Assessment in K To 12 PDF

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Republic of ihe Philippines

Deportmenl of Educotion
Region X- Northem Mindonoo
DtvtstoN oF t AIAYEALAY CltY
Purok 6, Cosisong, Moloyboloy City
Telefox # 08&314-0094, E-moil odd: [email protected]

BAt/[v I Dty/sr0


No. ,rlo 3.2017 rrnre;-]5-

TO: Chlet, CID ond SGOD

Educollon Progrom Sup lsols ond Spccblists
Publlc Schoob Dlrrlcl Suprvlsor!
Publlc Elementory ond Secondory School Heods
All OfteIs Concemed
Thb Dlvldon

For informolion ond guidonce of oll concerned, thts Office hereby

dissernlnotes DepED Ofder No.29. s.2017 enfitled Pofcy Guldellner on
Syslem A!3e3smenl ln lhe K lo 12 Borb Educollon Ppgrom which
orticuloies how syslem pertormonce will be ogsessed. Enclosed ore
Annexes I ond 2 of which Annex 1 indicotes the summory toble of system
ossessmenls under the K to l2 ond the lolter detoils on lhe scope, lorgei
grode level, schedule of testing, ond releose ol dqto, omong olhers from
2Ol6-2024, ol the end of which the firsl cohort of leornqs would hove
compleled lhe full K lo l2 Bosic Educolion Progrom.

2. Sections 4 and 5 of this policy guidelines provide thol lhe System

Assessmenl under the K lo l2 uses both nolionol ond intemolionol lorge-
scole ossessments for lhe period ol 2016 - 2024 wiih different limelines
ond lesling/ossessmenl procedures specific per key sloge. Relolive
iherelo, oll elemenlory ond secondqry school heods ore odvised lo
revisil reloled issuonces like DepED Order No. 55. s, 2016 (Policy
Guidelines on the Notionol Assessment of student Leorning in the K lo l2
Bosic Educotion Progrom) ond DepED Order No. 57, s. 2015 (Utilizoiion of
the Eorly Grode Reoding Assessment (EGRA) ond Eorly crode Moth
Assessment (EGMA) Tools for Syslem Assessment) in oddition to the
enclosed guidelines for the specific test implemenlolion procedures,
odministrotion schedule ond utilizotion of ossessment dotc!.

3. Furlher, oll schools ore hereby direciedlo comply the mondoie stoled
in recllon 6 of this guidelines prior to ossessment for ,he successful
conduct of system performonce evoluotion.

4. lmmediole disseminotion ond prompl complionce of this Memorondum

is desired.

orc - sCndts oirision Superintendent

A4ttli. tt tts
Depsrtmcrt ol Gluution

05 Juil 2ot7
No.29 , s. 2017
Dorrer ou[rEGIrEa or {tt!}ru A8a!8 MT lll TEE r TO 12

To: Underaacfctaries
Assiatant Scret ries
Regionat Sccletary, ARMM
Ehrreau and Servicc Dircctora
Regional Dircctors
Schools Division Suprintendents
Public arrd Private Eldrcntary and Secondary Schools Heeds
All Othcrs Conccmed

l. The DepeitrBent of EducatioEr (DepEd) iasued the eocloscd PoUcy

Gutd.llnGr on slrrt E A...r.EGnt h ti. E to 12 E&rcdro D to:
a. articulate the barcs, indicators, and Eeasurea of system
!,erforrEence that will Fovidc ingights on the cfccti\Etcas of
curriculuE and inst:uction progrera delivc4/;
b. p.ovid the ba6cs for t}le impletrleitatioa of natioal and
inteaational larga-scIe asae6seents of studcnt leaming
outcomes in determiaiDt t}re aational education system,s
efectivaDss snd cfi ciency;
c. provide an overriew of ttre national and interaatioDal luge-scale
aascaaments p! key stsgc; and
d. di8cuss tie purposas and scope, frequency of a,{ inisttation,
terget group ollearDeG, and schedule ofvatious aascssocrrts.

policy is thc_ schedule of assea$tents \r fl

1- ^_,I"1ys,i.,1"-"
rne cnd ot wirctr t]-e 6rst cohort of learners would
2cr23-i2}24, at
have cotnpletad the full K to 12
Basic Education Progam.

3. Thcse guidelines wil re6airr in lorcc and in etleet

for thc duration of the
proSralD, unless sooner reDea.led. amended,
or rescindod. ffi
Memoranda that ar.e inconsistent with thie
drd., "-i*ri6rj"^ ,O
{ inEedi,ate di$ernination of and st ict coapliaacc
viti this Order is

ruoron fec6or,e rnronra

D.pE<r [email protected], AEE. p.ric, 1600 P ou,r*rou-r*,*"r"o, T *o*ru1_r"* q

As statcd

To b. ittdicatcd in rhe Perptual lndex
under the following subjects:


sMx /Dq8oiE-qri!4!!E-rn-ld!s-4r*rE!!t
Enclosurc to DepEd Order No.29, s.2017



SECTIO t n doD.b
The Depaflment of Education (DepEd) ensures th continuous improvtment of its
systems to ensure drat all leameF have acress to quallty basic educalion. Sound
lnfotuation and data are aquird tor th6 achievcBnt ofthis g@1. In the Ontext ofthe
K to 12 basic education program, refores in crrri.lrltm and itrstuctia! bad been
introduced. The K to 12 curriculuh provides new standards that batic educatlon
graduates must attain at difierelt gade levels and key stagls in tenE of clntent
knowledge aDd prfonrane lbrdards To effiy perfum its furcdgofo eosure th.
coDdDuour improvedeut of r...trn8 .!d L.mitr8 pro.6sef, thb pdtcy .rlhdat 6 how
syst D w l be assessed Thtfore, tils Doltcy prevtdc. thqbasis hr the
coaduct of EEglqls.Dd piocesres 6r tlE to[@ing prup@6:

