Assessment in K To 12 PDF
Assessment in K To 12 PDF
Assessment in K To 12 PDF
Deportmenl of Educotion
Region X- Northem Mindonoo
DtvtstoN oF t AIAYEALAY CltY
Purok 6, Cosisong, Moloyboloy City
Telefox # 08&314-0094, E-moil odd: [email protected]
BAt/[v I Dty/sr0
3. Furlher, oll schools ore hereby direciedlo comply the mondoie stoled
in recllon 6 of this guidelines prior to ossessment for ,he successful
conduct of system performonce evoluotion.
orc - sCndts oirision Superintendent
A4ttli. tt tts
Depsrtmcrt ol Gluution
05 Juil 2ot7
No.29 , s. 2017
Dorrer ou[rEGIrEa or {tt!}ru A8a!8 MT lll TEE r TO 12
To: Underaacfctaries
Assiatant Scret ries
Regionat Sccletary, ARMM
Ehrreau and Servicc Dircctora
Regional Dircctors
Schools Division Suprintendents
Public arrd Private Eldrcntary and Secondary Schools Heeds
All Othcrs Conccmed
ruoron fec6or,e rnronra
To b. ittdicatcd in rhe Perptual lndex
under the following subjects:
sMx /Dq8oiE-qri!4!!E-rn-ld!s-4r*rE!!t
Enclosurc to DepEd Order No.29, s.2017
SECTIO t n doD.b
The Depaflment of Education (DepEd) ensures th continuous improvtment of its
systems to ensure drat all leameF have acress to quallty basic educalion. Sound
lnfotuation and data are aquird tor th6 achievcBnt ofthis g@1. In the Ontext ofthe
K to 12 basic education program, refores in crrri.lrltm and itrstuctia! bad been
introduced. The K to 12 curriculuh provides new standards that batic educatlon
graduates must attain at difierelt gade levels and key stagls in tenE of clntent
knowledge aDd prfonrane lbrdards To effiy perfum its furcdgofo eosure th.
coDdDuour improvedeut of r...trn8 .!d L.mitr8 pro.6sef, thb pdtcy .rlhdat 6 how
syst D w l be assessed Thtfore, tils Doltcy prevtdc. thqbasis hr the
coaduct of EEglqls.Dd piocesres 6r tlE to[@ing prup@6:
1. Establish b.selines for the basic education systm alrd the implementatlon ofthe K to
12 curiculum itr scbools itl teros of teadriog ard lamin&
2. Monitor the implementation ofthe K to 12 crlrriculum in sdrols in terrB
and larDint
3. MearuE etre.t of lnsEucioml rcformr tlEt ale prrt of thE to 12 basic
cducation txogran
4, Cemr.E r.ltable data for purposes ofL cnletional bnchrtr.rldng
5. hottd. bsscs forthe loP!@otdpogre frrLdr6dctrdoD@(8, ctrrtlctdum
lDpleoEtom and [email protected].
6. Provid evldence tlrat wil
aid pollcy formulatio[ plallnin& and prcgrtDmlng at the
divisioL re$onal and nadooal levls,
SECTION 2: Scopc
The use ofthe information generated on the basis of lhis policy must bentat aI leameri
As such, the information to b genarated must be able to ref,ect their divedty and unique
conter.ts. hbmd ard cdcmal rssessoEots .rr irM b rded ll.n Fvetsity at the
sysEm le"L They should be able to illuslrate and Euancc slEteih perbrrnanoe ln the
co[txt of dlverse learning enviroDDeDts
This policy provides @ois for the t
'p!s and s.tcdule of aDd external
assesstmtrta, urhidl wil be implemented betrreen 2016 atd the
contitruous impnovemelt of teachitrg and learnilg proceis6, data on
will serve as prory irdicators of etrectivehess ahd ArDex
the summaty ofdrese assessrnents wlth detaili on the scope, tartet grade level, schedule
of tesun& and relqxse of data, amorg othert lncluded ts pa.ticipatior in ifi.mational
assessmenB that will allow foa benchrrErldng with othe. countaie!.
