TKT Macmillan Resources

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The passages discuss different techniques for language teaching including assessing learners' progress, common mistakes made by learners, and strategies to help acquire a new language.

Common language assessment techniques discussed include having learners retell a story, describe pictures, answer questions, fill in blanks, repeat words, research and write about topics, and provide feedback on learner difficulties.

Common language learning strategies mentioned are getting organized through notebooks, guessing meanings from context, comparing work to check progress, taking risks in production, and working with others such as discussions.


For questions 1-5,

5, choose the correct option A, B, or C to complete each
statement about learning language.

1. Learners who usually benefit most from picking up the language:

A. children under the age of five
B. young adult over 20
C. teenager 15-19
15 year old

2. Exposure to the right level of language helps learner

A. Check their own progress
B. Increase interaction
C. Acquire more language

3. The silent period is when:

A. Learners write a composition
B. Learners study for an exam
C. Learners process the language

4. Acquiring language is:

A. Study grammar
B. Listen to language-focused
language exercises
C. Learn a language by hearing or reading it

5. To focus in the form of the language is:

A. Talk to friends in English
B. Pay attention to accuracy and use
C. Listen to music


For questions 1-6,

6, match the statements with the types of mistakes listed A-C

Types of mistakes

A. a slip
B. interference
C. a developmental error


1. A learners confuses the tenses

2. The learner was worried. This made him make lots of grammar mistakes
3. The learner corrected himself
4. His pronunciation was full of Mexican sounds.

5. The learner makes mistakes with the order of questions forms
6. He was very upset so he kept making mistakes
7. The learner used vocabulary based on Spanish words.


For questions 1-9,

9, match the features of learning with the learners listed A, B or C


A. L1 learner
B. L2 beginner classroom learner
C. Both

The features of learning

1. The learner is surrounded by interesting language

2. The learner picks up language from his/her surrounding
3. The learners learns with family
4. The learner hears language that focuses on just one learning
5. The learner practice the language in a very controlled way
6. The learner makes mistakes
7. The learner receives
re individual encouragement
8. The learner stays silent for some time before starting to speak
9. The learner needs some time to process new language


For questions 1-7,

7, match what the learner does with the learning strategies
listed A-D
You can use some options more than once.

Learning strategies

A. Taking risks
B. Getting organized
C. Judging your own performance
D. Working with others

What the learner does

1. He/she collects new vocabulary on a notebook and divides it into topics.

2. He/she tries to say something beyond his/her level of language.
3. He/she guesses meaning from context
4. He/she compares recent work with old one to check progress
5. He/she buys a dictionary for home

6. He/she solves a problem together with his/her class
7. He/she records his/her
his voice to check pronunciation


For questions 1-7,

7, match the descriptions of the learners with the causes of
their needs listed A-H.
H. There is an extra option which you do not need.

Causes of needs

A. Lack of motivation
B. Learner autonomy
C. Past learning experience
D. Learning style
E. Learning gap
F. Learning goals
G. Availability of time
H. Professional

Descriptions of learners

1. The learner needs to speak English in his job

2. The learners learns best working on his own
3. The learner is very busy and can only attend classes on Saturdays
4. The learner has serious pronunciation problems
5. The learner is used to learning lots of isolated words
6. The learner finds classes boring
7. The learner cant afford classes but needs English professionally


For questions 1-6,

6, match the parts of a presentation a stage with the names
listed A-G.
G. There is an extra option.

Parts of a presentation stage Names

1. watched, played, studied, danced A. Concept questions

2. The teacher tells the learners a B. Aids in presentation

party he/she attended last weekend
3. Photos of the party C. Context for presentation

4. The teacher asks: When

When am I D. Freer practice activities
talking about, the past, the present or
the future?
5. The teacher drills pronunciation E. Language selected for presentation

6. The teacher says: We use the past F. Controlled practice activity

tense to talk about actions that have

completely finished
A. Explanation of use


For questions 1-7,

7, match the descriptions with the teaching activities listed A-H.
there is one extra option.