1. Establish b.selines for the basic education systm alrd the implementatlon ofthe K to
12 curiculum itr scbools itl teros of teadriog ard lamin&
2. Monitor the implementation ofthe K to 12 crlrriculum in sdrols in terrB
and larDint
3. MearuE etre.t of lnsEucioml rcformr tlEt ale prrt of thE to 12 basic
cducation txogran
4, Cemr.E r.ltable data for purposes ofL cnletional bnchrtr.rldng
5. hottd. bsscs forthe loP!@otdpogre frrLdr6dctrdoD@(8, ctrrtlctdum
lDpleoEtom and [email protected].
6. Provid evldence tlrat wil
aid pollcy formulatio[ plallnin& and prcgrtDmlng at the
divisioL re$onal and nadooal levls,

SECTION 2: Scopc
The use ofthe information generated on the basis of lhis policy must bentat aI leameri
As such, the information to b genarated must be able to ref,ect their divedty and unique
conter.ts. hbmd ard cdcmal rssessoEots .rr irM b rded ll.n Fvetsity at the
sysEm le"L They should be able to illuslrate and Euancc slEteih perbrrnanoe ln the
co[txt of dlverse learning enviroDDeDts
This policy provides @ois for the t
'p!s and s.tcdule of aDd external
assesstmtrta, urhidl wil be implemented betrreen 2016 atd the
contitruous impnovemelt of teachitrg and learnilg proceis6, data on
will serve as prory irdicators of etrectivehess ahd ArDex
the summaty ofdrese assessrnents wlth detaili on the scope, tartet grade level, schedule
of tesun& and relqxse of data, amorg othert lncluded ts pa.ticipatior in ifi.mational
assessmenB that will allow foa benchrrErldng with othe. countaie!.

SECTIO 3: lrefirltiotr of T.rE

1. Bffec{ycnc3s means producing a decided, decisive, or desired efiect

2. EfrdeDcy ls dte quallty of being producdve without waste.
3. IaryC-tcrlc aasrtEcatr measure sbdent learDilg outcomes itr partidlr learning
areas ot domains. These are wider and bigger in scope, and are usd to
mesure what
leamers know and can do based on a standead criteria rd/or e)Ilectations.
Iutemal/[atioDal assessments are collducd by the DepEd. Bntenafidern3tional
assessments ale colducted by intematlonal orgaol?ations sudl as the Olganizadon
for Ecooomic Coopradon atrd Developmem (OECIT] and dre haemauonal
Arsociation for the Ev"aluadon of Educational A.hi.yement (IBAI The DepEd may
select in s'hich irternational assessmerB to particiFta
4. IearDtog outaoDc iJ the totalig of inturmadorl lsDwl.dge, undcEtanding,
attihrd6, \ralues, skills, competencies, or bhaviors an individual is lqect d to
master upon succtssfill compledo[ of an educational p.o8r.ol (UIS, 1011]. The
outcome of these educational processes is usually heasured lhrcWh sldndardized
tests Thele3tree t3 c.D bc u5.d as Fry tpdtcatol|s to [c.$lt thc c&Cie@sr of
dic aducad@d svrtaE
5. PDry hdiaator is an tndiEct mesure or sign that apprxiDates or rlpreselts a
phenomeDon ilr the abserce ofa drrect measurE or sign, It is abo lnown as indirect
6, ql*6 rEGnS measurcs dre eftattyeness of an educdord g/+m, It is
deslgsed to &rmlne lh deSree to wfitn $. srstsri gcls ar! rdi(d
rtgions, curriodar arEen, and leameE It may also provide evidica ard data for
rDnttorln8 atrd eEhratioD.
7. SystcE .lsesi[Dt refeE to how efuvel, itrd efi$endy tbo
slstrm dclivercd badc educatioD vis-l-vts th st of indtcttoB ard lErsus lts
ardculatd t .geB on lrt! PhilippirE DwelopmentPL.tL

sECTloN a: SMle

The Burcau of Educatio[ AsscssEent (BEA) wll manage system alsessmett DepEd
Ordcr No. 52, s. 2015 (New Orgalizational smt6tutE3 ofitc CeDEalRglonal +d Sdools
Divlslotr Ofrces of $e lrcpatfntent of Edu.atbtt) eRumeftftes BEA'S gerEral omce
tulrctioog whidr iDcludes to d.velop and IIr nage 6G natioDel educatio[ for
educationel and qu3lry_4ggg1gg, ard establish pollcies, star&rds, and
guidelines rclevant to assessmen!

