Study of Turbulence in A Flow Established: Le4 Séminaire Sur Les Technologies Mécaniques Avancées

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Universit Abou Bekr Belkaid de Tlemcen

Facult de Technologie

Le 4me Sminaire sur les Technologies Mcaniques Avances

14 et 15 Novembre 2017

Study of turbulence in a flow established

BENAHMED Lamia *1, ALIANE Khaled*2,
1,2University Aboubekr Belkaid Tlemcen, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
,Tlemcen, Algeria


[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract_The study of flow around obstacles is divided into three - The experimental approach can be treated in two aspects, the
different positions: relative to the obstacle in qualitative aspect where visualization techniques are used to
front of the obstacle, the obstacle and downstream of the latter. analyze the different nascent vortices within the flow [4]. The
The behavior of the fluid downstream of the obstacle is less second aspect is the aspect quantitative where recirculation
known and physical and numerical modeling is being given the
zones downstream of the obstacle are quantized function of
existence of recirculation zones with their complex behavior.
The objective of this work is to propose a three-dimensional the dynamic parameters of the flow tells that the Reynolds
study unsteady with the computer code ANSYS CFX-13. The number [5].
turbulence model SST-kW is used for solving the Navier-Stokes
equations averaged in order to seek the flow control means A literature search shows that many Studies were conducted to
around the obstacle. control behavior unfavorable linked to flows separated
downstream of the barrier, examples include the work of
Dipankar Chatterjee and Bittagopal Mondal [6], Roos and
Keywords: turbulent flow; obstacle; finite volume; method K- Kegelman [7] Kiya et al. [8], [9], Sigurdson [10] Chun Sung
and [11], Sung et al. [12] S. Kang, Choi and H. [13].

The generation of the turbulence within a channel is usually II. PROBLEMATIC
caused by the presence of baffles and obstacles. In this work, we will study the vortex structures near the
in the presence of obstacles fluid flow, are widely used in Lower and upper wall of the channel while it integrates the
industry, and their application are extremely diverse. We can wall of law in a horizontal channel containing several
meet in the case of environmental problems related to the obstacles in the form stairs.
dispersion of pollutants through the cities and the effects of The model of turbulence used in this study is the SST -K.
wind on buildings, ventilation road tunnel, the cooling fins of
heat flares [1], the baffles in heat exchangers or solar III. EQUATIONS GOVERNING
collectors, urban pipelines, etc.
The study of the flow around obstacle may be following two III. .1 Averaged equations
approaches: digital approach where the flow is simulated
based on a mathematical model; and the experimental The averaged equations of conservation of mass, momentum
approach where one must acquire measurements on the test and energy are respectively:
- The digital approach is to discretize the governing equation
The mass conservation equation
of the flow by a digital method using different formulations
[2, 3].

( U i ) 4

0 k 500 4 2 k
F 1 tanh min max , 2 ,
C L L CD k L 2

d u v w (8)
Or 0
dt x y z (2) Eddy viscosity is given by
1 k
Conservation equations of amount of movement
max 1 , 2 S ij F 2 (9)
The second blending function is defined by:
V V V V 1
u v w grad P V 2 k 500
t x y z (3) F 2 tanh max ,

Or 2

Ui U i 1 P Ui
U j
t x j x i x j x j To prevent the accumulation of turbulence stagnation regions,
limited production is used:
P k min Pk ,10. C k
U i U i U j
Pk t
x j x j xi
Energy Equations
T T t T 1 (12)
U j The model constants are calculated using the mixing function
t x j x j Pr Prt x j C P F1 :

III. .2 Model SST-K F11 1 F1 2 (13)

The model SST (Shear Stress Transport) is derived from the The values of the model constants are:
Standard k- model. This model combines the robustness and
accuracy of the formulation of the k- model in the near-wall C =0.09, 1 =5/9, 2 =0.44, 2 =0.0828, k 1 =0.85, k 2
region with the k- model and all its types for the free flow 1 =0.5, 2 =0.856
away from the wall. =1.0,
The definition of the turbulent viscosity is modified to take
into account the transport of turbulent shear stresses. III. .3 Geometry and Boundary conditions

The geometry of the problem considered (Fig. 1) is three-

The formulation of the two-equation model is: dimensional, has three electronic components in the form of
stairs, mounted in a horizontal channel length (L) and height
k k k
U j P~ k C k t k
t x j x j x j The boundary conditions of the treaty problem are given as
(6) follows, as shown in Figure (1):
Specific dissipation rate:
A constant speed is given to the channel input (U = 7 m / s),
U j 2 S ij S ij 2 t t the velocity is zero the lower and upper walls of the channel
t x i x j x j and above the obstacle. The transverse velocity must be zero
at the entrance and at the walls:
1 k
21 F 1 2 .
x j x j
The blend function F1 is defined by:
Y +=0



+=0 L
Fig3 Contours of the transverse velocity , model SST-K
Fig. 1 - Geometry of computational domain

IV.2. Turbulent kinetic energy

Figure 4 watches the contours of the kinetic energy of
IV.1 .Component of velocity turbulence along the direction of flow, the high values are
observed over stairs.
Figure 2 shows the contours of longitudinal speed in the The rate of energy is relatively low downstream obstacles.
direction of flow where it is clear that the flow is strongly
accelerated in the zone above obstacles

It is obvious that the bridge by its presence in the channel

reduces the flow area causing a strong acceleration of the

Fig.4 Turbulent kinetic energy, Model SST-kW

Fig.2 Contours of the the longitudinal velocity, model SST-K
This study has allowed us through a 3D simulation to analyze
Figure 3 shows the contours of the transverse velocities in the and understand a number of important physical aspects. In this
direction of flow as the speeds reached maximum values type of flow, especially we tried to emphasize the role of the
before the first obstacle. By against downstream of each presence of obstacles in the channel, the distribution of
staircase can be seen very low speeds. dynamic and thermal exchanges. The analysis of simulation
results confirms that:

-The presence of an obstacle in the flow leads to an increase of

the dynamic exchange and thus allows the improvement of
heat transfer.
- Interaction between recirculation and main flow generates a
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