The Four Gospels in Parallel
The Four Gospels in Parallel
The Four Gospels in Parallel
65: Jesus Fails to Attend the Third Passover 15:1-20 7:1-23 7:1
66: Second Withdrawal from Herod's Territory 15:21 7:24
67: Healing a Phoenician Woman's Daughter 15:22-28 8:25-30
68: Another Avoiding of Herod's Territory 15:29 8:31
69: The Deaf and Dumb man Healed and Four Thousand Fed 15:30-38 8:32-9:9
70: Third Withdrawal from Herod's Territory
A: Pharisaic Leaven. A Blind Man Healed 15:39- 16:12 8:10-26
B: The Great Confession Made by Peter 16:13-20 8:27-30 9:18-21
C: Passion Foretold. Peter Rebuked 16:21-28 8:31-39; 9:1 9:22-27
D: The Transfiguration Concerning Elijah 17:1-13 9:2-13 9:28-36
E. Healing the Demoniac Boy 17:14-20 9:14-29 9:37-43
71: Return to Galilee. The Passion Foretold 17:22,23 9:30-32 9:43-45
72: Jesus Pays the Tribute Money 17:24-27
73: False Ambition Versus Childlikeness 18:1-14 9:33-50 9:46-50
74: Sin and Forgiveness Between Brethren 18:15-35
75: Jesus' Brothers Advise Him to Go to Judea 7:2-9
76: The Private Journey to Jerusalem 9:51-56 7:10
77: As to Sacrifice for Christ's Service 9:57-62
78: In the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles 7:11-52
79: The Story of the Adulteress 7:53- 8-11
80: Messianic Claims Met by Attempt to Stone Jesus 8:12-59
81: Contention Over the Man Born Blind 9:1-41
82: Discourse on the Good Shepherd 10:1-21
83: Mission and Return of the Seventy 10:1-24
84: Parable of the Good Samaritan 10:25-37
85: Jesus the Guest of Martha and Mary 10:38-42
86: Prayer Taught and Encouraged 11:1-13
87: Sabbath Healing. Mustard Seed and Leaven 13:10-21
88: Feast of Dedication. The Jews Attempt to Stone Jesus and 10:22-42
He Retires to Peraea
89: The Strait Gate. Warned Against Herod 13:22-35
90: Dining with a Pharisee. Sabbath Healing and Three Lessons 14:1-24
Suggested by the Event
91: Cost of Discipleship Must Be Counted 14:25-35
92: Second Great Group of Parables
A: Introduction 15:1,2
B: Parable of the Lost Sheep 15:3-7
C: Parable of the Lost Coin 15:8-10
D: Parable of the Lost Son 15:11-32
E: Parable of the Unrighteous Steward 16:1-18
F. Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus 16:19-31
G: Concerning Offenses, Faith and Service 17:1-10
93: Peraea to Bethany. Raising of Lazarus 11:1-46
94: Retiring Before the Sanhedrin's Decree 11:47-54
95: Journey to Jerusalem. Ten Lepers. Concerning the Kingdom 17:11-37
96: Parable of the Importunate Widow 18:1-8
97: Parable of the Pharisee and Publican 18:9-14
98: Journey to Jerusalem. Concerning Divorce 19:1-12 10:1-12
99: Blessing Children. Concerning Childlikeness 19:13-15 10:13-16 18:15-17
100: The Rich Ruler. Peril of Riches. Reward of Sacrifice. Parable 19:16- 20:16 10:17-31 18:18-20
of the Laborers in the Vineyard
101: Foretelling His Passion. Rebuking Ambition 20:17-28 10:32-45 18:31-34
102: Bartimaeus and His Companion Healed 20:29-34 10:46-52 18:35-43
103: Zacchaeus. Parable of the Pounds. Journey to Jerusalem 19:1-28
104: Jesus Arrives and Is Feasted at Bethany 26:6-13 14:3-9 11:55-57
105: Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem 21:1-12, 14-17 11:1-11 19:29-44 12:12-19
106: Barren Fig-Tress. Temple Cleansed 21:18,19,12,13 11:12-18 19:45-48
107: Finding the Fig-Tree Withered 21:20-22 11:19-25 21:37,38
108: Third Great Group of Parables In Reply to the Questions as to His Authority
A: Introduction 21:23-27 11:27-33 20:1-8
B. Parable of the Two Sons 21:28-32
C. Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen 21:33-46 12:1-12 20:9-19
D. Parable of the Marriage of the King's Son 22:1-14
109: Jewish Rulers Seek to Ensnare Jesus
A. Pharisees and Herodians Ask About Tribute 22:15-22 12:13-17 20:20-26
B. Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection 22:23-33 12:18-27 20:27-39
C. A Lawyer Asks About the Great Commandment 22:34-40 12:28-34 20:40
D. Jesus' Question Which None Could Answer 22:41-46 12:35-37 20:41-44
110: Jesus' Last Public Discourse. Denunciation of Scribes and 23:1-39 12:38-40 20:45-47
111: Observing the Offerings and Widow's Mites 12:41-44 21:1-4
112: Greeks Seek Jesus. He Foretells That He Shall Draw All Men 12:20-50
unto Him
113: Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold 24:1-28 13:1-23 21:5-24
114: The Second Coming of Christ 24:29-51 13:24-37 21:25-37
115: Conclusion of Our Lord's Discourse. Parable of Virgins and 25:1-46
Talents. Final Judgment.