System assessrDent urder the X to 12 system uss both 44Egryl and l,:Erylgg! tfEgj
sg3lg-rylDts. For the period 2016-2024 the Dational assessmeDts ar!:
1. Early Language, Literac)r ahd Numeracy Assess]nent (ELLNAI
Z, Eart Grade Readiry Assessment (EGRA)
3. Eady Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA)
4. Nattonal Achlevement Tests (NAT)

The intemadonal assessments are:

L Programme for lDtlmatlooal Student Asses$Ert (PISA)

2. Trends in lnternadonal Mathedatics and Scienc? Study (TIMSS)
3. Progress in lnternational Reading Litericy Stttdy (PIRLS)
4. Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM)

Tbere ar difercnt timelines for each assessDent Alnex I shor/v! a sumh-y table of
these asse$ments atld the detalls are articulated in Annex 2. Some ofthese attessments
may be dlscoDtinued onc! relevaDt qaste[r-let/el evideDc has be! gEncratea to iDform
policy and adrustDents in programmlo& 8EA oersonrd wtll b as.risrd as focal
E.s9n/s for eech assessrnent to ensure tatdre mcssary stcps/m0estonerarc achieved
on schedule.

Tesdng proaedures specif,c to the dlffereot assessmerts are fould in tcst maquals, which
ar rcleasd to relerhnt DepEd pcrsonnel Ord.r
(Poucy Guidclines o! the l{.tiord Assrsso.ot of Stl&trt Lalrirg b ltc 12 B.sic
Bducadon Progran) disansscs brcachs ir sccurlty and tlElr cortcspondlns a.octlons.

SECTIOI{ 5r ATSaJEDCDI D.ra Udlir.don

The wealth of assessdeot data dedved from idtamal atd xtarnal ass6sDants shall be
used in the plannin& monitorin& and evaluatiotr (M&E) cycLs of t}le deparunenL
Mexi[lu-o us of data will be eDsured by using system asslssmelt data as grtical-Epgt
for decisioE-rEating processes of rradous coEEittes asoss DepEds levels of
govemance Central Omce [CO] Execudve Cornmlttec, Progra[ Cornmittee,
arld the Regional and Diyision Maragement Committees]

It is important to note that to be able to beneflt all leamrs, the resuls of q6tem
perfontranc! arscssmeDt must conrct rvith To mao[gtuUy udlize
the data generated in this policy, field oficer may analyze school-, divisiorF, or rgional-
Ievel data io rEladoo to systerElevel data ltis wil hclp them provide Eler.nttedlnical
assistanc! to schools in the preparation of pmgrams that address learning Eeds. l$gql
GnS i4proverygln&Fs Or.t dircctly addreas teachitrg and learr{rg imprlverlert ooDcems
in the s{iool dDuld be bascd on insights tained from sEdylng dat..
BEA shall Elanage t6t
lmplementadoo procedu.Es, and dissemination atd util"adon of
assessment data followint provisiolts in DepEd Ordr No. 5t s" 2016 (Policy Oddelines
on the National Assessment of Student l,earninS in $e K to 12 Baslc Eduation ProgramJ.

However, ElLl{A.nd XAT will be administerd to t}e l|llvrtrsd popuhbE e{E}, dur.
years stajl4eg$ to prot ide larae-scale datr and nfct(}. o. sclDol.level mo+torirS o,
achierrlDrcni and to ptovirh balaace betrveen the dassroqt.tasd,as$cssrDctt atd flr.
s,,Etrm-tYlde aisessDert
This amends tte relevant provisions of DepEd Order 55, s. 2016.

SlECflO G G[cr.tiD! So.Ll Acc.Fta[c! i! Pard.ipadE lr llt.lratloel f.BG-

Scale /tsrBsrrelt!!)

Assessllert is one ofthe least utrderstood processs in educatiorL lt is importrnt for the
faculty, stafr, ard Jhrdents ofdE DepEd to understad that alsersiant hbnr{don ts the
b.sis ofpolcybrm atiorl To addrrss this lack ofapprecistio for activities
and the resultinS lnformadon gener.ted b)' these, ofies to
orpatlze advocaty:dvtties ttat s lea.l to the ur&rstaiidinS ard of, and
support 6r pqrddpatto[ lrl oatfoDal aod tltErffiDd hr8c6cale.rr6e!s!48 amoru
teachcrs, adEiristradrt FEontrd, satdeDts, and du66or stabLol&rs h addiUon,
the Dcpartmcttt must crEurr tlrat tltc aasc..,n!p!-!Egc!s. k c$ldlrctd ldfclously
wirdr leerp.rr are b .fed prbr to asscs@t, d.briafcd ri8![ aftlr r.ldt tic teds,
atrd EveD a chrr.t to apFrclaie th. rEults wilr thcse are rcleasea To enstte this, the
followirg shall b &ne:
1. The Communicatiors Unit of the DepEd will spearhead the pl dng and
implementation of the ilElnal and xtemal coEmunicatioG sEategles for this
purpose. The information officeE of each re$on wlU assist in dlssdMdng the
corrct ioformauo[ about qFtem assessmelt
2. The Curriculum aad Instmctioo u ts aarocs the DeperltDent rvil fostr
conndence among teacheB and shldents about t}le assessment process to be
undertaken. Th fullowing tneasures shall be undertaken:
a. BEA shall also issue the comhuni@tions protraD to genrate social
acceptance and support for the education assassnre[ts, atd provide
technical assiltance $at will help teacheE construct iummative
b. The BCD shall promoE coDtent lqDwledge and pedogcal coopetercies
among teachers and eDridr teachers apprcciation of studcDt pqformarce
@.andp!4*tgPE$ numerac. sciehtific.
and ICT sldlls.
c. The BLD shall imorove instructional suorvision bv school hsds. master
teadrels alrd education supervisors, ard provide firaterials th
school-based leamins action cells
d. The National Educators Academy of the Philipptnes (NEAP) will enhance
the capability ofth inbrmation ofrcers and tie QAD on
e. The BLR will provide sheets for leamers tb L8 Portal.
I The Teacher Education Council (TEC) will inte8rate s]6tem assessment
into its TIP.
3. Equally important to the successfrtl corduct ofsJatem perfoimance araluation is

