Warp Rift 02

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May/June 2004 Issue 02

New Fiction

Expanded Gunary Tables

Alternative Daemon Vessels

Building a Chaos Despoiler

And More...

From the Nexus Publishing House

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www.epic40k.co.uk. Please include a note with your submission if you
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Send your submissions to:

New Rules - [email protected]
Focus Articles - [email protected]
Painting and Converting - [email protected]
Fiction - [email protected]
Battle Reports - [email protected]

Any comments, feedback or anything else, please send your email to:
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Warp Rift Publication Team:

Iain (CyberShadow) - Editor, Battle Reports, Ships Mascot
Ray Bell - New rules
Chris French - Articles
John Webber - Painting (with help from CyberShadow)
Space Cadet - Fiction

Title Banner - Nicholas Mariana
Cover Picture - Anatoly Matveyev
Additional Graphics - Nick Mariana, Ray Bell
John Webber, Lee Eldridge
Additional Fiction - CyberShadow Warp Rift:
Volume One,
Number Two
May/June 2004

And so, issue two of Warp Rift hits us all. Firstly, I feel that I owe an
apology for a few things. This issue is (again) a week later than I had
planned. This is due to my ‘real life’ job getting in the way of what is
important. I tried to tell them that this was all for a good cause, but
work refuse to pay to do this. Highly unreasonable! I want to extend
my thanks to the sub-editors, for bearing with me and waiting
This lack of time also results in a few changes to this issue.
Unfortunately, the article that I had planned to introduce the various
editorial team of this fine publication will have to wait for a future
issue. I would like to say that it will be next issue, but I’ve made that
mistake before. Also, the Astronomicon questions and answers make
a temporary departure, but will return next issue.
Issue Two sees a compilation of signs of a serious Gothic addict,
gathered by Norman. Norman also makes an appearance in the
Officers Mess this issue, with a story written in collaboration with
Khyron. Ray continues in his own particular style with an expanded
gunary table and alternate rules for Daemon Ships.
After the success of the vessel displayed on the cover of our first
issue, John has persuaded kr00za to part with a few secrets of how
his Despoiler was made. Add to this a second work of fiction and a
brief battle report, and we have a fairly packed issue for you again.
We all hope that you enjoy this issue. If you have any comments,
please dont hesitate to let us know. We want this to work, and we
want you to tell us how. Until next issue...
Good hunting, CyberShadow
Issue Two - Contents:
Lock On
You Know You Have Been Playing Too
Much Battlefleet Gothic If... (Norman) 03
Encyclopaedia Gothica
Alternate Gunary Table (Raymond Bell) 07
Daemon Ships (Raymond Bell) 08
The Dry Dock
Kr00zin’ (kr00za) 11
Officers Mess
Not All Is As It Seems (Norman) 16
Memories (Norman) 18
Ships Log
Recon Engagement (Chris French) 20
Void Stalker
Docking Claws 21
Incoming 21

You Know You Have Been
Playing Too Much Battlefleet
Gothic If...
Suggested by the greater gaming web
community, compiled by Norman, edited by
Chris French
(1) When watching sci-fi movies, twice as long to build as the rest of
you wonder if the weapons being your fleet put together.
fired count as lances or weapons
batteries. (9) You see a sailboat and think
"Bloody Eldar".
(2) You think the Death Star
blowing up was caused by rolling a (10) You write posts about
double-6 on the critical hit table. Battlefleet Gothic at 6:47 AM on a
(3) You have begun to model your
first Emperor Battleship at 1:1 scale (11) You wonder what the
(you'll be finished painting the first broadside WB firepower of an
bolt any day now) Imperial Star Destroyer is.

(4) You believe that your 6+ Space (12) You have already calculated
Marine armor causes the enemy to the number of launch bays a Star
roll sixes more effectively. Wars Trade Federation Battleship
actually has.
(5) You cannot understand why
they don't use hundreds of (13) When watching a Star Trek or
expendable indentured workers to B-5 re-run, you smile inwardly at
load the torpedoes in Star Trek. how the upcoming Emperor's Great
Crusade will wipe 99.9% of those
(6) You have attached working accursed alien Xenos out of
rocket engines to all your existence in only another 20 - 30
space-ships (just in case). thousand years.