System assessrDent urder the X to 12 system uss both 44Egryl and l,:Erylgg! tfEgj
sg3lg-rylDts. For the period 2016-2024 the Dational assessmeDts ar!:
1. Early Language, Literac)r ahd Numeracy Assess]nent (ELLNAI
Z, Eart Grade Readiry Assessment (EGRA)
3. Eady Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA)
4. Nattonal Achlevement Tests (NAT)
Tbere ar difercnt timelines for each assessDent Alnex I shor/v! a sumh-y table of
these asse$ments atld the detalls are articulated in Annex 2. Some ofthese attessments
may be dlscoDtinued onc! relevaDt qaste[r-let/el evideDc has be! gEncratea to iDform
policy and adrustDents in programmlo& 8EA oersonrd wtll b as.risrd as focal
E.s9n/s for eech assessrnent to ensure tatdre mcssary stcps/m0estonerarc achieved
on schedule.
Tesdng proaedures specif,c to the dlffereot assessmerts are fould in tcst maquals, which
ar rcleasd to relerhnt DepEd pcrsonnel Ord.r
(Poucy Guidclines o! the l{.tiord Assrsso.ot of Stl&trt Lalrirg b ltc 12 B.sic
Bducadon Progran) disansscs brcachs ir sccurlty and tlElr cortcspondlns a.octlons.
The wealth of assessdeot data dedved from idtamal atd xtarnal ass6sDants shall be
used in the plannin& monitorin& and evaluatiotr (M&E) cycLs of t}le deparunenL
Mexi[lu-o us of data will be eDsured by using system asslssmelt data as grtical-Epgt
for decisioE-rEating processes of rradous coEEittes asoss DepEds levels of
govemance Central Omce [CO] Execudve Cornmlttec, Progra[ Cornmittee,
arld the Regional and Diyision Maragement Committees]
It is important to note that to be able to beneflt all leamrs, the resuls of q6tem
perfontranc! arscssmeDt must conrct rvith To mao[gtuUy udlize
the data generated in this policy, field oficer may analyze school-, divisiorF, or rgional-
Ievel data io rEladoo to systerElevel data ltis wil hclp them provide Eler.nttedlnical
assistanc! to schools in the preparation of pmgrams that address learning Eeds. l$gql
GnS i4proverygln&Fs Or.t dircctly addreas teachitrg and learr{rg imprlverlert ooDcems
in the s{iool dDuld be bascd on insights tained from sEdylng dat..
BEA shall Elanage t6t
lmplementadoo procedu.Es, and dissemination atd util"adon of
assessment data followint provisiolts in DepEd Ordr No. 5t s" 2016 (Policy Oddelines
on the National Assessment of Student l,earninS in $e K to 12 Baslc Eduation ProgramJ.
However, ElLl{A.nd XAT will be administerd to t}e l|llvrtrsd popuhbE e{E}, dur.
years stajl4eg$ to prot ide larae-scale datr and nfct(}. o. sclDol.level mo+torirS o,
achierrlDrcni and to ptovirh balaace betrveen the dassroqt.tasd,as$cssrDctt atd flr.
s,,Etrm-tYlde aisessDert
This amends tte relevant provisions of DepEd Order 55, s. 2016.
Assessllert is one ofthe least utrderstood processs in educatiorL lt is importrnt for the
faculty, stafr, ard Jhrdents ofdE DepEd to understad that alsersiant hbnr{don ts the
b.sis ofpolcybrm atiorl To addrrss this lack ofapprecistio for activities
and the resultinS lnformadon gener.ted b)' these, ofies to
orpatlze advocaty:dvtties ttat s lea.l to the ur&rstaiidinS ard of, and
support 6r pqrddpatto[ lrl oatfoDal aod tltErffiDd hr8c6cale.rr6e!s!48 amoru
teachcrs, adEiristradrt FEontrd, satdeDts, and du66or stabLol&rs h addiUon,
the Dcpartmcttt must crEurr tlrat tltc aasc..,n!p!-!Egc!s. k c$ldlrctd ldfclously
wirdr leerp.rr are b .fed prbr to asscs@t, d.briafcd ri8![ aftlr r.ldt tic teds,
atrd EveD a chrr.t to apFrclaie th. rEults wilr thcse are rcleasea To enstte this, the
followirg shall b &ne:
1. The Communicatiors Unit of the DepEd will spearhead the pl dng and
implementation of the ilElnal and xtemal coEmunicatioG sEategles for this
purpose. The information officeE of each re$on wlU assist in dlssdMdng the
corrct ioformauo[ about qFtem assessmelt
2. The Curriculum aad Instmctioo u ts aarocs the DeperltDent rvil fostr
conndence among teacheB and shldents about t}le assessment process to be
undertaken. Th fullowing tneasures shall be undertaken:
a. BEA shall also issue the comhuni@tions protraD to genrate social
acceptance and support for the education assassnre[ts, atd provide
technical assiltance $at will help teacheE construct iummative
b. The BCD shall promoE coDtent lqDwledge and pedogcal coopetercies
among teachers and eDridr teachers apprcciation of studcDt pqformarce
@.andp!4*tgPE$ numerac. sciehtific.