Teaching activities

A. Problem solving
B. A role-play
C. Labelling
D. Choral drilling
E. Form filling
F. A game
G. A survey
H. Project work

1. The teacher says a word and ask the class to repeat it together
2. The teacher puts students in pairs and asks one of them to act as a
receptionist in a hotel and the other as a tourist.
3. The teacher asks students to find the way to get from the school to the
museum using a map.
4. the learners
rners complete a schools timetable listening to a tape
5. Learners ask all their classmates about their favourite sports and animals
and write the answer down.
6. Learners prepare wall posters on video games and exhibit them
7. The learner finds animals pictures on magazines and writes their names
under the pictures.


For questions 1-5,

5, match the instructions with the terms A-F-
A there is one extra
option which you do not need to use.

A. Labelling
B. Jumbled sentences
C. Picture composition
D. Matching
E. Gap-fill
F. Discussion

1. Read the story and fill in the blanks

2. Write the names of each of these things next to the pictures

3. Connect each word with its correct meaning
4. Ask your classmates about their point of view on this topic
5. Look at the pictures and write the story

TKT Follow Up Activity: UNIT 1

Which part of speech is each of these words?

box during walk because younger well wow

all decide water we clever yourself though

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 2

1. What does each of these sets of words have in common? Are they synonyms,
antonyms, lexical sets, compounds, collocations, words with prefixes or
words with suffixes?

A table, chair, sofa, bed,

bed bookcase, chest of drawers, desk

B old-young, bright-dark,
dark, loud-quiet,
loud fast-slow, firs-last, long-short

C a straight road, a brilliant idea, hard work, no problem, extremely, grateful

D neat-tidy,
tidy, precisely-exactly,
precisely to doubt-to question, nobody-no
no one

E microwave, compact disc, toothbrush, paper clip, lampshade, bottle top

F illness, badly, useless, doubtful, affordable, ability, practical

G imperfect, rewrite, unable, illiterate, incorrect, ultramodern

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 3

1. How many phonemes are there in each of these words? What are they?

book flashcards number thirteen morning

2. Underline the stressed syllable in each of these words:

twenty monkey difficult forget remember

3. On which word would you put the main stress in each of these sentences?

My name is Julia, not Janet.

Brasilia is in the middle of Brazil, not on the coast.
The girl was much taller than her older brother. He was really short.

4. Say Im sorry. with these different intonations:

A) a quick apology B a request for repetition

B) C) with surprise

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 4

1. Write four exponents for each of these functions:

a) introducing yourself
b) suggesting
c) asking for clarification
d) thanking

2. Go through the list of exponents

exponent you made in Ex.11 and mark them F
N (neutral) or I (informal)

3. Look at your list of exponents. Which are suitable to teach to a

beginners class?

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 5

Look at the text and the activities from a textbook for intermediate level teenagers
and young adults.
What does each activity aim to do? Match the activities with the aims in the box.
(There is one extra aim.)

to relate the text to our world knowledge to practice skimming

to introduce the topic to practice reading for
specific information

Before Reading
1. Do people eat out a lot in your country?
2. What different kinds of food are there?

When people think about food in the United States, they think mostly of fast
foods like hamburgers and hotdogs. In fact, in the U.S. cities like New York and
Los Angeles, there are thousands of different kinds of restaurants with food
from all over the world.

So if you like to try different foods, the United States is the place for you.
The United States has people from all over the world, and they bring with them
typical food from their countries. You can eat tempura in Japanese restaurants,
tacos in Mexican restaurants, paella in Spanish restaurants, pasta in Italian
restaurants, and you can also eat Americas most popular food, pizza.

Yes, pizza! Pizza is originally from Italy, but today it is an important part
of the U.S. menu. There are about 58,000 pizzerias in the United Statesthats
about 17 percent of all restaurants in the country, and the number is growing.

The United States has eating places for

fo all tastesand
and all pockets. You
can buy a hot dog on the street and pay one or two dollars. Or you can go to a
star restaurant and pay $200 for a dinner.

After Reading
A. Read the article and fill in the information
1. Number of different kinds of restaurants in the U.S.
2. Cost of a meal at a very good restaurant
3. Cost of a hot dog on the street
4. Number of pizzerias in the U.S

B. Make a typical menu from your country. Include food for breakfast, lunch
l and

TKT Follow Up Activities: Unit 6
Here are some suggestions for writing activities. Do they focus on:

A accuracy B communication

1. Reading charts and then writing sentences about them.

2. Writing letters, e.g. a letter to a pen-friend

pen telling them about yourself.