*tlI_jf9:I9l_drnt of their role in the process. TherEfore, usin8

developrnentally appropriate hethods, fidd ofrG atld schook are dllc1pd to:
a conduct orintation actfuities for leamers esphining to{ tlrcln drc
rclatiomblp Dtseen tleir perfuimalrce on &e asslEsrueds 4d iE efrect
or c1llriculu!tr policies aBd asses$rcm $ dards. In thesc activities,
students should b able to express their aDxieties and aspiratiols about
being the countr'y's represeDtatives h lhese lerge-scale assess[ents.
b. conduct a post-asrGsmeut debrifiry session that wil dlow Furdents to
share their q(pedence.
c, lofotDd the learnes about the rcsults and their iEplicatilos on the
educational systeir.

SBCTION 7. Modtorilg and Ey.Iuation

The monitoriry and ev"eluation ofthe conduct ofthe system assess&ent shal be delimited
as I function mainly of the DepED CeDtral Offi(e with BEA as lead offrce. The latter shall
articulate th rolet fi.mctions, aIId accountabitties of DepED CO bdreaus a[d seNices
involved in carrying out an iDtegrative approach to system assessnenL This rrticulation
should include the inte.hce of BEA with other bureaus in the Crrriculum andlnsEuction
[CI] stran4 and otter rdeveDt omces io the ROs and SDOS in rnamgitrg system-related

llenc, to achieve success and standards in tlis

system-wide assestneng theE should be
alignment or cohernce of understanding in terms ofclrrdculum, instruction, assessmenl
polities and phctices among and across rious levels of implementaflotr (nadonal,
rcgion, divisio[ disbict, school levels).

Curiculum aBd lostruction [Cl) St aod

Bureau of Curriculum DevelopmeDt [BCD)

1. Coordinates reguhrly with BEA for assssDelt results as inputs to curriculum

planning and development
2. Utilizs assessment results to ensuE dtat the orrriculum b regularly
vieu.d/elhatrcrd in order to Fovide dear howledg!, understardid& and
lnstrucdon on vaious leamlnt areas.
3. Coordlnates regularly with the Bureau of l,earnlng Deltvery (BLD) to ensune that
the currlculum is impleraented efrectively and eficiendy.

Bureau of Larnitrg Delivery (BLD)

1. Develops a wide range of iDstructional approaches ald sb?tegles that are

assssment driverL
2. Coordinates with BEA for assessment Esults as inputs to improving lrstructional
3. Dsigns a teacher Eaining program based or asscssDeit rrsults.

Bweau of Educadoh Assessment (BEA)

1. EDsures efrective implemertadon of assessmnt proSram! in s$ict ocmpliarce to

the stardardtzed assessmeDt guidelines and procedures.
2. Provides assessment rcsults to BcD, BLD, and other boaeaus as lgselines in
revtewin&/rconstructi[&/e!'aluadng assessment mechanisnr ald delivery
3. Provides relerrant, crdible, and evidencebased rcsearch flndinSs and
recommcDdadons to C[ bureaus.
4. Conducts neds assessmeht dllouth educatioDal researdres to addlcis leamin8

Bureau of [Eartrilg ResourEcs (BLR)

1, Develops learning materials based oD assessment outcorr?s.

2. Designs insEuctioDal materlals appropriat to sirdeots'lcaniDg nerds
3. Ensures tlBt learning rcsourres are available, sumcient, and ar dilized fut the

NadorEl Educators Academy of the Philipplnes [NEAP)

1. Errdluats the relevance of Eaining programs in improvirg ,ranaSement

supervtsory and l[sEuctional pracdces.
2. Designs seminars, trairinSs and workshops to keep tlle eduetlon praatrces
abrEast wlth dre current Eends In educadon/intmationd martet for aotrdnuous
3. Eyaluates education manageri qualifietioD ald experiences ls inpuB to
desigDins traininS ptograms,
4. Evaluates the quality of school-based management
5. AligD5 teacher prepar-ation arrd continuous professional developmetL
Other suppolt omces:

1. i'l policy developmenL plan fonnulation, and program/proiect

Provide inputs
development based on perfoamance lndicators/ressarch ffrdings and
2. Uonitor mana8ement and udlizadon ofgovemhent funds.
3. hovide holisticassessmentof teacherperformanc [pre-/in-seMce]
4, Provide dircction io ealuating perfomance ofthe Bureau/Ofre pe.sonneL
5. Design nds-based Eainlng programs fur nonteaching peasonnel

SECrIO & BfiectMty

These guidellhes will rmain in force, unless sooner lpealed, amelded, or re6c,inded. All
existing orders and Eemoranda that ana inconsistett with dris Oder atP aesindd.

SECTIOI{ 9. ncftrcnce.
ACIRC (2015) 'Large.Scale Assessments for Use in the Philippines,' Assessnent
Curriculum aDd Technolos/ Research CntrE (ACTRq of the Udvcrsity of the
Philippines and tbe University of U.lbourne.

