot- mODEN BOX OftFILM PL/ITE
velop its usefulness and by
tom with a developing box HOLDER DEVELOPING
T/INK improved design and more
beneath that, into which the sensitive plates be able to
plate might fall the instant make pictures as well with
of its exposure, for speedy Diagram this $2.00 outfit as with a
of the Actual Bone-Photography Apparatus Used by Dr. Hunter
developing. He then se- in Successfully Photographing the Bones of the Limbs. $1,000 X-ray machine."


The front cover picture, showing the built, and to operate these lines it has 244 and material from the United States, with
bone structure of gives us a
a wnuian, stations, and 102 telegraph offices. the single exception of poles, most of which
clear idea of how the full figure wcnild ap- The long-distance telegraph and tele- were obtained in France.
pear, using, of course, a sufficiently
strong light 30urce, such as an arc- THE JOHN FRITZ MEDAL FOR
lamp. A
frisket or template would GENERAL GOETHALS.
be cut cut to just fit the outer contour The John Fritz Aledal Board of
of the body, thus giving the maximum Award, composed of represenlatives of
X-raying power available in any case. the National Societies of Civil, Mining,
The llcshy portions of the body would ^lechanical and Electrical Engineers,
appear red just as our artist has shown held their annual meeting for 1919 at
them, in contradistinction to the usual the Engineers' Club, January 17, and
X-ray image observed in a rtuoroscope, awarded their gold medal to George W.
where the outline of the Hesh is just (joethals, the builder of the Panama
discernible. It would seem that this Canal.
new direct light system of bone pho- The medal has previously been
tography would be much less harmful awarded to Lord Kelvin, George West-
to the patient, as the \-ra\s exert a inghouse, Alexander Graham Bell.
detrimental effect when applied in rea- Thomas A. Edison, Charles T. Porter,
sonably large dosages, and in some Alfred Noble, Sir William Henry
cases cause growths and burns which White, Robert W. Hunt, John Edson
are incurable. Sweet, James Douglas, Elihu Thom-
son, tienry M. Howe and J. Waldo
SIGNAL CORPS. Col. John J. Carty, now in France.
When the .\merican forces came to has been Chairman of the Board, but
France "communication" was one of in his absence .'Xmbrose Swasey, of
the first efforts to which American in- Cleveland, presided.
genuity and invention was directed and George H. Pegram has been elected
the Signal Corps, under which coin- Chairman for 1919 and W. F. M. Goss,
munications fall, met it as have the Treasurer, in place of Prof. F. R. Hut-
organizations of the American Expe- ton, who died during the year.
ditionary Force. Existing French tele-
graph and telephone systems were NEW MARCONI INVENTION
overburdened. There was little left EXPLAINED.
for Uncle Sam and Brig. Gen. E. Rus- meeting of the Institute of A joint
sell, chief signal officer, and his staff Radio Engineers and the New York
of experts tackled the job. Electrical Society was held on Wednes-
What they have done in construction Actual Bone Picture of the Hand Taken by the In- day evening, March 5, at the Engineer-
ventor of the New System of X-Ray-less Bone Pho-
is shown in the following statistics
tography Dr. Paull S. Hunter, with a Strong Electric ing Societies Building, at which Roy
The Signal Corps has built approxi- Light, a Red Ray Filter and a Photographic Plate. A. Weagant, chief engineer of the Mar-
mately 1,750 miles of poles on which coni Wireless Telegraph Company of
it has strung 4,175 miles of wire. In addi- phone system constructed by the Signal America, read a paper on "Reception thru
tion about 2.000 miles of American wire has Corps is entirely maintained by its own Strays and Interference."
been strung on existing systems for our personnel, and in addition some 3,000 miles The recent announcement of Mr. Wea-
use, and it has leased and operates more of leased wires are maintained by it. gant's discoveries and inventions in connec-
than 3,000 miles of French wire. Exchange AH this construction has been made by tion with wireless telegraphy created wide
lines to the extent of 12,750 miles have been Signal Corps battalions with implements sensation.

THE AERIAL PASSENGER LEFT Twenty minutes later, the fast little air- method might be more or less fraught with
BEHIND. flhi'cr have overtaken the big air
will danger. Mr. H. Gernsback suggests that the

WE down
of the taxicab clattering
the street at breakneck speed
with the belated passenger making a
monster and after depositing the be-
lated passenger on the upper deck of the
European bound flier, not to forget the
transfer of the passenger might be accom-
much easier, as shown in our illus-
The taxiplane would fly about
bee-line for the dock and just arriving in violent language of our businessman who twenty feet above the deck of the big flyer,
time to see the gang plank pulled in and thinks he has been overcharged by the mod- in the same direction of course, and also at
missing the Liverpool steamer. But the
ern bandit of the air, he will go to his the same sf'ced as that of the large machine.
American business man, nothing daunted, deck chair and begin perusing the latest The passenger could then descend from a
by such a occurrence promptly char-
trivial edition of the Elfxtrical Experimenter. rope ladder and drop to the deck with ease,
ters a harbor boat and races the
fast While the taxiplane might land directly as well as without danger.
steamer down the bay, overtakes it and is on the big European-bound flyer, such a
hoisted up to the YOU CAN WHIT-
deck in time for TLE THIS IRON.
lunch. It is well known
A few years from that rapid cooling of
now humanity prob- hot metals hardens
ably will not have them. That the op-
changed much, and posite is true has re-
we will still have cently been demon-
with us the late pas- strated in striking
senger, only this fashion by the Gen-
time he will not race eral Electric Co.
down to the dock One of their scien-
but up a 30-or 40- tists annealed .Amer-
story elevator trying ican ingot iron sur-
to catch the Trans- rounded by hydro-
Atlantic Flier, but gen gas for three
just in time to see hours at a tempera-
the big bird "take ture above l.f)0O F.
the air." The product was
Will the .\merican very little harder
business man of 1925 than the softest cop-
bewail his lot and per, and could be
return dejectedly to whittled with a jack
his home? Not if he knife.
can help it ! He will
signal a passing One of the largest
taxiplanc which will electric plants in the
come down on the world is being plan-
huge platform which ned to supply power
a few minutes ago for nearly all the
The Giant Airplanes of To-morrow May Slip Away from London or New York and Leave mines Johannes-
harbored the great You Behind. Then What Would You do? Easy Board a "Taxiplane" and Chase the "Sky-
Trans-Atlantic flier. hound" Down the Bay. burg, South Africa.


stance, and it has certain fluorescent prop-

Locating Stolen Diamonds by X-Rays erties which render the facility of its de-
tection all the more possible under an ex-
Possibly you will remember having read body in a few seconds. This system of de- amination by X-ray, as it has a tendency to
from time to time of the remarkable tricks tecting the presence of a diamond, no mat- fluoresce or glow slightly when under the
resorted to by the native diamond miners ter whether it is buried in the flesh, resting influence of X-rays, which phenomenon is
in the great Kimberly diamond region in in a throat cavity, or even in the stomach readily detected on a sensitive fluorscope or
South Africa and other parts of the world. an almost unbelievable practise resorted to X-ray screen.
So great has the temptation often become in several instances on record
the X-ray The X-ray machine here shown is con-
nected to battery of four
powerful X-ray tubes of the
latest Coolidge type, as other-
wise if the tube had to be
moved up and down behind
the sul)ject, considerable time
would be lost in performing
this operation, and where sev-
eral hundred subjects have to
be examined in a very short
space of time, it can readily be
imagined that such a device as
here shown is imperative.

We now able to publish a
photograph of one of the most
jealously guarded secrets of
the British Navy. While the
Germans were boasting of the
huge under-sea cruisers with
which they proposed to gain
the control of the seas, the
British Admiralty were con-
structing submarines capable of
matching the largest destroy-
ers afloat and of fighting even
cruisers in a surface contest.
The Tricks Resorted to by the Native Diamond Miners in Kimberly, South Africa, and Other Mines, The secret of these boats was
Pass All Human Belief and Imagination at Times. Cases Have Been Known Where the Lucky Finder their great size and speed and
of a Particularly Fine Specimen Even Swallowed the Stone, Intending Presumably to Regain the Dia- the fact that while on the sur-
mond Later. In Some Instances Diamonds Have Been Secreted in Self-inflicted Wounds or Incisions
In the Leg. But the X-Ray Spoiled All These Clever Ruses as Soon as It Was Adopted for Examining face they used steam as their
the Miners Every Day, Before They left the Mines. The Eye of the X-Ray Sees All. propelling power, carrying two
funnels like an ordinary sur-
to steal diamonds, especially when an ex- examination quickly indicates the presence face warship. One photo shows a British
tra large one may have been suddenly un- of the diamond. "K" class, two funnel submarine "steam-
earthed, that these natives have been known Of course, the logical question that arises ing" on the surface at sea. This is the
to resort to the most unbelievable tactics is How can the X-ray detect the presence largest class submarine produced by any
in order to carrj- the diamonds out of tho of a diamond inside of the body; especially nation and is 340 feet in length. It out-
mine and to withstand inspection even when when it may be temporarily lodged by the classes any U-boat built by Germany. Great
stript, as practically all of them are, before clever thief in proximity to large or fairly Britain has a whole fleet of these sea ter-
they leave the mine at the end of the day's large bone structures, which would seem to rors. Storage batteries and motors are used
labor. jireclude any possibility of detecting the while running submerged.
One of the successful schemes which has precious stone? However, a perusal of a The other photo shows a new British
been worked out by the superintendent of table showing the various transparencies of monitor submarine with a 12-inch gun, ca-
a large South .-Xfrican diamond mine is different materials under the X-ray will pable of giving battle to most any class of
shown in the accompanying illustration, and give the solution to the problem. It has armed ship under favorable conditions. So
it involves the use of a powerful X-ray been found that the diamond has a different far as known this is the first photograph to
machine having several X-ray bulbs ex- transparency than any ordinary materials, be received in this country showing Great
cited simultaneously. As each miner passes including the bone and flesh of the body, Britain's combination of the U-boat and
before the X-ray bulbs, the examiner looks which might happen to be in proximity to coast defense vessel. The 12-inch gun is
thru his flnoroscope and rapidly swings it it at the time of such an X-ray examination. the largest that was ever mounted on a sub-
up and down, so as to take in the entire Also the diamt)nd is a most peculiar sub- marine.

The Latest British Style In Submarines. It Is Capable of a Speed of 24 Knots on the Surface, When Propelled by Its Steam Power Plant.
The Two Smoke Stacks Fold Down When the Submarine Submerges, and It Is Then Propelled by Storage Batteries Previously Charged
While Running Awash. This Giant Cr-ft Is 340 Feet in Length, and Is Armed with Three 4-Inch Guns, Two Forward and One Aft, as
the Photo Shows. The Displacement of This Boat When Submerged Is 2,700 Tons and the Speed 10 Knots.


of the tnant wireless telegraph
Stereoscopic Movies
station to be erected in Holland by Ger-
man interests for the purpose of facili- The accompanying illustration shows a then undoubtedly it will be necessary for the
tating communication between Holland and possible later-day development of the pres- theater proprietor to provide or make read-
her East Indian possessions, according to ent moving picture, which, altho it has been ily accessible, by means of slot machines
a contract recently concluded between the greatly perfected in the past few years, arranged on the back of the theater chairs,
Dutch Government and the Telefunken leaves considerable detail yet to be worked etc., a special small size stereoscope similar
Company of Berlin, are found in a recent out. No matter how clear or flickerless a in appearance to a pair of opera glasses,
issue of Commerce Reports. motion picture may be when viewed on the thru which the duplicate moving images on
Paul L. Edwards, Commer-
cial Attache at The Hague, re-
ports that the receiving station
of the new plant, whicli is ex-
pected to cost about $2,000,(XX),
will be at Boxmeer, in the
Province of North Brabant,
and the sending station will be
located on a hill at Kootwijk,
Province of Gelderland, near
Apeldoom, some thirt^'-five
miles from the receiving sta-
tion. The sending station will
consist of six steel towers, each
200 meters (about 688 feet) in
height. The Radio-Nicuzi's
saj-s that the Kootwijk send-
ing station will have the same
range as the German station at
Nauen. The installation will
be able easily to transmit to and
receive from a station of like
dimensions and capacit\- which
is shortly to be built at Ban-
doeng, Java. The distance be-
tween the Kootwijk and the
Bandoeng station is about 6,830
It is understood that an en-
gineer representing the Tele-
funken Company is in Java
with a view of supervising the
construction of the station at Of All the "Movie" Inventions That Have Past OurWay, Have Yet to See Exploited, at Least Com- We
Bandoeng. De Nieuwe
Cour- mercially, the "Stereoscopic Movie." If You Have Ever Used a Parlor Stereoscope Then You Will Ap-
preciate What a Wonderful Improvement This Idea Would Make in the "Movie" Show, for Then the
ant stated some time ago that Figures Would Actually Stand Out in Relief. A Special "Stereoscope" Would Be Placed on Every Seat.
all of the apparatus and raw
Try This Experiment Hold a Small White Card Vertically Between the Two Similar Views Here Shown,
material for the construction Move the Page Up and Down Until the Images Appear in Relief.
of the Bandoeng station were
in Berlin ready for shipment at the first op- screen as projected by modern moving pic- the screen could be properly viewed and
portunity. ture machines, it would still be one hundred focust. These would of course be fitted
per cent more perfect to our vision, if it with proper lenses for the purpose.
INSTRUMENT DISCOVERS COM- could be thrown on the screen in duplicate It might seem off-hand that this latter
ING STORMS AT SEA. refinement would be unnecessary, but it is
A barocyclunometer, whicli locates the ^iiiMririiimintJlllllllMllililllllllllllliMlllllliililiil

I The names

of the manufacturers of new |

really one of the great marvels of science
center of typhoons and other storms, and I devices and appliances in which readers |
that causes us to see the images stand out,
also indicates when they are due, and from I are interested will be furnished free of | as it were, from the picture, when we look
what direction, has been invented by Father I charge by addressing our TECHNICAL =
thru a stereoscope at the photographs or
Jose Algue, director of the Manila Weather other views mounted in duplicate. The ste-
Bureau, and, according to Capt. A. W. Nel- reoscope operates on a very simple and yet
son, of the Pacific mail steamship Ecuador, or stereoscopic fashion a similar manner m peculiar physiological arrangement, based
isbeing used in safeguarding from storms to the parlor stereoscopes which we have on the inter-action of the optical powers of
numerous vessels plying in Chinese and all seen and used. Of course, if we ever the two eyes when they are focust on two
Japanese waters. do get to the stage of stereoscopic movies. properly made and similar images.

Here's the New British "Monitor-Submarine." It Sports a Dangerous Looking 12-Inch, 50-Ton Gun, Which Can be Traversed 6 Degrees.
It Was Bombarding the Forts at the Dardanelles Straits. This Is the Famous "M-1." a 1,700-Ton Subsea Craft That Would
Built for
Make Any Light Cruiser or Similar Warship, Not to Mention a Dozen or So Armed Merchantmen, Scratch as They Never Scratched
Before. She Carries, Besides the 12-Inch Gun, Two Torpedo Tubes and an Anti-aircraft Gun, and Several Other Surprises Which Heinie
Never Ever? Dreamed About.

yyyyuijyyLai^iyiiyiiyi'^MMjytMJUi'Mjyijyj iSsH'iyityi i
^ ^

J mvQmhomB
By Nikola Tesla
The Discovery of tho Ro U.UL! |\;i
ic Field
iasf^ixsxravssxitrsrtrartjsflfisflwrttrwiris ffY<:yri:g^?yffl}ra,gy.i.yrt!gT,itTr.fi7TtigT-'ff^a?^

Gymnasium which was closed by a partition so that the cylindrical segment

T the age of ten 1 entered the Real the trough is

a new and fairly well equipt institution. In the depart- within the enclosure divides the latter into two compartments en-
ment of physics were various models of classical scien- tirely separated from each other by air-tight sliding joints. One
tific apparatus, electrical and mechanical. The demon- of these compartments being sealed and once for all exhausted,
strations and experiments performed from time to time the other remaining open, a perpetual rotation of the cylinder
by the instructors fasci- would result, at least, I

nated me and were un- thought so. A wooden

doubtedly a powerful in- model was constructed and
centive to invention. I fitted with infinite care and

was also passionately fond when I applied the pump

of mathematical studies on one side and actually
and often won the profess- observed that there was a
or's praise for rapid cal- tendency to turning, I was
culation. This was due to delirious with joy. Me-
my acquired facility of chanical flight was the one
visualizing the figures and thing I wanted to accom-
performing the operations, plish altho still under
not in the usual intuitive the discouraging recollec-
manner, but as in actual tion of a bad fall I sus-
life. Up to a certain de- tained by jumping with an
gree of complexity it was umbrella from the top of
absolutely the same to me a building. Every day I

whether I wrote the sym- used to transport myself

bols on the board or con- thru the air to distant

jured them before my regions but could not un-

mental vision. But free- derstand just how I man-
hand drawing, to which aged to do it. Now I had
many hours of the course something concrete a fly-
were devoted, was an ing machine with nothing
annoyance I could not en- more than'a rotating shaft,
dure. This was rather re- flapping wings, and a
markable as most of the vacuum of unlimited
members of the family ex- power From that time on

celled in it. Perhaps my I made my daily aerial ex-

aversion was simply due cursions in a vehicle of

to the predilection I found comfort and luxury as
in undisturbed thought. might have befitted King
Had it not been for a few Solomon. It took years
exceptionally stupid boys, before I understood that
who could not do anything the atmospheric pressure
at all. my record would acted at right angles to

have been the worst. It the surface of the cylinder

was a serious handicap as and that the slight rotary
under the then existing effort I observed was due

educational regime, draw- to a leak. Tho this knowl-

ing being obligatory, this edge came gradually it

deficiency threatened to Nikola Tesla at 60. A Very Recent Portrait of the Great Inventor. gave me a painful shock.
An Excellent Likeness.
spoil my whole career and I had hardly completed

my father had considerable trouble in railroading me from one my course at the Real Gymnasium when I was prostrated with a
class to another. dangerous illness or rather, a score of them, and my condition be-

In the second year at that institution I became obsest with the came so desperate that I was given up by physicians. During this
idea of producing continuous motion thru steady air pressure. The period I was permitted to read constantly, obtaining books from
pump incident, of which I have told, had set afire my youthful the Public Library which had been neglected and entrusted to me
imagination and imprest me with the boundless
of possibilities works and preparation of the catalogues.
for classification of the

a vacuum. I grew frantic in my desire to harness this inexhaust- One day was handed a few volumes of new literature unlike

ible energy but for a long time I was groping in the dark. Finally, anything I had ever read before and so captivating rs to make
however, my endeavors crystallized in an invention which was to me utterly forget my hopeless state. They were the earlier works
enable me to achieve what no other mortal ever attempted. Imagine of Mark Twain and to them might have been due the miraculous
a cylinder freely rotatable on two bearings and partly surrounded recovery which followed. Twenty-five years later, when I met
by a rectangrular trough which fits it perfectly. The open side of Mr. Clements and we formed a friendship between us, I told
Copyriehl. 1919, by E. P. Co, All rights reserved

Mr. Tesla's articles started in our February issue


him of the experience and was amazed to sec that great man of a few days later learned that the cholera was raging in that dis-

laughter burst into tears. trict and, taking advantage of an opportunity,

I returned to Gospic
My were continued at the higher Real Gymnasium in
studies in disregard of my parents' wishes. It is incredible how abso-
Carlstadt, Croatia, where one of my aunts resided. She was a dis- lutely ignorant people were as to the causes of this scourge which
tinguished lady, the wife of a Colonel who was an old war-horse visited the country in intervals of from fifteen to twenty years.
having participated in many battles. I never can forget the three They thought that the deadly agents were transmitted thru the
years I past at their home. No fortress in time of war was under air and filled it with pungent odors and smoke. In the meantime
a more rigid discipline. I was fed like a canary bird. All the they drank the infected water and died in heaps. I contracted the
meals were of the highest quality and deliciously prepared but awful disease on the very day of my arrival and altho surviving
short in quantity by a thousand percent. The slices of ham cut the crisis, I was confined to bed for nine months with scarcely any
by my aunt were like tissue paper. When the Colonel would put ability to move. My energj' was completely e.xhausted and for
something substantial
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the second time I found
on my plate she would myself at death's door.
snatch it away and say
excitedly to him "Be :
installment, no doubt the most interesting of the three published
so far, reieals many extraordinary occurrences and experiences in the
In one of the sinking
spells which was
careful, Niko is very world's greatest inventor's life experiences such as do not fall to the thought to be the last,
delicate.'" I had a vo- lot of ordinary mortals. And Tesla, the many sided, aside of inventing, my father rushed into
racious appetite and knows the rare art of painting ivord-pictures. He does so here in a masterly the room. I still see his
suffered like Tantalus. fashion. He tells us how he
finally conceived the induction motor perhaps pallid face as he tried
But I lived in an at- his greatest discovery the
invention ivhich changed the face of the globe, to cheer me in tones
mosphere of refine- the invention ivhich made possible the street car, the subway, the electric belying his assurance.
ment and artistic taste train, power transmission, the harnessing of tvater falls and countless others. "Perhaps," I said, "I
quite unusual for those But let Tesla tell you himself how it all came about. It is a classic worth may get well if you will
times and conditions. reading. EDITOR. let me study engineer-
The land was low and ing." "You will go to
marshy and malaria
the best technical in-
fever never left me while there despite of the enormous amounts stitution in the world." he solemnly replied, and I knew that he
of quinin I consumed. Occasionally the river would rise and meant it. A heavy weight was lifted from my mind but the relief
drive an army of rats into the buildings, devouring everything would have come too late had it not been for a marvelous cure
even to the bundles of the fierce paprika. These pests were to me brought about thru a bitter decoction of a peculiar bean. I came
a welcome diversion. I thinned their ranks by all sorts of means, to life like another Lazarus to the utter amazement of everybody.
which won me the unenviable distinction of rat-catcher in the My father insisted that I spend a year in healthful physical out-
community. At last, however, my course was completed, the misery door exercises to which I reluctantly consented. For mo.st of this
ended, and I obtained the certificate of maturity which brought term I roamed in the mountains, loaded with a hunter's outfit and
me to the cross-roads. a bundle of books, and this contact with nature made me stronger
During all those years my parents never wavered in their re- in body as well as in mind. I thought and planned, and conceived
solve to make me embrace the clergy, the mere thought of which many ideas almost as a rule delusive. The vision was clear enough
filled me with dread. I had become intensely interested in elec- but the knowledge of principles was very limited. In one of my
tricity under the stimu- inventions proposed to
lating influence of my convey letters and pack-
Professor of Physics, who ages across the seas, thru
was an ingenious man and a submarine tube, in sphe-
often demonstrated the rical containers of suffi-
principles by apparatus of cient strength to resist the
his own invention. A.mong hydraulic pressure. The
these I recall a device in pumping plant, intended to
the shape of a freely ro- force the water 'thru the
tatable bulb, with tinfoil tube, was accurately fig-
coatings, which was made ured and designed and all
to spin rapidly when con- other particulars carefully
nected to a static machine. worked out. Only one
It is impossible for me to trifling detail, of no con-
convey an adequate idea of sequence, was lightly dis-
the intensity of feeling I mist. I assumed an arbi-
experienced in witnessing trary velocity of the water
his exhibitions of these and, what is more, took
mysterious phenomena. pleasure in making it high,
Every impression produced thus arriving at a stupen-
a thousand echoes in my dous performance sup-
mind. I wanted to know ported by faultless calcu-
more of this wonderful lations. Subsequent reflec-
force : I longed for ex- tions, however, on the re-
periment and investigation sistance of pipes to fluid
and resigned myself to the Tesla's First Induction Motor. This Historic IModel is One of the Two First
Presented Before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. flow detefmined me to
inevitable with aching make this invention public
Just as I was making The induction motor operates on alternating current. It has no commutator Another one of my pro-
ready for the long journey like a direct current motor, nor slip rings like an alternating current motor. jects was to construct a
home I received word that Contrary to the two types just cited the "field" current is not steady, but the ring around the equator
my father W'ished me to current itself rotates constantly pulling around with it by induction the which would, of course,
go on a shooting expedi-

only moving part of the motor the rotor or armature. Having no arma- float freely and could be
tur nor slip rings, the induction motor never sparks. It consequently knows
tion. It was a strange re- no "brush" trouble. It needs no attention because of its ruggedness. Only arrested in its spinning
quest as he had been al- the bearings wear out. Its efficiency too is higher. On account of all this motion by reactionary
ways strenuously opposed the induction motor is used in a prepondering proportion in street cars,
electric trains, factories,
forces, thus enabling
to this kind of sport. But (Continued on f^a/c 905)


The Moon's Rotation

my In this case a much more rapid
SINCE entitled the
the appearance of article
Scientific Illu-
conclusions I have drawn. It is well
known, of course, that the two bodies
rotation is imparted to it in the of'po-
sions" in your February issue, I have revolve around a common center of sitc sense. There is no true analogy to
received a number of letters criticiz- gravity, which is at a distance of a these in the motion of the moon. //
ing the views I exprest regarding little over 2,899 miles from the earth's the graz'itatioiial string, as it zvere,
the nioon's "axial rotation." These have center. n'ould snap, the satellite would go oif
been partly answered by my state- in a tangent zvitlwut the slightest
ment to the -Vcu' York Tribune of Feb- szcerzting or rotation, for there is
ruarj- 23, which allow me to quote no motnent about the axis and,
In your issue of February 2. Mr. consequently, no tendency whatever
Charles E. Manierre, commenting to spinning motion.
upon my article in the Electrical Mr. Manierre is mistaken in his
Exferimenler for February which surmise as to what would happen i
appeared in the Tribune of Janu- the earth were suddenly eliminated.
arj' 26, suggests that I give a defi- Let us suppose that this would oc-
nition of axial rotation. cur at the instant when the moon
I intended to be explicit on this is in opposition. Then it would
point as may be judged from the continue on its eliptical path around
following quotation "The unfail- : the sun, presenting to it steadily
ing test of the spinning of a mass the face which was always exposed
is, however, the existence of energy to the earth. If, on the other hand,
of motion. The moon is not posest the latter would disappear at the
of such vis viva." By this I meant moment of conjunction, the moon
that "axial rotation" is not simply would gradually swing around thru
"rotation upon an axis nonchalantly 180 and, after a number of oscilla-
defined in dictionaries, but is a cir- tions, revolve, again with the same
cular motion in the true physical face to the sun. In either case

sense that is, one in which half there would be no periodic changes
the product of the mass with the but eternal day and night, respec-
square of velocity is a definite and tively, on the sides turned towards,
positive quantity. The moon is a and away from, the luminary.
nearly spherical body, of a radius Some of the arguments advanced
of about 1,087.5 miles, from which by the correspondents are ingenious
I calculate its volume to be approx- If You still Think That the Moon Rotates on Its Axis,
and not a few comical. None, how-
imately 5,300,216.300 cubic miles. Look at This Diagram and Follow Closely the Successive ever, are valid.
Since its mean density is 3.27, one Positions Taken by One of the Balls M XA/hile It Is Ro- One of the writers imagines the
tated by a Spoke of the Wheel. Substitute Gravity for
earth in the center of a circular or-
cubic foot of material composing the Spoke and the Analogy Solves the Moon Rotation
it weighs close on 205 lbs. Accord- Riddle. bital plate, having fixedly attached
ingly, the total weight of the satel- to its periperal portion a disk-shaped
lite is about 79,969,000,000,000,000,000, Another mistake in books on astron- moon, in frictional or geared engagement
and its mass 2,483,500,000,000.000,000 omy is made in considering this motion with another disk of the same diameter and
terrestrial short tons. Assuming that equivalent to that of a weight whirled freely rotatable on a pivot projecting from
the moon does physically rotate upon on a string or in a sling. In the first an arm entirely independent of the plane-
its axis, it performs one revolution in place there is an essential difference be- tary system. The arm being held continu-
27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11 sec- tween these two devices tho involving ously parallel to itself, the pivoted disk, of
onds, or 2,360,591 seconds. If, in con- the same mechanical principle. If a course, is made to turn on its axis as the
formity with mathematical principles, metal ball, attached to a string, is orbital plate is rotated. This is a well-
we imagine the entire mass concen- whirled around and the latter breaks, known drive, and the rotation of the
trated at a distance from the center an axial rotation of the missile results pivoted disk is as palpable a fact as that
equal to two-fifths of the radius, then which is definitely related in magnitude of the orbital plate. But, the moon in this
the calculated rota- model only revolves
tional velocity is 3.04 ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^H
about the center of the
feet per second, at system withottt the
the globe
11,- rE believe the accompanying illustration and its explanation
will dispel all doubts as to whether the moon rotates on its
slightest angular dis-
placement on
axis. The same
short foot tons of axis or not. Each of the balls, as M, depicts a different position of a cart-wheel to
energy sufficient which writer
of, and rotates exactly like, the moon keeping always the same
this re-
to run1,000,000,000 fers. So long as it ad-
horsepower for a face turned towards the center O, representing the earth. vances on the earth's
period of 1,323 years. But as you study this diagram, can you conceive that any of surface it turns on the
Now, I say, that there the balls turn on their axisy Plainly this is rendered physically axle in the true physi-
is not enough of that
impossible by the spokes. But if you are .'still unconvinced, cal sense when one of

energy in the moon its spokes is always

to run a delicate
Mr. Tesla's experimental proof will surely satisfy you. A body kept in a perpendicular
watch. rotating on its a.xis must contain rotational energy. Now it is a position the wheel still

In astronomical fact, as Mr. Tesla shoivs, that no such energy is imparted to the r c V o Ives about the
e a r t h's center, but
treatisies usually the ball as, for instance, to a projectile discharged from a gun. It is
argument advanced axial rotation has
therefore evident that the moon, in which the gravitational at- ceased. Those
that "if the lunar
globe did not turn
traction is substituted for a spoke, cannot rotate on its axis or, in think that it then still
upon its axis it would other words, contain rotational energy. If the earth's attraction exists are laboring un-
der an illusion.
expose parts
all to would suddenly cea-ie and cause it to fly off in a tangent, the An obvious fallacy
terrestrial view. As moon would have no other energy except that of translatory
only a
half is
over one-
it must movement, and it would not spin like the ball. Editor. is involved in the fol-
lowing abstract rcason-
iiig. The orbital plate
rotate." But this in- ^^^^^^^_^_
^^"^^^^^"^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^" is assumed to gradually
ference is erroneous,
shrink, so that finally the
for it only admits of
one alternative. There are an infinite and direction to the motion preceding. centers of the earth and the satellite coin-
number of axis besides its own in each By way of illustration the ball is
if cide when the latter revolves simultaneously
may We
of which the moon might turn and still whirled on the string clockwise ten about its own and the earth's axis.
exhibit the same peculiarity. times per second, then when it flies off, reduce the earth to a matliematical point
I have stated in my article that the it will rotate on its axis ten times per and the distance between the two planets to
moon rotates about an axis passint? thru second, likewise in the direction of a the radius of the moon without affecting the
the center of the earth, w-hich is not clock. Quite different are the condi- system in principle, but a further diminution
strictly true, but it does not vitiate the tions when the ball is thrown from a of the distance is mani- {Cont. on p, 892)
; )


April. 1919

Experimental Physics
By JOHN J. FURIA, M. A. (Columbia
A. B., University)

LESSON TWENTY (Conclusion)

tation, having received his degree of Ph.D.
PHYSICS AND THE WORLD WAR. airplane, balloon, etc. Thus airplaine raids
in Physics at Johns Hopkins University.
were eliminated, submarine attacks were
AS a fitting conclusion to this series of The rest of our Physicists served in civilian
ended, and the war was over. These fool
/\ articles, let us consider to what ex- capacities.
inventions were coming in so fast that the
/~\ tent Physics helped to beat the
Board in self-defence determined not to Let us now see how our war needs af-
-i- -m- Huns. The bulk of the wonder- fected scientificresearch. It is a well-
branches of consider any inventions sent in by these
ful work done by all
known property of charcoal that it has a
wonder-workers unless a "working model"
science has as yet not been disclosed to the high absorbing
accompanied the papers. It was evident
general public
but the follow- that the road to a successful termination of power for
ing material the war lay in bringing together men pos- many gases.
sessing scientific knowledge, and equipt with When the Huns
disclosed by brought forth
Professor scientific methods. In ordinary peace times
the college professor is at a disadvantage their little sur-
Ames, of Johns
Hopkins Uni- he is usually ignorant of, or not inter- prise of "poi-
sonous gas," the
versity, in his ested in commercial development, and does
gas mask was
address at the lllilliillllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllilllllllH i m m e diately
University o f evolved. Re-
V'irginia, by Dr.
Hale in his ad-
search devel-
oped that a spe-
dress before
the New York
H The Editors have interesting
arti- =
in c i a 1 treatment

Wireless Telegraphy En g neering

M some exceptionally of charcoal, The Submarine A Terror
Often Proved the Only
Communication Societies, by
M eles for i
the May number of the ^ made in certain of the Seas, with a Range

Professor H
Reliable Electrical Experimenter, among ^ sizes from spe- of 4,000 Miles.
B which are the following: J cial kinds of
Millikan, of the
M The Latest in Ai^rial Railways.
^ wood had an increased absorbing power.
University of Chicago, in his address at m "My Inventions"No. by Dr. g 4, The Physicist knew that charcoal had this
the Philadelphia meeting of the American B
Institute of Electrical Engineers, and by
Nikola Tesla.
Electricity and Dynamite How
J absorbing power, and when the problem
Major-General Squier in his address at the s they help the farmer irrigate land, ^
of increasing this power to make the com-
bating of gas warfare more efficient was
New York meeting of the A. E. E.,
^ divert streams, loosen hard soil, and g
I. is
proposed, the problem was solved. Air-
more than sufficient to make evident to
M Recording Our Thoughts Electri- j
clear land of stumps and stones.
plane engines have been manufactured for
us that Science in general and Physics in m manv years, but never before has the ne-
particular, deserves a lion's share of the
glory accruing from the victory of
M cally, by H. Gernsback. J cessity arisen for high speed quantity pro-
H New York to New Jersey
the Via g duction. The problem arose and was solved,
Allies. H Wagon and Auto Tunnel A g

Gigan- the Libertv engine was designed, develop-

The Atnerican public at the beginning of
war held its scientific men in insig- H ticEngineering Problem. ^ ing 400 horse-power and weighing only 800
. the
nificant regard, and was very much sur-
B France, by Jacques Boyer, Paris Cor- g
The Latest Electrical News^ from pounds ; about 2,000 per month were manu-
H The
3 respondent of the "E. E." Electric g
prised to learn
of the high de- M Springtime J ^ r' resistance offer-

gree of mobili-
Fans Several dozen new wrinkles J
g ed by the wings
of different sec-
zation of Ger-
m with these useful devices that wnll in-
g tions, the sta-
many's scien-
men for war M terest the wJiole family. m bility of the air-
The m X-Raying Our Teeth dis-
have been M
Hois.' plane, the char-
ivork. "fool
g case and mental ailments a c t e r of the
destined to g
= infections of the teeth. Written by g
actually traced ordinarily
to invisible covering sur-

m the Medical Director of a Prominent ^

faces, etc., have
:ome before the
On ^
all been inves-
public eye.
m State Hospital. ^
tigated in de-
our entering the
m How Build
to a Professional Medi-
Coil Outfit, by H. Win- m
g tail. The in-
war our wizard
M cal Induction struments of
Machine Guns Another
M fieldSecor. g _ Tanks by the Thousand navigation and
agents Weapon Science,
of M Some Interesting Facts Concerning g Frequently Turned the of signaling are
won war
Worked Havoc to Both H the Electron, by L. R. Jeivelt.
j Tide of Battle
for the
perhaps every

the Sides Night and Day. M How Build to an Efficient Open- ^ Ijitas important

night by their epoch-making inventions.

8 core Step-up Transformer, by Wil-
= as the airplane itself, Instruments for

Days went by, but our epoch-making in- m Choke

indicating speed, direction, height, dis-

ventions did ' not appear, and gradually

m Coils Hozi< compute
to their
g tance travelled, etc., have all required ex-
the usual murder and divorce cases ap-
H dimensions withE. data on actual ^ coils, tended and careful research by the Phys-
peared in the papers again, displacing the
M by Prof. F. Austin, Instructor g icist. In all airplane work, whether in ob-

names and ideas of our wondrous news-

of Electrical Engineering, Dartmouth m servations or in making attacks, it is neces-

paper wizards. An Inventions Board re-

H College. in Slang" Installment g sary for the men in the machines and the
cei\xd some 1,600 inventions from our in-
M "Science ^ men on the ground to be in constant com-
ventors and found about half a dozen of B No. by Emerson Easterling.
3, g munication. The wireless telephone is the
Wireless telephony has
obvious solution.
them were worth considering, ^vlagncts of
tremendous size were proposed, which when no doubt made more progress in one month
of war than in one year of peace. The
placed in the bottom of the sea would at- not come in contact with the technical
However, his researches in pure sci- modifications and improvements made in
tract all shells, etc., and thus stop the war. trades.
wireless e e-
Others pro- ence are eventually commercialized and be-


posed magnets come of vast technical importance. In bring- phony

of various ing together eminent scientists, presenting tus in Amer-
forms, which them with problems, showing them the con- ica's physical
on trailing laboratories by
ditions, having them perform their researches
J 1 o n g beneath under the best of conditions and immedi- her scientists
an airplane atelv making use of the fruit of their toil
(most of which
would drag up this' proved the way to victory. In Wash- have as yet not
any submerged ington, London, Paris and Rome, some of been disclosed
the public
invisible sub- the foretnost of the Allied scientists were to
Tiarine. An- gathered. Among the Physicists we have are positively
Dther proposed Millikan, Ames, Mendenhall, Gale, Wood, epoch - making.
generating a Duff, Hubbard and others, all in uniforrii Our improve-
wind so strong and commissioned as officers in the U. S. men t s have
made possible Portable L o n g Range
Giant Bombing Planes that it would .Army or Navy. G. O.
Major-General "7: it
^ Guns Routed the Enemy
Were Threatening to

push away any Squier, the Chief Signal Officer of our (ton. on page and Leveled His Cities as
Wipe Out Berlin When Well as Fortifications.
the Armistice Was Signed. a p p roaching army, is a Physicist of considerable repu- 926)

Popular Astronomy
The Planet Earth
ai6 Others See Us


Copjriglit, 1913. Ijy E. V. Co.

The Earth As It Appears to an Observer Stationed At the Moon, One of the Most Wonderful and Awe-lnsplring Objects of the Heavens. On
the Moon, the Earth Appears Sixteen Times Larger Than the Moon Appears to Us On the Earth. The Sun Shown At the Right Illumi-
nates Only Part of the Earth, Which Therefore Appears In Crescent Form. It Is, However, Not In Total Darkness for Some of the Light
Is Reflected By the Moon Onto the Earth and Back to the Moon. Hence the Darkened Portion Is Not Entirely Dark. But the Continents Can
Be Faintly Seen. There Being No Atmosphere On the Moon, the Sky Appears Dead Black In Day Time. The Sun Will Be Seen With Its
Corona and Streamers Somewhat as Shown in This Illustration.

WERE it possible for us to view the

heavens from the planet Mars we

might see in the hours just follow-
imagination to conceive that this tiny point
of light, glowing by the reflected light of
the sun, has been for ages upon ages the
earth's orbit lies between Mars' orbit and
the sun, just as the orbit of Venus lies be-
tween us and the sun. As we will see later,
ing sunset or preceding dawn a abode of species and forms of life of well Venus has a decided advantage over Mars
most beautiful star of first magni- nigh infinite variety that have existed under for observations of the planet Earth. On
tude rivaling and at times surpassing the widely different conditions of temperature V'enus and on our own planet. Mars can be
great star Sirius in brilliancy, closely at- and pressure not only on the surface of the seen in opposition to the sun that is on the
tended by a small companion star consider- planet but in the depths of the seas that Meridian at midnight, with its disk 'fully
ably less brilliant. The smaller body is evi- cover three-fourths of its surface. illuminated like the full moon. To Mars,
dently a satellite of the brighter one, as its We can imagine conservative scientists on the contrary, all the inner planets, Mer-
position relative to the larger body changes of Mars frowning at the flights of fancy cury, Venus and Earth, appear as half or
in such a way as to show it is revolving of the Martians in regard to the nature of crescent moons telescopically when they are
around it. It appears now to the east, now the inhabitants of this other w-orld in space. in the best position for observation and
to the west of the chief star. At their Yet in their wildest speculations the Mar- they never appear with fully illuminated
widest separations the two form a very tians could hardly exaggerate the wonders disks.
distinct double star, unique in the heavens of our planet Earth or the strength of the When the earth is nearest to Mars, in posi-
of the Martians. As the little star travels conflicting forces for good and evil to be tion Ex, see Fig. 1, it is invisible to the Mar-
from one side to the other of the bright star found upon it. tians, just as Venus is invisible to us in the
it usually goes above or below it tho occa- Let us consider for a moment how our corresponding position, owing to the fact
sionally it passes directly in front of or planet Earth and its satellite would appear that it is then in line with the stin and lost
behind the brighter body and at such times were we able to examine it telescopically in the glare of its light. This position is
only one star is then visible to our Martian from Mars. Most of the difficulties that known as the planet's inferior conjunction
observers. beset us here on earth in our attempts to with the sun. Just before and after the
This lustrous double star, the morning observe Venus telescopically would be ex- earth is in this position it would show a
or evening star of the Martians, is our perienced in attempting to view the planet very thin crescent if viewed telescopically
planet Earth and its satellite the moon. Earth from Mars. .'\ reference to Fig. 1, from Mars.
Were we observing our planet from Mars which shows the relative positions of the In the position E: the earth is once more
it would be quite beyond our powers of three planets, will make this clear. The in line with the sun and Mars in what is

known as superior conjunclion, and is planet would fre-

again invisible. Just before and after it is quently hide tempor-
in tliis position its disk is like a gibbons arily some of the
moon almost entirely illuminated, but it is m a r k n g s on our

unfavorably situated for observations from planetary disk.

!Mars because it is so near the sun and on W'e can imagine the
the far side of its orbit from Mars. In Martians puzzling
position Ei and E3 the earth is at its great- over our seas and con-
est distance from the sun, spoken of as its tinents and largest
greatest eastern and western elongations, as islands and lakes, our
seen from Mars. It is then a half-moon in polar snow caps and
the telescope, is at its liighest elevation tropical vegetation
above the horizon and evening or morn-
is showing green and
ing star to the Martians, according as it is grey-green splatches,
east or west of the sun. \Ve might expect our reddish - tinted
that it would now be in its most favorable deserts, our o u n- m
position for observation, but this is not so. tains and our great
Looking at Fig. 1 we see that as the earth level plains just as we
passes from the position Es toward inferior puzzle over the canal-
conjunction with the sun at E.], its distance system and the desert
from Mars dccrcasL's and therefore the ap- and marshy tracts on
parent size of its disk increases. The form the planet Mars.
Fig. 4. The Earth As Seen from Mars. At the Time of Its Greatest
of the illuminated portion now changes The fact that our Brilliancy the Earth Appears As a Crescent to the Martians. To
from half moon to crescent but the total planet rotates on its Better Understand This See Figs. 2 and 5. To the Martians the
area of the illuminated portion increases axis in twenty-four
Planet Earth Can Never Be Viewed As a Full Disc Only In Cres-
cent Form. When Entirely Illuminated By the Sun, It Is Lost In
up to a certain point. When the area of the hours and has marked
Its Rays and Is Therefore Invisible to the Martians
illuminated portion of the planet has its seasonable changes
greatest value the brightness of the planet could be as readily de-
is at a maximum. The exact time when termined from the distance of Alars as the planet appears to any other planet as mag-
this will occur can be worked out mathe-
seasonal changes and rotation of Mars on nificent as the Earth-Moon system does to
matically. The best observations of the its axis have been determined by us. We \'enus at the time of nearest approach. The
can imagine the interest that our large sat- brilliancy of the earth seen from Venus at
earth seen from Mars would be obtained
ellite would arouse and the speculations this time is twice that of Venus as it ap-
when the planet is in this position and the
that would be made concerning its in- pears to us at its best. As the earth's
corresponding one lying between inferior
distinct surface markings. In one respect disk is then fully illuminated the inhabi-
conjunction and western elongation. (See
the Martians would ha\e an advantage over tants of Venus would have a great ad-
positions E' and E" in Fig. 1.) VVe can
therefore imagine the Martians observing vantage over the inhabitants of Mars in
tjieir study of the surface markings of
our planet at its best in the morning or eve-
ning twilight. The brilliancy of the earth in our planet. Objects on the earth's sur-
face fifty miles in diameter could be made
Martian skies at this time usually surpasses
out easily by the inhabitants of Venus witi'.
that of all other planets. Mercury and \'enus.
the assistance of such telescopes as we em-
tho also evening and morning stars to the
Martians, appear considerably less brilliant ploy for the observations of the planets.
than they do to us. The earth appears to When Mars is most favorably situated for
the Martians much as Venus does to the observation from the earth the diameter of
its disk is between fifteen and twenty-five
earth, tho less brilliant, owing to the fact
that Venus comes nearer to the earth than
seconds of arc, according to its distance
the earth does to Alars. The only planet from the earth at the time of opposition.
that may rival the earth at the time of its
When the earth is most favorably situated
maximum brightness is the giant planet Ju- for observations from Venus the diameter
piter, which appears at times brighter to
of its disk is sixty-three seconds of arc and
the Martians than does our own planet. that of the moon is seventeen seconds of
In their telescopic observations of the arc. So even the disk of our moon ap-
earth the Martians would experience the pears at certain times as large seen from
same difficulty that we experience in our \'enus as the disk of Mars seen from the
observations of \"enus. When the planet is earth. The markings on the earth itself
in its most favorable positions for obser-
seen from Venus stand out more distinctly
at opposition than the markings on Mars
vation the greater part of its disk is dark-
ened, owing to the fact that the phase is The Planet Earth and Its Satellite the tvioon do to us at the most favorable opposition of
the same as that of the crescent moon. As It Appears Among the Stars When In Mars as we are nearer to Venus than to
Opposition to the Sun, Viewed from the Mars.
The Martians, however, would not be Planet Venus
It is when we take our station on our
handicapped by a dense cloud-ladened at-
mosphere such as surrounds Venus and own. little satellite, however, that we behold
makes it so difficult for us to observe. As us in their observations of the tnoon. They our planet earth as the ancients wished to
the earth's diameter twice that of Mars,
is would be able to examine one side of the
consider it the most wonderful and awe-
moon that we have never seen. The side of inspiring object in the heavens. To the in-
our surface markings would appear con-
the moon that is never turned toward the habitants of the moon, were there such, the
siderably more extensive to the Martians
earth would be visible frequently to the earth's disk would appear four times
than the markings on Mars appear to us,
JNIartians. greater in diameter and sixteen times
tho drifting clouds and snow storms on our
Let us now consider greater in area than the moon's disk ap-
how our planet would pears to us. Since the moon, in its revolu-
appear we were sta-
tions around the planet Earth, always keeps
tioned on the planet the same face turned toward it, the position
Venus, assuming that of the earth, for any one point of observa-
it is possible at times tion on the moon, remains immovable in
to see the beauties of the heavens, and it goes thru the various
the starry heavens phases of its illumination by the sun in the
thru occasional rifts reverse order to that followed by the moon.
in dense clouds that When the moon appears to us to pass from
MOON apparently shut the new to full the earth appears to the moon
surface of this inter- to pass from full to new and vice versa.
esting planet almost The rotation of the earth on its axis is
completely away from plainly visible from the moon even to the
the universe be\'ond. naked eye. A distinctive marking will ap-
Seen telescopically pear at the western edge of the earth's disk,
at the time of its op- say the Black Sea or Central America. It
j^' position to the sun. will be carried gradually eastward by the
..** EARTH the planet Earth and rotation of the planet and will finally dis-
its satellite the moon appear twelve hours later at the eastern
would be for the in- edge.
habitants of Venus Oceans and continents and polar caps
the most beautiful and appear in their general outlines and con-
Fig. 6. The Earth and the Moon As Seen from Planet Venus Thru interesting object in trasting shades, visible easily to the raked
the Telescope At the Time of Its Opposition to the Sun the heavens. No {Continued on page 911)

Radiophony to Airplanes a Great Success


A time before the

L'nited States entered the world war
the Bell Telephone system supplied
the American Navy with a wireless
telephone outfit designed for com-
munication between an airplane and a sta-
"AU this sounds ven,- simple, but it would
take volumes to describe the innumerable
experiments and heart-breaking failures be-
fore the first real successes. So far as the
radio part of the equipment was concerned
we had an answer in a short time. We had
densers and other apparatus that
the transmitting and receiving
W'orking this apparatus under
conditions on the ground, and in
moving and tremendously noisy
were two entirely dilTerent
a swift-
The noise of the engine and rushing air
was such that it was impossible to hear
one's own voice, to say nothing of the weak
signals of the telephone receiver," stated
Edward B. Craft, Assistant Chief Engineer
of the Western Electric Co.
One of the first problems was to design a
head set which would exclude these noises,.
and at the same time permit of the reception
of the telephone talk. A
form of aviator's
helmet was devised with telephone receivers
inserted to fit the ears of the pilot or ob-
server. See accompanying illustration of
the helmet with 'phones complete. Cush-
ions and pads were provided for adjusting"
the receivers to the ears and the helmet
fitted close to the face so as to prevent as
far as possible, the sound being heard either
thru the ear passage or thru the bony struc-
ture of the head, which acts as a sort of a.
sounding board. Ahelmet, such as that
illustrated, was finally developed and was.
found to solve this portion of the problem.
The earpiece linally adopted was made of
sponge rubber (made so by blowing air
thru it while molten), recnforced by tinfoil,
and the receivers themselves embedded
therein. These were mounted in a thick
leather helmet, to be clamped over the flier's
head and cars. It effectually muffles bone
transmission also, besides permitting the use
of oxygen or gas masks.
Everyone knows how sensitive the ordi-
nary telephone transmitter is to extraneous
noises, and it does not require a wide
U. S. Army Airplane Pilot and Observer Equipt with Wireless Teleplione Sets for Transmit- stretch of the imagination to picture how
ting as well as Receiving Speech. These Sets Are Provided with a Change-over Switch Which this would act alongside the exhaust of a
Permits the Instruments to Be Utilized as a Regular Telephone Between the Two Birdmen. 200 horespower gasoline engine. bril- A
liant line of experimentation finally resulted
tion on land or on a ship. From that time developed some very successful forms of in a form of a telephone transmitter or
on until this countrj- entered the world- vacuum tubes and it was a simple matter to microphone, which possest the remarkable
conflict, the Western Electric Company, as assemble them with the necessary coils, con- quality of being insensitive to engine and
a part of its general study, conducted the
work of perfecting light, compact wireless
telephone sets, which would be available on
small vessels and on airplanes. The first
successful wireless test between an airplane
and the ground after our entrj' into the
war was made with one of the sets designed
and completely built by this enterprising
engineering organization prior to our entry
into the war. The test was made on Lang-
ley Field.
On May 22, 1917, Gen. George 0. Squier,
Chief Signal Officer of the United States
Army, sent for Dr. F. B. Jewett, chief engi-
neer of the Western Electric Company, to
confer with him with reference to the mat-
ter of equipping airplanes with wireless
telephone apparatus. At this conference,
which was held in Washington, besides Gen.
Squier and Dr. Jewett, there were present
E. D. Craft, one of Dr. Jewett's principal
assistants Capt., now Col. C. C. Culver, of

the Signal Corps, and Col. Rees, of the

British Armj- Air Service. The possibility
of providing airplanes with wireless tele-
phone service was discust, and the reports
of the development work being done by the
Western Electric Company made by Dr.
Jewett were so promising that he was or-
dered in writing by Gen. Squier to proceed
with the development of the system, and to
actually equip 'planes with it.
The Bell system engineers had progrest
so far at that time that they were able on
July 1, 1917, five weeks after the first con-
ference, in a test at Langley Field, to actu-
IMi'ito l>v Oenhal News I'linr*, .Service
ally demonstrate the working of the wire- Testing the Radiophone Between New York and Washington. A Photograph of U. S. Naval
less telephone between an airplane and the Operators Communicating with the U. S. Navy Department at Washington, D. C, from the
ground. This test also showed that it Bani<ers Club in New York, Thru the Radio Telephone. Many of the Country's Leading
was practical to operate the system be- Bankers Were Present to Witness the Demonstration. Afterward Tests Were Made from
this Station to Airplanes and Dirigibles Flying over New York City, Various Orders Having
tween two or more airplanes in the air. Been Successfully Sent to the 'Planes.


wind noises, and at the same time very

In our next issue will appear an
responsive to the tones of the voice. With
important article by Nikola Tesla
these two elements in hand, the problem
was apparently solved. The fact remains,
however, that three solid months of the "TRUE WIRELESS"
hardest kind of work was necessary to iron In this article Dr. Tesla will make
out all the kinks and get the thinR in shape known his views of the propagation
so that it might he considered a practicable of the wireless waves.
device for the everyday use of other than
experts, as Mr. Craft points out. The
microphone perfected for this work has no ing at various speeds, and the specifications
mouthpiece, but instead a flat cap having stated this to be from forty to one hundred
three tiny openings about 1/16 inch in diam- and sixty miles per hour, the latter figure
eter. The voice waves pass thru these onto representing the speed when the machine
the diafram easily, but the engine noises was diving. The little dynamo, therefore,
swirl round it in other directions and do had to deliver a constant voltage with a
not enter in sufficient volume to be heard speed varying from 4,000 to 14,000 R.P.M,
at all. The microphone and receivers used for
Atypical performance of the radiophone radiophoning from 'plane to 'plane or 'plane
between 'planes and ground will prove of to earth are arranged by means of a switch
interest. Here is the way it worked at one
so that the pilot and observer can converse
of the first official army tests at the flying
over the telephone circuit between the pilot
field at Dayton, Ohio, December, 1917, as
and his mechanician with ease, and by
related by Mr. Craft.
"The 'planes left the ground and after throwing a switch can connect themselves
what seemed to be an interminable length with the radio apparatus and talk with the
The Wireless Telephone Apparatus (Outlined
of time, we got the first sounds in the re- men in another 'plane three or four miles in White Square) Installed in Cocl<-pit of
away, or to the ground. Airplane. It Takes up But Little Room and
ceiver, which indicated that they were ready
Has Such a Small Weight as to Be Insigni-
The primary object was to ficant, Compared to the Lifting Power of
make it possible for the com- the Plane.
mander of an air squadron to
control the movement of his on a commercial basis, within this short
men in the air, the same as a space of time, practically speaking, an en-
squad leader of infantry does tirely new art!
Photos Courtesy W. E. Co.
on the ground. For this pur-
pose extra long range is not
and the distance
over which they can talk is
purposely limited to two or SELVES BY RADIO.
three miles, so that the enemy In his recent lecture before the American
cannot overhear, except when Institute of Electrical Engineers at New
actually engaged in combat, York Major-Gen. G. O. Squier, in connec-
and then nobody cares. tion with his description of the war's de-
The Navy also makes use velopments in radio apparatus, spoke as
of these sets in their sea- follows concerning the problem of aerial
planes, and here the range is navigation
somewhat greater, up to twen- "One of the principal problems of air-
ty miles in some cases. The plane navigation has been the evolution of
Navy has also made use of a a suitable compass, particularly for night
modified form of this set in bombing work. Magnetic and gyroscopic
their 110-foot submarine compasses have limitations at present which
chasers. The chasers hunt make impossible reliable air navigation by
submarines packs, and by
in dead reckoning.
means of the radio telephone, (Continued on page 926)
their commanders
The Vacuum Tubes Which Do the Work in Radiophoning
keep in constant touch
to and from Airplanes and the Ground.
At the Left the with each other, there-

Transmitting Tube; at Right the Receiving Tube. America
by greatly increasing
Was Turning Out These Buibs by Thousands Every Day
When the Armistice Was Signed, so Rapid Had the Stand- the eflfectiveness of
ardization and Production Progrest.
their operation.
to perform. The spectators were only Finally, with the formal demon-
mildly interested, and some seemed to be a stration completed, pressure was im-
bit bored. Suddenly out of the horn of the mediately applied to produce the
loud speaker came the words, "Hello, necessary quantity of sets with their
ground station. This is 'plane No. 1 speak- multitude of auxiliary and subsi-
ing. Do you get me all right?" The bored diary parts. From January 1, 1918,
expression immediately faded, and looks of to the early summer of that year
amazement came over their faces. Soon the Western Electric Company es-
we got the same signal from No. 2, and tablished factories and trained thou-
the show was on. Under command from sands of operatives so that when the
the ground the 'planes were maneuvered all armistice was signed the necessary
over that part of the country. They were transmitting and receiving tubes for
sent on scouting expeditions and reported radio telephone sets were being pro-
what they saw as they traveled thru the air. duced at a rate in excess of a mil-
Continuous conversation was carried on, lion and a half good tubes per year.
even when the 'planes were out of sight, Improvement in vacuum pumps has
and finally upon command they came flying resulted in a wonderfully high de-
back out of space and landed as directed." gree of exhaustion being attained
Electric current must be supplied to about one-billionth of an atmos-
operate the wireless set on the 'plane, as phere.
we well know, this current being used to Altogether thousands of radio
heat the lilaments of the vacuum tubes and telephone sets of different types
to operate the transmitter. But the 'planes have been manufactured and deliv-
were already loaded down with all the ered to the Army and Navy since
gear they could carry, and the use of heavy the early part of 1918. In spite of
storage batteries was out of the question. the fact that prior to July, 1917. no
The airplane engineers would allow noth- commercial types of this apparatus
ing to be connected to their engines, so were in existence, and some of the
there was nothing left but to supply a sep- fundamental problems had not yet Aviator's Radiophone Helmet Fitted with Special
arate radio dynamo, and drive it by a wind been solved, the resources of this Sound-proof Pads and Having the Two Receivers
propeller, taking its power from the rush-
Mounted Tightly Therein. The Receivers Are
great telephone engineering organ- Moulded In Sponge Rubber. The Helmet Is Made
ing air. Airplanes are in the habit of fly- ization were sufficient to establish of Leather.