(7) Your fleet outnumbers (14) You have "conclusive proof"

Battlefleet Pacificus, and you still that the Romulans evolved into the
think you don't have enough ships! Eldar.

(8) Your latest conversion took (15) Your 20-month-old son knows

to handle your cruisers so that he as you can move your car two
does not snap off the antennas. times compared to the police
moving only once.
(16) Your wife sees you looking at
toothpicks and saying (27) You answer your telephone
"torpedoes...". with "Hello, you're talking with
Fleet Commander/Prince/...".
(17) Your wife recognizes the
difference between the fleets (28) You turn pale as your flagship
(Chaos, Orks, Imp..) gets shot to pieces -- as you
suddenly fall back in reality and
(19) You play D&D and think the remember that you had a date with
Orks there are a fungus. a lovely girl five hours before the
game, but were to busy thinking
(20) You walk into the local GW about attack plans (and this really
store; you are greeted by first happened to me).
name, and they ask you about BFG
rules. (29) You go steal golfballs at a
nearby course to make moons and
(21) The owner of another store asteroids.
asks you to help organize a RT
tournament after the game (30) You send to GW mail order for
re-release. (If it happens I'll be a pile of ships and do not even have
asking for advice from the list). to wonder how to put them
together without any
(22)) You start naming your ships instructions....
after the wife, kids, nieces,
nephews, other family members, (31) You've spent more on the
friend and then you start with the fleet than your SO.
family pet's names.
(32) Or your car.
(23) You begin to wonder if your
bosses really are members of a (33) You have to get a 3rd
Chaos cult. Mortgage for the fleet you are
dreaming of.
(24) You see any sort of ship model
and start thinking about how you (34) You buy a trailer and have it
can convert it. especially fitted out to transport
your fleets -- complete with alarm
(25) You always try to park your system, and your own multiple
car with its side towards the sun. boxed spare minis just in case you
need a few more.
(26) You're free to commit crimes,

(35) The parts that make up your (43) You insist on only renting red
hulk cost more than your first cars when you travel because you
paycheck when you were a kid. are sure they go faster.

(36) You can use the phrase "Well, (44) When traveling, you turn in
the first three Desolators I built..." your laptop/digital camera bag as
and not feel silly. checked baggage so that you can
be sure that your spaceship
(37) You say "brace for impact" miniatures in their customized
before an argument with your wife. porter are hand-carried. Especially
when you tell them the ship
(38) (God help most of us) You classes names like Dictator,
have X number of fleets and you Murder, Carnage, Slaughter,
are still impatient for the Tau and Terror ship, Reaper or talk about
Dark Eldar. :-p the 40K universe in general....
(37) You are checking posts at
work, then start writing a note and (45) You get stopped and
put down the initials CM for Case interrogated by airport security
Manager, but realize you are after your spaceship porter is
thinking "Chaos Marines". zapped in the X-ray machine and
flagged as suspicious. They let you
(38) You take your ships to work go with your ships only because
with you to paint or assemble on they get tired of listening to you
lunch hour. talk for 30 minutes straight about
what a cool game Battlefleet
(39) You start gossiping to Gothic is.
co-workers at the water cooler
about the heated arguments (46) You go to a gaming store you
between Orkyboy and D Causey. haven't visited in nine months and
are recognized immediately as
(40) You are Orkyboy or D Causey. "the Battlefleet Gothic guy."

(41) While walking down the street, (47) The owner pulls you aside to
you glance at every discarded piece tell you all the straight gouge
of foam/cardboard/wood for about BFG he heard direct from
possible use in your new space GW distributor, and you tell him
station, while ignoring the with sincerity his source is
scenery... (that's me). misinformed.

(42) You must visit the Split Pig Inn (48) You've offered to pay Bob
to recover from the agony of losing DeAngelis large sums of money so
to a kid that could be your son. that he will will you his ships.