DepEd Order No, 52, s. 2015, "New Orga,lizational Structures ofthc Centlal, Regional, and
Schools Division Ofices of the Depan nent of Educatiorl' 91?t\;ri.rr-q(q!v Dh

DepEd Order No. 57, s. 2015, 'Utili?atiot! ofthe Early Readlng AssessDent (EGIiAl
atrd Early Grade Math Assessment IEGMA) Tools for S]stem lis6sment.'
DepEd Order No. 55, s- ?016 'Poltcy Guidelines on the National Assessrnelt of Studert
Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education ProSram.- wwwdepedSov?h

Merriam-Webster. L&Dl?ZqU!! ldlctiu narv/g!!!::

Merriah-Webster. lnq):.,','t.r'1,,:ruii:rlrr r.Jiril...J!i.t.';,;..;i
[eccessed 26 Aprlt 2017)
Mowbray, 8., (kland, P. , & Peg& l, (2014. OptioDs for Assessing Snior Hili School
Achievement in the Philippines. NSW SiMERR Nadonal Research Ceotre.

RTt ard SEAMEO-INNOTECH (2016). 'EGRA and EGMA SaEpling Desig&' EGRA and
EGRA Nationel Training-Orientation Slides.

UNESCO Institutsof Statlstics [UIS) [2011). Glossary-leaminSoutcomes

http:rl}!t4\'.!!:.!lt!t!,.l.rJt.'l'.!!ri..!,1q51.\r:)'-,r:[,r (aCceSS.d 11 Mardr 2016)
ANI{EX 1. Lrgc-Scalc As3Bsm.Dts
l'r];i;;i* tcnd:'' l- !r*r.r!39'.1


tnn (lnd.rb6fd. !

,luiAdd n^r,Ir t .drbk@d b dl.

unEtl loruhn$.Er? llr( y{tr n0nit
zola b re{d. Ll|..d. de ud dm. ot
rh&fr{tl ,e&tlt oard'l Gr .nd &
Dr6rd.bcrg b&6tu&@ar..d
o, .dhLLtrdo. rdmh dEnoi

rrrl btl, L.l|S. utr*y, rn [email protected].,/rmd tC Prwuh.l'aeoirls.'rotrc, sdrnd lr. Arrd, xct
i^lllj',drdeGlld tE Prlrdl,ffilon l radht lna.Yst!,

Pa8. I of 17
AXIErZ q/stlmAssc.sricttB
This sectio[ elaborates on the assessments per key stage, * the rlatbDal and
lntemaHonal levels, whlch can genemte data foa system-level assEsment For the
nadonal assessments, BEA. in clos collaboration wtth the BCD ald BLD, m ages all
assesshents. Details on the intemadonal large-scale assessnents currerdy beinS
impleDented and particlpated ln by different couDtnes are also disorssed in d{s section.
These eemal aatellltEltls are ,nanaFd ty priraE oala&atiols, Le, the IntGrratioDal
Associadon for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (lEA) fo. lterds in
Internauoral Madtetrladcs aDd Science Study (TllrSS) or the educatio! arm of
multilateEl instihrtions like the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) fur Progr.Erme for lntrmationel SErdeht Assessmem (PISAI.
International larSe-Scale Assessments (lLSAr) ertail sigDificant inrsunents of human
and financtal resource', thus Philippine participation is retioDalird alotrt tlE phased
lrnplementatiol ofthe K to 12 program,

L IGySt !s t XIDdGTE.TI Dtoci.dc3

A. N.donal
fhere are ttEG maior 6sesr0.trt took in ttc l(-3 fuE(h{d it gE, lFrtlA at
the cod ofcrade 3, and mRA .nd EGXA filom fh&r to GradG & They wce borne
out of the implementadon of the Mother Tongue-Based Muhilingual Bducation
(MTB-MLEI that t as flrst implemend in school year 2010-2011. EGRA and
EGMA aim to track progress of leaming or monitor the de"elopment of early
literacy and numeracy over u!!e (from Kinder to Gradc 3) at a gencral
noncurriculaa level They have been used to monltor the implemeltadoD of and
the effects of the iflB-MLE prugram using shrdent leamirg outcomes G pror(y
indicator for qrstem activig at the K to 3 stage. These two assessmmts are based
or the precept that medlum of teaching atrd learning should be the larguaSe of

1. Early larsua$,, ard t{umeiey ,AsscasDeDt {ELl,Nl)

The K to 3 exit assessment is desig[ed to:

a- detemlhe ifleamers are meeting Grade 3 leamiDg ttandards

b. anal)ze patterns in language development toBether witt other
language, literacy, and trumetaay assssments to dcvel,op aPpropriate
lntervendon proBrams
c formulate cvldence-bascd policies and plans for Motier Ton8uc Based-
Multilingud Educadon (MT&MLS) iostructiond pr*tices alld harning
envircnEent provlslons drat impad learning outaomes
d- impmve !,ITB-ULE instrucdon
e. ideltify teacher training rceds
I inifate and conduct rEscaEh on MTB-MLE instnrctional pftrtices and
leaming envimnment provisions that impact studft leaming

SLLNA assesses early language, llteracy, end numeErgr ln 19 languages,

namel, Akeanoi/Akianon, Btkol, Chavaqano/Chabacano, Hiligaynon,
IbarE&fYbanag, Ilokano/lloko, lvata& Ihpampangan, Kirtaray-a,
Maguindanaon, Maranaq Palrgashan/Pangasinense Sambal,
Sinugbuanong Binisafi/Cebuano, SuriSaonoD Ta8alog Tausu& Waray and
Yaka!. lt covers the followhg essential skills:
a, lrnguage alld Literacy

i. Mechanical CorBporent
1. Alphabet Kioeledge
2. PhoBics aDd Wod Re.ding
3. SpettiDg
ii. ltleaningcomponent
1. Book and Print Knowled8e
2 Vocabulary
3. Grmmar
5. Llsteni[gcomprehenslon
6 Studyskills
b. Numera.y
i. Couotitrg
iL EstiDating
iil Calculating
iv. Measuring
v, Pmblem solviDg