Do Radio Waves Travel Above the Earth or Thru It?

(/Oi/rtTi exclusively fjr the Electrical Experimenter)

THE Around
on "Radio
THE editors .sent a copy of the article published in the December issue
of the t,l.KCTHitAL LxPEKiMLNTER entitled "Radio Around the World,"
mendously powerful station
would be required to trans-
mit signals to any such dis-
and also the editorial in that issue by Mr. H. (icrnsback, covering
my own rather ex- several interesting and more or less doubtful theories concerning the tance. You doubtless are
tended experience and propagation of these electric waves over a distance of 12,UU0 miles, i.e. aware of the remarkable
between Carnarvon, Wales, England and Sydney, Australia, to Dr. Lee distances obtainable from
based also on tlie calculations de Forest, the prominent .-Vmerican radio engineer and scientist. The
and results obtained by most editors asked Dr. de Forest the following questions: airplanes to the earth, using
First: What is your opinion concerning the etheric wave transmission comparatively small trans-
of the serious workers in this above the surface of the earth, i.e.. free space wave propagation? Do you
field, I think there can be no believe that the etheric wave wireless transmission is better beyond the
mitters. Just recently an
doubt but that the elhcric computed fifty mile atmospheric envelope surrounding the earth, and how army airplane carried on ra-
far into interstellar space do you believe these signals might be carried ?
tioiY component is by far the dio communication success-
Imagine for the moment that an airship fitted with sensitive wireless re-
ceiving instruments could have traveled away from the earth for any fully over a distance of 150
more important one. Under-
desired distance? Do you think these waves would be felt on the moon, miles. The distances are usu-
stand, however, that these are approximately 238,000 miles distant, considering of course that suitable
ally much greater than where
not ordinary space waves, hut receiving instruments were available at that point?
are groutidcd ii:aves gliding Second: What is your opinion concerning the ground wave transmission, a similar transmitter is lo-
i.e.. do you believe, with the geologists and others, that the earth presum- cated on the earth's surface,
over the surface of the earth, ably being a molten mass in the interior, might be a better conductor than using a similar length of
thus following the contour of the soil and rock crust surrounding it, and that this gaseous interior of
the earth might therefore prove a better conductor than the soil and rock antenna.
the earth. See Fig. 1. The
strata, and thus that the ground radio wave may have traveled directly
depth of the wave in the thru the earth or a distance of nearly eight thousand miles corresponding The phenomena involved in
ground or sea water has been to the diametrical axis or do you believe it nuich more likely that these such transmission, where the
shown by actual measure- ground waves followed around the curvature of the earth in the manner airplane is, say, two miles
explainer! by Prof J- Zenncck and other investigators, each ground wave above the earth's surface, are
ments, as well as by theoreti- . .

gliding over the surface of the earth?

cal calculations, to be or- Third: Is it your opinion at the present day that the pure etheric space
doubtless complex. Here the
dinarily and until recently wave, gliding over the earth in accordance with the generally accepted ground wave is originally a
theories concerning latlio transmission, is the predominating wave, both free space spherical wave, but
only a few feet sufficient,
as to electrical energy involved and amplitude, compared to the ground
however, to explain the in- wave: or is the ground wave superior in its energy component and when the surface of this wave
teresting results obtained with amplitude? These conditions are shown in one of the following diagrams. reaches the earth it doubtless
Fig. 1, and we would request your opinion on the relative extent above cuts into the earth for a sinall
an horizontal antenna lying and below the surface of the earth, of the space wave and the ground
close to the surface of the wave respectively. depth and becomes then a true
earth, or even in trenches a I grounded wave, just as if it
few inches below the surface f """" J originated from an earthed
and extending, of course, in antenna. See Fig. 3. There
the general direction of wave propagation. given output of energ>' transmitted near the is great need for interesting data on the

Unquestionably the molten interior of the earth's surface can be calculated, by inverse phenomena of transmission from airplanes
earth would conduct low frequency oscilla- square law. It will be found that a tre- and whoever will collect and publish such
tions with compara- data will be confer-
tively little loss, but ring a great service to
it is obviously impos- /%? 6//d/ng IVaye Theory fiodio detector-^
the Radio Art.
sible to make connec- Concerning your
tion to this molten in- ttheric Wove Kodio Radio question as to whether
terior, ordinarily. If Predomnafii Ironsm Tronsm the wireless waves
one cared to experi- travel or glide along
ment with two vol- the surface of the
canoes at a compara- earth in the manner
tively short distance which I have de-
apart, making each scribed above, each
crater the terminus wave having a
of a line connecting grounded foot or base
with the terminals of 'y,(ffM penerating a short
an A. C. generator, distance into the earth,
and at some distant F/g.i I might mention a
Mo/ten Menor;:, -
. (Highly conducting) very interesting phe-
spot of the earth's
surface between two nomenon which we
/l/rp/one /y/re/ess Who/ experience in mining countrij have encountered in
neighboring volcanoes
another parallel wire, A/Pp/one 'l^^ fiecemng station- proves installing wireless sta-
in which a tuning and
tions in mountainous
detecting device was or mining country in
located, very interest- the western part of
ing results might be the United States,
obtained. See Fig. 2. Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate
However, if such a this phenomenon. Fig.
combination could be 4 shows a case which
found there would often happened in the
probably exist not the early commercial days
slightest excuse for of radio - telegraphy,
where a mine owner
sending telegrams be- Ground ^eria/s (Resu/f from tesfs) Submaripe Rec. Potato Messages Me Subttien^ed or other party wished
tween stations thus Heavy insulated ivire
situated. Unfortu- to install a station in
Open trench: a valley or canon,
nately, or fortunate- antenna
ly, we cannot
locate Signobgood
which happened to
our volcanoes as we have sharply rising
would subway tubes. cliffson either side.
If, as you suggest, Apparently the com-
a powerful wireless posite etheric and
station could be op- gi-ound waves became
erated at a sufficient so stretched out or at-
distance from the teiniated their ef-
earth's surface, and fort to leap across
completely isolated this valley, that the
therefrom, remark- station was only able
able distances of to intercept either
transmission thru the very weak signals or
ether might be no signals at all.

achieved. However Various Phases of Gliding Wave Wireless Transmission Used in Discussion Here Given.
Therefore it was
I'ound advisable in in-
the energy obtainable In General, the Etheric Space Wave Glides along the Surface of the Earth, Accompanied
at the moon from a by Its Grounded or Foot Wave. (CoKt. on page 919)
: :


Aerial or Ground Radio Which?

The Opinions of Two Leading Wireless Experts
Do Radio Waves Travel Above the Earth or Thru It? by Dr. L. W. Austin, Radio Expert, U. S. Naval Radio Laboratory.

REPLYING to your
queries of recent date, I
,, .,y-. ir-i.
Here Are the Questions the

Editors Submitted
ci-i =

am very glad that you Q. 1. - Do you believe
wireless transmission is effected by
that . complex . | from the Sendint; station, owing
ether waves hav.ng a grounded foot, these waves gliding over the surface
have asked these ques- oi the earth from the antenna, and if so; | ^^ j,^g y^^^, i,^~^;g forward of
tions and will answer (a) Do yon think that the etheric space wave above the ground is the the wavefront. The sending from
them to the best of my ability. predominating one in energy component and amplitude? or |
i earth or buried antennas is prob-
Cb) Do you believe that the ground wave component is the predominating
Q-1. I see no reason to doubt one in energy component and amplitude?
ably accomplished as follows
the validitv of the old theory of 5 Q- - Do yo" believe that underground wireless traiismission is effected | In the first place, ground cur-
. - . 1 . I by means of ground impulses or currents radiating thru the earth from =
Wireless transmission which sup- |

the base of the antenna, and that the etheric space wave radiation from the rents are formed which produce
Doses a wave in ether (and - antenna is merely an incidental and separate phenomenon, which dissipates | an electric field in the ether above
*^_j ._-_ _ i
under certain circumstances
- 1 itsejf at a comparatively short distance of a few hundred miles or so? | t]ig earth's surface This field in
in Q. 3. Do you not believe in this general direction of thought on the =
cnr^aHinrr otlt A
the upper layers of the earth, matter, that it is the etheric space wave radiation from the antenna that ac- spreaamg tA upwara
r,,,t ana r^
counts entirely for airplane radio transmission; either 'plane to 'plane, 'plane I ually rights Itself and travels off
provided they are sufficiently bad to earth, or earth to -plane communication?
^ ,
^ .^ I VCrV nuich like the field from an
conductors), the lower ends of y. 4. How
do you account for the results obtained with the

Rogers under- ,
= '
_nienna, fx -rt^nt
CXCCpt th
tnatt 11
't IS /V*
the electric lines being grounded ground and undersea radio transmission and reception? Do you believe tliat |
this is accomplisht by the grounded components or "feet" of the gliding ttVC.
on the conducting surface. The etheric space waves in conformity with the usual theory accepted theretofore

^^^fKI" tVif'f
| Ci Z J A
space wave under most circum I by the Hertzian wave school, or do you think that it is due to ground im- 1 ,
>"'' , \ ^^
DClieve tnat It

Stances certainlv carries the i pulses or high frequency oscillating currents propagated thru the conducting | IS probable any wireless
shell of the earth ?
radiation passes thru the Heavi-
greater part of the energy, ex- I
cept where the wave front is I
I Q. 5.
Do you think that, all things considered, and in the light of present I
side layer. (Ed. Note: This
day radio developments, such as the Rogers underground and undersea sys- =

bent very far forward. This I tern, that radio transmission would take place with higher efficiency in free | would seem to eliminate the
interplanetary space, or do you believe that our wireless signals produced at = "Mars" radio story which has
theory, it seems to me, is suffi- 1 stations on the earth are retained within the atmospheric envelope of the |
ciently proven by quantitative I
earth due to ret^ection from the "Heaviside" ionization layer? been going the rounds of the
observations on received radio = Q. 6. It has been hinted at by several naval radio experts and others that | daily press.)
it has recently been found that the penetration of the ground wave com- =
current which at moderate dis- I punent _
in radio transmission
increases with increase in wave length, and this I_ Q-6. Experiments indicate
I ^^ _^.
tances always agree within a few phenomenon they are inclined to believe accounts for the results obtained 1 that long Vi'aves Can be detected
per cent with the theory that the with the underground system. Do you believe this to be a fact? j at greater depths than short
antenna produces a field corre- """"- ones,
as would be expected from
sponding to a Hertz oscillator of twice its itself,and then spreads out longitudinally the ordinary skin effect phenomenon of al-
length. (with a more or less bent wave front) very ternating currents.
Q-2. I believe that the currents in the much like the wave from a grounded I am very sorry I have to disagree with
earth are only incidental to the presence of antenna. Mr. Tesla in this matter, for I consider
the ether waves. Q-4. In antennas close to the ground or him the father of wireless telegraphy. His
Q-3. In the case of transmission be- buried in the ground which, by the way, be- lectures in the early '90s contain full de-
tween airplanes and the earth, the phe- have exactly alike except for a slight dif- scriptions of a wireless system superior to
nomenon is similar. In sending from a ference in static-signal ratio, the reception anything which we actually had in prac-
'plane, the wave must start as a pure ether is accomplished by picking up the earth cur- tise before 1910, except for the lack of a
wave which spreads downward and grounds rents produced by the wave. These, of proper detector.

How I Believe Radio Transmission Wave

Is Accomplished
Chief Engineer, International Radio Telegraph Co., Formerly Chief Engineer, National EUectric Signaling Co.

response to the request of the Edi- coming close to the earth, provides a ator's license must qualify in the transmis-
IN tors of the Electrical Experimenter,
I give below my replies to the ques-
boundary to the waves which prevents the
usual attenuation.
and reception of Continental Morse
at the rate of ten words per minute
tions here submitted Q-6, The ground losses are higher with instead of five as heretofore.
Practically all the energy de-
Q-1. longer wave-lengths for poorly conducting Papers covering these examinations will
livered by the radio transinitter is radiated earth, in the vicinity of the antenna, which be rated by the examining officer as soon
in the form of waves gliding on the earth's indicates that a greater volume of the earth after the examination as possible but no
surface. Any energy which may be found is affected by the currents. This greater licenses will he issued until amateur sta-
to exist in the earth's surface is supplied penetration would also hold for the gliding tions are permitted to operate.
by the waves sent out from the antenna. wave. Ground tests made some years ago Please Note By taking this examina-

The poorer the conductivity of this surface, indicated that the ability to receive signals tion authority is not granted to open your
the more energy is taken from the wave, did not depend upon the quality of the station. It will be necessary after (he sta-
and consequently the less there is available ground nor the wave-length therefore Mr. :
tions are authorized to open, to furnish on
at the receiving station. Rogers' system probably does not depend form 762, Applicant's Description of Ap-
upon a penetration due particularly to long paratus, the particulars required and await
Q-2. There must exist in the earth's sur-
wave-lengths, but upon a penetration which the issuance of station license as well as the
face, currents at the feet of the waves re-
is sufficient for his purposes, given by any operator's license before operating the sta-
ferred to in question number one. Means
wave-length. tion and form 762 cannot be filled in and
for detecting these currents will give a
filed until the station has been made ready
method of receiviiig messages. These cur-
for operation as it is important that the
rents, however, represent only a small per EXAMINATIONS FOR AMATEUR exact dimensions of the antenna and the
cent of the energy of the traveling wave.
FIRST GRADE RADIO OPER- amount of power to be used be stated in this
It is quite generally agreed tliat the wave
ATOR'S LICENSE AT NEW application.
above the surface cannot exist without the YORK.
current in the surface and vice versa.
You are hereby cautioned that it is un-
Examinations for amateur first grade lawful to operate an unlicensed station, and
Q-3. Yes. all amateur licenses (operator's and station)
radio operator's license are being given at
Q-4.Currents due to the gliding wave. Room 603, Custom House, Bowling Green, issued prior to the war are now void.
The "Heaviside" ionization layer
Q-.S. New York City, every day after 9 a. m., When authority is granted to issue ama-
must be a boundary to the waves. One of announces Charles D. Guthrie, Radio In- teur licenses, new station numbers and call
the explanations of the marvelous work spector of that district. letters will be given.
done in the North during the winter is the Attention is called to the fact that ap- Chas. D. Guthrie,
fact that the ionized layer of the Aurora, plicants for amateur first grade radio oper- Radio Inspector.


The How and Why of Radio Apparatus

No. 11. How to Make and Use a Di- length A, of each of the three coils varies coils to the wave meter cabinet is shown
rect-Reading Wave Meter and with the number of turns on each, the table at Fig. 1, and consists of two lugs made
Decremeter. in the figure providing these values for the of 1/16 inch brass and having slots at the
From time to lime tiv will describe on t' different coils. The winding in each case lower ends of each. This enables the opera-
particular instrument used in either the consists of one layer of No. 20 B. & S. gage tor to slip the coils on and off the binding
radio transmitting or receiz'- posts quickly. The inner and
ing set, explaining just hozi' it outer leads from the winding
works, and why. We hare of the inductance should be
received so many requests carried thru diagonally drilled
from new readers ashing for holes in the wooden form, as
such explanations that zi'e is indicated by the dotted
have decided to publish this lines, and they should be sol-
matter in serial form. In the dered to the two brass lugs,
course of several issues all of which are screwed to the
the principal transmitting and form by means of small flat-
receizing apparatus ivill have head brass wood screws. The
been covered. The subject wooden form may be var-
for the eleventh paper is nished or shellacked before
HOir TO M.4KE AND winding, but the winding it-
USE A DIRECT-RE.4DIXG self should not receive any
WAVE METER AND DE- coating of shellac or varnish,
CREMETER. as this changes the distributed
capacity of the coil. Do not
kHE present time seems use any iron in building these
an opportune one for inductances.

Ti the radio student and

the radio amateur to
prepare for the forth-
The next item claiming our
attention is the variable con-
denser, and we might say a
coming opening of experi- great deal concerning this
mental radio opportunities, part of the apparatus, and
and we believe that no better then again we might just as
use can be made of the spare well say very little. Experi-
time than to construct and ence dictates that this comes
study the use of the wave out about as follows in the

meter and decremeter. The Photograph of Author's Wave Meter Fitted with Calibrated Condenser first place many radio experi-
accompanying te.xt and illus- and Inductance Coils of the Dimensions Given In the Prese nt Article.
menters would rather obtain
trations show how to build a on the open market a small
home-made wave meter which will give very enameled magnet wire. These inductances rotary type variable condenser having
satisfactory service. The dimensions given have been accurately calibrated by com- the proper capacity for use in this par-
for the various parts of the instruments are parison with a standard wave meter at the ticular wave meter, and this should be
taken from an expcriment.d one which was Radio Standardization Laboratory of the .00086 microfarad. Of course any con-
carefully calibrated for the writer. College of the City of New York, thru the denser having this capacity within a small
We will first take up the construction of courtesy of Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith, Di- fraction one way or the other may be used,
the wave meter and will afterward con- but if the student wishes to have a good
sider the calibration curves to be used with _^i Mahogany or Maple accurate wave meter, and intends to event-
it, and also the determination of decre- Varryizhtd^
^ ually have it calibrated or checked against
ment. a standard wave meter, then he will do
Perhaps the first part of the instrument well to select a good sturdy and reliable
that will come to hand as the student sets make of rotary condenser. Some of the
about the building of it, is the inductance, points to be watched in the design of such
or rather the inductances. These coils are a condenser are that it should not have the
also referred to as the exploring coils or rotary and fixt plates too closely spaced,
exploring inductances. They are used to or else it will frequently give trouble by
pick up sufficient energy from a radio short-circuiting; the rotary plates should
transmitter or receiving set, so as to cause be accurately locked on the rotary shaft
oscillations to be set up in the wave meter either by having their hubs molded on the
circuit, which will be of sufficient strength shaft or else they should be mounted on
to give a positive indication of resonance a square shaft so as not to turn, or again
or non-resonance of the circuit, and thus to they can be keyed on the shaft. For the
determine the exact period at which the cur- 'To Fil Sinding Pail-' purpose of a wave meter there should also
rent being measured is oscillating. Fig. I lie practically no up and down movement or
The illustration, Fig. 1, gives the details Inductance Coil Data play in the vertical shaft supporting the
of construction for the three inductances Dimensions of J Indyclance Colli rotary plates. For all practical purposes,
Coil N' i7T,irn^N97nni\ Enam
fnrim Mag
Mfia Wire
Wir^ A-'-.' Indcntf MOOOoTti
used with this w-avemeter. The wooden HTjrnsN'ZoalS Iniej
the capacity of a rotary variable condenser
24 ihl' '
forms on which the coils are wound are

!S3pOO (see Fig. 2), is determined by the usual
best turned on the lathe from some fine
Details of Inductance Coils, Three of Which
capacity formula using a K value of 1,
grained hard wood such as mahogany or Are Used to Give the Wave Meter a Desir- which is that for air.
maple. The physical dimensions of the able Range. Many radio amateurs and experimenters
forms are given in the drawing and the

4 Active Air OieleclriCt jrixl. Plales

rector, and the specifications for building Wave Meier"
2 KoJaryPlale ^^ i^ij^j^ these coils must be rigidly adhered to. Circuit
; Airjap Where the accuracy of the instrument
within a few per cent below or al)Ove the
calibrated values is not imperative. No. 20
gage magnet wire, covered with a single
winding of silk may be used but due to ;

the peculiar qualities of enameled magnet

wire and the number of turns per inch of '^''-
Fig 4
Plaits Preferably ft lo^i Thick

Fig. 2
winding, etc., it will be seen that the speci-
fications here given should
lowed to obtain the inductance values in
be carefully fol- r^' Vnilalerat Connection of
l__j^Ov_J Peteclor S. Phone to Wave
HomtMadt Variable Condenser centimeters here given. The three coils, Phorie> teeter circuit
@ numbers 1, 2 and 3, have inductances of
36.000, 126,000 and 259,000 centimeters re-
Dimensions of Home-made Variable Con- Usual Hook-up of Detector and 'Phones In
spectively. Unilateral Fashion. Where There Is Suffi-
denser of the Required Capacity for Wave
Meter Here Described. The manner of attaching the inductance cient Energy to Actuate Detector Properly.


^vill undoubtedly wish to construct their

own variable condenser liaving this required
capacity, and the physical dimensions of
such a variable condenser are given in Fig.
2. As will be seen, this particular design
comprises three stationary and two rotary
aluminum or brass plates. These plates
ishould preferably have a thickness of 1/16
to ijil inch so as to be perfectly flat and Inductance
retain their shape, and thus maintain the Terminals
accuracy of the condenser when once assem- -ST
bled. The four active air dielectric spaces
between the plates should be exactly 1/32 Cop SIrip'
inch. The diameter of the rotarv plate, as
Fig. 2 indicates, should be 8-23/32 inches,
and by cutting the lugs on the stationary
plates as well as on the rotarv' plate in the Hot Wire-'
'o-iao Scale
manner indicated, will permit of the accu- . Ammeter & Wattmeter Space For P/,one> Cabinet''
rate interleaving of the rotary and fixt ^'"'
""'Terms, for Pecrement. FIc <="' * ^''
plates so as to give the proper capacity.
Thus we see that the two principal parts Fig. 3

of any wave meter are an accurately cali- Hook- Up of wave Mefer

Scale Ca/ibraled Hair Line on O/aii Arrangement of Wave Meter in Cabinet, Including Condenser, Inductance, Geissler Tube,
In Wave lengths [ 'Phone (1,000 or 75 ohm). Etc. The Diagram Shows Geissler Tube and Detector and 'Phone
Coil Numbers on Indicator Circuit, Either of Which Can Be Used.
Special to radio transmitting sets, there is very length of received signals. The Geiss-
Indicalor^^ often a sufficiently heavy current induced ler tube or other apparatus is, of course
in the wave meter circuit to cause a punc- disconnected from the wave meter circuit,
ture of the insulation of the inductance if the detector and 'phone method is to be

coil or a short-circuiting of the variable used. With respect to the detector used
condenser, especially if the latter happens on the wave meter, it may be said that
to have closely spaced plates. either carborundum or iron pyrites proves
Variable Condenser best, as either may be subjected to a very
Knob For indicating the ma.xinium resonance
when measuring the wave length of a trans- strong current without harm.
rig. 6 Figures 4 and 5 show two more circuits
mitting set, where the induced current in
the wave meter is of course quite strong used with the wave meter. Fig. 4 shows a
^^ ^\Slide(Manua//y Operaled)
detector and telephone receiver circuit, con-
in any case, a very good indicator, as proven
by practise and experience, is an ordinary nected to the inain oscillating circuit of the
3'-inch Geissler tube, or better yet a srnall wave meter by a unilateral or one-wire
Window inSfiatf .
connection. Tliis method is highly recom-
helium gas tube. It is best when using
f^a! gf.VSyCond mended in many text books treating on the
either a Geissler or helium tube as an in-
Wooe/^S-ftelf-. and
--Calomel -""^ dicator of maximum resonance, to place wave meter and its uses, at the pres-
the tube in a small box mounted on the ent time it is used on many of the best
lid of the wave meter, the box being black- commercial wave meters. This connection
ened inside and provided with a slot in the of the detecting circuit possesses the ad-
front so that the degree of glow in the tube vantage that it cannot have any detuning
'Sca/es Calibrafed in may be easily seen. It is also common or offsetting effect on the oscillating cir-
VJave Lengths or practise to connect a hot wire milliampere cuit as is the case where it is placed in
Fig. 7 Degrees meter in series with the inductance and shunt to the capacity and inductance com-
condenser of the wave meter by removing posing this circuit, and it is very efficient
the jumper on the series binding post termi- for the purpose in hand, as with this con-
nals and connecting the meter to this in ; nection the detector and 'phone receive just
Wyo/-.; ^rivoK.^-;:^, Sli^^ jfi this case the maximum resonance, and a sufficient amount of energv' to operate
Slide'Mnd^ therefore the wave length at which the cir- {Continued on page 921)
cuit under test
is oscillating, is
indicated by
turning the con-
denser handle Hair Line on
'Ma/lip/e Scale
until the needle Glass Window
Pin Varies in
'Tills Pialon Var Concf.
of the hot wire ,, s-
Length with Size of
meter reaches a <[id of
Coil being Usecf Fiq.8 Condense.
maximimi read-
Three Schemes for Improving the Wave Me- ing. Some
ter Dial and Indicator so as to Make It ators prefer to
"Direct Reading." Fig. 8 Shows an Auto-
matic Dial Arrangement Which Causes the use the well-
Correct Reading to Appear, no Matter Which known detector
of the Three Coils Is in Use. and telephone
receiver method
brated precision variable condenser and an of determining
accurately calibrated inductance. In prac- the maximum
tically all cases this inductance and capacity resonance point
of known values are connected together in in the wave
parallel or shunt as shown at Fig. 3-A. meter circuit as
Referring to Figs. 3-A and 3-B, the lead the diagrams at
wires joining the inductance or exploring Fig. 3 s h o w. ;Fixl Plates
coil to the variable condenser are composed The detector
of two pieces of No. 16 flexible lamp cord, and wireless
each 6 inches long. A 3-inch length of cop- 'phones are con-
per strip joins the tw'o pairs of binding n e c te d (in
posts. Fig. 3 shows one set of binding series or in
posts being used for the inductance coil multiple) across
and the other set intended for the connec- the variable \_,-Rotary Plates
tion of a hot wire milliampere meter or condenserfor
thermo-couple and galvanometer. Ordi- the purpose.
narily tliis latter pair of binding posts are This arrange- Position of Paper Scale on
fitted with a piece of copper strip about men t is e x- Fiotary Flafe of Condenstr
1/16 inch thick forming a jumper. tremely sensi- Fig. 10
It is well in all cases to fit a safety spark tive, ard the
one invariably To MakeReading Decremeter" of Your Wave Meter, Cut Out the
a "Direct
gap across the terminals of the variable Paper Scale at the Left and Mount It on the Variable Condenser Shaft or on
condenser as shown at Fig. 3-B, as when used in mjas- the Top Rotary Plate in the Manner Here Shown. The Decrement Is Read
the wave meter is used in close proximity ing the wave thru the Window When Resonance Is Indicated.

German Radio Apparatus Used at Metz

THE accompanying illustrations
the interesting radio apparatus and
antenna mast used at the famous
show which are placed in a group at the lower
center of the front panel.
Among other things, we find it interesting I often wonder
By J. A. \\ eaver.
how Noah made the arc
German mihtary base at Metz. These to note the very neat arrangement of the light.
photographs were taken by the interior wiring of the cabinet, the various And it sure does get my goat why insula-
French Army when they entered Metz after connections being run symmetrically in tors wear petticoats.
the signing of the armistice. The photo- straight lines, evenly spaced and held rigidly .'\nd of what possible use is a vacuum

graph of the aerial mast is interesting as it in place by means of insulating cleats. In cleaner, being as a vacuum is always clean?
shows a very novel construction whereby a the side view of the apparatus, which shows And whether undamped waves oscillate
strongly braced tower structure is formed the interior, one may perceive the neatly oi vibrate?
of steel tubes or pipes, provided with flat- wound inductance coil at the bottom of the And whether it would be murder to kilo-
tened ends thru which bolts are past. The cabinet, and as will be seen, it is square in watt?
base of this radio mast, measuring 80 meters form with a number of inductances placed And whether you can measure water with
in height, tapered to a point at the bottom,
is along the form on which it is woinnl. This a wavemeter?
as the photograph shows, and rests on a large set is designed so as to be suitable for re- And how a bus-line can run from place to
porcelain insulator. Suitable guys and pins ceiving either spark or arc signals. No place without moving?
were used in arranging this insulating base And whetlier it would be nice to be a
support, so that the foot of the mast could mirier in the mines of Asia-Minor?
not slip or break away if for any reason And if a condenser is over charged by a
the insulator should break. The mast was conductor would it cause a disturbance on
well-guyed with steel cables running in dif- the trolley line ?
ferent directions, and the antenna was sup- And where does the dago when nite ap-
ported in umbrella fashion from the top of proaches ?
the mast. As the photograph discloses, a And how to tell when onion plants arma-
high steel fence enclosed the grounds con- ture?
nected with the station to preserve secrecy, And what is the price of a drink at tlie

and also to prevent any one coming in con- bus bar?

tact with the highly charged aerial con- And why some bonbs persist in saying
ductors. n.c. current and d.c. current instead of a.c.
The remaining two photographs show re- and d.c. ?
spectively front and side views of the re- .'Xnd whether there are any seeds in a
ceiving apparatus used at Metz. One of the transformer core.
first interesting things we note in connection
with the design of the apparatus, and CHAIN OF RADIO STATIONS.
plainly visible in the side view is the rotary The establisliment of a chain of radio
control of the inductance slider. This is stations, approximately 30 miles apart along
accomplisht by a lever secured to a rotary the Atlantic Coast, was announced at the
knob, the free end of which is joined by headquarters of the 1st Naval District re-
means of a link member to the slider of cently. The statement intimated that by
the inductance in the manner shown, so this arrangement incoming vessels, when 150
that as the handle is turned in rotary fash- <ir 200 miles off coast, could determine their

ion, the slider will move back and forth position easily by communicating with shore
along the coil. The detectors, of which stations, regardless of weather conditions.
there are several in duplicate, are observed .Mong the 250 miles of coast included within
at the top of the instrument, while an the 1st District eight stations are already
elaborate multiplicity of control handles in operation.
with graduated inductance pointers, are
provided for changing the wave length of
Wireless Terms Illustrated "Beat Receiver"
the primary and Secondary receiving cir- Courtesy The Oscillator. HAVE WIRELESS.
cuits, as well as the coupling between the In the near future radio stations will be
coils of these circuits, and also the capacity installed at the coast guard stations at the
values used. vacuum bulb detectors or oscillators are Isles of Shoals, at Station No. 2 at Cross
The telephone receivers, several sets of shown, but we know that they were used in Island, Buck's Harbor. Me., and Station
which may be used when desired, are con- many of the German sets, the bulb em- No. 8 at Damiscove Island, Boothbay Har-
nected with the receiving set cabinet by ployed being that devised by Lieben and bor, Me. A
number jf radio operators will
means of flexible cords and jacks, eight of Riez. be sent to these stations.

A Timely Reinforcement
A Copper Plated Stomach
THERE'S a in being forehanded.
Mother was that way. Every Satur-
time tripping o'er the lea and scattering

flowers I mean the operation was the
From that moment nothing was thought of
but comebacks to hand to Germany in re-
day we used to have salt fish for same, not the raw material. turn for her favors of the past 40 years,
dinner, so she wouldn't be bothered When one dose of water had suffered with the accent on the last 4 which was
with getting up anything to eat on about enough you poured it off and re- righto, and success to the job but in the ;

baking-day. That sounds like a paradox, newed it, and so on. If you tended right rush of business, a very important point
but it wasn't, it was a shame, for the "bak- to your business thru Tuesday and Wednes- was overlooked by everybody but ME. I'll
ing" was very appetizing and savory, while day and Thursday and Friday and Satur- tell you what I mean.

the fish was well, not so savor>'. day morning, then by Saturday noon there You know how thick and fast the cele-
Now, when you wanted salt fish on Sat-
was your fish transformed into a regular brations came, along there in November?
urday, you had to begin way back in the
eating fish at least those who had to eat it They made a record for thickness and fast-
week somewhere. Tuesday was a good could-. That's how you had to plan meals ness that won't be beaten till "Bill" gets
day because there wasn't much of anything in those days
no frittering away your time back from Hell. There was the "Fake
to do (on top of the regular chores) ex- at tea-dongsongs till the last minute, and Peace Celebration" on Thursday, and the
cept the ironing, and you had a "Real One" on Monday, and the
chance to think. Follow me "Regular One" on Tuesday. I

carefully you know how long it
is from Tuesday before Saturday
don't know how it was with you,
but by Wednesday I had food
comes around? Well, mother
for thought and it was the only
used to plan ahead all the time, kind of food I was able to sit up
foreseeing she was going to be and take any notice of.
heated and tired, and all fust The thought, being fed. was
up with cooking formulas, and mainly to the effect, how nice
would need an accommodating it would have been if I'd had one
viand for dinner that she could of those copper-lined stomachs
slap down most anywhere with- that are always being talked
out hurting it, and tell us chil- about and never realized. I
dren to go to it and forget the don't know as I ever appreciated
whole business. On Tuesday she before how reliable copper is.
commenced deodorizing the fish. Viewing the ruin of my faithful
You while the fish abode
see, Gastric Cavity thru handling the
with the grocer, it was always few easy objects I'd sent down
picking up scents like coffee to it, I envied the old copper
and spices and matches and kero-
boiler at home how it used to
sene, from the clerk's habit of digest 3 or 4 bushels of the fam-
wiping his hands on it in pass- ily wash, or boil up a barrel of
ing, and the hostler would chuck soft soap, or a tub or two of
a horse-blanket on it often whitewash-stunts really exact-
enough to give it a quaint stable ing, i,ou know and get away
tang. But what you'd call the with it year after year.
basic flavor was imparted by Ah me, as the fellow says.

"Tabby" the store cat. The With a tummy built on the lines
pile codfish was the place
of of that boiler, one could cele-
where the cat slept and took her brate Peace till the cows came
bath (the kind of dry-cleansing home with their 16-cent milk,
a cat calls a bath) also her ; and then tackle a New Year's
refuge from stray dogs or am- Eve and a couple of "wakes" on
bush, according to whether she the side, instead of rueing the
could lick the dog or not. The day whatever
that is as I was-
result was you couldn't say the To Copper Plate Human Stomachs So as To Digest th Present doing.
cat smelt fishy, or the fish catty, Post-War Foods, Thomas Reed Here Shows Us How To Set About But the real horror of the
but they smelt about alike It !
Rigging Up the Necessary Apparatus. When You One Receive ;
situation was this here were a

was a blend, like this fancy- This Treatment You Will Be Able to Swallow Nails, Old Milk
Cans, Sections of Steam Boilers, Bricks, et Cetera, and Then the million or two of soldiers and
named toilet-water vou have to Undertaker Will Nail You Up. sailors due to come home and go
have pronounced for }-ou, eaii thru this celebration-thing mul-
de something or other. tiplied to thehundredth-power. The big cities
tossing on a preserved pig's foot for supper.
If you just wanted the fish for a smelling were going to stuff 'em. then the smaller
fish, you didn't have to do anything to it, it Examples like this gave me the same branch cities, and the railroad towns, and the
was all right as it was. But when you habit of being forehanded. I'm always
home towns the strain all the time increas-
wanted to use it for an eating tish, you had
to go to work and separate the fish part
looking ahead and spying out some situa-
tion that's liable to be dangerous or dis-
in as the burg grew smaller till
they'd fetch up at "Home" itself, the one with
from the odor part, or as much of it as you agreeable, and providing against it. It's a the Big "H", with Mother roasting chickens
could. It wasn't difficult or laborious at lucky thing I am. as it happens, and you'll and frying flapjacks and baking pies in a
all, but it took time, and that's why you had say so, too, when I tell you. wild effort to make up a year's deficiencies
to be forehanded. You put this fish into Perhaps you remember we had a "war", in army rations all at one meal. All that,

a good stout pan a pan that wasn't par- or something like that, recently. Well, and only an ordinarj' membranous stomach
ticular whom it associated with and cov- just when we were thinking it was going to to stand it! Was there any time to lose?
ered it with common ordinary water. The last forever, we began to hear noises from No. The copper stomach, so long post-
water didn't stay that way very long. In a the Other Side that sounded like "By gorry poned, had to be invented tout de suite if it
few hours it was most iiHCommun water, we've got 'em licked!" "They're quitting!" was going to be ready for the occasion.
yelling to heaven and casting into the air "The war is over !" "Honk-honk!" "Wow!" Well, here it is, all ready and waiting,
bunches of assorted perfumes, like Spring- and other e-xpressions of quiet satisfaction. (Continued ait page 927)
; .


The Alkaline Storage Battery

batteries are of two prin- certain amount of gas this escapes thru a be preferred, if conditions make slowness
cipal kinds (1) lead-acid batterj',
tlie special valve.

The cell is well suited to conveniently possible. Whether the battery

and (2) the alkaline battery. Our rough usage, partly because of the tight is charged slowly or rapidly, evenness of

attention is now directed upon the cover and partly because the container is of charging is always to be adopted.
latter. There is but one alkaline cell sheet steel and not of glass or hard rubber. Direct current only is usable in charging.
of prominence on the market the Edi- The liquid is of an alkaline character. It If alternating current is the only source of
energy available
son batterj-. Each it

ceJl is a complete will be necessary to

self-contained unit convert it into di-
and may be used rect current and to
alone or in con- use the latter with
junction with other the battery. There
cells. A typical cell are several methods
will have a voltage which may be em-
ployed. First, there
of about 12 average
discharge potential is the motor-gen-
the maximum dis- erator. The alter-
charge potential is nating current is

about 1.45 volts at used to operate a

the start. The charge motor. The motor
and discharge volt- drives the generator
age characteristics and produces the
are given in the ac- direct current for
companying graph. charging. mer- A
Fig. 1. While charg- cury arc rectifier is
ing the cell voltage another device for
may rise as high as converting the al-
1.85 volts. The am- ternating current in-
perage will vary with to direct. This de-
the size of the cell. vice is often mpre
By connecting a bat- econotnical and
tery of cells in convenient if only a
series, it is possi-
small current is to
ble to run the volt-
be handled.
age up to any de- Of course, direct
sired point; see current may be gen-
Fig. 2-A. Ausual erated at once. The
voltage for rather equipment necessary
A Typical Alkaline Storaoe Battery Installation On Ship-Board, the
short circuits
un- Battery Operating the Wireless Telegraph Equipment In Emergency.
The Control and Charging Switch-Board Appear At the Left o( the
will be (1) an en-
gine or some equiv-
der 300 feet is 30- "Battery Room." All Radio Operators Should Thoroly Understand
32 volts. Accord- The Smaller alent means of op-
storage Batteries. Both the Lead and Alkaline Types.
ingly, about 30 cells Cut Shows the Non-Leaking Gas Vent Fitted On the Alkaline Cell. erating the gener-
This Cell Has a Mean Potential of 1.2 Volts. ator; (2) a gen-
are required. The
battery used as a erator, and (3) a
unit will have a switchboard. It

voltage equal to the sum of the voltages loses but little of its water as time goes on. would probably
cheaper to use the
of the individual cells. The amperage In order to determine whether the strength current direct from the generator to
will remain the same as with the single is normal, a hydrometer may be used. The operate the lights, etc., and to dispense
cell. It is necessarj-, therefore, to choose electrolyte consists of potassium hydrate with the storage battery, if the current
a size of cell that will give the amperage (21 per cent solution) to which has been were required in a steady, even stream.
required for the service or else use more added a small amount of lithium hydrate. But current is not ordinarily required
The does
specific gravity of the alkaline cell thus in a home or on board boat.
than one batterj', connecting the bat-
not the cells in parallel, see Fig. iKit change during charge or discharge. (Continued on page 931)
2-B. For a llO-volt system, a large num- The normal specific gravity will be 1.210,
ber of cells will be needed. In making but this tnay drop at times to as low as 1.160
such calculations, it will be best to rate the without affecting the cell. A brand new
alkaline cell at just about 1 volt. Thus, for alkaline battery will not develop its full
llO-volt service use 110 cells, connected in capacity at once. After a number of charg-
series. ings it will settle down to a standard per-
In purchasing a battery, it will be neces- formance. This settlement into a standard
sary to decide on the voltage to be used. condition is understood to be due to the
There are probably more household and improvement in the conditions of the nega-
similar devices on the market th.it are de- tive plateconsequent upon regular charging
signed for the 110- volt system than for any and recharging. This process of self-form-
other. At the same time, there is a consid- ing continues over a period of from one to
erable range of such devices which are three months.
adapted to, and available for use on 30-32 The care of an alkaline battery will ordi-
volt circuits. narilv be simple. The density of the liquid
The alkaline cell has a tight-fitting cover. may be watched and corrected, if necessary.
As in all batteries there will be generated a This will usually mean the addition of a
little water to l)ring the hy-
drometer reading down to
1.210. Regularity of handling
will probably give better re-
sults in an alkaline battery
than any other one thing.
This is especially true in con- A- CeHs connecM m !::r/e5 lii/h-4.a cnumSerofX
nection with the charging. (el/5 * vo/fi per ce//. /imp-/?at/r cc/)ac/(i/-/tH.Cop.of
.\ battery may be charged one ce//.
B- Ce//s irt para//e/.. yalfs-i.i y. or voltage ofone ce/L
slowly or rapidly or at a Amp-hour capac/ly A M Cop of ci/U number
medium rate. That is, it may of celli
be done normally in 7 hours,
Amporc-Hovfi or rapidly in 1 or 2 hours, or
at a moderate rate in 4 or 5 Diagram Showing Voltage and Amperagft
Typical Characteristic Curves for Charge and Discharge
of Edison Type Alkaline Storage Battery. The Average hours. Slow, regular charg- With Series and Parallel Connections of Bat-
Discharge Potential is Seen to Be 1.2 Volts. Fig. 1. ing at the normal rate is to tery Cells.


April. 1919

Experimental Mechanics
the feed of the for one revolution.
THE THEORY OF TWIST DRILLS. friction against the walls of the hole, the
rest of the surface is brought to a some- These spiral lines,however, are of unequal

THE the
student who has been following
past lessons in "Experimental
Mechanics" may now tind himself
what smaller diameter. Sometimes the
surface s, is gradually backed off, beginning
diameter. Point a, in Fig. 4, on the circurn-
ference of the drill is given in Fig. 5, as if
moving on the spiral line a^a. The diam-
at the edge without a distinctly perceptible
confronted by a more or less diffi-
step, as in Fig. 1. The profile of the grooves eter of the drill being ) 1 in. and the =
cult task in properly utilizing a very feed l-50th in. the inclination of the spiral
and dd, is chosen so that the intersection with ;

important tool, namely Izcist drills,

found by
the top plane b, gives as far as possible a line is
right angle line C. The shape of the line b
is of lesser importance provided that the 0.00637
groove d is wide enough to allow the chips
Tan |8 :

to pass easily. The dimension of the weak-

circumference 50 X '^

est point of the drill where the edge f' is

/3 = 0 22'

found, is fixt by the demand of strength in

the drill. The edge c', which cuts very badly,
should be as short as possible. Ordinarily,
it is taken 1-lOth of the diameter at the
point of the drill and gradually increases
to the upper end, for reasons of strength. c'
When looking at the drill sideways we
now see it as shown in Fig. 2 cc are the
sectants which form together an angle of
about 120 degrees, c' the connection, dd the
grooves, the pitch of which amounts to 5
to 8 times the diameter of the drill.
consider cc as being the cutting edges of
two chisels, which, turning around the axis
must cut chips from the metal. The form
and the position of these chisels in regard
to the metal will have to answer the same
requirements as every other cutting chisel,

u Fig 4

which are these In Fig. 3 : represents a A Discussion of the Angle and Clearance of the
cross-section of the chisel, B the piece of Cutting Edge of a Twist Drill.
work from which the chip C is cut by mov- Point a, in Fig. 4, at a distance of 1 -20th in.
ing A in the direction of the arrow. from the drill axis, describes the spiral line
To prevent the chisel breaking its cutting cV with the same pitch h. Fig. 5, as a'a; the

edge the angle a obtained by grinding, angle of inclination 7 however, is quite a
In the Present Article the Author Discusses and therefore called the grinding angle, different one; for the case of l-20th in. it is:
the Theory of Twist Drills, the Shape of the For cutting
Grooves, the Pitch of the Cutting Edges, must be sufficiently strong.
Et Cetera. The Lips C-C May Be Consid- mild steel and iron a is made upon an
ered as the Cutting Edges of Two Chisels, average of about 55 degrees with very ;
Tan 7 = = 0.0637
Which Turn about the Axis of the Drill. good steel the angle can be some degrees SOX'^Xl/lO
the writer gives below a brief resuni^ of smaller with a poorer grade steel it must
7 = 3 39'
the subject of twist drills and their grind- be some degrees larger. The loosening of
In Fig. 5 the value /i of the feed has been
ing. Because it is very essential to follow the chip from the metal is not done at the
given immoderately large for the sake of
understandinly the subject of twist drills, lowest point of the chisel, but at a, being
clearness, and the angle 7 has consequeiitly
a short mathematical treatise of simple na- the point most advanced. The metal is
been drawn much larger than it is in reality.
ture will be given in order to more readily pushed down at a length /, Fig. 3, and there-
The spiral lines, a^a and c\-, are the lines
facilitate the understanding of the subject.
in regard to which the angle i, in Fig. 3,
The twist drills stand in use so far above has to be measured. They agree with the
flat drills that they are now an indispensable
Don't Miss the Next Lesson
line a-d, in that figure. From this it fol-
tool in ever>- workshop for metal working. "Grinding Twist Drills." lows that for point a of the drill the setting
They may be manufactured by milling or It will discuss the various factors angle i is measured in regard to the line,
forging two spiral grooves out of a cylindri- and therefore must
involved in properly grinding twist inclining already 0 22',
cal bar, or by twisting a bar of the desired drills, both by hand and machine greater than usually. For point
be so much
cross-section, so that the lines originally A real practical article The set-
or jig. c this difference becomes 3 39'.
running parallel to the axis become spiral which every amateur machinist ting angle becomes a changeable value, in-
lines. The first method of manufacturing will want to read. creasing towards the center of the drill. In
is today still the most common one. When giving it everywhere the same value for
we take a spiral drill and turn it with the simplicity's sake, that is to say the largest
top towards us, we shall see it as shown in after returns to its level a-d. The srnaller
cutting cross-section desired in the center,
Fig. 1. dd are the spiral grooves, cc both the angle i, w-hich may be enlarged or dimin-
the edge would become too weak at the
cutting edges, so the drill will have to turn ished by the position of the chisel, the circumference.
in the direction of the arrow, ec is the longer / will be, and the greater will be the
With the above facts in mind the writer
solid part of drill the top of the drill near- resistance of the metal being pushed down.
will give a complete practical discourse on

est to us is the edge c^ which unites the two Experience tells us how large the angle i

how to handle twist drills, grinding, et

edges cc, making an angle of about SS de- must be it varies between 4 degrees to 8
cetera, in the next installment.
grees with each of them. The cylindrical degrees for lathe and planer tools. We (To be continued)
surface of the drill at jj, only exists for shall see how great it must be made for
the part aa, for, to prevent unnecessary twist drills. In no case may it be smaller
than 4 degrees, or the chisel will refuse

^\ to cut. 1
,. ,"
Referring to Fig, 4, the point a, of the
cutting edge c, situated on the cylindrical
surface of, the chisel, we find the grinding
^ angle a, appointed by the tangent to the


y^/ V- sjiiral and by the tangent to the line ah, -*-

L... g

.^ sectant
of the cylindrical
and the ground top B. So the size of
surface of the
I "i -A
this angle is determined with regard to the
strength of the edge and practically amounts
to about 55 degrees. Then follows the
L ;

r,gs IC angle in Fig. 3

% where to find it. While
turning around on its axis the drill ad-
Further Illustrating the Similarity of a Chisel vances into the metal. So each point de- Diagram Used In Explaining the Value of the
Cutting Into a Piece of Metal to the Two Angles of Grinding of Twist Drills.
Cutting Edges of a Twist Drill. scribes a spiral line with the pitch equal to

Practical Chemical Experiments

Butter and Butter Substitutes
milk and
is by
putting it thru the pro-
skimming ice-water, thus chilling it rapidly.
It can
be salted and packed like ordinary
removed from the flame ;

genuine butter these particles are small and

in the case of
of the globules butter. Two marked advantages which this finely difided. but in the case of oleomarga-
and the solid fat separates
coalesce material has over butter are: (1) It is rin the curd will gather in large masses.
more or less thoroly from the other mucli cheaper, and (2) owing to the ab-
constituents of the milk. As found on the sence of buttermilk and butter fats it has MILK TEST FOR BUTTER
market, butter is rarely found to Contain much better keeping qualities. Its flavor Experiment No. 2. See Fig. 2.
more than 80 to 85 per cent fat the rest ; ranks well with second-class butter. To make a "milk test" for butter, place
"Renovated" or "Process" butter is in
general prepared as follows Old, rancid,

and unsalable butter is melted in a large

vat surrounded by a hot water jacket at
a temperature of about 45 deg. C. The
curd and brine are then drawn off at the
bottom, the scum being taken off at the
top. Air is blown thru the mass, to remove
the disagreeable odor, and after mi.xing
with some milk, the mass is churned and
then run into ice cold water to make it
granular in structure. It is then ripened,
worked to free it from buttermilk and
salted. It is required by law in some states
that this product be marked "Renovated
Experiment No. 1. See Fig. 1.

Heat about 3 grams of the sample in a

large iron spoon over a low Bunsen flame,
stirring constant^'. Geiuiine butter will boil
quietly, with the production of consider-
able froth or foam, which may, on removal

Fig. 1. Apparatus Used in Making Test

for Butter and Oleomargarin or Renovated Fig. 2. Set-up of Simple Apparatus Utilized
Butter. in Making the "Milk Test" for Butter.
being principally water, with some proteids about 60 sweet milk in a wide-
cc. of
and lactose from buttermilk still remaining mouthed which is set in a vessel of
in it, and more or less salt or saltpeter, to boiling water. When the milk is thoroly
flavor and preserve it. It quite frequently is heated, a spoonful of the butter is added
colored with some harmless vegetable com- and the mixture stirred until the fat has
pound. Fig. 3. Test for Coal Tar Coloring in But- melted. The bottle is then placed in a dish
Oleomargarin usually prepared from
ter Which Can Be Made by Anyone in a of ice-water, and the stirring continued
Few Minutes' Time.
the fat contained in the intestinal folds of until the fat solidifies. If the sample is but-
beef cattle. It is carefully siript from the from the flame, boil up over the side of ter, either fresh or renovated, it will be
fresh carcass, washed, chilled and hashed the spoon. Renoi'ated butter or oleomar- solidified in a granular condition and dis-
exceedingly fine. It is tributed thru the milk
then rendered in water- ^^^^^^^^m mmi^^^^mi^^^^ in small t<articles. If,
jacketed kettles at a on the other hand, the
temperature of about 50 BEGINNING with this issue, "EXPERIMENTAL CHEM- sample consists of oleo-
deg. C. The scum ISTRY", as will bo noted, has been changed to "PRACTI- margarin, it solidifies
which separates out at CAL CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS." For several years past, practically in one piece,
the top is drawn off and so that it may be lifted
the scraps settle at the Mr. Albert If Wilsdon, who will rontinue the new department,
by the stirrer from the
bottom. Theliquid fat has become familiar to our reade. s thru his chemistry articles. milk.
is then run into vats There has, however, been an urgent demand from our readers By the two tests just
and there permitted to described, the first of
for articles on everyday chemistry, practical experiments, etc.
stand for a day or two which distinguishes
at about 27 deg. C, at If*' are, therefore, beginning with this issue a series of practical fresh butter from pro-
which temperature but- chemistry, free from technicalities. We think the change will cess butter or reno-
ter is just liquid. The be ivelcomed by our friends. vated butter and oleo-
semi-liquid mass is then margarin and the sec-

wTapt up in cloths and In the same department ice are also inaugurating a Question ond of which distin-
prest to remove the thin and Ansicer Department, and every reader is invited to ask any guishes oleomargarin
yellow liquid oil foleo question on chemical phases which may occur to him. Such from either fresh but-
oil) from the solid fat ter orrenovated but-
questions will be answered every month hereafter in these col-
(oleo-stcarin). To turn ter, the nature of the
umns. When sending questions, they should be addrest to sample examined may
oil )
liquid oil (oleo
into a very good "Editor, Chemistry Department." Editor. be determined.
substitute for butter it Every house-wife
is churned with some ^^^^^^^^^^^ '^"'^^^^^^^~ should know how to
milk so that it can ab- test butter and oleo-
sorb some of the butter taste, then some garin will sputter and act like hot fat con- margarin and the important differences be-
coloring matter is added (vegetable com- taininir water, but will not foam. Examine tween them. That is one object of the present
pound), and the mass is finally run into also the curdy particles when the sample is paper. The author trusts it proves of value.

(Continued on page 1


This dfpartmont will award the following monthly prizes: First Prize, $3.00: Second Prize, $2.00; Third Prize, $1.00.
The purpose of this department is to stimulate e.xperimenters towards accomplishing new things with old apparatus or old material
and for the most useful, practical and original idea submitted to the Editors of this department, a monthly series of prizes will be awarded'
For the best idea submitted a prize of $3.00 is awarded: for the second best idea a $2.00 prize, and for the third best prize of $1.00. The
article need not be very elaborate, and rough sketches are sufficient. We
will make the mechanical drawings. Use only one side of'sheet.
^lake .sketches on separate sheets.


