The Tools of Nutrition Assessment
The Tools of Nutrition Assessment
The Tools of Nutrition Assessment
Tools are generally adapted or individualized to take and give only those
data of interest in a specific situation.
1- Screening forms
Screening forms are used to assess the kinds of care or level of care needed
in order to provide health care interventions to individuals or groups and to
identify those at greatest risk.
2-Dietary intake forms
These include
3- Food records.
Objective data can be quantified and can serve as assessment tools .These
tools provide specific, quantifiable data to assess individual patients or
group and to monitor nutrition intervention outcomes.
Laboratory data and anthropometric measurements
Laboratory values
Visual examination of hair ,face, eyes skin ,lips ,nails ,cardiovascular , and
gastrointestinal status can be revealing in identifying the presence of
Examination of gums , teeth , and tongue should not be overlooked and can
reveal abnormal nutritional status especially in children.
Descriptive standards have been set for normal appearance and lists
,charts, and photographs of signs of malnutrition have been developed to
assist in this assessment.
Food intake information
Food intake and diet patterns collected on any of the assessment tools are
also qualitative.
These data are compared with a set of standards such as the DRI , food
groups ,dietary guidelines, or the USDA pyramid.
Can clients feed themselves?
Data by SGA system that ranks the patients as well nourished ,moderately
or possibly malnutrition or severely malnutrition.
First and foremost they document baseline data about the nutritional
status of an individual or group .
Monitoring provide documentation of the effectiveness of nutrition
intervention and an opportunity to evaluate
Screening is the first step of the outline levels of care with an appropriate
monitoring system.
Generally ,screening will have indicated that the client needs a more
extensive dietary evaluation.
Laboratory data are valuable for the dietary assessment for the patient.
Examination of the body observing obvious obesity will provide important
information about general nutritional status of the patient.
Patient reporting about height and weight should not be substituted for a
actual measurements since the validity of patient reports is questionable
.Depending on the goals and need ,other forms of anthropometric
assessment may be employed such as measuring tapes for measuring
skinfold and body circumference.
4- Expand opportunities for nutrition intervention strategies.
The key to effective utilization of the profile may be to adept the tool to
meet the needs and individual characteristics of a specific health care
If a tool is any device used for doing or facilitating work then the nutrition
profile is a tool because it facilitates and identifies background information
about clients, institutions, and the community.
1- The first section include the entire community serving the people in a
defined area, such as a city ,township , or country.
Subgroups in that community receive health care from a variety of
facilitates such as hospitals, nursing homes, and neighborhood clinics.
3-Third One use of the profile is the sharing of information across facilities
within the community ,since some clients might be served at the same time
or at different time by more than one facility.
At the end the content for the nutrition profile in each of the three sections
community, facility and client .Data can be collected by an individual or a
A team is more efficient because they pool information, shorten time , and
provide greater awarness.
Lower ,middle , and executive staff are directly or indirectly a part of the
profile process.
The profile provide the practitioner with database for describing the state
of the art for dietary/nutritional services
The early formulation of short and long term goals based on the profiles
which should include ways of measuring performance and outcomes.
Because cost effectiveness is of great concern all or part of the profile can
be used to determine costs of providing minimal, medium level or maximal
care based on staffing resources and patterns
Nutrition assessment tools are used to determine base line data in order to
identify who needs nutritional care and to plan nutrition intervention.
The major objective of the plan is to improve the nutritional status of the
individuals or group ,as well as to improve the nutritional status of the
entire population .The plan should consider the levels of care needed and
the most effective way to provide the care. Specific objectives should be set
within a time frame. It is recommended that the plan be written and stored
in a central place for the health care team to review and revise.
determine the effectiveness of the plan or program .Ongoing evaluation is
needed to measure the progress and success of the program.
Were the goals of the program met within the time frame?
Did members of the health care team fulfill their responsibilities in carrying
out the program?
If the answers are not appropriate ,the program goals and resources must
be reevaluated and perhaps redesigned toward more realistic results
Medical /dietary
6-Determine program priorities
A wide variety of tools are available that are essential in the comprehensive
nutrition assessment of individuals and group .Usually no one tool can be
used as a definitive indicator of nutritional status, rather it must be
combined with data obtained through other assessment tools .In practice
,the tools will need to be selected and adapted to the need of each facility
,community ,or agency.