Otier lanSuages witi apprDved eorldng ortholraphks rray b lnduded in

DepEd's roster of national assessments as per decision of tle bureaus
uttder the CI sEand ofthe Deparunent

ELLNA shall be dEinisterd b .I Grad t tpEtr&e&IpeEto b

samDled (sf.tifled random s8mpllrg rcprcseDtilt all types oftdDols and
all mother tongue languages in the division and region) three
faels after
dre ffrst day of cla's. The data processlDg takes approximttely three
Errly Grrdes ReadiDg AlsesrBcrt GGnA)
EGRA is aD irdlvi&dly a,rrttini.d or.l asresslqt ltat dEs to assels
foundadonal literacy skills of chtldrn in the early grades, which DepEd
adapted following international sta.ndards and Suideunes [DepEd order
57, s.2OLS).

The sampltng deslgtt for BGRA tn the Philppines uses rDuldslage sampling
Ixvirions are selectrd purpostucl),; only divisio[s using tle Xothcr TonSue
as medium of lnsEuclion (MOI) are lncluded in the s.mplirg fr-amework
Morover, schools thatdo notuse UTas dre rd thosetEtare siurated
in areas deemcd to bc unsaf are also cxcludcd.

EGRA is administerd by a traired assessor to a proportioate stratified

Endom sample of leamers in a pardcar.lar trade lcvel who u6G the selected
Mother Tongue as the medium of teaching rnd leamhg. EGRA is
admiuistered in five languages ir seked reSions: Ilob (C R), Bikol
(Region Sl, and wa.ay (ReSion 8), Sinwbuanong Bilisaya (CARAGA), ard
ChaYacano (Region 9).

It covers the followiag lluracy skilb booL ala prllt t{wledgc letter
name lflowledge, lctter souDd krowldg!, initll sornd fusfiiminatioo,
hEiliar word rradilr& noDword rEadi!& ord rEadin8 Euenp pege, oral
r.ding cornprhenslorL ltstcning comprehendor, and rllalton

3. f,erly Gndes ilattcoatlcr Astcss4lt (BGUA)

EG A ls atl Indtvidualv adEitristercd oral test that aims to ltreasur the

primaq.-rulneracy and mathematics sldlls ofch[dren ir Oe E ades.
It was adapted by tbe DepEd following lntemational standards and
guidelires (DepEd Order 5?, s.20lS).

The sampling desigl for EGMA ln th Pbilipptnrs is the s4De with EGRA.
EGMA is administerd by a traiDed assessor to a proportbnate stratified
randon sample of leamers in a partiolar grrde tevel who Ise the selected
Moorer Tongue as the MOt. 't'lte cunent EGRA and EGMA tesdng design
t acks the same cohort {tdenrified through sampling) agoss the grade
levels The tests are adrDiblsterd at thc beghning ofthe sshoolyear. Data
processing takes approximately three Dorths, with resutts disseeinated
ill thrce moorhs
It is desigred to measure tlre studeDt's fouridauoD skills ir lumeracy aDd
madrematics in the earlygrade$

EGMA is administeEd in seven languages: Iloko (CAR),

Btol (Region SJ,
Sinugbuanont Binisalra (CAnAGA), Wardy (Regl,on S), Uillaynon (Regfon
6), Uagulndanaon (ARMM), and characaro (Reglon 9). lt cove.s the
followirg nuneracy skills: oral countbg radooal c!unti!& numbr
ldeldicatio[ number discrlminatlon, missin8{rumber idctrtificadon,
word problem solvlD& addition and subt-acdo!, geomedc pattern
completion, and Seometic visualization

Literacy alld [umera(y skills may be asse-s.sed by testing one grade level
per school year iD order to compare rsults acros.g grade leleb through
time. Two cycles may be done to ev.luate MTB-MLE implemeltation over
thc years, DepEd is curlendy ihplementing cycle 1, whlch stErtd in sY
2015-2016 testhg Grade 1 leahers, For SY 2018-2019, Kirder may be
lncluded ln the cyclc ifapFoved

B. l erD.doDd
There are curently no large-scale intrmatioDal assessments br learners
in this ky sEee, Ki[der to 3.

n. X.y St ge Z: Gr.d6,l to 5
A. Natiorrl
L N.tiord A.tieverteDt T.rt (I{AT)
There is only oae nafioml assessment for this key stage, t e NAT for Grade
6. This assessment covers 2lst-cenutry skills (lnfomatio& Medla and
Techlologr Skills, LaminS and Innovatio[ Skills, Com$ulicdion Sldus,
and Lifo and Career Ski[s) usinS learning areas as conbnt fEnglirh, Science
Mathemadcs, Fifiplrlq and Aroling Panllpunon), cen.rally, tte xAT-Grade
6 rcsults ar utilized to:

a. detemlDe if leamers are meeting the leamtng standards

b. help provide information to iDprove iDsEuctond pra.tices
c assess/evaluata efrecdveness and efrcienc]r of education sesice
delivery usint learning outcomes as i[diertors
d. provide empirical information as bdss for curriculunl learning
delivery, assessment and policy reviews, and policy fonnuladon

The NAT-Grade 6 shall be admitristerd to crade 7 leameF three weeks

after the nrst day ofclasss. As per DO Nc 55, s. 2016, a sts-.t!fitd Endom
sample rhall be draw[ annually, represendng all types of schaols ln the
district, dlvisio4 and regons All regions, divisioos, .Ed disrxids shall be
given the test but schools shdl be sampled All larners h the school to b

P:a. !2 oflT
sampled shall Eke dte test The data prccesslng taket approxlrEely
[3) modhs.