116: Jesus Predicts, the Rulers Plot for and Judas Bargains for 26:1-5, 14-16 14:1,2, 10,11 22:1-6
His Death
117: Preparation for Passover. Disciples Contend for 26:17-20 14:12-17 22:7-18, 24-30
118: The Paschal Meal. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet 13:1-20
119: Judas' Betrayal and Peter's Denial Foretold 26:21-25,31-35 14:18-21,27-31 22:21-23,31-38 13:21-38
120: The Lord's Supper Instituted (I Cor. 11:23-26) 26:26-29 14:22-25 22:19,20
121: Farewell Discourse to Disciples 14:1- 16:33
122: The Lord's Prayer 17:1-26
123: Going to Gethsemane, and Agony Therein 26:30, 36-40 14:26, 32-42 22:39-46 18:1
124: Jesus Betrayed, Arrested and Forsaken 26:47-56 14:43-52 22:47-53 18:2-11
125: First Stage of Jewish Trial. Examination by Annas 18:12-14,19-23
126: Second Stage of Jewish Trial. Jesus Condemned by Ciaphas 26:57, 59-68 14:53, 55-65 22:54, 63-65 18:24
and the Sanhedrin
127: Peter Thrice Denies the Lord 26:58, 69-75 14:54, 66-72 22:54-62 18:15-18,25-27
128: Third Stage of Jewish Trial. Jesus Formally Condemned by 27:1,2 15:1 22:66- 23:1 18.28
the Sanhedrin and Led to Pilate
129: First Stage of the Roman Trial. Jesus Before Pilate for the 27:11-14 15:2-5 23:2-5 18:28-38
First Time
130: Second Stage of the Roman Trial. Jesus Before Herod 23:6-12
131: Third Stage of the Roman Trial. Pilate Reluctantly 27:15-30 15:6-19 23:13-25 18:39- 19:16
Sentences Him to Crucifixion
132: Remorse and Suicide of Judas (Acts 1:18,19) 27:3-10
133: The Crucifixion
A: On the Way to the Cross 27:31-34 15:20-23 23:26-33 19:17
B: Jesus Crucified and Reviled. His Three Sayings During 27:35-44 15:24-32 23:33-43 19:18-27
First Three Hours
C. Darkness Three Hours, After Four More Sayings, 27:45-56 15:33-41 23:44-49 19:28-30
Jesus Expires. Strange Events Attending His Death
D. Jesus Found to Be Dead. His Body Buried and 27:57-66 16:42-47 23:50-56 19:31-42
Guarded in the Tomb
134: Angels Announce the Resurrection to Certain Women. 28:1-8 16:1-8 24:1-8, 12 20:1-10
Peter and John Enter the Empty Tomb
135: First and Second Appearances of the Risen Christ. 28:9,10 17:9-11 24:9-11 20:11-18
The Resurrection Reported to the Apostles
136: Some of the Guards Report to the Jewish Rulers 28:11-15
137: Third and Fourth Appearances of Jesus (I Cor. 15:5) 16:12,13 24:13-35
138: Fifth Appearance of Jesus 16:14 24:36-43 20:19-25
139: Sixth Appearance of Jesus (I Cor. 15:5) 20:26-31
140: Seventh Appearance of Jesus 21:1-25
141: Eighth Appearance of Jesus (I Cor. 15:6) 28:16,17
142: The Great Commission Given 28:18-20 16:15-18 24:46,47
143: Ninth and Tenth Appearances of Jesus 24:44-49
(I Cor. 15:7; Acts 1:3-8)
144: The Ascension (Acts 1:9-12) 16:19,20 24:50-53
145: Our Lord Appears After His Ascension
(Acts 7:55; 9:10-16; I Cor. 15:8)