and ICT sldlls.
c. The BLD shall imorove instructional suorvision bv school hsds. master
teadrels alrd education supervisors, ard provide firaterials th
school-based leamins action cells
d. The National Educators Academy of the Philipptnes (NEAP) will enhance
the capability ofth inbrmation ofrcers and tie QAD on
e. The BLR will provide sheets for leamers tb L8 Portal.
I The Teacher Education Council (TEC) will inte8rate s]6tem assessment
into its TIP.
3. Equally important to the successfrtl corduct ofsJatem perfoimance araluation is
SECTIOI{ 9. ncftrcnce.
ACIRC (2015) 'Large.Scale Assessments for Use in the Philippines,' Assessnent
Curriculum aDd Technolos/ Research CntrE (ACTRq of the Udvcrsity of the
Philippines and tbe University of U.lbourne.
DepEd Order No, 52, s. 2015, "New Orga,lizational Structures ofthc Centlal, Regional, and
Schools Division Ofices of the Depan nent of Educatiorl' 91?t\;ri.rr-q(q!v Dh
DepEd Order No. 57, s. 2015, 'Utili?atiot! ofthe Early Readlng AssessDent (EGIiAl
atrd Early Grade Math Assessment IEGMA) Tools for S]stem lis6sment.'
DepEd Order No. 55, s- ?016 'Poltcy Guidelines on the National Assessrnelt of Studert
Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education ProSram.- wwwdepedSov?h
RTt ard SEAMEO-INNOTECH (2016). 'EGRA and EGMA SaEpling Desig&' EGRA and
EGRA Nationel Training-Orientation Slides.
tnn (lnd.rb6fd. !
rrrl btl, L.l|S. utr*y, rn [email protected].,/rmd tC Prwuh.l'aeoirls.'rotrc, sdrnd lr. Arrd, xct
i^lllj',drdeGlld tE Prlrdl,ffilon l radht lna.Yst!,
Pa8. I of 17
AXIErZ q/stlmAssc.sricttB
This sectio[ elaborates on the assessments per key stage, * the rlatbDal and
lntemaHonal levels, whlch can genemte data foa system-level assEsment For the
nadonal assessments, BEA. in clos collaboration wtth the BCD ald BLD, m ages all
assesshents. Details on the intemadonal large-scale assessnents currerdy beinS
impleDented and particlpated ln by different couDtnes are also disorssed in d{s section.
These eemal aatellltEltls are ,nanaFd ty priraE oala&atiols, Le, the IntGrratioDal
Associadon for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (lEA) fo. lterds in
Internauoral Madtetrladcs aDd Science Study (TllrSS) or the educatio! arm of
multilateEl instihrtions like the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) fur Progr.Erme for lntrmationel SErdeht Assessmem (PISAI.
International larSe-Scale Assessments (lLSAr) ertail sigDificant inrsunents of human
and financtal resource', thus Philippine participation is retioDalird alotrt tlE phased
lrnplementatiol ofthe K to 12 program,
i. Mechanical CorBporent
1. Alphabet Kioeledge
2. PhoBics aDd Wod Re.ding
3. SpettiDg
ii. ltleaningcomponent
1. Book and Print Knowled8e
2 Vocabulary
3. Grmmar
5. Llsteni[gcomprehenslon
6 Studyskills
b. Numera.y
i. Couotitrg
iL EstiDating
iil Calculating
iv. Measuring
v, Pmblem solviDg
The sampltng deslgtt for BGRA tn the Philppines uses rDuldslage sampling
Ixvirions are selectrd purpostucl),; only divisio[s using tle Xothcr TonSue
as medium of lnsEuclion (MOI) are lncluded in the s.mplirg fr-amework
Morover, schools thatdo notuse UTas dre rd thosetEtare siurated
in areas deemcd to bc unsaf are also cxcludcd.