B. Irtenrdonsl
t- Sodtcall ArL PrlD.ry fe.r'IrS ffetrlc (SEA-PL[)

The Asia Primary Laming Uetrtc (SEA-PLM) is an iddadve run

by the Soudleast Asian Ministers of Education Organlsation (SEAMEO). The
Philippines was part of Phase I study and acted as obseryets in the leter
pha5e, which was designed to rneasurc the leanrlng outcorl!.3 of primary
school children (Grade 5 leaners in partiq ar, o, age). The
Phillppines wi[ pardcipate in the nrst run of tlle tert tn SY 2017-2018. A
fletd tdal is teDtatively scheduled on November 2017.

The test ainls to measue how FilipiDo learners farE versus othar Southeast
Asiao learrers, and b hooitor ard er.aluate the suc6 of iECementation
of readin& wridn& hathematics, and Slobel cltizanship/dvics cducation in
the K to 12 systelrl

The key domaiDs ofthe assessment are readlD& wrlun& mat giatics, and
Slobal cidzenship/civics educatior Thc language otassessrnat shall be ln
EnSlislx escept for global citizeDship whe.eiD the Philippbs has the
option to translate it lnto tocal la4uage [f Dino].

Z TfGDdrh lDtdradoD.l .ticD.dcr.Dd Sd.rc! Sdy (mGS,

TIMSS ls an lDternatlooal assessment of matbemadcs and sciatrce that was
first corlducd in 1995. TIMSS measures tlte ma0tehatic! and science
abillty of 4 and Grade 8 students The InterDational Asociation for
thc Erraluadon of Educedonal AchieveDrent (lEA). atr lnd.pndent
international cooperative of natiorEl resarch in$tutes and govemment
aSencies, runs the assessment every four years.

tlis age range,

There arc two versions of TIMSS areil.ble to students iD
TD,SS and TIMMS Numetuq,. Tlt arE both dsignea to prcvide
bformauol that will assist countries to motritor lrd evaluale the success
oftieir mathemaucs and science educatiol across time attd tcross grades.
The Intention ls to improve teachlng aod learnlnS of malhematics aod
scieace by providing informatio[ about student actievement iD relation to
difrerent q/ps ofcurriculums. instrucdon l pracdces, and schools
TIMSS implements a two-stage random sample design in u/hich a sample
of s{hools ls drawn In the Erst stage aDd one or more intsct chses of
students ale selected hom each of the sampled sctools ln tha 3ecod stage.
A minimum participatiolr rate of S0 perceat of schools fron the original
sample ofschools is requird,

The TIMSS assessment is designed to test stsIdents ln crade a and crade 8.

Coun&ies can assess Grade ,+ or Gradc 8 or both. The shdenls ovrell
achievement in mathematics atrd scie[ca is reported across four
ilternationd brch.Earl(s (advanced, high, mediurD, and law); by maior
ctnt nt dohalns (1.c., Dumber, altcbra, ard geometry in mathernatlG;
earth scieEce, biolo8r, and chemirEy in sciehce); and by coSrltive doDains
0mowin& appMDg and rasoning).

n SS Numemq assesses frudamental ro.thematicd loowledge,

procedurs, and problern solving st ategies that are pryrquisites for
success oB TIMSS Fourtll Crade. The test items are similar to TIMSS Foufth
Grade items, but ttre numbers ar slmplei'atrd the proceitres are more
sEaighfoMard. IrUSS.lVonerocJ. is an opton for a less diftuk version of
TIMSS Matlletnadcs The assessDent is destgDrd to test mathematlcal
lnowledge and skills towards the end ofdE prirury or elemntary school
cycle and can be administered to studenB tn Giades 4 to 6,

3. Progrc$ tn lDterudonal R.adiDg UEracy Sudy (Pmlsl

PIRLS is a reading compEhension assessment couductd at ffve-year

iDtervals by the IEA. Itis dirccted by the TIMSS & PIRIS I eEatioml Study
Centre located at Boston Collete (USA) ln cooperation with tlre IEA
Secretariat in Amsterdah (the Nethedands) and IEA'S Data Processing and
Rese3rth Centft In HamburS (cermany),

PIRLS provldes tnternadonally comparable data on hon, wdl children rrad

aftcr four years of primary school lt collects extensive inffimauon about
home support for literacy, curficuluh and currlculum lmplementatiol!
instructional practiafs, ard school rEsourrts in ach pertictsgting country.
PIRIS .ssesses Eading literacy of shrdents in their fourth year of formal

PIRLS may be admhistered to students in GEdes 4, 5, or 6. Uke IrMSt

lvumemcr, PIRLS Literac}r provides a mor rimplBuc veraon of the tesq
the readint passages ln it arc shorter, with easier vocabutary and syntax
llL lGy Stag 3r Grlade3 7 to 10
A. Nauond
1. NatioDal AchieveEeDt Test (NAT)