(49) You've ordered a subscription (54) Just last week you went and
to Soldier of Fortune's Spanish bought four miniature ship models
edition just in case Bob accepts (imported, no less) *just* so you
you're above offer. could get the turrets out of 'em...
you have no interest in actually
(50) You start counting your fleets building the ships themselves at
and the number of ships and start all!
comparing it to everyone else's.
(55) None of the things the posters
(51) You start comparing fleets and are saying are danger signals
realize that you could have put seemed odd to you!
yourself through school with the
investment. And one from Your Obedient
(52) You compare fleets and realize
that you have had to keep a secret (56) You have ever been detained
budget in order to prevent your by local law enforcement because
relationship from becoming a you discussed Chaos cruisers
divorce statistic. (Ow! :) ) around mundanes. ("Yeah,
Devastation is OK, and I like
(53) You just went shopping, for Carnage, but for now I'm just
some toys for your son, and found sticking with the quadruple
yourself looking at them as Murders... umm, what seems to be
potential spare parts for modeling if the problem, officers?")
he broke them.

Alternate Gunary Table
Ray Bell
The Gunnery table has flaws but is still functional. I’ve
taken the Gunnery table and realigned the firepower
values to be steady in the column shifts and increase
and decrease as the original has strange jumps in
strength and duplications (such as firepower 5 and 6).
This Gunnery table also has an additional ten rows of
strength, which I find are often needed. You will find
that weapons batteries become slightly more potent
Closing Capital Ships Escorts
Moving Away Capital Ships Escorts
Abeam Capital Ships Escorts
Defences Ordnance
1 1 1 0 0
2 2 1 1 0
3 2 2 1 1
4 3 2 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
6 5 4 2 1
7 6 4 3 1
8 6 5 3 2
9 7 5 3 2
10 8 6 4 2
11 9 7 4 2
12 10 7 5 2
13 10 8 5 3
14 11 8 6 3
15 12 9 6 3
16 13 10 6 3
17 14 10 7 3
18 14 11 7 4
19 15 11 8 4
20 16 12 8 4
21 17 13 9 4
22 18 13 9 4
23 18 14 9 5
24 19 14 10 5
25 20 15 10 5
26 21 16 11 5
27 22 16 11 5
28 23 17 12 6
29 24 17 12 6
30 25 18 12 6

Daemon Ships
Alternate Rules by Raymond Bell
The current ‘incarnation’ of the Daemon ship rules in
BFG are quite overwhelming. They are far too good!
But are rarely used, this is probably due to them not
being official until recently (no one wanting to play
against them).

With the Official version you have the ability to

teleport a ship pretty much on top of an enemy
formation, great for the Slaughter! (With a Mark of
Slaanesh the ship would cause –3 Ld to all enemy
vessels within 15cm all the time being completely
invulnerable! Crazy! A Slaughter with this upgrade
would cost 210pts for an amazing advantage!) Or
perhaps teleport the Planet Killer behind the enemy
fleet, just wait until its solid! I think I’ve made my
point. What I’ve done is to limit their power: they can
only ‘appear’ near certain ships (Chaos ships), I’ve
eliminated the scatter dice and they are dependant on
the presence of Chaos ships with a certain upgrade (as
having a Fleet of Daemon ships, was at best,
ridiculous). Please contact me with any views on these
alternate rules (my email address is at the front of this
Daemon ships prowl through their own ever changing territory hunting any vessel to leave or
enter the warp within their grasp. Hunting most commonly alone, haunting nearby space,
killing or casting terror across local systems. Over recent centuries the sightings of these
vessels has increased extraordinarily. Most sightings adjacent to the eye of terror. During the
13th Black Crusade theories of control or allegiance of these abominations with the
Renegades of Chaos had been confirmed. The Renegades had some how found a way to
snare these predatory inhabitants of the Warp.

Chaos Warmasters or Lords call upon these Ships of Daemon Kind via a Temple of
Summoners built on their vessel for the worship and control of a specific Daemon ship. Only
able to exist in real space for short durations Daemon ships are only summoned for battle,
occasionally translating back into the warp to regenerate.

A Daemon ship requires a specific Temple of Summoners to be fielded (make a note in both ships
stats). Which will be placed on a ship with a Warmaster or Lord replacing his Mark of Chaos
option. To upgrade a Ship to a Daemon ship you must increase its cost as follows.

