Accounts Home Test 2
Accounts Home Test 2
Accounts Home Test 2
Home Test- 2
MAX MARKS: 100; TIME: 180 Minutes
Q.1 Fill in the blanks (one mark each) (5)
1. There are two methods of Amalgamations Purchase Method & Pooling of Interest
Method/Merger Method.
2. Companies are required to prepare balance sheet as per format given under Schedule III
4. ICDS is applicable on Income Charged under the Head Profits & Gains Under Business
Q.2 True & False with reasons (two marks each ) (12)
1. Dividend is a charge against the profits of the company.
True: Profit prior to incorporation is capital profits and hence credited to general reserve.
True: Since debentures are loans the expenses related to it is finance cost
True: as per Schedule III of Companies Act 2013 Note 1 is corporate information
6. Reserves and surplus having a Debit balance is shown on the asset side of the balance sheet.
False: Reserves & surplus having a debit balance is shown in the liability side as a negative
Operating profits:
Profit before Interest (excluding interest on long term loans) & Tax
Capital Employed:
Share capital + Reserve & Surplus+ Long Term Loans- Non Operating Assets
Fictitious Asset
Profitability ratios
Turnover/ activity ratio
Financial / solvency ratios
Market test ratios
following conditions.
(i) All the assets and liabilities of the transferor company become, after amalgamation,
transferor company (other than the equity shares already held therein, immediately before
(iii) The consideration for the amalgamation receivable by those equity shareholders of
the transferor company who agree to become equity shareholders of the transferee
company is discharged by the transferee company wholly by the issue of equity shares in
the transferee company, except that cash may be paid in respect of any fractional shares.
(iv) The business of the transferor company is intended to be carried on, after the
(v) No adjustment is intended to be made to the book values of the assets and liabilities
of the transferor company when they are incorporated in the financial statements of the
4. Give the journal entries for VAT (Purchase, Sale & Payment of Tax).
To Sales A/c
Q.4 Group the following ledger under suitable group as per Sch III (10)
Q.5 Mr. Prakash keeps his accounts on single entry system. He has given
following information about his assets and liabilities. (20)
Particulars On 31.3.2012 On 31.3.2013
Creditors 55,200 58,500
Cash at Bank 600 1500
Bills Payable 26,400 28,200
Bills Receivable 16,200 18,300
Debtors 45,600 56,000
Stock In Trade 31,000 47,300
Machinery 66,200 78,000
Computer 18,000 17,000
During the year, Prakash brought in additional Rs.7,500 cash in business. He withdrew goods of
Rs. 2,100 and cash of Rs.7,200 for his personal use. Interest on opening capital is to be given at
5% and interest on drawing is to be charged at 10%
Q.6 Parshav Pvt Ltd. was incorporated on 31st July, 2013. The company bought the
business of M/S Mahaveer and Co. with effect from 1st April 2013. From the following
figures relating to the year ending 31st March. 2014, find out the profits available for
1. Sales 3,00,000
2. Purchases 1,50,000
3. Rent 9,000
4. Salaries 15,000
6. Depreciation 14,000
8. Advertising 8,000
Since there is no details given about the sales for the different period its assumed that the tota sales is
spread evenly throughtout the year and the time ratio and the sales ratio is same
Hence Time Ratio and Sales Ratio is 1:2
Q.7 Give a detailed format of Profit & Loss Account as per Schedule III of
Companies Act (10)
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1. An amount of Rs.200 withdrawn by owner for personal use was debited to trade
expenses. Purchase of goods of Rs.300 from Nathan was wrongly entered in sales book.
2. A credit sale of Rs.100 to Santhanam was wrongly passed through purchase book.
4. Rs.375 paid as salary to cashier Dhawan was debited to his personal A/c.
5. A bill of Rs. 2,750 for extension of building was debited to building repairs A/c
6. Goods of Rs.500 returned by Akashdeep were taken into stock, but returns were not
7. Old furniture sold for Rs. 200 to Sethi was recorded in sales book.
9. Cash deposited in bank Rs.2000/- wrongly debited to cash Account bank has been given
correct effect.
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Q.9 Following is the extract of trial balance of XYZ Ltd as at 31st March 2016. (10)
a. Income Tax for the Current Year as per Income Tax Provisions is Rs.1,50,000/-.
b. Income Tax on Book Profits as per MAT Provision is Rs.1,30,000/-
c. Show the journal entries for booking of tax expense, utilizing the input credit of TDS,
Advance Tax and MAT to the extent available and the payment entry for balance tax
You are even required to prepare the ledger accounts of Tax Expense, TDS, Advance Tax, MAT