By Melville Fisk. S. glance at the illustration will show The articles for the construction of this
T static
made of
machine described herein
simple materials,
and the work
iseasy to
does not
is that while the magnet side of the relay is
open, the small battery motor is running, re-
volving the drum. A
gear may be used if a
slow.r speed is neces-
lamp can be purchased at a small sum, if
you haven't them at home. Flexible lamp
wire is the best for the wiring of this light.

sary. When tiie push ,H00k

A Driving Pulley
button is prest, the ar-
B Jars
Driving belts
mature of the relay is
Brushes attracted, breaking the
Neutra/iz/ng rods motor circuit and mak-
Collectors ing connection on the nond/e of ,

Discliorging Arms other side of the relay screen door"

which goes to the one
set of brushes on one
side of the drum. The
con- is itself
nected to one side of
the battery for the mo-
tor, and to one side of
the current supply for Switch
the lamps. On the
other side of the drum
are the brushes con-

Tubing Xoppermire Brass Tube holder

necting to the different
rings on the drum.
>g==rTTT= These brushes also con-
Tubing ttiomgroph f >.| ( , , ,
nect with the various
Brush needles - - lamps which are again You Have Often Wanted a Portable Battery
Neufrolizjrw Hocfs Collecfors connected to the other
Hand Lamp Here's How to Make One at
Practically No Cost.
. . side of the current
A Home-made Static Machine Constructed from Phonograph,.,..,
Disc r
supply for it,
, i
Records. the lamps. About ten feet of wire is needed, when a
As the button is prest. large dry cell is used which cannot be
require the use of special tools. Asimilar the motor stops and the circuit thru one of carried around. For a pocket (flashlight)
machine built by the writer produces a the lamps is made, the particular lamp de- battery only a few feet is necessary. By
violent and steady spark discharge about an depending upon the position of the drum means of the hook the lamp can be hung
inch or more in length, without the use of when the motor stopt. In front of each anywhere or in any corner on a nail, etc.
Leyden jars. lamp is a pane of glass on the back of which A IVz volt tungsten lamp is right for a.
The plates are two twelve-inch phono- is pasied the fortune telling matter. The single dry cell. A reflector adds greatly
graph records of the disk type. Select t\v front of the glass may be painted with a

to the efiiciencv of the light.

which have one side blank. The tin^jil thin white paint. Contributed by RAYMOND W^A.GNER.
sectors are cemented to the smooth side. Contributed bv
It is not necessary to varnish the plates. WILLIAM
The bosses that keep the plates parallel cii by drilling and then soldering. The needles
the shaft are small cotton spools, that have should be slanted slightly in the direction
a hole in them the size of the one in the in which the plate rotates. The supports
record. Fit the spools up with brass tube are brass tubing, soldered on.
bearing and fasten to the plates with glue. The discharging arms are of brass rod of
A thin cloth or paper washer inserted be- a size that will fit in the collector support-
tween the boss and plate will help the glue- ing tubes. Make a small dent in each tube
to hold. Rubber tire cement will hold bet- so that the rods do not slip all of the way
ter if at hand. The shaft on which the thru. Fit balls to the ends of the rods by
plates revolve extends out J4 of an inch boring, then pegging and soldering.
on either side of the wooden standards An Interesting Electric Fortune-Teller. The jars are used as supports only.
Which Will Provide Hours of Amusement. Varnish them inside and out and fit with
it is held stationary by a cotter pin inserted

in a hole bored down thru the top of the stoppers, bored to hold the collector tubes.
standard. Glue a cardboard washer 1^ inch copper wire bent to shape. They are A simple stopper is made by cutting a large
inches in diameter to the inside of one of pivoted on the protruding ends of the shaft wire spool in half and then winding paper
the plates. The base and standard are made by a short piece of tubing soldered to the around the shank to make a fit with the
of wood in the manner illustrated. center. Press the tubing slightly together jar. Before using soak the stopper in
Make the double driving pulley from a at the open end to make it grip firmly. The melted paraffin. Further insulation can be
large spool such as wire is sold on. brushes are made from very fine copper obtained by placing pieces of a broken rec-
Fasten it to the shaft by drilling thru the strands secured from wire such as is used ord under the jars, r.hie the jars to the base.
shank and shaft and inserting a cotter pin in receiver cords (gilt tinsel). Cut about In operation the neutralizing rods should
or screw. Be sure and make the grooves twelve strands two inches long; tie a knot he at right angles to each other, the best
in the pulleys deep enough to hold the belts in the center, and fold over so that all ends angle, however, can easily be found by trial.
securely. Rubber bands tied together make are together. The brushes are then slipt The brushes should touch the plates lightly
very good driving belts. Tie them with into the small tubes soldered onto the ends no pressure is necessary. The collector
strong linen thread and leave a half inch of the rods and are fastened by squeezing points should be about ^
inch away from
of slack between each band. As the plates the end of the tube together. plates. Be sure that they are all the same dis-
are to revolve in opposite directions, cross Make the collectors as per sketch, using tance away or else some will not contribute
one belt. heavy copper wire. The points are long to the collecting. The distance between
The neutralizing rods are made from Vi phonograph needles, fastened to the arms the plates should be about Y^ to inch. %



A Simply Constructed Gas Generator

AMON'G the automatic pas generators on are many methods which may be employed easily bent to the required shape, leaving
/\^ the market there are few within reach in removing the bell of the bottle, but by small holes in the bottom to allow the acid
of the average experimenter. To meet far the best and surest is the one described to enter. The basket is suspended by means
this condition, Prof. C. D. Dilts has re- below. of a closed piece of glass tubing, bent to
cently developed a generator which may be Several long strips of newspaper, about form a hook, which runs thru the two-hole
easily and cheaply constructed. In experi- an inch wide, should be soaked in water and stopper. The delivery tube from the bottle
wound about the bottle in two bands at the
place where it is desired to break the bot-
tle. About a quarter of an inch should he
left between the two bands. The bottle
should then be slowly revolved with the
hands, allowing a blow-pipe flame to play
upon the exposed part between the bands.
\\ hen this portion is heated sufficiently the
application of a drop of water will cause
the glass to be evenly broken. The edges
should then be smoothed on a soft grind-
stone. The bottom of the smaller bottle is
removed in the same manner.
The sheet lead for the basket may be pro-
cured at any plumbing shop. It may be

Thls Illustration Shows the Different

Parts Composing the "Gas Generator"
Here Described.
Completely Assembled Gas Generator and
menting with qualitative analysis a constant Wash Bottle.
supply of hydrogen sulfide is essential.
This generator, being self-regulating, will may be fitted either with a glass stop-cock
furnish a constant flow of hydrogen sul- or with rubber tubing and metal pinch-
fide, carbon dioxid, or hydrogen. The prin- cock. Altho not absolutely necessan,', a wash
ciple of operation is the same as that of bottle is a desirable addition to the genera-
the well-known Kipp generator, namely that tor, as it not only steadies the flow but
when the gas formed is not allowed to es- cleans and purifies the gas.
cape the solid material is automatically The apparatus should now be assembled
raised out of the liquid, but when the pres- as is illustrated in the drawing and photo-
sure is relieved the solid substance is low- graph. The solid material, such as iron
ered into the liquid, and the generator be- sulfid (when H;S is desired) is placed in
gins to function. As will be seen in the the lead basket and the dilute acid in the
drawing, the four parts are first, a glass
: glass jar. When the smaller bottle is placed
jar or container; second, a bottle of slight- in the jar the acid, reacting with the iron
ly smaller diameter, with the bottom re- sulfid, engenders a flow of H:S which
moved, and fitted with a stopcock in the forces the acid out of the basket if the stop-
top third, a lead basket for holding the
: cock is closed. When the stop-cock is
solid material and fourth, a small wash
; opened, the gas escapes and allows the acid
bottle. to touch the iron sulfid, again causing the
The glass jar may be easily made by cut- formation of H:S. Thus gas is always
ting off the top of a large bottle. There Sectional View of Gas Generator. easily procurable without waste of material.

TESTED CHEMICAL LABORA- very brilliant and beautiful appearance. derful spectacle, and more instructive than
TORY STUNTS. In Water But Not Wet. Powder the
4. reading, to see the sugar turn black, then
1. Spoons Thai ll'tll Mell in Hot Water. surface of a large or small vessel of water boil, and now, rising out of the cup in a
Fuse together 8 parts of bis-
in a crucible with some lycopodium, which may be ob- black color. It is now charcoal.
muth. 5 of lead, and 3 of tin. These metals tained at any drug store; you may then 7. To Melt Steel.
Heat a piece of steel
will combjne and form an alloy, of which challenge any one to drop a coin into the to redness in a fire, then hold it with a pair
spoons can be easily made which possess water, and that you will get it without of pincers. In the other hand take a stick
the remarkable property of melting in hot wetting your hand. The lycopodium ad- of brimstone or roll sulfur and touch the
water, coffee or tea. heres to the hand and prevents its contact piece of steel with it. Immediately after
2. A Self-dancing Egg.
Take a thin glass with the water. their contact the steel will melt and drop
tube about 3 inches long and fill it with 5. Artificiat petrifactions (turning into like melted butter.
mercury' then seal both ends with good hard stone).
In a retort place a small quantity 8. Explosion Without Heat. Take a
wax. Ne.xt have an egg boiled and then of pounded fluor-spar and sand, and pour crystal or two of nitrat of cooper and
break a small piece of the shell from the upon it some sulfuric acid; fluosilicic acid bruise them then moisten them with water

smaller end and thrust the tube with the gas will be disengaged, holding silex in so- and roll them up in a piece of tin-foil, and
mercurv- in, lay it on a table and it will not lution. The subjects you wish to petrify in a minute the foil will begin to smoke and
cease tumbling until the egg is cool. The must be moistened with water and placed soon after will take fire and explode. Un-
same can be done by taking a small bladder in a vessel connected with the neck of the less the crystals of copper are moistened, no
putting a little mercury inside and blowing retort, the silex will be precipitated upon heat will be produced.
it up, then warm the bladder, it will skip them like a frost and will have a beautiful 9. To Melt Lead in Paper.
Wrap up a
about as long as the heat remains. appearance. It will wear for years. Note very smooth piece of lead in a piece of
3. To Gii'c a Piece of Charcoal a Coat of Do not breathe in this gas. paper, then hold it over the flame of a

Siher. Lay a crystal of silver nitrat upon 6. An Experiment Jl'itit .Sugar. Take taper the lead will be incited without burn-

a piece of burning charcoal; the metallic about or 6 pieces of lump sugar and place
.^ ing the paper providing there are no
salt will catch fire and will emit sparks of them in a cup next pour about 3 tea spoons
; wrinkles in the paper and that it is in con-
various colors. The silver is reduced, and, full of boiling water upon them, and then tact with the lead everywhere.
in the end, produces upon the charcoal a add some sulfuric acid. It is truly a won- Contributed by EUGENE McGOWAN.
I 1


Electric Engraving Apparatus contact with some body tor

metallic methods the correct dosage at any the gyroscope. Its application is
(1,289,000; issued to Andrew M. its Ipcation. The circuitformed
is moment by a simple adjustment oi mainly a non-magnetic compass,
Robinson) thru a pair of sensitive head re- its parts. This instrument auto- when such disturbing or directive
An electric engraving apparatus ceivers, the bare electrode, the matically and evenly irradiates sur- force results trom the rotation of
employing a source of electric cur- water and the electrode, and nor- faces of widely variable areas, as, the earth, and for movements and
rent forming an ^arc to produce the mally is of high resistance. for instance, areas of from one mil- changes in the course of a vessel
engraving. It consists of an ap- carrying the compass, and apparent
Recording Telephone rotation of the compass card or con-
(1,290.621; issued to John F. MaJ- trolled member taking place and
thaner) servijig as a measure of the change
A new form of recording tele- in course. The gyroscope is a
phone, ;nore or less on the style of means to partly suppress freedom of
the dictating telephone. A device in rotation about its vertical axis and a
convenient size and weight for use frame within which said gyroscope
on office desks, etc. It is so con- is mounted.
pivotally A resilient
structed that it may be used for means connected with the frame

receiving direct dictation over the adapted work on the gyroscope,

phonograph, and also may be used when the control member or com-
to receive telephone messages from pass card is in connection with said
the ordinary telephone receiver, and frame.
in this manner to record the same
on a phonograph record. Particular
attention is attached to a new form
of reed diafram constructed of the
same width from end to end ap- ; limeter to thirty-two centimeters in
paratus employed with graduatin'* proximately at its ce.tter is mounted diameter.
tools, etc., for marking metal parts a square soft iron disc held in
of machines, etc. A
further object place by clips, which on its under- Secondary Or Storage Battery
in the invention provides an auxil- side has a holder for supporting
(1,285,660; issued to Bruce Ford)
the saffire point of the phonograph.
iary electric current or circuit con- Anew type and form of storage
nected to the pencil, and means in battery, its principal object being to
the pencil for controlling the make minimize leakage between cells and
and break of the auxiliary circuit, still have a multiple voltage battery
to open and close the main circuit of sufficient strength to withstand
so as to prevent arcing when it is the stresses and wear acting on such
raised from the work. This ap- a battery. The structure may be
paratus eliminates this objectionable described as a number of plates
feature. The case contains a trans- having a central portion, one face
former, also a number of switches, provided with a negative formation
by which the character of the cur- and the other face having a posi-
rent may be varied at will. tive formation, with a rim project-
ing beyond both foruiations so as
Current Modulator to fit and be prest into soft rubber
(1,288,117; issued to Francesco tubing, which will make it non-
Mo ran o) Advertising Lamp and Radiometer leakable. The spaces between are
Thechief object of this invention (i, 290, 749; issued to Edward J. filled with an electrolyte, which may
is a metallic microphone for high Hunt) be any plain liquid, or else held
currents, which microphone is con- (1.287,188; issued to Henrich Beck)
The device consists of a motor op- soaked in blotting paper or some A
new design of thermostat, which
stituted by one or more metallic erating on the principle of the radio- other gelatinous formation. to a certain extent eliminates many
meter, in which the moving motor
of the troublesome factors of the
elements are caused to rotate upon
cid style instrument. This type of
their axes by the action of light.
thermostat is one which employs
The device is primarily intended to but cne movable contact, the other
be inserted with the enclosure of
btnip fixt, altho adjustable, and the
any ordinary incandescent lamp bulb
two thermostat elements generally
and combined with the filament sup- control the single movable contact,
port in a manner permitting the
in response to a variation in tem-
use of the usual lamp filament, so But only one is subiect
that the light issuing therefrom
to the action of radiant heat, and
\\l>\\^\[i> \iJ> shall cause the rotation of the sev-
acts directly upon the carrier, nnd
" i^ 'J \^
eral motor vanes. The motor ele- Method of Telephonic Transmis- thereby acts directly upon the mov-
ment consists of a series of vaniJ, sion Without Return-Wire
able contact. The heat ray
preferably four or more, whic!'. -^rc (1,287.180; issued to C. Bardeloni)
silvered upon one side and black- A new method of transmitting
gripping contacts, which gripping ened upon the other side with car-
contact is formed of two contact speech without a return wire. It
bon or lamp black. is sometimes necessary to use a
elements, so arranged that one of
them grips the other. The vibrating single wire for telephonic trans-
element is firmly mounted by the mission without earthing its end. 1/1
A condition like this might exist in Villi
diafram, while the other element is
supported by such means that the connection with an observation bal-
pressure of the contact which is loon where the stringing of the
formed by both elements accurately separate telephone cable would not
atfects it. In consequence, the elec- be feasible. Under these conditions
trical resistance of the contact itself the circuit does not close by con-
may be capable of varying in rigid ductivity, but remains as an open
1 11/
conformity with the vibrations of c:rcuit, the return being formed by
the diafram according to the ampli- one or more metal conductor
tude of said vibrations. squares, electrostatically and elec-
tromagnet ically connected between
Apparatus for Locating Sunken each other. This invention has the
Bodies object of effecting telephonic trans-
(1,287,907; issued to Patrick B. mission by the variations of the
Delany) electrostatic and electromagnetic
Sunken ships and bodies, by the conditions, with jut any metallic
use of this invention, may be found conductors, or the earth, connecting
very readily. It is an electrically the extremities of the system.
operated device, used with some
form of communicating device, such r--| r--]
as a telephone receiver, and acts
upon the principle of the circuit
lAwwJ\ ,Lw^

may be concentrated on the ther-

Radium-Applicator Compass-Gyroscope ii'ostatic element by means of a
(1,288,048: issued to George Kunklc) (1.289,813: is.sued to Emil Klahn) condensing lens. When the element
hi ing closed, and hnving normally a A radium applicator adapted for The invention consists primarily in is at a normal room temperature it
certain definite resistance, i.e., the the use of radium and other radio- mounting the gyroscope so that at is straight, but when the radiant
inventor does not use coils conduc- active salts. The applicator is prop- all times it is unaffected by gravity, heat strikes the thermostatic ele-
tively or otherwise for the detec- erly calibrated in advance and so and in utilizing this potential func- ment, then itcurves slightly upward,
tion. The bare electrode is lowered arranged that the physician using tion of the gyroscope to regulate the moves a crank upon the carrier,
by means of an insulated wirj thr'.: it can accurately measure and ad- position of the controlled member, which presses the fixt contact,
the water, and depends upon actaa! minister by any of the approved when a disturbing force is acting on thereby closing the circuit.


m\tt\ riiiz|Ama|itff
Our Amateur Laboratory Contcsi is open whether subscribers or in>t. Tlie phinus are jmlgtd tHr l>est arrangemem and etticiency of the appa-
to all reatters,
ratus. To increase the interest of this dipartnient we make it a rule not to publish photos of apparatus unaccompanied by that of the owner. Dark photos pre-
ferred to IJghi-toned ones. We pay $3.00 prize each month for the best photo. Address the Editor. "With tht- Amateurs" Depi .

Amateur Electrical Laboratory" Contest

HEREWITH present
thousand volt Tesla
three pictures of my Electrical Laboratory.
!:i this "Lab" you can find anything from a binding post to a six hundred
have constructed two high potential transformers and one welding transformer with an output of three volts
and five hundred amperes. Practically everything in this "Lab*" was built by me. There are several motors, both A. C. and D. C, dynamos,
about a dozen spar!: coils, transformers, storage batteries, small steam engine, rectifiers, Tesla coil (Oudin type), switches of all kinds, telegraph
instrumonts, condenser,', volt and ammeters, et cetera. I can get a twelve to fourteen inch spark from the Oudin coil. If the spark is not
drawn off, it will brush discharge to a length of ten inches, crackling and waving like a thing alive. I perform some very interesting experiments
with the coil. I also have a small storage battery set with a separate switch-board for charge and discharge. I have a search-light (arc), which
will throw a beam about two miles. I operate this on a 110 volt circuit with a transformer built for the purpose. I am now building a 330 watt
I). C. dynamo. I experiment with about everything going and a lot more.
Raymond L. Cassell, Roanoke, Va.


are photographs of my Laboratory. In one oi the photographs may be seen my "\\'ireless Table,*' which contains
for both sending and receiving.
used The
transmitting set consists of a
the different
K. W. step-up transformer, condensers, spark gap,
key, ammeter, et cetera. There is also a 1 inch spark coil for sending short distances. For receiving I have used successfully (before the
war) a tuning coil for short distances and a loose coupler for long distances, in connection with a silicon detector, 2,000 ohm Brandes* phones,
loading coil, variable and fixt condensers. To the left may be seen my switch-board, which is home-made. It contains a number of different
switches, a buzzer, a lamp resistance, and a pilot lamp. To the left of the switchboard there are several shelves on which are different electrical
books, such as '"Hawkin's Electrical Guides. Houston's "Electricity in Everyday Life," and many others. There are various other instruments
tn this table, such as telegraph key and sounder, electric fan, Solderall torch, and an interrupter. Another photograph shows the chemical and
snd photographic table. This table consists of a complete developing and printing set. To the left will be seen the printing box, which is home-
made. The frame is an Auto Mask Printing Frame and is secured to the box by means of small hooks, so as to permit it to be removed easily.
Inside there is a red and a white light. To the righ there are a large number of chemicals, such as nitric acid, bromin, sodivim, et cetera. This
part of my "Lab." comes in handy when I need 2 nicture of some electrical experiment. This laboratory is the result of but one year and a half
of earnest work and study.
J. H. England. .^O*:' 'icorge. (Greenwood, Miss.


Science in Slang
Jazz Stokes on Wireless Dope
bunque, and then some. The same obtains its juice from batteries or other
SAW a while back in a paper that loco,
Is that plain? Yes, well next
Tesla and Marconi were expressing ginks today however sing a different tune sources.
and admit that in 1900 THEY were fast there is a spark coil that steps the voltage
I their ideason interplanetary wireless
communication. It don't look very
to me that it could be
asleep and deader than an Egyptian mummy,
with heads as solid.
up to a dangerous stage and a spark gap that
lets the high tension current break down
"Then along comes Kid Marconi and across the air space. This discharge sets
done in the way
that they proposed it, but
devils around witli oscillators, up an oscillating current of high frequency.
1 don't say that the feat is im-
possible," remarked Jazz Stokes
sending waves thru buildings To increase the efficiency there are con-
and other masses until he gets densers inserted in the circuit these store-
the other night.
'How does a wireless wire?'' to work and builds a real
wireless telegraphing station.
asked Bender.
By sticking his aerials up so
as to clear the buildings and
other masses he finds that he
can send and receive for miles
instead of blocks. In 1901. on
the twelfth day of December,
he shoots a 'can-you-get-it'

across the Atlantic and they
got it. Soon all the first class
vessels were e q u i p t with
radio men and added an-
tennae to their rigging, so that they could
'et the world know that all was off with
them by their C. Q. D. and S. O. S. yelps,
instead of leaving floating spars upon the
briny deep for some brig to sight later.
"Marconi went on improving his appa-/
ratus and handled the financial end so that
besides being a first rate experimenter and
Italian gentleman of standing, he don't have
to eat macaroni with a pencil.
"The world wallows along, and the pat-
ent offices pile up the documents in thcf
wireless department, when an ardent bird.
Dr. Lee de Forest, waltzes on the stage of
industry to the tune of 'N'
THING' and shows us something. You
might mistake it for an incandescent bulb,
Heiney Hertz Who While Monkeying but it is as much like a light globe as a
Doc "Nick" Tesla Papa of the Wireless,
Around Sparl< Coils and a Micrometer Spark
\'ictrola is like a centre table. We
call it
Who Grabbed the First REAL Wireless Pat-
Gap, Fell over the Hertzian Wave. ent in 1900
the Audion Amplifier, and with it in your
"It don't, wire, that is why they call it receiving set you are able to make a squeal up and discharge the juice like a nigger
wireless," returned Jazz. a scream. The wireless nuts first found squirting prune juice thru his teeth, only
"Well," I put in, "of course. Punk and I that it was a scream when the ionizing sun- verv much faster."
know all there is to know about wireless light failed to close the Hula-hula island Taking a pen and pad from his pocket,
but for Bender's sake I wish you would tell and 'Frisco communication in the wee sma' Tazz proceeded, "It is like this see the K
us a little about wireless." hours of the morning, after the hour that is the kev; C, coil: c', condenser; A, aerial;
"You are probably familiar with the .Af- the other detectors went bad on 'em. G, ground and B is for the source of

rican tum-tums and the Indian signal fires," "For Bender's sake I will give you juice. Then the receiving station is like
he began. "They were the original form of 'Kicks'* the line up on a simple wireless this A, aerial; D, detector; R, receiver.
wireless. station. First the transmitting apparatus There is added more stuff to sensitize
"A scientist by the name of Hertz. Herr the layout, but they would only look
Heinrich Hertz, got to monkeying around like a telephone central station wiring
with spark coils and developing the mi- diagram here on paper, and besides,
crometer spark gap or resonator. This there are more different kinds than
apparatus worked on the principle that there are ways for a young boy to go
electro-magnetic waves radiate from a point wrong.
? '1
of discharge. The twinkling spark be- "In Guglielmo Marconi's original
tween the gap was due to induced cur-
contraption the Signor used a coherer.
rent, being virtually a secondary coil where we use a detector or audion
of one turn. Well, this set Heiney to now. The coherer works by being
deducing, and he deduced the present welded by the incoming waves, the
Hertzian theory of wireless wave electrical resistance being less when
radiation. the filings in the coherer are welded.
"While Heinrich, never having The current is so regulated that when
caught up with the second syllable of the wave waltzes in and unites the
his first name, died a poor man, Nick nickel and silver filings, the sounder
Tesla hadn't been napping either. The that is connected in the circuit bangs
whole wireless dope to this bird was down with a faint tap. The coherer is
an unsealed book as early as 1893, when tapt bv a de-coherer, jarring the nickel
Marconi still slid down
the banister in and silver filings loose for the next dot
his knickers. Thus we
see Nikola two- or dash ad infinitum.
stepping it nonchalantly to the Pat. "The detector rectifies the oscillating
Office, where he grabs the first RE.VL current, making it fit to vibrate the
wireless patent along in 19CX). The old diafram on the receiver that the 'Radio-
boy had it all down in black on white, bug' has glued to his ear.
aerial, ground, spark gap. et al the "The audion is an incandescent bulb
real, honest to goodness dope. This with a parallel grid and plate, work-
earned him the title of "Papa of the ing on the theory that current will flow
Wireless." But in those days there
That word is Kick and not Hick. Kick-
were no detectors and few experimen- is
a San Francisco slanj; word it means al-
ters to boot. So the then wiseacres most anvtliing, originating from a kick in
sniffed at Nick's Patents, tapt their booze anil now applying to almost anything.
Who good, bad, and indifferent.
foreheads significantly and made ^^^a Marconi Who Deviled Around Oscillators and
was Shot "Can-You-Get-lt" Across the Atlantic. (Continued on page 911)
known that this wireless stuff all
: :


HE PRa^lteE
The "Oracle" Is for the sole benefit of all electrical experimenters. Questions will be answered here for
the benefit of all, but only matter of sufBcient interest will be publisht. Rules under whiph questions wUI
be answered:
1. Only three questions can be submitted to be answered.
2. Only one side of sheet to be written on; matter must be typewritten or else written In ink, no
penciled matter considered.
3. Sketches, diagrams, etc., must be on separate sheets. Questions addrest to this department cannot
be answered by mail free of charge.
4. If a quick answer is desired by mail, a nominal charge of 25 cents is made for each question. If the questions entail considerable
research work or intricate calculations a special rate will be charged. Correspondents will be Informed as to the fee before such questions
are answered.

500 K. W. DYNAMO DEVELOPS thing semed to be in favor of its perfect when the switch is open half-way it makes
BURNT SPOTS ON operation. But still these spots developed connection, so that the field can discharge
COMMUTATOR, just as you After some thought on
state. thru a resistance. This resistance in some
Geo. W. B., Chicago, III, inquires
the matter itwould seem from later experi- cases has been formed of a lamp bank, and
of the "Oracle"
ences, that some of the following troubles if you try this, you will be surprised to see

Q. 1. What causes commutator bars to

might be the cause of these burnt spots how brightly the lamps flash up whenever
appearing on the commutator the field switch is open, i;e., when the dy-
burn, blacken and roughen up in the fol-
lowing manner? There arc about 4 bars namo is being shut down and after the
under a set of brushes and every set of 4 lllillllllliiiillllllllllllliliilillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllillliiiili
main D. C. bus-bar switch has been
opened. The field magnet, of course, pos-
bars spaced equally between centers of field
poles will blacken. Description of ma- m ODD PHOTOS WANTED AT sesses very high self induction, and when
chine D. C. 500 K. W. rope drive, 8 poles,
: I $1.00 m
EACH!!! the field switch is opened, a very high self-
compound wound, 220 volts. Even airgap I
Kodak pay for
is the ^
a real practi- J
to make your induced current occurs in the field wind-
ings, tending to prolong the magnetization,
all around, commutator undercut, commu- itself in
tator true, field coils equal strength, no H cal way. IVe are after interesting ^ and causing therefore, a very heavy current
of high e.m.f. to occur when the switch is
reversed coils, no overload, machine runs g photographs of out-of-the-ordinary g
alone most of the time; sometimes in par- ^ radio and
electrical, sub- 3 scientific suddenly opened. Practically all dynamos
allel with a \SQ K. W. Brushes have a per- W jects and arc willing pay $1.00 cash J to above 50 K.W. capacity are and should be
H for every one we can use. Please g provided with proper protective field dis-

= production a magazine, a photo- H

g bear in mind that for half-tone re- charge resistance and field break switches
in g of the type described.
B graph should be particularly sharp g 2. It seems that insufiicient brush tension

^ and Of course,
clear. a subject g
interest us particularly H
if would also cause this trouble, not perhaps
s happens to while the machine is rotating at its normal
H well, can hai'C the photo re- g
Zi'C speed and load, but due to a tendency which
J touched. For the general run of sub- g the brushes in such a case might have to
g suchhowever,
jects, does not pay go g
it to jump when the machine was started.
M to expense. Therefore, please S 3. Another possible but hardly probable
H take pains properly focus and ex- H
to source of this burning might be traced to
hard commutator bars. High mica would
g pose your pictures. often happens g It
S that a really mediocre subject g u'ell also cause the trouble, but as you state, in
your particular case the mica has been
W: photographed wins approval over an g
m excellent subject poorly photographed, g undercut.
g And don't send us plate or film"nega- H 4. Trouble is often experienced in power-
g lives": send unmounted or mounted H station work where two or more dynamos
M "prints", preferably a light and dark g are run in parallel, and especially if there
is any weakness in the design of the equal-

g As photograph: Well, H
to zi'hat to izing circuit between the two or more ma-
chines, which may cause heavy cross cur-
g that's hard for us say. We leave g to
g that up you, and every reader now g
to rents to pass between the two machines.
As you win readily conceive, such a current
g has the opportunity become a re- g to
which might be caused by a parli unbal-
g porter of the things the realm g
latest in
ancing of the load between the two ma-

A Large Dynamo Armature Develops Burnt g of Electricity, Radioand Science, g chines, might cause a momentary and in
Spots on the Commutator at Equally Spaced ^ But, please remember the "odd, g it's
Points, Corresponding to the Pole Pitch. One
M novel or practical stunts" that tec are g fact a fairly high e.m.f. transitory current
ot the Remedies Suggested Is That the
Armature Be Equipt with Balancing or Cur- g interested in. Every photo submitted = to pass thru tlie brush and commutator sys-
tem of one of the machines, and such a
rent Equalizing Rings, as Here Illustrated,
which Shows Them Applied to a Parallel-
g should be accompanied by a brief de- g current would tend to have the effect of
Wound D. C. Dynamo Armature. These ^ scription of 100 to ISO 'words.
Give g producing the burnt commutator.
Rings Help to Equalize Any Heavy Cross g the "facts" don't tvorry about the g
Currents In the Armature which Might Pro- g style. We'll attend to that. Enclose g 5. Another trouble which would seem to
duce Such Troubles. g stamps if photos are to be returned H point very strongly as a frequent source of

feet gloss, practically no sparking. Four

and place a piece of cardboard in the g this trouble, and one also that is very often

hundred segments to the commutator, all

envelope with them to prevent muti-
Look around your toivn and H
g overlooked entirely, is the unequal distribu-

Sanding commutator stops the trou-

g lation. tion of the armature curren' in such a large
machine as this. The Editor recollects a
for 2 to 6 months. What causes it?
g see what you can find that's inter- g
A. Wewere particularly interested in
g esting. g '
case at one of the southern universities a
few years ago, where no end of trouble was
J Address photos to Editor "Odd H
the phenomenon you describe where the experienced in the operation of a large
500 K. W. D. C dynamo, which altho ap-
g Photos", El.F.CTRICAL Exi'ERIMF.NTER, g
D. C. generator unit, due to this very rea-
parently in perfect shape and maintenance,
g 2Zi Fulton Street, New York City. g son, i.e., the unequal distriliution of the
develops burnt spots all around the com- lllllliilllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllilllillllllllllillilllllllll current thru the armature windings. This
mutator at points corresponding to the defect in design, for that, of course, is what
spacing of the brush studs. 1. From experience with several smaller it is, causes a number of current paths to

The Editor of the Oracle, while serving machines, especially motors on elevator be set tip periodically around the armature,
as engineer in a large power house some service, it would seem that field discharge and comparatively heavy currents will start
years ago, had similar trouble, and it prac- currents, which are often of very high in- flowing around these paths, their area being
tically defied solution by any of the experts stantaneous e.m.f. value, would be liable to that enclosed between the axial lines of the
who attempted to remedy it. Also in this cause this burning. The remedy, or rather two field poles in most instances. In the
case, it is clearly recollected that the ma- safeguard, against such trouble from this case in question, thic was finally solved by
chine, of about the size you mention, was source would be to provide a field break the proper designing and installation of
in very fine running condition, and every- switch fitted with an extra contact, so that (Continued on page 888)

The Opportunities
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President Chicago Technical College

During the twenty-

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THE ORACLE. wire, taking off taps from the third, fourth,
fifth and .six layers.
(Coii/iiiMrti from page 886)
Preserve Your We very strongly surmise from the
current equalicitif! riitys placed on the bacl- symptoms you give in your letter concern-
Phonograph Records! of the armature, as shown in the acccm-
panying illustration. ' C3
^lany different windings have been p.'O-
posed and used successfully, but the ma- f\f\i\i\r\r\r\r\
jority of direct-current armatures are
wound with either the single-parallel ring
winding, the single-parallel drum winding,
or the single-series drum winding. The pm
single-parallel drum winding is probably
more used than any otlier, and, on large
multipolar machines, any unbalanced con- / sguors ir'ter iron corg
dition in the magnetic circuits is likely to
cause the current to divide unequally
among the several paths thru the arma-
ture. For example, if the air gap on one How Choke or "Ballasf Coll Is Made for
Use in an A. C. Arc Lamp Circuit. This
side of the armature becomes slightly Takes the Place of the Resistance Coil in a
shorter than that on the opposite side, D. C. Arc Lamp.
which may easily occur due to wear of the
ing the failure of the arc to operate, that
A^Ordinary Dew.
Steel Needle.
bearings, the flux in the short air gap will
this is the trouble, as on A. C. circuits re-
B As the ordiniry needle wear 3 down, w(Bf become unduly dense, thus causing the gen-
sistance will give a very poor break spark,
f iti lapfrform, it can no longer ht the eration of higher e.m.f. in the armature
and for this purpose there is required an
record groove pcrlcctir and *^a9 a tend- conductors on that side than in those on
ency towear the record.
inductance of the order described above.
the other side, and the path that develops
OSonora Needle having parill&t tid*f the highest e.m.f. takes the greatest share
ALWAYS fits record Eroo- -: exactly and
of the current. In some cases this unbal- HOMOPOLAR DYNAMO.
Icnetfaeos the record life.
anced condition may not be bad enough to (992) O. S. M.. U. S. N. R. F., writes:
TvarawmHT v quality .-^

Srmanorfi cause trouble other than some slight spark-

ing, but in extreme cases, the e.m.f. of one
Q. 1. Giving a sketch of a commutator-
less D. C. dynamo which he has invented
path or of the paths on one side of the and believes to be entirely new.
armature may become so excessive as to A. 1. We have looked over your draw-
Semi-Permanent Silvered reverse the current in some of the other ings and description of what you term a -

NEEDLES paths, making part of the armature act as a direct current commutator-less dynamo,
Replace steel needles! generator and part of it as a motor at the and while you appear to have something
n*r pUr 60 to 100 tlniM wltbooC wariD out same time. This condition is usually ac- new inthe peculiar design of the pole-
companied by severe vibration of the whole shoes of the field magnet and the arrange-
Ue Sonora Needles mellower for
machine, due to excessive mechanical ment of the armature inductors, the whole
tone, greater economy, conveni- strains, with more or less violent sparking principle of this type of dynamo has been
ence and for longer record life. or tiashing at the brushes, and the machine known for the last forty years or more.
l^ud AUdium Soft is said to be "bucking." On account of the In other words what you have shown is
effects of armature reactions, bucking is simply the well-known "homopolar" dy-
30c per card of 5 somewhat more liable to occur in motors namo, also called the "unipolar" dynamo.
Sample Needle FREE Wrtte font. I than in generators. The bad effects due to Faraday's first disk type dynamo belonged
>onora |3f)onograp!) ba\ti unbalancing can be eliminated by providing to this class. All machines of this type
the armature with equalizer rings as shown. have the disadvantage of producing a very
ompanp,3)nt. By means of equally spaced leads these low electromotive force or voltage and are
rings connect points of equal potential in not usually practical, altho a few machines
179 Broadway, Dept G. ^^^w York the w'inding and allow an equalization of of this type have been used, where a very
Um SoDori Needles on all makes of current between the various paths in the heavy current at a potential of a few volts
sleel needle records armature. was desired. You will find all the informa-
CAUTION! Beware of rimiUrly .Sometimes erratic line disturbances, mo- tion you may desire in this direction by re-
coojtructed needles of inferior quality ferring to the following works
tor flare-backs, defective motor control ap-

i B paratus, will cause tlie effect you describe.

We would recommend that you look up
"Elementary Lessons in Electricity and
Magnetism," by Silvanus Thompson, page
498. Also you would do well to refer to
Humanize Your some of the better class books on D. C. ma-
chinery operation and design, particularly
those by Hobart and Parshall. which you
Professor Thompson's complete treatise,
"Dynamo Electric Machinery," and a most
Talking Machine can procure at your local library. thoro work covering the complete design
and calculation of the electrical as well as
with the Ellis "JIusic Master" Reproducer. II the magnetic circuits of the "homopolar"
Is adapted for alt makes of machines uslnif
disc records and entirely oFercomes those
BALLAST COIL FOR ALTERNAT- dynamo is given in Prof. Alfred E.
harsh, rasping, scratching, metallic Bounds. ING CURRENT ARC-LAMP. VViener's excellent book, entitled "Con-
disagreoable naaal tones and other annoying (991) Henry Tustin, Ocean Grove, N. tinuous Current Dynamo Electric Ma-
"faults". Brings out all the hidden harmoolefl. J.,
musif-al shading and tone coloring and makes writes chinery Design." These books are available
your old phonograph sound like an entirely Q. 1. I am
having trouble in operating thru our "Book Department."
dlfTerent in.strument. (Juaranteed for five years, an experimental arc-lamp on 110 volts. The outline of the action of the machine
but Improres with age and will last a lifetime. you show is in accordance with the opinion
Write for circular "E".
What can you suggest?
A. 1. Regarding the operation of arc of this machine given by Prof. Silvanus
Thompson, in which he says in part:
J. H. ELLIS, P.O. Box 88 lamp at 110 volts house lighting current,
you do not state what kind of current you "There is a class of dynamo-electric ma-
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
have, whether alternating or direct. For chine, differing entirely from any of the
one thing, this factor would determine commutating types, in which a coil or other
whether your experiment would be a suc- movable conductor slides around one pole
'gleabtone phonographs cess or not, for the reason that if you are of the magnet and cuts the magnetic lines
$4.00 to (200.00 Retail
NeedltS $45o per thousand In Ion of 500.000 trying to operate the arc on alternating cur- in a continuo%ts manner without any re-
Molon 1.35 to $14.75 each. Ttone Arms and
Itoproducers $1.30 to $5.75 per set. Main rent, then you will find invariably that it versals in the direction of the induced cur-
Sprtncs 20c to 90c each. Records. Nee^lles. will not operate well using a simple re- rents. Such machines, sometimes called
Rapphire Polnu and Parts at rfasonable
prices. sistance coil or rheostat in series with it. 'homopolar' or 'unipolar, hai'C a ziery low
Write for our 84 page catalogue, the only one electromotive force or voltape.
of lu kind In America, lllustrallnii MS dlfTer- For alternating current
operation the Faraday's
tnt styles of Talklnjr Machines and oyer 500 disk machine belonged to this class"
different Phonfigrai.hic fan.s. proper ballast is always composed of an ad-
LUCKY 13 PHONOGRAPH COMPANY justable impedance or choke coil made up
Eiport Dept 4>)I> y. i-'th St.. N . Y.. U.S A. The stream that has been supplying the
of an iron wire or laminated sheet iron
core on which several layers of magnet
wire are wound. Where an ordinary 1,200
ancient city of Damascus with water for
forty centuries has been harnessed to pro-
vide electricity to light the city and operate
"Like teAn<Daa taneand aii<raar." Oar DUc B*eorda C. P. arc, such as used in ordinary- store
repeat the correct ajiccnt mmi prononciAtion until Toa a railway.
it. Family r I f nrnd* ..nj-py t^n^i^sce Study by tb lighting, etc.. is employed and taking about
LANGUAGE-PHONE METHOD 5 amperes on a 110- volt circuit, the im- According to an Italian scientist's fig-
flosenthal's Prscticat Uneuistry
W.r hi. -.^'.-'1 inti"iled
thoM who kr.o lin^uasei
Preoa^.- now
pedance coil may be composed of an iron ures, a square mile of the earth's surface in
hettr yoir position o- inrrpa,.: rour 6Ti.in..a
Used sod r-coounrn']?4 by ed'^tor in le.dini{
core about 4" x 2", as shown in the dia- six hours of sunshine receives heat equiv-
coUejt-. Writ- forn'.^kl-ta = d Fr Tri.IOffer. gram, and on one leg of which is wound
THE LAMCUAGE PHONE METHOD alent to the combustion of more than 2.600
931 Putnam BuHdiwg 2W 4<th St.. H.T. about six layers of No. 14 D. C. C. magnet tons of coal.
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quick for yours. GuarHn-l
less terms which should prove useful to all radio
operators and students of the art. The various
ships of the navy and on shore a nice little
poser that has been asked many times thru our

teed for 5 years. You can technical terms are arranged alphabetically, and
rent, buv on easy terms, se- the subject matter given seems to cover most of "Oracle Department," and of the editors per-
cure cash discount or easily the more important terms used in radio engineering sonally every time we meet a "Radio-bug."
earn one thrfutrh ay' ''
and operating. Some of the detinitions are rather Tlien follow interesting chapters on naval eti-
plan; ro eanvassinff.
for Offer No. Id4 terse, and it seems that they could have been easily quette and customs, including what to do when
amplified without increasing the size of the book the officer of the deck passes you. when to
TYPEWRrrra emporium very much.^ For instance, we tind the term "billi- stand up, and when to sit down when a naval
34-36 Lake St, officer enters a cabin, and when an army officer
cinctly says
condenser," and the definition of the term suc-
"consists of a metallic tube made to enters a tent or barracks; what to say and how
slide over an insulating tube having a metallic to say it, why a "gob" or his high superior
lining." Tliis detinition does not mean very much officer must walk down Broadway in the pouring
to any radio man. and really it is nothing but a rain without an umbrella, and also you will find
trade definition, while as a matter of fact most ot it prescribed in the rules and regulations on
"tTGet aGood Job the regular text-books on wireless telegraphy de-
scribe this condenser as one having a definite
electrostatic capacity of one billi-farad.
naval etiquette, that it is unbecoming an officer
in uniform to carry a package of any kind.
at the close of the hum-drum of red tape, which
YoT] have the rpticirements nccesaaryto hold a ?ood This little
job but do you know hnw topftone? "1 his book en- work forms a handy, low-priced compilation of tells you how you shall place your feet, and
titled "Cettlng a Good Job," will tell you how. wireless terms which may prove of considerable use when you shall take off your hat, also when you
Based on the practices followed by bip. Buccessful to radio students and others interested generally in can use your handkerchief, and which proves
cmpJoyera, it tella what to do and say how to make this line of work. mighty interesting reading to us poor land-lub-
Clalk applications by letter how to cet per- liers. we come to the most interesting announce-
sonal interviews what kind or job to
choose references, how to nse them

ment that "it is customary for a committee of
or^Bwerioff ttdvertisemrnt* in all 135 officers, to make the round of calls on New Year's
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You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

! J

\Tobacco Habit The Moon's Rotation

BilNISHEDm (Continued ram page 866
4a ioTS Hours festly absurd and of no bearing on the consumed in the supposed axial rotation,
question under consideration. which is, consequently, wholly illusionaryj
Ill all the coninimiications 1 have received, Something even more interesting may, how-
tho different in the manner of presentation, ever, be stated. As I have shown before,
No craving for tobacco in anyi the successive changes of position in space a ball flying off will rotate at the rate of
when j'ou begi n taki ng Tobacco are mistaken for axial rotation. So, for in- the wheel and in the same direction. But
Don't try to quit the tobacc
aided. It'saloeingfit'btag'ainsth __ .
stance, a positive refutation of my argu- this whirling motion, unlike that of a pro-
and means a serious ehock to the nervoue ments is found in the observation that the jectile, neither adds to, nor detracts from,
Byetem. Let tfac tobacco habit quit YOU.
It will Quit you, if you will just take
moon exposes all sides to other planets the energy of the translatory movement
Tobacco Redeemer, according: to direc- It revolves, to be sure, but none of the which is exactly equal to the work con-
tions for two or three days. It is a most evidences is a proof that it turns on its sumed in giving to the mass the observed
marvelouely quick and thoroughly reliable fl
I remedy for the tobacco habit, ' axis. Even the well-known experiment velocit)-.
with the Foucault pendulum, altho exhib- From the foregoing it will be seen that
I Not aRedeemer
Tobacco contains no habit-
I iting similar phenomena as on our globe,
would merely demonstrate a motion of the
in order to make one physical revolution on
its a.xis the moon should Iiave twice its
I fonningdrugreof any kind.
a Bubetitute for tobacco.
It is in no sense H
H satellite about smiic axis. The view 1 have present angular velocity, and then it would
After finishing'
the treatmentyou have absolutely no desire advanced is XOT
B.^SED THE- ON A contain a quantity of stored energy as given

I to use tobacco agrain or to continue the use

I ORY but on facts dciiionstrahh by c.rf'cri- in my above letter to the New
York '^ih-
of the remedy. It makes not a particle of vicnt. It is not a matter of definition as une. on the assumption that the radi' s of
difference how long you have been using
tobacco, how much ytiu use or in what form
H some would have A MASS REVOLV- gyration is 2/5 that of figure. This, of
I you a-e it whether you emoke cigars. * IXG OX ITS AXIS MUST BE POSEST
course, is uncertain, as the distribution of
cigarettes, pipe, chew plug or fine cut or
uaeBDuff,TobaccoRedeemer will positive-
OF MOMENTUM. If it has none, there density in the interior is unknown. But
ly banish every trace of desire in from 48 is no axial rotation, all appearances to the from the character of motion of the satel-
to 72 hours. This we absolutely goiarantee contrary notwithstanding. lite it may be concluded with certitude that
in every case or money refunded.
Write today forour free bookletshowing
h .\ few simple rertections based on well it is dez'oid of momentum about its axis.

thedeadlyeffectof tobaccoupon the human H establisht mechanical principles will make If it be bisected by a plane tangential to the
eyetem and positive proof that Tjbacca
Redeemerwillquickly free you of the habit. "~
.1 this clear. Consider tirst the case of two
equal weights if and Wi, in Fig. 1, whirled
Newell Pharmacal Company, about the center O on a string .s as shown.
Z>cpt. 52 1 St Louis. Mo.
I -\ssuming the latter to break at a both
weights will fly off on tangents to their

Write For New ^ circles of gyration, and, being animated

with different velocities, they will rotate
iBcr{s\ AlTO-n'HEEL
around their common center of gravity o.
If the weights are whirled is times per sec-

FREE FELT PENNANT ond then the speed of the outer and the
inner one will be, respectively, V 2 ^
Send Da the names of three coaster waffon dealers, R +
/) n and Vi :^ Z'^(R r) n, and the

mentionins which handle tb AUTO-WHEIEL, and
wc"lJ Bend yoQ a beaatifol Felt Pennant FREE and ditTerence (' I'l ^
4iT r n, will be the
tell yoa a]l ahoat the wonderful Aoto-Wheel Coaster length of the circular path of the outer
and the patented Aoto-Wheel Convertible Roadster.
weight. Inasmuch, however, as there will
Diagram illustrating the Rotation of Weights
WmMo'I TOU iJke Orfaabe a Coaster Clab?
to be equalization of the speeds until the mean Thrown Off By Centrifugal Force.
It's ercat fun. Every member receives o F F.
cap and the Captain a spoo^at cap. When
yon write, be eure to ask for full in
value is attained, we shall have = orbit, the masses of the two halves are
forriLation and the new Auto-Wheel 2 inversely as the distances of their centers
Booklet. It'a briaiful
information you should have.
of 2'^rn =
2'i'rN, X
being the number of of gravity from the earth's center and,
revolutions per second of the weights therefore, if the latter were to disappear
The BoHalo Sled Co. around their center of gravity. Evidently suddenh', no axial rotation, as in the case
Dept.163 N.Ton- then, the weights continue to rotate at the of a weight thrown off, would ensue.
awanda, N. Y. original rate and in the same direction. I

In Canada: know this to be a fact from actual ex- WHAT IS MAN?

Preston, periments. It also follows that a ball, as .\ man weighing 150 pounds will contain
Ont. that shown in the figure, will behave in a appro.ximatelj- 3,500 cubic feet of gas,
similar manner for the two half-spherical oxygen, hj-drogen and nitrogen in his con-
masses can be concentrated at their centers stitution, which at eighty cents per thousand
of gravity and in and )i, respectively, cubic feet would be worth $2.80 for illumi-
which wili be at a distance from o equal to nating purposes. He also contains all the
^'8 ' . .
necessary fats to make a 15-pound candle,

This being understood, miagine a number and thus, together with his 3,500 cubic feet
of balls ^1/ carried by as many spokes ,S" of gases, he possesses considerable illumi-
radiating from a hub //. as illustrated in nating possibilities. His system contains
Fig. 2, and let this system be rotated n 22 pounds and ten ounces of carbon, or
times per second around center O on fric- enough to make 780 dozen, or 9,360 lead
tionless bearings. A certain amount of pencils. There are about fifty grains of

cMo-Whed work w'ill be required to bring the struc-

ture to this speed, and it will be found that
it equals exactly half the product of the
masses with the square of the tangential
iron in his blood and the rest of the body
would supply enough of this metal to make
one spike large enough to hold his weight.
.\ healthy man contains 54 ounces of phos-
BOYS BUILD THIS CAR velocity. Now if it be true that the moon phorus. This deadly poison would make
800,000 matches, or enough poison to kill
This nifty little car driven by gasoline rotates in reality on its axis this must also
motor, can be built by any boy. Parts
are furnished by us and are very hold good for EACH
of the balls as it per- five hundred persons. This, with two ounces
^\ ^B cheap. Hend 2 6 cents for building forms the same kind of movement. There- of lime, make the stiff bones and brains.
^ -^* rlang and urice list of parts showinK
bow to fore, in imparting to the system a given No difference how sour a man looks, he
build this contains about 60 lumps of sugar of the
lads' ear.
velocity, energy must have been used up in
the axial rotation of the balls. Let .1/ be the ordinary cubical dimensions, and to make
mass of one of these and A' the radius of the seasoning complete, there are 20 spoon-
g>Tation. then the rotational energy will be fuls of salt. If a man were distilled into
E YzM (Z-TRnY. Since for one com- water, he would make about 38 quarts, or
plete turn of the wheel every ball makes more than half his entire weight. He also
one revolution on its axis, according to contains a great deal of starch, chlorid of
the prevailing theory, the energy of axial potash, magnesium, sulfur, and hydro-
rotation of each ball will be c YiM = chloric acid in his wonderful human sys-
iZ'if r,n)', n being the radius of gyration tem.
about the axis and equal to 0.6325 r. We Break the shells of 1,000 eggs into a huge
can use as large balls as we like, and so pan or basin, and you have the contents
aim Fhre Passeneer 37 H. P. car, 1 1 G In. whi. base*. AH besr- make c a considerable percentage of E and to make a man from his toe-nails to the
_ ^Timken. pelco Ifin.-IJyneto Stg. and Ltg.
for my ffTet fVoe Off- r ar.'f 4
yet, itpositively established by experi-
is most delicate tissues of his brain. And this
to drive
Bis money.
and denionstrate. T
Car ment that each of the rotating balls contain is tlie scientific answer to the question,
D U9n
fr'ara.iteed or m'.n-y hark. Ifil9 cara rirvdv,
Ca_r jr'ara.iteed
Address J. H. Bush, President. Dept.jMB
MOTOR CO*. 6iistt Temple. Chlcaso* lUuiots only the energy E, no power whatever being "What is Man?"

Yon benefit by mentioning lite "Electrical Exfcrimentey" when writing to advertisers.



"I am familiar with the textbooks and melhod of instruction used by the
International Correspondence Schools in their Courses in Electrical Eng^incer-
ing. and I also know of a number of young men who have taken these Courses
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but who cannot lind an opportunity to go throuijh an entrineering college, if he
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You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



HOW BOY SCOUTS CAN GAIN set and know what precautions to take
"WIRELESS MERIT" BADGE. during a thunderstorm.
The committee on badges, awards and Demonstrate how to rescue a person in
Commercial scout requirements of national headquar- contact with a live wire, and have a knowl-
ters has just established a "wireless merit" edge of the method of resuscitation of a
badge which no doubt will become quite person insensible from shock.
Write a brief essay on the development
Telegraph Apparatus popular as soon as there is an opportunity
for scouts to perfect themselves in the de- of wireless telegraphy.
tails. The requirements are as follows
Be able to receive and send correctly hot
Barg ams less than 10 words a minute. ELECTRIC DRIVE FOR U. S. WAR-
Know the correct form for sending a SHIPS.
message. America's capital fighting ships of the
Standard twenty ohm (POOO Be able to tell in own words the prin- future will be superior to those of other na-
Telegraph Sounders at 'Pleach cipal laws regarding radio communication. tions because of their electrically driven
Know at least 10 of the radiogram abbre- machinery. Secretary Daniels told the
Steoidard Telegraph 125 viations (Q signals). House Naval Committee recently, in dis-
Keys at leach Be able to name two types of detectors closing remarkable results attained by the
and explain how they work. new dreadnouglit New Mexico, equipt
110 Volt A.C. Name five minerals used in detectors in with the electric drive which is to be a fea-
Dynamos _^ the order of their sensitiveness. ture of all the big ships authorized since
leach Draw a diagram of a simple transmitting 1916.
Three Bar set, showing how the following instruments The New Mexico's turbo-electric ma-
Four Bar Z^ach are connected: Source of power (dynamo chinerywas designed to develop 26,500
or storage battery), transformer, condenser, horse-power at full speed and to give the
Five Bar Z^^ch spark gap, helix, key, and explain their ship a speed of twenty-one knots.
function. "It actually developed more than 31,000
For other bargains see page 93S Draw a simple diagram showing how to horse-power," Mr. Daniels said, "and main-
connect the following instrments Tuning : tained for four hours a speed of twenty-
coil or loose coupler, condensers, fixt or one and one-quarter knots, and this when
Skinderviken Telephone Equipment Co] variable, detector, 'phones and ground. Tell running ai a displacement 1,000 tons greater
the use of the above apparatus. than its design called for.
Abbrevialed Addreu
Draw a diagram of three different types The secretary said fuel economy at cruis-
STECO-2118.2136 N.Clark St. CHICAGO of aerials and tell their advantages or ing speed had been one of the things sought
faults. in substituting electric drive for the ordi-
Know how to properly ground a radio nary turbine equipment.

Buy direct and save on
%\'> 10 520 a Practical Chemical Experiments
come in -54 styles, colors and sizes.
Greatly improved: prices reduced. {Continued f rom page 880)
Other reliable model; WE
and 3'J
to you on approval
d'lya trial and riding test.
TO TEST FOR COAL TAR COLOR- strong. On the other hand the bcia and
\'. Our bic FREE catalos shows ING. ganiiiKiradiation of Mcso-thorium grows
everj'thini? new in bicyclesand aun- Experiment No. 3. See Fig. 3. rapidly and it can be used for medicinal
; dries. Write for it.
To purposes within a few days after prepara-

,' TIRES, lamps, wheels, parts and for coal tar colors in butter, a
f> 8Upplie3at half usual prices. small sample is mixed on a porcelain plate tion.
Do not buy a bicycle, tires, or Radium, we are
Isundriea nntil you get our wonder- with Fuller's earth, and if coal tars are told, has a long life, half
ttangmr ful newofffTB.Xovi prices and libei^
present, there will be a red mass, while if of it decaying in approximately 1800 years.
terms. A postal brintrs everything.
Bimctrle absent the color will be only light yellow or Meso-thorium on the other hand possesses
motorblkt^ mead;Dent. D-r07. Chicago brown. a short life, 5 or 6 years being its useful
Experiment No. 4. life for luminous purposes. For luminous
Build Your Own PHONOGRAPH, Put a little butter in a test-tube, and a
paint to be used on objects which themselves
It'a Easy With Our Help SAVE have a short life, it is an excellent substi-
A ffw hours inieresting work
littleoleomargarin into another. To each
tute for radium and will conserve the ele-
you A
many dollars and gives
mactUne exactly to suit
OVER add one inch or so of alcoholic potash solu-
ment radium for medicinal purposes only.
tion, and warm each in the steam of the
your Ideals.
tone arms,
We furnish mntnra,
uiait-rial. blue
ca-so water bath. Distinguish the one from the
prints ami full instruclion^.
PUys any record. You can make
other by smell, .^dd a little sulfuric acid Static Electricity and Gasoline.
tine profll building phonographs Static electricity, superinduced by the
for your friends.
(dilute) to each and smell again. Notice
Write Today for Our Free that "oleo" test tube will only smell of alco- passage of gasoline thru chamois skin dur-
Blue Print OfTer. Asenta ing the filtration process, was declared to
wanted for our ready built hol, hut that the other will smell, besides,
Choral eotis. of butyric ether. be full of great danger. When this idea
Qioralenn Phonograph Co. became prevalent, a well known automobile
704 Manj.-r BU: Elkturl, IimI-
Radium Substitute. concern undertook a series of rigid experi-
We are all familiar with the uses
quilc ments to learn what prospects there were
of Radium in medicine and as an ingredient of real danger. Their investigations re-
House Lighting Plants in luminous paint, both of which have been
brought to the general public's attention
sulted in their finding that the static elec-
tricity scare from the use of chamois skin
$225 to $2100 within the past few years. was without foundation. They claim to
Write for Catalog. giving
I-uminous paint in particular offers a field have secured authentic data from which it
name of your electrical deal-
'-r. Asents Wanted. whereby a substitute for Radium may be was proved that a static electric charge
judiciously utilized. This paint played an .cannot be developed with the temperature
Dynamos, Motors above freezing (32 deg. F.), while at zero
All slzc-9. Battery Chargers important role in the war which has just
and Motor Generator Sets. terminated, having been used more par- (0 deg. F.) the conditions for producing
$25 to fl20. Hydro -Electric
Generators. ticularly on the dials of instruments used the spark are most favorable.
SPECIAL Holtzer-Cabot
on airplanes, so that they could be read at
110-V. A C. Hand Generators,
while thfy last, only $5. night. It has also been used for electric Two Trade Secrets.
Ord*rr from this ad.
push buttons, door numbers, etc. The paint There are two trade secrets at least that
WATSON ELECTRIC CO.. Dept. 14, Gas Bldp.. Chicago.
is permanently luminous in the dark and the world at large may never know, but
BIG BUNCH OF FUN contains from 0.1 to 0.25 milligrams radium which it is well worth the while of inventors
1 NVw Airship
Airships. 1
10' element to one gram of zinc sulfid. A to study. One is the Chinese method of
' h.rkt-r Board and men. 1 Chl- luminous watch face usually contains from making the bright and brilliant color known
ritvir Ll|i-5f-lu-la, 1 Set Domlnoe.-i.
12 Other Games. 1!) Lessons In
ten to twenty cents worth of radium on it. as Vermilion, or Chinese red and the other

MaKic. 12 Money Making Secrets.