,ational assessmeot can provide data at the systet

For rhis key stagg only one
level, the oational achivement test at crade 10. Like tle NatioDal
Achlevement Test (NAT) at Grade 6 this assessment cowls 21s-t-cGab!ry skills
(Informatiorl Media and Technolog/ Skils, Learning and lnno\Etion Skills,
Commudcation Skills, ard Life ard Career ShiIsJ udng learning areas as
content {Englisb" Science, Mathematks, FilipiEo, ard,4rdriL Pdtliptnan.,
Generally, the Grade 10 NAT results are utilized to:

a, detennine if leamers are meeting the leardng standards

b. hetp provide information to lmprove lruitructional practices
c. assess/evaluate effectiveness and effciency of education seMce delivery
usiBg leaminB outcomes as indicatoB
d. provide empirical lnformaton as lrases for c1rrriollum, Iearning dellvery
assessment aDd policy revietlrs, and poliy formuiation

Annually, the NAT is adminlstered three weeks after the first day ofclasses and
takeD by all Glade 11 leamers in sdrools identified th.ough stratiled rardom
samplinS. The data procersing tekes approximately three montlE Sampling
procedures for dte legion, divisioL disEict, arrd sahool are the salrE with NAT-
Grade 6,

& lDtematiortal

1. hrgt?mmc for lDtertradotral ShrdeDtAcse$me[t (P$A)

ltle goal of the Programme for lDtematioDal Student Assessmant (PISA) ls
to evaluate education systems worldwide by tasting tlre skills and
knowledge of ls.year.old students, lyho are approachiDg the end of their
compulsory educatioB. PISA tests how students can apply their knowledge
to real-life situatiors and problems, rather thaD t6tiu8 their knowledge

Every three years, participating countries test tholr ls-yeaFolds iD the

three main assesstrent domains: Readlng Mathemstics, and Science. For
each testing round there is a focus on one partiorlar domairl ln 2015 the
focus ls Sclendflc Literacy, and in 2018 the fo.1$ will be Readhg Literacy,
Additional domains are assessed from time to tirne, such as an assessment
of creauve problem soMn& financial (in 2012),.nd cotlaborative

Pagc 15 of 17
problem solving (2015). For the 2018 PISA-cycls Ctrobal CorDpetence will
b Lrtroducd as a new dooain to b assessed

ln addluo& PISA also ofters optional assessment!, For 201E aluntries

participating in Computer-Based AssessBent hav6 the optior to test for
Financial Literacy, ICT Famlllarity, Educattonal Caree., WellBein& aod
Teacher Questionnaircs. Longitudinally, countriea can cotupare their
surdents' performance oyer time. A diftrent cohort of sorderB is tested
every three years, such that data cannot be analjzed at t]re studnt level.

2. TEndr io lLtcrnatlold Mlttcm.6.s rlld ScicD.t Sudy fln(ss)

The TIMSS for crade may be admlnlsterd simullatreously h tbe same
year wlth TIMSS for Grade 4. The participadng counlry also ha3 the optioh
to administer the test to dle same cohort of leamers lo difterent cycles; the
Grade 4 learners in SY 2018-2019 for instance, will be the saee Grade 8
leamers in SY 2022-2023. The Est coveraSe and saDpliry p[cdures in
TIMSS-Grade 8 are the same witlt TIMSS{rade 4.

lV. Ke,, St S.4: Grad6 11 to 12

,lL Nittotral

L l{adold AchlrvcrcDt fest (NAT)

At the fioal sage of basic educatio[ the National Aciievemert Test (NAT)
at Ciade 12 can prbvide qEtem assesflnent dat& Like dE natiooal
.drievement tests at Grades 6 a[d 10, the NAT-Grade 12 aitns ta
a detenniDe if learners are meetiig the leaddag standads
b. help pmvide tnformadon to improve instrucdonal
c assess/etaluate effecliveness and emciengr of education service
delivery uslng laaaning outcoEes as indlcators
d. provid empiriel information as bas6 for curric-uluE leerning
dllvery assessment and policy reviews, and policy formulalion

This assessment covrs z1st-cenhrry skills and the cae Setrior }ligh School
leaming area! of Languages, Hunranities, Communlcatiorl, Mdrematics,
Sclence, Social Science, and Ph osophy

NAT-Crade 12 wiu be administerd aolually on the tldrd wcek of the

second sehester through slridfied random sampltng All types of schools
io the disEict division, and region shall be representld-
B literldoEl

1 Tr.trds ln lnteroagonal Mrlt.Eatcs .nd Sciaocr Study f'lUSS)


Only one l ernadonal as.gssment ls rclevant for lordnts h Grade 12.

TIMSS Advanced, a separate version of TIMSS, is available for testiBg
achievement ir advanaed mathematics and phytics amont shrdents
completing se[ior Secondary level and enterin8 tertiary educatbrl

nMSt Adwnccd rnay als,u bc adtninisterd to studelts in eithar th. 6nal

year ofsecondary school or the ffrst year ofterdary educadon lrrmcdlately
followilg their Faduauoo from secudary sciool. The assGsment is
deslgned to be taker by the most adyanced students who are ELnning to
take further studies in pbysics or rmtleDatics at tha lrdversiv level. ln
addition, data aar collected on cuariorlum edphasiq, technolo8r use, alld
teacher prepomdon and trainlng.

The rNSS A.lvanced assessinent compriss wdtto tests ln advanced

mathemadcs and ph,'slcs togethr with scts of que.tiotrnalrer to gather
informadon otl educadonal and social conterts,

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