Grand Cruiser………...+30pts
Heavy cruiser…………+25pts

Daemon Ship special rules

A Daemon ship may not have a special commander.
Daemon ships may not carry an Exterminatus weapon or score any points for landing troops in
Planetary Assault. When a ship with a Temple of Summoners is on standby 'it's' Daemon ship may
not enter play until this ship is 'awake'. During Escalating engagement the Daemon ship may not
come into play until the capital ship with 'it's' Temple of Summoners has entered the field.
Daemon Leadership is normal (1=6, 2-3 =7, 4-5 =8, 6= 9).
The Daemon ship has its own attack craft limit and so will never contribute to the fleets attack craft

Deployment by Warp translation

A Daemon ship may be kept off the table until summoned or deployed as normal. To Summon a
Daemon ship, during the beginning of the Movement phase(before any ships have moved) place
the Daemon ship 4D6cm away from 'it's' Temple of Summoners in any direction, facing in any
direction. It may not be placed in celestial phenomenon or on any other ships base or ordnance
marker. Until the 'end' of the 'next' Chaos end phase the Daemon ship is spectral and will not
affect anything else on the board (may not shoot or be shot at, is unaffected by ordnance and can't
launch any, it cannot interact in any physical way!), the Daemon ship may then move in the
movement phase as a normal ship, it may use special orders to aid its movement. Any enemy ship
within 15cm of the Daemon ship when it is spectral suffers -1Ld when attempting to go on special
orders. At the end of the end phase roll to make the Daemon ship solid if you wish (but not if it is in
contact with ordnance or an enemy ships base), on a 2+ it is solid and acts as a normal ship, on a
1 it is still spectral (you may try again in the next Chaos end phase). If the capital ship with the
Temple of Summoners onboard disengages or is destroyed the Daemon ship will immediately
become 'spectral' and disengage at the 'beginning' of the next Chaos movement phase.

Disengaging and returning- 'Haunting'

Daemon ships may automatically disengage at the end of their movement and then be
're-summoned' as above. This gives the enemy player victory points for the Daemon ship
disengaging (unless it is destroyed or crippled). In the warp (when disengaged) you may reload
ordnance (the attack craft translates into the warp), repair criticals as normal and repair hits when
you return:
Roll a D6 with the following modifiers +1 for being a battleship, +1 for each full turn it has been in
the warp. 1-3 = No change, 4-5 = 1 hit repaired, 6 = 2 hits repaired.

Daemon Ships may be placed in a squadron with the ship that summoned it (remember to keep
squadron coherency). But may not squadron with any other ships (unless part of the Lord or
Warmasters squadron). As you can only have one Lord or Warmaster in a squadron you will never
have more than one Daemon ship in a squadron (Unless using the Original Chaos fleet list). Note
that if you roll four 6's when placing the Daemon ship it would 'normally' be out of squadron
coherency (being 16cm away), ignore this just make sure the ships are within 15cm of each other
at the end of the movement phase.

Marks of Chaos
Daemon ships may have marks of chaos at the normal points value but will only be in effect when
the ship is 'solid'. Daemon ships with Marks may only be summoned by ships with the same Mark,
which in effect means only Chaos Space Marine ships with a Warmaster or Lord and Normal
(Original Chaos fleet list) Warmasters can summon a Daemon ship with a Mark of Chaos. The
Mark of Slaanesh costs double for Daemon ships! (50pts).

The Planet Killer may not become a Daemon ship!

Soundlessly, the hanger doors slid back, in

contrast to the sound of the klaxons which
wailed to warn of the atmosphere leaking out.
Debris was sucked out of the growing gap, as
more of the vacuum was revealed slowly. A
rotating light started up, as the crews of the
Interceptors secured themselves into their
respective vehicles. Landing pads rotated the
craft to point towards the expanse of void, and
they were suddenly catapulted out, through
the open hanger doorway and thrust into the
cold, uncaring space.

By kr00za
With the popularity of the vessel which graced the
cover of our first issue, we thought it only proper to
visit the dockyards or kr00za, and see exactly how it
was all done.

Parts Needed:
In addition to a single plastic Chaos Cruiser, you will need:

1 BFG Chaos Despoiler 1 Extra Chaos Despoiler Upper Prow

1 Extra Chaos 1 Chaos Repulsive
Despoiler Command Deck 2 Grand Cruiser Wing

1 Chaos Repulsive
1 Planet Killer Bridge
Grand Cruiser Bridge

1 WH40K Chaos Juggernaut Heat and Head-Plate


One of the key components in giving this model its fierce Khornate character is the prow.