Wlrcle-is Code. IS Pictures Pre'ty
.'Kn excellent substitute for radium for is a
Turkish secret the inlaying of the
<'.\tU. 3 ruzzle*. & New Ford Joke certain purposes is Meso-thorium. This is hardest steel with gold or silver. Among
Book. All for 10c with large Cata-
a radio-active element found in Monazite the Chinese and Turks these two secrets
Dept. 72 sand and other thorium minerals. When are guarded well. Apprentices, before they
American Toy Lowell. Mass.. U. S. A. first extracted it is not satisfactory for are taken' for either trade, are compelled to
luminous paint, and consequently must be swear an ironclad oath to reveal nothing of
Printing Cheap
.^...^CardB.circulare. labelf(.book.pa[)4T Pre^-S^",
"ripened" for several months, or even a what passes in the workshop. They must
I.arKer $30 Job press SflS np.Save m'^'nc v. Pri nt year before it can be used. During this also belong to families of high standing,
for other*, big profit. All easy. rule.. 8eot.
Writ* factorr for press catalo.TYPE.card, time the alpha radiation, which is required must pay a large sum of money as a guaran-
paper THE PRESS CO. 0-47 M*Hdn,Conn. for luminous paint, becomes sufficiently (Continiicd on page 911)
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical' Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Thousands of Electrical experts are needed to help rebuild the world. Come to Chicago to the great
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Earn Your Way Send Today for Big Free Book full particulars.
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You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

^ ;



For use in homes, offices, drug stores,
GET OUR restaurants, hospitals and institutions, a
Mr. R. W. DeMott Milwaukee concern has designed a con-

For months past Mr. R. W.

venient size of Ozone Water Purifier con-
structed as shown in the accompanying
DeMott has been advertising manager
DO Your
Own PLUMBING of your magazine.
illustration. It is pointed out that in the

AND HEATING at low cost You have noticed the rapid grozvlh
ozonizing process employed, ozone is pro-
duced by means of an electric current and
for our big instructive
of "E. E." during that time. One big mixed thoroly with the water as drawn
256 patie well-bouud Haudj- reason for this astounding gro'u'th
from the faucet, so that all water used
Man Book Catalog. Every and betterment of your magazine is
Home comes into actual contact with ozone. The
Owner. Contractor, due directly to .Vir.' De.Moti and his
Electrician, Farmer, Factory extra o.xygen atoms of the ozone combine
Manager, etc.. needs it. Shows with organic matter of the germs in the
over m.oOO Fixtures and Sup- If you have the welfare of your
magazine at heart, read Mr. De^fott's
water and burn them up. The carbon
plies in plumbing and heating
dioxid formed by this chemical action
at wholesale. Shows how to message. It means monev to \ou.
save ."ikilled labor, hard work passes out into the air leaving a trace of
The Publishers.
and unnecessary material by the same effect produced in carbonated
beverages, which adds to the palatability

dvertising Talks of the ozonized water. It is claimed that

all tastes and odors are removed .by this
Cot-to-fit-Method Vou. as a reader of the process while mineral elements essential to
This woiuierful book helps vou selet.-. ami ins. a 1 iht- Electrical Experimenter, health remain, for they do not oxidize.
VTx>ivrPlunibiup. Water SupiiLv Sjsleiu. llni An
Water or Sleam Plain. Besides being our Wlmli- ak- are vitally interested in There are a great many cities whose
t-'a'.alug u has many practic-il every department of the magazine. water supplies are chlorinated and it is
plans. cUagrams, sketches, ele-
\Htions. etc.. showing how tn There are some very strong reasons claimed that the use of this ozone water
do the work this newer, cut-
lo-fliway. Any handv man
why you should be doubly interested purifier will eliminate the odor and taste
Milh a tew lnols can easllv do in the advertising. of chlorin from the water the same as it
hi? own ins:alUiii: witti iiiv
aul of this The
publishers are constantly striv-
big Handy - Man Book ing and planning to improve the qual-
We have spared no ity of the magazine offered you each
efTori and have gone lo ;i

great exi>ense to compile month. But it is your magazine and

this valuable book. Wiih
it is up to you as to how big it shall
eeitncmy a uatiouai
nei-essiiy, it would be un- grow. There are a great many things
patriotic to send tliis ei-
i ensite bonk bruadcast that .vou ought to know about adver-
Id non- Interested parties.
tising, and how this powerful force
Therefore, we request a
umporary deposit fur each affects you personally.
cuiiy of 25c which We re-
Iiirid on first order, or
Progressive and responsible firms
we send our Bargain Bul- all over the country announce what
letin Free. Addrrs. Tuday


they have to offer you through the
advertising pages of the Electrical
4510-20 Cottage Grove Ave.. Chicago E.XPERIMENTER. Not only will you
$500,000 plants behind our guarantee help your magazine by showing an
interest in its advertisers, but you will
benefit yourself to an even greater
IEariied$2200l. degree. I will take up these points one
by one each month, and hope that
every reader will follow this column
and offer any suggestions or ask any
questions that may come to his mind

.J: regarding advertising and its relation

to a big magazine.
If you have any suggestions to
make regarding the advertisements
that appear, if is any informa-
nPHis is
tion you would like regarding adver-
Richard A. -'

tising in general, write me personally

Oldham. He earned $2200.00
in four months with a Hay-
and your questions will be taken up
in due course through this column. New Design of Ozone Water Purifier for the
^ood Tire Repairing outfit. For
20 years he was telegraph operator on the 1-or the ne.\t few months I will tell Home. Office and Factory. The Ozonizer
Illinois Central Railway. He isnow 58 years you about "E. E." advertising and its Connects With Any Lamp Receptacle. The
old. He answered my advertisement quit Purifier Has a Capacity of Over 2.000 Gallons
relation to you. Each month I will Per Day.
his job bought a plant and opened a busi-
ness. He just wrote me
"1 have made more give you one reason more why the
in eight months than 2'; yearsas operator." advertisements should be of vital in- eliminates other objectionable odors and
There are now 500 stations where tire re- terest to everyone of us. tastes.
pairing is neglected.
You have watphed the Experimenter As an amelioration of filtered water, or
I Must Have 500 Men grow from a sixteen-page maga-
little as a substitute for filtered or distilled water,
To Fill These Positions zine to its present size. You have it is claimed the process of ozonization
I have a intercstinK Book to send yotl.
Bij? watched the class of articles improve, stands by itself it has no equal in efficiency;

It tells nil about tires gives its staff of authorities who contribute the removal of disease germs is absolute
inside figaresand profit Send
for It What Oldham and others
each month get bigger and better, the water resulting from such process is as
are doing you can do. S2SO0.OO to finally resulting in the wonderful an- perfect as one can wish, being bright and
$4,000.00 per year is conservative,
Uke Mr. Olabam One machine nouncement made in our lanuary is- sparkling. Each of the water purifiers has
wUl start you. Then open a shop.
Yoacanseebuginessallaroand you. Pot
^^ sue that the publishers had secured a purifying capacity of over 2,000 gallons
oat a Uaywood Sign and business will for you the services of the world's a day, and, therefore, any user is entirely
conitoyou. Now ift started. Send for
the Biff Book ar.d start makinjp money. greatest inventor. Nikola Tesia, to independent of the condition of the water
M. HAYWOOD, PrS. give you exclusive feature articles in at the municipal plant in his city.
Haywood Tire & Equipmetvt Co. every issue for the next two years at
1209 Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. least.
One of the principal factors in this
rapid growth has been its advertising. Thorpe gives the following proportions
for match head and for striking surface
\,^V/i'<IOJi^l VJO rpiiabie data cunreniing trade Next month I will show you how,
formulae or Industrial processes. When you desire to by reading and answering the ad-
Head composition Potassium chloral, 5

either duplicate or improve upon a product or process

vertisements, you will help to still
parts potassium bichromat, 2 parts glass
; ;

now in uae, we ean helf* you, as we are ever on the

alert and closely folh'lng the development of the in- further build up and increase the size
powder, 3 parts gum, 2 parts. Rubbing

du.strial art in all its branches. Tlie formulae listed surface: Antimony trisulfid, 5 parts; red
below will serve briefly lo shuw the flehl we cover: 1 of the Experimenter.
Preparing Solidified Alr^.hol. 2 I'rodu.inp Liquid phosphorus, 3 parts; manganese dioxid, 1J4
Toilet Soap.
3 I'rf-ce&s for Electru-galvanizing Iron.
parts; glue, 4 parts.
4 Ink for Typewriter Riblw>ns (all standard cnlnrs).

FnK-ess for Sensitizing pai>er wiilch gives excellent
I-rinf-s frnm line drawings and plan tracings: It supplies
copies in white lines on a brown ground. 6 Alloy for Tungsten is now used as an electric bat-
Solderins Alutninom. The aUndard rrice furm'-h furrPoU insucd
by thia bureau i* Thirty-five cnta. Letters of inqntrr welcomed. tery element.
Informative llterauire aeot apoEtrequeat. Industrial Methods .idvertising Manager.
Buruu, 320 Fifth Avenoe. Nw York. N. Y. Electrical goods of American manufac-
ture are extensively sold in Porto Rico.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when a'riting lo advertisers.



By Frank Szabo.
THERE seems be
ception of the terms
to ciuile a
wrong con-
and kilo-
Quite frequeinl\ one liears
expressions such as "10 kilowatts per hour",
but such an expression does not mean any-
H'liat is a kilozi'Gtt? Kilowatt is a term Taught By A Practical Man
for power or rate of work. According to
Kent and other authorities, one kilowatt is
equivalent to the evaporation of 3.52 lbs.
and in Your Home!
of water l>cr hour from and at 212 deg. P.,
or 3,415 heat-units per hour. In this defi- I am teaching electricity atid electrical drafting
nition, per hour is a necessary part of it,
without which the definition is incomplete.
'iM^ ^^^KM to many men, young and old, and trust you will
become sufficiently interested after reading this
If it takes approximately 3 lbs. of burn-
ing coal to evaporate 3.52 lbs. of water advertisement, that you will send for my cata-
from and at 212 deg. F.. then one kilowatt log which tells what I am endeavoring to do
represents the consumption of j lbs. of coal and also places before you the simple way in
per hour, and not simply the consumption
which the instruction work is handled. The
of 3 lbs. of coal. If we extend the evapora-
tion of 3.52 lbs. of water from and at 212 catalog is written in a very plain manner,
deg. F. by a consumption of 3 lbs. of coal much in the same style as my lessons are writ-
uniformly over a period of two hours, we ten, and tells you exactly what you get and what the course can do for
do not have the equivalent of one kilowatt,
but one-half, or 54 kilowatt, because during
you. My
catalog, as well as my advertisements, is written in a very
one hour only one-half of 3.52 lbs. 1.76 = careful, conservative manner so there is no possibility of you expecting
lbs. of water have been evaporated with a something you will not get.
consumption of one-half of 3 lbs. 1.5 lbs. =
coal. Also, if we did the above perform-
ance in 30 minutes, or one-half hour, we
The Purpose of the Course of Study
I have been designing courses in electrical instruction and teaching electricity,
would not have the equivalent of one kilo-
off and on during the past 17 years, and during that time I have had an unusual
watt, but two kilowatts, because at the same
opportunity to make a special study of the teaching business, from the stand-
rate we would, during one hour, evaporate
point of a practical man. This course of my own is designed with a view of
2 X 3.52 lbs. =
7.04 lbs. of water with a
reaching those who do not have a lot of time and money to devote to study work,
consumption of 2 x 3 =
6 lbs. of coal.
and to give them as thorough a knowledge as possible of electricity, in the short-
Hence, one kilowatt represents the con-
sumption of J lbs. of coal per hour.
est possible time. The instruction is given like you were working on various
jobs and I was the boss telling you what to do and how to do it, and giving the
Of course the quantity of 3 lbs. of coal explanation necessary for the understanding of the theory covered by the sub-
in the above explanation is not fixt it may ;

ject under discussion. There are many conditions which seldom occur in the
take slightly more or less than 3 lbs. per
every day run of electrical experience, and these conditions I lay particular
hour for one kilowatt, depending on the
stress on. This part of the instruction makes the course particularly attractive
heat value of the coal and the efficiency of
and valuable to those already engaged in active electrical work.
the steam and current generating units, but
3 lbs. is a fair average figure.
What is a kilowatt-hour? According to It Is Up To You
Kent, it is the evaporation of 3.52 lbs. of The
instruction work is laid out and given in a way easily understood. It is
water from and at 212 deg. F., or 3,415 not a cut and dried book plan, but the lessons are prepared especially for the
heat units. In this definition, per hour is purpose for which they are used and additional instruction is given to the indi-
left out because no matter how fast or how vidual student, with a view of meeting his particular needs. I have the informa-
slow the water evaporates, the actual work tion to give and I believe the ability to impart it to others, a fact which is in a
done in evaporating 3.52 lbs. of water from way proven by other institutions which have made use of my services in the de-
and at 212 deg. F. is equivalent to one kilo- sign and perfecting of instruction courses. To understand this work, IT IS UP
watt-hour. In other words, one kilowatt- TO YOU to stick with me and I will surely stick with you till you understand
hour is the equivalent of the rate of one any part of the work you have gone over.
kilowatt for a period of one hour. The
rate of i/j kilowatt for a period of 2 hours Practical MenTake My Course and Recommend it to Others
is also equivalent to one kilowatt-hour.
Sixty percent of my students are actively engaged in electrical work and find the
Hence instruction I give well suited to their needs. Several of these men have had
Kilowatt-hours their fellow workers take the course also and they are taking the instruction
Kilowatts = together, making a class-room proposition of it and the results are in every way
No. of hours satisfactory to all concerned. One of these classes was started by a Chief Elec-
and kilowatt-hours = kilowatts X No. of trician, one of my students in Glen White, W. Va., who now has practically all
the men under him taking my course. I believe the fact that these men who
Referring to the operation of electric understand electrical work approve of my course to this extent is one of the
cars, we cannot correctly say they require strongest endorsements I could get.
four kilowatts per car mile; we must say
four kilowatt-hours per car mile, because
the speed of the train has to be considered.
Suppose we introduce a watt-meter and a I work absolutely on a 50-50 basis with my students. Vou pay me the comparatively low price
I ask, and I give you the instruction and other help as is stated in my catalog. No student
watt-hour-meter into the circuit. The watt is permitted to pay cash for his entire course on starting, the course being paid for in small
meter will indicate the rate of power con- monthly payments as you go along. Students have the privilege of discontinuing the work
if they should find that it was not just what they were after, and their payments stop at the
sumed in kilowatts, whereas the vvatt-hour- same time. This is my way of doing business and I would not want your money when I was
meter sums up all the kilowatt-hours con- not giving you the instruction.
sumed during the run. At uniform speed
of the car the watt-meter pointer will re- Apparatus, Instruments, [

main approximately steady in one position, yorke burgess.

Material, Etc.
but the watt-hour-meter will continue in- ^ BURGESS ELECTRICAL SCHOOL.
Certain ., ,
electrical ,
m- i
creasing the reading at a constant rate. struments, material, charts, draft- 745 East 42nd Street, Chicago, Ulinois.
If the watt-hour-meter at the end of ten ing implements, etc., as detailed in I
the catalog, are included in the _
miles' run at constant speed shows a read- course and are a part of the regular Oentlemen:
ing of 40 kilowatt-hours, and it took one ;ra"?h'arW':^ ^'l^'J^^l^ b\' .K"
Send me catalofr describing your course in Electricity
hour to make the run of ten miles, then regular monthly paynienls. I and Uratting.
the watt-meter showed a constant reading FILL OUT COUPON FOR ONE I .,.,,
of 40 kilowatts. But if the run of 10 miles OF MY CATALOGS WHICH , >.'\Mh
is made in say one-half hour, the reading ADDRESS
of the watt-hour-meter will be appro.xi- BURGESS I

mately the same 40 kilowatt-hours (ne- Electrical School i

glecting the difference in efficiency of the

unit at different loads)
but the watt-meter
745 E. 42d St., Chicago, III. '
{Continued on page 700)
Yon bpiefit }jy mentionimj th:^ "Electrical Experitneittcr" when writinq to ad-.ertisers.


Ri^Ki" Injlbitt' Owtt Home
The Age of Wireless Is Here ^;$?i?xjiy This
The experimental stage has passed. \\"ireless now equals in /?'''<"< ,?""'
"^c'^* ''o ^
""'I""'.!" / eKnurc

k'elopment and growtn ot wireless in recent years big men
there has been left in its wake a tremendous shortage of operators. /""'L",''" w.t'!' "-"l!"""""* """""'^i!!-'' ""i
'-',,.'' 'r,,: ''<''
Actually thousands upon thousands will be needed for permanent
"peace time" positions offering wonderful opportunities for "--^":>'/ the future
advancement '
of Wireless

No Previous Experience Get Your Instruction From Pay As You Go Along

Necessary the Nation's Capital With Your Lessons
Our Course Is Endorsed by Officials of the
You donot need any previous U. b. Government Our plans of payment bring a
training or experience fn order The National Radio Institute, headed wireless educatioa within the
to become a succe.>;sful Wireless by authorities who have be^-n closely al- reach of anyone who desires to
Expert. By our practical ten lied with government training of stu-
learn. A small pajTnent down
weeks' Home Study Course you dents, has perfected an easily mastered
course in wireless telegraphy whereby
and small payments twice a
can quickly qualify for a good
position at big pay. Many of our students are taught completely in ten month enable you to earn the cost
students have secured positions weeks, either here in Washington at our of your tuition while actually
before completing the course. large residence school or at home, by learning to be a wireless operator.
mail. Many of our students, are
ready to take up actual wireless
work in nuicli loss time. The
course is founded on actual prac-
tice, hence the rapid progress of Wireless
the student.
News Notes
Earn Up to $200 Per Month
In the short period of ten weeks we can The U. S. Shipping
make of you a wireless operator, a man Board has recently an-
with a profession, independent, and not nounced an increase of
siihject to the rise and fall of wages in the nearly 30% in the pay of
hibor market. Salaries are as high as $200 Merchant Marine Wire-
per month. We
give you this training at less Operators.
iiome, by mail, in your spare time. It is Nicola Tesla, world
not necessary for you to lose any time from famous inventor, has
your work to take the course. Then when recently h s
perfected i

you have received your diploma we help Wireless Light, one of

find you a good position. the wonders of the age.
Free Instruments to Every Student Another new invention has
been perfected whereby wire-
In addition to text books, lessons and less messages may now be
liersonal instruction, we send you a Home sent underground.
Practice Set consisting of a standard send- Due to the recent perfecting
of the wireless Telephone,
ing key and buzzer, and a Universal auto- we expect to soon be able to
matic wireless transmitting and receiving communicate with our Home
set. These instruments arc free to every Study students by wireless.

student. No other school can offer you

what we do.

^ Mail This Coupon Today . .1. Valuable Wireless Book FREE

tOur you gives
booklet, "WIRELESS,
the Opportunity of Today,"
complete information in regard to our course,
Dcpt. 70, Washington, D. C. the (juick and easy methods by which you can inaster wire-
Send me, free of charge, your booklet. "Wireless, the Opportunity of the less, and other important facts you should know. It is free.
Age." with full particulars regarding your famous 10 weeks' Home Study Just mail the coupon. No obligation whatever on your
Course, and your Special Free Instruments Offer.
I Xame
Town State

You benefit by mentioning the " Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
" :'


TRANSMISSION OF LIGHT THRU mission through 50 ft. (15.2 m.) of water

WATER. would be onlv about one part in 10,000,-
The comparative transmission of light 000 of the inc'ident light.
thru varying depths of water is a problem The rapid decrease in the transmission
that science until recently knew but little factor with increased light travel in water
coincides with the well-known facts that,
ia --.
medium, the

:r 1 " ^ "^-";e;; for a so-called transparent

--Ui J t

"-- ocean permits the penetration of daylight

1 ili:
H Hi to but a surprisingly short distance below
1 n ;::: .j- + 4- . - 1 -

its surface and that fish native to
-tVi Shi V
[ 1
depths are blind or carry their own illu-
d. 1
I i
EARN $35 TO $100
''n llti _L.!...^ !
\iit H


iff 1 '

I j

':':': :

i : ffci:
vk^ t T t ; Army and navy experts have reported the
j_ ;

device of John Hays Hammond, Jr., for


i t

+ ^h" ^ : :

Mechanical Draftsman


radio control of surface craft to be .sent a

H: i
m\ i\
j_tt -;;i
laden with explosives against enemy ships.


V it'
a success, and predict similar results with
submerged craft.
Thousands of Men Wanted
can learn Mechanical Drawing at home
Secretary Baker wrote the House appro-
, ;; t

IIL4-t-rt;-- H " --
priation committee recently that the joint
inyour spare time through our practical Home

!-ti i
" "^
H -2|- -;::
army and navy board was "convinced of the Study Course and qualify for Big Pay. We

Tit -";:
[1 "

practicability of the control" of the surface have placed hundreds of our students in good
\A \
i j|_ WW paying positions. Government departments and
craft, and added that there had also been

= ;;
|-| 1

^hll ^-^^ demonstrations of the possibility of the private concerns are continually calling upon
; :"
control to a craft, completely submerged, us for our graduates.
Sil i
i E li.l.. ''''1' except for an air in-take pipe.
Before finally deciding on the purchase Become a Chief Draftsman
Tcsr r^^oc n^ ciTy *vy*-rf or x^Her^eT^oy , /v < of the patents for $750,000 the board de- and get to the very top in this well-established
sires further experiment with the submerged and rapidly growing profession. The training
Showing Decrease In Transmission of Light craft.
Thru Water for Different Depths. A Problem given by the Columbia School of Drafting will
Which All Submarine Inventors Are Inter- Construction of the submerged craft,
give you just the knowledge you need to make
ested In. which will be about 80 feet long by 7 feet
good as a Chief Draftsman. No previous train-
in diameter, will take two years, according
about. Now, thanks to Air. S. L. E. Rose, of ing is necessary. You can begin our course now
to Mr. Hammond, who told the committee,
the General Electric Company's illuminating he had spent ten years and $400,000 on his and make rapid progress from the start under
engineering laboratories, who describes his invention. the Personal Instruction of the President of the
findings in the General Electric Review. School, Mr. Claflin, by mail. His carefully pre-
"The board considered the ability of the
Photometric readings were taken every enemy to interfere with the control of the pared lessons and personal letters of advice
six inches thruout the available range of Mr. Hammond's make each step easy and interesting.
vessel by radio energy.
SVi feet of water in the cylindrical tank claims are that no interference can be had
in which the tests were conducted. The Draftsmen Now Getting
with the craft outside a radius of 100 to
water used was Schenectady city water,
which is clear artesian well water. Sea
150 yards from the source of the energy; $35 to $100 a Week
that is, from the radio plant of a battleship,
water would transmit much less light ow- with big chances for better pay as the demand
for example."
ing to the apparent blue or greenish tint grows. All big engineering, construction and
Major-General F. W. Coe said he had
it possesses which tints bespeak a fairly
run the craft "all around vessels coming manufacturing projects must first go through
considerable amount of suspended matter Mr. Hammond the drafting room before the workmen can
into the harbor at will."
and consequently increased opacity.
said an aviator after four hours' training commence. All such enterprises depend upon
The accompanying graphic curve shows
vividly the relative transmission of light
on control, was able from a height of 9,000 large numbers of draftsmen. Salaries are ad-
feet and a distance of six or seven miles vancing steadily.
from a Mazda lamp, fitted with water-
proof connections. table of constants A to exercise absolute control over the high-
is given in the article, together with a for-
speed boat. Drawing OutBt Free with Our Course
mula for computing the illumination in- As soon as you enroll you will be sent our
tensity for diiTerent depths of water when ELECTRIC SNOW MELTER FOR drawing outfit for your own use throughout
the initial intensity is known. The present TRACK SWITCHES. the course. This entire outfit will be yours to
graph shows, however, just how rapidly The electric snow melting device for
keep. You are not obliged to return it after
the illumination falls off in water for any track switches here illustrated is purely
completing the course.
given initial illumination. The particular- and simply an electric heater enclosed in
ly interesting feature of the results from a 31/2 inch wrought iron pipe, 20 inches Not Only a Correspondence School
a practical standpoint is the very consid- long. These heaters are placed between the
erable cut-off of light produced by a sub- ties, just under the rail. They are wired The Columbia School of Drafting is proba-
stance apparently so transparent, amount- from a circuit as the amount and character bly the largest residence school in the country
ing for a single foot (0.05 m.) of water of the supply current makes necessary, and specializing in the training of professional
to 27.5 per cent. this basis the trans- On a switch is placed in this wiring at some Draftsmen. Our Home Study Courses are an
convenient point extension of the same instruction as given
clear of the track. locally.
The current can be
turned on as the Illustrated Catalog FREE
snow storm starts
Simply fill in the coupon below, return it to
by an employee as
easily as an elec- us and we will send you free a copy of our
tric light. The illustrated catalog which tells all about our
heat generated practical- Home Study Course and how you
does the rest. may secure our instructions at once on easy
The temperature terms so as to quickly qualify for one of the
big positions open.
in the heater rises
about 100 degrees Send This Coupon Today.
Centigrade in the
by the end of an Dept. 982, 14th and T Sts., Washington, D. C.
hour is about 135
Witliout oliligation to me, please send me y jr
degrees Centi-
Illustrated Tatalog and tell how I may secure
grade above the your practical training in Drafting and your help
outside tempera- in securing a position as Draftsman.

ture. This heat is

not enough to set
fire to anything but Address
is sufficient to melt
New Electric Snow Melter for Railroad Tracl< Switches. Heating Coils City State.
Indicated By Arrows. the snow.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

: ;


WHAT IS A "KILOWATT" AND an electric power station charges you ten

TRANSFORMERS "KILOWATT-HOUR?" cents per kilowatt-hnur you can burn one
110-V. (Continued from l^ai/t' 1^97) 40-watt lamp
8 Voit Secondary reading of 80 kilowatts
will srive a constant
= 25 hours, or twenty 40-watt lamps
in other words, for a speed twice as great
(.Kiistimes s<t 40
little current the watt-meter will show a constant read-
will not move ing twice as high, whereas the watt-hour-
ordinary meter. =^1/4 liours, for ten cents, since
meter reading will be the same for the
20 X 40
^ distance trax-elcd.

Applying the formula to this example for

a speed of 10 miles per hour and a power
both conditions represent one kilowatt-hour.

Only $1.00
consumption of 40 kilowatt-hours, we get SOMETHING NEW IN LAMP
No. 10 gJTes 3
l:; aiid IS vulu 5-condary.
Ideal f'^r eiperimenlal
Kilowatts = = 40
wurk. A ttandard traiisf.-rim-r tniaranu-t'd. Complete 1
A new departure in portable
with plus, $2.00 iMStnaid. Urdt-r from this ad. shown in the
Making the same run in one-half hour wc lamp guards is
NATIONAL TRANSFORMER CO.. illustrationof a split
Dept. 13, 3124 No. California Ave., Chicago get
40 handle which can be
triiiun^ attain open lo Kilowatts = = 80 quickly attached to a
ELECTRICAL civilians. Over 3 000 men
trained for electrical in-
special expanded steel
lamp guard supplied
For men
in experietice of
of ambition and
timre llian a 'juarter of a ceiiliir>.
limited tune. Condensed cour:je in
Dividing the total power consumed by one
car in kilowatt-hours by the distance in by the same concern.
enable miles, we get the power consumption in
This portable suc-

~~ " " ""^ III seruTf kiloivatt-hours per car mile. cessfully fills a de-
BOOd positions and promotions.
Elfctriritj. Mathematics. Steam and
Ttieoretnal and Tract ical
Mechani- Applying the above terms to electric light, mand for a substan-
cal Drawing. Students l^l^^lp^/PAm I::ii;ine>.

a 40-watt electric light is one that consumes

tial handle guard
construct dynamos, in-
m. m Wl r W E-JAH
ini ^^i^^ ^*-Bm which does not need
sua wiring and test electric power at the rate of 40 watts or
electrical machinery. Course with diplo-
40 watt-hours per hour. A circuit haxing, to be wired. The
ma, complete.
Thoroughlj- equipped fireproof dormitories. halves of the guard including the
say, twenty 40-watt lights in parallel will
liiniuR liall. laboratories, shops. handle itself, open from the
Write for catalug. 2TlL \ear iipeiis October then consume electric power at the rate of
hinge at the bottom of the guard
1. li'iy
800 watis or 800 watt-hours per
and can instantly be closed and
260 Takoma Avenue, Washington, D. C. hour, or 40 watt-hours per lamp-hour. If
locked around the socket at the
end of any extension cord. The
cord itself runs thru grooves in
RECTIFIER If you keep your battery The convenience of this new product will
charged up with an
I'atenled be appreciated by the motorist in his gar-
April I*. \^\
F-F BATTERY BOOSTER age as well as in every factory, mill or
warehouse, because it permits light to be
rONXECT to any lamp socket without removing bat-
tt-ry from car or breaking any electrical connections. safely carried to dark corners, in stock
Clianges alternatinB to direct charging current, and will bins, engine pits, etc. Fire danger is
completely your battery over night.
The I'rivale Garage types cost only $24.00 and come avoided and lamp users will readily see the
complete with long cord and plug to fit any lamp socket,
anmieler, which tells what current is flowing into the advantage and economy, as the modest cost
battery and charging wires fitted with clips, to snap on of the guard is quickly repaid thru preven-
the battery terminals.
Thousands in use giving satisfaction.
tion of lamp breakage.
Write today for Bulletin No, 12. or send us your
order. M'nicy back if you wnnt it.

The France Manufacturing Company

Cleveland, Ohio A Chicago woman has patented a shoe
with an electric battery in the heel to supply
a mild current to a wearer's ankle as a
The House of Taylor tonic. Another "useless patnt!"


One Block from Pennsylvania Station.

Equally Convenient for

Amusements, Shopping or Business
time ago an examination was
of various substances to de-
termine their electrical sensitivity to
157 Pleasant Rooms, with Private Bath, light and in view of the fact that

some of the results obtained are at

$2.50 PER DAY.
variance with the measurements made by
257 Excellent Rooms, with Private Bath, Case, it seems desirable to publish a sum-
facing street, southern exposure, mary of these observations, which were
$3.00 PER DAY. made at the Bureau of .Standards.
Also Attractive Rooms from $1.50. Two of the herein described substances
400 Baths The Restaurant Prices Are Most Moderate. were examined for change in electrical con-
ductivity caused by the action of light
600 Rooms
upon them, and all of them were exam-
ined for photoelectrical activity when they
were charged to a negative potential in an

have been fortunate in securing thru auction several tons of guaranteed pure, double
annealed Norway Iron Core Wire and are selling this wire to ''Experimenter" readers
evacuated bulb and exposed to light, reports
Messrs. Coblentz and Emerson in the Jour-
nal of the Washington Academy of Sci-

When the substances were examined for
increase in electrical conductivity, a

At Pre-war Prices 20cts lb.

This wire l3 just the thing for spark colls, transformers, etc., and It Is. of course, a very much
potential of 2 to 6 volts was connected
thru a resistance of zero to l.(X)0,000 ohms
into a circuit containing a d'Arsonval gal-
more superior product than the usual Iron wire. We absolutely guarantee the quality. vanometer and the substance under in-
If you ever thought of building a spark coll, transformer, or similar apparatus, now Is the
chance to get the right material for It. As far as we know this Is the only lot of Iron Norway Core vestigation. In most cases the substances
Wire la the hands of any dealer at the present time, and none can be gotten until after the war. were slightly conducting when not exposed
We bave only two sizes left to light, so that the dark current had to be
annulled by joining a counter e.m.f. thru a
Thickness about No. 21 B and S
resistance of 10,000 ohms to the terminals
If either of these sizes should be too long we advise cutting the wire down yourself by means
of shears. It will pay you to do so as real Norway Iron Wire, sold by a few dealers last year, of the galvanometer. This counter e.m.f.
brought from 40c to 50c a pound. American core wire now sells for from 30c upwards per pound. was obtained by shunting across a re-
As long as the supply lasts we offer this wire as described above to our customers at the very sistance of 100 ohms which was in series
low price of 20c a pound. Order at once.
with a cell of 2 volts and a variable resist-
ELECTRO IMPORTING CO., 231 Fulton St., N. Y. C. ance of zero to 70,000 ohms.
The source of light, when not otherwise
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

specified, was a 16-c.p. carbon incandescent

lamp, placed at a distance of 10 cm. from
the substance imder investigation. One dis-
appointing feature of this investigation is
that no substance was found whicli is com-
parable in sensitivity with the (<otassium
photoelectric celt and with the selenium cell.
Gallium. This metal was solid, thus dif-
fering from the impure material, which is
a liquid.
The results obtained proved disappoint-
ing, this metal being quite insensitive to
light. When the cell was exposed to day-
light the photoelectric current produced a
deflection of only 4 to 5 mm., whereas simi-
larly exposing a potassium photoelectric
cell the photoelectric current was sufficient
to give a deflection beyond the range of
the scale.
Silver Sulfide. The sample examined
was a thin flexible strip, 6 by 10 mm. in
area. In one test the silver sulfide formed
the negative electrode of a photoelectric
cell (evacuated glass bulb about 5 cm. di-
ameter with a ring of platinum wire for the
anode). It was connected thru an iron-
clad Thompson galvanometer to a battery
of 340 volts. 'V\'hen exposed to daylight a
deflection of perhaps 1 to 2 mm. was ob-
served, but no deflection resulted from
exposure to the standard carbon lamp.
Selenium. A crystal of selenium, pre-
pared by Dr. F. C. Brown and having a
receiving surface of less than one sq. mm.,
when exposed to the standard lamp gave
Telegraph and Telephone
a deflection of more than SO cm., which
shows its great sensitivity as compared
with other substances.
Books Sent to Experimentors
The mounting of the selenium crystal
consisted of metal electrodes between which
the crystal was held by compression. When
operated as a photophone, by connecting
for a Whole Week

Absolutely free to use for seven days no strings of any kind to this
the selenium crystal with an Audion ampli- offer. Every reader of Electrical Experimenter can have a set of
fier, a loud musical note was obtained.
Tellurium. This metal is said to change
these great. instructive and intensely interesting books telling everything
in resistance when exposed to light. The that the greatest experts in the business know about telephony and
present tests were made upon a mirror of telegraphy. The coupon brings all four volumes right to your door.
tellurium deposited upon a glass plate by If they don't please you in every way, we stand the expense of shipping
cathode disintegration. Suitable terminals
were attached to a sample about 4 by 50 them back. See the list of things the books explain and our free trial
mm. No change in conductivity was ob- offer below.
served when it was exposed to light.
Boleite. The sample of boleite [3Pb CI
(OH) .Cu CI (OH) -f Ag CI], from Boleo,
Mexico, examined was a single rectangular
Will Make You An Expert
This Library of Telephony and Telegraphy will fit you to hold the biggest kind
crystal 3 by 3 by l.S mm. It was held by of job in this interesting and well-paying field. The 4 big books with 1,728
compression between copper electrodes. pages and 2,000 pictures, plates, diagrams, etc., bound in genuine leather, regular
No change in conductivity was observed library style, explain everything you need to know.
when the crystal was exposed to daylight
or to the standard incandescent lamp. Parf
1 art Ul WKnt
nf TYndL Electric
Teleeraph Wlre-
TelegrauhyWireless Consulting With every
set of the
of Telephony
Stibnite. The size of one sample exam- XKv
1 ney ^Oncain Telephony Klemeiits of and Telfgrapliy we will
Eieclriclly Line C o n-
ined was 4 by 7 by 0.5 mm. Terminals were slruotion EngineerinK and Maintenance Electrical
SERVICE FREE give without any charge

attached to it bj' heating a copper wire to Measurements Switchboards Automatic Systems whatever a one year membership iu the American
Power I'lants and Uuiidings Special Service Fea- Technical enabling you to consult our en-
incandescence in a gas flame and bringing tures Telegraph and Railway Work Substation gineers and experts on any telephone, telegraph or
Equipment Party Line Systems Generat^irs Train wireless problem you want solved for one year. This
it in contact with the plate of stibnite. Dispatching Storage Batteries Coils Tests. Alto-
membership usually sells for $12.00. It i3 yours frea
The standard carbon lamp caused a de- gether a thousand dltferent subjects are covered in
detail. wi.h the books.
flection 5 cm.
of Stibnite may be con-
sidered as sensitive as boulangerile. to be
mentioned presently, but the deflection DON'T Don't send one cent with This Coupon
drifted, due to the decrease in resistance
with time already noticed by other observ-
SEND your free trial request. The
coupon is all you need to
get the books. Just fill out
all You
gerite (3PbS. Sba
The specimen of boulan-
Irkutsk, Siberia)-, in-
vestigated was obtained from the Smithson-
books to either your home

and mail

Send it Dept. X-3384

or shop by c^ipress collect and you can use them as Chicago, III.,
ian collection. Several samples were ex-
amined. In one sample, 4 by 7 by 0.8 mm., if they v.'ere your own for a whole week. Then if Now U. S. A.
Please send me the
the electrodes consisted of copper wires you want to send them back do it. It's all right with four-volume set of
us and we will pay the expense of shipping them back "Telephony and Teleg-
melted into the material as just described. raphy'' for_ seven days'
The radiation from the standard lamp gave ourselves. If you want to keep the books send us examination, shipping
a deflection of 10 to 20 cm. only $2.00. You can send the balance of our charges collect. If I decide
Another sample, 1 by 1.2 by 2 mm., held special $12.80 price the same way
$2.00 each to buy, I will send $2.00 within
seven days and balance at $2.00
by compression between two heavy elec- month until $12.80 has been
trodes of copper, when exposed to the paid. Then you will send me a re-
standard incandescent lamp produced a de-
We reserve the right to withdraw this price ceipt showing that the set of books and
at any time. In fact we cannot maintain the Consulting Membership are mine,
flection of 2 to 3 cm., which is comparable itafter the present edition is sold. Act and fuUv paid for. If I want to get along
with the preceding when one considers the now while the low price holds good. ithout the books. I will return them at
ur expense after seven days.
size of the exposed surfaces.
Altho this substance seems fairly sensi- AMERICAN TECHNICAL Name
tive, it did not appear to be sufficiently so SOCIETY
to justify an investigation of its spectral Dept. X-3384 Address
sensitivity with a view of using this min- Chicago, U. S. A.
eral as a selective radiometer.
Jamesonite. (2PbS.Sb2S3; Smithsonian
Yoit benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

collection,from Cornwall, England.) The

sample examined (size 2 by 7 by 1 mm.)

FREESRUnUR had the copper wire terminals attached by

fusing the incandescent wire into the ma-
terial. The standard lamp gave a deflection
of only 1 to 2 cm., which seems to indicate
DONrWEARATRUSS that this material is not so light-sensitive
as is boulangerite.
Mixtures of galena and stibnite in va-
rious proportions were melted in a cru-
^jL 7 ***,T^ f P.
yN T 5^ cible and poured upon a plate of metal.
Several samples, 5 by 10 by 0.5 mm., were
examined, but none of them gave any in-
Inner eurface made seIf-TMR0UCHTHt5 dication of light-sensitiveness (change in
adhesive purposely to prevent OPENINO f
slipping and to keep constantly applied * resistance) when exposed to daylight or
the absorbent - astringent medication to the standard incandescent lamp.
called PLAPAO. Close the hernial opening
as nature latendsd eotbe Rupture CAN'T Bisiiiuthiiiitc. Bismuthinite, Bij Sa, was
come down. obtained from the Smithsonian collection
Do Away With Steel and Rubber Bands That Chafe and from Jefferson County, Montana. This is
the most interesting substance examined, in
You know by your own experience that the truss a mere mnkeshift a false is prop against view of the diverse results obtained and the
a collapsing wall and that undermining your
it is continue healtli. W'liy. tlien, to wear It ?
STUART'S PLAPAO-PADS are entirely different
adhesive purposely to prevent slip:iing and to hold the distended muscles securely in place.
medicine applicators made self- explanation offered therefor.
straps, buckles or sprinirs attached. No "digging in" or grinding pressure. Soft as Velvet Flexible The sample of bismuthinite examined

Easy to Apply Inexpensive. Continuous day and night treatment at home. No delay from work.
Hundreds of people, old and young, have gone before an officer tjualifled to acknowledge oaths, and
consisted of a non-homogeneous mass of
acicular crystals, which was easily crushed

swore that the PLAf'AO-rADS cured their Ruptures some of them most aggravated cases and of into numerous fine needle-like crystals. The
Inn;: standing.
first sample examined was a small mass of
Send Today For FREE PLAPAO-No Charge for it--Now or Ever crystals (size 1 by 1 by 0.7 mm.) held by
Siinrly write your name and a(Mre*is bt-low. Send Ihis advertisement for absolutely FREB TRIAL compression between two heavy electrodes
PI..\PAO and 4S-i)aKe Boik on Rurture No rhar^e for ii--ni\v or ever. Nothing
today 'tis madness to defer." Address. PLAPAO CO.. Block 8-14. St Louis, Mo.
to be returned. "Be wise of copper. When the crystal was exposed
to the standard carbon lamp no change in
Name Address conductwiiy could be detected with cer-

A second sample, 3 by 6 by 1 mm., had

the copper wire terminals attached by fu-
sion, as already described. The e.m.f's
applied were the same as for the preceding
sample. When exposed to the standard
lamp no change in conductivity was ob-
Atlantic City's Newest (
served. These results being contradictory
to those published by Case, who used a
Fire-Proof Hotel three stage Audion amplifier to detect the
change in conductivity of the crystals, the
Ocean Front. Unusually attractive foregoing experiinents were repeated in
during the Autumn and Winter sea the manner described by him. For this
purpose the light from an acetylene fiame
shining thru a slit 2 by 10 mm. was focused
\ upon the crystal by means of a triple
American and European Plans achromatic lens, 6 cm. in diameter and 18
cm. focal length. The light was interrupted
Luxurious lobbies, spacious verandas and sun parlor.s overlooking tlie ocean. by means of a sectored disk having IS
Charming afternoon musicales and evening concerts. A palatial residence openings and operated by means of an elec-
for those seeking rest and recreation. Sea water baths. Fireproof garage. tric motor, the speed of which could be
Illustrated booklet sent on request. varied. The usual speed gave 240 inter-
ruptions per second. The crystal was con-
nected to a three stage Audion amplifier
*ITHR'5. tlOMEYIN IT . and telephone receiver. A crystal of sele-

_ig^lLEARN TELEGR^ nium or a selenium cell produced a loud
note, but the samples of boulangerite and

iJTiniMORSE AND WIRELESS-:^-- jamesonite, which by previous tests were

light-sensitive, did not give a musical sound
in the telephone.

TEACH YOURSEUR The sample of bismuthinite with elec-

trodes sealed on produced no audible note
in half the usual time, at trifling cost, with the when exposed to light.
wonderful Automatic Transmitter. THE OMNIflRAPHi
Sends unlimited Morse or Continental messaged, at At dozen samples of bismuthinite
least a
Buy speed, just as an expert operator would. held by compression between heavy copper
Adogttd by U. S. 6v't. 4 ityln. Citaloia* frMi
electrodes were examined in connection
with the amplifier. Of this number only
OMNIGRAPH MFG. CO. two samples appeared
One sample produced
to be light-sensitive.
only a faint sound in
39L Cortlandt St. New York the telephone receiver. The second sample
produced a loud note in the telephone. The
sound was the loudest when the crystal
1-50 H. P. Motor $4.00 complete as shown was exposed along the line of contact with
If yon are in need of a small motor for experimental purposes, this Is your
chanee to get one at a very low price. Wound for 111) voit A. C. or U. C. Built
the copper electrode. Covering the crystal
exactly the same as a large motor; twenty-two section commutator, laminated with red glass did not reduce the loudness
field and armature construction, drum wound armature. of the note very much, indicating that the
We have only a limited quantity to offer at this price which means that you effect is due to heating of the material. Un-
must act quicii if you wish to secure one at this low price. fortunately, this crystal was crushed while
under Prolonged on
other samples gave negative results as re-

2254 WEST OHIO STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS gards the production of sound.
EFFORT E In view of the fact that the tests made
$5^0 %\l\EASY WITH with a sensitive galvanometer failed to
show an increase in conductivity when bis-
New Improved Green Automatic Machine muthinite was exposed to light, it ap-
Str' all kinds of sait-ty razor blaclM. in one nrxTarion,
pears that the change in conductivity which
!' .1 irs
1 ii'S i>er minuie. For both Quality and Quantity. thU ma.-hlne
If There ia nothing like It on the market. I^t u.i send ynu was observed when a certain specimen
:.;.laining ererj-thing including the "AMERICAN" Key Cutter
lUti squart. aijjfu-Ur or round slots was exposed to intermittent flashes of light
AMERICAN SHARPENING MACfflNE CO. (lot ), Dq< E E. IS4 W. WaihioHom Si., CHICAGO (photophone or, ratiier, radiophone) is
Von benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
April, 1919

the result of a thermal change within the

crystal, or perhaps a change in the contact
resistance at the electrodes. In this con-
nection the following experiments on thin
strips of jnetals are of interest.
Platinum and Gold. In conclusion it is of
interest to record the results obtained when
using thin blackened strips of platinum and
of gold-leaf as radiophones, by connecting
them thru a batter)- to an amplifier.
These blackened were warmed ni-
termittently by exposing them thru a ro-
tating sectored disk to the acetylene flame,
as already described.
When a sensitive platinum bolometer re-
ceiver was used as a radiophone, the sound
produced in the telephone was not very
audible. This no doubt was due to the
great heat capacity of the material which
prevented the rapid ajtcrnations in resist-
ance and hence in electric current, from be-
ing of sutftcient magnitude to affect the
telephone receiver.
You can TREAT YOURSELF at home
Using a lightlv smoked(6 by 2.5
mm.) of gold-leaf, the ends of which were with the wonderful Violet Ray, most
clamped between thin (0.02 mm.) strips of effective health-restoring agent known
tin, the sound produced in the telephotie to science. At practically no cost,
receiver was as loud as was observed in the great benefits of famous Violet Ray Treatment
the photophone made of selenium. heretofore only procurable at big expense from
This device was mounted in a glass bulb physicians and beauty specialists, now secured in ll
which could be evacuated. As was to be your own home. Look over the list of treatments
expected, there was no marked difference on the coupon below. Send for particulars.
in the intensity of the sound produced when
operated in air and in a vacuum.
In the gold-leaf radiophone as used, the
was attained for a light
limit of audibility
10-= X
(radiant power) intensity of 4.8
watts. Using a larger receiver and ampli-
High Frequency Generators
fier and a larger current (which was 0.2 to area treaterl. removing cnn-
How Violet Ray Benefits eeatirm and suprlyin? nmirlsli-
amp. n\ the present tests) thru the receiver, from your nienl: combines the henelH^ of
Electricity elcciriciiy, vibration, exercise,
the sensitivity could be greatly increased. liElitsocket is transformed etimulatiuu and usiUation. ered on Liberal
henlth and beauty-
givinc Violet Ray power- Painless Electricity
Science has motlifled electri-
fully efTective, yet gentle, sooth- Learn the Wonder-
MENTAL TELEPATHY A SIMPLE ing, perfectly eafe.
Voltage is
lighting current,
city that tlie wealiest may sland
its force wiiliout fear or pain. ful Benefits by
giving tremend' us penetrative
The irresistible, revital-
Violet Ray high frequency has
no comparison with old. crude, .^ctual Use.
ACTIVITY. force.
izing povvera of Renulife Violet electrical batteries and shocking
Bay are carried at once lo every current. Every jar and sliock is
By Dr. Charles H. Merlitz Blood is removed. The elfecis are mar- Te keep or restore your good
nerve cell of boiiy.
enriched and purified by a velously rapid. Relief can be looksand gain vitality, thmw
the September issue of the Elec- flood of oxvgen, functions re- given in one or more treatments. away medicine bottles take this
IN trical ExpERTMENTER there appeared
an extremely interesting article by Dr.
stored to normal extra supply
of fresh blood (iUicUly brought
Often permanent improvemeat
i3 accomplished in that time.
sensible seieutille means. Every
dav's delay makes relief more dif-
ficult. Send for Booklet "Health
via Violet Ray."
A. Abrams on Thought Transference Lowest
and Other Phenomena. Altho he gave Priced Renulife Electric Co.
many interesting experiments he did not 535 Marquette Bldg.,
show the relationship of this theory to the Most
Detroit, Mich.
modern physical theories. It is the author's I Effective
intention in the present article to present \ Canadian Renulife Electric Co.
Violet Ford City, Ontario
an explanation for this remarkable phe- \
Ray for Get ^Opportunitiesfor live sales
We know very little in regard to the I
Home FREE represeotatires^

functioning of the human mind. We have 'Use

practically no insight into the mechanism Book
of thought and memory. We do know, Tear Out Coupon
however, that the brain in functioning re-
quires nourishment. Thus it follows that ilj
any operation of the brain is accompanied
and Special Inf
by the absorption of a certain amount of ormation
energy. However, contrary to ordinary
laws, in storing a thought and in subse-
I T,,"i M.rqu.,u,
BIdg.. Detroit
send Kiihout

_?bIieation. your i,^

quently recalling it, energy is absorbed.
These two processes are the opposite of
each other, and it would naturally be sup-
posed that in remembering energy would be
Anemia ..Facial Neuralgia
I Asthma Ealllng Hair

To commit a thought to memory we re- ..Female Com.

_ and chest
I -Baldness Plaints I
pteat it several times, each successive repeti-

..Blackheads ..Goitre ..Paraljsis 11

..Gout ..Piles I I
tion requires the expenditure of a certain I ..Brain Fag
..Bronchitis ..Haemorrhoids
amount of energy. Thus we may say that I
I . .Bunions Hay Fever Pyorrhea
Infantile Paralysis
the energy expended after a number of

nsomnia Scars
Lameness Sciatica
repetitions equals .Colds
Skin Diseases

.Locomotor Ataxia
1^ _^ p 1- ^- 1= n times Chilblains
Lumbago Sore Throat
-I- _ Dandruff .
Nervous Affec. ^^Throa, Diseases
Now when we remember it the process is Bcafness and Ear

the reverse, which gives us ( 1)" which

..Enlarged Prostata


Weak Eves
would equal 1', which means the addition Wrlnklts"' /
Warts and Moles
of energy. Thus the act of remembering a Xame

fact more firmly implants it in the mind.


We may easily assume that there is a cer-

tain practical limit to the amount of effect
that can be produced. This limit might be
called the saturation of the brain. It would
be reasonable to suppose from this that for
each repetition or act of remembering the
amount of energy stored is less than that
of the preceding one, decreasing in geo-
Yoit benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" wlieti writing to advertisers.


Steam Vulcanizers
metrical progression. Each repetition,
however, is accompanied by the absorption
We manufacture them we own
and teach you ttie Anderson
of a certain amoiim of eneryy. Thus it fol- Method of Vulcanizing 90' I

Men Wanted J
lows that for each succeeding repetition
profit. And still
yuur work to outlast balaiice of
the tire and coilict
.vlhi Kutiriiulio

full cus-
there is a certain amoiuit of surplus energy mary price*.
>ji^ for Airplane to be accounted for. It is this surplus energy Ask U9 fur literature and
location nf nearest Ander-
that gives us an explanation for the process son Slate School. uriio .^

i^ INDUSTRY known as Mciitnl Tclcj^athy. Our question

then resolves itself into the manner of
mukes and
visit that city
see all other
learn their method, then visit
the Aorieraoii tthool thero and learn o
Wonderful opportunities transference or transmission of this Go pre[>ared to take 5 to 10 days' course
of the ANPERSON METHOD. Kuar- We
great scope for advance- | energy. antt-e to make a tir^t-claau vulcaniztr out of
ment and big pay await you in the airplane] ynu or refund your mnney. Our course will
ctiHt you S20 in cither the day or niRht
industo'. This does not mean actual flyinp. but
Sir William Crookes has suggested that cliuiacs ami any time thereafter you -, ,

in any and all of the various branches of the in- buy and (Hiy ua for a vulcanizer, CT ^j
the transmission of this energy is effected yuur $20 will be refunded iti ca.sh. * Sjiiif
dusto'- U is the coming profession the future I $235 and ti to 10 days in Any An-
means of transportation. V. S. Mail is already I by means of ether waz-es of smaller magni- derson State School of VuleaniEintr i
will start youinithis most inohtal'h'
bein^ carried by airplanes. Factories are epringiiig op I tude and greater frequency than those businefl:4. The Anderson Steam Vulcanlzer Co
everywhere and trained men are in big demand. I 23 Williams BIdg., Indianapolis, Indiana. U. S. A.
which constitute X-rays. These rays also I'Unur
AMAnin^t You can get into this]
in possess the property of neither being re-
i>r,>,t r.,<r >uim. .
H'. r. r, ,,-.- ,n', .1,, ,: c.t n not makt

nany arancneS profession while it is
flected or refracted. Prof. Flournoy sug-
mechanic, engineer, repairman, instructor, in-
spector, builder, contractor, salesman or pro-
gested that these waves are undulations
fessional aviator. The minute you understand] starting from the nervous centers in the
the science and mechanics of brain. The greatest objection to this
aviation you can step into a
high-salaried position.
theory of telepathy is that the intensity of
the received impulses is not inversely pro- Bwing 4 in., II in, between centers, 17 In. '

total K-ngth. Shippioaweicht 13 11.8. Bed

portional to the square of the distance, no of lathe is machin
'lined. \\'orkmanBhip flrst-
WeGuaranteCfe perceptible diminution in the impulses Can be fitted witb 3 in. face plate aakl dri.. _,.^,..i. _
being produced by distance. In actual ex- special equipmeot. Order one today, i'rice $6.00caabi
periments the intensity sometimes even in- r .^'."r. SYPHEK MFO. CO., DEPT. C TOLEDO, QHIOI
creased with the distance. The explana- NEW
We absolutely and unre- tion of this curious phenomena is ex- has many ex<:lU9tve features. It
servedly guarantee that tremely simple, however. Pocock has sug- will adil and subtract fractions
our Home Training Course and give decimal equivalents. It
gested that the sensibility and capacity of will also multiply, divide, add
will enable you to qualify for a good position as and subtract, nolve problema in-
soon as you graduate. The Course itself has the brain for the reception of these trans- volvinR any root or power (ex-
ct'ptinn 11 and will irive LoKarithn>
been written by noted aeronautical engineers, mitted impulses is extremely small, so and the Sines, Tanaents. Cocineo and
and covers the entire fundamentals of practical small in fact that the receiver is saturated Cotangents of all angles. Made of
meUI. Size 3 1-4 inchi>a. Send for
aeronautics. Ever>' lesson is written and illus- free circulara. Price with *i |\*
trated so clearly that you cannot fail to under- even at the greatest distance over which complete instrucfiona ^IUV
I'our Ttxonev buck if yon are not
stand it. Bat ftee for youraelf. Take ten les- telepathy has been observed. The excess Matinfitd.
sons. Then if you are not satisfied you are not
out one cent. We guarantee satisfaction.

energy passes on unable to produce any ef- CILSON SUDE RULE CO
Says the Master Mechanic. The Greb
, Niles,Micb

fect upon the already saturated brain. This Auloiiiatic Grip Puller in a One-Man

Prepare How for a explains why the intensity is not diminished

by distance.
I'ulh-r tjuick-acting, strong and sim-
ple in the extreme. May be locked in
any desired position. A combination
Bii* Future We may postulate then that Mental
of two or three arms. Heavy Duty
Size capacity 1" to 18" .lunior size
Only by specialized instruction can you expect capacity 1" to 7". Two sets of jaws
to succeed in aviation or in any line o business. Telepathy a case of radiant energy.
is lumished with each size.
Training alone will fit you for a big job and
NOW is the time to begin. Check and mail
These radiations emanating from the brain Ten Days' Trial U.drol
the coupon for Big Free Bulletin and Money- when the mind is concentrated, are there- jobber does not have them wo will send yoa
one. Try It teu days. If not satiafactory,
Back Guarantee. fore very penetratfng and traverse great return to us and we will refund your money'
We also make the GREB RIM TNOl.