3. Labelling pictures or objects, (e.g. clothes, animals.)

4. Completing a story,
ory, e.g. teacher give students the beginning, middle or end of a
story, and asks them to complete the missing part (s).

5. Copying words from a reading book

boo into an exercise book.

6. Writing emails to other students in the school.

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 7

1. Here is a conversation between two learners of English. Find in it examples of
contractions, repetitions, hesitations and interruptions.

Yuko: What would you like your life to be in twenty years?

Hiroko: Id like to be...I want to have a familyyou know, a husband, three children,

Yuko: Would you like to be happy?

Hiroto: Id be I mean, yes, Yeah, sure, sure, sure of course. What about you?

Yuko: Erm, me well, erm, erMaybe Id like to have a goodyou know, to do a

really interesting
jobwith lots of pay, of course

2. What do you think is the context of this conversation?

3. Which sub-skills-gist, detail, specific information or attitude do the

he following
questions about this conversation focus on?

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 8

The titles of some materials on teaching speaking are numbered 1-101 10 below. Match
the titles with the aspects of speaking (A-E)
E) that they focus on. Some titles focus on
more than one aspect.

A accuracy B connected speech C appropriacy D fluency E functions

1. Intonation in wh-questions
questions (what,
( when, where, why, how)

2. Language for asking for polite clarification

3. Informal language for greeting

4. Language for agreeing and disagreeing

5. Using past tenses in stories

6. Distinguishing minimal pairs of sounds

7. Disagreeing politely

8. Using intonation to show doubt

9. Taking part in discussions

10. Telling stories

TKT Follow Up Activity:
Activity UNIT 10
Put these classroom activities into the correct column in the table according to which
way of learning they encourage most. (Some may go into more than one column.)

A acquisition B interaction C focus on form

1. the learners listen to the teacher read a story.

2. The learners do an oral pair-work

pair work task about choosing a birthday present for

3. The learners underline examples of the past simple tense in a text.

4. A learner asks the teacher what the English word foris.

5. The teacher corrects a learners pronunciation of a word.

6. The learners categorise words in a list into different lexical set.

7. A group of learners research a topic and then present their results to the rest of
the class.

8. A role-play
play in which one learner gives another advice about a problem on a cue

9. While the learners have a class discussion, the teacher listens and tells them new
words when they dont know them but need to use them.

10. The learners writee sentences each containing an example of the new structure
they have just been taught.

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 15

Which of these are presentations activities?

1. The teacher says two new functional exponents and asks the learners to repeat

2. The learners read a newspaper article and do a comprehension task on it.

3. The learners ask the teacher how to sayin English and the teacher tells them.

4. The teacher points out to learners that in the task many of them mispronounced
the word station. She asks them to repeat it after her.

5. The learners have a discussion.

6. The learners translate a short poem into their own language.

7. The teacher uses a picture story to create a context for introducing he or she.

TKT Follow Up Activity: UNIT 16

1. What do these activities aim to develop?
A Communication B Accuracy

A choral drilling of pronunciation

B role-play
C dictation
D discussions
E filling exercise
F story writing
G copying words
H repeating new words
I describing pictures
J learning conversations by heart
K problem solving

2. Which skill (s) could these activities be used to develop?

A) story completion
B) form-filling
C) information gap
D) true / false questions
E) role-play

TKT Follow Up Activity: Unit 17
Here are ten assessment tasks. Can you name them and say what they aim to test?

1. The learner looks at a simple picture story, then tells the story to the teacher.
2. The learners listen to a recording describing the appearance of a girl.
gir Then they
complete a
picture of the girl by drawing her.
3. Learners take part in a speaking activity in which they act out parts.
4. The learners answer some simple questions about themselves orally.
5. The learners complete blanks with the correct form
fo of the verb to have.
6. The learners choose the correct words for some pictures, and write them under
the pictures.
7. The learners repeat words after the teacher.
8. The learners research and write about a topic.
9. The learners fill in sheets about their own progress.
10. The learners keep notes on learners difficulties with the area being taught, then
discusses them with the learners.


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