•1 Building the Prow

Cut the bumps off each of the upper prow sections and file flat so they will sit flush
together and glue together.

Trim down the Juggernaut Head-Plate so it will fit into the prow section.

Glue the head and headplate together then glue to the! prow.

Cut a section from the Chaos Cruiser and use to blend the underside of the Juggernaut
head to the prow.

•2 Building the Hull.
Construct the rest of the model as usual.
Use the rear section of the Chaos Crusier to raise the Stern of the vessel, and the
under-prow section of the Chaos Crusier to extend it.
Again fill in any gaps, and add the Repulsive Grand Cruiser Wing to the underneath and
the two Despoiler Command Decks to the sides.

•2 Building the Bridge.
Cut off the front most aerial from the Repulsive Grand Cruiser Bridge.
Glue on the Khorne Symbol and add the Planet Killer Bridge.

•4 Finishing
The rest of the model was finished using Chaos Cruiser parts, cutting sections from it to
build up the under-side of the Despoiler.
Cocktail sticks were used as spikes.
Its hard to give good details about this part of the build as I didnt take any pictures of it at
the time. But this stage of the build is more a matter of choice, anything goes really just so
long as all the gaps are covered and your happy with the end result.

•5 Painting
I paint my ships using metalic paints. I think it makes them look more realistic.
My Khorne ships are painted by...
Undercoating Black.
Drybrushing with TinBiz
Inked in Black
Repeated light drybrushing of Beaten Copper.
Skulls n stuff lighty drybrushed with Bronze.
Guns and Arials painted BoltGun
All lights and windows painted BloodRed.
Painting in this way gives the ships a metalic look but they still have a Khorne reddish

Not All Is As It Seems
By Norman
The throne room on the Planet Killer was turned and walked out of the hall. Passing the
almost crowded. Warmasters, lords, two possessed dreadnoughts guarding it,
sorcerers, mutants, priests and prophets of Fathom suddenly turned to Sinn.
the ruinous powers and even some daemons
were present, all standing before their "Upstart whelp! I will prove you are not entitled
supreme lord's throne. Warmaster Abaddon, to grace the presence of the Great Abaddon!"
the Despoiler, Heir to Horus and First-Chosen He literally spat the words at the other.
of the gods of chaos had gathered them to
personally ensure their loyalty and give the Am Sinn bowed his head. "If you feel this way,
orders for the coming grand crusade that Warmaster, than I think you should have the
would topple the Cadian Gate. honor of attacking Titlelist. My force will
remain in reserve to counter any relief."
The Warmasters Fathom and Captain Am Fathom stepped back, startled. Then he
Sinn knelt before the brazen throne. A broken smiled. He had cowed that fool into fearing
body, once a great commander in the him. Good. "I shall do so, Sinn! And prove that
Despoiler's service and now reduced to host you are nothing but a cur!"
one of the infernal citizens of the warp,
gibbered at them. Without any more words, Sinn turned and
strode off. A medium-sized figure emerged
"Warmasters! You are both to take your from the shadows, when he reached the
forces to the Bygone system and attack the docking bay, joining his master. "I see, that
Planet Titlelist. It is a pleasure world for the you have set in motion your plan, hm?" "I
imperial navy and guard. It is our will that you have, Ian, I have. Fathom is a fool and
destroy the defenses and exterminate the Abaddon...well, we shall see. Now get the
planet's surface with Virus bombs. Smash engines started. We have work to do."
away the imperial ships and orbital defenses.
Leave nothing alive in the entire system." "Great Warmaster! It is all Sinn's fault!"
Fathom again knelt before the great throne.
Fathom lifted his head, but did not dare to look This time, he was alone in the presence of the
into the eyes of the Warmaster of Chaos. Despoiler. Well, except his usual terminator
"Lord! I, warmaster Fathom can take this bodyguard, who all eyed the cowering figure,
system without this cur's help! He is lowly ready to do, what their master, Abaddon,
scum. Even the enemy did not recognize him. commanded.
He is only a captain, barely fit to command a
cruiser!" "If Sinn had done as he was supposed to
have, I would not have been slaughtered by
The massive figure on the throne shifted, his the 13th Cadian task force."
eyes gazing at Am Sinn's kneeling figure. A
snarling laughter escaped the Warmaster's "Is that so? I see." The daemon-thing at his
throat. "Beware of the sleeping tiger, Fathom. feet giggled insanely, as the Warmaster
And do not question my decision again!" His beckoned with his claw and the doors opened.
Talon of Horus patted the daemon thing
almost affectingly. "Now go and take Am Sinn strode in, lowering his head before
command of your forces." the Chosen of Chaos and took his place
beside Fathom. He sensed the other's
Both stood and bowed to the Despoiler. They growing irritation. "You heard what Fathom