H ^^
distances without perceptible decrease in

The reasoning which I have heretofore

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^ TiMk. MONSV.
Material by oflinr
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Get op-lo
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Depl. F-7444 CHICAGO. U. S. Drawings, containing- alt the

A. pursued has been from the purely theo- teteBt dlBKrams and ronnectiont* known in house wiririK every diagTain'
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retical standpoint. The
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Please send Free Bulletin and

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^r actually radiates energy has been demon-
strated by several scientists. Charpentier
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Alarms and Electric Gas Liohting. These drawinas are bound in the
form of a flexible book (9 x 12] for convenience in uHinji on the job.
Send for them, and if ihey don't make you more efTicienl as a wireman
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Dollar postpaid. Send for circulars on other sets of drawinsa.
...-Biffh School Graduate ....X.awyer has called "N-rays." He found that the P.O. B o x No. 583 San Francitco CaK
...Electrical Knuineer Business Manaj^er
j;iec.Li(rht& Power Supt. ...jCertified Pub. Accountant
phosphorescence of certain substances is in-
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Telegraph EnRtneer .-Stenographer extra pniflts to naraKe men. Vou can
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He demonstrated this by the use of a sim- ticulars on request. $15 sent with
...-Civil . Heating & Vent.En^neer ple piece of apparatus. A
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taman aod Designer
[>raf .....CommoQ School Branches By placing this tube near nervous centers a Hobar t Bros. Co. Boi 4E, Troy, Ohi
marked increase in phosphorescence was
observed. Di Brazza showed that when a
phosphorescent, platino-cyanid of barium ffli PHONOGRAPH
screen faintly illuminated by a distant X-
ray tube was placed near certain portions Your PARTS FOR ANY STYLE MACHINE
Build your own cabined
We show you how
SAVE 25% 'III slifhtb'
60% of the head, that when the subject con-
centrated his will the luminosity of the
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Own Circulars and Instructions 10c.
Motott, Rcproduccii, etc. gold

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ris ;itni I^it-Jt-s of fwry rii-Hcrlptlon. jects psychical actizniy. From this he con- Depl. E 160 No. WeUi Si, Chicaio. 11,
i|ij ii u rin* now for
I'l u.w S;ivf- mniiey cluded that the brain was the seat of active
Free Bargain Book and Catalog

Koods Old on 1
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[Qoner-^avinr bars-ains in
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radiations. When the subject's attention is
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if n<it i>ati*fi<rt]. You take no rh&ncrA dealiDg on your wheel will con-
with tin. W* have been In tb>- chotoirrapblc osity is noticeable. Di Brazza found that
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CENTRAL CAM E RA CO. DtH 174. 174 5. Wilmh Aw. Cla| the activity was greatest around the tem-
ples, the eyes and behind the ears. This successful high grade
Feldman's "Geyser" experiment may be repeated by exercising motorcycle that will
OHI. ywi less to operate than the mure
great care. It must be remembered, how- exi'eiiHlveiiiaihiriM Write at once and awure lowest fae.
Electric Water Heater ever, that the variations in luminosity are tury prices, Eacellcut opitortimlty for agents. Send stamp,

extremely small. STEFFEY MFG. CO., Depl. E. 5025 Brown Si.. Phila. Pa.
InttantaneouM Hot Water
There have been many experimenters in
many of whom have
this bi-anch of science,
m^ Army Auction Bargains
$4.25 up
Itnis W. revoliers
C. $2.65 up
1500 Time* BIdg. New York City recorded remarkable instances of telepathy leggings .18 up Army 7 shcl carbine 2.95 up
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Cnmirs. <"art/>on Commer- Uniforms l.SOup Knapsacks .75 up
fial.NewrtpaiMT and Maga- called. Professor Henry Sidgwick has col- Teamharness 26.85 Urmy 6u( slings .30 up
zine lUusiratini;. Pastel,
'Crayon portraits. Poster lected a great number of instances in which Colts Army Rtvolver cat. 45 at $8.45.
ri Faahicna CamBlcMonay. hallucinations directly preceded death, and IS xsr** Army Gooda. Large lUuitrated cyclo-
Taught by AtaC or Local Oaases. pedia refere.-.ce catalog 428 pagei- Issue
Write for i)latrated booklet.
::-m)i and liftof aacceMful popilj

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which he attributed to mental telepathy.
Wessermann has recorded a singularly in-
1617. mailed 50 cents. Nw CIraular 6 esnts.
FHAIICIS tAmiEIIIIAII t soils 501 imatrnm. Hew tort

Yon benefit bx mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to adiertisers.


teresting incident. He wished to make the

apparition of a young lady appear to a heu-
tenaiit hving several miles away. At the
time of the experiment a visitor happened
to 1)6 with the lieutenant, who i.s said to
have seen the apparition also. Many in-
stances are recorded in which persons were
hypnotized at some distance. AH of these
phenomena can be easily explained by the
brain wufc theory.
Besides the transference oT thought, both
sympathy and alYection may be the out-
growth of these radiations from the brain.
Whether our capacity for the reception of
these impulses is increasing with the evolu-
tion ofman, cannot be ascertained directly.
It would seem probable, however, that with
our increase in education and civilization
that conscious use of this thought
taiiiiuage may be found. Who knows but
that the man of the future may find a prac-
tical application for this radiation from the
brain, and a higher and more delicately
made creature may result who would effect
mutual understanding by means of this-
marvelous and as yet but little understood
[sychical actk'ity.

(^Continued from page 86S)
You Will Want Both Books
These handy reference .books are of exceptional value to you,
travel at a rate of about one thousand miles whether you are an apprentice or a highly skilled mechanic.
an hour, impracticable by rail. The reader
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Both books are edited by men prominent in the machinery
cution, I will admit, but not nearly so bad field- men who know exactly what is most helpful to the be-
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fessor, who wanted to pump the air from
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forgetful of the fact that the Lord had pro- Sequel to Volume I Now in 4th Edition
vided a gigantic machine for this very
184 material that shows
pages of
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"how to do
Essential to the be-
Still another scheme, far more important tables relating to machine speeds, ginner, valuable to the experienced
and attractive, was to derive power from power transmission, drilling, turning machinist. It deals with the layout
the rotational energy of terrestrial bodies. I and milling, materials, etc. and precise measurement of work.
had discovered that objects on the earth's
surface, owing to the diurnal rotation of the
globe, are carried by the same alternately in
Ask Your Hardware Dealer to show them to you, or write direct 50c. each
and against the direction of translatory Catalog No, 21 LE of Starrett Tools on request
movement. From this results a great change
in momentum which could be utilized in THE L. S. STARRETT COMPANY Hack Saws Unexcelled
the simplest imaginable manner to furnish The World's Greatest Toolniakers. Manufacturers of
motive eflfort in any habitable region of the ATHOL, MASS.
world. I cannot find words to describe my
disappointment when later I realized that NEW YORK LONDON CHICAGO
I was in the predicament of Archimedes, "^^^<^ 42-900
who vainly sought for a fixt point in the
At the termination of my
vacation I was
sent to the Polytechnic School in Gratz,
Styria. which my father had chosen as one
of the oldest and best reputed institutions.
That was the moment I had eagerly await-
ed and I began my studies under good
auspices and firmly resolved to succeed. The high cost and limited supply of tires makes it
My previous training was above the aver- necessary for motorists to conserve their tires and
age, due to my father's teaching and oppor- get maxiinum mileage. Present conditions offer tire
tunities afforded. I had acquired the knowl- repair men a big opportunity to make money. Ex-
edge of a number of languages and waded perienced help not necessary.
thru the books of several libraries, picking With this Shaler Electric Vulcanizer you can make
up information more or less useful. Then money easy. It heats from city electric light current
again, for the first time, I could choose my

has automatic heat control no danger of fire or
subjects as I liked, and free-hand drawing explosions.
was to bother me no more. I had made
Will mend any style or size of tire both casing and inner
tube. Handles 12 casings and 200 tubes a day. Anybody can
up my mind to give my parents a sur- operate it, and turn out perfect work. Price $65.00 complete
prise, and during the whole first year I Subject to Trade Discount.
Write at once for catalog of our complete line of Shaler
regularly started my work at three o'clock \"ulcanizers, Steam or Electric for Repair Shops and quick
in the morning and continued until eleven selling models for motorists.
at night, no Sundays or holidays excepted.
As most of my fellow-students took things
C. A. SHALER CO., 2203 Fourth St., Waupun, Wis.
enough I eclipsed all rec-
easily, naturally
ords. In the course of that year I past
thru nine exams and the professors
thought I deserved more than the highest
qualifications. Armed
expecting a triumph, and was mortified
with their flattering
went home for a short rest,
certificates, I What ly A You"-
Washington, the home of the Pathfinder, is the
nerve center of civilization; history is being
The little
13 weeks
matter oj
on trial.
ISc ia
stamps or coin will brinir you the Pathfinder
Pathfinder Is an illustrated weekly, published at
the Nation's center, for the Nation; a paper that prints all the news of the
when my made
light of these hard-
father made at this world capital. The Pathfinder's world and tellsthe truth and only the truth now nits 26th year. This pa-
Illustrated weekly review gives you a clear, tm-

won honors. That almost killed my ambi- partial and correct diagnosis of public affairs
per fills the bill without emptying the purse: It costs but Si a year. If you
want to keep posted on what is foineoninthe world, at the least expense
tion but later, after he had died, I was during these strenuous, epoch - making days.
; of time or money, this is your means. If you want a paper in your home
which IS sincere, reliable, entertaining, wholesome the Pathfin'ler is yours. If you would appreciate a paper which puts verythln^
pained to find a package of letters which clearly, iatrly, brieflv here it is. Send 25c to shi that you
, -- might
_. like such a paper, and we will send the Pathfinder oo probation 14
. .

(Continued on page 907) weeks. Tbe ISc does not repayos, but we are eUd tolavesclo oew friends, Th Pathf lnd*r. Box STG, Washlasten,D.C.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.




A Sample of What You Can Do With This Outfit

This iUustration.
made from an actual
pliuiograph. sh w3
only a very few in-
struments that can be
made with the Boy's
Electric Toys: Elec-
t r i c Pen d uluin .

Electric TeleKraph.
Current Generator.
K e c t
r e1 i
Spiral. a 1 - G
V a n u til e t e r .

Space does
not p e r ra i't
us the hundreds
to shtnv
experiments that can be per-
formed with this wonderful
The outfit contains 114 separate pieces of material and 24 pieces of
finished articles ready to use at once.
Among the finished material the following parts are included:
Cbromic sails for hattory, lamp socket, bnttle of mercury, core wire
(two dilTerent lengths), a bottle of iron fHintis, three spools of wire,
earboiie. a lytKintity of machine screws, flexible cord, t.wo wood bases,
glass plate. parafHne paper, binding posts, screw-driver, etc., etc. The
mstrui'tiun lu>ok is so clear that anyone can make the apparatus wlth-
(Hit Irmible. and besides a section of the instruction book Is taken up
with tlie fundamentals of electricity to actjuaint the layman with all
important facts in electricity in a simple manner.
We guarantee satisfaction.
The size over all of the outfit is 14x0x234. Shipping weight. 8 CC ftn
No. EX2002 "The Boy's Electric Toys." outfit as described. P'-v;i;

The "Electro" Radiotone

This instrument Rives a wonderful high
pitched Ml'SU'AL NOTE in ihe receivers.
Impossible to obtain with the ordinary
test bu/zer. The RADIOTONE is built
along entirely new lines; it is NOT an
r>rdlnar>- reconstructed in some
manner. The RAUIOTONE
has a single
fine steel reed vibrating at a r^niarkahlj'
high speed, adjusted lo its must efflcient
freipieney at the ia<iory. Hard silver con-
tacts are used to make the instrument last
prartically forever.
Ves. the UADIOTONE is SILENT. In fact, it is so silent that you must
place your ear on top of it to hear its ht-autlful mu^^ical note.
You will be astounded at the wonderfully clear. 5(iU cycle note, sounding
Rliarijly in your receivers. To learn the codes there Is absolutely nothing
like It. With the radiotone. a key and one dry cell and teliMih-ine. a ANY
fine learner's set Is had. Two or more sueh sets in series will afford no
end of pleasure for intercommunication work. Shipping Weight lb. I

Radiotone as described each $.90


The "Electro" Telegraph

is not a toy, hut a practical,
honestly built teh-gra[)li outfit,
whleh not otdy sounds hut works
like the big commercial Insiru-
nients. Ity studying the code
fiT .'10 days you can become a
first -class telegraph operator.
Such operators are in big de-
mand now. Outfit consists of
TWO completf telfgraph instru-
ments each measuring 3\^ x 2*^
X 2%. All metal jiarts art- higli-
ly nickel plated, ini-luding ki-v
ievt-r. Xotf hard nibin-r knoh.
No. EX2002 Telegraph Code Chart, telegraiih ,
blanks and conni'-iing wire cumes with set, hut no batteries. Outfit works
THE BOY'S ELECTRIC TOYS" contains enough material
on 2 dry cells (one cell for each instrument "Elfclro" Is the ONL\
Outfit that works Iwth ways, each station can call; no switches, no extras.
Nothing to Rt-t out of order. (Guaranteed to rih-i'S"- you or mcney tfj-l
I . TW
DIFFERENT ELECTRICAL APPARATUS without any back. Price Comptete as Illustrated (TWO INSTRUMENTS) pi*^U
other tools, except a screw-driver furnished with the outfit. The box contains
the foUowlne complete Instruments and apparatus which are already assembled
Student's chromic plunge battery, compass-galvanometer, solenoid, telephone
Shlnplnq Weight. 2 lbs.
receiver, electric lamp. Enough various parts, wire, etc., are furnished to *'Electro" Codophone (Patents Pending^
make the following apparatus:
Electromagnet, electric cannon, magnetic pictures, dancing spiral, electric
hammer, galvanometer, voltmeter, hook for telephone receiver, condenser,
What thii
Instrument Is
5k1 ^O
1/ X V^Vf
sensitive microphone, short distance wireless telephone, test storage battery, and does.
shocking coil, complete telegraph set, electric riveting machine, electric buz-
The "Klcc-
zer, dancing fishes, singing telephone, mysterious dancing man, electric jump- Iro" Codo-
ing jack, magnetic geometric figures, rheostat, erratic pendulum, electric phone Is
butterfly, thermo electric motor, visual telegraph, etc.. etc. positively tli''
This does not by any means exhaust the list, but a great many more ap- only instru-
paratus can be built actually and efTectually. ment madi-
With the Instruction book which we furnish, one hundred experiments that
that will
hnitate a 500
can be made with this outfll are listed, nearly all of these being illustrated cycle note
with sujjerb Illustrations. No other materials, goods or supplies are necessary exactly as
to perform any of the one hundred experiments or to make any of the 25 beard in a
Wireless re-
apparatus. Everything can be constructed and accomplished by means of this ceiver. The , L t.
outfit, two hands, and a s<-rew-drlver. ffvmtintied in next roiumnl loud-talking receiver r-qtiipped with a Imrn, talks so loud that you can hear
the sound alt over the room, even if there is a lot of other noise.
"The Livest Catalog in America" THAT'S NOT ALL. By Ii-sening or tightening the receiver cap. a tone
Our biir. new electrical cyclfii-rdia N'.. lU is \^.li^i[;^f ff.r you. T'o^ittvely from tlH- I'lurst, softest nuality, up to the loudest aJid bigbeat screaming
Ihe mo^t rrtmplete Wlreli-iis aiid i-h-rtrical caialuK In i.rint itMiav. 22R Itlj? sourul Cit7i be !iad in a few Hccoiids.
Vigm. r.ao llluiiirations. ."iOO InntninitritB ati<l apparatus, etc. Ttla "Treatise
FOR INTERCOMMUNICATION. Csing t%vo dry cells for each instrument,
on Wirelets Telegraphy." 20 KIIKB couikhih f(,r our lf;0-pae FRt:E Wire- two Codophones \vlnti cnrjuift^'d with ono wire and return ground, can bo
IcM fi.ura*- in 20 IfiAons, FRKV. Cvcl'ijudla No. VJ measures Ti-IU"- iT)i(r'i.ii)iimiii'fttlon between two houses one-half mile apart.
used f'lr
Weight '.i Jb. Beautiful stifT cavern. Onv oulrtt ali-nt! rfplii<t tho old-fashioned learner's telegraph set. con-
sisting of key and sf>under.


231 Fulton St.. New York City
n The
diameter, that
and huilt
is a handsome, well made Instniment. fool
bard work.
Contacts are of hard sllviir '/s liK-h in
outlast tho Instrutticnt.
There is also a neat code chart and full dirrctlnns enabling any Intelli-
I enclose herewith 1 o-nls In stamps or ooln for which please
I gent young man or girl to learn the codes within 30 days, pra<
send me your latest Cyclopedia f'aialug No, 20 as di-H'Titted. half hour a day.
Sizes: 6% X 3 X 2%." Shipping weight, 2 lbs.
I The "Electro" Codophone as described, complete.... $1.50
XAifE _
231 Fulton Street
E. E. 4-1 a ll| IIIBIIIBIIIIIBIIIIHIIIIBiaillllllllllB

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


MY INVENTIONS. complete my education at the University

there. It was in that city that I made a
(Continued from page 90S) decided advance, which consisted in detach-
the professors had written him to the effect ing the commutator from the machine and
that unless he took me away from the In- studying the phenomena in this new aspect,
stitution I would be killed thru overwork. but still without result. In the year follow-
Thereafter I devoted myself chiefly to phys- ing there was a sudden change in my views
ics, mechanics and mathematical studies, of life. I realized that my parents had
spending the hours of leisure in the libra- been making too great sacrifices on my ac-
ries. I had a veritable mania for finishing count and resolved to relieve them of the
whatever I began, which often got me into burden. The wave of the American tele-
difficulties. On one occasion I started to phone had just reached the European con-
read the works of Voltaire when 1 learned, tinent and the system was to be installed in
to my dismay, that there were close on one Budapest, Hungary. It appeared an ideal
hundred large volumes in small print which opportunity, all the more as a friend pf our
family was at the head of the enterprise.
that monster had written while drinking
seventy-two cups of black coffee per diem.
It had to be done, but when I laid aside the
It was here that I suffered the complete
breakdown of the nerves to which I have
referred. What I experienced during the
book I was very glad, and said, "Never

My first year's showing had won me the

period of that illness surpasses all belief.
My sight and hearing were always extraord- COURSE IN
appreciation and friendship of several pro-
fessors. Among these were Prof. Kogner,
who was teaching arithmetical subjects and
geometry; Prof. Poeschl, who held the
inary. I could clearly discern objects in
the distance when others saw no trace of
them. Several times in my boyhood I saved
the houses of our neighbors from fire by
chair of theoretical and experimental phys-
hearing the faint crackling sounds which Are you one of the 98% who
did not disturb their sleep, and calling for didn't finish High School? If so you
ics, and Dr. Alle, who taught integral cal-
culus and specialized in differential equa-
help. are badly handicapped. Without this
tions. This scientist was the most brilliant In 1899, when I was past forty and carry- training you are barred from a suc-
lecturer to whom ever listened. He took
ing on my experiments in Colorado, I could cessful business career, from the
a special interest in my progress and would hear very distinctly thunderclaps at a dis- leading professions, from well-paid
tance of 550 miles. The limit of audition for civil service jobs, from teaching and
frequently remain for an hour or two in the
lecture room, giving me problems to solve, my young assistants was scarcely more than college entrance, in fact from all
in which I delighted. To him I explained a l.SO miles. My ear was thus over thirteen worthwhile positions.
flying machine I had conceived, not an illu- times more sensitive. Yet at that time I was,
sionary invention, but one based on sound, so to speak, stone deaf in comparison with Ulf THIS
"^ou <}on't ^3nt
to be handicapped
the acuteness of my hearing while under
scientific principles, which has become real- milWi nor do you have to
izable thru my turbine and will soon be
given to the world. Both Professors Rogner
and Poeschl were curious men. The former
the nervous strain. In Budapest I could
hear the ticking of a watch with three
rooms between me and the time-piece. A
School give
fly alighting on a table in the room would
you the training you missed. Our
had peculiar ways of expressing himself High School Course covers every subject
and whenever he did so there was a riot, cause a dull thud in my ear. A carriage
taught in a resident school.
It will broaden
followed by a long and embarrassing pause. passing at a distance of a few miles fairly your knowledge, make you keen, alert and
Prof. Poeschl was a methodical and thoroly shook my whole body. The whistle of a capable and fit you to earn a higher

grounded German. He had enormous feet locomotive twenty or thirty miles away ^ki salary. You can complete the entire i^r
and hands like the paws of a bear, but all made the bench or chair on which I sat vi- ^M course in two years. IC^
of his experiments were skillfully per- brate so strongly that the pain was unbear-
formed with clock-like precision and with-
out a miss.
able. The ground under my
continuously. I had
feet trembled
to support my bed on
It was in the second year of
that we received a Gramme dynamo from
my studies
rubber cushions to get any rest at all.
The roaring noises from near and far often AT OUR EXPENSE
Paris, having the horseshoe form of a lami- produced the effect of spoken words which
Test this Course at our expense.
nated field magnet, and a wire-wound arma- would have frightened me had I not been Take ten full examinations, then if you don't
ture with a commutator. It was connected
able to resolve them into their accidental feel_ satisfied you are not out one cent.
components. The sun's rays, when periodi- Training alone will make you master of your
up and various effects of the currents were work, able to think and act for yourself,
cally intercepted, would cause blows of such
shown. While Prof. Poeschl was making and competent enough to secure and hold
demonstrations, running the machine as a force on my brain that they would stun me. the position you want. Whether you lack
I had to summon all my will power to pass High School training or specialized instruc-
motor, the brushes gave trouble, sparking
under a bridge or other structure as I ex-
tionNOW is the time to get it.
badly, and I observed that it might be pos-
sible to operate a motor without these appli-
perienced a crushing pressure on the skull.
In the dark I had the sense of a bat and
ances. But he declared that it could not be
could detect the presence of an object at a
done and did me the honor of delivering a
distance of twelve feet by a peculiar creepy The demand was never greater for skilled
lecture on the subject, at the conclusion of workers in every trade and profession. The
which he rem^.rked "Mr. Tesla may ac-
sensation on the forehead. My pulse varied
pay was never higher the opportunities
complish great things, but he certainly never from a few to two hundred and sixty beats never greater. Train and get into the game
and all the tissues of the body with twitch- for all it is worth. We guarantee aatisfac-
will do this. It would be equivalent to tion. You do not risk one cent. Check and
converting a steadily pulling force, like that ings and tremors which was perhaps the mail Coupon NOW. We will promptly send
of gravity, into a rotary effort. It is a
hardest to bear. A renowned physician who you full details and Free Bulletin.
gave me daily large doses of Bromid of
perpetual motion scheme, an impossible
idea." But instinct is something which
transcends knowledge. We
have, undoubt-
edly, certain finer fibers that enable us to
Potassium pronounced my malady unique
and incurable. It is my eternal regret that
I was not under the observation of experts
in physiology and psychology at that time.
Dept.H-7444 Chicago, Illinois

perceive trutlis when logical deduction, or

any other willful effort of the brain, is I clung desperately to life, but never ex-
futile. For a time I wavered, imprest by pected to recover. Can anyone believe that Tell me how T can fit mvself Za Tu
for the position marked X: ' * *
the professor's authority, but soon became so hopeless a physical wreck could ever
High School Graduate Shop Superintendent
convinced I was right and undertook the be transformed into a man of astonishing ,,Electrical Kneineer Lawyer
...Telephone Engineer ....Business Manager
task with all the fire and boundless confi- strength and tenacity, able to work thirty- ...Architect ....Auditor
dence of youth. eight years almost without 'a day's interrup- ...Draftsman ...Certified Public Accountant
...13uildinfi: ...Stenographer
tion, and find himself still strong and fresh
I started by first picturing in my mind a ...Structural Engineer ...Bookkeeper
...Mechanical Engineer ....Fire Insurance Adjuster
direct-current machine, running it and fol- in body and mind? Such is my case. ...Civil Engineer ....Sanitary Engineer
lowing the changing flow of the currents in A' powerful desire to live and to con- ...Steam Lngiueer ....Automobile Engineer

the armature. Then I would imagine an tinue the work, and the assistance of a
alternator and investigate the processes tak- devoted friend and athlete accomplished the
ing place in a similar manner. Next I wonder. My health returned and with it the
would visualize systems comprising motors vigor of mind. In attacking the prolilem
and generators and operate them in various again I almost regretted that the struggle
ways. The images I saw were to me per- was soon to end, I had so much energy to in'^o MOVING PiaURE BUSINESS
fectly real and tangible. All my remaining spare. When i undertook the task it was
term in Gratz was past in intense but fruit- not with a resolve such as men often make. Small Capital Starts You
less efforts of this kind, and I almost came With me it was a sacred vow, a question of on our easy payment plan. Begin
to the conclusion that the problem was in- life and death. I knew that I would perish now and get your share. Wo &eU
everything. Write today.
solvable. In 1880 I went to Prague, Bo- if I failed. Now I felt that the battle
.you how to earn Atlas Moving Picture Co.
hemia, carrying out my father's wish to {Continued on page 909) '25!!.oS50!Sperday 3pt 49 538S. 0.rborn8t.,ChIo.

You benefit by mentioning the "l-leclrical Experimenter" when writing to ad-.erlisers.


o o:


(CoiitiiiiiCil from ('age 907)

was won. Back in the deep recesses of the

brain was the sohition, but I could nut yet
give it outward expression. One afternoon,
which is ever present in my recollection, I
Learn to Fill
was enjoying a walk with my friend in the
City Park and reciting poetry. At that age
1 knew entire books by heart, word for word.
Bigger Shoes
One of these was Goethe's "Faust." The
sun was just setting and reminded me of the
glorious passage
"Sic riickt und zvclcht, der Tag ist iibcrlchf,
Foremen and
to $5000 Yearly No matter what kind of
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now, a set of these
Dort I'ilt sic hill und fiirdert ncucs Lcbcn.
great home study books will

Oh, dass kcin I^'liiijcl mich vom Bodcn hcbt
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Ein schijner Traum indcsscn sic cntwcicltl.

Ach, zu dcs Gcislcs fliigcln ivird so Icicht
quickly fit you for a bigger
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Encineers kinda) at the rate of 50 cents a week. This is
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stant the truth was revealed. I drew with
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grasp it NOW. Use these books and a
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ican Institute of Electrical Engineers, and $1800 to $5000 Yearly BIGGER SHOES.
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"The glow retreats, done is the day of toil;
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t A
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price.$35.00. Special price,?21.80. Special price, only $13.80.
be regretted that a letter addrest
It is to
to me by Mr. J. Harris Rogers, in your care, Law and Practice Electrical Engineering
was published in the march number of the (with Reading Course in 25 Seven volumes, 3000 pages and
260O illustrations, plates and
bound pamphlets). Thirteen
Elf.ctric.'\l Experimenter, altho the concur-
rence of our views in some wireless fea-
volumes, 6000 pages and 24 illus-
trations. Prepares for all Bar
Examinations, A wonderful
Ask Our Experts diagrams. Prepares for Elec-
trical Engineer, Power Plant
Superintendent. Substation op-
tures might have made this desirable to so aid to business men. Regular With these books goes free of all erator or Electrician. Regular
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wide-awake and enterprising a periodical as price,$72.00. Special price, $39.80.
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Four volumes, 1340 pages and Ten volumes. 3680 pages and
tive gentleman and nothing would be farther 800 illustrations, plates and you write us. Our corps of experts 1987 illustrations, forms, etc.
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Manager. Accountant. Credit

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est of truth.

est War Invention

However, the article by your
Mr. H. Winfield Secor on "America's Great-

The Rogers Under-
ground Wireless" contains a reference to "a
DoN^r Send
Write the name of the books you
Any men have
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novel and original high frequency gener- $2.00. You can send the balance of the
ator" of Mr. Rogers' invention. May I not want on the coupon and mail it to- special reduced price the same way $2.00
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If you decide you don't want to keep shoes. There will be a better job looking
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communication which appeared in the Elec-
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ing of circuit controllers. I said: "I may
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pole of a generator, thru the primary of
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This device gives discharges of a remark-
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(Continued on page 914)
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1 ) )


It contains the follow-

ing 44 chemicals:
Alum AI;(SO.)a. (NHi):SO,
Antimony (powdered) (Sb)
Ammonium Aqua
Ammonium Carbonate
(NH.). CO3
AmmoniumChloride NH,C1) 1
The Joy of Father and Boy.
Ammonium Sulphate
INH.), SO.
Barium Chloride (BaCl-) u >
Boric Acid (H-iBOj)
Brimstone (Sulphur) (S)
Calcium Chloride (CaCU)
Calcium Oxide (CaO)
Calcium Sulphate
Charcoal (Carbon) (C)
Chloride of Zinc (ZnCI.)
Copper Sulphate (CuSO,)
Ferrous Sulphate <FeSO)
Ferrous Sulphide (FeS)
Glycerol (Glycerine)
Chemical Laboratory
CjH(OHlj \\'e present herewith to our friends our new E. I. Co. Chemical Labora-
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
Iodine ( 1
tory which contains real chemicals and apparata to perform real chemical
Iron Chloride (FeCU) experiments. This outfit is not a toy, put up merely to amuse, but a
Iron Oxide (Fe.Oj)
Lead Acetate Pb (CjH^O;).. practical laboratory set, with all the chemicals, apparata and reagents
Litmus Paper
Magnesium Carbonate necessary to perform real work and to teach the beginner all the secrets
(MgCO,) of inorganic chemistry. With this outfit we give free a book containing
Manganese Dioxide (MnO^)
Mercury (Quicksilver) (Hgi a Treatise in Elementary Chemistry, useful data and recipes, and 100
Nickel Chloride (NiClj)
Oxalic Acid (H-CjO.) instructive and amusing experiments.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Borate (NaBO;)
Sodium Carbonate Na^-COa)

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) The outfit consists of forty-four (44) Chemicals nil A good part of the book is devoted to Weights and
Sodium Nitrate (NaNOj) C. P. (chemical pure) put up in appropriate wooden Measures. The Metric System, the English system
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Sodium Sulphate (Na SO,) stoppers and there is a sufficient quantity of chemicals The following tables are furnished Symbols and

Sodium Sulphite (Na,SO.,) supplied (mostly one to two ounces) enough to make Atomic weights of the Elements; Measures of Weights,
Stannous Chloride (SnCI.) dozens of experiments with each. See list of Cheini- Volume, Capacity and Length; Per Cent solutions;
Sulphate of Nickel (NiSO, t::ls herewith. Conversion of Measure expressed in parts; Poisons
Sulphate of Zinc (ZnSO,) The apparata furnished are all of the best obtainable
and their antidotes; Technical and common name of
Sulphuric Acid Hi.SO, (
make and of standard laboratory size and shape. A chemical substances; Formulas for Cleaning various
list of the 1"pieces of apparata. furnished with this
Tin (Granulated! (Sn)
ijUitit is jirintcd al>;o herewith. substances, etc., etc.
Zinc (Metal) (Zn)
Zinc Carbonate (ZnCOa) The Instruction book is a real Chemistry Course Among the 100 Experiments are:
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The following apparata sion of Matter: This is a Treatise on Elementary How to make chemical tricks; How to make invisible
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vation of the chemical names of the Elements and

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colors; How to test Acids and Alkalies and hundreds
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One book containing Trea-
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try and 100 Chemical Ex-
periments to be performed
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EXPERIMENTS. Q. Gordon Jones, Jr., Cordele, Ga.,
(Coittinut'ii from f>agc 894) wants to know how Mercury Vapor is ob-
tee. and must furnish certificates of good .\. Under a pressure of 760 mm., mer-
character and honesty. These secrets have cury boils at 357.25 degrees C, giving off
been handed down faithfully from one gen- a colorless vapor. Mercury gives off vapor
eration to another for hundreds of years.
even at ordinar>' temperatures, and a gold
leaf suspended over mercury in a stoppered
bottle, gradually becomes white upon the
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN surface, owing to its amalgamation with the
CHEMISTRY. mercurial vapor. This vapor is poisonous,
Standard Soap Solution. giving rise to salivation, such as loosening
Q. 1. Roy Munsell, Henryetta, Okla., of the teeth, etc.

wants to know the method of preparing


the Standard Soap Solution as mentioned Buttermilk in Butter.

in the lesson on water testing of the "Ex- Q. 4. Theodore Coughlin, Rochester, N.
perimental Chemistry" lessons. Y., wants to know why buttermilk is ob-
.\. .\ strong solution of this soap is first jectionable in butter.
prepared hy rubbing together in a mortar, A. Buttermilk is very objectionable as it
75 grams of the so-called "lead plaster" begins to decompose almost immediately,
(which consists practically of lead oleate), and sets up fermentation, in the butter itself.
which may be obtained from your druggist, See article at head of this month's "Chem-
and 20 grams of dry potassium carbonat. istry Department."
When the two are thoroly mi.xed a small
quantity of methylated alcohol is added, and BACK NUMBERS CONTAINING
the mixture worked to the consistency of a "EXPERIMENTAL CHEM-
thin smooth cream. More spirit is then ISTRY SERIES.
added, and the contents of the mortar The "Experimental Chemistry" series, by
rinsed, using more of the spirits for this Albert W. Wilsdon, started in the June,
purpose. This is then collected in a bottle
and the mixture placed aside to settle. The
1916 issue of the Electrical Experimenter
and has run continuously since that date.
"I Can Succeed!"
clear liquid is decanted off thru a filter, Prices on the back numbers containing "What other men have done with the
and the sediment finallywashed upon the these respective lessons, many of which help of the International Correspondence
filter with more spirit. The volume of the have been of the greatest value to High Schools, I can do. If the I. C. S. have
liquid may now
be made up to 200 or 250 School as well as Correspondence School raised the salaries of other men, they can
cc, by adding a mixture of equal volumes and University Scholars, as has been proven raise mine. If they have helped others
of spirit and water. by many letters which we have received to advance, they can help me. To me,
from readers of all classes, will be fur- I. C. S. means 'I CAN SUCCEED.'
Solvay Process. nisht upon receipt of stamped and addrest Make up your mind right now that
Q. 2. C. H. Hathaway, of Peoria, III., de- envelope. If you wish a first-class and another day shall pass until you have
sires information regarding the Solvay clearly explained treatise on Experimental made your start toward success.
Process. Chemistry, procure all of the lessons and For27years men in offices, stores, shops,
.\. Sodium Chlorid, commonly known as bind them together. Many valuable and factories, mines, railroads, and in the
table salt, is the source from which the original tables and formulas are included Army and Navy have been winning pro-
sodium alkalies are derived. The starting in these lessons which the author has found and increased salaries through
point of this process is therefore salt in of particular value in his commercial ex-
perience as a chemist.
the I. C. S. More than 100,000 men and
the form of a good strong salt brine. If women are getting ready right now with
you open a bottle of ordinary smelling salts C. S. help for the bigger jobs ahead.
and inhale the vapor, you will immediately

No matter where you live, the I. C. S. will come to

recognize the second fundamental of the (Continued from page 885) you. No matter what your handicaps, or how small
process in the form of Ammonia, similar one way only where the electrodes are of your means, we have a plan to meet your circum-
stances. No matter what career you may choose,
to the gas which is contained in the com- unequal temperature. With the audion, some one of the 280 1. C. S. Courses will surely suit
mon household ammonia. The third and music has even been transmitted with your needs.
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quiet of your own home will bring you a bigger
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less hour of spare time go to waste? Make your
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start right now! This is all we ask: Without cost,
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process is based.
The salt brine is saturated with ammonia
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gas and carbonic acid gas is then blown Satisfied?'evolve into a likness of Bill INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS
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in Explain, without oblleafin? me, how I can qualify for the
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step, but the final products are Sal-am- "Tesla, De Forest and Marconi do not ELECTKICAL ENtilNF.KU DSALESMANSHIP
moniac and crude bicarbonat of soda. The. hold the whole stage in the wireless field. Electrle Mghtloff and llja. HADVEUTISING
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crude bicarbonat of soda separates out as Prof. Fessenden has bushels of patents in Telegraph Engineer Show Card Writer
Telephone Work DSicn Painter
a white powder and the sal-ammoniac re- the Pat. office on the stuff, and there are a UEOIUMCAL ENUINEEIi Jllailroad Trainman
mains dissolved. The Ammonia takes the lot of other guys who have earned the price H Ueebanloal l>raf(AmBQ ^ILLUSTRATING
jHaehlne Shop rraotiea 3] Cartooning
place of the sodium in the salt, and the of a meal from some little thing that makes 3Toolmaker "DOOKKEEPER
sodium combines with water and carbonic (Continued on page 918) DGaa Enpine Operatlns StcnoKi'upher sad TjpUl
DCIVIL ENGINEER Cert. Pub. Accounianl
acid to form the well-known baking soda D^iirTerln? and Dlapptnp TRAFFIC MANAGER
D Railway AccounfanI
Commercial Law
This is separated from the liquids by (Continued from page 869) Marine Encincer HGOOD ENGLISH
It is then necessary to prepare
B Ship Draflsman
filtration. eye. Theplay of auroral lights around the Contractor and Rnllder
Common School SabJeoU
this for a commercial product by heating poles is plainly visible and the earth's at- Arflhitectnral DralUmaa CIVIL SERVICE
it in a furnace where it loses all its water mosphere reflects a rim of light to the H Concrete Builder Railway Mall Clerk
^Structural EnRineer Aurononii.E opebitihg
and carbonic acid gas. The product is now moon at the time of new Earth. Owing to HEATING
Dl'M'AIIIIXd AN1> Aato Itepalrlng
known as sodium carbonat, or soda ash, the J Sheet Metalworker Navigation IDSDaBbll
the lack of atmosphere on the moon, there jTxtUel)*erieerorSnDt. AUitlOUI/rUURlnFreDeb
finished product of the Solvay process, and is no diffusion of light and the earth there- IJCIlEmST I'onltry ilablos ICjItalUn

the starting point for other forms of sodium fore stands out in sharp contrast to a sky
alkalies. (The liquid coming from the name
of inky blackness in which the solar corona Present
filtration process contains the sal-ammoniac, (Continued on pag 912) Occupatio n
and this is distilled Street
with lime earth-moon
to re- venus
cover the ammonia _ SUN nity Sfifp
to be used over ^

again no ammo- |<-E5,ooo,ooomiles->|<----
68.000.000 MILES- --iT I T PAYS TO READ
nia remains in the
soda.) P'a- 7 -Relative Position of Earth, Venus and Sun at
at Opposition.
Time of Observation E." ADVERTISEMENTS
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


> k'* and the stars appear even in the lunar day.
To one equipt with an opera glass on
the moon many of tlie wonders and beauties
!l iMok. en Paleats. Trade Marks, etc., Si-nt
of our planet would be revealed; the

frtv Our 70 vears txrerience. efticient senice,

and and proleclion
fair dealing assure fullest value shadows of our lofty mountain peaks would
to the inventor. Patents prtvured througU lis re-
ceive free notice ia Scientific American, be seen falling across the adjacent plains
MTN-N & CO.. 61S WoolworUi Bldg.. N. Y, and passing rain or snow storms would
Wasliinston Office. 625 P St.. Washinston. D, C. temporarily veil certain portions. Were our
most powerful telescopes placed on the
moon we could easily distinguish small
islands and lakes and cities, as well. All
Patents Promptly Procured objects five miles or so in diameter would be
Send sketch or model for actual search well within the reach of our great tele-
of U. S, Patents. Highest references. scopes and we can imagine that the lunar
Personal sers-ice. Moderate fees. Write inhabitants would spend a considerable
for Free Patent Book. portion of their time in attempting to solve
the nature of many mysterious markings
GEORGE P. KIMMEL, Patent Lawyer that come and go over the face of their
99-S Loan & Trust Bldg. Washington. D. C.
nearest neighbor. It is indeed a pity that
the opportunity to study a living planet at Fig Diagram Showing Relative Positions


close range is granted to a world devoid of Mars and the Three Inner Planets, Earth,
Venus, and Mercury, the Three Morning and
of all forms of life while the great tele- Evening Stars of Mars. Assuming Mars to
Inventors Invited to Write for Information scopes of our own planet sweep searchingly Be in the Position M,, the Planets Are Best
and Particulars over a barren mass of lifeless rocks pre- Seen When on the Near Side of Their Or-
Highest References. Best Results. bits, Positions E, E', E" and E., for Earth
Promptness Assured. senting no signs of growth or decay, a and V, v', v" and V;, for Venus. At E,, and E2
desolate and uninhabitable waste.
WATSON E. COLEMAN We have considered how our planet ap-
Earth Is Invisible from Mars, Being in Infe-
rior and Superior Conjunction with the Sun
Patent Lawyer pears from the two other planets that are
Respectively. At E, and E, It Is at Its East-
624 F Street N. W. Washington, P. C. ern and Western Elongations Respectively
most likely to be the abode of life, Venus and at E' and E" It is at the Greatest Bril-
and Mars, and how it would appear seen liancy. When Venus Is at Its Greatest Bril-
/or from our satellite the moon.
liancy V
and V" and the Earth Is in the
Far Part of Its Orbit. Beyond E. and Ej

lUastra tors Cartoonists Com-
It will not take us long to consider
we would appear from the major planets
how Venus Appears Brighter to the Martians
Than Our Own Planet, but When the Earth
Is Near E' and E" It Surpasses Venus in
mercial Artists make big money. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The Brightness Because It Is Then Considerably
Learn NOW
at home In spare
greatest possible distance the earth could
tiro by our new insD-uction Nearer to Mars.
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would be a little less than twelve degrees. Experiments in Boston have shown that
PAID Free Outfit offer.
Washington School of Art, Inc.
HOSHSi-.N.W.Washiufftou.D.C. Mercury, as we know, is not an easy planet electric trucks deliver coal at a saving of
to observe, yet it departs at times nearly 3.2 cents per ton mile from the expense of
SPEQAl KON-VtR-TER SLIDE RULE thirty degrees from the sun. Moreover it horse delivery and seven cents per ton mile
Hamilton"' Xmprovt'd Kul.' in-
is so near to the earth that when it is seen
Btantly adds, eut'tracta, divide-, niulti- cheaper than gasoline trucks.
^ plica, convt-rta frai'tiotia fir ilttimulH of
an inch or buth, Givua sine", cosines,
versed nines, c"-vered sine-t, tangents.
co-tan(rent3. aecani", cooccanta of an-
gles. bqiiareroot^cuberiKit, rootstn the
powers, loKBntbms.circumlerenceB.

00 )#
area and diametersof circles. Moat cum-
diameter. In.itructiona with each rule.
Plain IItti.ity $1.00 Spfcial
DeLlte. white cellijl.id 52.50 Postpd.
AgenU and dcolrra uftntrd.
J. C. HAMILTON & CO.. 7Wator;ii-. DiTt.B.. Bost.in. MflflB


Flo. 2. Changes In Size and Appearance of the Disk of the Planet Earth As Seen from Mars In Various Parts
(1) At Superior Conjunction (E^. In Fig. I) Planet Invisible from (2) Just Before and
con Atotd TTowAA W(tl^ quiiA^
of Its Orbit. Mars.
After Superior Conjunction With the Sun. In' This Position the Olsk Is Quite Fully Illuminated. But It Is
In Your Home. Write today for our booklet. It tells
how to learn to play Piano, Organ, Violin. Man.lolin. Comparatively Small and Indistinct Being On the Far Side of Its Orbit from Mars and Near the Sun. (3) At
Guitar. Banjo, etc. Beyinnera or advanced pupila. Times of Elongation (E. E^ In Fig. 1). The Earth Is Now At Its Greatest Angular Distance from the Sun and
of Music 57 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago Well Placed for Observation from Mar^. (4) At Times of Greatest Brilliancy (E' and E" In Fig. I). The
Amef lean School The Planet Is On
Planet Is Now At Its Best for Observation. (5) Just Before and After Inferior Conjunctions.
the Side of Its Orbit Nearest to Mars. But Is too Near the Sun for Good Observations. (6) At Inferior Con-
junction (E,, In Fig. 1) Nearest to Mars But In Line With Sun and Therefore Invisible from Mars.
HEW SCIENTIFIC WONDER The Illuminated Portion of the Planet's Disk Is Always Turned Toward the Directions of the Sun.

near its elongations it appears as a bright Ultra-violet rays are being blamed for
first magntitude star. Our
planet earth on the fading specimens in European museums,
the other hand is so distant from Jupiter and a search is being made for a glass for
D ^W/C*
\^ w
Vtiu apparently see thr Clothes, Wood,
Btone. any object. Bee Bones ia Flcnh. that it would be just barely visible to the cases that will cut off the rays and at the
A Ma^-ic Triik Nnvelty given FREE with each X-B9y. naked eye if seen against a black sky. same time be colorless and inexpensive.
MARVEL MFG. CO.. Dept. 52. New Haven. Conn.
When we consider that it never gets more
than twelve degrees from the sun under

the most favorable circumstances as viewed
from Jupiter and must therefore always be
searched for in the light of the sun's rays
ARE GOOD TRY ONE we see the hopelessness of expecting to see
Paul M. Marko & Co., Inc. our planet earth from the distance of Jupi-
ter without telescopic aid and were it pos-
1402-1412 Atlantic Ave.
Brooklyn. N. Y. sible to set up our telescopes at the distance
of Jupiter we would find that our little
planet earth was not only a most elusive
EARN MONEY little body but also quite uninteresting when
found. It would appear only as a very
Sunpuif Names on Key Tafs. SEIA
Eith-reex. Spare tlm". SomemaketFv small half moon with a suspicion of a few
SendS-Oe ftjrTaflr with your name on and inflnic-
tkma. lUtamed If reggired Epx. Key Tag Co.. Cohoes. N. Y. dark shadings here and there. As we travel
outw'ard from Jupiter to the planets Saturn,

Uranus and N'eptune our interest in the
liltle planet decreases rapidly. It appears
rebuilt at the facUiry by the w<.-llktio*n"'YoungProceS5." to shrink more and more in size in the tele-
Sold for low ca8h-in3fllment or re-ite). R.-nlal aiit>liea
on parchaae price. Write for foil details and f-iarsintee. scope until at the distance of Neptune
Preetria TOUHG nPEWRIFER CO., Oepl. 817. Chicaga
it has become so tiny and so near to the sun

that it is hardly worth a search in the tele- Relative Positions of Mars, Sun and
TAMPS: scope.
at the Time When the Earth
Best Observed from Mars.
Be The

s 50
V s

Belgium (large bl-color), China. JmAlot.
Venezuela, etc.. lOc: 100 dlff.. nice
20c: 1.000 well mixed. 40c: 100 far.
50c: 1.000 hlngce. 10c: Asts. wanted. BOflfe.
I boy itampt. L. B. Dover. Ovsriand, Mo.
(The next Installment will appear
^lay number.)
in the Earth as Well a the Moon in This Posi-
tion Shows in the Form of a Crescent.
(See Fig. 4.)

Jon hi'nefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



Don't Lose Your

Before disclosing your invention to any-
one send for blank form "Evidence of
Conception" to be signed and witnessed.
A sample form together with printed in-
show you just how to work
structions will
up your evidence and establish your rights
before filing application for patent. As
registered patent attorneys we represent
Edited by H. GERNSBACK hundreds of inventors all over the U. S.
and Canada in the advancement of inven-
In this Department we publish such matter as is of interest to inventors and particularly to tions. Our schedule of fees will be found
those who are in doubt as to certain Patent Phases. Regular inquiries addrest to "Patent Advice" reasonable. The form "Evidence of Con-
cannot be answered by mail free of charge. Such inquiries are publisht here for the benefit of all ception" sample, instructions relating to
readers. If the idea is thought to be of importance, we make it a rule not to divulge all details, in obtaining of patent and schedule of fees
order to protect the inventor as far as it is possible to do so. sent upon request. Ask for them, a post
card will do.

Should advice be desired by mail a nominal charge of $1.00 is made for each question. Sketches
and descriptions must be clear and explicit. Only one side of sheet should be written on.


Questions on Patent Advice are answered in (309) Otto I. Kirby. St. Vincent. B. W. I., sub-
this department every month, and naturally mits an idea of a brake for steamers or boats. The 255 OURAY BLDG.,
each question must take its turn. We have re- idea in short is to have large steel vanes folded
up against the body of a ship in normal position.
ceived so many letters during the past months If the boat is to be stopt, the vanes automatically
that it is absolutely impossible for us to answer open up at right angles to the boat, and the ship,
them all in the "Experimenter.** Thus, for in- thereby exposing an additional surface to the water,
consequently must slow down.
stance, the answers appearing in this issue are A. This idea is a good one but unfortunately
of letters going back as far as July, 1918. We it has been described before, and to our mind no

would therefore urge our correspondents to bear patent can be obtained upon it today. We
do not
think the device works out in practise.
this in mind, and if an answer is wanted quickly^
correspondents should make themselves ac-
quainted with the rules printed above.
Grass Cutter. Our facilities for securing
patents enable ns to give
(310) John C. Reno, Spring Brook, Wis., has prompt and reliable service at
an idea of an arrangement to clean out grass that
Angle Finder. grows over the sidewalk. The device is to be made reasonable rates. Inventors
of sheet steel and by having a triangular nose, in are invited to write to us re-
(305) Geo. E. Zeigler, Urhana, Ohio, submits a our correspondent's opinion, such a tool would
device which he calls an angle-finder. It is an in- clean out the grass very readily in the cocners be-
garding questions appertain-
strument to show on a scale directly the degree of tween roadway and curb. ing to securing patent protec-
any angle. Such an instrument could be used in A. While no doubt this device would work satis- tion. All matters receive
connection with drafting work, building, construc- factorily on the ordinary concrete sidewalk, there
tion, etc. Our advice is asked. would certainly be trouble if the road was com-
prompt attention. Send sketch
A. In the instrument described, use is made of promised of cobblestones for instance. Otherwise, for preliminary examination.
a spirit tube with the usual air bubble, and by dis- we find no trouble with the device, and think that
placing the apparatus, the angle can be read off in Books free on request
a patent can be obtained upon it.
a certain manner. This device itself is not new,
and a similar one has been used on autos to read
the percentage of the grade, and we do not think
A. M. BUCK & CO.
it would be possible for this reason to obtain a
j)atent. Fire Truck Device. Patent Attorneys
(31J) M. Dunbar, Lorain. Ohio', writes: "I wish :05 Second National Bank Bidg..

Submarine Shell. your advice about a patent on an electrical device Washington, D. C.

that will immediately start the engine of a fire
(306) J. R. Pell. Jr., Parkersburg. W. Va.. has truck. My idea is. as soon as the alarm rings it
closes the circuit which starts off the engine of the
submitted an idea on a submarine shell which only
explodes fifteen feet under water. Diagram sub- firetruck. Please advise if this idea is patentable."
A. Providing such a device can be made rugged
mitted shows the electrical connections which are
acted upon chiefly by salt water, making a contact enough, so that it conforms with the Fire Depart- RAISE BELGIAN HARES &*7
as soon as the shell comes within about 15-ft. under ment's exacting requirements, we believe that such
a device should prove of considerable benefit, altho
^HUGE PROFITS easily and pleasantly made We
furnisb Btock sod pay fou S6.00apBfr and
the water. Our advice is asked. exprrsB charges for ail vou riee ronf ract
A. There is nothing fundamentally new shown most of the Fire Departments now have devices widt>ook"FortuDesiD Bu-ea", by mailFr.
whereby the fire under the engines is started with- mnOMilL FOOD a FUO ASSOCIATtOH
in this device, and there are much better ones 0t. Uti MILWAUKEE. WlSC.
in a few seconds after the alarm has sounded.
made which have been used freely in the war.

Electric Depth Bomb.
Geo. W. Curtis. Detroit, Mich., has in-
vented a dfpth bomb. In this particular bomb.
when it is flropt, salt water enters thru the water
inlets, and being conductive, completes a circuit
between certain contacts. These contacts may be
regulated by a water regulator in such a way. mak-
ing it possible to explode a bomb at any depth. Before disclosing an invention, the inventor should write for our blank
A. Xothing new is shown in this idea, and we form "EVIDENCE ON CONCEPTION." This should be signed and witnessed
doubt very much if a patent can be obtained upon and if returned to us together with model or sketch and description of the inven-
it. There are many patents on electrical depth
bombs of this kind. tion we will give our opinion as to its patentable nature.
Our illustrated Guide Book, HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT, sent Free on
request. Contains full instructions regarding Patents, Trade-Marks, Foreign
Flue Cleaner. Patents, Our Methods, Terms and 100 Mechanical Movements illustrated and de-
scribed. Articles on Patent Practice and Procedure, and Law Points for inventors.
(308) Wm.
H. Roberts. Chandler. Tnd., has in- An actual search of United States patents made in all cases before preparing application for patent
vented a device which he terms a flue cleaner."
In short, the idea consists of a fan arranged in Electrical Cases a Specialty Highest References Prompt Attention Reasonable Terms
the chimney in such a manner that the soot is
cleaned out automatically, so that the latter will
not clog the air passages of the flues. Various
means are shown to carry out the idea. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Patent Attorneys
A. While highly ingenious, we doubt if the New York Offices: Pittsburgh Offices: Philadelphia Offices:
device will work. Soot will be precipitated along 1001 to 1007 Woolworth BIdg. 514 Empire Bldg. 135 S. Broad St.
the walls, fan or no fan. to our mind, and we dn Main Offices: 779 Ninth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
not think that the problem can be solved satisfac- Name Address
torily in this manner.

You benefit by mentioning the "Eleetrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


^ (313)
Acetylene Bunsen Burner.
Richard E. Mathes. Excelsior, Minn.,
"I have devised a scheme whereby an
acet>'lene gas plant for bunsen burners and gas in
a small chemical laboratory may be installed at
very low cost. This is meant especially for the
amateur who does not have gas in his home. Is
In many
cases it is desirable to connect
appliance to a single-lamp
wall bracket or ceiling fixture without in-
terfering with the lamp. A
very conven-

TO THE MAN WITH this practical? Could I sell a patent for it? If so,
what would it be worth? Could I use an ordinary
bunsen burner as part of the patent without in-
ient way for doing this has been provided

AN IDEA fringement ?"