It covers the followiag lluracy skilb booL ala prllt t{wledgc letter
name lflowledge, lctter souDd krowldg!, initll sornd fusfiiminatioo,
hEiliar word rradilr& noDword rEadi!& ord rEadin8 Euenp pege, oral
r.ding cornprhenslorL ltstcning comprehendor, and rllalton
The sampling desigl for EGMA ln th Pbilipptnrs is the s4De with EGRA.
EGMA is administerd by a traiDed assessor to a proportbnate stratified
randon sample of leamers in a partiolar grrde tevel who Ise the selected
Moorer Tongue as the MOt. 't'lte cunent EGRA and EGMA tesdng design
t acks the same cohort {tdenrified through sampling) agoss the grade
levels The tests are adrDiblsterd at thc beghning ofthe sshoolyear. Data
processing takes approximately three Dorths, with resutts disseeinated
ill thrce moorhs
It is desigred to measure tlre studeDt's fouridauoD skills ir lumeracy aDd
madrematics in the earlygrade$
Literacy alld [umera(y skills may be asse-s.sed by testing one grade level
per school year iD order to compare rsults acros.g grade leleb through
time. Two cycles may be done to ev.luate MTB-MLE implemeltation over
thc years, DepEd is curlendy ihplementing cycle 1, whlch stErtd in sY
2015-2016 testhg Grade 1 leahers, For SY 2018-2019, Kirder may be
lncluded ln the cyclc ifapFoved
B. l erD.doDd
There are curently no large-scale intrmatioDal assessments br learners
in this ky sEee, Ki[der to 3.
n. X.y St ge Z: Gr.d6,l to 5
A. Natiorrl
L N.tiord A.tieverteDt T.rt (I{AT)
There is only oae nafioml assessment for this key stage, t e NAT for Grade
6. This assessment covers 2lst-cenutry skills (lnfomatio& Medla and
Techlologr Skills, LaminS and Innovatio[ Skills, Com$ulicdion Sldus,
and Lifo and Career Ski[s) usinS learning areas as conbnt fEnglirh, Science
Mathemadcs, Fifiplrlq and Aroling Panllpunon), cen.rally, tte xAT-Grade
6 rcsults ar utilized to:
P:a. !2 oflT
sampled shall Eke dte test The data prccesslng taket approxlrEely
[3) modhs.
B. Irtenrdonsl
t- Sodtcall ArL PrlD.ry fe.r'IrS ffetrlc (SEA-PL[)
The test ainls to measue how FilipiDo learners farE versus othar Southeast
Asiao learrers, and b hooitor ard er.aluate the suc6 of iECementation
of readin& wridn& hathematics, and Slobel cltizanship/dvics cducation in
the K to 12 systelrl
The key domaiDs ofthe assessment are readlD& wrlun& mat giatics, and
Slobal cidzenship/civics educatior Thc language otassessrnat shall be ln
EnSlislx escept for global citizeDship whe.eiD the Philippbs has the
option to translate it lnto tocal la4uage [f Dino].
Annually, the NAT is adminlstered three weeks after the first day ofclasses and
takeD by all Glade 11 leamers in sdrools identified th.ough stratiled rardom
samplinS. The data procersing tekes approximately three montlE Sampling
procedures for dte legion, divisioL disEict, arrd sahool are the salrE with NAT-
Grade 6,
& lDtematiortal
Pagc 15 of 17
problem solving (2015). For the 2018 PISA-cycls Ctrobal CorDpetence will
b Lrtroducd as a new dooain to b assessed
,lL Nittotral
This assessment covrs z1st-cenhrry skills and the cae Setrior }ligh School
leaming area! of Languages, Hunranities, Communlcatiorl, Mdrematics,
Sclence, Social Science, and Ph osophy