said. What is your defense, Sinn?" terminators moved beside Fathom took his
arms and lifted him up. "Arrrghhh...but...but
"Warmaster Abaddon, if you will please", said Lord! The new command...?" "Yes. A very
Sinn, pulling a little device out of a pocket and special one! The command of Trowel shall be
pushing a button. Out of the holorecorder, an yours. Until you refine your tactical skills,
image flared into life, depicting the two anyway. Do not fail me." Abaddon's left hand
warmasters emerging from Abaddon's throne padded the pommel of the daemon Sword
room. The speakers activated. Upstart whelp! Drach'nyen, which was suspended in a
I will prove you are not entitled to grace the repulsor field besides the throne.
presence of the Great Abaddon!"
"Nooooo...have mercy, great lord! Not the
"If you feel this way, Warmaster, than I think Trowel, I beg you!" Fathom screamed, as the
you should have the honor of attacking two hulking guards dragged him away. "Now,
Titlelist. My force will remain in reserve to Sinn. You forced-back the Grey Ghost Space
counter any relief." "I shall do so, Sinn! And Marines from the system, I believe?" "Yes. I
prove that you are nothing but a cur!" took minimal losses. A grand cruiser, a heavy
cruiser and a survey ship." "Good. So, what
Sinn turned-off the recorder, looking at shall I do with you now?"
"Lord, I am going to join my forces with that of
"A nice trick, Sinn. And foresightful, too. My Daemon Prince Khyron.", he said, silently
own sorcerer proves your version, Sinn." The turned and strode of the room. Another
terminator-armored figure looked sideways to terminator lifted his Reaper-autocannon, but
Zaraphiston, whose hooded frame was barely a curt gesture from Abaddon stopped him.
visible in the throne's shadow.
The heir to Horus smiled. Excellent. Khyron
"Yet, Fathom is the senior warmaster and the will have his hands full controlling the lot of
superior ship commander, I am giving him a his. If he succeeds, it will be time to remind
new command." him of his roots and who is the commander of
Fathom looked up. It was true; he was senior the Black Legion. Infernal Guard...pah! If he
and a gifted tactician. Surely, the Warmaster did not succeed...well, so much the better.
could not waste his talents.
Sinn walked out of the hall, passing the
"I am ready to take on new orders. This time, I ignorant dreadnoughts. Briefly, he wondered
swear, I shall not disappoint you, Great of Abaddon's lack of anger, but he continued
Warmaster!" "No, you will not." A slight to his shuttle, anyway. There was a war to be
gesture and two of the towering Black Legion won.

