Tutorial Activity Sheet Week 1 and 2
Tutorial Activity Sheet Week 1 and 2
Tutorial Activity Sheet Week 1 and 2
Week 1 & 2
Reading: Lecture 1
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
You are recently appointed as the senior management accountant for a large
organisation. In your first meeting with the CEO you suggest that you should
be included in the strategic leadership team (SLT). The CEO is surprised by
this suggestion as the previous incumbent had been happy to submit monthly
financial reports to the SLT rather than being a member of the team. He asks
you to prepare a report making a case for your inclusion in the SLT.
Prepare the report for the CEO identifying the contribution that you could
make as a management accountant to the activities of the SLT.
Reading: Lecture 2
Question 1
What are the main tenets of contingency theory? How do they influence MACS?
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Use the internet to access the website and the annual report for any company.
Find the director's report (or chairman's review) and discuss how management
accounting information may have contributed to the management of the
company during this year.