A. We see nothing fundamentally new about
by means of the new pull socket current
tap illustrated. It is a combination pull
I offer a comprehensive, ex- socket and plug receptacle built into a single
this idea, as burners of this kind have been used
perienced, efficient service for for years, and such a device is well known in the compact body. It is also supplied witli a
his prompt, legal protection and art. We are quite positive that a patent could not %". Vi", %" or pendent cap. The pull chain
be obtained upon it.
the development of his proposi- controls the current to the lamp socket
tion. proper, whereas the terminals of the re-
Send sketch, or model and descrip- Double Lock.
tion, for advice as to cost, search ceptacle in the side of the body are con-
through prior United States patents, (313) Chas. H. Morgan, Newton, Iowa, sends in tinuously in circuit.
etc. Preliminary advice gladly fur- an idea on a Double Hasp Lock which can be An advantage that this type of socket
nished without charge. operated from both sides of the door. He wants gives is that it eliminates the annoyance of
My cxperirnce and familiarity with to know if this device can be patented.
various arts frequently enable me to A. We see nothing fundamentally new in this, the long cord running from side-wall out-
accurately advise clients as to prob- and furthermore doubt the utility of the device. lets. By means of the new fitting, current
able patentabilit>' before they go to We also doubt if a patent can be obtained on it.
can b e su pplied directly below the fixture
any expense.
Booklet of valuable information to operate various table
and form for properly disclosing Envelope. appliances or other por-
your idea, free on request. Write
today. (314) Jose Mata, San Francisco. Cal.. submits a table devices such as are
sample of an envelope. He wishes us to give him
RICHARD B. OWEN, Patent Lawyer our advice if such an envelope could be patented
in general use, without

164 Owen BuildiD;, Washington, D. C. and if it is feasible. As will be noted, a string sacrificing the use of light

2278-8 Woolworth Bldj., New York City with a knot at each end is glued into the envelope [from the lamp itself. It
when made. thus eliminates the annoy-
A. This is a good idea but it is not new.
Similar devices have been on the market for a long ance of groping about in
time, and some years ago very many magazines the dark while trying to
used a string of this kind to open up the mailing
wrapper, simply by having a thread incorporated
plug into the socket.
into the magazine wrapper. This thread was pulled

PATENTS in a similar fashion as the string of our corre-

spondent's envelope. We
are positive no patent
can be obtained on this device.

Automatic Fuse Replacer.

aeronautical exposition at
Army Day
at the Aeronautical
INVENTORS: Send US sketches or a Exposition
model of your invention and a de- (315) W'm. Sambur. New York City, says: "I in Madison Square Garden and the 69th
scription ot the device for advice
would like to know if an automatic fuse replacer Regiment .Armory, New York City, brought
which instantly inserts new fuses after extracting several thousand uniformed spectators at
in regard to the best way of ob- burnt out fuses would be patentable. This device
could be manufactured at a cost of $3.00. Would the afternoon and evening sessions. Secre-
taining patent protection. Our practical this be a good selling article? I await inxiously tary of War Newton D. Baker was to have
experience covers a period of twenty years. Our the next issue of the Electrical Experimenter
band-book on patents is sent free on request. All for my answer."
been the guest of honor, but at the last
communications strictly confldentlal. Write us today. A. Without having the necessary details, it is minute he notified the officials of the ex-
position that he had been summoned by the
impossible for us to give advice. Correspondents
should bear in mind that merely by giving vague
indications, it is extremely dangerous for us to give
President for a
conference. Major Gen-
Patent Lawyers advice as well as for correspondents to accept it. eral Thomas
Barry, Commandant of the
4287 Talbert BIdg. Washington, D. C. Department of the East, accompanied by
Smoke Stack.
members of his staflf, represented the Sec-
retary of War.
(316) Walter A. Buckheim. Boulder, Colo., asks At the wireless telephone exhibit in the
us: "Please let me know thru your magazine if

PATENTS the following idea is patentable. It is desired to

construct a chimney or factory smoke stack with
ritles or vanes which will impart a rotary motion
to the escaping gases. In forced draft plants the
gases can be given a rotary motion by mechanical
69th Regiment Armory, Lieutenant J. F.
Adams entertained the spectators by read-
ing news from a daily newspaper to ships
in the harbor and places on land equipt

LACEY & LACEY means. In this way a miniature whirlwind will be

created which will hold the gases in a narrow col-
umn and carry them to a great height, where es-
with apparatus. The spectators, by means
of a sounding horn, were able to hear the
Attorneyt-at-Law Patent Practice Exclusively pecially, if they are poisonous, they will be out of answers he received.
Solicitors of
everyone's way. The gases will in effect pass thru Brigadier General Guy Livingston, who
a chimney made of air."
represented tlie British Air Ministry in this
U. S. and Foreign Patents A.
This is a clever idea, but it has one great
namely, it won't work. No matter what country, was an interested spectator at the
Trade-Marks, Copyrights arrangement were used and even if you were to afternoon session. He said that he be-
expend 10,000 H. P. to push the gases out of the lieved the Atlantic would be crost by air-
smoke stack, if a moderately strong wind was
639 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. blowing the gases would positively be forced side- plane or dirigible within the next two or
wise, and if the wind was blowing earthward, the three months.
Write Us for Our Free Inventors' Book gases in this case would be blown earthward too.
You cannot hope to raise a gaseous column into
PATENT-SENSE the air and prevent its swaying side wise by any
ESTABLISHED "Ma known means. For this reason smelters and
chemical industries having to do with poisonous
gases build their chimneys as high as possible. GENERATORS.
There are some cases known where a chimney has {Continued from page 909)
actually been laid up the side of a moderate moun-
Competent Patent Service tain in order to let the gases escape at the top as
far away from human habitation as possible.
brought within reasonable limits, almost
to anything desired. I have used this de-
By a Former Examining Official
vice for a long time in connection with or-
of the i;. S. Patent Office
Radio Break-In System. dinary coils and in a form of my own coil
with results greatly superior in every re-
Norman T. Whitaker (317) C. E. Mitchell. Miami, Fla., submits for
our advice the following idea: "I have a break-in spect to those obtainable with the form of
system for use in wireless telegraphy that does letter, make a few statements referring
Lawyer and Engineer away with anchor gaps and other troublesome ap-
paratus used in break-in systems. It consists of to such make-and-break devices in general,
480 Whitaker BIdg. Washington, D. C. the ordinary heavy wireless key. with an attach- and various forms based on this new prin-
Branctl Office. 87 Nauau St..New Yorit City. ment at the rear, working something similar to a ciple."
compound lever. When the key is raised the an-
INQUIRIES INVITED lenna is connected to the receiver, the detector un- I may add
that a great many forms of
shortcd, and circuit to power transformer opened. this apparatus were constructed and em-
In this manner the receiver is alwa>;s in a receptive
condition at the instant the key is raised.
ployed by me for a long time, proving very
convenient and useful. Water does not give
DRAFTING idea provides for an extension in length to the or-
dinary wireless key and may be installed in any
circuit with ease and does not hamper the pressure
particularly good results, being incapable of
causing very abrupt changes, but electro-
Inventions and Ideas Developed! adjustment of the key. This means of break-in will
lytes have the property of diminishing enor-
prevent considerable interference and loss of time.
Mechanical, Electrical. Patent Office and
Engineering Drawings of Every Description.
A. This is not at all a new idea and the Patent mously in resistance when they are heated
Office is full of break-in systems of this kind. A and the effects are much more intense.
COMPETENT DRAFTSMEN AT YOUR SERVICE great many similar ones nave been described in
the past volumes of the Electrical Experimenter. Salts of lithium are especially efficient.
A. G. HAGSTROM Many of these systems are very good, as is our cor- NIKOLA TESLA.
116 Nassau St New York City respondent's, and many are actually in use, par-
Telephone BeeULan 45S9 ticularly amateurs seem to like them. New York, February 20, 1919.

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



Send one
all the
to your boy In
boys will want
fugc 856)
(Coiitiiuii-d fro)ii Be Handicapped
Anyone against the Kaiser or this important subject. Mr. Hawley said: You will always stagger under tlie worst
Germany should wear this pin. "Aerial transportation is liere and here kind of a handicap, if you remain a
Same size as ricture. Handsome puny, weak, ailing, skinny, miserable
metal, black letiers. Will wear to stay," said the president of the Aero apology for a man. Big men. in the
for years. Men and women wear terrltte competition of business life to-
causes laughter wherever Chib, speaking along general lines. Aerial day, must be virile, strong, full of
Price 10 Cents
transportation bears the same relation to health and life and jump and ginger.
Weakling* haven't the ghost of a show,
land and water transportation that the in any position; thei/ never can ad-
vance, their jobs may be taken from
wireless bears to the regular mail and
l/j.f- Voice Thrower 10c telegraph. It is unlimited by obstacles on
Ihem any day and given to some man
tlie buss knows is b'oing to forgo ahead.
"'^;-^, Learn to throw your yoice into a TUUNK,
under the bed. out in the hall or anywhere. land and water curves are eliminated, and
Lots of FUN
fooling the Teacher. Janitor. there are no grades to climb after reaching If you are just managing to stagger
Policeman, Parents, Neighbors, or Friends. through your worit each day, with con-
your Hying level. stipation, indigestion, biliousness, lack

littJo Instrument that fits into the mouth out
"It has been estimated that aerial ex-
press could be carried profitably at a
of energy or frazzled nerves taking all
the pep out of you, that job of yours
will get away some day before you
BOYS or GIRLS can use It. NEVER know it. Three million or so husky,
sight charge of $2 a pound for packages of a liearty,healthy men will soon be back
ILSt A 32-paoe hnok on Ventriloquism sent
with the VENTRILO for TEN Cents. given size between New York and Chicago. ^_^ from tlie camps and the fighting lines
in France. looking for jobs, and they're
A tw-in-motored 'plane can make the New
the latest jokes on the Ford auto. Hundreds of tiiem,
York-Chicago trip without stopping, carry-
The Perfect Man the kind of boys
employers vvantl

That's the only way to rid yourself of the constant fear

and all good ones. Spring a new one on your nelRhbors. ing a thousand pounds of express matter. of being fired. Build yourself up into a MAN, capable
of doing all your work and more; show your employer
Large book icith colored cover "The postoffice has been operating an that you are full of vim and vitality; that your body
by mail, lOo.
aerial mail betw-een New York and Wash- can stand any strain and that your brain is clear and
keen, full of new ideas for the business. Make him feel
ington daily since May 15, 1918, and has cut tliat. and nobody could PRY your job away the only
down the time of transit to two hours. way you'll lose it will be to take another higher up.
Only small planes are used, which are more Strongfortism will show YOU. as it has shown thousands
expensive than the large ones, when op- of other men on the ragged edge of being fired, how to
Devil Resigns to the Kaiser erated on the ton-a-mile basis. Yet the make yourself too valuable for any employer to lose sight
of. No matter how deep a hole of dismal despair you
cost has been cut down to 40 cents a mile. may be in just now. no matter if you feel that you have
Everyone who reads this book Is wild burned out the last spark of vitality in you by dlssipa-
over It. Conlftins the following :
It is cheaper than taxicab rates. lion or early excesses Strongfortism con make you over,
The Kaiser's Dreara. Letter from A HVILD YOU UP, strengthen every vital organ in you
the Devil to the Kaiser. Kaiser's "British dirigible balloons, some of which and make you fine and fit again.
Prayer, How Satan Resigns to the are capable of carrying sixty tons of use- No druggist's dope or patent bottled humbugs in the
King of Denis. The Kaiser, etc.
ful load at a speed of sixty miles an hour,
Strongfort way
just living life as Nature meant it to
be lived and getting tlie greatest enjoyment out of it.
Many other stories, jokes, etc., about
the German Emperor. Book mailed may soon ply between Great Britain and Send for my FREE BOOK "Promotion and Conserva-
tlon of Health, Strength and Mental Energy." It will
10 cents, postage 2 cents extra.
the United States, carrying passengers, mail show YOU how thonsanda of other di scour aned men
liave made themselves wliole and well and strong again.
and express."
ROGEN X-RAY LIONEL STRONGFORT /'/i,i/si>ar and Health Specialist
10 Cents
HOW ELECTRICITY SERVES 654 Park Building Newark. N. J.

just what you want. (Continued from page 858)
Wilh this instrument you can own, as they obtain the required electric
apparently seo through clullies, see the
bones in your fingers. Tliinit of llie fun you power and steam for heating and other
can have with it. Sample, by mail, TEN CENTS.
purposes, from the railroad companies near
Is a handsome, up-to-date
the respective railroad terminals of which
they are located. The Hotel Pennsylva-
Build and Fly
Your Own
Ring, representing a Skull and nia has a high tension transformer vault in
Cross-bones. Has stones in the
eyes and looks something fright- the sub-basement as well as a large switch-
ful. Women won't like it, but
board for controlling the power and light
for men
or boys it is a great
Sample, by mall, ISO. supply to the various parts of the build- Training Plane
Gee ! What a Wad !
ing, and there is an auxiliary 500 K.W.
steam-driven generating unit installed in the Train yourself in Aviation.
Be an Amateur Aviator with an
This is STAGE MONEY power plant. Aeroplane of your own. Learn
how Aeroplanes are built; learn
Looks like the GENUINE My guide suggested that we next visit a the principles of construction,
STUFF. Some Green backs and operation and control. We sell
some Yellow backs. Create a typical "guest floor", and so we took an IDEAL Accurate Scale Draw-
BIG sensation among your express elevator to the ninth floor, there \\ ings, and Building and Flying
friends. The girls will all be Instructions v^hich show you
after you when they see the wad. being nineteen floors in all. On each floor how to build a perfect Model
BIG roll of 15 pieces by mail,
there is a lady floor clerk, who has charge Aeroplane. 3 ft. size, that
10 cents. will rise from the ground by
of everj-thing on that particular floor, and itsown power and fly like a
Boys Own Toy Maker is responsible for all the service in that
big one. Send now for the
Drawings and Instructions for
and Nine Other Books for 10c particular part of the hotel. Obtaining keys (lie one you want to build.
Drawings and Instructions for
Tells how to make a Telephone, for several of the rooms, we set out to look rv; Curtiss Military Tractoro C^^^
Lantern, Kilea.
Electric Telegraph, Pop Gun,
Sail Boat,
them over, and as the writer had heard of Blerlot Monoplane
Nieuport Monoplane
Red Fire, Galvanic Battery and many the far-famed "servidor", long before he Taube Monoplane EACH
other things. This book, with nine Set of
Curtiss Flying Boat
other interesting books, mailed for lOc. had even thought of visiting the hotel, he Wright Biplane
asked the guide to explain this first of all. CecdPeoli Racer pOStDBld
ENCHANTED BARREL The "servidor'', as its name implies, is a Ideal Model Aeroplane Catalog 5c None free
Tells about Model Aeroplanes. Racing Aeroplanes.
The Most Wonderful Pocket Trick Made scheme for rendering service between the Flying Toys, and parts and supplies to build them
CHANGE A CENT INTO A DIME guest and the hotel attaches without intro- with. 4 8 pages. Sent only upon receipt of
cents. fi

Ask your friend to drop a dime in the barrel. ducing the objectionable personal touch, 76-82 West Broadway New York City
When he takes it out. Behold It Is a CENT. I

You make y cents every time you fool them. which is all right in the public rooms of
Never Thev cannot get on to On
barrel, with directions, only
It. 1
ii/L. the hotel, but rarely ever on the guest room
Any three of the above articles for 2So floors, excepting when a waiter may have Learn Watchwork, Jewelrywork and
or any six for SOc to bring in a table to serve a meal or some- FntrraVintf'*^'''^''^
'^'"^ inslrument repair. A fine trade
L<llgIaVIII^ commanding a good salary, and your ser-
thing of that sort. The accompanying illus- alwavs in demand. Address HOROLOGICAL.
Royal Novelty Co. sooth noIwaik! conn. tration includes a detail drawing of the
vices are
Dept. E.. Bradley Institute, Peoria. III., for latest catalog.
servidor, which at the same time is also

Get This Car

And the AGEtVCY
the "door" of the room, and "believe me,
Xantippe", that door is one of the greatest
masterpieces in all Hoteldom. and thereby
In \OiJR Territory
new 1919 Birch /"if*
Drive a "^
hangs a tale, to wit :

In the first place the
SUPER FOUR and make l^-.^)
- servi-"door" is made of steel, and finislied
good monry se'linii Bitch V
in a perfect imitation of hard wood such
"^ii' ,

cars tr. your frienda and ^^jll-^ -_...,....

neiffhbMrs. Th.-y arc- fuliy W.B..32.
sruarani.t-d. Promft ehjpmenta. Write quick f..r full information. as mahogany, or in some cases walnut, and
BIRCH MOTOR CARS SH'.ci'lo'".'^."LLrN&f^ so cleverly camouflaged that you cannot Wanted-Railway Mail Clerks
perceive the dilYerence, unless you knock
your head against it. The guide demon- $1100 to $2000/ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE
strated all of the features of this inost
Learn WATCH REPAIRINfi marvelous door at the request of the writer. Year
/' Dent D-(OI, Rochester. N. Y.
sirs: Semi me. witliniit
learn by otit modem and orig-
YoM can Common
inal syftem of Instruction very part
This door swells out on both sides, giving Educa- (1) Sample Railway Mail Clerk
Examinatinii iiuestions; (2) sched-
of thi Watoh Repairing Trade at home a depth of ten inches between the inner tion Sufficient ,'
ule showing places of all U. S. Gov-
as good or better than at a shop. You
in earn money whilo leariiinB and aecnro a and outer curved panels, which extend the Sure Pay Llfe^' ernmenl coming examinations: (3)
list of other government jobs now open,
ell pftylne poBltion or alart In busineos after Job. Pull Un-/
ompletintt our coume of instruction. Good full height of the door. These hinged necessary. / and (4) free book describing them.
atcb repairers are always In demand BOO earn
from S20 to $3G ^kt week. For partlcQiar* steel panels are provided with an interlock, '' Name
apply to the __,
so that the outside or hall door in the
^_. ,
166 Mason SI , MUwaukee, Wis.

MilwaukM Sthool of Walchmaking

YoM. benefit by mcntiomng the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


^'*Muscular Development*'^
door cannot be opened by a servant antil
the inner door :.* siiut and locked. What

you can't get via the servidor ain't There !

will tell you ho^^ to get a wonderful muscular

development like mine, perfect health, abun-
dance of vitality and great strength as I have.
are two shelves in the servidor which might
accommodate a special order of ice cream
soda or near-beer from the tap-room, bnt ^^VM
^^^^H ^B
Tlie re.iu'Il^ 'if my ^^^t^m
are >hinvn nii my own per-
>on and that is recom-
mendation enough. To give
every one the opiKiriunity
to proht by wlial I hiive
leanieU. I will mail my
mostly, so my guide explained, the servi-
dor is intended for clothes intended to be
prest over night, or at any time by the
hotel valet, and for soiled linen.
m Headaches
m mk Head the

book. Tor a Umiteil time The modus ofcrandi of the servidor fol-
only. Liii rtrceipt of
lows :
Suppose you, the guest, have a suit Neuralgias
of clothes which you wish presl. and have
lOc or Coin
just arrived at the hotel, and wish to re-
tire at once. Vou call the telephone opera-
Spanish Influenza
Tliis woMilerfu! boo tor via your room telephone, and inform Women's Aches and Ills
help you. It is ptx)-
her that you have a suit of clothes which
\' 111
: i-.ly illustrated and Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains
nrains pictures of many you desire prest by the house valet. She
men whom
the world's
have trained. does the rest. You go to bed and forget Asli Your Druggist for A -K Tablets
EAKLE E LIEDfcRMAN Send for it to-day. RiKhi
about Next morning you awake and
mnY. liih' It Is on your
it. (I he cannot supply you, write us)
:iH:i,l, open the inner door of the servi-"door", and
EARLE LIEDERMAN. Dept. 207. 203 Broadway. N. Y. "pressed-0" there is your suit as spick
! Small Size Dozen Size
and span as ever before, and perhaps if you
Not Toys But Real Apparatus
the same as used by all operating (onii)anies.
are lucky, you might find a couple of five
dollar silk shirts and a nice roll of clean
collars in your servidor, but how could you
You had better send us your order immediately
to insure pmmpt delivery, as this equipment be expected to be able to tell to whoin they See Monogram /l\ on the Qenuine
will not last lung at these prices. beong out of 3,500 guests Ennerhow, as
The Aniikamnia Remedy Company, St. Lonia, Mo.
no Volt Hand Generators
3 bars, each $3.00
Abie Kabibble might say, the guests at this
4 bars, each 4.00
At least they
Write for Free Samples
5 or 6 bars, each 5.00 hotel are all rich anyway.
Telephone transmitters with arms. each.. .75 look itlX? But this is only the start of the
Good ringers complete with bells, each 50
tale of the servidor, for you can press one
Telephone receivers, each 75
Condensers. 2 to 2 M.F., each
50 of tw'o buttons on the inside of the door,
Induction coils, each 50 and open or close a sound-proof ventilator.
Relays, each 1.50
Also there is another very elaborate and
Repeating coils, each 2.00
Real complete C.B. wall type telephone... 4.50 clever mechanical conception incorporated
Slightly used dry cells, per dozen 1.25
rie;ise -^erid mnney-nnler or cash with your order
in the knob and lock of the door
this lakes
the form of a small pin about the size of a
ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY COMPANY lead pencil, placed just under the knob on
Dept. E, 128 So. 11th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. If one of the
the hall side of the door.
Pept K. -Is-r.d .Sm. St.. t'Mlumbus, Ohio
attacht-s (in everyday English, the cliam-
berniaid), tries to enter the room while it

MATYSEK is occupied, she will ascertain this fact

without having to rattle the knob about
The Electric Safety razor makes shaving a
pleasure. Blade vibratinp 7.200 times a minute
cuts the beard smoothly and without slightest
The Way to fifteen dozen times, and chuck you into a pull (ir irritation
feels like a gentle massage.
French fit, wondering if one of the Bolshe- Can be used with or without electric current.
vik gentlemen is calling on you with a
bomb. She simply presses her finger on
AOusersoflhc Lek-TrO-ShaV speahweDofit
pUyMcal devflupiiit-ni.
path to
A barber says
"Have siiaved for years and have
i^ie projecting pin, just under the knob. If never used any sliaviiic device near its equal."
A home user says- ^"The most pleasing shavo I've
the pin resists the pressure of the finger, ever had in my life. Shaves my fate closer than I
SIICESS! The achloTetnent of that
"hicli we desire. ARE YOU SATIS- then the room is occupied: if not, it is un- used to shave, but there is no after irritation or 111
effects as I usually eel from anotluT razor."
KIEU! occupied. Simple, yes, but someone spent No. Made for use from Light Socket.

EXTRA! JOIN! TODAY! a lot of time to "dope" this out. No. 2 Made for use from Dry Battery.
Write for ilhislriiled circular describing Lek-Tro-
M:i!y5fk IMiy^iiinc Excrn-;*-
The conveniences to be found in the Shav Safety Razor fully.

Normal. Fat, StronK.
Prizes guests' rooms, no matter whether large or VIBRATING ELECTRIC RAZOR CO.
a rhance Omaha, Nebr.
- of further Informatlou write NOW. En- small, arc all similar, and designed to give Dept. 122.
fin-.-April lOth. You will not rettret your enroll- the utmost comfort and homelike atmos-
, Enclose Oc tn Miani[j= for mailing.
PROF. MATYSEK phere. The basin in each bath room is EASIEST SHORTHAND
oms 2--4. 29 N. Lakwood
Ave.. Battlmore, Md. fitted with three spigots, the two outer ones then acquire speed with K ,. .

giving hot and cold water, while the center Sburtband. Amazingly simplei
k easy. Approved by experts. Write
SHUT YOUR MOUTH! No*s^*as*^.Nature"lntended spigot yields ice zi'alcr, cooled in the hotel's I dictation, meaflaeeB, etc., ra-
IpMly as spoken, of t<>r crier
Avoid large private refrigerating plant driven by ^^^^^^H^^^^Kthod foroereonal anc; make nota
o u a
electricity, located in the basement. The ^^^^^^^^H^Bt lefturcH,
^^^^^^^^^^ adentlal diary. Ble help
meetings: keep con-
(n any^
which courts
rooms as well as all of the halls are yoor career.
profewlon or buarnesa;
Deed Id Armj, Navy,
aid ID
courta, com-*
deailly infec- cleaned by vacuum cleaners, thus doing merPlal Bchools; by public and prlvato atono-l
tion of lungs
Braphom. teachero. SDcM cost. K. I. Shonnana
away with all dust, besides keeping the car- for linHypcople.lncludlnfrYOU. ProolLeason*, .. . ,.
and throat Guaranlee and rrochurowlthTeatliDonlals'roe, postpaid. AddTMs:
thru improp- pets and draperies thoroly clean and germ- KING INS TITUTE. EL
300. Butloo F. NEW YORK CITY
er breathing.
proof. Combination *A. C. and D. C.
The double rooms do have the cutest little Eight Inch DESK FAN
"twin beds" you ever laid eyes on. Each detachable plug and 8 ft. of cord.
one is fitted with a handsome brass reading Will operate on A.C. or D.C current,
100 to lliS volts. to 60 cycles:
the head of the bed, and
Bst Sopplr Hoases Have Then. BcMklel Free. Price $2 00 lamp attached to weight 10 Ihs. : black enamel finish:
BREATHE-RITE CO., Dept. 1, Ann Arbor, Mich. provided with a silk shade and chain pull helnht im in. A real fan not a
toy. Price $6.50. Agents wanted.
socket. Yes, you can read in bed if yon
want to at one of these palatial hotels. Be- THE TEWNO CO.
Telegraph Pictures tween the beds or alongside of the single 150 Chambers St., Now York
BY ELBCTBICITY beds, there is a telephone and night lamp
A complete set of tvo machines of
tbls marreloua equipment for only
table, which also comes in conveniently to
hold the immortal "ice water" pitcher. In |THE
$19.50. InslructlTe. mystifying and
useful. This picture of rrL-sldent Wil- some of the suites 'of rooms inspected, the Devoted to the Art of Picture Taking and
son wa5 tetegrapbed by thesp nia(.-hii:es. Nature Work with the Camera.
Will transmit pictures, mai>s. draw- furnishings are very attractive, including
ings and band writing. Picture tele- large pedestal style dresser lamps with silk Four Competitions with Valuable Cash Prizes
sraphing Is the coming science. Write Leading to a Fifth.
today. shades, on the bureau for milady, and all in
Srvd ]0c for three inonths' trial subscription.
J. LEISHMAN CO.. Dept.T 0{deo.Ulah all the guests can really feel at home, just Ann Arbor, Mich.
Photo Craft Magazine,
as much as if they were in their own resi-
Ig^MIMEEJMS dence. We
should not forget the electric
curling iron heater and the electric fan.
Used&nd reboHt motorrycl^a, ainfle and twins. Perhaps if you feel so disposed, you would cash art assl^inraenia.
2 to SiriO. Used bicycles. SSOO; Un-
dem. SIO. AH mAcoinrsru&r&ntcsd like to have something piping hot made in lesaona and articles on Car-
ifi rood worlcinir order. New M- tooning Designing. Illustrat-
C7cl9 and motorCTcka at Fae- the chafing dish. If so. one of the maids ing, l,ettertnc. anti Chalk-
torv price*. Yog save dealers' Talking. Criticl.ses amateurs*
prrfita. Idotorcycte and auto- will bring you an electric chafing dish, of InlercHtimr and helpful Infor-
mobile tires too, ^.00. Comclata
irtista and art studenU.
^^ lire oT parta aod ssppliea. which can be easily connected to a special Satisfac-
money refunded. lOcentna copy, SI a year,
DCoingerCyclcCo..Wochef r,M.Y, r
electric floor outlet provided for just such SendSl NOW . slampe or bill.

ey ^j@is@g8aLLM! a purpose. STUDENTS ART MAGAZINE. OepL441. Kalamazoo. Mich

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



The "Room Service", as it is called in the building in order to get a prescription

all modern hotels, and which covers the filled, as there is a large and complete drug
store on the street floor, which is accessible
servins; of meals in
worked out, in the
rooms, is very carefnlly
"FVnnsylvania" and the from the interior. ^^^iltl/yST.RATIONS
"Commodore". At the "Pennsylvania" the In various parts of the hotel, where the I.C.S.
system works out in this fashion Suppose:
architects have found room for them, one ELECTRICAL ENGINEER'S
for a moment you are the guest, and that
you decide to have breakfast served in your
room. You call up the telephone operator
suddenly bumps into unsuspected scenes of
activity. On some of the lower floors, as
well as in spare rooms on the roof, one
and pive her your order. She writes it down
on her memorandum pad, and as soon as
finds carpenter shops, painters and decora-
tors shops, an up-to-date upholsterj- shop,
you have tinished. she writes it on her yes, even a silver-plating room (for taking HERE'S just the book on
telautograph traitsniitting f'lalcii. Then two Electricity that you need
care of the vast amount of silverwa're used
important things immedialely happen /it'O in the dining rooms), employees' club rooms,
to answer your many ques-
telautographs reproduce in writing your
plumbers shop, etc., etc.
to solve your knotty
exact order for the meal, from coffee to problems, to teach you new kinks,
to be your memory for tables, rules,
cigars, one telautograph announcing your A few words may be said here concern- formulas and other Electrical and
order in the "room service" kitchen in the ing the elaborate kitchen equipment at these Mechanical facts that some people

basement, while the second- telautograph hotels, and it is indeed a great revelation to try to carry in their heads and fail.
connected to the same circuit, but situated see how cleverly the engineers who designed With this "Little Giant" I. C. S.
on your room floor, reproduces the order these departments have worked out their Electrical Engineer's Handbook in
your pocket, toolchest, on your
in writing before the "floor clerk" on your problems. For example, all the soiled work bench, drawing table ordesk,
floor, and this is the first notice that she dishes from any of the dining rooms are an hour or a day need not be lost
receives that you have ordered a meal. The practically never touched by human hands, "digging up" some forgotten rule, some un-
familiar fact; you'll just turn to the very com-
system works out very beautifully in this after once being removed from the dining plete index and get it "in a jiffy." Just a few
way, and gives the greatest expedition pos- tables. Thej' are placed in metal carriers of the subjects treated are :

sible to rapid service. Each floor has its resembling large drip pans as soon as they Electricity and Masnetism ; Electrical Sym-
own service pantry, which coiUains all ordi- pass the dining room service door. Here bols; Batteries; Circuits; Magnets; Direct and
Alternating Currents; Dynamos and Motors;
nary things such as bread and butter, and they are placed on continuous moving plat- Belts; Shafting; EHectroplating; Electrical
which are supplied from this pantry. In forms, W'hich travel along at a constantly Measurements; Meters; Arc and Incandescent
this room there are also automatic high- changing angle, so as to utilize the power Lamps; Mercury Arc Rectifiers; Transformers;
Insulation; Electric Cars; Single and Multiple-
speed electric dumbwaiters communicating of gravity, and eventually the dishes reach Unit Control Transmission Rail Welding
Tables of Wires Sizes, Capacities, etc.,
; ;

with the "room service" kitchen in the base- the dish-washing department, which is quite
ment, and as soon as any broiled meat, an establishment all by itself. The dishes Mathematical Rules; Formulas, Symbols; Tables
of Constants, Equivalents, Roots, Powers. Re-
such as chops, steaks, etc., are prepared in are washed by plunging them into large ciprocals. Areas, Weights and Measures;
the main kitchen, they are whisked sky- tanks filled with steam and boiling water. Chemistry; Properties of Metals; Principles of
ward via the automatic dumbwaiter to your Every germ is thoroly killed as soon as he Mechanics; First Aid, etc.
floor. As soon as the dumbwaiter reaches hits the tanks, and the dishes are then The Electrical Engineer's Handbook is one of 22
I.C. S. Handbooks covering 22 Technical. Scientific and
the floor, a buzzer starts signaling the fact, rinsed in other tanks filled with boiling Commercial subjects. (See titles in coupon below.)
buzzing continuously until the door is w-ater, which is so hot that the dishes are They have the contents of a full-size book condensed
Into pocket-size ready to go with you anywhere and
opened the victuals are removed and the
; dried as soon as they emerge from the beat your Instant command. Substantially bound In
cloth, red edges, goldleaf stamping, printed from new,
door closed, after which the dumbwaiter tank, due to the rapid evaporation of the clear, readable type on good quality book paper and
is dispatched kitchenward. By means of water vapor remaining on them. The clean Illustrated wherever a picture wiil help.

a flexible cord and plug and a set of dishes are then whisked away on another
jacks, one for each of the 19 floors, the continuous moving platform, wdiich takes
No Risk Money- Back Offer!
The price
of the famous I. C. S. Handbooks, of which
kitchen service dumbwaiters may be dis- them back to their respective kitchens. The more than 2,000,000 have been sold and are in practical
everyday use, is $1 per copy. So confident are we
patched roof-ward and caused to stop at scenes in these great kitchens are ones that that you wtll find them exactly what you need for
any floor automatically, simply by inserting you will not readily forget, once having vis- ready reference in your work, that we stand ready to
promptly and cheerfully refund your money if for any
the plug in the jack corresponding to that ited this important department of the great reason you are not fully satisfied with their value.
particular floor. When the meal is ready, hotel organization. Here we see dozens Simply send a letter or the coupon below, enclosing |1
for each book wanted. If at anytime within 10 days you
one of the room service waiters stationed of French chefs preparing the various wish to return the books, your money will be refunded.
on your floor serves the meal in your room, meats and cooking them. It would be a INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS
and invariably of course, a table has to be great revelation to any housewife to see Box 6185 Scranton, Pa.
provided for this purpose. Eventually, we how rapidly the cooking is accomplisht. -TEAR OUT HERE
presume, the servidor idea will be extended Steam, gas and electricity are used in the INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS
and amplified, so as to permit the serving various ranges and stoves used for cook- Box 6185,SCRANTON.PA.
of meals, altho this is questionable for the ing the various foods, and there is a spe- I enclose $_^ _._ for which send me postpaid the
reasons already stated. cial kitchen fitted with all electric ranges Handbooks marked X, at $1.00 each. may return any or
all and get my money back within ten days from receipt:
and stoves, which is called the "home cook-
Returning toward the lower regions of
ing kitchen".
Electrical Engineer's D Advertiser's
the hotel, my guide piloted me down a long This kitchen is one of the S Mechanic's
Teleph.aud Telep.Enelneer's D Business
^ Bookkeeper's
features of the "Pennsylvania" and is in Zi

hallway on one of the lower floors, and we 3 Steam Engineer's Zl 8teno. and Ourrespondeot*!
charge of an expert dietician. Any guest HWestinghouse Air Brake Salesman's
inspected the children's open-air playground, Civil Engineer's Window Trimmer's
arranged in one of the large courts of
who has gastronomic trouble or for other 3 Goal Miner's Conon Textile Worker'*
reasons may desire to have a piece of pie D Concrete Engineer's Farmer's
which there are several, and ended up this Building Trades ^ Poullryman's
"like Mother used to make" with its full B Plumber's and Fitter's Mariner's
part of our inspection trip, by looking over Chemist's
"3 ^ Automobiles
quota of calories and other toothsome
the large ladies' and gentlemen's "plunge",
units, can have just what his stomach craves.
provided with large deep pools, and every
convenience imaginable. The "plunge When the writer visited the kitchen, it was
rooms" in general are provided with steam near dinner time, and the chefs were busy and No..
rooms, hot rooms, massage and silent rooms, cooking squabs by the hundreds in the
gigantic ranges, chops by the same number, Ctt_
drying and rubbing rooms, etc., while the
women's plunge apartment contains speciall}- and steaks by the dozen, not to mention Do You Want to Know
fitted dressing and rest rooms, as well as a
manicure and hair-dressing parlor and
French-fried potatoes by the bushel. Other
activities of the Culinary Department in-
Vitality, Energy, Endurance,
chiropodist. clude ice-cream making, pastry and candy Nerve Strength, Muscular
making, etc., etc. One of the most' wonder- Strength, Perfect Physique ?
Just as we were
leaving the plunge rooms, ful sights in this important section of any Mv FREE BOOKS. "The Whys of Exer-
we were surprised by seeing two nurses
hotel, and particularly in this giant of all
cise" and "The First and Last Law or Physi-
tell you if you are weak or un-
cal Culture."
passing down the hall just ahead of us. ?^^i diTdeveloped. how to grow strong: if strong,
hostelries, is the storage room, where '"
gruw stronger. They explain how to
Upon inquiry we found that the hotel man- 7/
how to
wagon-loads of vegetables are kept, not to develop the lungs and muscle, the strong heart
agement had not even overlooked such a
mention several auto-truck loads of meats
and vigorous digestion in short, how to im-
prove health and strength internally as well as
possibilitj', and one to be conjured with exiernallv. SEND TODAY NOWfor these
and fish. Large, thoroly ventilated refrig- FREE BOOKS, Enclose 4c in stamps to cover
when such a large number of guests are
erators, kept cold by the ammonia com- postage.
considered. Not only was it surprising that PROF. H. W. TITUS
pressor plant operated by the hotel, main- 56-58 Cooper Sq. Dept, C02, New York City
the hotel should include a "hospital," but
tain a constant degree of cold in them.
it also developed that there is a physician
always present. Thus the guests have al- Of course, there are the usual wine cel- SELLING A WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION.
ways available hospital and medical atten- lars,one of which extends the whole block, Tlie Q. S. Target Pistol shoot3 shot lOO feit; wuoden
armu's. 20 to 30 feet with suriirlsintr 'n urr ,iinl_ar' iiracy.
tion for any emergency. Of course, for any- not to mention large rooms filled with snow Send 10c (coin) for sample, term?,
protracted illness, the patient would have to white linen, shining silver and glassware etc. Our Q. S. Special. 25c for
the older hov and grown people. 3c
be transferred to one of the regular city and crockery, enough to stock an average extra for [idstagc and packing single orders.

hospitals. One does not even have to leave department store. The Q. S. Novelty Pistol Co.. Delanson, N. Y
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

Mesco Telegraph {Continued from page 911)

Practice Set

the wireless
liave not
more of a success, but
had the public notiiied that they
pulled a good one.
"Old Doc. Fleming got a good one in the
form of a 'valve.' which is a lot like the
To Every Experimenter Reader
For Learning Telegraph Codes audion. It was a close second in the patent COMBINATION OFFER
otiiceand only lost first place by much wrin- Send at once for this interesting and valuable
kles and perspiration on the part of a wise collection. Send only four cents in stamps to
old judge who weighed the proposition like cover postage. There is no further charge.
a pair of assayer's scales.
"Then suddenly just when we kiss the N-S Co. Catalogue C-3
W;ir edition. Thousands of experimenters the
dear old war good-bye, in drops old man world over already have this edition. Don't mias
Jimmy Rogers. He steps up on the platform, getting
it now. Lists wireless goods, electrical
experimental supplies, educational toys,
puts up his hand and says, says he: 'Sh, unique novelties. Also contains much useful in-
boys, before you put up your aerial zing- formation. Frto on rcqiit-st.

magics, see me! Nix on those aerial Latest price revision supplement
wires!" We
say: 'Thehellusay. Whazze- Applj'ing to Catalogue C-3. Contains latest last
matter with our good old aerial?' minute price changes so that you will know ei-
The Practice Set comprises a regular actly what each item in tlie catalogue is going
graph key, without circuit breaker, a special
tele- "'Not much,' says Jimmy, 'except that to cost you without troublesome and delaying
aerials are all wrong. correspondence. Free on request.
hlsh pitch buzzer, one cell Red Seal Dry Besides you don't
Battery, and four feet of green silk covered need 'em. Just you take a hundred feet Code Ciiart
flexible cord. of rubber covered auto cable and bury it
The key and buzzer are mounted on a Very neat and practical. Presents all three tele-
highly finished wood base, and three nickel three feet underground into a trench, savvy? graph codes, Pocltet size so that you conveniently
plated binding posts are so connected that the Hook the loose end to what was once your can carry it with you while learning.
Free m
set may be used for five ditTerent purposes. aerial connection and, presto, in come the
List No.
342 Telegraph Practice Set, with Bat-
messages louder'n a goat on a tin roof. Chemistry Supplement Al
tery and Cord $3.24 And you receive twice as far as before, Presents a verj- fine list or pure chemicals and
approved apparata for the experimenter.
Weighs 4 lbs. packed.
Price does not include postage.
AND the old girl static, who used to tease Our
one price-for-ail-chemicais" plan will please you
we iyiow.
the life out of you, is gone for good, along Maltes ordering simple and utmost
MrCpA Combitialion Practict Set tat learning titt Mwse
with the war. Simple, if you know how!'
value assured. Complying with the request ot
hundreds or our experimenter rriends we have
IrUjuvU and Continental Visual and Audible Codes established a chemistry department. Stocits are
"I guess that is about all for to-day 1 :'i. 'reshest. assuring good results. You
now for tomorrow. We
may be able to should have our list. Sciif free on request.

carry around in our pockets a 'phone that Chemical Experiments

will enable us to talk to our colored friend Describes
in Africa when we are in Siberia or Sing- ments
V ery
a series of tlie best classical expert-
in chemistry. Clear, concise directions.
instructive for the beginner. Compiled by

Sing. The present wireless is a great suc- an expert chemist. Free on request.
cessso was the Roman chariot, but the
Handley-Page aircraft has it over the old Litmus Paper
go-cart in more ways than altitude. Free sample of our best quality cliemlsts alliall
and acid test papers. Used In every laboratory.
This outfit is the only reliable instrument which "Where are wc in the art of cultivation? Generous sample litmus paper free on request.
will enable siudt-nts to become proficient operators
in the V. S. Naval St^rvice, because It Is e<iuippeii
We thought that we had it down like a All the above free for the asking
with a hu7.zer and miniature lamp enabling ilie scenario until Luther Burbank showed us
user to master both the visual and audible signals Send ic in stamps to cover postage. No obliga-
that cactus did not have to have their stick- tion. Only 1 set sent to any one address Just
write "Send Free Combination offer" and enclose
List No. 52 Practice Set with Red Seal Bat- ers and the little posies that we wear on postage.
tery and Cord $4.05
Welghs4 lbs. packed. Price does not Include postage. our coat lapels could aspire to the rain-
bow. Way back in the old igaiorant days,
Send for the New Edition of when a gink thought that it was no worse
to marry his sister and raise a colony than
Our Catalog W28 we consider a divorce or Wall Street play, Formerly The Electro-Set Co.
It is pocket size, contains 264
pages, with over there lived an old bird who observed that
1.000 and
describes In plain, clear
illustrations, 1874-76 E. 6th St. Cleveland, O.
language all about Bells. Push Buttons. Batteries. a little hoeing and so forth would not hurt
Telephone and Telegraph Material. Electric Toys, a wheat stalk and that other growths were
Burglar and Fire Alarm Contrivances. Electric Call
Bells. Electric Alarm Clocks. Medical Batteries. helped thereby. I don't remember the guy's
Motor Boat Horns. Electrically Heated Apparatus.
Battery Connectors. Switches. Battery Gauges.
name it was so long ago but it seems he Super- Sensitive Microphone 1~fL
Wireless Telegraph Instruments, lonitlon Supplies, was an Egj-ptian. I would not say for sure This instrument is offered '^ /
etc. an extremely low price.
though. It is excellent for building your
Send for the Catalog Now "Now look how long ago it was when we own amplifier. Can also be used in
many experiments where a sensi-
got out of the boyhood stage in the electri-
tive microphone required.
Manhattan Electrical cal game there are a string of 3-ears ahead

Supply Com Inc.

of us yet perhaps some electrical Bur-
banks will show up. Don't get it in your
NEW YORK: CHICAGO: ST. LOUIS: ThiB detecting instrument
17 Park riac- 114 S. Wells St. 1106 Pine St. head I am slighting Edison, Tesia, Stein- of marvelous sensitivity can
San Francisco Offl<-e: 604 Mission St. be used for detecting secret
metz, Marconi, De Forest, Fessendcn, and
conversations. Outfit consists
others who now have the WATT
under the of Sensitive Transmitter, 25-
microscope and wearing their glasses at
that. What would Caesar have done had he
possest a machine gim or a telephone what
would Edison do with the observations and
ft. Black


Headband, Case and Battery.
One Todav and
Yourself. Delecligrtph $15

Civilian \\'ireless operators are

discoveries of the years to come? Men, THE $15 MICROPHO
in great demand owing to the
we are moving Moving as men have never
moved before!" is a super-sensitive instru-
expansion of our Merchant ment which has been devel-
Marine. Pay has increased to oped to meet the tiemands
$110 per month and all ex-
PREPARED TO DELUGE GER- for a practical and efficient

MANS WITH GAS. hearing device at an extreme-
ly low price. It is equal to
Statements that America next spring any $35 instrument made arid
Write for booklet gmng full particulars about
would have smothered the German front uperlor to most nf them. The outfit consists of One
euper-SenBltlve TranHmitter with tt.rd connector
The Best Radio School in New York City with undreamed of quantities of poison One
Buper-Sensitive Ear Piece with small biacit cord; One
gases, that Edgcwood Arsenal thru gas Black Single Iltadband: Islarit Case and Two Bat-
East Side
Y. M. C. A. production would have brought about the

ggjj, gj ^^j Lexington Ave. capture of Metz, that America alone would
have had ten tons of mustard gas to Ger- Makers of Suptr-Stnsitive Murophone Apparatus
many's one, and that our chemists had
surprises of which German scientists never
Send BUY
E. E. Buctier
Save a
dreamed all these facts were recently dis-
closed by the War Department.
Colonel Bradley Dewey, who was in
charge of gas defense production, said that
a mask had been evolved which required no

cc.urse prepares
*"" "'' ii'onlh ana exirenses.
you for MERCII.iNT
receive $1,200 to $.-i.500 per
liistniclNrs arc licensed by U. S. guvern-
nient: schixil fully eouiijped aii.l largest of lis Itinil in
-\ni(Tica. Tuitinii small and pavaltle wceltly We
and THE WIRELESS AGE for one ;ear, Dollar nose clip and no i)iece in the mouth. A man guarantee to qualify you, -Board and n..im in VVash-
$2.75. Rcguhr price. Si.75. iiiglon at reaaoiial)Ie rates uluk- lakijig ihc course
could wear it indefinitely and could sleep ranlciilars on reciuest SERVICE RADIO
902 Pa. Ave. N. w.. Washington. 0. C.

YoH benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

April. 19 19


(Continued from page 872)

stalling later stations under such conditions.

to examine very carefully the topoyrapliy
or rise and fall of the country over which
this radio system was to operate. Fig. 5 Wireless Headset
shows a more ideal condition for the op-
eration of a radio station in a valley, and
one which has proven to be entirely suc-
cessful in practise. Here the surface waves
have a chance to follow the contour of the
ground, as shown, and the antenna in con-
sequence receives a full quota of energy And sensitiveness means more than
from the waves as they pass across it. It an ability to receive weak signals.
is conceivable in the case illustrated at It means being able to bring out a
Fig. 4 that the etheric space-wave com- Brandes "Superior" Head Set, coni-
plete with head band. $6. A profession-
clear, unblurred sound, easily dis-
ponent at B, may become totally a space
al set within the means of every ama- tinguishable in spite of static dis-
wave without a grounded foot, and this teur. 2000 ohms.
would account all the more readily for the turbances.
station in this case not receiving any signals.
The sharp, readable tone obtained by Brandes receivers is due to long
Some very interesting experiments were
made some years ago on the relative effic-
and careful experiment and
to the fact that both diaphratns are

iency of ground antennae and which were matched for tone and pitch.
reported in the journal "Jarbucli Fiir
Dralittose Telegraphie und Telefonie", and TRY A BRANDES HEAD SET- AT OUR RISK
the essence of these tests is illustrated
diagrammatically at Figs. 6 and 7. The in- Test Brandes receivers against any other make. If you do not find
vestigator, Kiebetz, working with such an- the Brandes superior in clearness, sensitiveness, and range, your money
tennae, utilized one form composed of in- will be returned without question.
sulated conductors placed in an open
trench, as shown in Fig. 6, and later he Order a Brandes Headset today or send 4c for Booklet "E" with complete
covered the trench over with boards and description of Brandes receivers.
piled soil on top of it. The more soil he
placed on top of the trench, the weaker
the signals became, until finally none zs.'ere
received at all. This showed apparently
JVireless Receiver Specialists
that if wireless signals were to be received
by an ordinary ground antenna, it must be ROOM 814 32 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK
placed in close proximity to the earth's
surface, as I have already described in the
opening part of this article, or else in a
more or less shallow trench, the top of Complete line of Brandes receivers for those in Western States and Pacific
which is open and not covered with any Coast. Catalogue "E" on request.
conductive substance or material. The dia- Balboa Building FORD KING San Francisco, Cal.
grams. Figs. 6 and 7, show how the gliding
composite waves, with their ground com-
ponents, cut across the antenna wires in the

open trench, while in the closed trench, the
ground waves or "feet" glide over the
raised contour of the soil as shown, and
how the ground components, reaching but
a short distance below the surface as previ-
oush- explained, do not cut across the
Large Stock of High-Grade Radio Materials Left on
buried aerial conductors, and therefore no
currents are generated in them, as the tests Our Hands Because of Cancelled Government Contracts
One way inwhich a submarine may pick
up wireless messages is shown at Fig. 8.
Here the composite radio waves glide over
the water with their ground components,
as shown by the dotted lines. Now, if the
submarine trails a heavily insulated wire, as
shown, the upper end of which is supported
on two or more floats, then it naturally be-
comes possible for this wire to pick up
energy from the radio waves travelling in
the direction of the wire, and signals will
be received. As mentioned above, it is also
possible, that by having the floats partly
weighted so as to keep the antenna wires
a short distance below the surface of the
water, that wireless messages can then still
SMALL Split Head
Variable Air Condenser
be picked up, due to the partial penetration
90, aluminum plates, Band
of the grounded components of the waves
rigid construction, capaci-
into the water, in a readily apparent man- Can be used Best grade light
ty .0005 mf. Galena Crystal Detector Units
It is very doubtful if the submarine
ner. one in primary and one complete. Crystal mounted inside weight nickel-
will be able to pick up any radio messages, in secondary for varying
weather proof cage. Knob and plated adjustable
if it lies at any considerable depth in the
water, say below 50 feet, with the antenna
capacity. A high grade,
assembled condenser at a
contact spring mounted on micarta
base with binding posts. Close
ear pieces will
wire trailing along behind it, as the pene- lower price than most regulation, wide range of adjust-
fit any head
tration of the wave base has been shown cheap ones. Complete ment, variable pressure. Each $1.80 jjhone.
to be usually but a few feet below the sur- with knob, scale and Crystal detectors licensed under
face, especially over salt water. It must be pointer, ready to mount Wireless Specialty
on panel Each S4.00
patents of the
Apparatus Company of Boston 50c each
clearly understood, however, that experi-
ment as well as theory both show that the
penetration into moist earth or water in- DE FOREST RADIO TEL. & NEW
creases with increasing wave length. 1391 SEDGWICK AVENUE
Hence it is that of late, as the wave lengths
to advertisers.^
You benefit by mentioning the -Electrical Experimenter" when writing

of the larger stations have been increased,

these horizontal receiving antennae can be ,

sunk deeper and deeper before effective

screening is observed. Hence the periodic
"rediscovery" of the astonishing efficiency
of the horizontal receiving directive an-
So far as I have heard the first use of
the horizontal receiving antennae was at
Block Island in July, 1903, where we con-
nected the receiver direct to a telephone
line running across the island from the
wireless station towards the Point Judith
(K. I.) transmitter. Fine loud signals were
thus received.
In 190.S I used a bare copper wire lying
TWO TYPES OF directly on the ground at New Haven, and
MODERN AMATEUR APPARATUS. 2 1000 VOLTS. .004 MFD, then determined within a few degrees the
direction of the transmitting station, by
Make Your Wireless Apparatus Send Further swinging this wire around a circle, the
center of which was the receiving instru-
Last Longer and Work Better ment and ground stake. The signals were
loud when
the wire lay in the plane of the
The wireless amateur and experimenter
once more busy constructing is
station, in cither direction to or from the
apparatus for use the moment that orders go forward allowing amateur
stations to open.
practically the same for both. But
when at right angles to this plane of propa-
The kind of apparatus you used before the w^ar doubtless answered your gation nothing at all was received.
purpose nicely, but just consider the tremendous advancement made in the But to return to your editorial, "Wire-
artduring the past two years and you w^ill appreciate your modern apparatus less Around the World", it is highly unfor-
must contain several new types of equipment to bring it up to date. tunate that the esteemed advertising pro-

pensities of the Marconi interests should
have made capital over this performance
of their station in the year 1918, when simi-
lar perfonnances had been on numerous
proved their real worth in the Navy, the Signal Corps, and as a part of the equipment of
the fighting Airplanes both here and abroad since 19 16. occasions a matter of record for at least
You can now purchase a genuine DUBILIER MICA CONDENSER for your new set for any two years prior to that date.
voltage and capacity. They replace Leyden Jars with greater ertlciency and without brush I give below a news clipping sent to me
discharge and with negligible losses. They are compact and indestructible. back in 1916 by a wireless operator at
Made in any capacity and up to ,000,000 volts. Special condensers supplied for ex-
Awarua, New Zealand, which is self-ex-
perimental work.
plaiiatnry. I have received many com-
Used in practically every Government installation.
DUBILIER MICA CONDENSERS are now ready for your use. munications from this section which, un-
Type A Navy Type fortunately, I have not felt authorized to
publish, recounting similar "anti-podal"
DUBILIER CONDENSER CO., Inc., 217 Centre St., New York "In connection zmth
statement rcc/arding the
For Great Britain, Address DUBILIER CONDENSER COMPANY, Ltd.,
rece/^tioii at various Australian z\jircless
1 & 3 Stephen St., London, W. I., England
stations of messaycs sent out by Nauen
and other [flaces in Germany, it is
stated that similar messages are re-
ceived nightly at several of the Nctv
Boys! You Can Make Your Own Electrical Ap- Zealand radio stations, especially
Awarua, which is probably the best
paratus with the aid of these wonderful books equipt in the Dominion. The distance
from Nauen to Aivarua is about 12,000
Home-made Electrical Apparatus miles, ivhich, if it does not constitute
By A. M. Powell an absolute record, is very near it. The
Three wonderful hig books, chuck full of just the sort of inform.iti.m secret of these remarkable results
you h.iie been lookiiii: for and at a iiric-e within reach of .vour pcickit liijok.
Each vnUlim- Is iirliited on heavy paper, coiitains 75 pages anij over 60 which in less troublous times (re-
illustrations, complete working drawings for making every sort of electrical ferring to the World War) would ex-
apparatus. Written so you can understand them. The price is only 25 cite world-wide interest, lies in the
cents per copy
practically the cost of puhlication. See partial table of
contents Iielow and order now. The supply is limited. De Forest ultra-audion receiver one
Vol. ("(intains vtnkino drijwinos and directions for makinK all sorts of Static Ma-
I of the most remarkable and simple
chines. Static Apparatus, liorae-mado batteries. Storage Cells, Transformers, Recti-
fiers, etc.
pieces of apparatus invented since Mar-
Vol, II contains working drawinfin and directions for all sorts of Voltmeters, Am- coni's first e.rpcriments. Dr. de Forest
meters, .Galianomcti-rs. Switches. Rheostats. Tclcsraph Keys. Sounders, Telephones,
Shockjnt: rolls. Spark Colls, Experiments, etc.. ete is an American, who lives at Neiv York.
Vol. Ill contains irorkiriii drrjwitiiji* and directions for making all sorts or Dynamos.
Motors Electric EiiBines. Miniature LiKhtitiB Plants. Wireless Telegraph Apparatus. His "ultra-audion" has the power not
Testa CoiK. Wirtlcss Tck-phcdie. Electroplating. Experiments, etc. etc only of receiving the far-flung waves,
Any of thoc wonderful books will t>e sent to you potlpaid fur 25 cents.
but can also be used as a wireless trans-
COLE & MORGAN, Inc., Publishers and Booksellers
New York City

mitter for the voice a field as yet prac-
P. O. Box 473, City Hall Sta., tically unexplored."
In fairness to facts wherever an epoch-
marking feat of this sort is accomplisht,
whether in science or in any field of dis-

Get your wireless stations covery, I am sure you will agree that it is
highly important that due credit should be
In Readiness Now. given to the first perfonnance and not to a
repetition which happens to be generously

Be prepared and avoid delay. advertised years thereafter.