By Norman
2300 hrs a lone figure stands in the to my Father's mansion on Theta Prime,
observation blister on the Despoiler Ohhhhhhh!" She spun on her heels and made
Battleship 'Red Devastation'. This one her exit displaying her rage as only a woman
location aboard the ship is a reminder of how of her beauty could have done.
small and insignificant we are compared to
the vastness of space. Here is where he He didn't go after her. Right now there would
comes when he needs answers from the gods be no reasoning with her and he had a ship to
as well as when he needs to search his own ready for departure. Her father would calm
heart. He stares out at the horrific beauty as her down and make her see the error of her
his Ship enters the Warp. Captain Am Sinn ways. Any way those transport ships traveled
recalls the events that brought him to this slower than his battle ship. He could possibly
place and time in his life. make it back only a few weeks after she,
herself arrived. If the Emperor was good to
It seems like only moments before as he him on this campaign who knows, it could be
replays those days in his mind. The look on over almost before it began. What glory that
her face still burns in his heart. Why had he would be. A short but victorious campaign
not been able to see it then? His beautiful would mean riches as well as promotion.
Alexandria, a prize for any man, yet it was he, "Foolish Woman, She knows I love her."
she loved. Daughter of the Governor to
Theata Prime made her a valuable catch but What a different day he wishes for now, as his
her beauty alone had captured his heart. He mind will not let him escape those dammed
was also a career man desperate to rise memories. Again this great Captain, known
through the ranks in the Imperial Navy as his for his insight and great battle plans feels the
Family had for Generations. pangs of doubt as again he asks himself,
Why?, Why had he made such wrong
"Am, You can not be leaving me so soon" she decisions when it came to his personal life?
wailed! "You just got back from the planet Why could he not change the events of the
Fallon VII days ago. I don't give a damn if past. Did the Emperor already know the
your precious Admiral has given you outcome? Did he, and just refuse to see? Is
command of a new battle ship. I wanted this destiny set before us to live out as puppets or
time for us. To hold you and to have you hold is it our choice? Are the decisions of my future
me." She was speaking through tears of any better? Well my course is set, my path is
anger, "not counting the time we are apart." laid based on the events of the past and I will
see it through. His anger and determination
He tried to explain his joy at the assignment. rising within him as he recalls the events of
The pride he felt standing in the Great Hall. the day that changed his course and his life
"Alex I love you very much, but I also love my forever.
career in the Imperial Navy. This is a great
honor!" He had determined to take the Deep space, aboard 'Red Devastation'
Command before he even considered her several months into his campaign.
feelings. At the time he felt she was being Overlooking the bridge arena sits Captain
childish. Sinn in his command pulpit. Listening to the
sounds of the engines as they hum in the
He could see her anger rise as she took a background and the feel of the ships
deep breath and practically spat her next vibrations as they come through his seat
words at him. "Well go back to your Dammed letting him know his ship is running like a
Ship, and your Dammed Navy, I'm returning well-blessed land speeder. Captain Sinn

overlooks a large, amphitheater-like bridge, found was through my agents was an Imperial
with the controllers and servitors sitting at Governors son was commanding the
their stations, facing toward the arena. In the Taskforce of Imperial Ships.
center of the arena, are the stations for the
officers supervising the ratings and adepts. Apparently this was the fellows first real
Walking on the walkways between the tiers, combat command. The Captain panicked,
Captain Sinn watches his Chief Petty Officers mistaken the May's Tide as a pirates vessel
walking among the crew dealing out and gave the order to his taskforce to open
punishment as necessary. fire. When he realized his mistake he
attempted to cover it up. A friend of mine from
Knowing that his flag officers are located at the Inquisition discovered the truth but has
the rear end of the bridge, above the crew on been hampered in his investigation of the
a raised platform performing their duties for matter. Apparently this particular governor
the God Emperor, the Captain allows his self has more than a few friends in the Imperial
a moment of relaxation. Navy and the Inquisition as well.

Coming up behind the Captain a tall Yeoman If you should ever come across the IMS
approaches the sitting Captain. "Captain Imperial Justice commanded by Lord Captain
Sinn, Sir, Astropathic message from the Cornelius Adams, you will know who ordered
Governor of Theata Prime, said the yeoman. the death of our beloved Alexandria. I am sure
Had he the slightest twinge of dread when he as a man of honor you will perform your duty
took the slate? He saw the code 'EYES as befits you. One more thing you must know
ONLY'.' "Master of the watch, Take the deck, my son. She was three months pregnant with
I'll be in my Quarters for the time being." your first child.
Getting up Captain Sinn leaves his pulpit for
the Captains quarters located behind his Later, when Captain Sinn failed to report to
station. the bridge, Lieutenant Stephan by-passed the
lock to the Captains quarters. Sitting in his
Entering his quarters, the place he most feels chair was Captain Sinn looking out into space
at home. Captain Sinn makes his way to his with a pic slate of Alexandria grasped tightly in
desk. Surrounded by pic slates of all his his hands and his eyes a blaze. Without
favorite memories, pic slates of Alexandria, looking, Captain Sinn gave an order that
his wedding, his father the Fleet Admiral, would change his life forever.
friends from the Naval Academy, his first ship
command, and trophies from many "Lieutenant Stephan, prepare the taskforce to
campaigns. Captain Sinn takes his seat make a warp jump for the Calais system we
behind the ornate desk that his crewmen are going after a Renegade Imperial
secretly built for him on their last leave after Warship's". "Task force Adams has turned
celebrating the destruction of the Orks in the from the Emperors Guiding Light, we have
New Founders system. A cold chill ran down orders to hunt them down and destroy them to
his spine as fear grips him for what the data a man" spoke Captain Sinn with ice in his
message holds from Alexandria's father. words.
Opening the data slate, Captain Sinn reads
the message. Turning from the observation blister Captain
Sinn begins to leave. "Begging the Captains
Dear son, I regret to inform you that my pardon, do you have orders for the fleet sir?"
daughter, your wife is reported as being asked Stephan. "Yes, Commander prepare a
missing, presumed dead when the Passenger change in course for the Newell System", "We
vessel May's Tide was reportedly destroyed must go and pay our respects," said Captain
by Pirates and Orks in the Newell system. The Sinn. "Then we will gather some supplies
Navy originally reported the ship was before heading to Twell".
destroyed by the Pirate / Ork force. What I

