22.suture Materials
22.suture Materials
22.suture Materials
Suture Materials
Classification I Classification IV
Classification II Classification V
Classification III
o Plain catgut is derived from submucosa of jejunum of tendon, nerves, vessels (vascular anastomosis).
It is yellowish white in colour. Nonabsorbable Suture Materials
It is absorbed by inflammatory reaction and phagocy- o Silk is natural, multifilament, braided, non-absorbable
tosisabsorption time is 7 days. suture material derived from cocoon of silkworm larva.
It is used for subcutaneous tissue, muscle, circumcision It is black in colour. It is coated suture material to reduce
in children. capillary action.
o Chromic catgut is catgut with chromic acid salt. o Polypropylene (Prolene) is synthetic, monofilament suture
It is brown in colour. material. It is blue in colour. It has got high memory.
Its absorption time is 21 days. (Memory of suture material is recoiling tendency after
It is used for suturing muscle, fascia, external oblique removal from the packet. Ideally suture material should
aponeurosis, ligating pedicles, etc. have low memory.) (Prolene mesh used for hernioplasty is
o Vicryl (Polyglactic acid): white in colour).
It is synthetic absorbable suture material. o Polyethylene (Ethylene) is synthetic monofilament nonab-
It gets absorbed in 90 days. sorbable suture material. It is black in colour.
Absorption is by hydrolysis. o Cotton is twisted multifilament natural nonabsorbable suture
It is violet in colour (braided). material. It is white in colour.
It is multifilament and braided. o Linen is derived from bark of cotton tree.
It is very good suture material for bowel anastomosis, o Steel, polyester, polyamide, nylon are other nonabsorbable
suturing muscles, closure of peritoneum. suture materials.
o Dexon (Polyglycolic acid) is synthetic absorbable suture
Uses of nonabsorbable suture materials
material like vicryl. It is creamy yellow in colour (braided).
o Maxon (Polyglyconate) monofilament. In herniorrhaphy for repair
o PDS (Poly Dioxanone Suture material) is absorbable suture For closure of abdomen after laparotomy
material. It is creamy in colour with properties like vicryl. For vascular anastomosis (6-zero), nerve suturing, tendon
It is costly but better suture material than vicryl. suturing
o Monocryl (Polyglecaprone) monofilament. For tension suturing in the abdomen
o Biosyn (Glycomer) monofilament. For suturing the skin
CLASSIFICATION II Types of suturing 1257
Natural Continuous suturing
o Catgut. Interrupted simple suturing
o Silk. Interrupted mattress suturing
o Cotton. Subcuticular suturing
o Linen. Horizontal tension suturing
Vertical tension suturing
o Vicryl, dexon, PDS, maxon.
o Polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester, polyamide.
o Braided: Polyester, polyamide, vicryl, dexon, silk.
o Twisted: Cotton, linen.
o Monofilament: Polypropylene, polyethylene, PDS, catgut,
o Multifilament: Polyester, polyamide, vicryl, dexon, silk,