Perhaps your article lays unwarranted
DUCK'S big 300 page Wireless and Electric Catalog is now. as it stress on the improvements which the Alex-
always has been, the largest an<i most complete and dependable anderson alternator today enjoys over the
arc transmitter. After witnessing what the
Wireless Catalog published. Mailed for 12c in stamps or coin. Not
big arc transmitters are doing in Europe,
sent otherwise.
as well as in the United States, together
Everything in wireless uorth uhile is listed in this catalog. The experienced amateur will tell
with their simplicity and ruggedness and
you to see
our catalog before buying. Vou arc thereby insured against an unwise purchase. It
No bigger or the facility with which any wave length can
is the Beacon Light to guide you right in the selection of your wireless apparatus.
better values are obtainable elsewhere. be instantly obtained, it is doubtful in my
If you have our catalog No. II. you have our latest catalog. Do not write for another. Send for opinion whether the alternator will soon
a revised price list. It is yours f'T the asking. supplant the big arcs at least, e.xcept in

stations where one wave length only is

THE WILLIAM B. DUCK CO., 230-232 Superior St., Toledo, Ohio

You by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when ivritiug to advertisers.



BOMBAY. Draftsmen
MURDOCK The great success with which the intro-
duction of electric power from the gener-
ating station on the Ghats is l)eing developed
in Bombay is revealed by the report of the
Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Com- fo$10a You
can get
Radio Receivers pany. The energy now being supplied to this big
motors in Bombay amounts to 48,000 horse-
power. Thirty-si.x mills are receiving
Weekluf r
need is the new
All you
power, and only the difficulties arising from r edition of the Cycle-
J r pedia of Drawing and a
the war prevented development being more little of your spare time.
rapid. The cost 19 only 7 cents a day.
You Icam at home and pay
this small amount while learn-
' inst. See the FREE EXAMIN-
AlION offer below.
THE HOW AND WHY OF RADIO . Architectural and
APPARATUS. Mechanical Drawing
4 big volumes each 5Mx8,'i in.,
(Continued from page 875) bound in p^cnuine American
Morocco an<I trimmed lii rold,
w' 1578 piiges and over 1000 lllus-
them in the proper manner for giving a 'trationa, plates, dlagrama and
good indication. At this point, it is well blue prints.
to mention that no matter which form of
The only books that thoroughly

detector is used in conjunction with the 'cover Mechanical. Structural and

Architectural Drawing in a non-tech-
wave meter, that the wave meter itself must , rical way. You don't have to know
be kept at a sufficient distance from the , anything about the subject to onderstand
, them. Jihey betrin atthc bc-ginin^and tell you
exciting circuit, no matter what its form or everything about Blue Print Reading Mechan-
ical Drawing Machine Design Machine Draw-
make-up, so that there shall be just suffi- ,

ing: Structural Drafting: Architectural Drawing

cient current picked up by the w-ave meter , ing and Lettering Shades and Shadows Per-
Noted for their extreme oscillating circuit to give a good clear indi-
- Bpective Drawing Freehand Drawing-Pen and
Ink Rendering Typographical Drafting- Draw-
ing Instruments and Their Usea and hundreds of
cation in the detecting or indicating device.
sensitiveness and un- If the wave meter is held too close to the
Other things connected with the work.

failing dependability. exciting circuit, then several wave lengths ,

UseOneWekrREE week free
or liarmonics of various wave lengths may f You can use these books for a whole
the coupon be-
without sending one cent. Just Bend
At the very reasonable be heard, and an incorrect reading obtained.

low and all 4 volumes will come to you at once by ex-

press collect. Use them as if they were your own-
For many purposes it is desirable and f
go through them thorougly and send them back at our
prices, they are the best necessary to excite the wave meter so that expense if yoa don't want to keep them. If you do
keep the books send us only S2.00. You can send the
receiver value in the it will radiate a wave length of known balanceof our special introductory price only J13.80
the same way $^.00 each month.
value, such as in various radio measure-
Remember you don't take any chances. The
w^orld. ments, etc. Fig. 5 shows a standard method risk is all ours and the benefits will all be yourg.
of exciting the wave meter. Here we have


Buy now for present a high note or other form of buzzer con- .
AmericanTechnical Society
Dept. D-3384 CHICAGO, ILL.
nected with a few cells of dry battery, and
and future needs. a key or switch. This circuit is shunted
across the variable condenser of the wave
Other Apparatus meter as the diagram indicates. This ar-
rangement will cause oscillations to be set
of Equal Merit up in the oscillatory circuit of the wave
Available for meter, and an auxiliary inductance can be
Schools, and Col-
placed near the wave meter inductance so
as to link the two inductively, and thus
transfer the energy electro-magnetically OF
mm OF
leges. from the wave meter circuit to the auxiliary
circuit, and which energy shall have a
wave length and frequency of known value.
Ask for Bulletin No. 1 8. At this juncture, the matter of arranging VOL.1 VOJJI VDL.III
the wave meter cabinet, and especially the
variable condenser and its scales, etc., American Technical Society
Dept. D-3384 CHICAGO. ILL.
should be considered. In this connection Please send me the 4-volume Cyclopedia of Draw-
we may refer to Figs. 6, 7 and 8, wherein ing for 7 days' Free Examinati m. shipping charges
WM. J. MURDOCK CO. several important and siiuplihed methods
of arranging the variable condenser scales,
collect. 1 will send you $2.00 in 7 days and $2.00
each month until the special price of SI3.S0 is paid,
and you will send me a receipt showing the books
are mine, if 1 decide not to buy I will return the
55 Carter St. especially direct reading scales, are given. books in 7 days.
Fig. 6 shows a method used by the writer
Chelsea, Mass. for several years with good satisfaction. Name
In the scheme the variable condenser scale
is specially made up on heavy bristol board
or celluloid, (or else hard rubber with the References^.
graduations scratched in with a scriber and
then filled with Chinese white), and instead
of having simply the angular spaces marked
ofT in degrees, and then having to refer to TELEGRAPHY
a calibration chart in the usual way, the
corresponding wave length values for the
coil are read off from the calibration chart
(see Fig. 9) and marked off on the scale IN SUBJECT INTERESTED
as shown in Fig. 6. Then as the indicator EASTERN RADIO INSTITUTE
The Arnold Navy Model Loose attached to the variable condenser knob is 899.6 Boylston S Boston, Mass. .

Coupler moved over the scale, and by noting which

IS MY SPECIALTY inductance coil is in use at the moment,
BUT the corresponding wave length may be read
ofT directly as soon as the maximum reson-
TV irClC&S continues under the
Individual instruction
I also make short warereuenerative receivers.
Variometers and appamtus to order, and carry ance point is indicated by the detecting cir- general supervision of E. E. Bucher,
the finest line of accessories on the market. cuit. The indicator, Fig 6, comprises a Instructing Engineer, Marconi Wireless
J. F. ARNOLD piece of heavy sheet brass, soldered or Telegraph Co.
2082 Lexington Ave. near 12Sth St.. N. Y. otherwise secured to the shaft of the vari-
able condenser, and the outer end of the
Marcy Ave, near Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y.

BOOKS ! ! !
arm is cut to the form shown, with the two
side edges bent over to retain a piece of
of everv kind. English Translations (wnrd for word):
"CAESAR" (1st 8 bfi.iko. 'iICERO-*. or "VIRGrL".
$2.00 each, postpaid, "Sexual Disasters", t-1 '^1 fS'-h. vv. All
ordinary glass. With a glass cutter, a
straight line is scratched across the cen-
kinds of sex books, and the latpsl fiction. Tx^W us .\our needs.
Monongahela Noveltv Co.. Sox 299. Mononoahela. Pa. ter of the glass, and this may be darkened ADS. ON PAGES 932-934
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


if necessarj- with a little black pigfinent. calibration graphs is as follows Consider


Amateurs Manufacturers A piece of fine wire can also be drawn

across the glass and soldered in place.
that a maximum resonance point is indi-
cated by the detecting instrument connected
WIRELESS PARTS Fig. 7 illustrates a clever arrangement
which also provides a direct-reading wave
to the wave meter circuit, when the con-
denser needle stands at 105 degrees, with
Knobs Bases Insulation meter, and here the calibrated dial corre- the 24 turn inductance in use. Glancing
sponding in its lay-out to that shown at Fig. upward from the 105 degrees marked at the
This fine Base in 6, is secured to the variable condenser shaft base of the chart, and noting the point
composition hol- below the shelf of the cabinet. A
small where this line intersects the curve for the
lowed to hold oblong window is cut thru the cabinet shelf 24 turn helix, we find that the equivalent
-^ small
condenser, A'/i" as shown, and a brass slide is placed under- wave length for air dielectric in the con-
X Wave Length ''fr Cond Cop

Postpaid 30c

Base 3li" x 2" x y^"

Postpaid 32c

Knob, 154 X with 8-32 threaded ^

bushing and extra inserts to hold contact
securely. Postpaid 20c
^!:inufacturers send for discount in quantity.


5 Kirk Place Newark, N. J.

"T*o^Becoine a'
A practical book boiled c
tbe real facts and civins all the in*
formation yoo need to become aWire-
less Operator. No tiresome inathe- \\,
maticp or Dseless data to wade through. NAy
298 pa^es of interestingr instroction and \'
196 pictnres and diatrrams that make diffi*
colt things as simple as A. B. C.

Money Back If You Want

Send 11.75 and 10c extra for mailinp (^tnrnps
or money order) with your name an(iadurt-;3.
The book will come at once postpaid. Use it
5 days and snd it back if yoa want to. Your
money returned if yon don't keep it.
Oept. W.104 CHICAGO, ILL.^

"The Uvest Catalog in America"

Our biB. luw 100' 160' ISO'
Xo. 20 is waiting f r u r
Wave Meter and Variable Condenser Here Described. To Read Any

tirely the most cmi .:< \Sire' Calibration Curves for

less and electrical catalug j Wave Length Value from These Graphs, Note the Condenser Reading at Which Resonance
print today. IJ^O Bik* I'agtrs,
500 Ulustratlofis. '.ion in.
Is Indicated. Then Determine the W. L. Value Corresponding to the Intersection of the
stnimen(<i and ai i^ara- Vertical and Horizontal Lines with the Proper Inductance Graph, Fig. 9.
tus, fU\ Hie "Treatise
raphy." 20 FREE ^^^St^PM^ in 20 l/s neath this shelf so as to be readily operated denser is 500 meters, and for castor oil in

P R T^B^ -^^F^fc/j^Fj^r C y by hand, in such a way that the small win- the condenser 1115 meters.
Wireless ^^^JF^KjI^ measures
c I o p e-

dow cut in the slide can be slid into any Direct-Reading Dccrcmctcr The chart
WelKhl H lb. Beau- one of three positions, depending upon shown at Fig. 10 is described in a recent
tiful stiff curers.
which scale and which inductance is being book entitled "Radio Instruments and Meas-
Send 6 cents In stamps or used at the moment. Fig. 8 shows an auto- urements," Circular No. 74, issued by the
coin for which we will send
our latest Cyclopedia Catalog matic arrangement, which is easily made United States Bureau of Standards, and
Ko. 20 as described. by the radio student and whereby each of a copy of which can be obtained from the
''electro importing company the three inductances is fitted with pin con- Government Printing Office, Washington,
231 Fulton St., New York City tacts, one of the pins in either case being D. C, at small cost. This chart makes a
made of a different length for each of the direct-reading deeremetcr out of any wave
Guaranteed SS^c pure selenium
three coils. As each inductance is placed in
the cabinet thru the spring contacts shown,
meter. Fig. 10 shows how the chart may
be attached to the upper rotary plate of the
the longer lug will actuate a lever system variable condenser its zero graduation

Made by people who know their bu.siness, for the connected to the window slide shown at being set to coincide with an indicator mark
most difflrult work, very sensitive,
quick acting cells. Standard cells, $5 each. Fig. 7, and thus automatically move the or hair line thru a window in the top of
Special cells to order. slide to the proper position to read the cor- the condenser case, when the rotary plates
THE SELENIUM LABORATORIES. responding wave lengths for that coil. are all the way out from the fixt plates.
New York Offices, 56 West 45th St. The calibration curves for the wave meter .Mso it should be seen that the hair line in
here described are given at Fig. 9. These the window coincides with the straight edge
values can be transposed to a special vari- of the semi-circular fixt plates. Full de-
Arr.<iro[.e the Combination Triangle
able condenser scale if desired, of course. scription of this arrangement is given in
The the work above referred to, as well as all
with a i'.rain will multiply, dlride. t[\ue The variable condenser calibration curve is
perc-iitatf and proix^rtlon, solve all problems given as well as the wave length graph for the usual methods of measuring decrement.
in ^U'KK.inf^ty and geometry, draw aj-mmetrl-
cal flgur^-i [lot ar-s. etc. Superior to any slide each of the three inductances. As is well
rule. Simple to operate. Also a includes known, the capacity of a condenser may be lOrdinary High Filch Buzzer
THREE RULES. VuA at Columbia Cniterslty. increased by adding a liquid dielectric, such
as castor oil, which has a coefficient K value
Wi--l I'.. int. r. S. .\ennaiitlc f^chools. etc. 85
cents I'o'lpaid. Order today before you forget.
Ind Coil
Dept. S. L. J. LEISHMAN CO.. Ogden. Utah of 5; or in other words, if the variable con- J^n
denser is filled with castor oil, its capacity rfVar
will be increased five times over that of Ko/ia.

H~! ir |
air. The capacities for the condenser filled
lerferte.1 (Jasoiine Engliiea with castor oil (as well as air dielectric)
hi. 1 nd IH h. p. for Farm
nd Slwp use. Price. 12750 are given at Fig. 9 on the right. Also in
B and up. Also. this way the student will have a greatly in-
I We Bhit Hn inal Stii.l for creased wave length range on the wave Figs
Il.oklM and Silal Offer.
SIEVERKROPP ENGINE CO. meter for any given coil, when the con- Excifing Wave Meier
1401 19th St.. Racine. Wit. denser is filled with castor oil, as the sec-
1 STARTER for FORD CARS ond column of wave length figures on the Hook-up for Exciting the Wave Meter so
left indicates. The manner of ijsing the That It Will Emit Waves of Known Length.

YoM benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


Health In
The interesting story of a man
"too busy to
bother" who appreciated perfect health,
energy and vitality only after he lost it how he won it back in a startling way


know dozens
of people like
John Brainard.
Strong, robust,
could use it on himself and it wouldn't shock

him like electricity in other forms, how it

Now, through the Violetta, you can have in
your own home, the wonderful violet-ray treat-
a human dynamo for work, a real bull- would surely at least help his own sciatica ments exactly as given by eminent physicians
dog for stamina, and a very likable fellow in when it had cured other folks' sciatica, neu- and beauty specialists throughout the country,
spite of his entire lack of sympathy for sick- ralgia, hay fever, asthma, neuritis and dozens Now you can rid yourself of Chilblains, Colds,
ness and sick people. He regarded sickness as of other diseases, and finally I told him how it Corns, Constipation, Dandruff, Deafness, Ec-
a mild sort of crime and had such faith in his would bring back to him his old "pep," vigor, zema. Eye Diseases, Hay Fever, Headache,
own excellent health that he had about as and "knock-'em-dead" vitality. Then John Goitre, Insomnia, Lumbago, Nervousness, Neu-
much sympathy for sick people as, according rolled over and said, "All right, if it brings me ritis, Obesity, Paralysis, Piles, Pimples, Py-
to Mark Twain, David had for Goliath. If out of this blamed bed a well man I'll swear orrhea. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Sore
you happened to mention that you didn't feel by it for life. Cart in the Throat, and many other ailments.
extra well Brainard would say, as courte- dynamo, or whatever it Multiply your bodily health vitalize your
ously as was absolutely necessary, is."
nerves double or treble your energy and vi-

"T'bad, very sorry" and you could al- "Its nothing of tality. Sleep better, increase your strength,
most see the entire matter sail out of improve your appetite and digestion. Soothe
his other ear. Sickness and suffering your nerves, reduce or increase your flesh,
were foreign to John Brainard and he jfM BP s.
'""^ ^""^ strengthen the entire system, beauti-
couldn't understand it in other people, ^'Sid^^P^^ fy your complexion. All with the Violetta.
that was all. TrLxie Friganza, the famous actress, says,
But as Josh Billings once said, "Health "Cheerfully will I add my praise for Violetta.
is munny.
like We
never hav a true It's the best 'pain chaser' and 'soother' I've
idee uv its value until we lose it." And ^^^'' ^^'^ ^^^ good fortune to find. It's won-
quite suddenly John Brainard realized
A* i
V^^HHk derful. It cured my brother of neuritis. As
what ill-health is. Too much overwork, for myself, I use it for facial treatments and
inconsiderate hours, immoderate meals, general massage. I cannot say too
and general inattention to his health much for it." Frank Borzone, of Seat-
finally "told on him." One day I went ^^^^^^ tie,Washington, says; "I purchased the
to his apartments and found him in bed

* ^^^^^^^ Violetta for my wife who was suffering

with a severe attack of sciatica, but -^-t^^^^^m^ from an acute attack of sciatica. From
fuming with rage in spite of the intense
^^^^^^^^ ([,g y^^y first treatment it induced peace-
pain. "Why should I have this? I've ful rest and she is entirely well now."
been as healthy as a horse all my life. Scores of letters like these are received

Why should / be sick? hang it, I won't each day.
be sick," and he jerked himself to a The Violetta is not a vibrator. It is not
sitting posture only to fall back in pain a machine that contracts the muscles
upon the pillow. it
does not shock it does not pound the
For a week John Brainard lay in bed
muscles it is absolutely painless.
in intense agony. Those of you who Eminent physicians from all over the
have suffered from acute sciatica or country apply the Violetta with wonder-
rheumatism know what it is. The doc- ........
WhenIranthatglasstubeoverinyh.de, said John,
ful results. Dr. Bert H. Rice, of Vinton,
tor came and went, but Tuesday and Iowa, says "I have good results with

Friday when I called, John only said,

'.* felt Just like a local anaesthetic on a wild tooth. Almost instant relief in
with a weak attempt at his former Facial Neuralgia." Dr. Daniels, Lisbon^
cheerfulness, "Nothing doing, Frank. They the sort," I insisted. "It's a handy little tube- North Dakota, says: "Have used the Violetta
haven't pushed the right health button yet. shaped thing that attaches to that electric in such cases as Goitre, Bronchitis, Pleurisy,,
Who was that fellow anyway who said some- socket right over your head. And you can Neuritis, Neuralgia and Lumbago, and find it
thing about 'a man too busy to take care of apply it yourself right to your 'hide' without very beneficial. In fact, I would not be with-
his health is like a mechanic too busy to take feeling a bit of a shock." out it in my office." Dr. G. B. Duncan, Ke-
care of his tools.' " Three days later I had gotten a violet ray wanee. 111., says, "The Violetta is the finest thing
Ne.xt day while at lunch with George Con- instrument from Chicago and John used it on I ever used to relieve congestion in any part of
rad, our mutual friend, I mentioned about his legs and thighs. "Say," he cried, after the the body; and to relieve pain. Treatments are
John's still being so very ill. "Listen, Frank, first treatment, "I thought electricity always so pleasant that all of my patients like it."
old boy," he said, "I don't want to be pre- shocked a fellow. Why, when I ran that glass Write today for a very interesting little
sumptuous or anything like that and I tube over me and the violet rays flashed booklet explaining fully about the Violetta and
certainly believe that the Doc will fix around, it just felt like a local anaesthetic on how you can try it for ten days before you de-
John up but there's
fine, a treatment a wild tooth. If this keeps up oh, boy !" cide. Read some of the amazing results pro-
which entirely cured my wife of chronic neu- John Brainard got up for good three days duced in almost every disease. Read how the
ralgia, and now it's bringing total cure to my ago for the first time in over two weeks. Five Violetta can be attached to any electric socket
cousin, another sciatic sufferer. I think if John days' treatment with the violet rays put him and also used where there is no electric light,
would give it a trial it might help him some." on his feet. Read how this little instrument, shaped some-
Ten minutes further conversation with Conrad "Where is your 'rheumatiz,' John," I re- what like a thermos bottle with a glass tube
convinced me and I went right over to John's marked yesterday. and bulb at the end, pours electric energy and
home to "spring it." "Dunno, Frank, I can't find it anywhere. vigor into every muscle, fibre, cell, and pore
"John," I said quietly, as I tip-toed into his It just 'violet-rayed' itself away, I guess," he d your body, read how you do not have to
bedroom, "I've got the very thing. Conrad said, pointing to the instrument in the bath- obligate yourself in any way until the Violetta
has given me some real facts about what elec- room. has proven its value in your particular case.
tric violet rays are doing for people and I you keep it attached."
"I see ^ ^ Write for this interesting booklet now. Fill out
think" "Yes,you see my wife discovered ^^ ^
that the the coupon printed below for your further con-
"Oh," he interrupted, "I don't know. I best beauty specialists in town used it, and she vrnience, aiul mail at once. Address, Bleadon-
don't imagine it can help me."
"Of course you don't know. And you never
well, my wife's a woman you know."
Fh'icae'^'lll""^' " ^' "P'^'"" ^'

will until you try. Now don't talk foolish, Violet rays have brought good results in al- BLEADON-DUN CO..
Johnny, old scout. Won't you even believe most every disease and Violetta, being the ""* ^C. ' I So. Despla.nes St.. Chicaoo.
your friends? This violet ray treatment has most advanced instrument produced and sell- Please send me your free booklet about the
proved what it is." ^''""^"^ '"'* ""> ^^^'^' '""' """""
ing many thousands ahead of all others, is
And then I went on to tell him all I had certain to bring you the health-giving results
learned about violet ray treatment how it had you have always wished. But we do not ^'""''
been invented by the great Tesla in 1800, how want you to take our word for it. Judge for Address
it was being used with wonderful success by
yourself try it for ten days in your home
eminent physicians all over the world, how he before you decide one way or the other.

Yoit benefit by menlioinug the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.




Secretary Daniels transmitted a tele-
phonic greeting to President Wilson at sea
by naval radio on February 22. From his
desk at the Navy Department the Secre-
tary'svoice was carried to the transport
George Washington, nearly 800 miles otf
the Atlantic coast.
you can COMB your hair, you
If LESS THAN PRICE C The long-distance radio telephone equip-
ment had been up when Mr. Daniels
can CUT your own hair with this ^OKE HAIUCUT-'Z
reached his
office. With Rcar-Admiral
marvelous invention. You can cut Griffin, Chief of the Bureau of Steam En-
your hair any length you desire, short gineering, and Commander Hooper, the ra-
or long, and finish the job as nicely dio expert of the bureau, supervising the
' experiment, the Secretary's regular desk
as any barber in one-fourth the time telephone instrument was connected up thru
before your own mirror, with the the telegraph wires to the transmitting sta-
tion at the seacoast, where his voice was
projected by radio waves to the aerials of


George Washington.
Secretary said a great welcome
waited the President in Boston and again
in Washington when he reached the Capitol.

Hair Cutter
You can keep your hair well trimmed for a life-
I\Ir. Daniels repeated his sentences sev-
eral times to make sure that he was under-
"Good-bye," the Secretary said into the
time with this marvelous invention for actually instrument. "I will see you Tuesday.
f^j lest than anjr good barber would charge you for (iood-bye."
a tingle hair cut Very easy to manipulate. Use it
just like a comb, pushing it through the hair,
downward, in the direction the hair lays. It is im-
possible to leave any "nicks" or "cat steps" in
your hair, as there is a special Guard that guides (^CoiiliiiKcd front [age 855)
the cutter blade evenly over the scalp.
POSTPAID microphone circuit could be loaded simul-
taneously with such an immense number of
Extra Blades:
Sets. Each
Cut Children's Hair lines which practically constitutes a short
circuit, and while the thing is possible in
at home and save time, trouble and expense of taking them
SOc the Ooz. to the barber shop. It works so easily and the job is done a limited way by means of induction coils,
so quickly that the children enjoy having their hair cut. The
adjustment feature, whereby the blade can be set to cut the hair to any desired not more than two or three hundred sub-
it-nKthshort, medium, or longmakes it possible to do as perfect work as the scribers could be linked up by such means.
barber, not to mention the tremendous saving.
Therefore, the system heretofore was a
^%9 a ^^orv&jr
Si Dav^^r
Qa#a#%/ ncfl^Ur You can use the Utility
ordinary safety Razor, and
as an
win give failure.
you as good a shave as the most expensive Razor vou can buy
the face or neck, or finish around the temples.
You can shave The invention of the Audion, however,


has changed this and by using audions to
"boost" the circuits, it is now possible to
No trouble at all to keep the blades sharp. Just reverse the blade in the holder A SAFETY connect a practically imlimited number of
and proceed to strop as with an ordinar>' razor Extra Blades are always obtain-
able and cost only 5 cents each, or 50 cents the dozen. lines to one microphone transmitter and
reproduce the music clearly in 50,000 homes
There are many other uses for the Utility Cutter that will suggest themselves
at the same time.
to you. Ladies use it for removing hair from under the arms ana elsewhere. It The writer who interviewed high tele-
IS perfectly safe, and cannot cut the skin. One customer wrote us that he found
It just the thing for cutting corns, while housewives and dressmakers say there
phone officials was informed that the plan
IS nothing better for npping seams and makmg buttonholes. was entirely feasible and there was only
AGENTS AND DEALERS GET OUR PROPOSITION one objection, which is not of a technical
This is one of tb(> rarenr<<a9ions vtbcn you are able to connect np with a realh "SeH nature but rather a commercial considera-
on sight' ttrticle. Sompthlng that fvfr^ man and vroman will buy on sight, bpcauae
Itactualh sav.-athem mooe^ Agents are <-oiriiiit{ moaev Why not you? Hand.-'ime tion. Thus, the telephone engineers did not
pacltacf. w.-i,ihi.biit n [rifio. Writ ai once for teroia on the Trimmers and extra Blades. think it good business to tie up say twenty
Oept. RK2
thousand to fifty thousand lines simul-
taneously for several hours at a time on
CHICAGO 3224 N. Halsted Street HAIR '

account of the congestion that would prob-

ably ensue, but this is really only a small
consideration and not of much importance
if the enormous revenue that the companies

Just to Get Acquainted HANDY BINDER

for the Electrical
will derive from this scheme is taken
into consideration. While the subscribers
now pay only between two and five dollars
sve will mail you i issues of Experimenter
lti)]iU and iirfs.Tv.-i 12 is^ui-s. cadi of uhi,
a month for service on an average, the tele-
THE be insert ei

or reniovcl at will, without tools

keep your magazines perfectly for all linn

like new till you hind
thi-ni their
phone company could easily double this
revenue for at least 20 per cent of all of
PHOTO-PLAY nently.
Made of lit-avy material, extra
reinforceti at the back and their subscribers by installing the operatic

WORLD covered with handiome grten cloih.

Hultably lettered in gold.
Add postaoo for 2 lbs.
65c service.
Today the man who owns a phonograph
EKperimenler Pub. Co., Inc. Book Deparlmenl 233 Fullon St., N. Y thinks nothing of spending between three
The one by which all others (o five dollars a month for records which
are governed - for $1.00 are "dead". If he knew he could hear
Caruso, Galli Curci or any of the other stars
I'lie Photo-Play ^\'orld contains How to Get Rid of Moles tonight in one of his favorite operas, he
only the best pictures Stories A
certainly would not object to spending SO

simple, safe home treatment Iti
my cents or even a dollar for the privilege,
and Articles. of Has a Staff .\ear.s*
BIG growths) Dry Up.
and at that he would think he was getting
America's Foremost Writers. Ask it cheap because he, with his entire family,
for Free Booklet of Full Particulars
would hear the music in his own home,
Subscribe Now WM. DAVIS, M. D. without having to travel to and from the
ll40State street Perth Amboy, N.J.
35c a Copy $3.50 a Year opera. Of course, if the system eventually
comes into vogue, the opera alone will not
THE PHOTO-PLAY WORLD quickly cared, if you be the only source of amusement to be
Bulblin Bldg.

It will
Dept. E.E. Philadelphia, Pa.

pay you to read the advertisements

Send 10 cents coin or stamps for70-pa(?e hook on Stam.
tDeringand Stuttering. "ItsCinseandOire." It tells howl
cured myself after stammennK for years, '^'l
drawn up by a telephone subscriber. Any
of the musical shows or comedies, farces,
etc., could all be heard over the telephone,
altho admittedly not to such an enjoyable
extent as grand oper, where it is the music
each month ^ Benjamin N. Bogue, 753 Bogie Bnildin;, jodiaiiapolii that counts most.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.
;; ; ; ; ; ; ;


As for the technical aspect, we now have

very good sensitive microphones, which
placed about the stage and orchestra trans-
mit the sounds strongly and faithfully. The
microphones are then coiuiected thru the
audion switchboard, similiar to the one
shown in the lower center of our illustra-
tion, which is the ideiuical audion switch-
board now used in multiplex telephony
where five conversations are held over the
same wire. From here the circuit runs thru
the telephone exchange shown in the upper
center of the picture, whence the circuit
enters the subscriber's home as shown at
the left of our drawing.
Here we havea novelty suggested by the
writer. In transmitting music over the
telephone heretofore, it was not possible for
more than one member of the family to
listen to the music as there was only one
telephone receiver. By means of modern
loud talking telephones, however, it now
becomes possible to lift off the telephone
from the hook and place it over a sensitive
transmitter, as here illustrated. The weak
sounds picked up by this transmitter are
strongly amplified and projected from the
liorn in great volume. Thus, it becomes
possible for any one in the room to hear
the music clearly and almost as loud as we
Learn Public Speaking
do sitting in one of the further rows in
the opera, where the hearing is not always
good, as is well known.
As for the
shown in our
of the ordinary loud talking variety,
Tiaving a simple hyper-sensitive microphone
be 10
^^ ^ i\ F W* Write quick for
connected to a loud talking telephone, or particulars of this extraordinary JL JL wkJm^mMtmi
otherwise it may be ? microphone con-
nected to an au:'ion amplifier. The latter offer; an opportunity you will
probably is the better of the two systems. never forget if you take advantage of it. Ten lessons in effective public
The cabinet can be hung
speaking absolutely FREE to those who act promptly, to introduce our
pear the telephone, in case of a wall set. or
otherwise it can be of a different shape tor course in localities where it is not already known.
table use if the telephone is of the t)ortable
type. The amplifier could be sold outright
We teach yo'i by mail to become a powerful and convincing speaker to in-
fluence and dominate tne decisions of one man or an audience jf a thousand. We
to the subscriber or otherwise rented to have trained hundreds and helped them to increase their earnings and their popu-
subscribers by the telephone companies. larity. Learn, in your spare time at home, how to overcome "stage fright" and
We feel confident that a plan similar 'o conquer f';ar of others; how to enlarge your vocabulary; how to develop self-con-
the one outlined here will soon come into lidence and the quaiities of leadership how to RULE
others by the power of your

general use, as there is a positive demana, speech alone now to train your memory. Our

particul-irlj in America, for gooa <nusic and

which dema.id as yet has not bean satisfied-
But like ail other -arge interests, the tele-
Nerw Easy Method
phone companies are slow moving organiza- perfected and taught only by Prof. R. E. Pattison
tions and do not make inno>'ations unless How to talk before your Kline, former Dean of the Public Speaking Depart-
they know that a large part of the public club or lodge ment of the Columbia College of Expression, can be
actually wants them. Therefore, if you are How to address board learned in IS minutes a day. Prof. Kline is one of
in f'vor of this plan, we think it would be meetings the foremost authorities in the country on public
a good 'dea to write the lieadquarters of How to propose and re- speaking and mental development. Do not let this
the telephone company, advising ihem what spond to toasts chance escape you.
you think ci this plar.. If, however, yoii How to make a political
were to write to your local telephone :om-
pany, not
much impression would be made.
on the other hand, you address your
How to tell entertaining
Offer Limited
letter to the American Telegraph and Tele-
How to make after- Send This Free Coupon Now
phone Co., No. 12 Dey St., New York City, dinner speeches;
then there is a chance that a national move- This Special Offer of TEN LESSONS FREE is

ment would perhaps result from such let-

How to converse inter- made for advertising purposes and will be
estingly ; withdrawn without notice. Write now, before it ex-
ters. Local telephone companies cannot
make a change in their present system as
How to write better pires, and receive full particulars with enrollment
they are governed by the policy which orig-
letters blank by return mail. No obligations of any kind.
inates at the New York headquarters. Per-
How to sell more goods
Just tear off and mail this free coupon or a postal
liaps your letter will help to bring the Opera
How to train your will do.

into your home.

How to enlarge your


How to develop self-
confidence North American
FRANCE. How to acquire a win-
7444 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago
I*- is difficult for us to realize the scope ning personality;
of the work been done and is still
that has How to strengthen your I am interested in your course in Effective Public
being accomplished by the telephone oper- will power and ambi-
Speaking and your offer of ten lessons free. Please
ators in France. To serve the needs of an tion;
send full particulars. It is understood that this request
army of two million men, and to connect How to become a clear,
places me under no obligation of any kind.
that army up with the French by telephone accurate thinker;
was a matter that required no small amount How to develop your
of organization and planning on the part power of concentra-
of the Signal Corps, says the Telephone Re- tion;
vieiv. The
distribution of the girls in the How to be the master
Signal Corps service asked for careful study of any situation.
and met with unqualified success.
You benefit by mentionin/l Ihr "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to adrertisers.


Learn Telegraphy -Wireless SELVES BY RADIO.
i^CoHtinucd from page S71)
Right In Your Own Home, in
Remarkable opportunities are otYered experienced wire-
your spare time
^ "The use of directional effects of loops
or coils for receiving radio signals has re-
sulted in the development of a radio com-
less operators and telegraphers. The demand is greater than pass for airplanes which gives positive in-

r the supply steady positions at increased pay and rapid
advancement are assured.
formation to the aerial navigator and en-
ables him either to locate his position by
triangulation with respect to two beacon
land stations or to fly at any given angle
OEPENOABLE Combination
tination ^^ t-C* i- with respect to a certain beacon station.
Wire less -Telegraphy V/Utllt "The apparatus consists of two principal

parts the antenna coils and the tuning and
will soon make you an accomplished operator.
eucTsic snciuTiis
Teaches Light and Sound Signals, both Radio amplifying apparatus. The antenna coils
and Morse. Outtit consists of exceptionallv fine aremounted in the fuselage of the Handley
Telegraph Key. Buzzer, i Binding Posts, Lamp, Page airplane, with suitable means for
Lamp Socket and Control Switch
rotating in azimuth. The amplifier is ex-
all mounted on a highly fin-
ished base. Two outfits can be $0-00 tremely sensitive, consisting of a detector
operated at considerable distance
apart for sending and receiving
3 and six-stage amplifier. .\ novel feature of
the amplifier is the use of iron-core trans-
formers for frequencies of 100,000 cycles,
"The direction of the beacon land radio
station is determined by maximum strength
This Same $r%.50
<f m^2^ of signals, in a highly ingenious manner de-
Outfit veloped originally by the British. The pre-
Without Lamp *" cision of the directional effect is remark-
able. In fact, the radio direction finder may
Order to-day. Or your dealer can secure it for you. Descriptive
circular and catalog of celebrated Knapp Motors and Electrical well be called a radio eye,"
Specialties from 10c up mailed free on request. KNAPP LEADER
Ttndiates n-al power- plai"
Knapp Electric & Novelty Co. ffflcieiicv
Two Spet'ds

523 West 51st Street New York City Price. $3.50

(Continued from page 867)

to send and take messages in spite of the
enemy's interference by sending out im-
pulses of similar wave length and other
distributing influences. The problem of
1 60 cycle, single using a non-intlammable gas for inflating

phase,! 750 R.P.M.
balloons and dirigibles has been solved un-
der the direction of a Physicist and a Chem-
ist, both "fool professors".
The submarine has probably attracted as
much of the attention of the scientific men
We have 1000 NEW WASHING MACHINE MOTORS. These as all other war inventions combined, both
are of standard manufacture and carry the regular factory guarantee.
as to its detection and its destruction. The
Shipped in original boxes. Complete as cut.
detection of the submarine is a definite phys-
Bought from Bankruptcy Stock ical problem, and it is estimated that about
uilable for operating Coffee Grinders. Cream Seperators. Bottle Washers. one-fourth of the Physicists of the Allies
Air Compressors .
,^^ ^^ have devoted a considerable oortion of their
Mail $3.00 cash or time to solve this problem alone. The prob-
Money Order. We
will send CO.D. subject
to full examination
lem had been attacked from three stand-
light, sound, magnetism and elec-
three branches which almost com-
prise the entire subject of Physics, The de-
I* Small Holort
struction of submarines has been success-
GHAS. H. JOHNSTON - West End - Pittsburgh, Pa. fully accomplished by the use of the depth
In Unig range artillery work, temperature,
moisture, and wind are to be carefully de-
YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE termined :this is done by physical appa-
ratus. Wind direction and barometric pres-
BVT YOUR NOSE ? sure information is essential in a gas attack.
This information is furnished by physical
apparatus. Anti-aircraft gunnery is largely
indebted to physical research and calcula-
tions for its effectiveness. The speed of the
airplane must be ascertained, its direction
of motion, its height above the ground, the
speed of tlie attacking shell, and its path.
The airplane camera would be almost use-
less were it not for our knowledge of the
branch of Physics known as spectroscopy.
Pictures can be taken which the eye can-
BEFORE AFTER not see because of fog, cloud, haze or dis-
THIS DAT AND AGE attention to your api^Larance Permit no one to see you looking otherwise: It will
injure your wuifarel Upon the impression you constant- tance. By the use of the proper filters, the
an absolute necessity if you cxpi-ct to make the most Which
Not onlyshuuld youwish to appear asattrac-
ly make re^ts the failure or success of your life. enemies guns camouflaged so as to be in-
Is to be your ultimate destiny? My new NoBe-Shaper.
ilfe as possible, for your own sflf-satlsfaction, which is Tkados" (Model '^i) corrects now ill-shaped noses discernible to the eye are photographed and
alone well worth your efforts, but you will And the world without operation, quickly, safely and permanently. Is
in general >udBinB you greatly, if not wholly, by your pleasant and dues not Interfere with one's daily occu- their i)ositions locateci. The sound method
"loofci." therefore it pays to "look your bcsfat all timen, pation, being worn at ni^ht. of locating guns is very important. Three
WUH today for fre booklet, tihuh ttlh you hoiD lo correct iU-ihoped nose* wHhout coat tj not tatlifactory
sounds are heard from a shell sent by the
M. TRILETY, Face Specialist 1162 Ackerman BIdg., Binghamton, N. Y. enemy, b'irst we hear the hissing noise of
the shell whizzing thru the air. Shortly
afterward the boom of the gun is heard.
TYPEWRITER SENSATION (Since sound travels at about 1,100 feet per
second and the shell's speed is greater than
PROMPT SHIPMENT. that). Finally we hear the sound of the
$4.00 per month buys a beautifully reconstructed, latest model visible exploding shell. If the time when the first
typewriter, with back spacer, decimal tabulator, two-color ribbon, etc. of these three sounds is heard is recorded
Every late style feature and modern operating device. Sent on approval. at several observing stations, from the speed
Catalogue and special prices free.
of sound, and the difference in tiine re-
Harry A. Smith, 738, 218 N. Wells St., Chicago, III. corded at these stations, the position of the

You benefit by mentioning the " F.lectrtcal Exl>erimcntcr" when writing to adicrtisers.


gun firing the shell can be calculated in a A TIMELY REINFORCEMENT.

few minutes. A Copper Plated Stomach.
The Bureau of Standards,

at Washington, {Continued from page 877)
a great Physics institution, has
certainly done its share in the war. Vacuum thanks to mother and the salt fish and the
tubes were studied in detail, from the stand- cat.

points of sending, receiving, and amplify- You have to begin by discarding the
ing wireless messages, and many impor- whole idea of sheet copper. It would be all
tant improvements were evolved. High right, and any plumber could make up a
frequency oscillographic equipment was de- good tummy in half a day even including
veloped. The characteristics of airplane going back to the shop for his tools but
bombs were studied, resulting in new meth- for the fitting of it, or inserting, or what-
ods of computing trajectories. New types ever you'd call it. That's a sticker it's ;

of machine gun sights were invented. In- what's kept the invention back all these
struments for recording the speed, altitude, years.
direction, etc., of the airplane were per- But why not plate the copper on from the
fected. Special ignition apparatus for the inside ? Sure There it was, right off the bat

Liberty engine was invented. A

carbureter Fig. 1 shows the invention patents pend-

was developed which gives a correct mix-
ing all worked out perfectly simple. You
procure an atomizer, A, and attach to it a
ture by the simple motion of a single throt-
tle whether the airplane is on the ground
long fine rubber tube, B. This tube is sur-
or up 3,000 feet. A
fabric 25 per cent, rounded by a spiral wire, C, and both are
lighter but stronger than linen, extra light covered by high-tension insulation, K.
but strong alloys, and non-corrosive alloys
were invented. These are among the best
At the further end, both the tube and the
spiral wire are connected with the perfo-
Learn Drafting
of its accomplishments which have been rated metallic hollow sphere, E. The atom- Employers everywhere are looking for skilled
made known. izer-bottle, F, is filled with a solution of draftsmen. They are offering good salaries to
sulfate of copper, and the spiral wire is start with splendid chances for advancement. ^
Now that the war is over we shall daily
hear of new, marvelous and quite astound- connected with one pole of the spark-coil Drafting offers exceptional opportunities to a
ing inventions, that have been evolved and secondary, H. Around the patient's waist young man because drafting itself not only com-
is then bluckled the belt I, containing a strip mands good pay, but it is the first step toward
perfected. The "fool professor" has now success in Mechanical or Structural Engineering
come before the public eye and is regarded of wire netting J, connected with the other
or Architecture. And drafting is just the kind of
with just aiid long deserved admiration and pole of the spark-coil.
worit a boy likes to do. There is an easy delightful
respect by it. Some, like Professor Milli- All being ready, the patient "swallows" way in which you can learn right at home in spare
kan, have had exciting military times, such the perforated ball, E, with enough of the time. For 27 years the International Correspond-
as quieting a "buck private" under the influ- tube to maintain communication with the ence Schools have been giving boys just the train-
outer world. The ball is then resting nice ing they need for success in Drafting and more
ence of liquor, being fed delightful sand-
and cozy within the tummy. Mark the pa- than 200 other subjects. Thousands of boys have
wiches by fair white hands of Red Cross stepped into good positions through I. C. S. help,
and other workers, etc., while others have tient closely a really delightful surprise is

but never were opportunities so great as now.

suffered an existence under the S. A. T. C, about to be handed to him? Pressure X '

Let the I. C. S. help you. Choose the work you

and those more fortunate have spent their on the bulb, G. projects a spray of copper like best in the coupon, then mark and mail it.
time in France near the front all however sulfate from the perforations of the sphere, This doesn't obligate you in the least and will bring

E, while at the same time a touch of the you information that may start you on a success-
have done their share nobly. In closing ful career. This is your chance. Don't let it slip
let us bear in mind that all that has been
key, L, causes a show-er of sparks to be
by. Mark and mail this coupon now.
said of Physics and the Physicist applies thrown from the ball toward the metallic
equally well to the other sciences and scien- belt without. The sparks pass easily thru
the patient's tissues, but not so the sulfate. iIternational loRispoloENcT schools
This is decomposed by the electric current, BOX 6182, SCRANTON. PA.
and metallic copper is deposited on the gas- Explain, without obligatlnij me. how I can qualify for the
EGGS PRODUCED BY ELECTRIC- tric lining, formmg a dense and highly pol-
position, or hi the subject, bejore which I mark X.


ished surface, ready to tackle any food STKrCTURAL UBAFTLNO Q AUVERTISINO
The production of eggs by electricity product short of Bangor red-eye and Irish SHIP DRAFTING QShow Card Writer
may seem like an idea evolved in a mad-
house, but it has been made a paying prop-
confetti brick-bats. j archiiectural drafting
jsheet metal drafting
8 Cartooning
Perhaps you wondered why, before the u boilermaker drafting BOOKKEEPER
osition at the Montana State College. By operation, the patient took a few magnesia Drkiimje drafting
DSteooprapher and-Typbt
Cert. PubHc Accountaolt
electric lighting of poultry pens. Professor tablets, together with a peppermint "life- J ELECTRICAL ENGINEER a TR-AFFIO MANAGER
W. F. Schoppe. poultryman of the state DEIi^ctrle Lighting sod ItKll^ajs I]Railway Accountant
saver". This was to take care of the other Electric WiriiiB a GOOD ENGLISU
college, has created a sort of "daylight product of the reaction, sulfuric acid Telegraph Engineer Teacher
Telephone Worii Common Sobool 6abject
saving plan" for hens, whereby egg produc- otherwise the patient might as well be fed MECHANICAL ENGINEER Mathematics
tion has been increased more than twofold to death as the wa}' he is. The magnesia D Machine Shop Practice B CIVIL SERVICE
at a time when eggs were highest in price. neutralizes the acid, producing a pleasant
^DGas Engine OperatinSE
Railway Mail Clerk
In experiments covering the month of No- Surveying and Mapping Auto Repairing
eflfervescence, which, being flavored by the STATIONARY ENGINEER npLlHIlINOAND HEATINO
vember Professor Schoppe showed a
last, peppermint, becomes the exact equivalent D Marine Engineer Teitlle Overseer or Sapt.
net gain of 28 cents per hen in value of of an ice-cream "sody" fresh from the Contractor and BuHder NBTlcotion inSpanljh
eggs produced in ten lighted pens. Concrete Builder AORIPULTUREIQ French
D Structural Engineer PoaltrrRalslDeiQltaliun
The experiment was tried on two pens So behold! at the end of the operation,
of Leghorn hens, 160 in each pen. One when the patient finishes his cigarette and Name
pen was lighted with four 60-watt lamps, Present
lets go tlie nurse's hand, there he is, Occupatlon_
the other was left unlighted. The lights equipt with a perfectly-fitting copper stom- Street
were turned on in one pen at 6 a. m. and ach, enclosing a temperance-drink as a hint and No :

switched off at 8.30 p. m. From the time to guide him in the selection of future con- nnv_
the lights went on until they were dimmed
tents for it like a new tin bank for little
at night, the hens in the lighted pen
scratched away with all the energy of early
Willie, with a dime in it.
No, no, put aside that medal. Really I li ct Mi^ram ^WMXn
spring or summer, showing a greater inter- well, if you must, you must. But I refuse
est in the business of egg producing than to patent the idea in Germany. Abso-
ever. lutely. It's going to be dedicated to the
The 160 hens in the unlighted pen pro- free use of all free and civilized countries. My advice to you is to
duced during the month 443 eggs. The "That's me all over liberal, Mabel." start right now to take my
same number of hens in the lighted pen Note The editor tried "Tom's" latest HOME COURSE
produced 1,306 eggs, a gain of 72 dozen. stunt. After he was dismist from the hos- IN AVIATION
Hens in the lighted pen consumed little pital, and was at last equipt with his copper and prepare to fill one of the
more food than their less active neighbors. big jobs later. Wonderful op-
"insides", he felt pretty weak! So he portunities. Trained men
The net gain was 28 cents per hen in egg promptly swallowed a few pounds of sine in bis: demand. Prepare now
production for the "electric" hens. for big future. Lessons are easy
dust with his next meal. The copper tummy, toonticrstand. Write TODAY for
"I cannot say yet," said Professor the gastric juice (ati e.rcellent electrolyte) my FREE BOOK, "Tlie Science
Schoppe, "what effect this forced produc- plus the cine dust, makes a really excellent
for.f fi p ^..^nhsit of Aviation." and I will send it
!'?Lr\i Ti,ir,?T oi "nd write you a personal letter
tion will have on the hatching quality of battery. It strengthened and revived the the Royal Flying CorpQ. that will interest you. Address:

eggs and upon the vitality of birds, as those editor at once. It works so well that he has CAPT. GEO. F. CAMPBELL. Chief Instniclor. National
Aero Instilale, 533 S. Dearborn St., Dept.7444, Chicago
are problems that v/ill require further in- given up all food in preference to zinc dust.
vestigation." .4 slight change in diet is had with mag-
{See our May, 19^8 issue for full de-
nesium dust it tastes belter, and gives a
tails of the automatic electric lighting in much higher voltage. Iron filings were
hen-houses. Editor.) tried, but they made the editor "rusty"
fou benefit by mentiomng tite "Electrical Experimenter" wlien writing to advertisers.

0>4 U (Di.i CxSn

jcuS^Siajfiisu i

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Kou benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


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Ktfu benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.

; . .


QppAj^gj jQY SENSATION OF THE DAY!' Boys, you can hava Movies at your own home with this latest model
"The Baby'r^Ar Revolver
Ue. Stand. rd Filrr me aa the larger machinei Very eaiily manaiced. Masures but
Here is a Dwde) of Simply turn the han Good Variety c Inches long
Uncle Sam'sAffhtirt IT
moostert. Eipht PRICE Complete
Postpaid anywhere
Including Two Films
bis e tiDB, eac h Catra Films, ISo each postpaid
of which flashes, at
from twelve to and Ihe motion pictures are clear, sharp ami dljllnci
twenty times. Extra The Moving Picture Machine Is finely lonslructed. nn'
ammunition alwa>~9 carefully put together by skilled workmen. It Is made
obtainable. Abso- of Russian Metal, has a beautiful finish, and Is oper
lutely harmless. Can be iperatol inH aleU by a finely constructed mechanism The proji-ci-
bo7' Here* your ch' Ing lenses are carefully grotind and adjusted, trliil. TikM regular
the t<t <^f It i* 100 caa O^V N t^e ahip arid commaod ibe firin polished, standard double extra re Hector, throw inn .22 ealibr*
Bj hi or m<^re Batil--r>ir*- ><^u cao HrraDe

ray of light many feet, and enlarging the plciure un

PlTTL^S la 'oiir fiwn hocre Priea t cartridges
ind Ammunition. 15c. H*r* for aOc, or m flt el 1
the screen up to three or four feet In area. The ! Il*l*r hi brn prDdui^nt to niiat
'-- S c*nt4 ">*r pill "Ighl Is produced by a safety carbide generator.
MB tor SI 50 p*tp>l(> - - -

ch as Is used on the largest automobiles. This

r CNIclaney'an'ii'
IK* Praclkablllly, It

TOOTH-ACHE STOP MysterlousGhost ti rows a datzMng white light on the screen.

ui,l lhrr ( no nfcr or
lUlJ h.v.m
n bur. Kvi-ry lady honl.l revolver -nJ
hive i...-nl,,-
r one mde <hBn r"-'-
and .K..!.?!".".''^".'!"*^-^.*
- -
I* ufftj
It l<i a BoUdly constructed and durable Moving .Fcldcnul diachver
meo^and UdSS^-Ri" Ml Uon gxvf >n ld*> c
^ Picture Machine. The mechantMm Is exceedlnEly
rcn knd uicd lobe thor '}i V^^.V-'f^A'.
Thp_rimuiiillon uMd
pie and Is readily operated by the most Inex- Ard .f2-cmJibr* <Bhort> CKrinasv obtAinablB anyw
oDuyniDfo Bnyvn^re, or yoij miy nbl
ienced. The pictures shown hy thin marveloui tutiidr** from ui (CKrtrldse* ran b< (hipprd only by ipreis). Thi- r
fircB all ahoU In ona loadina. Tha operation of the ctianrina mi '
(d'Muirfi ndi^ Mf)\ Ing Picture Machine are not the common, Ireaifli' rapid nd abiolutely
aeconda. Tha ~'_ j'lTrelk
' ' --.-
rsllibic; U pII aimed
-' -
ci hou
^"?,^.7u"" crude and Ilfeleea Magic Lantern variety, but are ltwtBhionly<i,'ou''r^..' Tha^r .. _ ,.
!rd flulaS

1 rai kf*" "il life-like photographic reprolucllons of actuni SS.SO. Mdt bi mall eataid la av addraaa. JOHNSON BMI X a CO.
f<5'''oIIr'iiU i'^enes. places, and people which never tire l:s
00 11 unf(cci<i audiences This Moving Picture Machine hns
'"''*'l rousing enihuslnsm wherever It was used.
The most wonderful and In-
6 3224 N. HALSTED ST.. CHICAGO Dsnlous Csmers made
It 1h tiut little larger than a
watch, which It closely ro-
aemldfH. Vou can oarry
the Cjipo about la year
[>ocket end take pic-
turi't Mlthout any one
belag the irlaer.
Ona Cant a Pleture
Tha Eipo load* In dayUshl
wuh 25 EjpMurc- Filma. coal.


me and trutnt>nBODa ihotlara 1

- jlha but S ounraa; nlekal plata^.
looata th rorld ovrr. TTiorouahlf prmc lltaj

Johnson 5milh & Co., Depl. E 6, 3224 N. Halsled St., Chicano

Double Action
.22 and .32
idges (short or long), firiiig ? ^hati
e Idadini;. The J2 calibre revolver
take* ,.12 calibre S. & W. center fire POCKET GUN
cartndKet. and accominodaiM 5 shots xn
Ihe oluider at one loadin|{, Blinl* carl-
iridgei may be used if desired, indeed, there arc many who uie oolhiB t'M
but iilanks. You can take direct ami ai a burglar and fire without causing bodily
yet the efiect is uiually the same, and the vagabond makes off. con-
eraiulating himsell on his locky escape. The '"Young .\fflcrica" weight
apprcximately 9 ounfri, and is one of ihc lightest weifthl revolvtri of ill
l*i>e on the market ll is an e^tellent house arm or pocket weapon, "ntl th
most popular Fourth ol July revolver. Omeon
Barret. auraiely nfle^
made of beit steel very highly nickel pUted and polished. The handle i ol
fancy hardened rubber, but we can supply pearl handles, that are
iMtreasn.Kly iHi^pnlar. instead, i( desired, at an additional cost of $200 Tha
" Smith & Co.. Dept. E 6

Sarprtatnaly Klmpla tyata*
Education reed not d-apair, for -HIi tha
cd by itr apcctdtor*.
handpd back to thr a the card upriahtovcr the piano keyi>,
_ _ of Sonse, Hollad*. WalUva, Ras Tlma.
I Is Blmply placed on
iic.,"ete.. equal to a'Profr.aional Uualclan. Nn ktiowlcdKB of ipualc 1* rroulied.


ally hatches
feet lonjT.
itself into

in a most lifelike m.inner. Prlet psr

a Snake Beveral
which curls and twists about

!S"it bSi" ]
After u..ln it f- tlroc., you will b- able Lo dl.pcn.r " U,. al," wf tV\amp.
IOC Card cpilreiy. Only IS t*.B.M. JohuanSinltl|&C..Oepl

The Hamilton Breecn-Loading Rifle


Na Dif1.,-.r.l
box lOe, pMlpili. Johntan ImlUt Co. A .

cadllr loake It pcrforo lOcpastoald.

Kncti te Uu and Kneii to A
A noi tttt.li<:ti f. iL'i [:":<< h gi-tuig
lmpl dlrrcimn Jryr mskiui all the
fcaou. bltcDn. rlxil(, tplLcr^ etc
Iratloas All aC>out wlrr ropr attache
y .
A Crat Curiosity
Th Sm*ll*l
blocM. lacklM, ftc 3T HtralJl'! Km
1 OH R
tflbia In lla World
Of great talu to laechititc]. rlsacr-, i

on ODD co-
>f -Hio Uldsel Bible ll
ACS Prie* 2&C p. pd. il makes bet-
#ehason Smith i Co.. Dept. 66, ter clgitreltea
than can
LUMINOUS PAINT them eMlly and qolcklr.
Yoa can uao
bn/and makes
the tobacco Ton prefer and thua hare PAGES Df tb NEW TESTAMENT,
Bibia [> a won lit
profuialy lllu*
contalna TWO RUN-

Make Your Watches, Clocks, Etc., nicer "aiDokoB' than read; made, and trat^d. Tbia llttla
tnnre of them hewiiJei dBvinir nbout half of
brin^BWdloeli to Ui<
l> aald I. 1

V i
$ b e by
i I N ght_ ^i^'gi;'^^ 'K'/rS
i :rior mon*y. Juat try odo ond make your 30
celatcd. Prtca, omli %2 c**l
iWaa fa'
Ura* BIMaa la
>r 100 fa

'|f TiBAreite* jniit toyourown liklnit. Pric* ,00. Good money ca ibmiidoiielllo tl . Mid,*
onhr 10oer8feraScpotpald, TTith fnll Rif caamonnHfrleoda
t artaetfr instructlosa for oe. JOHUOIl SailH A CO.
<qaif4ar: TMC aaaac rfSMI"" acb &oI, bauan. etc. &Dd for a fao BJ> UJit.