Recon Engagement
By Chris French
The fight was the canonical Imperial v. Chaos shootout. What was decidedly non-canonical
was the size of the forces involved - a mere 250 pts. each!

My Imperial force consisted of a Gothic escorted by two Swords, while my opponent used a
Murder backstopped by two Infidels. Leadership on both sides was notable by its absence (Ld
6 on the Imperials; Ld 7 on the Chaos units). For this fight, we disregarded the rule about
Chaos forces always having to have a Warleader, otherwise the Chaos forces would have
been restricted solely to escorts.

Tactics were brutally simple. Both sides charged headlong at each other, then turned at close
range and began blasting. First blood was drawn by the Gothic, and in no small manner - a
lance shot annihilated the Murder's bridge, halving the Chaos CA's Leadership permanently!

Unable to score serious damage against the Imperial CA, the Chaos player concentrated on
the Swords, and although he succeeded in killing both of them, the Imperials swatted both of
the Infidels, leaving only the line ships to slug it out.

The cruisers exchanged shots, and maneuvered furiously to get at each other's aft arc.
Neither side managed to score telling damage, until the Chaos player committed a serious
tactical blunder.

The Chaos player wanted to get a shot off at close range. To do so, however, required him to
remain in place for a turn. He tried to Come To New Heading (against Ld 4, remember), and
failed, he tried again, and succeeded. His joy was short-lived, however. He had two blast
markers in contact, which not only neutralized his shields but were immune to Blast Marker
removal! The Imperial player showed no mercy; first passing a Lock On check, then plowing a
full broadside of lances into the shieldless Murder. Result: One crippled Chaos cruiser. With
his Leadership, firepower, shields, and just about everything else in ruins, the Chaos player
departed the field with all haste, giving the win to the Emperor's finest.

A couple of points stand out in this fight. First, escorts are not all that effective in
less-than-squadron strength. Second, if one has Blast Markers in contact, the last thing one
should do is remain where one is.

Docking Claws
The best of the web, listing sites which deal with Battlefleet
Gothic. If you have a site that you would like listed here, drop
us an email.

www.epic40k.co.uk (www.epic40k.co.uk) - The host of this

publication, www.epic40k.co.uk is a growing site featuring the
EpiComms Forums for great Gothic and Epic chat, the Players Index to
find players in your area, and the Spotters Guide, a discourse on the
vessels in the game, as well as lots more.

Port Maw (www.one-end.com/portmaw) - Currently undergoing a

revamp, Port Maw has always been a favourite for web surfers looking
for Gothic. In particular, the site has a large collection of new vessels
for the game.

Blackstone 6 (http://blackstone.outpost10f.com) - While currently not

being updated regularly, there are still a lot of useful articles here, and
some excellent extra counters and downloads.

The Golgotha Spiral

(http://www.angelfire.com/games4/chubbybob/bfg1.htm) - An
excellent site focussing on the vessels of the Golgotha Spiral, and the
unique vessels which patrol it. An gold mine for the Gothic converter.

Got an event for Gothic coming up? Let us know. We want to
hear about meetings, groups, conventions and games. So,
put the word out, and drop us an email detailing your events.


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