*rUm aSa Larvar

Apparatus and DlroctlDnt

for a Number el Mrterioui Trieks
Caoupti for an Enliro Evmina't Entortainmont


Ittiba It laffrvat ftiniIi7'iMri i-our frl. '.d. (>i this rviFii'jrrr'a Cab-
bsM. and VOQ will b* tba eIrT*r>at frltow In yoor dl>tr<ei
talaatba appantoa lor aaren nril-ral Mcka, Inrlodliir Tb Dlaat^
that. . J
ll eon-

- J'oor
rl'- Vaaa and Ball Trick 'a Wood-o Ball la

pwoan inana. ana bpod r#placlna th* ltd haa diaappraiHl and !
rraadlnao(M(RMatM^iiwck>t.: tVi* Uarle NaU with WhiO. yo., cnn
pparrDtlr cut roar Ansaf aliDoat tn two; th* Wnoderf ol Card Trick . _ .nUln
la card la plaead In an mTelopa. and when opened an eoil/fly dlffer-
^L'^^i^:^:iXSi*lJS^''J^l.^::i'^^''' il'-'? ^'
third la
'^^ " P^^f*^ in the ntU. wooden ba^.l. and. '
They appear ao real, and afford a*
"' '.".'^ "^- <- ehan^e iDio a coin of another da- <
r,,^S^. Tla^Famoji
rvomlnatJoOJ. TCB'.i^lS?MiiW^,,L/p,,X rh";;'^
llwnetd Penny thai de6e a the Uw of erarluilon iiuac^-nda from th. palm of imokr (while Uiey last) tlial
a iMICa at aarlai^ - wall, elothlri*. alc Th. Gla Goblei and VanWhlo, Coin TMrk (a coin la <K.pped
IroliF by aor-
- .-^^'>'athj,w^XtTUf-arrd oat the eoln ha va-lahedi. With the aeven tricks da
ad frtlnTlnlad Inatmetioro for rfcrn)JnB each trick, ao that anyone can readily per '
ton* vlibaut pectlca .. ._ amoaement of ihrtr frfenda ot ibe public. Any boy of ordinary InUlilgenee
acir-plarlBr lBtriaDl. n^kalitLayi t not Inferior to some retrula
with a plaao aceonpanlmaflt. or ai mutrlana. Itnldrs (ha tricks contained In llir Cabloct there ari otbrr feata and lllualona fulli
"Claln^HtwIth follpHnW^ Instruction, for whif t, you can ea>llr make or procniv

All tlie Latest Surprising and Joke Novelties

Amon them era The MmiM In a Pack of Cards. The fh-awn Tard^ The Hat
Throujrh a Tabl*.pr>^r*nt Robbed^lntt. Two To

,--. -.,-.., ^, -
iu Find ,^1. Number
...-J the ..oniuTF Thr-ushl
crm the nece.aary
n'cei>aary a^

Krawr*ua Weddlnj
of. Urirr*m>a
lo'-uaiii of
It Trick, To Knock a Tumble
Weddlnjr Rln
lhri- wondrrfol atare trieka. aa follows' Tha Act of Cremi
Jtonm, aod the Dlappertni( Lady, tofratkrr with an article
lererdamain and valubla hint* to amatnir coajiirvra. PRICC COMrLCTI OMLT CSMT*. W

(Inesl repairer for Ironware. Asataware,

JOHNSON SMITH & CO., Dept. E 6. 3224~N. Halsted Street, CHICAGO Enunelware.ettf. Good for keltlca, poli.tiana.
- a'aSaaio 'varr tifallk*! bollera, and very kind of Ironware, also fM
Mttcha (toBl rar (riei>dal Be Babbar Tafka (a vwmI Mhai tJu, eopper. alumhiocn. Ice boMca, 1

The Newest Novelty Aerial Balloon eraclia la atorea, broken chins, porci
crocaixT. woodonware, marble, etc.Will notchip.
UjatSaaa Tomblar ao^ Vanlal It. THE MEND
. j.
tea Goto Trtch .
,_. Juat mi Iha powder with water HARDENS UKB
<<MaMitB4ra> l&
lUfle Mirror taka on* >
K1* Plate Uflee '^ "f"""* elitMn Inahca kin la blown up In th oaoal waf Lapd,

ju., .Vatsr-proof. You c*b fill a bla bole or a amall crack. Uandad als
sits Uen Gold Taath -r than oaw. Raplacaa chipped enamel AnyoiM can do ll; FAlLUia
IB1.E. BUaT and aaalar tbia aalder . Tliyaw ataaa. fS ntMa, xa caM*
_ |

*-' *-*--
tldiffarMt. t1 fe'*^*'"''***'''''***^'' ''*^''^^*^'"' "-a^-r " 'i i "Ti nik,Trii ff i jja
JOHISOM SMITH | Cfl.. Dept. E |, laUted St CHlCAb! JOHNSON SMITH & CO., 0pt. E 6. 3224 N. Halsted Streets CHICAGO ) Smith A. <>>..I>cpt.. E *.'iz24 N. HaUte.l J't.. i:ht.Ko

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing f advertisers.


The Alkaline Storage Battery

{Continued from page 878)
connected wire from the generator may
Consequently the engine would have to be
operated at various rates and at all times.
This is uneconomical. By using a storage
battery one may arrange to run the engine
now be brought close together in a cup of
salt water. In a moment one wire-end will
begin to turn bright. Bubbles will form at
at its most economical ( full load rate and

thus effect a saving to offset more or less

completely any loss of current resulting
from the use of a storage batterj- between
this wire.
other is.
This is the negative one. The
naturally, the positi'i'e wire.

Normal Amount of Electrolyte.

the generator and the lights. Further, the The proper amount of electrolyte is such
storage battery tends to improve the char- that plates will be K' incli below the surface.
acter (the steadiness) of the light. With a During the charging operation the attend-
small installation where the current passes ant evolution of gas will be likely to create
directly from the dynamo to the wires sup- a transient level. Tests for the level are to
plying current to the lights, the latter are he made after the charging is all com-
apt to manifest undesirable fluctuations in pleted and the liquid has settled down. As
brilliancy because of irregularities in the it may not be easy to see conditions inside
running of the engine. By using a storage the cell, a good way to determine the depth
battery, one is able to use this fluctuating of liquid over the plate tops is to use a
current in charging and then to get an even piece of straight glass tubing with a bore
current from the battery. of. say Vi.i inch or more. Introduce one
A shunt-wound dynamo is the thing to end of the tube, holding it vertical, until the

use else, when the voltage of the battery bottom of the tube is on top of a plate.
rises too high, it may "back up" and op-
erate the dsTiamo (series type) as a motor,
Then close the top of the tube with the
forefinger and withdraw the whole. At the
causing considerable damage. If a com- bottom will be found a column of electro-
pound dynamo is already installed, or if it
is desired to use such a machine for charg-
ing storage batteries, it can be done simply
lyte whose height will be the depth of liquid
over the plate top. When the right amount
of electrolyte is in the container, this col-
by disconnecting the series windings on the umn will measure J'i inch. Simply a glass THIS IS YOUR
field coils, thus converting the machine into tube is required. No rubber cap or tube is
a shunt djnamo. needed in addition and the lube of an ordi-
The dynamo which is used to charge a nary- fountain-pen filler may be used. The I am Chief Engineer of the great
battery should alwa\-s have an excess volt- rubber bulb is removed and the larger end Chicago Engineering Works. I am in close
age capacity. Thus, if we are going to use of the tube is inserted into the electrolyte. official touch with the electrical world. I

a battery of 30-32 volts rating, it is good The operation of charging, as already inti- know how badly we need trained electri-
practise to employ a 45-volt dynamo for mated, involves the production of gas. cians who can take charge of important
charging. In fact, we may largely consult Some, at least, of this gas comes from the work as experts. Right now there is such
convenience when charging a battery, pro- decomposition of water in the electrolyte a need for executive electricians that I am
vided we use a high voltage rather than a into its constituent gases. These gases will making a special effort to help meet the
low one. A
110-volt dynamo may be cm- naturally be lost, and the resiilt will be a demand. I am publishing this special an-
ployed, at times, for charging a 30-32-volt slight reduction in the total volume of the nouncement to secure a certain number of
battery, thru a suitable resistance tho per-
; electrolyte in the container. Consequently, ambitious men whom I will personally
haps it will not be the best thing to do. a very proper time to examine for height of train by mail for the wonderful oppor-
The alkaline battery with which we are solution is subsequent to charging. The tunities that are open.
concerned is made up in a variety of sizes,
of which that known as "A" is quite popu-
lar for electric automboiles and trucks. A
remedy for this loss and any other loss due
to withdrawal of water (as. for example,
by natural evaporation) is the addition of
numeral used along with the letter indicates pure water. a Trained Electrician
the number of positive plates used in the I don't care how young or old you are,
cell. These numbers furnish a rough gage Adding Water. just as long as you can read and write and
by means of which the comparative capaci- When water is to be added to the con- have a spark of ambition, I don't care
ties of this type of cell may be determined. tained electrolyte to bring the surface to the where you live or what you do. I don't
The reason imdcrlying this is that amper- required height or to correct a solution care if you don't know a blessed thing
age is determined by the total area of plate that has become too strong, a special ap- about electricity. Just give me a little of
surface exposed to the action of the electro-
pliance the "electric filling outfit" may your spare time for a short period and I'll
lyte. An A4 cell will have about half the advantageously be employed. Only distilled show you quick way to success in
capacity of an AS cell, etc. zeater is to be used, whatever the method electricity. You can qualify to earn $36
of introducing it. Of course, do not add to $100 a week with opportunities for
water during charging, for the reason that greater earnings.
Charging. the level can not be exactly determined at
The positive terminal of the batterj' is that time, as already explained. The addi- / Train You by Maill
conected with the positive line of the sup- tion of water will not, ordinarily, be re- Your spare time will do. No interfer-
ply current; and the negatiz'e terminal with quired every time the battery is used. U.su- ence with your regular duties. I under-
the negative line. The positive pole of this ally, once or twice a week will be sufficient,
stand just what you must know and I
type of cell is indicated by a red hushing unless the operation of the battery is veni- have devised a wonderful way of instruct-
and also by a +
mark stamped in the metal considerable. Other things being equal,
water will be necessary oftener when the
ing by mail. I positively guarantee your
of the container. A black bushing is used satisfaction.
for the negative pole. A further means of eonsta)it current method of charging is
determining the positive and negative poles used instead of the tapering current method. Wonderful
IS by means of ihe' jorm of the little con-
tainers in the plates. The round tubes be-
long to the positive plates, and the flat To
Two Methods
charge by what
of Charging.
is known as the con-
F]ree Electrical
pockets to the negative plates. If sub- stant current method the rheostat is set a Absolutely free. Not a penny cost to
stantial heating is noticed at or near a cell few amperes higher than the current it is you now or later. To those who act at
pole during the charging operation, it is to proposed to deliver. The amperage will once I will give a wonderful set of Elec-
be taken as indicative of an imperfect con- fall off the charging goes on. but by
as trical Equipment with my compliments.
nection. If, however, all the connections readjusting the rheostat every 30 minutes Write me at once. I have only a limited
are tight, disconnect and determine
then or so to a point somewhat higher than the number of sets to be given free. Drop
whether there dirt present and whether
is average desired, a fairly even flow may be me a post card or letter.
the metallic contacts are flat and rigidly maintained. To charge by what is known Vou will have to act quick to
clamped. as the tapering current method, the rheo- ' CCC*f
' get in on this opportunity.
If there is any .doubt as to which is the stat is set a considerable amount above the W'ritc me today for full particulars. Drop
tnc a post card. Write Now.
positive wire of the dynamo and which is desired average, say 50 per cent, and the
the negative wire, the following simple test current delivered without further adjust- CHIEF ENGINEER COOKE,
is recommended
Connect one wire of the
: ment. .\t the end it is proper that the cur- Chicago Engineering Works,
generator with some form of resistance. rent should be considerably below the aver- Dept. 524
The free end of the unconnected wire of age. An advantage of this method is the 441 Cass Street, Chicago, Illinois
the resistance and the free end of the un- relief from attention during the charge.

YoH benefit by 'nentioning the "islcctrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


Opportunity Ad-lets
YOU will find opportunities and real bargains in these columns.
many remarkable It will pay you to read and investigate the offerings
made every month by reliable firms, dealers and amateurs from all over the country. No matter what you may be seeking, whether supplies.
automobile accessories, the opportunit>' to make money, or anything else, you will find listed here tl e best and nrost attractive specials of the

Advertisements in this section seven cents a word for each insertion. No advertisement for less than 50c accepted. Name and address
must be included at the above rate. Cash should accompany all classified advertisements unless placed by an accredited advertising agency.
Ten per cent discount for 6 issues. 20 per cent discount for 12 issues. Objectionable or misleading advertisements not accepted- Ad-
vertisements for the May issue must reach us not later than March 22.

The Circulation of the Experimenter is over 100,000 and climbing every month
EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING CO., INC., 233 Fulton Street, New York, N. Y.

iiuiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiHiiiiuiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiimiiia^ UIUQ

Automobile Accessories. Help U anted. Exchange Ads. Continued.

More Power, Less Fuel, No Carbon. No mys- Nikola Tesla Correctly Chose his life work. I
can h^lp you to choose as intelligently as he
For Sale Blueprints of motor windings, see
tery, plain facts, results guaranteed. Write tor add under Blueprints,
Complete character reading showing etc., this issue. Charles
booklet S. O. No-Leak-O Piston Ring Co., Balii- chose.
L. Chittenden, 811 W. i8th St.. Kansas City. Mo.
more, Md. what natural abilities you possess. Tried and
Fords Start Easy in Cold Weather with our true method based on photos and handwriting. Wanted Mignon Receiving Cabinet RLC 5 or
new 1919 carburetors. 54 miles per galllon. Vse No magic guesses. Particulars free. Lowell P. RLC 6. Cash. J. H. Newton. Suffolk, Va.
Increased Iloyt, Presque Isle, Me.
cheapest gasoline or half kerosene. For Sale I, Hawkin*s Guides, cheap.
power. Styles for any motor. Very slow on U. S. Government Positions. Men women. $80 2, 3, 8, 9
nigh. Attach it yourself. Big profits to agents. to $135 month. Paid vacations. Short hours. Joseph Saltry, Oak St., Scranton. Pa.
Money back guarantee. Thirty days' trial. Air- Pleasant work. Common education suf^Scient. Wanted Omnigraph and Records. State price
Friction Carburetor Co., 270 Madison, Dayton, Write immediately for list positions now open. and condition. J. A. Burgess, Provost, Va.
Franklin Institute, Dept. D26, Rochester, N. Y.
Raise White Mice, big profits let me start you.
Sale High
tension magneto $5. Austin Ran-
Repair parts for all make cars, also engines. dall, Bradford, Me.
Carburetors, magnetos, bucket seats for racing Ray Boyle. Watertown. ^ Dak. For Sale Small Climax talking machine and
cars. We also carry a large stock of slightly Make Die-Castings. Sketch, Sample, Booklet, in Ai condition for $10.00.

20 records Also Tel-
used tires and tubes at very lowest prices. and Proposition, :2c. Byrd & Blair, Box 227 F, escope, Magazines, Electrical Apparatus. Emil
Write for list. Haviland Supply Co., 2506 Sev- Erie, Pa. Feldman, Manning, Iowa.
Sell^(_)mnigraph No. 2 Jr. Make me an oflfer.
Ford Car Repair Book sent free. This valu- Motion Pictures. Myrl Priest, St. James, Minn.
able, complete, well illustrated, book explains in
a simple way the Causes and Cures of Over- Motion Picture Film for home machines 200 For Sale National Automatic Telegraph Trans-
heating; Repairing Ford Timer; Curing Piston feet $J.oo, parcel post prepaid. Charles Gunby, mitter with 25 records in continental code, prac-
Ring Troubles; Carburetor Adjustment and Re- 145 West 45th Street, New York. tically new, $12.50. Leonard Ulstrip, Frecwater,
pairs; Connecting Rods; Transmission Troubles; For Sale Cheap, Motion Picture Films. Send Ore.
Care and Repair of Rear Axle; Stopping Axle IOC for sample and list. William Halstead, 88 For Sale Complete sending and receiving set.
Grease Leaks; also covers practically every Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Absolutely new. K. Jennings. Newton. Mass.
other phase of Ford Car repairing. Another Wanted Bound Volumes, 3 and 4 of Electrical
feature is a chart showing exactly how much w Experimenter. Printing Outfit or Wireless Re-
to pay for work done by rapair men. Send 25c i ceiving Set. Everett tritzberg, 727 Washington
coin for three month's trial subscription and get February 24, 1919.
Mr. R. W. DeMott. St.. Northeast, Minneapolis, Minn.
the valuable repair book free. Ford Owners' 1
Magazine, 417 Montgomery Bldg., Milwaukee, Advertising Manager, For Sale I H.P. D. C. Electric motor; i motor-
Wisconsin. ^ The Electrical Experimenter,
cycle engine; also other things. George Conlin,
233 Fulton Street, 851 Columbus Ave., New York City. N. Y.
Simplex Belt Power Transmitter for Fords,
$12.50. Write for circular. Frank R. Weisgcr- ^ New York City, New York. Sell Complete Chemical Outfit. Wireless and
ber, Salina, Kans. M Dear Sir: Electrical Goods. Charles McLaughlin, Cadiz,
nMnHBHunHuuuunmmumiinnniuiinmiiiiiniiiiiiiiRiiiniiiDitiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 m We
take great pleasure in stating that Ohio.
p our advertising in your classified depart- For Sale 1/2 K.W. Open Core Transformer,
Agents Wanted. p ment has been very successful. unmounted, cost $6.50, $2.50; J4 K.W. Closed Core
M To tell the truth, we have received more Transformer, $7.50, $4; Pancake Oscillation Trans-
Easy, Pleasant Work for mechanics, shop men, s returns and at a lower cost than any me- former, $3.75, $2; Jove Detector, 70c; 2500 meter
clerks, durmg spare hours, will add many dollars M dium that we are using. Loose Coupler, $8, $4; .22 H. & R. 7 shot revol-
to their salaries. Also want persons who can = ver, $8.50, $5; .22 Automatic Rifle, $17.00, $8.50;
Novelty Sincerely yours,
give full time. Big wages assured.
M Nation.\l Aero Institute, 3000 meter home made Loose Coupler, $5; all in
Cutlery Co., 308 Bar St.. Canton, Ohio. fine condition. Guns' bores are perfect. Henry
$10 Daily rehnishing chandeliers, brass beds,
s (Signed) John A. Tenney,
("ole. M-2 Box 380, Indianapolis. Ind.
^ President.
automol>iIes by new method, without capital or
experience. Free particulars and proofs. Write

Will Swap No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie
.imnnniiiiiiiiiiiii and fishing rod and reel for wireless apparatus.
today, tjunmetal Co.. Ave. D, Decatur. 111.
Max Feldr^r, 1444 W^ 13th St., Chicago, III.
Insyde Tyres, inner armor for automobile tires, Exchange Ads. Wanted Parts 'ype
double mileage and prevent punctures and blow- Edison Primary
outs. Quickly applied. Costs little. Demand For Sale Two loose coupler receiving sets, Batteries. Michael Boland, Forest Avenue, En-
commercial type, best construction, and phones. glewnod, N. J.
tremendous. Profits unlimited. Details free.
American Automobile Accessories Co., Dept. 54, Splendid condition. Low price. Unusual oppor- 2 K.W. Wireless Outfit. Full particulars by mail.
Cincinnati, ().
tunity for amateur station. Call Saturday eve- Best offer or exchange for marine engine. W.
ning, 354 Convent Ave., near West 145th Street, Monroe Whaley, Maple Road, Linthicum Heights,
American Inkless Pen^new invention. Every- New York City. Md.
body wants it. Sells $1. Agent's sample 60c.
Agents, District Managers wanted. Attractive For Sade Train, Camera, and other small stuff. For Sale New 5 record Omnigraph, buzzer,
proposition. Buckeye Distributing Co., 1822 Mahan Smith. Jefferson City, Mo. ^
key, 20 records, $15.00. Margaret Ewing, Nor-
Noble Rd., E. Cleveland, O. For Sale Telephone generators, $1.50; Battery wichtown. Conn.
telephone, 75c; Electrolytic interrupter. $2.00; For Sale Hytone Rotary Gap J^ K.W. Trans-
Agents! Get busy sell Wax O Polish direct
to car owners. Resists dust and mud. Makes S35.00 Chemistry Laboratory, $25.00; Brandes Su- former, Pancake Type Oscillation Transformer.
the car look new and glossy. Requires no rub- periors. $4.25; Telephone transmitter, 50c; Audion, Unusually fine glass plate condenser NAA Coup-
bing, dries instantly. Good profits given to $3.00; Doubfe Barreled shot-gun, 12 gage, $7.00; ler. All new, low price. V. Van Zandt, 1663
agents. Send for sample now. Price postpaid 17 jewel Waltham, silverine case, $9.00; etc. Winfield St., Los Angeles.
Ji.oo. Wax q Polish Co., 119 No. ist St., AI- WantTypewriter. Welton, 708 Marion, Mat-

Sell Good Remington Typewriter. $30. C. Gil-
bcrqucrque. New Mexico. toon. 111.
lespie. 72 Woodward, Buffalo. N. Y.
Agents Exciting fun flying Yankee Aero- Tent, 40 x 80. cheap, $30.00 takes it. 4-20

For Sale Nonpareil printing press, number 22;
plane, flies like a real macni Sample and ft. center poles 9 ft. wall. Also twin cylinder
eight fonts type and ornaments $25. Donala
money making plan, 25c. Yanke? Mfg. Co., motorcycle engine with magneto $10.00. V. G.
Hickory Peglow. LaPorte. Ind.
Milwaukee. Wis. r.ustafson, 1402 N. St.. Jolict, 111.

Make your own toothpowder and retail it. Exchange Thorough Bred Shetland Pony for
For Sale Curtiss Biplane, 3 ft. Model $10.00.
8 inch spark coil or $125.00. Deb. Cummins, Wil-
Miami bicycle $12,00. Post card projector elec-
Great profits, receipt 25c. Mason's, Petaluma, tric, $4.00. Edw. Webb. New London. O.
Cal. mot. S. P.
Electrical Photographic and Chemical Appara-
Agents New invention puzzles world; wonder- Write immediately for large list of electrical
and chemical apparatus. Mr. Keogh, 328 Lorel, tus, motors, fans, switches, spark plu^s. Advise
ful chemical cloth; one rub over rain, snow what you want or have for sale. H. C. Hancock,
blurred auto windshield, street car or engine Chicago.
Bogota. N. J.


window, presto! glass stays clear 24 hours; For Sale Electrical Apparatus. Send stamp
can't blur; agents making $120 weekly. Security for list. Alfred Embovitz, Washington Depot,
Exchange $8.00 Omnigraph and dials for vari-
Mfg. Co.. Dept, 106, Toledo, Ohio. Conn. able condensers or motor. W. T. Gravely, Dan-
ville. Va.
Brand new 15 dial Omnigraph with 15 extra
Broadway, Sell Twelve complete wrestling lessons, $5.00.
dials, $15. Write J. F. Maurer, Jr., 682
Telegraphy. Harry Schulte, 2460 Buc hanan St.. Baltimore. Md.
West New York. N. J.
Telegraphy, Wire and Wireless, and Railway For Sale No. 5 (No. S) Omnigraph worth $7
Sell Loose Coupler, $4.00; Detector, 30c. List
Accounting taught thoroughly. Unprecedented of Wireless apparatus 3c. Kenneth Tooker, perfect condition. Wanted perfect Thordarsen
demand Big Salaries. Oldest and
for both sexes.
Coshocten. O. K.W. sending transformer, state price. Wal-


Ltargcst School Est. 45 years. Catalog free. lace Heckman, Windermere Rd., Auburndale,
Dn<fec s Institute, S even th St., Valparaiso. Ind. Will Sell or Trade a Fuller Johnson, over- Mass.
hauled, gasoline engine, ij^ H.P. Fred Sheel,
Wanted Telegraph Apparatus. Write Gowan,
17 4 Martin Street, Milwaukee. Wis.
Postcards. (ieor^ e. Peterhoro, Can.

For Sale <^)ne 50 amps. 110-125 volts 2 wire
For Sale Audion Bulb, Tuner, Condenser and
Everything in Postcards. Live -wire list free. D. C
Duncan Integrating Wattmeter in first
double receiving phones. Cahn, 182 Pulaski St.,
Worth-while samples 25c. Mention subjects pre- class condition. J. Paternoster, 511 West i6oth
ferred. Mutual Supply Co., Bradford, Pa. St.. N. Y. C. Phone 9651 Audubon. Brooklyn. N. YT

You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.



For Men. Business Opportunities Continued. Formulas.

Shave YourseJf? Send ten cents to Meentzen, Make Big Money opening safes and setting SOO Formulas, resilvering mirrors, renewing dry
Beaumont, Texas, for blood stopping styptic combinations. Wayne Strong, P. Q, Box 1430, batteries, luminous paints, mechanics' soap, 25c,
pencil. Los Angeles, Cal. lists 2c. "Bestovall,'^ 33ii-E Belleplaine, Chicago.
nnnniiuiiniiii Men, get into the wonderful tailoring agency miu
business, big profits taking orders and your own
Business Opportunities, clothes free. We furnish fine sample outfit and Chemicals,
everything free. No experience needed. Write ChemicaPAnalysis honestly and correctly done'
Victory Mechanical
Soldier window at- Toy today: Banner Tailoring Co., Dept. 186, Chicago.

by Leland E. Tenney, Chemist, Colton, N. Y.

traction. 30 inches high. Salutes, turns head,
points vith linger, etc., as set. Well made, Attention manufacturers What have you to of- If you are in need of Chemicals you will be
nicely dressed omcers, privates, Uncle Sam, etc. fer for ALiil Order House? Must be easy mail- wise if you send your orders here. We handle
ing. Can use large quantities. Address, Guaran- the Chemicals that are most rare and most diffi-
Electrically operated. Does some stunt every tee Sales Co., 468 E. 117th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
half minute or oftener as set and will salute cult to obtain. Send 5c for sample price list.
soldier and pay no attention to other if de- wiMiiiiiiHiimnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniiiiiiiim^^^ Ziegler Experimental Laboratory, 47 Judson
sired. Representative wanted in each city and Street, Rochester, N. Y.
town. Write for prices. The John M. Biggs Co., Miscellaneous, iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiunitiiiiiiniiinirmnmiNniiin

Box 324. Chattan o oga, Tenn.

Dollars Yearly in Your Back Yard. No gin- Luminous Paint makes watches, clocks, any-
Electrical Supplie s Appliances, &
seng, mushroom dope. New ideas. Investigate. thing visible at night, 25c bottle. Luminous Motor Winders: See ad under blueprints, etc.,
Particulars free. Metz. 313 East 89. New York. Paint Co.. 2426-X Polk St.. Chicago. this issue. Charles L. Chittenden, 811 W. 18 St.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Build up an Income in Oil^Others are doing Your Opportunity Used
correspondence One Service Station Storage Battery Generator;
it Why not you? Today is the opportunity. courses bought and sold. Dollars saved. Write High tension magnetos; S. D. Motor starter:
Join our easy monthly payment plv} it NOW now. Enclose stamp. MacMichael Educational D. C. Motors no v. Motorcycle engines and
may mean hundreds in profits. Write for in- Bureau. Dept. 44. Victor, N. V. parts. Telephone parts of all kinds, belt, pul-

formation. Nafional Oil Drilling Co., Dept. K, Japanese Incense produces fragrant odour. leys, spark coils, 2 cylinder Thor Engine car-
Houston, Texas. Sample loc. Box Yama, Postal Box, 281 Sta. C, buretor and magneto complete. Going to sell
Incorporate your business under the common Los Angeles, Cal. dirt cheap while they last. P. A. Paul, Lewis-
law. No organization Lax; no franchise tax; no Be Healthy! Know the surest way to success. burg, Ohio.
federal corporation tax; certificates not taxable; Read "Sincere W^ords," 1919 wonder. 20c post- For Sale: 250 Penlites exact representation of
stockholders exempt from company debts; do paid. Success, 1943 Patten St., Philadelphia, Fa. fountain pens complete with 2 cell guaranteed
business anywhere; directors reside where you battery only 65c each, postage 4c extra. Extra
wish; lowest cost organization possible. Com- Cats crave catnip. Send 10c for a "catnip
mouse" (a lifelike cloth mouse, stuffed with cat- batteries 20c. Also 50 2-cell fiber tubular flash-
mon Law Organization Co., 4 Randolph, Detroit, lights 90c, and 15 3-cell flashlights $i.os. Postage
Mich. nip). More fun than a "barrel of monkeys," and
7c extra on either. J. A. McLardie, 424 Edgewater,
your "kitty" will like it. Address: Percy Ewing,
Patents For Sales: To buy or sell patents ad- Decatur, 111.
Dayton, C)hio.
dress Patent News-H, Washington, 1). C. Only double pole watch case receivers
$2.00 75-ohni
inventor's newspaper published. You Can Be a Winner. Gain Power and
NEW permanent
^^__^^^ Individuality and become what you wish to be, magnet type, fine for wireless,
Start a profitable business manufacturing through our system of Self-Development. Practi- prepaid. $1.25. Electro Sales Co., 1844 Cleveland
*'Puffed Crisp." Delicious confection. Whirl- Ave., Chicago, 111.
cal, positive benefits. Send loc and birth-date
wind money-maker. Machine, instructions com- for interesting Personality Sketrh and first Electrical Tattooing Machine and Supplies
plete $6.50. Samples 10 cents. Bestever Prod- lesson in Efficiency. Thomson -Hey wood Co., Catalogue Stamp, Prof. Temke, Exp., 1019 Vine
ucts Co.. 2526 E4. Polk St., Chicago. D^Pt. 350. Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco. Cal. St., Cincinnati, Ohio.

We will start you in the cleaning and dyeing Catch Fish. Descriptive folder containing valu- 25 Dry Cells for Five Cents.
Recharge Direc-
business, little capital needed, big profits. Write able information mailed for stamp. George tions10c. Gilbert. 28 Chestnut, Binghamton, N.Y.
for booklet. Ben-Vonde System, Dept. H, Char- Julian, Albany Building, Boston. All sizes of refillable fuses. Send 25c for sam-
lotte, N. C. ple plug fuse and 10 refills. State Amperage.
Blacksmith, Listen! Prepare for big wages in
Why Sell Perfumes and. Toilet Goods for Navy and Arsenal with Toy's Modern Methods Knoll and Palmer, 7076 Jenkins Arcade, Pitts-
others! make your own; get all the profits. Par- doing hard jobs easy. Forging and making solid burgh, Pa.
ticulars. Laboratory Box 1316 X Memphis, welds, hardening and tempering to a standard, For Sale Electrolytic rectifiers, glass jars*
Tenn. with colored tempering charts. All for one dollar. Knapp motor, 19, 21, 23, 25 and 35 D. C. C. mag-
Hurry; Our
First Issue. Plans and specifica-
Sample free. W. M. Toy, Sidney, Ohio. net wire, 24 and 31 S. C. German silver wire,
tions for building National Advertising Weather Wanted Small Gasoline and Steam Engines. transformer iron, switchboard complete, minia-
Service. Sales talk picture of finished machine, Cash paid for i to 4 cylinder light weiglit Motors. ture sockets, battery binding posts, spark gap,
etc. Profit $150.00 for manufacturer. Protected % to 10 H.P. Johnston, West End, Pittsburgh, electric heater.
Jersey City. N. J.
J. L. Lange, 9 Roosevelt Ave.,
territory. Descriptive literature, terms and pic- Pa.
ture 25 cents.^ None free. National Sales Co., Snow Plow. Removes snow from sidewalks,
For Sale Electrical apparatus all kinds. List
Box 421, Lima, Ohio. etc. Easy to raise or lower. Thoroughly tested. for purple stamp. Wm. Doty, 207 John St., Port-
Can also be used as toy. A. H. Tallyn, Benson. 111. land, Oregon.
If Interested in profitable money making plan
send quarter. CofTer. 104 Main St., Flushing, L. I. "Opportunity Adlets** bring quick results. Our IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIN

'*Quick-Action Advertising How it is Building 100,000 circulation, net. Other firms are making Personal,
Business for the Progressive Advertisers of
money so can you. For proof address Classified
America"; A little story of RESULTS, told by Department, Electrical Experimenter, 233 Fulton Are you self conscious embarrassed in com-
the advertisers themselves not the publisher. St., New York City. panylacking in self control? These troubles
You will be interested in reading this little overcome. C. E. Veritas, 1400 Broadway, New
booklet, which we have prepared for prospective York.
advertisers, a copy of which will be gladly Wireless, iTinminiiniMnniniiTnfiniimninimMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniRiiniiiiiiinfTiiinm^

mailed to you upon request. It tells you how Letter Specialists.

to talk business with 1,000,000 intelligent, inter- Amateur Radio will be Prohibited in Five Years
ested and responsive Americans every month unless amateurs organize for beneficial protec- Letters That Land Orders and Money Orders
men who know what the)? want and who have tion! Will amateurs be organized body able to written for $4.00; three for $10.00. Guaranteed.
the money to buy it. Write for particulars and protect themselves from this impending calam- Criterion Service, Dept. 3, West New York, New
rates today. Douglas Wakefield Coutlee, 225 ity ? Write us for absolutely latest particulars Jersey.
West 39th Street, New York. concerning this latest question. Future amateur
Enter a New Business. Earn $3,000 to $6,000
radio depends on you the loyal amateur! Only
Real Estate for Sale.
yearly in professional fees making and fitting a a slacker will hesitate. You write immediately!
foot specialty, openings everywhere with all the American Institute of Radio Engineering. Omaha. This Your Idea of Florida? A little piece
trade you can attend to; easily learned by any- Complete receiving sets $8.50, $9.50 and up. of land near the water, a boat, a garden, some
one at home in a few weeks, at small expense; Instruments, parts, minerals. Circular for stamp. strawberry plants, and perhaps a few chickens;
no further capital required; no goods to buy, Inquiries invited. Jenkins, 923 Purchase Street, a vine-covered cottage, pleasant neighbors; fish
job hunting, soliciting or agency. Address New Bedford, Mass. and oysters in abundance, plenty of quail and
Stephenson Laboratory, 18 Back Bay, Boston. Mineral Detectors are not one hundred per cent game a simple, natural, wholesome life in the
efficient without a sterling silver cat whisker. open the .year roundHome, Health and Con-
Make Die-Castings.
Sketch, Sample, Booklet, tentment. All this is within your reach at
and Proposition. 12c. R. Byrd. Box 227, Erie, Pa. Better than gold, 15c eaclj. Gooding and Layton,
1604 Broome Street, Wilmington, Delaware. modest outlay in this beautiful land of sunshine
$30.00 a week evenings. I made it with a and roses. We are on the Gulf and a navigable
small mail order business; continued my regular DeForest Ship's Set Complete. Loose coupler, river; also on the Dixie Highway. Here we have
job daytime. Free Booklet tells how, 2 cents detector stand, reversing switch, variable con- the freedom, comfort and economy of country
postage. Albert W. Scott, Cohoes, N. Y. denser, etc., all mounted on hard rubber base life,' yet are only two hours by motor bus from

Gold and Silver Plating without costly electri-

and mahogany cabinet very fine.
Price $30. big cities and resort centers like Tampa and
W. M. Ronan. 172 Front St.. New York. St. Petersburg. Our community is new, but is
cal apparatus. Wonderful example of scientific Better stock up now on switches and switch
achievement. one of the fastest growing in the State. Prices
L'^nparalleled opportunity to es-
points for that new set. CircuKir describing the have not gone sky-high and living expenses are
tablish yourself in dignified lucrative business. most perfect on the market sent free. Eureka moderate. 100 Northern families already here.
Experience and capital unnecessary. Complete Secondary Co., 6939 S. May St., Chicago, 111.
detailed instructions in both processes. One They like :t perhaps you will. May we send
Learn Wireless Telegraphy at Home Cheap- complete information? Board of Trade, Box 298,
Dollar. Electroless Plating Co., 1646 Echo Park
Ave., Los Angeles. Through home course outlined which will not ex- New Port Richey. Fla.
ceed $5.00 including the entire outlay. Don't
Branch Manager Wanted for old established waste time and money learning elsewhere. L^se
Chicago Concern. We furnish full stock of your spare time for this purpose. I tell you how Motorcycles,
goods, advertising matter, and equip store com- to obtain this complete course and answer all Motorcycles $2S up New and second-
pletely, in all at our expense and
good location, questions free thereafter. Complece instructions hand. Easy terms, large list to choose from, all
pay you week
salary, in addition to lib-
$40.00 a and details, $1.00. Investigate. Satisfaction guar- makes. Send 4c stamps for Bulletin "A." Peer-
era! share of the profits your store earns. anteed. E. Jones, 818 Roosevelt, New Orleans,
less Motorcycle Co.. Watertown. Mass.
Work can be started in spare time. No invest- La^
ment or previous experience necessary to secure Switch Points, Binding Posts. Switch levers,
this position. If you are a hustler and want an and small parts, send 2c for catalogue describing Song Poems W anted.
opportunity to make $5,000 to $15,000 a year we these and other goods. A. W. Bowman & Co., 23
want you and will pay you well from the start. Church .St., (Harvard Square), Cambridge, Mass. Write the Words for a write music Song. We
Send me your application today. S. Levy, Mgr., and guarantee publisher's acceptance. Submit
Department 784 Como Bldg., Chicago, 111. Amateurs, Complete Set of Blue Prints and In-
structions for construction of (RA6) Regenerative poems on war, love, or any subject. Chester
Experimenters: Would you like to earn $100.00 Receiver, amplification 100, range i8a-<;8o meters. Music Co., 538 S. Dearborn St., Suite 265, Chi-
a month in your spare time at home. Send 25 Easy to construct. Just revised. Price $1.50 cago.
cents (Coin) for instructions. Lloyd Stultz, postpaid. Radio Research Laboratories, 2148 iMnnnnnniTiii luimnn iiinniiiinniiiTniiiiiiminiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii

Middle town, Maryland. Fifth Avenue, Troy, New York. Continued on page 934
You. benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


immmiHminiruiiiirniiiitnuitmiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMriiiiNiiniiiiiiiiM^ (nDiiiniiiniiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiniiiniirnirniinniiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiniiiiiiimi^^

Patent Attornes's. Books. Tricks, Puzzles and Games.

Inventions Patented. Trade-marks Registered, What Every Draftsman Should Know. Very Tricks, Puzzles, Jokes, Toys. Games. Novelties,
Labels, Prints ami Publications Copyrighted, useful booklet. Price i^c postpaid. Wack Book- Doll and Cane Racks, Plays, Wigs, Stage Sup-
reasonable (ees correspondence solicited
; de- ; let Co.. 1943 Patten St.. Philadelphia. Pa. plies, Escapes and Illusions. Large 1917 catalog
tailed information free; booklets. Jaynes & Dear Reader If Occult, New-Thought and Sci- free. Oakes Magical Co., Dept.- 549, Oshkosh,
Jaynes. 70^ Kellogg. Washington. D. C. entific books appeal to you, send for my catalog, Wis.
Patents Procured Trade Marks Registered it's free. I have books on Personal Magnetism, 1000 Stage Tricks with 500 illustrations. Cata-
comprehensive, experienced, pronipt service for Concentration. Spiritualism, Clairvoyance, Seer- logue loc, small catalogue free. Hornmann
the protection and development of your ideas. ship, Will. Mind, Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Char- Magic Eighth Avenue, New York.
Co., Sta. 6. 170
Preliminary advice gladly furnished without acter Reading, Healing, Mysticism, Success, Black Art Hindoo Experiments, 1919 Edition,
charge. Booklet of information and form for Salesmanship, Mechanics. Entertainment, etc. Invisible Ink. Free Trick. Catalogofe each
disclosing idea free on request. Richard B. A. W. Martens. J -49. Burlington. Iowa.
order. Linhorst Magic X Shop, St. Louis.
Owen, 130 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C, or World-Romic System, Masterkey to All Lan-
Z278-T Woolworth Bldg.. Xew \ork. Ventriloquism taught almost anyone at home.
guages. Six Textbooks, $1.44. French Chart, 37c;
Small cost. Send today 3c stamp for particulars
M. F. Miller, Ouray Building. Washington, b-panish, 37c Aviation Dictionary, $1.50. French-
and ^roof. O. A. Smith, Room R-605, 801 Bige-
D. C Patent Attorney, Mechanical and Elec- EngHsh Aviation Pictionary, 6ic. Languages, low Street, Peoria, 111.
trical Expert. Best quality of work and results. ]43 West 47th. New York.
100 Kinds Wire and Steel Puzzles. Catalog and
Moderate charges. Advice free. Books on Sex Catalogue free. United Sales leader 10c postpaid. Western Puzzle Works,
Millions spent annually for ideas! Hundreds Co., Springfield, 111.
St. Paul, Minn.
now wanted Patent yours and profit
I Write !
for Real Live People. Lists free. E.
today for free books tell how to protect your- Sheridan. 417 E. 151st. New York .
J. oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiK^

self, how to invent, ideas wanted, how we help Phonographs, Needles and Supplies
American Industries. Inc., 213 Formulas, Recipes and Trade Secrets in
you sell, etc.
double-column. 530-page book, only $1. Postpaid.
Patent Dept.. Washington. D. C. Clifford Camp Co., 32 Prospect St., Claremont, Build You^ Own Phonographs and manufacture
John M. McLachlen, Atty. at Law, Patents, N. H. them for profit. Drawing instrpctions. Parts,
Trade Marks. Copyrights, 410 McLachlen Bldg., To Get Better Pictures: Read the Amateur Price List, Blue Prints, etc., complete, sent free
Washington. D. C. upon request. Write today. Associated Phono-
Photographer's Weekly; illustrated; weekly
Patents My fee payable in monthly install- prize competitions; print criticisms; many unique
graph Co.. Dept. E-i, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ments. Send sketch for advice. Booklet free. features; $1.50 per year; three months' trial sub- Build Your Phonograph. "Perfection" high-
Frank Fuller. Washington. P. C. scription 25c. Abel Publishing Company, 401 quality spring and electric Motors, Tone Arms,
Patent Your Own Inventions. Save attorney's Caxton Bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio. Reproducers. Wonderful results. Big saving.
fees we prepare applications; furnish full in-
; Old E. E. Back Numbers: have some valu- We New catalog and building instructions mailed
structions and give satisfaction. Free informa- able old E. E. back numbers on hand as follows:
for ten cents. Indiana Phonograph Supply Co.,
tion. Carl Larsen Co., Park Row Building, New
Indianapolis, Indiana.
i^9'5 Jan., March, April, May, June, July, Aug.,
York City. Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, price each 35c. 1916 Jan., Phonograph Owners: Test our wonderful, new
Patent Attorney, Electrical Engineer. Mechan- Feb., March, May, June, Sept., Pec, price each Ring Point needles. Buy at wholesale prices
ical Expert Thorough Personal Service. Frank
35c. 1917 Jan., April, May, Aug.. Nov., Dec, and make money selling to your friends who
Lfilcrmann. 21 Park Row. Xew York.
each 35c. 1918 Jan., Mar., 35c; 1918 May, June, hear how they improve tone. Scientific method,
July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Pec, each 20c. important discovery, very interesting. Single
Patents. My fee payable in installmtrnts. Full
particulars return mail. John Patten Duffie,
19*9 Jan.. Feb., Mar., 20c. can fill orders at
once upon receipt of your remittance, and if you
We needle plays 100 records. Send 25c for samples
and special ofTer. K. Kenyon Company, 31 Union
Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. have not these numbers already, now is your Square, New York.
umiiiiKiuiiniiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK^^ chance to get them, as they probably will be Wonderful $75 Phonograph. 42 inches high,
snapped up very quickly. Experimenter Pub- i2-rccords album, needles, $45. Stamp. 631 New-
For Inventors, lishing Co., 233 Fulton St., New York City. hall, Milwaukee, Wis.
We Have A
Proposition that will probably in-
Sexual Knowledge By Pr. Faulkner. Plain
terest you. Inquiries invited. The Wakefield facts about sex matters. Over 100 pages valu- Motors, Engines and Dynamos.
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600 Mechanical Movements, also illustrations and (.icnerators from Bankruptcy Stock, J4 H. P.
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ple loc; three months, 25c; year $1.00. The sizes. $30.00 each and up. Charging, Lighting
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new invention. Government and other costs.
Covers the matter from A to Z. 140 pages ele- "Nature Book" facts every married and engaged and up. Motors for all phases of current. Im-
gantly bound. Contains noted Court decisions on person should know. 35c. Central Company, 599 mediate delivery Less than J2 regular prices.
Patent cases. Mechanical Movements greatly Ninth Avenue, New York. Write for late bulletin. Johnston, West End,
assist inventors suggest new ideas that might Pittsburgh, Penna. ,

prove of great aid in perfecting inventions. Tells

iniiiiumniiinifliiiiluiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiin niii]TniinininmniirninfTi|T|i|iniHM[rr

For Sale The following 60 cycles, single-phase
now to select an attorney. Has valuable informa- motors, 1800 r.p.m., new. 24-^-110 volts, 3^ h.p.,
tion regarding Patent Sharks. Selling Agents and Blue Prints, 220 volts, 2^i h.p. 220 volts, 2-1 h.p. 220 volts,
Brokers. Price 1. Postage free. Fred G. Piet- i-iVS h.p. 220 volts, 2-2 h.p. 220 volts. Electric
erich. 603 Ouray Building. Washington. P. C. Blue Prints: Jl- H.P. Gas Engine 30c. 14 H.P. Machinery Equipment Co., 714 W. Van Buren
Steam Engine Js H.P. Boiler and Engine
50c, St.. Chicago.
Inventors. Protect your Idea before exposing
70C, all Circulars for stamp. Universal
it. Advice Free. Inventor's Patent Service, 3 $1.00.
Gas Motor Co., 364 Monadnock, Chicago. Wanted
for Cash Marine, rowboat, stationary,
Park Row Building. New York City. automobile, motorcycle engines or bicycle at-
Blue Prints of Motor windings. 108 A.C. con- tachment motors. State condition, price, etc.
Inventions Commercialized. Cash or royalty. nections, 132 D.C. armature windings, complete
Adam FisluT Mfg. Co., Jt^g St. Louis. Mo. Write, A. J. Temps, 305 Broadway, New York
240 diagrams $5.00 cash. Send 25c for 12 samples City.
Inventors join National Institute of Inventors, or write for particulars. Charles L. Chittenden,
World Building, New York City; membership 811 West Kansas City. Mo.
18th Street,

society 1,900 strong; will help protect, develop, Make volt and ammeters. Simple practical Printing,
finance and market your invention. Absolutely instruction and blue print 25c. P. R. Hansell, Bond Noteheads,
no charge. Write for booklet. 2328 N. Carlisle Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
100 4 lines and 100 envelopes,
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mniimmniiiniii'!r:if;iii:i: tMimiiiiiiniNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiinii
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Patent Cork float oil gauge for Ford cars. aniiiniiiniiiiiiiiimutiiiiiNtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^^^^^

Price right. L. A. Randall, Conimicut, R, I. Enjoy Vigorous Health. My new book "Muscu-
! "''''^"''iMNiii!l!i:N!1ll!M|i|ini!IIM!r|!l!llt||l1limfI|l||IIlll|!||||!i||l|||!|||il!|||in lar Pevelopment" tells how. Send for it today Stamps and Coins.
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Earn $25 Weekly, spare time, writing for news- Tobacco or Snuff Habit Cured or no pay; $1.00
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papers, magazines. Experience unnecessary; de-
if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Superba Co., size. 53c; Large cent. 1820, and
Dollar size, $1.10;
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loc. Norman
Pyorrhea H. E. Kelty, V. D. S., M. D.. pyor-
Baimi]i]nuiims']mi[imiiiii!inii::ni::'i i.M.iMiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiriniiiiiiiiiini
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Scenery for Hire. cessful home treatment for pyorrhea. Purifying,
healing, preventative. Full month's treatment Free^Packet Valuable Stamps to applicants
Collapsible Scenery for all Plays. Amelia Grain, and booklet $1.00. Circular free. Dr. H. E. 50% approvals. Benj. Forbes, 160 Devilliers,
Phila<lclphia. Pemisyh ania. Kelty. 106 Gladwin Ave.. Leonia. N. J. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Di!miiiu!itori[ijiii!iii;iiiiiai :i . .
1 i.iiiiiiniiniiiiKiiiiiiiiimmiintiiiiiiiiiinniirnimmniiimi Cigarette, pipe or chewing habit conquered. Free packet of stamps to approval applicants.
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Edw. J. Woods, TA-300, Station F,
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Stamps 100 different, 8c; 200, 23c. Approvals.
New York, Michai-ls, 5600 Prairie, Chicago.
Send us your next film for developing and
printing. No charge unless you are satisfied uiiinniiiniiiniimiiniiiiniiiTiiiiniiiminiiimiimiiiiNiiniimnmiirnniniimiiJiiiiniiiiDMiiiDiiiiiiM Acme Stamp Co. Send stamp for pocket list.
with our work. The Photolo Co., 36 Garrison 494 ijth St., lirooklyii, N. Y.
Road. Claredon, Virginia. Stammering. iMiiniiiiiin nmiiHiMi]uiiiumimiHiin.ii iaMimi m [ii Bn iiii ni iiBiiP > lmimm
Mail Us 15c with any size Film for develop- For Advertisers,
ment and 6 velvet prints. Or send 6 negatives St-Stu-t-t-tering and Stammering cured at
any size and 15c for 6 prints, 8 x 10" mounted home. Instructive booklet free. Walter McDon- "Quick-Action Advertising ^How it is Building
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noke Photo Finishing Co., 255 Bell Ave., Roanoke, D. C. America"; A little story of results told by
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the advertisers themselves not the publisher.
Camera bargain list free. Purso, Dept.
You will be interested in reading this little book-
41, 25 let which we have prepared for prospective ad-
Mulberry. N. Y. City,
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lowest prices. Work returned the same day re- I was Bald.
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zine which will help you make better pictures. recipe, 10c. John Hart Brittain, 150 E 32nd St., Douglas Wakefield Coutlee, 225 West 39th St.,
Photo Craft Co.. Box 69, Ann Arbor, Mich. BA-300. New York. New York.
You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers.


dioo V''OU can easily make a highly
detectophone by sensitive
electrical experiment-
button has created
41 00
a sensation. It is not uncommon
using a Skinderviken Transmitter
to receive unsolicited letters like
Button to collect the sound waves.
these: *'I received transmitter button today and
You can build your own outfit without buying
I wish to inform you that it works great and is
expensive equipment. Think of the fun you
the best I have ever seen or heard of for the
would have with such an instrument price. I will certainly recommend it to my
It's ver\- simple, too, and inexpensive. friends. I wish to thank you for your good
You can install an outfit in your service."
"I have been using one of your transmit-
home and hear the conversation being
ter buttons, and it has proved to be worth
held all over the house. You can con- more than its value in my experimenting."
nect up rooms of a hotel.
different "I received one (Transmitter Button) some
Our outfit was used by secret service Fig. 3 time ago, and they are just O. K. for ex-
perimentary." "I have been using
operatives during the War. It
one of your transmitter buttons for
is being used on the stage. So experimental work and it certainly
much for its commercial adapta-
tions! You can procure appa-
ratus of the same type.
BARGAINS lives up to all you say for it and
then some."
Mr. H. Gernsback, editor of this
These prices are very low magazine, who is the
One of the main "wAFHAM
tlean of electrical ex-
All equipment is GUARANTEED. The appa- jWiTHftrrai perimenters, said '"In:

advantages of the ratus is the same as sold by us to large

writer's opinion, ob-
110 volt telephone tnined by actual
Skinder v i k e n telephone companies.
elaborate tests, your
Transmitter But- Transmitter Button is
3 bar $1.75 Weight 61/2 lbs. probably most effli-ient
ton lies in its ul- 4 bar 2.25 8 lbs. device of its kind on
5 bar 2.75 10 lbs. market today, due to
tra - sensitiveness. its s i m p 1 i c i t and
Ringers 80 ohm . . . .35 1 lb. .^'

" "
You can place it 1000 ohm. . . .75
1 lb.
ures. Should have a great future."
other outstanding feat-
Silk cords, 6 ft. 3 cond. .20 3 oz.
in any position 6 ft. 4 cond. .20 " 3 oz. Figures 6. 7 and 8 suggest some very
" interesting experiments. That of repro-
you like. It is the greatest in- 3 ft. 2 cond. .10 1 oz.
ducing music at a point far removed
vention in micro-phones and has Transmitters complete with from the phonograph is very popular with
Steco transmitter button $1.50 12 oz. experimenters. The Skinderviken Trans-
won recommendations from men Induction coils 35 6 oz. mitter Button is mounted in a very small
hole in the under side of the sound arm.
of high standing in the scientific (Note This hole will not injure the qual-

world. being used all over

It is ity of the music.) When the phonograph
being played, the sounds produced are trans-
the world. You can mount it most anywhere. formed by the Skinderviken Transmitter Button
In figures 3, 4 and 5 are shown some un- into a varying electrical current. Tlie receiver,
usual and practical methods. Card board which is located in another room, reproduces the
music at that point.
boxes, stove pipes, stiff calendars and hun- Figures 7 and 8 illustrate the methods of
dreds of other places will suggest themselves transmitting sound by means of the vibrations
to you. The buttons cannot be seen by any in a body while speaking. Speech will be repro-
duced by the receiver just the same as if the
one in the room as they are so small and experimenter had spoken into a transmitter. In
light. Only a small brass nut is exposed to Fig. thjse experiments the Skinderviken Transmitter
the view. Button is mounted on a small iron disc.
Full directions for connecting up the button for use as a
The same circuit connections apply to all experiments, regardless
of how the transmitter button is mounted.
detectophone are given in booklet No. 4 which is sent with The Skinderviken Transmitter Button operates on one or two dry
each button. Figures 1 and 2 of this advertisement, two of cells. It often happens that two cells produce too much current and the

the many illustrations sounds are deafening. We

recommend either one
in booklet No. 4, show fresh cell or two worn out
the circuit connections cells.
We have the utmost
of the detectophone. faith in our transmitter
The only instruments button. We guarantee
satisfactory service or we
needed to complete a will refund the purchase
detectophone outfit, in price. Boys
Young and
addition to a Skinder-
old send in a dollar bill
RIGHT NOW! You can't
viken Transmitter But- lose. If you're not satis-
ton are a receiver, bat- fled, you receive your dol-
FiK- 1 lar back. Isn't that fair? Fig. 2
TransniiUer Button mounted on Dia- tery, and, if desired, an Send a 3c .stamp for a
phram. Simplest circuit. induction coil. copy of Booklet No. 4. Transmitter Button mounted the same
but with Induction Coil


(Use Pencil) E. E. 4-19
STECO, 2134 North Clark St., Chicago, Illinois.
Enclose sufficient postage for mailing.
Gentlemen : Please enter an order for
[] Skinderviken transmitter buttons @$ 1.00 prepaid
Ship to.

[ ] 110 volt generators bars @ Wt lbs.

Ringers ohms Wt lbs.

Cords conductor ft @ Wt lbs.

Induction coils .36 Wt lbs.


] Transmitters with T. Button @ 1.50 Wt lbs. Send Booklet No. 4. [ ]


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